WINTER & SPRING - Prospect Heights Park District

Page created by Vanessa Mejia
WINTER & SPRING - Prospect Heights Park District

                                                                 fa l

        2021 PROGRAM GUIDE

                     SEE INSIDE
      Where’s Rudolf • Begins December 11 > Page 4
    Holiday Trolley Express • December 17 & 18 > Page 5    Camp
          Spring Fling Drive-by • April 3 > Page 6        Registration
                                                          Begins Feb. 1
                                                             Page 15
                         847.394.2848 | PHPARKS.ORG
WINTER & SPRING - Prospect Heights Park District
Calendar of Events
Program guides will be on our website and a limited supply will be available to pick up from the Gary Morava Recreation Center
Event                                                          Date                         Time                 Page

Winter/Spring Registration Begins                          Monday, November 9             7:30am                  35
Youth Basketball Registration Deadline                     Sunday, December 20            5:00pm                  12
Jr. High Basketball Registration Deadline                  Sunday, December 20            5:00pm                  12

Holiday Drop N Go Shop                                     Friday, December 11            6:00-9:00pm             4
Where’s Rudolf Begins                                      Friday, December 11		                                  4
Letters to Santa Deadline                                  Wednesday, December 16         5:00pm                  4
Holiday Trolley Express                                    Thursday, December 17          3:45-8:00pm             5
                                                           Friday, December 18            3:45-8:00pm
House Decorating Contest                                   Thursday, December 17          4:00-8:00pm             5
                                                           Friday, December 18

Creative Kids Preschool Resident Registration Begins       Monday, January 4              7:30am                  7
KinderStop Registration Begins                             Monday, January 4              7:30am                  8
Youth Indoor Soccer Deadline                               Tuesday, January 5             5:00pm                  13
Star Studio Spring Classes Begin                           Monday, January 11		                                   22
Creative Kids Preschool Non-Resident Registration Begins   Monday, January 11             7:30am                  7
Youth Volleyball League Registration Deadline              Friday, January 26             7:00pm                  12
Virtual Family Trivia Night                                Friday, January 29             7:00-8:00pm             5

Summer Camp Registration Begins                            Monday, February 1             7:30am                  15
Creative Kids Open House                                   Thursday, February 11          5:30-6:30pm             7
KinderStop Open House                                      Thursday, February 11          6:00-7:00pm             8
Virtual Family Bingo Night                                 Friday, February 26            7:00-8:00pm             5

Virtual Family Bingo Night                                 Friday, March 19               7:00-8:00pm             5

Spring Fling Drive-by                                      Saturday, April 3              10:00-11:30am           6
Easter Bunny Visits                                        Saturday, April 3              12:00-3:00pm            6
Masters Par 3 Scramble Shootout                            Sunday, April 25               Noon                    29

Wine & Beer Tasting on the Driving Range                   Thursday, May 20               6:00pm-7:00pm           29
Virtual Family Bingo Night                                 Friday, May 21                 7:00-8:00pm             5

Summer Camp Open House                                     Thursday, June 3               5:30pm-6:30pm           15

Old Orchard Club Championship                              Monday, July 19                8:00am-Noon             29
WINTER & SPRING - Prospect Heights Park District
Letter from the Executive Director – Christina Ferraro, CPRP

       hope this finds everyone healthy and safe. It has been quite a year,   while logging in to play virtual bingo. Seniors attended virtual
       and the COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone. We have all           tours of museums and various countries. And, the Recreation team
       adopted behaviors to effectively prevent the spread of COVID, and      redesigned Summer camp.
  people look forward to resuming their normal activities. This raises a      As the governor lifted the state restrictions and new guidelines were
  reoccurring question: what is the “new normal”? It is yet to be seen, but   put in place, the golf course and the parks eventually opened to the
  I think we have witnessed glimpses of it.                                   public. Slowly the recreation center opened, and programs resumed.
  The impact of COVID-19 on Prospect Heights Park District has                Usage of the fitness room, racquetball court, and open gym are
  accelerated unprecedented change. It began with the cancellation            available but now require reservations for each.
  of programs and activities and the Gary Morava Recreation Center            Throughout the pandemic, it became apparent to staff that the
  and the Old Orchard Country Club temporary closings. Playgrounds,           park operations had to be adapted to manage recreational life
  tennis and basketball courts, and athletic fields were off-limits. Large    digitally. The park district’s digital experience continued to evolve
  public gatherings, like the Annual Block Party, were canceled. Lions        and adapt to new expectations and behaviors—from both residents
  Pool did not open for the season. The governor issued a stay-at-home        and employees. Staff had to reimagine the digital experience for the
  order, which contradicts what park districts represent: gatherings          future: more communication through social media, digital program
  and socialization. Our daily lives shifted in ways we would never have      guides, virtual programming, more online registration, remote access
  imagined. We were all compelled to adapt quickly and identify creative,     for staff teleworking, virtual board meetings, etc. Staff reported
  unconventional ways to operate and survive. We had to learn how to          easier networking with their peers via Zoom. Their peer networking
  greet people without a hug or a handshake and keep in touch with            or virtual brainstorming meetings about programs and procedures
  friends and family using Zoom.                                              were more accessible than traveling long distances to regular
  The park district staff strived to respond effectively. We clarified our    meetings. When schools announced remote learning, staff designed
  purpose, which is to enhance the quality of life for all residents of the   an eLearning Camp to provide a safe, supervised environment for
  District. How do we do this? We did this by developing and maintaining      students to plug into their classrooms. The eLearning camp required
  parks and facilities while promoting community involvement through          expanding access to Wi-Fi to support virtual education in the
  programs and special events. The Parks Department and the Grounds           recreation center. Of course, conscious that there is a digital divide,
  Department worked hard to keep the parks and the golf course when           we are mindful of those without access or the skills to register or
  the stay-at-home order was in effect. More people were walking,             make a reservation online.
  biking, and golfing to clear their minds, stay active, and socialize when   Each of us is learning to deal with a new way of working, living, and
  they could. The Recreation and Golf teams worked hard to create             interacting with each other. Maybe the “new normal” is learning
  programs that were both safe and enjoyable. Working with the state          how to manage life digitally to respond effectively and quickly to
  guidelines, they adapted quickly to offer virtual programs and special      change? Perhaps the “new normal” is—change. Regardless, COVID
  events so individuals could remain active while being socially distant.     has affected sports, school, travel, etc. but we will be stronger as we
  Here is a glimpse of their creative adaptations: A virtual Preschool        adapt to change.
  graduation with a curbside diploma pickup. Families ordered pizza

Prospect Heights Park District                         Prospect Heights Park District Board of Commissioners
     Our mission is to enhance the
 quality of life for all residents of the
  District through the development
 and maintenance of park lands and
facilities, utilizing available resources,
  as well as to promote community
  involvement through a variety of                          Tim Jones               Eric Kirste           Vicki Carney            Ellen Avery
  recreation programs, educational                          President             Vice President           Treasurer               Secretary
   opportunities and special events.
                                                                                                        Board Meetings
                                                                                                        All residents are welcome to
                                                                                                        attend our Board Meetings,
                                                                                                        held the fourth Tuesday of each
                                                                                                        month at 7:00pm in the GMRC.

