Page created by Annie Howard
Week of March 25, 2019

                       R IS

0325PG01.indd 1                                              3/21/2019 2:24:29 PM
   (L–R): Rob Coleman, Denella Ri’chard, Joe Slattery, Michelle Sutter, Eva Jenner, Charlie Dunwoody

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0325PG02.indd 8                                                                                        3/20/2019 11:30:49 AM
Week of March 25, 2019

       Achieving bucket-list travel goals is the prevailing travel motivator for Canadians in 2019, and Croatia tops their list of emerging destinations, after finishing second to Iceland in 2018.

   Luxury a gold mine for
   retailers, Virtuoso says
                                TED DAVIS                                                                 Virtuoso has set a record for growth in the number of travel agents, called

   T                  ravel retailers who specialize in luxury
                     and specialty niche travel products
                    continue to defy trends that indicate
                   agents are in decline, says a report by
                 the worldwide Virtuoso network.
                                                                                                       travel advisors in the Virtuoso parlance. This population reached 20,000 in
                                                                                                       2018, a 14% increase over 2017. And that is up from 9,000 advisors ten years
                                                                                                       ago, said Betsy Goldberg, the public relations senior manager for Virtuoso.
                                                                                                          “The erosion of travel agents is in the mass market travel sector, but
                                                                                                       the reverse is true in the luxury travel market,” said Goldberg. “There is so
                                                                                                       much information online, and travellers need a professional to curate the
                                                                                                       selection and distill it down to more manageable levels… their time is too
                                                                                                       valuable for this work.”
                                                                                                                                                                     See LUXURY page 6

0325PG03-06-07.indd 3                                                                                                                                                                   2019-03-21 3:14:01 PM
Love Where You’re Going.

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0325PG04.indd 8                                                                             3/21/2019 2:12:23 PM
                                                 Let’s start by talking about the Canadian
                                                 market – how important is it to Solmar
                                                 Hotels & Resorts and how is the company
                                                                                                contributing to this preservation and hope to create
                                                                                                a more conscious traveller who leaves a positive
                                                                                                impact for future generations that visit Solmar
                                        getting its message out here?                           Hotels & Resorts and Los Cabos in general.
                                           Los Cabos is a well-connected destination, and

                                        we’ve taken that into our advantage to penetrate                Following up, maybe you could give readers
                                        the Canadian market and promote Solmar Hotels                   some examples of the kinds of things that
                                        & Resorts. Thanks to the multiple direct flights                Solmar is doing in the area of sustainability?
                                        operating daily from Los Cabos with airlines like          In June 2018, we kick-started the implementation
                                        WestJet, Air Canada and Sunwing, we’ve experi-          of Multistack technology in three of our resorts,
                                        enced an increase of Canadian passengers book-          which does not require the use of liquid propane
                                        ing at our seven all-suites properties. Based on our    gas, so our guests can enjoy their Mexico getaway
                                        data, Canada is our second, most important mar-         without hurting the environment. Additionally, Grand
                                        ket, so this is a powerful factor that determines the   Solmar Land’s End Resort & Spa took advantage of
                                        way we do business and create activities around         the hot Los Cabos sun by installing photothermic
                          Ricardo       Canadian travellers’ interests. Another factor that     solar panels in the property’s rooftops to provide
                           Orozco       has improved our relationship with this market is       every room with soothing hot water at guests’
                                        leveraging opportunities with Los Cabos Tourism         disposal. Since January 2018, this action alone has
                    VICE PRESIDENT OF
                                        Board and collaborating in the promotion of the         saved 250 tons of carbon dioxide.
                  OPERATIONS SOLMAR
                                        resorts and destination.                                   This year, we’re enacting a plastic ban initiative

                    HOTELS & RESORTS

                                                  We’ve been able to improve low-income families’ quality of life by
                                                  providing them with food, scholarships and obtaining funds to build
                                                  their own homes.

                                                 Where do Canadian travel agents and tour       throughout our seven all-suite properties and tran-
                                                 operators fit in that plan?                    sitioning to biodegradable items as commitment to
                                                 While we’re proud to call Canadians our        our pledge to preserve the diversity of Los Cabos
                                        second largest market, we work tirelessly to            and its natural wonders.
                                        cultivate the perfect activities to foster guests’

                                        loyalty to the brand. We’re implementing market-                Can you talk about Solmar’s pioneering
                                        ing actions with travel agencies or tour operators              efforts in Los Cabos and how the company
                                        to further promote our brand and leverage direct                has help transform this destination over
                                        flights from Canadian cities to the destination. As     the years?
                                        a bonus, we develop segmented promotions with              Since it was founded back in 1974, Solmar
                                        additional discounts and other incentives exclu-        Hotels & Resorts has fostered strong employment
                                        sively for the Canadian market along with training      opportunities for Los Cabos locals with a special
                                        for agents who sell our properties.                     focus in the tourism industry. Through the Solmar
                                                                                                Foundation, which supports the local community

                                                 Sustainability is a major focus for the        and helps locals achieve a better life through com-
                                                 company – can you talk about why it is         munity programs and activities, we’ve been able to
                                                 so important?                                  improve low-income families’ quality of life by pro-
                                           At Solmar Hotels & Resorts, we’re continuously       viding them with food, scholarships and obtaining
                                        implementing important sustainable practices            funds to build their own homes. Additionally, the
                                        rooted in the belief that Los Cabos’ unparalleled       foundation is an official home shelter for the destin-
                                        local flora and fauna is one to be cherished,           ation in case of natural disasters.
                                        not destroyed. We want to make sure we are

                                                                                                                MARCH 25, 2019 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • 5

0325PG05.indd 5                                                                                                                                     2019-03-21 3:14:54 PM

