Winter 2022 Events Contact Us - 916-344-2382 - Christ Community Church

Page created by Jon Higgins
Winter 2022 Events Contact Us - 916-344-2382 - Christ Community Church
Contact Us

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                                Winter 2022 Events

   Private Facebook group:
         CCC Women
Winter 2022 Events Contact Us - 916-344-2382 - Christ Community Church
Welcome to Women's Ministry
We are so glad you are looking for more
information into Women's Ministry here at Christ
Community. It is our prayer to connect women to
grow in Christ together. Women of all ages are
invited to join the various small group Bible       Beginning Monday, February 21st at 6:00pm. For 10 weeks,
studies, large groups, and events we have planned   parents will learn how to live out the biblical principles of
in 2022. Come fellowship, learn, worship and be     faith, repentance, and faithfulness to their calling as parents
loved on so you know you are Christ's beloved       with their children. Parents will join other stressed-out
daughter.                                           parents to make faith in Jesus and hope in the Gospel the
                                                    core of their parenting. Cost of the book is $12.00.
Excited to know you and connect you with others!
Courtney Phelps
Women's Ministry Pastor                             Led by Jackie Lambert:

                                                      Classes start Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 6:30pm for
                                                      9 weeks. Children and youth programs are available
                                                      during class time. Join our class and we’ll learn how to
                                                      dump debt, create a cash flow plan, live within your
                                                      means, and build wealth.

                                                      Visit to sign up and learn more.
                                                      Contact Christina Wagner for more information at
                                             or go to
Winter 2022 Events Contact Us - 916-344-2382 - Christ Community Church
Join us in January for an expository study continuing through
the Minor Prophets. Having studied Hosea, Joel, and Amos
this fall, we will continue with Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum,
and Habakkuk. No cost involved - just bring your Bible and
notepad. All women are welcome to join us at anytime.

Led by Janice Silberstein:
                                                                   Winter Blessing-January 9th
Mondays 9:30am-11:45am in Brock 5&6                              This ministry is so fun and so simple to participate in!
January 10,24,31; Feb 7,14; March 7,14,21,28;                    Blessing others can be a simple text or email once a week,
April 4,18,25; May 2,9,16,23.                                    dropping off their favorite treat on their porch, or being
                                                                 available to listen to any prayer requests they may have.
                                                                 We will start our Winter Blessing with swapping a pair or
                                                                 *new* socks! Fuzzy socks, holiday socks, silly socks, or a
                                                                 duplicate of your favorite pair, bring them on January 9th to
                                                                 swap! You'll take home a new pair and an "About Me" form
                                                                 with info about your blessing partner. Contact them in the
                                                                 way they prefer and pray for, treat, write, or just listen to
                                                                 them. This commitment is for a month.
Join us Thursday evenings at 6:30-8:30pm for a women's only
inductive Bible study of 1 Peter (wrapping up in January) and
                                                                 Lacey Perez will be in the MP Lobby on January 9th from
beginning 2 Peter on February 3rd.
                                                                 8:45am-12:15pm. If you want to participate but won't
No book to purchase. Simple study sheets will be provided.
                                                                 be at church that morning, email Lacey at
Feb 3, 10, 17; March 3,10,17.
                                                        Remember to bring your
                                                                 "About Me" form!
Led by Alice McKinley:
Winter 2022 Events Contact Us - 916-344-2382 - Christ Community Church
Join us Mondays 6:00-8:00pm in

  Upcoming Events                                           a New Year of diving into the
                                                            Word of God with fellow young
                                 Christmas Tree Pickup on   women in Christ. We meet every
                                 Saturday, January 8th,     other Monday in the home of
                                 from 9:00am-12:00pm.       Shantel Cox, Ashley Wagner, or
                                 Help support our 4th and   Alexis Johnson.
                                 5th grade students earn    Jan 10, 24; Feb 28; March 14, 28;
                                 money toward upcoming      April 11, 25; May 9, 23.
                                 trips. Donate $10.00 and
                                 they will come pickup                 Shantel:
                                 your Christmas Tree!                    Ashely:
                                 Sign up online at                    Alexis:

                                                            Life with Spice is a warm group of ladies who meet each
                                                            Thursday morning at 9:30-11:30am. We offer a time of
                                                            fellowship, weekly group prayer, and a different program
Join us for our next LAF Track 101, 201, and 301 courses    each week which includes Bible studies, crafts, potlucks,
on February 6th. We will meet from 2:00-5:00pm. Please      and more. We will return on January 6th and continue to
register by requesting to join the group online, or email   May 19th. (No meeting on 2/24)
the following:
101 course: Dustin DeVriend at                    Led by Donna Cox:
                                                                        Nancy Rauch:
201 course: Ken Miller at
301 course: Jana Michaelsen at
Winter 2022 Events Contact Us - 916-344-2382 - Christ Community Church

If you're a woman at CCC who would like to get your body
moving and make connection with others, you should join
us! We gather off campus to walk 3-5 miles on the first
Saturday of the month. There is no cost involved. Meet at
9:00am and focus on connection, conversation, and
community. All ages welcome but no pets, please.

                  Upcoming Walks:
        January 8th at Hinkle Creek Nature Trail            Come join women of all generations as we gather for a
February 5th, March 5th, April 2nd, and May 7th at Maidu    Sisters Night of worship, fellowship, and fun on Friday,
      Regional Park and other possible locations.           January 14th, at 7:00pm. You will get to hear from
                                                            several of our pastors' wives as they share how being in
                    Led by Leslie Allen                     intentional community has impacted their lives. We will
                        also be led in a time of worship through music led by
  Feel free to contact Leslie with any questions you may    Alexis Johnson and Diannah Vaughn. We pray that you
     have! Excited to connect with you. For updated         will leave feeling refreshed, encouraged, and loved by
          information, go to               fellow sisters in Christ. We can’t wait to see you there!
                    and join the group!
                                                                   Location: 7:00-9:00pm in the MP Room
                                                                  Register for Kid Care: nursery-5th grade
                               Retreat 2022                      For more information, please reach out to:
                                                               Angela Kroeker at
                               Nov. 4th-6th                               Sisters Night Coordinator
Winter 2022 Events Contact Us - 916-344-2382 - Christ Community Church
Join us and connect with other women on Thursday
                                                                 Fun-Filled Skate Night on Saturday, January 15th,
mornings and enjoy a cup of coffee. Come as you are and
                                                                 6:00-8:00pm. Roller King, 889 Riverside Ave, Roseville. This
bring a friend! We have a place for you and want to create
                                                                 is a FREE family event for all ages! Register online so
space for fellowship and encourage each other with the
                                                                 Children's Ministry can plan accordingly at
truth of Jesus. Contact Lacey Perez for more information

We will meet 9:00am-11:00am in M2 with Kid Care available        Children's Ministry is offering a monthly subscription box
from nursery through 5th grade. Meeting January 13th,            to help cultivate your child's faith: Kids Faith-Based Box!
ending May 19th (off for school: 2/24 and 4/14).                 For only $10.00 a month per family, you will receive a box
                                                                 that has faith-based lessons, seasonal crafts, activities,
                                                                 and games that will dive deeper into our Sunday lessons.
                                                                 Sign up today to join in on the fun!

 Love Offering Through the Bible: We are reading through
 the Holy Scripture to an audience of ONE. Think of it as a
 “reading relay” through the Bible. Each person reads
 during his/her time slot and then “hands the baton” to the
 reader in the next time slot. Join others in our congregation
 for this new ministry! Led by Ginger Warren
Winter 2022 Events Contact Us - 916-344-2382 - Christ Community Church Winter 2022 Events Contact Us - 916-344-2382 - Christ Community Church Winter 2022 Events Contact Us - 916-344-2382 - Christ Community Church Winter 2022 Events Contact Us - 916-344-2382 - Christ Community Church
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