                                                           Betty Cloud             Karl Jackson
                                                          Commissioner            Commissioner

                                                                                                                          Winter • Spring 2021 | 1
WINTER & SPRING - Prospect Heights Park District
   Administrative Staff
   Christina Ferraro, C.P.R.P.   Executive Director                 
   Julie Caporusso, C.P.R.P.     Superintendent of Recreation       
   Edlyn Castil                  Administrative Services Manager    
   Dino Squiers                  Superintendent of Facilities & Parks
   Annette Curtis, C.P.R.P.      Superintendent of Finance & Planning
   Marc Heidkamp, PGA            Director of Golf Operations        

   Recreation Staff
   Laura Fudala, C.P.R.P.        Supervisor of Recreation           
   Marci Glinski, C.P.R.P.       Supervisor of Recreation           
   Jeanette Garrity              Supervisor of Recreation           
   Michelle Brennan              Registrar/Accounting Clerk         
   Kathy DeCoursey               Registrar                          

   Old Orchard Country Club Staff
   Doug Brazeau, PGA             Head Golf Professional             
   Niko Lopez                    Kitchen Manager                    

                                                              M    ake friends, have fun, go new places, learn new things,
                                                                   be included and celebrate your life at NWSRA! NWSRA
                                                              exists to provide outstanding opportunities through recreation
                                                              for children and adults with disabilities. The team of full-time
                                                              Therapeutic Recreation professionals and trained part-time
                                                              staff provide safe, fun and accessible year-round opportunities
                                                              to individuals of any age and ability level. Inclusion assistance
                                                              also provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to
                                                              participate in their home park district program.
                                                              NWSRA offers hundreds of virtual and in person programming
                                                              options to meet the diverse needs and interests of the
                                                              community! Check out Virtual programming options at
                                                    , and In Person programming options
                                                              at For more information, contact
                                                              the NWSRA registration office at 847-392-2848 (voice),
                                                              847-392-2855 (TTY) or e-mail
                                                              The Prospect Heights Park District is a member of a cooperative
                                                              agreement among 17 Park Districts which form the Northwest Special
                                                              Recreation Association (NWSRA).

2 | Winter • Spring 2021                                          Prospect Heights Park District | 847.394.2848 | PHPARKS.ORG
WINTER & SPRING - Prospect Heights Park District
Facility Information                                   FACILITY HOURS:                                                                ONLINE HOURS:
                                                       Monday– Thursday...............6:00am–9:00pm                                   Open 24 Hours at
Gary Morava Recreation Center
110 W. Camp McDonald Road                                                                                                             CONNECT WITH US!
Prospect Heights, IL 60070                                                                                                                    prospectheightsparkdistrict
                                                       Sunday.......................................9:00am– 5:00pm
Phone: 847–394–2848
Fax: 847–394–7799                                      FRONT DESK HOURS:                                            Monday–Thursday................ 7:30am–9:00pm                                          prospectheightsparkdistrictsstarstudio
                                                       Friday........................................... 7:30am–6:00pm
  Old Orchard Country Club                             Sunday........................................9:00am–5:00pm                            ProspectHtsPrks
  700 W. Rand Road                                     HOLIDAY HOURS:                                                                         prospectheightsparkdistrict
  Mount Prospect, IL 60056                             November 26................... Closed Thanksgiving
  Phone: 847–255–2025                                  November 27............... OPEN: 8:00am–3:00pm
  Visit our website at                December 24................. Closed Christmas Eve                              SUBSCRIBE
  for hours and services.
                                                       December 25................ Closed Christmas Day                               Weekly email newsletter at
                                                       December 31................... OPEN: 8:00am - Noon
                                                       January 1.......................Closed New Year’s Day
                                                       April 4.................................................Closed Easter

  TABLE of
                            Active Adults..................................................21                         General Information....................... 1-3, 32-36
                            Athletics | Youth.......................................11-14                               Birthday Parties.......................................................33
                            Children’s Programs.....................................10                                  Board of Commissioners..........................................1

  CONTENTS                  Dance | Star Studio................................22–23
                            Early Childhood Programs....................... 7-10
                                                                                                                        Calendar of Events............................. Inside Cover
                                                                                                                        Facility Information................................................... 3
                                                                                                                        Facility Rentals.........................................................32
                              Creative Kids Preschool...........................................7                       Letter From Executive Director..............................1
                              – eLearning Camp...................................................... 9                  Map & Park Amenities..........Inside Back Cover
                              KinderSTOP...................................................................8            NWSRA............................................................................ 2
                            Fitness.....................................................24-25                           Registration Information & Forms........... 34-36
                              Fitness Center Information.................................24                             Sponsorship Pages..................................................31
                              Fitness Classes........................................................ 25                Staff Directory............................................................. 2
                            Kids Day Off.................................................... 9
                            Special Events............................................ 4-6
                            Spring Fling..................................................... 6
                            Summer Camp.........................................15-20
                              Summer Camp Registration Form............. 17-20
                            Weddings...................................................... 30

Picture your winter & spring fun with us!                                                                                                                      Winter • Spring 2021 | 3
WINTER & SPRING - Prospect Heights Park District
Special Events

                                                         Letters to Santa
                                                         Santa’s magical mailbox will be delivered to the
                                                         Gary Morava Recreation Center on November 23
                                                         by Santa’s Elves. You may drop-off your letter to
                                                         Santa at his mailbox by December 16. The elves
                                                         will be returning the mailbox to the North Pole,
                                                         so don’t wait! Please remember to include your
                                                         name and return address to ensure the elves
                                                         know where to send Santa’s response!

   Holiday Drop N Go Shop
                                                              Rudolph is missing! The Prospect Heights
   Have some last-minute Christmas shopping,                  Park District asks residents to join us on
   wrapping or just need a break? Drop off your               a mission to help Santa find his lead

   kids for a fun evening at the park district                reindeer, Rudolph! As you know, Rudolph
   that will include pizza dinner, crafts, sports &           using his luminous red nose, leads the
   games. Bring a blanket and a pillow, because               reindeer team and guides Santa’s sleigh on
   we will end the night with a holiday movie.                Christmas Eve to deliver gifts. Without him,
   Age: 5-12                                                  Christmas is ruined! Find Rudolph by solving clues,
   Code         Dates Days Times                  Fees        puzzles, and riddles hidden around Prospect
   312001-01 12/11      F       6:00-9:00pm $19               Heights. Once you are registered, you will receive
   Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center                    your first clue on December 11. When you have
                                                              solved all the clues and reached Rudolph’s
                                                              final location, email us all places you visited.
                                                              Your family will be entered for a chance
                                                              to win a great prize. This self-paced

                                                              scavenger hunt will take approximately
                                                              1–2 hours, depending on your investigators’ age.
                                                              Code           Dates           Fee

                                                              312012-01      12/11-12/21     $15 per family

4 | Winter • Spring 2021                                   Prospect Heights Park District | 847.394.2848 | PHPARKS.ORG
WINTER & SPRING - Prospect Heights Park District
Special Events

                                                                                                      Virtual Family
                                                                                                      Trivia Night
                                                                                                      Join us for some virtual family

 Holiday Trolley Express                                                                              fun! Family Teams will answer
                                                                                                      family-friendly trivia questions
 Hop on the Holiday Trolley Express! Enjoy the magic of the                                           using a jeopardy style board to
 holidays with your friends at The Prospect Heights Park District.                                    compete for prizes. A special
 Holiday Lights, Christmas Carols, and so much more! All children                                     award will be presented to the
 will receive a goody bag from Santa!
                                                                                                      most spirited family.
 Register for your desired time slot or buy out the entire trolley to
                                                                              Code      Dates        Days Times             Fees
 share with your family & friends.
                                                                              312002-02 01/29        F       7:00–8:00pm $10 per family
 Thursday, December 17 & Friday, December 18
 Trolley Rides beginning at 3:45 pm.
 Public Trolley: $13 per person • Buy-Out (Max 18 people): $220
 Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center
 Ticket Sales              Code        Dates   Days   Times             Family
 • Full Trolley Buy-out 212001-23
    on Sale Nov. 9–15,     212001-13
    in-person or                                                        Join us for virtual family bingo nights!
                           212001-14   12/17   Th     5:15-5:45pm       Once registered, you will receive your
    phone only.
                           212001-15   12/17   Th     6:00-6:30pm       bingo cards (1 for each participant) and
 • Individual tickets on
    sale starting Nov. 16. 212001-16   12/17   Th     6:45-7:15pm       the Zoom link to participate. Prizes will
                           212001-17   12/17   Th     7:30-8:00pm       be awarded. The registration deadline
  Thank you to             212001-24   12/18   F      3:45-4:15pm       is the day of the event at 4:00 pm.
  our sponsor              212001-18   12/18   F      4:30-5:00pm       Code           Dates Days Times                 Fees
                           212001-19   12/18   F      5:15-5:45pm       312003-01 02/26 F               7:00–8:00pm     $10 per family
                           212001-20   12/18   F      6:00-6:30pm       312003-03 03/19         F       7:00–8:00pm     $10 per family
                           212001-21   12/18   F      6:45-7:15pm       312003-02 05/21         F       7:00–8:00pm     $10 per family
                           212001-22   12/18   F      7:30-8:00pm