          The Virtuoso network counts over
      1,000 agency locations in 50 countries,
      which were responsible for US$26.4
      billion in sales for 2018. This new high-
      water mark represents an 11% increase in
      annual production for Virtuoso.
          There are currently 2,260 advisors in
      Canada, an increase of 18% in 2018 over
      2017. The volume of travel booked grew
      from $1.7 billion in 2017 to $2.1 billion in
      2018, representing a growth of 26%.
          The network is also seeing double-
      digit growth in bookings of key partner
      segments for 2019. These include
      tours, up by 11%; cruises up by 13%;
      and hotel bookings up by 26%.
          Agency confidence is high heading
      into 2019, according to new polling
      data from agency attendees at the
      Virtuoso US & Canada Forum in Austin,
      Texas, at the end of January. Ninety-
      two per cent of members are predicting
      sales growth for this year, and half
      of the respondents are forecasting a
      growth of over 10%.
          A strong majority – 84% – of
      members also reported that the US
      government shutdown did not affect con-
      sumer confidence in travel. And despite recent                   Adventure travel maintains its number one spot                          And, while they may have enough earnings
      stock market fluctuations, 58% of advisors say con-              from last year as the biggest activity motivator                    to afford a luxury trip, they may not have a very
      sumer confidence has not been impacted.                          amongst Canadians, with multigenerational                           big window of time for actually travelling. Hence
                                                                       travel again finishing a strong second. Italy                       a trend whereby Millennials are booking quick
      Canadian travel trends                                           continues its reign as the top global destina-                      trips to aspirational destinations – e.g. a four-day
      As of the fall 2018, there were 185 agency loca-                 tion, as well as the leader for honeymoons; it                      “getaway” to Tokyo, she said.
      tions in Canada that carried a Virtuoso designa-                 also finished in the top five in the Millennial                         On the more immediate horizon are the pref-
      tion. That was when a Luxe Report by Virtuoso was                travel and family travel categories.                                erences by Canadian travellers for March break
      released indicating the top future travel intentions                Millennials are proving to be a loyal cus-                       destinations, as determined by another Virtuoso
      by Canadians, according to surveys of Canadian                   tomer segment for Virtuoso’s advisors, due                          survey. With holidays occurring deeper into April
      Virtuoso advisors.                                               to a number of factors, said Goldberg. They                         this year, the prolonged spring travel period will
         Achieving bucket-list travel goals is the pre-                are inspired by the wealth of information and                       allow visitors to enjoy warmer temperatures in
      vailing travel motivator for Canadians in 2019,                  photos that they encounter online, but are also                     many destinations.
      and Croatia tops their list of emerging destina-                 starved for time to do their holiday research                           The most popular destinations for spring
      tions, after finishing second to Iceland in 2018.                and bookings, given their busy working lives.                       travel based on future bookings is Canada itself,

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                                                                                                                                                                                                  Vol. 51, No. 26


0325PG03-06-07.indd 6                                                                                                                                                                                  2019-03-21 3:11:00 PM
While millennials may have the                       Every August, Virtuoso travel advisors gather in Las Vegas for a week of intensive, one-on-one meetings
  money to afford a luxury trip, they                    with preferred product suppliers. In 2018, over 6,000 advisors and suppliers descended on the Bellagio
  may not have a very big window                                                                  Resort in Vegas, and conducted nearly 333,000 appointments.
  of time for actually travelling. The
  result is, they’re booking quick
  trips to aspirational destinations –                       fees for their travel expertise. About 96% of       advisors and suppliers descended on the Bellagio
  like a four-day ‘getaway’ to Tokyo.                        US agencies say their advisors charge fees of       Resort in Vegas, and conducted nearly 333,000
                                                             some sort. Those fees can range from less           appointments. The Virtuoso Travel Week is the big-
                                                             than US$100 to US$500 or more, but there is         gest conference event on the Bellagio calendar.
      followed by the US, then Mexico, Israel (Easter        no breakdown that is specific to Canada.              Go to for more.
      tourism), China, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, the       Virtuoso says it prioritizes sales success for
      UK and France.                                         advisors, providing opportunities to sharpen
                                                             their professional abilities and increase book-
      Agencies and advisors                                  ings with preferred partners. One way the net-
      Canadian travel agencies that are seeking a            work supports its members is by paying them
      Virtuoso membership must go through a vetting          100% of the overrides it receives from preferred
      process to determine their eligibility to join the     partners. Last year was a record-breaker, up
      group. This includes an established business rec-      55% from 2017 in overrides paid out to US and
      ord and the requirement that they have sold a min-     Canadian agencies, as a reward for the strong
      imum of $2 million in preferred partner products       sales performance, says Virtuoso.
      – the same requirement as for US agencies. Travel         Virtuoso travel advisors gather each August                                                   Betsy
      consultants who are employees of the agencies          for Virtuoso Travel Week in Las Vegas, for a                                                 Goldberg,
      are then designated as Virtuoso advisors.              week of intensive one-on-one meetings with                                                  the senior
         The great majority of advisors charge services      preferred product suppliers. In 2018, over 6,000                                           manager of
                                                                                                                                                    public relations
                                                                                                                                                      for Virtuoso.

      Best of the Best places to stay
             he latest issue of an accommodations “dream book” by Virtuoso has         2019 Best of the Best book. Amongst the Luxury Retreats are, for example,
   T       just been published for luxury travellers seeking unique, luxurious, one-
         off places to stay on their vacations.
         The new 2019 Best of the Best book is filled with over 1,300 of the globe’s
                                                                                       villas in 100 of the world’s most sought-after locales, from urban lofts to
                                                                                       private islands to ski chalets. For instance, the Four Seasons Resort Mauritius
                                                                                       at Anahita is an all-villa property along the island’s coast; each unit features
      top luxury hotels, as well as the hottest accommodation trends for the com-      a patio, garden and pool; the Cotton House Mustique offers 17 cottages with
      ing year. Readers will find special benefits at each property valued in excess   private verandas and plunge pools on a 13-acre estate.
      of US$500 per night. Each property is vetted through Virtuoso’s Hotels &             Some travellers are seeking countryside escapes infused with a sense of
      Resorts Program, and the portfolio includes hotels, resorts, lodges, tents,      place. Examples of these include the Domaine des Etangs, which features
      camps, private islands, villas, and apartments.                                  an 11th-century French chateau, contemporary art, landscaped gardens and
         Ranging from one to 4,000-plus rooms, almost half of the properties (48%)     a Michelin-starred restaurant; and the Penha Longa Resort, a Ritz-Carlton
      have under 100 rooms, and the same number are unaffiliated with a collection     Hotel that was once a retreat for Portuguese royals, containing five centuries
      or brand. About 44% provide enhanced benefits to Virtuoso travellers only.       of history nestled in a spectacular national park.
         To keep it fresh and responsive, Virtuoso has added 94 properties to its      (
                                                                                                                          MARCH 25, 2019 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • 7

0325PG03-06-07.indd 7                                                                                                                                       2019-03-21 2:57:10 PM
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0325PG08-09.indd 9                                                                                                                                  3/20/2019 12:06:03 PM
Cannabis: The Devil
           T R A V E L A W
                                                                and The Details
                             The medicinal use of marijuana has been legal in Canada since 2001. Recreational marijuana
                             use became legal in Canada on Oct. 17, 2018. Our column of Oct. 8, 2018 – https://www.
                    – spoke of the need to
                             update office policies, so as to reflect the impact of this development. Ontario’s Human Rights
                             Commission (OHRC) and its Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) have recently provided
              Doug Crozier
                             some helpful guidance in this regard.

