Page created by Justin Patton
D E D I C A T E D T O H E L P I N G B U S I N E S S A C H I E V E I T S H I G H E S T G O A L S.

                                           BRAND PARTNERSHIPS AND
                                           ADVERTISING MEDIA KIT
                                           Showcase Your Company and Generate
                                           L eads T hrough NBA A

                                                                            WHAT’S INSIDE
                                                                            • Membership and subscriber demographics
                                                                            • Multichannel advertising opportunities
                                                                            • New and creative virtual sponsorship options
                                                                            • 2023 NBAA exhibits and event sponsorship planner
                                                                            • Packaging and positioning options – best value!
Table of Contents
NBAA Membership & Business Aviation Insider Readership Statistics.........................page 3

Advertising Opportunities......................................................................................... page 4
NBAA Insider Daily....................................................................................................................................page 5
NBAA News Hour Webinar.......................................................................................................................page 6
NBAA Flight Plan Podcast.........................................................................................................................page 6
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI) Sponsored E-blast...................................................................................page 7
enGAge YoPro Quarterly e-Newsletter.....................................................................................................page 7
nbaa.org Website.........................................................................................................................................page 8
2023 Business Aviation Insider Magazine & Editorial Calendar............................................................page 9
Business Aviation Insider Advertising Rates and Submission Specs......................................................page 10
Custom Advertising Packages....................................................................................................................page 11
2023 NBAA Events.....................................................................................................................................page 12
2023 NBAA International Operations Conference..................................................................................page 13
2023 NBAA Leadership Conference..........................................................................................................page 13
Contact Your Brand Partner Representative...............................................................page 15

In today’s challenging environment, NBAA has continued to provide the most up-to-date information to help
your business. From webinars to a daily news service to the digital and print editions of NBAA’s Business
Aviation  Insider magazine, our communication channels provide essential information, while also offering your
While normal daily activities may be on pause, NBAA has continued to provide industry professionals with the most up-to-date infor-
mation to help atheir
                  unique   opportunity
                      businesses        to reach
                                 move forward.    thousands
                                               From          ofaprospective
                                                    webinars to               customers
                                                                 daily news service         eagerNBAA
                                                                                    to the digital to learn about
                                                                                                        Business   your new
                                                                                                                 Aviation Insider
product  or service.
magazine, and much more, our online and print channels provide essential updates, but also offer a unique opportunity for organiza-
tions, such as yours, to reach thousands of prospective customers who are eager to learn about new product and service offerings.
If your company sells aircraft, engines, avionics, interior fittings, ground services, maintenance services,
navigation   andsells
If your company   weather     equipment,
                       aircraft,            or anyinterior
                                 engines, avionics, of the fittings,
                                                            many other
                                                                     groundparts  or services
                                                                             services,          thatservices,
                                                                                       maintenance    go into navigation
                                                                                                              business and
                                                                                                                         aircraft, use
our  communication
equipment,              channels
            or any of the           to reach
                           many other   servicesNBAA’s   community
                                                 and components         of into
                                                                  that go  readers,   members
                                                                                business aircraft, and  subscribers
                                                                                                   our community     who will
                                                                                                                  of readers,   make and
the decisions
subscribers whoto  purchase
                 will make thewhat     your
                                 decisions tocompany    sells.
                                              purchase what   your company sells.

NBAA Membership & Business
Aviation Insider Readership Statistics
 NBAA Member Contacts                                        Geographic Distribution
 Business Members              31,958

 Operating Members             19,367                                             92% United States
 Professional Members          2,000                                              8% International
 TOTAL                         53,325