                                                                    FREE     Holiday House
                                                                                  DECORATING CONTEST
                                                                            Get into the Holiday Spirit Prospect Heights! Channel
                                                                            your inner Clark Griswald or Luther Krank to create
                                                                            your holiday masterpiece. Enter your home into
                                                                            our Holiday House Decorating Contest! Lights must
                                                                            be on from 4:00–8:00 pm on Thursday, December
                                                                            17 & Friday, December 18, for judging. Prizes will be
                                                                            awarded! Open to Prospect Heights residents only.
                                                                            Code #212014-01

Picture your winter & spring fun with us!                                                                  Winter • Spring 2021 | 5
WINTER & SPRING - Prospect Heights Park District
Special Events

                                   Easter Bunny
                                   Home Visits
                                   Watch your children’s eyes light up as they receive a personal
                                   visit from the Easter Bunny. We will include an egg hunt for
                                   your family & our bunny will spend approximately 10 minutes
                                   with your family to take pictures. Open to Prospect Heights
                                   Park District residents only.
                                   Code          Dates     Days Times              Fees
                                   312006-01 04/03 Sa             12:00-3:00pm $25 per family

                           The Easter Bunny is stopping by PHPD to say hi! Drive-by to
                           wave hello, take a quick, socially distant picture, and receive
                           a goody bag for each child to create their own egg hunt.
                           Goody Bags will be passed out to the first 100 children.
                           Dates      Days     Times               Fees
                           04/03      Sa       10:00-11:30am       Free
                                            Thank you to our sponsor

6 | Winter • Spring 2021                Prospect Heights Park District | 847.394.2848 | PHPARKS.ORG
WINTER & SPRING - Prospect Heights Park District
Creative Kids Preschool
                                 Creative Kids Preschool
                                 The Creative Kids Preschool program provides an age-appropriate curriculum to develop a
                                 child’s love of learning. Our curriculum provides a safe, nurturing environment that allows
                                 the children to grow socially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. Children participate
                                 in various activities every day, including art, movement, math, science, storytime, and
                                 group learning, which are designed so that students can find their successes. Our
                                 curriculum incorporates Jolly Phonics, STEM, and Handwriting Without Tears. We strive to
                                 prepare children for kindergarten, and our program gives children the tools and experiences
                                 they need to ensure a positive transition.
                                 Throughout our two-year program, some ongoing skills are taught, such as recognizing
                                 and printing first and last names with upper and lower case letters, naming basic colors
                                 and shapes, reciting numbers 1-20, count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, letter recognition, number
                                 recognition, sounds, sight words calendar, and weather.
                                 Our teachers help the children learn good work habits, follow directions, socialize, share,
                                 and establish self-direction.
                                   Policies:                      New Procedures during Phase 4 of Restore Illinois
                                   • Children in preschool       • Increased classroom and bathroom cleaning & sanitizing
              KIDS PRES               must be toilet-trained;        especially in high-touch areas.
         I VE           CH            pull-ups are not allowed.   • Tightened sick protocol including parents doing a wellness
                                                                     check before coming to school.

                                   • C hildren must be 3 by

                                      September 1 to enroll in    • Face coverings will be required for students and staff.

                                      3 year old preschool.       • Curbside drop off and pickup outside.
                                                                  • Outside learning & play time as weather permits.
 PROSPECT HTS. PARK DISTRICT       • C hildren must be 4 by      • Preschoolers will bring their own snacks and drinks.
                                      September 1 to enroll in    • Students are asked to bring the following supplies which
      2021–2022                       4 year old preschool.          will be kept in their backpacks in ziplock bags: colored
                                                                     pencils, water colors, markers, crayons, liquid glue, glue
      School Year                                                    stick and scissors.
    September 7, 2021 –                                           • Fewer toys will be in the preschool rooms to allow for
       May 13, 2022                                                  physical distancing and cleaning. Toys will be rotated to
                                                                     keep children engaged.

                                 Registration - R esident Registration Begins January 4, 2021
                                                       Non-Resident Registration Begins January 11, 2021
       OPEN                      To register, a one month deposit and birth certificate are required. The deposit is applied to
                                 the May tuition if the child attends all year. However, $120 of the May deposit will not be

      HOUSE!                     refunded under any circumstances. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to prorate your
                                 monthly payments due to vacation or illness. The annual preschool fee is broken down into
                                 equal monthly installments for ease of tracking. Monthly days of attendance will fluctuate.
       Thursday,                 Please note this is a nine–month program. Automatic billing to your credit card is available,
   February 11, 2021             monthly payments are due the first day of the month.
     5:30–6:30pm                 Code            Age     Days          Times              Class Size     R/NR
                                 #503001-10      4*      M, W, F       8:45–11:45am           18         $170/$200 per month
 Teachers will meet              #503001-11      4*      M-F           8:45–11:45am           18         $280/$310 per month
    and greet by                 #503001-12      4*      M, W, Th      12:00–12:30pm          18         $165/$195 per month
 appointment only                #503001-13      3*      T, TH         9:00–111:30am          16         $130/160 per month
                                 #503001-14      3*      M, W, Th      12:00–12:30pm          16         $165/$195 per month
                                 #503001-15      2.5*    T, F          12:00–1:30pm           10         $100/$120 per month
                                 *Must be required age by September 1, 2021

Picture your winter & spring fun with us!                                                          Winter • Spring 2021 | 7
WINTER & SPRING - Prospect Heights Park District
Registration begins: January 4
2021–2022 School Year

         he KinderStop program is operated by the Prospect
         Heights Park District, cooperatively with School
         District 23. The KinderStop program is offered to
Kindergarteners, 1st graders, and our Creative Kids Preschool              Kinderstop Start Dates By Grade Level
(4Y–5Y). This is a great opportunity for your child to extend
their day, in a small, friendly environment. Participants enjoy            • 1st Grade Before and After Care Begins: August 18
indoor and outdoor free play; planned crafts; games; individual            • District 23 Early Childhood Begins: August 26
and group activities complemented by monthly themes. School                • AM/PM Kindergarten Program Begins: August 26
District 23 will provide school bus transportation to and from
school for K–1st graders.                                                  • Preschool 4Y & 5Y: September 7
Our Creative Kids Preschool students will be escorted from                 REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS AUGUST 2, 2021
their preschool room to the KinderStop room by their preschool             in order to participate in the first week of KinderStop.
teacher. There is no KinderStop on days when School District 23            A non–refundable registration fee of $50 per child
is not in session. Kids Days Off programs are available on non–            is due at the time of registration. The annual fee is
school days for an additional fee. K–1st Graders, please notify            broken down into 9 equal monthly installments. The full
D23 that you are enrolled in our program for transportation                monthly payment is due on the first day of each month.
purposes. D23 will notify you of the date that your child can              Full payment will be due regardless of days absent for
start riding the bus to KinderStop.                                        illness, vacation, holidays, etc.
                                                 PRESCHOOL (AGES 4Y-6Y) AND KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM
                                                  Days               Fee                Morning             Afternoon
                                                                                        9:00am-12:00pm      11:30am- 2:30pm
                                                  1 Day              $73 Per Month      #504100-02          #504100-03

         OPEN                                     2 Day
                                                  3 Day
                                                                     $146 Per Month
                                                                     $219 Per Month

        HOUSE!                                    4 Day
                                                  5 Day
                                                                     $293 Per Month
                                                                     $366 Per Month

             Thursday,                        POWER PLAY (Ages 4Y-7Y)                      POWER PLAY (Ages 4Y-7Y)
            February 11                       BEFORE CARE/ 7:00–9:00am                     AFTER CARE/ 2:30–6:00pm
            6:00–7:00pm                        Days       Fee              Code             Days     Fee                Code
       Teachers will meet                      1 Day      $25 Per Month    #504100-04       1 Day    $38 Per Month      #504100-05
       and greet students.                     2 Day      $49 Per Month    #504100-04       2 Day    $75 Per Month      #504100-05
      By appointment only.                     3 Day      $73 Per Month    #504100-04       3 Day    $112 Per Month     #504100-05
                                               4 Day      $97 Per Month    #504100-04       4 Day    $149 Per Month     #504100-05
                                               5 Day      $121 Per Month   #504100-04       5 Day    $186 Per Month     #504100-05

   Please contact Jeanette Garrity at to schedule an appointment.

