Bills Passed House of Origin Cutoff 2021
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Bills Passed House of Origin Cutoff 2021 HB 1001 Law enf. professional dev. S Ways & Means SHB 1074 Fatality reviews S Health & Long SHB 1007 Supervised exp./distance S Health & Long 2SHB 1076 Workplace violations/qui tam S Labor, Comm & HB 1009 Student health plans S Health & Long ESHB 1078 Voter eligibility/felony S State Govt & E E2SHB 1015 Equitable access to credit H Passed 3rd HB 1080 Capital budget 2021-2023 H Cap Budget SHB 1016 Juneteenth S State Govt & E E2SHB 1083 Relocation assistance S Housing & Loca HB 1022 Horse racing commission S Labor, Comm & SHB 1085 Students w/seizure disorders S EL/K-12 HB 1023 Predesign requirements S Ways & Means E2SHB 1086 Behavioral health consumers S Health & Long 2SHB 1028 Residency teacher cert. S EL/K-12 HB 1087 Family/med leave continuity S Labor, Comm & HB 1030 Aviation revital. loan prg S Transportation SHB 1088 Impeachment disclosures S Passed 3rd HB 1031 Birth cert., stillbirth S Health & Long E2SHB 1089 Law enforcement audits S Law & Justice 2SHB 1033 Employment training program S Higher Ed & Wo EHB 1090 Private detention facilities S Human Svcs, Re HB 1034 Park & rec. district levies S Ways & Means E3SHB 1091 Transportation fuel/carbon S Environment, E SHB 1037 Insurance adjusters S Business, Fina HB 1093 Operating budget, 2nd supp. H Approps ESHB 1041 Sunshine committee/juveniles S State Govt & E HB 1094 Operating budget 2021-2023 H Approps HB 1042 Child custody/international S Rules 2 SHB 1095 Emergency assistance/tax C 4 L 21 2SHB 1044 Prison to postsecondary ed. S Human Svcs, Re HB 1096 Nonmedicare plans S Health & Long EHB 1049 Off-site delivery of vehicle S Business, Fina ESHB 1097 Worker protections S Labor, Comm & E2SHB 1050 Fluorinated gases S Environment, E E2SHB 1099 Comprehensive planning S Housing & Loca SHB 1052 Group insurance contracts S Health & Long HB 1104 Mortgage lending fraud acct S Business, Fina ESHB 1054 Peace officer tactics, equip S Law & Justice HB 1105 Medical use of cannabis S Law & Justice HB 1055 Timber purchase reporting S Ag/Water/Natur SHB 1107 Nonresident vessel permits S Transportation ESHB 1056 Public meetings/emergencies S State Govt & E ESHB 1108 Foreclosure assistance S Business, Fina 2SHB 1061 Child welfare/dev disability S Health & Long ESHB 1109 Victims of sexual assault S Law & Justice HB 1063 Behav. health credentials S Health & Long ESHB 1113 School attendance S EL/K-12 SHB 1064 Seller's disclosure/internet S Business, Fina SHB 1114 Urban heat island mitigation S Environment, E ESHB 1068 Election security/PRA S State Govt & E HB 1115 Credit card costs recovery S Transportation E2SHB 1069 Local gov fiscal flexibility S Housing & Loca E2SHB 1117 Comp. planning/salmon S Housing & Loca ESHB 1070 Housing/local tax revenue S Housing & Loca HB 1119 Low-cost course material/bac S Higher Ed & Wo HB 1072 Civil legal aid funds/use S Law & Justice Long-term E2SHB 1073 Paid leave coverage S Labor, Comm & ESHB 1120 services/emergency S Health & Long EHB 1121 Graduation reqs/emergency Del to Gov *this is a list of House and Senate Bills that passed cutoff, this list does not include resolutions, memorials, gubernatorial appointments, etc, only House and Senate Bills. Bills deemed necessary to implement the budget are not subject to these cutoff dates.
