Academy Improvement Plan 2019 2020 - (last updated January 2020) - Aspirations Academies Trust
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Key performance indicators FFT Estimates for the FFT50 FFT 20 FFT 5 cohort Attainment 8 4.9 5.2 5.6 Attainment 8 English 5.1 5.5 6 Attainment 8 Maths 4.8 5.1 5.5 Attainment 8 Ebacc 4.8 5.2 5.6 Attainment 8 Open 5.1 5.4 5.7 Attainment 8 Ebacc 2.9 2.9 2.9 Entries Attainment 8 Open 2.9 2.9 3 Entries %5+ GCSE’s 7-9 17 23 30 Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 2 of 26
% Grade 4+ BASICS 66 73 80 % 5 + BASICS 46 53 61 Attendance 95% minimum attendance. Persistent Absence Not exceeding 10%. Destinations 99%. Careers interviews 100%. Teaching standards 95% Good or better. Inadequate teaching No inadequate teaching. Fixed term exclusions Below 4% %FTE and better than national average for similar schools (4.53%). Permanent exclusions Not above 1%. Attendance at Parents’ Evenings 85%. Recruitment into Year 12 Sept 2020 85% of all eligible students will return into Year 12. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 3 of 26
Recruitment into Year 7 Sept 2020 Full pan of 260. Priority 1: Quality of Education Objectives Lead Specific Actions Impact Monitoring We want to ……. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Each dept to create a logically sequenced 85% of all groups of students coherent curriculum plan that has a in all year groups are at least foundation built on knowledge and skills. on track for FFT 50 targets. No limits ATL and Core curriculum is 90% Work scrutiny shows 1. Design and implement an designed and planned to be coherent, progress in learning, ambitious 7-year curriculum. PH sequential and include 21 century skills. sequencing, coherence and st evidences challenge. Facilitate training and planning time for ATL teaching staff and monitor delivery. 90% of Student Voice can make connections in learning Ensure curriculum design is challenging between lessons and between and engaging for every learner and topics and articulate challenge. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 4 of 26
meets the needs of disadvantaged and 80% of Y7 Student Voice SEND students. articulates skills development and project learning based Implementation of a metacognitive skills principles in their learning. focus across all years. 85% of lesson observations evidence high quality application of skills and engagement in a rich curriculum. September INSET Day outlines 95% of teachers will be Budmouth’s vision for teaching, learning regarded as good or better by and assessment and Directed CPD time the end of the academic year addresses key aspects of the vision and through triangulation process supports teachers in implementation. and SLT RAG. Departmental Meeting Agendas and The results of work scrutiny Improvement Plans to focus more will show that the quality of 2. Support teachers to become students’ work, and their pride explicitly on developing the quality of expert practitioners in developing in it, has increased. teaching, learning and assessment. student learning and long term MJC memory. Personalised internal and external Learning Reviews will indicate support provided for individual teachers that 95% of teachers are and Subject Areas arising from 2019 setting a higher level of outcomes and Learning Reviews. challenge for students at all levels. Establish excellent practitioner team to work with staff on 1:1 level as identified. Student feedback will indicate that they feel they are being Subject Coordinators complete teacher more appropriately triangulation review and quality challenged. assurance processes to help identify Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 5 of 26
individual teachers’ areas for Middle leaders feel more development. empowered to lead on improvements of the quality of SLT provide a very visible presence teaching and its impact on around the Academy to reinforce learning. standards, expectations and support classroom practice. 3. Implement a homework Homework Policy launched in March 100% of staff and subjects set strategy that supports and enhances 2019. homework as per the policy. learning for all students. Re-launch Bud mouth Homework Policy 90% of students complete all in Sept 2019 and advertise a Spring Term homework. 2020 Homework review. Work samples show Learning Booklets will be used to set improvements in homework high quality homework by all Subject setting and completion. Areas. Learning Review reports will MJC Subject Coordinators to prioritise setting show improvements in of homework in departmental meetings homework setting and and quality assurance processes. completion. Homework to be embedded into SOW by Subject Areas. SLT links will discuss outcomes of quality assurance processes with Subject Coordinators and identify bespoke CPD for identified staff. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 6 of 26
