    Spring 2022

   May 5, 2022 | 6 PM
    Cohen Ballroom
Letter from an Honors Alum
Students, I encourage you… never give up if
an obstacle comes your way. The way I look
at things is as long as you try, you WILL
succeed. You know why? Because if you
win, you win, but if you lose, you’ll learn.
Those learnings are a factor of growth. As
we’ve heard our professors say, “we learn
from our mistakes”. So how would we grow if
we don’t make mistakes? As Christian
Larson once said, “Believe in yourself and all
that you are. Know that there is something
inside of you that is greater than any

Congratulations and best
wishes to you all! GO EAGLES!

Many thanks,

Klaudia Fisheku
FGCU Honors College ‘19
Congrats Grads!
Victor Aballe Mosqueda   Collette Connolly     Nicholas Guilfoile*
Sarah Abec*              Janene Coy            Katia Gutierrez
Jonathan Acosta          Ethan Cronk*          Lynn Gutierrez
Sydney Adams-Farley*     Wiktoria Czarnecka    Mya Gwinn
Jolie Alberty            Tajisumah Dauphine    Katelin Hand
Kalyn Alexus             Cameron Davis*        Molly Hannigan*
Logan Alles*             Joshua Dubin          Theo Hannon
Aliette Amador           Mel Duckson           Channiel Hanson
Grace Anderson           Timothy Duguay*       Brooks Harp*
Kylie Antonyk            Cassandra Ebenhack*   Grayce Harris
Tatiana Arango           Youssef El Hamshary   Abigail Harris
Dana Axner*              Julexiua Ellis        Cheyenne Helfrich
Madelynn Baird           Kelsey Ellsworth      Jack Hellmer
Carly Barker*            Abdallah Elokda       William Holt
Jack Barnum*             Jessica Ely*          Cassidy Holz
Paul Basso*              Matthew Evans         Emerald Horner
Jacqueline Bedard*       Grace Farris          Emily Hosea
Parker Bednoski*         Brian Favia           Cassidy Hughes*
Samantha Bellomo         Victoria Feinberg     Shelby Hugo*
Logan Bentley*           Max Feldman*          Rotila Hyka
Skyanna Billman*         Sarah Felkner         Rotila Hyka
Rachel Bledsoe Bass      Julia Filip           Thomas Iacovino*
Autumn Boone*            Megan Fondell         Donna Jarrett*
Margaret Boswell         Katelin Foster*       Dominic Javier
Carli Bounds             Christopher Frank     Quinton Jeske*
Jacqueline Bradford      Maya Frere*           Kaelyn Julmeus
Shawn Bradley            Matthew Galant        Maya Kaiser
Ashlee Brentlinger*      Stephanie Garcia      Kaylei Kambak
Katherine Brogdon*       Miguel Garcia         Heather Kaufman*
Emma Brokopp             Jairo Garciga*        Accalia Khan*
Kaitlyn Brown*           Kennedy Garman*       Caitlyn Klein
William Buchanan         Madeline Gaugler      Rachel Kogan*
Ryan Cagan               Bradley Gilbert       Gabriella Konicek
Nikolina Cain*           Martin Goldberg       Krista Kostallari
Arden Capizola           Idalis Gomez          Julia Kotkin
Dominique Caruso         Kori Gordon           Bethany Kruger*
Maria Castellanos        Kiley Graham          Owen Kurtz
Ignacio Castro           Jennifer Grasso       Emily LaMontagne
Nicole Chediak           Ashley Greulich       Madigan Landreth*
Isabela Collazo*         Kathryn Griffiths*    Jessica Landwer
Congrats Grads!
Caitlin Leahy          ViTuan Phan                 Kaley Vahlkamp
Erika Leeper           Kelis Phillips              Taylor Vickers*
Riley Lewellen         Abby Polce                  Jessica Villafuerte
Brianna Lohnes         Melanie Potter*             Zachary Wells
Abril Lopez Ochoa      Nicholas Prystawik          Laura Whalen
Victoria Lowers        Brianna Pugh                Kiera Whann
Joshua Lukas*          Liza Rackley*               Lonneke Williams
Kelly Maguire          Olivia Raza                 Karsen Williams*
Nash Mahler            Karington Reed*             Payton Wolf*
Lea Manniello          Tyler Reichenbacher         Sophia Woliver
William Marceau        Logan Renner*               Kent Writesel
Danielle Martin*       Samantha Roesler            Kaitlin Yonge
Erin Martire           Amanda Rosauer              James Yzaguirre
John Maurer*           Kyle Rudd*
Joshua McIntyre        Katherine Ryan*
Holli McLean*          Sara Sande
Delaney Meek*          Maria Santori
Olivia Mejia           Ana Sardinha
Taylor Mera            Kristin Sarnese
Grace Michalk*         Alexis Scheele
Riley Morgan           Taryn Schreindorfer
Miranda Nadler*        Marina Sciancalepore
Tyler Nehring          Lauren Seifert*
Samantha Nelson*       Syncere Seneque
Jacob Newman           Marley Simon*
Nina Nguyen*           Chloe Sirico*
Alyssa Nicholson       Linnea Sleigh*
Lidia Nicolas          Robert Smith*
Rachel Nyce            Arianna Smith*
Padraig O'Brien*       Kaitlyn Sokolowski
Carter Olberding       Christian Soriano-Reyes
Ryan Opitz*            Allison Streeter
Alyssa Orlikowski*     Jorge Suarez*
Matlin Passino*        Melissa Sutter*
Katherine Patterson*   Kimberly Sutter
Adam Paul              Sophia Szpunar
Tatiana Paula          Emily Totman-Jarrett
Alyssa Payne*          Brittany Travis*
Carlos Perez           Karoline Tyrrell*
Bryonna Perperian      Joseph Uecker             *Indicates Honors Scholars
Honors College Theses
     Logan Alles                  Thesis Title:
                                  Student Perception on
                                  the Impact of the Honors
                                  Mentor Program at
                                  Florida Gulf Coast

                                  Co-Thesis Presenter:
                                  Josie Lorea

                                  Thesis Mentors:
                                  Dr. Bill Reynolds,
                                  Ms. Lindsay Rushworth

                                 Grace I. Anderson
                Thesis Title:
  Molecular Design of Ionic
Liquids with a Triarylmethyl
        Moiety as Potential
    Anticancer Agents with
   Enhanced Bioavailability

              Faculty Mentor:
         Dr. Arsalan Mirjafari
Honors College Theses
   Rachel Bledsoe Bass              Thesis Title:
                                    Exploring Justification
                                    and Implementation of
                                    Three Classroom
                                    Practices: Round Robin
                                    Reading, Behavior Charts,
                                    and Homogeneous Ability

                                    Co-Thesis Presenter:
                                    William Buchanan

                                    Thesis Mentor:
                                    Dr. Melissa Meehan

                                    Autumn Boone
                   Thesis Title:
     Warm-Up Strategies and
Their Effect on Mile Run Times

                  Faculty Mentor:
        Dr. Elizabeth Templeton
Honors College Theses
Margaret Boswell
                                  Thesis Title:
                                  Exercise and
                                  Breastfeeding: An
                                  Analysis of Breastfeeding
                                  Mothers’ Misconceptions
                                  and Perceived Barriers

