2015 EDITION - Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Golf - Golf Canada

Page created by Tommy Mcdonald
2015 EDITION - Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Golf - Golf Canada
Serving Manitoba and North West Ontario

Celebrating 100 Years
   of Amateur Golf

2015 EDITION - Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Golf - Golf Canada
2015 EDITION - Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Golf - Golf Canada

GENERAL INTEREST                                                                                          PGA OF MANITOBA NEWS

From the Editors Chair.....................................................................4              PGA Tour Canada............................................................................. 34
Golf Manitoba’s 100th............................................................. 29-30                  2015 PGA Tour Canada Schedule.............................................. 34
Advertisers Index...............................................................................12        Cory Kartusch Named PGA of Manitoba and Canadian
                                                                                                          Golf Professional of the Year....................................................... 35
GOLF MANITOBA NEWS                                                                                        Dean North Named PGA of Manitoba Player of the Year... 36
                                                                                                          PGA of Manitoba Roundup...........................................................37
2014 Scholarships............................................................................... 5        PGA of Manitoba Tournament Schedule................................. 38
Meet the Board of Directors...........................................................6                   The Players Cup - 2015 Schedule of Events.......................... 38
Meet the Staff....................................................................................... 7   Player of the Year............................................................................. 39
Executive Director’s Report............................................................8                  PGA Board of Directors.................................................................. 41
Director of Player Development’s Report..................................9
Bret Thompson Named Golfer of the Year.........................10-11                                      THE STATISTICAL STORIES
Golfer of the Year for Golf Manitoba..........................................12
Manitoba Golf Hall of Fame..................................................... 13-15                     2014 Scoreboard........................................................................ 41-46
University Champions..................................................................... 16
2015 Golf Manitoba Tournament Schedule............................ 28                                     GOLF COURSE DIRECTORY 47-50

PARADE OF CHAMPIONS                                                                                       Greater Winnipeg Region............................................................. 47
                                                                                                          Westman, Parkland and Norman Regions.............................. 48
Todd Fanning Claims Men’s Amateur Honours......................17                                         Eastman and Central Regions..................................................... 49
Jenna Roadley Claims Women’s Amateur Honours............ 18                                               Interlake and North West Ontario Regions............................ 50
Veronica Vetesnik Claims Women’s Junior Honours........... 19
Travis Fredborg Claims Men’s Junior Honours..................... 20
Rhonda Orr Claims Women’s Senior Honours........................21
Brent Armstrong Claims Men’s Senior Honours....................22
Cameron Lowdon Claims Mid-Amateur Honours.................23
Bri-Ann Tokariwski Claims Women’s Match Play Honours.24
Bret Thompson Claims Men’s Match Play Honours............ 24
Bri-Ann Tokariwski Claims Women’s City and District........25
                                                                                                                            is the official annual publication of
Other Champions and Teams................................................26-27
                                                                                                                           GOLF MANITOBA
GOLF SUPERINTENDENTS NEWS                                                                                            #420 - 145 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg, MB

MGSA Industry Article.................................................................... 31
                                                                                                                         Publisher — Darren Hughesman
MGSA Column from President.....................................................32
                                                                                                                              Editor — Kirk Penton
MGSA Super of the Year.................................................................32                                                      Published by

                                                                                                                          Esdale Publishing
MSGA Board of Directors............................................................. 34

                                                                                                                                                  Printed by
                                                                                                              ESDALE PRINTING COMPANY LTD.
                                                                                                                                     207 DeBaets Street,
                                                                                                                                   Winnipeg, MB     R2J 4A8
                                                                                                                                  Telephone: (204) 957-4900

                                                                                                                                                            MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 3
2015 EDITION - Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Golf - Golf Canada

Greetings golfers, and welcome to         This year’s edition of Manitoba
what will undoubtedly be another          Golfer will take a look at what Golf
great year on the links!                  Manitoba is doing to celebrate its 10
                                          decades, including a unique raffle
What a summer it promises to be.          whose goal is to provide some finan-
For starters, Manitoba’s governing        cial stability for years to come. A full
golf body, known as Golf Manitoba, is     day of celebration, which will include
celebrating its centennial, which is a    – what else? – a golf tournament, is
remarkable milestone. Golf has been       also planned for August. Golf Mani-
played in Manitoba for more than the      toba is doing it up right this year to
last 100 years, but it really got orga-   commemorate its first century at the
nized in 1915 with the incorporation of   helm, and we have all the details.
the Manitoba Golf Association.
                                          And what will the next century of
                                                            Manitoba golf
                                                            look like? Well,
                                                            you will find in the
                                                            rest of this year’s                        men’s amateur, which was held in
                                                            edition, because                           Winnipeg, and was named Mani-
                                                            that’s where we                            toba’s golfer of the year as a result.
                                                            look at the prov-                          We have a feature story on Thomp-
                                                            ince’s current and                         son, whose goal is to one day turn
                                                            future stars in our                        pro.
                                                            parade of champi-
                                                            ons. That includes                         Manitoba also had a national win-
                                                            the University of                          ner on the professional side of the
                                                            Manitoba Bisons                            ledger, as St. Charles Country Club’s
                                                            golf team that                             Cory Kartusch was named Canada’s
                                                            won a national                             top club professional in 2014. We
                                                            championship on                            profile Kartusch and the fine work
                                                            its home course                            he does at St. Charles in this year’s
                                                            last June.                                 issue.

                                                                     The Bisons                        We could go on and on, but we’d
                                                                     weren’t the only                  prefer it if you simply starting turn-
                                                                     ones lighting it                  ing the pages and see for yourself
                                                                     up on the links                   that Manitoba golf is in fantastic
                                                                     last season.                      shape, from the grassroots level
                                                                     Winnipeg’s Bret                   to the amateur stars to those who
                                                                     Thompson, who                     make their livings through this won-
                                                                     plays at B.C.’s                   derful game.
                                                                     Simon Fraser
                                                                     University, had a                 Thanks for picking up a copy of
                                                                     splendid showing                  Manitoba Golfer, and may all your
                                                                     at the Canadian                   drives find the fairways this summer!

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2015 EDITION - Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Golf - Golf Canada

 The Manitoba Golf Scholarship Fund Inc. in 2014 awarded six scholarships to young golfers who have participated
 in the Manitoba golf community, demonstrated academic excellence and are pursuing their post-secondary stud-
 ies at Canadian educational institutions. Since the inception of the Manitoba Golf Scholarship Fund, 165 scholar-
 ships have been awarded totalling $167,000.

