Rotary Club of Christchurch South - NET

Page created by Alex Garza
Rotary Club of Christchurch South - NET
District 9970, PO Box 12-243, Christchurch 8242                Club Bulletin, 23rd June 2021, Issue 46

         Rotary Club of Christchurch South

Change Over
This week we celebrated the beginning of the new Rotary year, thanking Past President Joey for
his commitment to our Club over the last year, and welcoming President Liz to steer our club for
the next 12 months.

We welcomed Kathryn Dalziel into the Paul Harris Fellows and presented Alan McKinnon with a
Sapphire Paul Harris Fellow. Continuing with appreciation of club members, we presented
Certificates of Appreciation to Mel Opie, Kim Moss and Liz Bermingham.

Thank you to all our members and supporters, if it weren’t for you, our club wouldn’t be where
it is today.
Rotary Club of Christchurch South - NET
Paul Harris Fellowship Award
Kathryn Dalziel: Kathryn became a member of our Rotary Club on 28 May
2010. Since this time Kathryn has served on all four of our Club Service
committees—Community, International, Vocational, and in particular, the
Youth Committee. She has also been involved in or assisted with the
sourcing of speakers for our weekly meetings, Exchange Student
counsellor, fundraising, membership recruitment, public relations,
oversight of our constitution and the Southern Environmental Trust.
Kathryn has been much in demand to speak at our District’s annual Rotary
Youth Leadership Award live-in training programme. He was chair of One
Mother to Another, a service which provides gift bags to mums and carers
who find themselves going through a difficult time in hospital with a sick child. Rotary has been a family affair for Kathryn
as husband Andrew and daughters Julia and Emily have been involved in Club projects. They have participated in our
major fundraising—selling chicken manure, assisting with car parking duties at Women’s Golf, Buskers Festivals and
collecting for Pink Ribbon at Christchurch Airport. Kathryn willingly shares her knowledge and experience with others
thereby assisting the committees, members and the Club to achieve their goals. Kathryn has demonstrated the Rotary
motto of Service Above Self and in recognition of this, we were pleased to present her with a Paul Harris Fellowship

Alan McKinnon: Alan has been a member of our Rotary Club since 28 May
2008 and served as President for the Rotary Year 2013-2014. His service
and commitment to our Club was recognized in May 2015 when he was
awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship. Besides undertaking many
responsibilities previously recognized, Alan has served the Club and Rotary
in additional ways. Using his skills in computer programming he has
developed a system which allows members to record apologies and advise
if they are bringing guests thus allowing an accurate number of meals
needed to be provided by the Cashmere Club. He organizes the duty roster
and reminds members when they have a responsibility at the meeting. As
Assistant Treasurer, Alan manages the constitutional aspects of the Club’s business matters including membership dues
and the finances for special events. His considerable input was greatly valued with his involvement with the Rotary
Neighbourhood Support Project, Earthquake Recovery Committee, the Club’s Charitable Trust, the Club’s Website, the
Rotary Youth Leadership Award Committee and audio-visual management. At the District level, Alan has served a three-
year term as an Assistant Governor and been the chair of the Southern Environmental Trust. In all his responsibilities Alan
has shown strong commitment and leadership, is kind and considerate as a valued mediator and gives freely of his time
and expertise. In recognition of this, we were pleased to present Alan with a Sapphire Paul Harris Fellowship Award.

                                      Our Paul Harris Fellows
Rotary Club of Christchurch South - NET
Certificates of Appreciation
Mel Opie: A big thanks to Mel who stepped up mid-year to be our Foundation
Director following Alan McKinnon taking over as Club Treasurer. Mel gave the
club a monthly overview and recap of the Rotary International Foundation from
the beginning through to the present day. Mel kept us all engaged with his
detailed updates and none of us can say we haven’t taken some learnings from
Mel’s updates. Once again, thank you for your continued support and willingness
to help that club when required.

Liz Bermingham: Liz has been a source of guidance over the last couple of years
and particularly since becoming President Elect. She has offered assistance in
navigating the workings of the club and solutions when the club faced issues that
needed immediate attention. Over the course of last year, during Covid and in
times our members have been in need, Liz has been the first to assist and offer
support. Liz is always looking for opportunities to move the club forward which
will continue over the next year. Thank you Liz for your contribution and you can
count on our support during your year as President.

Kim Moss: Over the last two years Kim has willingly given up her time to collate and distribute the weekly club bulletin, as
well as creating flyers and visual material for club fundraisers and events. Although limited in her capacity to attend
meetings, Kim has stayed engaged in club activities by using her technical ability to create appealing visual materials. She
has also undertaken a major project digitizing our records. We thank her for her ongoing contribution to the club.
Rotary Club of Christchurch South - NET
Upcoming Meetings              Notices
07/07      Chris Jones
           Prostate Cancer
14/07      Deborah Alleyne
           Work in the CHCH
           Women’s prison
21/07      Karen Fordyce
           Odyssey House,
           Rehabilitation of
28/07      Club Assembly
           Club members only

Upcoming Events
Wednesday 28 July

Club Assembly
Rotary Club of Christchurch South - NET
Duties                                                                     Leave
Duty                     7 July            14 July                          Who                    From             To

Cash Desk                G Dockrill        A Airay                          M Whitehead            09/09/15         TBA

Cash Desk                S Mackenzie       K Gunasekara                     J Wylie                                 TBA

Reception                L Brown           D Peterson                       S Haye                 11/08/20         TBA

Speaker Host             R McKinney        D Conroy
                                                                            K Moss                 04/07/19         30/06/22
Grace                    R McKinney        D Conroy
                                                                            J Chamberlain          01/07/21         31/08/21

International Toast L Brown                D Peterson

Thanks to Speaker        G Dockrill        A Airay

Quote                    S Mackenzie       K Gunasekara

Speaker Reporter         S Harris          V Ellis

Sergeant                 A McCully         M Bruce

               Don’t forget to follow us on our Facebook and Website

  Record your apology by:
  •   Notifying the Reception Desk
  •   Email before 11am on that Wednesday
  •   Emergency apologies to Mike Bruce on 022 540 1251

  •   You will receive an email reminder a couple of days before the meeting re apologising or bringing a guest
  •   If you are unable to do your allocated duty, it is your responsibility to arrange a substitute and advise the President
  •   Please advise all leave of absence (three or more weeks) to the Secretary by email or in writing
Rotary Club of Christchurch South - NET Rotary Club of Christchurch South - NET Rotary Club of Christchurch South - NET Rotary Club of Christchurch South - NET Rotary Club of Christchurch South - NET
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