STREAM for TEP Suite 2020 Title Management, Editorial, and Production - Berlin, September 2020 - Klopotek

Page created by Brandon Jennings
STREAM for TEP Suite 2020 Title Management, Editorial, and Production - Berlin, September 2020 - Klopotek
STREAM for TEP Suite 2020
             Title Management, Editorial,
             and Production

             Berlin, September 2020

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STREAM for TEP Suite 2020 Title Management, Editorial, and Production - Berlin, September 2020 - Klopotek
A day in the life of an editor working with STREAM for TEP

                         Browse through
                       large databases in
                          the blink of an
                       eye; alerts remind
                           you to check
                        metadata quality

                                                                                        Central app for managing
                                                                                        workflow-oriented metadata
                                                               Create first
                            Provides master                   drafts for titles
                            information to start
                            all TEP-related tasks
                                                              and add data
                                                              using tailored
                                                                scenarios                                                Make use of
          Start your                                                                                                 dedicated apps for
        workday with                                                                                                 specific processes,
         your user-                                                                                                    e.g. classifying
           specific                                                                                                   products, creating
         dashboard,                                                                                                  marketing blurbs, or
          lists, and                                                                                                    adding prices

                                                    Define and manage tasks for the
                                                    life cycle of your products using
                                                    dashboards and notifications

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STREAM for TEP Suite 2020 Title Management, Editorial, and Production - Berlin, September 2020 - Klopotek
Welcome to the STREAM for TEP World

                  STREAM TEP Apps                            Purchasing                           STREAM TEP General

                     Product 360°                           Suppliers Online                        Multi Location, Currency, Language

                     Title Life Cycle Manager                                                        Multi Operating Companies
                               Title Metadata Editor        Permissions and Compliance Manager      Languages
                               Title Structure Manager
                                                             Ticketing
                               Early Title Manager
                     Product Quality Manager
                                                                                                   STREAM TEP BI
                     Digital Asset Management
                                                          STREAM TEP Backend                        Klopotek Analytics P&L
                     Catalog Manager
                                                           Catalog and ONIX Export Processes
                     Inventory Manager
                                                           DAM Asset Provision and Import         Roadmap Q4-2020 / Q1-2021

                     Contact 360°                                                                    Scheduling (Q4-2020)

                     Contact Manager                                                                 Notification Dashboard (Q4-2020)
                                                          STREAM TEP Administration Tools             Contact Tracker (Q4-2020)
                                                             Scenario Editor as a Service
                     Classification Manager                                                          Title Collector (Q1-2021)
                                                             Validation Manager as a Service
                     Blurb Manager                                                                   Calculation Manager (Q1-2021)
                                                             Mail Merge Manager
                     Sales Price Manager                                                             Title Life Cycle Manager
                                                                                                                 Works (Q1-2021)

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Product 360°

        Product 360° uses Klopotek’s widget technology and provides product
        information tailored to each user’s functional role and workplace / device.   Benefits
                                                                                         360° view of product data: information center for jumping to other

                                                                                         State-of-the-art search functionality including thumbnails of products

                                                                                         Bookmarks; recent activities

                                                                                         Browse through set relations and set structures

                                                                                         From more than 30 widgets, select the important ones for you

                                                                                         Use the version family navigation to save time

                                                                                         Follow deep-dive links for a better understanding of your portfolio

                                                                                         Configure widgets individually

                                                                                         Arrange widgets on your personalized dashboard as desired

                                                                                         Use the same widget multiple times to compare data

               Central entry point for all Title Management,
               Editorial, and Production apps!

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STREAM for TEP Suite 2020 Title Management, Editorial, and Production - Berlin, September 2020 - Klopotek
Product 360° – Widget Overview (1)
         Widget Family: Product                                                                   Widget Family: Product
                                  Description                                                                               Description
         Information                                                                              Planning

                                  Shows the delivery status (product availability), publication                             Shows the edition size with the number of copies and
         Availability                                                                             Edition Size
                                  dates, and additional data for each location                                              additional information

         Comments List            Shows all comments (filtered by comment type if necessary)      Responsible Persons       Shows the responsible persons assigned to a product.

