Your World, Translated - Translate.One

Page created by Irene Smith
Your World, Translated - Translate.One
A Trustpoint Company

         Your World,
Your World, Translated - Translate.One
Areas of Expertise.

                                                         Our translations are tailored to the specific
                                                         requirements of your material. Our staff has
                                                         expertise across a wide spectrum of areas.

For over thirty years, the team at Translate.One            Compliance & Ethics                          Website & e-Commerce
                                                            Ensure your ethics and compliance            Whatever your content management
has supported the evolving language needs of
      The Power of One.
                                                            material is thoroughly understood            system, we can connect and translate
corporations and law firms worldwide. We combine
                                                            worldwide. Prevent corruption and
                                                            misconduct by educating your global
                                                                                                         seamlessly. No matter the language or
                                                                                                         location, your message will reach your
                                                            workforce in their language.                 global audience.
years of project management and linguistic expertise
                                                            Legal                                        eLearning & Training
with theEverything
         latest technology and All
                    you need.  ISO-certified processes
                                   in one place.            We have experience in a wide                 From simple PowerPoint to multi-
to offer on-time andone
                          quality partner.
                                  translations.             range of matters, including FCPA
                                                            investigations, cross-border disputes,
                                                                                                         module courses – we ensure your
                                                                                                         learners have the same experience in
                                                            arbitrations, antitrust and patent           every language. We localize all platforms,
                                                            litigation. We are the legal translation     including Captivate, Storyline and clients’
                                                            experts.                                     proprietary development tools.

                                                            Patents & IP                                 Human Resources
                                                            When translating your patents and IP         Allow your global employees to access
                                                            documents, we can work with your             the same crucial HR content – whether
                                                            foreign agents to ensure timely initial      through training courses or directly
                                                            filings and renewals. We also offer patent   within your HRIS platform. Translation
                                                            portfolio analysis to help you manage        of custom content for platforms
                                                            and reduce costs.                            such as Workday, ServiceNow and
Your World, Translated - Translate.One
Areas of Expertise.
                                                                                                                   Consider us a Hub.
Our large and diverse staff means we always have
an expert with specific experience to assign.

    Technical Publications                        Software Localization
    From SDS to 300-page user maintenance         Software demands high quality
    or installation manuals, Translate.One        translation and localization services for
    delivers. No matter the source file format,   continual updates and releases. Our
    you can expect projects delivered on          specialists take extra steps to ensure
    time, in budget, with consistency and         your users will find the localized content
    accuracy.                                     works as intuitively as the original English

    Clinical Trials & IFUs                        Packaging & Labeling
    Global CROs turn to Translate.One for         There might only be a small amount of
    certified translations they know will         text, but it must convey many required
    get IRB approval. The source English is       statements correctly. Whether you have
    translated with the same care as the          a package for a consumer product being
    original English, taking into account         shipped to the EU or an export label for
    the reading levels and any medical            Thailand, Translate.One can work directly
    terminology used.                             in your design files.
                                                                                                 Why Centralize?                      It Keeps Improving.
                                                                                                 We provide a single, unified voice   The more we translate, the better
    Marketing                                     Corporate Communication
                                                                                                 deployed across all channels. This   we get. Not only do we store
    Getting the right tone for your marketing     Good employee communication is
                                                                                                 ensures all your materials sound     frequently used phrases, but our
    materials requires more than language,        vital. Whether you have CEO videos,
    it requires local knowledge. We take          newsletters, or critical mission and           like you, no matter what language    staff becomes more familiar with
    the challenges out of global marketing        vision messaging, Translate.One has            they speak.                          your voice, increasing efficiency.
    so you can increase the return on your        experience managing communications
    investment.                                   in 40+ languages simultaneously.
Your World, Translated - Translate.One
Our Translators                                                                          Review.One

    We are constantly evaluating our
    translators and adding members
    to our team that fulfill specific,
    industry-required knowledge.

