2021 University Hospitals Plymouth ...

Page created by Wallace Bauer
2021 University Hospitals Plymouth ...
#1bigteam 2021 Calendar


Produced in collaboration with Staff Networks, the Equality Diversity and
Inclusion Team and the Communications Team

If you have any inclusions, would like to get involved or have suggestions
for future calendars please contact plh-tr.staffnetworks@nhs.net

           Put people first · Take ownership · Respect others
                Be positive · Listen, learn and improve
2021 University Hospitals Plymouth ...
The staff support hub is available 24/7 to
                                                          support your health and wellbeing

January                                         Monday                  Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday        Friday      Saturday                Sunday

•   Dry January                                                                                          1                2                   3
                                                                                                         New Year’s Day
      1st Solemnity of Mary, Mother of                                                                   Bank Holiday
          God (Catholic Christian)
      1st Gantan-sai New Year (Shinto)     4                        5             6           7          8                9                   10
            World Braille Day
      6th Epiphany (Christian)
      7th Christmas Day (Orthodox)
     11th Seijin no hi Coming of Age Day   11                       12            13          14         15               16                  17
     13th Lohri – Sikh
     14th Makar Sankranti (Hindu)
                                           18                       19            20          21         22               23                  24
18 - 24th Cervical Cancer Prevention
     27th International Holocaust
          Remembrance Day
                                           25                       26            27          28         29               30                  31
                                                                                                         Trust Board

                                           December                                                                                                     February
                                           M     T   W    T    F    S    S                                                     M     T   W    T     F     S   S
                                                 1    2   3    4    5    6                                                     1     2   3    4     5     6   7
                                           7     8    9   10   11   12   13                                                    8     9   10   11   12    13   14
                                           14   15   16   17   18   19   20                                                    15   16   17   18   19    20   21
                                           21   22   23   24   25   26   27                                                    22   23   24   25   26    27   28
                                           28   29   30   31
2021 University Hospitals Plymouth ...
Our LGBT+ network aims to ensure that regardless of
employee’s sexual orientation, the opportunities are
equal and that staff can feel comfortable raising issues
and tackling discrimination.

This network will provide an open forum for our LGBT+
colleagues to share their experience of the workplace in
a supportive and safe environment. The network will
provide a ‘listening ear’ for our LGBT+ colleagues as
well as seeking their views to help shape our inclusion
agenda and enable us to focus our efforts on actions
that will make the biggest and most positive difference.

    Month Body,
     Mind and                                                                                      Since October 2019, when we
      Spirit                                                                                       launched the Rainbow Badge
                                                                                                   initiative, we have had 1132
     lgbtplushistorymonth.co.uk                                                                    pledges - an overwhelming response and fantastic
                                                                                                   reflection of the commitment to create an inclusive

                                                                                                   The Child Development Centre embrace the Rainbow
                                                                                                   Badge initiative

February                                           Monday                   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday           Friday     Saturday                Sunday

•    LGBT+ History Month                       1                        2             3           4             5              6                    7
•    Marfan Syndrome Awareness Month
        1st Imbolc (Pagan)
    1st - 8th National Apprenticeship
              Week #SEEDIFFERENT               8                        9             10          11            12             13                   14
       2   nd
                Candlemas (Christian)
        4th World Cancer Day
        4th Time to Talk Day
       11th International Day of Women         15                       16            17          18            19             20                   21
            and Girls in Science
       12th Chinese New Year
       14th Saint Valentine’s Day
                                               22                       23            24          25            26             27                   28
       15th Nirvana Day (Buddhist)
                                                                                                                Trust Board
       15th International Childhood                                                                             Meeting
            Cancer Day
       16th Shrove Tuesday (Christian)
       17th Ash Wednesday (Christian)
       20th World Day of Social Justice
       21th International Mother
            Language Day UNESCO               January                                                                                                         March
       26th International STAND UP to         M     T    W    T    F    S    S                                                       M     T   W    T     F   S    S
            Bullying Day                                           1    2    3                                                       1     2   3    4     5   6    7
                                               4    5    6    7    8    9    10                                                      8     9   10   11   12   13   14
       27  th
                Magha Puja Sangha Day
                                              11    12   13   14   15   16   17                                                      15   16   17   18   19   20   21
                                              18    19   20   21   22   23   24                                                      22   23   24   25   26   27   28
                                              25    26   27   28   29                                                                29   30   31
2021 University Hospitals Plymouth ...
“I feel very strongly that this is a network run and owned by its members. I am
                                passionate about equality, I am passionate about inclusion and recognise fully that
                                the two areas are not interchangeable. I look forward to connecting the work we
                                do with other groups and networks within the hospital and sharing our stories and
                                experiences with one another. I love the thought that this platform can give voice to
                                those identifying as women and will be a positive influence in Derriford and the wider
                                - Kerry Dungay, Women’s Network Chair