8 | Winter • Spring 2021                                          Prospect Heights Park District | 847.394.2848 | PHPARKS.ORG
Kids Day Off
Please check PHPD website regarding        Kids Day Off
info on eLearning camp while District 23   Wondering what to do with your kids when they have a day off of
is remote learning due to Covid-19.        school? We have the answer! Your kids are sure to have a great time
                                           making new friends. Register for this convenient program and we will play
                                           fun games with them, enjoy organized sports, watch movies and make
                                           fun crafts! Children may be signed into the program anytime between
                                           7:00–9:00am and signed out between 3:00–6:00pm ALL FOR THE SAME
                                           FEE. You must pre-register for each day.
                                           *Participants in Kids Day Off will be allowed to bring electronics with
                                             them to use during the duration of the program. The Prospect Heights
                                             Park District will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items.
                                           *Due to COVID-19, children will be staying in-house for this program and
                                             are required to bring their own lunch in a disposable brown paper bag
                                             with their name on it during phase 4. There will be NO field trips until
                                             Phase 5 of COVID-19.
                                           Age: 5-11
                                           Code            Dates         Days      Times                    R/NR
                                           205200-08       12/21         M         7:00am-6:00pm            $50/$55
                                           205200-09       12/22         Tu        7:00am-6:00pm            $50/$55
                                           205200-25       12/23         W         7:00am-6:00pm            $50/$55
                                           205200-26       12/28         M         7:00am-6:00pm            $50/$55
                                           205200-27       12/29         Tu        7:00am-6:00pm            $50/$55
                                           205200-28       12/30         W         7:00am-6:00pm            $50/$55
                                           305300-10       01/04         M         7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-11       01/18         M         7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-12       02/12         F         7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-13       02/15         M         7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-14       03/22         M         7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-15       03/23         Tu        7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-16       03/24         W         7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-17       03/25         Th        7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-18       03/26         F         7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-19       03/26         F         7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-20       04/02         F         7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-21       04/05         M         7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-22       04/06         Tu        7:00am-6:00pm            $55/$60
                                           305300-23       05/14       F        7:00am-6:00pm               $55/$60
                                           Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center

Picture your winter & spring fun with us!                                                  Winter • Spring 2021 | 9
Children’s Programs
Microscope Investigation                                                   Robot Engineers
Learn how real scientists make discoveries with this exciting              This course builds knowledge of simple machines, engineering,
hands-on class. We will be exploring everyday items at different           programming, and teamwork using the LEGO Robotics System, as
magnifications! We will also be learning how to use the                    students use an intuitive, icon-based programming environment,
microscope’s picture editing software.                                     helping to bring their model to life.
Age: 4-6                                                                   Age: 8-12
Code         Dates           Days      Times           Fees                Code          Dates             Days      Times         Fees
305515-01 01/25-02/15        M         6:00-7:00pm     $60                 305516-01 02/22-03/15           M         6:00-7:15pm   $72
Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center                                    Location: River Trails Park District, Burning Bush Community
                                                                           Center, 1313 Burning Bush Lane, Mt. Prospect
Magic with Gary Kantor
Children are guaranteed to have a great time as they learn                 Beginning FUN-gineering
fascinating tricks from the professional magic team of Gary Kantor!        Young engineers will build working models of simple machines
The tricks are quick to learn and easy to perform. All materials will      such as a seesaw, a rolling vehicle, and hockey player using Lego
be provided, and each child will be awarded a magic certificate. Try       Educational kits. Children will have a great time building these
this class again and again—new tricks are taught each session.             fun and interactive models.
Age: 4-14                                                                  Age: 4-6
Code          Dates             Days     Times             Fees            Code         Dates             Days     Times             Fees
305400-10 01/28                 Th       5:00-5:55pm       $20             305517-01 04/05-04/26 M                 6:00-7:00pm       $60
305400-11 03/23                 Tu       5:00-5:55pm       $20             Location: Mount Prospect Park District, Central Community Center,
305400-12 05/11                 Tu       5:00-5:55pm       $20             1000 W. Central Road, Mount Prospect
Location: Recreation Park, 500 E. Miner St, Arlington Heights.
                                                                           Robot Academy
Celebration Self-Esteem and Leadership-                                    Explore the world of robotics and coding in this hands-on
Kids Life Coaching Workshop                                                environment, full of experiments, and collaboration as we meet
With all the uncertainty we have experienced in 2020, saying               different robots to learn programming and problem solving.
HELLO to 2021 will be monumental this New Years! This self-                Age: 7-10
esteem building lab experience offers fun activities and games             Code         Dates            Days    Times            Fees
to boost our children’s gifts and talents.                                 305518-01 05/03-05/17         M       6:00-7:15P       $72
Instructor: Lisa Lombardi Coaching Inc,              Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center
This is a drop off class.
Age: 7-13                                                                  Artistic Minds
Code           Dates           Days     Times          Fees                Do you have a Pablo Picasso wanting to explore their artistic side?
305513-01 01/30                Sa       10:00-10:55am $25                  Join us for our NEW Artistic Minds beginner art class! Students will
Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center                                    learn a new skill every week! All materials are included in the fee.
                                                                           Code          Dates            Days     Times              R/NR
Valen-Slime, A Slimeology Lab Experience                                   Age: 4-6
Have the slime of your life making Valentine’s Day theme                   305519-01 01/07-01/28          Th       4:15-5:15pm        $39/$44
slime! Customize your slime in the concoction center to smell              305519-02 02/04-02/25 Th                4:15-5:15pm        $39/$44
like gourmet chocolates, fresh cut roses, or chocolate covered             305519-03 03/04-03/25 Th                4:15-5:15pm        $39/$44
strawberries. Kids take their slime home.                                  305519-04 04/01-04/22          Th       4:15-5:15pm        $39/$44
Instructor: Lisa Lombardi Coaching Inc,              Age: 7-9
This is a drop off class.                                                  305519-05 01/07-01/28          Th       5:30-6:30pm        $39/$44
Age: 5-12                                                                  305519-06 02/04-02/25 Th                5:30-6:30pm        $39/$44
Code           Dates           Days     Times             Fees             305519-07 03/04-03/25 Th                5:30-6:30pm        $39/$44
305514-01 01/30                Sa       11:00am-12:00pm $25                305519-08 04/01-04/22          Th       5:30-6:30pm        $39/$44
Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center                                    Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center

