Winning the
Smartphone Game

                                         6                               7

      Graphene                                  Airpods vs Galaxy Buds
      by Lorenzo Hess                           by Siddiq Nanabawa

              PIXELATED                TECHNOLOGY
                 Andre Dang        4   SpaceX BFR
                Libby Mather           by Lorenzo Hess
                Editors-In-Chief   8    S10 Lineup
                                        by Pratham Gandhi
                Ryan Eastep
                Managing Editor    10 Yoshi’s Crafted World
                                       by Leonard Song
                                   11 Link’s Awakening
              Pratham Gandhi           by Jayer Yang
                Ryan Leung         12 Top 8 Players at MSI
                 Design Editors        by Ryan Eastep

                                   14 MLB The Show
               Lorenzo Hess            by Mark Fernandez
              Mark Fernandez       18 Anthem
              Victor Dimitrov          by Victor Dimitrov
                Content Editors
                                   20 The Role of Assasin’s Creed
                                       in Notre Dame’s Repair
                Keith Renner           Akira Eisenbeiss
                Faculty Advisor
                                   21 Pokemon Sword and Shield
                                       by Ryan Leung
                                   22 New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
                                       by Aidan McAndrew

-2-                                    PIXELATED
16                                                                  24

 Apex Legends                                                        Smash Ultimate Tier List
 by Victor Dimitrov                                                  by Ryan Eastep, Melchior Lee, and
                                                                     Spencer Kahn

Hello again!

We’re excited to present to you Pixelated’s second edition for this year! All of our writers and editors put their all into it and
for one of us EICs, this is our last year, so it’s bittersweet to be leaving Pixelated behind. This is the last issue of the year, and
it’s been a great journey. We have the latest in gaming and tech to present to you in this final issue of the year.

In technology, we’ve got the updates on SpaceX, the innovations of Graphene, news about new samsung phones, and a
discussion about airpods vs. galaxy buds. In video games, we have a discussion about a competitive smash bros ultimate tier
list, news about the new hit game Apex Legends, MLB the show 2019, Anthem, Competitive League of Legends, and about
Assassin’s creed’s role in the repair of Notre Dame. We also have the latest about new switch games, like the Link’s awakening
reboot, Yoshi’s crafted world, New Super Mario Bros deluxe, and Pokemon sword and shield.

We want to thank all of our readers for their continued support of our publication and interest. A special thanks to all our
writers, editors, and our Faculty advisor, Mr. Renner for helping make this possible, we hope you enjoy this issue!