A women’s network aspires to boost morale whilst concentrating on improving employee experience and                                                   Camilla Redding,
confidence within the workplace.                                                                                                          Women’s Network Deputy Chair

This network is a safe space to discuss improvements and adjustments whilst feeling comfortable doing so.

                                                                              8 March 2021
                                                                                                       A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge
                                                                                                                 comes change. So let’s all choose to challenge.
                                                                                                                               #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021

  March                                                       Monday                    Tuesday   Wednesday     Thursday         Friday      Saturday                  Sunday

 •     Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month                     1                         2             3             4           5               6                      7
            1   st
                     St David’s Day (Christian)
            1st Self-Harm Awareness Day
            1st Zero Discrimination Day
                                                          8                         9             10            11          12              13                     14
            3rd World Hearing Day
            5th Employee Appreciation Day
     5th - 14th Healthcare Science Week
     7th - 13th World Glaucoma Week                       15                        16            17            18          19              20                     21
            8th International Women’s Day
           10th No Smoking Day
           11th World Kidney Day
           11th Lailat al Miraj (Islam)                   22                        23            24            25          26              27                     28
                                                                                                                                                                   BST starts
 12 - 18
      th     th
                     Brain Awareness Week                                                                                   Trust Board                            clocks go
                                                                                                                            Meeting                                forward
 15 - 21
      th        st
                     Nutrition and Hydration Week
           17th St Patrick’s Day (Christian)
           20th World Oral Health Day                     29                        30            31            1           2               3                      4
           21st Ostara / Spring equinox/ Alban
                Eilir (Pagan)
           21st World Down Syndrome Day
                                                                     February                                                                     April
           21st International Day for the                 M    T    W    T     F    S    S                                                        M       T   W     T    F      S    S
                Elimination of Racial                     1    2    3    4     5    6    7                                                                          1    2      3    4
                Discrimination                            8    9    10   11    12   13   14                                                       5       6   7     8    9      10   11

           27th Lord’s Evening Meal (Jehovah’s           15    16   17   18    19   20   21                                                       12   13     14    15   16     17   18

                Witness)                                 22    23   24   25    26   27   28                                                       19   20     21    22   23     24   25
                                                                                                                                                  26   27     28    29   30
           27th Passover begins (Jewish)
           29th Holi (Hindu)
           29th Hola Mohalla (Sikh)
     29th - 4th April World Autism Awareness
2021 University Hospitals Plymouth ...
DAWN - Disability and Wellbeing Network
“The network is a positive step for our voice to be                                            This network aims to bring together members of UHP
heard and together we can initiate change within                                               who have a disability- including but not limited to physical
UHP to improve work/life balance for staff suffering                                           disabilities, learning disabilities, mental health conditions,
with various disabilities. I would love more staff to                                          long-term conditions (including musculoskeletal conditions,
join us as members as we embark on this journey                                                cancer and HIV), learning difficulties (such as dyslexia and
to improve policies, education and awareness                                                   dyspraxia, visual, auditory, speech and sensory impairments)
surrounding disability and wellbeing within UHP. It                                            and hidden disabilities (including autism) to help employees
is also an inclusive network so if you do not have a                                           reach their full potential.
disability but have ideas of how we can improve the
workplace for our disabled colleagues you can also
join in.” - Jane-Marie Harvey, Co-Chair DAWN                                                   This network will provide an open forum for our disabled
                                                                                               colleagues to share their experience of the workplace in a
                                                                                               supportive and safe environment. The network will provide
                                                                                               a ‘listening ear’ for our disabled colleagues as well as seeking
“I am passionate about looking at how we can aid our Trust in                                  their views to help shape our inclusion agenda and enable us
having forward-thinking policies; especially with regard to long-                              to focus our efforts on actions that will make the biggest and
term conditions. I also want to raise awareness of hidden illnesses, by                        most positive difference.
adopting the Hidden Disabilities Scheme.
I am committed to promoting the disabled voice and to raising                                  Email the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion team:
awareness and understanding of disability in a creative and                                    plh-tr. staffnetworks@nhs.net
progressive way, to help bring about positive change and improve the                           to find out more
working environment of our staff.”
Sarah Jackson, Co-Chair DAWN