10 | Winter • Spring 2021                                               Prospect Heights Park District | 847.394.2848 | PHPARKS.ORG
Youth Athletics
Hoops4Health Thanksgiving Break                                        Hoops4Health Winter Break Basketball
Basketball Camp                                                        Camp
Our Clinic will feature drills that focus on ball handling, passing,   Our Winter Break Basketball Camp will hit on all different facets
hand/eye coordination, defense, and shooting skills. The clinic        of the game. These include guard/post development, defense,
will feature over 10 drills that improve shooting and dribbling        plyometric/hand-eye coordination/footwork, dribble training,
that the players can do at home. The session will conclude with        basketball cuts, screen and roll situations, learning the art of
scrimmage games. Players should bring their own ball. Since            the Jumpshot, game situations, and building a basketball IQ.
2010 Hoops4Health has and continues to provide excellence in           We will be working on how to make quick smart decisions on
teaching youth the fundamentals of basketball.                         the court. We will also be having our traditional All Start Night.
Code          Grades Dates Days Times                       Fees       This is a great fun way for all the players to come out and
207503-01 K-1            11/25     W       12:00-1:00pm     $30        showcase their skills and just have a lot of holiday fun. We will
207503-02 2-8            11/25     W       1:00-2:30pm      $30        have a Skills Challenge, Shooting Stars Competition, Slam Dunk
                                                                       Contest, and All Star Game. There will be many prizes and a big
Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center
                                                                       healthy foods pizza party. OurHoops4Health staff can’t wait to
                                                                       share their knowledge of the game with the campers over the
Basketball Clinic                                                      holidays. Since 2010 Hoops4Health has and continues to provide
This preseason basketball clinic will be taught by Donnell             excellence in teaching youth the fundamentals of basketball.
Thomas “coach d.” Donnell is the owner of A Basketball                 Code          Grades Dates            Days Times             Fees
Experience LLC. His basketball experience includes playing             207502-01 K-1         12/21-12/23 M-W 12:00-1:00pm $80
professionally for 12 years in Europe, and played his college          207502-02 2-8         12/21-12/23 M-W 1:00-2:30pm $80
basketball at Northern Illinois University. He also currently          207502-03 K-1         12/28-12/30 M-W 12:00-1:00pm $80
partners with All in Athletics Travel Basketball (2nd-4th grade        207502-04 2-8         12/28-12/30 M-W 1:00-2:30pm $80
team) Raiders, and director/head coach of HiFIVE Hoops and
                                                                       Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center
Jrnba program (1st-3rd grade). This clinic will feature workouts
and skills that are focused on learning the game of basketball

while having fun. Each class will have a “word of the day” and
how they relate to family, school and practice. Classes will focus
on all aspects of the game (sportsmanship, teamwork, skills,
winning attitude, etc). The ultimate goal is to “Encourage, Teach
                                                                          Parent Association for Youth Athletics
and Challenge” all players to become better players, people, and          The Parents Association for Youth Athletics (PAYS) is
teammates while having fun! Early registration is encouraged.             an education and membership program that supports
Code          Grades Dates             Days Times             Fees        parents of Youth Athletics programs. PAYS has set a
207300-03 1-3           12/03-12/17 Th         4:00-5:00pm $135           standard for parent orientation programs by providing
207300-04 4-5           12/03-12/17 Th         5:00-6:00pm $135           a video based training from NAYS (National Alliance
Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center                                   Youth Athletics) which offers a simple, effective way
                                                                          to make youth sport parents aware of their roles and
                                                                          responsibilities. They can make their child’s experience
                                                                          more enjoyable and positive by completing this program.
                                                                          PAYS Online!
                                                                          The one–time training and membership fee is $5 per
                                                                          family for parents.
                                                                          1. Go to
                                                                          2. Top right corner click on “Sign Up”
                                                                          3. Under “Parent” click on “Join Now”
                                                                          4.	Review How it Works and click on “Get Started”
                                                                          5. Complete the Registration Form
                                                                          6. Select Prospect Heights Park District

Picture your winter & spring fun with us!                                                                   Winter • Spring 2021 | 11
Youth Athletics
Youth Basketball League                                                Jr. High Basketball League
A volunteer coached program introduces the fundamentals                The Northwest Suburban Park District Basketball League
focusing on passing, shooting, offense, defense,                       Conference (NWPDBC) is a league co-op with Mt. Prospect, River
sportsmanship all in a fun safe environment. This league is            Trails, Wheeling, and Northbrook for 7th and 8th graders. Teams
a co-op with the River Trails Park District. We will be having         will be formed through a clinic and draft if necessary. Friendship
player evaluations for 3rd-6th grade players in order to better        requests can’t be guaranteed. Teams will practice once per week
balance teams. Practices are based on the coach’s availability,        based on coach’s availability. Games will be played on Saturdays
typically Monday-Friday between 5–8pm. Practices will be held          or Sundays at various locations. Teams will play 12 games, and
at Eisenhower School or Gary Morava Recreation Center. K-2nd           two playoff games. The NWPDBC will host an all-star game.
grade games are held at Euclid School, 3rd-4th grade games             Registration deadline is December 6, 2020. Registrations taken
are held at Indian Grove School, 5th-6th grade games will be           after the deadline will incur a $10 late fee.
held at Gary Morava or other non-district facilities. Actual game      *Times are approximate & will be finalized after teams are made.
times vary and will be defined when teams are formed. The fee          Code           Dates           Days Times                   R/NR
includes a game t-shirt which will be distributed by the coach
prior to the first game. Registrations taken after December
                                                                       207005-02 01/09-03/13 Sa,Su 8:00am-3:00pm $110/$130
6, 2020 will be placed on the wait list, you will be notified if/
when an opening becomes available. If you are interested in            Girls
coaching please contact Johnny Pacheco at jpacheco@phparks.            207005-03 01/09-03/13 Sa           8:00am-3:00pm         $110/$130
org. Volunteer coaches will receive a pro-rated fee once the           Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center
season is over. Parents please complete the PAYS program.
Registration deadline: December 20, 2020. Registrations taken          Youth Volleyball League
after December 20, 2020 will incur a $10 late fee.
                                                                       This league is designed for both boys and girls looking to
Clinic Date: December 23, 2020                                         learn the basic fundamentals of volleyball in a safe, fun and
                                                                       recreational setting! This league will meet on both Sundays and
3rd-4th Boys at 5:30–6:00pm
                                                                       Mondays. On Mondays, our very talented recreation staff will
5th-6th Grade Boys at 6:15–6:45pm                                      lead a practice and teach the players the basics of volleyball
                                                                       through different volleyball drills and games. Staff will focus on
Coaches Meeting: January 7 at 6:00pm.
                                                                       teaching the participants the proper way to serve, bump and
Clinic and coaches meeting will be held at Gary Morava                 rules of the game. Sundays will be games. A red/blue reversible
Recreation Center.                                                     jersey will be used for games. Jerseys can be purchased at Gary
Times: 8:00am-3:00pm                                                   Morava Recreation Center for $16.
Days: Saturdays                                                        Registration deadline: January 26
Dates: 01/16-03/13                                                     There is a $15 late fee for registrations taken after the deadline
Codes       Grade            R/NR                                      Times: Practices are Mondays 5:00-7:00pm
207004-01   Kindergarten     $96/$115                                  Games are played on Sundays from 11:00am to 3:00pm
Boys                                                                   Fee: $80R/$96NR
207004-02   1-2              $96/$115                                  Code            Dates       Days         Grades
207004-03   3-4              $110/$130                                 307003-01       2/8-3/21 M, Su           1-2
207004-04   5-6              $110/$130                                 307003-02 2/8-3/21 M, Su                 3-5
Girls                                                                  307003-03 2/8-3/21 M, Su                 6-8
207004-05   1-2              $96/$115                                  Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center and Marvin Weiss
207004-06   3-4              $110/$130                                 Community Center
207004-07   5-6              $110/$130
Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center

