2020 Automotive Sector Outlook - Helping you prosper - UHY Hacker Young

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2020 Automotive Sector Outlook - Helping you prosper - UHY Hacker Young
2020 Automotive
Sector Outlook
Predictions for the year ahead from
our specialist automotive team.

                                      Helping you prosper
2020 Automotive Sector Outlook - Helping you prosper - UHY Hacker Young
2020 Automotive Sector Outlook - Helping you prosper - UHY Hacker Young

02                    04                        06

                                                Protecting your
                      Brexit puts the brakes    business from FCA
State of the market   on transaction activity   action

08                    10                        14

Cost control – our    The spark for             Clearing the EV
Top 10                radical change            hurdles

16                    18                        21

                      What lies ahead
VAT and PAYE – are    for the sector: the       Our automotive
you compliant?        experts’ perspectives     expertise

2020 Automotive Sector Outlook - Helping you prosper - UHY Hacker Young
State of the market
    Whilst there is little doubt that                 ambition to end the sale of all vehicles with
    the UK automotive sector remains                  an internal combustion engine by 2035.
    one of the UK’s most resilient and                So, as we start to make our way through
    important economic pillars, 2019                  2020, the outlook remains uncertain with
    was a tough year for the sector                   a number of changes evident across the
    with the continuing burden of                     industry, ongoing profitability pressures
    political and economic uncertainty                and predictions about disruptive trends
    finally having an impact.                         and the future of the dealership model.
                                                      However, there are many excellent dealer
    The challenge surrounding the ongoing             groups out there that have a history of
    Brexit saga loomed over us as a key               demonstrating strong resilience, and we
    concern for most businesses across the            are confident they will continue to do so.
    country. For the UK automotive industry,
    the stakes were particularly high, with the       Roadmap to our Outlook
    SMMT announcing that “Every minute of
                                                      During 2019, we saw a major change
    delay could cost approximately £50,000
                                                      in the leadership of the PLCs, following
    in gross value added to the industry, over
                                                      depressed share prices and new
    £70 million per day (based on a five day
                                                      management at two of the largest
    working week).” 1
                                                      groups in the country. 2019 also saw a
    With consumer confidence heavily                  number of PLCs dispose of sites, a trend
    knocked by political uncertainty in the lead      we expect to see continue during 2020.
    up to the general election, the pressures         We discuss transaction trends and deal
    were particularly evident in Q3 and Q4            values, including the impact of the PLC de-
    of 2019. With 158,639 new car sales in            consolidation and the continued appetite
    November 2019, SMMT figures revealed              for the value brands, on page 4.
    that sales were down 2,018 (1.3 per cent)
                                                      With expectations of a challenging year
    on the same month in 2018. That fall
                                                      for revenue growth in 2020, we focus on
    was significantly less pronounced than in
                                                      the key areas to assist with controlling
    October, when the market was down 6.7
                                                      costs and improving profitability on page
    per cent. It was not all doom and gloom
                                                      8, we also take a deeper look at the rise of
    for new car sales, however, with hybrids,
                                                      the electric vehicle and whether this really
    plug-ins and electric cars continuing to
                                                      could spark radical change for the industry
    grow in popularity and plenty of new,
                                                      on page 10, and our tax experts outline
    exciting and more affordable models due
                                                      the key VAT and PAYE issues impacting
    to launch in 2020.
                                                      on the sector on page 16. On page 6 we
    As the year came to an end, we saw the            hear from FCA expert, Robert Dedman,
    Conservative party gain a huge majority           who discusses the impact of the FCA’s
    in the general election which resulted            continued scrutiny on the sector and looks
    in the UK leaving the EU on January 31            at how this could affect the dealer business
    this year. Whatever your opinion of the           model going forward – it is an essential
    election outcome, a firm result is better for     read for any dealer.
    consumer confidence and the economy
                                                      In addition, we have asked a panel of
    than the stand-off we have had for the
                                                      automotive experts, from both within
    past two years. That sentiment was
                                                      the businesses and also advising them,
    shared by the National Franchised Dealers
                                                      for their views on how the landscape is
    Association (NFDA) who stated that it
                                                      likely to look for the sector through the
    hoped the election result “will stimulate
                                                      rest of 2020 and beyond. In the words
    the motor retail industry”, provide “clarity
                                                      of one of our expert panellists “There is
    for business going forward” and act as a
                                                      no doubt 2020 will have its challenges,
    stimulant for the sector. 2
                                                      but we believe those dealers who remain
    Although much now depends on the                  focused will more than hold their own.”
    resulting trade talks with the EU, which          We couldn’t agree more. Read our Experts
    are set to take place throughout 2020,            Panel debate on page 18.
    dealers are at least in a position to better
                                                      We hope you find real food for thought in
    plan their strategies and budgets for 2020
                                                      this, our 4th Automotive Outlook. If any of
    and beyond. Following an increase in new
                                                      the topics covered prompt any questions,
    car registrations in December things were
                                                      you will find our contact details on page
    looking positive, but January saw the
                                                      21 – our specialists will be pleased to assist
    market fall once again as we exited the
                                                      and we look forward to hearing from you.
    EU and the government announced its

                                                           SMMT 2019 UK Automotive Trade Report, June 2019
2                                             nfda-hopes-conservative-election-win-will-stimulate-motor-retail
2020 Automotive Sector Outlook - Helping you prosper - UHY Hacker Young
2020 Automotive Sector Outlook - Helping you prosper - UHY Hacker Young
Brexit puts the brakes on transaction activity

Despite Brexit uncertainty having little impact on the level of transaction activity during 2018, it’s fair to say 2019
painted a very different picture.
By the end of the year we had seen a significant decline in the number of deals completed, as well as a considerable fall in deal values.
Whilst we had been predicting a downturn for some time, the results were in sharp contrast to 2018 which saw dealer profitability
maintained and the continued expansion of groups. This was not the case for 2019. With a lack of acquisition appetite, particularly
amongst the majority of the PLCs who were not in buying mode at previous multiples, there was a notable reduction in activity.

      2019 at a glance - the headlines
      •   Deal activity almost 50% down, with 24 deals completed in 2019, compared to 44 in 2018 and 38 in 2017
      •   No ‘mega’ deals reported with huge goodwill sums, and a general drop in the average deal value
      •   De-consolidation from the larger groups – a number of the deals completed in 2019 have involved the larger groups
          and PLCs disposing of non-core sites or businesses at the brand’s request
      •   Significant uncertainty within the PLCs – CEO departures for both Pendragon and Lookers and profit warnings from
          both throughout the period
      •   International owners involved in 22.5% of transactions (18% in 2018), possibly due to the exchange rate benefit
          and also a new entrant in AW Rostamani making bolt-on acquisitions.