Dr. Dwight Parkinson Award                                 Stephanie Lasuik
Steven Young                                                                 The St. Boniface Golf Club member
                    In 2013 the Dr. Dwight Parkinson                         was entering her second year at the
                    Award was created which is a                             University of Winnipeg and is work-
                    $3,500 scholarship that has been                         ing towards a Bachelor of Arts in
                    made possible by Dave Hill of St.                        communications with a major in jour-
                    Charles recognizing Dr. Parkin-                          nalism and French. She tied for fifth
                    son’s long time commitment to                            at the 2013 Manitoba junior women’s
                    the game of golf. It is awarded                          championship and was the recipient
                    to the student entering their first    of the inaugural Dr. Dwight Parkinson Award last year.
                    year of studies at a post-second-
                    ary institution with the highest       David Nelson
                    academic standing.                                    The Southwood Golf and Country
                                                                          Club member is pursuing a Bachelor
The 2014 recipient was Steven Young of St. Charles                        of Science degree in microbiology at
Country Club. Young was entering the University of                        the University of Manitoba and plans
Manitoba to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree, with                     to pursue a career in medicine. He fin-
future plans to pursue a degree in medicine. In 2013 he                   ished third at the 2013 Manitoba junior
finished second at the Manitoba junior men’s champi-                      men’s championship and represented
onship, and he made both the provincial team for the                      the province at the Canadian junior
Canadian junior men’s championship and Team Mani-          men’s championship.
toba for the Canada Summer Games.
                                                           Lucas Wazney
Manitoba Golf Scholarship Fund $1,000 awards                                  The Elmhurst Golf and Country Club
Matthew Gray                                                                  member is scheduled to graduate in
                    The St. Charles Country Club                              October 2015 with a Masters of Sci-
                    member is working towards com-                            ence degree in civil engineering from
                    pleting a Masters of Landscape                            the University of Manitoba. In 2013
                    Architecture with a major in envi-                        he was a member of the Elmhurst
                    ronmental design at the Univer-                           Mundie Putter team.
                    sity of British Columbia. He was
                    runner-up in the 2013 Manitoba         Micah Zacharias
                    men’s mid-amateur championship                            The Portage Golf Club member was
                    and made it to the quarter-finals                         entering his first year of studies at
                    of the Manitoba men’s match play                          the University of Manitoba and has
                    championship.                                             aspirations of pursuing a degree in
                                                                              business or law. He won the Portage
                                                                              junior open and the Carman junior
                                                                              open in 2013.

     About the Manitoba Golf Scholarship Fund (MGSF)         • The capital fund grows annually from donations
     • The MGSF is a registered charity with the goal of       made by individuals, donations made in honour
       providing financial assistance to young golfers         of someone and golf clubs within Manitoba and
       pursuing post secondary education at institutions       Northwest Ontario making contributions
       in Canada                                             • Tax receipts are given for donations to the fund
     • The annual scholarships are granted based on the      • Golf Manitoba supports the fund administratively,
       interest earned from the fund                           which allows for very little administrative overhead

                                                                                         MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 5
2015 EDITION - Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Golf - Golf Canada
Board of Directors

President                                        Barry Hooke
Kevin O’Donovan                                  Portage G C
Breezy Bend C C
                                                 Wayne Leslie
President Elect                                  St. Charles C C
Tammy Gibson
Maplewood G C                                    Wayne McWhirter
                                                 Southwood G & C C
vice president/Treasurer
Vince Mariani                                    Ken Warwick
Elmhurst G & C C                                 Niakwa C C

Past President                                   Golf canada provincial council
Rob MacDonald                                    chair and board member
Elmhurst G & C C                                 Rob MacDonald
                                                 Elmhurst G & C C
Garth Collings                                   Golf Canada Provincial
Breezy Bend C C                                  Council Representative
                                                 Kevin O’Donovan
Bob Fallis                                       Breezy Bend C C
Pine Ridge G C
                                                 Golf Canada Governors
Liliane Fargey                                   Council Representative
Golf Manitoba PPC
                                                 Harvey Goehring
                                                 Breezy Bend C C
Jim Gosman
Southwood G & C C

  (L-R) FRONT ROW: Garth Collings, Vince Mariani, Kevin O’Donovan, Tammy Gibson, Rob MacDonald,
    Liliane Fargey BACK ROW: Wayne McWhirter, Barry Hooke, Jim Gosman, Ken Warwick, Bob Fallis
                                      MISSING: Wayne Leslie

2015 EDITION - Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Golf - Golf Canada

Executive Director
Dave Comaskey
Director of Administration
John Lamarche
Director of Competitions
Lisa Andersen
Director of Player Development
Garth Goodbrandson
Office Administrator                                            offices are located at
Carol Muzychka
                                                             #420 - 145 Pacific Avenue
Administrative Intern                                         Winnipeg, MB R3B 2Z6
Megan Lamirande                                              Telephone: 204-925-5730
                                                                Fax: 204-925-5731
Player Development Intern
Evelyn Kampen                                              email at: golfmb@golfmanitoba.mb.ca
                                                       Check the website at: www.golfmanitoba.mb.ca

                      Back Row (L to R:) John Lamarche, Garth Goodbrandson
                 Front Row (L to R:) Carol Muzychka, Dave Comaskey, Lisa Andersen
                            Missing: Evelyn Kampen, Megan Lamirande

                                                                           MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 7
2015 EDITION - Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Golf - Golf Canada

Dave Comaskey is in his 11th year      golfer who becomes the com-
as Golf Manitoba’s executive           petitive golfer. But it’s critical to
director, and Manitoba Golfer          the future of the game.
recently sat down with the boss
to look back on 2014, look ahead       MG: So how is membership go-
to a big year in 2015 and find out     ing in Manitoba?
if he accomplished his mission         DC: When you talk about the ‘14
of playing 20 rounds of golf last      season, it’s a concern is probably
year.                                  the best way to describe it. And
                                       I’m sure if you were to ask any
MG: Let’s get right to it, shall we?   golf club – not every one – but
How was the 2014 season?               if it’s not in immediate decline
DC: It was good. We conducted          from 2013 to 2014, I bet you in
a number of successful events,         the last four or five years they’ve
and had over 5,000 kids go             seen declines. And when there’s
through the Golf in Schools and        a decline in membership at golf
Future Links program, which            clubs, we see that decline here                  DAVE COMASKEY
                                                                                  Golf Manitoba Executive Director
is wonderful. We track those           in our office. They’re saying that
numbers for a variety of reasons,      more people are playing the
but we had just over 5,000 kids        game casually, but less people          MG: I’m assuming the national
go through that program again.         are joining golf clubs. In turn         championships last year in Mani-
That’s either the second or third      that affects golf clubs, it affects     toba, the Canadian university/
year in a row we’ve reached that       us, and it affects a number of          college and Canadian men’s
plateau. That’s one of the more        things. Having said that, there’s       amateur, were successes?
subtle things we do. We get a lot      been a lot of work done by Golf         DC: Any time we can host na-
of profile – and it’s great – from     Canada and the provincial golf          tional championships, it’s ex-
our provincial championships,          associations. We’re in the very         tremely exciting and gratifying.
but from a developmental stand-        early stages of launching a new         Whenever we can showcase
point, when we have 5,000 kids         membership model. It’s exciting.        the golf facilities that we have
touch a golf club, who knows           We’ve had to change. The mem-           in the province, it’s a huge suc-
the impact that’s going to have        bership model that we currently         cess alone. Then add on to that
down the road. That’s one of our       have has been in place since the        the fact that the University of
big successes from ‘14, ‘13 and        ‘40s. The business of golf has          Manitoba Bisons team wins the
‘12, and that’s the target again for   dramatically changed. At that           national championship on home
‘15.                                   point, the vast majority of people      turf, and then we had a number
                                       who were playing golf were              of great showings at the Cana-
MG: Are you starting to see any        members of golf clubs. That’s the       dian amateur, led by our golfer of
membership improvement from            opposite now. The vast majority         the year last year, Bret Thomp-
that, or is it too early?              of people who play the game are         son, finishing in the top 10.
DC: It’s probably too early to         not members of golf clubs. So
say, because the Golf in Schools       we need to make sure that we’re         MG: You told us last year you
program is targeted from Grades        servicing not only our member           hoped to play 15 to 20 rounds.
2 to 6. Whether we will or not, I      clubs, but be very relevant to the      Did you hit that total?
don’t know the answer to that.         individual golfer.                      DC: I got to 23! After we talked
Nationwide this is going on. It’s                                              I bumped that to 25 as my goal,
not isolated to Manitoba. There’s      MG: This is the 100th anniversary       and I got to 23. If we hadn’t had
a real collective effort among the     of Golf Manitoba. How big of a          a late start I think I would’ve got
provincial golf associations and       party are you going to throw for        to the 25.
the PGA of Canada and National         yourselves?
Golf Course Owners Association.        DC: It’s huge for us. To say it’s
We’re all doing a variety of initia-   a one-in-a-hundred year occur-
tives, some collaboratively and        rence is kind of an obvious state-
some association driven. But the       ment, but it is that. It’s an oppor-
need is to get young people ex-        tunity to recognize the history
posed to the game of golf. And         and look forward to another 100
some of those young people are         years (more on the centennial
going to hopefully become avid         celebration on page 32).
golfers. And usually it’s the avid

