OPEN WATER L'EAU CLAIRE - Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour 96th Annual Exhibition - CSPWC

Page created by Ryan Mcguire
OPEN WATER L'EAU CLAIRE - Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour 96th Annual Exhibition - CSPWC
                             L’EAU CLAIRE
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                         Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour
                         96th Annual Exhibition
                         An International Juried Online Exhibition of Water Based Media

                         Submissions Open June 01, 2021 | Deadline September 17, 2021

The CSPWC/SCPA has been promoting excellence in watercolour through education and exhibitions since 1925

                           For information about our activities or how to join,
                                please visit our website at:
                                         or email:
OPEN WATER L'EAU CLAIRE - Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour 96th Annual Exhibition - CSPWC

                                        October 15 2021 - January 15, 2022

               We are proud to present the 96TH Annual Open Water Juried Exhibition as an online exhibit.

This exhibition is open strictly to submissions painted in Water Based Media as de ned in this call for entry:

   Allowable water media: artist's quality watercolour paint, watercolour ink, watercolour crayon, watercolour
   pencil, workable xative, gouache (which can be applied transparently and opaquely). The use of a graphite
   drawing and India Ink are accepted. Not permissable: egg tempera, casein, acrylic and archival felt pens.

   Paint Surface: archival ber paper which includes: watercolour paper, watercolour paper glued to wood/
   composite panel, watercolour paper glued to canvas, canvas prepared for watercolour, and watercolour
   board. Yupo is not accepted.

   Paintings may be protected by varnish or wax.

   Only media listed in the de nition above are permissible. Application must be by hand, brush or any tool by
   the artist without digital or mechanical assistance.

   Computer generated artwork and/or mechanically printed images will not be accepted.

   All styles are acceptable.

                                  IMPORTANT DATES

               September 17, 6:00 pm. EST                     DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES
                                        October 8             Artist Noti cation by Email
                                       October 15             Exhibition Opens Online
                                 January 15 (2022)            Exhibition Closes
OPEN WATER L'EAU CLAIRE - Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour 96th Annual Exhibition - CSPWC
CONDITIONS OF ENTRY                                          ENTRY DETAILS

     1) Artists may submit up to two digital images, however      This exhibition is open to any artist, and entry is
     only one painting per applicant may be accepted for          adjudicated by digital image. Award-winning
     exhibition.                                                  paintings will be selected from the digital image.

     2) Sales: a 40% commission is deducted from the sale         Entry Fee: (for up to two images)
     price. Prices cannot be changed and must be in               CSPWC Members and Associates $40
     Canadian dollars. Artists have the option of having a        Non-members $55
     work "not for sale". In this case, a value does not need     Entry fees are non-refundable. (Canadian Dollars)
     to be included.

     3) All paintings must be original, created by the artist
     who is submitting, and not previously shown in an
                                                                  Submissions open June 1, 2021 at
     Open Water Exhibition.
     4) Paintings must not have been created under art
     instruction, in a workshop, class or mentorship              You will be required to create a free account at
     program.                                            with a username and password. Sign in to
                                                                  make your submission and follow all instructions.
     5) Paintings must have been completed within the past
     three years.                                                 Image Requirements:
                                                                     Minimum of 960 pixels (on longest side)
     6) Paintings must not be derivative or based on the             Maximum of 1920 pixels (on longest side)
     work of others or in any way an infringement of                 300 dpi
     copyright. Using stock imagery or photos taken by               maximum le size of 4 MB.
     professional photographers is not permissible, even
     with permission or paid licensing.                           Please ensure your images are cropped to show only
                                                                  the painting. Do not include mats, frames or
     7) Open Water 2021 is strictly open to submissions           backgrounds of any kind.
     painted in watercolour, as de ned in this call for entry.
                                                                  Video Tutorials:
     8) The Jury and/or the Exhibition Chair, reserve the right   How to Submit
     not to post/exhibit any painting which does not              How to resize your Image
     conform to all the rules of the competition.
                                                                  Noti cation of acceptance or non-acceptance will be
     9) If an accepted artist withdraws their work after the      by email after October 8, 2021. Recipients of awards
     adjudication, they will not be eligible to enter Open        will be noti ed by October 15, 2021.
     Water exhibitions for three years.
                                                                  Please Note:
     10) Entries that are accepted for exhibition will remain
     on display until the end date of the online exhibition       By submission of entry, the artist grants the CSPWC the
     on January 15, 2022. The CSPWC reserves the right to         right to use the image of the accepted work for
     remove any posted online painting at any time for any        publicity, educational, reference and archive purposes.
                                                                  By submission of entry, the artist agrees to all the terms
                                                                  and conditions of entry as per this form.

