CALENDAR 2020 - HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19 - Kyabram District Health Services
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External Reviews: Our Accreditation Process All public health services are required to meet various healthcare standards and accreditation processes related to the services that they provide. KDHS participates in regular accreditation surveys to ensure we are meeting the required criteria. KDHS is fully accredited against the following: Accreditation Framework Status Details National Safety and Fully accredited in May 2017 Applies to Hospital and Quality Healthcare Standards for a 3 year period. Community Health Services Commonwealth Fully Accredited June 2019 till August Applies to Sheridan Aged Care Aged Care Accreditation 2022. Next full survey March 2022 Community Common Fully accredited August 2017. Applies to Commonwealth Home Care Standards Next survey will be in July 2020 Support Program Community Home Although this will next be under Care Program, District Nursing & the Aged Care Quality Standards Social Support Program Victorian Early Childhood Fully accredited in May 2018. Next Applies to the ENRICH Wellbeing – Intervention Standards Survey will be under the National Early Childhood Intervention Service Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Practice Standards Health Service Standards Fully accredited in September 2018. Social Support Program Next survey will be under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Practice Standards OUR CARE AT A GL ANCE Kyabram District Health Service (KDHS) provides a comprehensive range of acute, sub-acute, residential aged care and allied & primary health care services. KDHS has been providing services to the community since 1933. Message from Message from For the 2018/2019 Quality Account, we are pleased to present you the Interim CEO the Board Chair a colourful and informative calendar format. On behalf of the Board and the staff at Quality in health care at KDHS Kyabram District Health Service, we are means the right care, at the right proud to present the 2018/19 Kyabram time leading to the best outcome. 4,688 1,069 District Health Service Quality Account. Our vision Healthy Community Best Patients Admitted to hospital Operations Performed Our vision Healthy Community Best Care, drives what we do, we hope Care, drives what we do and we hope that as you read the report you will that as you read the report you will see see it. The Board and staff of KDHS are 4,418 7,745 it evidenced in our performance and the improvements in quality and safety committed to striving towards this goal and continue to work closely with Urgent Care Presentations Primary Health Visits made over the last twelve months. our community to ensure continuing high quality care delivery in our region. The Quality Account also provides 393 1,634 us with an opportunity to share with you some of the activities we Yours sincerely, Cancer Treatments Renal Dialysis Treatments are planning to further enhance the quality of services we provide. 276 93% Engagement with the community and the people who use our service Nicole Ryan Board Chair District Nursing Clients Average Occupancy for is important to us. If you have any Sheridan Aged Care feedback or ideas for improvement we would love to hear from you. 7,031 79,963 Yours sincerely, hours of Volunteering provided Meals Prepared 329 David Edwards Staff Employed Interim Chief Executive Officer KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 1 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
2 Improving Patient Experience Patient Experience is measured through many ways. One of these is the Victorian Healthcare Experience Survey (VHES). VHES provides us with feedback regarding patient experience during their stay in hospital. Performance is compared with other hospitals across the state and targets are set each year. From VHES data and patient surveys improvements have been made to discharge arrangements such as embedding a multidisciplinary ward round, providing a comprehensive discharge form and utilising a discharge medication form. JANUARY 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 New Year’s Day 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 POSITIVE PATIENT EXPERIENCE RESPONSES KDHS State Target Results Average 95.00% 98.33% 92.67% 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 POSITIVE RESPONSES TO DISCHARGE CARE 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 KDHS State Target Results Average 75.00% 89.00% 75.57% Australia Day Australia Day Public Holiday KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 3 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
4 Working with Community to Improve Services Annually a Victorian Health Experience Survey (VHES) is conducted throughout the Primary Health department, for clients accessing services. The Community Health VHES is handed to clients, unlike the inpatient VHES which is mailed out after discharge. In 2018 the response rate to the Community Health VHES declined, therefore due to the small response rate there can be a margin of error in interpreting the results. FEBRUARY 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Actions taken in Primary 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Health to improve the Overall question set in the VHES results. Improve the community awareness 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 of our feedback process Information has been displayed in the Primary Health area. Education provided to our Primary Health Staff. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Improve community awareness of the services provided Greater communication to the community about services provided and how to access. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 List of services provided by Primary Health Team available on our website. Primary Health Promotions Team has increased activity on our Facebook page. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 5 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
