FRENCH CUSTOMS 2015 Results - Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses - Douanes

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FRENCH CUSTOMS 2015 Results - Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses - Douanes
            2015 Results
Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses
FRENCH CUSTOMS 2015 Results - Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses - Douanes

Michel Sapin                                                                  Christian Eckert
Minister for Finance                                                          Minister of State
and Public Accounts                                                           with responsibility for the Budget

In 2015, French Customs was present on all fronts

Once again, French Customs rose to meet the many challenges which it faced in 2015.

Its number one challenge – the most sensitive and arguably the most visible one in the eyes of citizens
– was protecting France and its population. French Customs was fully involved in fighting terrorism and
border control. It was highly responsive, unswervingly committed and achieved outstanding results. To
boost its anti-terrorism efforts, it will hire an additional 1,000 customs officers in 2016 and 2017. The
French government has earmarked €45 million over two years to improve Customs’ equipment and
means of communication.

French Customs’ second challenge is combatting smuggling in all its forms. This is vital for public order
and sometimes has links to terrorist financing. In this area, 2015 was a banner year – seizures of cocaine
increased 250%, and those of smuggled tobacco were up by 50%. Excellent results were also achieved
in terms of seizures of weapon caches, and in efforts to stem illicit financial flows, tax evasion and

Lastly, during the year French Customs continued its efforts to support the French economy. This third
and final challenge consists of ensuring that French companies stay competitive and enhancing France’s
appeal. In this area as well, its work was crowned with success; it began to roll out the 40 tangible
initiatives contained in its “Customs Clearance in France” programme aimed at businesses and international
logistics platforms. Thanks in large part to measures introduced by French Customs, France ranked
number one in the “Trading Across Borders” category of the World Bank’s annual “Doing Business” report.

To help perform its duties effectively in an ever-changing world, French Customs is modernising at an
unprecedented pace. Its ticket to success is, first and foremost, the energy, expertise and dedicated
professionalism of all of its staff. As part of the Douane 2018 strategic plan and the resources allocated
by the French government to support French Customs’ anti-terrorist efforts, its staff’s skills are critical in
keeping France both safe and competitive.

This annual report presents the actions of French Customs in 2015. It shows the commitment of its
officers throughout the year and the results they achieved – a momentum that will carry it forward in
FRENCH CUSTOMS 2015 Results - Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses - Douanes

          KEY FIGURES FOR 2015                                4

          2015 HIGHLIGHTS                                     6


            Countering terrorism and its financing             8
            Fighting organised crime                          11
            Introducing ground-breaking methods               14
            Increasing resources                              15


            Encouraging competitiveness and promoting
            France’s investment appeal                        16
            Ongoing efforts to streamline customs clearance   18
            Supporting, certifying and securing               20

FRENCH CUSTOMS 2015 Results - Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses - Douanes


       Increased specialisation                               22
       Paperless customs duties                               24
       Cut red tape for taxpayers                             26


      Adapting French Customs to major changes                28
      Ongoing modernisation efforts                           32
      Making French Customs more effective                    34
      People – the key to the success of every project        34


      Organisation                                            36
      French Customs around the world                         38
      Capacities                                              40
      Human resources                                         42
      Performance                                             43

FRENCH CUSTOMS 2015 Results - Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses - Douanes


                                                                   17t           of cocaine
                 88t        seized    including
                                                                   (a 250% increase)
                                                                   NEW RECORD

                                                                   63t of cannabis

                  in criminal assets seized
                  or identified by the SNDJ (+65%)

Financial fraud
and tax evasion

                 €377.4M                                  1,158                  firerams seized

                 in taxes and duties reassessed                              (+40%)

                  630 t              seized                        7.7 million
    Smuggled      (+49%)                                           conterfeit items seized
                  NEW RECORD                         Counterfeit

                   5.5 million                                       423 citations
                   toys inspected                                    issued for violations of
Consumer                                               France’s
                                                                     endangered plant and animal
protection                                             natural
                                                                     species legislation
FRENCH CUSTOMS 2015 Results - Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses - Douanes


                  90.5%                                               86%
                  of customs declarations                             overall rate of paperless
Average           processed in less                                   customs clearance
clearance time    than five minutes

       4’38’’                                                         1,389 AEOs
       average time that goods are                                     (1,214 in 2014) (+14.4%)
       (13 minutes in 2004)
                                                     certifications   2,339 businesses given
                                                                      free advice on how to optimise
                                                                      their customs (+4.7%)

                                                                      the user satisafaction rate
                                                                      in 2015 (+3%)

                 collected (+2%)                                  44 centimes
                                                           €      the cost to French Customs
                                                                  for collecting €100


   16,473 full-time equivalent positions                          510 departments
   (full-time equivalent positions, budgetary positions,          (offices, units and excise taxes)
   2016 Initial Budget Act)
FRENCH CUSTOMS 2015 Results - Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses - Douanes
0 1 5 H I G H L I G H TS
        2 MAIRE

                                                                                      — The National Directorate for Customs Investigations and Intelligence
       Thanks to new legal measures, two tobacco smuggling operations                    (DNRED) dismantles a large-scale cannabis-growing operation
       are halted, one in Lille and one on the France-Andorra border.                    uncovered at the home of a private individual in Nantes 2
     — In Dunkirk, the Minister of State for the Budget announces a measure to
                                                                                        eizures at Roissy airport and in Brittany of nearly 18,700 seahorses from
        reverse VAT liability for imports 1
                                                                                       Madagascar and two elephant feet from South Africa. Both species are
     — International Customs Day at France’s National Customs Museum in               protected by the Washington Convention.
        Bordeaux, under the theme “Coordinated Border Management”
                                                                                        The Director General of Customs and Excise announces a procedure
                                                                                        for laser-marking gemstones
                    Seven illegal fishing vessels are intercepted during stepped up controls by French Customs and the
                    Maritime Gendarmerie in French Guiana 3
                  — Marie Dorin-Habert, a skier with the French Customs Team, wins gold medals in sprint and pursuit at the
                     Biathlon World Championships in Kontiolahti, Finland
                    An agreement to provide increased social and financial resources is signed by the economic and
                    finance ministers and three trade union organisations

                                                                                                                 10                                          11
                                                                     9                           AUGUST
         JULY                  8
                                                                                           — During an inspection carried out in cooperation with the Central
     The Minister of State for the Budget launches the Jean-François                          Office for the Control of Illegal Drug Trafficking (OCRTIS), more than
     Deniau, French Customs’ new DFP3 coastguard patrol vessel, in the                        400 kg of cannabis resin is seized in Martinique, the largest quantity
     Mediterranean 8                                                                          of the drug ever seized in the Antilles
 — Record-breaking seizure of 43 tons of counterfeit coffee in the Paris area                Thanks to close cooperative efforts between French and
                                                                                             American customs authorities, a stolen painting by Picasso,
 — In northern France, customs officers seize more than nine tons of smuggled
                                                                                             La Coiffeuse, is returned to France
    cigarettes from a Croatian articulated lorry
                                                                                           — An attempt to illegally export 18 tons of hazardous
 — Discovery in Corsica of a painting by Picasso entitled Head of a Young
                                                                                              automobile waste is stopped at Le Havre 11
   Woman aboard a yacht that had transported it from Spain 9