                                  Thesis Mentor:
                                  Dr. Elizabeth Templeton

                 Thesis Title:
                                 William Buchanan
 Exploring Justification and
   Implementation of Three
Classroom Practices: Round
   Robin Reading, Behavior
 Charts, and Homogeneous
           Ability Grouping

          Co-Thesis Presenter:
          Rachel Bledsoe Bass

               Faculty Mentor:
          Dr. Melissa Meehan
Honors College Theses
     Camila Garcia
                                Thesis Title:
                                Enhancing the Analysis of
                                Low-Copy Number DNA
                                from Fingerprints on
                                Commonly Found
                                Substrates at Crime

                                Thesis Mentor:
                                Dr. Sulekha Coticone

                                Thomas Iacovino
                Thesis Title:
  Pantheism as Necessarily
 Emancipatory: A Hegelian-
Spinozist Theology of Prison

            Faculty Mentors:
             Dr. Landon Frim
            Dr. Miles Hentrup
Honors College Theses
    Donna Jarrett
                                  Thesis Title:
                                  Sartrean Authenticity in
                                  Modern American
                                  Polarized Culture

                                  Thesis Mentor:
                                  Dr. Kevin Aho

                                  Jacob Newman
                  Thesis Title:
Outcomes for Music Students
Following Participation in the
   FGCU Exercise Is Medicine

               Faculty Mentor:
             Dr. Mark Erickson
Honors College Theses
Katherine Patterson
                                 Thesis Title:
                                 East Meets West:
                                 Applications of
                                 Traditional Chinese
                                 Herbal Medicines as a
                                 Complementary Therapy
                                 in Triple-Negative Breast
                                 Cancer Treatments

                                 Thesis Mentor:
                                 Dr. Lyndsay Rhodes

                                 Katherine Ryan
                Thesis Title:
  Creating an Institutional
History: Best Practices and

             Faculty Mentors:
        Dr. Rowan Steineker,
             Dr. Jeff Fortney,
   Dr. Terumi Rafferty-Osaki
Honors College Theses
    Arianna Smith
                                  Thesis Title:
                                  Illustrating the
                                  Unobservable: Medical
                                  Illustration of COVID-19
                                  and Its Impact on
                                  Physicians, Scientists, and
                                  the Public

                                  Thesis Mentor:
                                  Dr. Valerie Weiss

                                 Karoline Tyrrell
                 Thesis Title:
 Cultivation and Cruciality of
the First Amendment Right to
           Freedom of Speech

              Faculty Mentors:
           Dr. Michael Epple,
          Dr. Rowan Steineker
Introducing our Spring 2022
     Honors Graduates
Victor Aballe Mosqueda
                                                        "My time at FGCU has been a dream come true.
                                                        Full of challenges and sacrifices, my time as an
                                                        eagle has been exceptional. I have been able to
                                                        serve my community from the youngest to the
                                                        oldest by screening for diabetes, vision and
                                                        audition loss with Bonita Lions Club; preserving
                                                        coastal areas with Lovers Key Park; forming a
                                                        campaign to advocate for equal healthcare
                                                        access, and researching organic synthesis
                                                        compounds for multiple pharmaceutical and
                                                        biotechnological applications. Furthermore, I have
                                                        been able to develop sustainable concepts that
                                                        have marked my life and future profession. Thanks
                                                        to all of my professors who have given me their
                                                        support and time, I have been on the Dean's list
                                                        my whole time despite my language barrier. As I
                                                        pursue my dream to become a physician, my time
                                                        at FGCU has been the cornerstone of my path."

                                                        Major: Biology
                                                        Concentration: Pre-Professional Biology

Sydney Adams-Farley
"Throughout my time at FGCU, I have been nominated
for numerous honor societies, maintained a relatively
high GPA, and there is so much that I have learned –
not only related to my coursework – but also about
the person I aspire to be and the things I wish to
accomplish. This year I will be graduating as a first
generation college student with a Bachelor of
Science in Business Management, and a minor in
Entrepreneurship. By the end of this month I will be
living in Nashville, Tennessee to pursue a job with a
digital marketing agency called BubbleUp, to get my
start in the entertainment industry. I will also be
graduating debt-free, which is an accomplishment in
itself. I am so thankful for my experiences over the
last four years, and in the words of Lin Manuel
Miranda, 'don’t be shocked when your history book
mentions me.'"

Major: Business Management
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Jolie Alberty
                                                       "I am graduating with a major in Marine Science
                                                       and minor in Geology. During my time at FGCU, I
                                                       had the opportunity to work with several professors
                                                       that helped me narrow my interests and get me
                                                       where I am today! I worked in Dr. Puspa Adhikari’s
                                                       Geochemistry Lab as a research assistant, where I
                                                       focused primarily on microplastic pollution and
                                                       analysis. I also received funding for independent
                                                       oyster research with Dr. Melissa May, which I have
                                                       presented at the Honors Symposium. I have an
                                                       interest in marine invertebrate ecology as well as
                                                       the effects of environmental stressors on
                                                       invertebrate physiology. In addition to
                                                       invertebrates, I also hope to incorporate marine
                                                       oceanography and geology into my research. In my
                                                       future career, I hope to utilize my SCUBA
                                                       certifications to further my invertebrate research,
                                                       with a focus on coral reef ecology."

                                                       Major: Marine Science
                                                       Minor: Geology

 Kalyn Alexus
"I started college with chronic social anxiety, and
no plans for my future. After my first two years, I
decided to become an SI leader for A+P 2. This
helped me overcome my fear of communication. I
finally had the courage to apply to the Honors
college while expanding my skills at the CAA. This
semester, I worked as the student coordinator for
SI and tutoring which provided me skills essential
to my future. After graduation, I plan to get
experience in the research field before I apply to
a research PhD program. I know I want to
research the brain, but I am unsure of which
concentration. My greatest accomplishment was
being able to financially support myself while
succeeding academically. There were times it felt
impossible, but it is moments like this that make it
all worth the struggle."

Major: Psychology
Concentration: Neuroscience
Eagle                                                Logan Alles
                                                "I am originally from Wisconsin. I work as a medical
                                                scribe at a cardiology office in Naples and
                                                previously scribed in Lee Health’s ED. I now intern in
                                                their Adult Specialty Care Division. At FGCU, I am
                                                president of Global Medical Brigades leading a
                                                mission to Panama this summer. I am a lead mentor
                                                in the Honors Mentor program and am now writing
                                                an Honors thesis about the program. I am an
                                                inaugural member of FGCU’s Millennium Fellowship,
                                                a United Nations leadership program centered
                                                around sustainability. I participated in Honors
                                                Immokalee Immersion trips for three years and
                                                coordinated PPE donation drives, blood pressure
                                                clinics, and a mask-making event on campus to
                                                benefit Immokalee residents. I helped start the
                                                Campus Cancer Campaign and served on FGCU’s
                                                Legal Advocacy Team to help secure funding for
                                                the new Water School. I will be attending medical
                                                school in July at Kansas City University."

         2022 FGCU Hall of Fame Recipient
                                                Major: Health Science

Madelynn Baird
"My name is Madelynn Baird. One thing I
consider a past accomplishment is my
years as a VPK Teacher. I was able to
develop the skills needed and make
connections in this position for my future as
an educator. They were my first class, and
they made an amazing impact on my life.
My future plans include to work in the
School District of Lee County. I hope to have
my own first or second grade classroom as
well as continue to develop professionally
throughout the years. After a few years
teaching, I plan to become certified in
Gifted Education. As well as planning to
become certified to teach Fourth through
Sixth Grade."

