6 Week Lenten Challenge - AND THE PEOPLE WHO EXPERIENCED IT - Highland Church of ...

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6 Week Lenten Challenge - AND THE PEOPLE WHO EXPERIENCED IT - Highland Church of ...

6 We e k L e n t e n C h a l l e n g e
6 Week Lenten Challenge - AND THE PEOPLE WHO EXPERIENCED IT - Highland Church of ...
6-Week Lenten Challenge.
Thank you so much for your interest in entering this six week
challenge. For seven Sundays our sermon series will be
presenting the stories of those who experienced the cross.
During the six weeks between Sundays, we will challenge you to
focus on Jesus and the Cross.

Tony Evans commented that in christianity, “the cross is the main
thing.” He illustrates it with a sports analogy. “In football, the ball
determines everything. First downs are measured by where the
ball is placed. Touchdowns are measured by whether the ball
crosses the plain. Field goals are measured by whether the ball
goes through the Up Rights. Men fight over it, rejoice over it, and
strive to possess it. In other words, if a football is missing, then
there is no football game. Without the football, everything else
that goes on in a stadium or on a field is a waste of time. In
football, the ball is the main thing. In Christianity, the cross is the
main thing. Without it, there is no power, no freedom, no
forgiveness, no victory—nothing at all.”

Timothy Keller wrote, “The heart of the gospel is the cross and
the cross is all about giving up power, pouring out resources, and

As we move toward Easter, we want to shift our focus off
ourselves and onto Jesus and the Cross. We can accomplish
this by using an acronym of the cross to challenge us each week.

C       Call out to God. Spend quality time every day talking with your
        heavenly Father.
R       Read through the book of Mark in bit sized chunks. Discover
        who Jesus is and the purpose behind his coming.
O       Obey God’s command to Love others. The picture of the cross
        is of Jesus giving his life for others. Each week we challenge
        you to shift your focus to those around you.
S       Sacrifice your desires to see more clearly. Give something up
        to remind you of the sacrifice Jesus made for you.
S       Share what God is doing in your life with others. Let others
        know that God is still actively at work in people’s lives.
6 Week Lenten Challenge - AND THE PEOPLE WHO EXPERIENCED IT - Highland Church of ...
The Gospel of Mark
As we look at The Cross And The People Who Experienced
It, we will start to see that no one really understood who Jesus
is. The twelve disciples, those who spent the most time with
him, those who knew him as the Messiah, still didn’t
understand fully who he is. And they deserted him at the cross.

We haven’t sat by his side listening to him teach, or seen him
heal a blind man, but we have the advantage of being two
thousand years on the other side of Easter. Yet we can still
have a messed-up idea of who he is, which can lead to us
deserting his mission.

This lenten season our challenge is to read through the book of
Mark. There are a couple of reasons we have chosen this book.
1) Mark’s gospel can be divided into two sections.
Chapters 1-8 ask the question, “Who is this Jesus?” and
Chapters 8-16 ask the question, “Why did he go to the cross?”
Those are two important questions to wrestle with at every
stage of your walk with God. If we get the picture of Jesus
wrong, everything else falls apart.

 2) Mark’s gospel is an action packed adventure. Mark spends
most of his time telling us what Jesus did, more than, what
Jesus taught. If you have a Bible with section headings, and
take a quick survey, you will see that Mark tells stories of Jesus
in action: Jesus announces.. Jesus calls.. Jesus drives out..
Jesus heals.. Jesus prays.. Jesus forgives.. Jesus appoints..
Jesus calms.. Jesus restores.. Jesus sends out. Reading about
Jesus in action can motivate us to action. The weekly CROSS
Challenge can give us direction for our actions.

Mark begins his story with two titles for Jesus. “The beginning
of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of
God.”(1:1) It is our hope that through reading Mark and
participating in the CROSS Challenge you grow to fully
understand these two titles; Jesus is the Messiah, Son of God.