                  — 119 live scorpions, which are protected by the Washington Convention, are seized from two express freight shipments from Cameroon 12
                  — At the Spanish border, Customs officers seize nearly €2 million in cash connected with a money-laundering scheme 13
                    Opening of the new inter-ministerial Passenger Name Record (PNR) platform in the Customs offices at Roissy airport
                    Opening of the new Customs Academy in La Rochelle, which will provide training in surveillance techniques and in clearing
66                  commercial flows
                    he Minister of State for the Budget unveils the “Customs Clearance in France” programme, designed to help companies stay competitive and
                   boost France’s appeal
FRENCH CUSTOMS 2015 Results - Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses - Douanes
                                                                                                 RÉSULTATS 20

       APRIL                                                                5
 Record seizure of 2.25 tons of cocaine in Martinique, and the
 seizure of more than 3 tons of cocaine off the coast of Scotland,                   — More than 30,000 tablets of ecstasy and 10 kg of amphetamines
 based on intelligence provided by French Customs                                       seized in northern France from a vehicle arriving from the
 — Four tons of smuggled cigarettes seized from a lorry in Dunkirk
                                                                                       Another large-scale narcotics seizure thanks to intelligence
 — Discovery of a cache of weapons in Picardy 4
                                                                                       provided by French Customs: more than one ton of cocaine
 —Rollout of a new mobile app for individuals and businesses                          is intercepted in the Azores
                                                                                       rench Customs increases its data transparency by organising an
                                                                                      Open Data Camp

        — 140 kg of elephant tusks are intercepted at Roissy airport: packed into two crates, the ivory was being shipped from the Democratic Republic
           of the Congo to Vietnam 6
        — A record seizure of synthetic drugs in Perpignan: 100,000 tablets of ecstasy, 25 kg of methamphetamine and 14 kg of MDMA
          “Get Energised with French Customs”, a conference organised for the energy industry, presents French Customs’ support and taxation
        — At the Vinexpo trade show in Bordeaux, French Customs shows its support for the winegrowing industry 7

                                                         13                                                                                          15

                      12                                                                                          14
     OCTOBER                                                               France is ranked number one in the “Trading Across Borders” category
 French Customs dismantles a major smuggling operation                     of the World Bank’s “Doing Business 2016” report
 that had sold nearly 10 tons of tobacco via a Belgian                   — The National Customs Judicial Department (SNDJ) seizes 144 archaeological artefacts
 website                                                                   stolen from shipwrecks off the coast of the Île de Sein
 Record discovery of 7.1 tons of cannabis near Paris,                      French Customs mourns the disappearance of two customs officers during
 which is followed by a visit by President Hollande 14                     the terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November, and a third who lost his
— Seizure of an arsenal of weapons and ammunition in the Vosges            life in the line of duty on 23 November while combatting illegal arms
  s part of Public Innovation Week, a French Customs/business
 forum focuses on the new one-stop shop (GUN)                            — French Customs’ new patrol boat embarks on its first Frontex mission to rescue
                                                                            shipwrecked refugees and combat illegal immigration

          — The Minister of the Interior visits Roissy airport as part of stepped up border controls
            More than two tons of cocaine is seized by the Rouen coast guard – a record for mainland France
            First seizure of counterfeit postage stamps (81,600 stamps) at Lyon Saint-Exupéry Airport 15
FRENCH CUSTOMS 2015 Results - Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses - Douanes
        CHAPTER 11

                 E         N D I T S C I T I Z EN                                                    S
           A I R       E A

            Protecting French territory and French citizens is French Customs’
            number one priority. As part of this, it has stepped up border controls
            and is actively engaged in the fight against terrorism. Its inspection
            efforts target individuals suspected of terrorism-related activities
            and financial flows. It also focuses on trade flows, to prevent weapons
            from coming into France in commercial shipments. Lastly, French
            Customs is committed to combating organised crime and fraud.

                                     COUNTERING TERRORISM
                                     AND ITS FINANCING
                                       CONTROLLING PASSENGER FLOWS                   French Customs is very much involved
                                                                                     in preparation for the future Passenger
                                       French Customs carries out checks             Name Record (PNR) system. As part of
                                       throughout the country. As it inspects        efforts to fight terrorism and organised
                                       individuals, goods and means of transport,    crime, the PNR will allow authorised
                                       it gathers information about terrorism-re-    government departments to more easily
HOW DO FRENCH CUSTOMS’                                                               access airline passenger data. The new
                                       lated activities. Its actions in this area
INVESTIGATIONS FIGHT                                                                 interministerial platform in charge of im-
                                       were scaled up in the wake of the January
TERRORISM?                                                                           plementing the PNR programme is housed
                                       2015 attacks in Paris. Each day it collects
                                       and processes counter-terrorism intelli-      in French Customs’ offices at Roissy air-
In 2015, it focused on several         gence.                                        port. It opened its doors on 21 September
individuals who were suspected                                                       2015, and will be gradually ramped up
of operating several companies         Since 13 November 2015, customs               throughout 2016.
to trade in prohibited goods. Its      officers, working in collaboration with the
investigation revealed that large      Border Police (PAF), have been tasked         COMBATING ARMS DEALING
sums of money were being trans-        with re-establishing border controls. As
ferred to and from foreign coun-       the Schengen Agreement has been tem-          Through daily inspections, French
tries, and that there were links
                                       porarily cancelled, this measure concerns     Customs plays an active role in countering
                                       passengers travelling into and out of the     the phenomenon of radicalised militants
between the companies’ mana-
                                       Schengen area, as well as those travelling
gers and a terrorist group. These                                                    arriving in France from abroad. It also
                                       within Europe.
efforts were carried out in close                                                    is involved in the fight against the
collaboration with France’s anti­-                                                   dissemination of weapons and explosives.
                                       French Customs also ensure the safety of
terrorist agencies.                    passengers crossing between France and
                                       England, and carries out inspections at
                                       the departure and arrival points of various
                                       trains, including the Thalys from Belgium,
                                       as well as during the train journey.