Major: Early Childhood Education
Jacqueline Bedard
                                                 "After three years as a student at Florida Gulf Coast
                                                 University, I am finally graduating with my Bachelor
                                                 of Science in Psychology with a minor in Education.
                                                 Through my experiences at FGCU, I discovered my
                                                 life-long passion for education and educational
                                                 equity. Over the last three years I have grown as an
                                                 educator through my positions as a tutor with New
                                                 Horizons and the Sunshine Method, a mentor with
                                                 the Take Stock in Children scholarship program, an
                                                 online English teacher to children in China, and a
                                                 student teacher at my internship. I am excited to
                                                 continue my journey as an educator in the fall. I
                                                 have just accepted a position with Teach for
                                                 America to work as an elementary school teacher in
                                                 Baltimore city public schools for the next two years.
                                                 With Teach for America, I will be working towards
                                                 addressing educational inequity and closing the
                                                 educational achievement gap."

                                                 Major: Psychology
                                                 Minor: Education

Samantha Bellomo
 "I started my bachelor's when my daughter,
 Avery, was just over a year old. Throughout
 my time at FGCU, I did research for a local
 company called Energy Harness to test the
 efficacy of their air purification device for
 the COVID-19 pandemic. The research has
 directly impacted the community, and I am
 proud to have been a part of it. During the
 height of the pandemic, my daughter and I
 stayed home together; I'm not sure how I
 was a stay-at-home mom and a full-time
 student, but one of my biggest
 accomplishments is making it through. In
 the future, I plan to get some experience in
 the field and eventually continue my

 Major: Bioengineering
Rachel Bledsoe Bass
                                               "My name is Rachel Bledsoe Bass and I am
                                               an Elementary Education major. I am
                                               completing my bachelor's degree this
                                               Spring of 2022. My interests at FGCU have
                                               included working on research projects in
                                               the field of education and English as a
                                               second language. In the future, I plan to
                                               work as an elementary school teacher in
                                               Lee County and continue on to graduate

                                               Major: Elementary Education

Autumn Boone
"My name is Autumn Boone and I am
graduating this spring with my Bachelor's in
Exercise Science. Being apart of FGCU
these past four years has been incredible
and allowed me to accomplish many
things. I have been a member of FGCU
Women's Lacrosse team for four years and
on the executive board for the past three. I
was able to complete an honors thesis,
participate in honors symposiums, and be
an honors college outstanding first year
student. I am grateful for all of the
memories I have created and all the
knowledge I have learned. In the future, I
plan on going to Medical school in hopes
of becoming an ER physician."

Major: Exercise Science
Margaret Boswell
                                                         "Throughout my time at FGCU, I have
                                                         participated in numerous service-learning
                                                         opportunities, clubs, scholarly experiences, and
                                                         have made lifelong friends along the way. In
                                                         total, I have earned 514 service learning hours.
                                                         Additionally, I served on the executive board of
                                                         FGCU’s Pre-Physician Assistant Association as the
                                                         Community Outreach Chairperson, completed an
                                                         Honors Thesis, and maintained a 4.0 GPA. After
                                                         graduation, I will be accepting a position as an
                                                         Exercise Physiologist at NCH Pulmonary
                                                         Rehabilitation. I will also be applying to physician
                                                         assistant schools this year to pursue my goal of
                                                         becoming a physician assistant. I would like to
                                                         thank my mom and dad for their continued
                                                         support, for inspiring my love for learning, and for
                                                         teaching me the importance of service to others."

                                                         Major: Exercise Science

Jackie Bradford
"I am Jackie Bradford and a proud Eagle here at
FGCU. I was a Resident Assistant for two years in
both North Lake and West Lake. I was awarded as
the Community Builder of the year in Spring 2021. I
was a founding member of Delta Gamma, and the
first VP: Finance. I was active in Area Council for
two years where I was the Eagle Hall Treasurer and
West Lake President. I was the Coordinator of
Development and a summer camp counselor for
Camp Kesem in Fall 2020 - Spring 2021. I have
achieved Summa Cum Laude. My current plan is to
attend graduate school and obtain a master’s
degree in either Criminal Justice or Criminology. I
have currently been accepted to Northeastern
University. I am still exploring my career path, but I
currently want to be a Crime Scene Investigator
and become a professor later on in life."

Double Major: Criminal Justice & Forensic Studies
Shawn Bradley
                                                      "My name is Shawn Bradley and I have had
                                                      many opportunities at FGCU. I held
                                                      leadership positions with the university as an
                                                      ambassador, an honors ambassador, and
                                                      the housing and residence life as a Resident
                                                      Assistant. I have completed over 380 service
                                                      learning hours during my undergrad. I have
                                                      presented on the regional, national, and
                                                      international levels representing many
                                                      entities across campus. I also completed four
                                                      internships and will be moving to Dallas,
                                                      Texas after graduation to work for Gartner.
                                                      My plan is to also attend graduate school."

                                                      Major: Integrated Studies
                                                      Minor: Management

Ashlee Brentlinger
"During my time at FGCU, I have been a four-year
student-athlete on the women’s soccer team,
excelling both on the field and in the classroom.
In addition to earning ASUN Conference All-
Academic Team honors twice, I have maintained
a 4.0 cumulative GPA as a Biology major with a
double minor in Chemistry and Psychology. Last
year, I was selected as a member of the
inaugural class of the FGCU Athletics E.A.G.L.E.
Leadership Institute. This year, I was awarded the
Seidler Fellowship for my undergraduate
research. Next fall, I plan to continue my athletic
and academic career at Idaho State University,
where I will be pursuing a master’s degree in
Medical Laboratory Science."

Major: Biology
Concentration: Pre-Professional
Double Minor: Chemistry & Psychology
Emma Brokopp
                                                         "During my time at FGCU, I was apart of Chi
                                                         Alpha campus ministry for two and a half
                                                         years. In my last year of being with them, I
                                                         became secretary and a student leader. I
                                                         got to mentor younger students and lead a
                                                         small group alongside my best friend (who I
                                                         met through Chi Alpha). In addition to chi
                                                         alpha, I was also vice president of the
                                                         wildlife club this year. Next year, I plan on
                                                         earning my teaching certification for biology
                                                         and teaching high school."

                                                         Major: Pre-Professional Biology

Kaitlyn Brown
"I am a psychology major graduate with a French
minor. I worked on campus as a Research Assistant
with Dr. Sinclair and Dr. Rodriguez-Meehan, Honors
Mentor, Instructional Assistant for Psychology,
Millennium Fellow, and a Student-Faculty Partner. I
cultivated five research projects, including one that
surveyed the incoming freshmen on their non-
cognitive skills to create targeted interventions and
another that explored the effect of a program where
children read to dogs on the children’s development
of empathy, motivation, and awareness of social
issues. I even discovered and named a virus! I also
worked with a team producing 450+ hours of service
and raising over $700 for Lover’s Key State Park and I
spent 24+ hours cooking for 600 people to raise
money for Immokalee and Make-a-Wish Foundation.
I am going to graduate school at University of
Kentucky for psychological research on how to better
educational systems and student outcomes."

