College Station Independent School District - Annual Campus Improvement Plan for Greens Prairie Elementary 2018-2019 - College Station ISD
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College Station Independent School District Annual Campus Improvement Plan for Greens Prairie Elementary 2018-2019 Board Approval Date: DRAFT Mission Statement 1
Success Each Life, Each Day, Each Hour Vision All learners in CSISD will be afforded real world, challenging, authentic experiences that develop their creativity, confidence, and competence in a safe and healthy learning environment that celebrates diversity through meaningful relationships. Together, as a community, we will work to prepare our students to meet the needs of their future success each life, each day, each hour. Board Commitments CSISD will ... ● Recruit, develop, and retain qualified and dedicated staff. ● Provide a challenging, relevant, engaging and aligned curriculum. ● Provide an array of services, programs and opportunities to meet the needs of each student, and provide the opportunity for each student to reach his or her full potential. ● Create classroom and campus cultures that involve each family. ● Commit to the responsible use of taxpayer resources. Goals 1. Recruit, develop, and retain qualified and dedicated teachers and staff. 2. Provide a challenging, relevant, engaging and aligned curriculum to achieve the profile of a learner. 3. Provide an array of services, programs and opportunities to meet the emotional, social, physical, and academic needs of each student, and provide the opportunity for each student to reach his or her full potential. 4. Create classroom and campus cultures that involve each family. 5. We will fully utilize resources to meet the needs of all students. Table of Contents 2
Executive Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary …………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………….3 Data used for Comprehensive Needs Assessment….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……...6 Goals……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…...7 Goal 1, Objectives and Activity Statements - Recruit, develop, and retain qualified and dedicated teachers and staff ……………………………………..………...……….7 Goal 2, Objectives and Activity Statements - Provide a challenging, relevant, engaging and aligned curriculum to achieve the profile of a learner …………………….....9 Goal 3, Objectives and Activity Statements - Provide an array of services, programs and opportunities to meet the emotional, social, physical, and academic needs of each student, and provide the opportunity for each student to reach his or her full potential …………………….…………………………………………....……..…...13 Goal 4, Objectives and Activity Statements - Create classroom and campus cultures that involve each family…………………………………………………….. ………….......16 Goal 5, Objectives and Activity Statements - We will fully utilize resources to meet the needs of all students ………..……………………………………………………….17 District Professional Development Plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18 Appendix A: Federal and State Requirements……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…...19 Appendix B: District Educational Improvement Council Members 2017-2018……………………………………………………………………………………………………...…….23 District Improvement Plan Acronyms & Definitions Sheet 3
Executive Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary Areas Examined Summary of Strengths Summary of Needs Priorities (What Strengths were identified?) (What needs were identified?) (What are the priorities for the district?) Demographics GP is a large campus. Our student Continued professional development Address the achievement gap of population summary: is needed to address the our students is a high priority for our African American 5.2% staff. Refine the RTI process instructional needs of African Hispanic 16.9% including effective data gathering to American, Hispanic, economically White 73.2% make informed interventions for our Asian 2.9% disadvantaged, special education, and our English language learners. students. Implement a co-teach Economically Disadvantaged 22.5% model for SPED and classroom English Language Learners 4.1% teachers to address the needs of Special Education 8.4% identified SPED students. GT 7.8% Mobility Rate 7.4% Student Achievement S Students at Greens Prairie In looking at STAAR Data, a clear Classroom teachers will implement perform at or above the state and need in the area of writing is evident. the CSISD curriculum. Campus RtI The campus will need to conduct a district averages in reading and processes will be streamlined. complete self-assessment on writing math (STAAR data). 