5th year Option Information Evening - Lucan Community College

Page created by Greg Tran
5th year Option Information Evening - Lucan Community College

5th year
5th year Option Information Evening - Lucan Community College
Una Twyford
TY Year Head
5th year Option Information Evening - Lucan Community College
Welcome to
tonight’s live
5th year Option Information Evening - Lucan Community College
5th year Option Information Evening - Lucan Community College
Reminder of this week's Work Focus Week
    30-hour on-line suite of 15 modules (Dulann) related to the World of Work in lieu
    of the traditional work experience placement.

    All modules must be completed. Full Certification for all modules is available and
    must be produced to receive the credits.

    In addition, each day: resources dealing with various aspects of career selection

    The Career Portal – www.careersportal.ie
5th year Option Information Evening - Lucan Community College
Remainder of Transition Year

       Transition Year students return to live classes next Tuesday.

       It is very important that all students continue to engage fully in
       online classes and complete work/projects set as we move
       towards the completion of Transition Year.
5th year Option Information Evening - Lucan Community College
Established Leaving Certificate
Senior Cycle   Programme

in Lucan
College        Leaving Certificate Applied
5th year Option Information Evening - Lucan Community College
Tonight's speakers:

      Eileen O’Gara        Stephen Brett
        (Guidance       (Deputy Principal) -
      department) -      the online options
    choosing subjects         process
5th year Option Information Evening - Lucan Community College
Eileen O’Gara
Process Involved in Making
Subject Choice
Weekly Class with Guidance Counsellor using Careersportal

Video presentations from Subject Teachers (on website
from tomorrow)
Subject Booklet (on website from tomorrow)

Information Evening for Parents (Powerpoint on website
from tomorrow)
Completion of Online Option Process
Subject Teachers

                       Guidance Counsellors
Where To
Seek Advice
                        Parents and Siblings

              Looking at Leaving Certificate Text Books
Aptitude and Ability in the Subject

           Interest and Enjoyment

           Third Level Requirements
Subjects   Specific Subject Requirements for Course

           Potential to do Higher Level in Subject

           Format of Exam- Projects/ Practicals/ Written
Points System

GRADE   POINTS   %               GRADE   POINTS

H1      100      90-100      O1          56

H2      88       80-89       O2          46

H3      77       70-79       O3          37

H4      66       60-69       O4          28

H5      56       50-59       O5          20

H6      46       40-49       O6          12

H7      37       30-39       O7          0

H8      0        0-29        O8          0
UCD, DCU, Maynooth, UCG,

Higher Education   Level 8 Degrees
Minimum Entry      • 2 H5s and 4 O6s/H7 to include
Requirements         following subjects: Irish, English,
                     Maths and 3rd Language
                   • TCD
                   • 3 H5s and 3O6s/H7s to include
                     English, Maths and Language (Irish
                     or another language)
Technological Universities/ Institutes of

Level 8 (Honours Degree)
2 H5s and 4 O6s to include English, Irish and
Maths                                           Entry
Level 7 (Ordinary Degrees)

5 O6s to include English, Irish, Maths
Further Education Colleges

QQI Level 5 Courses                Minimum
• 5 O6s in Leaving Certificate     Entry
• Portfolios (Art, Media related   Requirements
• Auditions (Music, Media)
• Interview
Entry to a course in Higher Education
             Meet Minimum Entry Requirements

CAO Points   Meet Specific Subject Requirements
             Have the required points
             Note: CAO points based on 6 best subjects
             presented at Leaving Certificate
Irish is required for entry into
           UCD, Maynooth, UCG,UCC

CORE       Some students are exempt
           Higher Level Irish,(H4),is required
           for Primary Teaching and to study
           Irish at University
Essential subject for college entry-

           Grade required: O6/H7

CORE       Technological Universities/ ITs will accept Irish/English
ENGLISH    Speech and Language Therapy, Journalism, Creative Digital
           Media, Media Courses require Higher Level English