    Deal volumes and values trends                                                                  In summary

                                                                                                    There has been a significant
                                                                                                    decline in the number of deals
                                                                                                    completed in 2019 with deal
                                                                                                    volumes almost 50% down year
                                                                                                    on year, back to the levels of the
                                                                                                    recessionary times 10 years ago.
                                                                                                    Whilst deal values were within a
                                                                                                    similar range to 2018, goodwill
                                                                                                    multiples are softening and we
                                                                                                    would anticipate this to stabilise
                                                                                                    in 2020.

2020 Automotive Sector Outlook - Helping you prosper - UHY Hacker Young
The big picture                                Uncertainty around property                     We expect to continue seeing strong
                                               valuations and wavering lending                 demand for the right business, however
PLCs slimming down                             appetite                                        it is critical to identify the strategic buyer
2019 saw a number of PLCs dispose                                                              early in a process to deliver maximum
of sites, whether that be manufacturer         A significant proportion of motor
                                                                                               shareholder return. Opportunities will
encouraged or a strategic decision by          businesses are heavily invested in freehold
                                                                                               continue to become available as larger
the board to focus on a smaller number         properties which have appreciated nicely
                                                                                               groups trim their portfolios and smaller
of brand partners. Pendragon continued         over the past decade. Over the past 12
                                                                                               dealer groups come under greater financial
to sell off a number of their Land Rover       months we have seen larger variances in
                                                                                               pressure and scrutiny, therefore looking to
Jaguar sites, including the Stoke business     valuations, in certain circumstances up to
                                                                                               exit. The de-consolidation of the PLCs will
to Rybrook and the Swansea business to         a 30% differential between professional
                                                                                               bring opportunities for those well placed
Sinclair Group. Inchcape also disposed of a    opinions. We would always expect a level
                                                                                               privately owned businesses with funds in
number of Volkswagen group businesses,         of difference in opinion, but this gap
                                                                                               place to make strategic acquisitions.
including two Audi businesses to Motorline     appears greater than we have ever seen
and four Volkswagen businesses to              before and most likely driven by lenders        The majority of buyers are likely to be
Group 1. Jardine sold eight Volkswagen         being extremely cautious and valuers not        international investors, with a small
and Skoda sites, plus two Honda                wanting to fall foul of ‘over valuing an        number of the PLCs and privately owned
businesses to Marshalls as they rationalise    asset’ should something go wrong.               groups also in the market. This is in
their portfolio. Finally, we saw Lookers                                                       contrast to the last five years where a
                                               Shifting gears                                  significant proportion of the purchases
close a number of ‘non-core‘ dealerships,
                                               Although transaction numbers have               were made by the larger groups, perhaps
including some of the Ford sites recently
                                               reduced, this is no surprise given the          signalling it is time for a change.
acquired as part of the Jennings acquisition
                                               environment of political and economic
in 2018.                                                                                       As we move through 2020, we hope we
                                               uncertainty that engulfed 2019. As we
                                                                                               will see manufacturers address the dealer
Continued interest from overseas               enter into a transition phase following
                                                                                               profitability challenges and, with a more
                                               the UK’s exit from Europe, there are still
Whilst the interest of international                                                           stable general economic environment, we
                                               some areas of uncertainty. However
investors in the UK automotive market                                                          expect to see a gradual improvement in
                                               greater political stability means businesses
has continued, it is fair to say those who                                                     both deal volumes and deal values as the
                                               that are keen to expand will be able to
are not already in the market have paused                                                      year progresses.
                                               make more confident decisions and those
in recent times to understand the full
                                               looking at an exit can be confident that
impact of the governmental challenges
                                               they can still take advantage of the £10m
and Brexit outcome. Whilst the exchange
                                               Entrepreneurs’ Relief capital gains rate.
rate still looks attractive, and softening
multiples are making acquisitions extremely
good value in comparison to overseas
opportunities, we finally saw the climate         Our predictions for 2020
of uncertainty cause concern with                 Based on our current discussions with clients and our wider contact base in the
international buyers. However, the likes          sector, we expect the following trends and themes to emerge during 2020:
of Group 1, AW Rostamani and Motus,
                                                  • Greater international interest
who are already well represented in the
UK, continued to purchase businesses              • Potential for distressed business opportunities to become available, with many
and grow their market share; perhaps                lenders taking a pessimistic view on the retail market
suggesting those with established                 • Transaction activity from medium sized groups to continue as larger groups
management and a better understanding               dispose of parts of their business and smaller operators look to exit
of the market feel more confident to grow         • Businesses that have grown significantly in recent times may feel pressure from
their business in the UK, looking at the            brands and funding partners to de-leverage through part disposal of non-core
longer term picture and potential returns.          assets
Profitability pressures                           • Continuing appetite for the value brands; in particular Kia, which is seen to
                                                    offer a strong product range, reasonable investment levels and a very stable UK
A number of the premium brands such
                                                    management team
as BMW, Audi and Mercedes came under
profitability pressures in 2019. It has           • An increasing interest from the likes of Toyota, Lexus and Volkswagen due to
become clear that buyers are moving their           upcoming EV product lines
focus more towards return on investment           • Further expansion in the area of used car stores/sites amongst the PLCs and mid-
as opposed to the brand logo above the              sized groups
dealership door. There has of course been         • Some diversification away from the typical retail model with franchised retailers
the continued impact on many franchises             showing a growing interest in IT businesses, brokerage businesses, finance
from vehicle supply issues, whether this            brokerages and low-cost used car operations.
has been linked to emissions, factory
shortages or inventory being diverted to
other markets. How long this may continue
for we do not know, although signs of
improvement are starting to show.