Rightnow Media has two helpful overviews of
Mark’s Gospel. If you have an account, follow
this link to Highland’s Library. https://
If you don’t have an account check out the back
page to set one up.
6 Week Lenten Challenge - AND THE PEOPLE WHO EXPERIENCED IT - Highland Church of ...
Week 1                                    Weekly Focus:
                                             Jesus forgives sins
Feb. 22-28

As we begin our reading of Mark this week, we realize that Jesus
is “For Others.” He spends time healing, helping, and eating with
others. In Mark chapter 2, we see Jesus forgive and heal a
paralyzed man. When Jesus tells the paralyzed man his sins are
forgiven, BOOM, a bomb goes off. Ok, not a literal bomb, but a
verbal bomb. This bomb sounds like a buzz; people whispering,
questioning, and accusing. This buzz echoes throughout the
house as the religious leaders and the people ask, “Who can
forgive sin, but God alone?”

Tim Keller offers a story to help us with understanding the issue.
Let’s say there are three guys, Tom, Dick, and Harry. Tom
punches Dick right in the mouth. POW. There is blood
everywhere and Dick is on the ground. Harry looks at Tom and
says, “I forgive you.” What is Dick going to say? “Harry, you
can’t forgive him, he punched me. Only I can forgive him.” You
can only forgive sins if they are against you.

So when Jesus tells the paralyzed man, “your sins are forgiven”,
there is a buzz among the Teachers of the Law. “How can Jesus
forgive this man’s sins? Is he God? Does Jesus believe this
paralyzed man’s sins are against him?”

Jesus’ response to the buzz was to show the teachers he
actually does have the power to both heal and forgive sins.
Jesus demonstrates the combination of the two titles: Messiah
and Son of God (Mk1:1). He has come to restore (Messiah) and
forgive (Son of God).

As you begin your journey in Mark this week, take a fresh look at
the question, “Who is Jesus?” Keep asking God to reveal
himself through your reading.

Sidenote: Forgiving sin will cost. Just ask Dick. For Dick to
forgive Tom, he has to let the pain go, he has to let the
humiliation go, he has to let the blood spilt go. When Dick
forgives Tom, he absorbs the pain. What is Jesus going to do?
Week 1 CROSS Challenge

C   all out to God.
              Morning Prayer: This week as you wake up, ask
              God to open your eyes to His movements in your life.

            Evening Prayer: Thank God for His forgiveness,
            grace and mercy.

R   ead God’s Word
            !       Monday:        Mark 1:1-28
            !       Tuesday:       Mark 1:29-45
            !       Wednesday:     Mark 2:1-17
            !       Thursday:      Mark 2:18-3:12
            !       Friday:        Mark 3:13-3:35

O   bey God’s command to Love your neighbor.
            Give compliments generously. This week we will
            love our neighbors through compliments. Let’s move
            the focus off ourselves and focus on others.
            Compliment 2 strangers a day all week.

Sacrifice your desires to see more clearly.

            Sacrifice Sleep. Ok, this may be easy for some and
            impossible for others; but waking up 30 minutes
            earlier than normal to connect with God is a
            worthwhile sacrifice. Wake up early, read Mark, and
            pray for the day.

Share what God is doing in your life.
         Share with a friend, your spouse, or your child what
         Jesus means to you.

                                                         Week 1
Week 2                                     Weekly Focus:
                                           Trust Jesus in the storms.
March 1-7

“Some storms are worse than others.” I think we can all say that of
the weather and our circumstances. The problem comes when we
start to think that God will lighten our storms or remove our storms
if we follow him faithfully. However, when we look at Jesus’ life,
the one person who followed God faithfully, we see that even Jesus
went through storms.

This week in the sermon we heard about the “Enemies at the
Cross;” how they mocked Jesus. This year more than any other, as
I read the accounts of the crucifixion, I was troubled more and more
by the mocking. EVERYONE mocked Jesus. The High Priest,
Teachers of the Law, and elders mocked and spit on him. The
Jewish guards beat him and mocked him. The Roman soldiers
beat and mocked him. The crowd used his own words to mock
him, and the criminals being crucified next to him mocked him.

Have you ever been mocked? Maybe by a punk kid, or a smart
aleck coworker. There are few things that can make you madder,
quicker—than somebody using your own words to make fun of you.

Jesus walks through a thunderstorm of mocking. No, make that a
Category 5 hurricane of mocking. Yet, no retaliation. How?

Jesus trusted His Father. Jesus had prayed in Gethsemane,
knowing a storm was coming. He trusted his Father in the midst of
the storm.

