Page created by Roy James

                                                               I S A LW AY S
                                                               M A G I C A L AT
  PA G E 3.      Festive Menu                                  Join us throughout December for our deliciously festive menus created
  PA G E 4.      Christmas Day Menu                            just for the season.

  PA G E 5.      Boxing Day Menu                               We’re open on Boxing Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve too,
                                                               with bespoke menus and the real sense of occasion you want on
  PA G E 6.      New Year’s Eve Menu                           days like these, all topped off with a fabulous Champagne Sparkling
  PA G E 7.      Gluten Free Festive Menu                      Brunch on New Year’s Day.

  PA G E 8.      Gluten Free Christmas Day Menu
  PA G E 9.      Children’s Festive Menu                       GROUP BOOKINGS
  PA G E 10.     Children’s Christmas Day Menu                 We specialise in big occasions, with menus ranging from five course
                                                               feasts to buffets and canapés, and gluten free menus too.
  PA G E 1 1 .   Festive Afternoon Tea
  PA G E 1 2 .   Drinks Packages
                                                               D R I N K S PAC K AG E S
                                                               HOW TO BOOK
                                                               Enjoy a Moët & Chandon Impérial Champagne reception for 10 per
                                                               person,  a Bellini
                                                               Please visit       for 7 per person, or prosecco for 5 per person.
                                                               or speak
                                                               We        to one
                                                                   also offer anofexcellent
                                                                                    our team.
                                                                                            choice of wine, beer and soft drinks
                                                               packages to make planning your event even easier.

Giving the gift of great memories is easy.
                                                               HOW TO BOOK
                                                               Please visit browns-restaurants.co.uk/christmas
Buy online at browns-restaurants.co.uk/giftcards or pick one   or speak to one of our team.
up in the brasserie.
FESTIVE MENU                                                                                                           C H R I S T M A S D AY

      THREE COURSES • 38 PER PERSON                                                                                         • 90 PER PERSON
      Join us Monday or Tuesday, midday to 5pm, until 13th December for our early week offer:
      Two courses for 28 per person, three courses for 32 per person

                                                                                                                       S TA R T E R S

S TA R T E R S                                                                                                         ROA ST B UT T ERNUT SQUASH SOUP (V E) Butternut squash crisps, apple, toasted pumpkin seeds,
                                                                                                                       sage oil
R O A S T PA R S N I P & A P P L E S O U P ( V ) Parsnip crisps, crispy sprouts (vegan option available)               PA N -S EA RED S CAL LOPS WITH APPL E & PANC ETTA Parsnip purée, sautéed sprouts, chestnuts
N O RT H AT L A N T I C P R AW N C O C K TA I L Classic cocktail sauce, sourdough                                      FEN N EL POL L EN & OR ANGE-C UR ED SAL M ON Fennel, orange, sourdough croutons, fennel cress
S M O K E D S A L M O N Lemon crème fraîche, cucumber, radish, dill mustard dressing, sourdough croutons               T WICE- BA KED CROPWEL L B ISHOP STILTON S O U F F L É (V ) Pear, red chicory, seed granola,
                                                                                                                       fig & Bramley apple chutney
D U C K PA R FA I T * & M O R E L LO C H E R RY Pine nut praline, toasted brioche
                                                                                                                       GA ME & MUL L ED WINE TER R INE Celeriac remoulade, pickled mushrooms, cranberry ketchup,
B E E T R O OT, G O AT C H E E S E & M U L L E D W I N E TA RT E TAT I N ( V ) Pickled golden beetroot,                sourdough crisps
toasted pumpkin seeds, wild rocket (vegan option available)