1.5% of Attend district training to address instruction to ensure that students are kindergarten students and 1.1% encountering a consistent, rigorous closing the achievement gap, cultural of first graders were below grade writing component in ELA. The capital and lessons to address level in reading. .9% were below teaching of conventions, word study, cultural gaps in learning. grade level in second grade in and the writing process itself will all be reading. Using the TEMI, K-2nd a part of this assessment. grade students were identified as needing intervention. 35 As we look at individual groups of students, K-2nd, received TEMI students, student groups such as and AVMR interventions this economically disadvantaged, African school year. American, and special education are not performing as well as the state and district average for their like group 4
especially in writing. We would like to close the achievement gap for student groups indicating an achievement gap of more than 5-10%. Culture and Climate College Station ISD has been More and more of our students are Training in Restorative Discipline is deliberately working on Social showing issues of concern with needed to support the SEL of Emotional Learning for over a mental health issues, behavior students. Continuous discussions and decade, including training teachers issues, and social and emotional training on implementing CD language in Conscious Discipline, Safe and needs. consistently across the campus. Civil Schools, and additional SEL Additional mental health and behavior topics such as growth mindset, training for campus administrative and brain research, expectations, and counseling teams will also be a focus. self-control. GP has an SEL team to help address Social Emotional Learning. CHAMPS has been implemented to ensure campus processes are in place. Staff Quality and Retention Greens Prairie recruits strong Continuous support and professional Create and implement a plan to continue teachers who are mostly proficient development is needed to equip our to develop campus leadership in coaching or higher on T-TESS evaluations. teachers with the necessary skills to knowledge and constructivist practices. Continuous support and be proficient or higher on T-TESS professional development is needed evaluations. Coaching is provided to to equip our teachers with the new teachers and teachers on the T- necessary skills to be proficient or TESS evaluation instrument. higher on T-TESS evaluations. Leadership capacity is fostered Coaching is provided to new through opportunities at the campus teachers and teachers on the T- and district level. TESS evaluation instrument. Leadership capacity is fostered through opportunities at the campus and district level. Create and implement a plan to continue to develop campus leadership in coaching knowledge and constructivist practices. 5
Technology Technology GP teachers regularly The district will be transitioning into Training teachers to use the Learning integrate enriched technology in new student management and Management System in order to lessons providing students authentic curriculum management programs- strengthen lessons, provide feedback to ways to apply newly learned Schoology and Mizuni. Staff will need students on assignments, communicate concepts. to be trained on the basics of each, with parents, and provide efficiency for students and teachers. In addition, and supported as they grow into the methods to gain greater access to devices programs. will be pursued. Family/Community Involvement Feedback from a parent survey The majority of our parent volunteers Utilize the features in Schoology indicates overall strong parental tend to come from specific that support parent involvement in support. The community actively neighborhoods in our campus zone classroom learning. Examine seek to partner with the campus to while other parents are not as opportunities for volunteering and support a strong education for involved. communicate them clearly to students. parents. Data Used for Campus Comprehensive Needs Assessment 6
STAAR Reading Levels TPRI ESTAR Dyslexia Screeners District Benchmark Assessments TELPAS PBMAS Report Accountability Report Failure Rates Administrator Input Community and Business Partner Input CSISD Vision CSISD Learner Profile Technology Input from Teachers Educator Evaluations Attendance PEIMS Discipline RTI Notes & Process Teacher Retention Counselor Input on Mental Health GT Identification Special Education Demographics Curriculum Documents Professional Development Staff Health Inventory Goal: 1 Recruit, develop, and retain qualified and dedicated staff. 7