FRENCH CUSTOMS 2015 Results - Protecting citizens and consumers, supporting businesses - Douanes



                                                      Discovery of a cache of weapons at the home of a private individual in northern France in April

In 2015, there was a marked upturn in         freight were stepped up even further.                 especially to aggregate and enhance intel-
seizures of firearms: 1,158 weapons           As of 15 September 2015, Entry Sum-                   ligence, provided by all of French Customs’
were seized, against 828 in 2014, a           mary Declarations are now mandatory for               branches, relating to terrorism and its
40% increase. Fighting arms trafficking       goods being shipped to France, even in                financing.
is one of French Customs’ key missions,       cases where France is not the first point
in line with the Ministry of the Interior’s   of entry in the EU.                                   The GOLT collects intelligence and tips
national plan to combat illegally owned                                                             gathered by the various customs de-
weapons.                                      THE INTELLIGENCE SERVICES OF                          partments in the course of their daily
                                              FRENCH CUSTOMS                                        controls (forged documents, weapons,
SECURING INTERNATIONAL TRADE                                                                        propaganda literature, etc.) that suggest
                                              The National Directorate for Customs                  direct or indirect involvement of indivi-
French Customs is tasked with deploying       Investigations and Intelligence (DNRED)               duals in terrorist activities. It then passes
safety and security measures with             works closely and on an operational level             on this information to other anti-terrorist
respect to air and maritime freight in        with other competent French authori-                  bodies.
order to prevent terrorist acts. In 2011,     ties. The DNRED enhances intelligence
it introduced the Import Control Sys-         on various targets, but also assists with             All of these assignments mean that
tem (ICS), a European-wide programme          monitoring the movements of persons                   French Customs has a vital role to play in
designed to prevent such attacks. Under       travelling to and from conflict zones.                combating terrorism. On 16 January 2015,
ICS, for goods being shipped from a non-      Since June 2015, a DNRED liaison officer              the Modane Route Domestic Surveillance
EU country into the EU, the carrier must      has been seconded to the Directorate                  Unit, stationed at the westbound side of
file an Entry Summary Declaration online      General for Internal Security (DGSI), thus            the Frejus Tunnel that connects France
with French Customs prior to arrival, or      fostering an ongoing spirit of cooperation.           and Italy, intercepted two individuals who
even prior to loading in the country of       Within the DNRED, an Antiterrorist                    were sought in Belgium in connection with
origin. In 2015, controls of international    Operational Unit (GOLT) was set up                    Islamic terrorist movements (the so-called
                                                                                                    Verviers cell).

           O M M A I R E       C E A N D IT S CITIZENS
         P           G F R A N

     FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM                                                              THE PLAN TO PROVIDE FRENCH
                                            MONITORING FINANCIAL FLOWS                    CUSTOMS WITH ADDITIONAL
     On 13 November 2015, the night         AND TERRORIST FINANCING, AND                  RESOURCES TO FIGHT TERRORISM
     of the terrorist attacks in Paris,     FREEZING FINANCIAL ASSETS                     AND TO MAINTAIN BORDER CONTROLS
     French Customs took immediate
     action. It set up an incident          Combating money laundering and terrorist      At Versailles on 16 November 2015,
     response unit and throughout the       financing is a key mission for France’s       President Hollande announced a “secu-
     night, it worked closely with the      customs authorities. Daily controls carried   rity pact” to both houses of Parliament.
     DGSI to identify those individuals     out throughout French territory allow         The pact includes one-time resources
     and vehicles that were suspected       French Customs to intercept financial         allocated to French Customs to provide
     of being involved in the attacks.                                                    increased safety for French citizens and
                                            flows that are suspected of being
     Moreover, customs authorities                                                        to bolster the fight against terrorism.
                                            connected to illegal activities or that
     immediately re-established border      have links to terrorism. The most serious
                                                                                          As part of this, 1,000 additional
     controls. This action, which is part   offences are investigated by the DNRED        customs officers will be recruited in
     of the state of emergency that         or the National Customs Judicial Depart-      2016 and 2017. Over the same two-year
     was declared, continues.               ment (SNDJ) in an attempt to dismantle        period, €45 million will be allocated to
                                            criminal gangs.                               French Customs to update and acquire
                                                                                          the means to expand its operational
                                            On 1 January 2015, new guidelines were        capacities and to protect its staff. New
                                            published with an eye to collecting more      legal measures will help strengthen the
                                            evidence of money laundering, thus assis-     Directorate’s AML/CFT efforts.
                                            ting French Customs in its fight against
                                            the financing of organised crime and          These additional resources, which repre-

         1,000                              terrorist activities. In 2015, the number
                                            of citations involving money launde-
                                            ring nearly quadrupled, rising from 18
                                                                                          sent more than 530 new jobs by 2017,
                                                                                          will help tighten border controls, adapt
                                                                                          French Customs’ surveillance equipment
           posts in                         in 2014 to 69, and for a total of nearly      to the terrorist threat (including Inter-
          2016-2017                         €12 million.                                  net-based threats), expand its ability to
                                                                                          analyse and control flows of goods, and
                                            As part of its enquiries, French Customs      counter arms trafficking, money laun-
                                            has the power to freeze financial assets      dering and terrorist financing. They will
                                            linked to terrorism, thus depriving indivi-   also allow it to update its communication
                                            duals of access to financing.                 and intelligence tools, improve its offi-
                                                                                          cers’ safety equipment and expand their
                                                                                          powers of enquiry and investigation.

             An additional
             allocation of

             €45 M


                                                                                                 in criminal assets
                                                                                                seized or identified
                                                                                                    by the SNDJ


                                                                             Failure to comply with the requirement of declaring capital flows

SMUGGLED TOBACCO                             AGAINST COUNTERFEITING                                                    Almost
French Customs intercepted 629.5 tons
of smuggled tobacco in 2015, a year-
on-year increase of nearly 50%. This
is a record-breaking achievement.
                                             In 2015, French Customs seized
                                             7.7 million counterfeit items, its third
                                             best score in the past two decades.
                                                                                                                 630 t
This is the result of the ongoing
                                                                                                                   of tobacco
                                             With the exception of the record seizure
involvement of all of its departments in     of 2.4 million counterfeit pharmaceuticals                              seized
the fight against tobacco smuggling by       the previous year, there was an increase
every possible means – sea, air, road and    in every category in 2015.
Internet – and in every setting, including
as part of international cooperative         These excellent figures are the result of
efforts.                                     its unwavering commitment to comba-
                                             ting this scourge, which is hazardous for
In 2015, thanks to government-spon-
sored Budget Act provisions to step up
controls of illegal Internet purchases,
                                             consumers, undermines the competitive-
                                             ness of French businesses, destroys jobs
                                             and has proven links to organised crime.
                                                                                                       7.7 M
French Customs intensified its efforts to                                                              counterfeit
combat online tobacco sales. The Cyber-                                                               items seized
douane department successfully brought
to light several notable cases of orga-
nised smuggling.