6 Improving access The Community Health VHES survey is an important tool that has enabled KDHS to identify areas where we can improve our services for the community. A priority area to address from the VHES survey is Access to the Health Service. KDHS has worked on the following action to improve access. Improve Car Park Access: By ensuring car parking at the front of the health service is available for patients, clients and visitors and ensuring that staff utilise areas further away from the health service or by using the designated staff parking areas. Increase Service Awareness: By promotion of the Community Health services within KDHS has also been identified as a target area which is being focused on through social media and other platforms. MARCH 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Environment Labour Day and Facilities Another area addressed in the VHES 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 survey is a set of question about Environment and Facilities. These questions resulted in 100% positive results. The question “Were you given enough privacy at reception?” resulted in 83% of responses of yes “Always” 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and 17% of yes “Sometimes”. KDHS identified that there is an issue with privacy at the main front reception and have addressed this issue by Using the blue waiting area 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 sub-reception Provide education to staff on the suitability and timing of discussions about personal details with consumers in public places. KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 7 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
8 Planning Your Care KDHS uses the Community Health VHES to identify areas where services can be improved. Actions identified from results have seen improvements made to goal setting and care planning to ensure all relevant people are included in goal setting process and copy of goals and care plan are provided to clients. Ongoing auditing has identified and overall improvement in this area. APRIL 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Good Friday 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Community Consultation KDHS has partnered with the Cancer Easter Easter Council of Victoria to better meet the Sunday Monday information needs of people effected by cancer in regional Victoria. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A Cancer Information and resource hub has been set up adjacent to the Cancer Service Department. This area is called the Cancer ANZAC Day Wellness Hub and has been set up in consultation with service providers 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 and the extended community. It is being supported by one of the KDHS fantastic volunteers who is coordinating the resources and can provide support for information access. KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 9 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
10 Influenza Immunisation: Targets Achieved. In 2018-2019 KDHS exceeded the Department of Health and Human Service’s target for the healthcare worker influenza vaccination program. To achieve target the number of free immunisation clinics were increased, mobile vaccination services provided, promotional flyers displayed and targeted education sessions were provided across the service. KDHS Results Target 83.00% 80.00% MAY 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 31 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Working to reduce the spread of infection 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Our Environmental team has continued an audit regime known as Gel International Testing in high risk areas of KDHS. Mother’s Day Nurses Day The implementation of this audit regime has allowed us to achieve 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 above the target of 95% in this area. This audit has enabled education for environmental staff and provides visible feedback to staff on the thoroughness of cleaning conducted. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Protect yourself, your family and our patients. It’s time to think National about getting your flu vaccination. Sorry Day KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 11 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
