May 22, 2022 Sixth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church

Page created by Edward Parsons
May 22, 2022 Sixth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
May 22, 2022
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 22, 2022 Sixth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
Preparing for worship
  “Safe and secure from all alarms.”                      a time of warfare, I would also turn to hymnody
   For most of us, the only alarms that go off in         as my source of hope.
our neighborhoods are to alert us of approach-               I am concerned that we not put these op-
ing bad weather, especially tornadoes. For the            pressed people on the back burner, relegating
people in Kyiv, Mariupol, Odessa and other                them to “just another world concern.” They still
Ukrainian cities, the sounding of alarms indi-            suffer daily. Their freedom is being usurped dai-
cates incoming missiles, prompting those who              ly. Citizens are losing their lives daily. We must
are able to move their children and elderly into          keep them at the top of our prayer lists daily.
basements, tunnels and subway stations.                     At the close of our service today, you and I
   I wonder if any of those people huddled                have the opportunity to sing this hymn togeth-
beneath the streets, clustered into families and          er. It is one of those “Old Songs” Milton talked
friend groups — perhaps faith groups — find               about last Sunday, so we all know it almost “by
themselves singing, “What have I to dread, what           heart.”
have I to fear, leaning on the everlasting arms? I           Picture it, if you will: We are closely held —
have blessed peace with my Lord so near.” And             embraced — by the strong, everlasting arms of
then the refrain: “Leaning, leaning, safe and             the Savior. We lean toward the heart of the One
secure from all alarms” — even the oft-sounded            who loves us and enjoys holding us; and we lean
alert to run for your life.                               outward, still leaning on those everlasting arms
   I asked a pastor friend of mine in Ukraine if          as we face whatever lies ahead.
they sing this hymn, and indeed they do — this              As we sing about the strength of this church’s
text translated, set to the same showalter tune           fellowship and the bright path we walk together
we sing.                                                  day after day, pay particular attention to that
   I realize that I am more prone to turn to the          final stanza. Don’t “sing it like you mean it.” No,
hymnal in times of extremes than most parishio-          “sing it because you mean it.”
ners, but at both ends of my emotional spectrum,             Situated against the arms of the Everlasting
I tend to find myself calling up a fragment of a          One, we have no cause for dread or fear. The
long-learned hymn to express my highest joy               peace of Christ is near. Lean into it.
and deepest despair. I suspect, were I caught in                                                   — R.G. Huff

       4316 Abrams Road ■ Dallas, Texas 75214 ■ 214-452-3100 ■
                  Partnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
            Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ

On the cover: Altarpiece No. 1, Hilma af Klint, 1915, oil and metal leaf on canvas.
May 22, 2022 Sixth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
May 22, 2022
                                            9:00 a.m. / 11:00 a.m.
                                           Sixth Sunday of Easter

 Chiming of the Hour

                The people of Wilshire gather this morning to worship God. In order for
           this service to be focused upon that purpose, please silence all electronic devices.

 Prelude                                 Come, Thou Almighty King                    arr. Kevin McChesney
                                            Carillon Ringers

*Solo / **Choral Introit                 Rejoice, the Lord is King                        Malcolm Archer
                                *Laura Mirochna, solo / **Sanctuary Choir

                           Rejoice, the Lord is King, your Lord and King adore;
                           Mortals, give thanks and sing, and triumph evermore:
                                   Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice,
                                         Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.

                          Jesus, the Savior, reigns the God of truth and love;
                         When he had purged our stains, he took his seat above:
                                 Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice,
                                       Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.

                        His kingdom cannot fail; he rules o’er earth and heaven;
                           The keys to death and hell are to our Jesus given:
                                 Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice,
                                       Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.

                             He sits at God’s right hand till all his foes submit,
                            And bow to his command and fall beneath his feet:
                                   Lift up your hearts, lift up your voice,
                                         Rejoice, again I say, rejoice.