Bills Passed House of Origin Cutoff 2021 HB 1122 State guard retirement age S State Govt & E ESHB 1184 Risk-based water standards S Housing & Loca SHB 1124 Nurse delegation/glucose S Health & Long E2SHB 1186 Juvenile rehabilitation S Human Svcs, Re 2SHB 1127 COVID-19 health data privacy S Health & Long ESHB 1189 Tax increment financing S Business, Fina SHB 1129 International medical grads S Health & Long EHB 1192 Technical corrections H Passed 3rd EHB 1131 Private schools/waiver Del to Gov SHB 1193 Dredged material disposal S Environment, E HB 1135 Transp. budget 2021-2023 H Transportation E2SHB 1194 Parent-child visitation S Human Svcs, Re HB 1136 Supp. transportation budget H Transportation ESHB 1196 Audio-only telemedicine S Health & Long SHB 1137 Road maintenance/planning S Transportation ESHB 1197 Health care decisions S Law & Justice E2SHB 1139 Lead in drinking water S EL/K-12 HB 1198 Aviation coordinating comm'n S Transportation ESHB 1140 Juvenile access to attorneys S Human Svcs, Re EHB 1199 DNR lease termination S Ag/Water/Natur ESHB 1141 Death w/ dignity act access S Health & Long SHB 1206 Temporary workers S Labor, Comm & HB 1143 Trust water rights program S Ag/Water/Natur SHB 1207 DOL issued documents S Transportation SHB 1145 Carryout bags/nonwood fiber S Environment, E SHB 1208 Learning assistance program S EL/K-12 2SHB 1148 Acute care hospitals S Health & Long SHB 1209 Nonmedical assist. immunity S Law & Justice SHB 1151 Public assistance S Human Svcs, Re SHB 1210 Cannabis terminology S Labor, Comm & E2SHB 1152 Comp health districts S Health & Long E2SHB 1213 Child care & early dev. exp. H Passed 3rd SHB 1155 Emergency comm. sales tax S Housing & Loca ESHB 1214 K-12 safety & security serv. S EL/K-12 HB 1159 Fire district comm'r, number S Housing & Loca Urban and community E2SHB 1160 Health provider contracts S Health & Long E2SHB 1216 forestry S Ag/Water/Natur 2SHB 1161 Drug take-back programs S Health & Long SHB 1218 Long-term care residents S Health & Long SHB 1162 High school graduation S EL/K-12 2SHB 1219 Youth counsel/dependency S Human Svcs, Re HB 1165 Credit union act S Business, Fina E2SHB 1220 Emergency shelters & housing S Housing & Loca SHB 1166 College students pilot S Higher Ed & Wo SHB 1221 Homelessness definitions S Human Svcs, Re HB 1167 Thurston superior court S Law & Justice SHB 1223 Custodial interrogations S Law & Justice 2SHB 1168 Long-term forest health H Passed 3rd SHB 1225 School-based health centers S Health & Long SHB 1170 Manufacturing H Passed 3rd E2SHB 1227 Child abuse allegations S Human Svcs, Re SHB 1171 Child support withholding S Rules 2 ESHB 1232 GMA/affordable housing plans S Housing & Loca HB 1172 Tribal fishing rights S Ag/Water/Natur ESHB 1236 Residential tenants S Housing & Loca 2SHB 1173 State lands development auth S Business, Fina HB 1237 Family resource centers S Human Svcs, Re ESHB 1176 Student fines and fees S EL/K-12 Growth management act ESHB 1241 plans S Housing & Loca *this is a list of House and Senate Bills that passed cutoff, this list does not include resolutions, memorials, gubernatorial appointments, etc, only House and Senate Bills. Bills deemed necessary to implement the budget are not subject to these cutoff dates.
