OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia - NGV Journal

Page created by Michelle Carter
OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia - NGV Journal
Volume IV Number 35 January 2010

vehicle variants in Asia

                           NGV in the world        NGV2010 Roma
                         IGU report on           The International NGV
                         methane for transport   Association event will
                                                 take place this year
OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia - NGV Journal
OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia - NGV Journal
12a Conferenza ed Esposizione Mondiale dell’Associazione
                               Internazionale dei Veicoli a Gas Naturale - IANGV
                               12th World IANGV Conference and Exhibition

                               Dal 8 al 10 giugno 2010
                               June 8-10, 2010
                               Nuova Fiera di Roma New Rome Fair
                               Padiglioni 9, 10 e area esterna
                               Pavilions 9, 10 and outdoor area
                               Roma, Italia Rome, Italy

Creating a Revolution
    in Transport
Verso la Rivoluzione
   nel Trasporto


      Sponsor Principale                    Un evento di    Ospitato da   Organizzato da
        Main Sponsor                         An event of     Hosted by     Organized by
OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia - NGV Journal
OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia - NGV Journal
OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia - NGV Journal
2                                                                                                                                              January 2010

                                                                Around 2 more million NGVs are
                                                      04        expected in 2010

Asian NGV Communications is a publication             Oil price fluctuated between USD 75
of NGV Communications Group, publishing               and almost USD80 per barrel by
house and fairs-conferences organizer:                October-early December 2009. Energy
www.ngvgroup.com                                      analysts predicted that price of oil ...
In Europe, we print The Gas Vehicles Report,
GVR, and www.ngvguide.com, the
International NGV Guide.                                        IGU SG 5.3 on summary of technology
In Argentina, the Group publishes Prensa
Vehicular, Argentine CNG Guide, maps,
                                                      22        development and an overview of NGV
books and brochures while in Brazil, Folha            The previous IGU S.G. 5.3 report for
do GNV, Brazilian NGV Guide, maps and
                                                      the 2003 – 2006 triennium provided a
posters, among others. In Peru Prensa
Vehicular Peru. More info: www.ngvgroup.com           comprehensive overview and analysis
The signed articles are exclusive responsibility of   of existing fuels and technologies ...
the authors, as well as advertising companies and
agencies are responsible for the published ads.
                                                                Chinese CNG engines for Bolivia
 is member of the
 ANGVA (Asia Pacific                                  28
 NGV Association)
                                                      The presence of China NGV industry is
KOREA                                                 affirmed in more countries across Asia
                                                      and South America. More and more
300-5, Changchon-Ri ■ Namsan-Myun                     countries in these regions are ...
Chuncheon-Si ■ Kangwon-Do ■ 200-911
Tel. and fax.: +82 33 260 3419                                  OEM NGVs and CNG                                        BusinessCentre
               +31 20 420 1076                        16        vehicle variants                             34
asia@ngvgroup.com ■ www.asiangv.com

                                                                Examples and tips of safety in                          Omnitek Engineering signed MoU
                                                      30        NGVs and CNG stations                        34         with bio-energy company

                                                                China gas supply faces a big                            NGV2010, the IANGV Conference
                                                      32        challenge                                    35         and Exhibition 8-10 June 2010
Av. Brasil 3222 oficina 403 -
A Magdalena del Mar - CP: Lima 17 – Perú                        Thailand will see a growing                             End year statistics for your
peru@prensavehicular.com                              33        demand for natural gas in 2010               36         marketing plan and review
                                                             Copies Distribution
Vicolo Gonzaga 13 ■ 46045 Marmirolo (Mn)
Tel.: +39 0376 294055                                 We print and mail to 24              Indonesia: 1.6%                  In addition, the magazine is
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                                                      countries about 4.000 copies         Iran: 7.0%                       sent to over 19.300 readers
                                                      addressed to governmental relat-     Israel: 0.1%                      in 94 countries
                                                      ed offices, OEM and Oil & Gas        Japan: 10.2%                     by e-mail (.pdf) and is also online
Uspallata 711 ■ CP 1268 ■ Capital Federal             companies,                           Korea: 5.1%                      in www.ngvgroup.com
Tel./Fax: +54 11 43074559 /5201/ 43006137             associations, related NGV indus-     Malaysia: 6.6%                   If your NGV business is in Asia,
info@prensavehicular.com                              tries, refuelling stations,          Myanmar: 0.5%                    advertise with us.
www.prensavehicular.com                               workshops and suppliers,             New Zealand: 1.0%
                                                      according the following list (some   Pakistan: 11.4%                  Asian NGV Communications
BRASIL                                                figures rounded):                    Philippines: 3.6%                300-14, Changchon-Ri,
                                                      Armenia: 0.3%                        Russia:4.3%                      Namsan-Myun,
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                                                      Australia: 4.1%                      Singapore: 3.1%                  Chuncheon-Si,
CEP: 20040-006 Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Tel: +55 21 8572-1086 / 9999-0549                     Azerbaijan: 0.2%                     Taiwan: 0.2%                     Kangwon-Do,
info@folhadognv.com ■ www.folhadognv.com              Bangladesh: 5.0%                     Thailand: 5.8%                   200-911 KOREA
                                                      China: 10.9%                         Turkey: 5.5%                     Tel : +31 20 420 1076
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• Tilcara 3.146, Buenos Aires
OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia - NGV Journal
OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia - NGV Journal
4                                                                                                                                        January 2010

Around 2 more million
NGVs are expected in 2010
Oil price fluctuated between USD 75 and                expected to form the basis of new small cars       CNG refuelling stations the selling price from
almost USD80 per barrel by October-early               for Chrysler in the coming years. We are yet       gas supplier would increase from Rs427.15
December 2009. Energy analysts predicted               to see whether a Fiat-controlled Chrysler will     to Rs504 per MMBTU.
that price of oil will reach, at least, an             offer commercial CNG versions of the               However, government NGV projects continue
average of 80 USD/bbl in 2010. This                    mini-vans in the US and/or around the world.       as a model mega CNG station capable of
prediction, coupling with the increase in              Conversely, another European car                   refuelling 200-250 CNG buses in Karachi will
economic confidence and (a small yet                   manufacturer, Volkswagen, have not yet             soon be constructed. The station would cost
positive) rise in trade movement, has                  considered introducing CNG/LPG versions of         around Rs150.6 M. The Hydrocarbon
generated more confidence in NGV business.             its vehicles in India. However, India has lots     Development Institute of Pakistan that would
Although related experts have different                of CNG variants models in almost all vehicle       lead the project expects to open the station
projections, around 5.5% by 2015-20% by                segments, from LDVs (three-wheelers) to            by end 2010. Around 15-20 such mega
2020 annual growth, the prognosis of NGV               HDVs (trucks and buses).                           stations are expected to be built in Karachi
adoption is highly promising.                                                                             City to facilitate 4,000 CNG buses.
                                                       Good news follow as Mahindra & Mahindra            As temperature dropped a lot across China
As per IGU SG 5.3 study, with oil price                is planning to launch its passenger carrying       and heavy snow attacked northern part of
expected to reach 120 USD/bbl ten years                vehicle in CNG variants including export           the country, gas supply is mostly diverted for
from now and 150 USD/bbl twenty years                  market potential. The new CNG model to be          household use (as heating gas). Central,
from now, around 50 M to 100 M methane                 launched soon, Gio, falls under a unique           eastern and southern provinces are facing
vehicles (NGVs) are expected by 2020 and               utility segment between Tata Ace (mini truck       natural gas shortage. The sudden drop in
2030 respectively. It would mean that NGV              as a Light Commercial Vehicle) and the             temperatures has slowed the flow of gas in
share in the vehicle market will increase from         three-wheeler range. Gio CNG price tag is          pipelines, causing longer time for vehicle
1% in 2008 to 4.5% in 2020 and 7% by                   very economic, at Rs165,000, it costs only         refuelling.
2030. Methane (NG) usage in the transport              Rs25,000-30,000 more than a three wheeler.
sector could reach up to 106 bcm in 2020               Also, Hindustan Motors’ Shifeng Winner 1.8         However, the condition might get better
and 207 bcm in 2030. Major growth in NGV               CNG Bharat Stage 4 (latest Indian emission         when the cold winter passes. Also, a second
population is anticipated in Asia-Pacific (44% of      norm) 3-tonnes Mini Truck was introduced           NG pipeline from west to the east part of
global NGV market), followed by South America          last September.                                    China was scheduled to be opened by
(26%), with the Middle East (including Western                                                            December 2009. Gas supply from overseas
Asia) in the third place with 17% growth.              In Thailand, Toyota introduced its Camry           also continued to be explored as China will
                                                       Hybrid (gasoline/electric) in July 2009. In the    get (more) LNG from Australia in the near
By end 2009, there are almost 11M NGVs in              meantime, the carmaker has built two Camry         future. Although gas experts call for gas
the world. The IGU report showed that by               Hybrid CNG/electric cars in the US. The car        pricing reforms, the government did not
end of 2010, there would be 11.64 – 13.7 M             has 4 CNG composite cylinders, a driving           introduce price reforms during end 2009,
NGVs (the projection was made based on                 range up to 400km, an engine capacity of           also taking into consideration the country
end-2005 figure with 4.64 M NGVs). It will             170 hp, with an estimated fuel economy of          economic stability.
not be surprising if we see another 2 M                City/Highway/Combined of 52/39/53 km per
methane vehicles are added during this year            gallon. As this car is not yet built for mass      Despite of the “temporary” gas supply issue,
alone (assuming global economic crisis will            selling, the Hybrid CNG is not yet available in    it is expected that NGV industry will remain
not go further and oil prices is, at least, stable).   Thailand.                                          strong in China. Government is anticipated
                                                       Chevrolet Thailand and GM showcased its            to continue actively supporting the industry,
Asia                                                   Chevrolet Optra CNG -in estate and sedan           especially as China was chosen as the host
In figures, according to the “Policy                   models- during a motor expo in the country         country of the ANGVA2011 Conference and
Government Scenario” reported by the IGU,              in December last year.                             Exhibition. It is also worth noted that during
Asian total NGV population including the                                                                  this global economic crisis in 2009, China is
Middle East and Russia would be 16.82-                 Several promotional packages were offered          the only (major) NGV country that did not
21.99 million by 2015 versus the world’s               to boost sales. Buyers can choose their own        show a slow down in NGV adoption.
total 34.29 to 39.46 million. According to the         incentive package according to their needs.        On the other hand, Australia is bound to
“Business as Usual Scenario”, by 2015,                 The offers include 0% interest for payments        become the world’s second largest LNG
there will be 17.23 M NGVs in Asia versus              over 36 months with a 25% down payment             supplier and to experience an LNG boom.
29.19 M in the world. In the fuelling sector,          and 0.99% interest for 36 monthly instal-          By 2017, its LNG export is expected to
28,368 stations should be in operation by              ments with a 15% down payment. In both             double, according to energy consultancy
the same year, versus 37,601 stations in               packages, buyers will receive free one-year        Wood Mackenzie. Asian market is projected
total around the world. Below are a few                first-class car insurance coverage when            to use much more LNG by 2013 and
recent stories from all over Asia.                     purchasing any of Chevrolet’s 4 models             2018.In this case, Australia will also supply
                                                       including Chevrolet Optra. Special for buyers of   gas to China, Japan, India, Korea and other
CNG variants                                           Chevrolet Optra CNG, free CNG fuel of up to        countries in Asia and North America.
Fiat India plans to introduce CNG variant of           10,000 THB during the first year will be given.    Eighteen LNG projects (production plant) are
Grande Punto in the Indian market. The                                                                    going to be implemented in west, north and
model will be available in the country by              Fuel prices and gas supply                         east Australia, of which 3 units are under
second quarter of this year. In Europe, Fiat           The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority in            construction or already exist. Apart from that,
already offers CNG versions of the Grande              Pakistan has decided that an 18% increase          in Tasmania Island (south of Australia), an
Punto, Punto, Multipla, Doblò and the popular          in NG tariff for all categories of consumers       LNG micro-plant and refuelling station are
Panda. The Punto and Panda are both                    will be in force from January 1, 2010. For         also being constructed.
OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia - NGV Journal
January 2010   5
OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia - NGV Journal
6                                                                          January 2010