Objective 1 Embed supports for teachers of culturally and linguistically diverse students in order to decrease the achievement gap. Summative Evaluation (to be filled in June 2018 by campus administration) Strategies and Action Steps Person(s) Resources Timelines Special Evidence of Success Formative Reviews Supported by Responsible Populations State or Federal Funds Oct. Feb. May Coaching will be Admin Teacher Goals Spring 2018- All students T-TESS instrument designed to support May 2019 GP Campus T-TESS Evals Success of instruction and teaching Coaches professional goals -T- strategies in the Classroom TESS classroom while NTU Teacher Observations providing feedback to Leaders observed teachers and growth opportunities for teachers observing. Effective instructional Admin ESL Specialist Each nine ELL students Session feedback strategies based on the weeks Sign-In Sheets Classroom ELPS will be Teachers implemented focusing on student performance in listening, speaking, reading and writing activities. Grades for each subject (M,S,SS,ELA) each nine weeks will reflect these four components. Implement effective Admin Faculty Meetings Aug. 2018- All students District & state strategies learned May 2019 assessments Counselor Specialist Meetings through professional development to address Specialists Book Study the needs of all students (focus: poverty, Teachers (Classroom, SPED, 8
achievement gap) CAMP) Implement effective Admin Admin Aug. 2018- All Students Hoonuit records strategies learned May 2019 GP Teachers Time for training, Sign in sheets through professional Hoonuit in development to address Specialists Schoology Campus training cultural capital and agendas achievement gap with CSISD staff trainers Walkthrough data identified student groups. Lesson plans Lesson plans and instruction will be adjusted accordingly to Grade level planning meet the needs of notes identified student groups. √ =Accomplished C =Considerable S =Some Progress N =No Progress X =Discontinue Goal: 1 Recruit, develop, and retain qualified and dedicated staff. Objective: 2 Provide professional development that is responsive to individual needs of stakeholders. Summative Evaluation (to be filled in June 2018 by campus administration) 9
Strategies and Action Steps Person(s) Resources Timelines Special Evidence of Success Formative Reviews Supported by State or Responsible Populations Federal Funds Oct. Feb. May Professional Admin Schoology Aug. 2018- All Students Sign In Sheets development will include May 2019 CTF CSISD Curriculum a focus on Schoology for curriculum access Campus Tech and technology Coaches integration of skills and communication. Central Office C&I Coaching will be Admin C&I Coaching Support Aug. 2018- All Students Coaching designed to support April 2019 conversations and NTU Leaders Conference time & observations instruction in the classroom coverage classroom. T-TESS Campus Coaches to coach teachers will have a campus coach to observe/conference with 1 Fall and 1 Spring coaching opportunity. Utilizing the SWIVL or T-TESS Teachers SWIVL or other Sept. 2018- All Students Reflection other recording device, recording device April 2019 conversations with Admin administration T-TESS teachers will view one lesson and reflect upon the lesson. Feedback reflection will be discussed with campus administrator. Provide opportunities Admin Professional Aug. 2018- All Students Lesson planning for vertical grade level development time April 2019 agendas Specialists discussions. Topics: Lesson plans academic language, writing, problem solving 10
The NTU campus coach NTU Teacher After school meeting Aug. 2018- All Students Sign in sheets at NTU will meet and support Leaders time April 2019 after school meetings new teachers through Admin Coaching observations and opportunities meetings every other month beginning in September. Leadership capacity will Admin Professional Aug. 2018- All Students Sign in sheets at be developed for a GP development time May 2019 meetings Campus & NTU coaching team. coaches C&I Examples: Professional development, coaching Coaching resources meetings, etc such as books, workshops Faculty will have Admin Professional Aug. 2018- All Students Leadership projects opportunities for development time June 2019 % of teacher leaders professional growth, C&I and district on campus develop collegiality and leadership nurture a school family opportunities through campus activities and develop leadership capacity among the campus. √ =Accomplished C =Considerable S =Some Progress N =No Progress X =Discontinue 11