Purchasing Power                                                            What Readers Buy
NBAA Connects You With:                                                     Our readers purchase
     Final Decision Makers              Purchase Makers/                    business aviation products
     Owners, Presidents/CEOs            Influencers/Recommenders            and services, including:
                                                                            • Aircraft maintenance
                                        • Flight Department
                                                                            • Airport services
                                            Managers/Aviation               • Aviation insurance/legal consulting
            of readers/members              Directors
  86%       are involved in the
                                         • Pilots/Chief Pilots
                                                                            • Avionics
                                                                            • Connectivity solutions
            purchasing process
                                         • Maintenance Managers             • Contract pilots/cabin crew
                                                                            • FBOs
            of readers are more likely to purchase, recommend or            • Flight planning services
  57%       influence the purchase of a product or service that they        • Fuel/fuel services
            have seen or read about in the magazine                         • Ground handling services
                                                                            • Training programs

                                                                       CONTACT US - BRANDPARTNERSHIPS@NBAA.ORG 3
Advertising Opportunities
Business Aviation Insider
Attracting the most influential and engaged buyers in the industry,
Business Aviation Insider, the official magazine of NBAA, is key to
expanding your global reach. Our readers are top decision-makers
in their companies, with purchasing oversight of business aircraft
acquisition, utilization, safety and maintenance.

As always, you can align your
company’s branding needs with
NBAA’s bimonthly content
themes by leveraging the Business
Aviation Insider editorial
calendar. Contact our sales team
to get additional innovative and
measurable marketing ideas
through Business Aviation

                                                              “We needed to build awareness of a start-up tech-
                                                              nology company and Business Aviation Insider has
                                                              been important for us to share the SmartSky brand
                                                              and reach across all segments of the industry. We
                                                                      will be advertising again in the future.”
                                                                                      MICHAEL MILLER
                                                                VP, Corporate Marketing & Communications, SmartSky Networks

NBAA Insider Daily
NBAA Insider Daily is your personalized business aviation news
service, reaching business aviation stakeholders and powered by
artificial intelligence. It is a free service and is available to everyone
in the industry, including NBAA members and non-members. The
e-newsletter currently goes out to over 70,000 unique subscribers
each weekday at 11 a.m. Eastern.

This popular new option is an excellent choice for driving traffic to
your website and keeping your brand in front of the corner office,
flight departments, owners and operators, aviation regulatory
officials, the industry trade press, and pretty much anyone else with
a vested interest in the business aviation industry.

70,000+ subscribers
43% average open rate
Advertising Rates & Specs
 Positions                                     Weekly
 Horizontal 1                                  $2,950
 Horizontal 2                                  $2,700                        NBAA INSIDER DAILY
 Horizontal 3                                  $2,000                        SPONSORED CONTENT
 Sponsored Content                             $5,000                        Is your company producing newsworthy
Banner Dimensions: All banner ads are 550x150px and                          content? Do you have an exciting new
970x90px.                                                                    breakthrough or product announcement?
                                                                             Sponsor your company’s content in NBAA
Artwork: Files should be GIF of JPG format, 40KB maximum file
size. Note: NBAA is unable to accept rich media ads (using Flash,            Insider Daily. A preview of your article will be
Java, etc.) and discourages the use of animated GIFs, which do not           embedded along with NBAA’s news articles of
display properly in all e-mail clients.                                      the day and will feature a “Read More” link that
                                                                             goes to the landing page of your choice.
Data Sources: Rasa

                                                                                       CONTACT US - BRANDPARTNERSHIPS@NBAA.ORG 5
NBAA News Hour Webinar
Produced at least once a month, these webinars touch on topics
every business aviation professional should be considering,
including crew scheduling, catering, aircraft cleaning and
maintenance, airport and airspace operations, medical advice and
more. Each webinar features a host and several subject matter
experts who will cover timely content, then lead an interactive
question-and-answer session with participants. All webinars are
free and recorded for replay, usually by the next business day.

Sponsorship opportunities range from brand exposure to content
inclusion. Choose existing content to sponsor, or customize your own.