        O M M A I R E       C E A N D IT S CITIZENS
      P           G F R A N

      In January 2015, officers from
      the Cyberdouane department in-
      vestigated purchases made from
      a Belgium-based merchant, who
      was selling tobacco via a website.
      The purchases were delivered to      French Customs is also involved in             Concerning other drugs, French Customs
      Lille and then dispatched by post    updating legislation. On 15 December           also seized 62.6 tons of cannabis during
      to individuals throughout France.    2015, the trademark reform package was         2015. The previous year saw large-scale
                                           adopted by the European Parliament.            seizures of cannabis in the Mediterranean
      215 kg of tobacco intended for
                                           It improves European trademark law by          – nearly 70 tons, hidden in various cargo
      sale to French consumers were in-
                                           restoring customs authorities’ right to        vessels. French Customs’ commitment
      tercepted. The Belgian merchant
                                           inspect goods in transit or transhipment       to combatting cannabis smuggling can
      had already used this method to      within the EU. This major shift represents     be seen in the record-breaking seizure
      sell more than 12 tons of tobacco.   a victory for French Customs, which            of 7.1 tons of cannabis in the centre
                                           has worked unceasingly to have the             of Paris on 17 October 2015. For the
                                           Nokia-Philips case law of 2011 over-           occasion, President Hollande met with
                                           turned. That decision limited customs ins-     the customs departments responsible for
                                           pections to counterfeit goods intended         the seizure. This commitment can also

                         +5.7%             for sale within the EU. The adoption of
                                           the new package is the embodiment of
                                           ongoing efforts by French Customs to
                                                                                          be seen in its international cooperative
                                                                                          efforts – French Customs has narcotics
                                                                                          intercepted by its partner authorities
                                           defend intellectual property rights.           beyond French borders, so that shipments
                                                                                          are stopped before they can reach the
                                           A SHARP UPSWING IN SEIZURES OF                 French market.
                                                                                          A SUCCESSFUL YEAR FOR ANTI-TAX

     €377.4M                               2015 was a record-breaking year in             EVASION EFFORTS
                                           French Customs’ efforts to combat
                                           cocaine smuggling. Seizures during the         In 2015, French Customs reassessed
       in duties and                       year totalled 16.8 tons – the 2,5 times        a record €377.4 million in duties and
                                           best-ever year. It is the result of outs-      taxes, a 5.7% increase over the pre-
     taxtes reassessed                                                                    vious year. This is the fourth consecutive
                                           tanding intelligence and analysis work
                                           that led to large-scale seizures in the        year that this figure has risen.
                                           Caribbean (2.25 tons in April and 808 kg
                                           in October), in Europe (acting on a intelli-   In addition, as part of efforts to combat
                                           gence provided from French Customs, a          tax evasion, the National Customs
                                           joint British operation seized three tons      Judicial Department (SNDJ) investigated
                                           of cocaine off Aberdeen, Scotland) and in      75 cases of VAT fraud (carousel fraud,
                                           French waters (2.3 tons seized by coast        margin schemes, etc.). Its investigations
                                           guard officers off the coast of Boulogne-      revealed the existence of highly-struc-

           61,791                          sur-Mer in December).                          tured international gangs. For cases
                                                                                          closed during the year, the losses suffe-
                                                                                          red by the French Treasury amounted to
              laboratory                                                                  nearly €368 million in VAT.



                                                                                                       17 t                          A NEW
                                                                                                      of cocaine


                                                  President Hollande visits the National Directorate for Customs Investigations and Intelligence
                                                                  (DNRED) on 18 October 2015, the first-ever such visit by a French president.

CONSUMER PROTECTION –                      FRENCH CUSTOMS’ ROLE IN                                                                                  16.8
                                           AND NATURAL HERITAGE
The number of cases involving consumer
protection rose from 7,213 in 2014 to      One of the year’s high points came
7,597 in 2015, a 5.3% increase.            in July, with the seizure of a Picasso
                                           painting, Head of a Young Woman, as                                                    7.2
Consumer protection is one of French       it was being exported to Switzerland.                                                            6.6
Customs’ key remits. As trade increases    In addition, 2015 witnessed the return    5.1                              4.6
with countries that do not apply the       of La Coiffeuse, another Picasso pain-
same technical quality standards, there    ting, which had been stolen from Paris’s
is an increased risk of importing hazar-   Pompidou Centre. Following cooperative
dous goods. In 2015, French Customs        efforts with French Customs, the pain- 2010                     2011      2012        2013      2014     2015
inspected 50 million items. It main-       ting was located in the United States. In
tained its inspection levels of toys       all, French Customs intercepted 20,886
(5.5 million inspected, of which nearly    cultural items in 2015.                                         SEIZURE OF COCAINE (IN TONS)
one million were non-compliant, and
almost 53,000 (some 1%) were found to      Today, its actions in this area are par-
be hazardous).                             ticularly focused on imports of cultural
                                           goods that contribute to terrorist finan-
                                           cing. French Customs already exercises
                                           extreme vigilance with respect to goods
                                           of this type from Syria and Iraq; now,                                    Nearly

                                                                                                                   63 t
                                           however, all imports of cultural goods are
                                           subjected to heightened scrutiny.

                                           In terms of protecting endangered plant                                of cannabis
                                           and animal species, French Customs is-
                                           sued 423 citations in 2015 for violations
                                           of the Washington Convention.
                                           Equally significant is French Customs’
                                           role in protecting the environment. Its
                                           cutting-edge resources include aircraft
                                           fitted with “POLMAR” ocean pollution
                                           detection systems. In 2015, it issued 53                                                                13
                                           citations for environmental pollution.
       CHAPTER 11

       O M M A I R E       C E A N D IT S CITIZENS
     P           G F R A N

         cases of maritime
             pollution         This, combined with heavy fines handed       French Customs also works closely with
             detected          down by the courts, act as a strong de-      the Directorate General for Risk Control
                               terrent for potential polluters.             at the Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable
                                                                            Development and Energy to monitor ex-
                                                                            changes of waste and chemical products.
                                                                            185 citations were issued in 2015 in

                                                                            this area.

  number of citations
 issued for violations
of endangered species
      protection             INTRODUCING GROUND-BREAKING METHODS
                               EXPANDED INTELLIGENCE AND                    goal is to sift through large amounts
                               ANALYSIS                                     of data in order to detect fraudulent
                                                                            schemes that go undetected by other risk
                               The Import Control System (ICS) is a Com-    analysis instruments.
                               munity-wide initiative to plan for and se-

          a 70 %               cure international flows of goods into the
                               EU. In 2015, French Customs consolidated
                               the system’s quality and ensured that it
                                                                            NEW FRAUD-FIGHTING METHODS

                                                                            As part of its heightened fight against
       increase in cases       was ready to be ramped up. In the space      money laundering and terrorist financing,
                               of two years, there was a 70% increase       French Customs is testing the use of
                               in the number of citations issued, and       dogs trained to detect both narcotics and
                               legal proceedings were instituted in         banknotes.
                               143 cases during 2015.
                                                                            French Customs is continuing to open