 Opening Sentences                                                      Kathryn Woodbury / Elle Sheaffer

We lift up our hearts to you, O God. We come again to be transformed by your never-ending story of
truth and grace. May you stir up new life in us so we can rejoice in voice and action for all our days.

*9:00 service / **11:00 service                                         Hearing devices are available in the
+All congregants who are able are invited to stand.                             Narthex and South Atrium.
May 22, 2022 Sixth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
+Hymn 341                             For the Beauty of the Earth                                   dix

Greeting to Worshipers                                                     Linda Goelzer / Tyler Wade

Epistle Reading — Colossians 1:1–6                                          Susan Kimball / John Kelly

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, to the saints and faith-
ful brothers and sisters in Christ in Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father. In our
prayers for you we always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for we have heard of your
faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, because of the hope laid up for
you in heaven. You have heard of this hope before in the word of the truth, the gospel that has come
to you. Just as it is bearing fruit and growing in the whole world, so it has been bearing fruit among
yourselves from the day you heard it and truly comprehended the grace of God.

                                     This is the word of the Lord.
                                         Thanks be to God.

Pablo, apóstol de Cristo Jesús por la voluntad de Dios, y el hermano Timoteo, a los santos y fieles
hermanos en Cristo que están en Colosas: Que Dios nuestro Padre les concede gracia y paz. Siempre
que oramos por ustedes, damos gracias a Dios, el Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, pues hemos
recibido noticias de su fe en Cristo Jesús y del amor que tienen por todos los santos a causa de la es-
peranza reservada para ustedes en el cielo. De esta esperanza ya han sabido por la palabra de verdad,
que es el evangelio que ha llegado hasta ustedes. Este evangelio está dando fruto y creciendo en todo
el mundo, como también ha sucedido entre ustedes desde el día en que supieron de la gracia de Dios
y la comprendieron plenamente.

                                     Esta es la palabra del Señor.
                                           Gracias a Dios.

Missions Interview — Elket Rodríguez                                                  Heather Mustain

Prayers of the People                                                                  Darren DeMent

+Gospel Reading — Matthew 28:16–20                                       Rachel Murphy / Jack Levison

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When
they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authori-
ty in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptiz-
ing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

                                     This is the word of the Lord.
                                         Thanks be to God.

May 22, 2022 Sixth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
Los once discípulos fueron a Galilea, a la montaña que Jesús les había indicado. Cuando lo vieron, lo
adoraron; pero algunos dudaban. Jesús se acercó entonces a ellos y les dijo: —Se me ha dado toda
autoridad en el cielo y en la tierra. Por tanto, vayan y hagan discípulos de todas las naciones, bau-
tizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, enseñándoles a obedecer todo lo
que les he mandado a ustedes. Y les aseguro que estaré con ustedes siempre, hasta el fin del mundo.

                                              Esta es la palabra del Señor.
                                                    Gracias a Dios.

Message                           “Gospel of Hope: Past, Present and Future”                                  Priscilla Pope-Levison

+Hymn 640                                   Leaning on the Everlasting Arms                                                showalter

Sharing of Decisions                                                                                                    Darren DeMent

Benediction                                                                                                   Priscilla Pope-Levison

Postlude                                     Praise to the Lord, the Almighty                            Johann Gottfried Walther

                Connect with Wilshire. Scan this code using your smartphone camera
              to make a financial contribution, fill out our online guest card or submit a
               prayer request. You may also use the response card found in the pew rack.
        Secure offering boxes are located near the front Sanctuary doors and in the Narthex.

