2021 REBUILDING TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS presents - Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021

Page created by Amber Cummings
2021 REBUILDING TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS presents - Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021


  Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021
2021 REBUILDING TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS presents - Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021
    Sponsor Rebuilding Together New Orleans’ [Re]Builder Month                                                                 Now, let’s take a look back at the impact of Rebuilding Together in 2020...

Frid & Sat, November 5 & 6 and Thurs & Frid November 11 & 12, 2021
                                               Your sponsorship makes a difference for a growing number of elderly
                                               and disabled homeowners living in poverty.
                                               You can answer the prayers of homeowners who do not have the physical
                                               or financial ability to make critical home repairs themselves so they can
                                               sustain their independence and stay in their homes to age in place.

                                               Since 1988, Rebuilding Together New Orleans has renovated over 1,700
                                               homes for low-income elderly, disabled, and veteran homeowners.                                                VOLUNTEER
                                               Renovations are provided at no cost to the homeowners by utilizing
                                               volunteer labor by generous sponsors like you! In 2020, [Re]Builder Month                                                                    NEIGHBORS
                                               (previously named “October Build”) volunteers repaired the homes of 6                                          24                            IMPACTED
                                               residents throughout New Orleans.                                                                              AMERICORPS
           [RE]BUILDER MONTH                                                            YOUR SPONSORSHIP                                                      MEMBERS
                    PROVIDES                                                            ENABLES YOUR BUSINESS TO:
         Energy-efficiency repairs                                                      Connect with appreciative
                  Exterior painting                                                     homeowners and their families
                    Fence building

                                                                                        Invest in the revitalization of a
            Historic window repair                                                      New Orleans neighborhood in need

                       Porch repair                                                     Provide your employees an                                         SERVICE HOURS
                                                                                        opportunity for philanthropic
   Revitalization of neighborhood
                                                                                        engagement and leadership                                                            OF WHICH WERE VETERANS
      parks or community centers                                                        development
         Safe handrail installation
               Siding replacement                                                       Associate your brand with an

                                                                                        established and effective non-profit
                      Step building
      Weatherization for windows                                                        Earn valuable publicity and                                                             EVERY         D ONATED
                                                                                        marketing opportunities                                                                     STRETCHED

     Wheelchair ramp installation

                                                                                                                                           $1.7 million
& many more critical home repairs!
RTNO provides everything your team needs for a successful
                 [Re]Builder Month volunteer experience.                                                                                          IN IMPACT
           Building supplies and materials · Commemorative fest t-shirts
       · First aid kits · House captain training · Portalets · Prep work and
construction oversight · Project matched to the skill set and construction
ability of your team · Safety and hospitality kits · Site selection based on
                         sponsor preferences · Staff support · Tools · Water

                                                                                                                                          Be a neighborhood hero
            Sponsors provide lunch for their team, as well as a safety house captain.

