Page created by Brenda Floyd
        FALL / WINTER 2021

                                                   SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER

     FIT U 101 SERIES
                                                                 THINGS CHANGE

                                                                 SCAN HERE TO VIEW AN
                                                                  UPDATED VERSION OF
                                                                  THIS ACTIVITY GUIDE
11405 W Deno Rd. Airway Heights, WA 99001 | (509)244-4845 |
Our Mission
                                                        Create Community & Quality of Life
                                                        Through People, Parks, & Programs

 LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR                         2     Airway Heights Parks &
 PARKS & REC NEWS                                 3     Recreation is committed to
                                                        offering a full season of safe
   MY REC STORY                                   4
                                                        and healthy programs, activities,
 GENERAL INFO & POLICIES                         5      and events for our community.
                                                        We offer these programs with
                                                        hope and optimism, but ask for
   MEMBERSHIP RATES                              8      understanding that all items in
   RENTALS                                       9      this guide are "SUBJECT TO
 PARKS                                          10      CHANGE". We will do our best
                                                        to ensure that all opportunities
 AQUATICS PROGRAMS                              11
                                                        provided are safe to offer above
   SWIM LESSON SCHEDULE                         12      all else in the interest of public
   SPLASHING PUMPKINS                           15      health.
 FITNESS PROGRAMS                               17      We will continue to monitor the
    YOUTH FITNESS                               18      COVID-19 pandemic and adapt
                                                        operations and programs to
    PERSONAL TRAINING                           19
                                                        provide a safe, healthy, and
 RECREATION PROGRAMS                                    welcoming environment for
   YOUTH PROGRAMS                                21     everyone.
   TEEN PROGRAMS                                 24     Revisions to operations and
   ADULT PROGRAMS                                25     guidelines for participants may
   55 & BETTER PROGRAMS                          27     be made at any time due to
                                                        public health mandates and
 COMMUNITY EVENTS                               30      considerations.
   TRUNK OR TREAT & WINTERFEST                  30      Thank you for your cooperation
   2021 AIRWAY HEIGHTS DAY                      BC      and understanding.

   11405 W Deno Rd                @ah_parksandrec
   Spokane, WA 99224

   (509) 244-4845                         /ahparksandrec
                                                                          PARKS & REC STAFF
Greetings Airway Heights Community,
Now that the weather is finally showing signs of cooling off,                        J.C. Kennedy
there is still so much to look forward to this fall season.                    Parks & Recreation Director
In today's hectic world, it's easy to forget that taking time to                    Andy Gardner
enjoy each day is so important to our health and wellbeing.
Parks & Recreation is committed to enhancing quality of life               Parks & Recreation Deputy Director
by helping people stay healthy and fit, build relationships with                    Glen Horton
family and friends, and develop a sense of community.                       Recreation Programs Supervisor
Our first priority when reopening during this health emergency
has been responding to COVID-19 and ensuring compliance                                Glenn Pike
with the Department of Health’s emergency orders to slow the            Parks & Facility Maintenance Supervisor
spread of the virus.                                                                   Shawn Bro
The health emergency and resulting budget impacts has                   Parks & Facility Maintenance Coordinator
required restructuring of many of our services. As summer
passes us by we are pleased with the turn out to many of our                      Scott Spillman
programs and classes. While many activities were canceled                       Maintenance Technician
due to low participation, we understand the apprehension
and will continue to bring new and exciting recreational                            Nemo Janke
opportunities to our community members when they are ready              Guest Services & Operations Supervisor
to return.                                                                          Jared Nichols
We are excited to bring back more activities and events                            Fitness Supervisor
this fall that were missed in 2020 such as, Airway Heights
Day, Splashing Pumpkins, Trunk or Treat, and our annual                          Sarah Jane Amick
WinterFest.                                                                       Aquatics Supervisor
With a change in the air and a break from the heat, what                            Tre Howland
better way is there to enjoy the beauty of fall than to be out                    Aquatics Coordinator
enjoying some of the recreational opportunities that Airway
Heights Parks & Recreation has to offer? We are happy to
report that we are finishing up on the updates to Landreth
Park. The turf areas have been upgraded from dry land
grasses to a higher quality turf grass. We are anticipating the
delivery of fitness trail equipment that will be installed along
the pathway along with the addition of much needed benches
and trash receptacles. In October, we will be completing this
phase of the improvements by partnering with the Spokane
Conservation District to replace a large number of the trees
that have died over the years.
We will continue to work to bring back essential staff roles
that were eliminated due to the budget impacts from the
pandemic. This will allow us to continue to bring back all of
the programs and amenities that improve the physical, mental,
and social health that the community has grown to appreciate.
Airway Heights Parks and Recreation has a lot of exciting
things coming up over the next few months and we are
confident there is a program, park, or activity for you and        We are always looking for friendly and motivated
your family to enjoy!                                                   individuals to join our amazing team.
Thank you for your continued patience during this
unprecedented time.                                                 PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN:
                                                                         - Aquatic       - Recreation
                                                                         - Fitness       - Guest Services
                                                                         - Parks         - Maintenance

J.C. Kennedy                                                            Visit the Recreation Center Front Desk to
                                                                     inquire about open positions or check online at
Parks & Recreation Director                                    
Over the last year and a half the Parks & Recreation Department        Another summer has wrapped for our Adventure Heights Day
has collected public input through an online survey that will          Camp. This season was challenged by what has become
steer the direction of the department for the next 6 Years. The        seasonal smoke and haze, and an extended wave of the extreme
completion of this process maintains the City's eligibility to apply   heat. Amidst it all we are thankful that we were still able to
for grant programs offered by the State. The survey assisted in        provide a fun and exciting environment for our participants.
determining the existing needs and future demands for parks and        One main reason we were able to provide this program with
recreational opportunities in Airway Heights. The following were       memorable experiences and activities that kept our participants
the notable trends gleaned from the survey:                            engaged, is a grant that we received from the Office of the
• Residents rated paved pathways and trails as the highest             Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). OSPI received
      priority for the community and also placed a high value on       federal funding and partnered with the Washington Recreation
      making landscape improvements to existing pathways and           and Park Association (WRPA) and the Association of Washington
      trails.                                                          Cities (AWC) to administer a Summer Experiences and
• Residents feel that Playgrounds and Picnic areas are a high          Enrichment for Kids (SEEK) grant opportunity. The focus of the
      priority.                                                        grant was to expand opportunities to get kids outdoors and help
                                                                       families with more affordable recreational opportunities. Airway
• Residents support more Adult Fitness/Wellness, Youth                 Heights Parks and Recreation received $50,000 in grant funding
      Sports & Camps, and Special Events and would like to see         that enabled us to provide significantly reduced registration fees
      a balance between establishing new recreation programs &         for families, and also supported the purchase of equipment and
      enhancing existing programming.                                  materials to expand the program activities. Even though this
• Residents would like to see more linkages between park &             year’s funding wasn’t made available until later in the summer,
      recreational facilities, as well as amenity improvements to      we made the most of it in August filling the program roster and
      existing facilities.                                             exploring all day fun and excitement with field trips, games, and
                                                                       more. This year's funding also helped us set ourselves and future
• Residents support the creation of a Dog Park.                        participants up for great summer programming to come.
As part of the update, the Department also conducted an                This Fall, applications can be submitted for a second round of
assessment of the current conditions of our existing parks. This       funding for next summer allowing us to plan and market for next
information along, with the survey results, was utilized to form a     summer and open this opportunity to more of the families that we
list of Capital Improvement Projects the Department will prioritize    can serve next summer.
over the next six years.
                                                                       We would like to thank all of the families that entrusted us with
Airway Heights Parks & Recreation would like to thank everyone         the care of their children this summer and look forward to being
that completed the survey. Without your input we wouldn’t be           able to offer a better program that more families will be able to
able to set the course of action and fulfill the needs and wishes of   take advantage of next summer.
the community now and into the future.
                                                                       SERVE THE COMMUNITY: BE A KIWANIAN
WITH VANTA ESPORTS LEAGUES                                             The Airway Heights Kiwanis Club is looking for new members
                                                                       that want to volunteer their time to serving the kids and families in
Airway Heights Parks and                                               our community.
Recreation is partnering
with Vanta Leagues to offer                                            So what is Kiwanis? Kiwanis is the safety net that creates
Esports for our community.                                             opportunities for children to be safe and healthy regardless of
Youth ages 9-14 will get the                                           the community in which they live. Kiwanis strives to create a
opportunity to hone their                                              community that believes in children, nurtures them, and provides
gaming skills with expert                                              the support they need to thrive.
coaching on League of Legends, Rocket League, or Valorant.             Who are Kiwanis Members? They're people like you:
Different from traditional online gaming, Vanta offers a               residents, business partners, and retirees. All members are
team-based learning platform to provide a safe & structured            volunteers who want to make a difference and love to see the
environment for youth to learn skills that can lead to college         difference they can make when working together.
scholarships and build meaningful friendships. After joining           What are the benefits of joining Kiwanis? Well, study after
the league and being placed on a team, Vanta provides                  study shows that volunteering with a service group like Kiwanis
expert coaching, holistic curriculums, moderators, and games           does more than make people feel good. Volunteering enhances
streamed on the Vanta Twitch Channel.                                  social networks, improves mental health, and contributes to
The 2-month seasons cost is $130 and participants will                 higher levels of happiness, self-esteem, self-worth, and life
practice twice a week and have games on Saturdays. Please              satisfaction. Volunteers develop life skills and leadership abilities
                                                                       that can help in a number of areas in an individual's life.
contact the Airway Heights Parks and Recreation Department
for more information and to register.                                  For more club information or to attend the next meeting email:

My Rec Story                                                 ADVERTISE WITH US!
                                                                     Airway Heights Parks & Recreation publishes 3
                                                                     seasonal Activity Guides (Jan-April, May-Aug,
                                                                     Sep-Dec), featuring upcoming programs, activities,
                                                                     classes, and events offered by Airway Heights Parks &
                                                                     Recreation to West Plains Community.
                                                                     Activity Guides are distributed seasonally throughout
                                                                     the community to local businesses and schools,
                                                                     made available to our Recreation Center members
                                                                     and guests, as well as posted on the front page of
                                                                     We offer four sizes of ad space, from business card
                                                                     size to full page (based on space availability.)

                  TJ COCHRAN                                         - Ad/graphic creation available for additional fee.
  At the beginning of March , I was looking into the mirror          - Discounts available for multi-issue ad placement.
  at a man who was in the worst place he’s been health               Ad requirements, policies, and contract terms apply.
  wise, in his life. Tipping scales at the heaviest I’ve ever
  been, diabetic, and fully medication dependent. Wanting             CONTACT US TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION ON
  change but not knowing where to start, a friend invited me           PLACING YOUR AD IN THE NEXT ACTIVITY GUIDE.
  to Airway Heights Rec Center and I immediately knew this
  was the place to start. I signed up that day and began the
  journey. Early on, I met Jared and talked about training
  and he set me up with Zecheriah and we got to work.
  Zecheriah took the time to go over nutrition planning as well
  as good exercise habits. 3.5 months later, I’m no longer
  within a diabetic range, I’m down almost 50 pounds, and
  have a great support group around me to keep me moving
  forward!! Without the support of the Rec Center and                 Comforts you need at a value you will love.
  Zecheriah, who knows where I’d be today!
                                                                            Standard rooms and suites available.
  This place is home!
                                                                     King jetted tub suites and rooms with microwaves
      SHARE YOUR REC STORY OR                                                and refrigerators are also available.
   SPOTLIGHT A COMMUNITY MEMBER                                         Pet-friendly and 100% non-smoking Hotel.
MY REC STORY: Share your story (or someone you know) of               Free WiFi in all rooms and on-site fitness center.
how participation and access to recreational opportunities here                  Park before you fly options.
in Airway Heights has improved quality of life, health, and social
                                                                      Close to Northern Quest Casino, Spokane Tribe
experience. Stories can come from youth participating in sports
for the first time, seniors joining a program and making new                  Casino, Spokane Racetrack, and
friends, or how hitting the gym has given you new confidence.              The Airway Heights Recreation Center.
COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Do you know a                            Airport shuttle service to Spokane Airport & local
community member doing great things to represent, improve,                                attractions.
and serve Airway Heights? Nominate them to be recognized
as the Community Member Spotlight in the next Activity Guide.                  Days Inn & Suites by Wyndham
Nominees can be kids, adults, seniors, businesses, etc.                      Of Spokane Airport/Airway Heights
To share a My Rec Story or nominate a person or business to            1215 S. Garfield Rd, Airway Heights, WA 99001
be spotlighted email using "My Rec                                 (509)244-0222
Story" or "Community Member Spotlight" in the subject line.
Please be sure to provide the person’s name, contact info, and       
a brief description of the reason for your submission.

