Find YOUR FUN NOW at - LAKE BLUFF PARK DISTRICT - autumn 2022 online program & activity ...

Page created by Loretta Becker
Find YOUR FUN NOW at - LAKE BLUFF PARK DISTRICT - autumn 2022 online program & activity ...


Find YOUR FUN NOW at - LAKE BLUFF PARK DISTRICT - autumn 2022 online program & activity ...
Your Lake Bluff Fall Program Guide
                                                                                      Table of Contents

                                                                                      Contacts and Phone Numbers ................2

                                                                                      FAQ ................................................................3

                                                                                      Friends of Lake Bluff Parks........................4

                                                                                      Trunk or Treat ..............................................5

                                                                                      Rentals ..........................................................6

                                                                                      Shelter Reservations ..................................7

                                                                                      Park District Map ........................................8

                                                                                      Special Recreation NSSRA........................9

                                                                                      Parent/Child & Holiday Events..............10

                                                                                      Preschool – Lake Bluff Preschool ............11

                                                                                      Preschool Enrichment and STEAM ......17

                                                                                      Afterschool Enrichment and STEAM ..20
    355 W. Washington Avenue • Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044
       Phone 847-234-4150 •                                    Before-and After-School Care................21

                                                                                      Gymnastics ................................................23
Your Park District Board
Jennifer Beeler, President                                                            Dance – Lake Bluff School of Dance ....25
Niki Walsh, Vice President
Scott Weber, Treasurer                                                                Glitzy Girls..................................................30
Paul Greenfield
Emily Lane                                                                            Magic Class ..............................................30
Susan Raymoure
Ann Rieder                                                                            Youth Basketball ........................................31

Ancel Glink, P.C., Attorney                                                           5 Star Sports ..............................................34

Park Board Meetings                                                                   Track and Field Games ............................36
The Park Board meetings are scheduled at 6:30 pm the fourth Monday of each
                                                                                      Junior Afterschool Tennis ......................37
month at Lake Bluff Park District Recreation Center at Blair Park, 355 West
Washington in Lake Bluff. The public is invited to attend meetings. Committees are
                                                                                      Platform Tennis ........................................38
scheduled during the year so please visit for agendas.
                                                                                      Pickleball ....................................................42

        Mail-In, Fax or Drop Off Registration Now!                                    Lake Bluff Health & Fitness Center ......43
  Online Resident Registration begins Saturday, August 13 at 9:00 am
  Office/Fax Resident Registration begins Monday, August 15 at 9:00 am                PTO Pumpkin Chase ................................47
   Non–Resident Registration begins Tuesday, August 23 at 9:00 am                     Registration................................................48

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John Bealer                                   We are here to serve your                                 Park District Proof of Residency
Executive Director                            recreation and leisure
Chief Administrator of the District.                                                                    To verify eligibility for residential rates for pro-
                                              needs.                                                    grams, passes, memberships and other Lake
847-457-7346                                  Feel free to call us with any of                          Bluff Park District events and services, each
                                              your concerns at any time. All                            resident must submit several documents to
Jim Lakeman                                   phone numbers listed here have                            verify that your primary residence is located
Superintendent of Recreation, Facility &                                                                within the corporate boundaries of the Park
                                              voicemail so you may leave
Safety Services                                                                                         District. Accepted forms of documentary verifica-
                                              messages 24 hours a day.
Department Head for recreation programs                                                                 tion include, but are not limited to, copies of:
and services, safety and outreach services,   Contact our staff, located on the                         •   a current residency utility bill (electric or gas);
Lake Bluff Pool, Sunrise Beach, camps, ARC,   left, with specific questions and                         •   a property tax bill;
Lake Bluff Preschool, and Fitness Center.
                                              concerns. If inquiring about                              •   a current drivers’ license;
847-457-7343                                  facility rentals, contact the Guest                       •   a current government issued ID;
                                              Services Desk at 847-234-4150.                            •   a mortgage statement;
Noah Mach                                     You can also email                                        •   a homeowners or rental insurance policy;
Superintendent of Park & Maintenance
                                              any questions or concerns to                              •   an apartment/housing rental lease/agree-
                                               IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS
Wolf Peddinghouse
Superintendent of Business Services            Registration Desk ....847-234-4150 x 0                          PARK DISTRICT GUEST SERVICES         Fax ......................................847-234-7275          OFFICE & FITNESS CENTER HOURS
                                               Fitness Center ................847-482-9326                     Monday–Friday         5:00 am–8:00 pm
Nikki Bullocks                                 Golf Pro Shop ..................847-234-6771                    Saturday/Sunday 7:00 am–4:00 pm
Guest Services Manager
                                               Lake Bluff Preschool ......847-457-7352
Responsible for Guest Services and
registration operations.                       ARC....................................847-457-7347            Parks Department ........847-295-6449
                                               Pool ....................................847-457-7365
Dana Hansen                                    NSSRA ............................847-509-9400
Preschool and Early Childhood Director
847-457-7352                                    OUR MISSION STATEMENT: As responsible stewards of
Rosie Aliperta                                  community resources, the District will enhance the community through
Recreation Services Manager                     recreational experiences in a fun, safe, and healthy environment.             Our Vision: Strengthening the spirit of community.
                                                Our Values: The values that define the internal culture of the Park District
Mark Montgomery                                 mirror the values and expectations of our community:
Fitness, Aquatics and Racquet Manager                   Continuous Improvement – We are proactively moving forward to
847-457-7342                                             better the District.

Micah Kamin                                             Community – Our activities bring people together to create a family
Facility & Pool Maintenance Services                     environment.
Manager                                                 Stewardship – We will leave our community better than we found it.
847-457-7348                                            Service Orientation – We foster a “guest first” attitude through
                                                         superior experiences and ongoing communication.
Jeff Spillman
Communications and Promotions Manager                   Excellence – As leaders in the community, we strive to be the best we                      can be and aspire to pride, perfection and quality in all that we do.