300 average registrants/webinar
NBAA News Hour Thought Leadership                                       Rates
Session                                                                 General Sponsor      $3,500
Present a 60-minute webinar presentation on the NBAA News
                                                                        Exclusive Thought
Hour platform. Sponsors have the ability to include live chat and                            $9,500
Q&A features. Webinars will be promoted through NBAA email
                                                                        Leadership Session
and social media channels, as well as in NBAA Daily Insider.
Attendees have the option to opt-in when registering and the
sponsor will receive all contacts that have selected this option.
Don’t miss this great opportunity to align your brand with NBAA!

NBAA Flight Plan Podcast
Since 2009, NBAA has produced over 400 weekly podcasts covering vital information
on key operational, regulatory, and advocacy topics to NBAA members and others
in the business aviation community. With more than 50,000 downloads per year,
this podcast series is a great platform to align your company’s message with trending
topics in the industry. Contact us for pricing and more information on how to place a
30-second mid-podcast advertisement in NBAA’s Flight Plan Podcast.

ICYMI Sponsored E-blast                                      enGAge YoPro Quarterly
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI) distributes NBAA’s most        e-Newsletter
engaging articles and podcasts exclusively to NBAA
                                                             The NBAA Young Professionals in Business Aviation
members on a monthly basis. Sponsorship of these
                                                             (YoPro) Council quarterly newsletter – enGAge – supports
e-blasts gives your company outstanding visibility, with a
                                                             its mission of building a sense of community among
leaderboard banner, sponsored message within editorial
                                                             future leaders. Now your company can support NBAA’s
context and your logo.
                                                             work to sustain business aviation for generations to come
                                                             by purchasing a sole sponsorship of one or more enGAge

25,000+ delivered                                            e-newsletters.

26% average open rate                                        4,200 delivered
4.5% average CTR                                             30% average open rate
                                                              Sole Advertiser
Advertising Rates & Specs                                     Leaderboard – premium position          $1,000
                                                              at the very top of the issue
 Sole Advertiser
 Leaderboard – premium position at the     $5,000            Banner dimensions: 150x550px
 very top of the issue
                                                             Artwork: Files should be GIF, JPG or PNG format,
                                                             40KB maximum file size. Note: NBAA is unable to accept
Banner dimensions: 728x90px                                  rich media ads (using Flash, Java, etc.) and discourages
                                                             the use of animated GIFs, which do not display properly
Artwork: Files should be GIF,                                in all e-mail clients.
JPG or PNG format, 40KB
maximum file size. NBAA ICYMI                                Deadlines: Insertion orders
is unable to accept rich media                               are due by the end of each
ads (using Flash, Java, etc.) and                            quarter of the calendar year.
discourages the use of animated
GIFs, which do not display
properly in all email clients.

Company Logo: EPS, AI or very
high resolution PNG file format
(i.e., 300 dpi or greater), with no

                                                                              CONTACT US - BRANDPARTNERSHIPS@NBAA.ORG 7
nbaa.org Website                                               Advertising Rates & Specs
NBAA’s website is where
business aviation leaders                                       Impressions                  Cost
and decision-makers go
                                                                Tier 1 - 50,000 guaranteed
daily for timely industry                                                                    $2,500
news, operational
resources and event                                             Cost per thousand (CPM)      $50*
information for shows
like NBAA-BACE. The                                            * Recommendation: 35M for 30 days. 10M minimum.
responsive site is relied
upon by the industry
for the timeliness and                                         Banner Dimensions: Two files are required
accuracy of its content.
Run-of-site display banner ads are optimized for viewing on    970x90px – shown on home page and event landing
both desktop and mobile devices.                               pages on larger screens

                                                               300x600px – shown in run-of-site and on home page
At desktop sizes, 970x90px ads are displayed on the homepage
                                                               and event landing pages on mobile
and event landing pages. 300x600px ads are displayed on
other pages, run-of-site. At mobile sizes, 300x600px ads are   Artwork: Artwork: Accepted formats include JPG, GIF,
displayed in all ad locations, run-of-site.                    PNG and third-party ad tag. 40KB maximum file size.