This week in our reading the disciples get caught in a storm. By
their reactions, it seems as though they thought with Jesus around
there wouldn’t be any more storms. But if Jesus went through
storms and the disciples went through storms, we will as well.

How do you handle storms? Do you trust?
This week read about the disciples, a bleeding woman, and a
synagogue leader who learned that Jesus is trustworthy.
Week 2 CROSS Challenge
C   all out to God.
             Morning Prayer: Each morning focus on trusting
             God. Pray for the strength to trust God and walk in
             the footsteps of Jesus.
             Evening Prayer: Thank God for the people you had
             conversations with today. Pray for their well-being.

R   ead God’s Word

             !        Monday:      Mark 4:1-20
             !        Tuesday:     Mark 4:21-34
             !        Wednesday:   Mark 4:35-5:20
             !        Thursday:    Mark 5:21-6:6
             !        Friday:      Mark 6:7-44

O   bey God’s command to Love your neighbor.
             Learn new names. Names are important. By using
             them, you validate and put smiles on faces. People
             like to hear their name, so use them. This week learn
             the names of five new people and greet them by
             name when you see them.

Sacrifice your desires to see more clearly.
             Sacrifice the negative. Whenever you find yourself
             in a loop of negative thoughts, think of something
             you are thankful for. This week get rid of negative
             thoughts about circumstances and people. Remove
             gossip from your lips and focus on the good in

Share what God is doing in your life.
             Share with someone that doesn’t go to Highland
             what makes Jesus special. Why is Jesus your
             hero? Why are you following in his steps?
                                                         Week 2
Week 3                                     Weekly Focus:
March 8-14                                 The Power of the Cross

For eight chapters, Mark has been laying out the case for Jesus
as the Messiah. The popular opinion of the time was that the
Messiah would be “The King” who would make everything right.
He would restore Israel and set up God’s rule on earth. Mark
ups the ante by making the claim that the Messiah would also be
God’s Son. The idea that the Messiah would also be God was
not on the minds of first century Israelites, but Mark is dropping
hint after hint.

There is a turn in the story Mark is telling that happens in Chapter
Eight. For eight chapters Mark details how the disciples, crowds,
and Jewish leaders are baffled at the wisdom, power, and
abilities of Jesus. Who is this guy? And then, Peter gets it.
Jesus asks, Who do you say I am? and Peter answers, “You are
the Messiah.” The second the disciples get the first question,
Mark immediately makes a turn and moves to the second
question. What is Jesus’ purpose?

This week in our reading we see the
turn and it is clear the disciples are
still in the fog. It’s taken eight
chapters to figure out the first
question. It will take eight more
chapters to grasp the second

How do we handle the cross? Do we
understand it’s the center piece of
God’s story? Do we see the power of
sacrifice Jesus makes? Do we
connect the definition of love to the
sacrifice of Jesus on the cross?
Week 3 CROSS Challenge
C   all out to God.
            Morning Prayer: Pray each morning for the Holy
            Spirit to guide you and open your eyes to people in

            Evening Prayer: God says, “This is my Son, whom I
            love, Listen to him” (Mk 9:7). Each night talk to God
            about what you are hearing from him.

R   ead God’s Word
             !        Monday:      Mark 6:45-7:23
             !        Tuesday:     Mark 7:24-37
             !        Wednesday:   Mark 8:1-26
             !        Thursday:    Mark 8:27-9:1
             !        Friday:      Mark 9:2-29

O   bey God’s command to Love your neighbor.
            Donate time, energy, resources to others. This
            week we can give to others in need by supplying
            goodies to the NOW Program.

Sacrifice your desires to see more clearly.
            Sacrifice junk food. We all like to snack between
            meals on the 4 C’s: cookies, chips, crackers and
            chocolate. It’s a pleasant convenience. However,
            this week let’s cut out the 4 C’s and take baby-steps
            in controlling our desires.

Share what God is doing in your life.
            This week at the dinner table share with your family
            one thing you are learning about God.

                                                         Week 3
Week 4                                        Weekly Focus:
                                               Jesus brings peace.
March 15-21

What causes us to loose our sense of peace?

