Your Welcome to Stevenson Guide | SPRING 2023

Page created by Warren Morales
Your Welcome to Stevenson Guide | SPRING 2023

Your Welcome to Stevenson Guide | SPRING 2023
Your Welcome to Stevenson Guide | SPRING 2023
Becoming a Mustang – Key Steps to Enrollment
Complete the Enrollment Intent                                    Any new student who has not received SU transfer credit for a credit-
                                                                  bearing math course is required to take a placement test. Placement
and Housing Reservation Form                                      testing must be completed in advance of your scheduled course
                                                                  registration. More information regarding the math placement can be
To reserve your place for the 2023 semester, complete the
                                                                  found at
Enrollment Intent Form and return it to the Admissions
Office, along with your $300 enrollment deposit, as soon as
                                                                  Apply for financial aid and pay your bill
                                                                  To be considered for need-based financial aid:
Please pay particular attention to the following when
submitting your enrollment deposit:                               Apply for a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) at as soon as
                                                                  possible. The FSA ID acts as your electronic signature to file the Free
The enrollment deposit is $300 for all students. It is due
                                                                  Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
December 20, 2022 and non-refundable after that date.
The $300 will be applied to your tuition bill.                    A parent should also apply for a FSA ID if you are a dependent
If you complete your enrollment online, payment can be
made by credit card on our secure site. If you complete           Complete the 2022-2023 Free Application for Federal Student
your enrollment by mail, include a check or money order for       Aid (FAFSA) at as soon as possible. SU’s required
$300 made payable to Stevenson University.                        federal school code is 002107.
As another option you may complete these forms and pay             uestions regarding financial aid should be directed to the Stevenson
your enrollment deposit by credit card on our secure site at      Financial Aid Office locally at 443-334-3200 or toll-free at 1-877-                                          468-6852. Information about filing the FAFSA and financial aid is
Questions regarding payment of the enrollment deposit             also available at
should be directed to a member of our transfer admissions
team (see back for contact information).                          SU Merit-based scholarships:
                                                                  All newly admitted applicants indicating interest in full-time
                                                                  enrollment are automatically considered for merit-based scholarships.
Academic Orientation, Placement                                   No separate scholarship application is required. Eligible applicants
Testing, and Course Registration                                  will be notified of their scholarship within two weeks of acceptance to
                                                                  the University.
All new students will be required to complete an online
academic orientation prior to registering for courses. The        Paying your bill:
online orientation will be completed through SU’s Learning
                                                                   heck your mail or Self-Service Student Finance account shortly after
Management System, BlackBoard. Your Stevenson Single
                                                                  registration for your tuition bill, and if applicable, your housing bill.
Sign On is required in order to access BlackBoard. Once
students have completed their academic orientation, they           uestions regarding bill payment should be directed to the Stevenson
will receive follow up instructions from the Office of Student    Student Accounts Office locally at 443-334-3500 or toll-free at
Success regarding the course registration process. Students       1-877-468-6852. Information about student bills and payment
are not required to come to campus to register for courses        options is also available at
and will be able to meet with advisors virtually or over the

