GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT CARE CENTRES - Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development (July 2013) - ECDA

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GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT CARE CENTRES - Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development (July 2013) - ECDA

Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development
                                      (July 2013)
GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT CARE CENTRES - Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development (July 2013) - ECDA
Guidelines for Student Care Centres


             01              The Physical Environment

             02              Safety/Health/Hygiene/Nutrition

             03              Staffing

             04              Programme

             05              Administration

             06              Community Resources

             07              School-based SCC

             08              ComCare Student Care Fee Assistance

             09              Layout and Fitting

             10              Annexes

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)
Published by MSF, Singapore. All rights reserved.
GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT CARE CENTRES - Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development (July 2013) - ECDA

                                                               The recommended usable floor area :
    ENVIRONMENT                                                student ratio is 3 square metres to 1
                                                               student. For example, a usable floor area
                                                               of 180 square metres is able to
    The physical environment in a Student Care                 accommodate up to 60 students at any
    Centre (SCC) consists of the indoor and                    point in time. This usable floor area
    outdoor spaces, and includes furniture,                    excludes the sick bay, staff room and
    equipment and resource materials within                    ancillary area for kitchen, store, bathrooms
    these spaces.                                              and toilets.
    It is important that the physical environment is        ii. Activity areas/Interest corners
    clean and safe. In addition, the physical
    environment should encourage learning                          It would also be desirable to have
    participation,    and      foster   constructive               activity/interest areas for rest and
    relationships among students and between
                                                                   relaxation. These could include:
    students and staff.
                                                               •     Book shelves and the adjoining space
    This chapter on SCC’s physical environment
                                                                     can be a ‘reading corner’.
    provides pointers to consider in the following             •     Shelves with art & craft materials and
    areas:                                                           the adjoining space can be a ‘crafts
       •   Use of Space (Indoor and Outdoor areas);
       •   Furnishings/Fittings and Equipment;              Reading Corner
       •   General Maintenance and Cleanliness;
       •   Learning Environment.

    1.1 USE OF SPACE

    Key Considerations

    a. Indoor

    i. Floor space

           Having adequate indoor space and
           utilising it efficiently would contribute to a
           more conducive learning environment for
           students. Some of the key considerations         Crafts Display Corner
           include the size of the rooms as well as
           the number of students catered for, their
           age, abilities, needs and interests.

           The SCC operators would need to ensure
           that the space and layout of the SCC is
           able to accommodate the maximum
           capacity of students during Saturdays and
           school holidays.

           SCCs are expected to meet the
           recommended indoor floor space to
           student ratio.

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GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT CARE CENTRES - Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development (July 2013) - ECDA

    ii. Activity areas/Interest corners
                                                                     •   Other possible activity areas/interest
          •     A cosy area with some cushions can                       corners are illustrated as follows:
                be used as a rest area. Centres with
                sufficient space may allocate areas for
                a pantry and a ‘Parent Corner’ for
                parents to wait for their children.

                        Interaction and Hobby Corner

                                                                   IT Corner

                                                    Games Corner

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GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT CARE CENTRES - Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development (July 2013) - ECDA

    iii. Arrangement                                           v. Light

          Space      should     be    arranged     and           The quality and quantity of light influences
          demarcated for students to either work                 the mood and feeling of students and staff
          individually, in large or small groups, or in          within the environment.
          active/passive, noisy/quiet and messy/tidy
          activities. Clear pathways should be                   •   Sufficient windows with blinds/curtains
          provided to guide students’ movement with                  should be installed to allow sufficient
          minimal disruptions or distractions to other               light into the activity rooms.
                                                                 •   The lighting effect can be enhanced
          •       In the event of adverse weather                    with the use of pastel-coloured paints
                  condition, indoor space should be                  on walls.
                  large enough to enable gross motor
                  play activities to be conducted. A             •   Having a variety of lighting forms (for
                  mixed use of indoor space is                       example, fluorescent and incandescent
                  encouraged. For example, in school-                lights) will create different effects for
                  based SCCs, part of the school hall or             various play areas and activities.
                  canteen can serve as an indoor game
                  play area and study area. Sliding
                                                                b. Outdoor area
                  partitions and dividers can offer
                  flexibility to separate and adjoin areas
                                                                Students need the freedom to explore,
                  according to the changing function of
                                                                especially after a day in their classrooms.
                  the place.
                                                                This can be done within the compound of
                                                                the SCC or through outdoor lessons to
          •       Equipment, furniture and activities
                                                                promote gross motor activities. The SCC
                  could be arranged so as to allow a
                                                                could consider conducting outdoor activities
                  clear line of sight for staff to supervise
                                                                at void decks, outdoor playground area, ball
                  student activities at all times.
                                                                courts and soccer fields.

      iv. Ventilation                                           The outdoor area is more than a place
                                                                where students can exercise their muscles.
              Good ventilation helps to maintain the            Outdoor spaces offer students the
              indoor environment at a comfortable level         opportunity for teamwork, active play,
              and can contribute positively to the              problem-solving and creative experiences
              student’s learning.                               which are fundamental to their learning and
                                                                development. However, the outdoor
              •    All rooms should be well-ventilated by       environment should not only be used for
                   means of windows that can be                 sports and active games; indoor activities
                   opened, working air-conditioning             could also be brought outside if the weather
                   system/coolers or fans.                      permits.

              •    Exhaust fans should be used to
                   provide better ventilation in toilets and
                   kitchen.     Standing       fans      are
                   discouraged as they may pose a
                   safety hazard to the student. Ceiling
                   fans offer a viable alternative.

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GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT CARE CENTRES - Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development (July 2013) - ECDA

    1.2 FURNISHINGS/FITTINGS                                  1.3 GENERAL MAINTENANCE
    AND EQUIPMENT                                             AND CLEANLINESS
    Ensuring a clean and safe environment                     The floor, windows, doors, furniture and
    should be a top priority in SCCs. It is                   equipment should be kept clean and dust-free
    important to allow students to play and learn             through the following daily and regular
    without the risk of injury, especially when               maintenance activities:
    there are a lot of furnishings and equipment
    within the premises. (Refer to Annex A for a                 •   Floors should be swept/vacuumed and
    suggested list of furniture and equipment).                      mopped daily; and should be free from dirt
                                                                     and sand, and kept dry.
    Key Considerations
                                                                 •   Non-slip mats (if any) should be free from
       •     All fixtures, fittings, furniture, gross motor          grime and dirt.
            equipment and toilets should be well-
            maintained and in good working                       •   Carpeted floor is not encouraged. If used, it
            condition. The use of lamination made of                 has to be vacuumed daily.
            non-toxic materials is preferred for
            shelves and cabinets for ease of                     •   Furniture, fittings and fixtures should be
            cleaning. Replacement of such items                      cleaned with disinfectant regularly.
            should be done when necessary.
                                                                 •   Filters in the air-conditioners should be
       • Furniture should be sufficient, functional                  replaced or cleaned regularly according to
         and sturdy.                                                 the instruction manual.