Until next time,
Andre Dang
Libby Mather
Editors-in-Chief, Volume VIII

                                                             PIXELATED                                                            -3--3-
             n February 6th, 2018, SpaceX                 develop a fully functioning, low-cost rocket        lunar orbit for an easier week-long mission
             launched its Falcon Heavy Rocket.            that could transport humans and cargo to            which is scheduled for the year 2023. Soon
             Falcon Heavy had never been                  Mars and back, all while keeping the rocket         after the announcement, Japanese billionaire
    launched before, and after years of planning,         largely reusable. However, SpaceX has its           Yusaku Maezawa bought all the tickets on
    building, and testing, it completed its maiden        eyes trained on the Red Planet and is quickly       that flight and has not revealed whether he
    voyage without exploding into what would be           working towards its goal. It has already            will invite others along with him. This trip
    the “best firework display” one would have            designed, created, and successfully tested an       will help to test and further finance BFR.
    ever seen, to quote SpaceX CEO and Founder            inner-ship spacesuit. SpaceX has proven that        After BFR completes its first mission, SpaceX
    Elon Musk.                                            it can maintain financial stability and remain      hopes to also land it on the Moon and begin
        Falcon Heavy can be used to transport             profitable, and the accelerating development        developing a moon base. Then, after proving
    heavier cargoes than other rockets; it has 27         of rockets and other space technologies             the rockets’ capabilities, will SpaceX send it
    Merlin engines and can deliver up to 5 million        ensures the continued demand for its rockets.       to Mars. Earth-Mars synchronization, or the
    pounds of thrust at liftoff, the equivalent of the    And while it appears that SpaceX has yet to         term for describing when Mars is closest to
    maximum thrust of 18 Boeing 747 aircrafts.            begin researching Martian colonization, its         Earth in terms of each planet’s orbit, occurs
    Falcon Heavy delivers the most thrust of any          design and construction of an eventual Mars         about every two years. In 2017, SpaceX stated
    currently operational rocket on Earth and             rocket is well underway.                            it would send its first Mars mission in 2022,
    is second in total only to the United States’                                                             and its second in 2024, both being Earth-
    Saturn V Rocket. Falcon Heavy can transport           “With reusable rockets, low launch                  Mars synchronization years. With the lunar
    up to 141,000 lb pounds of cargo, and its three                                                           mission scheduled for 2023, however, it’s
    rocket boosters of are able to self-navigate          costs, and other efficient business                 probable that SpaceX will send BFR to Mars
    themselves down to a landing pad on Earth             models like in-house vertically                     later than originally scheduled.
    for use in following missions. This unique            integrated manufacturing, SpaceX                        The first BFR Mars mission will only send
    ability allows SpaceX to greatly cut launch                                                               one rocket, the purpose of the mission being
    costs. It hasn’t flown since its maiden launch        is poised to become a global leader                 “to confirm water resources, identify hazards,
    but is set to fly again on April 9, 2019, as of the   in rocket transport”                                and put in place initial power, mining, and
    writing of this article.                                                                                  life support infrastructure”. BFR’s second
        SpaceX’s other, smaller rocket is the Falcon          Originally, SpaceX planned to develop           Mars mission will involve at least two rockets
    9 Rocket. It is a single-fuselage rocket with         its “BFR”, or “Big Falcon Rocket” (also “Big        carrying both cargo and a crew. The BFR
    9 Merlin engines and can deliver up to 1.7            Friendly Rocket” or, more bluntly, “Big             uses liquid oxygen and liquid methane as
    millions pounds of thrust at sea level. It can        F*****g Rocket”), as a single booster rocket        its propellants. Since these resources are
    transport up to 50,000 pounds of cargo, and           standing 348 ft tall and delivering almost 12       abundant in the solar system refueling
    after being launched into space, its rocket           million pounds of thrust. SpaceX recently           stations can be set up on planets like Mars.
    booster can self-navigates itself back down           redesigned the BFR, however, and it is now          Setting up a refueling station will be one of the
    to Earth like the Falcon Heavy. SpaceX has            a two-part rocket. Its booster is called Super      first objectives of BFR’s first manned mission.
    used Falcon 9 for dozens of missions. It only         Heavy and its ship is called Starship, with the     Once the basic refueling and life support
    costs $62 million to launch, compared to the          whole rocket still being referred to as BFR.        necessities are set up, more rockets will be
    launch cost of the Falcon Heavy coming it at          Super Heavy will be about 207 ft long, and          sent to Mars thereby bringing more cargo and
    $90 million. These prices are lower than what         Starship will be about 180 ft long, making the      more people.
    competitors can offer, and are extremely low          BFR 387 ft tall in total. BFR will be able to           Even without factoring in technological
    when compared to launch costs of previous             carry 150 tons, the greatest payload capacity       obstacles, further questions surround
    US government rockets.                                of any rocket ever, greater than the 135 tons       humanity’s likely colonization of Mars. Will
        With reusable rockets, low launch costs,          for Saturn V and 54.4 tons for Falcon Heavy.        people be comfortable with the several-
    and other efficient business models like in-          On top of this, Starship can also house up          month-long trip? How will Martian gravity
    house vertically integrated manufacturing,            to 100 people. Because it is fully reusable,        affect the human body? If we continuously
    SpaceX is poised to become a global leader            BFR also has the lowest marginal cost per           struggle with both domestic and international
    in rocket transport. One of the main goals of         launch of any rocket ever built. In fact, the       politics, how are we supposed to even consider
    the industry is lowering the cost/cargo ratio of      Falcon 1, Falcon 9, and Falcon Heavy, all           dealing with interplanetary politics? How
    a rocket launch, and thanks to technological          SpaceX’s rockets, happen to be the next three       will we deal with intersections of Martian
    achievements like these, the company has              rockets (in descending order) with the lowest       and Earthian societies? While SpaceX’s first
    begun to tout rockets as both economically            marginal cost per launch.                           Martian city may be governed under “direct
    and technologically viable forms of intercity             To finance BFR, SpaceX designed it to be        democracy,” as Elon Musk has stated, how will
    transportation. It would take approximately           able to support all the missions that its current   other Earthian nations and corporations rule
    half an hour to get from New York to Los              operational rockets, the Falcon 9 and Falcon        their own settlements? Massive infrastructure
    Angeles in a rocket, SpaceX says.                     Heavy, are able to carry out all at a lower         is needed to create BFR but also to ensure that
        Overshadowing          SpaceX’s     “smaller”     marginal cost per launch. BFR will not only         future Martians are ensured the preservation
    dreams such as intercity rocket transport is          be able to deliver satellites to Earth orbit but    of their basic human rights. Questions such
    the company and CEOs’ prized goal: a self-            will transport cargo and humans to and from         as “how will passengers live comfortably on
    sustaining city on Mars with a population of 1        the International Space Station, the Moon,          the trip over?” should be answered with “how
    million by 2060. This is, as usual with Musk,         and Mars. It is designed to replace Falcon 9        will passengers live comfortably once the trip
    an extremely ambitious goal, and requires the         and Falcon Heavy and allow SpaceX to direct         is over?” If we want to get a million people
    completion of numerous steps. In addition             its all its resources to them.                      there by 2060, we need our sociologists,
    to perfecting a spacesuit, maintaining                    Despite expectations, BFR’s first mission       psychologists, and anthropologists to think as
    financial stability, and researching Martian          will not be to Mars; SpaceX has made the            hard as the physicists and aerospace engineers
    colonization methods, SpaceX would need to            prudent decision of launching BFR into              at SpaceX.