                                                                         “I am profoundly deaf, I can give a deaf person’s perspective view/approach
                                                                         to all sorts of settings and act as a role player if anyone needed to practise
                                                                         communicating with deaf patients. I personally have faced some barriers
                                                                         with communication issues and know how to communicate effectively with
                                                                         different communication tools.”
                                                                         - Amanda Holland, network member

  April                                             Monday                    Tuesday     Wednesday        Thursday            Friday     Saturday                  Sunday

 •   Big Pinch Launch                           29                        30              31              1               2               3                     4
 •   Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
 •   Stress Awareness Month                                                                                              Good Friday
                                                                                                                         Bank Holiday
 •   On Your Feet Britain

       1st Maundy Thursday (Christian)          5                         6               7               8               9               10                    11
       2   nd
                World Autism Day               Easter Monday
       7th World Health Day                    Bank Holiday

       8th Easter Sunday (Christian)
       8th Yom HaShoah Holocaust                12                        13              14              15              16              17                    18
           Remembrance Day (Jewish)
      11th World Parkinson’s Day
      12th Ramadan begins (Islam)
                                                19                        20              21              22              23              24                    25
      13th Vaisakhi (Sikh)
      17th Palm Sunday (Christian)
      17th World Haemophilia Day
 19th - 25th MS Awareness Week
                                                26                        27              28              29              30              1                     2
 20th - 26th Allergy Awareness Week
                                                                                                                         Trust Board
      21st Rama Navami (Hindu)                                                                                           Meeting

      22nd Earth Day
      22nd Stephen Lawrence Day                March
                                               M     T    W    T    F     S    S                                                                M     T    W     T    F   S    S
      23rd St George’s Day                                                                                                                                                1    2
                                               1     2    3    4    5     6    7
      28th Lailat al Bara’ah (Islam)           8     9    10   11   12    13   14
                                                                                                                                                 3    4    5     6    7   8    9
                                                                                                                                                10    11   12   13   14   15   16
                                               15    16   17   18   19    20   21
                                                                                                                                                17    18   19   20   21   22   23
                                               22    23   24   25   26    27   28
                                                                                                                                                24    25   26   27   28   29   30
                                               29    30   31
2021 University Hospitals Plymouth ...
“Very open,                         “A place where people who don’t usually talk about the
                                                                  a good step to                    heart of their work are willing to share their vulnerability, to
                                                              promoting a more open               question themselves. It provides an opportunity for dialogue that
                                                                  culture in the                           doesn’t happen anywhere else in the hospital.”

Schwartz Rounds
Schwartz Rounds are a monthly forum where
all staff, clinical and non-clinical, come
together to discuss the emotional and social
aspects of working in healthcare.

The purpose of Rounds is to understand and reflect on the challenges and
rewards that are intrinsic to providing care, not to solve problems or to focus                                                           “The Round has had a
on the clinical aspects of patient care.                                                          “As usual, a very interesting         profound impact on me. I
                                                                                                    and thought provoking              found it exceptional in the
                                                                                                    discussion that helps to          way it has helped me think of
                                                                                                      reflect on one’s own               my colleagues and their
Evidence shows staff attending the Rounds:                                                                 practice.”                         experiences.”
• Feel more supported in their jobs
• Feel less stressed and isolated
• Gain increased insight and appreciation for each other’s roles


 May                                                 Monday             Tuesday       Wednesday        Thursday             Friday      Saturday           Sunday

•    Global Hand Hygiene Day                     26                 27                28              29               30              1               2
•    Sun Awareness Week
•    Cleft lip and Palate Awareness Week
•    Fibromyalgia Awareness Month
•    Williams Syndrome Awareness Month
                                                 3                  4                 5               6                7               8               9
          1st Beltane (Pagan)
    3rd - 9th Deaf Awareness Week               Early May Bank
          9th Lailat al-Qadr (Islam)
11th - 16th National Vegetarian Week             10                 11                12              13               14              15              16
         12th Eid al Fitr (Islam)
         12th International Nurses Day
         12th Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS Day
         12th National Day for Staff Networks    17                 18                19              20               21              22              23
13 - 18
    th     th
                Mental Health Awareness Week
 15 - 21
    th     st
                Christian Aid Week
         16th Shavuot (Jewish)
         17th International Day Against          24                 25                26              27               28              29              30
              Homophobia, Transphobia and                                                                             Trust Board
              Biphobia (IDAHOTB)                                                                                      Meeting