       • Tables, chairs and cubby holes should be                •   All litter bins should be lined, properly
         suitably sized for students’ use. Shelves                   covered and emptied at least once daily.
         used for toys, books and materials should
         be made easily accessible to the                        •   PVC mattresses and mattress covers
         students.                                                   should be wiped after every use. They
                                                                     should also be sunned/ wiped with
       • There should be designated storage                          disinfectant and washed at least once a
         spaces for play/reading materials,                          week.
         equipment, toiletries, general stores and
         personal belongings.                                    •   Spring cleaning sessions        should    be
                                                                     conducted regularly.
            A personal storage space (e.g. cubby
            holes, storage bins and containers)               Prompt action should be taken to maintain an
            should be assigned to each student to             environment that is free from mosquito breeding
            store his/her belongings. These storage           and other pests. Useful tips on dengue
            spaces should be labelled with names,             prevention are available at the National
            symbols or words to show students                 Environment            Agency           website
            where different items belong. A sense of          (
            ownership and responsibility towards
            one’s own belongings can be inculcated
                                                              Special attention has to be paid to the hygiene of
            this way.
                                                              the centre. Should there be an outbreak of
                                                              communicable disease, SCCs should follow the
       • Games,       learning      materials  and
                                                              recommended hygiene practices outlined in the
         equipment should be maintained in ways
                                                              ‘Infection Control Guidelines for Schools and
         that are not harmful to the students. For
                                                              Childcare Centres’ as provided by the Ministry of
         example, chemicals that are toxic to the
                                                              Health (MOH). This can be found under
         students should not be used for the
                                                              ‘Publications’ of the ‘Research’ tab on MOH’s
         disinfection of materials.

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GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT CARE CENTRES - Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development (July 2013) - ECDA

                                                         •   Language games which enhance
    SCC should provide a conducive learning                  language proficiency, catering to
    environment which supports the students’                 different age groups and abilities; and
    developmental needs and interests as they
    interact with the materials, peers and adults in     •   Reasoning       games     which     allow
    the centre.                                              students to explore and understand the
                                                             links between everyday life and the
    Key Considerations                                       concepts they learn in class. Games
                                                             related     to   the    application     of
    A variety of age-appropriate materials and               mathematical/scientific concepts, IT
    equipment should be made available to                    based simulation and role playing
    support the different learning activities and            activities can be used for this purpose.
    needs in the centre. Equipment and materials
    should be added or changed periodically to           b. Partitions, walls and floors
    stimulate students’ curiosity, and extend their
    interest by providing elements of surprise,          •   Encourage the students to be involved
    novelty, success and satisfaction.                       in    decorating    the    environment
                                                             individually or in groups. These may
    The learning environment should be planned               include notes of encouragements,
    in a manner that facilitates positive                    writings, model essays and photos
    interactions between the students and the                which are initiated and expressed by
    teachers, as well as to engage them in                   the students themselves.
    constructive activities. This is done by
    encouraging students to make choices whilst          •   Personal artwork, photos, as well as
    participating in both learning and play.                 work done or chosen by the students
                                                             add personality to the space.
    Providing students with choices involves
    providing them with an environment that is           •   Moreover, a sense of belonging and
    rich in the variety of learning resources and            ownership over the environment could
    materials. This would enable them to choose              be cultivated by encouraging the
    from that pool of resources and match them               students to contribute towards the
    to their level of competency.                            aesthetic appearance of the SCC.

    Students need to be able to initiate their own        In conclusion, the SCC’s physical
    learning experience by using the materials,           environment should be one in which the
    which they can access independently. An               students feel at home. While it provides the
    environment that offers plenty of choices             students with a sense of security, it should
    would allow students to develop important life        also offer an environment that is suitable
                                                          for them to develop, learn and grow.
    skills such as decision-making. Some useful
    ideas of equipment and learning resources
    are provided below.

    a. Equipment and learning resources

    There should be enough materials to cater to
    each group of students using any set of
    equipment and materials. A SCC should be
    equipped with the following:

          •     Portable equipment like balls, sports
                equipment, bean bags, skipping ropes,
                etc. for gross motor and team-building

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GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT CARE CENTRES - Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development (July 2013) - ECDA

    SAFETY / HEALTH /                                    2.1 SAFETY
                                                         a. Indoor precautions
    One of the most basic and important elements
    in caring for students in SCCs is to ensure          i.   All    indoor     equipment,    materials,
    their safety and well-being, as a large part of           furnishings and play areas should be
    their day is spent in the centre. It is the SCC’s         sturdy, safe, and in good condition. They
    responsibility to provide a safe environment to           are to be maintained in ways that are not
    prevent and reduce injuries.                              harmful to students. They should not have
                                                              toxic paints coated on them, sharp edges
    Staff must be alert and be equipped with the              or loose and rusty parts.
    relevant skills and knowledge to prevent
    accidents and injuries. They should be able to       ii. All chemical, cleaning products and other
    manage emergencies, accidents and injuries               dangerous substances must be properly
    appropriately when necessary.                            stored away in closed cabinets or stored in
                                                             areas which students have no access to.
    Safety procedures must be in place and
                                                         iii. No electrical device or apparatus plugged
    practised (e.g. clear labelling of external/oral
                                                              into an electrical outlet should be located
    medication, display of simple warning signs
                                                              near a water source, such as a sink.
    where potentially dangerous products are
    stored, as well as putting in place safety rules
                                                         iv. Centres using extension cords for the
    and practices).
                                                             power supply must ensure that they do not
                                                             pose as a potential safety hazard.
    SCCs should also observe good health
                                                             Extension cords must not run under
    practices and hygiene. Students in SCCs are
                                                             carpets, through doorways or across water
    in close contact with one another, making
                                                             source. Both the extension and the
    them more vulnerable to communicable
                                                             appliance of the electrical cord must not be
    diseases. Prompt attention must be given to
                                                             frayed or overloaded at any time.
    students who fall sick and appropriate
    precautionary measures must be taken to
                                                         v. All bathing facilities should have a
    minimise the outbreak.
                                                            conveniently located grab bar that is
                                                            mounted at a height appropriate for a
    Dietary habits are cultivated at an early age,          student to use. Non-skid surfaces should
    and educating the young to eat wisely reaps             also be provided in all showers.
    benefits for life. Eating wisely would mean
    providing a balanced diet which is moderate in
                                                         vi. Placement of furnishings and equipment
    calories, low in fat, cholesterol, sugar and salt,
                                                             should help prevent collision and injuries
    and adequate in protein, vitamins, minerals
                                                             while permitting the freedom of movement
    and dietary fibre. SCCs play an important role
                                                             of students. Furniture placement can play
    in promoting good nutrition and healthy
                                                             a significant role in the way space is used.
    eating. Staff should act as role model and
    inculcate healthy eating habits in students.

