31st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Divine Mercy

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time                                  First Friday & First Saturday Devotion
Centuries of God’s devoted people have found this             Friday, November 5th & Saturday, November 6th
prayer on their lips: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our        All are welcome to join us for Holy Hour and Mass of
God, the Lord alone!” The fundamental prayer has              Reparation at St. Francis of Paola Church on Friday,
been laid as the cornerstone of many spiritual lives.         November 5th. At 6pm we will have Holy Hour
Where did you learn how to pray or did you? Maybe             followed by Mass at 7pm. A reception will follow in
there is a wisdom figure in your life who inspired and        St. Francis Rectory Basement.
guided you by the genuine, holy simplicity of their           Also, please persevere in the First Saturday Devotion.
lives. His or her example may have led you to God             The devotion requires that a person observe for five
and taught you how to pray. Or perhaps you                    (5) consecutive first Saturdays the commitment to:
discovered this art on your own after stumbling over               Attend Mass on that Saturday
yourself enough times and finally realizing it was                 Pray the Rosary on that Saturday
time to reach out to Someone greater than yourself.                Meditate for 15 minutes on one of the
There is a timeless truth that we not only tend to                    mysteries of the Rosary on that Saturday
forget, but may have never learned. There is only one              Go           to       the     Sacrament       of
God, the Lord alone! As a result, we often worship                    Reconciliation/Penance within a week prior or
other gods rather than the One true God. Everything                   after the first Saturday
in our life gets distorted and we find ourselves lost         The promise is that the person who makes such an
and off center.                                               offering will be accompanied by the Blessed Virgin
If we haven’t learned it yet, there is a life lesson at the   Mary at the hour of their death with all the graces
top of all of the possible lessons to be learned. There       necessary for salvation!
is One True and Eternal God who alone has a solitary
claim on us and must be loved with all our heart, soul,
mind, and strength. Until we learn this primary                         150thAnniversary
lesson, we run the risk of getting distracted and               Celebration of St. Cecilia’s Church
sidetracked. We will also never really figure out what        Please mark your calendar Sunday, November 21,
is at the heart of the relationships we share with the        2021 at 1 P.M. we will offer a Solemn Mass marking
other human beings on this planet with whom we                the 150 years of St. Cecilia’s Church.
share life. That one primary lesson will teach us the         Reception to follow in the auditorium. Tickets are
second most valuable lesson: that we must love our            waiting list only. Call the Rectory.
neighbor as ourselves. You cannot have one without
the other. The presence of God in the core soul of
each one of us requires that all of our relationships
work together. This truth is at the heart of the Gospel.
                                                               Mass Book 2022 /January to December
                                                                      The 2022 Mass book will open on
If every human being, each in their own way, could            Mon., Nov. 15, 9am-12Noon - St. Francis Auditorium
stumble upon and genuinely embrace this truth, look           Tues., Nov. 16, 1pm-3:30pm - St. Francis Auditorium
how different life would be! Our priorities will                      The stipend for Masses:
immediately shift from “I and me” to “us and we” and                          $40.00 for weekend Masses
we will develop a more inclusive vision for our                               $20.00 for weekday Masses
brothers and sisters. Concerned not only about my             NOTE: For the 7:30am Sunday Mass at St. Francis
own wellbeing and happiness but also that of our              of Paola we will only take intentions for the first two
brothers and sisters, humanity stands a chance at             months of the year (January and February) until
succeeding in the struggle with injustice, abuse,             further notice.
inequity, violence, war, entitlement, and privilege. It               Each person who comes will be limited to 10
seems that getting to this point has been at the heart        Masses: 2 on Sunday, 2 on Saturday and 6 during the
of the Gospel and the kingdom of God from the                 week. No Masses will be taken over the phone on
moment Jesus first started to preach. It’s a wonder           these days.
why, then, why so many centuries later, we have still                 Masks are required. If you do not have one,
failed to achieve his vision. Maybe we just haven’t           one will be provided.
learned our primary lessons yet.                                      Enter 200 Woodpoint Rd. for the auditorium.
A Message from Fr. Tom                                      Trigésimo primer domingo del tiempo
The essence of this Sunday’s message is the fulfillment     ordinario (Marcos 12:28-34)
of God’s Law. It is the pathway to God’s Kingdom.           El escriba le pregunta a Jesús cuál es el más importante
This pathway is made by the person who puts their faith     de todos los mandamientos de la ley? Suponemos que
into action. This requires sincere acts of love for         los escribas eran intelectuales, profundamente
others. Each time we celebrate the Mass we enter into       conocedores y detallados en los textos de la Ley de
the mystery of God and confront the eternal human           Moisés. Si es así, no había razón para preguntarle a
questions which our Gospel raises:                          Jesús cuál sería el mandamiento más importante. Por
     How do we define a life well lived?                   otro lado, Jesús mirándolo de cerca, podría incluso
     What are the basic principles that should guide a     preguntarse cómo es posible, siendo este hombre un
        life well lived?                                    Doctor de la Ley sin saber cuál era el más grande. Pero
     At the end of my life, what will be the criteria of   Jesús le responde: ¡escucha Israel! El Señor tu Dios es
        judgment on my life—the moment when each            el único Señor. Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu
        one of us will stand before our God?                corazón, con toda tu alma, con toda tu mente y con
     How can I prepare well for that consummate            todas tus fuerzas. Y el segundo también es importante:
        moment in my life?                                  No hay otro mandamiento más importante que estos
Serious stuff! We should not shy away from these ‘big’      dos. Jesús, examinando la figura de este escriba, y