                                                               | (509)244-4845         
    REGISTRATION                                                        REFUNDS & CREDITS
    Ways to register:                                                   In the event a participant cannot participate in his or her
    1. Register for programs and activities online at:                  registered program due to unforeseen circumstances, Airway *User account required             Heights Parks & Recreation will work to provide refunds for
                                                                        program fees under the following policy:
    2. Visit the Parks & Recreation Department at the Airway
        Heights Recreation Center at:                                   1. Full refunds or department credit will be given for all classes
        11405 West Deno Road Airway Heights, WA 99224                        canceled by AHPR.
    3. Call the Parks & Recreation Office at: (509) 244-4845            2. Refunds will be granted for program fees paid if requested
                                                                             before the registration deadline date (or at least 5 business
    • Be sure to provide the best and most current information               days before start of program if no registration deadline).
        when registering to ensure that you receive all necessary
        information for programs, activities, events, and facilities.   3. Refunds will either be transferred back to the purchasing
                                                                             credit/debit card, or issued via check for cash and check
    • Preregistration is required for most programs unless                   payments. Check refunds will be issued from the City of
        otherwise stated.                                                    Airway Heights within 30 days of the Request. Checks will
    • All fees are due at the time of registration unless otherwise          not be issued for refunds $10 or less (account credit will be
        noted. We do not “hold” a space for you without full                 applied).
        payment and registration.                                       4. Refunds credited to AHPR user accounts will be good for one
    • Space is limited in many programs and events. It is best               calendar year from issue date, for full credit given.
        if you register at least two weeks in advance of any            5. Credits or refunds will not be issued for missed classes,
        registration deadline or start date.                                 programs, or events.
    • All programs have a minimum and maximum enrollment.               6. Refunds or credits will not be issued for "change of mind" if
        Programs may be canceled if minimums are not met.                    after the registration deadline or within 3 business days of
    • All participants in AHPR programs, events, and activities              program start.
        must complete all required forms, waivers, and agreements       7. To request a refund, contact Guest Services at
        prior to participation.                                              (509) 244-4845.
    • Images (photographs, video recordings, etc.) taken of             8. Refunds will not be issued from an account credit.
        all participants engaged in AHPR programs, events, and
        activities may be used for promotional purposes on the          9. Refunds will not be issued for programs costing $10 or less
        AHPR website, social media pages, and printed materials              (unless canceled by AHPR).
    CANCELLATIONS                                                       10. AHPR will not accept returns or refunds on merchandise or
                                                                             items purchased for programs.
    Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and for that reason,
    AHPR reserves the right to cancel, combine, move, or change         11. Certain fees relating to rentals and memberships have their
    any program, event, or activity. In such cases, every effort will        own refund policies. Contact Guest Services directly to
    be made to notify all participants of cancellations or changes to        inquire about a specific policy.
    programs. Department initiated cancellations will be refunded or    12. AHPR reserves the right to observe each refund on case by
    credited to your Parks & Recreation account.                             case basis. Exceptions in certain instances may apply.
                         CA NC EL ED                                    ACTIVITY GUIDE UPDATES & ERRORS
                                            tion by registering early
     Avoid the disappointment of a cancella                             AHPR strives to produce the most accurate seasonal Activity
           and encouraging others to  join and  get registered.
                                               lea gues are most        Guide possible, but sometimes errors are made and things
      Programs, classes, acti   viti es, and
                                                 registration.          change after the guide is printed. Every effort will be made to
          commonly canceled due to low                                  notify participants and members of the changes, and correct and
                                                                        upload all changes to the AHPR website. Be sure to check the
                                                                        website and your email regularly for updates.
    Programs may be canceled in the event of inclement weather or       Airway Heights Parks & Recreation uses images and graphics
    power outages. We encourage you to call (509) 244-4845 for          provided and approved for use by, and
    program status regarding weather.
    NOTE: All outdoor activities are to be canceled if thunder or       ADVERTISING
    lightning are present.                                              Advertising opportunities in Airway Heights Parks & Recreation's
    RECREATION TRENDS                                                   seasonal Activity Guide as well as inside the Recreation Center
                                                                        are available in a variety sizes and formats.
    Is there something you’d like to see us try? Share your ideas or
    suggestions for new programs, activities, or events with us by      Contact (509) 309-2262 for more information.
    emailing We want to hear from you!

In accordance with applicable Federal and State Law, Airway                    VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
Heights Parks & Recreation does not discriminate against any             PARK ADVISORY BOARD
person on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national
origin, age, marital status, or disability. This policy applies to the   The Park Board advises and assists Parks & Recreation staff in the
operation, conduct, or administration of community programs for          park and facility planning and development process, as well as
youth, adults, and seniors. Sponsoring organizations requesting          supports and promotes Parks & Recreation programs, activities
the use of Airway Heights Parks & Recreation facilities are              and events. Parks Board members must be:
required to comply with this policy.                                     • A resident of Airway Heights for at least one year
PRIVACY POLICY                                                           • Currently registered to vote
The City of Airway Heights Parks & Recreation will not sell or           • Serve three year terms.
willingly share any information received through the registration        Park Board meetings are held the first Thursday following the
process, to any third party. Information collected during the            first City Council meeting of the month at the Airway Heights
registration process may be given to program instructors or              Recreation Center at 5:30pm.
coaches for use in case of emergency. They may also be
used to provide program or department updates, and facility              Current Board Members:
notifications. The City is, however, required to adhere to               President - Jacob Powers, Secretary - Shannon LaCambra,
the Washington Sate Public Records Act, Revised Code of                  Steven Titus, Mary Beth Ochoa, Davin Perry
Washington 42.56. The City may on occasion use information
to notify you of activities/circumstances the City feels may be
important to you and your family or that you opt into.                   SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION
                                                                         The Senior Advisory Commission works with the Parks &
                                                                         Recreation Department to plan and organize activities, trips,
 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS                                              classes, and presentations for active adults 55 and over by
                                                                         utilizing their particular insight on the issues and trends of interest
Do you have to be a Resident of Airway Heights to                        to the senior population in the Community. The overall goal of the
use the Recreation Center?                                               commission is to enrich and enhance the health and quality of life
No, anyone can become a member or purchase a day pass.                   for seniors in the community.
Are Swim Lessons only for members?                                       Commission meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month,
No, Swim Lessons are a program offered outside of                        at 2:00pm, at the Airway Heights Recreation Center.
membership, but inside the Recreation Center.                            All Commissions positions are currently OPEN.
What is included in a Membership or Day Pass?
Full access to the facility, including Pool, Fitness, and                YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSION
Gymnasium usage, and access to any Group Fitness or Water
Exercise class for the Day. Members between 18 months to 7               The Youth Advisory Commission (YAC) is open to middle school
years old also have access to Child Watch while it is open.              and high school students and works to help plan activities, trips,
                                                                         and events for teens in Airway Heights. The YAC also works with
What is considered a “Resident”?                                         teens to help build up college and job resumes, gain community
“Resident” is considered anyone that lives in the City Limits of         service hours, and improve leadership skills.
Airway Heights, including the areas behind the Walmart, and
the movie theatre. The Resident Rate is also extended to those           Contact the Recreation Supervisor Glen Horton for the next
who work for a business within the City Limits and those who             scheduled meeting.
are Active Duty Military.                                                All Commissions positions are currently open.
Are there any free activities I can utilize at the
Recreation Center?                                                       PARKS & RECREATION VOLUNTEER
Anyone is welcome enjoy the lobby and lounge, utilize our                Airway Heights Parks & Recreation offers a variety of volunteer
Wi-Fi, watch TV, or play Pool, Ping Pong, or Foosball. Please            opportunities such as:
no loitering, or setting up unapproved gatherings.                       • Youth sports coach • Community class instructors
How old does one have to be to workout at the                            • Special event        • Fulfilling high school graduation hours
Recreation Center?
The minimum age to work out in the facility is 11, with a parent             Board/Commission and Volunteer Applications are
or guardian. 14 is when you are able to workout by yourself.                available online at or
However, everyone under 18 needs to go through our Youth                          at the Airway Heights Recreation Center.
Fitness Orientation prior to being able to work out.
                                                                          Completion of application does not guarantee placement
Got a question? Ask us at .
                                                                                into an open board or volunteer position.