                                                                                                  Specifications            Shows the specification details for each publication
         Comments                 Shows all comments of the configured type

         Content                  Shows all content texts of the configured type

         Content List             Shows all content texts (filtered by text type if necessary)
                                                                                                  Widget Family: Product
         Main Product Data        Shows the most important product data                           Structure
                                                                                                                            Shows all parallel versions for the current product edition /
         Notes                    Shows all notes of the configured type
                                                                                                  Edition Family            shows all parallel versions for the current subscription
         Notes List               Shows all notes (filtered by text type if necessary)
                                                                                                  Product Relations         Shows the relationships to other products
         Author                   Shows all originators and their contact details
                                                                                                  Series Hierarchy          Shows all the series that contain the product
         Prices Overview          Shows all current prices for the product (per copy)
                                                                                                                            Shows all the sets that contain the product. / Shows all the
                                                                                                  Set / Bundle Membership
                                                                                                                            bundles that contain the subscription product
         Quote List               Shows all quotes (filtered by quote type if necessary)
                                                                                                                            Shows the set components / shows the bundle
                                                                                                  Set / Bundle Members
         Quotes                   Shows all quotes of the configured type                                                   components

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STREAM for TEP Suite 2020 Title Management, Editorial, and Production - Berlin, September 2020 - Klopotek
Product 360° – Widget Overview (2)

         Widget Family: Product Sales & Marketing   Description

         Classifications                            Shows the product classifications

         Product Sales & Returns                    Shows sales and returns for the product in a graph

                                                    Shows sales and sales revenue for the configured sales channels and/or
         Sales Channels & Variants
                                                    variants in a graph

         Marketing Activities                       Shows ongoing and past marketing activities the product is part of

         Product Revenue                            Shows the product revenue over a period of time split into invoiced/credited

             Widget Family: Contracts & Rights      Description

             Assigned Contracts                     Shows all assigned contracts of the product

             Affiliate Titles                       Shows all affiliate titles of the product

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Title Life Cycle Manager
       Three configurable apps in one to make an editor’s life easier                             Choose the best scenario for managing
                                                                                                  the title information at hand
       On the cloud-based STREAM platform, editors can make use of
       three apps combined in one highly configurable tool to manage title
       types, structures, and meta data in an intuitive manner. All workflow
       steps of adding and editing data are easy and straightforward on
       any type of device.

            3 cloud-based apps in one highly           Available on the STREAM platform:
             configurable tool to manage title           intuitive, customizable, easy & fun to
             types, structures, and metadata             use on any type of device

            Early Title Manager: planning and          Comes with a standard workflow
             budgeting tools for doing a first           configuration for the title life cycle
             calculation for title drafts                including best practice data input
                                                         forms (scenarios)
            Title Structure Manager: new and
                                                                                                     Fast and structured
             parallel versions for existing titles      All apps are seamlessly integrated in
                                                                                                     creation of first drafts
             made easy                                   one central tool and offer smooth
                                                                                                     and titles
                                                         jump out functionality to other
            Title Metadata Editor: title                STREAM apps
             management tailored to your specific
             needs with various scenarios

© Klopotek                                                                                                                                9
STREAM for TEP Suite 2020 Title Management, Editorial, and Production - Berlin, September 2020 - Klopotek
Title Metadata Editor                                                            Choose the best scenario for managing
                                                                                         the title information at hand
                                                                                                                                 Klopotek can also
                                                                                                                                  build individual
        Title Metadata Editor, a customizable app, serves as a bridge between                                                    scenarios for you
        entering first data and completing all necessary title information. It is                                                 as a consulting
        easy to create your individual, personalized workflow and focus for
        title management, as you decide which attributes should be included.

