Academic calendar Alberta Bible College - Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ

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Academic calendar Alberta Bible College - Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ
academic calendar
  Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ

            Alberta Bible College
        | 2015-2016
Academic calendar Alberta Bible College - Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ
Campus Directory
                               MAIN CAMPUS DIRECTORY
                                            Main Office
                                     Phone 403.282.2994
Fax ........................................................................................403.282.3084
PACE Degree Completion Program.........................................403.265.7223
Web Site......................................................................
Toll Free...............................................................................1.877.542.9492

                          CAMPUS EXTENSIONS & E-MAIL
Office                                           Ext. E-mail
Recruitment                                       225
Admissions                                        230
Registrar                                         224
Learning Services Director                        223
Adult Learning (PACE)                             230
Distance Learning                                 230
Finance Office                                    221
General Office                                    221
Learning Resource Centre                          234
Practical Ministries Coordinator                  224
Student Development Director                      226
President                                         222

         635 Northmount Drive N.W. Calgary, Alberta T2K 3J6 CANADA

Academic calendar Alberta Bible College - Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ
Table Of Contents
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT.......................................................... 3                                Bachelor of Theology.................................................................. 29
CALENDAR OF EVENTS.......................................................................... 4                        Bachelor of Religious Education — General Objectives............. 30
                                                                                                                      • Christian Ministries Major....................................................... 31
GENERAL INFORMATION.............................................................. 5                                   • General Studies Major (Bridge Program)................................. 32
    Mission Statement........................................................................ 6                       • Global Studies Major............................................................... 33
    Strategic Direction........................................................................ 6                     Bachelor of Sacred Literature...................................................... 34
    Effort Priorities.............................................................................. 6                 Course Descriptions.................................................................... 35
    What We Believe.......................................................................... 6
    Educational Policy......................................................................... 6             PACE DEGREE COMPLETION & DIPLOMA PROGRAM.................. 41
    Learning Opportunities................................................................. 7                      Program Overview...................................................................... 42
    Our Learning Environment............................................................ 7                         Admission Requirements............................................................ 43
    Community Life Covenant............................................................ 8                          Student Services......................................................................... 44
    Graduate Placement and Completion Rates................................. 9                                     Application Process.................................................................... 45
    Organization................................................................................. 9                Finances...................................................................................... 46
    Brief History.................................................................................. 9              Academic Policies....................................................................... 48
    Location........................................................................................ 9             Academic Programs.................................................................... 50
    Facilities...................................................................................... 10            Bachelor of Arts — Leadership & Ministry................................. 51
    Finances...................................................................................... 10              Diploma — Leadership & Ministry............................................. 51
    Affiliations and Associations....................................................... 10                        Bachelor of Arts — Counselling & Ministry................................ 52
    Full-Time Faculty and/or Administration..................................... 11                                Diploma — Counselling & Ministry............................................ 52
    Adjunct Faculty........................................................................... 11                  Overview of PACE Courses......................................................... 53
    Board of Trustees........................................................................ 11                   Course Descriptions.................................................................... 54

REGULAR PROGRAM................................................................... 12                         DISTANCE LEARNING.................................................................. 57
    Student Development................................................................. 13                        General Information................................................................... 58
    Finances...................................................................................... 15              Course Registration Deadlines.................................................... 58
    Admission Requirements............................................................ 20
    Academic Policies....................................................................... 21               APPLICATION FORMS.................................................................. 59
    Academic Programs.................................................................... 24                       General Information................................................................... 60
    Practical Ministries..................................................................... 25                   Application For Admission.......................................................... 61
    Certificate In Christian Foundations (The Rock) ......................... 26                                   Employer or Professional Acquaintance Reference..................... 65
    Diploma In Christian Ministries – Professional Studies Emphasis................ 27                             Pastor or Church Leader Reference............................................. 67
    Diploma In Christian Ministries – Creative Ministries Emphasis.................. 28

It is the policy of Alberta Bible College in the admission of students and of the hiring of employees not to discriminate on the basis of the applicant’s
     race, colour, gender, or national or ethnic origin. Since this calendar is published well in advance of the 2015–2016 academic year, the College
                                          reserves the right to make whatever changes circumstances may require.

Academic calendar Alberta Bible College - Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ
Message From The President
                                   God has a mission. Or more precisely, God is on a mission. From creation until the end
                                   of time, God’s mission has been, is, and will be to form a God-shaped people who will
                                   live God-empowered lives for the sake of God’s world.

                                God’s mission is uniquely focused in the ministry of Jesus Christ who gave us a
                                model for a God-shaped life lived for the sake of the world. Consequently, Alberta
                                Bible College (ABC) participates in God’s mission by equipping people for effective
                                service and witness for Christ. ABC’s specific mission therefore is to prepare people
                                to participate in God’s mission through spiritual formation, biblical and theological
education, and practical ministry preparation. As you consider how ABC might help you in participating in God’s
mission, consider these three areas with me.

Spiritual formation is the process God uses to shape us into a distinct kind of people who will live God’s way.
Certain practices are known to assist this process; these practices include prayer, fasting, study, worship, and other
habits. These spiritual disciplines are central to God’s people and one cannot properly prepare for ministry without
practicing them. You truly cannot work for and with God until God has worked on you. Therefore, at ABC, we place a
high emphasis on being open to the ways in which God seeks to shape us more fully into the image of his Son.

The Bible is essential for not only understanding the story of God’s Mission but for active participation in that ministry.
Theology is, by extension, active reflection on God’s story and how that story both inspires and gives direction to
God’s continuing mission in the world. One of the best reasons to come to ABC is because you want to know the Bible
well and by knowing the Bible, you will be able to think more deeply about God and God’s purposes.