2015 EDITION - Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Golf - Golf Canada

Thanks to the Canada, Western         the Golf Dome in Winnipeg. They
Canada and Manitoba Summer            will take part in the Mundie Putter
Games, there is something sub-        and Nassau leagues this year to
stantial for the province’s young     get as much competition as they
golfers to shoot towards each         can.
                                      “That’s always been a great way
Those aforementioned Games are        for them to get experience play-
held every four years and back        ing different courses around Man-
to back to back, so it allows Golf    itoba and against the top amateur
Manitoba’s Garth Goodbrandson         male and female players,” Good-
to set up a program to have play-     brandson said. “It’s always good
ers compete for spots on each         experience and exposure to play
team.                                 against those people. Then we’ll
                                      have practices and a couple train-
This year it’s the Western Canada     ing camps throughout the year.”            GARTH GOODBRANDSON
Summer Games, which will be                                                     Director of Player Development
held in Fort McMurray, Alta.,         The boys’ squad will be deter-
in August. As a result, 10 boys       mined by each player’s best six
and six girls under the age of 16     rounds among the following            necessarily be the exact same 16
began preparations last fall to       events: Manitoba men’s match          players who get invited to try out,
attempt to earn spots on their        play qualifying (two rounds),         but they’ll likely get a leg up by
respective teams this summer.         special qualifier at Minnewasta       competing for spots this year.
                                      (two rounds) and the Manitoba
“Those Games programs have re-        junior men’s championship (four       “The nice thing about having a
ally added a lot to programming       rounds).                              program like this is the kids who
for us,” Goodbrandson said. “You                                            are on the team get a great op-
want to give them a competitive       The girls’ team will be based on      portunity to play in the Western
carrot, which they get and they’re    the best six rounds from these        Canada Games, but even the kids
motivated by it, and then you         events: Manitoba women’s match        who don’t necessarily make the
always want to build in lifelong      play qualifying (two rounds),         team, they improve tremendously
memories for players, whether         Manitoba women’s amateur (three       themselves,” Goodbrandson said.
they make a team or not.              rounds) and Manitoba junior           “So it’s good development for all
                                      women’s championship (three           the kids playing.”
“It’s a great way for people to       rounds).
develop passion for the game and                                            There will be a smaller program
great memories from the game.”        The real developmental part           next year for the Manitoba Sum-
                                      about this year’s tryout process is   mer Games, which are for young-
Goodbrandson identified the 10        the same group of players will be     er goalies, and then in the fall
boys and six girls based on their     eligible to compete for the 2017      of 2016 Golf Manitoba will start
play last year, and they spent the    Canada Summer Games, which            gearing up for the Canada Sum-
winter training once a week at        will be held in Winnipeg. It won’t    mer Games on its own turf.

Congratulations Golf Manitoba
  on Celebrating 100 Years                                          Links at the Lake Golf Course
                                                                    Grand Pines Golf Course
                                                                    Tuxedo Golf Course
                                                                    Harbour View Golf Course
         Reservations available online at
                                                                    Lakeview Hecla Golf Course

                                                                                   MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 9
2015 EDITION - Celebrating 100 Years of Amateur Golf - Golf Canada
ous years I considered ahead
                                                                         of me,” Thompson said. “Being
                                                                         able to beat them and get the
                                                                         win was very, very good for my

                                                                         There were still a few hurdles
                                                                         along the journey that still stand
                                                                         in his way today, like being able
                                                                         to close out rounds. Never was
                                                                         that more evident than at the
                                                                         Nott Autocorp Manitoba men’s
                                                                         amateur at Niakwa and The Links
                                                                         at Quarry Oaks, where he got off
                                                                         to great starts but started think-
                                                                         ing too much about shooting 62
                                                                         instead of simply playing good

                                                                         “I kind of forced it a bit too much
                                                                         there, because the first round
                                                                         I was three under through ten
                                                                         and I shot one over,” Thompson
                                                                         said. “The next round I was three
                                                                         under through four and shot
                                                                         even, and then at Niakwa I was
                                                                         four under through six and shot
                                                                         one under. I started thinking too

                                                                         He tied for seventh overall, but
BRET THOMPSON                                                            his play in the provincial amateur
                                                                         actually paved the way to his

                                                                         strong showing at the Canadian
                                                                         am when he looks back on it.

GOLFER OF THE YEAR                                                       “Even though I wasn’t really hap-
                                                                         py with the result, I was able to
                                                                         take away a lot of positive things
When Bret Thompson returned         golf, and it started coming back.”   from that, knowing that I can go
to Winnipeg last spring after his   Did it ever. Thompson won not        low when I’m kind of relaxed,”
sophomore season at Simon Fra-      only the season opening Mani-        he said. “I just have to learn to
ser University, he wasn’t happy     toba men’s match play champi-        control the emotions and not
with his golf game.                 onship in June, beating Eagles       get too high when you’re playing
                                    Landing’s Wade Wetelainen in         well and not trying to force it too
So he did what anyone in his        the 36 hole final, but he had a      much.”
situation would do: He quit prac-   strong showing in the Nott Au-
tising.                             tocorp Manitoba men’s amateur        He took that improved mindset
                                    championship and then tied for       into the Canadian amateur, which
He did what now?                    eighth in the Canadian men’s         featured one round at his home
                                    amateur at Elmhurst and South-       course, although that was easier
“I actually stopped going to the    wood.                                said than done.
range so much,” the Southwood
Golf and Country Club member        He credits the match play vic-       “I was kind of nervous, because
said. “That’s one of the things I   tory as being the springboard to     you want to do well on the big
did. I was focused too much on      a 2014 season that ended with        stage,” he said. “My first couple
what my swing looked like and       his being named Golf Manitoba’s      holes of the tournament I made a
not really focused on where the     amateur golfer of the year.          couple bogeys. On my fifth hole
ball was going, and I was getting                                        I rolled in a seven-footer for par,
frustrated.                         “It just gave me a lot of confi-     and that’s when I said, let’s just
                                    dence, being able to win a tour-     settle down here.”
“So I stopped going to the range    nament like that playing against
so much. I just played a lot of     some of the guys who in previ-       Thompson more than settled
                                                                         down. He toured the Donald