-4- | TECHNOLOGY                                                              PIXELATED
by Lorenzo Hess

                  PIXELATED   TECHNOLOGY | -5-
Graphene                                                                                                                by Lorenzo Hess

             raphene, which might sound like an      almost no resistance. Of course, as one          graphene supercapacitors capable of
             over-the-counter medicine if one        would expect, graphene can also act as a         delivering a power output between 520
             has not learned some chemistry, has     complete insulator, blocking any flow of         kW and 1500 kW were first available for
    only recently surfaced as a molecule that        electric current.                                industrial use. Using graphene to build
    could revolutionize the technological world.        Graphene’s electronic properties are          electric car batteries could modernize the
    Graphene has been hidden right under our         greatly appealing, but have only barely begun    field and completely disrupt the current
    noses for centuries, in places as common         to show themselves. This last clause turns       lithium-ion battery market.
    as our graphite pencils. For the many who        into a pun once you consider that graphene          Graphene’s scope of electronic capabilities
    know some chemistry but need a complete          is practically transparent, only absorbing 2%    also makes it extremely efficient for use in
    definition, graphene is a single-layered         of all incoming light. If multiple sheets of     photovoltaic cells, more commonly known
    hexagonal lattice of carbon atoms, depicted      graphene are stacked, it does become more        as the solar cells used in solar panels which
    well by the accompanying image.                  opaque, but a semi-transparent graphene          convert light energy into electrical energy.
       Graphene is essentially a 2D lattice of       display only 10 to 40 atoms thick was already    Graphene, when it absorbs a photon, tends
    carbon atoms; layers of graphene form            produced in 2014. Given graphene’s high          to emit multiple electrons, whereas silicon
    larger structures, such as graphite, and other   conductivity, strength, and flexibility, it is   emits only one electron per absorbed photon.
    carbon-based molecules, such as fullerenes,      a natural choice for replacing or improving      To reiterate, graphene’s host of other special
    have similar structures. A fullerene is like     screen technology.                               characteristics—its transparency, flexibility,
    a spherical or cylindrical layer of graphene,       Graphene’s other properties include its       and low weight— means some sort of clear,
    basically any cage or cylindrical shape          extremely high thermal conductivity, which       ultra-thin, non-rigid photovoltaic graphene
    made of a layer of carbon molecules. While       is higher than that of natural diamond, the      cell could be manufactured and applied to
    they are used a lot in the biomedical field,     most thermally conductive natural material.      surfaces such as the outside of buildings
    many are not such as the carbon nanotube,        Furthermore, two-dimensional graphene            or one’s own clothes. For similar reasons,
    a cylindrical fullerene with exceptional         is the strongest material to be tested,          Graphene is also expected to be useful
    strength, stiffness, thermal conductivity,       measured to be 200 times stronger than           in building LED lights and touch screen
    and conductive properties. The properties        steel. However, a single layer of graphene is    panels.
    of carbon nanotubes are not unlike those of      not a tough material, as it is brittle and can      Graphene has further been combined
    graphene.                                        easily fracture. Multiple layers of graphene     with other materials to form graphene
       Graphene has incredibly high electron         are more tough, though, and despite              composites.       Using a graphene-plastic
    mobility, a measure of how quickly an            being brittle, graphene is still incredibly      composite instead of steel to build aircraft
    electron moves through a conductor. Its          lightweight and flexible.                        could reduce weight and improve aircraft
    electron mobility has been calculated to            Graphene itself was first observed in         strength beyond what currently used carbon
    be at least 15,000 cm2/V*s at around 300K        1948 but was never fully researched until        fiber composites can do. Applications of
    (room temperature); the electron mobility        2004. As anticipated, with the ever-growing      these composites extend to all vehicles,
    of silicon, the main semiconductor used to       technological market always looking for          and coating planes, ships, and cars with
    build transistors, is only 1400cm2/V*s at        smaller, faster, and more versatile materials,   graphene-based paint could prevent
    300K. It is worth noting that the electron       graphene’s unique properties are already         corrosion and rust.
    mobility of graphene theoretically goes up to    being put to the test.                              Graphene seems to be a probable “Holy
    200,000cm2/V*s, in specific situations, and         Graphene has been used to create              Grail” for future technology, with the current
    that its electron mobility remains relatively    supercapacitors, which are often used            limiting factor being its production price. If
    unchanged within temperatures from 10K           in rechargeable batteries. In addition to        that can be brought down, Graphene will
    and 300K. Graphene also has an extremely         charging quickly, supercapacitors can            prove exceptionally useful in improving
    low resistivity and has demonstrated to          store 10 to 100 times more energy and can        upon existing technologies.
    have superconducting properties, meaning         withstand many more charge/discharge
    an electric current can pass through it with     cycles than a normal battery. In 2017,

-6- | TECHNOLOGY                                                       PIXELATED

           GALAXY BUDS                                                                                            by Siddiq Nanabawa