MAINS                                                                                                                  B ROWN S FEST IVE TUR K EY Chestnut & cranberry stuffing, pigs in blankets, red wine jus
                                                                                                                       B EEF WEL L IN GTO N Seared beef fillet wrapped in mushrooms, pancakes & puff pastry with parsnip purée,
B R O W N S F E S T I V E T U R K E Y Cranberry stuffing, pigs in blankets, garlic & thyme roast potatoes, maple       red wine jus, beef dripping crumb
roast carrots and parsnips, mulled wine braised red cabbage, shaved Brussels sprouts with chestnuts, red wine jus
                                                                                                                       PA N - ROA ST ED S COTTISH LOC H-R EAR ED TROUT WITH BROWN SHR IM PS
S LO W- C O O K E D P O R K B E L LY W I T H O R A N G E & F E N N E L Grain mustard mash, cavolo                      Pommes Anna, cauliflower, samphire, white wine & shellfish velouté
nero, orange sauce, crackling
                                                                                                                       PA N - ROA ST ED VENISON Mulled wine poached pear, celeriac purée, amaretti crumb
B R A I S E D B L A D E O F B E E F Buttered mash, heritage carrots, pickled shallot, beef dripping crumb, mulled
wine braised red cabbage, shaved Brussels sprouts with chestnuts, black garlic sauce                                   PORTOB EL LO MUSHROOM, C HESTNUT & SPINAC H WEL L INGTON (V E) Sautéed
                                                                                                                       beech mushrooms, onion gravy
F I L L E T O F S A L M O N W I T H L E M O N & B A S I L C R U M B Sautéed heritage potatoes, roast golden
beetroot, Tenderstem® broccoli, samphire, seafood & white wine velouté                                                 Served with garlic & thyme roast potatoes (VE), shaved Brussels sprouts with chestnuts (VE), maple roast carrots and
                                                                                                                       parsnips (VE) and mulled wine braised red cabbage (V)
R O OT V EG E TA B L E W E L L I N G TO N ( V E ) Garlic & thyme roast potatoes, butternut squash purée,
wilted spinach

DESSERTS                                                                                                               CH RIST MA S PUD DING (V ) Vanilla bean custard, brandy butter
                                                                                                                       CH OCOL AT E T RIO Double chocolate ice cream in home-baked brandy snap basket, chocolate rum delice,
C H R I S T M A S P U D D I N G ( V ) Vanilla bean custard, brandy butter                                              salted caramel profiteroles
D A R K C H O C O L AT E TO RT E ( V ) Brandy snap basket, raspberries, butterscotch ice cream                         MA N GO & PA S S IO N FR UIT SNOWBAL L PAV LOVA (V ) Coconut sorbet, white chocolate, lime
S T C L E M E N T ’ S P O S S E T ( V ) Candied orange peel, home-baked biscuits                                       A PPL E & MOREL LO C HER RY C R UM B L E (V ) Brandy ice cream (vegan option available)
A P P L E & M O R E L LO C H E R RY C R U M B L E ( V ) Ginger ice cream (vegan option available)                      MUL L ED WIN E POAC HED PEAR (V ) Fresh berries, pine nut praline, chocolate sauce, Bourbon vanilla
                                                                                                                       ice cream
S A LT E D C A R A M E L P R O F I T E R O L E S ( V ) Toffee sauce

                                                                                                                       F O R T H E TA B L E
TO FINISH                                                                                                              B R I T I S H C H E E S E B O A R D ( V ) Assorted biscuits, fig & Bramley apple chutney, fig, celery

B R I T I S H C H E E S E B O A R D ( V ) (5 supplement) Assorted biscuits, fig & Bramley apple chutney, fig, celery
                                                                                                                       Coffee, tea, truffles* and mince pies to finish
B O X I N G D AY                                                                                                       NEW YEAR’S EVE

    • 38 PER PERSON                                                                                                            • 60 PER PERSON INCLUDING A BELLINI

                                                                                                                       S TA R T E R S
S TA R T E R S                                                                                                         ROA ST B UT T ERNUT & SAGE SOUP (V E) Butternut squash crisps, apple, toasted pumpkin seeds,
                                                                                                                       sage oil
R O A S T PA R S N I P & A P P L E S O U P ( V ) Parsnip crisps, crispy sprouts (vegan option available)               PA N -S EA RED S CAL LOPS & SPIC ED OR ANGE BEUR R E NOISETTE Parsnip purée
N O RT H AT L A N T I C P R AW N C O C K TA I L Classic cocktail sauce, sourdough                                      FEN N EL POL L EN & OR ANGE-C UR ED SAL M ON Fennel, orange, sourdough croutons, fennel cress
S M O K E D S A L M O N Lemon crème fraîche, cucumber, radish, dill mustard dressing, sourdough croutons               T WICE- BA KED CROPWEL L B ISHOP STILTON S O U F F L É (V ) Pear, red chicory, seed granola,
D U C K PA R FA I T * & M O R E L LO C H E R RY Pine nut praline, toasted brioche                                      fig & Bramley apple chutney