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Mail-In, Fax or Drop Off Registration Now!
FAQ                                                 Online Resident Registration begins Saturday, August 13 at 9:00 am
                                                    Office/Fax Resident Registration begins Monday, August 15 at 9:00 am
Lake Bluff Park                                      Non–Resident Registration begins Tuesday, August 23 at 9:00 am
District Boundaries
See Proof of Residency requirements on         Details, Details                               ADA Compliance
page 2. Please note: A Lake Bluff postal
address does not determine Park District       High School Students — Take Note:              The Lake Bluff Park District will comply with
residency. Residency is determined by          All adult programs are open to high school     the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA),
residing within Park District boundaries.      students unless otherwise noted.               which prohibits discrimination on the basis
Non-residents, Commercial Groups, Business                                                    of disability. If anyone in your family would
and Corporate Residents, Active Adult                                                         like to participate in a Park District program
Non-Residents and City of Lake Forest,         For each program at the Park District,         but requires special facilities or equipment
as defined by the policy do not receive        there’s a minimum number of registrants        because of a disability, please phone
resident rates for daily admission fees        needed before a class can “go.” Most           847-234-4150. The Park District will make
and memberships for the Pool, Open Gym         teachers are paid per class period, not per    reasonable accommodations in recreation
and Sunrise Park and Beach. Open Gym is        student. So if enough people don’t reg-        programs and facilities to enable participa-
available for City of Lake Forest middle and   ister, the Park District loses money—your      tion by an individual with a disability. The
high school students. The non-resident fees    money. In order to determine adequate          ADA requires that recreational programs
are intended to apportion an equalizing fee    registration, your registration must be at      offered by the Park District be available in
to our non-resident participants, so they      least seven days prior to the first date the   the most integrated setting appropriate for
contribute to the overall financing of the     class is held.                                 each individual. If you have any questions
park system on an equitable basis with         But why a maximum? The more students,          about the Park District’s policy regarding ADA,
residents. Boundary information is at          the less individualized attention. We like     or believe you have been discriminated          to keep the student /teacher ratio low to      against by the Park District, contact
line/                                          ensure you get what you expect—a high          847-234-4150. A procedure is available for
                                               quality program. The minimum number of         the resolution of complaints.
                                               registrants is the first number shown. The
Program Guide Delivery:
                                               maximum is the second one shown.
Does It Mean You’re a Resident?                                                               Financial Aid Program
                                               Resident/Non-Resident Fees:
Lake Bluff Park District program guides                                                       The Lake Bluff Park District provides assis-
                                               When two fees for a program are shown
are delivered by the Lake Bluff Post Office                                                   tance for residents residing within the
                                               with a slash separating them (for example
to homeowners/businesses in Lake Bluff,                                                       boundaries of the Park District. The amount
                                               $50/$60), the first fee is the Park District
Knollwood, and North Chicago. Even                                                            of financial aid awarded is discounted at
                                               Resident fee, and the second fee is the
though you receive a program guide                                                            25% or 50%, depending on family size,
                                               Non-Resident fee.
through the mail, you may not be a Park                                                       family income and special circumstances.
District resident. Only those who pay          Photo Policy:                                  Those families who qualify may receive a
taxes to the Lake Bluff Park District are      Photos are periodically taken of partici-      discount in programs that are not contractual
considered residents. Please call the Park     pants in a class, during a special event or    in nature. Programs eligible to scholarship
District Office at 847-234-4150 if you         at the District’s parks. Please be aware       recipients include: general early childhood,
have any questions concerning resident         that these photos are for Park District use    early childhood enrichment, preschool,
requirements.                                  only and may be used in the District’s web     special events, adult and youth in-house
                                               site, program guides, pamphlets, social        athletics, camps, regular School of Dance
                                               media or flyers.                               classes (does not include competition dance
Lake Forest Residents                                                                         classes), ARC, Before and After School Care,
Lake Forest Residents are eligible to                                                         swim and diving lessons, swim team, and
receive resident rates for all recreation
                                               Are You Covered?                               paddle lessons. Facility memberships are not
programs, daily fees and memberships.          The Lake Bluff Park District does not carry    included in the financial aid program. The
Included are Preschool, Fitness, Paddle        medical or accident insurance for program      maximum annual family discount is $1,000.
and Golf memberships, Recreation               participants—the cost would make pro-          Any resident interested in this program may
Programs and Services. Lake Bluff Pool         gram fees prohibitive. Please review your      stop by the recreation center guest services
and Beach memberships and fees are             own personal health insurance plan to be       desk and pick up an application to fill out.
not included.                                  certain that you and your family have          The application is also available on-line at
                                               proper coverage.                      If you have any
                                                                                              questions, please call the guest services
                                                                                              desk at 847-234-4150.

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You Did It!

                  We thank all of our generous donors and everyone that attended
                      Sunrise Rocks and participated in GO Color Lake Bluff.
         Because of your generosity we are able to contribute to Park District facilities
           like the beach stairs and pickleball courts for the benefit of all residents.
                   For information or to donate, please visit
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                               Trunk or Treating begins at 6:30 pm!

                 Trunk check-in and setup from 5:00–6:00 PM
   Trunk or Treating begins at 6:30 PM • Family Movie in the Park at 7:30 PM
Trunk or Treat: Load up your ghouls and ghosts for this Trunk or Treat! Trunk or Treat is a community event that allows a
safe environment for children to trick or treat! During this Halloween event, families will walk from trunk to trunk along the
designated area where they will receive treats!
Trunk Participants arrive early to decorate their vehicles in the Lake Bluff Park District parking lot. All trunks are entered
in a decorating contest to win theme specific trophy awards! Children who attend the event are encouraged to wear their
Halloween costumes. Trunk participants must pre-register for this event!

                                             Trunk Decoration Participants
                                             There’s no candy without our Trunk Participants! Be a part of this event by decorating
                                             your trunk and handing out candy to the families that will walk by for trick-or-treating!
                                             Please register your vehicle to be included in the trunk decoration contest. Each trunk
  After Trunk or Treat:                      must supply their own candy and/or giveaway items for children.
  Movie in the Park!                         CODE:         17271
  Sponsored by the Lake Bluff Library        Age:          16+ years                           We encourage families
  and Lake Bluff Park District               Day:          Friday
                                                                                               to participate in this event
                                             Dates:        October 21
  Join us for a family movie night after                                                       by registering your trunks,
                                             Time:         5:30-7:00 pm
  Trunk or Treat, at Blair Park! Bring
  your kids, pack some snacks and lay
                                             Location:     Lake Bluff Park District            decorating them, and handing
                                                           Parking Lot                         out candy to the children of
  out your blankets for an outdoor
                                             Min/Max:      5/40 cars
  movie. The movie will be “Hotel                                                              our community!
                                             Instructor:   Lake Bluff Park District Staff
  Transylvania”. Show time at 7:30 pm
                                             Fee:          Free
  after Trunk or Treat.
  CODE:        17315                         Trunk Information:                                Trunk Trophy awards include:
  Age:         All ages                      Please provide enough candy/giveaway
                                                                                                1st Place
  Day:         Friday                        items for at least 250 children!
  Dates:       October 21                    Arrival time/Setup:       5:00-6:00 pm
                                                                                                2nd Place
  Time:        7:30-9:00 pm                  Trunk Judging/Awards: 6:00 pm                      3rd Place
  Location:    Lake Bluff Park District      Trick or Treating Begins: 6:30 pm
               Blair Park
  Min/Max:     1/250
                                             To register your decorative trunk, call or email Rosie Aliperta 847-457-7337
  Fee:         Free

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Rent for Fun, Rent for Business!
Birthday Parties, Weddings and Showers, Business Meetings,
Social Gatherings and Fundraisers, Tournaments, Team Practices, and more…
The Park District has spaces to rent for almost any type of event. A variety of good
dates are available!
The Community Room
 Adjust the space for your needs
 Enough space and tables/chairs for a
  meeting of approximately 50 people
  and open enough for a party of 60
 Resident/Community Group Fee: $50/hour
  Non-Resident Fee: $75/hour
  Affiliates Fee: $30/hour
  Minimum of 2 hours for all rentals and $50 clean-up fee if food or drink served.
  Bookings are made in whole hours only. Alcohol can be allowed if proper insurance is provided.
 Contact Lake Bluff Park District Guest Services at 847-234-4150 x 0