    SCCs are encouraged to follow the Infection
    Control Guidelines for Schools and Childcare
    Centres set by the Ministry of Health (MOH)
    to ensure that:

          • the premises are clean and hygienic,
          • students cared for and persons
            employed are medically fit to be in the
            centre, and any student or employee
            who is sick is to be excluded from the

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GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT CARE CENTRES - Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development (July 2013) - ECDA

    b. Outdoor precautions
                                                          v. Age appropriate activities
    Before students are permitted to use the
                                                             In order to provide a challenging yet safe
    outdoor play area, a check needs to be
                                                             play environment for all ages, it is
    conducted to ensure that the playground/play
                                                             important that the outdoor activity area
    area is free from any potential hazard.
                                                             and equipment are appropriate for the age
                                                             of the respective students at play.
    Examples of potential hazards are:
                                                          vi. Pinch points and sharp edges
    i.    Lack of maintenance
                                                             Equipment should be checked regularly to
          The     designated    outdoor   area     is
                                                             make sure that there are no sharp edges.
          adequately      maintained     and      all
                                                             Outdoor equipment should also not have
          play/learning equipments are in safe
                                                             any rusty parts, loose joints, sharp edges,
          working condition. For example, should a
                                                             unsteady stands or sharp protruding ends
          playground be used for outdoor activities,
                                                             that are potentially hazardous.
          there should not be any broken, missing or
          worn out components in the playground
                                                          vii. Sports related injuries
          equipment. All parts should be stable with
          no apparent sign of loosening. A                   Added precautions should be taken when
          systematic inspection and maintenance              students engage in outdoor sporting
          plan should be in place to ensure that the         activities. It is essential that warm up and
          playground is safe.                                cool down exercises are conducted when
                                                             playing sports. Students need to be
    ii. Lack of supervision
                                                             adequately hydrated before and when the
                                                             sport is played. In addition, a sick or
          Supervision by staff members is an
                                                             injured student should not be allowed to
          important factor in ensuring outdoor
                                                             participate in any outdoor activities. The
          safety. Staff should have a clear view of
                                                             Singapore        Sports    Council   website
          sight of any outdoor activity area at all
                                                             ( has useful tips for
          times. In supervising play, the staff on duty
                                                             centres to refer to.
          must ensure that the students use all
          equipment safely and all outdoor games
                                                          c. Supervision of students
          are conducted in a safe manner.
                                                          Proper supervision should be provided upon
    iii. Trip hazards
                                                          the arrival of students and throughout the day.
         Trip hazards are created by play                 Activity areas (indoors/outdoors) have to be
         equipment or items on the ground. Abrupt         arranged such that the students are within the
         changes in surface elevations, exposed           visual range and accessibility of supervising
         concrete footings, tree roots, tree stumps       adults. Maintaining a visual view helps to
         and rocks are all common trip hazards that       prevent injury and abuse.
         are often found in outdoor environment.
                                                          During departure, there should be a system to
    iv. Overcrowding                                      ensure that the students return home with
                                                          only authorised personnel. Should the parent/
          Play area should not be overcrowded with        authorised person fail to make it on time to
          students as serious injuries can result         fetch the student home, the centre should
          from collision.                                 make the appropriate arrangements to ensure
                                                          that the safety of the students is not
                                                          compromised. The staff should maintain an
                                                          open communication on its policies in order to
                                                          minimise compromising the students’ safety.

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GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT CARE CENTRES - Published by ComCare and Social Support Division, Ministry of Social and Family Development (July 2013) - ECDA

    d. Fire / Emergency /
       Precautionary measures                            vi. Fire-extinguishers or hose reels should be
                                                             placed at prominent places within the
    i. The fire evacuation plan is clear and                 centre and made readily accessible and
       comprehensive in its instructions. The fire           functional.    Portable     dry      powder
       evacuation sketch map must show the                   extinguishers can be used for most fires,
       escape routes and assembly point clearly.             e.g. paper, textile and wood, cooking oil,
       The emergency phone numbers (e.g. the                 flammable liquids and even electrical fires.
       numbers of the registered medical                     The indicator on the extinguisher should
       practitioner, police, hospitals, civil defence,       be in the green zone at all times and the
       fire station/ambulance), fire evacuation              servicing label should reflect a valid date.
       plan and sketch map must be displayed at              Lack of maintenance will result in the fire
       prominent places in the centre and near a             extinguisher    not    discharging     when
       telephone. For centres located within a               required and rupturing when pressurised.
       school, the SCC should establish an
       emergency contact list with the school’s          vii. In the event when a bomb threat is received,
       management so that the school can notify               centres    should   follow     the    detailed
       them in times of drills and emergency.                 emergency     bomb      threat     procedures
                                                              provided by the Ministry. SCCs can refer to
    ii. Fire evacuation drills should be conducted            Annex C for these procedures.
        at least once every 6 months. The centre
        has to ensure that all staff and students        viii. Operators/Supervisors of student care
        are briefed regularly and are familiar with           centres have the responsibility of reporting
        the emergency evacuation procedure and                to the Ministry incidents relating to safety,
        route. Fire evacuation drills are to take             health, hygiene, illness and serious
        place at different times of the day and the           accidents that have happened in the
        ‘fire’ is to be started at different places.          centre. Details for incident reporting are
        The centre should also participate in the             provided in Annex D.
        fire drills conducted by the school, when
        the school conducts one.                         ix. To prevent centres from being easy
                                                             targets for break-in, it is strongly
     iii. All students and staff, including the cook         recommended that the following crime
          and cleaner, must be briefed on the                prevention measures are adopted:
          evacuation procedure. Staff should also be
          trained to use the fire-fighting equipment.       •   Anti-burglar alarm system