17th - 23rd Dementia Action Week
18th - 24th Epilepsy Awareness Week              31
         20th Global Accessibility Awareness    Spring Bank
              Day                               Holiday

         23rd Pentecost (Christian)
         26th Vesak Buddha Day (Buddhist)
         31st World No Tobacco Day
2021 University Hospitals Plymouth ...
The Faith and Beliefs Staff Network (yes, that’s the FaB Network) aims to provide an
open forum for colleagues of all faiths and beliefs and anyone who is committed
to inclusion, to share their experience of the workplace in a supportive and safe

The network provides a “listening ear” as well as seeking colleagues’ views to help
shape our inclusion agenda and enable us to focus our efforts on actions that will make
the biggest and most positive difference.

We welcome anybody to take a proactive role in the network, or to simply come along
to listen.

Email plh-tr.staffnetworks@nhs.net for more information.

                                                                                                                     The Wheel of the Year is an annual
                                                                                                                     cycle of seasonal festivals, observed by
                                                                                                                     many modern Pagans, consisting of
                                                                                                                     the year’s chief solar events (solstices
                                                                                                                     and equinoxes) and the midpoints
                                                                                                                     between them. These include Yule
                                                                                                                     (Winter Solstice), Imbolc (Candlemas),
                                                                                                                     Litha (Summer Solstice) and Samhain

June                                                  Monday                   Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday        Friday        Saturday                   Sunday

•   World Environment Day                         31                       1             2           3          4                 5                       6
•   Carers Week
•   Men’s Health Week
•   Bike Week
•   Cervical Screening Awareness Week
                                                  7                        8             9           10         11                12                      13
    1st - 7th Volunteers’ Week
          3rd Corpus Christi (Catholic
          5th World Environment Day               14                       15            16          17         18                19                      20
          8th World Ocean’s Day
         11th Sacred Heart of Jesus (Catholic)
12th - 18th Diabetes Week
         14th World Blood Donor Day               21                       22            23          24         25                26                      27
         16   th
                   Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev                                                                  Trust Board
                   (Sikh)                                                                                       Meeting

         21st Turner Syndrome Awareness
              Day                                 28                       29            30          1          2                 3                       4
21 - 27
    st        th
                   Mencap Learning Disability
         21st Litha/ Summer Solstice / Alban
              Hefin (Pagan)                      May                                                                                     July
                                                 M     T    W    T    F    S    S
         21   st
                   World Humanist Day                                                                                                    M      T    W    T     F   S    S
                                                                           1    2                                                                         1     2   3    4
20th - 26th Recycle Now Week                     3     4    5    6    7    8    9                                                        5      6    7    8     9   10   11
20th - 26th UK Breastfeeding Week                10    11   12   13   14   15   16                                                       12     13   14   15   16   17   18
                                                 17    18   19   20   21   22   23
         22   nd
                   National Windrush Day                                                                                                 19     20   21   22   23   24   25
                                                 24    25   26   27   28   29   30                                                       26     27   28   29   30   31
2021 University Hospitals Plymouth ...
                                                                                                              The Trust h         NOW?
                                                                                                                          as an Envir
                                                                                                             Group whic                  onment
                                                                                                       sustainable       h a ims to prom
                                                                                                                     healthcare             ote a
                                                                                                             greener mo           e n vironment
                                                                                                                         dels of hea              and
                                                                                                       If you’re in
                                                                                                                    terested in
                                                                                                                                learning m
                                                                                                                  joining the                 ore or
                                                                                                          www.plym             g r o up:
                                                                                                                environme          als.nhs.uk/

                                                                       In 2020 the Trust launched “For a Greener Future”, our sustainable
                                                                       development plan that governs how the Trust improves its economic,
                                                                       environmental and social impacts over the next five years and joined
                                                                       other NHS organisations in declaring a climate health emergency.