                                                                     | (509)244-4845                         
                                                                                    RECREATION CENTER AMENITIES
                                                                                    AQUATIC CENTER
                                                                                    The Aquatic Center offers a variety of ways for all family
                                                                                    members to enjoy the water from lap swimming to lazy river
                                                                                    floating, water sports, and relaxing.
                                                                                    • 6 Lane Lap Pool           • Children's Spray n' Play
                                                                                    • Spa (Hot Tub)             • Sauna
                                                                                    • Leisure/Warm Water • Lazy River with Vortex
                                                                                       Therapy Pool                and Whirlpool
                                                                                    FITNESS FLOOR
                                                                                    The Fitness Floor has something for all fitness levels. Covering
                                                                                    8,200sqft, this space has a wide-open layout while separating
                                                                                    weights, cardio, and selectorize equipment.
                                                                                    • 50+ Cardio Machines           •Fully Equipped Weight Room
                                                                                    • 20+ Strength Machines         •Cross Training & Turf Area
                                                                                    • Group Fitness Studio
                                                                                    The Gymnasium is where play and purpose come together! This
                                                                                    large multi-purpose space serves as home to open gym sports,
                                                                                    youth activities, fitness classes, and special events.
                                                                                    • Six basketball hoops (4 adjustable from 8’–10’)
                                                                                    • One full basketball court or two short-courts
                                                                                    • Main court and half gym adjustable volleyball nets
                                                                                        Be sure to check the Gymnasium Schedule for open
     Airway Heights Recreation Center photos provided by Tony Roslund Photography                availability or for fun new programs.
                                                                                    COMMUNITY LOBBY & LOUNGE
                                                                                    The Lobby and Lounge are the heart of our building. This inviting
                                                                                    space serves as our community living room and a place for
                                                                                    people to relax in front of the fireplace, enjoy a cup of coffee
    Safeguard your health and the health of others.                                 with friends, read, watch TV, connect to Wi-Fi, or play pool, ping
                                                                                    pong, and foosball.
    STAY HOME if you are feeling sick with any of the
    following symptoms:                                                             NOW OPEN! CHILD WATCH
      - Fever ≥101.4°          - Chills                                             The Caterpillar Room is our space for our littlest members to
      - Sore Throat            - Persistent cough                                   enjoy various games and activities in a safe and fun environment
      - Loss of taste/smell    - Difficulty breathing                               for up to 90 minutes per day while parents use the facility.
                                                                                    Members can drop off their children ages 18 months to 7 years
    CLEAN EQUIPMENT after each use with provided                                    old with our wonderful child watch staff while they use the
    disinfectant and towels.                                                        Recreation Center amenities.
                                                                                    *Non-Members & Guests can access Child Watch with
    WASH & SANITIZE YOUR HANDS regularly,                                           purchase of a youth day pass.
    especially after touching your face.
                                                                                    CURRENT CHILD WATCH HOURS:
    COVER UP appropriately when sneezing or coughing,
    and follow all posted mask wearing policies.                                    MONDAY  FRIDAY: 4:00-7:00PM
                                                                                    SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 11:00AM-2:00PM
    SOCIAL DISTANCE and keep a respectable space
    between you and others whenever possible.                                       MORE OPEN HOURS COMING SOON:
                                                                                    Monday-Friday 9:00AM-12:00PM

                                                                         YOUTH FACILITY ACCESS
                                                                         AGES       LOBBY & LOUNGE:
                                                                         0-6        Must have direct supervision by a parent or guardian
                                                                         7-11       Must have an adult somewhere in the facility
                                                                         0-2        Not allowed in the Gymnasium
                                                                         3-7        Must have direct supervision by a 16 y/o or older
                                                                         8-11       Must have an adult somewhere in the facility
                                                                                    AQUATICS CENTER:
                                                                         0-6        (or under 48") Must have direct in supervision in the water
   Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 8:00pm                                                 by a member 14 y/o or older
                                                                         7-9        Must have an adult with them in the Aquatic Center
 Saturday & Sunday : 10:00am - 6:00pm                                    10-11      Must have an adult somewhere in the facility
 Aquatic Center closes 30 minutes prior to facility closure.
                                                                                    FITNESS FLOOR:
CLOSED HOLIDAYS:                                                         0-10       Not allowed on the Fitness Floor
New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day,                               11-13      Must have direct supervision by a member 16 y/o or
                                                                                    older and completed the Youth Fitness Orientation
Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day,                   14-17      Must have completed the Youth Fitness Orientation
 Tony RoslundDay,  Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day

The Airway Heights Recreation Center offers various membership
rates for individuals, and families, as well as a residents rate for
those residing in the city limits of Airway Heights. The resident
rate is also extended to active duty military and employees of
businesses located within the city limits of Airway Heights.                                               THE ONLY THING DUE
All other memberships are considered non-resident.
                                                                                                           UP FRONT IS PRORATE
Proof of residency, active military status, or employment within
city limits is required at the time of registration to qualify for the                                     CURRENT MONTH AND
resident rate.                                                                                             FIRST FULL MONTH.
  CATEGORY           DAILY                10 VISIT                   MONTHLY                   SEMIANNUAL                    ANNUAL
                                    RES        NONRES          RES        NONRES            RES        NONRES          RES        NONRES
 YOUTH            $5.00         $40.00        $45.00        $24.00         $29.00         $132.00       $160.00       $264.00       $319.00

 ADULT            $7.00         $56.00        $63.00        $36.00         $45.00         $198.00       $248.00       $396.00       $495.00
 SENIOR (62+)     $6.00         $48.00        $54.00        $28.00         $35.00         $154.00       $193.00       $308.00       $385.00
 FAMILY*          N/A           N/A           N/A           $61.00         $76.00         $336.00       $418.00       $671.00       $836.00

Airway Heights Sales Tax is applied at time of transaction.
*Family Memberships are defined as one or two adults living in the same household and up to three dependents listed on either
adult’s tax return. Additional dependents may be added to a family membership at $12.00 per additional dependent.

The Airway Heights Recreation Center accepts Silver & Fit, Active & Fit, and Renew Active participants! These programs allow
qualifying individuals to receive a no-cost membership covered under your insurance plan. If you are interested in finding out if you
are eligible, contact your insurance provider, or visit the Rec Center and check with Guest Services.
Coming in 2022: RenewActive will be expanding their offerings to allow “One Pass Medicare and Medicaid”

                                                                       | (509)244-4845                      
 The Airway Heights Recreation Center has a number of room
 rental opportunities to accommodate everything from birthday
 parties, business meetings, large family gatherings, and more!
 Ask about our Non-Profit and Public Meeting discounts!


                                                                          Book your next birthday party at
                                                                           the Airway Heights Rec Center!
                                            Tony Roslund Photography
                                                                       Pool Party Package
 The Banquet Room is a dividable space perfect for receptions,         Includes pool usage for all guests during the party.
 banquets, parties, presentations, or trainings, with fully equipped   Half Room: $100 | Full Room: $200 | Deposit: $50/Room
 multi-media options and outdoor patio. Room(s) are booked in 1
 to 4 hour blocks. Table and chair arrangements can be setup to        Party Room Rental
 accommodate many different event types.                               Includes room only. All guests must purchase day passes.
 Banquet Room rates vary based on half and full room rental and        Half Room: $50 | Full Room: $100 | Deposit: $50/Room
 size of group. Occupancies vary by room setup.
                                                                       Restrictions may apply. Party sizes are limited. All rentals must
 Kitchen only available with rental of Room A or Full Room A & B.      follow rental policies and procedures and be made on provided
                                                                       days and times. Call us today for more info and to book your party!!
 The Meeting Room is an
 ideal setting for hosting a
 small business or group
 meeting, or classroom style
 learning environment.
 The Meeting Room is
 equipped with a multi-media
 television, white board, sink,
 and refrigerator.

         Rental Time               Rate               Deposit

    1-2 Hours                     $50.00               $50.00

    Additional hour               $25.00              -- -- --

    Contact Guest Services at (509) 309-2258 for more
    information about Facility Rentals and to book your
    event today.