        7.3 M
                               Moreover, French Customs continued to        Operational Centers for Land-Based
                               lay the groundwork for the creation of a     Surveillance (CODT), which are tasked
                               national department, with an eye to ta-      with coordinating and securing customs
                               king an even more professional approach      inspections via improved long-distance
        declarations           to risk analysis of flows of goods. The      radio connections and geolocation of
                               National Risk Analysis and Targeting         teams in the field.
      treated through          Department (SARC) will be set up in
           the ICS             2016. It will be tasked with increasing      The Bordeaux centre is now open, and
                               the effectiveness of customs clearance       those of Lille and Metz will be set up in
                               inspections and tax audits.                  2016.
                               At the same time, Customs is continuing
                               test the usefulness of datamining. Its


                                                                                                           individuals rescued
                       The Jean-François Deniau, French Customs’ latest Mediterranean patrol boat.           at sea by French

   A STRONGER LEGAL ARSENAL                         given direct access to the National              vessels and a high-powered mission
                                                    Centralised Bank Accounts Register               and operational handling system.
   In several areas involving the fight             (FICOBA).
   against criminal activities, French Cus-                                                          It is equipped with purpose-built cabins
   toms has received increased resources.           NEW OPERATIONAL RESOURCES                        for individuals who have been detained
                                                                                                     – a necessary feature for successful
   Act 2015-912 of 24 July 2015                     In 2015, French Customs confirmed                customs missions. It can also perform
   concerning intelligence measures                 and stepped up its commitment to                 large-scale rescue operations, thanks
   includes several provisions for bolste-          protecting the EU’s external borders.            to a section of the craft that has been
   ring Customs’ fight against terrorism            It contributed resources to missions             specifically fitted out to accommodate
   and criminal activities. This specifically       coordinated by the Frontex agency                shipwrecked individuals.
   pertains to harvesting and processing            in the Mediterranean. In November
   data to prevent terrorism and combat             2015, it made its new patrol boat, the           Finally, 2015 marked a new stage in
   organised crime.                                 Jean-François Deniau – which was                 the acquisition of new Beechcraft
                                                    partly financed by European funding –            planes, with the completion of the first
   French Customs has also been given               available to the agency.                         aircraft that will be used for maritime
   new investigative means, including                                                                surveillance.
   data capture (including outside of               The vessel, which was inaugurated
   France) and real-time location of                on 7 July at Seyne-sur-Mer by the
   objects and people. Moreover, to faci-           Minister of State for the Budget, is a
   litate the investigative capacities of           deep-sea surveillance ship fitted with
   the National Customs Judicial Depart-            a wide range of cutting-edge sensors,
   ment (SNDJ), judicial officers have been         powerful means for intercepting other

      CHAPTER 12

       O M M A I R E R A N C E ’S E C O N O MY

        During the year, French Customs was heavily involved in providing support for
        French businesses with their international operations and working to increase
        the appeal of France’s logistical platforms. France also took first place in the
        “Trading Across Borders” category of the World Bank’s “Doing Business 2016”
        report. This outstanding achievement is proof positive of French Customs’
        commitment to supporting the French economy. It was reported in several
        trade press publications, such as Le MOCI and La Tribune, but also in Le
        Monde, which noted “the bold measures introduced in recent years by French

                               ENCOURAGING COMPETITIVENESS AND
                               PROMOTING FRANCE’S INVESTMENT APPEAL
                                 ADAPTING REGULATIONS TO                      out procedures that are simpler, faster
                                 ENCOURAGE THE COMPETITIVENESS                and less costly, thanks to the introduc-
                                 OF BUSINESSES AND INCREASE THE               tion of end-to-end paperless proce-
                                 APPEAL OF FRANCE’S LOGISTICAL                dures and their improved integration into
                                 PLATFORMS                                    logistical processes.

                                 Throughout 2015, French Customs              HELPING BUSINESSES TAKE
                                 played an active role in talks – which had   ADVANTAGE OF OPPORTUNITIES
                                 been launched early in 2014 – aimed at       PROVIDED BY THE NEW LEGISLATION
            France’s ranking     drafting the implementing provisions of

            in the “Trading      the new Union Customs Code (UCC). It         Helping French businesses prepare for
            Across Borders”      worked closely with trade federations        the entry into force of the UCC is a key
            category of the      representing international traders. It was   priority for French Customs.
                                 also involved in notifying traders of the
            World Bank’s         new regulatory provisions and the oppor-     As part of this, French Customs has rolled
            “Doing Business      tunities that they represent.                out a large-scale information campaign
            2016” report                                                      about the UCC, aimed at economic opera-
                                 The UCC, which will apply in full on 1 May   tors. The campaign was kicked off in Paris
                                 2016, introduces major innovations and       on 22 September 2015 by the Minister of
         Source : World Bank
                                 opportunities that will be of interest to    State for the Budget and French Cus-
                                 businesses. This is the case with new        toms’ Economic Action Centers (PAE), in
                                 mechanisms such as centralised clearance     the presence of 550 French businesses.
                                 and the expansion of the certification       This was followed by regional Information
                                 process for trusted operators. The new       Days, such as the one that was held in
                                 Code will enable French Customs to roll      Strasbourg on 17 November 2015.
                                                                                         RÉSULTATS 20

                 + 3 percent higher than in 2014
                 The overall user satisfaction rate

                                                                                                              businesses given
                                                                                                              advice by French
                                                                                                             Customs’ Economic
                                                                                                               Action Centers

                                   The Minister of State for the Budget presents the “Customs Clearance in France” programme on 22 September 2015.

In total, 14 “stages” of the “Tour de         “Customs Clearance in France” is intended
France des Experts Douaniers” will            for all businesses – both in France and                                     BUSINESSES ARE A TOP PRIORITY
                                                                                                                              FOR FRENCH CUSTOMS
take place across France. The goal is to      in Europe – in the hope that they will
                                                                                                                       Appeal - Competitiveness - Growth
help French businesses prepare for the        choose to clear their goods in France
changeover, and to ensure that they are       using its national logistical platforms.                           1                                   2                                3
well-positioned in the face of competition    With this new strategy, French Cus-                     Streamline and upgrade              Cut costs and red tape           Assist companies with

from other European stakeholders.             toms intends to show that clearance                     customs procedures for
                                                                                                     international transactions
                                                                                                                                              for businesses                 their international

                                              in France is simple, safe and speedy,
                                                                                                                          Multi-year measures
IMPLEMENTING THE “CUSTOMS                     and to demonstrate its support for French                                 benefitting the businesses
CLEARANCE IN FRANCE” PROGRAMME                businesses who wish to expand interna-
As part of this information campaign,         tionally.
French Customs has launched “Cus-
toms Clearance in France”, a Programme
                                                                                                           Single points of contact    Support for the ˝Made in France˝   Advice for businesses

designed to provide support to French                                                                                                         Customs
businesses. The Programme’s 40 tangible                                                                                                       Clearance
                                                                                                                                              in France
initiatives call on every area of French                                                                      French Customs
                                                                                                          and the digital changeover
                                                                                                                                                                          Enhanced dialogue

