WITS Strategy 2018 - 2020 approved 9 December 2017 - WITS Ireland

WITS Strategy 2018 - 2020 approved 9 December 2017 - WITS Ireland
WITS Strategy 2018 – 2020
approved 9 December 2017
•   Fair play
•   Evidence-informed
•   Generosity
•   Progress-driven

A society where women have equal
opportunities, experiences and recognition in STEM.
WITS Mission

A voluntary, independent organisation advocating,
   connecting and acting for women to benefit
   society as full and vital participants in STEM
3 Year Goal
To grow our profile and membership and
collaborate with like-minded organisations
to progress our mission of advocating,
acting and connecting to have women as
full participants in STEM
Strategic Objective 1: Membership

SO1 MEMBERSHIP YE2020 •    800             •   Review corporate membership model. To include
    Increase our           individual          proposal for corporate sponsorship of events or
    membership to          members             collaborative projects
    800 individual    •    10 Corporate    •   Campaigns to attract full time students to renew
    members and            Members         •   Clarify what we offer to members – corporates,
    have              •    Collaborative       individuals, students
    collaborative          relationships   •   Campaign to recruit members, in particular
    relationships          with at least       corporates
    with corporate         50% of          •   Consolidate and expand regional groups
    members                corporate

                                           WITS AGM 2017                                          5
Strategic Objective 2: Resourcing
      DESCRIPTION         BY…      METRICS                ACTIONS

SO2   RESOURCING          YE2020   Effective, fully       •   Develop a sub-committee model to manage and share workload
      Have an effective            resourced sub-         •   Document roles and responsibilities required.
      sub-committee                committees to          •   Identify sub-committees required and Executive Committee
      model to manage              manage                     member to head up
      and share                    •     Membership       •   Set expectations for contribution by Executive Committee
      workload                     •     Profile              members
                                   •     Events           •   Identify skills gaps and nominate suitably qualified members to
                                   •     Policy               Exec
                                   •     Campaigns        •   Ask corporates for Admin & other support
                                   •     Educating /      •   Allocate roles and responsibilities
                                         Informing        •   Ongoing reporting and review by sub-committees
                                   that report via Exec   •   Use suitable technology to manage work and automate where
                                   Member to Exec             possible
                                   meeting monthly        •   Develop student project model (e.g.: journalism students for
                                                          •   Work on steamlining / sharing of mailbox admin, processing
                                                              memberships, newsletter & other such tasks
                                                          •   Consider virtual assistants for any work that can be outsourced
                                                          •   Consider setting up WITS Chapters in 3rd level institutions.
                                                              Establish guidelines
Strategic Objective 3: Profile
      DESCRIPTION    BY…      METRICS            ACTIONS

SO3   PROFILE        YE2020   •   Monitor        •   Identify where we don’t have profile (seems to be
      Increase                    Social Media       with corporates)
      Profile of                  activity &     •   Complete Update of website
      WITS                        report               o Story of WITS
                                  annually             o Historical pictures
                              •   25% annual           o Timeline
                                  increase in          o Share links to other organisations via website
                                  # events             o Blog posts by high profile invitees
                                  WITS are             o Progress, timeline, equal pay etc.
                                  invited to     •   Resource regular updating of website
                              •   75% of         •   Update brochure (annually)
                                  corporates     •   Corporate membership campaign ( See also SO1)
                                  we             •   Marketing/PR/ Social Media campaign
                                  approach       •   Attend / represent WITS at invited events with
                                  have heard         photos
                                  of us prior    •   Lab Coats and Lace eBook
                                  to our         •   Collaborate with organisations with similar
                                  engagement         objectives
                                  with them
Strategic Objective 4: Advocating

      DESCRIPTION   BY…      METRICS            ACTIONS

SO4   ADVOCATING YE2018      •   Have defined   •   Define WITS’ desired advocacy and lobbying impacts
      Policy sub-                specific           in line with our Action Manifesto
      committee to               desired        •   Consider what alliances / partnerships we should
      have                       impacts.           engage in to support our efforts
      developed     YE2020       Quarterly      •   Work to positively influence policy and laws that
      and delivered              review of          impact on women in STEM and to deliver on the
      on a                       advocacy &         desired impacts specified.
      programme of               lobbying       •   Implement Quarterly review against desired impacts
      advocacy and               impact and
      lobbying work              outcomes

                                            WITS AGM 2017                                                8
Strategic Objective 5: Acting
     DESCRIPTION      BY…       METRICS           ACTIONS

SO5 ACTING             YE2020   •   Annual         •   Identify issues for which we want to raise
    (CAMPAIGNS)                     campaign           awareness and call to action (or other – e.g.:
    Run annual                      that has           campaign that celebrates achievements by women
    campaign that                   achieved pre-      in STEM, “sexism of the week”, initiatives like
    combines raising                defined            “manel watch”)
    awareness about                 metrics (e.g.: •   Identify & approach potential collaborators, incl
    an issue that                   Twitter            marketing & creative resources at corporate
    impacts women’s                 hashtag /          members
    full participation              trending)      •   Decide on issue on which to focus
    in STEM (e.g.:                                 •   Define campaign, incl info & data, audience, call to
    gender pay gap,                                    action, tools & media to be used & metrics for
    crocodile jaw,                                     success
    leaky pipeline,                               •    Implement & monitor
    win-win for men,                              •    Report back to Executive
    family friendly
    policies, micro-
    inequalities) with
    a call to action                                                                                          9
Strategic Objective 6: Acting
     DESCRIPTION      BY…   METRICS            ACTIONS

SO6 ACTING            2020 •   Have defined     •   Recognise that all employers are now STEM
    (EDUCATING/                specific desired     employers
    INFORMING)                 outcomes.        •   Identify and review who we want to inform /
    Disseminate                Quarterly review     educate and on what
    information                of advocacy &          o Examples: Mixers, role models etc..
    regarding “what            lobbying impact        o Focus on parents
    works” to                  and outcomes     •   Consider working with employers &
    employers and                                   educators to support implementation of
    educators for                                   “what works”
    STEM careers                               •    Match employers & educators with others
                                                    who can help them meet their goals
                                               •    Implement Quarterly review against desired

                                            WITS AGM 2017                                         10
Strategic Objective 7: Connecting
     DESCRIPTION      BY…   METRICS               ACTIONS

SO7 CONNECTING          2020 •   Annual              • Develop annual programme of activities,
    Deliver a                    programme of            bearing in mind our broad range of members
    programme of                 activities (10 in • Consider collaboration with corporates or
    activities (events,          Dublin and              similar organisations
    workshops,                   average of 2 per • Customised PR for each activity to maximize
    webinars,                    region) that            attendance
    company visits,              includes a          • Allocate responsibility for each event to a
    coaching groups              networking              member of the Events sub-committee
    etc.) that                   element             • Organize each activity
    educates,                •   Average of >75% • Run at least one event to which everyone
    inspires and                 capacity                has to bring a man
    connects                     attendance at
    members                      events
                             •   Majority of
                                 attendees rate
                                 event “Very
                                 Good” or
                                 “Excellent”      WITS AGM 2017                                       11
Thank you!
  PO Box 3783, Dublin 4
Email: info@witsireland.com
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