           Essential for employment/ Apprenticeships
Essential for college entry- O6/H7

CORE          Higher Level Maths required- Engineering-
              H4, Computer Science (TCD)-H4,
SUBJECT-      Computational Thinking (Maynooth
MATHEMATICS   University) -H2, Actuarial Maths (DCU)-H3
              Meets requirements for a second Science
              subject- Science (TCD), Pharmacy
Bonus Points in

                         H1-H6                 POINTS- 625
Minimum Entry requirement for UCD,
           Maynooth University, UCG, UCC

Core       Note: Some courses have removed language
           requirement, for example, Maynooth University
Subject-   in Business/Accounting/ Finance

Third      Linguistic Competence

           Option to study other languages at Higher
           Education -International Business/ Hospitality
Specific Requirements/Useful Subjects

Travel/ Tourism                          Languages, Home Economics

Culinary Arts/ Chef /Hotel Management    Home Economics, Languages

Veterinary Medicine                      Chemistry

Dietetics/Public Nutrition/ Pharmacy     Chemistry

Nursing                                  Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Specific Requirements/Useful Subjects
Fields of Study                      Course Requirements/
                                     Useful Subjects

Medicine/ Medical Related, Science   Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Applied Maths

Sports /Food Science                 Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Business/ Accounting/Finance         Business, Accounting

Engineering/ Architecture            Science, Art, DCG, Engineering,
                                     Construction, Applied Maths
UCD- Accept Geography as
            Science subject

            TCD- Accept Geography as second
Geography   Science for Science, Pharmacy,
            Medicinal Chemistry,
            Earth Science
Choose subjects to allow for a
             change of mind regarding
             career choice in the next two
Key Points   years
             Student may have no interest
Remember     in Science now but may want
             to pursue a career in a Science
             related area after 6th Year
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
Enhanced Leaving Certificate (vocational dimension)

Does not meet the Minimum Entry Requirements as a LC subject

Students take 6 or 7 subject plus LCVP

Enterprise Education

Preparation for work
60% Portfolio

          40% Written Paper
          Portfolio and Exam completed by May in 6th
Link      Year
Modules   All work completed in school time

          Strong focus on activity based learning
Core       CV
                        Career Investigation
                        Summary Report

Portfolio-              Enterprise Action Plan

60%          Optional
                        Work Experience Diary
                        Recorded Interview
                        Enterprise Report
                        Report on ‘My Own Place’
Written Paper- 40%
Audio Visual Presentation

Case Study

General Questions (based on LCVP activities)
Interview Preparation
           CV preparation
           Report Writing
Skills     Improved ICT skills

Acquired   Improved Communication skills
           Working as part of a team
           Preparation for world of work
           Self-directed learning
Distinction: 80-100%-66 points
             (H4 in Higher Level)

             Merit: 65-79%- 46 points (H6
CAO Points   Higher Level/ O2 Ordinary Level)

             Pass: 50-64%- 28 points (O4 in
             Ordinary Level)
Students must choose the correct
               subject combinations to be eligible for
               LCVP (see booklet and option form)

LCVP Subject   All work completed in class time

               Choose option subjects first
Can I do Higher Level in a subject if I
       have sat Ordinary level at Junior Cert?

       Can I take up a new subject?
       Level of Maths required for Physics
       Chemistry, Business, Accounting?

       Can I change an option when in 5th
Reflect on your interests, ability in subject and
             all possible career interests
             Complete Form in order of preference in
             consultation with parents
             Speak to teachers and Guidance Counsellors

Conclusion   Research new subjects

             Every effort made to give students first option

             Students career interests taken into account


Resources/   www.examinations.ie
             If you have questions regarding courses/
             training or particular subjects, email:
Stephen Brett
Deputy Principal
• As parents of next year’s 5th year students you are
                requested to choose subject options via your parental
                vsware account which all parents have access to –

Accessing       students cannot do this.
              • In order to complete this options process you will need
                to visit our vsware website which is
vsware as a     www.lucancc.vsware.ie (vsware is best accessed
                through Google Chrome).

parent        • Start off by entering your username and password and
                click 'sign in'.