Customs’ organisation to simplify and
streamline procedures, reduce costs and
clearance times, and provide support for                                                                         Secure flow
                                                                                                                  of goods
                                                                                                                                              Smooth customs
                                                                                                                                                work flows
                                                                                                                                                                          customs involvement

French businesses with their international

          CHAPTER 12

       O M M A I R E        C E ’S E C O NOMY

                                       FRENCH CUSTOMS – A RESOURCE                   French Customs also helps companies
                                       TO BOOST COMPETITIVENESS                      stay competitive through the Made in
                                                                                     France certification process, which helps
                                       Being competitive is all about cost. Se-      protect French production.
                                       veral customs regimes allow businesses        This certification is granted free of
                                       to import goods at lower cost, i.e. with      charge, and allows companies to benefit
                                       suspension of duties and VAT, so that         from the excellent reputation that French
                                       they can be stored, used or processed in      goods enjoy.
 As of 31 December 2015, 206 bu-       France.
 sinesses had requested to benefit
                                       These “economic” regimes foster the           For all of these procedures, and many
                                       development of production activities in       more like them, such as exemptions from
 from the reverse charge proce-
                                       France, and are therefore sources of jobs.    financial guarantees and support for bu-
 dure for import VAT. The total
                                       By improving cash flow, these regimes         sinesses to help them best benefit from
 amount reverse-charged in 2015
                                       also help make firms more competitive.        free-trade agreements, economic opera-
 came to more than €1.63 billion.      In 2015, with an eye to encouraging           tors can contact one of the 42 regional
 SMEs and mid-tier firms account       businesses to take advantage of these         Business Consulting Units that French
 for more than 40% of the bene-        arrangements, French Customs expanded         Customs has set up across the country.
 ficiaries, and more than half of      its consulting activities.                    The Units’ services are free of charge.
 those requesting to benefit from
 the clearance procedure with          Moreover, French Customs defends
 single domicile (PDU), which is a     French companies’ interests at European
 prerequisite for entitlement to       level in order to obtain suspensions of
 use the reverse charge procedure.     duties applicable to imported raw mate-
                                       rials or components used to manufacture
                                       finished goods, provided they are not
                                       available in the EU or are available but in
                                       insufficient quantities. 39 requests for
                                       suspensions or tariff quotas received
                                       approval in 2015, allowing the bu-
                                       sinesses concerned to save more than
                                       €16 million.

                                     ONGOING EFFORTS TO STREAMLINE
                                     CUSTOMS CLEARANCE

                                       French Customs operates in a constant-        As part of this, in 2015 French Customs
                                       ly-changing environment. Because of this,     introduced several measures such as the
                                       it is continuing its efforts to modernise     reverse charge procedure for import
               business                and streamline its procedures.                VAT for businesses that are authorised
               Consulting                                                            to clear goods through a single customs
                                       CUSTOMS’ ROLE IN GOVERNMENT                   office (procédure de domiciliation unique)
               Units in                MODERNISATION EFFORTS                         and that have been audited by French
               France                                                                Customs. Companies simply declare the
                                       For a number of years, French Customs         amount of import VAT on their turnover
                                       has been very much involved in various        returns filed directly with the tax authori-
                                       government modernisation efforts, and         ties and immediately deduct the tax.
                                       plays an active role in major national
                                       streamlining projects.


                                                                                                          30.4 M
                                                                                                           million electronic
                                                                                                         customs declarations

                                                                                                                  Overall rate of
                                                                                                                  paperless customs

                                                                                                              operators with a
                                                                                                             Pro.douane acount

                Streamlining flows of legitimate goods in order to better inspect sensitive shipments.
                                                                                                             THE INVEST FOR
                                                                                                             THE FUTURE PROGRAMME
As part of the Invest for the Future pro-              management of the documents required
gramme, French Customs has expanded                    by various government departments during              Two customs projects were se-
the number of customs services available               clearance procedures for certain types of             lected for this investment pro-
online, including innovative initiatives that          goods. By connecting French Customs’ IT               gramme: the development of a
cut red tape for both businesses and users             system with those of other government                 web-based service for calcu-
(see opposite).                                        departments, the control, follow-up and
                                                                                                             lating customs duties for both
                                                       issuance of authorisations, licences and
                                                                                                             Internet users and travellers
STREAMLINING AND PAPERLESS                             certificates can be automated. The first
                                                       such connection, between the Ministry for             making purchases abroad, and a
                                                       Ecology’s i-CITES application (dealing with           new clearance system for sales
                                                       endangered species) and the DELTA online              receipts for tax-free purchases
At the same time as making inspections
more secure, paperless procedures also                 clearance system was established in De-               that makes life easier for foreign
cut clearance times and speed up formali-              cember 2015. Two other projects – having              tourists in France.
ties, thus reducing burdensome costs for               to do with seed import authorisations and
companies.                                             AGREX export licences for animal, dairy
                                                       and grain products – will be completed in
As part of this, French Customs is conti-              January 2016.
nuing to roll out the one-stop shop for
clearance (GUN). This will allow paperless
        CHAPTER 12

       O M M A I R E        C E ’S E C O NOMY

                                 In 2016, work will continue on paperless          EASIER ACCESS TO INFORMATION
                                 export licences for military equipment and
                                 dual-use goods (civilian and military) and        To ensure that operators have access
                                 those for radionuclides. Concurrently, a joint    to the online services available to them,

                                 effort will be undertaken with the European       French Customs has modernised its proce-
                                 Commission with an eye to improving the           dures in its three main areas of activity: cus-
                                 new one-stop shop (GUN) architecture as           toms clearance, taxation and accounting. It

            %                    regards Common Veterinary Entry Docu-
                                 ments (CVEDs) for imports (the TRACES/
                                 DELTA connection).
                                                                                   has therefore overhauled ROSA, its system
                                                                                   for managing operator authorisations to
                                                                                   make access to electronic customs proce-
                                                                                   dures easier for businesses. This process
      of clearance               Updating of clearance applications was car-       will also simplify its IT maintenance opera-
                                 ried forward with a pilot phase, in autumn        tions and keep downtimes to a minimum.
      procedures take less
                                 2015, of DELTA G, an umbrella application
      than 5 minutes
                                 that incorporates a number of customs             New authorisations have been integrated
      Average time that          clearance applications. DELTA G, which will       into the SOPRANO application, which brings
                                 manage all national clearance opera-              together all authorisations granted to ope-
      goods are immobilised      tions, will be rolled out in 2016.                rators in one single digital format.

        4’38’’                   All of these actions will help cut the
                                 average clearance time – which fell to
                                 4 minutes 38 seconds in 2015 – to a
                                 minimum. The number of declarations
                                 processed in under five minutes reached

     4.4 million                 SUPPORTING, CERTIFYING AND SECURISING
     visits to French Customs’   PROVIDING BETTER QUALITY SERVICE                 partments were contacted by telephone
               website                                                            and email in order to assess the speed,
                                 In a bid to constantly improve the service       quality and courtesy of their responses.
                                 it provides to operators and to build            The results were very good, with an
                                 partnerships with them, French Customs           overall average score of 7.2/10, and many
                                 has developed several quality processes.         higher marks (at or near 9/10) in various
                                 Surveys carried out among professional           specific areas.
                                 users reveal a customer satisfaction
                                 rate of 90% in 2015 (against 87.3% in            During the year, French Customs’

     64                          2014).