                             In general                                                               employee’s disability-related need to use medical cannabis,
                             Across the country, people 18 and older (but subject to each             as well as information about any functional restrictions that
                             province’s ability to set a higher minimum age) can now legally          arise from either the underlying disability or the resultant
                             possess in public up to 30 grams of dried or “equivalent non-            medical cannabis use.
                             dried form.” With some limitations, they can also make canna-
                   Tim Law   bis-infused food and drinks. Except in Manitoba and Quebec,           WSIB
                             each household can cultivate up to four cannabis plants from          As of March 1, 2019, the WSIB has a new policy of its own.
                             “licensed seed or seedlings.” Modes of distribution vary by           A covered employee with a workplace illness/injury may
                             province, as each sets its own rules for sales, and advertising.      be able to access WSIB-funded (and monitored) medical
                             Driving etc. under the influence of the drug is illegal.              cannabis if:
                                 Those are the basics. As always, the Devil is in the Details.
                                                                                                    He has independently-verified neuropathic pain, spasticity
                             OHRC                                                                    due to a spinal injury, chemo-related nausea, loss of appe-
                             Ontario’s Human Rights Commission has tried to clarify issues           tite due to HIV/AIDS, or is in palliative care.
                             within its jurisdiction, by issuing a Guide (     Conventional treatments for such ailments have been
                             questions-and-answers-cannabis-and-human-rights-code). By               exhausted.
                             and large, the principles it reflects will be applicable across the    A health professional prescribes it, opining that the benefits
                             country, so it deserves a look.                                         outweigh the risks.
                                Summarizing some of its key observations:                           Dosage and administration methodology are ‘appropriate.’

                              Employers are entitled to establish work policies regarding         Other considerations
                               the recreational use of cannabis. Despite last Autumn’s              Check with any group insurer you have, to see what changes
                               legalization, they can prohibit workplace possession,                 (if any) have been effected in regard to its coverage due
                               prohibit an employee from showing up at work under                    to these changes. If it’s not already covered, don’t be sur-
                               the influence, and discipline staff who transgress the                prised if staff ask that cannabis-related coverage be added.
                               company’s rules.                                                     Consider the wisdom of advising clients in writing that
                              Only if a real or perceived addiction is involved will Human          transborder or international travel with cannabis products
                               Rights legislation apply. At that point, the employee is              will subject them to laws that are not as accommodating of
                               deemed to suffer from a “disability” and thus be in need of           these products as those that now exist in Canada.
                               Code protection.                                                     When staying in a hotel/motel room in Canada, one can
                              An employer must accommodate, up to the point of undue                consume (via smoking or vaping) cannabis if it is for a
                               hardship, any employee who is addicted to recreational                medical or recreational purpose but, as with tobacco, only
                               cannabis (or any other drug). This duty to accommodate                in accordance with posted hotel/motel policies.
                               is waived if it would result in a serious safety risk or other
                               undue hardship for the employer.                                       Employers of staff in Canada are encouraged to research
                              This includes the duty to accommodate those who                     the issues surrounding the recent legalization of cannabis, and
                               vape cannabis products. In essence, vaping is treated               to develop (and post) workplace policies that are consistent
                               as per the consumption of tobacco, so indoor vaping is              with this Brave New World.
                               not legal.
                              Where an employee is clearly unwell, and is known (or                   Heifetz, Crozier, Law is a Toronto law firm that has for years
                               perceived) to have a disability, the employer has a duty to         represented all aspects of the Canadian travel industry. The
                               inquire as to the potential existence of a disability, be it        lawyers at HCL also maintain a non-travel practice, covering
                               cannabis-related or otherwise.                                      litigation, real estate, Wills, corporate/commercial matters, etc.
                              Employers are entitled to request confirmation of an                To contact HCL, e-mail

      10 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • MARCH 25, 2019

0325PG10.indd 10                                                                                                                                              2019-03-21 3:15:49 PM
ETC teams up with STR                                                                                                                              has increased or declined
                                                                                                                                                      compared to the same time
                                                                                                                                                      period the previous year. This
                                                                                                                                                      data is presented through
   The European Travel              destinations over recent years,          allows ETC and its                   average daily rate (ADR) and        visual maps and charts that
   Commission (ETC) has             it is important for ETC to               members to make better               revenue per available room          are updated each quarter,
   teamed up with STR in a part-    have a partner such as STR               informed strategic deci-             (RevPAR).                           further allowing destinations
   nership that will see them       that can provide reliable hotel          sions in the future.”                    In reporting these metrics,     to quickly benchmark against
   serve the growing needs          performance data based                      The new hotel per-                STR includes absolute               competitors.
   of European destination          on comprehensive and up-                 formance data is based               figures and year-over-year             For more, go to www.
   management organizations.        to-date samples. This access             on three key performance             percentage changes to best or to
      As part of the partnership,   to current travel trend data             indicators – occupancy,              illustrate how performance
   STR will provide custom-
   ized hotel performance
   data to the ETC Executive
   Dashboard, an online
   resource which simplifies
   access to tourism data and
   market intelligence informa-
   tion for ETC members.
      This newly integrated
   data will enable viewers to
   monitor and compare the
   hotel performance of indi-
   vidual European countries,
   sub-regions and four world
   regions – Europe, Americas,
   Asia Pacific, and Middle
   East & Africa.
      That is in addition to
   the wealth of information
   already available on the ETC
   Dashboard, including key
   tourism trends in Europe,
   the economic impact of
   tourism on economies and
   employment, outbound
   travel trends from key mar-
   kets and airline bookings.
      The ETC’s executive
   director, Eduardo Santander
   said: “We are delighted to
   have partnered with STR to
   provide our members with
   this crucial information, as
   we continue our focus on
   promoting sustainable tour-
   ism growth in Europe.”
      Santander continued: “In
   light of tourist overcrowding,
   which has blighted popular