B E E T R O OT, G O AT C H E E S E & M U L L E D W I N E TA RT E TAT I N ( V ) Pickled golden beetroot,                D UO OF D UCK* Confit duck leg bon bons, smoked duck breast, beetroot, orange
toasted pumpkin seeds, wild rocket (vegan option available)
                                                                                                                       3 0 DAY AGED 1 0oz R IB EY E STEAK Confit tomatoes, roast mushrooms, Béarnaise* sauce, fries
MAINS                                                                                                                  PESTO- CRUST ED C HIC K EN BR EAST Heritage potatoes, wilted spinach, wild mushroom & white wine
B R O W N S F E S T I V E T U R K E Y Cranberry stuffing, pigs in blankets, garlic & thyme roast potatoes, maple
roast carrots and parsnips, mulled wine braised red cabbage, shaved Brussels sprouts with chestnuts, red wine jus      PA N - ROA ST ED VENISON Pommes Anna, mulled wine poached pear, celeriac purée, amaretti crumb

S LO W- C O O K E D P O R K B E L LY W I T H O R A N G E & F E N N E L Grain mustard mash, cavolo                      S EA BA S S & CH ORIZO Fennel & bouillabaisse risotto
nero, orange sauce, crackling                                                                                          PORTOB EL LO MUSHROOM, C HESTNUT, & SPINAC H WEL L INGTON (V E)
F I L L E T O F S A L M O N W I T H L E M O N & B A S I L C R U M B Sautéed heritage potatoes, roast golden            Heritage potatoes, sautéed beech mushrooms, green beans, onion gravy
beetroot, Tenderstem® broccoli, samphire, seafood & white wine velouté

30 DAY AGE D 10 oz RIB EYE STE AK (5 supplement) Dauphinoise potatoes, Bordelaise* sauce, dressed
                                                                                                                       10 supplement per person
                                                                                                                       1 6oz CH AT EUB RIAND FOR TWO Fries, onion rings, grilled mushrooms, asparagus, choice of two sauces:
R O OT V EG E TA B L E W E L L I N G TO N ( V E ) Garlic & thyme roast potatoes, butternut squash purée,               Béarnaise*, peppercorn* or Bordelaise*
wilted spinach
                                                                                                                       WH OL E FRES H LO BSTER Fries, watercress and garlic butter or thermidor sauce
                                                                                                                       FIL L ET ST EA K S U R F & TUR F FOR TWO Whole fresh lobster, two 7oz fillet steaks, fries, choice of two
                                                                                                                       sauces: Béarnaise*, peppercorn* or Bordelaise*
C H R I S T M A S P U D D I N G ( V ) Vanilla bean custard, brandy butter
D A R K C H O C O L AT E TO RT E ( V ) Brandy snap basket, raspberries, butterscotch ice cream                         DESSERTS
S T C L E M E N T ’ S P O S S E T ( V ) Candied orange peel, home-baked biscuits                                       A PPL E & MOREL LO C HER RY C R UM B L E (V ) Brandy ice cream (vegan option available)
A P P L E & M O R E L LO C H E R RY C R U M B L E ( V ) Ginger ice cream (vegan option available)                      CH OCOL AT E T RIO Double chocolate ice cream in home-baked brandy snap basket, chocolate rum delice,
S A LT E D C A R A M E L P R O F I T E R O L E S ( V ) Toffee sauce                                                    salted caramel profiteroles
                                                                                                                       M A N G O & PA S S I O N F R U I T S N O W B A L L PAV LO VA (V ) Coconut sorbet, white chocolate, lime
                                                                                                                       ST ICKY TOFFEE P UDDING (V ) Ginger ice cream, salted seed granola, brandy snap tuille
                                                                                                                       MUL L ED WIN E POAC HED PEAR (V ) Fresh berries, pine nut praline, chocolate sauce, Bourbon vanilla
TO FINISH                                                                                                              ice cream

B R I T I S H C H E E S E B O A R D ( V ) (5 supplement) Assorted biscuits, fig & Bramley apple chutney, fig, celery
                                                                                                                       F O R T H E TA B L E
                                                                                                                       B R I T I S H C H E E S E B O A R D ( V ) Assorted biscuits, fig & Bramley apple chutney, fig, celery

                                                                                                                       Coffee, tea and truffles* to finish
GLUTEN FREE FESTIVE                                                                                               G L U T E N F R E E C H R I S T M A S D AY

            THREE COURSES • 38 PER PERSON                                                                                    • 90 PER PERSON
            Join us Monday or Tuesday, midday to 5pm, until 13th December for our early week offer:
            Two courses for 28 per person, three courses for 32 per person