Ross design in just 68 strokes      out of the three-man playoff in      When he returned to school at
and he knew he could score well     a tie for eighth. It was the best    SFU in the fall Thompson had
the next day at Southwood. He       showing by a Manitoban since         chances to win but ended up ty-
put another 68 on the board and     the tournament returned to           ing for second and third in four
found himself in contention. Just   stroke play nearly a decade ago.     events.
like that he was warming up on
the range and playing with some     “It was really good for my expec-    Thompson plans to have a busy
of North America’s top ama-         tations,” Thompson said. “I want     2015 season, adding elite ama-
teur golfers, like Corey Conners,   to go pro after, so it was defi-     teur tournaments like Calgary’s
Adam Svensson and Lee McCoy.        nitely a big confidence booster      Glencoe Invitational and U.S.
                                    knowing I could get there. It kind   amateur qualifying to his sched-
“So it was pretty nice knowing      of set the benchmark. I’m kind       ule. He was the first alternate
that when I play well I can be      of in the process of: I know I can   two years ago in Fargo, N.D., so
there,” he said.                    play there, so how can I get there   he knows he can do it. He also
                                    consistently? I’m trying to just     gets an automatic entry into the
He carded rounds of 72 and 71 in    build off of it.”                    Canadian men’s amateur in To-
the final two rounds at Elmhurst                                         ronto thanks to his showing last
and ended up just three shots                                            August.

                                                     Biggest influence on your career?
 Favourite club in your bag?                         Probably my dad, Geoff. When I was
 I like all of them, but probably my putter.         younger he’d bring me out to the golf
                                                     course, and he’s always supported me.
 Favourite Manitoba golf hole?
 I really like 11 at the new Southwood. It’s         Best career round?
 a downhill, 230-yard par-3 over water               I’ve gone 7 under four times. One of
 with fescue around it. It’s difficult, but          those was a 64, and three of them were
 it’s a really nice hole.                            65. They had the MJT at the Meadows. I
                                                     went 65-65. Then I shot two in qualify-
 Favourite golf course outside of                    ing out here. The 64 was at Marine Drive,
 Manitoba?                                           and the 65 was at Richmond Golf Club.
 PGA National, probably. I played the
 Junior Optimist there in 2012. I love that          What driver is in your bag?
 course.                                             Titleist 913 D3.

                                                                               MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 11
Golf MB Golfer of the Year

Year         Winner               Finalists                                         1993   Rob McMillan        Brionie Brown, Gary Kullman
2014         Brett Thompson       Todd Fanning, Travis Fredborg                     1992   Rob McMillan        Todd Fanning, Pap Piper
2013         Aaron Cockerill &                                                      1991   Todd Fanning        Rob McMillan, Christy Power,
             Josh Wytinck         Garth Collings, Derek East                                                   Aileen Robertson
2012         Josh Wytinck         Charlie Boyechko, Garth Collings, Jenna Roadley   1990   Rob McMillan        Jimmy Doyle, Carl Lechman
2011         Jesse Skelton        Winnie Hyun, Myles Sullivan Josh Wytinck          1989   Dave McMillan       Jimmy Doyle, Aileen Robertson
2010         Aaron Cockerill      Garth Collings, Peter More                        1988   Dale Goehring       Garth Collings, Scott Parker
2009         Garth Collings       Tyler Mancini, Ryan Pitzel                        1987   Glen Hnatiuk        Jeff Helper, Merlene Netterfield
2008         Brad Kirton          Garth Collings, Jill Hardy, Peter More            1986   Todd Fanning        Cathy Burton, Glen Hnatiuk
2007         Brad Kirton          Garth Collings, Matt Johnston, Kaitlin Troop      1985   Todd Fanning        Gail Anderson, Terry Hashimoto
2006         Garth Collings       Matt Johnston, Brad Kirton, Kaitlin Troop         1984   Todd Fanning        Cathy Burton, Craig Kindrat
2005         Garth Collings       Jordan Krantz, Scott Loewen                       1983   Gail Anderson       Terry Hashimoto, Nick Mickoski
2004         Jill Hardy           Garth Collings, Scott Loewen                      1982   Billy Parker        Craig Kindrat, Bruce North
2003         Garth Collings       Mike Keast, Judi Lidstone                         1981   Shauna Gechel       Gail Anderson, Terry Hashimoto
2002         Mike Keast           Garth Collings, Jill Hardy                        1980   Terry Hashimoto     Marc Chamberland, Craig Dearden,
2001         Peter More           Bruce North, Adam Speirs                                                     Jo-Ann Lindsay
2000         Jo-Ann Lindsay       Garth Collings, Ben Bandura                       1979   Billy Parker        Terry Hashimoto, Terry More
1999         Garth Collings       Adam Speirs, Ryan Horn                            1978   Terry More          Craig Dearden, Terry Hashimoto
1998         Terry Hashimoto      Garth Collings, Bruce North                       1977   Jimmy King          Pam Falk, Peter Hayes
1997         Dale Goehring        Adam Speirs, Jo-Ann Lindsay                       1976   Terry Hashimoto     Jimmy King, Gary Kullman
1996         Rob McMillan         Garth Collings, Dale Goehring                     1975   Matt Poleschuk      Jimmy Doyle, Ted Homenuik
1995         Rob McMillan         Garth Collings, Jo-Ann Lindsay
1994         Rob McMillan &
             Aileen Robertson     Garth Collings

advertisers’ index

       Carman Golf and Curling Club...................25 Lakeland Golf Management Inc...................9

       Elmhurst Golf & Country Club.....................4 Manitoba Golf Superintendents Assn.......33
       Esdale Printing Company Lt.................... IBC
                                                                          National Leasing...........................................15
       Falcon Lake Golf Course............................27
                                                                          PGA of Manitoba........................................ 40
       Golf Canada................................................. BC Pinawa Golf & Country Club...................... 14
       Golf Manitoba............................................. IFC
       Granite Hills.................................................. 16 Southwood Golf & Country Club................ 11
                                                                          St. Charles Country Club..............................4
       Kurceba, Sandy............................................27 Stewart Trophies & Engraving Ltd............25

Manitoba Golf Hall of Fame & Museum

   The Manitoba Golf Hall of Fame and Museum held its 12th annual
   induction ceremony on Monday, Sept. 29, at Winnipeg’s McPhillips
   Station Casino.

   There were four inductees honoured during this year’s event for their
   accomplishments on and off the golf course: Harry Brotchie, Lorraine
   MacLeod, Jack Cuthbert (posthumously) and Dean North.