Bills Passed House of Origin Cutoff 2021 SHB 1250 Purple heart state H Passed 3rd 2SHB 1325 Behavioral health/youth S Health & Long EHB 1251 Wheeled ATVs/state highways S Transportation ESHB 1326 Coroners & medical examiners S Housing & Loca E2SHB 1258 Microenterprise home kitchen H Passed 3rd HB 1328 Disease control info./PRA S State Govt & E Women & minority ESHB 1329 Public meetings S State Govt & E SHB 1259 contracting S Business, Fina SHB 1330 Electric bicycles/sales tax H Passed 3rd ESHB 1267 Police use of force S Law & Justice SHB 1331 Early learning impact fees S Housing & Loca SHB 1269 Vehicle transporter plates S Transportation ESHB 1332 Property tax deferral/COVID S Ways & Means EHB 1271 County officials/continuity S State Govt & E SHB 1333 Rural public facilities/tax S Ways & Means E2SHB 1272 Health system transparency S Health & Long E2SHB 1335 Racial restrictions/review S Business, Fina ESHB 1273 Menstrual products/schools S EL/K-12 ESHB 1336 Public telecomm. service S Environment, E E2SHB 1274 Cloud computing solutions S Environment, E EHB 1342 Reduced-price lunch copays S EL/K-12 SHB 1276 Diversion centers/EMS S Health & Long SHB 1348 Incarcerated persons/medical S Human Svcs, Re SHB 1279 Main street program S Business, Fina SHB 1355 Noxious weeds S Ag/Water/Natur HB 1280 Greenhouse gas/facilities H Passed 3rd SHB 1356 Native American names, etc. S EL/K-12 E2SHB 1287 Zero emissions transp. S Environment, E SHB 1357 Voters' pamphlets overseas S State Govt & E Winery workforce 2SHB 1359 Liquor license fees S Labor, Comm & HB 1289 development S Labor, Comm & SHB 1363 Secondary trauma/K-12 S EL/K-12 SHB 1294 Misdemeanant supervision S Law & Justice E2SHB 1365 Schools/computers & devices S EL/K-12 E2SHB 1295 Institutional ed./release S EL/K-12 HB 1367 Medicaid appropriations C 5 L 21 HB 1296 Behavioral health admin orgs H Passed 3rd ESHB 1368 Federal funding/COVID-19 C 3 L 21 ESHB 1297 Working families tax exempt. H Passed 3rd ESHB 1370 Early learning fac. grants S Ways & Means SHB 1301 RTA fare enforcement options S Transportation ESHB 1372 Statuary hall/Billy Frank Jr S State Govt & E SHB 1302 College in the high school S EL/K-12 SHB 1373 Behavioral health/students S EL/K-12 SHB 1309 Levy certification dates S Housing & Loca HB 1376 Registration of land titles S Housing & Loca E2SHB 1310 Uses of force by officers S Law & Justice HB 1378 Medical assistants S Health & Long EHB 1311 SUD apprenticeships/certs S Health & Long SHB 1379 Unpiloted aircraft system S Transportation SHB 1314 Veteran diversion/invol comm S Health & Long E2SHB 1382 Salmon recovery projects S Ag/Water/Natur HB 1315 Domestic violence/workplace S Labor, Comm & SHB 1383 Respiratory care S Health & Long E2SHB 1320 Civil protection orders S Law & Justice EHB 1386 Industrial/manuf. facilities S Ways & Means SHB 1322 Off-road vehicle enforcement S Transportation SHB 1391 Public works/bidding S Housing & Loca SHB 1323 Long-term services trust S Health & Long *this is a list of House and Senate Bills that passed cutoff, this list does not include resolutions, memorials, gubernatorial appointments, etc, only House and Senate Bills. Bills deemed necessary to implement the budget are not subject to these cutoff dates.
