St. Anthony Parish -

Page created by Jerome Lopez
St. Anthony Parish -
St. Anthony Parish
 Big Church
 20101 McKean Road, San Jose CA 95120
 Phone: (408) 997 - 4800
 Fax: (408) 997 - 4801
 Historic Church
 21800 Bertram Rd, New Almaden 95042


     JUNE 06, 2021
St. Anthony Parish -
PARISH STAFF                                          MASS TIMES

Pastor Rev. Tadeusz Terembula
(408) 997- 4814                                 BIG CHURCH
                                                                          MCKEAN RD
Office Manager Jasmine Anthony
(408) 997- 4800
Youth Minister Ana Fuentes
(408) 997- 4812              Sunday Mass on June 6, 2021
                                                     10:30 a.m. Livestream
Bookkeeper Shantha Smith
(408) 997- 4808
                                                     We invite all to join celebrate the feast of Corpus
                                                     Christi and the birthday of Fr. Tadeusz Terembula at
               PASTORAL COUNCIL
                                                     10:30 am at the Big Church on 6/6/21
          Jerry Wells :
                                                     **Please note that Sunday, June 6th there will be only
             FINANCE COMMITTEE                       one Mass at 10:30 am to celebrate Corpus Christi
                                                     Mass which will be indoors. Both indoor and outdoor
         Bill Zillman :     seating will be open and we encourage you to bring
                                                     your own chairs for outdoor seating**
       Vân Nguyễn :
                                                     Weekday Mass :
       EVENTS & SOCIAL COMMITTEE                     Indoors in the Church
        Vince Macaluso :
                                                     Tuesday - Friday
                                                     8:00 a.m.
                 PASTORAL CARE

                                                                          LITTLE CHURCH
     Cathy Farnsworth :
                                                                          BERTRAM RD

        Patti Rottjakob :      No Indoor Saturday Mass 4:00 pm on 6/5/21
      Dede Adams :
                                                           Note: New Mass times effective June 13th
                                                                 at Big Church (McKean Rd)
             ST. ANTHONY SENIORS                                     8:30 am & 10:30 am

            Tom Victorine :

            KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS                                         BULLETIN EDITOR
                                                          To submit announcements to the Bulletin Editor
          Ken Wadors :                      please submit announcement
                                                                no later than Monday by 12 pm
             BUILDING & GROUNDS                        to be added to the upcoming bulletin: please email at
St. Anthony Parish -
Dear Parishioners,

Sacrifice in the Old Testament often consisted of animals placed on makeshift altars as a burnt offering to
God. In the first reading, Moses sprinkles the blood of the covenant on God’s chosen people. Jesus uses the
same exact term to refer to the cup that he shared with his disciples, in today’s Gospel.

This verbal connection in Scripture is a sign of the fulfillment of the messianic prophecy.
When Jesus offered himself as body and blood, he honored the old covenant under Moses while
becoming the mediator of a new covenant. By this blood, he has obtained for us eternal redemption, and
has [cleansed] our consciences from dead works to worship the living God.

Jesus’ presence in body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Eucharist is also a promise – that he will be with
us until the end of days. He wishes to r emain with us and in us, helping us to seek him, to see him, and
serve him by how we love, honor, serve, and forgive one another.

The feast we celebrate today, known as Corpus Christi or the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood
of Christ, was established by Pope Ur ban IV in the year 1264. He did so in r esponse to a r epor ted
Eucharistic miracle in the Italian village of Orvieto. As legend has it, the Eucharistic host bled when being
offered in the hands of a doubting priest, Father Peter of Prague.

This was, in essence, a manifestation of a miraculous presence in the hands of one who doubted the Real

This is a doubt that is all too common today, as well. Many Catholics have not been catechized well with
regard to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, and those outside of the Catholic Church believe it to be
only Christ’s symbolic presence, or at least that he is not substantially present. In proclaiming the Year of the
Eucharist in 2004, Saint John Paul II said: “The Holy Eucharist contains the entire spiritual treasure of the
Church, Christ Himself.” He went on to encourage every Catholic to “rekindle this Eucharistic
amazement” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, par. 6).

We can only hope and pray that the true presence of Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the altar
will strengthen the faith of believers, remove doubts from the minds of skeptics, and serve as a reminder
to all of us that the Eucharist is a miracle. Every Eucharist is a miracle. When we share in the miracle of
the Eucharist, we share in Jesus' miraculous love for us and for all sinners.

