2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale Auction Items

Page created by Jacob Carroll
2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale
                   Auction Items
                                              Bidding Is Open
                                Visit https://vareliefsale.bidwrangler.com/ui to bid.

Online Auction
You may browse the whole sale or search by “Lot Number” to find a specific item. This is an online only auction which
will begin to close on October 3 at 10:00 AM and will close at the rate of 2 lots per minute with a 1 minute
auto extend. That means if a bid is placed within the last minute for any lot the time for that lot will be extended for one
more minute.

Preview and Pickup Information
Preview for this auction will be October 1-3. Donated items will arrive at the fairgrounds Oct 1 from 8am-noon. Items will
then be on display
until the closing of the auction starting 10am on Oct 3. The building will be open from 8am to 8pm. Preview is at the
Rockingham County Fairgrounds.
Pickup is also at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds. Items can be paid for and picked up anytime after the item has
closed and sold. We ask that all items be picked up before 6pm on Saturday Oct 3.
Shipping will be available for items that can be easily shipped. This expense will be in addition to the winning bid
amount. In addition to actual shipping costs a packaging and handling charge will apply at the rate of $10.

Payment will be collected at time of pick up. We encourage cash or checks, but credit cards are also accepted.
(We encourage this due to credit card fees taken out leaving less of a donation to MCC).

Terms of the Sale
Merchandise: All Items Are Sold AS IS, WHERE IS, WITHOUT GUARANTEE. We urge you to examine all items carefully and
satisfy yourself as to the condition and bid accordingly. We will not be accepting returns or providing refunds.
Lot    Thumbnail   Title            Description
                   LD&B, thank      This is not an item to bid on.
  1                you for being    Thank you, LD&B Insurance Agency, for being a generous major sponsor for the 2020 Relief Sale!
                   a sponsor!
                   Park View
                   Federal Credit This is not an item to bid on.
  2                Union, thank Thank you, Park View Federal Credit Union, for being a generous major sponsor for the 2020 Relief
                   you for being Sale!
                   a sponsor!
  3                Group, thank     This is not an item to bid on. Thank you, InterChange Group, for being a generous major sponsor for
                   you for being    the 2020 Relief Sale!
                   a sponsor!
                   Technology       This is not an item to bid on. Thank you, Vision Technology Group, for being a generous major
  4                Group, thank     sponsor for the 2020 Relief Sale!
                   you for being
                   a sponsor!
                                    Colorful, queen-size quilt in red, white, and blue, pieced and hand quilted using 1920s reproduction
                   Quilt: 1920s     cotton fabric.
 3930              reproduction     99" x 89"
                   prints           Pieced by Luella Emswiler. Quilted and donated by Harrisonburg Mennonite Church Womens'

                                    Child's frog quilt, pieced by Evelyn Suter and hand quilted by Luella Emswiler.
 3931              Quilt: Child's   46.5" x 40"
                   quilt            Donated by Evelyn Suter.

                   Wood:            Open-shelf bookcase made of ash, with medium stain.
 4000              Bookcase         32" high x 12" wide x 38" long.
                                    Made and donated by Marv Nisly.

                   Wood: Side       Maple side table.
 4002              table            21" high x 12" wide x 24" long
                                    Made and donated by Omar Showalter.

                   Wood: Side       Walnut side table.
 4003              table            21" high x 12" wide x 24" long
                                    Made and donated by Omar Showalter.

                                    Small chest in different woods, including cherry, oak, and locust.
 4008              Wood: Chest      11" high x 12" wide x 24" long
                                    Made and donated by Wendell Beachy.

                   Other:           Fun, whimsical, creative sculpture made of welded steel. "Does it resemble a unicyclist?"
 4014              Welded           36" high x 14" wide.
                   sculpture        Made and donated by Lloyd Brugger.

                                    Ladder-style plant stand for inside or outside. Made of poplar with boiled linseed oil. Easy to
                                    disassemble and reassemble.
 4015              Wood: Plant      57" high x 16" wide x 53" long
                   Stand            Made and donated by Lloyd Brugger.

                   Wood: Cap        Antique barrel stave, walnut shelf and supports, antique and antique style doorknobs.
 4016              and coat         30" long
                   hanger           Made and donated by Lloyd Brugger.
                                    Natural-edge desk of highly figured walnut. Bank of small drawers and cubbyholes on top and
                                    drawers underneath. "This could easily become a family heirloom."
 4017              Wood: Desk       30" high x 24" wide x 53" long
                                    Made and donated by Lloyd Brugger.

                                           © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
4022   Other: Gift     $100 gift certificate for Joshua Wilton House.
       certificate     Donated by Steve and Chris Carpenter.

                       Framed, embroidered, and quilted alphabet monogram (reproduction). Wall hanging is 20" high by
       Quilt: Wall     16" wide.
4023   hanging         Historic monogram was central feature of a quilt designed and embroidered in the 1950s by Ida W.
                       Beck, Easton, Pa.
                       Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stephens City Mennonite Church.

       Quilt:          Pieced and tied comforter in black, yellow, and white cotton.
4024   Comforter       79" high x 62" wide.
                       Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stephens City Mennonite Church.

                       Mini-quilt, Apple-core design, pieced and hand quilted using reproduction vintage fabric.
4025   Quilt: Mini     14" high x 12.5" wide
                       Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stevens City Mennonite Church.

                       Strawberry Patch table topper, pieced, appliqued, and hand and machine quilted.
4026   Quilt: Table    44" x 44"
       topper          Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stevens City Mennonite Church.

                     Guided birdwatching tour with Matthew Gingerich and Clair Mellinger. Four to ten people may
       Other: Guided participate in this guided half-day outing to observe local resident and migratory birds in the
4027   Birdwatching Rockingham County area.
       Tour          Date to be arranged by purchaser.
                       Appalachian style rib basket features a wild grapevine handle with knots and scar. Traditional God's
                       eye lashing with sky blue color dyed reed. Made with reed, grapevine, seagrass, and fabric.
4032   Other: Basket   12" high x 13" wide x 14" long
                       Made and donated by Brenda Fairweather.

       Art: Mixed      "Winter Snow Angels." Mixed media on masonite; black metal frame. Composition
       media           made by combining Christmas card snow scenes.
       "Winter Snow     H 12" L 36"
       Angels"         Made and donated by: Judith B. Espinoza.
                       Pineapple quilt in plain and dark green cotton.
4038   Quilt:          48" x 48"
       Pineapple quilt Made and machine quilted made by Barbara Cline.
                       Donated by Barbara Cline.