110,000 users/month
4.8 million page views/year
Offered through an affinity program partner,
NBAA’s Website Retargeting Program
helps you make the most of your ad spend
by retargeting industry professionals after
they’ve clicked away from the NBAA website,
keeping your brand top of mind and ensuring
that you’ll consistently connect with them
across their buying journey.
                               (Separate purchase required)

Business Aviation Insider Magazine
    Showcase Thought                                         DISTRIBUTION
    Leadership                                               Dedicated e-blasts promoting Business Aviation
    Share your expertise with Business
                                                             Insider content are emailed weekly to more than 25,000
    Aviation Insider readers by participating                professionals and more than 19,000 companies in the
    in special report sections on topics of                  NBAA membership, with an open rate of 29.5%
    great interest to readers.

    Expand Your Distribution
    Help push your message further by sponsoring
    dedicated e-blasts promoting Business
    Aviation Insider content or bundling your
    magazine ad with a presence in NBAA’s Insider
    Daily news service.

    Reach Young Professionals
    Advertise in the magazine’s annual Student
    Edition or within the Business Aviation Top
    40 Under 40 special section in the annual
    Convention issue – or consider sponsoring
    NBAA’s new YoPro Quarterly e-newsletter,
    enGAge – to get your company’s brand in front
    of students and young professionals.

2023 Editorial Calendar
Issue                             Theme
January/February                  Workforce Issue

March/April                       International Issue

May/June                          15th Annual Safety Issue

July/August                       Technology Issue

September/October                 Management / Pre-BACE Issue
                                                                          Themes may change and additional special sections are added
                                                                          to best serve the needs of our subscribers. Please confirm
November/December                 NBAA-BACE Issue                         the content theme when reserving the advertising space with
                                                                          your sales representative. Updates are provided to prospective
                                                                          advertisers regularly through email. To sign up, contact
2022-2023                         Annual Student Edition                  advertising@nbaa.org

                                                                                 CONTACT US - BRANDPARTNERSHIPS@NBAA.ORG 9
Business Aviation Insider (BAI) Advertising Rates and Submission Specs
 Cover 2 (C2 inside front cover) and Cover 3 (C3
 inside back cover)
 Cover 4 (C4 back cover)                                         $6,000

 Full page                                                       $4,500

 1/2-page horizontal                                             $3,250

 BAI newsletter web banner ad                                    Bonus item for cover and full-page magazine advertisers

Full Page: Final trim size is 8.5 x 11” (215.9 x 279.4 mm); keep text 125”
(3.175 mm) away from edges. 8.75 x 11.25” (222.25 x 285.75 mm) for bleeds.           Discounts are offered for multiple
1/2-Page Horizontal: 7.5 x 4.75” (190.5 x 120.65 mm)                                 issue purchases. BONUS: cover
                                                                                     pages and full-page ads receive a
Insider Resources: 1/8-Page Horizontal: 3.5 x 2” (88.9 x 50.8 mm)
                                                                                     rotating ad on nbaa.org. Sizes and
Newsletter web banner ad: 728x90px                                                   impressions determined by magazine
Prices and specs reflect advertising in either printed or electronic versions.       ad size and quantity purchased. The
                                                                                     sales team is ready to work with you.

                                                 “Advertising in Business Aviation Insider has been a great way
                                                for Duncan Aviation to position our brand in front of the business
                                                aviation industry. The leads that we’ve generated throughout the
                                                 years have helped us build our customer base and get to know
                                                   new segments of the market. We will continue to be a loyal
                                                                           advertiser with NBAA!”
                                                                               LORI JOHNSON
                                                               Marketing Communications Manager, Duncan Aviation

Custom Advetising Packages
Our customized multi-platform advertising
opportunities and packages can keep your company’s
name and products in front of your customers on
a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and can include              BRANDING                            DIGITAL
                                                         • Business Aviation Insider               VISIBILITY
exposure at NBAA’s highly rated events like NBAA-           Advertisements                 • NBAA.org Advertisement
BACE and EBACE. Our sales team is happy to work          • Flight Plan Podcast             • ICYMI Sponsored Email Blasts
                                                           Sponsorship                     • Insider Daily Advertisement
with you on any type of custom package that would        • Conference Sponsorship &
work for your company. Here are two examples:              Large Exhibit Booth