                         For Further Information: Email CSPWC Administrator:

OPEN WATER L'EAU CLAIRE - Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour 96th Annual Exhibition - CSPWC
AWARDS                                                           EXHIBITION JURORS

     (Cash Awards are in Canadian Dollars)                            Guest Juror: Antonio Masi AWS, D.F. AWS President

     A.J. CASSON MEDAL:                                               American painter Antonio Masi is currently President
     Awarded to the best painting in the exhibition, this medal, in   of the American Watercolor Society. His work has
     honour of one of the CSPWC’s founding members, was               been featured in The Artist’s Magazine, PBS – “Sunday
     inspired by one of Casson’s masterworks. It is accompanied       Arts,” NBC-TV “Weekend Today in New York,” and in
     by a $3000 cash award.                                           a Newsday feature in 2008 entitled “Bridgemaster.”
                                                                      Solo exhibitions include The New York Centennial
     CARL SCHAEFER AWARD: Sponsored by the William R. and             Commission of the Queensboro Bridge Exhibition in
     Shirley Beatty Foundation. $1000 Cash Award                      2009, The Forbes Gallery, New York City 2010, The
                                                                      New York City Transit Museum 2012, and at The
     CHARLES COMFORT MEDAL: Awarded to a gurative work
     of exceptional quality, this medal, in honour of of the
                                                                      Salmagundi Club of New York. His work was also
     CSPWC’s founding members, was inspired by one of                 featured in a The New York Times video entitled,
     Comfort’s acclaimed portraits of Carl Schaefer.                  “Living City: A Tale of Two Bridges” in 2014.
     It is accompanied by a $500 cash Award.                

     DOROTHY J. CORSON AWARD:                                         Wendy Hoffmann CSPWC
     Sponsored by CSPWC Member Martha West Gayford.
     $500 cash award                                                  Wendy Hoffmann’s development as an artist was built
                                                                      on her background as an educator in media and in art
     CSPWC LANDSCAPE AWARD: $500 Cash Award                           history. As departmental director and teacher in an
                                                                      arts school, she has administered programs to over
                                                                        fty schools, and has taught at the university level.
     (Canadian Residents only)
     Curry’s Award 1: $1000 product award
                                                                      Hoffmann’s recognizable subjects are universal, often
     Curry’s Award 2: $500 product award                              with imagery that is metaphoric and infused with
     Curry’s Award 3: $500 product award                              transparent glazes, frequently without drawing. Her
                                                                      work appears in publications and in collections in
     HEINZ JORDAN AND COMPANY LTD. AWARDS:                            Canada, the US, Mexico, Europe, as well as in the
     (Canadian Residents only)                                        Royal Collection at Windsor Castle, UK. She has
     Two separate $400 product awards                                 exhibited in several countries and became an elected
                                                                      member of the CSPWC in 2000.
     THE PAINT SPOT AWARD: (Canadian Residents only)
     Gift certi cate $200                                             Rayne Tunley AOCAD, CSPWC, SCA, OSA
     Schmincke Horadam Watercolour Set, value $275                    Past President CSPWC
     White Night Neva Watercolour Set, value $185

                                                                      Rayne Tunley was President of the Canadian Society
     $500 Watercolour Paper Award                                     of Painters in Water Colour for four years (2015 –
                                                                      2019). Rayne has served as Exhibition Chair and as a
     BRUSH PAPER PAINT AWARD: SPONSORED BY                            Juror for many national/international exhibitions and
                                                                      societies in Canada, France, Italy, the United States.
           DELTA ART AND DRAFTING SUPPLY                              Rayne currently is represented by the John A. Libby
           Qor Watercolour set, value $150                            Art Gallery in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She has
           ROSEMARY AND CO. AWARD                                     exhibited nationally throughout Canada,
           Gift certi cate £100.00                                    internationally (France, Mexico, Italy) as well as in
           LEGION PAPER                                               various art societies and groups where she has won
           Watercolour Paper, value -$150 US                          numerous awards. Rayne has work in many private
                                                                      collections, including the Archives of Ontario,
     HONOURABLE MENTIONS (Canadian Residents Only)
     Sponsored by Schmincke: Three 12 pan watercolour sets            Canada.
     $149.00 value each

     * Sponsored awards are subject to change
OPEN WATER L'EAU CLAIRE - Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour 96th Annual Exhibition - CSPWC
The CSPWC/SCPA sincerely thanks our generous award sponsors!
              Please visit the links below to learn more about our sponsors.

       The awards list has been con rmed at the time of publication; however,
  the CSPWC/SCPA does not assume responsibility if a sponsor withdraws an award.
    Additional Awards are being processed. Please check our website for updates.

Currys                                                                   Baoh
                           Heinz Jordan
                                  The Paint

  n                                                                 Rosemary


OPEN WATER L'EAU CLAIRE - Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour 96th Annual Exhibition - CSPWC
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