       Quilt:          Teddy bear pieced comforter in navy, black, and miscellaneous cotton.
4039   Comforter       77" high x 60" wide
                       Made by Kathy Rhodes. Donated by Dayton Mennonite Church.

                       Alphabet comforter in pastel cottons. Pieced and knotted by unknown maker.
4040   Quilt:          51" x 40"
       Comforter       Donated by Dayton Mennonite Church.

                      Evening Primrose quilt in lavender, blue, and black cotton.
4041   Quilt: Evening 100" high x 90" wide.
       Primrose       Pieced and machined quilted. This quilt is featured in Barbara Cline's book "Amazingly Simple Stars."
                      Made and donated by Barbara Cline.

                        Lap quilt, pieced and machine quilted in white with yellow, pink, and turquoise.
4043   Quilt: Lap quilt 50" x 43.5"
                        Made and donated by Luella Emswiler.

                              © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Natural live-edge cherry side table with drawers.
4045   Wood: Cherry 29.5" high x 20" wide X 47" long.
       side table   Made and donated by James Delp.

       Wood:         Walnut coffee table made from walnut end slab with live edge.
4048   Walnut coffee 17.5" high x 17" wide x 55" long.
       table         Made and donated by James Delp.

4049   Wood: Turkey Wild turkey box call. Hen side and gobbler side call. 2" high x 2" wide x 10" long. Made of cherry,
       call         maple, and walnut woods. Made and donated by David Emswiler.

                        Tea box with dividers for tea packs. Made of walnut and maple woods.
4050   Wood: Tea        4.5" high x 6.5" wide x 10.5" long
       box              Made and donated by David Emswiler.
                    Kenworth cement mixer truck in maple and walnut wood. This is not a toy.
4051   Wood:        9" high x 7" wide x 22" long.
       Cement mixer Made and donated by David Emswiler.

                        High-track Cat dozer with rear rippers. Made of maple and walnut, this is not a toy.
4052   Wood: Track      9" high x 11" wide x 18" long
       dozer            Made and donated by David Emswiler.

4053   Quilt: Child's   Child's quilt blue and green with fish and shark scenes. Quilt is 44" x 39".
       quilt            Made and donated by Luella Emswiler.

                        Thanksgiving table topper featuring a turkey and pumpkins. Preprinted and hand quilted in tan,
       Quilt: Table     orange, and green cotton.
4054   topper           21.5" x 21.5"
                        Made and donated by Luella Emswiler.

                        Quilt, preprinted with frogs and turtles, hand quilted, in green with blue and yellow backing. Quilt is
4055   Quilt: Child's   42" x 35".
       quilt            Made and donated by Luella Emswiler.

       Signature        SIgnature feedsack quilt in mixed pastels. Wall hanging is 38" high x 32" wide. Pieced and hand
4057   feedsack         quilted.
       wallhanging      Made and donated by Rosalie Eshleman.

                        Crazy Quilt wall hanging made from green, apricot, cream, yellow, brown, and gold wool fabrics.
                        Knotted, pieced from scraps of wool from clothing of Ida Mae Leatherman.
4058   Quilt: Wall      36" x 36"
       hanging          Designed, made, and donated by Rosalie Eshleman.

       Wood: Cedar      Cedar chest 17" high x 15" wide x 30" long.
4071   chest            Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                        Table made with white ash and apricot woods, has tile insert with glass top. 24" high x 16" wide x 16"
4073   Wood: Table      Custom-designed tile; wood is from Miller property.
                        Made by Roger Micheal, finished by Merv Miller.
                        Donated by Mervyl Miller.

                        Child's hand-quilted blanket. Blue and green with forest animals on a playground.
4076   Quilt: Child's   51" high x 33" wide
       quilt            Made and donated by Linda Miller.

       Wood: Child's    Child's table and chairs made of cherry wood.
4077   table and        Table: 17" high x 20" wide x 34" long
       chairs           Chairs: 10" x 10" x 20" high
                        Made and donated by Dwight and Trella Kauffman

                               © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Wood: Hall       Hall tree made of eastern red cedar. Tree has 12 pegs near top and 8 pegs near center. 68" high x 20"
4078   tree             wide x 20" long.
                        Made and donated by Dwight and Trella Kauffman.

       Quilt:           Wine and Song comforter, pieced and knotted comforter in purple, black, and maroon 100% cotton.
4080   Comforter        79" x 61"
                        Made and donated by Shirley Hochstetler.

       Wood: Quilt      Quilt ladder 69" high x 26" wide x 22" long. Ladder is made of cherry wood and has 5 rungs.
4085   ladder           Made and donated by Dwight and Trella Kauffman.

                        Small cedar chest.
4086   Wood: Small      10" x 9.5" x 16"
       cedar chest      Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                        Serene Seas quiltscape wall hanging in blues and reds. Fabric is cotton and polycotton.
4087   Quilt: Wall      30" x 30"
       hanging          Pieced and blindquilted using 1.5" blocks.
                        Made and donated by Linda Eberly Miller.

4091   Other: Milk      Six-quart stainless steel milk bucket with splash guard.
       bucket           Donated by Eli E. Miller.

4093   Other: Cheese Wheeler stainless steel cheese press.
       press         Donated by Eli Miller.

4094   Wood: Child's    Oak child's rocker. Seat and back strung with rope strung through wood blocks.
       rocker           Made and donated by Eli Miller.

                        Cross-stitched sampler in green, gold, and white cotton fabrics.
4095   Quilt: Wall      Wall hanging 42" x 34.5"
       hanging          Embroidered by Miriam Baer. Quilted by Janet King, Donated by Lindale Mennonite Women.

                       Jacob's Ladder quilt in blue, red, and green cotton fabrics.
4098   Quilt: "Jacob's 114" x 90"
       Ladder"         Pieced by Evie McPhee. Hand quilted by Evie King.
                       Donated by Lindale Mennonite Women.

                        Diminutive cherry chest in Shaker style. Five graduated drawers. Drawers and top are dove tailed.
4102   Wood: Chest      27" high by 15" wide x 24" long
       of drawers       Made and donated by Norman Lambert

       Quilt: "Things   Things That Go, pieced and knotted comforter. Made with cotton and cotton blend prints of
       that Go"         emergency vehicles, earth-moving equipment, and other things that appeal to children.
4103   comforter for    87" x 69"
       boys             Pieced by Rita Lehman, knotted and donated by Lindale Mennonite Women.

