July 11, 2021 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle ...

July 11, 2021 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle ...
INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA   July 11, 2021 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
July 11, 2021 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle ...
                     May you truly sense God’s Spirit at work in this place and
                     in your life.
OUR MISSION          Greetings to everyone! We extend a warm welcome to those joining us
                     in-person or for our live stream worship service this morning. As we cele-
Tabernacle           brate together, we hope you will sense God’s presence as we gather.

Presbyterian         Guests, we invite you to take a red Guest Bag from the table outside the

Church is called     Sanctuary as you leave today. If you need assistance at any time, please
                     feel free to ask someone seated next to you or one of the ushers.
by God, led by       Children are welcome to sit with their families during worship or attend
faith in Jesus       Junior Church in Lower Level B following the Children’s Sermon. Nurseries

Christ and           are available for infants along with programming for preschoolers.

empowered by
the Holy Spirit to
demonstrate the
Kingdom of God
through worship,     Discipleship Classes
discipleship         2021 Rooted in Grace Discipleship Opportunities

and outreach.        Pick Up Your Tools | SUNDAY 9a PARLOR
                      Tools for Engaging with Scripture our summer adult ed program provid-
Honoring our          ing practical tools to help you more deeply engage with God’s Word.
                      Join Carter & Suzie Booker in the Parlor for one or all seven sessions.
heritage at          Pastors’ Bible Study | WEDNESDAY 9:30a–10:30a DINING ROOM
34th and Central,     Join us as our pastors lead a Bible study covering the Scriptures for the
                      up-coming Sunday worship service.
we will faithfully   Women’s Bible Study | MONDAY 6p–7:30p ZOOM
serve our             Ladies, we are studying the topic of Integrity. This prayer and study time

community, city
                      is an encouraging start to the week and a great way to connect and
                      learn with other women. Contact Ruth Miller (mrs.ruth.h.miller@gmail.
and world in          com) for study guide, info or Zoom link.

the present          Men’s Bible Study | SATURDAY 8a–9a PARLOR
                      Contact Doug Conrads at dlconrads@yahoo.com for more information
and prepare           about this wonderful study.

expectantly for
the future.

Cover Art:
Through the Cross
by Soiche Watanabe
July 11, 2021 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle ...
8 o’clock Worship
                                         We hope you will sense our vision for Greater Faith, Deeper
                                         Relationships, and Stronger Community as you worship here.

                                             “Fantasia in G Minor” Johann Pachelbel
Prayer Requests
Do you have a special prayer request     CALL TO WORSHIP | Rev. Oscar Clavel
that you would like the pastors or                  Leader: Thirsty, our hearts crave living water.
Tab’s Prayer Team to lift up during                 People: Hungry, our souls ache to be satisfied.
their time together?
You can email your requests to:                     Leader: Weary, our minds are tired by thoughts that do not come
prayer@tabpres.org. We hope that                            from God.
this will be a way for our Tab family               Unison: Thirsty, hungry and weary, let us worship the God of love.
to make sure their requests and
concerns are known and prayed for        HYMN #321
during this time.
Are you a Pray-ER? Every Tuesday             “The Church’s One Foundation” Aurelia
evening from 6:30p–7:15p we have a       CONFESSION & PARDON | Sharon Marshall
faithful gathering of prayer partners
meeting in McKee Chapel to pray. If          Prayer Of Confession
you are a Pray-ER—we would love to              God of perfect love, You continually bring forth life, transforming
have you join us in this ministry.
                                                sadness to joy and despair to hope. We are weak, but You are
                                                strong. Our ways are flawed, but Your ways are true. We are
Would You Like To Usher?                        seldom right, but You are never wrong. Forgive us, redeem us,
We are looking for ushers to assist
                                                transform us. Take away the sin that burdens us, and restore us
with hospitality for our worship ser-           to the people You would have us be, for the sake of Jesus Christ
vices. Ushers serve approximately               our Savior, in whose name we now silently pray.
three months of each year. If you are
interested in helping, please contact        Silent Confession
Paula at paula.daum@tabpres.org or
at (317) 923-5458, x104.                     Assurance of Pardon
                                                Leader: Relentlessly God seeks us out. With abundance grace
                                                        and boundless mercy, God seeks us out. This is good
Tab’s Benevolence &                                     news! Friends, believe the Good News of the Gospel.
Community Care Funds                                People: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.
Did you know that Tab has two distinct
funds set up to support individuals          Response #581
and families during difficult times?            “Gloria Patri” Greatorex
Tab’s Deacon Benevolence and                        Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: as it
Community Care Funds allow us as                    was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
a church family to come alongside                   Amen. Amen.
people with immediate, significant
needs inside and outside the church.     THE APOSTLES’ CREED
Please reach out to the church if you               I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in
or someone you know is in need. If                  Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
you are a member or friend of Tab in                born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead
need, please contact Kristine Green                 and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the
at kristine.green@tabpres.org for                   dead and ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the
more information and confidential                   Father Almighty; from whence He shall come to judge the quick and the
application procedures.                             dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion
If you know of one of our neighbors in              of saints, the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body and the life
need, let them know they can call the               everlasting. Amen.
Community Care line at 317-805-1281
for an appointment with Terri Thorn.