Implementation of Learning Booklets in Learning Reviews show that classrooms and in homework supports students act on verbal and students in developing metacognitive written feedback and self- skills. improve. AfL feedback policy outlines the The results of work scrutiny strengths of whole class feedback and the will show that the quality of need for regular DIRT in classrooms. students’ work, and their pride in it, has increased. Yr7 Transition Plan includes assemblies Learning Reviews will indicate exploring the importance of ‘knowledge that 95% of teachers are 4. Give students the skills to and self quizzing’; ‘self control and setting a higher level of become self-regulated learners. MJC perseverance’. challenge for students at all levels. Subject Coordinators ensure that the Student feedback will indicate development of metacognitive skills is that they feel they are being embedded in Schemes of Work and more appropriately challenged departmental meeting agendas. through in-class AFL, modelling and sequencing. September INSET Day outlines Budmouth vision for teaching, learning and assessment and Directed CPD time addresses key aspects of the vision and supports teachers in the development of students’ metacognitive skills. 5. Ensure that academy targets Year 11 Rapid Raising Achievement Plan GCSE are met in relation to the progress of in place. Attainment 8 5.2 all students and groups. DH/PH BASICS 5+ 53%. Year 13 Rapid Raising Achievement Plan BASICS 4+ 73%. is in place. A8 EBacc 5.2 Progress 8 ‘Average’. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 7 of 26
Ensure new ‘SWS’ system is enabling Post 16 better line management of subjects in A Level Attainment Grade C. relation to progress. A Level Value Added Positive. Applied Learning Average Ensure new KS3 assessment programme Grade Merit is setting more demanding standards for Applied Learning Positive students to be benchmarked against Value Added. GCSE outcomes. Termly Reviews of progress at SLT. Priority 2: Behaviour and Attitudes Objectives Lead Specific Actions Impact Monitoring We want to ……. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 1. Build a learning community Clear routines and expectations Student questionnaires will report in which every classroom is a established with staff and students improved behaviour in lessons in purposeful learning environment. (higher standards and expectations 2019/20. insisted upon). JW/HoS/ Student Voice will report SC ‘The Budmouth Way’ and ‘Putting improved behaviour in lessons in the B in Budmouth’ posters around 2019/20. the Academy and known by staff and students. 20% reduction in the number of Embed BfL cards. formal warnings from 201/19. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 8 of 26
On-call to patrol the corridors 25% reductions in number of class during lesson time, visiting every exits from 2018/19. classroom to support where needed. 20% Reduction in number of Co-ordinators to inform JW of ‘hot students referred to BfL from spots’. On call to visit these 2018/19. classrooms first. Learning Walks will evidence a better climate for learning in 2019/20. 2. Reduce the amount of lost Staff informed of updated 30% Reduction in the number of learning time due to internal and Behaviour Policy during September FTE from 2018/19. fixed term exclusions. INSET days. AM and PM tutor routines to be 20% reduction in the number of JW/HoS focused on addressing all internal exclusions from 2018/19. behaviour events (positive and negative) to reinforce expectations. On call to collect any student given a ‘subject removal’. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 9 of 26
Daily behaviour report emailed to all staff. Info shared in AM reg and HoS and PSL to analyse trends and ensure early interventions. Implement and embed Academy Inclusion strategy – Wave 0 – 3. COA assemblies to highlight and incentivise desirable behaviours. Students complete class booklet in BfL room. 3. Ensuring a safe and positive ALL staff and students informed of Student questionnaires will environment for all students during BfL cards. highlight improved culture at non-lesson time: before school, ALL staff consistently sign BfL break and lunchtime. break, lunch and after school. cards for both positive and negative behaviours. Staff Voice will highlight improved New lunch extra-curricular culture at break and lunchtime. programme to use 45 min longer New lunchtime will see a greater lunchtime. JW/PML offer and take up of extra- SLT on duty before school, break, curricular lunchtime clubs and lunch and after school. provide positive opportunities. Co-ordinators on duty twice a week before school, break, lunch and Break and lunchtime behaviour after school. referrals will reduce by 40% from 2018/19. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 10 of 26
4. Improve attendance of all To track & monitor rigorously the Attendance for the whole cohort is groups. attendance of all, specifically at or above NA 95%. focusing on disadvantaged and SEN Differences between PP/SEN pupils. students and ‘non’ will be less Increase awareness of the than 2%. importance of attendance through Students subject to attendance dedicated time activities and issue plans will see improved parents and students with half attendance of at least 5% termly attendance figures. following intervention. New portal will display attendance % of students being celebrated for in real time. over 97% attendance increases by JW/HoS Reward improved attendance for 5% from 2018/19. individuals and form groups/classes as well as attendance of 97% of above. Increased visual awareness of importance of attendance through posters around school. Increase communication to parents on a termly basis outlining attendance comparison of pupils’ attendance from previous term to current term. 5. Reduce levels of persistent Use whole school attendance Persist Student absence of whole absence. strategy (see objective 4 actions). cohort is below 11%. ESWAS attendance panels for JW/HoS targeted students and families. Persiste Student absence of PP Ensure Inclusion Centre is students is below 15%. targeting PA students for bespoke Persist Student absence of SEN curriculum. students is below 13%. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 11 of 26
