A Trilogy Senior Living Community Gazette - Cloudinary

Page created by Johnnie Lopez
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Gazette - Cloudinary
A Trilogy Senior Living Community
                                                         Gazette                                       January 2022

New Year’s Resolutions in 2022

Inspired by healthinaging.org,
these simple but effective New
Years resolutions are sure to help
anyone who is looking to make
the most out of 2022. Here are
just a few ways that you can better
yourself as we begin the new year:

Stay sharp! – Being mentally
active is a sure-fire way to help your     keeping physically active can not      proud to teach courses in topics
brain stay healthy and alert. Whether      only be safe and healthy, but it can   including art, computers, history,
it’s getting lost in a good book,          help us stay happy and healthy for     humanities, international studies,
playing a board game with a loved          years to come. Talk to any member of   languages, music and performing
one, or simply sharing a childhood         our team about our Vitality program,   arts, psychology, social studies,
story with a close friend, the benefits    where we provide opportunities         recreation, science, health, and math.
of keeping our minds engaged is            for physical movement up to three      Talk to any member of our team
just as beneficial to the brain as it is   times a week. We’ll be more than       about what interests you today!
to opening our hearts. Need a place        happy to talk to you about your
to start? Talk to any member of our        comfort level, what you can do, and    Whether you’re looking to make
team about our Artisans program,           how we can help you get started!       a change or already love the life
where you’ll be engaged by creating                                               you’re living, we’re here to support
arts and crafts up to twice weekly!        Explore a New Passion! – As            you every step of the way. For
                                           a resident of our campus, there’s      more information about any of
Keep Active! – Equally as                  never been a better time to pick       these resolutions, talk to our Life
important to our mental health is          up a new skill or hobby. With our      Enrichment Director today. Happy
our physical health. Even as we age,       Lifelong Learning program, we’re       New Year from our family to yours!

             1315 KitchenAid Way | Greenville, OH 45331 | 937-548-1993 | villagegreenhc.com |
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Gazette - Cloudinary
Happy Birthday!
                                     Executive Director Corner
                                     Welcome to 2022!                     tuned for additional updates
Rosalie A.		          January 04                                          on how much of an impact
                                     I hope that everyone had a
Sue B.		              January 07     wonderful holiday and New            we were able to make!

Betty M.		            January 15     Year. Being able to celebrate        In the coming weeks, we’ll
                                     the end of 2021 with so many         have more to share about
Betty W.		            January 20     familiar faces not only was a        everything that we have
Richard R.		          January 22     perfect send off for the year        planned for 2022 – from
                                     that we just had, but perfectly      Theme Dinners, community
Mary H.		             January 26     captured the spirit of the           outings, retreats, and more.
Patricia B.		         January 29     year that we look forward            And if there’s anything that
                                     to having here in 2022.              you want to see happen
Staff                                As we continue to stay               at our campus, be sure to
                                     warm, I want to give a huge          talk to Chelsea our Life
Stephen H.		          January 08                                          Enrichment Director. They’ll
                                     “thank you” to everyone who
Averi K.		            January 13     participated in our 2021 Hope        be happy to hear from you!

Allie P.		            January 18     for the Holidays campaign.           Let’s have a great
                                     Driven by the kindness of our        2022, everyone!
Levi C.		             January 19     friends, families, and residents,    Yours in Service,
                                     our campus was proud to make
Ashley R.		           January 22
                                     a meaningful contribution to         Annie Carico
                                     our local charity ‘Rustic Hope’      Executive Director
Taste of Town                        this past holiday season. Stay

Beanz Buttercream
Bakery- January 6                  LEGACY LANE SPOTLIGHT
O Great One                        The Ladies were hard at work and having fun!

Congratulations to our nurse
Brooke for being nominated
for the ‘O Great One’ award!
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Gazette - Cloudinary
The Grinch Visits
Our Staff and residents enjoyed a visit from the Grinch!

Veterans Day                       We were blessed to have honored our veteran’s on veterans day for their service to
our country! Thank you veteran’s for your service.
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Gazette - Cloudinary
Monthly Trivia & Activity Corner
                                               All trivia answers will be printed in our upcoming month’s newsletter!
                                               Question 1: What was the first year there were fireworks for the New Year’s Eve
A Trilogy Senior Living Community              celebration in New York?
                                                                                              Help the penguin join his friends for a skating party!
      1315 KitchenAid Way                      Question 2: What is the
      Greenville, OH 45331                     state called when animals
         937-548-1993                          sleep during the winter?
   villagegreenhc.com |                        Question 3: What was
                                               Walt Disney’s middle name?
             Annie Carico
           Executive Director
                                               Question 4: What was the first
                                               toy to be advertised on TV?
             Nita Walker
      Director of Health Services              Question 5: What is the total
               Tonya Kelly                     number of dots on a pair of dice?
               MDS Nurse
                                               Flip the page for last month’s
          Jessica Ward                         trivia answers:
                                                Eve. Champagne
 Community Services Representative              consumed across the world on New Years
            Cheryl Stump                        Q5: Over 360 million glasses of ____ are
       Business Office Manager                  tree? Pine tree
                                                Q4: What is another name for a Christmas
             Chelsea Myers
                                                from? Britain
       Life Enrichment Director
                                                Q3: What country does eggnog originate
          Danielle Hibbard                      Santa’s sleigh? 9
        Social Services Director                Q2: How many reindeer in total help pull
            Tony Dirksen                        Christmas”? Bing Crosby
     Director of Plant Operations               Q1: Who sang “I’m Dreaming of a White
            Michael Ward

                                                  Word Search
      Director of Dining Services
        Natasha Sizemore
  Environmental Services Director
          Casey Steinbrenner
           Therapy Director
            Jen Shurelds
        AL/Legacy Coordinator

      Stay in the Loop
   Keep up with latest campus news
     and happenings by following
  us on your favorite social networks!

   We strive to provide the best customer
 service and quality care for our residents.
     Our Department Leaders are here
    to solve any concerns you may have.
      In the event that you need further
  assistance with any unresolved concerns,
      we encourage you to call or email                 ACTIVE                    BOOK                  HEALTHY                  PASSION
 our Compliance Hotline: 800-908-8618,                   AGE                    COMFORT                  HOBBY                RESOLUTIONS
    ext. 2800; or comply@trilogyhs.com
                                                        ALERT                   COMPUTER               INTERESTS                   SHARP
Newsletter Production by PorterOneDesign.com              ART                     GAME                MOVEMENT                   THEATRE
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Gazette - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Gazette - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Gazette - Cloudinary
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