                                                                      The Paddle Hut
                                                                      Available for parties, meetings and more!
                                                                       Fireplace and comfortable furniture, plus court rental
                                                                        if you’d like
                                                                       Accommodates groups of up to 35
                                                                       Courts available for exclusive rental Friday and
                                                                        Saturday evenings, with free use of paddles and balls
                                                                       Contact Lake Bluff Park District Guest Services
                                                                        at 847-234-4150 x 0
The Gymnasium
 Full collegiate-size basketball court, also great for volleyball, badminton,
  pickleball, relay races, floor hockey, futsal (soccer), and more
 When the divider curtain is down, half the gym is a full-size high
  school basketball court with bleacher seating for spectators
 Full Gym Resident/Community Group Fee: $100/hr
  Full Gym Non-Resident Fee: $150/hr
  Full Gym Affiliates Fee: $75/hr
  Half-Gym Resident/Community Group Fee: $60/hr
  Half-Gym Non-Resident Fee: $100/hr
  Half-Gym Affiliates Fee: $50/hr                                                Cancellation Fees: Two days or more prior to
  Minimum of 2 hours for all rentals; bookings are made in whole hours only      rental date will be charged a $50 fee. Cancella-
 Contact Lake Bluff Park District Guest Services at 847-234-4150 x 0            tions within two days of rental date are charged
                                                                                 50% of total party/rental fees. Cancellation
                                                                                 due to inclement weather for shelter and field
Capacity is a maximum of 50 guests per party                                     rentals only, will receive a full refund.

Shelter reservations next page
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Shelter Reservations
Reservations of Blair Park, Sanctuary and Artesian Park shelters are as follows:
DAYS:                      HOURS:                      FEE (RESIDENT/AFFILIATE)
Monday–Thursday            8:00 am–10:00 pm            $20/$10
Friday–Saturday            8:00 am–11:00 pm            $40/$20
Sunday                     8:00 am–10:00 pm            $40/$20

Reservations of the Beach Shelters
DAYS:                      HOURS:                      FEE (RESIDENT/AFFILIATE)
Monday–Thursday            8:00 am–10:00 pm            $75/$30
Friday–Saturday            8:00 am–11:00 pm            $200/$80
Sunday                     8:00 am–10:00 pm            $200/$80

Reservation Dates
•   Saturday office hours are 7:00 am–4:00 pm. Monday through Friday office hours are 5:00 am–8:00 pm.
•   Only one reservation per resident household will be accepted during this time period.
•   First come, first served.
•   Shelter use is limited to four hours.
•   Shelter capacity is 50.
•   No phone reservations.

About Making Reservations
Beach shelter reservations must be made by residents at least 21 years of age who agree to remain on-site and assume responsibility
during the use period.
•   The Certificate of Insurance must be for a minimum of $1,000,000 Host Liquor Liability with the Lake Bluff Park District added as
    an additional insured through or homeowner’s insurance.
•   If reserving either North or South shelter at the beach, you will need to pay the shelter fee.
•   Staff will sign your approved permit and give you a copy.
•   Be prepared to present your approved shelter permit to Police or Park Personnel upon request.
•   If parking east of Moffet Road after 9:00 pm, pick up your parking permits at the office.
•   First 25 parking passes are free. Each additional pass is $15.

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Lake Bluff Park District Owned Property

                             Map provided by
                             Lake County
                             GIS Division

A. Blair Park—Lake Bluff             B. Lake Bluff Golf Club               5. Playground Area               H. Sanctuary Park
   Park District Rec. Center           1. 18 Hole Golf Course              6. Five Outdoor Tennis              1. Play Area
   1.    Lake Bluff Pool:              2. Pro-shop and                         Courts                          2. Shelter
         Olympic size Swimming            Locker Facilities                7. Car and Bicycle Parking Lot      3. Baseball/Softball
         Pool, Tot Pool and            3. Parking Lot                      8. Bleachers                           Diamond
         Locker Facilities                                                 9. Drinking Fountains               4. Nature Walking Paths
                                       4. Food Service
   2.    Gymnasium                                                         10. Fitness Equipment Area          5. PTO Birdhouse Library
                                       5. Golf Club Maintenance
   3.    Fitness Center                   Department and Equip-            11. Outdoor Hitting Cage
         and Locker Facilities            ment Storage
                                                                                                            I. Knollwood Park
                                                                           12. Basketball Area                 1.   Baseball/Softball Field
   4.    Running/Jogging Track
   5.    Five Early Childhood        C. Sunrise Park and Beach        E. Mawman Park                           2.   Two Play Areas
         Education Rooms               1. Supervised Swimming              1. Baseball/Softball                3.   Basketball Court
   6.    Community Room                   Beach                               Diamond                          4.   Paved Walkway
                                          and Restrooms                    2. Playground Area
   7.    Two Playgrounds                                                                                       5.   PTO Birdhouse Library
                                       2. Picnic Tables with Grills        3. Basketball Area
   8.    Car and Bicycle Parking                                                                            J. Wetlands
                                       3. Boat Launching Off Beach         4. Soccer or Sports Field
   9.    Gymnastics Room                                                                                       1. Nature Preserve
                                       4. Two Lighted Shelters             5. Bleachers
   10.   Administration Offices           with Fireplaces
   11.   Lighted Sledding Hill                                             6. Drinking Fountain             K. Belle Foret Prairie
                                       5. Play Equipment
   12.   Two Outdoor Tennis                                                7. PTO Birdhouse Library            1. Walking Paths
         Courts                      D. Artesian Park                                                       L. West Park
                                                                      F. Sheridan Road Greenstrip
   13.   Skate Park                    1. Three Baseball/Softball
                                                                                                               1.   Baseball/Softball Fields
   14.   Two Dance Studios                Diamonds (one lighted)      G. Ravine Park
                                                                                                               2.   Bleachers
   15.   Paddle Tennis Courts          2. Lighted Outdoor Skating          1. Walking Paths and
                                          and Hockey Rink with             Nature Preserve                     3.   Playground
         and Hut
                                          Warming Shelter                                                      4.   Drinking Fountain
   16.   Lake Bluff Public Library
                                       3. Soccer or Football Field                                             5.   PTO Birdhouse Library
         Birdhouse Library
                                       4. Fieldhouse with Restrooms

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Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association (NSSRA) facilitates
                                           year-round recreation programs and services for children, teens,
                                             and adults with disabilities in 13 northern suburban communities,
                                              including Lake Bluff. With nearly 500 recreation, sport, cultural
                                               and social offerings available throughout the year, we specialize
                                               in introducing participants to new experiences, providing
                                               opportunities for skill development and leisure time, and, most
                                              importantly, creating space for friendships to thrive.