12 Working Together KDHS is committed to supporting consumer engagement. We acknowledge that consumers play an essential role in continuous improvement across the service. The strong commitment to engaging with consumers and community to guide the development, implementation and improvement of the service is shown through implementation of the Partnering in Health Care Framework. The chosen domains of working together and shared decision making along with current and new initiatives aim to improve consumer experience and outcomes. JUNE 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Queen’s Birthday 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 We encourage the community to become involved at KDHS by: Providing feedback (formal or informal) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Participate as a consumer. Becoming a volunteer. Providing us with your feedback of your experience/journey with KDHS. Are you interested in being part 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 of our consumer team, becoming a volunteer or having input into our Health Service? Phone: 03 5857 0300 Email: KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 13 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
14 Sheridan Aged Care Service To ensure accountability our Residential Aged Care service – Sheridan must report on their performance against the five public sector residential aged care quality indicators. PRESSURE INJURIES STAGE 1 PHYSICAL RESTRAINT 1.00 2.00 Number of pressure injuries restraint devices per 1000 days intent to restrain and the use of Number of incidences with 0.80 (per 1000 per days) 1.50 0.60 0.40 1.00 0.20 0.00 0.50 JUL–SEP OCT–DEC JAN–MAR APR–JUN JUL–SEP OCT–DEC JAN–MAR APR–JUN 0.00 2O17 2O17 2O18 2O18 2O18 2O18 2O19 2O19 JUL–SEP OCT–DEC JAN–MAR APR–JUN JUL–SEP OCT–DEC JAN–MAR APR–JUN 2O17 2O17 2O18 2O18 2O18 2O18 2O19 2O19 KDHS STAGE 1 PRESSURE STATEWIDE CARE RATES STAGE 1 KDHS STAGE 2 PRESSURE STATEWIDE CARE RATES STAGE 2 SHERIDAN (A) INTENT STATEWIDE HIGH CARE RATES SHERIDAN (B) DEVICES STATEWIDE HIGH CARE RATES Stage 1 Pressure injury rates within the service across the reported time period continue to be less than the high care rates across Physical Restraint within the service is measured in two ways – all public sector residential aged care services. Stage 3, 4 and Intention to restrain (Restraint A) and use of restraint devices presumed deep tissue pressure injuries are not displayed due to for any reason (Restraint B) – the service does record the use of Sheridan Aged Care not having any incidences on these injuries orientation rails i.e. rails up to assist in independent repositioning within the service over the 2017 to 2019-time period. for residents while in bed and comfort in the data collection. USE OF NINE OR MORE MEDICATIONS FALLS & FRACTURES 6.00 15.00 medicines per 1000 days Number of incidences Residents using 9+ 4.00 10.00 per 1000 days 2.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 JUL–SEP OCT–DEC JAN–MAR APR–JUN JUL–SEP OCT–DEC JAN–MAR APR–JUN JUL–SEP OCT–DEC JAN–MAR APR–JUN JUL–SEP OCT–DEC JAN–MAR APR–JUN 2O17 2O17 2O18 2O18 2O18 2O18 2O19 2O19 2O17 2O17 2O18 2O18 2O18 2O18 2O19 2O19 KDHS FALLS STATEWIDE HIGH CARE RATES FALLS KDHS STATEWIDE HIGH CARE RATES KDHS FRACTURES STATEWIDE HIGH CARE RATES FRACTURES A medication review is being undertaken across the service in a multidisciplinary team approach inclusive of geriatric specialists. UNPL ANNED WEIGHT LOSS 3.00 Consecutive weight loss 2.00 per 1000 days 1.00 0.00 JUL–SEP OCT–DEC JAN–MAR APR–JUN JUL–SEP OCT–DEC JAN–MAR APR–JUN 2O17 2O17 2O18 2O18 2O18 2O18 2O19 2O19 KDHS STATEWIDE HIGH CARE RATES KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 15 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
16 Improving our Health Service Experience for our Community KDHS continues to improve the service experience of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Members by providing the following: Advocacy between community and health services to coordinate appointments. Emotional support. Transportation for community members to attend community health/medical appointments. Cultural education for staff. Assist community with arrangements for hospital admission or discharge. WHAT IS NAIDOC? Helps link patients to appropriate Local community celebrations are held across Australia for one community support programs, week in July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of agencies, services and events. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. NAIDOC originally stood for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee and its acronym has since become the name of the week itself. JULY 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Simone Guinan Aboriginal Health Liaison Officer Contact Number: 0466 466 303 WHAT IS AN ABORIGINAL HEALTH LIAISON OFFICER? 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 An Aboriginal Health Liaison Officer (AHLO) is here to provide emotional, social and cultural support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and their families and also to provide information and support to staff to help them provide 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 a culturally sensitive health service. KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 17 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