Goal: 2 Provide a challenging, relevant, engaging and aligned curriculum. Objective: 1 Design robust written, taught, and assessed curriculum in core content areas that includes the components of transfer, year at a glance, scope and sequence, priority standards, enduring understandings, essential questions, assessments, unit plans, model lessons and resources. Summative Evaluation (to be filled in June 2018 by campus administration) Strategies and Action Person(s) Resources Timelines Special Evidence of Success Formative Reviews Supported by State Steps Responsible Populations or Federal Funds Oct. Feb. May Provide training for all Admin Trainings Aug. 2018- May All Sign-In Sheets staff on the design 2019 Specialists Planning time and use of the newly developed curriculum C&I Curriculum and the Profile of a documents Learner Core classroom Admin Curriculum Aug. 2018- May All Lesson plans teachers will documents 2019 Specialists Grade level planning implement the district Time agendas curriculum in all core Grade-level subjects. teachers C&I ELA & Science Admin Curriculum Each nine weeks All students Planning documents teachers will learn and documents Specialists develop lessons using Time the new ELA and Grade level Science TEKS which teachers C&I will define and align 12
grade level expectations. Professional Admin Schoology Aug. 2018- May All Planning documents development will 2019 CTF Time Sign in sheets focus on Schoology for curriculum C&I C&I implementation, communication, and technology integration. √ =Accomplished C =Considerable S =Some Progress N =No Progress X =Discontinue Goal: 2 Provide a challenging, relevant, engaging and aligned curriculum. Objective: 2 Use a variety of data to ensure strong Tier I instruction Summative Evaluation (to be filled in June 2018 by campus administration) Strategies and Action Person(s) Resources Timelines Special Populations Evidence of Success Formative Reviews Supported by Steps Responsible State or Federal Funds Oct. Feb. May 13
Staff will analyze data Admin Formal & Informal Aug. 2018- All students T-TESS Data to make curriculum Assessment data May 2019 Specialists Student assessment adjustments, LLI kits data (Reading levels, professional Teachers TEMI and Benchmark development AVMR interventions scores, etc) decisions, and EStar Interventions intervention decisions for each student. Examples: running records, TPRI, AVMR, CBMs, Benchmarks, dyslexia screeners, Science assessments, etc. Classroom teachers, Admin SIT notes Aug. 2018- All students T-TESS Data SPED, specialists and May 2019 Specialists Progress assessment Student assessment administration will on students data utilize Mizuni to Classroom analyze student teachers SIT Notes performance data. Conduct campus Admin ELA curriculum Aug. 2018- All students T-TESS Data writing instruction May 2019 Reading Prior year’s lessons Curriculum docs review to pinpoint specialists strengths and needs Assessment scores Lesson plans ELA Teachers Teacher survey Grade level planning agendas Math students that are Admin SIT Schedule Sept. 2018- Math students in Tier SIT agendas in Tier II or III in RTI April 2019 II or III Math specialist Intervention data will have the AVMR assessment Math teachers Student progress data completed and strategies will be implemented with identified students. 14
Running Records will ELA teachers Assessments Sept. 2018- All Students Assessment results be conducted and May 2019 Reading Time analyzed to make specialists instructional decisions for students in reading. √ =Accomplished C =Considerable S =Some Progress N =No Progress X =Discontinue 15
Goal: 2 Provide a challenging, relevant, engaging and aligned curriculum. Objective: 3 Integrate a variety of technology in the curriculum to enhance instruction and to increase educator and student proficiency and learner voice and choice. Summative Evaluation (to be filled in June 2018 by campus administration) Strategies and Person(s) Resources Timelines Special Evidence of Success Formative Reviews Supported by Action Steps Responsible Populations State or Federal Funds Oct. Feb. May Train all staff on Admin District-provided trainings Aug. 2018- May All Students Use of the programs by staff the use of 2019 Specialists Time Schoology and Mizuni CTF Campus tech coaches Provide training Admin Digital Resources Aug. 2018- May All Students Observation Data on the use of 2019 Specialists Program Usage technology in the classroom CTF while integrating technology Campus tech coaches TEKS into the curriculum. √ =Accomplished C =Considerable S =Some Progress N =No Progress X =Discontinue 16