   Here is a look at their accomplishments:

HARRY BROTCHIE                       toba PGA title in 1975 and was       As president of Lakeland Golf
                                     the winner of more than 15 other     Management, Brotchie is in
                                     Manitoba pro events.                 charge of the operation of nine
                                                                          public and resort golf courses in
                                     His long list of accomplishments     Manitoba and Saskatchewan: Tor
                                     in the business and development      Hill, Murray, Lakeview and Joanne
                                     of the sport earns him a place       Goulet courses in Regina; Har-
                                     among the golf builders of Mani-     bour View and Tuxedo courses
                                     toba. Provincially, he developed     in Winnipeg; Grand Pines, Links
                                     and conducted junior golf camps      at the Lake and Hecla courses in
                                     and rural clinics for the Manitoba   rural Manitoba.
                                     Golf Association and Manitoba
                                     Ladies Golf Association. He was      LORRAINE MACLEOD
                                     president of the Manitoba PGA
                                     Assistants and later served as
                                     president of the Manitoba PGA
                                     in 1985 and ‘86. He was presi-
                                     dent of the Prairie Chapter of
From a teenage involvement in        the National Golf Course Owners
competitive golf, Harry Brotchie     Association in 2013 and ‘14.
went on to become one of the
top builders and developers          On the national scene, Brotchie
of the sport in Manitoba. His        was on the CPGA board of di-
reputation extends beyond the        rectors for 10 years and was a
province, and into national and      member of the executive com-
international activities.            mittee for seven years. He served
                                     as chairman of several commit-
As a young amateur player,           tees and became national CPGA
Brotchie emerged as a three-         president in 1993 for a two-year
time winner of the John Blum-        term. He is recognized as a
berg municipal course cham-          CPGA Master Professional and         Years of dedicated service to
pionship from 1972 to ‘74 and        is a director of the National Golf   golf in and out of the province
two-time winner of the City of       Course Owners Association. In-       have earned the right for Mabel
Winnipeg municipal champion-         ternationally, he was non-playing    Lorraine MacLeod to be recog-
ship in 1973 and ‘74. As a profes-   captain of three Canadian World      nized as a true builder of the
sional he won the Manitoba PGA       Cup teams, was honorary vice-        sport in Manitoba.
assistants championship in 1975      president of the PGA of America
and 1977, and placed fifth in the    in 1993 and ‘94, and was elected     It all started at the Winnipeg
Canadian assistants champion-        to membership in the British         Canoe Club, where she served in
ship in 1975. He won the Mani-       PGA.                                 executive positions (including a

                                                                                MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 13
Manitoba Golf Hall of Fame & Museum

term as president) from 1978 to        Other awards included most              member of Manitoba’s first men’s
1982. She researched the history       outstanding member from Win-            Willingdon Cup team in 1927.
of WCC ladies golf, and present-       nipeg Canoe Club in 1986, MLGA
ed an article and pictorial display.   outstanding volunteer award in          Earlier, Cuthbert claimed the
This was followed with the orga-       1989, Gal of the Year award from        Saskatchewan Amateur honours
nization of Manitoba Ladies Golf       Southwood ladies section in 1996        in 1917, 1918 and 1919, and was
Association records and later a        and Volunteer Service Award             the Saskatchewan Open winner
full review of MLGA activities for     for 25 years of service from Golf       in 1931. He also won the Alberta
the 75th anniversary in 1997. All      Manitoba in 2007.                       men’s amateur championship
material has been deposited into                                               twice, the Western Canadian
the provincial archives.               JACK CUTHBERT                           Amateur title twice and the
                                                                               Western Canadian Open champi-
She starting serving on the                                                    onship once.
MLGA executive in 1982, chairing
several committees and becom-                                                  He was born in Nairn, Scotland,
ing provincial president in 1987                                               on January 4, 1894, and came
and ‘88. She was instrumental in                                               to Winnipeg in 1911. He worked
the development of golf clinics,                                               with the Bank of Commerce and
target fitness, sport psychology                                               then was a sportswriter with the
and a winter golf school with                                                  Winnipeg Free Press for four
members of the Manitoba PGA.                                                   years, specializing in golf. He
She was on the board of direc-                                                 moved west to Moose Jaw, then
tors of the Manitoba Golf Hall of                                              on to Calgary and Edmonton. He
Fame and Museum from 2001 to                                                   became the golf professional at
2008 and was on the selection                                                  the Calgary Country Club in the
committee from 2001 to 2003.                                                   1930s and held that post for 33
MacLeod was involved with
the conducting of several Ca-          Jack Cuthbert was the first win-        Along with his list of champion-
nadian Ladies Golf Association         ner of the Manitoba men’s ama-          ship performances, Cuthbert had
championships from 1981 to             teur golf championship in 1919          the honour of playing in exhibi-
2001, including chairing the 1991      and went on to become a domi-           tion matches with such noted
Canadian Women’s Amateur               nant figure on the provincial golf      golfers as Harry Vardon, Ted Ray,
Championship at Glendale Golf          scene through the 1920s.                Gene Sarazen and Walter Hagen.
and Country Club. She received                                                 In 1924 and ‘25, the Dominion
in 2000 a CLGA Distinguished           He followed that 1919 victory           Chocolate Co., Limited issued a
Service Award for outstanding          with three more Manitoba ama-           trading card in his honour.
contributions.                         teur titles in 1921, 1923 and 1925,
                                       and added the Manitoba Open             Jack Cuthbert passed away in
                                       championship in 1924. He was a          Calgary in 1972 at the age of 78.

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Manitoba Golf Hall of Fame & Museum

DEAN NORTH                       His main claim to fame as an       of the Tour in 1998, 2001, 2003
                                 amateur was as a member of         and 2004.
                                 the winning Manitoba team at
                                 the Canadian junior interprovin-   On the local pro scene, North
                                 cial championship in 1991 along    won the Manitoba PGA Player
                                 with Rob McMillan, Darren          of the year honours in 1997,
                                 Magda and Brian Houston.           1999, 2000, 2005, 2006, 2009,
                                                                    2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014; won
                                 North moved out of the ama-        the MPGA Championship in
                                 teur picture and started his       2000, 2009, 2010, 2011 and
                                 pro career as an assistant at      2012; and won the Fall Classic
                                 Carman Golf and Curling Club       championship in 1995, 1999,
                                 in 1992 and 1993. North was        2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2011
                                 an assistant at Pine Ridge         and 2013. He has also claimed
                                 Golf Club in 1994 and 1995.        victories in many one-day tour-
                                 He then moved to St. Charles       naments and pro-am events
                                 Country Club, where he was an      over the years.
                                 assistant from 1994 to 2005.
                                 From 2006 to 2009 be served        In 2004, North won the North
                                 as head professional at Selkirk    Dakota State Open at the Fargo
                                 Golf and Country Club, then        Country Club with a record
                                 returned in 2010 to his home       18-under-par total 198 over
                                 town of Carman, where he now       three rounds, including the cur-
                                 serves as general manager of       rent course record of 10-under
                                 the Carman Golf and Curling        62. Also in 2004, North won the
From the time he left the ama-   Club.                              U.S. Open regional qualifier in
teur ranks in 1994, Dean North                                      Minneapolis using a rental set
has been an outstanding figure   North won the qualifying tour-     of clubs. He also is the holder of
on the Manitoba professional     nament for the Canadian Tour in    course records of 59 at Carman
golf scene.                      2000 and played as a member        and 61 at Selkirk.​

                                                                          MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 15
university championships

The University of Manitoba Bisons golf team was ex-       UBC’s Scott Secord won the individual portion of the
cited about hosting the 2014 Canadian University/Col-     tournament, firing rounds of 68, 65, 71 and 71. That
lege Championship because it was being played on its      was seven shots better than Victoria’s Connor Gann.
home course of Southwood Golf and Country Club.
                                                          Victoria’s Megan Woodland captured the women’s
That excitement turned out to be justified, because       individual title by one stroke over UBC’s Kylie Barros.
the Bisons were able to win their first national cham-    UBC easily won the women’s team event, cruising to a
pionship on their home turf in early June.                35-shot victory over the Montreal Carabins.