Use the fines and warning letters to target PA students with no medical reason for absence provided. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 12 of 26
Priority 3: Personal Development Objectives Lead Specific Actions Impact Monitoring We want to …….. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Plan and implement a coherent Students and staff have a clear and high quality curriculum that curriculum and the curriculum plan integrates PSCS lessons with the demonstrates a clear and coherent tutor curriculum and assembly sequence in developing PSCS skills programme. and understanding mental health and well-being. Plan and implement the scheduled Development Days to All students are supported in their enhance and enrich students’ personal development – 80% of 1. Create a high quality personal development and Student Voice feedback is positive. personal development curriculum, KW/PH mental health. including mental health and well- 80% of student and staff feedback being. Ensure that Budmouth is a after development days is positive. beacon for PSHE, Citizenship and SMSC delivery across the Monitoring evidence demonstrates academy and that all staff invest improvements in delivery and in students’ personal consistent quality in provision. development and well-being. Uses of external agencies compliment Monitor the quality of delivery the personal development curriculum. of the personal development curriculum and support staff in areas to be developed. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 13 of 26
Liaise and work with external providers to enhance the provision of PD curriculum, mental health and well-being. To embed the Dorset Resilient Young Minds principles into our daily practice. Ensure staff are trained to add 100% of students are given the careers interactions on to opportunity and support to engage in Unifrog, monitor the use. valuable work experience in Y10 including mock interviews with local Increase the number of guests business partners. and video-link interactions 2. Develop a high quality within subject areas, including100% of students have the careers programme to meet Gatsby ATL opportunity to develop their BM/MJH benchmarks. Add a trip to a university for all employability portfolio from Y7. students in lower school – Year Compass self-assessment results 9 show full coverage of the Gatsby Increase number of trips that benchmarks. visit and acknowledge workplaces BM to train as careers advisor. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 14 of 26
Introduce the 8 Conditions to all Student questionnaires will highlight staff and complete exercise to the SWS system as providing greater look at areas we meet, or could opportunities for the conditions: develop further. Heroes, Belonging, Leadership and Fun/Excitement. Introduce the 8 conditions to all students and repeat self- Summer Term 2020 completion of my assessment exercise. voice will enable a benchmark for further improve in 2020 academic Use the new ‘SWS’ system to year and beyond. 3. Develop the ‘8 conditions’ for promote 8 Conditions, high aspirations across the academy. DH/HoS especially ‘heroes’, ‘belonging’, Via work over 2019/20 we will aim ‘leadership’ and ‘fun and for positive responses over 50% excitement.’ ‘agree’ in 80% of the areas. Introduce the Pixl Edge for Y7 and 8 as part of the development of LORIC 70% of Y7 have completed 5 Edge competencies that link to 8 activities for apprentice level. conditions. 70% of Y8 have completed 5 Edge Complete the ‘My Voice’ survey Activities for apprentice level. at the end of the academic year. National Lead for Pixl Edge (AD) 70% of Y7 have completed 5 Edge 4. Increase opportunities for to launch scheme with staff at activities for apprentice level. students’ character development via AC September INSET. 70% of Y8 have completed 5 Edge implementation of the Pixl Edge. AC to meet with AD and plan for activities for apprentice level. roll out Pixl Edge with Y7 and 8. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 15 of 26
AC to launch Pixl Edge with Y7 and 8 students via assembly. Half of yr7 and 8 tutor team trained to support further training of colleagues. AC to incorporate the apprentice level into the tutorial programme BM to work alongside AC and PiXL to blend PiXL Edge and Unifrog systems to promote belonging and a sense of accomplishment (competencies/LORIC) Develop, support and monitor speaking activity within Tutor and Careers Curriculum to verbalise and develop explanations of own achievements and skills inputted into Unifrog/PiXL Edge. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 16 of 26