Fr. Tad

                                                          READINGS FOR THE WEEK
SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES                            Monday:     2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34:2-9; Mt 5:1-12
                                                          Tuesday:    2 Cor 1:18-22; Ps 119:129-133, 135;
Sunday:     The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ                    Mt 5:13-16
Monday:     Tenth Week in Ordinary Time                   Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:17-19
Wednesday: St. Ephrem                                     Thursday: 2 Cor 3:15 — 4:1, 3-6; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14;
Friday:     The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus                            Mt 5:20-26
Saturday:   Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary   Friday:     Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9; Is 12:2-6;
                                                                      Eph 3:8-12, 14-19; Jn 19:31-37
                                                          Saturday:   2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Lk 2:41-51
                                                          Sunday:     Ez 17:22-24; Ps 92:2-3, 13-16;
                                                                      2 Cor 5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34
St. Anthony Parish -
MASS INTENTIONS                                   PRAYER REQUESTS

June 6, 2021                                             Todd Ericson, Mary Sheehan, Jose Pires,
The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ                   Charles Roig, Sharon Slone, Millie Milkovich,
10:00 a.m.     Parishioners                             Linda Raimundo, Tara Kelly, Tony Elliot,
                                                                  Ryan Keit, Diego Pelayo,
June 11, 2021                                             Juanita Elizabeth Croker, John Malloy,
8:00 a.m.      Nick Votaw (RIP)                     Luca Colacino, Janice Page, Encarnacion Leocena,
                                                       Tracy Riffe, Carolyn Hackett, Steve Fineburg,
June 12, 2021
                                                    Jessica Votaw, Kathy Zwibelman, Sean Banchero,
Eleventh Sunday In Ordinary Time
                                                       Dale Anderson, Rose Flowers, Matt Cesario,
4:00 p.m.      Parishioners
                                                              Dennis Ikerd, Marlene Agnoletti
8:30 a.m.      Available
                                                     To add a name to the Prayer List, please contact the
10:30 a.m.     John Paul Mercado (RIP)
                                                           Parish Office:
               Rita Jill Balingit Mercado (RIP)
                                                          ANOINTING & CARE OF THE SICK

                                                  ╬If you or someone you know is preparing for
                                                  surgery, received a recent serious medical diagnosis,
                                                  or is experiencing the burden of years, please call the
                                                  Parish Office for Anointing of the Sick.
                                                  ╬Communion can be brought to anyone who is ill or
                                                  homebound through our Pastoral Care Ministers.

                    FR. BOB!!!
St. Anthony Parish -

                                                                    The Corpus Christi Procession
                                                                        In the thirteenth century, a Belgian nun by the
                                                                    name of Juliana had a vision: she saw the full moon
                                                                    silvery and radiant except for one dark spot. The
                                                                    meaning of the vision was revealed to her: the moon
                                                                    was the Church’s liturgical year, the dark spot a
                                                                    missing feast in honor of the Blessed Sacrament.
                                                                    Today’s feast of Corpus Christi—the Most Holy
                                                                    Body and Blood of Christ—grew from Juliana’s
                                                                         On this feast, many parishes observe the
                                                                    traditional Corpus Christi procession, giving honor to
                                                                    the Eucharist by carrying this greatest treasure out of
                                                                    the safety of our churches and into our streets. At the
                                                                    end of every Mass we are not just let out, we are sent
                                                                    forth, strengthened by the Eucharist, to be the Body
                                                                    of Christ in the world. The Corpus Christi procession
                                                                    is the dismissal writ large! We take Jesus with us, not
                                                                    only in our hearts, but carried in our midst and
                                                                    exposed in a monstrance. It is a public profession of
                                                                    faith and a blessing of the world. Jesus walks with us
                                                                    on these streets that we walk day after day, among
                                                                    those who know him but yearn to know him better,
                                                                    and among those who do not know him. The
                                                                    Eucharist is a mystery to be believed, to be
                                                                    celebrated—and to be lived.
                                                                    —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


    Today the Church focuses on the Eucharist. Today’s readings remind us how connected to ancient blood sacrifices

we are when offering our unbloody sacrifice. The reading from Exodus describes a solemn ritual designed so the

Israelites would never forget their covenant with God.