2 things
1. Trying to be happy. Chasing after the things that make us
    happy. It’s the mindset, “If I just had ______________, I’d be
    happy.” Studies show that when people actually get their
    ___________, they are even more unhappy.
2. Trying to be good enough for God. This is a type of self
    saving. I can be good enough for God to love me. However,
    even when we set the standards for good and bad, we don’t
    live up to our own standards.

This week we heard about the two criminals crucified with Jesus.
In these two cases, chasing after the happy life actual killed
them. Yet in the midst of their crucifixions, one thief comes to his
senses and calls out for Jesus to remember him. He received

The concept of peace comes from the Hebrew word “shalom.”
Nicholas Wolterstorff defines shalom this way: The state of
shalom is the state of flourishing in all
dimensions of one’s existence: in one’s
relation to God, in one’s relation to one’s
fellow human beings, in one’s relation to
nature, and in one’s relation to oneself.
Shalom/peace is universal flourishing.

This week in our reading of Mark, we’ll
encounter a rich young man who has
pursued a good life, AND has enough
money to live comfortably. Yet, there still
isn’t a sense of peace.

As you read this week, look for the
different ways in which Jesus brings
peace and flourishing to others.
Week 4 CROSS Challenge
C   all out to God.
       Morning Prayer: Chat with God about his peace. How
       can you help others flourish and experience his peace?
       Evening Prayer: Chat with God about the things you
       treasure. Ask God to reveal the things he wants you to

R   ead God’s Word

        !       Monday:       Mark 9:30-50
        !       Tuesday:      Mark 10:1-31
        !       Wednesday:    Mark 10:32-52
        !       Thursday:     Mark 11:1-26
        !       Friday:       Mark 11:27-12:27

O   bey God’s command to Love your neighbor.
        Reconnect with past friends. Make a list of people
        you have wanted to catch up with, and then call
        them. Make it a challenge to catch up with one
        person a day.

Sacrifice your desires to see more clearly.
       Sacrifice Social Media. I’ll be nice and give 2 options:
       1. Total social media fast, no Social Media for a week.
       2. No Social Media from 5 PM. - 9 AM. — cutting it
          out at night.

Share what God is doing in your life.
       Share with a coworker what God is doing in your life.

                                                      Week 4
Week 5                          Weekly Focus:
                                The Cross has the power to change lives.
March 22-28

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and
take up their cross and follow me.” Mark 8:34

This week we heard about Simon of Cyrene. Simon was ordered
to carry the cross of Jesus. We don’t know much about Simon or
what happened to him after the crucifixion of Jesus. However,
Mark may be giving us a clue. Mark introduces Simon as the
Father of Alexander and Rufus—as if the early church would
know their names. There is a Rufus mentioned as a member of
the Roman church (Rom.16:13). There are also a number of
places that men from Cyrene are mentioned in the book of Acts
(2:10; 11:20; 13:1). They are responsible for spreading the good
news about Jesus to the gentiles in Antioch.

Simon was ordered to carry the cross; and he does. It’s possible
that carrying the cross of Jesus changed his family. It’s possible
that carrying the cross of Jesus changed his life’s direction and

Just like Simon being ordered to carry
the cross, Jesus gives us the same
order, “deny yourself and take up the

Are you willing to pick up your cross?

Jesus never gives us a command that
he has not already modeled. We may
think denying ourselves and picking up
the cross will only lead to misery. Yet,
Jesus modeled sacrifice as the way to
true life. It is sacrifice for others that
defines his love and defines true love.
Week 5 CROSS Challenge
C   all out to God.
             Morning Prayer: Each morning ask God to help you
             deny yourself and pick up your cross.

             Evening Prayer: Thank God for all of the small
             enjoyments you experienced throughout the day.

R   ead God’s Word
             !        Monday:       Mark 12:28-44
             !        Tuesday:      Mark 13:1-37
             !        Wednesday:    Mark 14:1-26
             !        Thursday:     Mark 14: 27-52
             !        Friday:       Mark 14: 53-72

O   bey God’s command to Love your neighbor.
             Encourage Others. This week is all about notes.
             Send a text, email, or thank you note. Surprise a
             mailperson, waiter, or co worker with a post it note
             encouragement. On Social Media leave 3 nice
             encouraging comments for people you don’t
             normally comment on. Post a hero of the day on

S   acrifice your desires to see more clearly.
             Sacrifice your drink of choice. For many of us,
             coffee or pop (soda, if born outside the midwest) can
             have a hold on us. This week we are giving up our
             favorite drink.