从2009年10月到12月初,石油价格就在      款推向市场,包括Grande Punto,             CNG款车的销费者,可在购买后第一年
每桶75美元到80美元间波动。据能源分        Punto, Multipla, Doblò 和popular   享受10,000 泰铢的加气优惠。
析专家预测,石油价格将持续增长,到          Panda。同时,在未来一年里,克莱斯
2010年至少涨至80美元/每桶。人们对       勒汽车公司将仿照Punto 和Panda              燃料价格与天然气供给
经济复苏信心的重拾和贸易往来的增长          两款车型生产新型小型汽车。究竟克莱                 巴基斯坦石油和天然气管理局决定从20
(仅仅是稍有起色),使得大家对NGV         斯勒公司的菲亚特版小型商用CNG卡车                10年1月开始,对所有使用天然气的用
产业的信心也得已恢复。尽管相关领域          能否在美国和全球上市,我们还将拭目                 户增收18%的附加税。供气商提供给CNG
的专家对此另有它见,但从2015年的5.       以待。                               加气站的天然气价格将从Rs427.15上涨
5%的年增长率到2020年20%年增长率可                                        到Rs504每MMBTU。
以看出,NGV产业发展的未来将一片光明。       与此相反,尽管在印度从轻型汽车(三                 尽管如此,政府的NGV项目将继续开展
                           轮机动车)到重型汽车(如卡车和公共                 ,计划在卡拉奇建设一个耗资1亿5060
如国际燃气联盟SG5.3的研究报告所述        汽车),已有很多车型都推出了CNG款                万RS并拥有百万容积的加气站,它可以
,石油价格在10年后将增至每桶120美        ,然而一些欧洲汽车生产商,如                    为200-250辆CNG汽车提供补给。
元,在20年后达到每桶150美元,并且        Volkswagen仍然没有考虑将CNG/LPG车         在巴基斯坦碳氢化合物发展协会领导下
天然气汽车的数量将在2020年和2030年      型引入印度市场。                          ,加气站建造项目有望在2010年底前完
分别增至5000万辆和1亿辆。这就意味                                          成。预期还将有15-20
着NGV汽车的市场占有率将从2008年的1      Mahindra & Mahindra 汽车公司计划推       个这样的百万容量的加气站在卡拉奇建
%,增长到2020年的4.5%,并在2030年达   出其CNG款载客汽车并开发其海外市场。               成,为4000辆CNG公共汽车提供燃料。
到7%。同时,天然气在交通运输中的使         新款CNG汽车Gio将很快面市,其效能居
用量在2020年将增长到1060亿立方米,      于Tata Ace (迷你卡车,                  由于中国气温骤降和北方部分地区遭受
2030年则为2070亿立方米。就NGV汽车     一种轻型商用车)和三轮机动车之间。                 雪灾,天然气的供给多用于家庭使用(
保有量增长而言,亚太地区增长量占全          Gio CNG款经济实惠,                     供暖)。因此,中国中部、东部和南部
球NGV增长的44%,南美地区第二(26%      约Rs165,000,只比三轮机动车贵               的部分省市面临着天然气短缺。气温的
),中东地区(包括西亚)排名第三,          Rs25,000-30,000。                  骤降还使天然气的管道传输速度降低,
为17%。                                                        延长汽车加气的时间。
                           同时,印度汽车生产商Shifeng                 当然,随着春天的到来,情况会有所好
截至2009年底,世界天然气汽车保有量        Winner还在去年9月推出了1.8                转。到2009年12月,另外一条贯穿中国
几乎达到1100万辆。国际燃气联盟的报        CNG巴拉特阶段4(印度最新排放标准)               东西的天然气管道将投入使用。中国还
告显示到2010年底,世界天然气汽车保        的3吨迷你卡车。                          将寻求更多来自海外的天然气供给,中
有量将增至1164万-                                                  国将从澳大利亚进口更多液化天然气。
1370万辆(基于2005年底464万辆的数     2009年7月丰田汽车公司在泰国推出其               尽管天然气专家呼吁天然气价格改革,
据而预测)。一年中增加两百万辆的天          旗下佳美混合动力汽车(汽油和电力)                 但出于国家经济稳定的考虑,政府并没
然气汽车不足为奇(假设全球经济危机          。与此同时,该公司在美国推出佳美CN                有在2009年底调整天然气价格。
的形势不会恶化,且石油价格至少是稳          G/电力混合动力车。此款车型有4个CNG
定的)。                       复合气瓶,续驶里程可达400km,                 尽管天然气供给出现临时短缺,但是中
                           发动机功率可达170 hp,                    国NGV工业发展势头仍然强劲。因为中
亚洲                         其在城市/高速路/混合工况三种情形下                国被选为亚太天然气汽车协会2011年年
再来看亚洲的一组数据,根据国际燃气          的燃料经济性,分别为52/39/53公里/加仑。          会暨展览会的主办国,政府还将继续大
联盟的报告,在政府实施政策的情景下          因为此款车型并不计划大量销售,所以                 力支持NGV工业发展。值得关注的是在2
,到2015年亚洲(包括中东和俄罗斯)        并没有在泰国上市。                         009年全球经济危机的情况下,中国是
天然气汽车的总保有量有望达到1682万                                          世界唯一一个NGV发展没有放慢的国家。
-2199万辆, 而届时世界天然气汽车        雪佛兰汽车泰国公司和通用汽车公司在                 另外,澳大利亚将成为世界第二大液化
保有量为 3429万-3946万辆;         去年12月的汽车展会上展出了雪佛兰                 天然气供给国,并将经历LNG的大发展
而在没有实施任何政策的情景下,到20         Optra CNG车型-                      。据Wood Mackenzie 能源咨询,
15年亚洲和世界天然气汽车保有量将分         包括旅行车和轿车两款车型。                     到2017年,其LNG的出口将增加一倍。
洲和全球加气站的数量将分别达到28,3        该公司还推出多种促销套餐提高其销售                 到2013年至2018年间,亚洲市场将消耗
68和37,601座。                量。消费者可根所自己的需要选择适合                 更多的液化天然气。因此,澳大利亚将
以下是来自亚洲的最新报道。              自己的套餐。包括:降价25%,36个月0              向中国、日本、印度、韩国等亚洲国家
                           %支付利息,和降价15%,36个月分期付              和北美地区供给天然气。18个LNG工程
新款CNG汽车                    款利息0.99%。在这两款套餐中,只要               (LNG生产)将在澳大利亚西部和北部
菲亚特汽车印度公司计划将Grande         销费者购买雪佛兰汽车公司四款中的任                 地区开展,其中三个项目正在建设或已
Punto汽车CNG款引入印度市场,并于今      意一款,包括Chevrolet Optra             经竣工。除此以外,在塔斯马尼亚岛(
年第二季度在该国市场面市。在欧洲,          在内,均可享受到一年的一等车险。                  澳大利亚南部),一个微型液化天然气
菲亚特汽车公司已经将几种车型的CNG         特别对于购买Chevrolet Optra             生产厂和加气站也正在建造之中。
8                                                                          January 2010

