ACTIVATE YOUR CURIOSITY - Making Sense of Science Science Summer School NI 2022 - Business Engagement Programme - Andrew Mawson Partnerships

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ACTIVATE YOUR CURIOSITY - Making Sense of Science Science Summer School NI 2022 - Business Engagement Programme - Andrew Mawson Partnerships
Making Sense of Science
Science Summer School NI 2022 -
Business Engagement Programme

You don’t have to be a genius –
science is for everyone. All you
  need to be is interested and if
you’re interested you can do it.
            Professor Brian Cox CBE
ACTIVATE YOUR CURIOSITY - Making Sense of Science Science Summer School NI 2022 - Business Engagement Programme - Andrew Mawson Partnerships
Sponsorship Packages, Headline Sponsor - £5,000
                                                                                                            • Sponsor logo displayed on all printed             • Interview opportunities for company
                                                                                                              promotional materials, display items and            promotion via social media, press, radio and TV
                                                                                                              acknowledgement of sponsorship will be called       engagements
                                                                                                              out by host during all events                     • Opportunity to shape and facilitate a workshop
                                                                                                            • Media release noting headline sponsor role          at the Science Summer School
                                                                                                            • Full sponsor advertisement in Event Programme     • 5 places at the Science Summer School NI 2022
                                                                                                              – PDF to be sent to all attendees and posted on   • A named award to be given at the event Prize
                                                                                                              all social media platforms                          Giving
                                                                                                            • Sponsor recognition on MEABC website with         • An exhibition stand and attendance at the
                                                                                                              link to your own website                            Science Summer School Parent Engagement
                                                                                                            • Creation of company profile video to accompany      Event
                                                                                                              social media campaign                             • 10 places at the Sponsors Event in Autumn 2022

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is proud          Hamlets. The school has worked with Wellnorth         Company Sponsor - £2,500                            Printed Programme Sponsors - £500
to announce that it will host the first Summer        Enterprises to develop the Science Summer School
Science School in Northern Ireland, with Professor    model nationwide with projects now taking place       • Sponsor logo displayed on all printed             • Sponsor advertisement in the event programme
Brian Cox CBE in Autumn 2022. The Science             in Rotherham and in the North West of England in        promotional materials, display items and          • Sponsor recognition on MEABC website with
Summer School aims to inspire young people to         Skelmersdale as well as this exciting initiative in     acknowledgement of sponsorship will be called       link to your own website
become the next generation of scientists with an      Northern Ireland.                                       out by host during all events                     • Acknowledgement of sponsorship will be made
inspirational programme that mixes the best of                                                              • Full sponsor advertisement in event programme       by host during the event
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts         The Science Summer School is not a stand-alone        • Sponsors recognition on MEABC website with        • Sponsor promotion and thank you on social
and Maths) through a series of TED-style talks,       event but is a catalyst for a collaborative vision      link to your own website                            media in the build up to, during and after the
seminars, discussions and hands-on workshops.         for the borough to nurture future talent. Speakers    • Creation of company profile video to accompany      events.
                                                      attending the event are sought out as industry          social media campaign
The Science Summer School was co-founded by           and academic leaders who are leading the way          • Opportunity to shape and facilitate a workshop
Professor Brian Cox CBE and Lord Andrew Mawson        across the STEAM subjects. The main event               at the Science Summer School
OBE in 2012 to help ‘make Britain the best place to   will attract 400 pupils from across NI with an        • Attendance at Science Summer School NI 2022
do science and engineering’. It is an annual event    additional evening panel event for students and       • A named award to be given at the event Prize
that has run successfully in London since 2012 in     their parents.                                          Giving
partnership with St Paul’s Way Trust School, Tower                                                          • An exhibition stand and attendance at the
                                                                                                              Science Summer School Parent Engagement
                                                                                                            • 2 places at the Sponsors Event in Autumn 2022
We Need Your Support!                                 Why sponsor the Science Summer School?
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council and its           Sponsorship of the Science Summer School NI
Manufacturing Taskforce are working together          2022 provides access to the schools network and       Overview of the year of Schools Activity leading up to
to inspire and support the future skills pipeline.    an excellent opportunity to:                          Science Summer School NI 2022
Essential to the success of the Science Summer        • Demonstrate your support for the development
School is the support from companies in engaging        of STEAM in local primary and secondary
with the year-long series of events in primary and      schools                                             Energy Detectives Programme       Young STEM Ambassadors          Eco Schools Programme
secondary schools and in sponsorship of the main      • Build brand awareness and enhance your              Cosmic Classrooms                 Energy Innovation Competition   NI Apprenticeship Week Events
event in Autumn 2022. The event will not take           company profile with the workforce of the           Wheelie Big Challenge             My Skills, My Life              World of Enterprise
place without the financial input from company          future                                              Hospitality Takeover Days         Climate Change Programme        Primary Business Challenge
sponsors and we would welcome the opportunity         • Enable young people and their parents to
to discuss the sponsorship opportunities with you.      understand the career pipelines available
                                                      • Associate your organisation with the prestigious
                                                        Science Summer School brand
                                                      • Build influential and comprehensive networks
                                                        with companies, schools, universities and
                                                        colleges and other key stakeholders.
ACTIVATE YOUR CURIOSITY - Making Sense of Science Science Summer School NI 2022 - Business Engagement Programme - Andrew Mawson Partnerships
Speakers secured to date include:

                       Brian began his career in the music       things scientific, having presented a
                       industry as keyboard player with          number of highly acclaimed science
                       rock band Dare and later with             programmes for the BBC including
                       chart-toppers D:Ream. In 1995 he          ‘The Universe & Everything’ (2021),
                       obtained a first class honours degree     ‘The Planets’ (2018), ‘Forces of
                       in physics from the University of         Nature’ (2016), ‘Human Universe’
                       Manchester and in 1998 a PhD in           (2014), ‘Wonders of Life’ (2012),
                       High Energy Particle Physics at the       ‘Wonders of the Universe’ (2011) and
                       DESY laboratory in Hamburg. Brian         ‘Wonders of the Solar System’ (2010).
                       is now Professor of Particle Physics      He also co-hosted popular astronomy
                       at the University of Manchester, The      and cosmology series ‘Stargazing
                       Royal Society Professor for Public        Live’ with Dara O’Briain (and for ABC
                       Engagement in Science and a Fellow        in Australia, with Julia Zemiro) and
                       of the Royal Society.                     award-winning BBC Radio 4 series
                                                                 ‘Infinite Monkey Cage’ with Robin
Professor Brian Cox,   Brian is widely recognised as the         Ince.
CBE                    foremost communicator for all

                       Andrew is a serial social entrepreneur    Community Partnerships Committee.
                       best known for founding the
                       Bromley-by-Bow Centre in east             In 2006 Andrew was asked to lead
                       London and the Community Action           the St Paul’s Way Transformation
                       Network (CAN).                            Project and help rebuild a
                                                                 dysfunctional community in east
                       Under the Andrew Mawson                   London. St Paul’s Way Trust School is
                       Partnerships banner, he launched          a key partner in this project. STEAM
                       Water City Group to create and            subjects sit at the heart of the
                       implement a vision for east London        school curriculum which prompted
                       revitalised by the opportunities of       Andrew and Professor Brian Cox
                       the 21st Century and the 2012 Games.      CBE to co-found the St Paul’s Way
                       He was involved in the Olympic            Trust Science Summer School in           We are happy to discuss tailoring
                       project for 19 years and was a Director   2012. This was a first step towards
                       of the London Legacy Development          realising Brian’s vision “to make the    of the sponsorship opportunities.
Lord Andrew            Corporation until 2018, where he          UK the best place to do science and
Mawson OBE             chaired the Regeneration and              engineering”.
                                                                                                          Please contact
                       Andrew is an aerospace engineer,          engineering through baking. He has
                       baker and presenter. As a finalist on     written, produced and performed live
                       the Great British Bake Off in 2016,       shows around the UK and Ireland          with any queries you may have or to
                       he grew a firm following for his          including at the Royal Institution
                       innovative creations combining his        and Edinburgh International Science      arrange an appropriate time to meet.
                       passions of engineering and baking.       Festival. Since leaving the tent, he’s
                                                                 presented a live cooking segment
                       A graduate of the University of           on ITV and has worked on baking
                       Cambridge, Andrew now divides his         projects with the BBC, Warner
                       time between researching Future           Brothers and the British Council. He
                       Aircraft at Rolls-Royce, teaching         has even baked a rotating jet engine
                       patisserie classes and sharing his        for Prince William.
                       take on “bakineering”: exploring

Andrew Smyth
ACTIVATE YOUR CURIOSITY - Making Sense of Science Science Summer School NI 2022 - Business Engagement Programme - Andrew Mawson Partnerships
Making Sense of Science
Science Summer School NI 2022 -
Business Engagement Programme
ACTIVATE YOUR CURIOSITY - Making Sense of Science Science Summer School NI 2022 - Business Engagement Programme - Andrew Mawson Partnerships ACTIVATE YOUR CURIOSITY - Making Sense of Science Science Summer School NI 2022 - Business Engagement Programme - Andrew Mawson Partnerships ACTIVATE YOUR CURIOSITY - Making Sense of Science Science Summer School NI 2022 - Business Engagement Programme - Andrew Mawson Partnerships ACTIVATE YOUR CURIOSITY - Making Sense of Science Science Summer School NI 2022 - Business Engagement Programme - Andrew Mawson Partnerships
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