                Ultra fast title search for         Save time: only use the specific
                 products and series                  fields you need

                Easy navigation in your title       Customizable scenarios with
                 families                             our Scenario Manager

                Tailored scenarios for various      Comes with a set of standard
                 publications                         scenarios and a standard
                All metadata is specifically
                                                                                          Apply your own workflow
                 selected                            Covers more than just ONIX
                Intuitive workflows and user
                 interface for smooth processes

© Klopotek                                                                                                                                           10
Title Structure Manager

        Creating new titles and editions has never been
        so quick and easy, organized in title families

                Organize your titles in title families and keep them synchronized

                Fast title and edition creation based on self-defined templates or from scratch

                Create new editions and parallel manifestations reusing relevant data

                Easy creation of new series and simple title assignment

                Manage your bundle structures transparently including bundle in bundle

                Plan your reprints

© Klopotek                                                                                         11
Early Title Manager

        During the ideation phase: facilitates entering data that is central
        to the title management processes in your editorial department         Benefits
                                                                                  Plan your title drafts prior to making them available to others

                                                                                  Create new titles from scratch or from dedicated self-defined

                                                                                  Create new editions for existing titles reusing relevant data

                                                                                  Workflow support for the editorial and title approval process

                                                                                  Quick overview of your draft titles and their status

                                                                                  Customizable scenarios with our Scenario Manager

                                                                                  Focus only on the metadata required for your ideation phase

             Fast and structured creation
             of first drafts and titles

© Klopotek                                                                                                                                           12
Product Quality Manager

        Makes it easy to monitor and enhance metadata quality on
        both a (large) title list and a single product level

                Improving your metadata will ensure that your titles are more
                 likely to be found on the Web

                Provides both a (large) title list level and single product level

                Offers numerous widgets for enhancing metadata quality, but is
                 also seamlessly integrated with the Product 360° app (so other
                 important product data is also available in your dashboard)

                The quality required for complying with important industry
                 standards, such as ONIX, can be controlled effectively

                Provides an automated background process to correct your
                 metadata according to your auto-population rules

                Allows background mass checks of product quality

© Klopotek                                                                           13
Product Quality Manager – Product 360° – Extension

                                                             Widget Family: Product Quality
                                                             Product Quality Status

                                                             Product Quality Checklist

                                                             Product Quality Issues

                                                             Version Family / Editions Quality Check

                                                             Widgets - Product Quality Monitor
                                                             Product Quality Overview Number

                                                             My Product Quality List

                                                             Product Quality Overview Percent

                                                             Product Quality Status

                                                             Product Quality Mass Check

                                                             Auto-population Cleaner

© Klopotek                                                                                             14
Catalog Manager
                                                                   Ultra fast title search with intuitive query
        If ONIX is mandatory and flyers are wishful thinking,
        the Catalog Manager is the right answer.
                                                                   Define export functions by the product data to
                                                                    be provided and a transformation rule set

                                                                   Export formats can be XML, pdf, html, text,
                                                                    docx, csv

                                                                   Standard transformations for ONIX 2.1 and 3.0

                                                                   For flyer generation, digital assets like cover
                                                                    pictures can be seamlessly integrated

                                                                   Publish your export functions to other STREAM
                                                                    apps like Title Life Cycle Manager, Product
                                                                    360° or Classification Manager

                                                                   Export functions can be used for one product or
                                                                    several products and provide the result as a file
                                                                    that can be downloaded

© Klopotek                                                                                                              15
Inventory Manager

        Benefit from a full overview of your stock inventory or a detailed view
        at title level, making use of personalized alerts and watch lists

                Widgets provide a                      Makes it possible to avoid
                 comprehensive overview of titles:       overproduction using a dynamic
                 information from the warehouse,         determination of minimum stock
                 sales, and production – plus            levels
                                                        All information is accessible at a
                Helps to reduce costs across the        glance; you can directly decide
                 supply chain                            on production-related actions

                Enables you to clearly determine
                 when your products should be
                 reproduced using true, sales-                                                Provides a full ‘observer’ or ‘monitoring’
                 based forecast methods                                                       overview of your entire stock inventory and
                                                                                              all titles (or specific groups of titles)