5. Developing a new Inclusion Student Support to be renamed Attendance of students using the Centre and using the new ‘Inclusion Centre’ and relocated. Inclusion Centre will improve by 5% off-site GROW provision to ensure an Inclusion Strategy embedded compared to 2018/19. inclusive environment that meets fully (Wave 0 – 3). the needs of all students. Inclusion Centre staffing needs The new Inclusion Centre will support to be directed by PBM as the reduction of persistent absence to needed using the whole TA below 10% for students who engage staffing as appropriate. with this support. PBM Inclusion Centre to be able to 90% of students who receive GROW accommodate students for provision will make a successful greater periods of time. return to the mainstream. GROW cohort 1 to be identified by JW/PBM and provision set up in liaison with staff at Atlantic Academy. Priority 4: Leadership and Management Objectives Lead Specific Actions Impact Monitoring We want to…….. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 1. Ensure that disadvantaged Produce clear action plan for disadvantaged Diminish differences students are better supported to JW pupils’ participation in the wider curriculum. between disadvantaged and maximise their potential. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 17 of 26
Track attendance to extracurricular activities. non-disadvantaged students. Where timetables allow, disadvantaged pupils are taught by experienced teachers. Review Pupil School tracking data shows Premium Strategy. all disadvantaged pupils have participated in a range of activities linked to the wider curriculum. Survey data confirms positive experience of disadvantaged. New Staff Induction Programme outlines the 95% of teachers will be requirements of teaching, learning and assessment regarded as good or better at Budmouth. by the end of the academic year through triangulation TDG/MJC run the ‘Outstanding Teacher process and SLT RAG. Programme’ – bespoke in-house training for 2. Plan and deliver a CPD ‘volunteers’ and staff identified as needing support Learning Reviews will programme focussed on developing from Learning Reviews and QA systems. TAP indicate that 95% of the highest quality teaching and programme replaces this teachers are setting a higher learning and students' knowledge MJC level of challenge for and skills. TDG/MJC to establish ‘Open Door’ Mutual Lesson students at all levels. Observation Programme. TAP programme replaces this Student feedback will September INSET Day outlines academy vision for indicate that they feel they teaching, learning and assessment and Directed are being more CPD time addresses key aspects of the vision and appropriately challenged. supports teachers in implementation. By the end of the academic year, all teachers will Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 18 of 26
Departmental meeting agendas and Improvement demonstrate their own self- Plans to focus more explicitly on developing the reflection skills and quality of teaching and learning. individual CPD outcomes. Personalised Internal and external support provided for individual teachers and Subject Areas arising from 2019 outcomes and Learning Reviews. Establish excellent practitioner team to work with staff on 1:1 level as identified. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 19 of 26
Provide clear timelines for data Data collection deadlines collection and the expectations are met and a decrease in within departments/schools to variation between ensure accuracy. predictions and results. Provide all data for staff within 4Matrix and All key staff become familiar support their analysis and accurate interventions. and successful in using 4Matrix to target Meet with each Subject Coordinator with HoS to departmental intervention 3. Ensure that data is being analyse outcomes and target areas that need as interventions have used effectively to track the progress development, with agreed actions and expected greater impact on outcomes. of all students and manage PH outcomes. Monitor the overall progress of each intervention programmes where year group and intervene to ensure high Subject Coordinators and appropriate. expectations and levels of progress. Put in place link HoS have a clear the raising achievement strategy for Y11 to ensure understanding of priorities each individual achieves and academy targets and expected actions, are met or exceeded. leading to improved outcomes. Evidence in data collections shows improved progress/attainment. Data targets in 1.5 above are achieved. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 20 of 26
