Barclays Global Automotive Conference - November 18, 2020 NYSE: TEN - Tenneco

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Barclays Global Automotive Conference - November 18, 2020 NYSE: TEN - Tenneco
Barclays Global Automotive Conference
November 18, 2020
Barclays Global Automotive Conference - November 18, 2020 NYSE: TEN - Tenneco
Safe Harbor
Forward-Looking Statements
This communication contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, (i) all statements, other than
statements of historical fact, included in this communication that address activities, events or developments that we expect or anticipate will or may occur in the
future or that depend on future events and (ii) statements about our future business plans and strategy and other statements that describe Tenneco’s outlook,
objectives, plans, intentions or goals, and any discussion of future operating or financial performance. These forward-looking statements are included in various
sections of this communication and the words “may,” “will,” “believe,” “should,” “could,” “plan,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” and similar expressions (and
variations thereof) are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements included in this communication concern, among other things,
future performance improvement plans; future financial and operating results; and other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements are
subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to materially differ from those described in the forward-looking statements, including
the course of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on general economic, business and market conditions: our ability (or inability) to execute on our plans to
respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and our previously announced Accelerate plan and to realize the anticipated benefits of these actions; our financial flexibility
in addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; our ability to maintain compliance with the agreements governing our indebtedness and otherwise have
sufficient liquidity through the COVID-19 pandemic; the possibility that Tenneco may not complete a separation of the Aftermarket & Ride Performance business
from the Powertrain Technology business; the possibility that Tenneco will be unable to execute on its strategy and maintain compliance with the covenants in its
Credit Agreement; the ability to retain and hire key personnel and maintain relationships with customers, suppliers or other business partners; as well as the risk
factors and cautionary statements included in Tenneco's periodic and current reports (Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K) filed from time to time with the SEC. Given these
risks and uncertainties, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results. Unless otherwise indicated, the
forward-looking statements in this presentation are made as of the date of this communication, and, except as required by law, Tenneco does not undertake any
obligation, and disclaims any obligation, to publicly disclose revisions or updates to any forward-looking statements. Additional information regarding these risk
factors and uncertainties is detailed from time to time in the company's SEC filings, including but not limited to its annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2019 and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2020, June 30, 2020 and September 30, 2020.

In addition, please see Tenneco’s press release issued November 2, 2020 for factors that could cause Tenneco’s future performance to vary from the expectations
expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements herein. Please see Tenneco’s press releases issued November 2, 2020 and March 2, 2020 for certain
reconciliations of GAAP to non-GAAP results.

Barclays Global Automotive Conference - November 18, 2020 NYSE: TEN - Tenneco
Tenneco Overview
Scale and diversification in product lines, end markets and regions

                                                                               CTOH, Industrial
                                                                                  & Other
       Clean Air                                                                                                       EMISSIONS/
                                                         Ride                                                            ENGINE
                                                         Performance                             Product
                                                                                                                        OE Light
                                           $2.7                                                Applications      54%
                                                                        Aftermarket            VA Revenue
                     $4.1                                                  & OES                                           14%
   Clean Air/                 Operating                                                                                  CHASSIS

    DIVISION                   Segments                      DIVISION

                              VA Revenue

                            $4.4                                                   China

   Powertrain                                            Motorparts                     11%                   43% North America

                                                                            ROW    9%            Regions
                                                                                                VA Revenue
                        2019 Revenue
                   $17.5B Revenue
                   $14.4B Value-add (VA) Revenue                                               37%

Barclays Global Automotive Conference - November 18, 2020 NYSE: TEN - Tenneco
Building a Stronger Tenneco
  Performance Focus - Margin Expansion & Cash Generation

          Reduce                      Lower Capital            Optimize Business                   Invest in
      Structural Cost                   Intensity                Line Portfolio                 Growth Targets

• Execute Accelerate+           • Improve capex/revenue    • Value Stream Simplification   • Motorparts – top 3 markets
  program                         ratio                       - 80/20 value analytics      • Advanced Suspension
• Lean corporate & operating    • Expand working capital   • Align business lines to         Technologies
  group structure                 turns                      portfolio positions           • NVH Performance Materials
                                   – Inventory driven      • Divest/discontinue non-       • Large Engine Solutions
                                                             core business lines             (CTOHI)

                         Optimizing shareholder value creation through debt reduction focus
                                         and targeted growth investments

Barclays Global Automotive Conference - November 18, 2020 NYSE: TEN - Tenneco
Accelerate+ and Other Cost Reductions

      Accelerate+ structural cost actions; program on track for expected $265M
      annual run rate savings* by end of 2021; $250M cost to achieve
        •   End of 2020, $165M run rate savings ($150M cost to achieve)
        •   End of 2021, $265M run rate savings (additional $100M cost to achieve)

      Accelerate+ working capital improvements; on track for one-time $250M
      improvement by end of 2021
        •   Half to be realized in 2020

      Temporary actions taken in Q3 to mitigate COVID-19 impacts
        •   Q3 salary costs reduced at least 10% (salary reductions or unpaid furloughs)
        •   Temporary and other one-time benefits of ~$50M in Q3 will not repeat

       Structural cost savings build and continue to benefit operating performance
                                     over the long-term

                                                                  *Run rate savings measured from 2019 base year.   5
Barclays Global Automotive Conference - November 18, 2020 NYSE: TEN - Tenneco
Liquidity and Debt Position

        Paid down revolver, reduced                                                                                                      Addressing next significant
                                                             Optimize cash performance
        net debt, increased liquidity                                                                                                    debt maturity (April 2022)