Branding & Advertising                                                        COMPANY
Custom Package                                                                   A
Company A example of what a $20,000 custom                  GENERATION                                CONTENT
package may include: has been in the business            • News Hour Webinar                  • Thought Leadership
aviation marketplace for over 50 years. They launch        General Sponsor                      News Hour
                                                         • Conferences Sponsorship            • Conference
new products every couple of years and trust NBAA                                               Thought-Leadership
to announce their new products to the industry and                                              Session Sponsorship
support the trust that has been established in their
brand. Their $20,000 custom package includes:

First-time Advertiser Package
Company B example of what a $10,000 custom                      BRANDING                             DIGITAL
package may include: is a brand new member               • Business Aviation Insider                VISIBILITY
of NBAA and is just beginning to market to the              Advertisements                 • NBAA.org Advertisement
                                                         • Insider Daily Advertisement     • News Hour Webinar Sponsorship
business aviation industry and is looking to get brand   • Sponsorship & Small             • Insider Daily Advertisement
recognition and boost sales. Their $10,000 custom          Exhibit Booth
package includes:

                                                            GENERATION                                CONTENT
                                                         • News Hour Webinar                  • Custom News Hour Webinar
                                                           Sponsorship                          Sponsorship
                                                         • Insider Daily Advertisement        • Sponsored Content in Insider
                                                                                                Daily and Business
                                                                                                Aviation Insider

                                                                                  CONTACT US - BRANDPARTNERSHIPS@NBAA.ORG 11
2023 NBAA Events
Start making plans now to connect your brand and products to the 38,000+ NBAA event attendees who are building the bright
future of business aviation. With over 2,200+ exhibit spaces filled yearly, decision-makers and buyers of aviation products and
services gather here to get business done.

                                             2023 NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference                 u Exhibits
 Jan. 24-26, 2023 | Nashville, TN
                                             (SDC2023)                                                     u Sponsorships

                                                                                                           u Exhibits
 Feb. 8, 2023 | Opa-locka, FL                2023 NBAA Miami-Opa locka Regional Forum
                                                                                                           u Sponsorships

                                             2023 NBAA International Operators Conference
 Feb. 13-15, 2023 | Austin, TX                                                                             u Sponsorships

 Feb. 27 - March 1, 2023 | Charlotte, NC     2023 NBAA Leadership Conference                               u Sponsorships

                                                                                                           u Exhibits
 May 2-4, 2023 | Hartford, CT                2023 NBAA Maintenance Conference (MC2023)
                                                                                                           u Sponsorships

                                             2023 European Business Aviation Convention &                  u Exhibits
 May 23-25, 2023 | Geneva, Switzerland
                                             Exhibition (EBACE2023)                                        u Sponsorships

 June 2023 | White Plains, NY                2023 NBAA Business Aviation Taxes Seminar                     u Sponsorships

                                                                                                           u Exhibits
 June 14, 2023 | White Plains, NY            2023 NBAA White Plains Regional Forum
                                                                                                           u Sponsorships

                                             2023 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhi-                u Exhibits
 Oct. 17-19, 2023 | Las Vegas, NV
                                             bition (NBAA-BACE)                                            u Sponsorships

                                             2023 NBAA Tax, Regulatory & Risk Management
 Oct. 15-16, 2023 | Las Vegas, NV                                                                          u Sponsorships