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                                                                                                                                       MARCH 25, 2019 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • 11

0325PG11.indd 11                                                                                                                                                       2019-03-21 4:04:51 PM
                                                                      arrivals reached
                                                                      21.1 million
                                                                      in 2018
                                                                       The tourism sector in Canada has reached another milestone, beating the
                                                                       2017 record for arrivals by more than 250,000 travellers.
                                                                           Continued growth, say Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC)
                                                                       officials, is a testament to tourism’s place as an essential contributor to the
                                                                       Canadian economy, and growing export industry. Since international travel-
                                                                       lers typically spend more and stay longer than domestic travellers, continued
                                                                       growth from global markets means tourism businesses coast to coast con-
                                                                       tinue to thrive.
                                                                           In 2018, visitors from the United States made up 68% of international arriv-
                                                                       als, while overseas visitors made up a record 32% of visits to Canada. Of the
                   international markets, Brazil (up 31%) and India (up 14.9%) had the highest growth, but China (up 7%) wasn’t too far behind. The
                   top three markets overall remain the United States, the United Kingdom and China.
                      The positive growth is being attributed to Destination Canada’s increased marketing efforts in international markets,
                   industry participation in China readiness campaigns, continued work on the increasing labour market, growth in meetings and
                   conventions, more international air routes and TIAC’s ongoing advocacy efforts.
                      Other industry ‘wins’ that contribute to record-breaking numbers include the movement of Mexican visitors to the eTA,
                   which has grown the Mexican market significantly since 2016. TIAC’s success in securing Destination Canada base funding
                   at $95 million per year and the continuation of the Connecting America program has also increased Canada’s presence and
                   ability to attract more international travellers.
                      According to TIAC officials, the organization will continue to share these successes with the federal government to main-
                   tain the sector’s international growth. TIAC’s pre-budget submission outlined vital areas that will enhance the industry’s
                   achievements, including a significant investment in skills and capacity building for tourism sector jobs, increasing Destination
                   Canada’s marketing funding permanently to $135 million a year to be internationally competitive, and a stronger focus on
                   measures to entice international business travel such as the reintroduction of rebates or tax incentives for those travellers.

                                                                The 3rd annual National Travel Agent Survey – an independent nationwide survey
                                                                of close to 700 Canadian travel agents – was expanded for the first time to include

                                                                non-hosted agents on commission and/or salary.
                                                                    New questions were added and the survey now provides insight not only into the
                                                                rapidly growing home- based sector, but into travel agents as a whole.
                                                                    This year’s survey was conducted during the month of January by a private
                                                                consulting firm with close to 700 travel agents from all across Canada taking

          LOOKS AT
                                                                part and representing a wide variety of chains, consortiums, host agencies, call
                                                                centres and independents.
                                                                    “Understanding home-based agents’ needs and priorities is very important to
                                                                us,” observed Flemming Friisdahl, founder, The Travel Agent Next Door – which

                                                                has access to the survey results and will be sharing the findings with its industry
                                                                partners and suppliers over the course of the next few months.
                                                                    Friisdahl pointed out that: “This year’s results are very interesting because they
                                                                contain a lot of new information that wasn’t known before and also reveal that many

          AGENTS AND
                                                                non-home-based agents are considering going home based in the future – and it
                                                                tells us what questions and concerns they might have before doing so.”
                                                                    Some of the key findings include:
                                                                 79% of home-based agents are earning more for working the same hours.

                                                                 43% of non-home-based agents are considering going home based.
                                                                 Agents revealed what is holding them back from going home based.
                                                                 60.5% of home-based agents said eliminating the commute was their main
                                                                   The survey also revealed that a very high percentage of agents who switched
                                                                from a bricks and mortar or a storefront to home based said they were happier and
                                                                over 90% said they had a better work/life balance.

      12 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • MARCH 25, 2019

0325PG12.indd 12                                                                                                                                          2019-03-21 3:17:17 PM
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one page CTP size last chance.indd 9                                                                           3/20/2019 2:23:29 PM
Cruise industry
           C R U I S E
                                                                      sets a course to