questions. We recognize that Jesus gives us the answer      debido a su interés, llega a la conclusión de que no está
to these questions. However—living out that life is         lejos del Reino de Dios. Por los detalles, esta narración
another matter entirely. The truths of God have to be       se asemeja a la escena del joven rico que ya hemos
internalized—have to be integrated into our lives so        meditado (Mc 10,17-22), que solo necesitaba darlo todo
that we live the truths we profess sincerely—               a los pobres y seguir a Jesús. El escriba necesitaba
authentically. Electronic music from a greeting card        romper sus vínculos con las doctrinas y observancias
has 100% of the right notes—and exacting rhythm—but         legales. Y qué te falta? ¿Qué barreras debes romper
as we all know—the music is dead. It has no life.           para seguir y adorar al único Dios verdadero? Sepan
Living by a rigorous code can be like that for us as        que la expresión de su adhesión al amor de Dios no es
well. And so, I believe God is asking for something         el culto religioso, no es la observancia del domingo, la
more. The Law is something that has to come alive for       observancia de las liturgias, sino el amor concreto y
us—like a fire that burns within us. A constant             solidario al prójimo, que se puede resumir en: amar a
search—a constant probing of my conscience to discern       Dios sobre todas las cosas Tu vecino como a ti mismo.
what is the best path in any serious and consequential      Pará Juan no es posible amar a Dios, a quien no vemos,
circumstance. Jesus reminds us, “You shall love your        si no amamos al prójimo a quien vemos. Si es así, solo
neighbor as yourself.” Since God has first loved us and     somos unos mentirosos. Porque Dios es amor y quien lo
demonstrated this love through Jesus—love is no longer      ama debe amar a su hermano. Por lo tanto, los dos
a mere commandment—but a reality that can be lived          mandamientos se abrazan y se completan. Este es el
because it has first been given to us by God through        modelo que nos presenta el propio Evangelio en la
Jesus Christ.                                               relación de amistad entre Jesús y el escriba, ya que
Fr. Tom                                                     ambos se alaban. En esto radica el amor: en el
                                                            reconocimiento de la igualdad mutua y la fidelidad
                                                            mutua y perpetua. Fr. Pedro
      Sunday Concert, November 7th
         at St. Cecilia’s Church
                 All are welcomed                           Information / Informacion
As part of our celebration of the 150 Anniversary of        Divine Mercy Parish will offer an Advent Retreat for
St. Cecilia’s Church, we will have a special concert        all parishioners on Sat., Nov. 13, 2021, from 1pm to
                                                            3pm in St. Francis of Paola Auditorium in English.
beginning at 6:30pm before the 7pm Cantata Mass.
We will inaugurate the 1871 pump organ that was             Refreshments will be served. All are welcome.
recently acquired and restored by DMP. Fr. Richard          Divine Mercy Parish will offer an Advent Retreat for
Cipolla of the Diocese of Bridgeport will be the            all parishioners of St. Nicholas in Spanish on
celebrant.                                                  November 13, 2021 from 9am to 1pm.
We will celebrate the feast of our Lady of Providencia,          Mass Intentions for the Week
the patroness of Puerto Ricans, on Saturday, November
20, 2021, at 7pm at the Church of St. Nicholas. We will          St. Francis of Paola Church
have a Holy Hour to thank God for allowing us to finish    Saturday, October 30, 2021
the liturgical year.                                       5:00pm       Anthony Arato by Wife, Children,
                                                                        Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren
We will have a Novena in Honor of Our Lady of
Guadalupe in the Church of San Nicolás. It will start      Sunday, October 31, 2021
Saturday, December 4, 2021, at 7:30pm. All                 7:30am       For the People of Divine Mercy Parish
parishioners are invited to participate.                   12 Noon      Anthony, Jennie & Frank Torre by Torre
La iglesia de la Divina Misericordia celebrará una misa                 Family
especial por día de todas las almas el 2 Noviembre                      Edna Rossi by Annette Bergamo
2021. Esta misa se celebrará en la Iglesia de San                       Edwin Moranda by Maria Moranda
Francis de Paola a las 7pm Si tiene un familiar que haya
                                                           Monday, November 1, 2021-ALL SAINTS
fallecido y quiere que se celebre la misa por él o ella.
                                                           7:45am       Tutti Santi by Raffaela Morena
Por favor llamar a la rectoría y dejar el nombre.
La iglesia de la Divina Misericordia ofrecerá un retiro    Tuesday, November 2, 2021-ALL SOULS
de adviento en español para todos los feligreses de la     7:45am       All Souls
iglesia de San Nicolás el día 13 de noviembre del 2021     7:00pm       A Special All Souls Day Mass
desde las 9am a 1pm. Todos están invitados a
participar.                                                Wednesday, November 3, 2021
                                                           7:45am       Francesco Gangone by Wife &
Celebraremos la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de la                          Daughters
Providencia, patrona de los puertorriqueños, el 20 de
noviembre de 2021, a las 7pm en la Iglesia de San          Thursday, November 4, 2021
Nicolás. Tendremos una hora santa para agradecer a         7:45am       In Gratitude to Our Lady of the Snow
Dios por permitirnos terminar el año litúrgico.                         Society
Si alguien de los parroquianos quiere ofrecer una misa     Friday, November 5, 2021
o una intención para sus familiares, por favor ir a la     7:45am       James Long (Birthday) by Wife &
Sacristía y comunicarle al Sacristán, que se llama el                   Children
Señor José Muñoz.
Informamos a la comunidad que los que deseen hacer         Saturday, November 6, 2021
los sacramentos de iniciación bautismo, comunión y         7:45am       For All Souls by Maria Cimino
confirmación para adultos en nuestra parroquia las         5:00pm       Robert Basile by Cousin Elizabeth
inscripciones están abiertas, por favor comunicarse con                 Basile
el padre Pedro                                             Sunday, November 7, 2021
Tendremos una novena en honor a Nuestra Señora de          7:30am       Open Intention
Guadalupe en la iglesia de San Nicolás. Comienza el 4      12 Noon      Deceased Members of the San Sabino
de diciembre de 2021 a las 7:30p.m. Todos los                           Society
feligreses están invitados a participar.