12 | Winter • Spring 2021                                           Prospect Heights Park District | 847.394.2848 | PHPARKS.ORG
Youth Athletics
Youth Indoor Soccer League                                        Basketball Skills & Games
Stay fresh for Spring Soccer! Practice the 1st day & the rest     Join us for a fun and instructional basketball experience. This program
we’ll play games. Each child gets equal playing time. Games       will help boys and girls to improve their basketball skills, such as
played in 3v3 to 5v5 formats. Teams formed according to age/      dribbling, passing, shooting, and rebounding; as well as become
grade. Age/grade levels may be combined if needed. RTPD           effective team players. Participants also will learn proper defensive
jersey required. Volunteer coaches needed. This league is a       techniques: stance, zone defense, and one-to-one defense through
co-op with River Trails Park District.                            challenging drills and structured games. Please bring a labeled water
Games are played on Sundays from noon to 4:00pm                   bottle and face covering. SportsKids Inc instructs the class.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, January 5, 2021.                  Age: 7-12
There is a $15 late fee for registrations taken after the         Code           Dates             Days      Times               R/NR
deadline.                                                         407103-01 05/01-05/22            Sa        11:15am-12:15pm $34/$40
Code          Dates            Grades R/NR                        Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center
307005-01 01/17-03/14          Pre-k     $67/$79
307005-02 01/17-03/14          K         $67/$79                  Tiny Tot Multi Sport Mania
307005-03 01/17-03/14          1         $67/$79                  Sign up your little one for the ultimate first-time sports experience!
307005-04 01/17-03/14          2         $67/$79                  Each week adults will assist their tots as they play a body-
307005-05 01/17-03/14          3         $67/$79                  challenging sport, improve listening skills, and learn how to follow
307005-06 01/17-03/14          4         $67/$79                  directions. Your child will explore soccer, t-ball, track & field, and
307005-07 01/17-03/14          5         $67/$79                  kickball through fun games and partner play. Get active with your
307005-08 01/17-03/14          6         $67/$79                  child in a positive and controlled setting. Please bring a labeled water
                                                                  bottle and face covering. SportsKids Inc will instruct this class.
Location: The Zone, 500 Business Lane, Mt. Prospect
                                                                  Age: 2-3 with an adult
                                                                  Code          Dates               Days       Times                R/NR
Little Kickers Soccer League                                      407104-01 04/28-05/19 W                      6:00-6:45pm          $34/$40
This league is a co-op with River Trails Park District. Age
                                                                  Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center
groups may be combined if needed. The P.A.Y.S certification
is required. Each team practices once a week for an hour. The
coach will call players once teams are filled to tell them when
                                                                  Mini Soccer
practice starts. Uniforms maybe purchased at the Marvin S         A great introduction to soccer! Basic soccer skills such as running,
Weiss Community Center, 1500 Euclid Ave., Mt. Prospect.           kicking, passing and game play are covered. Scrimmages are used
                                                                  to teach the skills used during class in a fun and safe environment.
Times: Games are played on Saturdays between 9am-2pm.
                                                                  This class is instructed by SportsKids, Inc.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, March 23, 2021.
                                                                  Age: 5-6
There is a $15 late fee for registrations taken after the
                                                                  Code           Dates           Days      Times             R/NR
                                                                  307019-02 01/11-02/01          M         4:00-5:00pm       $34/$40
Code          Dates             Grade R/NR
407001-01 04/10-06/05           Pre-K    $53/$64                  307019-03 02/08-03/01 M                  4:00-5:00pm       $34/$40
407001-02 04/10-06/05           K        $58/$69                  407019-01 03/30-04/20 Tu                 3:00-4:00pm       $34/$40
407001-03 04/10-06/05           1        $58/$69                  407019-02 04/27-05/18          Tu        4:00-5:00pm       $34/$40
407001-04 04/10-06/05           2        $58/$69                  Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center
407001-05 04/10-06/05           3        $58/$69
407001-06 04/10-06/05           4        $58/$69                  Little Hoopsters
Location: River Trails Park District                              An introduction to basketball, this class offers simple drills to teach
                                                                  players the rules of the game, ball handling, passing, and defense,
                                                                  and teamwork and sportsmanship. Instructed by SportsKids Inc.
                                                                  Age: 5-6
                                                                  Code         Dates            Days       Times              R/NR
                                                                  307202-01 01/11-02/01         M          3:00-4:00pm        $34/$40
                                                                  307202-02 02/08-03/01         M          3:00-4:00pm        $34/$40
                                                                  Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center

Picture your winter & spring fun with us!                                                                 Winter • Spring 2021 | 13
Youth Athletics
T-Ball Training
Learn the basics of batting, base running, catching, and
throwing. We will concentrate on the fundamentals of the game
play while having a good time too! Remember to bring a glove to
each class. This class will be instructed by SportsKids Inc.
Age: 4-6
Code         Dates             Days     Times            R/NR
307008-01 01/11-02/01          M        5:00-6:00pm      $34/$40
307008-02 02/8-03/01           M        5:00-6:00pm      $34/$40              Young players concentrate on stroke development, rallying skills,
                                                                              and learning to play matches at a faster pace. Ball receiving and
407019-01 03/30-04/20 Tu                4:00-5:00pm      $34/$40
                                                                              placement, court movement, and overall tennis strategy will be
407101-03 04/27-05/18          Tu       3:00-4:00pm      $34/$40
                                                                              emphasized. Players will focus on their power and accuracy to
Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center                                       improve their performance. Through challenging and exciting
                                                                              drills and matches, youngsters will develop the racket skills,
Archery                                                                       coordination, agility, and stamina needed for recreational and
Participants will learn the parts of an arrow and recurve bow, using          competitive tennis play. Players must bring their own rackets.
a recurve bow, and fundamental shooting skills in an extremely                Tennis balls will be supplied. This class will be instructed by
safe environment. They also will learn a nationally recognized                SportsKids Inc
beginner’s 9-step to the ten ring progression created by the Coaches          Code         Dates             Days      Times             R/NR
Development Committee of the National Archery Association. Both               Pee Wee Tennis, Age: 4-6
techniques and games are part of this class. Blunt tipped arrows,             407009-04 05/01-05/22          Sa        9:00-9:45am       $26/$3
bows, and targets are provided. SportsKids Inc will instruct this class.      Youth Tennis, Age: 7-12
Code         Dates               Days      Times             R/NR             407009-05 05/01-05/22          Sa        10:00-11:00am     $34/$40
Youth Archery, Age: 15 and older                                              Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center
407008-01 04/29-05/20 Th                   5:00-5:45pm       $26/$32
Family Archery                                                                Tae Kwon Do Beginner
407008-03 04/29-05/20 Th                   6:00-6:45pm       $39/$46
                                                                              This class is a great opportunity to improve concentration and
Location: Lions Park Pavilion                                                 self-esteem while learning self-defense. This learn at your own
                                                                              pace class will teach hand and foot techniques in a safe and well
Track, Field & Fitness                                                        supervised setting. Please come to the first class in loose fitting
This unique class will combine stretching, movement, including                clothes. Uniforms will be available for purchase from instructor.
running, jumping, throwing and other skills used in track and                 Age: 5-18
field. Hula hoops, jump ropes, parachutes, softballs, and frisbees,           Code          Dates           Days      Times            Fee
hurdles will guide us through fitness activities and track field              307009-01 01/05-03/23         Tu        6:00-7:00pm      $69
events in a safe environment. Boys and girls will work on body                407021-01 04/06-06/22 Tu                6:00-7:00pm      $69
coordination, agility, balance, and self-confidence as they
                                                                              Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center
participate in Simon Says, Red Light-Green light, Hooper’s as well
as sprints, relays, long-distance walking, hurdles, long jump, discus
throw and other track and field events. Our fun approach will help            Tae Kwon Do Intermediate
little athletes develop a love for being active. The session will             This class is for the slightly more advanced martial arts
conclude with a fun-filled Sport Kids track and field meet on the             enthusiasts. Participants will learn to improve their overall
last day of class. Class is instructed by SportsKids Inc.                     coordination, power of concentration, balance, physical and
Code           Dates             Days     Times            R/NR               mental discipline. No Class 12/26
Pee Wee Track, Field & Fitness, Age: 3-6                                      Age: 5-18
407014-02 04/28-05/19            W        5:00-5:45pm      $26/$32            Code          Dates             Days     Times           Fee
Youth Track, Field & Fitness, Age: 7-10                                       307010-01 01/05-03/23           Tu       7:00-8:00pm     $69
407016-02 04/28-05/19            W        7:00-7:45pm      $26/$32            407022-01 04/06-06/22 Tu                 7:00-8:00pm     $69
Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center                                       Location: Gary Morava Recreation Center

