2022 Living Donation Conference: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Living Donation Part 1 - March 7 - April 10, 2022

Page created by Enrique Paul
2022 Living Donation Conference: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Living Donation Part 1 - March 7 - April 10, 2022
2022 Living

             A Multi-disciplinary
             Approach to Living
             Donation Part 1

March 7 - April 10, 2022
      Virtual Program

PURPOSE                                                           CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS
This is a training course on the essential aspects of clinical,   Applications will be made to the American Board of
psychosocial, advocacy, administrative, financial, quality and    Transplant Certification for CEPTCs.
regulatory issues related to living donation. The program is      This activity has been submitted to the American Association
an introductory course for individuals with less than 2 years     of Critical-Care Nurses for approval to award contact hours.
of experience in the care of the living donor. This course will   The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses is
be held over a series of 5 weeks, with three lectures             accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional
released every week, to view at the attendee's convenience.       development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s
                                                                  Commission on Accreditation.
Marian Charlton, RN, SRN, CCTC, Course Director                   If applications are approved, participants must complete a
AFDT Board of Directors                                           quiz after each week of lectures and receive a passing grade
Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, NJ              of 75% to receive educational credits.

Farrah Desrosiers, MS, LCSW, CCTSW                                WHO SHOULD ATTEND?
New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Transplant Center             The following staff who are new to their roles:
Program, New York, NY
                                                                      • Independent Living Donor Advocates for all clinical
Dianne LaPointe Rudow, ANP-BC DNP, CCTC                                 disciplines
Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY                              • Living Donor Coordinators, Social Workers
                                                                      • Psychologists, Physicians
Suzanne McGuire, RN, BSN, CCTC
AFDT Board of Directors                                               • Physician leaders, Administrators and Managers for
UCLA Health System Transplant Service, Los Angeles, CA                  programs with living donor teams
                                                                      • Quality and Compliance Staff
University of Iowa Health Care, Iowa City, IA

Marie Morgievich, RN, APN.C, CCTC
RWJ Barnabas Health, Livingston, NJ

Marian O’Rourke, RN, BSN, CCTC
AFDT Board of Directors
Miami Transplant Institute, Jackson Memorial Hospital
Miami, FL

Ellen Shukhman, RN-BC, BSN, CCTC
Cedars Sinai Comprehensive Transplant Center
Los Angeles, CA

Andrea Tietjen, MBA, CPA
RWJ Barnabas Health, Livingston, NJ

  • Discuss CMS and OPTN/UNOS regulatory requirements for
    living donor programs
  • Outline the live donor process from intake through long term
  • Describe the medical evaluation of the living donor, including
    assessment of short and long term risks
  • Describe the surgical evaluation and procedure for a living
  • Describe the goals of informed consent for living donors
  • Outline the financial considerations for living donation
  • Identify required elements of the donor psychosocial
  • Identify elements of the Independent Living Donor Advocate
  • Identify the basic principles related to histocompatibility that
    apply to living donor transplantation
  • Discuss the foundational concepts of kidney paired donation
March - April 2022
 Introductory Track

                         In the Beginning There Were Living Donors
WEEK 1 PRE-RECORDED      Gigi Spicer, RN
March 7-13, 2022
                         The Role of the Living Donor Coordinator
                         Marie Morgievich, RN, APN.C, CCTC, RWJ Barnabas Health

                         The Living Donor Process - Intake through Long Term Followup
                         Dianne LaPointe Rudow, ANP-BC DNP, CCTC, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY

                         The Medical Evaluation of Living Kidney Donors
WEEK 2 PRE-RECORDED      David Serur, MD, Hackensack University Medical Center
March 14-20, 2022
                         Overview of Surgery and Risks for Living Kidney Donation
                         Anthony Watkins, MD, FACS, Tampa General Hospital

                         Overview of Surgery and Risks for Living Liver Donation
                         Anthony Watkins, MD, FACS, Tampa General Hospital

WEEK 3 PRE-RECORDED      Informe d Conse nt: What Do Living Donors Ne e d to Know?
March 21-27, 2022        Marian Charlton, RN, SRN, CCTC, Hackensack University Medical Center

                         The Independent Living Donor Advocate Interview
                         Farrah Desrosiers, MS, LCSW, CCTSW
                         New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Transplant Center Program

                         The Psychosocial Evaluation of the Living Donor
                         Farrah Desrosiers, MS, LCSW, CCTSW
                         New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Transplant Center Program

WEEK 4 PRE-RECORDED      Foundational Concepts of HLA
March 28-April 3, 2022   Suzanne McGuire, RN, BSN, CCTC, UCLA Health System Transplant Service

                         Foundational Concepts of KPD
                         Janet Hiller, RN, MSN, CCTC, Johns Hopkins Hospital

                         Top 10 Things to Know About Living Donor Finances
                         Andrea Tietjen, MBA, CPA, RWJ Barnabas Health

WEEK 5 PRE-RECORDED      Your Role in Living Donor QAPI
April 4-10, 2022         Marian O’Rourke, RN, BSN, CCTC, Miami Transplant Institute, Jackson Memorial Hospital
                         Rules and Regs
                         Gwen E. McNatt, PhD, FNP-BC, FAAN, University of Iowa Health Care

                         Maximizing the Tools of the Trade: Resources for Living Donor Professionals
                         Ellen Shukhman, RN-BC, BSN, CCTC, Cedars Sinai Comprehensive Transplant Center Center

                             Register Today!

Register with a valid credit card at www.afdt.org. The registration fee is
$250 for the virtual Part 1 Course.

Registration and payment is expected prior to the meeting. The course
will have a limited number of registrants. Early registration is
encouraged; registration closes strictly on March 3, 2022. Registration is
limited and fees are non-refundable.

                           Educational Credits
Educational Credits will be distributed to paid registered attendees who
complete the speaker evaluation survey and complete a weekly post-test
(attendee must score 75% or higher).
The evaluation survey closes on April 15, 2022. If you do not submit the
evaluation survey, you are not eligible to receive AACN Nursing, or CEPTC
certificates. Once the survey has closed, it cannot be re-opened.
Earned certificates will be emailed to the email address attendees used to
register with, on or before April 25, 2022. **If you do not receive an email
with your certificate by this date – check your spam box. This could be
because you did not complete and submit the survey.
Contact for course questions: Kara Mountain, Clinical Education Conference
Planner, 804-323-9890, mountain@afdt.org.
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