      S TA R T E R S                                                                                                    S TA R T E R S
                                                                                                                        R O A S T B U T T E R N U T S Q U A S H S O U P ( V ) Butternut squash crisps, apple, toasted pumpkin seeds,
      PA R S N I P & A P P L E S O U P ( V ) Parsnip crisps, crispy sprouts (vegan option available)
                                                                                                                        sage oil (vegan option available)
      T E N D E R S T E M ® B R O C C O L I & PA N C E T TA Poached Copper Maran heritage hen egg
                                                                                                                        PA N -S E A R E D S C A L LO P S W I T H A P P L E & PA N C E T TA Parsnip purée, sautéed sprouts, chestnuts
      S M O K E D S A L M O N Beetroot, lemon crème fraîche, dill mustard dressing
                                                                                                                        T E N D E R S T E M ® B R O C C O L I & PA N C E T TA Poached Copper Maran heritage hen egg
                                                                                                                        F E N N E L P O L L E N & O R A N G E- C U R E D S A L M O N Fennel, orange, fennel cress

      MAINS                                                                                                             MAINS
      B R O W N S F E S T I V E T U R K E Y Garlic & thyme roast potatoes, maple roast carrots and parsnips, mulled     B R O W N S F E S T I V E T U R K E Y Garlic & thyme roast potatoes, maple roast carrots and parsnips, mulled
      wine braised red cabbage, shaved Brussels sprouts with chestnuts, red wine jus                                    wine braised red cabbage, shaved Brussels sprouts with chestnuts, red wine jus

      S LO W- C O O K E D P O R K B E L LY W I T H O R A N G E & F E N N E L Grain mustard mash, cavolo                 PA N - R O A S T E D V E N I S O N Heritage potatoes, red wine poached pear, celeriac purée, mulled wine
      nero, orange sauce, crackling                                                                                     braised red cabbage, shaved Brussels sprouts with chestnuts

      B R A I S E D B L A D E O F B E E F Buttered mash, heritage carrots, pickled shallot, mulled wine braised red     PA N - R O A S T E D S C OT T I S H LO C H - R E A R E D T R O U T Heritage potatoes, browns shrimps,
      cabbage, shaved Brussels sprouts with chestnuts, black garlic sauce                                               cauliflower, samphire, white wine & shellfish velouté, mulled wine braised red cabbage, shaved Brussels sprouts
                                                                                                                        with chestnuts
      F I L L E T O F S A L M O N Sautéed heritage potatoes, Tenderstem® broccoli, samphire, seafood & white wine
      velouté                                                                                                           B U T T E R N U T S Q U A S H & B E E T R O OT R I S OT TO ( V E ) White wine, beetroot crisps, fried sage,
                                                                                                                        pea shoots
      B U T T E R N U T S Q U A S H & B E E T R O OT R I S OT TO ( V E ) White wine, beetroot crisps, fried sage,
      pea shoots

                                                                                                                        A P P L E & M O R E L LO C H E R RY C R U M B L E ( V ) Brandy ice cream (vegan option available)
      DESSERTS                                                                                                          H O M E- B A K E D C H O C O L AT E B R O W N I E ( V ) Honeycomb ice cream
                                                                                                                        F R E S H B E R R I E S & S O R B E T ( V E ) Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, raspberry sorbet
      A P P L E & M O R E L LO C H E R RY C R U M B L E ( V ) Ginger ice cream (vegan option available)
      S T C L E M E N T ’ S P O S S E T ( V ) Broken meringue
      F R E S H B E R R I E S & S O R B E T ( V E ) Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, raspberry sorbet            F O R T H E TA B L E
                                                                                                                        B R I T I S H C H E E S E B O A R D ( V ) Fig & Bramley apple chutney, celery, gluten free bread

                                                                                                                        Coffee, tea and truffles* to finish
      B R I T I S H C H E E S E B O A R D ( V ) (5 supplement) Fig & Bramley apple chutney, celery, gluten free bread
CHILDREN’S FESTIVE MENU                                                                                          C H I L D R E N ’ S C H R I S T M A S D AY

      TWO COURSES • 15 PER PERSON                                                                                    • 40 PER CHILD

S TA R T E R S                                                                                                   S TA R T E R S
TO M ATO & B A S I L S O U P ( V ) Sourdough bread & butter                                                      TO M ATO & B A S I L S O U P ( V ) Sourdough bread & butter

P R AW N C O C K TA I L Chopped iceberg, classic cocktail sauce                                                  P R AW N C O C K TA I L Chopped iceberg, classic cocktail sauce

G A R L I C B R E A D ( V ) Toasted sourdough, garlic & parsley butter                                           G A R L I C B R E A D ( V ) Toasted sourdough, garlic & parsley butter