                   Music reprinted/podcast/streamed with permission under One License #A-739361. All rights reserved.
                   Rejoice, the Lord Is King, Malcolm Archer, © 1995 Kevin Mayhew Publications/Brodt Music Company

May 22, 2022 Sixth Sunday of Easter - Wilshire Baptist Church
Meet today’s worship leaders
Linda Goelzer joined Wilshire in 1994. Linda is a            Rachel Murphy joined Wilshire in 2018 and is
member of Foundations of Faith Class, serves on              married to Sam. They have a daughter, Sophia,
the Risk Management Committee and was in the                 born in January. Rachel is a member of Ithaka
first class of Stephen Ministers trained at Wilshire.        Class and serves on the Missions Committee. She
                                                             is a trained social worker and therapist.
Susan Kimball grew up at Wilshire. She is a
director of Seekers Class, serves on the Deacon              Priscilla Pope-Levison, our guest preacher
Nominating Committee, sings in Sanctuary Choir               today, is a professor at SMU’s Perkins School of
and Nova, and plays handbells in Carillon Ring-              Theology. Learn more about her on page 8.
ers and flute in Wilshire Winds. She works on
Wilshire’s staff as systems administrator.                   Elle Sheaffer is the daughter of Dawn and Mi-
                                                             chael Sheaffer, and the family joined Wilshire in
Jack Levison is married to Priscilla Pope-Levi-              2009. Elle is an eighth grader at William B. Travis
son, our guest preacher today. They have attended            TAG Academy. She is active in Wilshire’s student
Wilshire since 2017 and have two adult children.             ministry and sings in Youth Choir.
Jack is professor of Old Testament interpretation
and Biblical Hebrew at Perkins School of Theology            Tyler Wade joined Wilshire in 2020. He is a mem-
at SMU.                                                      ber of Ithaka Class, chairs the Christian Advocacy
                                                             Committee and is a greeter. Professionally, Tyler
Laura Mirochna joined Wilshire in 2019. She is               recruits Texas students for his alma mater, Wabash
married to Eric and is the mother of four children,          College.
including Joshua Brown, who is completing his
sophomore year at Townview Magnet Center. Lau-               Kathryn Woodbury has grown up at Wilshire
ra attends Journey Class, sings in Sanctuary Choir           and is the daughter of Paula and Jason Woodbury.
and serves on the Building and Grounds Commit-               Kathryn is finishing up seventh grade at Lake
tee. She recently accepted a position as a learning          Highlands Junior High. She is active in Wilshire’s
experience designer at Dallas College.                       student ministry and sings in Youth Choir.

Staff contacts                                   Email addresses consist of first letter of first name and full last name
                                                 followed by (example:

George A. Mason             Jeff Brummel                     Brianna Childs                 Linda Garner
Senior Pastor               Associate Minister               Pastoral Resident              Parish Nurse
214-452-3132                of Music/Organist                214-452-3154                   214-452-3151
Heather Mustain                                              John Kelly                     Lori Gooden
Associate Pastor            Jessica Capps                    Pastoral Resident              Director of Finance
214-452-3110                Minister to Senior Adults        214-452-3156                   214-452-3131
Darren DeMent                                                Jenna Sullivan                 Geri McKenzie
Associate Pastor            Julie Girards                    Pastoral Resident              Associate Director for
214-452-3102                Minister to Children             214-452-3155                   Pathways to Ministry
                            214-452-3104                                                    214-452-3159
Doug Haney                                                   Preston Bright
Associate Pastor            Joan Hammons                     Associate Pastor Emeritus      Carolyn Murray
214-452-3123                Minister to Preschoolers                                        Coordinator of
                            214-452-3141                     Randy Crosland                 Congregational Life
                                                             Director of Operations         214-452-3170
News & Announcements
                                                                           May 22, 2022

 Come Together
             O N E S E R V I C E S TA R T I N G
              N E X T S U N DAY, M AY 2 9

             F E L L O W S H I P L U N C H S TA R T S J U N E 1 2

W      ilshire members are invited to “Come
       Together” this summer for one wor-
ship service followed by lunch in Community
                                                     Lunch in Community Hall after worship.
                                                     Pricing and logistics will be announced soon.