                                            e i n
                                                         stein has been
                                                                           Adam Gold-
                                                                        taking  the
                                                                                             ship captains,” Goldstein said.
                                                                                                 Forging meaningful partnerships is a key step in the sustainability
                                                                                             arena, and CLIA cruise lines are working with leading NGOs, including
                                    Go                global cruise industry’s message       WWF and GSTC among others. CLIA is working with destinations all over
                                                  of its commitment to sustainability        the globe, including sensitive ports of call such as Dubrovnik, Santorini
                                          to the world of late.                              and Barcelona, to ensure that cruise tourism is working for resident com-
              In a keynote address at The Economist’s 2019 World Ocean Summit                munities, destinations and visitors.
          in Abu Dhabi and at the ITB in Berlin, CLIA’s chairman highlighted                     The cruise industry operates in more than 2,000 ports-of-call globally,
          the importance of marrying growth opportunities with sustainability,               including in sensitive waters such as the Baltic Sea and the Alaskan
          observing that: “The water around and below us, the air above us, the              coast, and CLIA cruise lines are committed to meeting or exceeding
          communities around us, the people who work for us; all are critical                all environmental regulations. In addition, CLIA Cruise Lines are taking
          factors when it comes to planning sustainable growth strategy for the              action to reduce the environmental impact of ships through innovation,
          cruise industry. With opportunity comes responsibility, and we are work-           such as retrofitting ships with Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems designed
          ing as an industry to meet those responsibilities.”                                to remove 99% of sulfur and well over 50% of particulate matter, including
              Goldstein pointed out that: “The cruise sector represents two per cent         elemental and organic carbon.
          of the overall travel industry, we are a small part of the 1.5 billion individ-        Other emissions-related cruise industry investments include:
          ual trips made per year, but we need to play a leadership role in sustain-
          able tourism.”                                                                      Up to 25 liquid natural gas (LNG) powered ships that are scheduled to
              Outlining the cruise industry’s work in the sustainability arena,                be in operation by 2030.
          Goldstein highlighted three over-arching strategies: leadership, steward-           Over 70% of the cruise fleet – 152 ships – are already "dual fuel" ships,
          ship and partnership.                                                                able to use alternative fuels such as methanol and biodiesel, as well
              In the area of leadership, he pointed out that CLIA cruise lines are already     as traditional fossil fuels;
          leading the shipping sector in making a first-ever industry-wide emissions          Ships representing over 92% of the total berth capacity use low-
          commitment at the end of 2018, to advance sustainability on the seas, to             friction hull coatings to reduce emissions by increasing efficiency
          reduce the rate of carbon emissions across the industry fleet by 40% by 2030.        and reducing fuel consumption. Thirteen ships have air lubrication
              Said Goldstein: “We want to play our part in working towards an emis-            systems installed that reduce friction between a ship’s hull and the
          sion-free maritime sector, and this is an important first step.”                     surrounding seawater.
              Examples of how CLIA cruise lines are taking a role in stewardship
          for the cruise sector’s sustainability work, include on-board wastewater               “Sustainability,” said Goldstein, “lies at the heart of all we do, and no
          and sulphur treatment plants, and pioneering hull coatings, hull design            industry has a stronger interest in protecting oceans and destinations.
          and air lubrication systems. Plus, due to advanced waste management                Each day, across the cruise industry, individual cruise lines are working
          and recycling systems, there is zero waste-to-landfill from some of the            to improve upon this record through strategic partnerships, new tech-
          biggest cruise ships in the world.                                                 nologies, and bold sustainability commitments. CLIA cruise lines are
              “Beyond the pure environmental concerns, the cruise sector is also             constantly looking for new innovations that will lead to further emissions
          leading the way on labour convention and being aggressive in gender                reduction and advance environmental sustainability.”
          diversity in the marine division of our ships – which accounts for 15% of              Sail on over to for more on what
          the people working on the ships – up to and including women who are                CLIA and its member lines are doing in this area.

      14 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • MARCH 25, 2019

0325PG14.indd 14                                                                                                                                                   2019-03-21 3:16:27 PM

                                                                                               LU X URY
                                                                                                IN CLUDED

                                      OUR PI LOT
                                    SW UNG RIGHT…

                       We were soaring over Alaska’s pristine forests and mountains,
                  the helicopter skimming the treetops, when it emerged: Hubbard Glacier.
                   The countless angles refracted the sunlight like a beautifully cut jewel.
                     Our guide told us it’s the largest, calving glacier in North America.
                      We actually saw — and even heard — a giant iceberg break off!

                               CALL 1.844.4REGENT (1.844.473.4368) |

0325PG15.indd 8                                                                                             3/20/2019 11:33:31 AM
Holland America Line's newest ship,
                                                                            Nieuw Statendam

          Two if by sea

          Family bonds
          on a cruising
                                     t felt like I was venturing into the great unknown   that would take us to the US Virgin Islands and The Bahamas.
          as I pulled my carry-on towards the loading ramp of Holland America                 Throughout Old San Juan preparations were underway for the San
          Line’s newest ship, Nieuw Statendam, with my aunt in tow in the port            Sebastian Street Festival, a four-day party that draws in locals and
          of San Juan, Puerto Rico. While she hasn’t travelled much since having          visitors alike. Although we’d miss the festivities by a day, it meant we
          twins 18 years ago and I frequently find myself on the road, this trip would    were able to explore the area without having to force our way through
          mark new territory for me too, as my first cruise.                              swarming crowds of pedestrians.
              As we proceeded down the hallway towards our stateroom with keys                After taking in must-see attractions like El Morro Fort, we wandered
          in hand, my thoughts went from feeling fortunate to be able to share this       through the picturesque and colourful streets, stopping to take many
          experience with someone to a sense of panic about whether or not I had          photos along the way. Eventually, we stumbled upon the street filled
          made a grave error by willingly sharing confined quarters with a family         with colourful umbrellas, which has become a highly Instagrammed
          member for the better part of a week.                                           photo of Old San Juan. The installment pays tribute to everything that
              To my relief, that notion dissipated upon entering the well-appointed       makes Puerto Rico a unique place and is supposed to spark a sense of
          room, which had two beds and a massive veranda – double the length              exploration in the destination, which was hit hard by Hurricane Maria.
          and width of most other verandas on the ship – as my aunt shouted “oh,          Although there were very little traces left of the damages in Old San
          my word!” with pure excitement. And, perhaps, partaking in the welcome          Juan, the scars were still apparent in the stories we heard from those
          bottle of Veuve Clicquot helped a little bit too.                               who lived through the devastation.
              Over the course of the six-day adventure, we’d come to grow                     “I saw a lot of hurricanes, but nothing like this,” noted the hotel attend-
          closer exploring three new destinations, enjoying delicious meals               ant upon check-in. “When it was over I looked around and started to cry.”
          and nightly entertainment, connecting with locals and fellow cruisers,              “It was a very hard year,” a cab driver said a short while later, echoing
          and discovering there are lots of memories to be made both on and               his sentiments, adding that his family had no electricity for three months.
          off the ship.                                                                   “[Thankfully] tourism is really coming back now.”
                                                                                              Although we didn’t get a ticket, our visit happened to coincide with the
          Pre-cruise: Puerto Rico                                                         San Juan run of the hit musical Hamilton, and we just missed crossing
                                                                                          paths with Jimmy Fallon, who was on location shooting a segment for
          Set to join the cruise at the halfway point, we arrived in San Juan ahead       The Tonight Show, showcasing among many sights the very same street
          of time to experience Puerto Rico’s capital before embarking on a voyage        filled with umbrellas.