Major: Psychology
Minor: French
Nikolina Cain
                                                             "My time at FGCU has gone so fast but has
                                                             been the best time of my life. Early on I found
                                                             interest in tutoring and became an Algebra
                                                             tutor for the Center of Academic Achievement. I
                                                             also took part in the Step Ahead Program as a
                                                             Supplemental Instructor. As a second year I
                                                             took part in the Honors College Mentor Program
                                                             and became an Honors College Mentor to 4
                                                             amazing mentees. The Honors College allowed
                                                             me to persevere in my academics and get
                                                             accepted into FGCUs Nursing Program. After
                                                             graduation I will begin my new job at East
                                                             Tennessee Children's Hospital as a Registered
                                                             Nurse in the NICU. I plan to go back to school to
                                                             get my Masters to become a Neonatal Nurse

                                                             Major: Nursing
                                                             Minor: Psychology

Dominique Caruso
"Over these incredible past few years at Florida Gulf
Coast University, I have been able to follow my two
passions, which are protecting /raising awareness
about the environment and marketing. I have been able
to carry out these two passions by working on numerous
research projects regarding Southwest Florida's
ecosystems and marine environments, as well as
participating with multiple social media marketing
research projects with staff and faculty in Lutgert
College of Business, which has resulted in me earning
the FGCU Water School Undergraduate Research
Assistantship Award and Lutgert College of Business:
Dean’s Award for Best Undergraduate Presentation.
Because of these two passions, I would like to one day
pursue a career path in Green Marketing, which will
hopefully bring about ecological awareness to the
public and will encourage them to make better
purchase decisions, which will mitigate our impacts and
create a healthier environment for all of us to live in. "

Major: Environmental Studies
Concentration: Ecology & Environmental Assessment
Minor: Marketing
Ignacio Castro
                                                    "One of my greatest accomplishments and
                                                    decisions of my entire life was to come to
                                                    FGCU. It wasn't easy, leaving my friends
                                                    and family behind was definitely
                                                    challenging, but at the end I believe it was
                                                    well worth it. During my time here at FGCU I
                                                    have met amazing people and made
                                                    great friendships that would last a lifetime.
                                                    I am very grateful for all the lessons I've
                                                    learned and excited for what's to come in
                                                    my future. I plan to return to FGCU this fall
                                                    to start my MBA and I have also accepted
                                                    a full time position at a digital marketing
                                                    agency in Naples."
                                                    Major: Marketing
                                                    Double Minor: Advertising & Economics

Collette Connolly
"Hi my name is Collette Connolly and I am super
excited to be graduating. I have completed many
internships throughout the duration of my time at
FGCU. Some cites include Lee County Sheriff’s
Office, and Ortino Investigations. I plan on
working for the local sheriffs office when I
graduate and then pursue a job in Crime Scene. I
am planning on getting my masters and pursue a
PhD in criminal justice in the future. I am so
excited to be able to start my career. I am so
thankful for the incredible support system I have
had throughout my college years. Thank you to
my parents, my boyfriend, and my amazing
professors. I couldn’t have done it without you."

Double Major: Forensic Studies & Criminal Justice
Ethan Cronk
                                                         "Over the past three years, I have had the privilege of
                                                         serving through numerous positions on campus.
                                                         These include serving as an Honors Mentor to five
                                                         students, a Learning Assistant for the Introduction to
                                                         Political Science Research course, the "LA LA" for the
                                                         Learning Assistant Program, a student reviewer for
                                                         the Aquila Student Research Journal, a member of
                                                         the Honors College Admissions Committee, and a
                                                         member of the Leadership Team for Impact Christian
                                                         Campus Fellowship. I have also presented three
                                                         original research projects at conferences: one at the
                                                         Honors College Student Research Symposium and
                                                         two at the Florida Undergraduate Research
                                                         Conference. After graduation, I plan to work in the
                                                         legal field for one year before attending law school
                                                         and pursuing a career as a lawyer."

                                                         Major: Political Science
                                                         Concentration: International Relations & Comparative Politics
                                                         Double Minor: Global Studies & Interdisciplinary Studies

Mel Duckson
"When I first came to FGCU in 2018, I and two other
devoted students wanted to raise awareness about
reproductive health and educating young people
about sexual health and contraceptives. We started
FGCU’s Generation Action. I wanted to get involved
with a Jewish sorority that provided a framework for
women to cultivate and experience a Jewish identity
that bridged the gap between a Jewish and Greek
Letter Organization. I was Member at large in 2019
and sectary on the executive board in 2020. From my
experience in the sorority it led me to Chabad. I have
currently served as a co-exec board member in the
Jewish leadership team of 2022. I now am working in
my major within Lee Health and getting to apply all I
have learned within my field."

Major: Health Science
Minor: Creative Writing
Cassandra Ebenhack
                                                        "I've had a great few years at FGCU and I
                                                        am excited to graduate with a bachelor's
                                                        degree in Criminal Justice and Forensic
                                                        Studies. During my time here I was able to
                                                        complete 193 service learning hours,
                                                        participate in 3 internships, and stay
                                                        involved on campus by working for
                                                        Campus Recreation. I hope to work full
                                                        time for a year after graduation and then
                                                        eventually attend law school."

                                                        Double Major: Criminal Justice & Forensic Studies

Youssef El Hamshary
"Hello! My name is Youssef El Hamshary and I have
been a member of the FGCU Honors College since
my sophomore year. I spent my last 4 years at FGCU
pursuing a degree in Health Science while
completing my pre-med requirements. My years at
FGCU have taught me many academic, personal,
and professional skills that will help me attain my
goals and attend medical school after graduation.
Attending FGCU has allowed me to connect and
build relationships with my professors and
classmates with similar interests increasing my
resolve to pursue a career in the medical field. I
have also had the opportunity to start independent
research which I plan to continue after graduation. I
have worked as a Medical Scribe in the Emergency
Department for Lee Health during my
undergraduate which has presented me with many
opportunities to learn and gain experience. I plan to
apply to medical school this cycle."

Major: Health Science
Abdallah Elokda
                                          "I serve as a member of the Honors
                                          Executive Board, representing the student
                                          voice in the short-term execution and long-
                                          term planning of the Honors College and
                                          fulfilling its mission. I serve as the President
                                          of TriBeta Biological Honors Society. I
                                          served as a member of the Student
                                          Government Executive Cabinet as the
                                          Director of Governmental Relations. I am
                                          the co-founder and Vice-President of The
                                          Diyabat Literacy Institute- serving the
                                          children of rural Egypt through educational,
                                          health, nutritional, and assistance
                                          programs. I plan to attend dental school
                                          and advance the field of oral health
                                          through entrepreneurship, technological
                                          innovation, and ground-breaking research!
                                          Major: Biology

Jessica Ely
"Hello all, my name is Jessica Ely I am
graduating from the nursing program
on the 8th with my BSN. I have loved
being a part of this school and
participating in the honors college.
Go Eagles!"