V EG E TA B L E C R U D I T É S ( V E ) Cucumber, carrot and pepper batons, smashed avocado                      V EG E TA B L E C R U D I T É S ( V E ) Cucumber, carrot and pepper batons, smashed avocado

                                                                                                                 B R O W N S F E S T I V E T U R K E Y Roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, maple roast carrots & parsnips, shaved
                                                                                                                 Brussels sprouts with chestnuts, cranberry stuffing, onion gravy
                                                                                                                 S E A R E D F I L L E T O F B E E F W E L L I N G TO N Roast potatoes, maple roast carrots & parsnips, shaved
B R O W N S F E S T I V E T U R K E Y Roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, maple roast carrots & parsnips, shaved   Brussels sprouts with chestnuts, onion gravy
Brussels sprouts with chestnuts, cranberry stuffing, onion gravy                                                 F I L L E T O F S A L M O N Buttered mash, maple roast carrots & parsnips, shaved Brussels sprouts with chestnuts,
TO M ATO L I N G U I N E ( V E ) Roast heirloom tomato sauce                                                     dressed watercress

F I L L E T O F S A L M O N Buttered mash, dressed watercress                                                    TO M ATO L I N G U I N E ( V E ) Roast heirloom tomato sauce

DESSERTS                                                                                                         S A LT E D C A R A M E L P R O F I T E R O L E S ( V ) Whipped cream
S A LT E D C A R A M E L P R O F I T E R O L E S ( V ) Whipped cream                                             I C E C R E A M ( V ) Choose two scoops of vanilla, chocolate or honeycomb
I C E C R E A M ( V ) Choose two scoops of vanilla, chocolate or honeycomb                                       H O M E- B A K E D C H O C O L AT E B R O W N I E ( V ) Honeycomb ice cream
H O M E- B A K E D C H O C O L AT E B R O W N I E ( V ) Honeycomb ice cream                                      F R E S H B E R R I E S & S O R B E T ( V E ) Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, raspberry sorbet
F R E S H B E R R I E S & S O R B E T ( V E ) Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, raspberry sorbet

                                                                                                                 Hot chocolate and mince pies to finish

      • 22 PER PERSON
      E N J OY W I T H A G L A S S O F M O Ë T & C H A N D O N
      I M P É R I A L C H A M PA G N E • 3 2 P E R P E R S O N
      O R W I T H A R O K U G &T with Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic
      • 30 PER PERSON

Served with your choice of Good Earth Tea: planet conscious, natural teas.
Loose Leaf Tea; English Breakfast or Earl Grey

Tea Bags
Elderflower & Pear; Passion Fruit & Orange; Green Tea; Ginger, Turmeric & Lemon; Rooibos Chai

S A N D W I C H E S (on sesame multi-grain bread):
Turkey & cranberry
Heritage hen egg mayo (V)
Cheddar & Bramley apple chutney (V)

Smoked salmon & cream cheese
Prawn & baby gem lettuce

Clotted cream, blackcurrant jam, strawberry jam

                                                                                                A L L E R G E N I N F O R M AT I O N
                                                                                                Our food and drinks are prepared in food areas where cross contamination may occur
Mini mince pies (V)
                                                                                                and our menu descriptions do not include all ingredients. Full allergen information
Victoria sponge (V)                                                                             will be available from early August to allow you to confirm your booking. At this point
Mango & passion fruit torte                                                                     our easy to use allergen guide will be available for you to use on the food section of
Glazed chocolate rum delice                                                                     our website or on our Glass Onion app. The information available is, to the best of our
Blackcurrant & vanilla profiteroles (V)                                                         knowledge correct, however is subject to change between the time of advance booking
                                                                                                and the time of dining. If you have any questions, allergies or intolerances, or you require
                                                                                                our allergen information, please let us know before booking and at the time of your visit.
                                                                                                Please refer to our allergen information at the time of your visit to check for changes.
    W E A R E P R O U D T O D O N AT E 5 0 P F R O M E V E R Y B R O W N S
    A F T E R N O O N T E A T O S H E LT E R *, T H E H O U S I N G A N D                       (V) = made with vegetarian ingredients, (VE) = made with vegan ingredients, however
    H O M E L E S S N E S S C H A R I T Y.
                                                                                                some of our preparation, cooking and serving methods could affect this. If you require
                                                                                                more information, please ask your server. Fish dishes may contain small bones.* = this
                                                                                                dish contains alcohol. All calories are correct at the time of menu print. Live nutrition
                                                                                                information is available online. Adults need around 2000kcal a day. All items are subject
                                                                                                to availability.
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