      16 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • MARCH 25, 2019

0325PG16-17-30.indd 16                                                                                                                                           2019-03-21 4:51:36 PM
The stateroom
                                                                A room with a view... and
                                   Puerto Rico                           Veuve Clicquot

          Day 1: Embarking in San Juan                         Rudi's
                                                               Sel de Mer
          After enjoying our fair share of local cuisine
          like pastelillos (empanadas) and mofongo (a
          common dish made with fried plantains), the
          time had come to embark Nieuw Statendam.
          Upon arriving at the terminal, the entire board-
          ing process took less than 15 minutes. As the
          port is very close to the heart of Old San Juan,
          we debated heading back for another stroll,
          but opted instead to get our bearings by doing                                                Ann and her
          a walk-through of the ship’s offerings.                                                       aunt, Adelheid
              It quickly became apparent that art is an
          important focus, with an impressive $4 million
          collection displayed throughout the ship. Many
          pieces have a music theme, ranging from an
          artistic shot of David Bowie to works made
          using cymbals. Overall there are works from
          180 artists on board, curated by London-based
          Artlink and Norway’s YSA Design.
              Another feature that catches my attention
          is a state-of-the-art gym and an outdoor run-
          ning track, but alas, in the end, I never made it                     Cocktail hour in
          to either one.                                                        St. Thomas
              After the tour, it’s time to lounge poolside
          and bask in the sun. Following dinner at the Lido Market, which
          has different stations serving up everything from hearty salad
          bowls to Asian fusion dishes, we head back to our veranda to
          witness the moment the ship leaves the harbour. Suddenly,
          there’s a knock on the door and a surprise delivery awaits.
          Joined by the addition of a plate of chocolate covered strawber-
          ries, we continue to admire the view. As the ship gently begins
                                                                                                                                Club Orange restaurant
          to move, it’s time for bed.

          Day 2: USVI
          The next morning we woke up to views of many sailboats in the harbour
          of Charlotte Amalie on the Caribbean island of St. Thomas. Having gone
          to bed leaving Puerto Rico in the distance, it was a thrill to be greeted
          by a completely new scene. This must be why people enjoy cruising, we
          surmise, before heading off to the Lido Market for a breakfast buffet and
          some much-needed caffeine.
             On the docket today: a shore excursion. After careful deliberation
          through pages of options for EXC Tours, we settled on the Panoramic
          Drive, Mountain Top & Aerial Skyride to Paradise Point tour, which prom-
          ised scenic vantage points from around the island and even views of the
          nearby British Virgin Islands of Jost Van Dyke and Tortola.
             Here, the hurricane damage was much more apparent, as hydro poles
                                                                                        Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, USVI
          were still being resurrected along the drive and some debris remained
          scattered across the landscapes. At the popular Mountain Top overlook,
          a very important taste test was required in the name of research, as this                                                         See FAMILY page 30

                                                                                                                 MARCH 25, 2019 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • 17

0325PG16-17-30.indd 17                                                                                                                            2019-03-21 4:50:41 PM

             he best way to experience Alaska just got
             better as Norwegian Joy joins sister ship
             Norwegian Bliss, and Norwegian Jewel
       in the last frontier this season. As the youngest
       fleet sailing Alaska, Norwegian’s three contem-
       porary ships offer 7-day cruises departing from
       Seattle, Vancouver and Seward to Glacier Bay,
       the Inside Passage and Icy Strait Point.

       When your clients sail with Norwegian, they
       will have an experience unlike any other. They
       can get pampered at the spa. Get on a roll in
       the Casino. Indulge in superb culinary expe-
       riences. Catch a Broadway show. Enjoy a
       cocktail at one the dozens of bars & lounges
       or get their groove on till the wee hours. And
       when they are ready to retire for the night,
       Norwegian offers a wide range of contempo-
       rary and comfortable accommodations. From             Norwegian Bliss and Norwegian Joy, Alaska
       affordable Inside Staterooms and adjoining
       Balcony Staterooms to the luxury of The
       Haven, Norwegian has everyone covered.                                       In April, Norwegian Joy is bringing her grandeur to the West
                                                                                    Coast by offering year-round sailings to Alaska, the Mexican
       Guests sailing on Norwegian Joy and Norwegian Bliss will experi-             Riviera, the Pacific Coast, and the Panama Canal.
       ence incredible, over-the-top activities including zooming around
       the largest race tracks at sea or they can jump in a laser tag battle
       under the stars. They will enjoy all new spaces including the 180-de-        Here are eight things you may not know about Norwegian
       gree Observation Lounge where the panoramic views are spectacu-              Joy, one of Norwegian’s newest ships.
       lar. There are new culinary delights including Q Smokehouse, Food
       Republic and even Starbucks® has joined the Norwegian family.                1. She is a sister ship to Norwegian Bliss
                                                                                    Built in 2017, Norwegian Joy offers decks full of amazing shops, res-
       As a bucket list destination, Alaska features icy fjords that tower          taurants, bars and entertainment for your clients to enjoy. Like her sister
                                                                                    ship, Norwegian Bliss, she features many of the same incredible venues
       over the Pacific Ocean while snowy peaks stretch towards the hori-
                                                                                    including the amazing 180-degree Observation Lounge.
       zon. It feels boundless, yet incredibly intimate. Norwegian lets your
       clients see all sides of Alaska the way locals see it, up close and          2. She has an onboard Race Track
       personal. They can venture into the wilderness on a dogsled ride             The first ever of its kind at sea, this thrilling two-level race track offers an
       in Juneau, witness Misty Fjords aboard a jet-powered catamaran               exhilarating combination of hairpin turns, a covered pit lane, and a view-
                                                              in Ketchikan or       ing platform.
                      Norwegian Bliss Observation Lounge      take it all in via
                                                              the rails on the      3. She boasts Virtual Reality and Laser Tag
                                                              Skagway White         The Galaxy Pavilion on board Norwegian Joy features an interactive
                                                                                    video wall plus interactive virtual reality experiences to get your thrill on,
                                                              Pass Scenic
                                                                                    including a Star Wars cockpit simulator. Plus, like her sister, she also
                                                              Railway. With         features an outdoor Laser Tag experience.
                                                              seven outstand-
                                                              ing itineraries       4. She features an outdoor promenade, The Waterfront
                                                              to choose from,       Designed to connect guests with the ocean, the quarter-mile Waterfront
                                                              Norwegian offers      offers an enticing combination of restaurants, bars, and fresh ocean air.
                                                              more variety than
                                                              any other cruise      5. She is the perfect ship for Families
                                                              line!                 Unique to Norwegian Joy, Concierge Staterooms offer more space –
                                                                                    enough to fit up to six guests comfortably. These staterooms with
                                                                                    upscale amenities range from Concierge Family Inside Staterooms with
                                                            For those clients       two bedrooms and a virtual balcony to Concierge Penthouse and Villa
                                                            who have more           Suites with actual balconies.
                                                            time to spend
                                                            and are looking         6. She has an exclusive retreat Called The Haven
       for a more immersive Alaska experience, they can head deeper into            This exclusive retreat offers pampering amenities, such as a 24-hour
       the frozen wilderness on an Alaska Cruisetour. Norwegian’s 11-, 12-,         certified butler, private pool access, and an incredible two-story obser-
       or 14-day Cruisetours combine a 7-day cruise with a land vacation            vation area, Horizon Lounge, along with a sundeck, a hot tub, and an
       that’s fully escorted by local Alaskan guides. They can head into            upscale restaurant.
       Denali National Park in search of grizzly bears, moose and more.
                                                                                    7. She has a wide array of Dining Options
       Board the Alaska Railroad and listen to personal stories of life in          With 20 different dining options from 5-course dining in the Main Dining
       Alaska as they watch the spectacular changing scenery. They can              Rooms to Italian, a steakhouse, Teppanyaki and more, there is some-
       even mush their way across a frozen tundra. There is no better way           thing for everyone.
       to discover Alaska’s wild side.
                                                                                    8. She will feature Tony Award®–Nominated Musical Footloose
                                                                                    Footloose, based on the wildly popular movie featuring the hit music of
                                                                                    Grammy Award®-winning artist, Kenny Loggins, will debut for the first
                                                                                    time at sea aboard Norwegian Joy.