2010년에는 2백만 대 이상의 NGV가 더 증가할
것으로 기대된다.
2009년 10월-12월 초까지 유가는 배럴당        피아트는 이미 그랜드 푼토, 푼토,        그럼에도 불구하고 200-250 대의 버스
USD 75에서 USD80사이를 오가며 불안정한       멀티플라,도블라 와 대중차량인 팬다의       충전이 가능하며 대형 CNG 충전소의
상태를 보였었다. 에너지 분석가들은              CNG 용 모델을 판매하고 있다. 푼토와     모델이 될 충전소를 곧 가라치시에
2010년에는 평균 유가가 최소한 80 USD/bbl    팬더는 앞으로 크라이슬러 신 소형         건립한다는 정부의 NGV 프로젝트는
에 달할 것으로 예상하고 있다. 이 같은           차량의 형태를 갖추고 있을 것으로         계속 진행 중이다. 충전소를 가격으로
추측은 오히려 NGV 사업에 확신을 심어           기대된다. 피아트 크라이슬러가           따지자면 약 150.6 백만 루피 정도 될
주고 있다. 비록 관련 전문가들이 연간            CNG용 미니 밴을 미국이나 전 세계에      것이다. 이 프로젝트를 맡고 있는
성장률을 2015년 까지 약 5.5%-            판매하게 될 지는 아직 미지수다.         파키스탄 탄화수소 개발 연구소는
2020년까지 20%로 보는 이견이 있지만                                     2010년 말에 충전소를 오픈할 것으로
NGV 채택의 예후는 상당히 높은 편이다.          반면 유럽의 한 자동차 회사인           보고 있다. 4,000대의 버스를
                                 폭스바겐은 아직 인도에 CNG/LPG용      충전하기 위한 이러한 규모의 대형
IGU SG 5.3의 연구에 따르면,             차량을 소개할 계획이 없다. 하지만        충전소가 약 15-20개의 가라치시에
지금으로부터 10년 후에는 유가가 120           인도는 LDVs(삼륜차)에서            건립될 예정이다.
USD/bbl로 20년 후에는 150 USD/bbl에    HDVs(트럭,버스)에 이르기까지
달할 것으로 예측하고 있으며 메탄               대부분의 모든 자동차 분야에 CNG 용      중국 대륙에 기온이 급격히 떨어지고
차량(NGV)이 2020년에는 약 50백만 대,       모델을 적용하고 있다.               폭설이 내리면서 중국 북부 지역의
2030년에는 약 100백만 대에 달할 것으로                                   가정용 가스(난방용) 공급이 증가했다.
예상하고 있다. 이는 자동차 시장에서             마힌드라&마힌드라는 수출 시장을          중부,서부,남부 지역은 천연 가스 부족
NGV가 차지하는 부분이2008년에 1%였던         포함한 CNG 승용차량을 선 보일         사태에 직면해 있다. 갑작스런 기온
것이 2020년에는 4.5%로 2030년에는         계획이라는 좋은 소식이다. 곧           강하는 파이프라인의 가스 흐름을
7%로 증가한다는 것을 의미한다. 운송            선보이게 될 신 모델, 지오는 타타        더디게 만들며 자동차를 충전하는
분야에 있어서의 메탄(NG) 사용은              에이스(소형 상업용 미니 트럭)와         시간을 지연시키는 원인이 되고 있다.
2020년에는 106 bcm, 2030년에는 207     삼륜차량의 사이의 유일한 유틸리티         하지만 추운 겨울이 지나가면 상황은
bcm에 달할 것이다. 아시아-태평양(전 세계        차량이다. 가격도 경제적이어서           더 나아질 것으로 보인다. 게다가 중국
NGV 시장의 44%)이 NGV 인구의 주요         삼륜차보다 겨우 25,000-30,000     서부에서 동부로 잇는 두번째 NG
성장을 보일 것으로 기대되며 그 뒤를 이어          비싼165,000 루피이다.            파이프라인이 2009년 12월까지
남미(26%)와 17%의 성장률을 보인 중동(서                                  오픈하기로 예정되어 있다. 중국이 곧
아시아 포함)이 3위에 오를 것으로 보인다.         토요타는 2009년 7월 태국에서 캠리      호주에서 (더 많은)LNG를
                                 하이브리드(휘발유/전기) 차량을          수입함으로써 해외로 부터의 가스
2009년 말 현재 전 세계에는 약 11 백만의       선보였다. 반면 미국에서는 2대의 캠리      수입도 계속될 것이다. 가스
NGV가 존재하고 있다. IGU 보고서에는          CNG/전기 하이브리드 차량을 생산했다.     전문가들이 연료가격의 개혁을
2010년 말까지 NGV가 11.64 – 13.7 백만   차량은 400km 주행이 가능한 4개의      요구하고 있지만 정부는 2009년
대에 이르게 될 것임을 보여 주고 있다.           실린더와170 마력의 엔진을 갖추고        말까지 연료 가격 개혁안을 발표하지
(2005년 말의 수치인 4.64 백만 대를         있으며 예상 연비는 도심/고속도로/혼합      않고 국가 경제 안정에 힘쓰고 있다.
근거로 추측 함) 올 한 해만 추가의 2 백만        비율이 52/39/53 km 정도된다.
대의 메탄 자동차를 보게 된다고 해도                                        “일시적인” 가스 공급 사태에도
과언이 아닐 것이다.(세계 경제 위기가 더          시보레 태국과 GM은 작년 12월         불구하고, 중국에서의 NGV 산업은
이상 악화되지 않고 적어도 안정적인              자동차 엑스포 쇼에서 내수용 세단         계속해서 강한 의지로 남아 있을
유가를 유지한다는 가정하에 말이다.)             시보레 옵트라를 선보였다.             것이다. 특히 중국이 ANGVA2011
                                 그들은 또한 이에 따른 몇몇 판촉 물       총회 및 전시회 개최국으로
아시아                              상품도 판매하기에 나섰다. 소비자들은       선정되면서 정부의 지속적이고
IGU가 발표한”정부 정책 시나리오”에            그들의 필요성에 따라 인센티브 상품을       적극적인 지원이 기대되고 있다.
나타난 수치에 의하면 2015년에는 세계           선택할 수 있다. 상품 중에는 25%의      중국은 2009년 세계 경제 위기가
총 NGV 인구가 34.29-39.46 백만에        계약금을 내고 36개월 이상 할부에 0%     닥쳤을 때도 NGV 채택에 게을리하지
달할 것이며 그 중 중동과 러시아를              이자를 제공하는 것이 있는가 하면         않았던 유일한(주요) NGV국가임을
포함한 아시아의 NGV 인구는 16.82-          15% 계약금에 36개월 할부에 0.99%    명시할 필요가 있다.
21.99에 달할 것으로 보고 있다. “ 일반        이자를 제공하는 것도 있다. 두 상품
사업 시나리오”에 의하면 2015년까지            모두 소비자들이 옵트라를 포함한          한편 호주는 세계에서 두 번째로 큰
전세계 NGV 인구가 29.19백만인데            시보레의 4 가지 모델 중 하나를         LNG 공급 국가이자 LNG 붐을 일으킬
비해 아시아의 NGV인구는17.23백만이           구입할 경우 1년 동안 무상으로 우대       나라로 자리매김해 가고 있다. 에너지
될 것이라고 한다. 충전소 분야에               차량 보험 적용이 된다. 또한 CNG 용     자문회사인 우드 멕켄지에 따르면
있어서는 같은 2015년까지                  시보레 옵트라 구매자들에게는 1년         2017년까지 그들의 LNG 수출은 두
전세계적으로 37,601개소가 운영되는            동안 10,000 THB까지 CNG연료      배로 늘어날 전망이다. 아시아 시장은
반면 아시아에서 만 28,368개소가             제공이라는 특별한 혜택이 주어진다.        2013 과2018년에는 더 많은 LNG를
운영될 것으로 보고 있다.                                              사용할 계획이다. 이렇게 되면 호주는
아시아 전역의 근황을 아래와 같이               연료 가격과 가스 공급               중국, 일본, 인도, 한국과 그 외 아시아
소개하고자 한다.                        파키스탄의 석유 가스 규제 당국은         국가 및 북미에 가스를 공급하게 될
                                 2010년 1월부터 모든 소비자들에게       것이다. 18개의 LNG 프로젝트(생산
다양한CNG 차량들                       천연가스 관세율을18% 인상하기로         공장)가 현재 호주의 서부, 북부,
피아트 인도는 그랜드 푼토라는 CNG             했다. CNG 충전소가 가스            동부에서 진행 중이며 그 중 3개는
자동차를 인도 시장에 선보일                  공급업체로부터의 받는 공급가격은          건설 중이거나 이미 건립되었다. 한편
계획이다. 이 차량은 올해                   MMBTU당 Rs427.15 에서Rs504로   태즈매니아 섬(호주 남부)에서는 LNG
상반기(2/4)에 출시될 것이다. 유럽의           인상될 것으로 보인다.               소형-공장과 충전소가 설립 중이다.
ISO 15500
ISO 9000
Nº 224008 / Nº 105507
10                                                                             January 2010