                                                                       Take a look at the plan online:

July                                                  Monday                     Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday          Friday   Saturday                Sunday

•   Samaritans Talk to Us Week                   28                          29            30          1            2             3                   4

      5th Happy Birthday NHS (1948)
     12th Orangemen’s Day
     14th International Non-binary               5                           6             7           8            9             10                  11
          People’s Day
     17th Tish’a B’av (Jewish)
     18th Waqf al Arafa (Islam)
                                                 12                          13            14          15           16            17                  18
     18th Disability Awareness Day
     18th Nelson Mandela International
     19th Eid al Adha (Islam)                    19                          20            21          22           23            24                  25
     22   nd
               National Fragile X Awareness
     23rd Birthday of Emperor Haile
          Selassie (Rastafari)
                                                 26                          27            28          29           30            31                  1
     24   th
               Pioneer Day (Mormon Christian)
                                                                                                                   Trust Board

     24th Asalha Puja Dharma Day
          (Buddhist)                             June                                                                                  August

                                                 M      T    W    T     F    S    S                                                    M     T   W        T   F    S    S
     28th World Hepatitis Day                           1    2    3     4    5    6                                                                                     1

     30   th
               International Day of Friendship   7      8    9    10    11   12   13                                                   2     3   4        5   6    7    8

                                                 14     15   16   17    18   19   20                                                   9    10   11   12      13   14   15

                                                 21     22   23   24    25   26   27                                                   16   17   18   19      20   21   22

                                                 28     29   30                                                                        23   24   25   26      27   28   29
                                                                                                                                       30   31
2021 University Hospitals Plymouth ...
Freedom to
Freedom to Speak Up Guardians are available
to speak to, in confidence, if you need to talk.                           speak up
They can help to provide impartial
advice, signpost, support, escalate
and feedback around issues that may
be giving you cause for concern in the                    Zoe Young, Band 6 Sister on Shaugh Ward and Freedom to Speak Up
                                                          Guardian says: “I became a guardian to make the trust a better place
workplace.                                                to work. I want to ensure everybody has options available to them to
                                                          come to us and share their voice, be listened to and heard, no matter
Contact the Guardian team:                                how big or small the problem may seem to them. If staff can speak up
                                                          they will feel safe and happy here at UHP, and we know that happy
F2s.guardian@nhs.net                                      staff means happier, safer patients. If people can speak up about
Ext: (4)33381                                             their concerns, we can learn from things that don’t go so well and
                                                          make changes that positively impact our Trust.”
Follow the Freedom to Speak Up link on
Staffnet or drop in to our office
on level 7.


L-R: Ibreez, Emily, Ruth,

August                                          Monday           Tuesday    Wednesday   Thursday         Friday   Saturday        Sunday

•   International Youth Day                 26               27             28          29          30            31          1

        1st Lughnasadh/ Lammas (Pagan)
    1st - 7th World Breastfeeding Week
       5th Cycle to Work Day                2                3              4           5           6             7           8
             Transfiguration Sunday
       9th Al-Hijra/Muharram New Year
           (Islam)                          9                10             11          12          13            14          15

      13th International Left Handers Day
      15th Assumption of Blessed Virgin
           Mary (Catholic Christian)
                                            16               17             18          19          20            21          22
             Ashura (Islam)
      30th Krishna Janmashtami (Hindu)

                                            23               24             25          26          27            28          29

                                            30               31
                                            Summer Bank
2021 University Hospitals Plymouth ...
Having the flu vaccine protects you, your family and the people you care for from flu. On average over 11,000 people die
each year from flu. Some years it’s much more and many more are hospitalised each year. Vaccination means less staff
sickness from flu, helping the NHS and social care to keep running effectively during a flu outbreak when services are
particularly busy.

You can give flu to your family and those you care for even if you don’t have any symptoms. Staff who aren’t vaccinated
may unknowingly pass on flu to those who are at increased risk from the virus.