(not as a     • If you have forgotten your parental vsware password
                please click 'Create/Reset Password' at the bottom of
                the vsware login page and follow the steps.
student)      • The school cannot issue passwords (GDPR)
              • If you are having any difficulties accessing your vsware
                account please contact me directly at
Entering options using vsware
• You must proceed to enter each subject in order of preference
  using the drop-down menu (1 – 8 in order of preference).
• There is a video available
  at https://vsware.wistia.com/medias/kr62eqh02z that will show
  you exactly how it is done.
• A separate document ‘Advice on completing the
  online vsware subject choice’ is available at www.lucancc.ie
• Options entry on VSware will open on Monday 15th March and
  close on Sunday 21st March (7 days to complete).
• You can revisit and change options at any time during the 7 days
• Students will be assigned classes based on available space if the
  online process is not completed (or incomplete).
Screenshot of VSware
                        • Choose 8 options subjects 1 - 8 in order of preference
Options – must enter    • Top priority must be placed at number 1
       top 8 subjects

Core Subjects (all students study)

                • Gaeilge/Irish (for examination unless DES
                • English
Core 5th        • Maths
                • Modern Foreign Language (French or German)
Year            Plus:
Subjects:       • Religious Education
                • Physical Education
                • SPHE

                You must then choose 3 option subjects

17 Options (3 subjects selected
online using vsware)
  •   Accounting
  •   Art
  •   Biology
  •   Business
  •   Chemistry
  •   Construction Studies
  •   DCG
  •   Engineering
  •   Geography
  •   History
  •   Home Economics
  •   Music
  •   Physics
  •   Physical Education (LCPE)
  •   Politics & Society
  •   Religion
  •   Technology
• Every effort is made to allocate students subjects based
              on their preferences
            • Due to resource issues (size of classes, staff, specialist

Important     classrooms and scheduling clashes) it is not possible to
              give everyone their 1, 2, 3.
            • In general, 90% students will get No.1, 75% No.2 and
points        approximately 66% No.3
            • Therefore student's 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th choices
about         are crucially important
            • Important that you reflect before deciding your
options       preference on student interest and aptitude, possible
              career options
            • Don't worry! Process for addressing option issues upon
              start-up in August 2021 – any subject option change
              must be made before the end of September and are
              contingent on available spaces

Additional option subjects
(outside school day)
     We also offer Applied Maths and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

     Pupils taking the LCVP examination are required to take TWO Leaving Certificate Subjects from one of the
     Vocational Groupings (information about LCVP is available via https://pdst.ie/node/2354#vsg)

     These subjects are both offered outside of the school's timetable

     Student can register their interest in studying either at the start of the school year in September 2021
Example of scheduling                    • Please note that subjects can clash with each other
                                             and this may affect the subjects you can study.

  clashes with options – for               • Clashes occur more in subjects with 1 class only
                                           • There is no way to predict this in advance so choose
  illustrative purposes only!                order of preference - this changes year to year
                                           • Clashes can occur based on numbers choosing a
                                             subject and available resources (teachers/rooms etc).

Line   Engineering   Art       LCPE        Music              Technology          Biology
Line   DCG           Home Ec   Geography   Biology            Chemistry           Business
Line   Geography     Home Ec   Physics     Accounting         Politics &          Biology
3                                                             Society

Reminder: New subject information videos will be available on the
school website from tomorrow

These subject videos along with this presentation and the subject
booklet will be available on our website from this evening!
www.lucancc.ie ->Programmes ->Leaving
Certificate (incl. LCVP) ->5th year options
information 21/22
Questions &
Thank you for
attending tonight.
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