                                 In 2015, the SOFRES agency also
                                                                                  AFNOR certification for the issuance
                                                                                  of Binding Tariff Information (BTI) was
                                                                                  renewed. BTIs allow French Customs
                                 measured service quality via a “mystery          to provide commitments to operators
           major companies       calling” exercise. French Customs willingly      concerning the classification of goods and
           are handled by        took part in a new initiative launched by        therefore the tariff applied, along with
                                 the Secretariat-General for Government           the applicable regulations and formalities.
           the newly-created     Modernisation (SGMAP). 34 customs de-            In 2015, 6,467 BTIs were issued.
           Key Accounts

                                                                                       RÉSULTATS 20


           5,757                                                                                               3rd
             authorized                                                                                          in

                                                                     Customs certification is becoming increasingly critical for international trade.

SPECIAL STATUSES FOR TRUSTED                   It is awarded to firms that are reliable in         and Toulouse. During the year, French
OPERATORS                                      terms of safety and security. The certifi-          Customs paved the way for the introduc-
                                               cation is set to become even more critical,         tion of the SGC in 2016, gathering the
French Customs is implementing a policy        not only because of the growth in the               applications of the large businesses that
for certifying operators, either in order to   number of mutual recognition agreements             the new structure will cover. By the end
assess their reliability or to grant them      (an AEO is a trusted operator in partner            of 2015, all of the firms that were in-
new entitlements. French Customs will          countries), but also because, under the             tended to be part of the SGC’s portfolio
strengthen this strategy with the entry        UCC, there are certain advantages that              – a total of 64 companies operating in
into force of the new Union Customs            are available only to certified companies.          France – gave a favourable response.
Code on 1st May 2016.                          A mutual recognition agreement on the
                                               AEO status between the EU and China,                Concurrently, French Customs bolstered
As part of this, the European Approved         which came into effect in November                  its Business Consulting Units to sup-
Exporter (AE) status is an important asset     2015, ensures that certified European bu-           port SMEs and mid-tier firms with their
for businesses. With AE status, exporters      sinesses that trade with China will enjoy           international operations.
can make out their own proofs of origin        smoother commercial dealings.
on their invoices or any other commercial
document accompanying their exports.           BETTER UNDERSTANDING
For trade with certain countries, this         BUSINESSES’ NEEDS
status is mandatory. It can also save cus-
tomers of EA-approved firms from paying        French Customs has adapted its struc-
certain duties.                                tures to better meet economic operators’
                                               needs. The Key Accounts Department
In 2015, 5,757 French businesses had AE        (SGC), which is in the process of being
status (732 issuances in 2015, against         set up, will replace the current Major
632 in 2014).                                  Business Unit (MGE). Whereas the MGE
                                               only offered consulting, the SGC will also
With the arrival of the UCC, the status        assign and follow up on customs proce-
of Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)          dures. The SGC will also process clearance
becomes a vital passport for internatio-       operations by major firms in one of its
nal trade.                                     four hubs located in Lyon, Nantes, Rouen

       CHAPTER 13

                    D U T I E S C O L L E C                                   TED

          In 2015, French Customs collected €70.3bn in duties and taxes, an increase
          of nearly 2% over 2014. This revenue is allocated to the central government
          budget, the social security organisations, local authorities and the European
          It also continued to modernise customs duties, out of a threefold concern for:
            l Specialisation, to make customs duty management a more professional
            l Paperless procedures, to update this management and keep collection
               costs down
            l Streamlining, to cut red tape for those paying duty

                           INCREASED SPECIALISATION
                                In an bid to professionalise transport

              +2%               taxation, the National Customs Road
                                Taxation Department (SNDFR) was set
                                up in Metz. This department, which began
                                operations in the second half of 2015, will
                                centralise the management of taxation of
                                road haulage companies.

      €70.3                     Operators in this area will be provided
                                with a specialised customs contact, thus
                                ensuring that users are given higher-qual-
          bn                    ity service and that the cost of collecting
                                road transport taxes is reduced.
       in duties and            As regards inspections, the creation of
                                                                                    in energy
      taxes collectied          the SNDFR will allow French Customs to
                                introduce an improved mechanism for                  taxation
          in 2015               targeting controls carried out by regional


        set up in France

                                                                                                     FORUM ON THE FUTURE OF
                                                                                                     TAXATION, SECURITY AND THE
                                                                                                     ENERGY SECTOR, 30 JUNE 2015

                                                                                                     The first forum dedicated to ener-
                                                                                                     gy taxation was held at the French
The first Customs Energy Forum was held on 30 June 2015 at the French Economy and Finance Ministry   Economy and Finance Ministry in
                                                                                                     June. It brought together more
                                                                                                     than 150 energy sector profes-
                                                                                                     sionals (gas and oil suppliers, busi-
                                                                                                     ness federations, etc.) who met
                                                                                                     with customs experts. The meet-
                                                Energy taxation is based on complex and
                                                ever-changing regulations, which require             ing clarified the expectations of

       €699M                                    specific expertise. In an effort to intro-
                                                duce specialisation, energy hubs were
                                                set up in five regional customs direc-
                                                                                                     professionals and identified new
                                                                                                     possibilities for streamlining the
                                                                                                     management of this taxation.
      in general tax                            torates at Dunkirk, Lyon, Marseille, Rouen
       on polluting                             and Strasbourg.
     activities (TGAP)
                                                Moreover, in the area of environmental
         collected                              taxation, a centre of expertise was set
                                                up in Nice to manage all aspects of the
                                                general tax on polluting activities (TGAP).

       CHAPTER 1
      CHAPITRE  33

                                S C O L L E CTED B                       Y CUSTOMS
            RMING TH E D U T IE

                                          French Customs’ changeover to paperless procedures is focusing on the wine-growing sector

                            PAPERLESS CUSTOMS DUTIES
                              In order to provide ever more effective           The rollout of CIEL in 2016 will lead to
                              service, French Customs is constantly             very significant streamlining in terms of

                              striving to better control the quality of         data entry and a reduction in the number
                              the data submitted and the costs of man-          of declarations.
                              aging it. In 2015, to streamline manage-
        of revenue            ment of customs taxation it focused on            Moreover, the introduction of tele-pay-
         collected            paperless procedures for filing taxes and         ments and online payments using a
                              paying customs duties.                            credit card continues, with an eye to
                                                                                these means of payment being used for
                              French Customs continued with its rollout         all types of customs duties. Paperless pro-
                              of the Online Excise project (CIEL) with          cedures and centralised management are
                              the goal of making all excise declarations        also being implemented for environmental
                              paperless (for alcoholic beverages, tobac-        taxation.
                              co and energy products). This key project
                              has four goals: to provide taxpayers with         Since the filing deadline of April 2015,

                              a new online filing and payment service,          online procedures have allowed taxpayers
                              to streamline administrative formalities          to declare and pay the general tax on
                              via a single declaration covering several         polluting activities online. This service is
                              taxes, to make tax collection more secure         free of charge and is available around the
centimes                      thanks to tele-payment and to introduce           clock. It represents a real step forward
                              new tools for monitoring and combating            in terms of management quality, since
                              fraud.                                            it cuts red tape for operators and mod-
                                                                                ernises exchanges with French Customs,
       The cost of
                                                                                whose administrative load is lightened
       collecting €100 in                                                       and whose monitoring activities are
       customs revenue                                                          improved.