© Klopotek                                                                                                                                  16
Inventory Manager – Product 360° – Extension

             Widget Family: Inventory
             Inventory Forecast

             Inventory Information

             Widgets – Inventory Monitor
             Product List – Inventory Status

             My Stock Watch List

             Production by Division

             Upcoming Production Projects

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Contact 360°

        State-of-the-art business partner management
        with a personalized dashboard
                                                          Dashboard templates for multiple user roles; fully

              Improves reaction times                     Automatic contact recognition based on caller made possible
              and service levels                           by integrated phone system

                                                          Flexible and publishing-specific widgets with easy plug-in

                                                          Option to include special features like Google Maps or Twitter

                                                          Start related Klopotek modules out of the 360° view: no need
                                                           to access different systems and therefore no loss of
                                                           information and time

                                                          Helps your staff to reduce workload and save time

© Klopotek                                                                                                                  19
Contact Manager

        Contact Manager allows creating and editing address and
        communication information for royalty recipients.

                Search and navigate quickly through business partner data

                Enter and update address information

                Mirrors the role-based security concept of the ‘Business Partner’ module

                Single click dialing and e-mail

                Integrated with the Klopotek ‘Business Partner’ module

                API support for external feeds and uploads, and best-of-breed software tools

                Optimized for seamless integration with other STREAM apps

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Classification Manager

        Supports classifying your products with an optimum
        number of relevant industry and self-defined categories

                                                                     Ultra fast title search for products and series

                                                                     Index of the content of 'thema'-relevant products

                                                                     You can set up other industry classification systems
                                                                      (BISAC, BIC, etc.) as well as your own in-house product

                                                                     Enables editorial, sales, and marketing users to easily
                                                                      identify the relevant categories and to classify products
                                                                      thoroughly and consistently with a minimum of effort

                                                                     Auto-population of categories, based on title values and
                                                                      assigned categories, reduces classification errors and
             Easy use of all                                          enables quick classification processes
             industry standards

© Klopotek                                                                                                                        22
Blurb Manager

        The Blurb Manager supports creating various text elements required
        in the title approval process, for marketing activities as well as for
        providing bibliographic details or just small bits of information to
        various departments.

                Ultra fast title search for products and      Can be part of all product export
                 works                                          procedures, including catalog exports

                Simple creation of texts (‘blurbs’) for       All textual, title-related information
                 title approval, marketing, and providing       used on your website can be managed
                 bibliographic information                      using this app

                Blurbs can be created for both                Provides a status concept for
                 products and works (various products           publishing
                 can be derived from a work) and can
                 be exported on the product level              Supports ‘links’ to information stored in
                                                                other environments

© Klopotek                                                                                                  23
Sales Price Manager

        Supports defining and modifying all product prices
                                                                Ultra fast title search

                                                                Supports period- and edition-based prices

                                                                Customer-specific price lists

                                                                Multi-currency prices and price scales

                                                                Calculation of prices in other countries based on
                                                                 rounding rules

                                                                Various integrity validations for consistent price models

                                                                Contractor-enabled pricing in a Global Sales System

                                                                Version Family Navigation

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© Klopotek                       25

        Purchase order management for your
        production processes

                Creation of basic purchase orders
                 using the Classic Line

                Fast and simple creation of order lines
                 using the mass upload functionality

                Generation of purchase order
                 documents (pdf, docx) based on data

                Integration of the STREAM Mail
                 Merge Manager for handling
                 sophisticated documents

© Klopotek                                                 26
Suppliers Online

        Facilitates an important organizational part of the production process
        of publishers: the order and controlling processes of vendor services


        Direct communication                                                        Supports publishers in their order and controlling
        with your supplier                                                           processes of vendor services

                                                                                    Provides publishers with a fast and reliable overview of
                                                                                     orders placed for several suppliers, their statuses and
                                                                                     the time planning, resulting in maximum transparency

                                                                                    Enables production staff to work efficiently and to
                                                                                     reduce costs by utilizing electronic data transfer

                                                                                    Simplifies communication between suppliers and the

                                                                                    Allows suppliers to check production tasks with target

© Klopotek                                                                                                                                      27

© Klopotek                                28
                     A generic app for project management: helps to define and manage
                     time/task schedules. Can be used in reference to multiple entities
                     (product, work, production projects, publications, contracts). Helps to
                     organize daily, weekly, monthly tasks in a project.