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PARK AMENITIES                                                         SUNSET PARK RENTALS
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 SUNSET PARK                                                           PICNIC AREA & SHELTER 16 HOUR RENTAL:
                            9      X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X
 924 S Lawson St                                                       $35-$200 (Depending on size of group)
 SHORTY COMBS PARK          3      X   X       X   X
 12524 W 18th Ave                                                      VOLLEYBALL COURT DAILY USE:
 CLEVELAND PARK                                                        $15.00
                            2      X       X
 335 S Campbell St
                                                                       BBQ SMOKER GRILL:
 TRADITION PARK             1      X       X
 *12700-12800 W 4th Ave                                                $30 (for use on City property with park rental)
 LANDRETH                   7              X                           BALL FIELD WITH PREP (DRAGGED/RAKED & LINED):
 *13500 W 10th Ave
                                                                       $35 (Monday–Friday) / $50 (Saturday & Sunday)
 REC COMPLEX                10         X       X   X           X
 11405 W Deno Rd
                                                                       NO FIELD PREP: $10 (All week)/ Lights: $10/hour
* Indicates approximate address location
Park map is available online at:              Call (509) 244-4845 for rentals and availability.
                                                                       Payment is due upon receipt of application.
Memorial Day - Labor Day: Tue-Sun 1:00PM to 7:00PM

                                                               | (509)244-4845          
                                                                       3 TO 5 YEARS OLD: LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN
                                                                       TINY TOTS 1
                                                                       The start of an aquatic adventure without the parent. Swimmers
                                                                       build confidence by learning to blow bubbles, float, and use arm
                                                                       and leg movements with assistance.
                                                                       TINY TOTS 2
                                                                       Build on the aquatic adventure encouraging individual
                                                                       confidence. Swimmers will work on breath control and being
                                                                       comfortable while completely submerged.
                                                                       TINY TOTS 3
                                                                       The next step to ensure the swimmer moves confidently and
                                                                       safely by themselves in the water. Key points include working
                                                                       on distance, turning over, practicing recovery positions, and
                                                                       introduction to swim gear.

                                                                       6 TO 12 YEARS OLD: THE BENEFITS ARE ENDLESS
                                                                       LEVEL 1: GET WET!
                                                                       Jumping in with confidence and happy to get our faces wet!
                                                                       Swimmers travel on their front and back for 15 feet with
                                                                       assistance and use training aids with ease while making new
                                                                       swim buddies.
                                                                       LEVEL 2: BUILD CONFIDENCE!
                                                                       Working on recovery positions and swimming up to 30 feet.
                                                                       Improving our treading water techniques and progressing in the
                                                                       front and back crawl without assistance.
                                                                       LEVEL 3: BE BRAVE!
                                                                       Swimming 25 meters of front crawl with side breathers.
                                                                       Independently swimming 10 meters of backstroke and
 SWIM LESSONS                                                          comfortably recovering from change of position in and under the
                                                                       water while easing in to breaststroke.
 The Airway Heights Parks & Recreation swim lesson program
 promotes health and wellness, water safety, and allows                LEVEL 4: GO FURTHER!
 individuals of all ages and skill levels to find their place in the   Swimming 50 meters of front crawl and confident with 5 meters
 water and build from there.                                           of butterfly, ace backstroke, and recover with breaststroke.
 Lessons are taught by our trained instructors, in a fun, safe         Remember that most swimming parties without parents require a
 learning environment, following the nationally recognized             50 meter swim test!
 American Red Cross Learn-To-Swim program with an updated
 addition of the USA Swimming Foundation’s Make a Splash               LEVEL 5: GET YOUR SKILLS ON!
 Initiative. Lessons are approximately 25-minutes and run in 6 to      Refining strokes through drills. Swimming 75 meters front crawl
 8 week sessions. Lesson fees are based on the number of lessons       and nailing 25 meters of breaststroke. Preparing for aquatic
 per session.                                                          adventures like canoing, kayaking, and open water swimming.
                                                                       LEVEL 6: BE AWESOME!
 SWIM TESTING AND REGISTRATION                                         Swimming 100 meters using 3 different strokes. Diving from a
 It is important to register at the safest swimming level. This can    standing position and swimming 25 meters of butterfly. Develop
 sometimes be difficult to assess based on lesson description.         life saving skills!
 The AH Aquatics team can help! Schedule a brief swim test and
 receive a recommendation for what level to get registered for.        ADULT SWIMMING LESSONS (AGES 13 +)
 6 MONTHS TO 3 YEARS OLD: AQUA BONDING                                 IT IS NEVER TO LATE TO LEARN
                                                                       Adult swim lessons will better your swimming experience
 PARENT & CHILD                                                        covering the basics of swimming, water safety, as well as how
 Build baby, toddler, and parent confidence while learning about       to create your own lap swim program to achieve your personal
 water safety and basic swimming principles through songs and          goals. Adult Swim Lessons are approximately 50 minutes.
 games. Allows for bonding time between parent and child.

CC indicates Combo Class. Class levels may be combined due              SUCCESSFUL SWIM LESSONS
to low enrollment in specific levels or pool space availability.
                                                                   Before your lesson:
       SESSION 1                          SESSION 2                • Make sure that a parent, guardian, or responsible adult
       MON / WED                         MON / WED                    will be either in the water with the child or on deck in the
                                                                      designated waiting area during swimming lessons.
 DATES: 10/4 - 10/27               DATES: 11/1 - 11/24
                                                                   • Arrive to the pool ready for swimming and limit the time
 REG OPENS: 9/20                   REG OPENS: 10/18                   used in the locker rooms once finished with your lesson.
 COST: $36+ Tax                    COST: $36+ Tax
                                                                   Upon Arrival:
             SAT                               SAT
 DATES: 9/11 - 10/30               DATES: 11/6 - 12/18             • Don’t bring visitors. Classes are limited to the child and
                                                                     (one) participating adult.
 REG OPENS: 8/28                   REG OPENS: 10/23
                                                                   • Please do not arrive to the swim deck any earlier than 5
 COST: $36+ Tax                    COST: $36+ Tax                    minutes prior to your swim lesson start time.
                                                                   • Take a rinse off shower either in the locker room or on the
         MONDAY / WEDNESDAY                                          swim deck just before entering the water.
                                                                   • Limit your personal belongings on Deck. Use lockers,
   LESSON LEVEL              TIME         REQUIREMENTS               cubbies and marked areas on deck, to store your
  PARENT & CHILD            3:30PM        6 months to 3 years        personal items during swim lessons.
     TINY TOT 1             5:00PM              3-5 years          After Class:
     TINY TOT 2             3:30PM           Pass Tiny Tot 1       • Following the end of your lesson, gather your belongings
     TINY TOT 3             5:00PM           Pass Tiny Tot 2
                                                                      and exit the swim lesson area and spectator seating to
                                                                      make room for the next lesson.
        LEVEL 1             5:30PM             6-12 years          • Members and day pass users may stay in swim folling a
        LEVEL 2             4:00PM            Pass Level 1            lesson in open swim areas of the aquatics center.
        LEVEL 3             4:30PM            Pass Level 2
        LEVEL 4             4:00PM            Pass Level 3         PRIVATE SWIMMING LESSONS (AGES 3 +):
    LEVEL 5/6 CC            4:30PM            Pass level 4         A FOCUSED WAY TO LEARN
                                                                   Swimmers ages 3 and up of all abilities will benefit from one-on-
       ADULTS               6:00PM            All skill levels     one instruction. These 30 minute lessons can be tailored to the
                                                                   students exact swimming needs; which can range from timid or
                                                                   first time swimmers to those interested in fitness swimming.
                      SATURDAY                                     Private lessons are an 8 lesson Tuesday/Thursday or Saturday
   LESSON LEVEL              TIME         REQUIREMENTS             program, open on a first come first serve waitlist basis.
                                                                   Contact 509-244-4845 to be registered for the Private & Semi
  PARENT & CHILD           10:30AM        6 months to 3 years
                                                                   Private waitlist. This program is limited to up to 3 consecutive
  TINY TOT 1/2 CC          11:00AM              3-5 years          swim sessions.
  TINY TOT 2/3 CC          12:00PM           Pass Tiny Tot 1       DATES: Tue/Thu: 10/5-10/28 | Saturday: 10/9-11/27
                           11:30AM                                 COST: Private: $96 | *Semi-Private: $80
        LEVEL 1                                6-12 years
                                                                   *Semi-Private lessons are available for up to 3 people from the
        LEVEL 2            10:30AM            Pass Level 1         same household.
    LEVEL 3/4 CC           11:30AM            Pass Level 2
                                                                   SWIM LESSON QUESTIONS?
    LEVEL 5/6 CC           11:00AM            Pass Level 4
                                                                   Contact our Aquatics Team at (509) 703-7826 for more
       ADULTS              11:30AM            All skill levels     swim lesson information and program details.