14 | Winter • Spring 2021                                                  Prospect Heights Park District | 847.394.2848 | PHPARKS.ORG
Summer Camp

Camp Open House
We will have a camp open house on Thursday, June 3, from              CAMP BILLING
5:30–6:30pm at the Gary Morava Recreation Center. We invite           2021 SUMMER CAMP
you to stop in and take a tour of our facilities, meet the            Registration begins February 1, 2021
counselors in your child’s camp and ask questions. Camp lunch
is available daily for purchase. Monthly registration forms will be   Option 1- Automatic Bill Pay
available starting at the camp open house.                            1. Sign up for all your camp needs.
                                                                      2.	Pay your first week of camp fees at the time
About the Staff                                                           of registration
Our camp director and coordinators are seasoned staff                 3.	Enroll in automatic bill pay for remaining sessions
members who have been with us for numerous years and
                                                                      4.	Cancellations, for entire sessions only, can
are currently pursuing or have completed a college degree. All
                                                                          be made on Fridays by noon before the week
of our counselors for camps with children over five years of
                                                                          of billing
age have graduated high school and show an aptitude towards
childcare education.                                                  Option 2- Pay as you go
                                                                      Register as you go as long as spots are available.
Important Camper Information                                          Payment will be due at the time of registration.
Campers should bring swimsuit, towel, backpack sunscreen,
water bottle, and lunch daily. Registration deadline is noon          Camp payments are due Mondays prior to the
the Friday before the next session if openings are still              camp week.
available. Registrations after the deadline will be charged a $10     Example: Week 2 is due Monday, June 7
late fee.                                                             Week       Due
                                                                      Week 1     Due at the time of registration
Drop-off & Pick-up Locations                                          Week 2     June 7
CAMP                     DROP-OFF              PICK-UP                Week 3     June 14
Early Explorers Camp	Inside GMRC,             Inside GMRC,           Week 4     June 21
                      Preschool Room A         Preschool Room A       Week 5     June 28
Camp Adventure Inside GMRC, Room 1 Elm Street,                        Week 6     July 5
			North Bound                                                        Week 7     July 12
                                                                      Week 8     July 19
Top Score Sports Camp Eisenhower School        Eisenhower School
                                                                      Week 9     July 26
Camp Voyager             GMRC Gym              Front Circle
                                                                      Week 10 August 2
Creative/Performing      GMRC, Room 2          Front Circle
Arts Day Camp                                                         Refund Guidelines
Councelor in Training Inside GMRC, Room 1 Elm Street,                 Refunds may be given the Fridays before
		                                        North Bound                 the week of billing. All refund requests must
                                                                      be made in writing to the supervisor.
                                                                      Payments are not prorated due to vacations
                                                                      or illness.

Picture your winter & spring fun with us!                                                              Winter • Spring 2021 | 15
Summer Camp Descriptions
  Creative & Performing Arts Day Camp                                           Top Score Sports Camp
  Lights! Camera! Action! Fun! Join us for an amazing Creative and              This camp is designed for boys and girls who want to engage in a
  Performing Arts experience that will include singing, acting,                 variety of sports. Campers will participate in volleyball, basketball,
  dancing, improv, set design, stage makeup and so much more.                   soccer, whiffle ball, floor hockey, and flag football and more.
  At the end of every 1-week session we will have a mini show to                Times: 9:00am-3:00pm
  include small skits that the campers have learned during that                 Grades: 2nd-8th
  week. The camp fee includes 1 in house special event.
                                                                                Ratio: 1 counselor to 8 children          Camp Limit: 50
  Times: 9:00am-3:00pm
  Grades: Entering K-9th                                                        Camp Voyager
  Ratio: 1 counselor to 7 children       Camp Limit: 50                         Enjoy a new adventure each day! We will spend three days
                                                                                experiencing all the suburbs have to offer from water parks to
  Performing Arts Production                                                    entertainment venues. The other two days of the week campers will
  The curtain is going up...for a summer filled with the excitement             engage in small group activities. All admissions included in camp fees.
  and magic of theater! Our talented staff will help the campers put            Times: 9:00am-3:00pm
  on a full-scale musical theatre production! Campers will learn the            Grades: 5th-8th
  basic techniques of acting, singing and dancing for musical theatre.
                                                                                Ratio: 1 counselor to 9 children         Camp Limit: 26
  Theatre fundamentals are emphasized with first-hand tricks to
  memorizing lines, character development, costuming, and set design.
  Boys and girls are welcome! Fee includes a Production t-shirt.                Last Hurrah
  Times: 3:00-5:00pm                                                            This is our final week of camp, before school starts, combines Camp
                                                                                Adventure, Top Score Sports, and Camp Voyager for one last week
  Grades: Entering K-9th
                                                                                of fun! We will split the kids up by ages. Combine this with our
                                                                                Warm Up and/or Extra Innings to make this a full day of camp.
  Early Explorers Camp                                                          Times: 9:00am-3:00pm
  A great first camp experience for our 3Y-5Y campers! We will have
                                                                                Grades: K-6th
  lots of indoor and outdoor small group activities, games and crafts!
  Plus each day the campers will go swimming during non-public swim             Ratio: 1 counselor to 8 children         Camp Limit: 50
  time. Children must be completely potty trained. Diapers or pull ups
  are not allowed. Enjoy the summer fun with us!                                Warm-ups and Extra Innings
  Times: 9:00am-3:00pm                                                          The before and after camp programs are designed exclusively for
  Ages: 3Y-5Y                                                                   children enrolled in the Prospect Heights Park District day camps.
                                                                                Extended activities include games, crafts, gym, swimming,
  Ratio: 1 counselor to 6 children        Camp Limit: 18
                                                                                playground and nature. Children should bring a snack for the
                                                                                after care portion of the day.
  Camp Adventure                                                                Times: Before 7:00am-9:00am After 3:00pm-6:00pm
  This camp is designed for our campers ages 5Y-11Y. Groups will be
                                                                                Grades: K-8th
  divided into 5Y-7Y and 8Y-11Y. This enriching camp will promote a
  healthy lifestyle through active play and enriching social activities. A
  variety of daily activities include: arts and crafts, small group games,      NEW! Counselor in Training
  open swim and much more! This camp will take off site field trips.            New for summer 2021, is our counselor in training camp! Camp
  Times: 9:00am-3:00pm                                                          goals focus on developing leadership skills, preparing the
                                                                                camper for a future job interview, and learning how to be a good
  Grades: K-6th
                                                                                role model. Campers will plan and implement innovative camp
  Ratio: 1 counselor to 7 children           Camp Limit: 100                    activities for Early Explorers Camp and Camp Adventure camps.
                                                                                The campers will be awarded with one field trip each session.
                                                                                Times: 9:00am-3:00pm
Camp Lunch is available daily for purchase,                                     Age: 13-15
and monthly registration forms will be available by June 4                      Registration Deadline: Registration deadline is 9:00am the Friday
on our website and at the front desk.                           before the session if openings are still available. Registrations
                                                                                taken after the deadline will be charged a $10 late fee.

  16 | Winter • Spring 2021                                                  Prospect Heights Park District | 847.394.2848 | PHPARKS.ORG
Summer Camp Registration Form
  Child’s Name_____________________________________________________________________________
  • Registrations after the deadline of the Friday before noon prior to the start of the session will be charged a $10 late fee.