2020 Automotive Sector Outlook - Helping you prosper - UHY Hacker Young
Protecting your business from FCA action
– the expert’s opinion
In early 2019, the Financial Conduct            Interestingly, variable commission models        gives it to hold people at all levels of the
Authority (FCA) published its highly            (where the amount of work done by the            regulated sector to account. So expect
anticipated findings on the motor               broker dictates the commission paid) are         to see more enforcement cases against
finance market. It quickly became               not going to be banned, but the FCA has          individuals to arise when there have been
                                                said it will monitor these arrangements          significant failings.
clear that the sector is a priority for
                                                carefully to make sure they are not just
the FCA, which expressed concerns                                                                I also expect the FCA to do more to protect
                                                discretionary arrangements in disguise.
that the industry’s approach to car                                                              vulnerable customers. They put out a
finance and associated products is a            Although this is just a consultation, it is      consultation on identifying and protecting
driver for large levels of consumer             likely that the rules will be made later         vulnerable consumers in July 2019, and
detriment.                                      this year in similar form as the FCA has         will feedback on those proposals later in
                                                consulted on.                                    the year.
With the regulator’s scrutiny showing no
                                                Does Appointed Representative                    Finally, another area of focus for the FCA
signs of diminishing, it is vital all lenders
                                                                                                 across the financial services industry is the
and brokers fully understand the consumer       status effectively mitigate the
                                                                                                 question of ‘culture’ and the impact of
credit requirements and disclose all the        risks?
                                                                                                 a negative culture in business as a driver
facts to potential buyers. We spoke to
                                                It can do, but not all that much. Appointed      for consumer detriment. This is likely to
Robert Dedman, Special Matters and
                                                Representatives (ARs) are bound by the           continue in 2020.
Government Investigations partner at
international law firm, King & Spalding,        same rules as everyone else. It’s just that
                                                the Principal firm is responsible for their      What areas of non compliance
who shared his views about the FCA’s
                                                compliance with the rules.                       have you found or are you aware
ongoing sector focus, highlighted some of
the key issues dealers should be aware of                                                        of in the sector?
                                                So, you might think this means that being
and provided his top tips to help ensure        an AR is a kind of ‘regulation lite’.            Obviously I can’t talk about specific clients,
compliance. The insights shared are             I think you do that at your peril.               but turning the question on its head
invaluable and an essential read for                                                             slightly, I think the best businesses are
any dealer.                                     Given the Principal is responsible to the
                                                                                                 those which look proactively at compliance
                                                regulator for their ARs’ compliance, they
                                                                                                 issues, take them seriously when they
GAP insurance – what is likely to               are required to have risk management and
                                                                                                 arise, and make sure that any affected
happen to the ability to sell this              control frameworks for overseeing them.
                                                                                                 consumers are made good.
and similar products?                           Where the Principal is particularly risk
I don’t expect the FCA will look to ban         averse, this can lead to some fairly intrusive   That said, no business operates in a
point-of-sale GAP insurance altogether          compliance processes and checks. It also         zero-failure environment, so the key is to
unless it feels that the industry is mis-       means that the AR’s ability to form its own      understand where the greatest risks are,
selling those products on a very large scale.   judgement about the risk appetite it wants       and then to make sure these are prioritised
                                                to have can be severely curtailed.               for review by Compliance. It’s important for
However, if the FCA finds significant                                                            a business to consider how it can monitor
problems in GAP insurance sales – for           And the FCA have some pretty broad
                                                                                                 for potential problems and prioritise
example as a result of an enforcement           powers to intervene in individual firms if
                                                                                                 Compliance resource appropriately.
investigation, or thematic or supervisory       needed. So, all in all, I’m not sure I’d say
                                                                                                 Management Information (MI) is key to
work – it might well look to intervene          that AR status is the solution to intrusive
                                                                                                 this. Examples of trends in MI that could
in the sector again in a more targeted          regulation.
                                                                                                 indicate problems might include:
way. If it did, you might expect further
constraints around point-of-sale GAP
                                                Are you aware of any particular                  •   a spike in non-compliant GAP
insurance, although I would be surprised
                                                areas the FCA will be turning their                  insurance sales
if the FCA reached straight for an outright     attention to this year?                          •   a significant, and unexplainable,
                                                                                                     rise in the proportion or number of
ban on the insurance as economically the        Given the findings of the FCA’s Motor                low mileage PCP/PCH contracts at a
product serves a useful purpose when sold       Industry Review, and the high profile                location
appropriately.                                  nature of the actions they have taken over       •   a spike in complaints at a location,
                                                the last year, I expect the FCA to continue          which might indicate problems with
Interest Rate corridors – are these             to take a keen interest in the automotive            the sales process, or
likely to be reduced further or                 industry, particularly if matters come to
eliminated altogether?
                                                                                                 •   significantly increased staff turnover in
                                                light suggesting significant compliance              a location, leading to larger proportions
The FCA issued a consultation paper late        problems across the sector.                          of new staff.
last year in which it proposes to ban any       The FCA is very focused on the embedding
arrangements between a lender and a             of the Senior Managers and Certification
broker in the automotive sector where the       Regime (SMCR). The FCA has placed a
lender pays commission set by reference to      lot of emphasis on the ability the SMCR
the total charge for credit provided to the

2020 Automotive Sector Outlook - Helping you prosper - UHY Hacker Young
Are you aware of any particular                           Top tips for managing the risk
sub-sectors the FCA are focusing
on? For example, Independents,                             Robert’s number one tip is to make sure you take the time
larger dealers?                                            to understand the risks in your business and then design and
                                                           implement an appropriate Compliance framework that takes
The FCA tends to focus on areas that have                  account of those risks.
the most consumer detriment. So they will
always tend towards more intensive action                  Below that, his top seven Dos and Don’ts are:
against the bigger players in the market.
                                                           1. DO make sure that your Compliance function is adequately
That said, when you look at the FCA’s                         staffed and independent enough that it is able to exercise
regulatory action in the automotive                           effective oversight.
industry last year, leaving aside the high
profile enforcement investigation, you will                2. DO ensure that the tone from the top of the organisation
see action taken by the FCA to close down                     makes clear that Compliance is central to everything the
a number of smaller firms as well. The                        business does.
regulatory toolkit, as we call it, isn’t just all
about fining and enforcement. The FCA
                                                           3. DO ensure that your Compliance function has access to a
also have a range of supervisory powers                       range of MI to help them identify compliance hot-spots.
which they can deploy if needed that can                   4. DO ensure you have appropriate governance of Compliance
have a real impact on a firm’s business,                      matters, including regular reports to the Board about
from appointing a skilled person to review
                                                              compliance issues.
the firm’s compliance and requiring the
firm to pay for it, right up to taking                     5. DON’T forget your regulatory obligation to be open and
away the firm’s permission to undertake                       co-operative with the FCA under Principle 11.
regulated activities for good.
                                                           6. DON’T forget to review your Compliance arrangements
                                                              regularly (and with external support as needed) to ensure
                                                              they are fit for purpose.
                                                           7. DON’T forget to keep your Compliance documentation up
                                                              to date, and to review it regularly.

      About Robert Dedman
                                Robert is a Partner in the Special Matters and Government Investigations practice at
                                international law firm, King & Spalding. His practice is predominantly in financial services
                                and consists of advising clients on regulatory issues, conducting compliance reviews, and
                                supporting clients where there is the potential for, or an actual, enquiry or investigation by
                                the regulator.
                                As the former Head of Enforcement at the Bank of England/Prudential Regulation Authority
                                (PRA), Robert has nearly a decade of experience as a senior regulator and has a deep
                                understanding of how the regulator approaches the various issues it has to deal with.
      In addition to his role at the Bank of England, Robert has worked in a number of legal roles at the FSA (as it then
      was), including leading the legal team that set up the FCA and the PRA.
      If you would like to speak to Robert about FCA compliance matters, you can contact him at
      rdedman@kslaw.com or call 020 7551 7552.