       Quilt:           Pieced and knotted quilt in blue and rose cotton and cotton-blend fabrics.
4106   Comforter        82.5" x 62"
                        Made and donated by Lindale Mennonite Women.

                               © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Other:           Collector doll by Stanhome. Doll is porcelain, named Katelyn. 16" high x 6" wide x 4" long. Donated by
4107   Collector Doll   R. Larry Martin.

                        Vintage,Turkey Trot stitched and knotted comforter. Multi-colored and black, blocks are a mixture of
       Quilt: Vintage   fabrics. Has pink stitching and knots. Stored in a cedar chest, no stains.
4111   Comforter        78" x 72"
                        Donated from the estate of Clinton and Esther Martin. Possibly made by Esther's mother, Lena Davis,
                        but seller is not certain.
                        The quilt is a wall hanging or baby quilt and is called “for the love of feedsacks”. Pieced by Carmen
                        Wyse and quilted by Mac McArthur-Fox.
4112   Quilt:           Size is 44” X 44".
       Feedsack         Entire top is vintage feedbacks from the 1930’s and 1940’s. These are old fabrics and should be
                        handled with care. Batting is cotton batting. This quilt has something hidden in it - can you find it???

                        Oak bench with polyurethane finish.
4113   Wood: Bench      16" high x 11.5" wide x 36" long
                        Made and donated by David Longacre.

                        Three Shaker-style hand-dovetailed stools: foot stool, tote stool, two-step stool. Made of Oregon
       Wood: Three      Douglas fir, fine grain, old growth.
4114                    30" x 7" x 14"
       stools           Made and donated by Cliff Lind.

                        Wormy chestnut hall mirror with small pegs for keys and masks.
4115   Wood: Mirror     27" high x 13" wide
                        Made and donated by David Longacre.

                        Handy oak step stool.
4117   Wood: Stool      18" high x 17" wide x 19" long
                        Made and donated by David Longacre.

4118   Wood: Drop       Oak drop leaf table, 24" high with 28" round top.
       leaf table       Made and donated by David Longacre.

                    Pair of walnut and oak candle holders.
4119   Wood: Candle 7" high x 3" wide
       holders      Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

       Wood: Candle Pair of walnut and maple tapered candle holders.
4120   holders      7" high x 2" wide
                    Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

       Wood:            Walnut sconces in tulip design. Set of two.
4123   Sconces          6" x 17"
                        Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

       Quilt:           Coordinating comforters for twin beds. First photo shows comforters side by side.
4125   Coordinating     Comforter one: 4125 is pieced and knotted in rose, green, and cranberry cotton. Size 80" x 60"
       comforters       Comforter two: 4126 is pieced and knotted in pink and green cotton. Size 80" x 60"
       for twin beds    Made and donated by Pauline Zehr Myers and Rosalyn Myers Kniss.

                               © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Quilt: Knotted Pieced and knotted comforter in royal blue and green cotton.
4127   comforter      80" x 60"
                      Made and donated by Pauline Zehr Myers and Rosalyn Myers Kniss.

                       Paper pieced doll quilt. American Girl. Also includes dress and 2 Christmas potholders.
4129   Quilt: Doll
       quilt           Made and donated by Margaret Smeltzer.

                       Two comforters, pieced and knotted using blue and rose 12" x 16" cotton blocks. Knotted with blue
4133   Quilt: Twin     thread.
       comforters      80" x 60"
                       Made and donated by Powhatan Mennonite Church.

       Quilt:          Comforter in black and red, pieced with 12" x 16" blocks, bound, and knotted with red thread.
4134   Comforter       80" x 60"
                       Made and donated by Powhatan Mennonite Church.

                       Comforter in blue and peach cotton. Pieced with 12" x 16" blocks, machine quilted flower blossoms in
       Quilt:          solid blocks.
4135   Comforter       80" x 60"
                       Made and donated by Powhatan Mennonite Church.

       Wood: Coffee    Coffee table made of oak, walnut, and pine wood.
4136   table           18" high x 18.5" wide x 38" long.
                       Made and donated by Wallace Weaver.
                       Grandma's Scraps quilt in vintage 1950s-1960s cotton fabrics. Hand pieced by Sarah E. Little; long
       Quilt:          stich quilting by Weaver's Mennonite Women.
4139   Grandma's       69" x 63"
       Scraps          Made by Sarah E. Little, donated by Weavers Mennonite Women.

4140   Other: WInd     Chocolate Diamond 60" Arabesque wind chimes (AR736CD).
       chimes          Donated by QMT Associates, QMT Wind Chimes.

4141   Other: Wind     Copper Vein 50" Corinthian Bells wind chimes (T516CV).
       chimes          Made and donated by QMT Associates, QMT Wind Chimes.

                       Back to Nature knotted comforter in green and brown batiks.
       Quilt:          119" x 102"
4142   Comforter       Made by Erla Showalter and Weavers Mennonite Women.

                       Doily made by Grace Campbell, March 15, 2003, when she was 94 years old.
4145   Quilt: Doily    16 inches round
                       Anonymous donation.

                       500-piece P. Buckley Moss wood jigsaw puzzle "Springtime at the Bridge." Box has never been
4146   Other: Puzzle   20" x 16"
                       Anonymous donation.

                       3.5-gallon sampler tin of Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn created locally in small batches in our downtown
       Other:          store.
4147   Popcorn
                       Donated by Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn
                       3.5-gallon sampler tin of Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn created locally in small batches in our downtown
       Other:          store.
4149   Popcorn
                       Donated by Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn

                              © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Oak porch swing, stained with three coats of marine varnish. Chain for hanging the swing is included.
4156   Wood: Swing      54" long x 20" deep
                        Made and donated by Joe Shank.

4159   Wood: Toy        Toy train: engine, caboose, and four cars.
       train            Made and donated by Rawley Shank.

       Other: Stamp     An old stamp album owned by donor's aunt, Laura Showalter, one of the quilter Showalter sisters of
4160   collection       Waynesboro. Starting date unknown.
                        Donated by Bertha Showalter.

       Other: Print     Print from original fraktur painting. Contains various flowers, angels, and heart with Bible verse.
4162   from fraktur     Framed in a designer frame with a vintage insert, 13" x 15".
       painting         Donated by Joan K. Shaver.