Goal: 3 Provide an array of services, programs and opportunities to meet the needs of each student, and provide the opportunity for each student to reach his or her full potential. Objective: 1 Expand learning options within the district. Summative Evaluation (to be filled in June 2018 by campus administration) Strategies and Action Steps Person(s) Resources Timelines Special Evidence of Success Formative Reviews Supported by State Responsible Populations or Federal Funds Oct. Feb. May Instructional design will Admin Materials for Sept. 2018- All Students Student feedback include opportunities activities May . 2019 Specialists Student progress for student choice, Planning time higher level Teachers Teacher feedback questioning, creativity, technology integration, application of skills in a novel/authentic way while conveying the understanding of a concept/skill. Examples: Genius Hour, Discovery Days, Project Based Learning, Menus, STEM Days, √ =Accomplished C =Considerable S =Some Progress N =No Progress X =Discontinue 17
Goal 3: Provide an array of services, programs and opportunities to meet the needs of each student, and provide the opportunity for each student to reach his or her full potential. Objective: 2 Develop a system of supports for students’ social-emotional needs. Summative Evaluation (to be filled in June 2018 by campus administration) Strategies and Action Steps Person(s) Resources Timelines Special Evidence of Success Formative Reviews Supported by Responsible Populations State or Federal Funds Oct. Feb. May Provide SEL training for Admin Social-Emotional Aug. 2018- All Students Teacher feedback campus staff to address Curriculum May 2019 Counselor Referral data Tier 1 supports Professional including Restorative All Staff development time Classroom Discipline. observations Class time Provide Tier II and III Admin Social-Emotional Aug. 2018- All Students Teacher feedback behavior training for Curriculum May 2019 Counselor Referral data staff to address Professional effective strategies for development time Classroom students who observations demonstrate Restorative Discipline curriculum challenging behaviors. Provide training in goal Admin Professional Aug. 2018- All Students Referral Data setting for Tier II and II development and May 2019 Counselor conference time Data Team & SIT for Data Team and SIT notes to effectively monitor Specialists student progress. 18
Define and implement Admin Professional August 2018 All students Referral Data the Data Team and SIT development time Counselor Data Team & SIT process to streamline notes process of identifying students needing targeted interventions. Develop and implement Admin Professional Aug. 2018- All students Referral data positive proactive development time Dec. 2018 Counselor intervention strategies District materials that address offenses GP Staff such as bullying and disruptive behaviors. Professional development will include definitions, consistency strategies and expectations for reporting and addressing issues. Review and revise Admin Professional August 2018 All students Sign In sheets for common area development time August staff Safety Team development expectations and procedures including GP Staff school safety. √ =Accomplished C =Considerable S =Some Progress N =No Progress X =Discontinue Goal 3: Provide an array of services, programs and opportunities to meet the needs of each student, and provide the opportunity for each student to reach his or her full potential. Objective: 3 Improve outcomes for students receiving special education services. 19
Summative Evaluation (to be filled in June 2018 by campus administration) Strategies and Action Steps Person(s) Responsible Resources Timelines Special Evidence of Formative Reviews Supported by Populations Success State or Federal Funds Oct. Feb. May Provide training for all Admin Schedule Flexibility Aug. 2018- Sped students Student data staff who support May 2019 (benchmark SPED Staff Central Office SPED scores, reading students in inclusive Staff levels, etc) settings. Students receiving Admin Curriculum Resources Aug. 2018- SPED students Student Data SPED support will May 2019 receive targeted Sped Staff instruction between the Classroom Teachers SPED teacher and classroom teacher with the goal of the student moving toward grade level expectations. Provide training in Admin Central Office SPED Aug. 2018- All students Student Data effective behavior Staff May 2019 Counselor Referral Data documentation in preparation for Data Team or SIT meetings. SPED teachers will plan SPED Teachers Flexible schedules to Aug. 2018- SPED students Student Data and with general education allow for planning time May 2019 progress teachers on a regular basis during grade level planning times. √ =Accomplished C =Considerable S =Some Progress N =No Progress X =Discontinue 20
Goal 4 Create classroom and campus cultures that involve each family. Objective 1 Increase family involvement in district and campus activities and opportunities. Summative Evaluation (to be filled in June 2018 by campus administration) Strategies and Action Steps Person(s) Resources Timelines Special Evidence of Formative Reviews Supported by Responsible Populations Success State or Federal Funds Oct. Feb. May Explore ways to promote All Staff Time Aug. 2018 -May All Students Attendance of school and family events 2019 events such as increased communication, providing a meal, hosting a You Matter for parents, parent classes to learn what students are learning, parent/kids camp out, etc. 21