2020 Automotive Sector Outlook - Helping you prosper - UHY Hacker Young
Cost control – our Top 10
Driving the bottom line through profitable revenue growth is most likely the objective of virtually every business.
Dealers are faced with a daily pressure to improve profitability and increase margins and an essential aspect of
achieving this is a sustained focus on controlling costs.
Cash requirements can fluctuate significantly throughout the year and without constant vigilance, you could find yourself in
an uncompetitive situation with bloated overheads. We have outlined ten practical solutions to help manage costs, improve
operational efficiency and optimise profit.

                                         1                                                                              2
                                                                  Take full advantage of offers and
       Does the role sell a car,
                                                                  collect bonuses
       part or hour?
                                                                  From a cost reduction perspective, there is often too
       Any motor retail cost base is                              little focus placed on seeking to reduce the net cost
       heavily influenced by head count.                          of the new vehicle. This is due to the perception
       In better economic times, we                               that there is little influence that can be placed in
       often see additional roles being                           this area. Whilst this may be true for the initial
       created, particularly in the larger                        invoicing of the vehicle, the same cannot be said of
       businesses where layers of management                      bonuses, especially tactical. From an accounting and
       and support teams can become part of                       process point of view, we still see a real difference in
       the norm. Headcount budgets should                         approach to this critical area. On the one extreme, we
       be created from a clean sheet annually                     see dealers place their trust in the sales manager and
       to ensure that the ‘last year plus a bit                   manufacturer to ensure the bonuses due are correct.
       of inflation’ doesn’t creep into the                       On the other hand, there are businesses that are
       business. For larger businesses, central                   totally dedicated to understanding the nuances of the
       headcounts get absorbed into dealer                        complex manufacturer offer with extremely strong
       profit and loss via a management                           controls over the collection of the amounts due.
       charge. It is important that there is an
       appropriate degree of challenge over
       these management charges as these can
       be a real point of differentiation.

                                                                               Minimise used and demonstrator

                                                                               Used cars are a depreciating asset and

        Appraise the used car purchase and                                     yet daily focus on the drivers of stock
        part-ex processes                                                      turn is not always present. Focusing on
                                                                               the basics in this area can have a positive
        Another critical area is to ensure that
                                                                               impact on stock turn. Are there reports in
        used vehicle purchase prices are as low
                                                                               place to review cars awaiting preparation
        as possible. How much effort is placed by
                                                                               and sold awaiting delivery? Are physical
        senior management on the purchase of
                                                                               checks carried out to ensure these reports are
        used vehicles? Certainly our clients that are
                                                                               accurate? On conclusion of the sale, how robust
        dedicated to used cars (and make significant
                                                                               are the discussions with the customer to ensure
        profits) obsess over this area. In contrast, franchise
                                                                               the vehicle is turned into cash quickly? Within
        dealers will often delegate this task to sales managers
                                                                               the larger used car supermarkets we see very
        who are often, understandably, more focussed on
                                                                               strong processes, such as the vehicle returning
        achieving the new car target. The result can be poor
                                                                               back on sale if not collected by the customer
        buying decisions from convenient sources, resulting
                                                                               within three working days. Whilst this may seem
        in over paying for poorly specified and undesirable
                                                                               extreme, there may be similar policies that could
        vehicles. Equally the quality of the part exchange
                                                                               be implemented that work with the particular
        process is often questionable – how often do
                                                                               dealer’s business ethos and customer base.
        management sample check the physical stock to the
        appraisal document to ensure the appraisal has been
        carried out diligently?

Review employee vehicle car costs
One of the areas we would typically look at when carrying out an operational review is the comparison between self
registered vehicles and the required demonstrator and courtesy mix. The incremental vehicle count can be significant
and often symptomatic of difficulties in hitting the new car target. Regardless, the resulting writedown costs or reduced
margins have a significant drag on profitability. Many of these vehicles are driven by employees on costly company car or
alternative arrangements in addition to inefficient ‘static’ demonstrators. We would recommend a clean sheet approach to
defining the demonstrator and courtesy plan and frequently measuring the level of deviation from these plans. For vehicles
that are required, it is worth considering whether an Employee Car Ownership Scheme (ECOS) could work for the business.

                                                             6                                                               7
Alternatives to self registrations                                           Avoid VAT/PAYE assessment costs
                                                                             via compliant processes
Self registered vehicles can be very costly in terms
of their upkeep. In the present market, meeting                              VAT and PAYE compliance appears to be a
manufacturer volume targets can be extremely                                 continual focus area for HMRC on the sector.
challenging, necessitating the requirement to find                           Current focus areas, such as the assessments
alternative sales channels rather than relying on self                       into inadvertent provision of private fuel and
registrations. The natural starting point would be to                        discrepancies between DMS and finance
closely examine the existing enquiry management                              company self-billing invoices, have seen many
process to ensure the retail and corporate opportunity is                    dealers become embroiled in uncomfortable
being maximised. In addition, exercises to clear excess units                and damaging VAT disputes. Due to the high
via low (or even negative) margin channels such as brokerage                 turnover of the businesses and the ability to go
can be explored and a cost benefit analysis carried out and                  back many years, the results of some assessments
compared to excess self registrations.                                       can be eye watering, often running into six
                                                                             figures even for relatively small businesses.
                                                                             Focusing on compliance, including regular health
                                                                             checks over common problem areas, can assist in
                                                                             reducing this risk.

Technician efficiency – are they providing
true value for money?
The major cost in the service department is the

technicians. Most dealers have systems in place to                          Work with brands to optimise
monitor the efficiency of their technicians, but the                        network strategy from a cost
accuracy and quality of data collated is often poor,                        point of view
making it difficult to carry out a true assessment of their
performance. Time spent focusing on the controls over                       A significant amount of change has started to
the collation of this data, and then working with it, can                   take place over the manufacturer’s network
assist in driving additional hours, or reducing costs, in this              strategy. A number now acknowledge
critical area.                                                              that a reduction in the number of dealers
                                                                            represented (or a ‘hub and spoke’ model) is
                                                                            required. Challenging the status quo and looking
                                                                            to take advantage of this change of view (eg. by

                                                                            negotiating the change in status of a business
                                                                            from full dealer to satellite) can have a material
Make the most of buying                                                     impact on the cost base in the medium term.
clubs and other purchasing
Last but not least, there remain numerous
traditional areas of cost control that should
be reviewed as a matter of course to ensure
value for money is obtained. Many dealer groups rely on buying
clubs to increase their purchasing power and often these clubs
will carry out cost reviews on a ‘no win no fee’ basis, ensuring
that any investment in this area is self funding. Typical areas of
focus include oil, F&I commission and utilities as well as smaller
ticket items such as stationery and telephony costs.