                        Tandem dump truck in cedar, made to play with. Wood is from Larry E. Yoder's farm, cut down, sawn
4164   Wood: Dump       into lumber, dried, and fabricated on the farm.
       truck            Made and donated by Larry E. Yoder, Cedar Toy Workshop.

                        Floral centerpiece (silk flowers). Designed by Phyllis Knicely.
4171   Other: Floral    16" high x 12" wide x 12" long
       centerpiece      Donated by Zola's (located in The Dayton Market).

       Quilt:           Bricks and Mortar comforter with two pillows in beige, red, and green cotton. Pieced and long stitch
4173   Comforter        quilted.
       with pillows     74" x 60"
                        Made and donated by Kathy Zendt and sisters

                        Squares and Rectangles quilt in blue and navy batik cottons. Pieced and knotted.
4174   Quilt:           86" x 66"
       Comforter        Made and donated by Kathy, Norma, and Shirley (sisters).

                        This pastel painting is from a 35 mm photo taken by artist while visiting the farm Wenger Grapes in
       Art: Pastel      Stuarts Draft, Va.
       painting         Museum quality framing with archival glass.
4212   Wenger           31" x 31"
       Grapes           Painted and donated by Joy E. Tartter.
                        This is the second pastel from the visit; the first is in a private home in Staunton.

                      Probably the last quilt pieced and hand quilted by Fannie Heatwole. It was her 674th quilt, completed
4213   Quilt: Fanny   at the age of 95.
       Heatwole quilt Quilt is made of hunter green, dark red, and off-white cotton and is 108" x 93".
                      Made by Fannie Heatwole. Donated by Brenda Holliday.

       Other: Italian   White linen and lace tablecloth with 10 napkins.
4214   lace             Purchased in Burano, Italy.
       talblecloth      Oval shaped, 103" x 68"
                        Donated by Marianne Kennel.

                        Decorative cherry side table made with live-edge door, dovetail drawers, and mitered corners.
       Wood: Side       25" high x 11.5" wide x 19.5" long
4215   table            Made by Justin Beeker with assistance from Ervin Stutzman who turned the knobs.
                        Donated by Justin Beeker.

4216   Other: Gift      $100 gift card to Bella Luna Wood-Fired Pizza.
       certificate      Donated by Timothy & Ruth Stoltzfus Jost.

                               © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
4217   Other: Gift    $100 gift certificate for Joshua Wilton House.
       certificate    Donated by Timothy and Ruth Stoltzfus Jost.

                      Pieced geometric shapes with border.
       Quilt:         84" x 68:
4218   Geometric      The pieced top was donated to Harrisonburg Gift and Thrift. The person who pieced the top is
       shapes         unknown. Bonita Stutzman purchased the top and quilted it. Donated by Bonita Stutzman.

       Other:         Grapevine wreath with faux flowers, ribbon, and other decoration.
4219   Holiday        Made and donated by Kimberly Mambauer.

4220   Other: Felt    Life-size play food: six cupcakes, six donuts, and six eclairs. Made of felt. Made and donated by Laura
       playfood       Stutzman.

                      12 monthly floral arrangements made with local flowers when in season. Made and donated by Joy
       Other:         Coakley.
4221   Monthly floral Arrangement for October will be available at the sale.

                      Pastel nine-patch cotton comforter with flannel backing.
4222   Quilt:         Pieced and machine quilted.
       Comforter      52" high x 47" wide
                      Made and donated anonymously.

       Quilt: Wall    Batik string quilt wall hanging. Machine quilted, pieced using cotton batiks in dark colors.
4223   hanging        40" high x 39.5" wide
                      Made and donated anonymously.

                    Figured cherry side table with 2 drawers. Handmade, dovetailed, mortise-and-tenon joinery.
4224   Wood: Cherry 27" high x 17.5" wide x 24" long
       side table   Made and donated by Norman Lambert.

                      Tiny walnut table with drawer. Figured walnut top, dovetailed, handmade.
4225   Wood: Table    22" high by 18" wide by 18" long.
                      Made and donated by Norman Lambert.

                      Bowl and pitcher set is donated in commemoration of MCC's 100th year of service. Bowl and pitcher
                      honors the service of many.
4226   Other: Pottery 10" high by 11" wide.
                      Made by Dick Lehman, Potter at the Old Bag Factory, Goshen, Indiana.
                      Donated by Marian Bauman.

                      Yarn design in the from of a large tree. Reminds seller of a family tree. Beige and brown burlap. 36" x
4227   Other: Wall    36"
       hanging        Made in India, purchased at World Treasures Thrift Shop, Hagerstown, Md.
                      Donated by Marian Bauman.

       Art: Canvas
       print          "Morning Light." Canvas print of original photo.
4228   "Morning       16" high x 20" wide
       Light"         Made and donated by Jean Oswald.

                     Continuous arm Windsor chair, the quintessential American Windsor, based upon a design from the
                     late 1700s. Made by local chair maker, Bradley K. Moyer, here in the Shenandoah Valley. Traditional
                     18th-century chair-making techniques give this chair a unique look and feel. Every part has been
4229   Wood:         carved by hand and finished with milk paint.
       WIndsor chair White pine seat; white and red oak for spindles and continuous arm; hard maple turnings.

                      Made and donated by Bradley K. Moyer, chair maker.
                             © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Handmade 17" Waldorf-style doll inspired by "The Princess & the Pea" fairy tale. Sewn from 100%
                        cotton jersey, firmly stuffed with clean-carded sheep's wool, and weighted with a small pouch of
                        sand. Features curly blonde mohair locks; a needle-sculpted face; embroidered eyes, knees, elbows,
4230   Other: Doll      belly button, and sweet little bum. Dressed in a medieval gown, linen bloomers, and golden strappy
                        flats, and comes with a soft pink velour nightgown. Wooden bed and much of her bedding upcycled
                        from Gift & Thrift purchases. Small felted pea securely attached to bedding. A copy of the fairy tale is
                        Made and donated by Sherri Moyer.

       Art: Canvas      Two canvas print of original photograph "Amarylis."
4231   prints           One print is horizontal 16" x 20"
       "Amarylis"       Second print is vertical 16" x 20"
                        Made and donated by Jean Oswald.

                        Stainless-steel fire pit ring with musical note cutouts.
4232   Other: Fire      38" in diameter x 23" high.
       ring             Designed by Denay True. Donated by Ben and Denay True

                        Quilt, pieced and hand quilted in white and blue broadcloth. Has unusual border quilting.
                        108" high x 90" wide
4233   Quilt:           Unknown maker, unused quilts from Brubaker family.
                        Donated by Dee Brubaker.