18 Encouraging our patients, carers and consumers to “Talk with us” Clinical escalation processes are used across the service. Education is provided to patients and families on admission on speaking up and “talking with us”. This information is also displayed in rooms and on patient journey boards. Track and trigger observation charts with colour coded areas, along with clinical expertise are used to identify abnormal parameters or changes in a patient’s condition. These tools enable a response and initiate a clinical review and increased management as required. CASE REVIEW ■ Family sitting with patient and became concerned that their family member was experiencing new pain in the chest and started to appear unwell to them. ■ Called the number on the patient journey board and spoke to the Nurse In Charge. ■ The nurse assessed the patient, then escalated care by speaking with the doctor, administered pain relief and commenced investigations into the cause of the chest pain. AUGUST 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Keeping Everyone Safe 30 31 28 29 30 31 1 Incidents are classified using Incident Severity Rating (ISR) 1 through to 4. ISR 1 or 2 incidents have investigation processes in place and are reported through to the board of directors on the Clinical Governance Dashboard and Clinical Governance Committee. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ISR 1 incidents are reported to Safer Care Victoria as a sentinel event and a Root Cause analysis (RCA) is conducted to investigate and identify improvements. An in- depth investigation is conducted 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 in response to ISR 2 incidents. In 2018-19 the number of adverse events that resulted in severe or moderate harm to patients was 0.9% of the total number of incidents occurred across the 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 service. In 2018/2019 KDHS reported 1 sentinel event (0.1% of all incidents) and 8 ISR2 incidents. Outcomes/learnings from these events were: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Improved multidisciplinary approach Improved documentation Improved escalation of clinical deterioration KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 19 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
20 Improving Patient Safety KDHS measures patient safety through several mechanisms. One of these, is the People Matters Survey which is a public sector staff opinion survey run by the Victorian Public Sector Commission and this provides us with helpful feedback. Our performance is compared to other hospitals across the state. In terms of the Safety Culture Questions, KDHS continues to be a leader against other health services and have exceeded our benchmark of 80%. KDHS Target Results 80.00% 94.00% Our figures represent the percentage of respondents “agreeing” or “strongly agreeing” with the eight safety culture survey questions. SEPTEMBER 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 Looking after our Staff is important to us 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 KDHS celebrated its inaugural R U OK Day across the organisation conducted by our experienced Social Worker Team. Father’s Day R U OK Day Promotional merchandise was distributed across the organisation 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 including a large banner, poster displays, promotion on KDHS Facebook page, some staff wore yellow t-shirts and R U OK YouTube clips were played on public TV’s. All merchandise promoted the 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 4 steps to encourage staff and community members to ask friends, family and colleagues if they are ok and how they can offer support. An all staff morning tea was held and a talk was provided, expanding 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 on the 4 conversation steps. A conversation could change a life. R U OK? KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 21 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
22 Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated infections (Staphylococcus Aureus bacteraemia rate) KDHS infection control surveillance monitors any incidences of hospital associated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia. In 2018-19 there were no hospital associated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia identified. A hospital associated infection is: an infection that occurs 48 hours after admission. KDHS maintains an active infection prevention and control program to prevent hospital associated infections. Including hand hygiene program including education aseptic technique education clinical practice guidelines (invasive devices) OCTOBER 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 To help reduce the spread of hospital 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 infections, all staff, patients, carers and consumers are reminded of proper hand wash technique: 1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 off the tap, and apply soap. 2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap... 3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds... 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water. 5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them. HELP STOP THE SPREAD 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 OF INFECTION Please sanitise/wash your hands when entering and exiting our health service and patient rooms. KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 23 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