                                                                                             Managed Review.
                                                                                                 It’s not just language,
                                                                                             A Relentless Pursuit of
                                                                                                      it’s knowledge.
Top Notch Talent.                             A Global Scope.                                Efficiency.
Our linguists are thoroughly vetted in        To be fluent in every market requires
accordance with the Translation Services      highly specific local knowledge in
Management Standard, ISO 17100. All           both language and regulation. It takes
translators must have at least one of these   a network of translators with specific
qualifications in order to be considered:     industry expertise, localization experts,
                                              native speakers, multimedia specialists and
•    A degree in Translations from a          professional voiceover artists. Fortunately,
     recognized institution.                  we just happen to know a few.
•    An advanced degree and two years
     of full-time professional experience.
•    Five years of full-time translation
Your World, Translated - Translate.One
Industries Served
Client Portal.
Our client portal makes the entire process
transparent and streamlined. Log on
                                                                                               Legal                            Financial                       Manufacturing
anytime to make and approve requests
                                                                                               From cross-border litigation     We know the critical            When selling parts across the
and track the lifecycle of all projects.                                                       to internal investigations       importance of accuracy          globe, accurate translations
                                                                                               and IP disputes, we have the     in financial reports,           allow you to act in accord
                                                                                               experience and resources to      whether they are going to       with local regulatory and
                                                                                               support your legal translation   shareholders or the SEC.        cultural requirements.

                                                                                               Marketing                        Software                        Life Sciences
                                                                                               Marketing needs to convey        From lines of code to apps,     The high stakes of IFUs
                                                                                               the same message across          we have the resources to        and clinical trials require
                                                                                               all languages. Our team          ensure your software will       absolute precision. We offer
                                                                    Order History              has the experience to make       operate consistently across     translations that ensure
     Mobile Friendly                     Quotes                                                sure your brand is portrayed     a range of languages and        your products are accurately
     Track progress and get              Submit, manage, review     Every order is easily
                                                                                               consistently in all markets.     operating systems.              portrayed in global markets.
     updates on your phone.              and approve quotes for     accessed in the archive,
     Download deliverables on            all your projects.         for your reference and
     the road, anytime.                                             convenience.

                                                                                               Insurance                        Health & Safety                 Energy
     Source Files                        Deliverables               Track Spend                From claims processing to        We understand that when it      Our ISO 9001 certified quality
     Uploaded source files               Your completed files are   Review invoices, create    building HIPAA compliant         comes to Health and Safety,     management system and
     are stored and attached             attached to each job,      visual reports to view     workflows, our translations      inaccurate translations could   industry specific linguists
     to each job, making                 downloadable anywhere      and manage your total      allow you to meet regulatory     mean life or death and create   make sure your material
     reference easy.                     by any team member.        translation spend.         guidelines and communicate       unnecessary legal battles.      meets the requirements for
                                                                                               effectively with customers       Our process ensures accuracy.   this highly regulated sector.
                                                                                               and regulatory agencies.
Your World, Translated - Translate.One
Everything Starts
with Service.
A particular area of pride for us are our Project
Managers. While much of our platform is                     Human Translation                               Quality Assurance
automated, a variety of tools give project           AI and machine translations have made             Starting with ISO 9001:2015 certified
managers the high degree of flexibility our         tremendous progress lately. But when the            quality, your content flows through
clients expect. As a Translate.One client, you       nuance of language is absolutely critical,     project management, quality control and
can rely on your Project Manager to identify          there is still no substitute for qualified,   production processes designed to achieve
                                                     trained, and certified human translators.      letter-perfect results, on time, every time.
translation challenges early-on, when they are
easily resolved and save time and money.

                                                           Machine Translation                             Translation Memory
                                                    Our machine translations offer solutions         A tool that stores previously translated
                                                    in over 80 language combinations. Our            language fragments and reuses them.
                                                      MT runs on a secure private network            The system actively learns, allowing for
                                                    and can leverage translation memory to           increases in both quality and speed of
                                                              improve efficiency.                             translation over time.
Your World, Translated - Translate.One
            The Power of One.™
    A Trustpoint Company

412.261.1101 Everything you need. All in one place.
                      With one trusted partner.
Your World, Translated - Translate.One Your World, Translated - Translate.One Your World, Translated - Translate.One
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