Bills Passed House of Origin Cutoff 2021 HB 1393 Photovoltaic module program S Environment, E HB 1495 Auto dealers/cash incentives S Ways & Means HB 1399 Prof. licensure/convictions S Business, Fina SHB 1502 Electric ferries/counties S Transportation ESHB 1410 Home foreclosure/taxes S Ways & Means E2SHB 1504 Workforce ed. investment act S Higher Ed & Wo SHB 1411 Health care workforce S Health & Long SHB 1508 Shellfish sanitary control S Ag/Water/Natur SHB 1416 Insurers/child support coll. S Law & Justice Nonemergency medical ESHB 1418 Rail safety governance/UTC S Transportation SHB 1510 transp. S Transportation SHB 1423 Smoke management civil enf. S Environment, E ESHB 1512 Lodging-related assessments H Passed 3rd SHB 1424 Sale of dogs and cats S Business, Fina SHB 1514 Transportation demand S Transportation SHB 1425 CTC student scholarships S Higher Ed & Wo ESHB 1515 Security deposit waiver fees S Housing & Loca ESHB 1426 K-12 continuing ed./equity S EL/K-12 ESHB 1521 Warehousing & manuf. jobs S Business, Fina HB 1430 State upland leases S Ag/Water/Natur HB 1525 Enforcement of judgments S Law & Justice HB 1437 Vessel crewmember license S Ag/Water/Natur ESHB 1529 Toll revenues/debt service S Transportation SHB 1438 Property tax/health expenses S Ways & Means 2SSB 5000 Hydrogen/electric vehicles H Finance ESHB 1443 Cannabis industry/equity S Labor, Comm & SSB 5003 Living organ donors H HC/Wellness SHB 1445 Definition of compounding S Health & Long SSB 5004 Medical marijuana tax ex. H Finance SHB 1446 Utility acquisition targets S Environment, E SB 5005 Business corporations H Civil R & Judi EHB 1453 Voters' pamphlets S State Govt & E SSB 5009 Public expression protection H Civil R & Judi SHB 1455 Social security/L&I & ESD S Labor, Comm & SSB 5011 Electronic meetings/HOA, etc H Civil R & Judi ESHB 1457 Broadband/limited highways S Transportation SSB 5013 Local redistricting deadline H State Govt & T HB 1469 Enhanced raffle procedures S Labor, Comm & SB 5015 Fraudulent ballot drop boxes H State Govt & T EHB 1471 Community preservation auth. S Housing & Loca SB 5016 All-terrain vehicles H Transportation SHB 1472 Student ach council/graduate S Higher Ed & Wo SB 5017 School district procurement H Cap Budget ESHB 1476 Enrollment declines/OSPI S Ways & Means Acupuncture and Eastern SB 5018 med. H HC/Wellness HB 1478 Fish habitat projects S Ag/Water/Natur SB 5019 Recording standards comm'n H Local Govt E2SHB 1480 Liquor licensee privileges S Labor, Comm & SB 5021 Retirement benefits/furlough H Approps EHB 1482 Common interest/foreclosure S Law & Justice E2SSB 5022 Recycling, waste, & litter H Env & Energy SHB 1484 Building mapping system S EL/K-12 ESSB 5024 Condominium construction H Civil R & Judi HB 1491 Transport of timber, etc. S Ag/Water/Natur SSB 5025 Consumer protection act H ConsPro&Bus SHB 1492 Unempl. extended benefits S Labor, Comm & ESB 5026 Cargo handling equipment H Local Govt SHB 1493 Job search monitoring S Labor, Comm & SB 5027 Television closed captions H Civil R & Judi *this is a list of House and Senate Bills that passed cutoff, this list does not include resolutions, memorials, gubernatorial appointments, etc, only House and Senate Bills. Bills deemed necessary to implement the budget are not subject to these cutoff dates.