The Bisons won by 12 shots over the defending cham-       This year’s Canadian University/College Champion-
pion UBC Thunderbirds and were the only squad to          ship will be held in Guelph at the end of May, and
shoot under 300 each of the four days.                    Mazur, Boyechko and Gobin will be back to help Mani-
                                                          toba try to defend its crown.
“I’m very excited and very proud of this team,” Bisons
coach Garth Goodbrandson told reporters on the day        “Everyone’s pretty excited by that,” Goodbrandson
of triumph. “They really deserve it, they’ve worked so    said this spring.
hard, and it shows you that hard work does pay off.”
                                                          Devon Schade, who is in his first year with the team,
Manitoba’s winning team consisted of Josh Wytinck,        and fourth year Ryan Dirr are the other members of
Charlie Boyechko, Bryce Barr, Scott Mazur and Brodie      the Herd who will attempt to make it two in a row for
Gobin. Wytinck (74-71-70-74) finished fourth individu-    Manitoba.​
ally, while Mazur (79-71-70-71) and Barr (73-73-73-72)
tied for fifth. Boyechko (69-76-72-80) and Gobin (77-
72-73-75) tied for 16th.                                  Photos by: Douglas Portz Photography/Golf Canada

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Todd Fanning CLAIMS
All it took was one round for the       came in at 8-under 280 (68-75-71-
Nott Autocorp Manitoba men’s            66).
amateur championship to swing in
Todd Fanning’s favour.                  “It was an incredible week,” Fanning
                                        told reporters after his victory. “If
Breezy Bend’s Garth Collings had        you check my Twitter account, back
a two-stroke lead at the midway         in (early) July I said it would be cool
point of the event, thanks to back-     to win 30 years after my first one.
to-back rounds of 67 at The Links at    I’m pretty happy about that.
Quarry Oaks. Fanning, who shot 69
and 67, was two shots back.             “Lots has happened (since 1984).
                                        I was 16 years old, and two years
The good news for Fanning, though,      before that I didn’t even know what
is the final two rounds were slated     the Manitoba amateur was and then
for his home course of Niakwa           I won. I had a pretty good career as
Country Club. He took full advan-       a pro, and now I’m just happy to be
tage.                                   back playing with the young kids.
                                        There are some guys here that have        in Winnipeg along with Boyechko
Fanning fired a sparkling 68 in the     some serious game. It’s enjoyable to      and Bryce Sholdice of Bel Acres,
third round while most everyone         play beside them.”                        and the team tied for fourth in the
else couldn’t break 70. Collings                                                  Willingdon Cup competition.
slipped to a 76, which gave Fan-        Boyechko started the final round
ning, a former professional golfer, a   10 strokes back of Fanning, but he        Southwood’s Bret Thompson was
six-shot advantage going into the       had reduced that edge to just one         the top Manitoban at the amateur,
final round.                            stroke after 15 holes if you matched      tying for eighth, while St. Charles’
                                        their cards. Boyechko, who was            Derek East tied for 18th. Other
Fanning withstood a tremendous          playing in the group in front of Fan-     Manitobans who made the cut were
charge from Southwood’s Charlie         ning, bogeyed the 18th hole to end        Fanning (tied for 27th), Elmhurst’s
Boyechko in the final round and         up two back of the champ.                 Scott Mazur (tied for 43rd), Pine
won his first Manitoba amateur in                                                 Ridge’s Josh Wytinck (tied for
22 years and fifth overall. He carded   Fanning, who got his amateur              58th) and Breezy Bend’s Eric John-
a 74 that left him with a four round    status back in 2008, represented          son (tied for 64th).
total of 10-under-par 278. Boyechko     Manitoba at the Canadian amateur

                                                                                   Provincial Amateur Men

                                                                              Charlie Boyechko, Todd Fanning &
                                                                                       Bryce Sholdice

                                                                                         MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 17

Jenna Roadley CLAIMS
Bri-ann Tokariwski made it three      got close by playing her first 11
wins in a row at the Manitoba         holes in even par.
women’s match play champion-
ship, but Jenna Roadley decided       Glendale’s Camryn Roadley, who
it wasn’t going to happen again in    is Jenna’s younger sister, finished
another major event.                  third (78-78-79), and St. Boniface’s
                                      Mindy Lichtman (83-75-79) was
Roadley, who plays collegiately at    fourth, 16 shots back of the champ.
Bradley University in Peoria, Ill.,   Jenna Roadley’s opening round
prevented Tokariwski from winning     of 2-under-par 70, which was the
her third straight women’s amateur    tournament’s best, featured a bo-
championship in 2014, cruising        gey on the first hole but three bird-
to a 12-shot triumph in the three-    ies and 14 pars the rest of the way.
day event. Tokariwski ended up in
second spot at St. Charles Country    Tokariwski, Camryn Roadley and
Club.                                 Lichtman represented Manitoba
                                      at the Canadian women’s amateur
Roadley, who is a member at           championship in Woodstock, Ont.,
Glendale Golf and Country Club,       and they placed eighth among the
won her first amateur crown with      eight teams with a 45-over total in
rounds of 70, 75 and 76, which        the interprovincial competition.
worked out to a 5-over-par total
over three days. Tokariwski, an       Lichtman was the only Manitoban
Elmhurst member, never really         to make the cut and ended up in
threatened Roadley’s romp to the      77th spot after shooting 82, 82,
championship, posting scores of       80 and 87. Tokariwski and Roadley
79, 75 and 79 to end up at 17 over    missed the 36-hole cut.
                                      This year’s Manitoba women’s
Roadley entered the final round       amateur championship will take
with a comfortable nine stroke        place July 6 to 8 at St. Boniface
lead, and she made sure nobody        Golf Club.

                                                                               Provincial Amateur Women

                                                                          Mindy Lichtman, , Bri-ann Tokariwski &
                                                                                    Camryn Roadley


Veronica Vetesnik CLAIMS
women’s Junior HONOURS
Veronica Vetesnik may have       put five birdies on her score-
shot 10 strokes worse in the     card against eight bogeys to
final round of the Manitoba      take control of the tourna-
junior women’s champion-         ment.
ship than she was the day
before, but it didn’t matter     When all was said and done,
one bit because she had          Vetesnik (84-76-86) finished
built up a very comfortable      with a 14-over-par 246 total.
cushion.                         Poponick (83-85-83) was
                                 five shots back, and Demko
The Winnipeg golfer, who at-     (84-84-84) was six in arrears
tends high school in the U.S.    but won the 15-16 age group.
to improve her golf game,
turned in an 86 in the third     Poponick, Demko and St.
and final round at Rossmere      Charles’ Katherine McGlenen
Country Club, yet she still      represented Manitoba at the      69th place (84-86-90-85).
won by five strokes over         Canadian junior women’s
Selkirk’s McKyla Poponick.       championship in Thornhill,       Poponick and St. Charles’
Thunder Bay’s Alexandra          Ont. The squad placed sixth      Brynn Todd missed the cut.
Demko was third.                 among the nine provinces
                                 that sent representatives.
The championship really
turned in Vetesnik’s favour in   Glendale’s Camryn Road-
the second round, when she       ley was the top Manitoban
blistered the course with a      at nationals, tying for 52nd
3-over-par 76 that turned a      spot thanks to rounds of
one shot deficit into an eight   83, 81, 79 and 83. Demko
stroke advantage going into      (83-82-80-83) tied for 56th,
the final 18 holes. Vetesnik     while McGlenen finished in