     iv. The SCC should maintain detailed                       An     effective     alarm     system
         documentary record of each fire drill                  supplements the physical security of
         conducted. This record should include the              the premises. It provides an early
         date and time of the fire drill, the duration          warning (by means of siren, indicator,
         of the evacuation and the area where the               etc) to any unauthorised entry or
         incident started. SCCs can refer to Annex              attempt to enter any premises.
         B-2 for a sample format for recording fire
         evacuation drills.                                 •   Strong locks and grilles

     v. Fire exit doors are to be kept locked and               Use closed-shackled locks and
        must be easily opened in times of                       window grilles that are strong and of
        emergency. Passageways leading to                       good quality. Locks should have dead-
        emergency exits should be kept clear of                 bolting features which are more
        obstructions (furnishing, books, etc.) at all           resistant to tampering.
        times. It is also recommended that smoke
        detectors and fire alarms are to be
        installed in larger SCCs.

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       •      Safekeeping of cash and expensive          2.2 HEALTH
                                                         a. Procedures for handling sick students
              Deposit fees collected on the same day
              at the bank so as not to leave cash        i.   The SCC should conduct daily visual health
              overnight in the premises. Expensive            checks for students upon arrival at the
              equipment such as PCs and audio                 premises for the following symptoms:
              visual equipment should be stored in
              properly secured rooms and cabinets.       •        Fever;
                                                         •        Severe cough;
       •      Investing in locking devices such as       •        Difficulty in breathing;
              cable locks for your computers and         •        Redness of eyes;
              laptops would deter perpetrators from      •        Skin rashes or unusual spots;
              stealing these assets.                     •        Yellowish skin or eyes;
                                                         •        Unusual behaviour; and
           SCCs are strongly urged to implement the      •        Frequent scratching of scalp or body.
           above measures to prevent their centres
           from falling prey to break-in. Centres may    ii. The outcome of the health checks on the
           contact the various Crime Prevention              students should be documented and
           Officers (CPOs) from any of the police            maintained.
           division headquarters to find out other
           specific measures that can be adopted to      iii. Additional observations should be made
           thwart any break-in attempts. The contact          throughout the day to look out for other
           numbers of the various divisions of the            signs:
           crime prevention unit are given in Annex E.
                                                              •   Vomiting and/or diarrhoea;
    e. First aid supplies                                     •   Difficulty in swallowing;
                                                              •   Loss of appetite; and
           The SCC needs to maintain at least 1 First         •   Headache or stiff neck.
           Aid box at a convenient location which all
           staff can have ready access to. The First     iv. Parents must be notified immediately when
           Aid box should contain all the items listed       their children fall sick in the centre. There
           in the First Aid Kit as required by the           should be a separate enclosed area
           Ministry. The items should be within the          designated for the rest and care of sick
           manufacturer’s stated use date, and should        students. An adult should be present to
           be replaced/replenished when necessary.           monitor the sick student, and to ensure
           SCCs can refer to Annex F for the list of         his/her safety and comfort until his/her
           essential First Aid items.                        parents arrive. Centre should also record
                                                             the observation and steps taken in the
                                                             centre’s incident logbook.

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)                                                                   9
Published by MSF, Singapore. All rights reserved.

    v. Centres should immediately notify the             b. Hygiene practices
       Ministry of Social and Family Development
       (MSF) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) of         i.   Staff should encourage students to observe
       any outbreak of any infectious diseases.               good hygiene habits. Below are some good
       School-based SCC operators should also                 habits that can be instilled into the students:
       inform the school of any student who is
       diagnosed to be suffering from an                      •   Washing hands before and after meals/
       infectious disease. Any student who is                     toileting/outdoor and art activities;
       suffering from an infectious disease has to            •   Providing separate toilet cubicles for boys
       be excluded from the SCC until the expiry                  and girls;
       of the medical certification and the student           •   Changing of clothes when they are dirtied;
       shows no symptoms of the illness.                          and
                                                              •   Developing self-help skills in managing
          For more information, SCCs can refer to:                health practices when students are ready.

          •     ‘Infection Control Guidelines for        ii. SCCs should consider installing at least one
                Schools and Childcare Centres” under         washing basin so that students can observe
                ‘Publications’  (found  under    the         good hygiene habits in the centre. Liquid
                ‘Research’ tab) on MOH website at            soap dispensers are to be mounted next to
      ,                       the sinks in the toilets (1 soap dispenser to 2
                                                             sinks). Toilet rolls, liquid soap and hand
          •     Annex G for a ‘Checklist on Health
                                                             drying facilities must be made easily
                and Hygiene Inspection of Student
                Care Centres’, and                           accessible to the students.

          •     Annex H on the procedures           of   iii. SCCs should have a designated space for the
                reporting an outbreak of disease.             preparation of food and snacks, and the
                                                              space should be rendered inaccessible to
    2.4 HYGIENE                                               students. Feeding equipment and all surfaces
                                                              used for food preparation (e.g. utensils,
    a. Personal effects                                       bottles) should be sterilised after each use.
                                                              Food preparation utensils and equipment
    i.    Utensils such as cups, forks, plates, bowls         should not be used for any other purposes.
          and spoons should not be shared as these
          would increase the spread of germs and
          diseases. Chipped and cracked utensils
          should not be used for the same reason.

    ii. Personal items such as towels, mugs,
        combs and mattress covers should not be
        shared as well. Bath towels are not
        allowed to be left in the centres overnight
        and should be brought home daily.
        Centres are discouraged to use a common
        towel for students to dry their hands. The
        use of disposable paper towels or a hand
        dryer is encouraged.

    iii. Centres are encouraged to provide proper
         labels and storage for each student to
         allow easy identification.