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0325PG18.indd 8                                                                                                                                            3/20/2019 12:09:01 PM
0325PG19.indd 8   3/20/2019 11:34:13 AM
A little Joy from
                   Norwegian Cruise Line
          NORWEGIAN                                Cruise Line has unveiled the
                                                   Norwegian Cruise Line Giving
          Joy campaign which has been developed to recognize and reward
                                                                                         Through our Norwegian Cruise Line Giving Joy campaign, we celebrate
                                                                                         the power of education and travel, and reward teachers who have taken
                                                                                         responsibility for our future, our children, and who lean into that respons-
          educators in the US and Canada.                                                ibility with all they’ve got.”
              In advance of Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6 to May 10) and the              Between now and April 12, Norwegian Cruise Line’s Giving Joy cam-
          North American debut of the cruise line’s 15th ship, Norwegian Joy, the        paign is asking for nominations of certified or accredited teachers in the
          company is leveraging the ship’s heartwarming name for a compelling            US and Canada who are inspiring joy in the classroom. The 15 teachers
          campaign that acknowledges and celebrates the intersection of travel           with the most votes will win a seven-day cruise for two. They will also
          and education by honouring deserving teachers that are doing the most          be provided airfare and accommodations for an award ceremony taking
          to bring joy to their students.                                                place in Seattle on May 3, where they will have the chance to win $15,000
              Andy Stuart, president and chief executive officer of Norwegian Cruise     for their school.
          Line, commented: “Travel is a powerful means of education. It brings               To nominate a favourite teacher, to vote and for terms and conditions,
          people closer to each other and to diverse cultures around the world.          please visit
          It promotes awareness and understanding… it broadens perspectives.                 And for more on Norwegian Cruise Line, go to

          ‘Cut Loose’ aboard Norwegian Joy
          NORWEGIAN Cruise Line (NCL)                                                                                          performances, Wine Lovers: The
          has announced that the Tony Award-                                                                                   Musical, known as the world’s first
          nominated musical Footloose, along                                                                                   wine tasting musical production, pro-
          with the classic aerial acrobatics                                                                                   vides guests the opportunity to taste
          show, Elements (pictured), and the                                                                                   a variety of wines at a lunch club-style
          wine-tasting comedy, Wine Lovers:                                                                                    experience, while enjoying a musical
          The Musical, will be featured on                                                                                     comedy about the joys of wine and
          Norwegian Joy which will begin sail-                                                                                 love. The show will be performed at
          ing to Alaska in May.                                                                                                the Social Comedy and Night Club with
              Debuting for the first time at sea,                                                                              wine served to guests 21 and older.
          Footloose, based on the popu-                                                                                           Norwegian Joy is set to reposition
          lar movie, follows the story of a                                                                                    to North America in late April follow-
          Chicago teen with a love of dancing,                                                                                 ing an over US$50 million renovation
          who moves to a small town with a                                                                                     that will make it nearly identical to
          ban on Rock n’ Roll.                                                                                                 sister ship, Norwegian Bliss, with an
              “We are very excited to showcase                                                                                 extended go-kart race track and new
          Footloose, a feel-good, positive show                                                                                dining and bar concepts.
          that encourages people to embrace new ideas,             Sharing the main stage with this revamped          Joy’s first seven-day, round-trip Alaska
          stand up for what they believe in and dance           80s classic will be the aerial acrobatics show,    sailing from Seattle, Washington, will be on
          their hearts out,” said NCL president Andy            Elements. This NCL favourite revels in the four    May 4 with calls to both Glacier Bay and Icy
          Stuart. “We’re certain it will have guests ‘kicking   elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire and fea-    Strait Point. Norwegian Joy continues with
          off their Sunday shoes,’ as they enjoy their          tures mesmerizing magic, high-flying feats and     Panama Canal sailings in October before offer-
          cruise vacation aboard Norwegian Joy as she           music and dance.                                   ing weekly sailings to the Mexican Riviera from
          makes her debut in Alaska in May 2019.”                  As part of Norwegian’s specialty dining         Los Angeles in November.