                                                                                                              Protect your
                                                                                                              Protect your
September                                            Monday                  Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday        Friday   Saturday                Sunday

•     World Patient Safety Day                  30                       31            1           2          3             4                   5
•     National Fitness Day National Eye
      Health Week
•     British Nutritional Foundation (BNF)
      Healthy Eating Week
•     Urology Awareness Month                   6                        7             8           9          10            11                  12
•     National Blood Cancer Awareness
         6th Rosh Hashanah begins (Jewish)
    6th - 12th National Suicide Prevention      13                       14            15          16         17            18                  19
    7th - 13th Organ Donation Awareness
                                                20                       21            22          23         24            25                  26
    7th - 13th Know Your Numbers! Week
                                                                                                              Trust Board
        10th World Suicide Prevention Day                                                                     Meeting
        10th Ganesh Chaturthi (Hindu)
        13th World Sepsis Day
                                                27                       28            29          30         1             2                   3
14th - 20th Sexual Health Week
        15th Yom Kippur - Jewish
        21st Mabon/Autumn equinox/Alban
             Elfed (Pagan)                      August                                                                           October
                                                M     T   W    T    F    S    S                                                  M     T   W    T     F   S    S
        21st International Day of Peace
                                                                              1                                                                       1   2    3
        23rd Bi-Visibility Day                  2     3   4    5    6    7    8                                                  4     5   6    7     8   9    10
        24th World’s Biggest Coffee Morning     9    10   11   12   13   14   15                                                 11   12   13   14   15   16   17
                                                16   17   18   19   20   21   22
               Michaelmas – Saint Michael and                                                                                    18   19   20   21   22   23   24
                                                23   24   25   26   27   28   29
               All Angels (Christian)                                                                                            25   26   27   28   29   30   31
                                                30   31
        29th World Heart Day
Cultural diversity is a tremendous asset that we have at UHP. Every
                                                                                                    person, regardless of their ethnicity or background, should be able
                                                                                                    to fulfil their potential at work. We must be understanding of
                                                                                                    others and their cultures as they bring a wider range of skills and
                                                                                                    teach us to respect differences in beliefs and opinions.

                                                                                                    This network is a safe space to discuss improvements and
                                                                                                    adjustments whilst feeling comfortable doing so.

                                                                  “As Chair of the BAME network, and because of my own personal experiences, I am
                                                                  confident that I can help others. I look forward to improving the BAME relationships
                                                                  within this Trust and the wider community. We are all different but we are all equal
                                                                  and there is strength in unity. I am looking forward to the BAME network moving
                                                                  from strength to strength. I am very proud of the Trust for investing in such a positive
                                                                  movement and the future is an exciting one.”
                                                                  - Kyeiyanne James, Chair BAME Network

                                                                                                     October is Black History Month in the UK, an event that has been
                                                                                                     celebrated nationwide for more than 30 years.

                                                                                                     First launched in London in the 1980s the aim of the month
                                                                                                     was for the local community to challenge racism and educate
                                                                                                     themselves and others about the British history that was not
                                                                                                     taught in schools and to recognise the contributions that black
                                                                                                     people have made to the UK over many generations.
Rez Rogers, Deputy Chair                             Kyeiyanne James, Chair

October                                                          Monday                   Tuesday      Wednesday     Thursday          Friday    Saturday                Sunday

•   National Clean Air Day                                                                                          30
                                                             27                       28               29                         1             2                    3
•   Burns Awareness Day
•   National Work Life Week
•   International Infection Prevention
    Control Week
•   Dyslexia Week
                                                             4                        5                6            7             8             9                    10
•   Black History Month
•   Speak Up Month
•   Stoptober
•   National Cholesterol Month
•   Rett Syndrome Month
•   Breast cancer awareness Month                            11                       12               13           14            15            16                   17

          1st International Day of Older Persons
          1st World Smile Day
          4th Saint Francis’ Day (Christian)                 18                       19               20           21            22            23                   24
    4 -8
    th        th   Back Care Awareness Week
          9   th   Birthday of Guru Ram Das (Sikh)
         10th World Mental Health Day
         14th World Sight Day                                25                       26               27           28            29            30                   31
                                                                                                                                                                     BST ends -
17th - 23rd Invisible Disabilities Week                                                                                           Trust Board                        clocks go
                                                                                                                                  Meeting                            backward
         18   th   Mawlid al-Nabi (Islam)
         18th World Menopause Day
                                                            September                                                                                 November
         20th World Osteoporosis Day                        M     T    W    T    F    S    S                                                          M     T   W     T    F      S   S

         20   th   Sukkot begins (Jewish)                              1    2    3    4    5                                                          1     2   3     4    5      6   7
                                                             6    7    8    9    10   11   12                                                         8     9   10    11   12   13    14
         22nd International Stammering
                   Awareness Day                            13    14   15   16   17   18   19                                                         15   16   17    18   19   20    21
                                                            20    21   22   23   24   25   26                                                         22   23   24    25   26   27    28
         26th Intersex Awareness Day                        27    28   29   30                                                                        29   30