Major: Nursing
Matthew Evans
                                              "I am thrilled to be graduating this spring Magna
                                              Cum Laude with a degree in Finance with a
                                              concentration in financial analysis and
                                              management. Upon graduation, I will be moving
                                              to Cincinnati, Ohio in June to start my career with
                                              Fifth Third Bank. At Fifth Third, I will be working with
                                              the commercial lending group as a credit analyst.
                                              I am excited to start this next chapter in my life
                                              and cannot wait to see where it takes me. I
                                              enrolled at FGCU not knowing exactly what I
                                              wanted to do, but I quickly found a purpose
                                              through my professors in the Finance program. I
                                              am excited for what the future holds for all Spring
                                              2022 graduates! I am proud to be an Eagle and I
                                              cannot thank the FGCU family enough for the
                                              impact they have had on me as a person!"

                                              Major: Finance

    Grace Farris
"My name is Grace Farris and I am
graduating with my degree in Psychology
with minors in Sociology and Gender
Studies. I currently interning for Project
Help on their 24/7 helpline and as a TA for
Professor Swanson for almost three years.
After graduation, I plan to pursue further
studies with a research position and I
eventually plan to work in sex education
or research."

Major: Psychology
Double Minor: Sociology & Gender Studies
Julia Filip
                                                       "My four years at FGCU have flown by. I have
                                                       been a Student-Athlete and member of the
                                                       Women’s Cross Country team for the past four
                                                       years and a member of the Eagles Council.
                                                       Being involved in athletics and being a part of a
                                                       team have really helped to shape the person
                                                       that I am today. I am a Biochemistry major, and
                                                       in addition to participating in athletics here at
                                                       FGCU, I have been a member of the Honor’s
                                                       College, Global Medical Brigades, and the
                                                       Chemistry Club. I have also had the privilege of
                                                       being a TA for Professor Davies and working as
                                                       part of his research team working with
                                                       Photoacoustic Imaging. I am excited for what
                                                       the future holds for me. In the fall, I will be
                                                       pursuing my PharmD degree at Mercer
                                                       University College of Pharmacy in Atlanta,

                                                       Major: Biochemistry

    Katelin Foster
"My name is Katelin Foster, and I am graduating
with a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor
in Chemistry. During my time at FCGU I had the
opportunity to serve as Student Director of the
Honors Ambassadors, the Secretary of Global
Medical Brigades, and work as a research
assistant and lab leader in Dr. Lee’s BioNano lab.
Some of my favorite classes have been Honors
Foundations of Civic Engagement with Professor
Satkoski and Medical Fiction and Illustration with
Dr. Weiss. In addition to academics, I also work as
a medical scribe in the Naples Community Hospital
emergency department. I am excited to be
applying to medical school this admission cycle
and working and traveling during my upcoming
gap year! Looking ahead at what’s to come I am
incredibly grateful for the experiences I’ve had and
the people I’ve met at FGCU. "

Major: Biology
Concentration: Pre-Professional
Minor: Chemistry
Christopher Frank
                                                     "After graduating high school in 2013, I
                                                     joined the Marine Corps Infantry. In those 4
                                                     years I was deployed twice; once as a team
                                                     leader. I’ve got to experience a whole side
                                                     of life that helped shape me into who I am
                                                     today. I was honorably discharged in
                                                     December 2017, then shortly after began my
                                                     Software Engineering degree here at FGCU
                                                     in the Spring of 2018. Now, I am graduating
                                                     with my degree and will be moving to
                                                     Redmond, Washington to begin my full-time
                                                     Software Engineering position with
                                                     Microsoft. My entire life I chose not to do
                                                     the easy thing and going forward I will
                                                     continue to do that."

                                                     Major: Software Engineering

Matthew Galant
"Being born and raised in New York City, the
experiences and opportunities provided by the
Honors College and the greater FGCU community
helped me to feel at home during my time here. I
was able to gain research and presenting
experience through the Honors Student Research
Symposium, and I obtained a leadership position
in the Tyto Center for Campus Policy. I was able
to become more connected to our community
through volunteering with the fStop Foundation
and our campus's food pantry. All skills and
experiences that I believe to be important to my
success in attaining a degree in Political Science
and my future in pursuing a legal career. My time
at FGCU has made me confident in my abilities to
attend and succeed in law school in the fall, and
I am thankful for that."

Major: Political Science
Concentration: Law & Politics
Camila Garcia
                                                          "Hi Eagles! My name is Camila Garcia, and I am a
                                                          senior majoring in Biochemistry with a minor in
                                                          Biology. I am from Naples, Florida and a first-
                                                          generation Colombian American. I am a student
                                                          researcher working on optimizing techniques for
                                                          detection of DNA found in fingerprints. Away
                                                          from research, I am involved in various RSOs on
                                                          campus. Currently, I serve as the President of the
                                                          FGCU Chemistry Club and treasurer of Project
                                                          Narrative. I was part of the first cohort of the
                                                          Millennium Fellowship from FGCU, and an
                                                          editorial board member of the inaugural Florida
                                                          Undergraduate Research Journal (FURJ). In
                                                          addition, I was also selected as one of the nine
                                                          students’ part of the Hall of Fame 2022. In the
                                                          coming Fall, I will be attending Yale University for
                                                          my PhD in Biochemistry! My goal is to research
                                                          protein folding and interactions to target
                                                          genetic diseases caused by misfolded proteins."

                                                          Major: Biochemistry
      2022 FGCU Hall of Fame Recipient
                                                          Minor: Biology

Miguel Garcia Aportela
 "I was born and raised in a small town in Cuba
 under a totalitarian dictatorship. Lucky for me, I
 had the opportunity to escape communism and
 immigrate to the land of the free at the age of 16.
 When I first got to the U.S., I didn’t speak a word of
 English and had no idea what an ATM was, much
 less the stock market. However, during my senior
 year of high school, I took a class that mentioned
 the importance of investing and the role of capital
 markets. From there on, I was hooked. That led me
 to declare a major in Finance and pursue higher
 education. During my time at FGCU, I received
 multiple scholarships that facilitated me with the
 tools to become the first one in my family to
 graduate from college. Upon graduation, I will be
 joining PNC as a Corporate and Institutional
 Banking Analyst in Dallas, TX."

 Major: Finance
 Concentration: Financial Analysis & Management
 Minor: Economics
Stephanie Garcia
                                                      "I am a Health Science major and will be
                                                      graduating as a first generation student this
                                                      May with a Bachelor’s of Science degree.
                                                      This coming fall, I will be applying to
                                                      graduate schools to pursue a Master of
                                                      Occupational Therapy degree. Within
                                                      occupational therapy, I am leaning toward
                                                      working with children who are either on the
                                                      autism spectrum or have suffered traumatic
                                                      brain/spinal cord injuries. Apart from my
                                                      educational endeavors, I am very passionate
                                                      about serving others. Throughout my time at
                                                      FGCU, I have served on the executive board
                                                      of Global Medical Brigades, and have been a
                                                      member of Hunting For a Cure, The Big C,
                                                      and the Honors College."

                                                      Major: Health Science

   Jairo Garciga
"I was born in Cuba and raised Naples, Florida. I
began attending FGCU in Fall of 2019 with hopes
of receiving a degree in Software Engineering.
During my time here I fell in Mathematics and
decided to add on a Math minor. I also became
an officer for ICCF and held the roles of Vice-
President and President as well as being an
officer for the Software Engineering Club and
holding the Treasurer position. In the last year of
my studies, I began assisting Dr. Koufakou of the
Software Engineering Department with research,
which culminated in a presentation on Eagle X.
In a month I will head out to Seattle for an
internship with Meta and in the Fall I will be
attending UF for a Master's Degree in Computer
Science. With these opportunities, I hope to one
day work in the Machine Learning side of
Software Engineering."