Bills Passed House of Origin Cutoff 2021 SSB 5030 School counseling programs H Education SB 5083 Capital budget 2021-2023 S Ways & Means SB 5031 Aviation revital. loan prg H Transportation SSB 5085 Alt. fuel vehicles fees H Transportation SB 5032 Alt public works contracting H Cap Budget SB 5091 Operating budget, 2nd supp. S Ways & Means SSB 5034 Nonprofit corporations H Civil R & Judi SB 5092 Operating budget 2021-2023 S Ways & Means SSB 5035 Drug offender scoring H Public Safety ESSB 5096 Capital gains tax H Finance E2SSB 5036 Total confinement release H Public Safety ESSB 5097 Paid leave coverage H Labor & Workpl ESSB 5038 Open carry of weapons H Civil R & Judi SB 5101 Emerg. mgmt. council/tribes H Comm & Econ De SB 5040 State highway litter control S Passed 3rd SB 5106 Municipal financial services H ConsPro&Bus SB 5043 School employee housing H Education ESSB 5115 Health emergency/labor H Labor & Workpl ESSB 5044 Schools/equity training H Education ESSB 5118 Reentry H Children, Yout 2SSB 5045 Meat & poultry inspection H RDev, Ag&NR ESSB 5119 Individuals in custody H Public Safety Worker comp claim ESSB 5121 Graduated reentry program H Public Safety SB 5046 agreements H Labor & Workpl ESSB 5122 Juvenile court jurisdiction H Children, Yout SB 5048 Reinsurance agreements H ConsPro&Bus SB 5124 Colon hydrotherapy S Passed 3rd E2SSB 5051 Peace & corrections officers H Public Safety SSB 5125 Dredged material disposal H Env & Energy E2SSB 5052 Health equity zones H HC/Wellness SSB 5127 Courthouse facility dogs H Civil R & Judi SB 5054 Impaired driving H Public Safety E2SSB 5128 Student transportation funds H Education SSB 5055 Law enforcement grievances H Labor & Workpl SB 5131 County clerks/recall H State Govt & T SB 5058 Natural resources accounts H Approps SB 5132 Trusts and estates H Civil R & Judi ESSB 5061 Unemployment insurance C 2 L 21 SB 5133 Confidential employees H Labor & Workpl 2SSB 5062 Data H Civil R & Judi ESB 5135 Unlawfully summoning police H Civil R & Judi SB 5063 Invasive species council exp H RDev, Ag&NR SSB 5140 Pregnancy & miscarriage care H HC/Wellness ESSB 5065 Railroad workers S Passed 3rd E2SSB 5141 Env. justice task force recs H Env & Energy SSB 5066 Officer duty to intervene H Public Safety SB 5145 Seabed mining/hard minerals H RDev, Ag&NR SSB 5068 Postpartum period/Medicaid H HC/Wellness SB 5146 Fish and wildlife/indemnify H RDev, Ag&NR E2SSB 5071 Civil commitment transition H Civil R & Judi SSB 5148 Election official harassment H Public Safety SSB 5073 Involuntary commitment H Civil R & Judi SSB 5151 Foster care & child care H Children, Yout ESSB 5074 Safe station pilot programs H HC/Wellness SSB 5152 Vehicle and driver data H Transportation SB 5077 Mortgage loan originators H ConsPro&Bus SSB 5157 Behavioral disorders/justice H HC/Wellness SSB 5080 Youth ed. programming funds H Approps ESB 5158 Utility wildland fire cmte. H RDev, Ag&NR SSB 5082 Productivity board H State Govt & T *this is a list of House and Senate Bills that passed cutoff, this list does not include resolutions, memorials, gubernatorial appointments, etc, only House and Senate Bills. Bills deemed necessary to implement the budget are not subject to these cutoff dates.