Explore and implement Admin PTO resource Aug. 2018- May All students Attendance of ways that parents can website 2019 events PTO Board get involved such as CSISD Citywide PTO PTO meetings (times vary/FB Live), You Matter for Parents, Morning Assembly, etc. Each team will develop Professional Staff Staff Time Sept. 2018- May All Students Websites and update a grade 2019 Parent feedback level/team webpage for through end of parents to access. Each year survey classroom teacher will communicate electronically (Schoology) once a week or once every two weeks with parents to update them on class activities and events. √ =Accomplished C =Considerable S =Some Progress N =No Progress X =Discontinue Goal 5: Commit to the responsible use of taxpayer resources. Objective 1 Utilize campus resources to meet instructional needs. Summative Evaluation (to be filled in June 2018 by campus administration) Strategies and Action Steps Person(s) Resources Timelines Special Evidence of Formative Reviews Supported by State Responsible Populations Success or Federal Funds Oct. Feb. May 22
Provide equitable access Admin Campus & district Aug. 2018- All Students Lesson plans to resources referenced funds May 2019 Teacher in district curriculum feedback documents (to include science materials, online resources, textbooks, needed technology) √ =Accomplished C =Considerable S =Some Progress N =No Progress X =Discontinue CSISD & Greens Prairie Professional Development Plan 2018-2019 23
CSISD Professional Development Plan: Professional development to address individual needs: ● Hoonuit ● NTU Follow Up Options ● You Matter ● Coaching ● Success Team/SALI/Administrator Development ● Teacher Leadership Add+Vantage Math Recovery for K-6 math teachers Assessment for Learning Cultural Capital ELPs Schoology and other tech resources/apps STEM teacher PD SEL Training (Tier 1) for all campus staff Mental Health training for campus leadership teams SEL core training (Conscious Discipline and Safe and Civil Schools) for SEL team members In-Class Support and Co-Teach training PLAAFP/IEP development and ARD decision making process training Mandated Trainings 24
Greens Prairie Professional Development Plan: Professional development to address individual needs: ● Hoonuit ● NTU Follow Up Options ● You Matter ● Coaching ● Teacher Leadership Opportunities Curriculum implementation of core subjects Add+Vantage Math Recovery for math teachers Analyzing student data Cultural Capital & Achievement Gap ELPs Schoology and other tech resources/apps SEL Training (Tier 1) for all campus staff including Restorative Discipline & effective discipline strategies SEL core training (Conscious Discipline and Safe and Civil Schools) for SEL team members In-Class Support and Co-Teach training SIT/RTI Process Creative thinking and problem solving using the resource Thinking Like Leonardo da Vinci Coaching development for campus and NTU coaches GT 6 hour update Mandated Trainings APPENDIX A: STATE AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS 25
Community Based Accountability System Strategies Resources Staff Responsible Evaluation College Station ISD will continue to Local Funds Executive Director for Special Services CBAS document and evaluation tools develop and refine a meaningful and Accountability complete and communicated to public. accountability system that measures what our community believes is important through the Community Based Accountability System. Revise the CSISD Community-Based TPAC Support; Local Data Sources Executive Director for Special Services CBAS document and evaluation tools Accountability System to align with data and Accountability complete and communicated to public. and community feedback Bullying Prevention Strategies Resources Staff Responsible Evaluation Develop and/or implement positive Campus Budgets Director for Student Services, School Discipline Referrals, Anecdotal Campus proactive intervention strategies that counselors Reports address offenses such as bullying (and support student organizations and efforts to address this), harassment, and violence (dating and/or sexual abuse) Revise the bullying training module for District Budget Director for Student Services, School Revised Modules, Sign-in Sheets from teachers and students counselors trainings Child Abuse and Sexual Abuse Prevention Strategies Resources Staff Responsible Evaluation All district staff members will be trained in Online training through Hoonuit Campus Administrators, Director of Training records in Hoonuit Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse at Human Resources the beginning of the year. 26