         irpods, which were first released on   sound quality. The Airpods weigh a light       hours while the Airpods have a battery life
         December 13, 2016, have gained         .14 ounces, so they sit comfortably in the     of only 5 hours. The Samsung Galaxy Buds
         lots of popularity in the past few     ear and are hard to feel. However, some        also have wireless charging, which is an
years. It is estimated that Apple shipped       people say that it feels as though one         extremely useful feature. It is also possible
up to 28 million pairs of Airpods in 2018,      hard step or movement will be enough           to get wireless charging for your Airpods,
(almost 10 million more than how many           to knock Airpods out of their ears. In         however that costs even more money
they shipped in 2016) and brought in $4.3       contrast, The Samsung Buds weigh a             money on top of the original price of the
billion in revenue since they first released    similar 0.2 ounces while having a side         Airpods..
in 2016. Although Airpods are the most          wing that helps keep to keep them from            Now we can move on to the most
popular wireless headphones at the              falling out. As a result, the Samsung          important part of this discussion: how
moment, this may not be the case forever;       Galaxy Buds are more secure and are less       easy both of these headphones are to use.
on March 8, 2019, Samsung released the          likely to fall out compared to the Airpods.    Starting off with Samsung, the Samsung
Samsung Galaxy Buds. The Samsung Buds           So far, it seems as though the Samsung         Buds have their own app which allows
were released alongside the Galaxy S10, S10     Galaxy Buds have a clear advantage over        the user to set up certain settings for the
Plus, and S10e and they are gaining lots of     the Airpods, and that’s not going to change.   Buds such as customizing button controls
attention. These Samsung Galaxy Buds are        The Samsung Galaxy Buds have buttons on        or finding misplaced Buds. Airpods, on
the newest competition for Apple’s Airpods      the actual earbud which allows people to       the other hand, do not have their own app
so it’s important that we know how they         play/pause a song, skip a song or start/end    and all of their options are in the phone’s
compare to each other.                          a call. While Airpods also have these same     default settings, which in my opinion can
   The first major difference between           functions, Airpods do not function as well     be a bit difficult to use. Lastly, both of these
Airpods and Samsung Galaxy buds is their        as Galaxy Buds when it comes to using          headphones are compatible with iPhones
price.                                          these buttons according to online reviews.     and Androids and they both connect to
   Airpods, which were released more            This can be a problem as Siri is already       these devices in similar ways which require
than a year ago, cost $160, which is steep      often hard to use and it only works well       the user to use normal bluetooth. Despite
considering that Samsung Galaxy Buds            with Apple music. It seems obvious that the    all of the debate, both of these headphones
only cost $130 right at release. In addition    Samsung Buds take the win when it comes        are great devices that have amazing audio
to being cheaper, Samsung Galaxy Buds           to the controls for the headphones.            and will serve their purpose. However, in
are also available in three different colors,      Battery life is also a very important       my opinion, the Samsung Galaxy Buds are
(white, black and bright yellow) while          feature of these devices and continuing the    cheaper and have more options as well as
Airpods are only available in white.            trend, Galaxy Buds have a larger battery       they are easier to use. If it were up to me, I
   Moving on, Airpods and Samsung               life than Airpods. The Samsung Galaxy          would say that the Samsung Buds would be
Galaxy Buds also differ in comfort and          Buds have an expected battery life of 6        a better purchase.

                                                               PIXELATED                                                      TECHNOLOGY | -7-
by Pratham Gandhi

         n February 28th, Samsung held            to capture the same view that the human        is the budget version of the new flagships,
         its annual Galaxy Unpacked               eye sees. The dual aperture rear cameras       comparable to the iPhone XR. The S10e
         event where they unveiled the            produce stunning shots in low light            sacrifices the in-display fingerprint
new additions to their Galaxy line of             conditions as well. Samsung’s growing          sensor, larger screen size, Edge display,
smartphones and wearables. Amongst the            focus on Artificial Intelligence can be seen   and telephoto camera for a one hundred
devices discussed were the Galaxy Buds,           in the new photography boosts it built into    fifty dollar price drop. The Galaxy Fold
the Galaxy Watch Active, and the Galaxy           the new phones, such as Pro Assist, which      is a foldable phone which combines the
Fit, however, the main focus of the event         uses object recognition to figure out what     phone and tablet experience into one. Not
was undoubtedly the new smartphones.              objects are in the shot and automatically      many details were revealed about the Fold
The new phones reflect Samsung’s                  suggests setting adjustments which             except for its general design, but Samsung
investment and opinion regarding the              could improve the shots. With a host of        did provide the price of the device: a
future of mobile computing, with a heavy          additional AI boosted features and highly      whopping one thousand nine hundred
focus on processing power and artificial          customizable settings, the new flagship        and eighty dollars. While I can’t be too
intelligence-boosted productivity. Many           phones’ cameras are certainly one of the       sure until the device is actually released,
critics agree that this is the direction          best on the market. Though I haven’t used      my suspicion is that the Galaxy Fold won’t
in which consumer technology should               one of the phones myself, I’ve seen photos     gain a widespread user-base for quite a
be moving. Some of the most notable               online from the Samsung phones and             long time due to its extremely expensive
features have been added to this year’s S         their competitors, and to me, the shots        cost and, honestly, impracticality.
line phones, specifically the S10e, S10,          from the Samsungs are clearly sharper
and S10+. These include the new display,          and have a better color quality. I certainly
the lack of the all too common “notch”,           am in agreement that these are the best        “This year,
the improved camera, in-glass fingerprint
scanner, and internal performance
                                                  cameras available on smartphones right
                                                  now, period.
                                                                                                 Samsung has made
upgrades.                                            With the addition of the new cameras        a significant step
   Starting with the primary flagship             on the rear of the phone, Samsung had to
phones, the S10 and S10+, one of the              move the fingerprint sensor. Due to their      forward in the
changes immediately caught everyone’s
eyes is the circular cutout within the
                                                  commitment to a bezel-less design, they
                                                  elected to embed the fingerprint sensor
                                                                                                 development of a
front display. Samsung has always been            within the screen on the S10 and S10+.         truly bezel-less all-
opposed to the more commonly adopted              Using ultrasonic technology, the phone
notch design, something you can see               is able to scan your finger using a device     screen phone”
on the iPhone XS and Pixel 3. Instead,            underneath the glass of the screen. This
they’ve been eliminating side bezels              is one of the many small adjustments              So this all brings forward the question,
and shrinking the top bezels as much              Samsung made this year which bolsters          “Which one should I buy?” Well, I’d say
as technologically possible. This year,           their status as a premier innovator in         immediately rule out waiting for the
Samsung has made a significant step               the consumer technology industry.              Fold. Besides the fact that we don’t really
forward in the development of a truly             Other examples of this include higher          know what it’ll entail exactly and it’s likely
bezel-less all-screen phone in the form of        performance internal processors which          going to be a fairly cumbersome device
a small cutout in the top right-hand corner       make playing Fortnite at highest settings      without much-added functionality, it
of the screen which houses the front-             a breeze, 5G capabilities which will allow     almost costs more than the price of a
facing camera on both the S10 and S10+.           the phone to download data at a blazing        laptop and smartphone combined. While
This approach is yet to be adopted by any         speed, an improved UI which prioritizes        the larger battery, additional camera,
other manufacturer. The new design is             focus and simplicity, and wireless             and wider screen of the S10+ may be a
quite unfamiliar to many, but reviewers           powersharing which charges wireless            draw, I personally don’t think that the
and critics say it’s easy to get used to. This,   accessories directly from the phone.           accompanying price hike is worth the
though, is a perfect opportunity to talk          The new UI has been pushed out to old          money either, especially since the majority
about the cameras themselves.                     Samsung phones already and I’ve had a          of important features are available on
   Apart from the front camera, both the          chance to use it for myself for an extended    both the flagship phones. So, that leaves
S10 and S10+ have a set of rear cameras.          time. From a user’s perspective, the new       us with just the S10 and the S10e. Given
The S10 has a single front camera in a            UI is definitely more visually appealing       the fact that it’s only a one hundred and
circular cutout, while the S10+ has two           and easier to use, allowing me to get what     fifty dollar price difference, the lack of
front cameras, one selfie camera, and one         I want done much quicker. I’m confident        some of the truly revolutionary features
Red Green Blue depth camera, encased in           S10 owners will thoroughly enjoy the           which Samsung is pushing this year on
an oval cutout. On the rear, both versions        experience.                                    the S10e would make me spring for the
have a magnifying telephoto, wide                    The S10 and S10+ were not, however,         S10. In the end, however, it’s all up to the
angle, and ultra-wide camera. The three           the only phones unveiled at the event. In      individual customer, and I’m excited to
cameras produce a one hundred twenty-             fact, there were two other phones shown        see how the sales of the different devices
three degree field of view which is able          off: the S10e and the Galaxy Fold. The S10e    play out.