Bills Passed House of Origin Cutoff 2021 WDFW payments/property SB 5225 Direct appeals/APA, land use H Civil R & Judi SB 5159 tax H RDev, Ag&NR ESSB 5226 License suspensions/traffic H Public Safety E2SSB 5160 Landlord-tenant relations H Hous, Human Sv E2SSB 5227 Diversity, etc./higher ed. H Coll & Wkf Dev E2SSB 5163 Conditionally released SVPs H Public Safety SSB 5228 Medical training/equity H Coll & Wkf Dev ESB 5164 Persistent offenders/robbery H Public Safety ESSB 5229 Health equity continuing ed. H HC/Wellness SB 5165 Transp. budget 2021-2023 S Transportation SSB 5230 Groundwater agreements S Passed 3rd SB 5166 Supp. transportation budget S Transportation ESSB 5235 Housing options & limits H Local Govt SSB 5169 Provider PPE reimbursement H HC/Wellness SSB 5236 Certificate of need exempt. H HC/Wellness ESSB 5172 Overtime claim retroactivity S Passed 3rd E2SSB 5237 Child care & early dev. exp. H Children, Yout SB 5177 Sex offenses/nonmarriage H Public Safety 2SSB 5241 Economic inclusion H Hous, Human Sv ESSB 5178 Health care waivers S Passed 3rd SB 5242 Media literacy & digital cit H Education SSB 5179 Blood donation H HC/Wellness ESSB 5245 Safety of crime victims H Public Safety ESSB 5180 Vacating certain convictions H Public Safety SSB 5249 Mastery-based learning H Education SSB 5181 Low-income school districts H Education ESSB 5251 Tax and revenue laws H Finance 2SSB 5183 Nonfatal strangulation H Public Safety 2SSB 5253 Pollinator health H RDev, Ag&NR SB 5184 K-12 foster care contact H Education SSB 5254 Protective devices/health H Labor & Workpl SSB 5185 Health care consent H Civil R & Judi SSB 5258 Consumer directed employers H HC/Wellness E2SSB 5188 Public financial cooperative H ConsPro&Bus E2SSB 5259 Law enforcement data H Public Safety ESSB 5190 Health care workers/benefits H Labor & Workpl ESSB 5263 Personal injury defenses H Civil R & Judi ESSB 5191 Business practices/emergency H ConsPro&Bus 2SSB 5265 Bridge year pilot program H Education ESSB 5193 Unemployment ins. system H Labor & Workpl SSB 5267 Electrical work/flipping H Labor & Workpl E2SSB 5194 Higher ed. equity & access H Coll & Wkf Dev ESSB 5268 Dev. disability services H Hous, Human Sv 2SSB 5195 Opioid overdose medication H HC/Wellness SSB 5271 Health care injury/COVID-19 H Civil R & Judi SB 5196 Special legislative sessions H State Govt & T ESSB 5272 Liquor & cannabis board fees Del to Gov SB 5198 Ambulances in rural areas H HC/Wellness SSB 5273 Shoreline armoring H RDev, Ag&NR SB 5201 DNR timber & land sales H RDev, Ag&NR ESSB 5275 Intense rural dev. areas H Local Govt SB 5202 School depreciation subfunds H Education ESSB 5284 Subminimum wage/disabilities H Labor & Workpl ESSB 5203 Generic prescription drugs H HC/Wellness E2SSB 5287 Afford. housing incentives H Finance SSB 5210 Comp. restoration orders H Civil R & Judi SSB 5288 Opportunity scholarship prog H Coll & Wkf Dev 2SSB 5214 Economic assistance programs H Hous, Human Sv SB 5291 Defense compatibility report H Cap Budget ESB 5220 Salmon recovery grants/tax H Finance *this is a list of House and Senate Bills that passed cutoff, this list does not include resolutions, memorials, gubernatorial appointments, etc, only House and Senate Bills. Bills deemed necessary to implement the budget are not subject to these cutoff dates.