Share what God is doing in your life.
             Share your favorite Rightnow Media video. Go to
             Highland’s Facebook page, look for the Rightnow
             media post, and using the comments, post the name
             of your favorite video. If you are not currently on
             Rightnow Media, check out the back cover to start a
             free account. And you have a few days to check out
             the site and post a favorite.
                                                              Week 5
Week 6                                    Weekly Focus:
March 29-April 4                          Jesus brings access to God

How do we approach God? How do you connect with the
Creator of the Universe? How do we enter onto holy ground?

The answer before the cross is. . you don’t. The High Priest once
a year would approach God for the Jews. Once a year, on the
Day of Atonement the High Priest would go into the Temple and
into the Holy of Holies; the place God’s glory dwells. There was a
large heavy curtain that separated the Holy of Holies from the
rest of the Temple and there was only one man, once a year who
could walk through the curtain.

Ray Dillard in Tim Keller’s book, Jesus the King, describes how
the High Priest used to prepare to enter God’s presence. A week
before the Day of Atonement the High Priest would separate
himself from people, so he would not touch or eat anything
unclean. The night before his entrance, he would stay up all
night reading scripture and praying. The day of the entrance, he
would bathe three times, put on new clothes each time, and
offer three sacrifices: one for his sins, one for the priests’ sins,
and one for the people’s sins. The curtain separating God’s
presence from the rest of the temple shouted loud and clear that
no one with any sin could approach God.

This week as we read through Mark 15, we will see a twist. As
Jesus breathes his last, the temple curtain is torn from top to
bottom—our sins have been paid for and we can now approach
God. Mark emphasizes this by using a Roman Centurion to be
the first to realize that “Surely this man was the Son of God.”

We have included Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 in the reading to show
how the cross was foreshadowed hundreds of years earlier. As
you read Psalm 22, look for the turn. The Psalm begins with pain
and ends in celebration.
Week 6 CROSS Challenge
C   all out to God.
             Morning Prayer: Ask God to open your eyes to
             those who need a blessing.
             Evening Prayer: Spend time thinking of all the ways
             God has blessed you these last 5 weeks. Thank Him.

R   ead God’s Word
             !        Monday:      Mark 15:1-20
             !        Tuesday:     Isaiah 53
             !        Wednesday:   Mark 15:21-41
             !        Thursday:    Psalm 22
             !        Friday:      Mark 15:42-16:20

O   bey God’s command to Love your neighbor.
             Listen to others. One of the great ways to show
             love toward others is to give them your undivided
             attention. This week make an extra effort to listen to
             those around you. Listen for the voices of those who
             need someone to care.

Sacrifice your desires to see more clearly.

             Sacrifice your appetite. Traditionally this is called
             a fast. Pick a day this week and skip a meal or don’t
             eat at all during daylight. You will experience hunger
             pains, and when they come, take time to focus on
             Jesus and pray to God, our Father.

Share what God is doing in your life.
             Share your blessings. Think through how God has
             molded, shaped, and blessed you the last five
             weeks. Find a way to share your blessings with
             others. Following Abraham’s example, we are
             blessed to share the blessing with others.
                                                          Week 6
Elevate Student Ministry
Run/ Rest Devotionals
Jesus came to give us life — a life that’s full, not
of schedules, worry, or hustle, but full of joy,
peace, hope, and abundance. So for the next 40
days, here’s what we’re going to do. When you
see these daily prompts, take just a moment to:
Pause. Read. Observe. Apply. Pray. Rest.

Route 33 Kids Ministry
Love Life Live Lent

Let the words and activities in this little book
encourage, guide, and inspire you. From Shrove
Tuesday to Easter Day, there is an action for
you to do on six days in each week of Lent. Lent
is 40 days long to match the amount of time that
Jesus spent in the wilderness. Sundays are not
counted because every Sunday is a reminder of
Easter Day.
Start a revolution and be the change you want
to see!
You can also read