                                                              | (509)244-4845                  
 Water Exercise clasess are included in membership or purchase
 of a day pass. These classes are designed to enable ages 13 and
 up to participate at their own pace and skill level. The shallow
 water classes can be done with or without equipment and do not
 require the ability to swim or placing the head under water.
 Utilizing the Aquatics Center's Lazy River, Rivercise uses the
 assistive and resistive properties of the river's current to focus on
 core and body strength, balance, and posture. Walking forward,
 backward, and lateral along with lunges, squats, and stationary
 exercises will be used to advance these objectives.
 DAY: Sunday                              TIME: 10:15AM-11:10AM

 The Shallow Water Class focuses on cardiovascular endurance
 and strength while using the water's unique support to ease the
 strain on muscles and joints. This is a fantastic opportunity to
 enjoy the pool, workout in a social environment, and improve on
 individual health and wellness.
 DAYS: Monday/Wednesday/Friday TIME: 9:45AM-10:30AM

 Deep Water Exercise provides a no-impact but challenging
 cardiovascular workout. Participants may use flotation belts,
 foam barbells, and noodles to perform a variety of motions
 including water walking and running, abdominal work, and
 toning exercises. This class is designed to burn fat and increase
 cardiovascular fitness, range of motion, and muscle tone.
 DAYS: Tuesday/Thursday                  TIME: 8:00AM-8:50AM             American Red Cross Lifeguarding course provides the
                                                                         knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize, and respond to
                                                                         aquatic emergencies. Course participants will receive training
 LIFEGUARD TRAINING                                                      in American Red Cross Lifeguarding, First Aid, and CPR/AED.
                                                                         Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be
                          JR LIFEGUARD PROGRAM                           issued a Professional Rescuer certificate valid for 2 years.
                          The Junior Lifeguard Program is designed       Participants must be able to successfully demonstrate the
                          to teach young participants the water          following prerequisite swimming skills. This evaluation is
                          safety skills used by lifeguards everyday      completed on the first day and includes the following skills:
                          as well as develop the mental and
                          physical conditioning needed to feel           • Swim 200m continuously demonstrating breath control
                          confident in and around the water.             • 2–minute tread using legs only
                                                                         • Retrieve a 10lbs brick from 9ft of water and swim the brick
                                                                              20 meters within 1 minute.
 Jr Lifeguard participants will:
 • Learn and practice In-Water rescue techniques using real               COST: $270                      OPEN TO AGES: 15+
       Lifeguarding equipment.
                                                                          OCTOBER COURSE                  NOVEMBER COURSE
 • Learn basic First Aid skills, introduction to CPR and AED use.
                                                                          9/24 2:008:00PM                11/12 2:008:00PM
 • Shadow a Lifeguard on stand and as a co-instructor during
       a swimming lesson.                                                 9/25 8:00AM5:00PM              11/13 8:00AM5:00PM
                                                                          9/26 9:00AM3:00P               11/14 9:00AM3:00PM
 PREREQUISITE: Must pass Level 4 Swim Lesson.
                                                                          REGISTER BY: 9/17              REGISTER BY: 11/5
 DATES: Saturdays 9/18-11/20 TIME: 11:00AM – 1:00PM
                                                                         Participants must attend all 3 days of training totaling
 AGES: 8-15                          COST: $50 (w/ Jr. Guard T-Shirt)    approximately 20 hours, and will be required to complete online
 Waitlist may be created due to low participation $35 (No shirt)         course work prior to the start of class.

FALL /WINTER POOL SCHEDULE (Pool Schedule is subject to change.)

   MON / WED               TUE / THU              FRI                  SAT                  SUN

                            LAP SWIM                                LAP SWIM
                         7:00AM-7:30PM                           10:00AM-5:30PM
  7:00AM-7:30PM         WATER EXERCISE          LAP SWIM                                 LAP SWIM
                                             7:00AM-7:30PM          OPEN SWIM         10:00AM-5:30PM
                         DEEP WATER                                12:30-5:30PM
  SWIM LESSONS           8:00-8:50AM
   (Lanes 5&6)                                 OPEN SWIM                                 OPEN SWIM
   3:00-7:00PM           SWIM LESSONS        11:30AM-7:30PM       SWIM LESSONS          12:30-5:30PM
                           (Lanes 5&6)                              (Lanes 5&6)
                          3:00-6:30PM                            10:30AM-12:30PM

                               REC POOL WARM WATER THERAPY & LAZY RIVER

                                                                                     LEISURE/QUIET SWIM
LEISURE/QUIET SWIM                                              LEISURE/QUIET SWIM     10:00AM-12:45PM
   7:00AM-11:30AM                                                 10:00AM-12:45PM
                                               7:00-11:30AM                            WATER EXERCISE
  WATER EXERCISE          7:00-11:30AM                            SWIM LESSONS           RIVERCISE
 SHALLOW WATER                                                   10:30AM-12:30PM
                                             WATER EXERCISE                            10:15-11:15 AM
   9:45-10:45AM            OPEN SWIM                                OPEN SWIM
                         11:30AM-7:30PM     SHALLOW WATER
                                              9:45-10:45AM        1:00PM-3:00PM          OPEN SWIM
    OPEN SWIM                                                       3:30-5:30PM        1:00PM-3:00PM
  11:30AM-7:30PM         SWIM LESSONS                                                   3:30-5:30PM
                                               OPEN SWIM
                          3:00-6:30PM                             SAFETY BREAK
  SWIM LESSONS                               11:30AM-7:30PM                            SAFETY BREAK
                                                                  NO SWIMMING
   3:00-5:30PM                                                     3:00-3:30PM         NO SWIMMING

                               SPRAY N' PLAY INCLUDES LAZY RIVER FEATURES
  12:00PM-3:00PM         12:00PM-3:00PM      12:00PM-3:00PM        1:00-3:00PM          1:00-3:00PM
    5:30-7:30PM            5:30-7:30PM         5:00-7:30PM         3:30-5:30PM          3:30-5:30PM
                             SPA & SAUNA (MUST BE AT LEAST 14 YEARS OF AGE)

  7:00AM7:30PM          7:00AM7:30PM       7:00AM7:30PM       10:00AM-5:30PM       10:00AM-5:30PM

                                               | (509)244-4845      


                                                FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8TH
                                       PUMPKIN RACES, GAMES, CARVING, DECORATING, & MORE!
                                                       ORANGE GROUP - WATER TIME 4:30-5:30PM
                                                       YELLOW GROUP - WATER TIME 5:00 -6:00PM
                                                       GREEN GROUP - WATER TIME 5:30-6:30PM
                                                       BLUE GROUP - WATER TIME 6:00-7:00PM
                                                       RED GROUP - WATER TIME 6:30-7:30PM
                                                       GROUPS MUST EXIT THE WATER AT END OF SCHEDULED TIME.
                                                       DECORATING AND CRAVING TAKES PLACE AFTER SWIM SESSION.