Finally, practical ministry preparation is about making sure graduates are fully ready to participate in God’s mission,
regardless of where God calls them to serve. “Learning while serving” is deeply embedded in our way of doing things.
So if you are looking for more than just “book learning,” we invited you to take a closer look at ABC.

In all of these areas, ABC’s goal is to equip people for effective service and witness for Christ. If I can be of assistance
in your journey in God’s mission, give me a call or send me an email.

Dr. Stan Helton
President, Alberta Bible College

Academic calendar Alberta Bible College - Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ
Calendar Of Events
                                                     84th Year
                                              SEMESTER I
                                            SEPTEMBER (2015)
September 1...........................................New Student Registration, Regular Program
September 2–4.................... Orientation and Student Body Retreat, Regular Program
September 7....................................................CLASSES BEGIN, REGULAR PROGRAM
September 14.........................................................CLASSES BEGIN, PACE PROGRAM
September 17...............................................................Teaching/Learning Boot Camp
October 8............................................................ Regular Program Research Seminar
October 12..................................................................... THANKSGIVING DAY, Closed
October 20...................................................PACE Orientation and Research Seminar
October 22–23.........................................................Reading Break, Regular Program
October 25–November 1........................... Fall Ministry Experience, Regular Program
October 31–November 1...............................Annual Meeting, ABC Board of Trustees
November 6.......................................Course Withdrawal Deadline, Regular Program
December 1–4.............................................................................1st Year Final Exams
December 4.................................. Last Day of Classes, Upper Class, Regular Program
December 7–11......................................... 1st Year BLOCK CLASS: “Living the Story”
December 7–11.............................Final Examinations, Upper Class, Regular Program
December 11............. Deadline for Returning Student Registration, Regular Program
December 15................................................................... PACE Practicum Orientation
December 12 – January 4............................................................CHRISTMAS RECESS

                                               SEMESTER II
                                                JANUARY (2016)
December 29 – January 1.........................................................Pine Lake Snow Camp
January 4..................... New Student Registration and Orientation, Regular Program
January 4.................................................................. Research Seminar, All Programs
January 4................................................................CLASSES BEGIN, ALL PROGRAMS
January 13........................................................................................... Prayer Retreat
January 29....................................................................Vocational Opportunities Day
January 29–31................................................................................ 2VM Snow Camp
February 9........................................................................................PACE Orientation
February 15–19........................................................ Reading Week, Regular Program
March 11–13.................................................................................EMERGE Weekend
March 24...........................................Course Withdrawal Deadline, Regular Program
March 25................................................................................. GOOD FRIDAY, Closed
March 26 – April 3............................................................Spring Ministry Experience
March 29.................................................................. Research Seminar, All Programs
April 1–2......................................................................Graduate Capping Experience
April 15............................................................ Last Day of Classes, Regular Program
April 18–22.......................................................Final Examinations, Regular Program
April 22..............................................COMMENCEMENT BANQUET, ALL PROGRAMS
April 23....................................... Semi-annual Meeting of the ABC Board of Trustees
April 24................................................. BACCALAUREATE SERVICE, ALL PROGRAMS
May 9–11......................................... Western Canadian Leadership Renewal Summit
May 10............................................................................ PACE Practicum Orientation
August 26–28.................................................................................Deeper Life Camp
Academic calendar Alberta Bible College - Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ
    Mission Statement............................................................................ 6
    Strategic Direction............................................................................ 6
    Effort Priorities.................................................................................. 6
    What We Believe............................................................................... 6
    Educational Policy............................................................................. 6
    Learning Opportunities..................................................................... 7
    Our Learning Environment................................................................ 7
    Community Life Covenant................................................................. 8
    Graduate Placement and Completion Rates..................................... 9
    Organization..................................................................................... 9
    Brief History...................................................................................... 9
    Location............................................................................................ 9
    Facilities.......................................................................................... 10
    Finances.......................................................................................... 10
    Affiliations and Associations........................................................... 10
    Full-Time Faculty and/or Administration.......................................... 11
    Adjunct Faculty............................................................................... 11
    Board of Trustees............................................................................ 11

Academic calendar Alberta Bible College - Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ
General Information
             MISSION STATEMENT To equip people for effective service and witness for Christ.
  STRATEGIC DIRECTION To be a leader in quality Christian higher education for the equipping of a broad base of
                 students, for effective service within changing social and cultural contexts.