                                         Services We Offer
                                           NSSRA serves approximately 1,800 individuals with disabilities through
                                           our traditional and cooperative programs. Participants range in age
                                          from preschoolers, youth, and teens through young adults, adults, and
                                       seniors. NSSRA offers programs at park district facilities, schools, our new
                                       home in Highland Park, and other northern suburbs.

                                       Inclusion Support
                                        NSSRA’s Inclusion support option provides individuals with disabilities the
                                         opportunity to enjoy participation in partner agency programs while
                                           receiving the individualized support they need to succeed. NSSRA
                                            removes the barriers that might prevent individuals with disabilities
                                             from participating in the fun and richness of experience that life
                                             offers through its programs and services. For information on Inclusion
                                             services or to make arrangements for accommodation, contact
                                             Lake Bluff Park District’s NSSRA Inclusion Liaison, Jim Lakeman at
                                            (847) 457-7343 or

                                            Contact us for more information about NSSRA and the programs and
                                           services we provide.

                                          Mitchell L. Slotnick Center
                                          1221 County Line Rd.
                                          Highland Park, IL 60035

                                          (847) 509-9400


Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022           Page 9                      register online at
Parent-Child Programs and Holiday Special Events
                                                                                          Music Together “Flute”
                                                                                          Collection of Songs
                                                                                          Music Together classes build on children’s
                                                                                          natural enthusiasm for music and movement
                                                                                          to help develop your child’s basic musical
                                                                                          skills. Classes are mixed-age (birth to kinder-
                                                                                          garten) and focus on adult/child interaction,
                                                                                          so siblings attend class together. Infants blend
                                                                                          with any age group and their musical devel-
                                                                                          opment benefits from early exposure. Class
                                                                                          is 10 weeks.
                                                                                          CODE:           DAY/TIME:
                                                                                          17274           Wednesday 9:30–10:15 am
                                                                                          Date:           September 21–November 30
                                                                                          17275           Saturday 10-10:45 am
                                                                                          Date:           September 24–December 3
                                                                                          No Class:       Nov. 23, Nov. 26
                                                                                          Age:            Mixed Ages
                                                                                          Location:       Dance Studio II
                                                                                          Min/Max:        6/12 (child & parent couple)
                                                                                          Fee:            $200 (1st child & parent)
                                                                                                          $145 (first sibling)
                                                                                                          Addl. siblings and siblings
                                                                                                          under 6 months – No charge
                                                                                          Please note, if a family withdraws after the
                                                                                          first class, they will be charged a $45
                                                                                          materials fee.

Breakfast with Santa
Every December Santa pays a visit to Lake Bluff to have breakfast with little children
and their families. He arrives with a hearty Ho, Ho, Ho, and listens to their Christmas
wishes. Our local Kiwanis Club will be preparing delicious pancakes, sausage that’s
scrumptious, ice-cold juice, milk, and hot coffee.
Proceeds will go to Kiwanis Charities. You may pay at the door; additional contrib-
utions are accepted.
Date:        Saturday, December 3
CODE:        TIME:
17282        7:00–7:45 am
17283        8:00–8:45 am
17284        9:00–9:45 am
17285        10:00–10:45 am
17286        11:00–11:45 am
Location:    Grace United Methodist Church, 244 E. Center Street, LB
Min/Max:     1/250
Fee:         $10 per person for preregistrations.
             Free – 2 and under.
             Walk-ins welcome – $12 at the door.

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                              Page 10                 register online at
See Fees and Registration details on Easy Enrollment page.

    Lake Bluff Preschool
  Classes For Early Childhood through Kindergarten
        Welcoming Children 2 to 5 Years Old
                                                                                Program Highlights
                                                                                Lake Bluff Preschool
                                                                                and Afternoon Kindergarten
                                                                                 Morning Preschool
                                                                                  for 2, 3, 4 and 5 year olds
                                                                                 Afternoon Preschool
                                                                                  for 3.6–5 years
                                                                                 Afternoon Kindergarten
                                                                                  for 4.6–5 years

                                                                               Dana Hansen, Preschool and Early
                                                                               Childhood Director, is delighted to
                                                                               welcome you and your family to Lake
                                                                               Bluff Preschool. Dana believes that
                                                                               building a child’s confidence and inde-
    Experienced and caring teachers                                           pendence coupled with a spectacular
                                                                               support system is the key to a child’s
    Thoughtfully prepared environments for each age                           success. As a key member of our Lake
                                                                               Bluff Park District Leadership Team,
                                                                               Dana strives for excellence within her
    Guidance in learning social skills and making friends                     programs and for the Park District as
                                                                               a whole. Please feel free to call or pay
    Gentle encouragement to practice independence skills                      her a visit, as she is ready and willing
                                                                               to discuss any issues of concern.
    Inspiring educational materials and experiences                 

    Lively arts, crafts, music and dramatic play

    “Motion Lab” health and wellness program

    Afternoon Kindergarten emphasizes and encourages
        children’s interest in learning the fundamentals of
        reading, writing skills and math concepts                 COME
    Engaging STEAM activities in each curriculum                 US!

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                   Page 11               register online at
See Fees and Registration details on Easy Enrollment page.

                            Lake Bluff Preschool for Two’s
Preschool for Two Year Olds
Introduce your child to an enriched and nurturing environment that encourages the
development of social skills, language, independence and self-confidence. Our experi-
enced teacher, Megan Bello, focuses on helping children feel comfortable away from
home as they experience art, dramatic play and music. Basic concepts such as shapes,
colors, the alphabet and numbers are presented in fun and creative ways. Children enjoy
this active classroom environment prepared to stimulate their imagination and interest
in the world around them. You will enjoy seeing your child grow and make his first
friends at school.
CODE:        DAYS:                              AGE:
16782        Monday/Wednesday                   2.0–2.5 years
16783        Tuesday/Thursday                   2.6–2.11 years
Dates:       September 6/7, 2022–May 23/24, 2023 (subject to change)
No Class:    Follows Lake Bluff Preschool Calendar
Time:        9:00–11:00 am
Location:    Purple Room
Min/Max:     7/10