                                          Please stand if able.
July 11, 2021 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle ...
                                           James 5:13–18 | Pew Bible page 983
                                           Matthew 16:13–20 | Pew Bible page 798
                                      MESSAGE | Rev. Oscar Clavel
                                           Whom Have You Believed?
                                      MOMENT FOR SILENT PRAYER & REFLECTION
                                      SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION
                                      PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER
                                                 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,
                                                 Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
                                                 bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not
                                                 into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the
                                                 power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

                                      HYMN #720
                                           “Jesus Calls Us” Galilee
                                           “Toccata” Jan Pieter Sweelinck

                                      10 o’clock Worship
                                      We hope you will sense our vision for Greater Faith, Deeper
                                      Relationships, and Stronger Community as you worship here.

                                            “Waymaker” Osinachi Kalu Okoro Egbu
                                      CALL TO WORSHIP | Rev. Oscar Clavel
                                                 Leader: Thirsty, our hearts crave living water.
                                                 People: Hungry, our souls ache to be satisfied.
                                                 Leader: Weary, our minds are tired by thoughts that do not come
                                                         from God.
                                                 Unison: Thirsty, hungry and weary, let us worship the God of love.

                                      OPENING SONG
Today’s Worship Participants               “Our God Reigns Forever” BJ Putnam & Israel Houghton
Rev. Oscar Clavel, Associate Pastor              Our God is great and glorious;
                                                 We put our trust in Your name, Jesus.
Sharon Marshall, Liturgist                       Able to save and deliver us;
Matt Kauffman, Organ                             We put our hope in Your name, Jesus.
Val Phelps, Vocals                               Blessing and honour, glory and power,
Leah Crane, Vocals                               Unto our God forever and ever.
Kenny Phelps, Drums                              All of the honour, All of the praise is Yours, Yours forever.
Rob Dixon, Sax                                   Hallelujah, Hallelujah, our God reigns.
Steve Dokken, Bass                               Hallelujah, Hallelujah, our God reigns.
Pavel Polanco-Safadit, Piano
                                       Please stand if able.
July 11, 2021 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle ...
Sermon Notes                                   And our God is mighty and marvelous;
                                               We put our hope in Your name, Jesus.
                                               Nothing to fear, You are here with us;
                                               We put our hope in Your name, Jesus.
                                               Our God is in control, steadfast unmovable;
                                               Nothing’s impossible, ‘Cause our God, He reigns forever.
                                               Our God is in control, steadfast unmovable;
                                               Nothing’s impossible, ‘Cause our God reigns.