         29th World Stroke Day
         31st Samhain (Pagan)
         31st Reformation Day (Protestant

         31st All Hallows’ Eve (Christian)
Staff Survey                                                                                               “The NHS Staff Survey is a
                                                                                                           confidential way for you to
                                                                                                           raise concerns, talk about staff
                                                                                                           engagement and involvement
                                                                                                           and mention about your health
                                                                                                           and wellbeing among other
                                                                                                           things” - Ibreez Ajaz, Doctor

                                                                                                                        “…really want
                                                                                                                      your feedback…your
                                                                                                                      feedback matters to me”
                                                                                                                       - Ann James, CEO

National Staff Survey
Have your say! 												#YourVoiceUHP

November                                          Monday                  Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday         Friday     Saturday                Sunday

•   Movember (Men’s awareness month)         1                        2             3           4           5              6                    7
•   National Stress Awareness Day
•   Alcohol Awareness Week
•   Anti-Bullying Week
•   Fertility Week
•   Occupational Therapy Week                8                        9             10          11          12             13                   14
•   16 Days of Action Against Domestic
      1st All Saints Day (Christian)
      1st All Souls’ Day (Christian)         15                       16            17          18          19             20                   21
      2   nd
               Coronation of Emperor Haile
               Selassie I (Rastafari)
      4th Diwali – Deepavali (Hindu, Sikh,
          Jain)                              22                       23            24          25          26             27                   28
                                                                                                            Trust Board
      8th International Day of Radiology                                                                    Meeting
     11th Armistice Day
     13th World Kindness Day
                                             29                       30            1           2           3              4                    5
     14th World Diabetes Day
     14th Remembrance Sunday
     17th World Prematurity Day
     19th International Men’s Day            October                                                                             December
                                             M     T   W    T    F    S    S                                                     M     T   W    T     F   S    S
     20th Transgender Day of
                                                                 1    2    3                                                                1   2     3   4    5
                                             4     5   6    7    8    9    10                                                    6     7    8   9    10   11   12
     26th National Carers Rights Day         11   12   13   14   15   16   17                                                    13   14   15   16   17   18   19

     28th Advent Sunday (Christian)          18   19   20   21   22   23   24                                                    20   21   22   23   24   25   26
                                             25   26   27   28   29   30   31                                                    27   28   29   30   31
     28th Chanukah begins (Jewish)
     30th Saint Andrew’s Day (Christian)
Every year our advent calendar celebrates one of the many unique facets of UHP. From the
‘secret lives’ of our #1bigteam, the charities who support us, our healthcare heroes and
highlights of the year, it’s a fantastic way to round off any year.
Keep an eye out for this year’s calendar - will you be behind one of the doors?

       Wishing our #1bigteam a merry Christmas
                and a happy New Year

December                                         Monday                  Tuesday       Wednesday   Thursday        Friday   Saturday                Sunday

                                            29                       30                1           2          3             4                   5

•   PKU Awareness Day

      1st World AIDS Day                    6                        7                 8           9          10            11                  12
      2   nd
               International Day for the
               Abolition of Slavery
      3rd International Day of People
          with Disabilities                 13                       14                15          16         17            18                  19
      6th St Nicholas Day (Christian)
      8th Feast of the Immaculate
          Conception (Christian)
                                            20                       21                22          23         24            25                  26
     10th Human Rights Day
     21st Yule / Winter Solstice / Alban
          Arthan (Pagan)
     25th Christmas Day (Christian)         27                       28                29          30         31            1                   2
     26th Saint Stephen’s Day (Christian)
                                            Christmas Day            Boxing Day Bank
     26th Feast of the Holy Family          Bank Holiday             Holiday
          (Catholic Christian)
                                                                                                                                 January 2022
     31st New Year’s Eve/Hogmanay           November
                                            M     T   W    T    F    S    S                                                      M     T   W    T     F   S    S

                                            1     2   3    4    5    6    7                                                                               1    2

                                            8     9   10   11   12   13   14                                                     3     4   5    6     7   8    9

                                            15   16   17   18   19   20   21                                                     10   11   12   13   14   15   16
                                                                                                                                 17   18   19   20   21   22   23
                                            22   23   24   25   26   27   28
                                                                                                                                 24   25   26   27   28   29   30
                                            29   30
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