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                           Page 12                    register online at
See Fees and Registration details on Easy Enrollment page.
                                                                                    Afternoon Kindergarten
Lake Bluff Preschool for Ages 3 to 5                                                              The Afternoon Kindergarten Program is
                                                                                                  designed to engage students in rich and
3.0–3.8 year olds                                                                                 varied activities designed to provide the
The Monday/Wednesday class is perfect for encouraging children’s enjoyment of                     foundation for academic and social suc-
school and their eagerness to learn in a playful environment. Tamera Guidarini “Mrs. G”           cess. The environment provides a healthy
gets them excited to further explore the basic concepts of shapes, colors, numbers,               balance between whole group, small
letters and their sounds. Children do activities that help develop fine motor skills in           group and individual work, academic en-
preparation for writing. Fun art, science experiments and lively music are included.              richment and play and teacher-directed
We begin teaching social/emotional skills through the Calm Classroom curriculum.                  and self-guided goals and pursuits.
CODE:         AGE:        DAYS:                                                                   Teachers identify students’
16784         3.0–3.8     Monday/Wednesday                                                        individual interests and differentiate in-
16785         3.6–3.11    Tuesday/Thursday/Friday                                                 struction to devise units of study to cap-
Dates:        September 6/7, 2022–May 22/23, 2023 (subject to change)                             ture imaginations.
Time:         9:00–11:30 am                                                                       This comprehensive program boasts its
Location:     Green Room                                                                          servicing of LBES Preschoolers in addition
No Class:     Follows Lake Bluff Preschool Calendar                                               to Lake Bluff Preschoolers. Children bring
Min/Max:      7/12                                                                                a lunch and will eat together before they
                                                                                                  begin their afternoon activities.
3.6–3.11 year olds
                                                                                                  Both the child and the class will benefit
The older three year olds attend Tuesday/ Thursday/Friday for mornings focused on                 from a consistent choice of days. There-
learning in a playful and nurturing environment. Mrs. G continues encouraging natural             fore, specific 5, 4 or 3 days chosen stay
interest in letter sounds, writing, counting objects, building with blocks and other materials    the same throughout the school year. It is
and creative educational experiences. We expand on the young three’s activities and stim-         possible to add or drop days on a one-
ulate their natural curiosity to get them thinking and asking interesting questions. Their        time basis as the school year progresses
classroom is designed to give them opportunities to do more things independently. Our             (tuition will be prorated). Registrants
Calm Classroom curriculum is a relaxing and fun part of their day. With stretching and            starting after the first day of school will
breathing they become aware of how their body feels. Children love learning these skills.         have their tuition prorated with their
Preschool for 3.6 to 5 Year Olds                                                                  actual start date.
                                                                                                  Please note: We do not observe all LBES
Lake Bluff Morning Preschool classes for 4–5 year olds are offered either four or five            No School Days. Please see our school
days a week.                                                                                      calendar for details.
Afternoon Preschool for 3.6–5 year olds is four days. Children bring their lunch and              CODE:        NO. OF DAYS:
then enjoy an afternoon of preschool activities.                                                  16791        Five Days
Lake Bluff Preschool classes are taught by experienced teachers, Megan Jessen and                 16792        Four Days
Marcine Zbynski, who know that children love to learn by using their hands. Whether               16793        Three Days
making unique designs in the classroom rock garden, doing a woodworking project,                  Age:         4.6–5 years
gardening or conducting a science experiment, children are encouraged to find                     Days:        Monday–Friday
connections in what they are learning and express that through art, writing or in                 Dates:       Aug. 30, 2022–May 27, 2023
whatever ways they are inspired to do so. We also help them become more confident in                           (subject to change)
recognizing the alphabet and the sounds of the letters, understanding beginning math              No Class:    See Preschool calendar
concepts and refining their skills for writing letters and numbers. Using games and cre-          Time:        11:45 am–3:00 pm
ative materials, children learn while having fun. Our practice of Calm Classroom tech-            Location:    Blue Room
niques teach skills that develop focus, concentration and a mind that is relaxed and              Min/Max:     8/15
ready to learn.
Lake Bluff Morning Preschool
CODE:       AGE: DAYS:                             TIME:
16786/16787 4.0–5 Monday–Thursday                  9:00–11:30 am
16788/16789 4.0–5 Monday–Friday                    9:00–11:30 am
Lake Bluff Afternoon Preschool
CODE:            AGE: DAYS:                      TIME:
16790            3.6–5 Monday–Thursday           11:45 am–3:00 pm
Dates:           September 6, 2022–May 24, 2023 (subject to change)
No Class:        Follows Lake Bluff Preschool Calendar
Min/Max:         10/17

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                                Page 13                      register online at
2022–2023 Lake Bluff Preschool Easy Enrollment
•   Select appropriate class for your child’s age as of September 1, 2022. For Afternoon Kindergarten, select which days of the week
    your child will be attending (choice of 3, 4 or 5 days) on Billing Agreement.

•   Come to the Lake Bluff Park District to complete the registration process. Our office is located at 355 W. Washington Ave.
    A portion of your first payment is a Non-Refundable Registration Fee ($125) for all programs. Non-Residents pay an additional $50
    for all programs which is due at the time of registration and added to the first payment (waived for active military and Lake Forest

•   Payment may be made in Full at time of registration or in Monthly Payments.
•   We accept all credit/debit cards.
•   Payment is divided into nine equal payments. First payment is due at time of registration and remaining 8 payments are
    automatically deducted on the 15th day or up to five business days after for the months of September 2022 through April 2023
    from your account. A portion of your first payment ($125) is Non-Refundable.Therefore, if you withdraw prior to the start of the
    program, a service charge of $125 applies. If withdrawing during the program, your withdrawal is prorated out with the last day
    attended and with the service charge of $125.
Tuition 2022–2023
9/1/2022               DAYS:                TIME:                            TUITION:              9 PAYMENTS:
2.0–2.5                M/W                  9:00–11:00 am                    $2,907                $323
2.6–2.11               Tu/Th                9:00–11:00 am                    $2,907                $323
3.0–3.8                M/W                  9:00–11:30 am                    $3,087                $343
3.6–3.11               Tu/Th/F              9:00–11:30 am                    $3,645                $405
3.6-5                  M–Th                 9:00–11:30 am                    $4,257                $473
3.6-5                  M–F                  9:00–11:30 am                    $4,824                $536
4.0–5                  M–Th                 9:00–11:30 am                    $4,257                $473
4.0–5                  M–F                  9:00–11:30 am                    $4,824                $536
Afternoon Preschool
3.6–5               M–Th                    11:45 am–3:00 pm                 $3,708                $412
Afternoon Kindergarten
4.6–5              Five Days                11:45 am–3:00 pm                 $4,005                $445
4.6–5              Four Days                11:45 am–3:00 pm                 $3,717                $413
4.6–5              Three Days               11:45 am–3:00 pm                 $3,042                $338
•   Early Registration Dates for the 2022–2023 school year offered to families currently registered at Lake Bluff Preschool are
    January 9–13 (Monday–Friday) from 9:00 am to noon. Please come to the Lake Bluff Park District’s front desk for registration
    forms and details. Regular registration begins January 17 at 9:00 am.
•   Classes begin Tuesday, September 6 for Preschool and Tuesday, August 20 for Afternoon Kindergarten (both subject to change).
    Lake Bluff Preschool follows the Lake Bluff School District 65 schedule, with some exceptions. Refer to your Preschool calendar.
•   Children enrolling in Lake Bluff Preschool for the first time must submit a copy of their Birth Certificate and an updated vaccination
    report from your pediatrician by the first day of school.
•   Children 2.0–2.11 years old need not be toilet trained. Children over the age of 3 must be toilet trained and out of diapers/pullups to
    participate in the program.
•   QUESTIONS? Call Preschool and Early Childhood Education Director Dana Hansen at 847-457-7352.