原油価格が2009年10⽉から12⽉        する予定。欧州では、フィアットはすで                年1⽉1⽇からすべてのカテゴリーの顧客
初旬にかけて1バレル75⽶ドルと80        にGrande Punto, Punto, Multipla,   に対して天然ガス価格を18%値上げする
⽶ドルの間で変動していた。エネルギー        Doblò, PandaのCNG⾞を販売している。         ことを決定した。CNGスタンドでは、ガ
アナリストは、原油価格が2010年に        PuntoとPandaは共に来年のクライスラ            ス供給事業者からのガス販売価格が1MM
は少なくとも1バレル当たり平均80⽶        ーから発売される新しい⼩型⾞の基本⾞                BTUあたり427.15ルピーから50
ドルに達するだろうと予測している。経        種となることになっている。フィアット                4ルピーに引き上げられる予定である。
済の回復やまだ動きが少ないが、貿易量        傘下になったクライスラーがミニバンの
の増加と共にこの予測はNGVビジネス        CNG⾞を⽶国や世界で販売するかどう                しかし、政府によるNGVプロジェクト
にとってより⾃信を深めることになる。        か注⽬したい。                           は継続されており、200〜250台の
2015年に5.5%、2020年に20       ⼀⽅、もう⼀つの欧州⾃動⾞メーカーであ               タンドが⾸都カラチにまもなく建設され
%の年間成⻑率といった異なる予想をす        るフォルクスワーゲンはインドでCNG⾞               る予定である。建設費は1億5,060万
る専⾨家もいるが、NGV普及の予測に        /LPG⾞を販売する予定がない。しかし               ルピーになる。プロジェクトを管理して
ついては肯定的である                、インドではLDV(三輪⾞)からHDV               いるThe Hydrocarbon Development
IGU(国際ガス連盟)のスタディーグ        (トラック、バス)まですべての⾞種、⾞               Institute of Pakistanは、2010
ループ(SG5.3)の分析によると、今か      両のCNG改造⾞がたくさんある。                  年末までにこの⼤型スタンドがオープンす
ら10年後に1バレル当たり120⽶ド                                          ることを期待している。このような⼤型C
ル、20年後には150⽶ドルと予測さ        良いニュースは、マヒンドラ&マヒンド                NGスタンドを15〜20ヶ所程度カラチ
れている原油価格により、2020年に        ラ社が輸出の可能性も含めて⼩型商⽤ト                市内に建設し、4,000台のCNGバス
約5,000万台、2030年に約1億台       ラックGioのCNG⾞を発売する計画があ              にCNGを充てんする計画である。
のNGV普及を予測している。これを⾔        る。まもなくCNG⾞が発売されるGioは
い換えると、2008年には全⾃動⾞の        、タタ社のAce(⼩型商⽤⾞のミニトラ               中国では気温が下がり、北部では豪雪に
内、NGVが占める割合が1%であった        ック)と三輪⾞の間を狙ったユニークな                なるので、ガス供給は暖房⽤の家庭⽤燃
ものが、2020年には4.5%、203       ⾞である。CNG⾞価格は⼤変経済的な                料としてほとんど利⽤されている。中央
0年には7%になることである。天然ガ        165,000ルピーで、三輪⾞との価格               、東部、南部の各省ではガスの供給不⾜
スを主としたメタンは2020年には1,       差はわずか25,000〜30,000ルピ              に直⾯している。気温の急激な低下はガ
060億⽴⽅メートル、2030年には        ーである。また、ヒンドスタン⾃動⾞の                スパイプラインの流量を低下させ、NG
2,070億⽴⽅メートルまで輸送⽤燃料       3トンミニトラックのShifeng                 Vへの充てん時間を⻑くしている。
として利⽤されるだろう。NGVが⼤き        Winner1.8CNGがBharat Stage 4
く伸びる地域は、アジア太平洋地域(世        (最新のインドの排ガス規制)をクリアし、              しかし、寒い冬が過ぎると条件は良くな
界市場の44%)が第1位で、それに続        昨年9⽉に発売された。                       る。また、中国⻄部から東部に⾏く第2
き、南アメリカ(26%)、⻄アジアを                                          の天然ガスパイプラインが2009年1
含む中東が17%で第3位である。          タイでは、トヨタ⾃動⾞が2009年7                2⽉に完成した。海外からのガス供給も
                          ⽉にカムリハイブリッド(ガソリン/電                近い将来にオーストラリアから中国がL
2009年末までにおよそ1,100万台       気)を発売した。その間に⽶国では2台                NGを輸⼊するように開拓を継続してい
のNGVが世界で⾛っている。IGUレ        のカムリハイブリッド(CNG/電気)                る。ガスの専⾨家はガス価格の改訂を検討
ポートでは2010年末までに1,164       を作った。CNGコンポジットボンベを                しているが、政府は国の経済の安定性も考
万台から1,370万台になるだろうと予       4本搭載し、⾛⾏距離は400km、1                慮して2009年には実⾏しなかった。
想している。(2005年末の普及台数        70⾺⼒のエンジンで推定燃費は市街地
が464万台から予測している。)20        、⾼速道路、両者の混在のそれぞれで5                ⼀時的にガス供給の課題はあるにもかかわ
10年だけで200万台も上乗せになる        2、39、53kmである。この⾞はま                らず、NGV産業は中国で好調を持続して
ことは驚くことではない。(もっとも現        だ市販では製造していないので、タイで                いるようである。中国が2011年にAN
在以上に世界同時不況が深刻にならず、        はCNGカムリハイブリッドを購⼊する                GVAのNGV会議・展⽰会を開催するよ
少なくとも原油価格が安定することが条        ことができない。                          うに政府はNGV産業を引続き⽀援してい
件ではあるが。)                                                    る。2009年の世界同時不況の間にも中
                          シボレータイとGMは昨年12⽉に⾃動                国はNGV普及が減速しなかった唯⼀のN
アジア                       ⾞ショーでシボレーOptraのステーション             GV国であることが重要である。
IGUレポートの「政府による政策シナ        ワゴンとセダンのCNG⾞を展⽰した。
リオ」によると、中東とロシアを含むア                                          ⼀⽅、オーストラリアは世界第2位のL
ジアでのNGV普及台数は2015年ま        いくつかの購⼊促進パッケージが販売を                NG供給国になり、LNGブームを経験
でに世界で3,429万台から2,946       押し上げてきた。購⼊者は⾃分に必要な                している。エネルギーコンサルタントの
万台に対して1,682万台から2,19       インセンティブパッケージを選択するこ                ウッド・マッケンジー⽒によると、20
9万台になるとしている。「通常のビジ        とができる。25%引きで36ヶ⽉の無                17年までのLNG輸出量は2倍になる
ネスシナリオ」によると、2015年ま        利息払いや15%引きで0.99%利⼦の               だろうと予測されている。アジア市場は
でに世界で2,919万台に対してアジア       36ヶ⽉分割払いをこのパッケージは含                2013年と2018年にさらにLNG
では1,723万台になる。天然ガススタ       んでいる。両⽅ともシボレーOptra                が使われると予測している。このケース
ンドでは、2015年に世界で37,60       CNGを含むシボレー4モデルのいずれ                では、オーストラリアは中国、⽇本、イ
1ヶ所に対してアジアでは28,368ヶ       の購⼊でも1年間のファーストクラス⾃                ンド、韓国、他のアジア諸国、そして北
所になる。                     動⾞保険が付帯し、CNG⾞の場合には                ⽶にガスを供給するだろう。18のLN
下記はアジアにおけるトピックスである。       最初の年に1万タイバーツまでのCNG                Gプロジェクト(LNG液化基地)がオ
                          燃料代もついてくる。                        ーストラリア⻄部、北部、東部で⾏なわ
CNG改造⾞                                                      れており、その内の3つが建設中である
フィアットインドでは、インド市場に         燃料価格とガス供給                         。それとは別に南オーストラリアのタス
Grande PuntoのCNG⾞を投⼊する計   パキスタンのThe Oil and Gas             マニア島では、LNGミニプラントと充
画がある。今年の第2四半期までに発売        Regulatory Authorityは、2010        てん所が建設中である。
January 2010   11
12   January 2010
14                                                                                                              January 2010

Sekitar 2 juta NGV diperkirakan akan
ditambahkan di tahun 2010
Harga minyak naik turun sekitar USD 75     Bisnis Dalam Keadaan Normal”, di            mempunyai 4 tank komposit CNG,
– hamper USD80 per barrel di bulan         tahun 2015, jumlah NGV di Asia versus       driving range sampai 400km, kapasitas
Oktober-permulaan Desember 2009.           di dunia akan menjadi 17.23 juta NGVs       mesin 170 hp, dengan efisiensi bahan
Menurut perkiraan pakar enerji harga       dan 29.19 juta. Di sektor stasiun           bakar dalam kota/jalan tol/kombinasi
minyak di tahun 2010 setidaknya akan       pengisian bahan bakar (BBG), 28,368         52/39/53 km/galon. Karena mobil ini
bekisar sekitar 80 USD/bbl. Dengan         stasiun dihaparapkan akan dioperasikan      masih belum dipasarkan secara masal,
adanya prediksi ini plus membaiknya        dalam tahun yang sama, versus 37,601        Hybrid CNG masih belum ditawarkan di
keadaan ekonomi dunia dan aktifitas        stasiun di dunia.                           Tailand.
perdagangan membuahkan dampak              Di bawah ini adalah beberapa berita
positif di industri NGV. Meskipun          dari seluruh Asia.                          Chevrolet Thailand dan GM
pakar-pakar industri ini membuat                                                       memamerkan Chevrolet Optra
macam-macam proyeksi, prognosis            Kendaraan versi CNG                         CNG-dalam versi estate dan
bagi pertumbuhan tahunan dari              Fiat India berencana untuk memasarkan       sedan-selama pameran mobil di Tailand
populasi NGV sangatlah menjanjikan,        mobil Grande Punto dalam versi CNG          bulan Desember lalu.
sekitar 5.5% di tahun 2015-20% di          (CNG variant) di India. Model ini akan      Chevrolet menawarkan beberapa paket
tahun 2020.                                dipasarkan di kwartal kedua 2010. Di        promosi yang mana pembeli mobil
                                           Eropa, Fiat sudah memasarkan CNG            dapat memilih satu dari beberapa tipe
Menurut studi IGU SG 5.3, harga            model (OEM) dari Grande Punto, Punto,       paket. Macam promosinya terdiri dari
minyak akan mencapai 120 USD/bbl           Multipla, Doblò dan Panda. Merk Punto       0% bunga bagi pembayaran dalam
sepuluh tahun dari sekarang dan 150        dan Panda akan dijadikan basis model        jangka 36 bulan dengan 25% uang
USD/bbl dua puluh tahun dari               dari versi baru dari mobil-kecil buatan     muka (DP), dan 0.99% bunga bagi
sekarang, sekitar 50-100 juta              Chrysler di tahun-tahun mendatang.          pembayaran bulanan selama 36 bulan
kendaraan berbahan bakar metan             Waktu akan menunjukkan apakah               dengan 15% DP. Selain itu juga
(natural gas) diharapkan akan              Chrysler akan menawarkan versi CNG          tersedia asuransi mobil premium gratis
beroperasi di tahun 2020 dan 2030.         dari mini-van di USA dan dunia selama       selama satu tahun bagi pembeli dari
Hal ini berarti bahwa persentase dari      perusahaan ini berada dalam tangan Fiat.    empat model khusus Chevrolet yang
NGV di industri kendaraan akan             Di lain pihak, merk Eropa lainnya,          ditawarkan di pameran tersebut
menanjak dari 1% di tahun 2008 ke          Volkswagen, belum berencana mema-           termasuk Chevrolet Optra. Khusus bagi
4.5% di tahun 2020 dan 7% tahun            sarkan model CNG/LPG dari mobil-            pembeli Chevrolet Optra CNG, juga
2030. Pemakaian metane (NG) di sektor      mobilnya di India. Meskipun demikian,       ditawarkan bahan bakar CNG (BBG)
transport dapat mencapai 106 bcm           India mempunyai banyak CNG variants         gratis seharga 10,000 THB selama
tahun 2020 dan 207 bcm tahun 2030.         di hamper seluruh segmen kendaraan,         tahun pertama sesudah pembelian.
Pertumbuhan utama dari populasi NGV        dari LDVs (three-wheeler/bajaj) sampai
diantisipasikan akan terjadi di            HDVs (truk dan bis).                        Harga bahan bakar dan
Asia-Pasifik (44% dari pasar NGV                                                       supply gas
global), diikuti oleh Amerika Selatan      Mahindra & Mahindra berencana untuk         Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority di
(26%), dan region Timur Tengah (termasuk   memasarkan mobil-mobil CNG variant-         Pakistan memutuskan untuk menaikkan
Asia Barat) di tempat ketiga (17%).        nya di lar negeri. Selain itu, model baru   tariff natural gas (NG) sebanyak 18%
Jumlah NGV di dunia di akhir tahun         dari CNG variant akan diperkenalkan.        bagi semua kategori consumer sejak 1
2009 sekitar 11 juta. Menurut laporan      Model ini, Gio, termasuk dalam kategori     Januari 2010. Bagi pemilik stasiun
IGU di akhir 2010 jumlah NGV akan          unik dari segmen kendaraan utilitas         CNG (BBG), harga gas dari supplier
mencapai 11.64 – 13.7 juta (proyeksi ini   antara Tata Ace (truk mini/Light            naik dari Rs427.15 menjadi Rs504 per
dibuat berdasarkan jumlah populasi         Commercial Vehicle) dan three-wheeler.      MMBTU.
NGV di akhir tahun 2005 dengan 4.64        Harga Gio CNG sangatlah murah.              Di lain pihak, NGV proyek dari
juta NGV). Diperkiraan sekitar 2 juta      Kendaraan ini, seahrga Rs165,000,           pemerintah akan terus digalakkan.
NGV akan ditambahkan di tahun ini          hanyalah Rs 25,000-30,000 lebih mahal       Satu model mega stasiun BBG dengan
(dengan asumsi bahwa krisis ekonomi        dari three-wheelers. Selain itu,            kapasitas layanan 200-250 bis CNG
global tidak akan berlanjut dan harga      Hindustan Motors Shifeng Winner 1.8         akan segera dibangun di kota Karachi.
minyak, setidaknya, stabil).               CNG Bharat Stage 4 (standard emisi          Biaya stasiun ini berkisar sekitar
                                           India terbaru) 3-ton Mini Truck diperke-    Rs150.6 juta. Hydrocarbon
Asia                                       nalkan September lalu.                      Development Institute of Pakistan yang
Menurut “Skenario Pemerintah” di                                                       akan memimpin pelaksanaan proyek ini
laporan IGU, jumlah total NGV di Asia      Di Tailand, Toyota memperkenalkan           mengharapkan stasiun ini akan dibuka
termasuk Timur Tengah dan Rusia akan       mobil Camry Hybrid (bensin/elektrik) di     di akhir tahun 2010. Sekitar 15-20
mencapai 16.82-21.99 juta tahun 2015       bulan Juli 2009. Di Amerika, perusa-        mega stasiun diantisipasikan akan
sedangkan total NGV di dunia sekitar       haan ini membuat dua prototip dari          dibangun di Karachi untuk melayani
34.29-39.46 juta. Menurut “Skenario        Camry Hybrid CNG/elektrik. Mobil ini        4,000 bis BBG.
January 2010                                 15