Meeting schedule has directed time for Leadership will be sharper Heads of School to meet their school staff. in supporting the whole academy performance Line management of Subject Coordinators targets. by HoS will focus more greatly on subject performance against targets. Staff voice will show greater confidence in the leadership Intra-School competitions calendared. of the academy to support teaching and learning and Weekly attendance and behaviour reports outcomes for students. showing school leader board. 4. Successfully implement the DH/JW/ Students will show an new ‘schools within schools’ MJH/PH increased allegiance to their HoS and Co-ordinators to visit every tutor leadership structure. /HoS ‘school’ via involvement in group every morning. Student Voice, competition Assemblies to take place in schools. and intra-age group working. New ‘school’ leadership groups and Student Voice networks will contribute to students belonging to a smaller SWS. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 21 of 26
On a termly basis, workload is monitored through Sickness absence of staff is staff voice via monthly meetings with trade union lower reps. than 2018/19. DH/ADJ Create staff well-being group to develop social Retention of staff improves 5. Ensure that staff well-being is /MS/S_R activities. in 2019/20 so that staff only a high priority in all that we do. /HMS/ leave for promotion or for ZG GISA Conditions meeting ideas to be developed unavoidable reasons such as with staff. relocation. Train 5 staff to become champions for mental health and well-being at work. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 22 of 26
Priority 5: Post 16 Provision Objectives Lead Specific Actions Impact Monitoring We want to ……. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 23 of 26
All subjects to produce Learning Booklets to Learning Walks demonstrate support study. that 90% of students are Shared requirements for all subjects from engaging with their subjects at learning review findings. a high level in class. Evidence that students are responding to 1. To ensure that teaching feedback (Green). Subject SOW will evidence how enables students to develop detailed Student Voice, Learning Review, Learning Walks students are being made to knowledge of the curriculum and that MJH/ and Work Scrutiny to inform progress. complete demanding work and they complete demanding work. SL Student Support Plans for those not reaching how this is being assessed. standards. Requirements shared with study room supervisor Focused student’s interviews so that students can be directed to appropriate show that 90% of students are work outside of lessons. able to discuss their curriculum in detail and understand how they make progress. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 24 of 26
High expectations on the organisation of work. Focussed Pupil interviews Shared standards at the beginning of term. indicate that 90% of students are presenting their work in CEIL program supporting personal development subject folders and books in a recorded in the CEIL Dossier. VESPA program used in tutor time to develop highly organised manner. 2. Ensure that students develop study habits and encourage a “Growth Mind-set. 95% of students are using the excellent personal study habits that UNIFROG will be rolled out. CEIL and study areas as will prepare them well for higher Develop a reading culture. MJH/ positive places to work outside education and/or vocational Attendance monitoring to improve. ADoS of timetabled lessons. opportunities. 95% of students ending Y12 made the necessary progress to be able to progress into Y13. 90% of students in Year 13 will be successful in making a UCAS and/or vocational application. 3. To ensure that study CEIL Programme development to include ‘Project 90% of students engage in programmes are complete with Work’ for some. CEIL programme. appropriate non qualification activities Enrichment Programme. that enhance students skills and Student Union events eg RAG week, Helping 30 students engage in a trial experience. within Schools etc. ATL No Limits assignment. Development Days. Develop ‘No limits curriculum’ for 2020. 100% students take part in whole school enrichment activity. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 25 of 26
Work with MC to develop Budmouth Brand Intake into Year 12 in 2020 will Identity. be 85% of all eligible students Develop Prospectus for 2020. from year 11. Provide taster opportunities for Y10. 4. Develop a positive marketing Involve Sixth Form as much as possible with strategy of the sixth form that enables “School System” so lower school aspire to come MJH/ The number of students joining numbers to increase in September to Sixth Form. ADoS/M year 12 will increase by 10% 2020. Develop Sixth Form Block. C from other schools. Share good news stories through all forms of media. Develop idea of exceptional performance in all areas. e.g. National Level Sport. Re-establish notable opportunities e.g. Kenya Expedition, CERN and NASA. Write and oversee a Y13 Raising Achievement A Level Attainment Grade C. Plan. A Level Value Added Positive. Ensure all staff are familiar with the use of 4 Applied Learning Average 5. Ensure that academy targets Matrix and ALPs and are able to analyse the Grade Merit are met in relation to the progress of MJH/ performance of their own groups. Applied Learning Positive all students and groups. DH Set and share challenging targets. Value Added. Assess regularly and ensure data is collected and processed on time. Prompt Intervention for individuals and groups not meeting targets. Key: Red (not yet started), Amber (ongoing), Green (completed) Page 26 of 26
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