Customized multi-platform advertising and sponsorship packages can keep your company’s name and products in front of your
customers on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, including exposure at NBAA’s highly rated events. NBAA’s sales team is happy to
help create any custom package that would work for your company.
2023 NBAA International Operators                                     2023 NBAA Leadership Conference
Conference (IOC2023)                                                  Feb. 27 - March 1, 2023 | Charlotte, NC
Feb. 13-15, 2023 | Austin, TX
                                                                      The 2023 NBAA Leadership Conference will bring together
                                                                      hundreds of the best of the business aviation community to
IOC2023 will have three days of unmatched education,
                                                                      exemplify how leaders can deliver excellence while maintaining
presenting operational, regulatory and real-life information
                                                                      a healthy work-life balance. The conference theme, “Dynamic
that is critical for safe, efficient and compliant international
                                                                      Excellence,” will feature expert-led sessions offering key
operations. Hundreds of attendees will hear in-depth analyses
                                                                      takeaways on personal and professional flows. Prepare to engage
of emergency scenarios, exchange best practices with other
                                                                      and invest with fellow industry leaders and gain access to two
global operators, get important updates from every ICAO region
                                                                      networking receptions, as well as two full days of inspiring and
around the world, and network with international operators
                                                                      motivating sessions that will help develop leadership skills.
and service providers. The program offers two networking
receptions, as well as current content that will help professionals
enhance the safety and security of business aviation operations.      Become a Sponsor
                                                                      Hundreds of executives and other leading industry
Become a Sponsor                                                      professionals will be attending the 2023 NBAA Leadership
                                                                      Conference. Enhance your marketing strategy by becoming
When sponsoring the 2023 NBAA International Operators
                                                                      a sponsor and unite your brand with the movers and
Conference, your brand will have the opportunity of
                                                                      shakers of business aviation.
being placed directly in front of hundreds of industry
professionals who spend every day immersed in
international mission planning, including pilots,
schedulers, dispatchers and flight-planning specialists.

Sponsor Benefits
•   Complimentary registrations (quantity determined by sponsorship spend) to the respective 2023 conference
•   Sponsor logo listing in marketing materials and on the conference website
•   Sponsor logo/company name listed on onsite signage
•   First right of refusal for item renewal at the following 2024 conference
•   Pre-conference opt-in attendee list provided two weeks prior to conference
•   Post-conference opt-in attendee list provided approximately a week after the conclusion of the conference

Start a Conversation Today
                                                                                         CONTACT US - BRANDPARTNERSHIPS@NBAA.ORG 13
Customize Your Branding & Marketing Partnership Package
Whether you want to raise awareness of your brand, launch a new product, find new prospects or establish your company
as a business aviation industry thought leader, NBAA offers the media channels you need to meet your marketing goals.

                                                                          Brand              Product      Lead         Thought
  Media Title and Distribution Frequency                                                                                            Professional
                                                                          Awareness          Launch       Generation   Leadership

  Business Aviation Insider Magazine
  with Special Reports                                                          X                X                         X             X
  Bimonthly themed issues

  Business Aviation Insider Sponsored E-blasts                                  X                X            X

  nbaa.org Website                                                              X                X            X

  Insider Daily Email Newsletter                                                X                X            X            X

  NBAA News Hour Webinars                                                       X                X            X            X             X

  ICYMI Sponsored E-blast                                                       X                X            X            X
  Monthly mailings

  enGAge YoPro Quarterly Email Newsletter                                       X                X            X            X             X
  Quarterly mailings

  Retargeting Affinity Program*                                                 X                X            X

*For more information about the Retargeting Affinity Program, please contact brandpartnerships@nbaa.org

Contact Your Brand Partner
Contact NBAA Now to Get Your Partnership Off the Ground!
Email brandpartnerships@nbaa.org now to learn more about NBAA’s unmatched brand partnerships and advertising

A brand partner representative will contact you within two business days. We look forward to working with you!

Sincerely, your partners in business aviation,

                       Amanda Dumont                                                   Carly Heideger
                       NBAA Brand Partner Sales                                        NBAA Brand Partner Sales
                       Executive                                                       Executive
                       864-373-1168                                                    443-689-7009
                       adumont@idc.nbaa.org                                            carly.heideger@wearemci.com

                                                                                     CONTACT US - BRANDPARTNERSHIPS@NBAA.ORG 15
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