Karena Cina mengalami musim dingin
berat dengan banyak salju terutama di
bagian utara, suply gas diprioritaskan
bagi sektor perumahan (sebagai
pemanas). Provinsi Cina Tengah, Timur
dan Selatan mengalami kekurangan gas
suply. Karena temperature udara turun
secara drastis, aliran bahan bakar di
pipa gas melambat. Dengan demikian,
waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengisi
bahan bakar gas di kendaraan menjadi
lebih lama.

Namun demikian, kondisi ini mungkin
akan segera membaik ketika musim
dingin berakhir. Selain itu, pipa gas
kedua akan dibangun dengan jalur Cina
Barat-Timur dan direncanakan untuk
dibuka bulan Desember 2009. Cina
juga memperkaya suply gas dari luar
negeri. Salah satunya, LNG (tambahan)
akan diimport dari Australia dalam
jangaka waktu dekat ini. Meskipun
pakar gas menyatakan bahwa reformasi
harga gas segera dibutuhkan,
pemerintah tidak menaikkan harga gas
selama akhir tahun 2009, dengan
background, antara lain untuk mensuport
stabilitas ekonomi domestik.

Industri NGV di Cina diharapkan akan
tetap kuat. Pemerintah diharapkan akan
terus mensuport industri in secara aktif,
terutama karena Cina telah terpilih
sebagai tuan rumah dari konferensi dan
pameran ANGVA2011. Keunggulan
Cina yang patut dicatat tahun ini adalah
kapasitasnya sebagai satu-satunya
negara NGV (besar) yang tidak
menunjukkan penurunan dalam adopsi
dan sales dari NGV dan BG beserta
komponen-komponennya selama krisis
ekonomi global di tahun 2009.

Di lain pihak, Australia diperkirakan akan
menjadi pemasok LNG terbesar kedua
dunia dan diharapkan akan mengalami
sales booming.
LNG export diharapkan akan berlipat
dua pada tahun 2017, menurut enerji
konsultan Wood Mackenzie. Pangsa
pasar Asia diproyeksikan akan meng-
gunakan LNG dalam jumlah yang lebih
banyak lagi di tahun 2013 dan 2018.
Sehubungan dengan hal ini, Australia
juga akan mengexport gasnya ke Cina,
Jepang, India, Korea dan negara Asia
lainnya dan Amerika Utara. Delapan
belas LNG proyek (pusat produksi LNG)
akan dibuka di Australia bagian barat,
utara, dan timur, yang mana 3 unit
sudah atau sedang dibangun. Selain itu,
satu LNG mikro-plant and BBG diban-
gun di pulau Tasmania (di sebelah sela-
tan Australia).
16                                                                                       January 2010

OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants
NGV availability in Asia
      Brand                  NGV models                         Remarks
                                                   8x4 rigid truck with Cummins
                Acco F 2350 6x4 Compactor
Iveco                                              Wesport C Gas Plus (8.3l) engines.
                CNG Dual Control
                                                   Dedicated CNG truck
                T908                               Dedicated LNG trailer
Kenwood                                            Dedicated LNG truck (Model base
Mack Australia Mack Granite 8x4 Day Cab            Dedicated CNG Rigid-Agitator
Isuzu          NPR300                        Dedicated CNG trucks
               NLR 200
               Isuzu CNG NPR 400 Light Truck

      Brand                  NGV models                         Remarks
                                                   Second-hand bi-fuel cars imported
Few Japanese Cars                                  from Japan (no more than 3-5
models                                             years old)
Tata Motors     Ace CNG model 275 CNG 15           Dedicated CNG mini-truck

Aking           Aking CNG                          Dedicated CNG bus imported from
                                                   China (Aking is the distributor)
                                                   Dedeicated CNG bus (distributed
Tata Motors     LPO 1510 CNG                       by Nitol Motor)

      Brand             NGV models                           Remarks

Hyundai         i-10 Blue CNG               Passenger car- available in Europe

                BS090                       9 m city bus: 24+1 seats
                BS106                       10.6 m city bus: 26+29+1 seats
                BH115                       11.5 m Inter city bus: 45+1
Daewoo          BC211M                      11 m Low floor bus: 29+28+1
                BV120MA (12 m)              12 m Low floor bus : 25-45 seats
                BS120CN (12 m)              12 m Ultra low floor bus: 25-44 seats
                LNG bus                     In development (for demonstration project)

Tata Daewoo     Garbagetruck (Roll Pack) 19.3
Vehicles Co.,
Ltd             Garbage truck (Arm Roll)    11 Ton (Payload)
                11 litre-LNG tractor        In development (for demonstration project)
                Aero City                   City bus: 21+1 seats
                Aero Inter City             City bus: 38+1 seats
                Aero Inter City             City bus: 45+1 seats
                Aero City Bus de GNV        Low-floor bus: 27+1 seats
Shinjeon        Sweeper                     To be launched
January 2010                                                                             17

           Brand                    NGV models                        Remarks
                          Hijet Cargo CNG (LE-S320V)
                                                  Cargo van
                          Mira Van CNG (GBD-L250V)Van
Honda                     Civic GX                Sedan
Mazda                     Familia van             Van
Mitsubishi Motors         Minicab GD-U61V (2WD)   Dedicated CNG van
                          AD Van CNGV (CEF-VGY11) Emission reductions: 20%-30%
Nissan-Diesel                                     less CO2, 50% less NOx
                          Caravan CNGV (LC-VPE25)        Van
Suzuki                    Wagon R (CBA-MH21S)
                          Probox CNG (DFE-NCP52V)        Small Van
Toyota                    Camry                          Hybrid electric/CNG, con-
                                                         cept car
Subaru                    Legacy TA-BL5                  Passenger car
Hino                      Ranger                         Truck
                          Elf                            2 tonnes delivery & garbage
                                                         4 tonnes delivery & garbage
                          Forward                        trucks
                          Wagon R (CBA-MH21S)            Truck
                          ERGA low-floor bus             Bus
                          ERGA Mio low-floor bus         Bus
Mazda                     Titan AFG-LKR82AN              Truck
Mercedes                  Citaro G                       Dedicated CNG bus
                          Fighter NX                     Delivery & garbage trucks
Mitsubishi-Fuso           Big-size low-floor bus         Bus
                          Canter KK-FE73CEV              Truck
Nissan                    Atlas KR-AKR81EP               2 tonnes truck
                          Condor AFG-BKR82EP             2 tonnes truck
                                                         4 tonnes truck & garbage
Nissan-Diesel             Condor PB-MK36A                truck
                          Condor PB-PK37A                7 tonnes truck
Specialty vehicle
Kanto Machine Centre                                     Working vehicle
Komatsu Forklift                                         Forklift
Mitsubishi Heavy Industry                                Forklift
Sumitomo                  Yale Forklift CNG 11-FG25PV1   Forklift
TCM                       TCM                            Forklift
Toyota                                                   Forklift

           Brand                    NGV models                        Remarks
                                                         Bus (engine from Korea,
Daewoo                    CNG city bus                   body/frame and assembly in
                          Ria CNG                        Passenger car
                          Citra CNG                      Passenger car
Proton                    Persona CNG                    Passenger car (taxi), in plan
Kosmo Motor Company       Kosmo                          Bus
Chevrolet                 Optra Magnum                   Bifuel car
Mercedes-Benz             E200-NGT                       Sedan
18                                                                                                January 2010