  To take advantage of the complete package of benefits, please complete and                                                    and help us to create an even greater impact in 2021!
  return the enclosed Sponsorship Agreement by FRIDAY, September 17, 2021.
2021 REBUILDING TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS presents - Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021
Rebuilding Together New Orleans’ [Re]Builder Month 2021                                                                             SPONSORSHIP LEVELS AND BENEFITS continued...
                     SPONSORSHIP LEVELS AND BENEFITS                                                                            $15,000+ Neighborhood Developer | Exclusive Sponsor Benefits* plus:
Sponsorships cover the cost of building materials and supplies. Higher-level sponsorships enable more comprehensive projects.   · Social media posts featuring your volunteer team during project days
                                                                                                                                · Co-branding on a house banner on location with your volunteer team
Exclusive Sponsor Benefits*                                                                                                     · Listing included on press notification of specific project locations
Sponsors at every level will receive acknowledgment through the following publicity outlets:                                    · Access to exclusive year-round volunteer opportunities
· Rebuilding Together New Orleans’ website, RTNO.org                                                                            · Credit as underwriter for 4 critical home repairs throughout the year
· Press releases and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Flickr)                                                    · Preferences for scope of work, neighborhood placement, and volunteer day considered
· Logo on RTNO 500+ volunteer T-shirts
· Skilled RTNO support on-site
                                                                                                                                $7,500+ Block Renovator | Exclusive Sponsor Benefits* plus:
                                                                                                                                · Social media posts featuring your volunteer team during project days
                                                                                                                                · Co-branding on a house banner on location with your volunteer team
$60,000+ Presenting Sponsor | Exclusive Sponsor Benefits* plus:                                                                 · Preferences for scope of work, neighborhood placement, and volunteer day considered
· Presenting Sponsor acknowledgment on all print and publicity materials
                                                                                                                                $3,500+ Construction Manager | Exclusive Sponsor Benefits* plus:
· Social media posts featuring your volunteer team during project days
· Co-branding on a house banner on location with your volunteer team                                                            · Social media posts featuring your volunteer team during project days
· Branded billboard acknowledgment in high traffic location                                                                     · Preferences for scope of work and volunteer day considered
· Listing included on press notification of specific project locations
· Large logo on RTNO team T-shirts
                                                                                                                                $1,500+ Handyperson | Exclusive Sponsor Benefits* plus:
· Preferences for scope of work, neighborhood placement, and volunteer day considered                                           · Social media posts featuring your volunteer team during project days
· Credit as underwriter for 20 critical home repairs throughout the year                                                        · Preferences for volunteer day considered
· Access to exclusive year-round volunteer opportunities
                                                                                                                                    To take advantage of the complete package of benefits, please complete and
                                                                                                                                    return the enclosed Sponsorship Agreement by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2021
$30,000+ Community Builder | Exclusive Sponsor Benefits* plus:
· Social media posts featuring your volunteer team during project days
· Co-branding on a house banner on location with your volunteer team
· Branded billboard acknowledgment in high traffic location
· Listing included on press notification of specific project locations
· Access to exclusive year-round volunteer opportunities
· Credit as underwriter for 10 critical home repairs throughout the year
· Preferences for scope of work, neighborhood placement, and volunteer day considered

                                                                   Sponsorship Levels continue on next page. >
2021 REBUILDING TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS presents - Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021
                                 Sponsor Rebuilding Together New Orleans’
                                                  [Re]Builder Month
                                 Frid & Sat, Nov. 5 & 6 and Thurs & Frid Nov. 11 & 12, 2021


CONTACT NAME                                                          SPONSOR NAME

STREET ADDRESS                                                        CITY, STATE                       ZIP CODE

PRIMARY PHONE (CELL)                                                  SECONDARY PHONE

EMAIL                                                                 WEBSITE

SIGNATURE                                                             DATE

   SPONSORSHIP LEVELS         Please select your sponsorship level.

        PRESENTING SPONSOR-$60,000+                             BLOCK RENOVATOR-$7,500-$14,999

        COMMUNITY BUILDER-$30,000-$59,999                       CONSTRUCTION MANAGER-$3,500-$7,499

        NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPER-$15,000-$29,999                  HANDYMAN-$1,500-$3,499


    Enclosed is a check made payable to Rebuilding Together New Orleans in the amount of $_________

    Please charge my credit card (Visa / MasterCard / American Express) in the amount of $_________

CREDIT CARD NUMBER                                                    EXP. DATE                         SEC. CODE

NAME OF CARDHOLDER                                                                                      BILLING ZIP CODE

CARD HOLDER’S SIGNATURE                                                                                 DATE



        To take full advantage of all publicity opportunities, please submit team registration by Friday September 17th 2021

                                             Thank you for supporting our neighbors!
2021 REBUILDING TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS presents - Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021 2021 REBUILDING TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS presents - Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021 2021 REBUILDING TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS presents - Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021 2021 REBUILDING TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS presents - Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021 2021 REBUILDING TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS presents - Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021 2021 REBUILDING TOGETHER NEW ORLEANS presents - Frid, Sat November 5 & 6, Thurs, Frid November 11 & 12, 2021
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