      20 • CANADIAN TRAVEL PRESS • MARCH 25, 2019

0325PG20.indd 20                                                                                                                                               2019-03-21 3:17:58 PM

     KATARINA line, the largest DMC based in the Kvarner region and the         excellent shore excursions to cruise liners in the above ports. MICE
     leading Croatian tour operator, is also the premier small ship cruise      department is known for providing unique venues and attractive
     company with weekly guaranteed departures from the end of April            programs to event organizers worldwide.
     to mid-October from the major tourist centers of Opatija in Kvarner
     area, and Split and Dubrovnik in Dalmatia. With a fleet of more than       With 27 years of experience a highly educated team of dedicated
     60 ships, the cruise line caters to all ages and budgets with itinerar-    travel professionals provides impeccable service and expertise and
     ies that give travellers the opportunity to explore the stunning natural   continues to design and develop unique tours crafted to perfection
     environment and historical, quaint Mediterranean towns while hop-          whether on land or sea.
     ping from one island to another. This unique way of travelling and
     exploring coastal towns is one of the most popular and easiest way           CRUISE HIGHLIGHTS
     to experience THE TRUE CROATIA.
                                                                                  HIDDEN GEMS
                                                                                  Witness spectacular coastlines and natural landscapes as you explore the many
     In addition to cruises KATARINA line provides excellent land pro-            hidden islands and bays of the Croatian coastline.
     grams with modern coaches. The most popular small group tour is
                                                                                  HISTORIC SITES
     the Croatian Rhapsody program starting in Zagreb, Croatia’s capital,         Discover the cultural and historical aspects of Croatia. On your Katarina Line
     visiting Opatija and the Kvarner area, and ending in Dubrovnik in            cruise, you will experience centuries-old palaces and incredible islands as you
     the south. This unique gastronomy and wine experience package is             make your way along this stunning coastline.
     absolutely the best way to see Croatia from top to toe.                      INTIMATE EXPERIENCES
                                                                                  Katarina Line is a small-ship cruise line, specializing in small group travel and
     KATARINA line also offers a wide range of accommodation facili-              offering luxury intimate vessels for a more bespoke experience.
     ties in all regions of Croatia and neighboring countries and provides

0325PG21.indd 8                                                                                                                                               3/20/2019 11:32:02 AM

      Princess MedallionClass Vacations
                                              ®                                                                                                                       TM

             The easiest way to cruise, exclusively on Princess                                                                                                  ®

            ’s been called the next wave of travel, but

      It    your clients will call it the most relaxing
            vacation they’ve ever had — Discover all
       the ways Princess® MedallionClass™ gives you
       more time for “me time.”

       Exclusively on Princess, MedallionClass™
       offers the fastest way to an easy, personalized
       and smooth-sailing vacation, all enabled
       by OceanMedallion™, a free, quarter-size
       device, that is key to opening doors: to
       your stateroom, the ship and to an array of
       enhanced experiences.

       The MedallionClass experience begins soon
       after guests book their cruise when they
       upload their essential travel information using
       the OceanReady™ App. And once they arrive
       to board at the Cruise terminal, they’ll go
       from go from curbside to poolside in a breeze,
       and start their vacation sooner.

       Even if your clients are on vacation to get away from it all, they can still stay   companion, they’ll be able to locate them anywhere on board – all using
       connected. Princess MedallionNet™ delivers land-like connectivity so guests         their smart phone or touch screens around the ship!
       can post photos, text, video chat, and stream their favorite shows and sports
       and more.                                                                           MedallionClass is now available on Caribbean Princess® and Regal
                                                                                           Princess®. All Caribbean sailings will offer Princess MedallionClass by
       DRINKS DELIVERED ON DEMAND                                                          the Fall of 2019 and this cruise innovation will also be available in Alaska,
       Once guests are on board, they’ll discover a world of enhanced features, like       Europe, Canada & New England, Mexico, the Panama Canal or along
       drinks on demand. Using a smart phone guests can order drinks anytime,              the California Coast.
       anywhere and have them delivered to right to their location – even to their
       stateroom!                                                                          Visit for more information and special
                                                                                           MedallionClass sales tools.
       With MedallionClass, guests don’t have to spend their vacation wandering –
       they’ll never get lost on board with our way-finding directions that guide them
       exactly where they want to go. And if your clients need to find their travel

0325PG22.indd 8                                                                                                                                                  3/20/2019 10:04:21 AM
                                                                to     $600                                  to spend on board                                                                    ‡

                                                                       FREE                                  room upgrade                                                     ††

                                                                                                             for your extra guests                                                                            ‡‡

                                                                           Princess MedallionClass™ Experience
                                                                           Make the most of your time away on a MedallionClass VacationTM that lets you
                                                                           do more of what you love. Enjoy the best wi-fi at sea, expedited boarding, keyless
                                                                           stateroom entry and so much more.

                                                                  Visit or call 1.855.428.6273

          ‡Up to $600 to Spend On Board per stateroom is based on voyage length and stateroom type. Offer is applicable to first and second guests in a stateroom. Guests with single occupancy will receive double the per guest credit amount.
          Money to spend on board may be used on a single voyage only, is not redeemable for cash, cannot be used in the casino and expires at the end of that voyage. Offer is not transferable and may not be combinable with other select offers or
          other onboard credits. Money to spend on board is based on the ship’s onboard currency. ††FREE Room Upgrade applies to booking the stateroom location you wish to sail in for the price of the lowest category within that stateroom type
          (Interior to Interior, Oceanview to Oceanview, Balcony to Balcony, and Mini Suite to Mini Suite excluding Club Class). Upgrade offer excludes select categories, including, but not limited to premium categories. Offer does not apply to the
          land portion of a cruisetour. ‡‡Fares from $99 for your extra guests apply to the 3rd and/or 4th guest booked in the same stateroom as the first and second guests and apply to minimum lead-in categories on a space-available basis at
          time of booking. Fares for other categories may vary. This offer has limited space regardless of stateroom availability and is subject to combinability limitations. Offer is available to residents of the 50 United States, Canada, Puerto Rico,
          Mexico, Bermuda and the District of Columbia who are 21 years of age or older and receive this offer. Fares quoted in U.S. dollars. Please refer to for terms, conditions and definitions that apply to all bookings. Note: For
          assistance reserving a wheelchair-accessible stateroom, please call 1-800-774-6237. Deposit of 10% per guest for bookings made under Come Back New Sale is refundable. Offer valid: March 1 – April 30, 2019. Reference promotion code: N3-/K3-
          ©2019, Princess Cruise Lines, Ltd. Ships of Bermudan and British registry.

0325PG23.indd 8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3/21/2019 3:02:57 PM
You can also read