            Brand                    NGV models                           Remarks
Adam Motors Co. Ltd.       Revo                                800 cc
Dewan                                                          Passenger car
Honda                      Civix GX                            Sedan
Indus Motors Co. Ltd.      Daihatsu Cuore                      800 cc
Isuzu                      Lancer
                           Mehran                              Bifuel cars
Pak Suzuki Motor Co.       Bolan
                           Suzuki Liana
Shahab Enterprises         Pervaaz (3 wheeler)                 125 cc
                           TMC Alif CNG                        Bifuel cars
TMC                        TMC Bay CNG
                           TMC Bay Delivery van                Bifuel delivery van
Nexus Autos                Chevrolet                           800 and 1.000 cc
Hino                       CNG bus                             (Not yet in mass marketing)
Yunma                      YM6-101-B CNG City Bus              Dedicated CNG
                           Samand                              D class, 1.800 cc, passenger car
                           Peugeot 405                         C class, 1.800 cc, passenger car
Iran Khodro Co.
                           Peugeot RD                          C class, 1.600 cc, passenger car
                           Peykan                              1.600 cc, pick-up
Saipa                      Pride                               C class, 1.400 cc, passenger car
Saipa Group (Zamyad        Zamyad                              2.400 cc, pick up
subsidiary Co.)
                           S60G CNG                            Midibus
                           S36CNG City Minibus                 Minibus
                           Garbage collector CNG               Truck
                           Renault Medium
Saipa Diesel
                           CNG Tipper Renault Medium           Truck
                           Garbage Collector CNG Budsun        Truck
                           CNG Rigid Budsun                    Truck
                           CNG city Bus MAN                    Bus
Chevrolet                  Optra CNG                           Bifuel car
DaimlerChrysler            Mercedes E200 NGT                   Bi-fuel passenger car
                           Chevrolet Optra Sedan bi-fuel 1,6   To be launched end
General Motors4
                           Chevrolet Optra Sedan bi-fuel 1,6   2006/early 2007.
Honda                                                          Expected to enter the market
Monika                     CNG tuk-tuk
                           Corolla Altis                       Passenger car, launching by
Toyota Motor Thailand                                          end 2008
Co., Ltd.                  Limo CNG (Altis)                    Bifuel car
                           Hilux Vigo Pick Up                  Bifuel pick up
Proton                     Persona CNG                         Multifuel
Volvo                      (S80)                               Expected to enter the market
                                                            Pick-up truck to run on 80%
Chevrolet                  Colorado dual fuel               CNG and 20% diesel. Can
                                                            be switched to 100% diesel.
                           FM-CNG version                   Tractor truck
                           FG-CNG version
Summitr Motors             Assembly of CNG buses and trucks
Yantia Shuchi Vehicle Co   NG bus(es)                       In plan: opening an NG bus plant
                                                            and investment in fuelling facility
January 2010                                                                            19

             Brand                 NGV models                     Remarks
Atul Auto                CNG three wheelers            Dedicated CNG
                                                       Powered by CNG/gasoline
                         One-tonne twee-wheeler
Bajaj Auto                                             to be launched
                                                       Passenger car, imported on
DaimlerChrysler          Mercedes NGT
Fiat                     Palio                         Bifuel car
Ford                     Ikon Flair CNG                Bi-fuel car
                                                       Bi-fuel car with 140-150km
                                                       coverage on full fuel tank.
                                                       The running cost is 70%
                         Chevrolet Optra               cheaper than the gasoline
                                                       version (Rs.1.92/km with
                                                       CNG vs Rs. 5.20/km with
General Motors India     Chevrolet Spark
                                                       Upper premium compact
                         Chevrolet Aveo U-VA
                                                       segment car
                         Chevrolet Aveo                Midsize car
                         All future GM cars (including
                         Cruze, Beat and the new
                         Aveo) to be launched in CNG To be launched
                         version as well
                                                       Passenger car (factory-fitted
Hindustan Motors         Ambassador
Hindustan Motors &
                         Mitsubishi Lancer 1.5 litre   Passenger car
Mitsubishi Motors
                         Santro Xing CNG               Compact car
Hyundai Motors
                         Accent                        Bi-fuel car/taxi
                         Champion CNG                  Large three-wheelers
                         Tempo                         Three-wheeler
                         Alfa                          Small three-wheeeler
Mahindra & Mahindra      Scorpio CNG                   SUV, in plan
                         Bolero                        Pick-up, dedicated CNG
                          Mahindra CNG 3 door          Sport Utility Vehicle bifuel
                         Maxx Maxi Truck               Dedicated CNG pick-up
Mitsubishi & Hindustan                                 Passenger car with 1,5 litre
Motor                                                  engine
Mitusbishi and Renault   Renult Logan                  Bifuel car
                         Omni 5-seater CNG             Passenger car
Maruti Udyong Ltd
                         Alto CNG                      Passenger car
Tata Engineering and                                   Bi-fuel passenger car with
                       Indica-CNG                      5-seaters hatchback, BS III
Locomotive Company Ltd
                                                       compliant (Bharat stage III is
                       Indigo Marina                   India's emission standard)
                       TATA 407 CNG                    4 tonnes GVW truck
Tata Motors
                                                       0.75 tonnes mini truck,
                                                       dedicated CNG
                         Corolla Altis                 Premium sedan
Toyota Kirloskar Motor
                         Innova                        Multi Untility Vehicles
                         Long distance LPO 1510 CNG Chassis of intra-city bus
Tata Motors              Starbus Ultra Low Floor-LPO
                                                     Fully built bus, intra city bus
                         1623 CNG
                                                     Dedicated CNG bus
Kinglong                 Bus
                                                     imported from China
Piaggio                  CNG Ape                     Truck
20                                                                                                      January 2010

             Brand                           NGV models                              Remarks
Astro Motor Technical Co.      CNG three-wheeler                      Dedicated CNG
                               CK150ZK-1                              Bifuel Auto rickshaw (tricycle)
                               CK2002ZK                               Bifuel Auto rickshaw (tricycle)
Auto Rickshaw
                               CK250ZK Rear Water Cooled Tricycle     CNG/diesel autorickshaw
                               VX150ZK                                Bifuel tricycle
                               BIGMT125-6b CNG
                               Bigmt125-6 CNG
                               110cc-1(horizontal engine) CD70-21
                               125cc-4(vertical engine)
China Congqing Big Science &   CNG Motorcycle (110cc-3&125cc-3)       Motorcycle
Technology (Group)             125cc-5(stand engine)
                               125CC-5(vertical engine)
                               (125cc water-cooling engine)
                               125cc-4(horizontal engine)
                               CNG 650cc Minibus                      Bifuel minibus
Chinese Motor Industrial Co.   CNG tricycle 175cc                     Dedicated CNG tricycle
                               Bifuel 125cc motorcylce                Motorcycle
                               Middle engine tricycle                 Three-wheeler
Chongqing Hengtong Bus Co.,
                               Tricycle goods                         Three-wheeler
                               Tricycle bifuel (gasoline and CNG)     Three-wheeler
                               Low Flooring Mini Bus                  Dual fuel CNG/diesel
Chongqing Rightway Industry    Three-Wheelers CNG                     Three-wheeler
Chongqing Tengzhou Moto Co., Liyang LY150ZH-1                         Disabled tricycle
Biyadi Automobile Co., Ltd     Biyadi QCJ7160A/CNG
                               Chery SQR7160E/CNG
Chery Automobile Co., Ltd      Chery SQR7162A15/CNG                   Bi-fuel cars
                               Chery SQR7200/CNG
Chongqing Chanan Suzuki        Chanan SC7130B
                               CNG car 650 CC                         Car
China CNG Bus
                               CNG car 650 cc Minibus Yellow          Minibus
Dongfeng Citroën               Citroën Elisee                         Bifuel car
                               Dongfeng EQ102H15QAC                   Bi-fuel light-duty truck
Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd
                               Dongfeng EQ6490H15QAC
                               Dongfeng Citroen DC7163MAN
                               Dongfeng Citroen DC7163RAN
Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen
                               Shenlong Fukang DC7142RDN
Automobile Co., Ltd
                               Shenlong Fukang DC7142EDN
                               Shenlong Fukang DC7142EAN
Dongfeng Yueda Kia Automobile Kia YQZ7130CNG                          Bi-fuel cars
FAW                            Hongqi CA7180G4
                               Jetta FV7160CiF.C
                               Jetta FV7160CiX.C
FAW Volkswagen Automobile Co., Jetta FV7160CiX/CNG
Ltd                            Jetta FV7160CiF.C
                               Jetta FV7160GiX.C
                               Jetta FV7160CiX/CNG
                               BIGMT 110cc-2
                               BGMT Tailand Honda 110-3
Honda                                                                 Bi-fuel motorcycles
                                 BIGMT150cc-2 (Water Cooling Model)
JMC Brand                        JMC Brand CNG 3 Wheeler              Dedicated CNG three-wheelers
CQBUS - Kingtonliyang            Kingtonliyang KT125CNG-3             CNG motorcycle
Lifan                            Lifan 520                            Passenger car
Mudan                            CNG 3-Ton Light Truck                Dedicated CNG truck
Shanghai Volkswagen Automobile   Santana SVW7180Kei
                                  Jinbei SY6483LT1
Shenyang Brilliance Jinbei Co.,
                                  Jinbei SY6483LT2
                                  Zhonghua SY7200T
                                  Vela CA7156UM
                                  Vela CA7166UM                       Bi-fuel cars
                                  Xiali TJ7101AULM
Tianjin FAW Xiali Automobile Co.,
                                  Xiali TJ7101AUM
                                  Xiali TJ7101BLM
                                  Xiali TJ7101BUM
                                  Xiali TJ7101UM
Toyota                            Limo CNG                            Bi-fuel car
Geely                             King Kong                           Passenger cars
                                  Free Ship
January 2010                                                                                                     21