All CSISD staff will follow child abuse N/A All staff Counselor documentation reporting requirements. Coordinated Health- SHAC Council Strategies Resources Staff Responsible Evaluation The SHAC Council will meet a minimum of Student Activities Budget Director of Student Activities; SHAC Sign in Sheets, Minutes, Agendas 4 times per year. Chairperson The council will provide the CISD Board N/A Director of Student Activities; SHAC Board Agenda with Presentation an annual report of their activities for the Chairperson year The majority of the council membership N/A Director of Student Activities; SHAC Membership List will be parents and the co-chair will be a Chairperson parent. Dating Violence Awareness Strategies Resources Staff Responsible Evaluation Develop and/or implement positive Campus Budgets Director for Student Services, School Discipline Referrals, Anecdotal Campus proactive intervention strategies that counselors, Campus Administrators Reports address offenses such as bullying, harassment, and violence (dating and/or sexual abuse) Provide secondary teachers with staff Counselors, Campus administrators, Director for Student Services, School Discipline Referrals, Anecdotal Campus training on relationship abuse awareness, Hoonuit, Campus Budget counselors, Campus Administrators Reports detection and prevention. Suicide Prevention 27
Strategies Resources Staff Responsible Evaluation All staff members will be trained in Suicide District Budgets, Hoonuit Director for Human Resources Training sign in sheets, Training Agendas Prevention Training Drug Prevention Strategies Resources Staff Responsible Evaluation College Station ISD will teach drug TEKS, Curriculum resources Director of Student Services, Counselors, Lesson Plans, Discipline Records awareness and prevention Educators Implement a drug testing program in the Funds for drug testing Director of Student Services, Campus Results of testing, Discipline Records district to be approved by the Board of Administrators, Chief Administrative Trustees Officer Federal Programs Compliance Strategies Resources Staff Responsible Evaluation The district will evaluate student Mizuni Software and Eduphoria Aware Curriculum and Instruction Staff, Campus Data reports; Comprehensive Needs achievement in the following programs: Administration, School Counselors Assessment Title I, Bilingual/ESL, LEP, Gifted and Talented, Special Education, Career and Technology Education and students in at risk situations. Title I, Part A campuses will implement the Title I Director of Special Programs Budget reports, Annual federal supplemental funds to maximize student compliance report learning and achievement. All programs which receive federal funding Title I, Title II, Title III, Early Head Director of Purchasing, Director of Budget reports, Annual federal will maintain compliance with Education Start/Head Start Business Services, Directors over federal compliance report Department General Administrative funds Regulations (EDGAR) . Student Achievement 28
Strategies Resources Staff Responsible Evaluation All students will have a graduation Campus counselors, printing, substitutes Director of Student Services, Campus Plans in place for 8th graders, meetings pathway plan developed in 8th grade, and for counselors counselors, Campus administration scheduled an annual review with parent notification will occur to ensure that students are progressing towards graduation with their cohort as expected. Services will be provided for at-risk State Comp Ed Funds Chief Academic Officer, Director for State Comp Ed Reports, Annual district students to increase academic Special Programs, Campus report to school board, School board achievement and reduce the dropout rate Administration, Campus Counselors, agenda Campus Testing Coordinators for these students 29
APPENDIX B: Greens Prairie 2017-2018 School Improvement Planning Committee Central Office Jennifer Smith Community Representatives (2) Cindy Gordon Cathy Bush Business Representatives (2) Susan Olson Parent Representatives (2) Lindsey Matthews Mike Newkham Teachers: (9) Leslie Miller, 1st Grade, Amy Harstsell Stephanie Weber, 2nd Grade Tracy Brice, 4th Grade, Amber Neidig, K Paige Niemeyer, Para Jennifer Parker SPED Pattie Bartosh, Specialist Donna Bairrington, Admin AT Large (6) Janna Nail , CAMP Elizabeth Simpson, Kinder Amanda Simmons, 3rd Grade Elisabeth Glunk, 4th Grade Jennifer Reed, 1st Grade Ruth Littlefield, 2nd Grade 30
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