                       Schedule creation / update consisting of    Wizard for schedule management
                        time-based tasks and milestones
                                                                    Sophisticated start/stop management
                       Referencing multiple entities within one
                        single schedule project                     Option to connect multiple schedules

                       Forward and backward schedule               Resource-oriented task management
                        calculation based on days and hours         Workday and holiday calendar
                       Gantt component with interactive task        depending on assigned resources
                        chaining and adjustment                     Schedule snapshots and comparison
                       Schedule templates for easy and fast         with plan
                        project creation

© Klopotek                                                                                                  29
Notification Dashboard

        Get a dashboard-driven overview of all tasks and notifications
        assigned to you. Receive emails based on schedule changes
        and data modifications.

       Overview of all scheduled and ad-hoc tasks     Get notified by email when task dates are
        assigned to a specific user                     adjusted, tasks are started/completed or are
                                                        newly available
       Dashboard-driven approach to providing
        task information just like in our 360° apps    Use the generic modification history to
                                                        create automated notification emails based
       Multiple configurable widgets support your      on email templates with placeholders
        daily work as person in charge or manager
                                                       Emails can contain links to STREAM apps
       Works integrated with Scheduling - starting     for direct access
        and completing scheduled tasks adjusts
        and immediately recalculates the               Integration into the workflow approval
        corresponding schedule project                  process of the Title Life Cycle Manager

       Task forwarding and delegation

       Directly jump out to the STREAM app
        required to complete your task

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© Klopotek       31
Permissions and Compliance Manager

        Control and manage the multitude of complex specifications and licensing
        agreements involved in the acquisition and licensing of content assets
                                                                                      Central access to rights metadata and
                                                                                       content for international work groups

                                                                                      Accurate and timely compliance
                                                                                       information to reduce risk of liability

                                                                                      Automated compliance checking;
                                                                                       enterprise-wide monitoring

                                                                                      Seamless integration of content vendors
                                                                                       (e.g. Corbis, Getty, Shutterstock) into your
                                                                                       workflow via web APIs can be made possible

                                                                                      Enables the adoption of new kinds
                                                                                       of content and license deals with ease

© Klopotek                                                                                                                            32

        Track changes to tickets, tasks, and actions – the optimal way to solve
        your customer’s problems and never lose track of a single element

                Easy ticket creation and processing; structured
                 and transparent ticket resolution process

                Automated ticket creation from website and
                 external emails
                                                                                  Self-explanatory ticket
                Extensive ticket monitoring: ticket history, flexible
                                                                                  navigation through ticket
                 dashboards, report builder                                       resolution process
                Workflow support with routings, alerts, approval
                 processes and caller scripts

                Flexible triggers and predefined actions

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© Klopotek            34
Validation Manager (admin tool)

        Tailor the workflow processes for title life cycle of your products according
        to your individual publishing processes. Enhance these processes with
        validation rules for metadata quality.

                Mirror your publishing life cycle in clear
                 and simple workflow processes

                Treat different products differently

                Ensure that your life cycle milestones                                 This STREAM product is the
                 are correctly approved and recorded                                    administrative basis for the
                                                                                        Product Quality Manager and
                Define your metadata requirements by                                   the Title Life Cycle Manager
                 using simple validation rules and
                 connect these rules to your life cycle

                Is the basis for using Title Life Cycle
                 Manager and Product Quality Manager
                 at their best to your advantage

© Klopotek                                                                                                             35
Scenario Manager (admin tool)                                              Processes tailored to your individual needs help to reduce the time
                                                                                   required for handling tasks
                                                   Design the layout               If you’d like to work with different scenarios in Title Metadata Editor that are not part of the
                                                   according to your needs         standard delivered by us, you can employ the Scenario Manager, an app to design your own
                                                                                   forms. Title Metadata Editor and Scenario Manager help you to create exactly the title
                                                                                   management processes you need, resulting in harmonized workflows and improved data quality,
                                                                                   as you decide which fields are mandatory at which point in time.