Bills Passed House of Origin Cutoff 2021 SSB 5292 Parks Rx pilot program H HC/Wellness ESB 5356 Public works/bidding H Cap Budget 2SSB 5293 Mental health sentencing alt H Public Safety ESSB 5357 Capital broadband program H Cap Budget SSB 5294 Long-term care/epidemics S Passed 3rd SSB 5361 Drug offenses/resentencing H Public Safety ESSB 5295 Gas & electrical rates H Env & Energy 2SSB 5362 Agricultural fair funding S Passed 3rd SB 5296 WSP retirement/index def. H Approps SB 5367 Retirement contrib. refunds H Approps SB 5299 Computer science/HS grad. H Education 2SSB 5368 Rural economic development H Local Govt SB 5300 Feeding of garbage to swine H RDev, Ag&NR ESSB 5370 Mental health av. directives H HC/Wellness SB 5303 FDA nonpublic information H State Govt & T ESB 5372 Hemp/registration & cert. S Passed 3rd E2SSB 5304 Reentry services H HC/Wellness SSB 5376 Education ombuds awareness H Education SB 5312 Transit-oriented development H Env & Energy E2SSB 5377 Standardized health plans H HC/Wellness 2SSB 5313 Health ins. discrimination H HC/Wellness SSB 5378 Real estate broker renewal H ConsPro&Bus 2SSB 5315 Captive insurance S Passed 3rd SSB 5381 Fish passage project permits H Env & Energy SSB 5317 Pesticide registration H RDev, Ag&NR 2SSB 5383 Public telecomm. services H Comm & Econ De SSB 5318 Fertilizer fees H RDev, Ag&NR SSB 5384 Volunteer firefighters H Labor & Workpl ESSB 5321 College bound scholarship H Coll & Wkf Dev SB 5385 Municipal airports/labor H Labor & Workpl SB 5322 SEBB & PEBB dual enrollment H Approps E2SSB 5395 State resources/remote work H State Govt & T SSB 5325 Telemedicine H HC/Wellness 2SSB 5396 Farmworker housing/tax H Finance 2SSB 5327 Youth safety tip line H Children, Yout E2SSB 5399 Universal health care comm'n H HC/Wellness ESB 5328 Mental illness/clubhouses H HC/Wellness SSB 5401 CTC computer science degrees H Coll & Wkf Dev 2SSB 5331 Early childhood court prg H Children, Yout SSB 5403 System improvement team S Passed 3rd SSB 5332 Off-road and wheeled ATVs H Transportation ESSB 5405 JLARC racial equity analyses H State Govt & T SB 5338 Fire districts/education H Local Govt SSB 5406 Tow truck operator comp. H Transportation SB 5341 Local sales tax uses H Finance ESSB 5408 Homestead exemption H Civil R & Judi SSB 5342 Irrigation dist. elections H State Govt & T SSB 5417 Liquor licensee privileges H Commerce & Gam SB 5345 Industrial waste program H Env & Energy SSB 5423 Telemedicine consultations H HC/Wellness SB 5347 Cooperatives/member voting H Civil R & Judi SSB 5425 Unempl. extended benefits H Labor & Workpl SB 5352 Retirement system opt-out S Passed 3rd SB 5430 Advanced tuition payment prg S Passed 3rd Law enf community SB 5431 Leg. internship scholarship H State Govt & T ESSB 5353 engagement S Passed 3rd ESSB 5432 Cybersecurity/state gov. H State Govt & T SB 5354 Traffic control/large cities H Transportation ESSB 5439 Broadband/state highways H Transportation ESSB 5355 Wage liens S Passed 3rd *this is a list of House and Senate Bills that passed cutoff, this list does not include resolutions, memorials, gubernatorial appointments, etc, only House and Senate Bills. Bills deemed necessary to implement the budget are not subject to these cutoff dates.
Bills Passed House of Origin Cutoff 2021 ESSB 5441 Breast implant surgery H HC/Wellness ESSB 5452 Electric-assisted bicycles H RDev, Ag&NR ESB 5454 Prop. tax/natural disasters S Passed 3rd SSB 5460 Autonomous vehicles H Transportation *this is a list of House and Senate Bills that passed cutoff, this list does not include resolutions, memorials, gubernatorial appointments, etc, only House and Senate Bills. Bills deemed necessary to implement the budget are not subject to these cutoff dates.
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