Major: Software Engineering
Minor: Mathematics
Madeline Gaugler
                                                   "As a student at FGCU, I have been able to get
                                                   involved and accomplish numerous things on
                                                   campus. By getting involved in Greek Life, I have been
                                                   able to serve on multiple executive boards, including
                                                   serving as both the Vice President and Director of
                                                   Programming for my sorority. In addition, I got to
                                                   serve as the Treasurer on the first Order of Omega
                                                   executive board. Outside of Greek Life, I have been
                                                   able to serve on the Residential Conduct Committee
                                                   for three years, the past two of which I have served
                                                   as the Chair. Within my community I have gotten
                                                   involved in Area Council and am currently serving as
                                                   the delegate. In the Fall semester, I was able to intern
                                                   with the Department of Children and Families. All of
                                                   these accomplishments and involvements have led
                                                   to my passion which is helping others, especially
                                                   children. As I prepare to graduate I plan to teach in
                                                   Lee County as a middle school teacher and
                                                   eventually hope to get my Masters Degree in Higher

                                                   Double Major: Forensic Studies & Psychology
                                                   Minor: Education

    Kori Gordon
"I was born and raised in Cape Coral, Florida. I
went to Mariner High School and started dual
enrollment at FSW in my junior year. I was full-
time at FSW for my senior year and graduated
from high school in May 2019. I finished my
Associates in Arts at FSW in Spring 2020 and
transferred to FGCU in Fall 2020 for my
bachelor's. Last August, I started interning at
My Autism Connection (MAC), a non-profit
that serves autistic adults aged 18-50. It has
been an amazing experience where I have
learned so much. Now, at age 20, I am
graduating early with my BA in Psychology
from my dream school. After this, I plan to get
my Master's in Counseling and become a
Licensed Mental Health Counselor."

Major: Psychology
Ashley Greulich
                                                      "As a full-time student and student-employee at Florida Gulf
                                                      Coast University (FGCU), I have invested the last two years in
                                                      attaining my bachelor’s in psychology with a core
                                                      concentration in neuroscience. I am grateful to have been and
                                                      continue to be a substantially impactful member within FGCU
                                                      and the southwest Florida community. During my time at FGCU, I
                                                      have positively fulfilled my expanding roles as a teaching,
                                                      learning, and research assistant, faculty partner, and program
                                                      coordinator while achieving competitive grades and
                                                      completing over 180 service-learning hours. While I actively seek
                                                      Ph.D. programs for the 2023 cohort, I plan to continue working
                                                      closely with students and faculty here during my “gap” year
                                                      where I look to be a part of the continued growth of our
                                                      campus, expansion of programs, on-going and new research,
                                                      and faculty development. My goal is to build a career in
                                                      academia as a professor and researcher where I can engage in
                                                      faculty development, continue research in the STEM field, and
                                                      build partnerships that will improve student experiences in their
                                                      courses. My relationships with faculty, administration, students,
                                                      and affiliates have proven to be effective toward achieving
                                                      learning and program goals, and I am confident that my
                                                      reputation as a passionate academic, leader, and colleague
                                                      will provide additional opportunities for me to fulfil my purpose
                                                      and continue to give back to society."

                                                      Major: Psychology, Neuroscience

Nicholas Guilfoile
"I grew up in Dunedin, graduating from Clearwater
Central Catholic High School and moving into
FGCU in 2018. I was part of the Literary Magazine
back in high school which lead me to work as an
editor for The Mangrove Review, contributing
mainly to this and last year's volumes. In the
process of my studies here as an English major, I
have earned and maintained a 3.7 GPA and made
it into The President's List for both the Fall and
Spring semesters of 2021. This semester I have been
working as a writing consultant for the Center of
Academic Achievement and doing research on
creative writing programs across Florida for the
Department of Language as part of an internship. I
have been accepted into the Literature MA
program at USF and plan to one day work as a
Professor of Creative Writing."

Major: English
Double Minor: Creative Writing &
Interdisciplinary Studies
Lynn Gutierrez
                                              "I’ve been a dedicated and headstrong
                                              student throughout my years of education. I
                                              have excelled in many different
                                              environments where obstacles have always
                                              been ahead of me. I have lent my time in
                                              many voluntary ways to help those in need
                                              during trying times. Continuously, I’ve had a
                                              strong passion and drive to work with young
                                              children. This drive has lead me to my future
                                              plans of working where I am currently
                                              interning at the Preschool of the Lamb. It has
                                              been a pleasure working at Creative World’s
                                              Preschool of the Lamb, thus continuing with
                                              them during graduate school would be a
                                              dream come true."

                                              Major: Child and Youth Studies

Katia Gutierrez
"I was on the deans list or presidents list
every semester. I did a study away to Zuni,
New Mexico through the honors program. I
went through the runway program. I plan
to start a creative marketing job after
graduation along with running my
photography business on the side. My
goal is to gain experience and help small
businesses in Southwest Florida grow."

Major: Entrepreneurship
Minor: Marketing
Jack Hellmer
                                              "I chose FGCU with one goal in mind, which was to
                                              finish college as a business owner. Over the past
                                              four years, I have been on an entrepreneurial
                                              journey to make this dream become a reality.
                                              Throughout this journey, I discovered my love for
                                              entrepreneurship and utilizing it to have a positive
                                              influence on others. Through the FGCU Runway
                                              Program, I launched my business UBYou. UBYou is
                                              a student specific mental health app designed to
                                              help students and counselors get to the root cause
                                              of their issue faster and more effectively. I am a
                                              proud brother of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity
                                              and helped raise over $9,000 for the David
                                              Lawrence Center for Behavioral Health this
                                              semester. Through my internship with the
                                              Immokalee Foundation, I discovered I have a
                                              passion for teaching entrepreneurship. I plan to
                                              pursue teaching in the future after completing my
                                              Master’s in Entrepreneurship here at FGCU."

                                              Major: Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Studies

  Cassidy Holz
"As a graduating senior this spring, it has
been busy but impactful, as I have been a
student completing a full time internship
and working part time. I have worked hard
to graduate with honors by fulfilling the
accomplishments that are necessary by
having over a 3.5 GPA, completing over 160
service learning hours, and completing
honors courses and contracts. I am proud
to accomplish all of these goals, while
being a successful students."

Major: Elementary Education
Emerald Horner
                                               "At FGCU, I have grown and flourished. I
                                               have embarked on a leadership &
                                               education journey that has made me who
                                               I am today. I am very thankful for
                                               receiving the presidential leadership
                                               award and am hopeful for the future fgcu
                                               has provided for me. I plan on taking a
                                               year off to work full time while applying
                                               for graduate school for healthcare

                                               Major: Health Science
                                               Minor: Management

Cassidy Hughes
"My name is Cass and I am graduating with
a Bachelors of Science in Public Health with
a minor in Psychology, and with the Honors
College! FGCU truly has given me so many
opportunities to grow as a person and I will
be forever thankful of all that it has given
me. The Honors college gave me some of
the best of friends and colleagues I could
have asked for. I plan on coming back for a
Masters in Occupational Therapy in 2023
and could not be more excited :)"

Major: Public Health
Minor: Psychology
Shelby Hugo
                                                      "During my time at FGCU I was able to
                                                      maintain both the President's and Dean's
                                                      list every semester. i had numerous
                                                      leadership positions including Sisterhood
                                                      Director of Chi Omega, treasurer of Best
                                                      Buddies, outreach coordinator and two
                                                      time director of Camp Kesem. I will be
                                                      furthering my education at FGCU in the
                                                      Master's of Science in Occupational
                                                      Therapy Program in the fall and look
                                                      forward to continuing my legacy as an
                                                      FGCU eagle."