ST. THERESA GUILD                                                   St. Francis of Paola Church
The next meeting of the St. Theresa Guild will take           Memorial Gifts – October 31, 2021
place on Thurs., Nov. 11, at 7:30pm in the St. Francis     BLESSED MOTHER CANDLES
of Paola Auditorium (enter Woodpoint Road). Please         In Thanksgiving
bring a Thanksgiving raffle gift and arrive promptly as
doors will be locked once meeting begins.
Members are asked to join in prayer following the 5pm      Homeschooling This Year?
Mass on Saturday, November 6, outdoors in front of the     All are welcome to join our Thursday Co-Op!
garden statue of St. Theresa (weather permitting).         Contact our Program Coordinator at 718-387-0256.
OCTOBER 31, 2021
      Mass Intentions for the Week                                   Mass Intentions for the Week
         St. Nicholas Church                                           St. Cecilia Church
Sunday, October 31, 2021                                  Sunday, October 31, 2021
10:30am        Open Intention                             9:00am          Margaret Rossi - H. B. in Heaven
                                                                          Christos Haliotis
Wednesday, November 3, 2021                                               Jose Angel Rodriguez – Living Intention
7:00pm         Open Intention                             7:00pm          Michael & Anna Mahon
Sunday, November 7, 2021                                  Monday, November 1, 2021 - ALL SAINTS
10:30am        Juan B. Vazquez by Joesefa Vazquez         8:30am          Margaret “Peggy” Dobranski – Get Well