  Visit our Accepted Students site for
  information updated throughout the year:             
Your Welcome to Stevenson Guide | SPRING 2023
Frequently Asked Questions
How will my college credits transfer to SU?     2022-2023 FAFSA to Stevenson and being                 Visit for a link to
Your official transfer credit evaluation will   admitted to the university.                            the portal. Even before you have access to
be forwarded when it has been completed                                                                the portal you should request your immuni-
by the Registrar’s office and a guide to        When will I hear about living on campus?               zation records from your physician as you’ll
understanding that evaluation will be in-                                                              need to submit those to the Wellness Cen-
                                                New students who have submitted the Enroll-
cluded. Your official degree audit showing                                                             ter. The deadline to complete the Student
                                                ment Intent Form, and the $300 deposit by
exactly what courses you have remaining                                                                Health Profile is January 20, 2023.
                                                December 20, 2022 are guaranteed housing
to complete your degree will be available       availability. Residence Life will e-mail infor-
on WebXpress shortly before your registra-      mation about room assignments in January.              All new and returning students are
tion date.                                                                                             required to be fully vaccinated for
                                                                                                       COVID-19. This requirement applies
                                                Who Should I Talk to About Disability Ser-             to all undergraduate students, resident
When can I visit campus?                        vices?                                                 and commuter, as well as all Stevenson
Campus visits are available every day SU        The Office of Disability Services (ODS) facili-        University Online undergraduate and
classes are in session from Monday-Friday       tates equal access for students who identify           graduate students who access and
and selected Saturdays. See visit.steven-       as having a disability and who register with           use campus facilities and students in our for more information about our          our office. Newly admitted students with dis-          Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) program.
visit programs or to register                   abilities who require accommodations should
                                                contact the Office of Disability Services              Additionally, all full-time students, whether
I want a different major than I listed on my    (ODS) as early as possible after submitting            residential or commuter, are required to
application. how can I change IT?               their enrollment deposit to initiate the eligi-        be immunized against MMR (Measles,
Please contact the Admissions Office            bility process.                                        Mumps, and Rubella) as well as Varicella
before your registration day to change your                                                            (chicken pox) according to the recommen-
major.                                          To request accommodations, students should             dations of the Centers for Disease Control
                                                register with ODS by building an online pro-           (CDC). If immunization records are not
What is WebXpress?                              file in AIM. Please visit http://olympic.accessible-   available, students will be asked to show
                                       or    proof of immunity through Titer Test (blood
WebXpress is Stevenson’s online informa-        contact ODS directly to begin the registration         work) results.
tion system. As an accepted student you         process.
can use WebXpress to check the status
of your financial aid application or view                                                              All students planning to live on campus at
                                                Additionally, students must submit docu-               SU are required to be vaccinated accord-
updates to your transfer credit evaluation.
                                                mentation that meets the University’s                  ing to the CDC recommendations against
WebXpress log-in instructions are available
                                                Documentation Guidelines and supports their            Meningitis ACWY (MCV4). A separate
                                                requested accommodation(s). Documentation              vaccination against Meningitis B is recom-
                                                Guidelines can be found on the ODS Portal.             mended but not required at this time.
Will I get credit for my AP, IB and CLEP
                                                ODS staff will notify students of the results of       Failure to submit a completed Student
Official AP, IB and CLEP test scores are        their request(s) typically within two business         Health Profile by the designated dead-
considered for college credit. A chart with     weeks of submitting all required information.          line will block you from registering for
our full AP, IB and CLEP credit policy                                                                 future classes and/or lead to removal from
is linked from          For more details, please see the Accepted              housing. Stevenson University cannot be
Official scores should be sent to the Regis-    Students Page or contact ODS directly:                 responsible for costs not covered by insur-
trar’s Office as soon as possible.                                                                     ance associated with completion of the
                                                Phone: 443.352.5320
                                                                                                       Student Health Profile.
When will I hear if I have been awarded a       Fax: 443.352.4122
scholarship?                                    Email:                               IMPORTANT: Students required to turn in
All newly admitted transfer applicants are                                                             health related information to Athletics or
automatically considered for a merit-based                                                             the Berman School of Nursing and Health
                                                Instagram: @ODS_STEVENSON
scholarship. Qualifying students are noti-                                                             Professions still MUST complete a Student
fied in this packet.Scholarship awards                                                                 Health Profile separate from those addi-
                                                Do I need to submit health records to enroll?          tional requirements. The information that
are based on cumulative college GPA and
number of credits completed by October 1.       Yes. Stevenson’s Student Health Profile must           is submitted to these other offices is NOT
Please see for       be completed by all new, full-time students.           shared with the Wellness Center.
more information.                               The profile is completed online through the
                                                Wellness Center Secure Patient Portal. You’ll          When is the first day of class?
                                                have access to the portal in November after
When will I receive a financial aid award?                                                             January 23, 2023
                                                submitting your enrollment deposit and re-
You can expect to receive a financial aid
                                                ceiving your SU single sign-on account (one
award within two weeks of submitting the
                                                log-in for a variety of Stevenson services).
Your Welcome to Stevenson Guide | SPRING 2023
Important Contact Information
              Listed below you will find contact information for Admissions followed by other relevant campus departments and
              staff. If you are unsure of who to contact for a particular question, please call Admissions and we will assist you.

              William “Dave” Copenhaver                 ADMISSIONS OFFICE                         REGISTRAR’S OFFICE
              Associate Director, Transfer Admissions   Garrison Hall North, 2nd Floor            (Credit evaluations)
              443-352-4409                              Owings Mills campus                       Dawson Center 212
                     PHONE: 410-486-7001                       Greenspring campus
                                                        TOLL FREE: 1-877-468-6852                 443-334-2206
              Darius Morgan                             FAX: 443-352-4440
              Assistant Director, Transfer Admissions                                             RESIDENCE LIFE OFFICE
              443-352-4403                              OFFICE OF STUDENT SUCCESS                 443-334-2588
                        Garrison Hall South,                      443-352-4201 (fax)
                                                        Owings Mills campus
              Katelynn Schanberger                      443-352-5880                              STUDENT ACCOUNTS
              Assistant Director, Transfer Admissions                                             Garrison Hall, 2nd Floor
              443-352-4446                              ATHLETICS                                 Owings Mills campus
                    Caves Sports & Wellness Center,           443-334-3500
                                                        Owings Mills campus
                                                        443-352-4251                              TECH CONNECTION
                                                                 (WebXpress questions)
                                                        FINANCIAL AID OFFICE            
                                                        Garrison Hall, 2nd Floor
                                                        Owings Mills campus                       WELLNESS CENTER
                                                        443-334-3200                              Caves Sports & Wellness Center,
                                                                                                  Owing Mills campus

            Connect with SU and your classmates
                                                             #beamustang #SUishome

                                                                                                        ADMISSIONS OFFICE
                                                             TWITTER                                    100 Campus Circle
                                                             @StevensonU                                Owings Mills, Maryland 21117
                                                             #beamustang       #SUishome
                                                                                                        Phone: 410-486-7001
                                                                                                        Toll-free: 1-877-468-6852
                                                             FACEBOOK                                   Fax: 443-352-4440
 Sept. 2019
Aug. 2020
Your Welcome to Stevenson Guide | SPRING 2023
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