                                                                 PIXELATED                                                    TECHNOLOGY | -9-
Yoshi's Crafted World
        Most people love Yoshi, an            Nintendo is aware of the lack of       much effort went into perfecting
     adorable, friendly, green dinosaur       difficulty associated with a side-     the visuals. The boss battles also
     that is a side character in the Mario    scrolling platformer paired with a     felt repetitive, without much
     franchise. In 1995, Nintendo             character that is almost impossible    differing one battle from the
     released a game with Yoshi as the        to die with, and instead of trying     next. It seems as if Nintendo took
     main character instead of a sidekick.    to create the difficult levels, they   these reviews seriously, as many
     Since then, they have released eight     go the other way: make the levels      of these underperforming parts
     more games, including Yoshi’s            easy to beat, but add secrets          of Yoshi’s Woolly World seem to
     Crafted World. In the opening            within each level. From the basic      be fixed in Crafted World. They
     cutscene, Kamek tries to steal the       gold coins to the secretive red        introduced hiding secrets in the
     Sundream Stone and sends the             coins to the hidden flowers, every     background and foreground add
     stone’s gems flying across the map       level poses a challenge in finding     extra spice for players, and give
     in the process. Either flying solo       and collecting every single item.      the platforming feeling a little
     or playing alongside a partner, the      Extra flowers are rewarded for         more three-dimensionality in a
     goal is to complete levels and fight     completing levels under certain        mostly 2D game. The boss battles,
     bosses to save the fellow Yoshis.        conditions, such as collecting all     although similar in some aspects,
        Yoshi is seen as a really adorable    20 red coins, or not losing a single   differ enough for players to not get
     character, so the world and craft-       life. The golden coins have another    bored. Since both games are very
     themed level details put into this       use: buying costumes for Yoshi. For    similar, Nintendo has been able to
     game make it super fitting for           every 100 coins, Yoshi is allowed      smoothen out the flaws for Crafted
     a character like Yoshi. Its level        to buy a special costume that she      World, making it a game with little
     design is very much similar to that      can use in levels for more than just   to no flaws.
     in Yoshi’s Woolly World, having          appearance; each costume gives             Unless you are a player who
     a very similar arts-and-crafts           Yoshi armor to soak up damage,         wants an action-packed game, then
     style. The cardboard doors, paper        with rarer costumes giving more        I think Yoshi’s Crafted World is a
     platforms hanging from a string,         armor. There is also a secret boss     good game to buy overall. The levels
     and the very plush-like Yoshis and       fight at the end of the game, which    are not tediously long that playing
     enemies are very well done. Even         can only be unlocked by completing     requires hours to spare, nor are
     the bosses Kamek creates to battle       a sequence of specific actions, and    they too short that you just breeze
     you are built in front of your eyes as   it takes Yoshi into a special fight    through the game. Yoshi’s abilities
     a basic art project. The cutscenes,      against Kamek. Nintendo has            also allow players to not focus all
     although very short, are very            even included two new abilities if     of their energy onto surviving, but
     creatively built to give players a       there are two players. The first one   enough to find all the secrets. And
     moment to just enjoy the game and        allows a Yoshi to ride on the back     on top of it all, a relaxing visual and
     maybe even let out a little laugh.       of another Yoshi, and the second       soundtrack make this game one
     The accompanying music adds on           allows a Yoshi to eat and spit out     worth getting. There will definitely
     even more to such brilliantly built      their partner at enemies. They are     be more Yoshi games in the future,
     visuals. One might even say that the     not very special or make the levels    but as of right now Nintendo has
     visuals of this game reflect a dream     easier, but the fact that Nintendo     not released any information of
     of a five-year-old: very surreal and     thought to include these features      one. We can expect the next game
     friendly, appealing to all ages.         shows the creativity put into the      to maintain some of the features
        Like Woolly World, the levels         game.                                  in Yoshi’s Crafted World, such as
     are hardly impossible to beat,               When Nintendo released Yoshi’s     easy levels with secrets, detailed
     especially given Yoshi’s two main        Woolly World back in 2015,             visuals, and a solid soundtrack, as
     abilities, his flutter jump and his      the game was met with mixed            this game did with Yoshi’s Woolly
     eating. Within playing the first         reactions. Most people liked and       World, but we can still expect
     level, the basic mechanics become        appreciated the woolen textures,       Nintendo to spice things up with
     pretty simple: eat everything in         but felt as if the gameplay itself     whatever they have in mind for the
     sight, and jump wherever needed.         was underdeveloped because so          next Yoshi game.