                                                                   Provincial Junior Women

                                                            Katherine McGlenen, Alexandra Demko &
                                                                       McKyla Poponick

                                                                        MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 19

 Travis Fredborg CLAIMS
 men’s junior HONOURS
 Travis Fredborg figured            post the even par round and
 winning the Manitoba junior        give himself a seven stroke
 men’s golf championship in         cushion entering the final 18
 2013 was so nice, he decided       holes.
 to do it twice.
                                    Sackett, who plays col-
 The Selkirk Golf and Coun-         legiately at South Dakota
 try Club member cruised to         State University, made
 his second straight crown          things somewhat interesting
 last July at Rossmere Coun-        by getting to within three
 try Club, winning by eight         strokes of Fredborg with
 strokes over Elmhurst’s Zach       four holes to go in the final
 Sackett. Fredborg posted           round, but he triple bogeyed
 rounds of 72-71-70-76 for a        the par-3 17th and bogeyed
 9-over-par 289 score.              16 and 18.
                                                                        Sackett finished 74th (73-75-
 Fredborg, who has commit-          Sackett’s rounds were 74-75-        81-81).
 ted to start playing at Pa-        74-74, while Bryce Sholdice
 cific University in Stockton,      of Bel Acres placed third           Mafeking’s Stacy Genaille,
 Calif., in the fall of 2015, had   thanks to scores of 72, 78, 74      Scott Lemon of St. Charles
 a two shot lead at the tour-       and 75.                             and Dauphin’s Connor Shaw
 nament’s midway point, but                                             missed the 36-hole cut at
 his third round 70 separated       Sholdice was the top Mani-          nationals.
 him from the pack.                 toban at the Canadian junior
                                    men’s championship in Niag-         This year’s Manitoba junior
 He had three bogeys on the         ara Falls, Ont., tying for 18th     men’s championship will be
 front nine, but he bounced         with a 2-over total of 290          held at Transcona Golf Club
 back with four birdies and         (73-67-77-73). Fredborg tied        and Elmhurst Golf and Coun-
 only one more bogey to             for 35th (72-75-75-74), and         try Club from July 13 to 16.

                                                                            Provincial Junior Men

                                                                      Bryce Sholdice, Travis Fredborg &
                                                                                Zach Sackett


Rhonda Orr CLAIMS
women’s senior HONOURS
Rhonda Orr was looking             last 18 holes at Larters at St.
to win her second straight         Andrews.
Manitoba senior women’s golf
championship on July 30, but       Orr’s three-round total was
it wasn’t going to be easy.        4-over-par 227 thanks to
                                   rounds of 76, 77 and 74, while
The Southwood Golf and             Eyeford shot 78, 77 and 74.
Country Club member went           Dolan (75-78-79) ended up in
into the third and final round     third place, five shots back of
with a lead, but it was only by    Orr, despite leading after the
one shot over Diane Dolan of       first round.
Ottawa’s Hylands Golf Club
and two shots over Diane           Since Dolan is from Ontario,
Eyeford of St. Charles.            Maplewood’s Tammy Gibson
                                   was promoted to the team
Orr decided she wasn’t inter-      that represented Manitoba at
ested in an exciting finish, be-   the Canadian senior women’s
cause she got right to work.       championship at Club de golf
Orr parred the first hole and      Milby in Sherbrooke, Que., in
birdied the second to give         August.
herself a quick four-stroke
lead over the two Dianes,          Orr tied for 19th at nation-
who were playing with her in       als, firing rounds of 78, 79
the final group.                   and 82, while Eyeford tied for
                                   48th (87-81-85). Gibson also
There was never much in            made the cut and tied for
doubt after that, and Orr          63rd (87-83-91).
ended up winning her second        Manitoba ended up in fifth
crown in a row by two shots        place in the interprovincial
over Eyeford without ever          team competition with a two-
giving up the lead over the        round total of 33-over 325.

                                                                      Provincial Senior Women

                                                                     Tammy Gibson, Rhonda Orr &
                                                                           Diane Eyford

                                                                            MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 21

Brent Armstrong CLAIMS
men’s senior HONOURS
It was quite the logjam atop        birdie to win with relative
the leaderboard going into          ease.
the final round of the Mani-
toba senior men’s champion-         Armstrong shot 73-72-69 for
ship on July 30 at Larters at       a 4-over 214 total.
St. Andrews.
                                    Elmhurst’s Barry Minish be-
When all was said and done,         gan the day in top spot, one
Brent Armstrong of St.              shot clear of Breezy Bend’s
Charles had vaulted to the          Mark Olson, but neither was
top.                                able to hold on to his spot.
                                    Minish, who made four bo-
Armstrong, who started the          geys and three birdies over
day tied for fourth and four        the first two rounds, had
shots back of the lead, card-       eight bogeys on Day 3 to
ed a final round 1-under-par        finish with a 78 and a three       championship at Capilano
69 to win by two strokes over       round total of 9-over 219,         Golf and Country Club in
Breezy Bend’s Garth Collings,       which left him in fourth place.    West Vancouver, B.C., where
who began the day in sev-                                              they finished eighth out of
enth spot but also fired a 69       Olson, meanwhile, had four         nine provinces in the team
to leap over five competitors.      bogeys and a double before         competition.
                                    making birdie on the last for
Armstrong was simply steady         a final round 75. He placed        Collings was the top individ-
over the final 18 holes, while      third with a 217 aggregate,        ual ‘Toban at nationals, tying
those on top of the leader-         three shots back of Arm-           for 38th with rounds of 79,
board going into the day had        strong.                            75, 75 and 76. The other six
their struggles. Armstrong                                             Manitobans missed the cut.
birdied two and bogeyed two         Armstrong, Collings and
of the first six holes, and after   Olson represented Manitoba
that he made 11 pars and a          at the Canadian senior men’s

                                                                          Provincial Senior Men

                                                                      Mark Olson, Brent Armstrong &
                                                                              Garth Collings


Cameron Lowdon CLAIMS
Cameron Lowdon went into the final day of      and a triple for a 42. Tibbs’ struggles con-
the Aberdeen Chiropractic Manitoba men’s       tinued on the back nine, but Lowdon found
mid-amateur golf championship with his         his groove and parred each and every hole
eye on his playing partner.                    coming in to emerge victorious.