 EFFORT PRIORITIES                                                        • That the Holy Spirit lives in all Christians, gifting them for
		                                                                          ministry, and producing the fruit of the Spirit
1. To transform learners for effective, Biblically based service.           (I Corinthians 12:4; Galatians 5:22–23)
2. To provide a Christian environment in which learners are               • That the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that the
   encouraged to understand themselves, the needs of the                    New Testament is the all sufficient guide for the teaching,
   community (local and global) of which they are a part, and               organization, and life of the church (II Timothy 3:14–16)
   how they will bring to bear their impact with passion and              • That we seek the unity of all believers by practising
   skill.                                                                   biblical Christianity (John 17:20; Ephesians 4:1–13)
3. To achieve the highest levels of credibility to all                    • That the mission of the church world-wide is evangelism
   stakeholders served by Alberta Bible College.                            and Christian nurture (Matthew 28:18–20)
4. To achieve highest levels of accountability for effective and
   efficient management of resources.                                     EDUCATIONAL POLICY
5. To increase the educational influence of Alberta Bible
   College through sustained growth.                                          Throughout more than 80 years of history, ABC’s focus
                                                                        has been to equip people for ministry according to gifts and
 WHAT WE BELIEVE                                                        opportunities. While many students benefit from our programs
		                                                                      without entering the many avenues of vocational ministry, we
		 Alberta Bible College strives to be strictly non-sectarian           view what we do as ministry formation.
and Christian in the highest meaning of the terms. Since we             		 How ABC equips people has been a matter of dynamic
understand that Christian fellowship exists in Christ alone,            and ongoing development.
the statements below are intended to describe the doctrinal             		 In 2001, Alberta Bible College formally adopted a
context for the pursuit of our mission and objectives. They             “transformational learning” philosophy, which continues to
are not intended to form a creed. In fact, the variety of               shape the robust learning experience of all students.
denominational affiliations represented in ABC’s student body           		 While recognizing the necessity of intellectual rigor,
complements a rich learning and relational environment.                 “transformational learning” expands the horizon of learning
		 The College exists to receive and prepare Christian men              beyond information. Living in a Christ-like way in our world
and women, irrespective of denominational affiliation, for the          is more than an intellectual curiosity. While there is much
express purpose of training them for Christian service and to           information about Christianity that gives it great depth, this
provide an element of Christian education and culture for all           information is a means to transformation of life, and not an
walks of life.                                                          end in itself. Learning encounters, then, are designed to include
		 ABC is a coeducational institution of higher learning                “knowing.” But they also include “being” and “doing,” the
committed unreservedly to the principles and advocacy of New            relational and the practical. Transformational learning is
Testament Christianity. Our commitment to the Christian Faith           about a model of ministry formation that sees human being
is:                                                                     whole. It is about integration or loving obedience, what
    • That Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God; and,         some call “giving truth an address.” In Christian tradition, it
      as such, is Head of His body, the church (Matthew 16:16;          means“being wise” by both “hearing and doing” and not
      Colossians 1:18)                                                  “hearing only” (Matthew 6:24ff). Transformational learning
    • That He died to atone for the sins of all people and              seeks to embrace both academic rigor and the requirements of
      that He was raised from the dead for their justification          loving discipleship.
      (Romans 4:25)                                                     		 As the diagram on the following page shows,
    • That people are justified by faith in Him according to the        transformational learning takes the whole learner into account.
      terms of the Gospel laid down in the New Testament                Scholarship and academic excellence are important, but even
      (John 3:16; Acts 2:38; Romans 10:9–10)                            more significant are dedication to Jesus Christ and serving
                                                                        people, within the context of gifts, abilities and opportunities.

Academic calendar Alberta Bible College - Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ
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                                  Knowing/Study                                                      Being/Prayer
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                                     Content                                                          Communion

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                     Goal: Making sense of God’s story                                       Goal: Experiencing God’s love

                                                                                                                                                                                    ng in a
                              • Through biblical knowledge                                    • In the practice of prayer and worship
                             • Through cultural apprehension                                        • In reflective Bible reading

                                                                                                                                                                                      te a m
                                • Through global theology                                                  and meditation

                                                               Goal: Becoming Christ-like
                                                            • Through perseverance and patience
                                              • Through confidence in God’s grace and gifting in spite of hardship
                                                                      • Through integrity

                                                                      Goal: Disciplemaking
                                                                        • In leading small groups
                                                                          • In sharing the faith
                                                                      • In mentoring and coaching
                                                                         • In teaching/preaching

 LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES                                                                        This is an accelerated program whereby students
                                                                                          complete 48 credits in Leadership major and 51 credits in
     Alberta Bible College offers several learning opportunities                          Counselling major in approximately two years of study, one
to meet unique needs.                                                                     evening per week, and can work toward either a Diploma or
                                                                                          Degree in their chosen major (see pages 41–56).
     When a person thinks of college, the typical picture                                 DISTANCE LEARNING
comes to mind of students recently finished high school who                                      For anyone who is unable to attend classes on-site, ABC
take classes primarily during the day. For over 80 years ABC                              offers options for taking courses from a distance. These courses
has been offering this “regular” program of education. In this                            may be taken either to support formal programs, or to fulfil
program students are together several days during the week,                               life-long learning goals (see page 58).
growing and learning as a community (see pages 12–40).
                                                                                          OUR LEARNING ENVIRONMENT
      For adults 25 years and older who want to become better                                  Alberta Bible College offers specialized education within
equipped for Christian witness and service in the Kingdom,                                the context of Christian community. Because of the deep desire
the PACE (Professional Adult Christian Education) Program is                              to keep our mission in focus, all members of the community,
provided. Students with prior post-secondary education credits                            whether Board Members, Administrators, Faculty, Staff, and
to transfer have the possibility to complete their undergraduate                          students, are required to sign ABC’s Community Life Covenant
degree and receive a Bachelor of Arts in Leadership & Ministry                            (see page 8) in good faith.
or Counselling & Ministry.

Academic calendar Alberta Bible College - Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ
Community Life Covenant
   ABC is a Christian community informed by the life and teachings of Jesus. The ‘way’ of Jesus revolves around love:
   love for God (Luke 10:27); love for “one another” (John 13:34-35); love for neighbour (Luke 10:27); and even love
   for enemies (Matt 5:44). With respect to all moral issues there are several biblical principles rooted in this reality
   of love that we see as central to life together:
   1. Love for God is a work of the Holy Spirit as He transforms us in Christ rather than we being conformed to the sinful world
       (Rom 8:9-11, 12:1-2, 1 John 2:15-17);
   2. Love for “one another” means that our freedom in Christ is subject to careful and selfless consideration of our brothers and
      sisters in Christ (Gal 5:13, 1 Cor 8:9);
   3. Jesus’ broad understanding of “neighbour” (Luke 10:30-37) means that as servants of Christ and ministers of the gospel we
      make it our concern to be culturally sensitive in a multicultural world, making ourselves “slaves to everyone, to win as many
      as possible” (1 Cor 9:19, 10:23-24).