Hall. Starting May 29 we will begin offering         Sundays at a glance
one service only, at 11 a.m. We will return to       May 22: Two services, 9 & 11 a.m.
our regular schedule of two services, 9 and 11       May 29 – Aug. 14: One service, 11 a.m.
a.m., on Promotion Sunday, Aug. 21. Sunday           June 5: Faith in 3D after worship (see p. 11)
School remains at 10 a.m. throughout. On             June 12 – Aug. 14: Fellowship Lunch
June 12 we will begin offering a Fellowship          Aug. 21: Back to two services, 9 & 11 a.m.

                    Sundays: Worship at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday School for all ages at 10 a.m.
                    The 11 a.m. service livestreams at An edited version
                    of the previous week’s service airs on WRR-FM 101.1 Sundays at 8:30 a.m.
Perkins prof                                           The Wilshire Pulpit
Priscilla                                              A diverse lineup of guests will preach at Wilshire
                                                       during our pastoral transition. Our pastoral

Pope-Levison                                           residents will also preach about once a month.

preaches today
                                                       Here’s a look at who’s coming up:

                                                       May 29: Jenna Sullivan, pastoral resident.
                                                                   June 5: Jonathan Lee Walton
                                                                    is dean of Wake Forest Univer-
                                                                    sity’s School of Divinity and
                                                                    was previously a professor of
                                                                    Christian morals at Harvard
                                                                    University. He is a social eth-
                                                       icist whose scholarship focuses on evan-
                                                       gelical Christianity’s relationship to media
                                                       and political culture. Walton’s latest book
                                                       is The Lens of Love: Reading the Bible in Its
                                                       World for Our World.
                                                                   June 12: Matt Cook is assis-
                                                                    tant director of the Center for

P    riscilla Pope-Levison is our guest preacher for
     May 22, but she isn’t a guest among us. She
and her husband, Jack Levison, have attended
                                                                    Healthy Churches. A Wilshire
                                                                    member since 2019, Cook has
                                                                    been a senior pastor at churches
Wilshire since 2017.                                                in Texas, Arkansas and North
  Priscilla is research professor of practical the-    Carolina and was CBF moderator for 2015-
ology at Perkins School of Theology at Southern        2016. He has taught at Belmont University,
Methodist University. Her published areas of re-       Baylor’s Truett Seminary and Central Bap-
search — seven books and more than 30 articles         tist Theological Seminary.
— include women’s religious history, contextual                    June 19: Veronice Miles
theology, missiology, evangelism and ecumenism.                     is an associate professor of
Her latest book is Models of Evangelism.                            preaching at Wesley Theological
  A United Methodist minister, Priscilla has                        Seminary in Washington, D.C.
served as a local church pastor, university chap-                  An ordained Baptist, she has
lain, university and seminary professor and                         participated in various facets
seminary administrator. Before coming to Perkins,      of ministry for over 40 years. Her current
Priscilla spent 15 years at Seattle Pacific Univer-    research, Preaching and the Anticipatory
sity, where she was a professor of theology and        Language of Hope, explores preaching as a
assistant director of women’s studies.                 conduit of hope in the face of seemingly
  Priscilla and Jack, who is also a professor at       hopeless circumstances.
Perkins, are the parents of two adult children:
Chloe, who recently completed her MBA at In-           See the full schedule at
diana University, and Jeremy, who is a freelance
photographer and videographer in Dallas.
   Learn more at
Condolences to
Family and friends of Judith Graaf.

Reminder: Wednesday Night Live
on pause for the summer
Wednesday evening activities at Wilshire have
paused for the summer. This includes Family
Dinner, preschool and children’s activities, res-
ident-led studies, vespers services and Water-
shed. Sanctuary Choir continues but will take a
break later in the summer.
■ Koinonia Café To Go has ended. Our plan
                                                          God Moves in
is that Wednesday evening meals will be served            Mysterious Ways
buffet-style in Community Hall this fall.                 George Gagliardi
                                                          in concert
New around here?
■ The next Coffee and Conversation will be                Sunday, May 29
hosted by Associate Pastor Darren DeMent on
Sunday, June 12, at 10 a.m. in the senior pas-
tor’s study (Room 2203). This informal event
gives guests and new members a chance to ask              Wilshire member George Gagliardi will
questions about Wilshire.                                 present a concert in Community Hall on
■ The monthly Wilshire Welcome Class,                     Sunday, May 29, at 6:30 p.m. A songwriter,
which helps guests and new members learn                  singer and multi-instrumentalist, George
what Wilshire is all about, will meet June 26 at          will be performing some of the 40-plus
10 a.m. in the Prayer Room near McIver Chapel.            songs he wrote during the COVID shut-
■ Questions about these events? Contact                   down. The show will also be a celebration
Carolyn Murray at                 of George’s 75th birthday.