Camp Adventure                                                            Early Explorers Camp
Times: 9:00am-3:00pm | Grades: Entering K-2nd                             Times: 9:00am-3:00pm | Ages: 3Y-5Y
       Code         Dates          Days     Times          R/NR                  Code        Dates             Days      Times         R/NR
       114002-29    06/07-06/11    M-F      9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114001-12   06/07-06/11       M-F       9:00A-3:00P   $135/$155
       114002-10    06/07-06/11    M,W,F    9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114001-10   06/07-06/11       M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P   $81/91
       114002-11    06/08-06/10    Tu,Th    9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114001-11   06/08-06/10       Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P   $54/$64

       114002-30    06/14-06/18    M-F      9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114001-15   06/14-06/18       M-F       9:00A-3:00P   $135/$155
       114002-12    06/14-06/18    M,W,F    9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114001-13   06/14-06/18       M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P   $81/91
       114002-13    06/15-06/17    Tu,Th    9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114001-14   06/15-06/17       Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P   $54/$64

       114002-31    06/21-06/25    M-F      9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114001-18   06/21-06/25       M-F       9:00A-3:00P   $135/$155
       114002-14    06/21-06/25    M,W,F    9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114001-16   06/21-06/25       M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P   $81/91
       114002-15    06/22-06/24    Tu,Th    9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114001-17   06/22-06/24       Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P   $54/$64

       114002-32    06/28-07/02    M-F      9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114001-21   06/28-07/02       M-F       9:00A-3:00P   $135/$155
       114002-16    06/28-07/02    M,W,F    9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114001-19   06/28-07/02       M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P   $81/91
       114002-17    06/29-07/01    Tu,Th    9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114001-20   06/29-07/01       Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P   $54/$64

       114002-33    07/05-07/09    M-F      9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114001-24   07/05-07/09       M-F       9:00A-3:00P   $135/$155
       114002-18    07/05-07/09    M,W,F    9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114001-22   07/05-07/09       M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P   $81/91
       114002-19    07/06-07/08    Tu,Th    9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114001-23   07/06-07/08       Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P   $54/$64

       114002-34    07/12-07/16    M-F      9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114001-27   07/12-07/16       M-F       9:00A-3:00P   $135/$155
       114002-20    07/12-07/16    M,W,F    9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114001-25   07/12-07/16       M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P   $81/91
       114002-21    07/13-07/15    Tu,Th    9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114001-26   07/13-07/15       Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P   $54/$64

       114002-35    07/19-07/23    M-F      9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114001-30   07/19-07/23       M-F       9:00A-3:00P   $135/$155
       114002-22    07/19-07/23    M,W,F    9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114001-28   07/19-07/23       M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P   $81/91
       114002-23    07/20-07/22    Tu,Th    9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114001-29   07/20-07/22       Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P   $54/$64

       114002-38    07/26-07/30    M-F      9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114001-33   07/26-07/30       M-F       9:00A-3:00P   $135/$155
       114002-24    07/26-07/30    M,W,F    9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114001-31   07/26-07/30       M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P   $81/91
       114002-25    07/27-07/29    Tu,Th    9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114001-32   07/27-07/29       Tu,Th     9:00-11:30A   $54/$64

       114002-26    08/02-08/06    M-F      9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114001-36   08/02-08/06       M-F       9:00A-3:00P   $135/$155
       114002-27    08/02-08/06    M,W,F    9:00A-3:00P     $81/91               114001-34   08/02-08/06       M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P   $81/91
       114002-28    08/03-08/05    Tu,Th    9:00A-3:00P     $54/$64              114001-35   08/03-08/05       Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P   $54/$64

                   – Sign up for all your camp needs.
                   – Pay for the first week at the time of registration.
                   – Enroll in automatic bill pay for remaining sessions.
                   – Cancellations can be made on Fridays by 12 noon before the week of billing for the complete session.

    Picture your winter & spring fun with us!                                                                        Winter • Spring 2021 | 17
Summer Camp Registration Form
Child’s Name___________________________________________________________________________
• Registrations after the deadline of the Friday before noon prior to the start of the session will be charged a $10 late fee.

Top Score Sports Camp                                                     Camp Voyager
Times: 9:00am-3:00pm | Grades: Entering 2nd-8th                           Times: 9:00am-3:00pm | Grades: Entering 5th-8th
      Code        Dates           Days      Times          R/NR                  Code        Dates             Days    Times         R/NR
      114003-29   06/07-06/11     M-F       9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114004-10   06/07-06/11       M-F     9:00A-3:00P   $155/$175
      114003-10   06/07-06/11     M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114004-11   06/14-06/18       M-F     9:00A-3:00P   $155/$175
      114003-11   06/08-06/10     Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114004-12   06/21-06/25       M-F     9:00A-3:00P   $155/$175
                                                                                 114004-13   06/28-07/02       M-F     9:00A-3:00P   $155/$175
      114003-30   06/14-06/18     M-F       9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155
                                                                                 114004-14   07/12-07/16       M-F     9:00A-3:00P   $155/$175
      114003-12   06/14-06/18     M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P    $81/91
                                                                                 114004-15   07/12-07/16       M-F     9:00A-3:00P   $155/$175
      114003-13   06/15-06/17     Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64
                                                                                 114004-16   07/19-07/23       M-F     9:00A-3:00P   $155/$175
      114003-31   06/21-06/25     M-F       9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114004-17   07/26-07/30       M-F     9:00A-3:00P   $155/$175
      114003-14   06/21-06/25     M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114004-18   08/02-08/06       M-F     9:00A-3:00P   $155/$175
      114003-15   06/22-06/24     Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64

      114003-32   06/28-07/02     M-F       9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155
                                                                          Last Hurrah
      114003-16   06/28-07/02     M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P    $81/91         Times: 9:00am-3:00pm | Grades: Entering K-6th
      114003-17   06/29-07/01     Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64
                                                                                 Code        Dates             Days    Times         R/NR
      114003-33   07/05-07/09     M-F       9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114006-12   08/09-08/13       M-F     9:00A-3:00P   $135/$155
      114003-18   07/05-07/09     M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114006-10   08/09-08/13       M,W,F   9:00A-3:00P   $81/$91
      114003-19   07/06-07/08     Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114006-11   08/10-08/12       Tu,Th   9:00A-3:00P   $54/$64

      114003-34   07/12-07/16     M-F       9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155
      114003-20   07/12-07/16     M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P    $81/91         Counselor in Training
      114003-21   07/13-07/15     Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64        Times: 9:00am-3:00pm | Ages: 13-15

      114003-35   07/19-07/23     M-F       9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             Code         Dates             Days   Times         R/NR

      114003-22   07/19-07/23     M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114009-01    06/07-06/11       M-F    9:00A-3:00P   $90/$110

      114003-23   07/20-07/22     Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114009-02    06/14-06/18       M-F    9:00A-3:00P   $90/$110
                                                                                 114009-03    06/21-06/25       M-F    9:00A-3:00P   $90/$110
      114003-36   07/26-07/30     M-F       9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155
                                                                                 114009-04    06/28-07/02       M-F    9:00A-3:00P   $90/$110
      114003-24   07/26-07/30     M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P    $81/91
                                                                                 114009-05    07/05-07/09       M-F    9:00A-3:00P   $90/$110
      114003-25   07/27-07/29     Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64
                                                                                 114009-06    07/12-07/16       M-F    9:00A-3:00P   $90/$110
      114003-37   08/02-08/06     M-F       9:00A-3:00P    $135/$155             114009-07    07/19-07/23       M-F    9:00A-3:00P   $90/$110
      114003-27   08/02-08/06     M,W,F     9:00A-3:00P    $81/91                114009-08    07/26-07/30       M-F    9:00A-3:00P   $90/$110
      114003-28   08/03-08/05     Tu,Th     9:00A-3:00P    $54/$64               114009-09    08/02-08/06       M-F    9:00A-3:00P   $90/$110

                                EACH CAMPER SHOULD BRING:
                                        - Lunch              – Towel
                                        - Water Bottle       – Sunscreen
                                        - Swimsuit           – Backpack

18 | Winter • Spring 2021                                            Prospect Heights Park District | 847.394.2848 | PHPARKS.ORG
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