                                        CONFESSION & PARDON | Sharon Marshall
                                           Prayer Of Confession
                                              God of perfect love, You continually bring forth life, transforming
                                              sadness to joy and despair to hope. We are weak, but You are
                                              strong. Our ways are flawed, but Your ways are true. We are
                                              seldom right, but You are never wrong. Forgive us, redeem us,
                                              transform us. Take away the sin that burdens us, and restore us
                                              to the people You would have us be, for the sake of Jesus Christ
                                              our Savior, in whose name we now silently pray.
                                           Silent Confession
                                           Assurance of Pardon
                                              Leader: Relentlessly God seeks us out. With abundance grace
                                                      and boundless mercy, God seeks us out. This is good
                                                      news! Friends, believe the Good News of the Gospel.
                                               People: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven

                                        THE CREED: Westminster Confession of Faith
                                               In the gospel God declares His love for the world and His desire
                                               that all humanity should be saved; reveals fully and clearly the
                                               only way of salvation; promises eternal life to all who truly repent
                                               and believe in Christ; invites and commands all to embrace the
                                               offered mercy; and by His Spirit accompanying the Word pleads
                                               with men and women to accept His gracious invitation.
                                        CHILDREN’S MESSAGE | Rev. Oscar Clavel
                                               Following the Children’s Message, our children are welcome to follow
                                               Mrs. Wirt and join her in Lower Level B for our Junior Church program.

                                        SPECIAL MUSIC
                                           “A Song to God” Pavel Polanco-Safadit
                                        PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER
                                               Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,
                                               Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
                                               bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not
                                               into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the
                                               power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

                                        SCRIPTURE LESSON
                                           James 5:13–18 | Pew Bible page 983
                                               Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They
                                               should sing songs of praise. Are any among you sick? They should call for
Missed A Sermon?                               the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them
Did you miss a sermon? Or want to              with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and
hear it again? Or read it? All of the          the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be
sermons our pastors have delivered             forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one
are available on the Tab website               another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful
under sermons. Check it out!
July 11, 2021 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle ...
and effective. Elijah was a human being like us, and he prayed fervently
                                                    that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on
                                                    the earth. Then he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and the earth
                                                    yielded its harvest.

                                                Matthew 16:13–20 | Pew Bible page 798
                                                    Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He asked
                                                    His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they said,
                                                    “Some say John the Baptist, but others Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or
                                                    one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
                                                    Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
                                                    And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For flesh
                                                    and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father in heaven. And I tell
                                                    you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates
                                                    of Hades will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom
                                                    of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and
                                                    whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Then He sternly
                                                    ordered the disciples not to tell anyone that He was the Messiah.

                                             MESSAGE | Rev. Oscar Clavel
                                                Whom Have You Believed?
                                             MOMENT FOR SILENT PRAYER & REFLECTION
                                                “This I Believe” (The Creed) Ben Fielding & Matt Crocker
                                                    Our Father everlasting, The all creating One,
                                                    God Almighty Through Your Holy Spirit,
                                                    Conceiving Christ the Son, Jesus our Saviour.
                                                    I believe in God our Father; I believe in Christ the Son;
                                                    I believe in the Holy Spirit; Our God is three in One.
                                                    I believe in the resurrection that we will rise again,
If You Lose The Worship                             For I believe in the Name of Jesus.
Stream on Sunday                                    Our Judge and our Defender, suffered and crucified,
Check to make sure that your home                   Forgiveness is in You;
internet is working. If it is, that means           Descended into darkness, You rose in glorious life,
there’s an interruption at Tab or                   Forever seated high.
between Tab and your house. If the                  I believe in You,
issue is fixable at Tab, we will usually            I believe You rose again.
fix it within a few minutes, but that               I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord.
also means we have to start a new
stream on YouTube. Keep refreshing                  I believe in life eternal, I believe in the virgin birth.
your browser until the new stream                   I believe in the saints’ communion And in Your holy Church.
appears on our YouTube page.                        I believe in the resurrection, When Jesus comes again.
                                                    For I believe in the Name of Jesus.
Better yet, subscribe to Tab’s You-
Tube page, tabindy. Hit the big red          BENEDICTION
SUBSCRIBE button on the page, then
the little notification “bell” next to the   POSTLUDE
button. Set your notifications to “All”
and you will be notified via email or
on your phone whenever we go live
with the new stream or post a new
video. You can always change this
setting later. Do it today.
If the problem is not fixable, (e.g.,
power failure, interruption of Tab’s
internet service) we will post the
service or sermon later, often later
that day, but always within 48 hours.
Thank you for all of your patience
and support!
July 11, 2021 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle ...
Tab’s popular summer                      Tonight, rock guitarist Tommy Baldwin
concert series returns                    will return after a well-received set at
                                          last year’s Tab Jams, complemented by
to Tab Park in July.                      Alaina Renae and her blend of Gospel,
                                          R&B and Pop.
Two more evenings of music are planned
                                          Performances start at 6p, but everyone is
for this summer, with sounds ranging from
                                          urged to arrive early to relax and spend
Gospel and jazz to pop and rock.
                                          time with each other.