                                                                                          You decide which attributes and data              Easily adjust the look & feel of the Title
                                                                                           should be included for perfect title               Metadata Editor using the proven
                                                                                           management                                         STREAM UX guidelines

 Define which fields have to be filled                                                    Define different scenarios depending on           Decide which information is read-only or
 out, which data is ready-only, etc.                                                       the title workflow stage and title                 mandatory for the user to be filled out
                                                                                                                                             Create security mechanisms for your self-
                                                                                          Title management on the STREAM                     defined scenarios and manage
                                                                                           platform: cloud-based, intuitive & easy to         accessibility
                                                                                           work with, a great user experience on any
                                                                                           type of device                                    Title data integrity can never be violated
                                                                                                                                              by individual input forms
                                                                                          Define data input forms (scenarios) based
                                                                                           on the extensive STREAM metadata set
                                                                                           for products and series
                                         Create a canvas for your scenario:
                                         visualize the element groups as desired
                                                                                                       This STREAM product is the administrative basis for the Title Life Cycle Manager

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Mail Merge Manager (admin tool)

        Define your mail merge letter and email templates with placeholders
        in the simplest way by just writing them

                Supports the creation of documents (docx, pdf) and emails merged with
                 data from your database

                Provides functionality to seamlessly integrate multiple data tables into the
                 document or email

                Define MS Word document templates and email templates with a rich
                 html editor

                Uploaded stationaries and signatures are automatically merged into your

                Define the data sources to be used for merging

                Email templates can include/show attachments and support including a           This STREAM product is the administrative
                 pre-generated pdf document as an attachment when being sent out                basis for all STREAM apps using template-
                                                                                                based document and email creation

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APIs for managing the title life cycle

        The powerful functionality of the STREAM apps provided
        as RESTful services for integration

             Benefits                                                               Benefits
             Title Base Data                                                        Title Blurbs
                          Update title metadata for existing products and series                 Create and update texts for products and works

             Title Structure                                                                      Supports the defined text workflow

                          Create new products and series                           Title Prices
                          Supports parallel versions and editions                                Assign new prices
                          Creation process can use title templates                               Update prices and scales
                          Establish set structures                                               Calculates foreign currency prices
                          Create new publications (e.g. reprints) of a product     Production
                          Establish series structure                                             Update production metadata for existing production
             Title Classification                                                                  projects

                          Define and update product and series classifications

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Select your STREAM for TEP World

        STREAM TEP Apps                             Blurb Manager                        STREAM TEP Administration Tools

            Product 360°                           Sales Price Manager                     Scenario Editor as a Service

            Title Life Cycle Manager                                                        Validation Manager as a Service
                      Title Metadata Editor                                                 Mail Merge Manager
                      Title Structure Manager
                                                    Purchasing
                      Early Title Manager
                                                    Suppliers Online
            Product Quality Manager
                                                                                          STREAM TEP General
            Digital Asset Management
                                                    Permissions and Compliance Manager      Multi Location, Currency, Language
            Catalog Manager
                                                    Ticketing                               Multi Operating Companies
            Inventory Manager
                                                                                             Languages

            Contact 360°
                                                 STREAM TEP Backend
            Contact Manager
                                                  Catalog and ONIX Export Processes      STREAM TEP BI

                                                  DAM Asset Provision and Import          Klopotek Analytics P&L
            Classification Manager

© Klopotek                                                                                                                         41
The World of Klopotek STREAM – TEP

                   for Editorial

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