                            84 %
                         of wine harvest


                                                                  French Customs supports and assists the wine-growing sector

                                    BREAKDOWN OF REVENUE COLLECTED
                                BY FRENCH CUSTOMS IN 2015 BY BENEFICIARY

                                Social Security
                          Organisations 22.5%
                                                                                 Central government 52.5%

                       Local authorities 19.5%

                                   Others 2.5%
                                                             European Union 3%

                                           MAIN TAXES COLLECTED IN 2015

                        Other taxes 2.69%
                                                                             Taxes on energy products
   General tax on polluting activities 0.99%                                 37.93%

Fuel taxes in overseas départements 0.69%

        Dock dues and similar taxes 1.72%
                                                                                       VAT on fuel 14.09%
                     Customs duties 3.02%

            Alcohol, wine, beverages 6.36%
                                                                            VAT on imports 15.31%
                            Tobacco 17.2%

           CHAPTER 13

                                      S C O L L E CTED B                                Y CUSTOMS
                  RMING TH E D U T IE


This dossier consisting of eleven          The process of laser-marking gemstones keeps production costs down and protects
                                           the French jewellery-making industry.
technical datasheets was created
at the initiative of the Bordeaux
regional customs directorate, and was
handed out to visitors at the VINEXPO
                                        CUT RED TAPE FOR TAXPAYERS
trade fair in June 2015. These
datasheets, which are also available       MODERNISING MANAGEMENT OF THE                        REFORMING THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM
on French Customs’ website, provide        WINE-GROWING SECTOR
professionals with explanations of                                                              The new process of using laser marking
customs concepts that are important        Providing economic leadership for the                to engrave the guarantee hallmark on
to know to better export wine.             wine-growing sector also involves updat-             precious metals came into effect in Feb-
                                           ing its management and auditing tools.               ruary 2015. The process is the result of a
                                                                                                partnership between French Customs and
                                           The new computerised vineyard                        the French Union for the Jewellery, Gold-
                                           register (nCVI), which will computerise              smith, Precious Stone and Pearl Industries
                                           the entire sector, will be rolled out                (UFBJOP). Laser marking is now included in
                                           as of 1st January 2016 for all growing               the manufacturing chain, allowing French
                                           licences. During 2016, a property module             companies to keep production costs
                                           will be added, followed by new online                down. It also includes laser marking of the
                                           procedures.                                          group logo of Joaillerie de France, created
                                                                                                by the UFBJOP.
                                           In addition to taxes on alcoholic beverag-
                                           es, and energy and environmental taxes,              This assures consumers that products
                                           French Customs has launched other                    bearing the laser markings have been pro-
                                           efforts to reform taxation of precious               duced on French territory in compliance
                                           metals, transportation and the maritime              with French jewellery industry quality and
                                           sector.                                              traditions.


                                                                                                            in flagging and
                                                                                                            navigation tax
                                                                                                           (DAFN) collected

                                                                The reform of the DAFN is a priority project in the upgrading of maritime taxation.

MAKING MARITIME TAXATION                      Invest for the Future programme. The                An application to manage dock dues is
PROCEDURES EASIER                             four million boat owners, along with those          currently under development.
                                              selling (and, eventually, building)s boats
A working group that included French          will have personal online accounts where
Customs was set up to address the             they can enter data and track procedures.
reform of the annual French flagging and
navigation tax (DAFN), in order to make       MODERNISING TAXATION IN FRANCE’S
it a more modern tax and one that is less     OVERSEAS DÉPARTEMENTS
expensive to manage. The group worked
on two different areas – simplifying the      A new dock dues regime entered into
collection and the reform of the DAFN,        force on 1 July 2015.
with an eye to giving this particular tax a
more ecological aspect.                       As part of the renewal, until 31 Decem-
                                              ber 2020, of the taxation system that
Moreover, the Single Maritime Portal          distinguishes between imports and local
(PUMA) offers online registration and         production in the five overseas départe-
flagging of vessels, which previously had     ments, tax legislation concerning dock
been divided between French Customs           dues was reformed (new production
and the Maritime Affairs Directorate. The     thresholds for tax declarations and mech-
procedure has been proposed for inclusion     anisms, an overhauled exemption system,
in the “Tell Us Once” initiative, under the   etc.).
                                                                                                                           Port of Saint Denis, Réunion

          CHAPTER 14

                               R E  W I T H  T H E M EN
        O M M A I R E   F F R E N C H C  U S T OMS

                        During the year, French Customs continued to implement measures that
                        had been decided upon as part of its strategic modernisation efforts.
                        Many projects have already been completed or are well underway. At
                        the end of 2015, these strategies were supplemented by a significant
                        project that involves helping French Customs adapt in the face of the
                        sustainable heightening of border controls and its commitment to
                        combatting terrorism.

                                      ADAPTING FRENCH CUSTOMS TO MAJOR CHANGES
                                        The attacks on Paris in January and No-
                                        vember 2015 pushed French Customs to
                                        ratchet up its anti-terrorism efforts and
                                        border controls even further. To adapt to
                                        threats, its methods are constantly in flux.

 For a number of years, customs         In 2015, French Customs put in place an
 units have been on a war foo-          action plan for fighting the terrorist
 ting against the terrorist threat.     threat that focused on inspection of in-
 They are aware of the need             dividuals and goods, as well as bolstering
 to capture and process rele-           intelligence efforts and cooperation with
 vant information with respect          other departments.
 to terrorism. Starting in 2014,
 orders were given to step up           Following the attacks, President Hollande
                                        decided to earmark additional resources
 border detection of comba-
                                        for French Customs.
 tants returning to France. Since
 mid-November 2015, customs
                                        They will be used to strengthen border
 authorities have controlled near-      controls and intelligence, but also to
 ly 270,000 individuals at the          enhance the equipment and safety of
 intra-Schengen borders.                customs staff.

                                        Concurrently, French Customs continues
                                        to roll out the other components of its
                                        strategic approach, which include ongo-
                                        ing efforts for its modernisation and to
                                        help it adapt to the current environment.
You can also read