It turned out the man who almost took him      Markham may not have known it at the
down was playing five groups in front of       time, but he was making the outcome
him.                                           interesting with his play five groups in front
                                               of Lowdon and Tibbs. Markham had two
Lowdon, an Elmhurst Golf and Country           birdies and an eagle in his first five holes,
Club member, went into the final round         but he also had a bogey in there and ended
tied for the lead with Pine Ridge’s Mike       up shooting an even-par 36 on the front.
Tibbs, but he ended up winning the tourna-
ment by one stroke over Niakwa’s Scott         He made another eagle on the back nine
Markham and Hamiota’s Chad Facey.              en route to a 2-under-par 34 and a tourna-
                                               ment best round of 70, but it ultimately
Lowdon ended up winning with an 11-over-       wasn’t enough to sneak past Lowdon.
par 227 total thanks to rounds of 74, 76       Markham entered the final day eight
and 77. Markham (77-81-70) and Facey (76-      strokes behind the leaders.                      Breezy Bend’s Justin McDonald was the
77-75) came close at St. Charles Country                                                        top Manitoban at nationals, tying for 14th
Club, but they both finished at 12 over.       Lowdon, Markham and Rossmere’s Rob               thanks to rounds of 76, 74, 75 and 73.
                                               Oliphant made up the Manitoba team that          Breezy Bend’s Garth Collings tied for 22nd,
Lowdon, who also won the mid-masters           competed at the Canadian men’s mid-              and Bobby Wiebe, also out of Breezy
crown for those at least 40 years old, and     amateur championship in Barrie, Ont.,            Bend, tied for 27th.
Tibbs entered the final round at 6 over for    in September. They finished last in the
the tournament, which was good for a one       10-province tournament with a 27-over-par        Pine Ridge’s Mike Tibbs and Hamiota’s
shot edge over St. Charles’ Matt Gray. Low-    total. Lowdon was the top finisher of the        Chad Facey also missed the cut.
don and Tibbs didn’t exactly light the front   three, tying for 54th spot with a 21-over        This year’s Manitoba men’s mid-amateur
nine on fire; Lowdon made five bogeys en       309 total, while Markham and Oliphant            will be played July 6 to 8 at St. Boniface
route to a 41, while Tibbs had three bogeys    missed the 36-hole cut.                          Golf Club.

                                                                                                Provincial Mid Amateur Men

                                                                                           Scott Markham, Cameron Lowdon &
                                                                                                     Rob Oliphant

                                                                                                        MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 23

Bri-ann Tokariwski CLAIMS
WOMEN’S match play HONOURs
Bri-ann Tokariwski in 2014 became          second round thanks to her runner-
the first women’s golfer to win three      up showing in the qualifying round,
consecutive Manitoba match play            and she breezed past Maria Funston
championships in more than a de-           6 and 5 in her first match to get to
cade.                                      the semifinals. There she took care of
                                           Mindy Lichtman by a 4 and 3 score
When Tokariwski put the finishing          to set up the winner-take-all tilt with
touches on her dominant 11 and 10          Zachedniak, whose road to the final
victory over fellow Elmhurst mem-          was a bit longer.
ber Faye Zachedniak in the final at
Bel Acres Golf and Country Club, it        Zachedniak qualified ninth among
marked the first “three-peat” since        the 11 competitors with rounds of
Judi Lidstone accomplished the feat        82 and 89, but she edged Kathryn
in 2003.                                   McKenzie 3 and 2 in the first round
                                           before upending Roadley 2 and 1 in
Tokariwski finished second in the          her quarter-final match.                  Zachedniak took advantage of a cool
qualifying portion of the event after                                                Todd, upending her by a 2 and 1 mar-
shooting rounds of 76 and 80. That         Zachedniak was feeling good by the        gin to move on to the final.
put her four strokes back of medallist     time she got to her semifinal contest
Jenna Roadley, the Glendale member         against Dana Todd, who enjoyed a          This year’s match play qualifier will
who fired 71-81 to finish on top of the    first-round bye and then advanced         take place at Winkler Golf Club on
11-player field.                           once more without hitting a shot          May 23 and 24, while the matches are
                                           since her opponent was unable             slated for Pine Ridge Golf Club. The
Tokariwski enjoyed a bye to the            to play their quarter-final match.        final is scheduled for June 7.

bret Thompson CLAIMS
MEN’S match play HONOURS
Aaron Cockerill was the man to beat        18th hole to force overtime.
going into the head-to-head portion
of the Manitoba men’s match play           Thompson and Wetelainen actu-
championship in 2014, considering          ally tied for ninth during the 36-hole
he had won the previous two years          qualifying at Teulon Golf and Country
and was the medallist by a whopping        Club. Thompson shot 76-72, while
seven strokes.                             Wetelainen, a 22-year-old from Wabi-
                                           goon, Ont., carded rounds of 72-76.
The Elmhurst member from Stony
Mountain couldn’t make it a hat trick,     Thompson, a Winnipeg native who           and second rounds, respectively.
however, and that allowed South-           plays collegiately for Simon Fraser
wood’s Bret Thompson to step into          University in Burnaby, B.C., then went    Cockerill won the medallist honours
the winner’s circle.                       to work. He knocked off Garrett           by shooting 65-72 for a 7-under-par
                                           Neiles 4 and 3 in the opening round       137 total on his old home course. That
Thompson defeated Eagles Landing’s         before upending Jesse Skelton 1 up in     was seven strokes better than Pine
Wade Wetelainen 7 and 5 in the final       Round 2.                                  Ridge’s Josh Wytinck, who carded
at Bel Acres Golf and Country Club.                                                  rounds of 69-75 to finish alone in
                                           In the quarter-final round Thompson       second place.
It was Wetelainen who ended Cock-          eliminated Mark McNeilly 3 and 1, and
erill’s impressive run in the match play   then beat fellow Southwood golfer         This year’s match play qualifier will
event, beating him on the second           Charlie Boyechko 1 up to advance to       take place at Winkler Golf Club on
extra hole in the quarter-final round.     the final.                                May 23 and 24, while the matches are
Wetelainen then stopped Devon                                                        slated for Pine Ridge Golf Club. The
Schade in their semifinal, needing         Wetelainen’s list of victims also         final is scheduled for June 7.
one extra hole to move on to the final     included John Multan and Kody Faw-
after draining a 50-foot putt on the       cett, who were defeated in the first


Bri-ann Tokariwski CLAIMS
There was one prestigious Manitoba         a two-stroke lead over Lichtman into
women’s golf tournament that Bri-          the second and final round. Tokari-
ann Tokariwski hadn’t won going into       wski stretched that advantage to five
the 2014 season.                           shots by the time they got to the
                                           turn on Day 2 thanks to an even-par
The Elmhurst Golf and Country Club         34 on the front nine.
member took care of that in convinc-
ing fashion on June 22 at Maplewood        Despite bogeying 14, 15 and 16 on
Golf Club in St-Pierre-Jolys, cap-         the back, Tokariwski had no trouble
turing the Women’s City & District         cruising to victory in the 14-player    McKenzie tied for third after they
Championship by four strokes over          field, winning with a two-round total   both produced rounds of 79 and 77.
defending champion Mindy Lichtman          of 6-over-par 148.
of St. Boniface.                                                                   This year’s Women’s City & District
                                           Lichtman shot 77-75 to finish as the    Championship will be contested on
Tokariwski carded a 4-over-par 75 on       runner-up, while Glendale’s Jenna       June 13 and 14 at Teulon Golf and
Day 1 of the 36-hole event and took        Roadley and Elmhurst’s Kathryn          Country Club.

women’s alternate shot champions	                                                      Junior Bantam

        Diane Kocela &                             Rhonda Orr &                                Bobbi Uhl
         Vivian Squair                            Faye Zachedniak                                Shilo
       (Net Champions)                           (Gross Champions)                              (Girls)

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                                                                                         MANITOBA GOLFER 2015 EDITION 25
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