                        Quilt appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted, vintage 1930s fabrics, hand-appliqued butterflies.
4234   Quilt: Vintage   90" high x 90" wide
                        Unknown maker, unused quilts from Brubaker family.
                        Donated by Dee Brubaker.

                        Copper vase with peonies number V quiltscape wall hanging. Pieced and blind-hand quilted by Linda
                        Eberly Miller using 1.5" blocks.
4235   Quilt: Wall      30" x 27"
       hanging          Donated by Debra Harris.
                        Redonated from 2019 sale.

                       Rail and Square quilt. Pieced and long stitch quilted in red and tan cottons. Made by Trissels
                       Mennonite Women. Purchased at 2019 Relief Sale, never used.
4236   Quilt: Rail and 84" x 67"
       Square          Donated by Carolyn Bontrager.

                        Multicolored green, blue, and aqua quilt. Pieced and machine quilted.
                        Batting is Hobbs Heirloom 80/20 cotton/poly blend.
4237   Quilt:           51" x 39"
                        Made and donated by Rosetta Stoltzfus Landis and Karen Alderfer.

                        Quilt pieced and machine quilted in tan, brown, grey, and black 100% cotton.
4238   Quilt            75" x 50"
                        Made and donated by Patti Shores.

                        Solid oak quilt rack in excellent condition.
4239   Wood: Quilt      34" x 11.5" x 35"
       rack             Made by Herman Campbell.
                        Donated anonymously.

       Art: Photo       25 photo note cards on 5" x 7" embossed paper. Original photos by Jean Oswald.
4240   cards            Donated by Jean Oswald.

                        Magic Carpet quilt with borders on ends, pieced and hand quilted in aqua, blues, and greens using
4241   Quilt: Magic     100% cottons. Six-inch white-on-white blocks with narrow pieced frame. Reversible.
       Carpet           103" x 77"
                        Made and donated by Springdale Mennonite Women.

                               © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Birth of a Sampler, pieced, appliqued, and long arm stitched using autumn mix cottons. Design by
         Quilt: "Birth    Sherry Whitford.
4264     of a Sampler"    108" high x 108" wide.
                          Pieced by Jan Shelton and Eileen Green; long armed by Eileen Green.
                          Donated by "Peace by Piece," Williamsburg Mennonite Church.
                          The Williamsburg Star, multiple colors on a white background. 100% cotton fabrics. Pieced by Wilda
         Quilt: The       Kruzinski. Professionally long-arm quilted by Martha Berry.
4265     Williamsburg     95” by 95”
         Star             Donated by Williamsburg Mennonite Church “Peace by Piece.”

                          Fun on the Farm, preprinted panel and piecing in multiple colors, 100% cotton fabrics.
                          52” high x 59” wide
         Quilt: Child's   Pieced by Wilda Kruzinski, professionally long-arm quilted by Martha Berry.
4266     quilt
                          Donated by Williamsburg Mennonite Church “Peace by Piece.”

                          Cross stitched and hand quilted, white cotton with pink and green cross stitch. Cross stitched blocks
                          were found among Alta Kennel Yoder's things (one small repair).
                          89" high by 70" wide
                          Finished by Lavonne Lehman, hand quilted by Marty Snavely.
                          Donated by "Peace by Piece" of Williamsburg Mennonite Church.
4284     Quilt:           "These were old blocks I found among my Mom's things. She had gotten them from her mother. I
                          soaked them in Oxyclean, finished stitching a few blocks, put it all together, and sent it to Marty
                          Snavely for hand quilting. I'm pleased there was only one small hole, which we repaired." --Lavonne

                          Wall hanging. White background; mostly feed sacks; accents are old buttons (vintage). Wall hanging is
                          pieced and machine quilted with some embroidery.
                          21" x 21"
4285     Quilt: Wall      Made by Lavonne Lehman.
         hanging          Donated by "Peace by Piece" Williamsburg Mennonite Church.
                          "Many of the fabrics were from feedsack belonging to my grandmother, Alta Kennel Yoder." Lavonne

                          Brown cat throw in brown cotton and preprinted squares. Quilted with balls of yarn.
4286.1   Quilt: Throw     40" x 33.5"
                          Made and donated by Powhatan Mennonite Church.

         Quilt: Baby      Airplane baby blanket, appliqued and pieced.
4296     quilt            Made by Evelyn Suter. Quilted by Louella Emswiller.
                          Donated by Evelyn Suter.

         Quilt: Baby      Play Time baby quilt, 50"x 50". Pieced and hand quilted in gray and multicolored cottons.
4297     quilt            Made and donated by Marty Snavely.

                       Queen-size colorful contemporary Dresden Plate quilt. Appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted in various
         Quilt:        colors of cotton fabrics.
4298     Contemporary 108" x 90"
         Dresden Plate Made and donated by Marty Snavely

         Other: Signed Brunk Revival Winross Truck. Truck is signed.
4301     Winross Truck Donated by Gene C. Rhodes.

                          Table runner in white, yellow, and multicolored cotton (some vintage).
4302     Quilt: Table     Hand pieced, hand and machine quilted. Includes vintage fabrics, "Brimfield Star" patterns.
                          Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stephens City Mennonite Church.

                          Wall hanging in primitive style, embroidered and embellished flower garden. Appliqued, pieced, and
         Quilt: Wall      machine quilted in yellow, green, and multicolored cotton.
4303     hanging          15" high x 26" wide.
                          Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stevens City Mennonite Church.

                                 © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Two mini-quilts with black metal quilt rack. Appliqued, pieced and hand quilted in whites and pastel
                       cottons, vintage 1930s reproduction fabrics.
                       Quilt #1 is 13" high x 8.5" wide
4304   Quilt: Mini     Quilt #2 is 11" high x 8" wide
                       Rack is 14" high x 8" wide
                       Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stevens City Mennonite Church.

       Quilt: Wall     Hand pieced and quilted wall hanging. Fiery colors, black, orange, and gold cottons.
4305   hanging         27.5" x 27.5"
                       Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stevens City Mennonite Church.

                       Jewelry chest made of cherry and pine.
4306   Wood:           5" high x 7" wide x 13" long.
       Jewelry chest   Made and donated by Wendel Beachy.