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                               Page 14                     register online at
2022–2023 Lake Bluff Preschool Registration
                  355 W. Washington Avenue Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044 • Phone 847-234-4150

 Family’s Last Name ____________________________________________ Contact Phone ______________________________________________________________

 Child’s Last Name if Different from Parent ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Address ________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ Zip Code ____________________

 Preferred Email Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 Mother’s Name (if residing in household) ________________________ Mother’s Cell Phone __________________________________________________________

 Father’s Name (if residing in household) ________________________Father’s Cell Phone ____________________________________________________________

    Program                                                                                               Birthdate           Age as of
                                           Name of Child                                  Gender                                                   Days/Time
     Code                                                                                                Mo/Day/Yr           09/01/2022

 Billing Agreement on other side must be completed and signed for registration to be complete.
  Do you need any accommodation, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, to effectively participate in the above activity and/or facility?
   Yes  No             Please call the Park District office at 847-234-4150 x 0 to confirm your request for accommodation.

 INSURANCE LIABILITY WAIVER The Lake Bluff Park District is committed to conducting its recreation programs and activities in the safest manner pos-
 sible and holds the safety of the participants in the highest possible regard. Participants and parents registering their child in recreation programs must recognize
 however, that there is an inherent risk of injury when choosing to participate in recreation activities. The Lake Bluff Park District continually strives to reduce
 such risks and insists that all participants follow safety rules and instructions which have been designed to protect the participants’ safety. Please recognize
 that the Lake Bluff Park District does not carry medical accident insurance for injuries sustained in its programs. The cost of such would make program fees
 prohibitive. Therefore, each person registering themselves or a family member for a recreation program/activity should review their own health insurance
 policy for coverage. It must be noted that the absence of health insurance coverage does not make the Lake Bluff Park District automatically responsible for
 payment of medical expenses. Due to the difficulty and high cost of obtaining liability insurance, the agency providing liability coverage for the District REQUIRES
 the execution of the following Waiver and Release. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please read this form carefully and be aware in participating in the
 program(s) listed above, you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries you might sustain arising out of the activities of this program.
 WAIVER AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS As a participant in the program, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and
 I agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, including death, damages or loss regardless of severity which I may sustain as a result of participating in any and
 all activities connected with or associated with such program (including transportation services and vehicle operations, when provided). I agree to waive and
 relinquish all claims I may have as a result of participating in the program against the District and its officers, agents, servants and employees. I do hereby fully
 release and discharge the District and its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, damage or loss which
 I may have or which may accrue to me on account of my participation. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the District and its officers,
 agents, servants and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, damages and losses sustained by me or arising out of, connected with,
 or in any way associated with the activities of the program.
 PERMISSION TO SECURE TREATMENT In the event of emergency, I authorize District officials to secure from any licensed hospital, physician, and/or
 medical personnel any treatment deemed necessary for my immediate care and I agree that I will be responsible for payment of any and all medical services
 required. I have read and fully understand the aforementioned Program Details, Waiver and Release of All Claims and Permission to Secure Treatment. (Note:
 Please sign in an appropriate space below.)
 I have carefully read the insurance liability waiver on this page, and I understand that my signature is required below in order
 to participate in Lake Bluff Park District programs.
 Signature ____________________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________
                                         Next, fill out the Billing Agreement Page — Registration is Then Complete!

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                                           Page 15                           register online at
Lake Bluff Preschool Billing Agreement
 First & Last Name on Credit/Debit Card:                  ____________________________________________________

 Credit/Debit Card: ________________________________________________________________________
 Exp Date: ________________________________________________________________________________

 Circle One:
 Paying in Full (add $50/program for N-R only)                      Code#____________              $_____________
 Payment Plan (add $50/program for N-R only to 1st payment)

     Code                     Child’s Name                          1st Payment (N-R add $50) Remaining 8 Payments

 For Afternoon Kindergarten ONLY: Circle the 3, 4, or 5 days attending each week: M Tu W Th F

 •   By signing this agreement, I agree to pay the Lake Bluff Park District Preschool tuition payments shown above either in full
     or in 9 installment payments. I agree to be liable for the 2022–2023 tuition, with the first payment to be paid at the time of
     registration and remaining payments on the fifteenth day of the month or up to five business days after for September 2022
     through April 2023. Non-Residents pay an additional $50 for all programs which is due at the time of registration and added
     to the first payment.
 •   I agree it is my responsibility to have adequate funds in my account to cover these transactions and to update my credit
     card/debit card information if it should change.
 •   Requests for withdrawal from this program must be made in writing and approved in order to cancel this billing agreement and
     will require a final fee that corresponds with the cancellation policy. A portion of your first payment ($125) is Non-Refundable
     so if you withdraw prior to the start of the program, a service charge of $125 applies. If withdrawing during the program,
     your withdrawal is prorated out with the last day attended and with the service charge of $125.
 •   Registrants starting after the first day of school will have their tuition prorated with their actual starting date.
 •   Any transaction rejected due to no fault of the Park District will be assessed a $20 service fee each time.

 Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________________

                                 If you have filled out the Registration Page, your Registration is Complete!

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                               Page 16                      register online at
Preschool STEAM and Executive Functioning
                                       Movers and Shakers
 STEAM is an acronym for               It is a playdate with purpose! Children will have fun with Mrs. G and friends while participating
 Science, Technology,                  in a variety of board games and physical fitness games. Playing games together provides
 Engineering, Arts/Creativity          kids opportunities for working on social skills, direction following, memory, sustained
 and Math education.                   attention, self-control, and fine and gross motor physical skills. Do not forget to bring a
                                       nut-free lunch!
                                       CODE:             DATES:                                                            FEE:
 We focus on these areas               17084             September 12—October 24 (6 sessions)                              $112/$119
 together not only because the                           No Class: October 10
 skills and knowledge in each          17085             November 7—December 12 (6 sessions)                               $112/$119
 discipline are essential for          Day:              Monday
                                       Time:             11:30 am—1:30 pm
 student success, but also             Age:              3.5—5 years
 because these fields are              Location:         Green Classroom
 deeply intertwined in the real        Min/Max:          5/10
 world and in how students
 learn most effectively.               S.T.E.A.M. Team
                                       Bring your curiosity and enjoy hands on observation and exploration with Mrs. G.
                                       Children will engage in fun projects and activities designed to make connections with
 STEAM is an interdisciplinary         and grow their love of learning in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art
 and applied approach that is          and Math. Don’t forget to bring a nut-free lunch!
 coupled with hands-on,                CODE:             DAY:          DATES:                                            FEE:
 problem-based learning.               17086             Tuesday       September 13—October 25 (7 sessions)              $131/$140
 (Check out all the STEAM              17087             Wednesday     September 14—October 26 (7 sessions)              $131/$140
 offerings this season.)               17088             Tuesday       November 1—December 13 (7 sessions)               $131/$140
                                       17089             Wednesday     November 2—December 14 (6 sessions)               $112/$119
                                                         No Class: November 23
 Children not enrolled in Lake         Time:             11:30 am—1:30 pm
 Bluff Preschool must provide          Age:              3.5—5 years
                                       Location:         Green Classroom
 an updated vaccination report         Min/Max:          5/10
 to participate in enrichment
 programs.                             Book Worms
                                       Inch your way into our preschoolers’ book club! Children will read a teacher-provided
                                       story and participate in related fun games and crafts. Bring your lunch (nut free of
                                       course). Mrs. Bello looks forward to sharing her love of reading with you.
                                       CODE:             DAY:            DATES:                                          FEE:
                                       17090             Tuesday         September 13—October 25 (7 sessions)            $131/$140
                                       17091             Wednesday       September 14—October 26 (7 sessions)            $131/$140
                                       17092             Tuesday         November 1—December 13 (7 sessions)             $131/$140
                                       17093             Wednesday       November 2—December 14 (6 sessions)             $112/$119
                                                         No Class: November 23
                                       Time:             11:30 am—1:30 pm
                                       Age:              3.5—5 years
                                       Location:         Purple or Yellow Classroom
                                       Min/Max:          5/8