•   Paid down revolver by $1.1B in Q3;               •   Focused on reducing capital intensity                              •     On November 13, 2020, announced
    balance drawn of $0.4B at quarter end                ‒   Continue to expect 2020 capex                                        pricing of new $500M 7.875%
•   Net debt of $5.1B; reduced by $429M                      ~$380M; significant reduction from                                   Senior Secured Notes due 2029
    in Q3 as we work to optimize cash                        $744M in 2019                                                  •     Redeeming FM €415M Senior
    performance                                      •   Flex trade working capital and execute                                   Secured Notes due April 2022 on
•   Liquidity of $1.8B at quarter end                    cost actions                                                             December 14, 2020
    ‒ Improved from $1.4B at 6/30/20
                                                         ‒   Net trade working capital                                      •     Remain fully compliant on all debt
                                                             improvements despite production                                      covenants, with significant cushion
                  Q2’20:   $5.5B
            COVID impact                                     ramp through Q3
                                         H2 Target
                   $5.2B                                     o Net trade working capital                                         See Pro Forma debt maturity
                                   $5.1B                       efficiency improved ~250 bps YoY
         $5.0B                                                                                                                    schedule and more details
                                                         ‒   Expect positive adjusted free cash
                                                             flow in Q4                                                                  on next page
                                                                   Made significant progress in Q3 toward year end target
                                                                       of net debt even with or better than YE 2019

         YE 2019    Q1      Q2      Q3     YE 2020

                                                                     See reconciliations of GAAP to non-GAAP financial metrics in Tenneco’s press release issued November 2, 2020.   6
Barclays Global Automotive Conference - November 18, 2020 NYSE: TEN - Tenneco
Pro Forma Debt Maturity Profile
Debt maturities excluding subsidiary debt (Pro Forma for transaction):
$ millions
$1,800                                                                                     New Notes Offering priced on
                                                   $1,598                                  November 13, 2020
                                                                                            • Tenneco has agreed to issue $500 million of
                                                                                              7.875% Senior Secured Notes due January
                                                                                              2029 (the “Notes Offering”) with proceeds to
                                                                                              be used to redeem the existing Federal-Mogul
$1,000                                      $987                                              Senior Secured Notes due 2022 (€415 million)
                                                                                              at the current call price of 101.219
                                                                                            • The Notes Offering is expected to be leverage
                                                            $500                    $500      neutral, with bank covenant Pro Forma Net
                                                                                              Secured Leverage and Net Leverage of 4.6x
                                                                                              and 5.5x, respectively
  $200              $145
             $102                                                                           • This opportunistic refinancing will extend the
                                                                                              Company’s maturity profile, resulting in the
             2020   2021   2022   2023      2024   2025     2026    2027    2028    2029      nearest term maturity of 2023

       TLA due Oct. 2023                             TLB due Oct. 2025                      • The Offering is expected to close on
       Revolver Borrowings due Oct. 2023             4.875% Notes due Apr. 2022 (FM)          November 30, 2020, subject to customary
       4.875% FR Notes due Apr. 2024 (FM)            5% Notes due Jul. 2024 (FM)              closing conditions.
       5.375% Notes due Dec. 2024 (TEN)              5% Notes due Jul. 2026 (TEN)
       New Sec. Notes due Jan. 2029
Near-Term Performance Focus

       Margin expansion and
                                                               Debt reduction
       increased cash flow generation

 • Executing Accelerate+ program                         • Confident that we will maintain
    (by end of 2021)                                       significant cushion on debt covenants,
    ‒ $265M run rate savings                               based on current macro outlook
    ‒ $250M working capital reduction
                                                         • Free cash flow will continue to be
 • Lowering both capex and working                         used to pay down debt
   capital intensity
                                                         • Every $800M of debt reduction would
 • Portfolio optimization                                  add $10/share, all else equal
   ‒ Value Stream Simplification
   ‒ Opportunities to monetize non-core
      product lines
 • Continued investments in targeted
   growth areas

                       Building a stronger Tenneco and enhancing shareholder value

Tenneco Projections
Tenneco’s outlook for the fourth quarter of 2020 is as of November 2, 2020. Outlook assumptions are based on projected customer production
schedules, IHS Markit light vehicle production October 2020 forecasts, IHS Markit commercial truck August 2020 forecasts, Power Systems Research
October 2020 forecasts and Tenneco estimates. Furthermore:
 • Projections are based on original equipment manufacturers’ programs that have been formally awarded to the company; programs where the
    company is highly confident that it will be awarded business based on informal customer indications consistent with past practices; and Tenneco's
    status as supplier for the existing programs and its relationship with customers.
 • Projections are based on the anticipated pricing of each program over its life.
 • Except as otherwise indicated, projections assume a fixed foreign currency value. This value is used to translate foreign business to the U.S. dollar.
 • Projections are subject to increase or decrease due to changes in customer requirements, customer and consumer preferences, the number of
    vehicles actually produced by our customers, and pricing.

In addition to the information set forth herein, Tenneco’s projections are based on the type of information set forth under “Order Fulfillment” in Item 1 –
“Business” as set forth in Tenneco’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019. Please see that disclosure for further

Certain elements of the restructuring and related expenses, legal settlements, substrate pricing, and other unusual charges we incur from time to time
cannot be forecasted accurately. In this respect, we are not able to forecast corresponding GAAP measures without unreasonable efforts on account of
these factors and other factors not in our control.

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