-10- | GAMING                                            PIXELATED
by Jayer Yang

              n February 13th, an unexpect-             The game was released to critical and com-           made the huge jump from 2D graphics to 3D.
              ed announcement caused waves              mercial success, selling about 6 million units       From the footage that’s been released so far
              in the Nintendo community.                total and proving its distinction from A Link        from the Nintendo Direct and its announce-
 Nintendo was planning on remaking Link’s               to The Past as its own, very successful, game.       ment trailer, the newest edition of the game
 Awakening on the Switch. The original
 game was released for the Gameboy over
 25 years ago, and is still regarded as one of
                                                                  “The newest                                looks better than ever, featuring modernized,
 the best entries into the Legend of Zelda                     edition of the game                           and completely new graphics in the style of A
 series to this day, being praised for its origi-                                                            Link Between Worlds, another entry in the
 nality and difference from other main series                  looksobetter than                             Legend of Zelda series. At the same time, the
 games. Now that the game is being remas-                                                                    remake seems to have taken cues from the
 tered, it seems like a good time to take a                       ever, featuring                            original, taking careful steps to maintain the
 look back at the development of the original.
     The original Link’s Awakening was released
                                                                modernized, and                              feel of gameplay and layout of the original
                                                                                                             map to create an authentic experience that
 in America for the Gameboy in August 1993,
 and it was considered extremely ground-
                                                                 completely new                              blends the best of both worlds, old and new.
                                                                                                                 A full-on remake of an older game is rare
 breaking as it was the first portable game in                      graphics”                                for Nintendo, so details on how much work
 the Legend of Zelda series. The game has Link                                                               was put into this project as of now remain
 explore the island of Koholint, a deviation                Interestingly, 2019 is not the first time this   sparse, but will most likely become clearer as
 from the regular setting of Hyrule, battling           game has been remastered. Appearing for the          time goes on. No official release date has been
 monsters and exploring dungeons in a classic           newer Gameboy Color, the remaster, titled            slated for Link’s Awakening, only that it will
 overhead-perspective action-adventure game.            Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX was             be available by the end of 2019 exclusively on
 (Fun Fact: This is the first in the series that uti-   released in 1998. It built off the biggest com-      the Nintendo Switch. It will be distributed
 lizes the overhead style of gameplay to also give      plaints that the public had with the original,       through digital download, accompanied by a
 Link the ability to jump.) Originally intended         those being the control scheme and its bland         limited physical release. This is probably due
 to be a port of A Link To The Past, which was          color palette. Its release came paired with an       to the fact that Nintendo is expecting low-
 released on the SNES, Awakening’s develop-             exclusive dungeon level and compatibility            er sales on this game than say, 2017’s Breath
 ment process was relatively unique, starting           with the Gameboy printer, a mostly forgot-           of The Wild, due to its nature as a remake.
 out as an unapproved side project which was            ten accessory that allowed you to print little       Regardless of sales, however, we couldn’t be
 distinctly apart from the rest of the games.           pictures of certain screenshots. The port was        more excited to see how this game turns out.
 The idea behind its experimental nature was            praised for providing some new content and
 to test the limits of the Gameboy’s hardware           for touching up most of the little gameplay
 and software capabilities, and once the devel-         issues with the original game. However, the
 opers were satisfied with what they saw the            game’s revamp for the switch seems a lot more
 project quickly became its own unique game.            complex than a graphics touch-up, having

                                                                         PIXELATED                                                       GAMING | -11-
Top 8 Players at
  the Mid-Season
     by Ryan Eastep