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                      Page 17                       register online at
Preschool STEAM and Executive Functioning continued
                                               Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
 Let us teach your child ways
                                               Coordinate your mind and body with Mrs. G and friends! Children will explore mindfulness
 to improve their                              through breath & balance, rhythm through music and body awareness through yoga.
 Executive Functioning Skills.                 Remember to bring a nut-free lunch to power up for this fun and active class!
 Controlled by the brain’s frontal lobe,       CODE:           DATES:                               NO CLASS:               FEE:
 Executive Functioning Skills are one’s        17094           September 15—October 27 (7 sessions)                         $157/$164
 working memory, control/self-regula-          17095           November 10—December 15 (5 sessions) Nov. 24                 $94/101
 tion and cognitive flexibility. These three   Day:            Thursday
 skills help the brain organize and act on     Time:           11:30 am—1:30 pm
 information. They enable people to plan,      Age:            3—5 years
 organize, remember things, prioritize,        Location:       Green Classroom
 pay attention and get started on tasks.       Min/Max:        5/10
 They also help people use information
 and experiences from the past to solve        Pop-up Classes!
 current problems.
                                               Kids, this is your chance to try your hand at something new for a day! Mrs. Bello will
 A strong working memory means                 have these fun, sporadic pop–up classes that will explore numerous, fun concepts while
 you have the ability to retain fresh          acting, cooking, reading, creating, etc. You will be busy learning and having fun with
 information long enough to able to do         something new each time. Try a class or two! Do not forget your nut-free lunch.
 something with the information. People
                                               CODE:           CLASS:                                      DATE:
 with strong working memories find
                                               17096           Dinosaur Stomp!                             September 12
 it easier to recall and manipulate
                                               17097           Beauty Shop Day                             September 19
 information they hear without needing
                                               17098           Pizza Party                                 September 26
 to write it down.
                                               17099           Fire Safety                                 October 3
 Having control/self regulation is the         17100           Exploring Leaves                            October 17
 quality that allows you to stop yourself      17101           Fairy Tale Time                             October 24
 from doing things you want to do that         17102           We Built this City!                         November 7
 might not be in your best interest.           17103           Color Explosion                             November 14
 Having cognitive flexibility is the ability   17104           We are Thankful                             November 21
 to switch between thinking about two          17105           Boat Racing                                 November 28
 different concepts, and to think about        17106           Egg Drop Challenge                          December 5
 multiple concepts simultaneously.             17107           Gift Giving Workshop                        December 12
                                               Day:            Monday
                                               Time:           11:30 am—1:00 pm
                                               Age:            3—5 years
                                               Location:       Purple Classroom
                                               Min/Max:        5/10
                                               Fee:            $28

                                               Terrific Twos and Threes
                                               Have your 2.5—3.5-year-old join Mrs. Bello for a playful morning of fun activities. Mrs.
                                               Bello has a gift for planning activities and exercises children enjoy. They may have so
                                               much fun they will not want to leave! A child being together with friends helps encourage
                                               language development, social skills, and independence. This is one fun Friday! Snack is
                                               provided for this class.
                                               CODE:           DATES:                               NO CLASS:               FEE:
                                               17108           September 16—October 28 (7 sessions)                         $224/$231
                                               17109           November 11—December 16 (5 sessions) Nov. 25                 $160/$167
                                               Day:            Friday
                                               Time:           9:00—11:00 am
                                               Age:            2.5—3.5 years
                                               Location:       Purple Room
                                               Min/Max:        3/12

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                            Page 18                     register online at
Preschool STEAM and Executive Functioning continued
Engineering for Preschoolers
Calling all little engineers! This fun and creative class teaches simple engineering concepts
for kids ready to create and design structures and gadgets. Mrs. Lynch encourages
builders to stretch their creativity for a final contraption to present to parents. Snack
included. Lake Bluff Preschool students may enter class at 3:00 pm.
CODE:            DATES:                               NO CLASS:                 FEE:
17110            September 16—October 28 (7 sessions)                           $131/$140
17111            November 11—December 16 (5 sessions) Nov. 25                   $94/$101
Day:             Friday
Time:            11:30-1:30 pm
Age:             3.5—5 years
Location:        Yellow Classroom
Min/Max:         5/10

Blast Off into the World of Art
Kids create with wood, paint, clay, and wire! A little of this and with A LOT of imagination,
kids will build masterpieces with Miss Kristin. This class will join the Art Show at the
end of the session. Do not forget to bring your nut-free lunch!
CODE:            DATES:                               NO CLASS:                 FEE:
17112            September 16—October 28 (7 sessions)                           $131/$140
17113            November 11—December 16 (5 sessions) Nov. 25                   $94/$101
Day:             Friday
Time:            11:30 am—1:30 pm
Age:             3.5—5 years
Location:        Rainbow Classroom
Min/Max:         5/12