                                                        New Song to perform at
                                                        June 1 Lunch & Learn event
                                                        New Song Community Choir
                                                        will sing at the next Lunch &
                                                        Learn on June 1. This mid-
Adventurers to Holocaust Museum                         day gathering with a meal,
The Wilshire Adventurers will visit the Dallas          program and fellowship is
Holocaust and Human Rights Museum on Mon-               held the first Wednesday
day, May 23, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The $14             each month from 11:30 a.m.
per-person cost includes museum entry and bus           to 12:45 p.m. in Community Hall. Lunch will be
transportation. Lunch is on your own at Trinity         served buffet-style at a cost of $10 per person.
Groves. Register (required) at          No reservations required. Contact Barbara
registration or contact Barbara Clayton at 214-         Clayton with questions at 214-452-3125 or
452-3125 or          

                                                                          event at Wilshire
                                                                          Suzanne Stabile, an author,
                                                                          speaker and Enneagram
                                                                          expert, will lead an event
                                                                          at Wilshire on Saturday,
                                                                          June 4, from 10 a.m. to 4
                                                                          p.m. Stabile’s presentation
                                                                          will be based on her new
Vacation Bible School                                                     book, The Journey Toward
June 13–17                                                                Wholeness. On Friday
                                                     night, June 3, Stabile and special guests will
Passport to Peace is the theme for                   stage a live recording of the Enneagram Journey
Wilshire’s Vacation Bible School for pre-            podcast at Union Coffee. Tickets for the Friday
schoolers and children, which will be held           and Saturday events can be purchased together
Monday – Friday, June 13 –17, 9 a.m. – noon.         or separately. Learn more and buy tickets at
Children’s VBS is for those who have       
completed kindergarten through sixth
grade, while Preschool VBS is open to kids           CBF General Assembly in Dallas
3 and older who have not completed kinder-           Registration is open for
garten. VBS is free, class sizes are limited         the Cooperative Baptist
and registration ends June 8. Sign up at             Fellowship’s 2022 General                         Assembly, which will be
                                                     held in Dallas June 28–30.
Volunteers needed                                    CBF is Wilshire’s primary
We’re excited to be back to our regular              global partner for missions and ministry, and
in-person VBS, but we need some good                 General Assembly is CBF’s annual gathering
volunteers to make it a meaningful and               for learning, worship, inspiration and fellow-
memorable experience. It’s fun, it’s easy,           ship. Many Wilshire-connected folks will be
it’s fulfilling, you’ll have support, and you        leading or co-leading workshops. Learn more,
are needed! Some of the ways you can help:           see the full schedule and register for free at cbf.
■ Prep work and decorations                          net/general-assembly.
■ Registration
■ Preschool teachers and helpers                     Women of Wilshire book clubs
■ K–Grade 5 group leaders and helpers                ■ The WOW! Tuesday Evening Book Club
■ K–Grade 5 rotation leaders and helpers             meets in the Parlor monthly at 6:30 p.m. On
in recreation, music, Bible story, crafts,           June 14, the group will discuss Cara Wall’s The
missions and worship                                 Dearly Beloved. Zoom option by request. Con-
■ Grade 6 field trip chaperones                      tact: Debby Burton (
For general help or to work with K–6th               ■ The WOW! Brown Bag Book Club meets
graders, contact Julie Girards at jgirards@          one Thursday a month at noon in Room 1205-L. Contact Joan Hammons at              On June 2, the group will discuss The Lost Girls to work with                 of Devon by Barbara O’Neal. Contact: Carolyn
preschoolers.                                        Murray (