The spark for radical change
The ‘electric buzz’ is building momentum with an increasing interest                                                                 Obstacles challenging future
from customers. The question is no longer ‘should I purchase an electric                                                             growth of electric vehicles
vehicle’, but ‘when’?                                                                                                                The Government’s ‘Road to Zero’ strategy
The Automotive Future Forum is a small group of industry experts focused on providing                                                declares that the sale of new conventional
the digital and physical infrastructures for new electric vehicle (EV) Original Equipment                                            petrol and diesel cars will end by 2035.
Manufacturers (OEMs). They believe more change will take place in automotive                                                         However, there are several interacting and
distribution, ownership and mobility between 2020 and 2030 than in the last 100 years.                                               conflicting concerns making it difficult
In this article, we hear from founding partners, Craig Fraser and Malcolm Earp, who                                                  for economic and automotive experts to
consider where the future of automotive mobility is heading.                                                                         predict mix and volume of new cars over
                                                                                                                                     the next five years. Over the following
                                                                                                                                     points, we look at the key areas to
Where are we currently?
New car registrations in the UK for 2019 versus same period in 2018
                                                                                                                                     1. Brexit, Trade Deals and Tariffs
 Full year                    YTD 2019            YTD 2018            % change              Mkt share            Mkt share
                                                                                                 2019                 2018           A number of countries, including China,
                                                                                                                                     have held off investment in the UK
 Diesel                          583,488             746,332               -21.8%                 25.2%                 31.5%        pending Brexit uncertainty. With a clearer
 Petrol                       1,498,640           1,466,024                + 2.2%                 64.8%                 61.9%        political position in place, we can expect
 BEV                               37,850              15,510           +144.0%                     1.6%                  0.7%       to see several new entrants from China
                                                                                                                                     and Asia competing for share in the UK car
 PHEV                              34,734              42,232              -17.8%                   1.5%                  1.8%       market as the desire for electric and hybrid
 HEV                               97,850              83,528             +17.1%                    4.2%                  3.5%       models increase.
 MHEV diesel                       32,217                3,833          +740.5%                     1.4%                  0.2%       In China alone there are over 470
 MHEV petrol                       26,361                9,688          +172.1%                     1.1%                  0.4%       companies producing electric vehicles. It is
                                                                                                                                     the largest global car market and, in 2018,
 Total                        2,311,140           2,367,147                  -2.4%                    Source SMMT
                                                                                                                                     more electric cars were sold in China than
BEV-Battery Electric Vehicle; PHEV-Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle; HEV-Hybrid Electric Vehicle; MHEV-Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle   in the rest of the world combined. With
The latest figures reveal how the switch to electric is translating into numbers and                                                 such a large home market, and as the
demonstrate the impact of:                                                                                                           global centre of EV battery manufacturing,
                                                                                                                                     China is likely to dominate the EV market.
•    Greater control and substantive penalties; with fines set to increase in 2020,
     investment is being pushed towards pure electric vehicles and hybrids.
•    The introduction of ‘City Charges’, with ULEZ in London and others following;
     creating a panic button for city drivers who own pre-Euro 6 powered vehicles.
These factors, particularly alongside the demonisation of diesel, are reflected in the above
table with new diesel falling a further 21.8% in 2019. We expect diesel to continue to
decline and the electric and hybrid mix to build momentum, albeit from a low base and
still taking a small slice of the cake.

2. Government legislation                        3. OEM collaboration and                       However recent battery manufacturing
                                                 consolidation                                  announcements show Europe producing
The UK government is a signatory to the                                                         17% of global EV batteries by 2029 whilst
Paris Agreement 2015 on Climate Change           The viability of OEMs making electric
                                                                                                China continues to dominate with a
and has already passed into law the              cars and autonomous vehicles will come
                                                                                                forecast 69% of EV battery manufacturing
Climate Change Act 2008 which legislates         under the spotlight and future profitability
                                                                                                in 2029 and North America at 8%.1
to enforce maximum CO2 emissions from            will be dependent on collaboration on
vehicles.                                        research and development. For some             Many in the battery industry are working
                                                 car manufacturers, mergers and further         on alternatives to the ubiquitous Lithium-
However, the recent demonisation of diesel
                                                 consolidation will become omnipotent to        ion battery and are experimenting with
has dented this objective and across the UK
                                                 achieve the scale and power necessary to       alternative chemistries like Sodium and
and EU we have seen vehicle CO2 levels
                                                 lower the production cost base to make         Aluminium which have the advantage
increase since 2015, as customers change
                                                 buying electric cars more attractive.          of more readily available raw materials,
to petrol vehicles which produce 20%
                                                                                                reducing the environmental damage
more CO2 than the corresponding diesel           4. EV Battery Supply                           associated with the raw materials for
vehicle. This has been further exacerbated
                                                 Purchase price consideration, charge           Lithium batteries.
by an increasing trend towards heavier SUV
vehicles.                                        downtime and driving range are still major     Battery architecture is also under
                                                 obstacles to wider up take of pure electric    development as current EV batteries
Penalties have been levied upon OEMs             vehicles and there is a link in terms of the   consist of 100s of pouch cells or 1,000s
to encourage CO2 reductions and, from            economics and supply of these vehicles         of cylindrical batteries with the power
2019, these ratcheted up to €95 per gram         to battery technology, production and          gathered from each cell. Scientists are
of CO2/km for each non-compliant vehicle         availability.                                  working on a more compact battery which
sold. It is estimated that OEMs in Europe
                                                 While it is anticipated that the cost of       has the potential to double the energy by
will potentially incur €billions in penalties.
                                                 producing batteries will reduce through        volume and could provide the extra EV
The results of this is a rush to launch          the next ten years, the availability of the    energy storage we need for the future.
hybrid vehicles. However, as they are more       raw materials to make Lithium ion batteries
expensive to make, this is not a long-           is a challenge for the European brands.
term solution, hitting OEM profits at a          Until recently, the EU based OEMs have
time when they need to invest heavily in         been slow to invest in battery making and
EVs. The winners in this are likely to be        to secure the supply of battery material
Toyota and the Alliance (Renault Nissan          Lithium, Cobalt and Nickel, enabling the
Mitsubishi) who already have well-               Asian battery manufacturers to ring-fence
established ranges of hybrid vehicles and a      materials.
long track record with consumers.                                                                                1
                                                                                                                     Benchmark Mineral Intelligence