       Quilt: "Church Church Window throw, 65" x 54", in cotton batik fabric.
4500   Window"        Pieced by Peggy Barbour, machine quilted by Lorraine Mooney.
       throw          Donated by "Peace by Peace" of Williamsburg Mennonite Church.

                       Traditional album block throw in cotton pastels.
4501   Quilt: Throw    54" x 54"
                       Pieced and machine quilted by Lavonne Lehman.
                       Donated by Williamsburg Mennonite Church "Peace by Piece."

                       On a Roll original quilt. Designed, pieced, and machine quilted by Lorraine Mooney.
4502   Quilt: "On a    90" x 90"
       Roll"           Donated by Williamsburg Mennonite Church "Peace by Piece."

                       Colorful batik stars on white background.
                       93" x 82" in cotton fabrics.
4503   Quilt: Batik    Pieced by Lavonne Lehman. Long arm quilted by Martha Berry.
       Stars           Donated by Williamsburg Mennonite Church "Peace by Piece."

                       Oak rocking chair sometimes called "Granny Chair." Small adult rocker, refinished, and new caned
4505   Wood:           seat. From the estate of Ethel Geil Rhodes, the rocking chair was a gift from her parents, Noah and
       Rocking chair   Mary Geil.
                       Made and donated by Dawn Showalter and Tim Mumbauer.

                       Cherry footstool with black cherry finish.
4509   Wood: Stool     8" high x 11.5" wide x 14.75" long
                       Made and donated by Danny Weaver.

                     Middle East dinner for six (family unit only), prepared by Dorothy Jean Weaver.
                     To be served outdoors on donor's deck for family unit (not socially distanced). Dorothy Jean Weaver
       Other: Middle will wear a mask and will not eat with the group.
4510   East Meal for To be arranged and scheduled by mutual agreement.

                       Beveled mirror and coat hanger in oak wood with early American finish.
4511   Wood: Mirror    23.5" high x 42.5" long
                       Made and donated by Danny Weaver.

       Wood:           Poplar fold-up table.
4512   Folding table   28" high x 34" wide x 30" long
                       Made and donated by Omar Showalter.

                              © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Small poplar fold-up table.
4513   Wood:            28" high x 22" wide x 22" long
       Folding table    Made and donated by Omar Showalter.

                        Footstool made of poplar wood with light walnut finish.
4514   Wood: Stool      9" high x 13" wide x 14.5" long
                        Made and donated by Danny Weaver.

                        Comforter made with 5.5" blocks of many colors, has brown backing with a brown border. Pieced and
4516   Quilt:           knotted.
       Comforter        90" x 72"
                        Made and donated by Warwick River Mennonite Church, Homemakers Fellowship.
                        Tractor and plow made to replicated the Fordson tractors and Oliver plows sent to the Ukraine in
                        1922 by MCC. 9" high x 5" wide x 17" long.
       Other: MCC
4533   celebration      Items are made from gun reclaimed in an incentive programs, such as Peace-for-Peace, to get guns
       tractor          off the street shortly after the Sandy Hook shootings. Some of these disarmed guns were given to
                        Raw Tools, where the gun barrels were made into garden tools.

                        Made from remaining gun parts, and donated by R. Larry Martin

4534   Other:           Collector doll from Seymour Mann. Doll has porcelain head, arms, and legs. 14" high x 6" wide x 4"
       Collector Doll   long. Donated by R. Larry Martin.

       Wood: Coat       Coat hooks mounted on walnut wood. Hooks made from railroad spikes. 5" high x 6" wide x 35" long.
4543   hook rack        Made and donated by R. Larry Martin.

                       Vintage bicycle, 1930s: Tru-Test Corp, USA. Repainted in 1940s, light and basket added. Seat original
                       (?); new tires 1994--still ok; brakes functional but not great. Owner purchased in 1939 when she was
4547   Other:          11.
       Vintage bicycle Montgomery Ward?
                       Donated by Wanda Harder.

       Wood: Quilt      Walnut quilt rack for displaying up to three quilts.
4548   rack             33.5" high x 9" wide x 30" long.
                        Made by Lawrence Harder. Donated by Phil Harder.

                        Cement truck in cedar, made to play with. Wood is from Larry E. Yoder's farm, cut down, sawn into
4558   Wood: Toy        lumber, dried, and fabricated on the farm.
                        Made and donated by Larry E. Yoder, Cedar Toy Workshop.

                      Colorful western-theme knotted comforter, pieced nine-patch pattern.
4560   Quilt: Knotted Cotton and cotton blend fabrics.
       comforter      96" by 79"
                      Made and donated by Lindale Mennonite Women.

                        Hang it on the wall in your kitchen or dining room, display it on a shelf or use it as a serving tray!
                        Mennonite Feeding Stations were opened in Europe following the second World War. This piece is a
                        replica of the actual Mennonite Feeding Station sign that was designed in 1939 by Ernest Bennet and
                        made in 1945. It hung outside at a feeding station in Kaiserslautern, Germany in the American zone.
                        The original sign was donated by Norma Jost Voth in 1950 to the Kaufman Museum in North Newton,
                        When the feeding program in Kaiserslautern began, the focus was on providing bread to children.
4561   Station - A
                        Later, Mennonite Central Committee added a home for the temporary care of undernourished
       Piece of MCC
                        children from Berlin and, in 1949, a neighborhood center.
                        MCC was formed when representatives of various Mennonite and Mennonite Brethren groups met in
                        July 1920 in Elkhart, Indiana, and pledged to aid hungry people, including Mennonites in southern
                        Russia (present-day Ukraine). The first feeding operations began March 16, 1922, at Khortitsa. MCC
                        sent a shipment of 25 tractors and plows to southern Russia in June, 1922.
                        The wooden element of this piece was handcrafted by an artisan in Siberia using Siberian hardwood.
                        The wood and printed insert are not sealed for water or food use; please do so before using it as a
                        tray to avoid damage.

                               © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Other: MCC      This beautiful pitcher was made by Goshen area potter, Mark Goertzen (https://goertzenpottery.com/
4562   Centennial      ). He was commissioned to make forty centennial pitchers in honor of MCC's 100-year celebration. It
       Pitcher         stands 10 inches tall.

                     Gun cabinet, glass doors, holds six guns. Made of oak, with 2 drawers and 2 compartments.
                     76" high x 38" wide x 19" deep
4566   Wood: Cabinet Builder not listed. Looks like new.
                     Donated by Steve Weaver.