    The reading from the Letter to the Hebrews turns us from those ancient animal sacrifices, the first efforts to worship

the living God. Our sacrifice is the body and blood of the Son of God. Because of Christ we have a new covenant.

    The Gospel from Mark retells the establishment of that covenant, the familiar story of the Last Supper. Juxtaposed

with the story of animal sacrifice as it is here, we are challenged to listen with new attention, to remember the great price

paid for our salvation. Jesus gave his body and every drop of his blood for us.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
St. Anthony Parish -

Registration for Religious Education, NOVA, & OASIS
Registration will be opening soon for the school year 2021-2022 for all students K-12th grade!
Stay tuned for more details as we determine more closely what our Faith Formation / Youth Ministry year will
look like this Fall!

Heaven and Hell
We often have the perception that getting to heaven or going to hell is based on a formula. If I am good, God
lets me into heaven. If I am bad, God sends me to hell. If we use this formula, we would always deserve hell.
In Genesis, Adam and Eve make a decision with a clear consequence. In choosing sin, man sentences himself.
Contrary to our misconception, it is not about what we deserve, but about how closely we are conformed to
Christ. Heaven and hell hinge on a relationship, not a formula.

God created us to be in a loving relationship with Him, which necessitates free will. We make choices, and
every choice is one to love God or not. At the moment of death, our decision to cooperate with grace, or not,
becomes a permanent choice with eternal consequences.

The Church teaches that yes hell exists, but it is not contrary to our image of a loving God. God unceasingly
offers us grace to live according to His will. God doesn't send us to hell - we choose our sin over Him, and He
respects our choice. Once in hell, a person permanently excludes himself or herself from communion with
God and those who love Him.

While we rarely acknowledge the existence of hell, we also fail to reflect on the glory of heaven. We hear the
words "eternal rest" or "eternal worship" and have difficulty imagining what that actually looks like. Though
we have many images of heaven, and although they may represent part of what heaven is, they fall short - they
may even dilute the beautiful reality of heaven. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, heaven is
"the ultimate end and fulfillment of the deepest human longings, the state of supreme definitive happiness."
Most of the time, we aren't even aware of our deepest longings, and happiness seems so fleeting. We always
long for more - more affirmation, more love, more purpose. The greatest reality of heaven is God's complete
presence and our total union with Him. Not only will we not have to suffer, be embarrassed, or experience
loss, we will desire nothing because God will be enough for us.

At the end of the day, we can't earn heaven. God gives us the ability to enter into eternal life through Jesus'
Passion, death, and Resurrection. We enter into and can partake of that new life through the grace of Baptism.
Unlike Adam and Eve, God changes up the equation: sinful humanity plus grace equals the ability to be
before Him. Grace is a gift that we have to unwrap and use. It requires effort on our part. It requires a choice
to be in relationship with Christ. Our choices lead us closer to the joy of heaven or further from it. Even more
so, the choices we make bring aspects of heaven or hell into our lives now. What reality will you choose to

Stay tuned for summer ministry events!! We are in the midst of planning our summer calendar and as more
restrictions lift, there will be opportunities for in person events such as water games, mini golf, retreats,
discipleship groups, and more!

Registration will be opening soon for the 2021-2022 school year! OASIS is for our teens 9th - 12th grade.
NOVA is for our teens 6th - 8th grade. Contact Ana Fuentes ( for more info. Check
out our Instagram @st.anthony_ym for more updates and content!

Youth Ministry Instagram
Follow along on all adventures youth ministry on our Instagram page @st.anthony_ym!! You can also feel
free to DM our Instagram with any questions regarding youth ministry or events!
St. Anthony Parish -
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St. Anthony Parish -
                                                                  5/15/2021 - 5/27/2021

Dear Parishioner,                                    Giving Method
                                                     Cash                           $ 619
If your household situation allows it, we would      Check                          $ 5,560
ask that you consider even a small increase in       Online                         $ 3,703
your weekly/monthly/annual support of                Collection Total               $ 9,882
St. Anthony Church.                                  Two Week Budgeted Collection   $ 13,224

And a BIG THANK YOU for supporting financially
our parish for the last months during the pandemic   THANK YOU!!!
times that robbed us of the possibility of regular
gatherings for our worship services as a

But you have been great! You are a FAMILY and
we count on YOU!


                                                                        Fr. Tad
St. Anthony Parish - St. Anthony Parish -
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