Deacons’ Golf Outing
The Tabernacle Golf Classic Offers Fellowship, Fun & Benevolence.
Sign-up as a team, individual, or corporate sponsor in McKee Hallway today!

                                             REGISTER TODAY!
                                            AUGUST 28

QUESTIONS?                                                                            $15 FOR LUNCH ONLY
      CO-CHAIRS                                                                        $ 7 5 P ER
      ERIC GUION &
      JOYCE PEIPERT                                                                    G O LF E R
July 11, 2021 | Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - Tabernacle ...
Week of July 11 – July 17, 2021
OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY                                                  MYSTERY NIGHT
The Tab Church family extends our sympathy to Charles                 Congratulations to our Bible Memory Verse stars who have
and Carol (Hartman) Hankey in the death of Charles’ mother,           earned the prestigious Mystery Night adventure. For mem-
Mable Hankey, on June 29th. She was 96 years of age                   orizing a considerable number of Bible verses, Emory Clem-
and was able to die peacefully in her own home. Mable                 ent, Emma Lynn and Megan Pike will enjoy a fun adventure
was a member of Carmel Lutheran Church. Please keep                   with Mrs. Wirt. We are so proud of these students!
Charles and Carol and their family in your prayers.
                                                                      CONGREGATIONAL MEETING
TAB JAMS 2021                                                         A Meeting of the Congregation is called on Sunday, July
We are specifically seeking volunteers to help set up and             18, 2021 at 9a in the Sanctuary for the purpose of consid-
tear down. Interested in helping? Please contact either               eration of and consent to the dissolution of the pastoral
Kenny: kenny@owlmusicgroup.com, (317) 294-4183; or                    relationship with Reverend Oscar Clavel, in accordance
Jim: jim.barbbabcock@gmail.com or (317) 908-0922.                     with the Book of Order of the PC(USA), and to elect and
                                                                      install Matt Gall as Elder for the Class of 2023. All members
                                                                      are encouraged to attend.
Do you want more local, fresh produce in your diet? Are
you concerned that Tab is located in a “food desert?”                     Rev. John Gable, Moderator
Would you like to do something to help those with low food                Sharon Marshall, Clerk of Session
access? Fresh Stop occurs twice a month from now through
November 20. You can order one share at a time or receive
a discount by ordering more than five shares at once. If

                                                                      Don’t Forget!
you’re higher income, you pay $25 per share, if lower
income, $12 and if you pay with a SNAP card, only $6.
Everyone gets the exact same array of freshly harvested,
local produce. For more info contact sallybjohn@gmail.com.

Now that we are back “in person” on Sunday mornings,
Children’s Ministries has reopened our nursery care and
Junior Church Program. We have two combined nurseries
available; we’re offering care for infants and one-year-olds
in the Infant Nursery and care for two-year-olds and our
preschool students in the Preschool Room. Mrs. Wirt will
gather elementary students from the Sanctuary around
10:20a to come down to Lower Level B for Junior Church if
they would like.

                                                                        Sunday, July 18
The annual Deacons’ Golf Outing is Saturday, August 28, at
the Eagle Creek Golf Club. We would love to have you join
us as a golfer (individual or team), hole sponsor, lunch or even        Worship & Congregational Mtg
through the cheering on of your favorite player or team!
Contact Eric Guion: epguion@gmail.com or (317) 523-8646
                                                                        Oscar’s Last Sunday at Tab
                                                                        Prayer & Laying of Hands

418 E. 34th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46205         (317) 923 . 5458      FrontDesk@tabpres.org      www.tabpres.org       tabpres
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