Faith in 3D presents
a video production
Inspired by the

To Whom It
May Concern
By Carol Hall

  The 2022 edition of Faith in 3D is a filmed           Due to our contract with
production inspired by To Whom It May                 the publisher, the video will
Concern, an off-Broadway musical by Carol             only be available at these
Hall. The play uses songs to explore the inner        times and will require a pass-
thoughts, secrets, hopes and fears of people          word. Scan QR code or visit
sitting in a church service. There will be   to
three chances to watch the show online:               request a password.
                                                        Watch together. All are invited on Sunday,
  ■ Sunday, June 5, 12:30 p.m.                        June 5, to watch the show at 12:30 p.m. on a
                                                      big screen in Community Hall. Free admis-
  ■ Friday, June 10, 8 p.m.                           sion. Free box lunch (donations welcome).
  ■ Saturday, June 11, 8 p.m.                         No reservation needed for this gathering.

Refresh for Adam’s Baskets
Adam’s Baskets, the wicker food collection bas-
kets found around the building, have been re-
furbished by Jerry McElveen, Sam Tinsley and
Ivan Martinez (known as the Three Amigos).
Non perishable food items can be placed in
the baskets anytime and are used to stock
Wilshire’s in-house food pantry. This longtime
ministry, named in memory of Adam Malcik,
son of Vy and Michael Malcik, is coordinated by
Compass Class.

Print statements with Realm
With Realm, you can view, download or print
your contribution statement at any time by
following these instructions:
1. Sign in to your Realm account on a computer.
2. Choose Giving from the menu.                          TRY CHOIR THIS SUMMER
3. Click the (funnel) icon to filter the gifts
   that display or to change the date range.             Sanctuary Choir summer rehearsals:
4. Click the (printer) icon to generate the                 Wednesdays, May 25 – July 13,
   statement.                                          followed by a four-week rehearsal break
5. Click Print. A preview of your statement
   will display.                                              Modified rehearsal time:
6. Click the printer icon to print or click                        7 to 8:15 p.m.
   Download for a PDF file.
For help getting set up on Realm, contact                  One Sunday service at 11 a.m.,
Susan Kimball at For                    May 29 – Aug. 14
help with online giving, contact Lori Gooden at                                        Contact Doug Haney:

Candy McComb
Hometown: Lubbock                                                              What brought you to
Education: Music education bachelor’s from                                     Wilshire and when?
Texas Tech University; master’s in educational                                 We joined in 2017, drawn
leadership from University of North Texas                                      by the church’s love for
Profession: Choir director and musician                                        everybody. Here I found
Present city: Sachse                                                           room to think freely
                                                                               and grow my faith. It is
Tell us about your family.                                                     refreshing to be able to ex-
I grew up in Lubbock as the youngest of four. I                                press my thoughts openly,
am married to Vic Henry, and we have two sons.                                 without fear of criticism. I
Taylor and Rachel are moving to New Jersey,               was also drawn to the strong music ministry.
and Lee lives in Austin. We have a fluffy Wheat-
en Terrier named Scout.                                   What do you think God is up to in your
                                                          life right now?
Tell us about your work or volunteer life.                God used the quarantine to teach me to slow
After a rewarding career teaching middle and              down. I am working on that new skill and learn-
high school choirs in Garland ISD, I “retired” a          ing to say, “No.” I hope to accomplish this by
few years ago. Since then, I have worked as a             fall, so I guess that means if you want me to do
mentor for several school districts. I supervise          something, ask me before August — LOL!
student teachers in choral music for some area
universities, and I’m a choir clinician and judge         What’s something interesting most
UIL choir contests around the state. At Wilshire          people wouldn’t know about you?
I am the children’s choir coordinator, direct the         I kept my maiden name for aesthetic and rhyth-
Young Musicians choir and lead the summer                 mic reasons. I prefer the rhythm of Candy Mc-
creative arts camp. I sing in Sanctuary Choir,            Comb (triplet, quarter) over Candy Henry, (four
co-direct Nova, play piano for Youth Choir and            eighth notes). Musicians will be able to hear the
serve in the Odyssey Sunday School class.                 difference. However, I have never wavered in my
                                                          preference for Vic.
What are your favorite hobbies?
I love to travel. Vic and I visit Colorado and Ha-        What strengths/adjectives describe you?
waii often. My hobbies include watching movies,           According to my CliftonStrengths assessment:
shopping and spending time with friends and               Positive, Achiever, Connectedness, Learner and
family. During COVID, I even learned to cook!             WOO (Winning Others Over) describe me. I
                                                          would say that is quite accurate!