        E                                               1) Kang "TheShy" Seung-lok, Invictus
                very year, the best teams and                                                         no fluke.
                players from around the world        Gaming
                come together for the Mid-Season         Ever since he blossomed onto the                  3) Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok, SK Telecom
     Invitational (MSI), the second biggest          scene as a dominant top lane force in            T1
     international tournament of the calendar        early 2018, TheShy has exceeded all of the           When you think of professional League
     year, only outshined by annual League of        enormous expectations placed on him. In          of Legends, one name comes to mind: Faker.
     Legends World Championship. The field is        incredible fashion, he led IG to their first     By far the most decorated player in the
     made up of the champions from each of the       World Championship title by flexing on his       history of competitive LoL, and coming off
     13 regions around the globe, ranging from       opponents with lane dominant picks like          of his most disappointing year to date, this
     the more successful regions like Korea,         his signature Fiora and Aatrox, proving to       year is just another chapter to the story that
     China, and Europe to the lesser known           the world that no one can match up to him        is Faker’s redemption arc. Assembling a new
     ones such as Japan, Oceania, and Turkey.        one on one. He hasn’t lost a beat since then,    roster for 2019, SKT and Faker consistently
     Considering that only regional champions        placing in the top 5 for MVP voting despite      stayed at the top of the LCK, then absolutely
     make it to the tournament, there’s always       not playing for half of the season. TheShy       dismantled #1 seeded Griffin to capture the
     serious competition present, and this year      is undoubtedly the current best player in        Spring split title. A large part in that was due
     is no different. In fact, this year might be    the world and looks to build on his already      to Faker and his incredible champion ocean
     the most stacked MSI has ever been. The         impressive legacy by showcasing his talent       and mechanics. Sporting an incredible 13
     reigning world champions, China’s Invictus      yet again at MSI.                                champions played, even after accounting
     Gaming (IG), are ready to expand on their                                                        for the numerous bans he drew every game,
     legacy, while 3-time World Champions                 2) Song "Rookie" Eui-jin, Invictus          in addition to a mind-boggling 90.9% on
     SK Telecom (SKT) are looking to stop            Gaming                                           Lissandra, Faker has returned and is ready
     them in their tracks en route to their 3rd           After many years of hardship and failure,   to take back titles that were rightfully his in
     MSI trophy. Europe’s G2 Esports, fresh          Rookie finally broke through and with his        the past.
     off of a semifinal finish at the 2018 World     partner in crime TheShy, was an integral
     Championship and a dominating Spring            part of IG’s Worlds run. Undoubtedly the              4) Park "Teddy" Jin-seong, SK Telecom
     split, built a superteam ready to take on the   best mid laner in the world for the majority     T1
     best in the world and ultimately prove their    of 2017/2018, Rookie has shown time and              Arguably the biggest acquisition of
     worth. Even Team Liquid, a team which has       time again that similar to his fellow solo       the off-season, Teddy has way exceeded
     struggled in the past, look solid with their    laner, almost no one can match him in            expectations. Formally the singular force
     newly minted roster stacked with world          lane. His proficiency on dominant lane           on a horrid Jin Air Greenwings team, SKT
     champions, MVPs, and loads of experience.       picks like Akali and Leblanc enable him to       picked up the promising AD Carry in hopes
     Each of these rosters has their fair share of   control both his lane and the map in ways        that he would contribute in ways he formerly
     outstanding talent, and we’re going to look     unmatched by anyone. Although he’s no            couldn’t considering the previous set of talent
     at who, individually, can make the biggest      longer the trophy-less player thought of by      around him. That experiment has more
     splash at this year’s MSI.                      many to be the best player to never win a        than paid off, with Teddy dominating bot
                                                     title, Rookie is determined to show that his     lanes across the LCK without much hassle.
                                                     dominance from the last couple years was         He has shown extraordinary proficiency on

-12- | GAMING                                                       PIXELATED
highly mechanical champions like Ezreal           superteam, only to pick up right where he        in North America, Yiliang “Doublelift”
and Kai’sa, and will not back down from the       left off. Winning another MVP award and          Peng, CoreJJ was able to unlock his full
spotlight at his first big international event.   another split, Caps is looking to redeem         potential, capturing his first MVP title and
                                                  himself for his shortcomings last year, and      led TL to an epic reverse sweep over TSM for
    5) Martin "Wunder" Hansen, G2                 this may be the best opportunity he’ll get.      the season title. Although his resumé seems
Esports                                                                                            stacked enough for most players, he wants
    The highest ranked Western player on              7) Gao "Ning" Zhen-Ning, Invictus            to win MSI to fill up his international trophy
this list, Wunder is the epitome of steady        Gaming                                           case. This current TL squad definitely looks
improvement. Originally a role player on              The unsung hero of Invictus Gaming,          like this is the way to do it.
Splyce, has slowly blossomed into a world-        2018 World Championship MVP Ning has
class top laner, capable of many different        been a quiet yet integral part of IG’s stretch
styles. His versatility is shown directly         of dominance. He occupies the role of
in his champion pool this year, ranging           enabling IG’s dazzling solo lanes, playing
from heavy tanks like Sion to poke/battle         optimally to the team’s win condition. Ning
mages like Karma or Kennen. Although he           is no joke mechanically, either, with his
struggled mightily against TheShy at Worlds       occasional carry performances if the team
2018, Wunder has more than proven that he         needs it. He just fits the roster so well, and
has moved past that performance, and with         performing well at MSI will give him a
his new superteam at his side is ready to         way to prove that he’s more than just a role
take on the dominant Eastern forces again.        player.