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)                                                                 10
Published by MSF, Singapore. All rights reserved.

    iv. Staff should practise good hygiene             iii. Food handlers should wear clean, tidy
        procedures (e.g. washing hands before               clothes and aprons when handling food.
        and after each meal preparation) during             Food handlers with sores or cuts on their
        food preparation. If food is prepared in the        hands should wear disposable waterproof
        SCC, it is recommended that the food                gloves. Staff with diarrhoea or any other
        handlers undergo the ‘Workforce Skills              symptoms of food-borne diseases should
        Qualification’ (WSQ) Food Hygiene                   not be allowed to handle the food.
        Course (WFHC) conducted by Workforce
        Development Agency (WDA), which has            iv. Catered food should only be obtained
        accredited training organisations to               from the school canteen or any licensed
        conduct the courses and issue the                  caterer who hold a valid catering licence
        qualification. SCCs can refer to Annex I for       issued by the National Environment
        a list of some organisations accredited by         Agency. If the food preparation area is
        WDA to conduct the WSQ Food Hygiene                located outside the main building or where
        Course.                                            the kitchen is detached from the centre,
                                                           food must be covered and transported in a
    2.4 NUTRITION                                          hygienic manner. Centres should ensure
                                                           that the food provided is consistent with
    a. Menu planning and serving of food                   the food menu posted on the Centre’s
                                                           notice board. Please refer to guideline on
    i. The centre should plan and write down its           Preparation and Handling of Halal food,
       meals in advance in a menu. The meals               which can be obtained from MUIS website
       provided should be varied, balanced and             ( Should there be
       nutritious, and have sufficient protein,            any changes in the food provision, centres
       carbohydrates,     vitamins   and    fiber.         should provide at least 1 month notice to
       Changes made to the menu are to be                  the parents.
       recorded into the logbook. The menu
       served should be prominently displayed          v. Students should be discouraged from
       for parents’ information. Centre can refer         bringing home-cooked food to the centre
       to for guidelines on                as the prolonged storage of food
       healthy eating.                                    increases the risk of food poisoning. If
                                                          storage is required for longer periods,
    ii. All raw and uncooked food must be kept            cooked food should be kept at below 10°C
        fresh at all times. Cooked food has to be         or above 60°C to reduce the growth of
        covered and served in dishes at all times.        bacteria.
        Sufficient portions of food are to be
        provided appropriately to each student.        vi. Staff members should wash their hands
        The food served should correspond to the           before and after serving food. The serving
        written menu. Attractive and appealing             surfaces should also be cleaned before
        food served can stimulate students’                and after meals. Staff members are
        appetite and interest to try the different         encouraged to sit with the students during
        types of food. Centre should respect the           meal times. A positive and relaxed
        dietary requirements of different religious        atmosphere is encouraged through
        group and individual student’s food allergy.       informal conversations among students
        Provisions should be made for the various          and adults.
        dietary requirements of the students in the
        centre. Parents and centres can have
        mutual agreement on food arrangement.

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)                                                              11
Published by MSF, Singapore. All rights reserved.

    STAFFING                                           c. Assistant programme staff

                                                       Assistant programme staff help the
    The staffing of a SCC is crucial. Research has     programme staff in conducting activities and
    shown that having suitably qualified and           the supervision of children. They should have
    trained student care programme staff would         at least completed Secondary 4 education.
    often determine the quality of student care
    programmes. It is recommended that all SCC         d. Volunteers
    staff should meet the basic qualifications and
    be suitable in terms of age, health,               Volunteers could be enlisted to assist
    personality, knowledge and experience in a         programme staff in the supervision of students
    SCC setting. SCCs may refer to Annex J for a       during their revision, excursions and ad hoc
    list of courses conducted by training agency in    activities. However, they should be given the
    student care and guidance.                         appropriate training and be guided in
                                                       conducting activities in the centre. Volunteers
    3.1 STAFFING NEEDS OF A SCC                        should be carefully selected to ensure proper
                                                       match of personality and character, so as to
    a. Supervisors                                     act as role models to the students.

    Supervisors oversee the day-to-day running of      The National Volunteer and Philanthropy
    the centre and are responsible for programme       Centre     website   (
    planning, curriculum development and staff         contains useful reference on volunteering.
    supervision. Every SCC should have a               SCC can refer to this website for its one-stop
    supervisor to ensure continuous and effective      information and reference service, cross
    management, as well as supervision and             sector partnership and grants to build people
    operation of the centre, staff and children.       sector capacities.

    SCC supervisors should possess at least 5          3.2 STAFFING-TO-CHILD RATIO/STAFF
    GCE ‘O’ level credits including English            REQUIREMENT
    Language, a valid first aid certificate, and
    have received training in children’s services or   It is strongly recommended that a staff-to-child
    training related to school-age children from       ratio of 1:25 is maintained at all times. Please
    training agencies.                                 refer to Table 1 for the estimated minimum
                                                       staff requirement.
    b. Programme staff
                                                       Table 1:
    Programme staff play multiple roles in the         Estimated Minimum Staff Requirement
    lives of the students under their care. In order
    to perform these roles effectively, they need to   Capacity: 60             Capacity: 100
                                                       (60 students at any      (100 students at any
    have the necessary knowledge, experience,          point in time)           point in time)
    personality and skills in student care             1 Supervisor/Asst.       1 Supervisor
    development as well as in programme                Supervisor               1 Asst. Supervisor
    planning and implementation.                       3 Programme Staff        4 Programme Staff
                                                       1 Cleaner cum Cook       1 Cleaner cum Cook

    Programme staff should possess at least 5
    GCE ‘O’ level credits and preferably have          There should be at least 2 staff members in
    received training related to school-age            the SCC at all times. This is to ensure that in
    children. In the absence of the supervisor, an     the event of an emergency, the students are
    experienced programme staff would have to          not left unattended while one of the staff
    oversee the smooth running of the SCC in the       responds to the emergency.
    capacity of an assistant supervisor.

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)                                                                12
Published by MSF, Singapore. All rights reserved.

                                                          3.6 PARTNERSHIP WITH
    All staff members should be medically cleared
                                                          SCC supervisors should work closely and
    and certified as ‘medically fit for employment
                                                          engage in active networking with the
    by a registered general practitioner. (Please
                                                          professionals in the schools which they
    refer to Annex K for the ‘Pre-Employment
                                                          collaborate with. Examples of such
    Medical Form’ for SCC staff).
                                                          professionals    are     Learning    Support
                                                          Coordinators, school counsellors and
    It is recommended that all staff members
                                                          pastoral care supervisors. A closely knitted
    should complete and submit a ‘Declaration of
                                                          relationship between the SCC and the
    Offences Form’ to the SCC. (Please refer to
                                                          school’s staff can help in developing quality
    Annex L). These records should be kept by
                                                          and relevant programmes that would better
    the SCC for future references.
                                                          meet each student’s needs.