                                                       COST: Youth 12 and Under - $5 | 13 and Up - $8
     SPONSORED BY:                             PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. No entry without registration.
                                               Limited number of tickets available for each group. Tickets are only
                                               required for those entering the water and picking a pumpkin.

       & FUN!

                                                     Join our resident duck Frankie and all his little
                                                     buddies for Friday night family fun in the pool!
          Fridays October 15th - December 17th | 5:30-7:30PM
                                    FRANKIE'S SPECIAL ACTIVITIES:
                 10/15 Basketball Shootout                        10/29 Spooky Swim
                 11/5 Volleyball                                  11/19 Water Polo
                 12/3 Ducky BINGO                                 12/17 Candy Cane Lane

                      All posted Aquatic Rules & Policies Apply. Membership or day pass required.


CARES works to promote the Airway Heights Parks & Recreation
Department's mission of creating community and quality of life for all
residents by supporting the development of quality recreational facilities
and programs for youth and adults in the greater Airway Heights area.
Through enhanced community outreach, partnerships, and contributions,
CARES collaborates and connects those that share in the mission of
improving our community through people, parks, and programs.
As a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit, CARES has developed
various charitable opportunities for individuals and businesses to
contribute to Parks and Recreation projects, programs, and scholarships.

      YOUTH                                 PROGRAM                                 PROJECT
   SCHOLARSHIP                              CHAMPION                                PARTNER
 The CARES Youth Scholarship           Recreation programs offer             Through community input, and
 Fund provides youth in                community members of all ages         consistent parks, facility, and
 our community access to               the opportunity to engage in          program evaluation, the Parks
 recreational programs                 healthy physical and social           & Recreation Department
 for families who may not              activity. These programs serve        manages an ongoing list
 otherwise be able to afford           to enrich the lives of participants   of priority projects that
 them. These scholarships              through exposure to new               require funding outside of the
 provide youth exposure to             hobbies, sports, and pursuits of      department's annual operating
 positive experiences and active       general interests.                    budget. These projects are
 lifestyles. By participating in       Becoming a Program Champion           fantastic opportunities for
 recreational programs, children       brings added levels of                individuals and businesses to
 are provided the opportunity to       enjoyment and benefits to             get involved in the community
 gain and refine life skills and to    program participants directly.        and improve already existing
 develop positive personal and         By giving to programs the             facility amenities, or develop all
 social assets.                        contribution is directly passed       new recreational opportunities
 Through generous contributions        to program participants               for community use. All Project
 to the Youth Scholarship              through increased program             Champions will receive much
 Fund, Airway Heights Parks            supplies, incentives, as well         deserved recognition to making
 & Recreation is able to               as fee reductions, making             these projects a reality and
 connect youth and families to         our programs more equitable           improving the quality of life for
 recreational opportunities that       for a greater portion of the          residents of the greater West
 make a difference in their lives.     community.                            Plains community.

               To learn more about CARES, how to get involved, or
              to donate, visit
     Unless otherwise noted, all fitness programs, classes, and activities require Rec Center membership.
     Pre-registration, and masks, be may be required for participation. See the Fitness Desk for updates.

 Rec Center Group Fitness Classes are fun and inviting classes open to members and day pass users of all fitness Levels. Each class is
 lead by our team of amazing professionally certified Group Fitness Instructors and Trainers.
 Group Fitness class capacities are limited, and if necessary, may move to gymnasium or outdoors.
 A BARRE inspired class that combines Yoga, toning, and dance               FALL/WINTER FITNESS SCHEDULE
 inspired cardio to get you in the flow.                                               ( SEPTEMBER  DECEMBER )
 YOGA: BEGINNER & INTERMEDIATE                                                                   MONDAY
 Beginner: A slow flow class that focuses on the fundamental                 B.A.S.E.          Indoor Cycle          Power Hour
 concepts of yoga, basic postures, and breathing techniques.              8:30-9:30AM          5:00-5:50PM           6:00-6:50PM
 Intermediate: A flowing class focused on stability, endurance,              - Gym -             - Studio -            - Studio -
 and mindfulness through the proper postures and alignment.                                       TUESDAY
 INDOOR CYCLE                                                            Silver & Strong       BARRE Flow              Int. Yoga
 Take a ride inside and improve your cardio endurance while              10:00-10:50AM         5:00-6:00PM           6:00-6:50PM
 matching the revolutions of your feet to the beat of the music.             - Studio -          - Studio -            - Studio -
 POWER HOUR                                                                                     WEDNESDAY
 Expand your fitness bandwidth with energizing strength and                  B.A.S.E.          Indoor Cycle          Power Hour
 H.I.I.T. (High Intensity, Interval Training) exercises, and high         8:30-9:30AM          5:00-5:50PM           6:00-6:50PM
 speed bursts of cardio.                                                     - Gym -             - Studio -            - Studio -
                                                                         Silver & Strong        Begin. Yoga            Int. Yoga
 B.A.S.E.  BALANCE, ACTIVE, STRENGTH, EXERCISE                          10:00-10:50AM         5:00-5:50PM           6:00-6:50PM
 BASE *Formerly SAIL* focuses on reducing the risk of falling by             - Studio -          - Studio -            - Studio -
 improving balance and a stability while building strength through
 activity and exercise. BASE also incorporates Bal-A-Vis-X,                                        FRIDAY
 rhythmic balance, auditory, and vision exercises for the brain              B.A.S.E.          CRAZE-Y Fit           Indoor Cycle
 and body, helping those dealing with injuries/illness, and the           8:30-9:30AM          4:00-5:00PM           5:30-6:20PM
 elderly struggling through the twin lenses of balance and rhythm.           - Gym -             - Studio -            - Studio -
 SILVER & STRONG                                                                                 SATURDAY
 Designed to take a step up in intensity from the BASE program,            BARRE Flow          Begin. Yoga
 this class helps active older adults transition to the fitness floor,   11:00-11:50AM        12:00-12:50PM
 through increased movement and strength exercises helping                  - Studio -           - Studio -
 participants achieve their full fitness potential.
                                                                                   Class Schedule subject to change.

CLASS IS NOW                            SPECIALIZED FITNESS
                                IN SESSION!
                                Fit U:101 Series is presentation
                                based program designed to
                                educate curious beginners about
                                the basics of popular fitness formats
                                and trends with a focus on teaching
                                proper movements and techniques.