                                                      Major: Public Health

Thomas Iacovino
"I began at FGCU in the Accelerated Collegiate
Experience (ACE) program, which set me up for
success in the Honors College and shaped me
into the leader I am today. My work at FGCU,
through my coursework, involvements, and
research has largely evolved around the
intersections of philosophy and religion, and
social justice. Over the past few years, I’ve
engaged in research with Dr. Landon Frim and Dr.
Miles Hentrup, served as an ACE Mentor, been
the President of Gulf Coast Wesley Foundation,
and completed an Internship with the
Multicultural and Leadership Development
Center. In the fall, I will be attending Penn State
to pursue my Masters of Education (M.Ed) in
Higher Education. While studying, I will also be
working as the Graduate Assistant for the
Schreyer Honors College."

Major: Philosophy
Double Minor: Religious Studies & Critical Theory
Quinton Jeske
                                                        "I'm proud of a lot that I’ve done at FGCU. I’m glad to
                                                        have been in GSA and YDSA leadership, on the team
                                                        writing the 2021-2022 Activity and Service Fee Budget
                                                        as a Student Government Senator, and a student
                                                        representative on the Student Code of Conduct
                                                        committee. In 2021 my civic engagement team won
                                                        the Creating Healthy Communities and Best
                                                        Organization awards at Eagle X. Due to my service
                                                        both on and off of campus I’m one of the Spring 2022
                                                        winners of the Excellence in Civic Engagement
                                                        Award. I’ve presented several research projects at
                                                        Eagle X, including honors biochemistry research into
                                                        AlphaFold protein shape predictive accuracy, my
                                                        sociology research into Crisis Pregnancy Centers in
                                                        Florida, and research in Biology to find and isolate
                                                        antimicrobial producing Actinomycetes. I look
                                                        forward to continuing my research, community
                                                        service, and civic engagement as I pursue a career
                                                        as an accepting Family Practice Doctor."

                                                        Major: Biology (Pre-Professional)
                                                        Minor: Philosophy

 Kaelyn Julmeus
"Kaelyn is graduating with a B.S. in Biology. She has
served as a tutor and TA with the Center for Academic
Achievement, Whitaker Center, and Department of
Chemistry & Physics. Beyond that, she worked as a
Scholars and University ambassador, while
maintaining her role as Vice President in 2021 and
President in 2022 for the Cancer Research Program
RSO. She has worked closely with Dr. Rhodes working
on breast cancer research for over two years and
presented her work at the Southern Regional Honors
and the American Association for Cancer Researchers
Conference. Her accomplishments and impact in the
community has led her to become inducted into the
Hall of Fame and winner of the Excellence in Civic
Engagement award. After graduation, Kaelyn will be
completing a Fulbright grant in Poland for an English
Teaching Assistantship. Upon return, she has
accepted a post-baccalaureate position with the
National Cancer Institute. During her sabbatical, she
will apply to medical school to pursue a career in
surgical oncology."

Major: Pre-Professional Biology                         2022 FGCU Hall of Fame Recipient
Kaylei Kambak
                                                    "My personal philosophy is ultimately governed by
                                                    passion and self-drive to be the absolute best
                                                    version of myself; for me, this is achieved through
                                                    growing and exceling in all areas. Throughout my
                                                    time at FGCU, I have consistently stacked my plate
                                                    high with responsibilities. Reflecting on my
                                                    involvement and achievements, I am extremely
                                                    proud of myself and the person I have become.
                                                    Although most of my hard work went unnoticed, I
                                                    kept pushing to get where I am today. This semester
                                                    alone, I have met many of my goals for the year:
                                                    passing the FE exam, getting accepted into the
                                                    Environmental Engineering Graduate Program at
                                                    USF, and accepting a full-time position with Tetra
                                                    Tech upon graduation. My next goal is to obtain my
                                                    Professional Engineer licensure. It is immensely
                                                    rewarding to have all my hard work shed its light and
                                                    I am overwhelmed with excitement for my future."

                                                    Major: Environmental Engineering
                                                    Minor: Spanish

Heather Kaufman
"I am graduating with a B.A. in Communication
with a concentration in Public Relations and a
B.S. in Resort and Hospitality Management,
and have maintained a 4.0 cumulative GPA
throughout my past four years at FGCU. Over
the years, I have been involved on campus in
many different ways including working as a
Resident Assistant, working as an Orientation
Leader, and serving as the Vice President of
FGCU’s student chapter of the Florida Public
Relations Association (FPRA). My career goals
involve working in communications, public
relations, or marketing in either a corporate or
agency setting, with a special interest in the
hospitality industry."

Double Major: Resort and Hospitality Management &
Concentration: Public Relations
Accalia Khan
                                           "Hello everyone! My name is Accalia Khan. I am an
                                           International Student at Florida Gulf Coast
                                           University hailing from the beautiful country of
                                           Guyana on the northern tip South America. I am
                                           graduating with my BSc. In Biology and a minor in
                                           Chemistry. My plan after graduation is to return
                                           home to work for a year in the Environmental Sector
                                           while I apply to graduate school, hopefully in
                                           Europe, to attain my Masters in Conservation
                                           Biology and Sustainability. I am delighted to be a
                                           First-Generation Graduate and to excel in my field
                                           as a Woman in STEM. During my years at FGCU, I
                                           have been a part of the Swim Club, Eagle I
                                           Ambassador Program, Honors Mentor Program and I
                                           have conducted and presented research. Overall, I
                                           am grateful for this experience to grow, and for my
                                           professors, my friends, and my family for being so
                                           supportive throughout it all. "

                                           Major: Biology
                                           Concentration: Organismal Biology & Ecology
                                           Minor: Chemistry

Caitlyn Klein
"My name is Caitlyn Klein and I'm
graduating with my bachelor's degree in
Public Health. My accomplishments
include maintaining all A's with my
undergraduate degree and graduating
Magna Cum Laude. Another
accomplishment of mine is getting
accepted into graduate school for the
master's program in Occupational
Therapy. My future plan is to become a
Pediatric Occupational Therapist helping
and working with children in the
healthcare field."

Major: Public Health
Rachel Kogan
                                                      "Rachel Rose Kogan is an accomplished FGCU
                                                      Undergrad and proud member of the Honors
                                                      College! A member of Phi Eta Sigma, Omicron
                                                      Delta Kappa, and the Beta Gamma Sigma
                                                      Honors Societies, Rachel has also served on the
                                                      Lutgert Student Advisory Board and the Honors
                                                      Senate Scholarship Committee. Additionally,
                                                      she has been on the Dean's List twice, received
                                                      a 2021 Southern Regional Honors Council
                                                      Annual Conference Nomination and Invite, and
                                                      is in top 10% of both FGCU Students and
                                                      students at the Lutgert College of Business. She
                                                      is returning to get her MBA at FGCU in the Fall
                                                      of 2023 with a Data Analytics Concentration.
                                                      Her goals are to attend the UF Levin College of
                                                      Law and to become a lawyer specializing in
                                                      entertainment and/or IP law, as well as in
                                                      private business practices and digitization."