    It is recommended that at least 1 programme
    staff with a valid first aid certificate has to be
    present at the centre at all times. SCCs are
    encouraged to send all staff (including non-
    programme staff such as the cook/relief
    cook/cleaner) for first aid training.

    The first aid certificate is valid for 3 years from
    its date of issue. SCCs are encouraged to
    send their staff to attend a refresher course
    before the expiry of the certificate. (Please
    refer to Annex M for a list of training agencies
    conducting first aid courses).


    New/relief staff should be given a thorough
    orientation and training on the SCC’s
    programme and curriculum.

    Staff meetings should be held regularly to
    keep staff members updated on the latest
    events, programmes and daily activities in the

    SCCs are encouraged to organise or send
    their   programme     staff   for on-going
    professional development to ensure quality
    and effective programme delivery.

    The supervisor should conduct annual
    supervisory observations of the staff
    members’ conduct and performances to
    identify and address their training needs.

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)
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    PROGRAMME                                             4.1 STUDENT MANAGEMENT

                                                               Student management refers to what the
    A good SCC programme facilitates the                       staff do to guide and keep students
    students’ needs and development as well as                 constructively engaged in activities that
    supports learning. The programme should be                 are developmentally and educationally
    child-focused and aims to provide quality                  appropriate. It covers the various aspects
    learning, leisure and recreational care for                of the setting of the physical environment,
    students in a warm, safe and caring                        daily routines and teaching strategies.
    environment. Activities planned should meet
    the students’ individual needs, while focusing             Positive management strategies are
    on their holistic development.                             usually    effective   in     promoting     a
                                                               constructive learning environment. All
    The programme should be reviewed                           staff should be aware that corporal
    constantly to ensure that it is inclusive and              punishment        is   not       permissible.
    diverse in supporting and meeting the needs                Programme staff who manage the
    of the students and their families. It should be           students well will find little need for the
    challenging and fun. There should be                       imposition of disciplinary actions on the
    opportunities to develop the students’ self-               students.
    confidence, self worth and foster positive
    relationships. Centres should also share the               Some good management skills are:
    programme with the parents. One good way is
    to include such information in the parents’           i.   Set rules and make them clear to the
    handbook.                                                  students:

    It is important that the SCC’s programme               •   Help students understand the behaviours
    addresses a broad range of ages and                        expected of them.
    development. A wide variety of school-aged
    appropriate activities and materials that              •   Be consistent in the enforcement of these
    encourage      hands-on      learning    through           rules.
    experimentation,      self-exploration/discovery
    and play, should be provided. It is                    •   Make rules simple for the students to
    recommended that students are grouped into                 follow. They should be implemented
    either their primary school levels or age                  sensitively. For example, a student with a
    groups (i.e. 7-9 years and 10-12 years).                   small appetite should not be expected to
                                                               finish a large plate of food. Instead, the
    A time-table displaying the programmes for                 student should be given a smaller helping
    the day should be posted on the SCC’s notice               and encouraged to go for a second
    board. This would allow both students and                  helping.
    parents to have a clear idea of activities for
    the day. However, the time-table planned
                                                           •   Review the rules regularly so that they are
    should be flexible enough to allow changes to
                                                               always appropriate to a student’s growing
    be made to the daily programme. A sample
    timetable is provided in Annex N.

    For smooth running of the programme, the
    SCC should pay attention and have clear
    guidelines concerning its approach to the
    following issues:

          •     Student management;
          •     Positive staff-student interaction; and
          •     Centre-parent partnership.

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)                                                                     14
Published by MSF, Singapore. All Rights Reserved

     •     Brief all staff and obtain their agreement     vi. Students should be told what is expected
           on the rules of the SCC, as well as the        of them in a positive way:
           appropriate management of behaviour if
           these rules are broken.                        •     Instead of telling the students, “Don’t
                                                               run”, the staff can say, “Please walk to
     •     Document clearly and in detail any                  the toilet.”
           incident of misbehaviour in the staff
           logbook so that all staff can be clear on      •    When a student does something wrong,
           any follow-up. Please refer to Annex O for          the staff should talk to him/her calmly
           a sample of the ‘Incident Record Form’.             about the rule he/she has broken. Ask
                                                               the student to tell you the correct
           For incidents relating to safety, health and        expected behaviour and let him/her know
           hygiene, it is the responsibility of the SCC        your expectations. Finally, tell the student
           to report the incident to MSF.                      the     consequences         of       his/her
    ii. Be specific in pointing out behaviour that is
    not acceptable:                                       vii. Every operator should ensure that staff do
                                                          not carry out the following:
     •     This helps the students to understand
           what actions are unacceptable, as well as       •    Any form of corporal punishment such
           their consequences.                                 as striking a student directly or with any
                                                               physical object; shaking, shoving,
     iii. Deal with the behaviour, not the student:            spanking or other forms of aggressive
                                                               contact; or requiring or forcing a student
     •     Avoid comments that belittle the student,           to repeat physical movements.
           for example, by saying, “You are stupid.”
                                                           •   Any harsh, humiliating, belittling or
     iv. Create an environment in which the                    degrading responses of any kind,
     students will respect and understand the                  whether verbal, emotional or physical.
     rules and regulations:
                                                           • Withholding meals; or physical isolation
     •     This helps the students to understand the         and restriction of movements.
           needs of others in the social world they
           live in, so that they can also appreciate       viii. Finally, it is important for the staff to act
           the rules and abide by them.                    as good role models and practise the
                                                           behaviours expected of the students.
     v. Reward good behaviour:
                                                           ix. Suspected Child Abuse
     •     Praise the student or reward him/her with
           an occasional gift or treat for positive        There may be occasions when staff of SCC
           behaviour.                                      may notice bruises or behavioural changes
                                                           in the students, or the students report they
     •     Rewards reinforce positive behaviour and        have been abused. When this happens, the
           boost self-esteem. However, do not let          staff should:
           them assume that they should be                 a. Treat the matter seriously and the child
           materially rewarded for their good                  with respect.
           behaviour.                                      b. Stay calm and find out more about the
                                                               nature and frequency of the abuse (need
                                                               not probe in depth)
                                                           c. Assure confidentiality.