Learn basic machine & free weight use, and how to start your
workout with mobility exercises to improve performance and              ROCK STEADY BOXING
reduce the chance of injury. We will focus on correct movement
of the body during these and multiple body weight exercises. It’s       FIGHT BACK against Parkinson's Disease with Rock Steady!
a perfect introduction to “working out” for the beginners who are       The Rock Steady program gives people with Parkinson's Disease
just starting their fitness journey.                                    (PD) hope by improving their quality of life through a non-
ST 101 Curriculum:                                                      contact, boxing-based fitness curriculum. By joining Rock Steady,
                                                                        one with PD will slow the progression of the disease by improving
• Mobility & Basic Programming & Bands
                                                                        tremors, postural instability, shuffling gait, and much more. Join
• Machine Use                                                           this program and take your mental and physical fitness to a level
• Free Weights                                                          you perhaps never thought possible while creating a community
• Functional Training, Suspension Training, and Core                    that together can deliver a blow to Parkinson’s.
DAY: Thursdays                       TIME: 4:30PM-5:30PM                DAYS: Fridays       TIME: 1:30PM-3:00PM
SESSION1: 10/7 - 10/28               REGISTER BY: 9/30                  CONTACT THE FITNESS DESK FOR MORE INFORMATION.
SESSION 2: 11/4  12/9               REGISTER BY: 10/28

YOUTH FITNESS (AGES 11 TO 17)                                                                                   Surprisingly
The Youth Fitness Orientation (YFO) is required of all members
                                                                                                                great rates
ages of 11 to 17 wanting to access the Fitness Floor. The YFO                                                   right around
                                                                                                                the corner.
introduces young members to the Rec Center Fitness Floor
teaching them gym etiquette and protocol, proper machine and
equipment use, Fitness Floor Rules, and of course, safety.
Youth 11 to 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult on
the Fitness Floor at all times.
DAY: Wednesdays                     TIME: 5:30PM-6:30PM                   Tammy Rigsby, Agent
                                                                          10258 W Sunset Hwy, Ste 2
                                                                                                                I’m your one-stop shop for
                                                                          Spokane, WA 99224                     the service you deserve at a
                                                                          Bus: 509-835-5433 Fax: 509-624-1660
CRAZEY FIT                                                                     price you want. Call me for
Its time for you to get CRAZE-Y                                                                                 surprisingly great rates and
FIT! Come experience different                                                                                  Good Neighbor service right
trainers that will cover all the Fitness                                                                        in your neighborhood.
“Crazes” from HIIT, to cross-training,
to cycle, and much more. Not                                                                                    Like a good neighbor,
only will you learn the essentials of                                                                           State Farm is there.®
strength and cardio training, you                                                                               Individual premiums will vary by customer. All applicants
will get a CRAZE-Y good workout.                                                                                subject to State Farm underwriting requirements.

Put those devices down, and LET’S
                                                                            State Farm
DATE: Fridays 10/15 - 12-10   TIME: 4:00-5:00PM                             Bloomington, IL

REGISTER BY: 10/7 Must be a member or purchase day pass                     2001878

                                                                   | (509)244-4845                                                    
                                                                            TRAINING PROGRAMS
                                                                        TAKE YOUR PERFORMANCE TO THE NEXT LEVEL.
                                                                               LIVE STRONGER, MOVE BETTER.
                                                                        Training for something specific or want to learn a new
                                                                        fitness trend? The Rec Center PT Team specializes in various
                                                                        strength and conditioning programs specific to the needs
                                                                        and interests of their clients.
                                                                        Training programs include:
                                                                        STARTER STRENGTH
                                                                        New to weightlifting? Understand the basics of strength
                                                                        training while improving your physique, overall health,
                                                                        mobility, and stability while teaching your body to start
                                                                        burning fat on its own.
                                                                        WEIGHT LOSS
                                                                        Through a combination of diet tips, cardio
                                                                        recommendations, and strength training, let us guide you on
                                                                        a safe and realistic journey towards reducing body fat and
                                                                        regaining control of your life.
 The Airway Heights Recreation Center Personal Training                 MOBILITY
 Program offers one on one instruction with one of our certified        Unlock your body’s ability to recover, prevent injury, and
 Personal Trainers. Trainers work to develop a path that is specific,   perform at its best through stretching and muscle priming
 achievable, and relevant to YOU.                                       techniques.
 Personal Training includes:
 • Personalized programs based on your fitness goals, likes             POWER LIFTING
     and dislikes, skills, and abilities.                               Maximize your functional strength and unlock your muscle
 • Structured sessions to maximize time in the gym.                     building potential by learning how to correctly perform the
 • Monthly InBody analysis to track physical progress                   “big three” power-lifting exercises: The Squat, the Bench,
                                                                        and the dead-lift…and more.
                          4 Sessions    6 Sessions     12 Sessions      ATHLETIC TRAINING
     1/2 Hour Session      $109.00       $149.00        $269.00         Whatever your sport may be, we can help you develop
     1 Hour Session        $189.00       $259.00        $479.00
                                                                        strength, durability explosiveness, and functional strength
                                                                        through cutting edge and individualized programming.
                                                                        Utilize effective High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to
     See if Personal Training is right for you.                         maximize calorie burn, improve your health, and burn fat.
     Three 1-hour or six 30-minute sessions. Limited 1 per person.
          Schedule a FREE Fitness Assessment to learn more.             ADVANCED STRENGTH
                                                                        Reach your strength and muscle building potential through
 SCAN HERE TO MEET OUR                                                  conventional weight lifting techniques, split training, and
 PERSONAL TRAINERS &                                                    even some unconventional strongman techniques.
 FITNESS INSTRUCTORS!                                                   SUSPENSION TRAINING
 Learn more about our amazing                                           Understand how Total Resistance Straps and Bands can
 Fitness Team and how they can                                          sometimes be all you really need, while providing a great
 help you crush your fitness goals                                      option for at home and on-the-go training.
 and be a healthier you!

Begin your path to a NEW YOU in the NEW YEAR with a
group of like minded members looking to start a journey
towards longer life, stronger bodies, and healthier hearts.
Our New Year = New You is an at your own pace program,
where you are accountable to you, with our help. Through
weekly workouts, programs, motivational emails, checks-ins,
suggested readings, podcasts, and nutrition tips you will be
on your way to accomplishing goals, and feeling better.
New Year = New You Includes:
• A variety of workout programs ranging from HIIT,
  to cycle, to balance, core, and more.
  Adaptable to all fitness levels.
                                                                    Sports Related Injury         Back/Neck Pain
• (3) 1-hour & (6) ½ hour Personal Training sessions
                                                                 Post Operative Orthopedic         Osteoporosis
• (4) InBody Analysis Scans                                           Joint Replacement        Work Related Injuries
                                                                  Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions        TMJ Disorders
• Group chat for ongoing support, celebrating success and       Vestibular/ Gait and Balance   Joint Pain & Stiffness
  contact with fellow participants.
• Group Kick-off meeting 1/4/22 & monthly group
  check-ins the first Tuesday of February & March.
• 3 part series on Vascular Health with Greg Lange
  - Health & Nutrition - Exercise - Sleep

    Join anytime between 12/15/21 - 2/28/22
                   COST: $249+tax


 What does your weight really mean?
 In less than one minute, learn accurate data about your body
 to create a healthier you.

 • Accurate body fat percentage.
 • Accurate muscle mass.
 • Muscle imbalances.
 • Calories burned at rest.
 • Current hydration level.                 Scan
 • True numbers for measurable goal setting.
 • Motivation towards desired results.
 • Track your progress to understand how exercise, diet,        Airway Heights - Fairways Plaza - Cheney
      and hydration changes your body composition.
                                                                       Spokane - Nine Mile Falls
                                                       | (509)244-4845            
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