5. Infrastructure/Energy                            The future is bright
     The Energy Savings Trust forecasts that by          The future of electric vehicles looks very
     2030 there could be 8-11 million hybrid or          positive. Look out for a ‘quantum leap’ in the
     electric cars on UK roads, and over 25 million      next five years as we see some very exciting
     by 2040. This would equate to about 80% of          products hitting the showrooms, from new to
     overall cars on the road at that time.              existing brands, with pricing becoming more
                                                         affordable as we reach 2025.
     At present approximately one third of
     households in the UK do not have a driveway         The challenge will be for dealers to become
     or garage and cannot install a home charge–         mobility retailers, which will require a new
     point. Currently there are more than 25,000         approach to the business model. The industry
     charging points across the UK, and this will        will undoubtedly need fewer dealer points and
     have to increase substantially as the demand        the representation will evolve with customer
     increases. The requirement for short charge         experience centres, and a highly developed
     down-time will also increase, leading to            digital channel supported by high street and
     high power charging. Chargers are being             shopping mall representation.
     developed to charge at 1mw (1,000kw), with
                                                         On page 14, we look at the challenges dealers
     the prospect of charging the EV battery for 75
                                                         are facing as they work to adapt to EVs and
     miles of range in five minutes.
                                                         discuss how you can ensure your dealership is
     The Government must lead from the front             fit for the future.
     and accelerate the number of charging points
     available. Importantly they must also ensure
     the electric grid has the capacity to power
     the increasing demand in electric vehicles. It                 Want to know more?
     has been estimated that charging 10 million
     EVs on the road in 2030 will need between               Visit www.uhy-uk.com/EVs-spark-
     11GW and 20GW of extra capacity. However,               change for more about the history of
     smart charging and vehicle-to-grid technology           electric vehicles and a detailed analysis
     means EVs will be able to help smooth                   about the key areas impacting the
     electricity usage through the hours of the day,         future development of EVs.
     National Grid says. They will be able to charge
     mainly when demand is low and even feed
     back into the grid when demand is high.
     6. Cars and future mobility
     Almost all car manufacturers are making
                                                                        Craig Fraser
     a push towards electric and autonomous
                                                                        Founding Partner,
     vehicles, partly fuelled by intense competition
     from new entrants like Tesla, BYD and NIO,                         Automotive Future Forum
     but mainly driven by government pressure to                        t: 07802 188640
     reduce carbon dioxide emissions and the drive                      e: cfraser714@btinternet.com
     towards cleaner air quality.
     We are already seeing large fleet and leasing
     companies taking a more active interest in the                     Malcolm Earp
     electric and hybrid vehicles available. 2020 will                  Founding Partner,
     see a near doubling of the current product                         Automotive Future Forum
     range with the arrival of the following EVs:
                                                                        t: 07851 6676163
     •   Porsche Taycan                                                 e: malcolm.earp@m2tac.com
     •   Honda e
     •   Vauxhall Corsa e
     •   Mini Electric
     •   BMW ix3
     •   Peugeot e-208
     •   VW ID 3
     •   Polestar 2

Clearing the EV hurdles
During a period of change it’s                  Omni-channel retailing                             based and connected services, the
about the survival of the fittest.              As we enter a world of new players, new            maintenance of the vehicles, and as
What is uncertain about electric                technology, new subscription mobility              product and services gurus.
vehicles (EV) is the rate at which              services and new connected services,           In addition, dealers will also need to
this change is going to take place,             digital will play an increasingly important    provide much of the logistics for the brand
but what is certain is the need to              part in retailing. More powerful computers     locally. One thing is certain; customer care,
get fit for the future. Automotive              and applications will enable advanced          communication, transparency and ease of
Future Forum founders, Craig                    virtual reality to demonstrate vehicles and    engagement will be paramount features of
                                                their applications.                            future mobility retailing.
Fraser and Malcolm Earp, consider
how dealers can get in shape.                   To support this, brands and their dealers
                                                                                               Making sure your dealership is Fit
                                                will need to be where the customers are; in
Profitability challenges                        the shopping mall and the new interactive
                                                                                               for the Future
                                                high streets of the future. These highly       The following isn’t intended to be
According to Auto Trader, footfall at
                                                interactive mobility shops will function       comprehensive, but it outlines some first
dealerships has plummeted from 30
                                                in attracting the customer to the brand        level actions to consider in assessing
million visits in 2010 to 7 million in 2018.
                                                and integrating with an advanced digital       whether your dealership is fit for the
A combination of digitisation, improved
                                                channel. Their purpose will be to show         future:
technology and reliability presents motor
dealers with a major challenge regarding        the potential customer the product and         1. Borrowings
future profitability.                           mobility services and ensure they are set up   Any change will need investment and
                                                to interact from their advanced personal       dealers should be building plans to
EVs need considerably less servicing and        digital devices from home, the office and      significantly reduce borrowing. However,
have many fewer moving parts which              elsewhere. Primarily they will be about        this can’t be done without addressing
will adversely affect dealer after-market       customer experience and engagement             some of the key efficiencies.
profitability. Already we are seeing in         rather than overt selling.
some Scandinavian markets, where there                                                         2. Daily Operating Controls (DOCs)
has been a big switch to EVs, that dealer       New skills                                     Central to addressing the efficiencies
profitability has declined by circa 40% and     New skills will be required in the networks    of the business is a clear focus on DOC
is expected to fall further.                    replacing Sales Executives and Service         systems, managing daily the performance
                                                Advisors with two key customer facing          of the business.
However, a move to subscription-based
                                                functions:                                     3. Used cars
services should off-set the drop in dealer
profitability as dealers become like the        1. Sales Acquisition Managers responsible,     Used cars is one of the major areas of
Apple Store; able to maintain a profitable         with their marketing and digital teams,     efficiency opportunity:
ongoing relationship with customers as             for attracting new customers to the
their local mobility supplier. But this won’t                                                  •   The retail or trade decision must
                                                   brand and the dealership.
happen without significant realignment of                                                          be made on trade-ins at the time
                                                2. Customer Account Managers,                      of agreeing the deal and trade sale
the dealer business model.
                                                   responsible for managing the ongoing            planned for payment within three days
                                                   relationships with customers and                of the vehicle landing
                                                   for ongoing sales of subscription