• We recognize the value of worshipping and serving                      concern, following the plan of Matt 18:15-20. All written
  together. All regular students and staff are encouraged to             and electronic communication (emails, blogs, text-messages)
  regularly attend hospitality service/chapel/community lunch            are bound by these same principles.
  Wednesdays from 10:15 a.m. to 12:15 noon. Students and               • We will make choices that are consistent with our pursuit of
  staff are expected to find a church home in the Calgary area           holiness in activities such as theatre, dance, and music, or
  and worship and serve there on a regular basis.                        in the use of media and technology such as film, television,
• We believe all human and natural resources are a trust from            radio, and computers.
  God. We value work, creative expression, and wise use of             • Regarding the expression of human sexuality, the Bible
  time, ability, and money. We believe in wise use of natural            teaches that we are created male and female, and that God
  resources. We will use them to do God’s work and to benefit            saw the goodness of our maleness and our femaleness. It
  God’s creation.                                                        teaches that the physical expression of our sexuality is to
• We strive to develop healthy patterns of eating, rest, and             be within the shelter of marital commitment between one
  physical activity. We are to overcome substance use or abuse           man and one woman. All are expected to obey this biblical
  that harms our physical, mental, or emotional well-being               ideal. Alternative expressions of sexuality, and advocacy of
  (e.g. use of tobacco). We are to refrain from the use of               them (adultery, fornication, pedophilia, and homosexuality)
  mood-altering drugs and substances, and narcotics not                  are forbidden, as are all forms of obscenity, lewdness, and
  recommended by a physician.                                            pornographic use and abuse. Mixed gender housing is
• ABC recognizes that individuals come with a variety                    not acceptable unless it falls under biblical principles of
  of perspectives on the use of alcohol. These varying                   family and marriage or has prior written approval from the
  perspectives can become a source of division and pain                  administrative staff.
  within the community when individuals claim for themselves           • As Christians, we choose to submit to those in authority,
  the freedom to adopt drinking patterns that cause others               unless their expectations are contrary to biblical truth.
  concern. Alcohol has caused immense damage to many                   • Illegal substances are not to be used, possessed, or
  individuals and cultures and we also recognize that the                distributed on or away from campus.
  consumption of alcohol can be harmful and can undermine
  our Christian witness. For all these reasons we do not regard        • At times we will need to follow the biblical mandate
  alcohol use as unrelated to our life in Christ. Alcohol is not         to sacrifice our individual liberty for the good of the
  allowed on campus. Drunkenness is clearly unacceptable                 community. When differences arise, we will choose the
  according to biblical standards.                                       course that demands greater personal restraint and self-
                                                                         discipline. We will strive to resolve those differences in a
• We acknowledge the impact of words. Our speech should                  gracious and just manner, including the possible dismissal or
  encourage and build each other up; words that tear down,               expulsion of those who choose to be non-compliant to the
  gossip, or communicate disrespect are not acceptable.                  Community Life Covenant.
  We are to speak directly to those with whom we have a

As a member of the ABC community, my desire is that these core values will become increasingly evident in my life.
I choose to trust those in authority and Christian leadership to hold me accountable. I also acknowledge that non-
compliance with the above would be sufficient reason to be asked to leave the College.

Academic calendar Alberta Bible College - Equipping people for effective service and witness for Christ

ABC GRADUATE PLACEMENT RATES (GPR)*                                     		 Alberta Bible College began in July 1932, in the midst of
YEAR    2010   2011  2012    2013   2014                    2015        the “great depression.” The elders of the Lethbridge Church of
                                                                        Christ gave their minister, Dr. Charles H. Phillips, authorization
GPR         78%       71%      73%       78%       75%      76%
                                                                        to found a college and to devote the necessary time to
                                                                        teaching. The College was a child of vision and faith, and of
*Percentage of students graduating with a bachelor’s degree in
                                                                        the urgent need to equip servant leaders to serve the Great
a given year, who within six months are employed in ministry,
                                                                        Commission through the church in the growing Canadian West.
are pursuing further studies in the field of studies that they
                                                                        		 In 1937 the College was moved from Lethbridge to
graduated from ABC with, or in the case of Adult Learner
                                                                        Calgary, which was more central to the province. A vacant
Graduates who are retired, volunteer more than half time.
                                                                        public school building was purchased and used until 1962. In
                                                                        1962, new facilities were designed, constructed and served the
                                                                        College well for 35 years. In the winter of 1996–97, the College
Year    2010   2011   2012   2013    2014                   2015
                                                                        purchased, renovated and moved to a new campus. Today,
GCR         78%       63%      59%       91%       92%      67%         the College is housed in facilities capable of serving growing
                                                                        enrolments and unique, expanding programs.
*The percentage of students who graduate from a program
of studies that they have declared within 150% of the normal                 Full-time leadership has been provided by:
time required to complete the degree.                                        Dr. C. H. Phillips           Principal           1932–37/1943–49
                                                                             J. Merlin Hill               Principal           1937–41
		 Alberta Bible College graduates serve in a large variety                  Dr. Melvin L. Breakenridge   Principal           1941–43/1950–62
of church, para-church, and service agency ministries. They are              Roscoe E. Hollister          Interim Principal   1949–50
pastors, youth workers, Christian education pastors, church                  Dr. Ernest Hansell           President           1962–65
planters, house church pastors, case workers for addictions                  Robert Gonyea                Dean                1965–67
or people just getting out of jail, literacy workers, TESOL                  Boyd L. Lammiman             President           1967–84
instructors, church secretaries, Bible college faculty and staff,            Dr. Ronald A. Fraser         President           1984–2010
and chaplains to truck drivers and firemen. They work in                     Rob Pittman                  President           2010–2011
orphanages, do development work, and translate the Bible in                  Brent Williams               Interim President   2011–2012
the two-thirds world. A good number of our PACE graduates                    Dr. William Raccah           President           2012–2013
pastor ethnic congregations in Canada. Bridge graduates                      Dr. Stan Helton              President           2015–
work in a wide variety of sectors from health care, trades and
education to public service. When students find where their                   Alberta Bible College has reason to be proud of its record.
“great gladness” meets “the world’s great need” (Buechner),             The ministries of many churches across Canada are served by
faith, hope and love visits our world.                                  graduates of ABC. Graduates also serve in the United States and
                                                                        account for cross-cultural initiatives in 21 foreign countries. A
 ORGANIZATION                                                           number work in para-church ministries. Many others serve Christ
		                                                                      in numerous avenues. 70% of its degree graduates are engaged
		 Alberta Bible College is incorporated under the laws of              in full-time ministry and 1,128 alumni account for an influence
the Province of Alberta as an educational institution. Control of       beyond their numbers, around the world.
the policies of the College is vested in an independent Board of
Trustees under the leadership of the Chairman of the Board.              LOCATION
Administration is the responsibility of the President, appointed
by the Board of Trustees. The President is assisted and advised               The growing City of Calgary, Alberta, with a population of
by a Director’s Cabinet consisting of the Student Development           over a million, is one of the largest in land area in Canada. It
Director, Learning Services Director and Administrative Services        is known as “The Heart of the West.” The seasons of the year
Director. The Finance Committee of the Board assists the                are distinctively marked, yet there are not usually abnormal
President in the making of financial decisions related to the           extremes of temperature. During the summer months, the dry
operation and development of the College.                               heat of the day is counteracted by the lovely, long evenings
                                                                        and cool nights. The extreme cold felt elsewhere is modified by
                                                                        the frequent Chinook winds which bring a breath of the warm