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)
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                                                        4.2 STAFF-STUDENT INTERACTION
    d.     Allow the student to disclose at his/her
           own pace and record the actual words of      Interactions between staff and the students
           the child.                                   provide opportunities for the student to
                                                        develop an understanding of self and others,
    e.     Inform the supervisor or designated staff    and are characterised by warmth, personal
           member to report the matter to Child         respect, individuality, positive support and
           Protection and Welfare services, MSF at      responsiveness. Staff should facilitate
           toll free line: 1800-7770000 or the Police   interactions among students to provide
           Divisional      HQ    or   the     nearest   opportunities    for    self-esteem,   social
           Neighbourhood Police Post.                   competence and intellectual growth.

    f.     Record in logbook.                           Through these interactions, students
                                                        discover the ‘processes’ of learning how to
    More information on child abuse and its             deal with something new, organise their
    prevention is downloadable from MSF’s               thinking and solve problems. They also
    website at:                                         learn to function as a member of a group,
                                                        how to get along with others; share and         cooperate, and take turns through positive
    ublication/Resource_Materials_Prevent_Child         staff-student interactions.
                                                        Staff could create a warm atmosphere by
    If the child is abused by the staff in the
                                                        being cheerful, friendly, and helping the
    Centre, the operator should immediately make
                                                        students to relax. Staff could also be
    a report to the nearest Neighbourhood Police
    Post or the Police Divisional Headquarters.         supportive of the independent behaviour in
                                                        students, for example when they take the
                                                        lead in selecting and initiating activities.
         The Children and Young Person Act
         (CYPA), Chapter 38 protects children and       Staff should also be more proactive in
         young person’s welfare. Under this Act, a      monitoring the students’ progression and
         person shall be guilty of an offence if,       behaviour. Whenever possible, such
         being a person who has the custody,            information could be shared with the
         charge or care of a child or young person,     students’ primary caregivers during the
                                                        arrival or departure of the students.
         he ill-treats the child or young person or
         causes, procures or knowingly permits the
                                                        Staff show appreciation of students’ efforts
         child or young person to be ill-treated by     and accomplishments.
         any other person.
                                                        Mutual respect between staff and students
         The person who is guilty of an offence         could be promoted by staff being
         under this Act shall be liable on              consistently responsive, fair and non-
         conviction.                                    discriminating in behaviour towards the

                                                        Taking their cues from ideas brought up by
                                                        students, staff could provide more
                                                        information on specific topics or ask
                                                        questions to encourage exploration of ideas
                                                        in the context of projects or group

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)                                                              16
Published by MSF, Singapore. All Rights Reserved

    Quality student care programmes are those
    that recognise the importance of each               a. Parent-centre communication
    student’s family, and develop strategies to
    work closely with these families. Parents are       i. Produce a weekly/monthly newsletter
    updated about the programme and they are               jointly with parents to keep them
    welcomed as observers, volunteers or                   informed about the SCC’s activities
    resource persons to the programme.                     or programmes.

    Staff should work in partnership with parents       ii. Make     information   accessible   to
    and communicate with them regularly to build            parents to give feedback and ideas for
    mutual understanding and greater consistency            improvement.
    for the students. Student-related information is
    shared with parents verbally and in writing         iii. Provide a suggestion box to give
    through formal and informal communication.               feedback and ideas for improvement.
    Interaction with families is generally respectful
                                                        iv. Organise informal gatherings to give
    to discuss specific concerns, problems or
                                                            feedback to parents or invite feedback
    issues that need attention.
                                                            from them on programmes and activities
                                                            conducted by the centre, as well as on
    Periodic conferences between parents and                the progress of the student.
    programme staff should be arranged to focus
    on helping the students to grow, to have            v. Have regular Parent-Staff conferences to
    mutual exchange of information about their             provide an opportunity for in-depth and
    development and progress at home and in the            personal dialogue.
    centre, and to work towards solving problems
    faced by the parents and SCC.                       vi. Form Parent-Staff groups to establish
                                                            rapport between parents and the centre
    Due to their busy schedules, many parents               (e.g. Parent Support Group, Parent
    may not be able to participate in the centre’s          Volunteer Group, Parent Committee, etc).
    programme. For these parents, the centre
    should provide them with various options to         b. Parents’ involvement
    get involved in the programme. A good way to
    engage them is to find out their areas of           i. Engage parents’ help to organise
    interest. For example, a parent who is good at         events. Examples of such events are
    origami can be encouraged to conduct an                picnics,     parties,    birthdays,     festive
    origami lesson during the school holidays.             celebrations, sports day, family outing,
                                                           open house, fund-raising activities,
    It is commendable if a variety of events such          annual concert/graduation ceremony
    as the celebration of festive occasions, annual        etc. Parents can help to prepare food,
    concerts, talks, workshops or seminars are             plan activities, help in displays, etc.
    organised to encourage families to be part of
    their children’s learning experiences.              ii. Request students to contribute used
                                                            materials or donate items for learning
                                                            corners, e.g. toys, books, old clothing,
                                                            etc. This would also encourage them to
                                                            share and at the same time, recycle
                                                            materials which are of little use at home.

                                                        iii. Seek parents’ involvement in the centre’s
                                                             activities. For example, they can provide
                                                             recipes, conduct cooking or art and craft

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)                                                                   17
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     c. Parent Volunteers                               4.4 HOURS OF OPERATION

      i. Request existing parents to welcome and        The schools need to be aware of the opening
         orientate new parents by conducting            and closing hours of their SCC as stipulated
         orientation talks and showing new              by the Ministry.
         parents around.
                                                        A SCC’s hours of operation should be as
      ii. Link the SCC and families with other          follows:
          community resources. Parents can often
          make useful contacts for the centre              •   Monday-Friday
          through     their    work,     community             7.30am or earlier to 6.30pm or later;
          organisation they belong to and friends.
                                                           •   Saturday
      iii. Consider parent volunteers to take care             7.30am or earlier to 1.30pm or later;
           of the students in the SCC during                   and
                                                           •   Closed on Sundays and gazetted
      iv. Allow parents to participate and                     public holidays.
          contribute in ad hoc sub-committees for a
          particular event/purpose.                     Centres may observe half-days on the eves
                                                        of any 3 public holidays. In addition, centres
      v. Allow parents to participate in classroom      may close for a maximum of 5 ½ days in a
         activities. Examples of possible parents’      calendar year. (Please refer to Annex P for
         participations include inviting them to give   detailed explanation).
         talks to students about their occupations,
         conduct story-telling, cookery lessons, art    SCCs are encouraged to open at extended
         and craft, and demonstrate various             hours to support the needs of working
         cultural practices such as Japanese tea        parents.
         ceremony, making ‘Ketupat’, making
         lanterns during Mid-Autumn Festival, etc.      School-based SCC providers should also
                                                        familiarise themselves with their school’s
     vi. Enlist parents’ help to run or decorate        calendar of events. This is to help them
         interest corners, library corner, play         organise and plan their programme to
         corner, parents’ corner etc.                   complement the school.

     vii. Enlist parents’ help to do some               In addition, SCC providers should keep the
          handyman jobs, for example, painting of       parents informed of the planned closure days
          the centre, repairing faulty gates and        through their parents’ handbook, and alert
          discarding bulky equipment.                   them closer to the day of the planned closure
    .                                                   through a circular.