                                                      Major: Computer Information Systems

Gabriella Konicek
"Hello! My name is Gabriella Konicek. I am a
graduating senior at FGCU majoring in Business
Management. Throughout my time at FGCU, I have
been an active member of Kappa Delta Sorority as
well as the Honors College. I served as an Honors
College Mentor, as well as held a part-time job at
the Hartley Academic Resource Center at Alico
Arena. I have also had the pleasure of representing
the student body on the Lutgert College of Business
Student Advisory Board. In my free time at FGCU, I
have sung in the Bower School of Music Women’s
Choir and have volunteered with the Girl Scouts of
Southwest Florida/Prevent Child Abuse America.
After graduation I will be receiving my Florida
Teaching Certificate for English grades 6-12 and
moving back to Tampa. I have absolutely loved my
time at FGCU, met the most amazing people, and
had the best education. Go Eagles! "

Major: Business Management
Bethany Kruger
                                                        "After graduating high school with my AA, I
                                                        transferred to FGCU and began working on a BA
                                                        in Psychology. During these last two years, I
                                                        have had the pleasure of being a part of
                                                        Reformed University Fellowship (RUF),
                                                        Psychology Club, and the Student Occupational
                                                        Therapy Association (SOTA). I was also involved
                                                        in service and became a regular volunteer at
                                                        We Rock the Spectrum. One of my greatest
                                                        accomplishments was working on research with
                                                        Dr. Reuter. We published two articles on how
                                                        COVID-related restrictions impacted college
                                                        students. In the fall, I will be attending the
                                                        University of Florida’s Doctor of Occupational
                                                        Therapy program to pursue my dream of
                                                        becoming an occupational therapist."

                                                        Major: Psychology

Jessica Landwer
"While I was at FGCU, I was involved in various clubs
and leadership positions that helped shape who I
am today. I was fortunate to be the president of the
Mindful Living club, leading students through
guided meditations and contemplative practices
for inner healing and spiritual connection. I was a
member of the Food Forest club, which introduced
me to a relationship with sustainable food. I was a
Teacher’s Assistant for The Contemplative Life
course for two semesters, which strengthened my
ability to lead. I completed an intensive nutrition
program through the Institute of Integrative
Nutrition, becoming a certified Integrative Nutrition
Health Coach. For my career, I plan to use my past
experiences and my certification to help people
heal from hormone imbalances, digestive issues,
thyroid disease, metabolic dysfunction, and mental
illnesses through a functional nutrition approach."

Major: Integrated Studies
Minor: Psychology
Riley Lewellen
                                               "My experience at FGCU is something I will
                                               cherish for the rest of my life. Here, I have
                                               found my community. I’ve had the
                                               opportunity to learn, to lead and to give
                                               of myself to a community that has given
                                               me so much in return. As a political
                                               science major, my classes have stoked my
                                               love of the law and a passion for our
                                               democracy. I plan to serve our country in
                                               the Air Force, and continue my academic
                                               pursuits in law school."

                                               Major: Political Science
                                               Concentration: Law & Politics

Abril Lopez Ochoa
"I have participated in many events
throughout my years here at FGCU and I
loved every second of it. From being a
Learning Assistant for Dr. O’Neill, being a
student worker under Julie Rose, to being
Vice President of the Society of Hispanic
Professional Engineers. I plan to work for a
Civil Engineering firm in Naples after

Major: Civil Engineering
Minor: Environmental Engineering
Joshua Lukas
                                                     "I came to this university as a First-Generation
                                                     student without knowing exactly what path I
                                                     would find myself on. I quickly found my niche in
                                                     the Men's Club Soccer Team and the Accounting
                                                     Society here at FGCU, and it is somewhere I have
                                                     been able to see myself grow as a leader and in
                                                     knowledge of the career path I am headed
                                                     towards. After graduation, I will be moving to
                                                     California to continue this journey of figuring out
                                                     my path. Using my accounting degree, I hope to
                                                     find myself within one of the "Big 4" accounting
                                                     firms to be able to continue to learn new
                                                     practices as my career goes on. Additionally, to
                                                     continue my other extracurriculars, I plan to join
                                                     a soccer team in California or pursue a side
                                                     career in coaching - something I have become
                                                     very fond of in recent years."

                                                     Major: Accounting

Kelly Maguire
"During my time at FGCU, I served as the Community
Engagement Chair for the Honors Executive Board. I
became a member of this board due to my work as
a mental health advocate, both locally and
nationally. In Spring 2021, I earned the "Best
Independent Service-Learning Project" and
"Children Are Our Future" awards at Community
Engagement Day, after working with Lee Health as
a mental health advocate for youth in Southwest
Florida. Today, I continue my advocacy work with
Active Minds, a national mental health non-profit,
where I currently serve as one of only 25 students
selected in the country on their Student Advisory
Committee. After graduation, I plan on continuing
to advocate for mental health and hope to work for
Active Minds, helping to guide and mentor college
and high school students on their advocacy
journeys all over the country."

Major: Psychology, Interdisciplinary Studies
Danielle Martin
                                                       "I am a second degree black belt in karate who is
                                                       striving to be an Olympic athlete. In the future, I see
                                                       myself going to the Olympics in 2028. I have traveled
                                                       all over the world on the USA Karate Team and
                                                       placed 1st in the world in London, 2019. In the future, I
                                                       see myself continuing my passion of karate and also
                                                       working as a Forensic Drug Chemist, corrections
                                                       officer, or crime scene investigator. I have a love for
                                                       MMA and see myself eventually fighting and
                                                       debuting in the UFC. Criminal Justice will always be a
                                                       love of mine and my heart will always be within the
                                                       law enforcement field. I am currently working at
                                                       Southwest Regional Juvenile Detention Center as a
                                                       Juvenile Detention Officer. This job continues to open
                                                       the door to so many new opportunities and allows
                                                       me to make an impact on the lives of delinquent
                                                       youth. No matter where life takes me and what
                                                       accomplishments and goals I am able to succeed in, I
                                                       know that my drive and passion will make a positive
                                                       impact on everyone around me."

                                                       Double Major: Criminal Justice & Forensic Studies

Joshua McIntyre
"I have connected with many talented students and
excellent professors during my time at FGCU. The
Entrepreneurship Program has created the knowledge
and tools I need to start my new business ventures
successfully. Also, the Lucas and Lutghert halls
provided a favorable environment for conducting
startup research regarding idea viability and
crowdfunding campaigns. I was able to submit some
of these results for the FGCU Research Day, and I
discovered many service-learning opportunities
along the way. Giving back to Lovers Key State Park
was one of my favorite projects for learning and
maintaining the local environment. Lastly, but most
importantly, FGCU swiftly improved my written and
verbal communication skills, which fixed some of my
weaknesses and improved my social network for my
post-graduation career. I have many options open,
but my plans include partnering with ENT students to
launch a service website for incoming college

Major: Entrepreneurship
Minors: Management & Marketing
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