24 Interpreting Services: Breaking Down the Barriers KDHS aim to screen all patients and clients to identify if an interpreter is needed. The main area of the service that we have seen utilise interpreter services in the past 12 month either through telephone or face to face has been the Primary Health Department. Which have used 9 instances of interpreter services. NOVEMBER 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Melbourne Cup 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Remembrance Day 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 INVESTING IN OUR COMMUNIT Y: INCLUSION AND DIVERSIT Y KDHS has developed a disability action plan, with is currently in draft format awaiting board endorsement. The plan is for a three-year period and focuses on 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 access, communication and exploration of employment opportunities. KDHS looks forward to bringing this action plan to fruition with community members through consultation, forums and targeted 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 working parties. Once approved by the board this action plan will be The Disability Action Plan has been incorporated into the Community and Cultural Governance committee as standing agenda item. KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 25 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
26 Your Feedback is Important to Us Feedback is a powerful tool that enables us to know how our patients and our community perceive our performance and provides us with the opportunity to improve our services to ensure that we provide best care and services to our patients and our community. There are many different ways our patients and consumers can provide feedback, whether it be a complaint, compliment or suggestion. In 2018/2019 KDHS received a total of 148 formal feedback responses. 88 Compliments 60 Complaints DECEMBER 2020 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY IMPROVEMENTS MADE FROM FEEDBACK 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 Including Doctors name on International the referral acknowledgement Day of People letter so clients are aware who with a referred them to the service. Disability Increased temperature checks on food when leaving kitchen 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 for Social Support Program. Feedback Process Feedback can be lodged in a 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 number of ways (see back cover). Complaints are acknowledged promptly and the complainant is advised on how his/her complaint will be managed. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 If the complainant is not satisfied, we provide information about other options on how the complaint can be reviewed Christmas Day Boxing Day or lodged. Complaints and actions to 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 address complaints are reported to our Clinical Quality & Safety New Committee and our Clinical Year’s Day Governance Committee. KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 27 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
28 KDHS District Nurses – Provide services to the community, assisting people to stay at home whilst still receiving nursing care. NOTES Would you like to invest in the future of KDHS? Your donations and bequests help us to achieve our vision, enhance the quality of life of our residents and contribute to the well-being of our community. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible and are a wonderful way to invest in your local health service. HOW TO MAKE A DONATION ■ Call us on 03 5857 0200 ■ Directly at our main site 86–96 Fenaughty Street, Kyabram ■ Cheque sent to: CEO Kyabram District Health Service PO Box 564 Kyabram, Vic, 3619 ■ Cheques can be made payable to Kyabram District Health Service KYABRAM DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE HEALTHY COMMUNITY. BEST CARE. 29 QUALITY ACCOUNT 2018 / 19
K YA B R A M H E A LT H S TA N H O P E H E A LT H T O N G A L A H E A LT H 86-96 Fenaughty Street 35 Birdwood Avenue 37 Mangan Street Kyabram VIC 3620 Stanhope VIC 3623 Tongala VIC 3621 Phone: (03) 5857 0200 Phone: (03) 5857 0451 Phone: (03) 5857 0245 Email: Email: Email: How can you provide us with feedback? How we manage complaints: Complaint resolution at first point of contact: Face to face: ■ Consumers are encouraged to raise complaints or concerns with the staff involved at the time Send an email: the issue arises. This provides the best chance for concerns to be addressed quickly, and Interviews prevent any ongoing problems. and surveys If unresolved: Investigation of complaint by Manager ■ The Manager of the area investigates the problem, makes contact with the consumer and Feedback Complete our online works with consumer and staff to resolve the issue in a timely manner. form: Available feedback form: throughout KDHS If unresolved: Investigation by Senior Manager in Division ■ When an issue cannot be resolved by the Manager, or when the issue is particularly complex Feedback via for some other reason, we begin an investigation and collect and review all the information. Happy or Not Phone: We ensure that the right people are involved with the consumer in addressing a complaint Stations: Available +61 (03) 5857 0200 with the aim of resolving and preventing future problems. throughout KDHS If Consumer is not satisfied with our response or needs further assistance: ■ If you are not satisfied with our response, or need further assistance and advice you may contact: ■ Disability Service Commissioner: 1800 677 342 Via social media: ■ Health Complaints Commissioner: 1300 582 113 Write to us: ■ Office of the Public Advocate: (03) 9603 9500 PO Box 564 kyabramdistrict ■ Victorian Equal Opportunity: 1300 891 848 Kyabram VIC 3719 ■ Aged Care Complaints Scheme: 1800 550 552 healthservice ■ Residential Care Rights: 1800 550 552 ■ Older Persons Advocacy Network: 1800 700 600
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