Pacific. Calgary is statistically the “Sunny City” of Canada,             		 A modern, comfortable area conducive to conversation
registering on average over 2,200 hours of bright sunshine per            and relaxation is our Student Centre. A kitchenette with
year.                                                                     refrigerator and microwave is provided for snack or lunch
      Calgary affords its multi-cultural population a vast                preparation. It also includes a beautifully decorated fireside
variety of cultural and recreational opportunities. Surrounding           room and entertainment area.
environs, including the majestic Rockies, Banff, and Lake Louise,
augment both summer and winter activities.                                 FINANCES
      The city provides limitless opportunities for Christian
service.                                                                  		 ABC is entirely dependent upon individuals and
      The College is situated on a choice site, in the same               congregations for financial support. Our appeal is made
general area as SAIT Polytechnic, the Alberta College of Art              on the basis of the spirit and thoroughness of the work we
and Design, the Jubilee Auditorium, and the University of                 are doing in the education of ministers, missionaries, other
Calgary. Open city parks and playgrounds are to the east of our           Christian leaders, as well as many others who seek to develop
property.                                                                 knowledge and skills for service. Prayer and faith require
      Calgary has ample job opportunities to offer students               consecration and devotion on behalf of all our trustees, faculty,
who need to supplement their income while in school.                      and staff. We trust God to put it upon the hearts of Christian
      The College is located in a residential area zoned for              people to supply our needs.
rental use and is located on several bus routes.                          		 One specific way in which College finances are stabilized
                                                                          is through bequests. The principle of such gifts is placed in the
 FACILITIES                                                               Endowment Fund or Scholarship Fund which earns revenue in
		                                                                        perpetuity for the training of men and women for the work of
		 The college building offers excellent, appealing amenities             service to Christ and His church.
on over three acres of landscaped property in a friendly                  		 Alberta Bible College is recognized by the Canadian
residential neighbourhood. Large and small classrooms, well-              Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) as being in compliance
furnished and well-lit, provide an atmosphere most conducive              with the highest standards of financial accountability and
to learning. Audio-visual and computer equipment assist the               disclosure to government, donors and the general public. ABC
learning experience.                                                      is thoroughly committed to ethical fundraising and subscribes
		 The library (Learning Resource Centre) is well-equipped                to the CCCC Standards of Organizational Integrity and
for the specialized focus of Bible College reading and study.             Accountability.
The LRC has over 25,000 volumes, selected to support our                  		 Spending of funds is confined to board approval programs
program. An on-line consortium with one other theological                 and purchases. Each gift designated, toward an approved
institution provides interlibrary loan services for an additional         program will be used as designated with the understanding
70,000 volumes. On-line databases provide student access                  that when any given need has been met, designated gifts will
to thousands of additional articles and books to pursue                   be used where needed most. Gifts are acknowledged and
personal reading or class research. An on-line catalogue makes            receipted with an official receipt for income tax purposes.
information access efficient and thorough. Students also have             		 For information on any aspect of College finance please
access throughout the building to state-of-the-art technology             make inquiry to the Administrative Services Director.
for research via Internet. Wireless connection is available in all
areas of the school.                                                       AFFILIATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS
		 Our large gymnasium, squash court, soccer field, patio
and picnic areas, as well as ‘Community Common’ provide                   		 Alberta Bible College is committed to your education, its
appealing leisure and recreational facilities for our students,           usefulness to the church and society we live in, as well as its
as well as other groups who may not have access to such a                 recognition by the larger academic community. The following
facility.                                                                 associations have therefore been developed:
       Our naturally lit chapel provides an atmosphere where                 • The Government of Alberta, by a special act of
students may assemble and, in quietness and confidence, seek                   incorporation, has granted Alberta Bible College a charter
the Lord with their whole heart. This facility is equipped with                to grant degrees, diplomas, and certificates
state-of-the-art theatre lighting.                                           • Most Canadian Bible Colleges accept Alberta Bible
		 Just outside the chapel is a nicely landscaped prayer                       College credit transfer
garden where students and staff may enjoy quietness and