       Wood: Rolling Standard-size rolling pin with stand made of maple and walnut.
4571   Pin           Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                       Rustic live-edge walnut bench or coffee table for indoor use.
4572   Wood: Bench 17" high x 15" wide x 6 feet long
       or coffee table Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                       Rustic live edge walnut bench or coffee table.
4573   Wood: Bench 17" high x 14" wide x 65" long
       or coffee table Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                       Bowl with lid made from Vermont birch.
4574   Wood: Bowl      5" high x 7.5" wide
                       Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                       Maple bowl with lid.
4575   Wood: Bowl      3.5" high x 6" wide
                       Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                       Cedar bowl with lid.
4576   Wood: Bowl      5" high x 4.5" wide
                       Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

       Cedar bowl      Cedar bowl with lid.
4577   with lid        5" high x 7" tall
                       Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                       Walnut bowl with lid.
4578   Wood: Bowl      5" high x 6" wide
                       Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                       Bowl with lid made from walnut, oak, cherry, and maple woods.
                       4.5" high x 6" wide.
4579   Wood: Bowl      Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                       Multipurpose bowl made from walnut, oak, and cherry wood.
4580   Wood: Bowl      4" high x 10.5" wide
                       Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                       Multipurpose bowl made of walnut, oak, and cherry wood.
4581   Wood: Bowl      4" high x 8.5" wide
                       Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                       Bowl with lid, made of various types of wood.
4582   Wood: Bowl      5" high x 6" wide
                       Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                       One quarter of pasture-raised, grain-finished Angus beef. Buyer determines month of butcher.
                       Included is the beef and all processing. Processing to be done by Valley Meat Processors. Glendor
4583   Other: One      Farm will schedule butcher and processing for late November, 2020.
       quarter beef    Made by GlenDor farms and the good Lord!
                       Donated by GlenDor farms

                              © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Afghan made with dark blue, sage green, and white acrylic yarn. Afghan made with entrelac crochet stitch
                       pattern. Entrelac refers to a type of pattern consisting of colored squares or diamonds organized in a
4584   Quilt: Afghan   repeating pattern to create a visually enticing graphic texture.
                       56" x 56"
                       Made and donated by Beth Brunk.

       Wood:           Solid oak bookcase with adjustable shelves.
4586   Bookcase        34" high x 10" wide x 31" long
                       Made and donated by David Longacre.

                       Foyer hall table made with solid walnut.
4587   Wood: Hall      31" high x 14" wide x 50" long
       table           Made and donated by Elmer E. Kennel.
                      Two cutting boards. The end grain redbud is from a tree at Park View Mennonite Church, and the
                      osage orange is from a tree on Switchboard Road.
4588   Wood:          Board #1: 1" high x 11.5" wide x 17" long
       Cutting Boards Board #2: 1" high x 8.25" wide x 11.75" long

                       Made and donated by Elmer E. Kennel.

       Quilt: Antique Antique crazy quilt. Multicolored with cotton backing.
4589                  76" high x 72" wide
       crazy quilt    Unknown maker. Donated by Marianne Kennel.

                      Antique crocheted bedspread in off-white cotton.
       Quilt: Antique 110" high by 94" wide.
4592   crocheted      Maker unknown.
       bedspread      Donated by Marianne Kennel.
                       Heritage Medallion quilt, appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted. Made of purple, green, brown, and off
                       white cotton.
       Quilt:          105" high x 84" wide
4593   Heritage        Detail of the pieced and appliqued quilt made by M. Campbell in 1795. The central motif is worked in
       Medallion       reverse applique. Can be used as a wall hanging.
                       Made and designed by Ruth Hartman. Quilted by Esther Rohrer in 1995.
                       Donated by Marianne Kennel.

                       Under the Sea comforter, pieced and knotted. Preprinted, blue, and yellow 100% cotton fabric.
4632   Quilt:          80" x 65"
       Comforter       Made and donated by Shirley Hochstetler.

                    A pair of oak stands with inlaid ceramic tile.
                    23" high, top is 14" square
4636   Wood: Stands Made and donated by David Longacre.

                       Multicolored wall hanging, pieced and hand quilted. Variation of Jacob's Ladder.
4637   Quilt: Wall     47.5" x 42"
       hanging         Made and donated anonymously.

       Quilt: Knotted Knotted cat comforter in brown, beige, dark blue, and cat prints.
4640   comforter      82" x 61"
                      Made and donated by Harrisonburg Mennonite Church--Women's Service and Friendship Circle.

       Quilt: Knotted Knotted, pieced, red and green comforter with red flannel back.
4644   comforter      78.5" x 62.5"
                      Made and donated by Harrisonburg Mennonite Church--Women's Service and Friendship Circle.

       Wood:         Old yellow pine wooden bench or garden or porch
4645   Outside bench 72’ long x 17” high f
                     Made and donated by Glenn Zendt.

       Other: Radio,
       record, CD,     Radio, record, CD, and tape player.
4647   and tape        12" high x 31" wide x 13" long
       player          Donated by Henry Brunk.

                              © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Other: First
4649   day issue gold 22 carat golden replicas of first day issue stamps. Forty pages from January 1988 to February 1989.
       stamp          Donated by Henry Brunk.

       Quilt: Knotted Pieced and knotted comforter in red and green cotton.
4682   comforter      80" x 60"
                      Made and donated by Pauline Zehr Myers and Rosalyn Myers Kniss.

       Quilt:            Knotted comforter in blue and tan cotton and poly cotton fabric. Backing is flannel.
4683   Comforter         80" x 60"
                         Made and donated by Park View Mennonite Women.

       Quilt:            Knotted comforter in pink, blue, and purple cotton and poly cotton fabrics. Back is flannel.
4684   Comforter         80" x 60"
                         Made and donated by Parkview Mennonite Women.

       Quilt:            Knotted comforter in multicolored cotton and poly cotton fabrics. Back is flannel.
4685                     80" x 60"
       Comforter         Made and donated by Parkview Mennonite Women.

                         A Stack and Whack quilt in burgundy, green, and fruit themed cotton fabric.
4686   Quilt: Stack      71" x 92"
       and Whack         Pieced by Martha Jane Graber, quilted by Park View Mennonite Women. Donated by Park View
                         Mennonite Women.

       Quilt: Starry     Starry Night quilt, pieced and hand quilted in blues, browns, and blacks.
4694   Night             102" x 115'
                         Made and donated by Mt. Pleasant Mennonite Church, Harrisonburg, Virginia.