CHILDREN’S EVENTS                                                                            Preteen Camp
                                                                                             Saturday–Tuesday, July 23–26
VBS: Passport to Peace                                                                       Passport Kids! Camp is for kids who have completed grades
Monday–Friday, June 13–17, 9 a.m.– noon                                                      3 through 6. We’ll depart by bus at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, and
Vacation Bible School is for children who have completed                                     will stay at the Heart of Texas Baptist Camp and Confer-
kindergarten through sixth grade. Limited to 15 per grade.                                   ence Center near Brownwood. Campers will experience
Cost: Free. Register by: June 8.                                                             high-energy worship, interactive Bible study, creative
                                                                                             recreation, missions and other fun activities. Activities will
                                                                                             be led by camp staff with Wilshire chaperones (one for
We will offer two specialty children’s camps the week                                        every five campers) helping with supervision. Chaperones
of July 11: Cooking Camp in the morning and Listen to                                        needed. We’ll return around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. Cost: $350;
Your Art! in the afternoon. Children who have completed                                      $100 deposit guarantees a spot. Full payment due May 31.
second through sixth grade can participate in one or both
camps. Completed first graders can choose one.
                                                                                             PRESCHOOL EVENTS
Cooking Camp
Monday–Friday, July 11–15, 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m.                                                VBS: Passport to Peace
Completed first through sixth graders will learn about food                                  Monday–Friday, June 13–17, 9 a.m. – noon
safety and nutrition and prepare a three-course lunch that                                   Preschool VBS is open to preschoolers 3 and older who have
will be served daily. Bring an apron from a previous camp                                    not completed kindergarten. Class sizes are limited. Cost:
and get a $5 refund on the first day. Cost: $100. Register                                   Free. Register by: June 8.
by: July 4.
                                                                                             Preschool Friends Camp
Listen to Your Art!                                                                          Monday–Friday, July 18–22, 9 a.m. – noon
Monday–Friday, July 11–15, 12:30–5 p.m.                                                     “I Can Be a Good Friend” is the theme for this VBS-style
Creative arts camp has something for everyone who has                                        camp, open to preschoolers 3 and older who have not com-
completed grades 1 through 6: music, drama, movement,                                        pleted kindergarten. Cost: $75. Register by: July 13.
dancing, visual arts and more! Participants will rotate
through four set groups plus two personal expression rota-                                   Friday Fun Play Dates
tions. On Friday, children will stay for a pizza dinner, and                                July 1 & July 29, 9:30 –11:30 a.m.
families are invited to a 6:30 performance and art showcase.                                Parents can stay the full time with their preschoolers at no
Lunch not included; snacks provided. Cost: $90. Register                                    cost or pay $25 per child per date. Register for each date
by: July 4.                                                                                 separately by June 24 (for July 1) and July 22 (for July 29).

Full-Day Option: Both Camps
Monday–Friday, July 11–15, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.                                                   Contacts: Julie Girards, children’s events, jgirards@wilshirebc.
Completed second through sixth graders can register for                                      org; Joan Hammons, preschool events,;
Cooking Camp and Listen to Your Art! Lunch is part of                                        Candy McComb, Listen to Your Art!,;
Cooking Camp. Cost: $175. Register by: July 4.                                               Carol Cabaniss, registrations, Camp
                                                                                             formats subject to change based on Wilshire’s COVID protocols.