  • Most seminaries and Christian graduate schools in                    ADJUNCT FACULTY
    Canada and the United States accept Alberta Bible
    College degrees as meeting their entrance requirements              Laurie Abbott M.Sc., MA
  • Some Canadian universities have granted transfer of                 Ann Bale MA (Hons), DCPC (Diploma Clinical and Pastoral Counselling)
    credit for certain ABC courses                                      Pamela Baribeault BRE, MCS
  • Alberta Bible College has been approved as a designated             Jordan Blasetti B.Th., MCS
    institution of the Canada Student Loans Plan                        Tim Callaway M.Div., M.Th., D.Th.
  • Alberta Bible College is a member of the Canadian                   Kelly Carter PhD
    Council of Christian Charities                                      Kyle Fraser B.Th., M.Div.
  • Alberta Bible College is a member of the Evangelical                Roger Helland ThM, D.Min.
    Fellowship of Canada                                                Marnie Hoetmer BSL, MA
                                                                        Marcia Hogg B.Ed., MA
                                                                        Cal Hultgren B.Th., MAR
                                                                        Kurt Kuykendall B.Th.
                                                                        Val Lieske BFA
 FULL-TIME FACULTY AND/OR ADMINISTRATION                                Rick Love B.Th. M.Div., PhD
                                                                        Mark Ma Min BA, D.Phil.
Mike Breakenridge (2015)                                                Billy McMillan B.Ed., M.Div. (Hon)
Registrar                                                               Steve McMillan MA, M.Div.
BRE, Alberta Bible College 2001; MAM, Ambrose Seminary                  Alice Mitchell M.Div., M.Th.
(Pending)                                                               Murray Molohon BA, BSW, MA
                                                                        John Nicholson B.Th., M.Div.
Lisa Cutforth–Anderson (2005)                                           Keith Shields BRE, B.Sc., DipCS, MCS
Learning Resource Coordinator                                           Mark Simpson MA
BRE, Alberta Bible College 1993; LIT Diploma, Southern Alberta          Mervin Strome MA
Institute of Technology 1995; MA, Christian Studies, Luther Rice        Val Tompkins B.Sc., M.Sc.
Seminary 2012
                                                                          BOARD OF TRUSTEES
May Dunn (2013)
Admissions Coordinator / Learning Services Assistant                    Term 2012–2016
B.Ed., National Taiwan Normal University 1998; TCSL, Chinese            Jennifer Brayne...........................Businessperson, Lethbridge, AB
Cultural University 2008                                                Horst Buchholz.............................................Carpenter, Clyde, AB
                                                                        Doug Dietz....................................... I.T. Consultant, Okotoks, AB
Ronald A. Fraser (1975)                                                 Lisa Stump..............................................Homemaker, Lumby, BC
Learning Services Director
(Missional Leadership, Biblical Studies)                                Term 2013–2017
B.Th., Alberta Bible College 1973; B.Ed., University of Calgary         Blair Cameron............................ Business Executive, Calgary, AB
1973; MCS, Regent College 1986; EdD, University of Alberta 2008         Jonathan Chapman.................... Business Executive, Calgary, AB
                                                                        George Graffunder..................................... Educator, Calgary, AB
Shannon Guygel (2014)                                                   Alan Jones............................................Pastor, Grande Prairie, AB
Enrolment Coordinator                                                   Karen Moilliet............................................... Pastor, Vavenby, BC
BA, Alberta Bible College 2013                                          Rick Rehn........................................Retired Fireman, Calgary, AB

Jean Myers (2000)                                                                             Executive Members
Administrative Services Director                                                             Rick Rehn, Chairperson
                                                                                       Jonathan Chapman, Vice-Chairperson
Cory Pytlarz (2014)                                                                         Jennifer Brayne, Secretary
Student Development Director                                                                 Blair Cameron, Treasurer
(Biblical Studies, Christian Ministries)                                           Plus Committee Chairs and Members at Large
CCF, Alberta Bible College 2008; BRE, Alberta Bible College
2011; MTS, Wycliffe College and Seminary 2014

Regular Program
     Student Development..................................................................... 13
     Finances.......................................................................................... 15
     Admission Requirements................................................................ 20
     Academic Policies............................................................................ 21
     Academic Programs........................................................................ 24
             Practical Ministries................................................................ 25
             Certificate In Christian Foundations (The Rock) .................... 26
             Diploma In Christian Ministries – Professional Studies Emphasis.......... 27
             Diploma In Christian Ministries – Creative Ministries Emphasis............ 28
             Bachelor of Theology............................................................. 29
             Bachelor of Religious Education — General Objectives........ 30
             • Christian Ministries Major.................................................. 31
             • General Studies Major (Bridge Program)............................ 32
             • Global Studies Major.......................................................... 33
             Bachelor of Sacred Literature................................................. 34
     Course Descriptions........................................................................ 35

Student Development
 VISION                                                                 Student Body Leadership
		                                                                        • Student body members are encouraged to participate
		 Student Development seeks to further the mission of ABC                  in formal student body leadership. Involvement in these
in conjunction with other facets of the College program by                  areas of leadership provides opportunities for developing
providing hospitable spaces and opportunities that encourage                character, calling and competency.
personal and interpersonal growth, and spiritual maturity in              • As a school, ABC focuses on three priorities: study, service,