                         Proud Peacock quilt, appliqued and hand quilted in purple, green, and brown.
4695   Quilt: Proud      95" x 112"
       Peacock           Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Quilt: Trip       Trip Around the World quilt, pieced and hand quilted in lavenders and purples.
4696   Around the        96" x 108"
       World             Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Quilt: Lone       Lone Star quilt in red, green, and beige. Pieced and hand quilted.
4697   Star              99" x 112"
                         Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Quilt:            Multi colored-brown print. Appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted Applique Sampler quilt.
4699   Applique          100" x 112"
       Sampler           Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Quilt:            Improved Lone Star quilt, appliqued, pieced and hand quilted in reds, greens, and blues.
4700   Improved          100" x 112"
       Lone Star         Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Quilt:            Chrysalis Star quilt, pieced and hand quilted in brown, turquoise, and white.
4702   Chrysalis Star    101" x 108"
                         Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

                        Star Spin quilt, pieced and hand quilted in black, grey, and multicolors.
4703   Quilt: Star Spin 101" x 114"
                        Donated by Friends of Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Quilt: Light in   Light in the Dale quilt, pieced and hand quilted in twill, gray, and black.
4704   the Dale          102" x 114"
                         Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

                                © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Red Tricky Square quilt, pieced and hand quilted.
4705   Quilt: Tricky   102" x 116"
       Square          Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Quilt:         Feathered Twinkling Star quilt, pieced and hand quilted in navy, blue, and burgundy.
4706   Feathered      107"x 117"
       Twinkling Star Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

                       Counted cross stich of a painted bunting with the verse "God is our refuge and strength" in a
       Quilt: Cross    purchased frame.
4707   stitch          14" x 14"
                       Made and donated by Rhoda S. Wenger.

                       Counted cross stitch with Psalm 19:14 stitched with a border of flowers. Frame was handmade by
       Quilt: Cross    Omar Showalter.
4708   stitch          14.75" high x 17.5" wide
                       Made and donated by Rhoda S. Wenger

       Wood: Wine      WIne rack for eight bottles: fits on kitchen counter under cupboards. Handmade from white oak.
4709   Rack            15" high x 12" wide x 20" long
                       Made and donated by John Augsburger.

       Wood:           Toddler's rocker handmade using white oak with Early American stain.
                       16" high x 10" wide x 28" long
4710   Toddler's       Made and donated by John Augsburger.
       rocker          Boots are not included.

       Other: Home- Three 10-ounce bags of whole-bean coffee roasted the week of the Relief Sale. One each of Colombia
4711   roasted coffee San Antonia, Ethiopia Guji, and Bali Blue Moon. Made and donated by Phil Kniss.

                       Walnut table, stained and varnished with two coats urethane.
4751   Wood: Table     30" high x 14" wide x 22" long
                       Made and donated by Joe Shank.

                       P. Buckley Moss print "A Community Spirit." Matted and framed. 25" high x 31" wide.
       Art: P. Buckley In 1996, P. Buckley Moss donated 1000 prints to MCC. This is print #625/1000 and is autographed by
4781   Moss            Moss.
                       Donated by Fern and Marv Nisly.

       Quilt: Celtic   Celtic Rose quilt, pieced and hand quilted in green and burgundy.
4782   Rose            108" x 119"
                       Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Quilt: Star     Star Burst quilt, pieced and hand quilted in red, navy, and black.
4783   Burst           109" x 118"
                       Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Quilt: Hearts   Hearts All Around quilt, pieced and hand quilted in navy, green, and white.
4784   All Around      116" x 116"
                       Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Quilt: Eight    Eight Point Star quilt, pieced and hand quilted in browns and twills.
4785   Point Star      116" x 120"
                       Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Wood: Child's   Two child's chairs in walnut. Handcrafted by Jay Hartzler from repurposed walnut.
4787   chairs          Seat 11" high, chair 23" high x 14" wide
                       Redonated by Galen and Gloria Lehman.

       Wood:           Refinished chair with caned seat, caning done by Lester C. Shenk.
4788   Refinished      Seat height 18", chair height 34" x 16.5" wide.
       chair           Refinished and donated by Galen and Gloria Lehman.

                       Water color painting of tulips.
                       Picture: 9.5" by 21"
4789   Art: Water      Framed: 15" x 25"
       color           Painted by Carolyn Miller.
                       Donated by Galen and Gloria Lehman

                              © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
Other:           Tall ceramic vase handcrafted by Eric Kniss, potter, in 1989. Colors in grey and red.
4790   Ceramic vase     11.5" high x 7" wide
                        Donated by Galen and Gloria Lehman

                        Monkeys on Parade baby quilt, pieced with preprinted Curious George blocks and red, blue, yellow,
                        and brown cotton.
4791   Quilt: Baby      53" x 42"
       quilt            Pieced by Barb Garett. Quilted by Material Resources Center.
                        Donated by MCC Quilt Room.

                        Flowering Nature wall hanging in green, blue, and yellow cotton. Appliqued, pieced, and hand
       Quilt: Wall      quilted. (No rod pocket).
4792   hanging          26" x 26"
                        Pieced by Ellen Ressler, Appliqued by Helena Dueck. Quilted by Material Resource Center, MCC Quilt

                        Barn Stars quilt, pieced and hand quilted in tan, brown, blue, red, and green cotton. Border of red
       Quilt: Barn      and printed black.
4793   Stars            102" x 84"
                        Pieced by Connie Lapp. Quilted by Material Resources Center, MCC Quilt Room.

                     Modern Plaid throw, in brow, green, gold, and off white cottons. Off-white background is Moda
                     Marble "Grunge" fabric. Grunge texture has darker scattered spots in the fabric. Pieced by Linda
4794   Quilt: Modern Matthews. Machine quilted.
       Plaid throw   62" x 54"
                     Donated by MCC Quilt Room.
                        Appliqued and hand quilted by unknown maker. Blue and periwinkle cotton with some minor
4798   Quilt: Vintage   84" x 84"
                        Donated by Beverly Stauffer.

                        Each New Day wall hanging has embroidered words to encourage. Machine pieced in cotton fabric.
4802   Quilt: Wall      Hand-quilted to be hung.
       hanging          32" x 27"
                        Made by Marilyn Yoder. Donated by Marilyn and Larry Yoder.

                               © 2020 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/28/2020 11:56 PM
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