•   Retail trade-ins should be prepared,      Checking how ‘mobile friendly’ your web         •   End of term: customers approaching the
    cleaned and on display within three       site is could prove to be one of the most           end of a lease, PCP or financing term.
    working days.                             important improvements in efficiency.           •   Service not sold: customers bringing
•   Demonstrators should be written           Monitoring website traffic is a fundamental         in their vehicles for service who didn’t
    down to true market value as they are     measurement and attracting internet                 purchase the car at the dealership.
    transferred to used car stock, and this   ‘hot-leads’ (those with a phone number) is
                                                                                              •   Lease over mileage: customers forecast to
    includes ECOS cars.                       literally gold dust.
                                                                                                  be over the mileage limit of their contract.
•   Used cars should be written down to       Results from a study of over 2,000 dealers      •   Service defectors: customers who have
    true market values each month-end.        by customer engagement system, Calldrip,            not serviced their vehicle in the past ‘X’
•   Stock days should be determined by        highlighted that responding to a hot                months.
    model and strictly adhered to. A first    internet lead within 1 minute has a 31%
                                                                                              •   Declined service: customers who declined
    loss is always the best loss.             closing rate, however responding after 20
                                                                                                  service at their last visit.
                                              minutes achieves the same closing rate as
•   Used vehicle stock should be planned                                                      •   Sold not serviced: customers who have
                                              if responded to after 24 hours (6% to 8%),
    based on demand analysis of your                                                              never been in for service.
                                              so the first minute response is critical.
    local market with the trading out of
                                                                                              •   E.S.P.: customers whose manufacturer
    surplus stock and buying planned          5. CRM prospecting
                                                                                                  warranty is expiring.
    stock to help maintain good stock         Prospecting from the dealer data base is
    turn.                                     vital. However, it is important to handle       A switch to car user-ship
•   For most brands, aim for an overall       replies promptly and with intelligence.         A switch towards ‘car user-ship’ and
    stock turn of between 30 days for         CRM systems need to evolve so that a            subscription services and a move away from
    volume brands and 45 days for             personalised ongoing relationship can           ‘car ownership’ will be a key factor in future
    prestige brands.                          be created with the customer, with a            car buying decision-making. This change will
•   Overage stock should be liquidated        predictive database fully integrated and        herald a new world of subscription-based
    before it reaches 60 days.                central to the future operation of all          services which will fully integrate mobility and
                                              customer facing staff. Here are several         lifestyle.
•   Use of equity: parity weekly analysis
                                              criteria for personalised prospecting emails:
    should be used to identify customers                                                      The mass adoption of EVs and eventual partial
    on PCP or finance contracts with          •   Smart payment: customers who could          autonomy will see significantly reduced service
    potential good used car and potential         lower their monthly payment on a            and repair with much done online. However,
    to change early to a new contract.            new deal.                                   a plethora of connected services should more
4. Digital                                    •   Equity: customers with vehicle equity       than replace lost traditional profit centres and
                                                  based on the payoff.                        potentially could enhance profit, with ongoing
Digital engagement is one of the major
                                              •   Lower APR: customers who have a             relationships with the customer base.
areas of efficiency improvement in UK
dealerships. A recent Google car buying           high APR contract.                          If you would like to know more or would
study revealed that 60% of car searches       •   Cash payment: customers who                 like to share your thoughts with the
were conducted using a mobile device,             bought with cash or with non-dealer         Automotive Futures Forum, you can find
but many dealers’ websites were not               financing.                                  Craig and Malcolm’s contact details on
configured to mobile device format.                                                           page 12 of this Outlook.

VAT and PAYE – are you compliant?
HMRC continue to focus on VAT                    •   Making sure that the VAT on debtors       not been getting this quite right. With the
and PAYE compliance within                           and creditors over six months old is      average Mid-Tier assessments being in
the motor retail sector as major                     correctly accounted for.                  excess of £100k, if HMRC have not been
opportunities to generate                        •   Partial exemption calculation to ensure   to review your records during 2019, you
                                                     that all input tax is reclaimable.        can be certain that they will be in touch in
With VAT in particular, we have seen an          A checklist would be sufficient to ensure
                                                 these general compliance issues are not       The basis of the assessment is that HMRC
increase in the number of compliance
                                                 missed from your VAT return calculations.     unsurprisingly deem the sales invoice for
checks taking place within our client and
                                                                                               the transaction to be that generated by the
contact base. It is often the case that issues
                                                 Other assessment points                       finance company’s software and not the
identified from a VAT perspective result in
                                                 •   Reclaiming input tax on commercial        invoice generated by the DMS. Therefore
an employment tax check in the following
                                                     part exchanges.                           when the e-invoice does not match the
months, further increasing the risks. The
                                                                                               DMS invoice exactly, particularly on the
total size of the potential assessments can      •   Zero-rated sales to disabled people.
                                                                                               sale of additional products which are
be very significant (often six figure sums)      •   Value manipulation; AKA bumped            sometimes entered as one figure, HMRC
causing major distress for owners and                transactions.                             are relishing raising assessments to recover
management. We have outlined the key
                                                 •   Other zero-rated sales such as exports    any under declared output VAT.
issues you should be aware of.
                                                     and removals.
                                                                                               This problem can only be resolved by
Key VAT issues                                   •   Correct treatment of plug-in grants.      educating the staff who input data into
The typical VAT review by HMRC can               With the exception of ‘bumped’                the finance house applications. However
be split into three parts; the general           transactions and plug-in grants, the basis    as dealerships often work with several
compliance issues that have been checked         of these checks is around evidence and        finance providers, each using different
for years, other assessment points and the       the retention of the correct documents        systems, this is a somewhat difficult task.
newer issues that are giving rise to material    to endorse the VAT treatment of the           Hopefully 2020 will see the finance houses
assessments.                                     transaction. Where there is a lack of such    work together with dealerships to improve
                                                 documentation, HMRC will assess for the       software and help prevent this from
General compliance issues
                                                 VAT that has been under declared or over      happening, but this does not help with the
•    Private use charges being paid to                                                         assessments that are being raised in the
     HMRC to account for the private use of                                                    meantime.
     demonstrator vehicles.                      The E-sig issue
                                                                                               We are aware that HMRC have agreed
•    Fuel scale charges being paid to HMRC       HMRC’s most recent ‘cash-cow’ is the issue    resolutions with some dealerships on this
     to account for the private use of fuel      around e-Signature (E-sig) documents.         matter. So if HMRC have not yet been in
     paid for by the business.                   2019 saw many assessments raised with         touch, now is a good time to test your
•    Accounting for deposits and credit          dealerships across the country that have      systems to see if you are affected.
     notes correctly.