                                                                                                                                             REGULAR PROGRAM
Christ (Ephesians 4:15,16).                                                 and prayer within the context of community. The Student
                                                                            leadership team consists of five students who assume
 CORE VALUES                                                                responsibility for highlighting these priorities within the
Community                                                                 • Special student body task teams oversee special events
ABC is a community of staff and students who encourage each                 and projects during the school year.
other to develop these three priorities of the Christian life:
study, service, and prayer. In obedience to God, the community          Spiritual Formation
strives to be characterized by love, harmony, and thankfulness            • Spiritual growth is integral to the Christian life and,
(Colossians 3:12-17).                                                        therefore, is part of all that ABC does. However, there are
                                                                             also structures in place that are intentionally designed to
Students                                                                     move individuals towards being more like Jesus.
Students are developing discernment, compassion, and                      • Chapel each week provides a corporate worship
integrity (Philippians 1:9,10) and are encouraged to be                      experience that takes a variety of shapes but is intended
examples to others in the way they live (1 Timothy 4:12).                    to be a time of reflection and rejuvenation in the midst of
                                                                             busy schedules. Reflective chapels, guest speakers, music,
Staff                                                                        prayer, study, and testimonies as well as meals together
All teaching, guidance, modeling, and mentoring is towards the               are included so that the community experiences a variety
goal of maturity in Christ (Colossians 1:28-29).                             of ways to worship God together. Chapel also provides
                                                                             opportunities for students to apply and practice classroom
Discipline                                                                   learning.
Discipline is to be restorative and administered with gentleness          • Small groups that include both students and staff meet
and humility (Galatians 6:1).                                                each week to share life’s celebrations and concerns
                                                                             and pray together for individuals and well as ABC as an
Holy Spirit                                                                  institution.
It is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit that enables              • The Community Life Covenant and Christian Life
growth, overcomes discouragement, and provides the harvest                   Expectations outline the virtues and behaviors that ABC
(Galatians 6:8-10).                                                          expects of both staff and students so that the community
                                                                             is able to fulfill its mission. Willingness to strive to live
 COMMUNITY LIFE                                                              out these virtues and behaviors is expected; all staff and
		                                                                           students are required to sign these documents; adherence
Student Body Membership                                                      to the principles is a matter of personal integrity.
  • Student body membership is required of all program                    • All staff and students are expected to be actively involved
    students, as well as all students enrolled in at least six               with a local church community during their time at ABC.
    hours of classes and Practical Ministries Lab (PML).                  • Staff and students are encouraged to individually engage
    Students may choose to be a student body member if                       in the spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible reading and
    they are enrolled in one three-hour class and PML.                       meditation. Students who live in households (small
  • As a student body member, students are required to pay                   groups of peers living in community) are encouraged to
    student body fees, and to comply with the Community                      have regular times of prayer together.
    Life Covenant and Christian Life Expectations.

Growing Together                                                          Physical well-being
  • The September Student Body Retreat is designed to                       • ABC encourages students and staff to include time
    develop community as the school year begins and                           for physical activity and adequate rest in their weekly
    students and staff connect with each other away from the                  schedule. God is honoured when we serve Him out
    distractions of campus life. The retreat is organized and                 of a place of physical wellness rather than stress and
    led by the Student Leadership team in communication                       tiredness.
    with the Student Development Director.                                  • Students are expected to develop healthy eating habits
  • There are also opportunities throughout the year to travel                and create an environment that is conducive to a good
    as student teams, with or without staff, to serve with                    night’s sleep.
    supporting ministries, youth conferences and retreats.                  • Intramural sports, recreational volleyball, and outdoor
    Serving together on road trips builds community.                          adventure trips provide opportunities for physical activity.

Housing                                                                   Hospitality Teams
  • ABC recognizes the educational value of apartment                       • Hospitality teams create an attitude of service as students
    living and roommate relationships as young adults                         find a way to contribute to life at ABC. While serving on
    develop independence and acquire life skills. Rather than                 a Hospitality team, students build relationships, have fun
    providing dormitories, the College encourages students                    together, and develop a sense of accomplishment.
    to live in households. Learning how to live in community                • Hospitality teams are created by the Student
    with a small group of peers can be another aspect of                      Development Director each September. Students who
    spiritual transformation. The College assists students in                 choose to not serve on a Hospitality team pay an
    finding suitable accommodation and forming household                      additional fee to contribute to the maintenance of the
    groupings.                                                                College campus and the expenses of community events.
  • Student Development works with households to create
    guidelines for household life and provides guidance with              Vocational Discernment
    landlord relations as necessary.                                        • ABC believes that every individual has leadership
  • Students from outside of Calgary who want the College’s                   potential as part of God’s kingdom (Jeremiah 29:11).
    assistance in forming a household must submit a                           Students are provided with opportunities to consider how
    completed “Housing Questionnaire” along with their                        their individual passions, talents, and abilities can be lived
    application. Deadline is August 1. The College will be                    in service to God. Involvement in Practical Ministries Lab
    much more limited in helping those who apply after this                   is especially helpful in understanding who God created
    deadline.                                                                 you to be.
  • Some students choose to live in room and board                          • Students are encouraged to recognize and value their
    situations; others continue to remain at home with family                 uniqueness as they make decisions about how to
    in Calgary.                                                               contribute to the world they live in.
                                                                            • Instructional staff welcome conversations with students
Employment                                                                    who seek guidance about vocational choices.
  • Most students find it necessary to work part-time.                      • The Student Development Director works with individual
    Working provides opportunities to develop additional                      students and with small groups on a regular basis to help
    skills as well as clarifying potential occupational interests.            them discern God’s specific call on their lives.
    It is recommended that full-time students limit their work
    hours to 20 hours per week.
  • The following guideline is designed to help balance work
    commitments and academic load.

     15-17 hours­	               14 hours or less­
     12-14 hours­	               14-20 hours­
     10-12 hours­	               20-30 hours­
     6-10 hours­	                30 hours or more­

 COSTS                                                                         • Subsidies provided by a generous and committed
		                                                                               supporting public;
		 Students can expect to pay between $580 and $750 per                        • The College’s commitment to accessibility to quality
month for room and board. See “Housing” page 14. Typically,                      education; and
students secure part-time work during the school year with the                 • The College’s commitment to do its part to ensure that
income from such enterprise meeting living expenses.                             graduates are not encumbered by large debts.