              Brand                            NGV models                                   Remarks
Ainy Ele-Mechanical Co.          CKZ6180 CNG City Bus                       Dedicated CNG bus
Anhui Hualing Automobile         Hualing Star HN4180PT23C4M CNG Tractor Dedicated CNG tractor
Beijing Bus General Plant        Jinghua BK6141CNG Hinge Jointed City Bus
                                 Changjiang CJ6110G3Y7H Bus
                                 Changjiang CJ6110SG2Y7H
Changzhou Iveco Bus Co., Ltd
                                 Changjiang CJ6110SG2YH
                                                                            Dedicated CNG buses
                                 Changjiang CJ6120G2Y7H Bus
China Vehicles Co., Ltd          Tourist bus
Chongqing CNG Technologies       CNG bus
Chongqing Jiangchuan             Chuanjiang CJQ6790KCS Bus
                                 CKZ6123 Chongqing Hengtong Bus             Dedicated CNG version and bifuel
Chongqing Hengtong Bus           CA6DF2D-18
                                                                            Dual fuel CNG/diesel buses
Core Asia Transmart              NG dual fuel truck                         CNG/diesel and LNG/diesel truck
Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd     Dongfeng EQ6830RACN Bus                    Dedicated CNG buses
                                 Dongfeng EQ6111RCDN Bus
                                                                            Dedicated CNG buses
                                 Dongfeng EQ6122KS Bus
                                 Dongfeng EQ1165F Truck
                                 Dongfeng EQ1165K2 Truck
Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd
                                 Dongfeng EQ1140GL1 Truck
                                                                            Dedicated CNG trucks
                                 Dongfeng EQ1140GL Truck
                                 Dongfeng EQ1250GL2 Truck
                                 Dongfeng EQ1250GL3 Truck
Dongfeng Nanchong Automobile Dongfeng EQ6590PC1 Bus
                                                                            Dual fuel buses
Co., Ltd                         Dongfeng EQ6590PC Bus
                                 Jiefang CA1127L5A CNG Truck
                                                                            Dedicated CNG trucks
                                 Jiefang CA1150P1L1A80 CNG Truck
First Auto Works (FAW)
                                 Jiefang CA6101D92-9 Bus
                                 JiefangCA6110D118-1T Bus
Iveco                            Irisbus Iveco CityClass CNG
                                                                            Dedicated CNG bus
Jiangsu Youyi Automobile Co.     ZGT6100A CNG
King Long
Nanjing Jinling Double- decker   JinlngJLY6101SA CNG
Bus Plant                        JinlngJLY6101SB CNG
Mudan                            CNG 3-Ton Light Truck                      Dedicated CNG truck
                                 Shanqi SX4254BK294T Tractor                Dedicated CNG tractor
Shaanxi Automobile (Group)       Shanqi SX6112F Luxury City Bus             Dedicated CNG bus
                                 Shanqi SX6112C City Bus                    Dual fuel bus
Shanghai Huizhong Automobile     SHAC SH4251A4B31K Tractor                  Dedicated CNG tractor
                                 FDG6121B                                   Dedicated CNG bus for sight seeing
Shenzeng Wuzhoulong Automobile
                                 FDG6121F                                   Dedicated CNG bus
Tata Daewoo                      Arm Roll CNG Refused Truck                 Dedicated CNG
Yaxing-Benz Motor Coach Co.,Ltd Yaxing YBL6110GNH Bus Chassis(Class 3) Dedicated CNG bus
                                                                            The company was reported to have
                                                                            120 models of NGVs exported to
Yantia Shuchi Vehicle Co         NGV buses
                                                                            Europe, Japan, Bangladesh and

Yuchai Diesel Engine Co.,Ltd                                                For export purposes
Yuejin Automobile(Group)Co., Ltd Yuejin NJ67001M5EG Bus Chassis(Class 3) Dedicated CNG bus
Yunma Aircraft Manufacturing     YM6-101-B                                  Dedicated CNG City Bus
Zhongda Industrial Group Co.     JLY6101SA                                  CNG bus and double deck buses
22                                                                                                                          January 2010

IGU SG 5.3: technology development
and an overview of NGV industry today
                           The previous      vehicles without catalytic converter);          The all-steel cylinder is the ‘first’
                           IGU S.G. 5.3      ® Second generation with basically              generation (excluding the historical
                           report for the    mechanical fuel system with electronic          rubber-lined canvas bags as ‘first’ type
2003 – 2006 triennium provided a             feedback control or electronically              of non-pressurized gas storage container).
comprehensive overview and analysis of       controlled fuel system without feedback         The development of the fibreglass,
existing fuels and technologies              control (closed-loop carburettor and            hoop wound aluminium cylinder can be
covering: petrol and diesel automotive       throttle body injection / single port           considered a ‘Second Generation’
technologies: state-of-the-art; hybrid       injection engines (corresponding to Euro        departure from the all-steel cylinder that
vehicles; natural gas vehicles and           1 / 2 standard);                                began in 1982/1983 in the US. The
power-trains; compressed natural gas         ® Third generation with multi-point fuel        move to Type 3 fully wrapped metal
(CNG) technology; on board storage           injection, electronic control and feedback      liner cylinder is a further development
and filling; liquefied natural gas (LNG);    (closed-loop multi point gaseous injection      from the Type 2 hoop-wrapped cylinder.
bio-methane; synthetic fuels produced        system engines with group injection or          The development of the 100% full
from natural gas; hydrogen produced          continuous injection (corresponding to          composite CNG cylinders that emerged
from natural gas; and off-road               Euro 2 / 3 standard)); and                      from aeronautic technology represents
applications. This chapter presents a        ® Fourth generation which is like third         a third ‘generation’ of CNG storage.
chronological overview of NGV                generation but with OBD capabilities;           Further refinement of these Type 4
technology development in last decade .      closed-loop and lean-burn sequential            cylinders so far have been refinements
                                             multi-point gaseous injection system            of this third generation fuel storage
Since the advent of NGVs in Italy in the     engines.                                        technology. However, Type I cylinders
1930s, natural gas vehicle technology                                                        generally are the most popular ones
has made steady improvements and, in         It is these systems that have                   due to their lower prices compared to
some cases, technological ‘leaps’ as         correspondingly over time been used in          other types of cylinders.
they have begun to penetrate world           standard OEM gasoline vehicles, with            Table 8 - Chronological Overview of
country markets. Most of the                 the fourth generation, OBD compatible           NGV Technologies Development
improvements and subsequent                  system, the one of choice for the most          (emphasis on Europe)
“generations” of NGVs have, however,         highly developed, currently available
mirrored the dramatic changes experi-        gasoline engines.                               1-Information for Europe provided by John
                                                                                             Baldwin (CNG Services Ltd.), Peter Boisen
enced in the standard gasoline and                                                           (NGVA Europe) and Jeffrey Seisler (Clean Fuels
diesel engines and vehicles.                 CNG cylinders, in parallel, also have           Consulting). State-of-the-art in Russian NGV
Manufacturers of gasoline and diesel         seen new ‘generations’ as the need for          market is described in detail by Eugene Pronin
                                                                                             (Gazprom / NGVRUS). In depth review of U.S.
vehicles/engines typically have used         lighter weight and increased fuel capacity      development has been provided by Rich
NGVs as the benchmark for ‘what is a         was driven by customer requirements.            Kolodziej (IANGV / NGV America).
clean vehicle?’ The most recent diesel
engines with selective catalytic             Period                                     State of the art
reduction (SCR) systems are being
                                               < 1st   generation NGVs, petrol conversions, tanks (cylinders) in boot of the car. In
                                                   1997 – 2000 period: first generation factory built Volvo S70/V70 with cylinder in
touted as ‘cleaner than natural gas’ but,     2000 luggage space. In 1998 factory built Fiat Multipla with under floor cylinders.
in reality, considering all the regulated
and unregulated pollutants, NGVs still        2001 2nd generation factory built Volvo S80 / V70 / S60 with under floor cylinders.
are ‘cleaner’ than the best diesel
technologies. And so it has been that         2002 2nd generation factory built VW Golf and Opel Astra with under floor cylinders.
improvements in the basic gasoline and                Factory built Fiat Punto and Doblò with cylinder in luggage space. Various French
diesel systems, when natural gas is           2003 cars with cylinders in luggage space (Citroën Berlingo, Peugeot Partner, Renault
adapted into these technologies,                      Kangoo, Citroën CX3).
continue to produce superior emission                 Factory built Mercedes Benz E 200 NGT with compressor engine, but still with
improvements and at a performance             2004 cylinders in luggage space.
level similar to gasoline engines and that            2nd generation factory built Opel Zafira and Combo with under floor cylinders.
is closing in on that of diesel internal
combustion engine technologies.               2006 2nd generation factory built VW Caddy and Touran with under floor cylinders.
                                              2007 Factory built Fiat Panda with under floor cylinders.
The IGU Report (Study Group 5.3) for
the 2003-2006 triennium, “Global                      Factory built Mercedes Benz E 170 NGT with under floor cylinders.
Opportunities for Natural Gas as a
                                                      Opel Zafira, 1.6 litre turbo engine, 150 hp.
Transportation Fuel for Today and             2008
Tomorrow”, presented the various                      3rd generation, Passat TSI, 1.4 litre, twin compressor plus turbocharger , > 450
generational changes in the basic                     km range, 150 bhp, 0 – 60 in 9.5 sec, ~120 g/km CO2
retrofit NGV systems:
® First generation with completely            2012 4th generation – adding of stop-start technology, add regenerative braking, lower
                                                   CO2/km to
January 2010                                                                                                                        23