                                                          Tuesday, November 2, 2021 - ALL SOULS
Pray for the Recently Deceased:                           8:30am          All Souls
Pasquale Coraggio, Maria Beatrice, Marie Caracciolo
                                                          Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Pray for the Sick: Mary Jane Del Vicario, John            8:30am          Open Intention
Tusa, Mary Gentile, Eugene Holowacz, Elba Rufrano,
Salvatore Altadonna                                       Thursday, November 4, 2021
                                                          8:30am          Barbara Nunziata

                                                          Friday, November 5, 2021- First Friday
All Saints Day – Parish Mass Schedule                     8:30am          Purgatorials
              Monday, November 1, 2021
          7:45am – St. Francis of Paola Church            Saturday, November 6, 2021
              8:30am – St. Cecilia Church                 8:30am          Lt. Marci Simms, N.Y.P.D.
 All Souls Day – Parish Mass Schedule
              Tuesday, November 2, 2021                   Sunday, November 7, 2021
          7:45am – St. Francis of Paola Church            9:00am          For the People of Divine Mercy Parish
              8:30am – St. Cecilia Church                                 Margie Formato
          7:00pm – St. Francis of Paola Church                            Eamon & Ray McGinn
                                                                          Jo & Ed Collins
                                                          7:00pm          Michael Pasquale
               Sunday Collection
The Sunday Collection for
October 23 and 24, 2021              $2,715.00                        The Lord’s Little Ones
Venmo                                $       0            For two weeks now, we have considered what-all
GiveCentral                          $ 504.15             Creation reveals about The Lord.
Grand Total                          $3,219.15            Color stood out as a certain proof to our second graders
                                                          that God is not only fun, but the kind of dad who wants
                                                          children in every shade of skin.
              Green Door Gallery                          When asked why, (7 year old) Tina said:
              With Teressa Valla                          Otherwise, we would all look like twins!
                    Ascend                                The Confirmation students reflected on the seventh day
          October 8 – October 31, 2021                    of Creation as brilliance in itself.
      Gallery Hours: Saturday & Sunday 2-5 pm             Sean explained it best: "I used to see Mass as
          And by appointment, 212-595-3430                something I had to do, but when I started thinking about
Special thanks to NYFA, New York Foundation for the       it as something I can do for my family, it became a
Arts, Artist Relief, Green Door Gallery, and Friends at   gift."
Con-Solatio, New York                                     Their faith is our future - please pray it stays strong.
Location: 206 Skillman Avenue                             Melanie
Please wear a mask indoors.

CHURCH NAME:             Divine Mercy Parish

CHURCH CITY:             Brooklyn, NY

ROUTING CODE:            Y

RUN NUMBER:              13

FILENAME:                04-0284.53b

                         PHONE NUMBER:                       718-389-0010

                         FAX NUMBER:                         718-389-5090

                         EDITOR/ CONTACT:                    Maryann


                                              Lay Baptismal Ministry
We are looking for couples to begin a Lay Baptismal Ministry here in Divine Mercy. The couples will be trained to
facilitate Pre Baptismal preparation and post baptismal encounters for families who are seeking the sacrament of
baptism or have recently baptized in our parish Community. Please contact our parish office to register. The Pastor,
Priests and Baptismal Ministry will work together as partners in this important endeavor.

                               Receive Our Parish Bulletin Electronically
Would you like to receive our parish bulletin electronically days before everyone else? Then log on to
“Parishesonline.com” to register. In a few simple steps you can receive our parish bulletin and more easily stay on
top of parish events and other important parish information.

                                         Spiritual Communion Prayer
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.

                                            How to Report Online
                                        Sexual Exploitation of Children
To report suspected online sexual exploitation of children—contact the National Center for Missing & Exploited
Children (NCMEC) at 1 800 843-5678 or to make a report online go to: www.cybertipline.org
Note to Press: This document printed at: 10/28/21 10:54 AM
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