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                                Page 19                     register online at
Afterschool Elementary STEAM and Executive Functioning
Engineering for Kindergarteners
                                                                                             We will walk your child from LBES to
Calling all engineers! This fun and creative class teaches simple engineering concepts
                                                                                             your child’s Park District class –for no
for kids ready to create and design structures and gadgets. Builders are encouraged to
stretch their creativity for a final contraption to present to parents. Snack included.      additional charge. Just sit back and
Lake Bluff Elementary students can come to class early with walkover.                        let us do the walking!
CODE:            DATES:                                       NO CLASS:       FEE:           Please email your child’s teacher with
17114            September 12—October 24 (6 sessions)         Oct. 10         $135/$142
                                                                                             the dates for Walkovers.
17115            November 7—December 12 (6 sessions)                          $135/$142
Day:             Monday
Time:            3:15—4:30 pm                                                               Sci-fari
Age:             6 (Kindergarten)
                                                                                            Take a scientific expedition to observe,
Location:        Purple Classroom
                                                                                            investigate and discover how nature
Min/Max:         5/10
                                                                                            works! Curiosity fuels this journey filled
                                                                                            with hands-on, explorations, projects,
Engineering                                                                                 and experiments. Think motion, symmetry,
Master engineers! This fun and creative class teaches simple engineering concepts for       weather, phenomena, crystals, bats and
kids ready to create and design structures and gadgets. Builders are encouraged to          more! Snack included. Lake Bluff Elementary
stretch their creativity for a final contraption to present to parents. Snack included.     students can come to class early with
Lake Bluff Elementary students can come to class early with walkover.                       walkover.
CODE:            DATES:                                       NO CLASS:       FEE:          CODE:     DATES:            FEE:
17116            September 12—October 24 (6 sessions)         Oct. 10         $135/$142     17118     Sept.15—Oct. 27 $157/$164
17117            November 7—December 12 (6 sessions)                          $135/$142               (7 sessions)
Day:             Monday                                                                     17119     Nov. 10—Dec. 15 $112/$119
Time:            3:15—4:30 pm                                                                         (5 sessions)
Age:             7—10 years                                                                           No Class: Nov. 24
Location:        Yellow Classroom                                                           Day:      Thursday
Min/Max:         5/10                                                                       Time:     3:15—4:30 pm
                                                                                            Age:      7—10 years
Makerspace                                                                                  Location: Green Classroom
                                                                                            Min/Max: 5/10
Makerspace is a place where students imagine, explore, create, tinker, play, generate,
produce, design, manufacture, manipulate, invent, and construct. Bring your curiosity
to this class and Mrs. Lynch will provide all the tools and materials necessary for your
success! Calling all inventors!!! Snack provided. Lake Bluff Elementary students can
come to class early with walkover.
CODE:            DATES:                                       NO CLASS:       FEE:
17120            September 14—October 26 (7 sessions)                         $157/$164
17121            November 2—December 14 (6 sessions)          Nov. 23         $135/$142
Time:            3:15—4:30 pm
Day:             Wednesday
Age:             6—10 years
Location:        Yellow Classroom
Min/Max:         5/10

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                             Page 20                   register online at
Autumn Before- and After-School Care
2022-2023 Early Bird Before-School Care
We open at 6:30 am for parents who need to leave for work before the start of school.
You do not have to be in the After-School Rec Club (ARC) to participate in Early Bird.
This program is for Lake Bluff Elementary School children only. The children will be
walked over to Lake Bluff Elementary School by 8:00 am. Please dress appropriately for
walkover and weather conditions.
The children will have a chance to read, play board games, color, and enjoy crafts until
the start of the school day. They may bring a cold breakfast to have while here.
Early bird payment options (for a 20 school-day period)
FIVE DAY                       $239       Monday through Friday
THREE DAY                      $131       Choose any three-day combination
EMERGENCY PUNCH CARD $100                 Five-punch card

                                               2022-2023 After-School Recreation Club
                                               ARC is an after-school program for working parents that offer a variety of activities
                                               ranging from crafts and basketball to homework and snacks. This program is for children
                                               in afternoon kindergarten through 5th grade attending Lake Bluff Elementary School.
                                               Special Days are available to non-participants after registration due date. For more
                                               details on ARC, contact Rosie Aliperta at 847-457-7337.
                                               Note: there is no bus fee. ARC staff will walk the children from LBES to the Park District;
                                               on severe weather days there will be an emergency bus available. We kindly remind you
                                               to always have your children dressed in proper weather attire.
                                               ARC payment options (for a 20 school-day period)
  ARC Emergency Punch Card                     FIVE DAY Monday through Friday:
                                               Full (after school–6:00 pm) $352
  The Emergency Punch Card is only
                                               Half (after school–4:30 pm) $239
  available to families enrolled in the
  ARC program and allows you to
  purchase additional time at ARC. The         THREE DAY Choose any three-day combination:
  fee is $100 for 5 punches and expires        Full (after school–6:00 pm) $238
  at the end of the school year. Unused        Half (after school–4:30 pm) $165
  punches will be credited back to you
  at the end of the school year.               SIBLING DISCOUNT:
                                               $10 off each additional sibling’s fee for 20 school-day period. (Does not apply to Special
  Note: The punch card may not be
  used to extend the 6:00 pm pickup            Days or In-House Days.)
  option or be used for Special Days or
  In-House Days.                               ARC SPECIAL DAYS:
                                               Days Off School/Holidays        $71 per day
  Punches may be used to:
                                               (see list next page)
  • Add time onto a 4:30 pm pick-up
  • Come on a day for which you are            IN-HOUSE DAYS:
    not currently registered                   October 27       $45
                                               February 9       $45
                                               (see info next page)

Lake Bluff Park District Autumn 2022                             Page 21                     register online at
Before- and After-School Care continued
                                            ARC Special Days
                                            Trips for days off school due to holidays, teacher institutes, teacher conferences, etc.
                                            are available to all ARC children enrolled in Kindergarten through 5th grade. These days
                                            include trips to different destinations in the area with drop off and pick up at the Lake
                                            Bluff Park District Recreation Center.
                                            Days offered for the 2022–2023 school year are listed below. Field trip destinations will
                                            be posted later. Please note trips are subject to cancellations if we do not meet minimum
                                            Note: Registration for days off school and holidays is available for children not enrolled
                                            in ARC; however, children currently enrolled in ARC have priority registration for these trips.
                                            CODE:           DATE:
                                            17211           October 10 (Columbus Day)
                                            17212           October 26 (Parent Teacher Conferences)
                                            17213           October 28 (No School)
                                            17214           November 8 (No School)
                                            17215           December 19 (Winter Break)
                                            17216           December 20 (Winter Break)
                                            17217           December 21 (Winter Break)
                                            17218           December 22 (Winter Break)
                                            17219           December 23 (Winter Break)
                                            17221           December 27 (Winter Break)
                                            17222           December 28 (Winter Break)
                                            17223           December 29 (Winter Break)
                                            17224           December 30 (Winter Break)
ARC In-House Days                           17226           January 3 (Teacher Institute Day)
                                            17227           January 16 (MLK Day)
In-House Days are those days when           17228           February 8 (Parent Teacher Conferences)
school is held only half of the day and     17229           February 10 (No School)
students may come to ARC for the            17230           February 17 (Teacher Institute Day)
remainder of the day. Since In-House        17231           February 20 (President’s Day)
Days are longer than our usual ARC days,    Ages:           K–5th Grade
they are not included in the regular 20     Place:          Community Room/Gym
school-day periods. The fee for an          Time:           8:00 am–6:00 pm
In-house Day is $45 and must be signed      Fee:            $71
up for separately. Emergency Punch          Min/Max:        15/45
Cards may not be used for In-House
Days. Children should bring lunch and
will be walked from the school to the
Park District.
Note: In-House Days are only for children
currently enrolled in the corresponding
ARC session.
CODE:        DATE:
17209        October 27
17210        February 9
Age:         K–5th Grade
Location:    Community Room/Gym
Time:        11:05 am–6:00 pm
Fee:         $45

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