The offer of light duty NGVs in Europe        natural gas vehicles directly supplied        Engines are available from Daimler,
(EEA - European Economic Area) can            from an OEM and vehicles using                Iveco, MAN, Scania, Tedom (a relatively
be split into four categories :               converted engines.                            small Czech manufacturer), and AB
                                                                                            Volvo, leaving DAF as the only
1. OEM sales of light duty cars and           In Europe, the vast majority of new NGV       European HD engine manufacturer
vans with a European Whole Vehicle            registrations now consist of OEM              currently without a gas engine offer.
Type approval. Such vehicles are              products, or QVM conversions made             Bus chassis including engines, often
accompanied by a CoC (Certificate of          with the approval of the concerned            also bodies, are sometimes offered
Conformity) and registration of such          OEM. Looking at LPG powered                   directly from the OEM or sometimes
vehicles must be approved by the              vehicles, the situation is quite different.   from independent bus manufacturers.
national road authorities in all EU           Here the market is mainly based on
countries and also other countries            retrofitting of light duty gasoline           Daimler buses sometimes are marketed
accepting EC type approvals.                  powered vehicles.                             as Evobus or sometimes as Mercedes
                                                                                            Citaro. MAN products are under both
2. QVM (Qualified Vehicle Modifier)           Outside Europe, retrofitting solutions        the MAN name and as Neoplan. Buses
conversions of brand new vehicles with        make up the bulk of the NGV volumes           with Iveco engines are marketed in the
the explicit support of the OEM vehicle       but with a gradually increasing share of      Iveco brand and in Irisbus or Karosa buses.
manufacturer. Such conversions would          OEM offers.
normally be made in line with the ECE                                                       Scania has not been very active
R115 regulation and the customer will         OEM products also are being                   concerning natural gas powered buses
have all normal warranties (some              developed outside Europe to meet the          within Europe (a few buses in Iceland
directly from the manufacturer, and           growing Asian demand for vehicles.            and also in the Swedish town of
some from the QVM). German offers of          Though still dominated by a wide range        Eskilstuna) but has sold many buses in
Ford cars and vans, also Volkswagen           of different quality retrofit systems,        Australia (a right hand drive market).
vans, follow this model.                      various OEMs have light, medium and
                                              heavy duty NGVs, though they currently        RVI (Renault Vehicules Industrielle) now
3. Same as (2) above, but without the         tend to be Euro 3, with some at the           is part of the AB Volvo group (also
explicit support of the concerned OEM.        Euro 4 quality vehicles, since the Asian      including American Mack and Japanese
In these cases it is important for the        emissions standards tend to be one or         Nissan Diesel). Within Europe, engines
customer to determine to what extent          two steps behind emissions levels being       up to the eight litre size are
the OEM warranties and product liability      produced in Europe, Japanese and              manufactured in France, and larger in
are still valid.                              Korean NGVs.                                  Sweden. The French bus manufacturer
4. Aftermarket retrofitting of conversion                                                   Heuliez usually uses RVI engines.
solutions, sometimes in line with ECE         TATA in India is providing the light duty     Renault trucks also have an agreement
R115, sometimes in line with other            Xenon, Magic Van, Winger, and Ace.            with Russian GAZ group subsidiary
older national regulations (depending         Ashok Leyland produces the Viking             RusPromAuto to supply common rail
upon country). The OEMs will usually          CNG BS-III. (Tata also produces three         direct injection (cDi) engines.
not accept any warranty or product            separate CNG bus models and one ton,
liability claims for failures, which can      five, and eight ton vehicles designed for     Ekobus, a small Czech bus
directly or indirectly be attributed to the   passenger and commercial applica-             manufacturer, uses Cummins Westport
conversion.                                   tions).                                       gas engines imported from America.

When listing European NGV offers it is        In the U.S market there are OEM light         Russia (re)started development and
important to make a distinction               duty sedans (American Honda Civic GX)         production in OEM Heavy Duty
between: (A) light duty natural gas           as well as Small Vehicle Manufacturers        segment: trucks and buses. Kamaz
vehicles with a European Whole Vehicle        (SVM) sedans (Ford 4.6L Crown                 manufactures dedicated natural gas
Type approval; (B) medium/heavy duty          Victoria, Lincoln Town Car and Mercury        chassis which is used for different types
natural gas vehicles with a European or       Grand Marquis (BAF), Chevy Impala 3.5         of general and special purpose vehicles.
national type approval arranged via the       and 3.9L V-6 dedicated (Natural Drive)        Powered with an 11.76 litre 260 HP gas
OEM; (C) QVM conversions of new               Ford Focus, 2.0L bi-fuel and dedicated        engine, KAMAZ vehicle can drive up to
natural gas vehicles made with the            Ford Focus (Altech-Eco) and SVM light         500 kilometres with one filling. The
approval of the OEM; (D) QVM                  trucks and vans (commercial work              engine takes 29.1 normal m3 per 100
conversions of new natural gas vehicles       trucks and vans): Chevy                       kilometres. According to customer
made without the approval of the              G1500/2500/3500 Series vans with              request, the on-board gas storage may
concerned OEM; and (E) other                  6.0L engine (Baytech, IMPCO), Chevy           have different volume.
conversions of new or used vehicles.          G4500 cab+chassis with 6.0L, Chevy
                                              C/K1500/2500/3500 series pick-ups             Kamaz company has a separate bus
For MD/HD vehicles, OEMs may, on a            with 6.0L engine (Baytech, IMPCO),            division named Nefaz which also mar-
voluntary basis, issue whole vehicle          Ford F150/250/350 (BAF, FuelTek), Ford        kets OEM NGVs. The Nefaz 30-31 bus
type approvals but the normal                 E350 series vans with 5.4L (BAF)).            carries the same dedicated natural gas
procedure is to have the engines                                                            engine as the Kamaz truck. Natural gas
certified according to the EC regulations     In the heavy duty segment (vehicles           is stored in high pressure cylinders for
and then have a national type approval        above 12 tonnes) current OEM offers in        197 normal m3. It is sufficient enough
of the complete vehicle. There is             Europe include buses with a typical
obviously a clear distinction between         engine size of around eight litres.                                  Continue to page 22
24                                                                                                                     January 2010

Continued from page 21                      models, and is offered for use in various      gasoline-powered trucks and shuttle
                                            applications including port drayage            bus chasses, including: the Chevy
                                            trucks, heavy-haul trucks, refuse              W3500/W4500 and Isuzu NPR and
                                            transfer, dump trucks, roll-offs, line-haul,   NPR HD COE with a 6.0L engine; the
                                            and other vocational applications.             Chevy C6500/7500/8500 Topkick work
                                                                                           trucks with a 8.1L engine; the Chevy
                                            Cummins-Westport, a partnership                G3500 Series cutaways with a 6.0L
                                            between Cummins Engine Company                 engine; the Chevy G4500 series
                                            and Westport Innovations, produces the         cutaway with a 6.0L; the Ford E450
                                            ISL G. The ISL G engine is available in        series cutaways with a 6.8L engine; and
                                            ratings from 250 to 320 horsepower,            the Chevy C4500/5500 cutaways with a
                                            and already meets the strict U.S. EPA          8.1L engine.
                                            2010 emission standards (0.2 g/bhp-hr
                                            NOx and 0.01 g/bhp-hr PM). The                 In addition to the above-mentioned
                                            engine combines Cummins exhaust gas            products (globally) there also is a
                                            recirculation technology with a                considerable interest in dual fuel
                                            three-way catalyst to offer improved           conversions offered by Clean Air Power
                                            efficiency and lower costs. The ISL G is       [CAP], the Hardstaff Group, and others.
 Kamaz 65116-40 CNG (OEM, range             specified for the following heavy-duty         (See Chapter on real life experiences).
 approx. 400 km), taken at Gassuf 2008
                                            vehicles: trash collection trucks (Crane       From a technical point-of-view, medium
 expo in Russia
                                            Carrier LET, Autocar Xpeditor, ALF             and light duty vehicles could be fitted
                                            Condor, Peterbilt LCF 320 and Mack             with dual fuel conversion systems.
to drive 560 kilometres with one filling.   TerraPro); Buses, shuttles and trolleys
Gas consumption equals 35 normal m3         (NABI, New Flyer, Orion, Thomas,               Vehicles in the weight class 3.5 - 12
per 100 kilometres.                         ElDorado, Blue Bird, variety of                tonnes are defined as medium duty
                                            shuttle/trolley upfitters using FCC MB55       vehicles. Many of these vehicles are in
There are two more gas bus original         chassis); street sweepers (Elgin,              the 3.5 - 6 tonne range with the same
manufacturers today in Russia: Liaz and     Tymco, Schwarze, Allianz-Johnston);            vehicle available in three different
Paz companies. Both companies use           and work /vocational trucks (Sterling L        configurations - vans, trucks, or small
dedicated natural gas engines from          series transition to Freightliner M2           buses. Iveco Daily and Mercedes
Cummins. These buses are extensively        tractor, then straight truck; Freightliner     Sprinter are two typical examples of
used in Moscow and Togliatti.               Custom Chassis MT45/55; Ottawa;                OEM offers, both available with natural
                                            Capacity yard hostlers).                       gas engines.
Daimler is offering Econic natural gas
trucks using the same engines as the        A third company, Emissions Solutions,          There also are other vehicles with this
Evobus/Citaro buses, and the Iveco          produces a “drop-in” replacement               type of configuration that usually belong
Stralis trucks use the same engines as      engine for the very popular Navistar           in the light duty class (up to 3.5 tonnes),
Iveco/Irisbus/Karosa buses. Volvo also      (International) diesel DT466 and               but sometimes in the medium duty
may offer trucks using the same             MaxxForceDT engines. The DT466                 class (above 3.5 tonnes). Fiat Ducato is
engines as in Volvo bus models.             replacement engine (the Phoenix NG             one example. Other vehicles in this
                                            7.6L) produces 175-265 hp and                  class are Volkswagen Transporter and
In the United States, the heavy-duty        460-820 lb-ft of torque. The                   Ford Transit, both offered as QVM
and medium-heavy segments have              MaxxForceDT replacement (the Phoenix           conversions approved by the vehicle
received the most marketing focus from      NG 9.3L) produces 350 hp and 1200              manufacturer. In France, this class can
the NGV industry. In 2008, Westport         ft-lb torque. Both are dedicated               be found in the Boxer and Jumper
Innovations introduced their                spark-ignited engines. The Emissions           models, both from Citroën and Peugeot
high-pressure, direct injection LNG         Solutions engines are repower options          respectively, and in the Renault Master.
ISX-G engine. Based on the Cummins          for food/beverage delivery trucks; refuse
ISX diesel engine with cooled engine        trucks, school buses, and utility/public
gas recirculation, the LNG version of the   works trucks.
engine offers the same horsepower,
torque, and efficiency as the base diesel   In the medium-duty market, Cummins
engine it is replacing. The Westport        Westport offers its 5.9L B Gas Plus
LNG system is certified to 0.8 g/bhp-hr     engine. This engine is factory available
NOx and 0.01 g/bhp-hr PM. The               from Freightliner Custom Chassis in
Westport GX 15L engine is available         their MT 45 and MT 55 walk-in van
with 400 and 450 horsepower ratings         chasses and MB55 bus chassis. These
and up to 1 750 lb-ft torque for            chasses are used in a wide range truck
heavy-duty port, freight and vocational     and shuttle bus applications.
LNG fuel tanks can be configured to         In addition, aftermarket conversion
suit customer range requirements. The       system manufacturers (e.g., Baytech
Westport GX is currently available in       Corporation BAF Technologies IMPCO
factory assembled Kenworth T800 LNG         [FSS], Natural Drive) offer aftermarket
and Peterbilt 386, 387, and 367             conversion for a range of medium               Iveco Eurocargo CNG (OEM)
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