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)                                                               18
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                                                              •   All health records such as students’
    ADMINISTRATION                                                vaccination and immunisation records,
                                                                  chronic physical problems, injuries,
                                                                  communicable diseases, special diet,
    Running an effective operation requires a
                                                                  food/drug allergy and medical reports
    systematic approach to record keeping. The
                                                                  (Centres can refer to for
    records should be up-to-date and kept by the
                                                                  the immunisation chart for students).
    centre supervisor or management. Records
    that are descriptive in nature (e.g. records on
    individual student’s development) should
                                                             5.2 PARTICULARS OF
    contain sufficiently detailed information and            PARENTS/GUARDIANS
    be regularly updated. Records that require
    validation and authorisation must be properly            It is the centre’s responsibility to ensure that
    completed and signed. A “Nil” return or “NA”             all information provided by parents/guardians
    should be used wherever necessary.                       in the application form is correctly entered.

    This systematic approach should be applied               The personal particulars of parents/guardians
    to keep records of:                                      include:

          •     Personal particulars of staff, parents        ii. Names, home address and telephone
                and students;                                     numbers;
          •     Attendance;
          •     Fees;                                         iii. Parents’ occupation and office contact
          •     Health status of students and staff;               number, if applicable;
          •     Student development and progress;
          •     Administration of medicine;                   iv. Written authorisation     for   emergency
          •     Feedback from parents; and                        medical care;
          •     Other events and incidents.
                                                              v. Administration       of     non-prescribed
    SCCs are encouraged to store all information                 medication; and
    such as parents’ particulars and students’
    particulars in their computer system.                     vi. Indemnity for outdoor trips.
    However, a hard copy of the records should
    be readily available for viewing when                    The particulars of the parent and student
    required.                                                should also be kept up-to-date.

    5.1 STUDENT’S PARTICULARS                                5.3 CENTRE’S RULES                   /
                                                             PARENTS’ HANDBOOK
    The personal particulars of a student should
    include the following:                                   The SCC’s rules should be compiled into a
                                                             written manual. Policies and procedures
           x     Name, birth certificate number, date of     should not contain jargon, or be too general
                 birth and home address with a copy of       such that they convey vague meanings to the
                 the student’s birth certificate attached;   parents.

           x     Name of school and class which the          A copy of the SCC’s rules and policies should
                 student is attending;                       be given to parents in a form of a handbook
                                                             for reference, and its receipt acknowledged.
           x     Emergency contact numbers of
                 parents/guardians as well as persons
                 authorised to pick the student up at
                 the end of the programme; and

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)                                                                      19
Published by MSF, Singapore. All rights reserved.

    5.4 ADMINISTRATION                                  5.6 CENTRE’S LOG BOOK
                                                        The centre should maintain a log book. It
    The SCC should only administer medicine             should be used to record information on the
    that has been prescribed by a registered            following matters:
    general practitioner. Separate written consent
    should be obtained from parents when                   •   Accidents (please refer to Annex O for
    administering non-prescribed or non-standard               an ‘Incident Record Form’ sample);
    medicine (for example, Chinese medicine or             •   Events and incidents;
    controlled medication). Please refer to Annex          •   Programme changes;
    Q for a sample of a student’s medical record.          •   Illnesses/outbreak of infectious
    It is strongly recommended that a proper               •   Health checks;
    written record is maintained in relation to each       •   Visits made by other persons (e.g. MSF
    student whenever the SCC administers any                   officers, maintenance personnel,
    medication. The record should include:                     delivery men) and queries from parents;
                                                           •   Investigation of feedback/complaints;
          •     Name of the student;                           and
          •     Name of the medicine administered;         •   Any deviation from the written schedules
          •     Dosage administered (e.g. 5ml, 1               or plans, menu, etc.
          •     Name of the person who administered     The log book should be kept up-to-date.
                the medicine;
          •     Time and date of the administration;    5.7 STAFF RECORDS
          •     Manner of administration (e.g. oral,    A record on staff should be completed and
                external).                              kept updated accordingly. The following
                                                        documents should be available in hard copy:
    The centre should have separate trays to
    keep oral and external medications. They
                                                           c. Appointment letters/letters of
    should be kept safe and out of the students’
                                                           d. Academic/professional/first
                                                              aid certificates;
    5.5 STUDENTS’ DAILY                                    e. Medical reports; and
    ATTENDANCE/SIGN-IN/OUT                                 f. Declaration of offences.

    The SCC should keep an up-to-date record of         Due to close contact with the students daily,
    the daily attendance of students in the centre      all SCC staff (including the cook/relief cook/
    according       to     their  respective   age      cleaner) should be certified as ‘medically fit
    group/school level. The attendance should be        for employment’ by a registered general
    marked daily, including Saturdays. It should at     practitioner. Newly recruited staff should be
    least reflect the following details:                medically cleared before employment.

          •     Actual number of children enrolled in   Food handlers should also attend the ‘WSQ
                the SCC;                                Food Hygiene Course (WFHC)’. Please refer
          •     Full name of each student; and          to Annex I for a list of organisations that
          •     Date of birth of each student.          conduct food hygiene training courses
                                                        approved by the National Environment
    Centres, which administer the Student Care          Agency (NEA).
    Fee Assistance (SCFA) scheme, are required
    to maintain a certain number of students
    receiving SCFA (i.e. 10% of the total

Guidelines for Student Care Centres (2013)                                                                20
Published by MSF, Singapore. All rights reserved.
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