Key PAYE issues                                   fuel may be unaccounted for – so it is easy    a company and the end client engaging
HMRC continue to focus on the motor               to see why HMRC are so fond of this issue.     those companies, as to whether an
sector with PAYE inspections. Fuel is                                                            employer/employee relationship exists in
                                                  Is a van really a van?                         truth, and will require checks to be made
without doubt the biggest risk area, but it
is not the only one, and the cost of dealing      Looking beyond fuel, another significant       by the end client to determine if they need
with a full scale HMRC inspection can be          area of focus is the question of whether       to be deducting PAYE from any payments
significant. Now is the time to get ahead         a van really is a van. That may seem like      made to them.
of things.                                        a silly question, but when it comes to the
                                                                                                 The main area where this will be relevant
                                                  definition of a ‘van’ for the purposes of
Are you fuel compliant?                                                                          within the motor sector is the provision of
                                                  PAYE and employee benefits, you would
                                                                                                 valeters who are often engaged via service
Fuel benefit has been an issue for a long         be surprised by what actually constitutes
                                                                                                 companies. HMRC have been particularly
time now. HMRC will always look closely at        a ‘car’.
                                                                                                 concerned about the dealerships that are
the arrangements dealerships have in place                                                       provided with valeters by third parties
                                                  In order to be considered a van, the vehicle
because, for them, it can be a very easy                                                         such as personal service companies or
                                                  must be of a construction primarily suited
‘win’ due to the way the rules work.                                                             intermediaries acting almost as recruitment
                                                  for the conveyance of goods or burden.
Where fuel cards are in operation in a            This means that where a vehicle can be         agents.
business, there must be robust systems in         said to have multiple purposes it would no
                                                                                                 You will need to ensure these
place to account for their usage in order to      longer meet this rather narrow definition.
                                                                                                 engagements are reviewed and that you
demonstrate that no company funded fuel                                                          have determined the correct treatment of
                                                  The perfect illustration of this is the VW
has been provided to employees for private                                                       the payments made.
                                                  Transporter Kombi, which as is hinted at
journeys. If your employees are driving
                                                  with the name has a combined purpose
demonstrator vehicles and use a fuel card
                                                  and is not a van as far as HMRC are
                                                                                                 How can we help?
to take a customer on a test drive, are you                                                      Of course, whilst prevention is better than
                                                  concerned. With a near £40,000 list price
able to account for exactly how much fuel                                                        cure, we can also assist with mitigating
                                                  and CO2 emissions of up to 176g/km this
was used with the customer, and is the                                                           the impact of any current or historical (last
                                                  is a very expensive prospect in comparison
balance then recharged to the employee                                                           four years) assessments that HMRC have
                                                  to the flat rate van benefit charge.
after they drive that vehicle home?                                                              raised. In recent months we have assisted
Without extensive mileage logs it can be          IR35 changes                                   clients with a number of issues and have
nothing short of impossible to ‘prove the         There is a change coming in April 2020         found that, in certain circumstances,
negative’ and demonstrate to HMRC that            relating to the use of ‘personal service       negative equity based assessments can be
not even a single drop of fuel was available      companies’ which many will have heard          challenged.
to your staff, and that really is all it takes.   referred to as IR35 legislation.               We would therefore recommend anybody
Situations like this can quickly lead to six      These rules look at the relationship           who has received an ongoing or historical
figure settlements – regardless of how little     between those supplying their services via     assessment to get in touch to see if we can

What lies ahead for the sector:
the experts’ perspectives
We asked a panel of industry           2019 was a challenging year for                overhead base due to the size of the
experts for their insight on the       the industry, what key issues do               facilities they are trading from, meaning
outlook for the automotive sector      you put this down to?                          they are relying on all departments to
through 2020 and beyond. Here                                                         contribute to the overall profitability.
                                       All of our panellists were in agreement        He went on to say “with a number of
are their views on some of the
                                       that the overriding challenge affecting the    franchises we have seen limited to non-
issues being discussed at our          industry was a result of the political and     existent contributions from the new vehicle
meetings with the sector’s business    economic uncertainty that engulfed the         sales department, leaving a large hole in
leaders and advisers.                  UK. There was a real consensus that this       the P&L.”
Commenting on the market were:         caused a decline in consumer confidence
                                       and resulted in increasing nervousness         The dealers on the panel, Sir Peter Vardy,
                                       about making large purchases. Mike Allen,      Chairman of Peter Vardy Group, and
                                       head of research at Zeus Capital, believes     Steven Eagell, shared concerns that
                                       the uncertainty driven by Brexit and the       certain manufacturers chasing market
            David Kendrick                                                            share have forced dealers into regular
                                       UK general election had an effect on new
            Head of Automotive,        car demand throughout the year, adding         preregistration activity and transacting
            UHY Hacker Young           that “buyer confidence was also adversely      low margin business through the renewal
                                       impacted in the used car market through        of PCP agreements too early into their
                                       various phases of 2019 as well.”               lifecycle. Steven explained “this has a
                                                                                      knock-on effect for used cars as they may
                                       Vehicle supply issues were also seen to be     be overpriced, and their monthly payments
                                       a key concern for manufacturers, either        will be too near the equivalent new car.”
            Paul Daly                  due to emissions issues and shortages of
            Automotive Partner,        compliant product or where vehicles have       With diesel demonisation still in full force,
            UHY Hacker Young           been diverted to alternative countries         the lack of affordable electric vehicles was
                                       due to the exchange rate benefit. David        also seen as an issue and it was felt that
                                       Kendrick, UHY’s head of automotive,            consumers need more help and education
                                       explained “we have seen significant            on making their next car purchase decision.
                                       challenges with supply throughout the          Sir Peter commented “the original proposal
                                       year with a number of brands - the biggest     that it would all be sorted by 2040 was
            Sir Peter Vardy                                                           a good suggestion. Manufacturers could
                                       affected being Volkswagen Group.” UHY’s
            Chairman,                  automotive expert, Paul Daly, agrees,          cope with the target and the infrastructure
            Peter Vardy Group          adding that “the ongoing weakness of the       could be in place. But politicians issuing
                                       pound means there are lower profits from       sound bites that 2025 was the in fact the
                                       UK sales for manufacturers. At the same        date has scared everyone. It has panicked
                                       time you have a European market that is        manufacturers and paralysed customers.“
                                       still growing quickly and the net result is
                                       that we no longer get first call on the most   Cazoo launched in December 2019,
            Steven Eagell
                                       popular vehicles here in the UK.” Steven       vowing to “transform how eight
            Chief Executive Officer,
                                       Eagell, Chief Executive Officer at Steven      million used cars are bought each
            Steven Eagell Group
                                       Eagell Group, flagged that the challenge       year by putting the entire process
                                       is not only due to the lack of supply, but     online.” What are your views
                                       that many retailers have also struggled to     about this?
                                       adapt their processes in order to manage
                                       customer expectations due to longer lead       Whilst all acknowledged that the new
                                       times.                                         entrant appears to be a well funded
            Mike Allen                                                                and credible business with an impressive
            Head of Reseach,           Mounting cost pressures were also cited        management board, our panellists did not
            Zeus Capital               as a key concern, particularly regarding       see Cazoo making a substantial impact.
                                       people, property and system costs in light     Having seen the launched website, David
                                       of greater FCA scrutiny. Paul explained that   said he is “struggling to see what is
                                       “wherever I go I am seeing sustained cost      different to any other online click and buy
                                       base increases. These are often not under      platforms that dealers offer currently.” He
                                       the control of the business and result         added “the vehicles are well presented
                                       from bullish investment decisions, often       and the process is user friendly, however
                                       imposed by manufacturers, made in better       the seven day cooling off period and part
                                       times. In addition, staffing costs seem        exchange appraisal may cause this model
                                       to be continually expanding and eating         some difficulties. The dealers I have spoken
                                       into profits.” David added that a number       to don’t seem concerned about Cazoo
                                       of dealerships now have a significant          being a significant disrupter.”

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