                                                                                                                                                                            REGULAR PROGRAM
		 All fees are due and payable at Registration. Under
limited conditions, permission to pay tuition late may be                         In order to assure that each student meets his/her current
received from the Business Office. All outstanding financial                financial obligations, the College withholds the granting of
obligations must be paid prior to the next semester.                        a degree, diploma or certificate, and/or transcripts until such
		 While still offering high quality education, tuition and fees            time as all accounts of the student have been settled to the
are among the lowest to be found thanks to:                                 satisfaction of the Business Office.

                                                    TUITION AND FEES 2015–2016
  TUITION*			Note: Tuition based on normal                                            Per Year................................................................ 5,850.00
             credit hours per semester (15 credit hours)
  			                                                                                 Per Semester......................................................... 2,925.00

  			                                                                                 Per Credit Hour......................................................... 195.00

  FEES                            Student Body Fee**                                  Per Year.................................................................... 240.00

  		                                                                                  Per Semester............................................................ 120.00

  TOTAL TUITION AND FEES 		                                                           Per Year................................................................ 6,090.00

  ADDITIONAL FEES                 Application Fee                                     One Time.................................................................... 50.00

  		                              Late Registration Fee                               Per Semester.............................................................. 75.00

  		Graduation Fee                                                                    One Time.................................................................... 50.00

  		Hospitality Opting-Out Provision                                                  Per Credit Hour........................................................... 35.00

  		Continuance Fee (non-residence students)                                          Per Semester.............................................................. 25.00

  		Audit Fee                                                                         Per Credit Hour........................................................... 97.50

  Tuition and Fees are payable at Registration.

  *ENDOWMENT SUBSIDY: Due to the generosity of our supporting churches and community, Alberta Bible College offers an
  endowment subsidy to every accepted student. This subsidy covers a large portion of the tuition expense and allows Alberta Bible
  College to offer one of the most highly competitive tuition rates in Christian higher education. For the 2015-2016 academic year
  the endowment subsidy carries a value of approximately $4,000. The tuition rate shown in this academic calendar is the cost for
  tuition after this subsidy is applied, effectively lowering the full-time 30 credit hour tuition rate to $5,850/year.

  **STUDENT BODY FEE INCLUDES: Yearbook, Commencement Banquet, Student Community and Events costs, etc.

  REFUND POLICY: Full refund is provided up to the end of the first week of classes. No refund is granted thereafter.

SCHOLARSHIPS                                                            BENOIT SCHOLARSHIP
                                                                         • Up to two tuition scholarships of $1,000 each are
      Unless otherwise stated, all scholarships are listed in              available to first year applicants
Canadian dollars and will be administered in compliance with             • Competitive
the following scholarship procedure and policies:                        • Application (including an essay and three references) can
   • Used over two semesters                                               be made through the Admissions Coordinator prior to
   • Maintain a minimum 2.0 G.P.A. in all semesters of study               May 15
      to which the scholarship funding is applied, or scholarship
      is repayable                                                       CAMP SCHOLARSHIP
   • May be used for up to two years from the date of receipt            • Camps of supporting ministries of Alberta Bible
   • Applied only to tuition                                               College may nominate a Grade 11 or 12 student who
   • Non-transferable                                                      demonstrates exemplary service or leadership for a tuition
   • To a maximum of 75% of tuition per semester                           scholarship equivalent to one semester’s tuition
                                                                         • Unlimited number available per summer
Student Referral Scholarship                                             • Nomination deadline is August 15
  This scholarship is open to all new and returning students
  who recommend a new prospective student to ABC. The                    EXCELLENCE IN LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP
  recommended prospective student cannot be an existing                  • Five tuition scholarships of $1,000 available to students
  student in the Admissions Coordinator’s database. This can               of private Christian Educational Institutions in Western
  be confirmed by simply referencing the database at the time              Canada, including secondary school, one-year Bible
  ABC receives the name of the prospective student. $100                   Colleges and Discipleship schools
  per 3-credit class that the new student registers and pays             • Students who receive this scholarship should have
  for, to a maximum amount of 10 classes. (For example, if a               demonstrated academic excellence, leadership excellence
  student registers for a full year of classes, the amount of the          in academic and/or non-academic areas of school life, and
  scholarship is $1,000.)                                                  excellence in Christian integrity in balance
                                                                         • By nomination from each school on a first-come, first-
Scholarships for Incoming Students                                         served basis
                                                                         • The decision of the College is final
  ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP                               • Nominations must be received by the Admissions
  • Two tuition scholarships of $500 made available                        Coordinator by June 15
    to incoming students showing superior academic
    achievement                                                          FACULTY ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP
  • Enrolled in full-time classes (12 or more credits), including        • Four tuition scholarships of $500 offered to incoming
    Practical Ministry Lab, for the fall semester                          students applying to a degree or diploma program
  • Have achieved a grade average 85% or higher in their                 • Made available to students who show promise in the core
    last two semesters of study (based on official transcript              areas of emphasis at Alberta Bible College: Bible study
    evaluation)                                                            (academics), Christian service and spiritual formation
  • Have not taken more than 12 hours of post-secondary                  • Financial need will be considered
    education prior to attending Alberta Bible College                   • Enrolled in full-time classes (12 or more credits), including
  • Application can be made through the Admissions                         Practical Ministry Lab, in the fall semester
    Coordinator prior to August 15                                       • Completed Financial Aid Request form submitted by
                                                                           August 1
  ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP                                                   • Subject to academic achievement or special faculty
  • One tuition scholarship of $1,000 available to a first year            permission
    applicant (or a returning student)                                   • Inquire to the Admissions Coordinator
  • Available to students who meet the criteria of athletic              • Application can be made through the Admissions
    excellence and the integration of athletics and the                    Coordinator prior to June 15
    Christian faith through essay and interview
  • Competitive
  • Application can be made through the Admissions
    Coordinator prior to June 15

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