      Preregister at All events open to the community.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds minus a credit card processing fee are available with notice at least one week prior to camp start date. Within a week of camp, no refunds will be issued.

This Week
                                    Sunday, May 22
                                    ■ Morning Worship, Sanctuary, 9 & 11 a.m.
                                    ■ Sunday School, 10 a.m.

to talk with.                       ■ Youth Choir lunch, Community Hall,
                                     11:45 a.m.
                                    ■ Belong Team, 1205-L, noon
                                    ■ Youth Choir, Choral Hall, 12:15 p.m.
If you are facing a life            ■ Shekinah, Choral Hall, 1:20 p.m.
                                    ■ Pastor Search Committee, 3303, 2 p.m.
challenge and would like
                                    Monday, May 23
to have a spiritual friend          ■ Game of 42, 1205-G, 10 a.m.
                                    ■ Adventurers to Holocaust Museum, 11 a.m.
to walk alongside you for           ■ Wilshire Winds, Sanctuary, 7 p.m.
a season of healing, perhaps        Tuesday, May 24
you would benefit from a            ■ New Song Spring Party, Community
                                      Hall, 6 p.m.
Stephen Minister.
                                    Wednesday, May 25
                                    ■ New Song, Choral Hall, 9:30 a.m.
Learn more about Stephen            ■ Ukulele group, Choral Hall, 11:15 a.m.
                                    ■ Sanctuary Choir, Choral Hall, 7 p.m.
Ministry at         Thursday, May 26
care/stephen-ministry               ■ Knit Unto Others, Parlor, 1:30 p.m.

or contact Linda Garner             Friday, May 27
                                    ■ Friday Friends, 3301, 10 a.m.
at 214-452-3151 or
                                    Sunday, May 29             ■ Morning Worship, Sanctuary, 11 a.m.
                                    ■ Sunday School, various location, 10 a.m.
                                    ■ Youth Choir lunch, Community Hall,
                                     11:45 a.m.
                                    ■ Youth Choir, Choral Hall, 12:15 p.m.
                                    ■ Shekinah, Choral Hall, 1:20 p.m.
                                    ■ Pastor Search Committee, 3303, 2 p.m.
                                    ■ George Gagliardi concert, Community
                                      Hall, 6:30 p.m.

We only have the
  church we decide to
   have by our giving.
    Here are several giving methods you can use to help us in our mission of
building a community of faith shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Thank you for
  your generosity. Get started or manage your giving at

■ ONLINE. Schedule a recurring or               ■ TEXT. Text WILSHIRE and a dollar
one-time gift charged to your debit or credit   amount (example: WILSHIRE 50) to 73256
card or as an ACH from your checking            and follow the link that pops up. When you
account. Get started at    first do this, you’ll need to enter credit card
                                                and contact information. All text gifts are
■ REALM CONNECT APP. Download                   applied to the Unified Budget.
the Realm Connect app from the App Store
or Google Play to easily make gifts and see     ■ DONATE STOCKS. Contact Lori
past giving on your mobile device. More at      Gooden to learn how to donate appreciated                           stocks.

■ AUTOMATIC BANK PAY. Log in at                 ■ FROM YOUR IRA. For those over 70.5
your bank’s website and follow instructions     years old, tax-free IRA gifts offer a huge
to set up Wilshire as a new payee. The bank     financial benefit. They reduce your future
will send the church a check.                   tax burden and can fulfill your Required
                                                Minimum Distribution for 2022.
■ MAIL. Send to Director of Finance Lori
Gooden’s attention at Wilshire. Write on
your check if it is intended for the Unified                   Scan code with your
Budget or another purpose. Note: We are                        smartphone camera
continuing to experience slow mail service.                    to make an electronic
Please consider other giving methods.                          contribution now.
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