   6) Rasmus "Caps" Winther, G2 Esports              8)   Jo "CoreJJ" Yong-in, Team Liquid
    The two-time reigning MVP in EU                   Rounding off the list, we have the only
has had an interesting year. Last summer,         player from North America, Team Liquid’s
he nearly led Fnatic to a perfect record in       CoreJJ. A former world champion for
Europe, and was part of the roster that           Samsung Galaxy in 2017, CoreJJ decided
made it all the way to the World Final before     to return to the North American scene
getting swept by Invictus Gaming. Caps            following a disastrous showing at Worlds
proceeded to leave Fnatic and join the G2         2018 with Gen.G. Paired with the best ADC

                                                                 PIXELATED                                                    GAMING | -13-
W                                                                                    "While the game does
                    hat’s     hard      about    or football it is common for them to
                    improving the MLB the        lose at least 1 game out of three to a
                    Show franchise is that       team worse than them. What is also         have multiplayer mode
     the game is already great. Even with        great about this mode which stands
     the difficulty of adding new content,       out from other MyTeam modes is that        where you can play your
     this edition still adds another layer to    you get to design your team uniforms.
     the game by making defending even           This addition seems small, but it adds       friend in a 9 inning
     more realistic than before. Even with
     the upgrades, the game seems to have
                                                 to the feeling that this is your own
                                                 team, a personal touch which I enjoy.
                                                                                             game; they don’t have
     holes that they need to patch up for            Besides Diamond Dynasty, the           a mycareer multiplayer
     next year’s version.                        other big game mode is Road to the
         The game itself is still as fluid as    Show, which is the MyCareer mode of          experience like the
     ever, with turning looking as easy as       the game. Road to the show seems to
     ever. I found that I tended to dive right   be slightly improving every year. This       NBA 2K series and
     into Diamond Dynasty, the myteam
     version of the show, early on instead
                                                 year, the mode lets you choose from
                                                 5 different archetypes to start your
                                                                                                  NHL series."
     of the other modes. Diamond Dynasty         journey with 2 as a hitter and 3 for a     mode. Even with all time spent in
     has always stood apart from other card      pitcher. While gameplay itself isn’t bad   the gym, it all becomes worth it once
     collecting myteam games, as it isn’t        in this mode, the time that you spend      your player makes it to the Major
     just about who has the highest cards.       working out in the gym or doing other      Leagues. The show captures the MLB
     Skill plays a huge part to this mode        activities to get your upgrades can be     aspect incredibly as there is a genuine
     and really reflects the true essence        tedious. I found myself spending an        feeling your player is in a major
     of baseball. The better team can still      abnormal amount of time doing this,        league stadium with thousands of
     lose 63 games, and unlike basketball        and it took away from the rest of the      fans cheering you on. Another great

-14- | GAMING                                                 PIXELATED
MLB The Show
                                              by Mark Fernandez

addition about the game this year is       that is not worth the time. Similar to   would be a lot of waiting and not of
that the developers listened to the        Road to October is Franchise mode,       action.
community and have reactivated the         where you take over a franchise                  Overall, time goes on and
ability for your player to become a        for multiple seasons, which hasn’t       MLB the Show has maintained its
90th percentile player.                    changed and is the ever lovable time     greatness. Expect to find me in
   Moments is a new addition to            killing mode.                            Diamond Dynasty until next March
the game this year which allows you            The biggest thing that MLB the       with the release of MLB the Show 20.
to play big ‘moments’ from player’s        Show misses on is the incorporation
careers and get rewards for it. There      of playing with friends. While the
are different kinds of moments as          game does have multiplayer mode
some will be as easy as getting a hit      where you can play your friend in
in a tense game while another will be      a 9 inning game; they don’t have a
hitting a homerun in one at-bat or         mycareer multiplayer experience like
getting 5 extra base hits in 3 games.      the NBA 2K series and NHL series.
For someone who doesn’t want to            These series create a world where
grind through a full season mode to        your mycareer player can interact
get coins, this is the perfect mode.       with others and even play 2 on 2, 3 on
   Road to October, an abridged            3, or even 5 on 5 games against each
version of season mode -where you          other using their players. MLB the
take control of a team throughout          Show doesn’t do this simply because it
their entire season- leaves something      doesn’t work with baseball. To play a
to be desired as half of the mode is       baseball game, you need 9 players and
simulated and there is no lasting effect   there is a lot of time between action.
from winning besides getting a reward      If you were to play a live game, there

                                                        PIXELATED                                         GAMING | -15-
Apex Legends
by Victor Dimitrov

                all down aerial bombardments,           While the world of Apex Legends             the only new features being introduced
                charge your shields, and find        shares a universe with the Titanfall           into    the    battle-royale   stereotype.
                your nearest zipline because         franchise, there aren't any Titans to             Squads are now made up into 3 players
     Respawn’s newly released free-to-play           commandeer in the game. Although I             per squad 20 squads per game, this creates
     Apex Legends is here! After a flooding of       could tell from playing the game that the      an interesting dynamic all but unseen
     battle-royales from everybody and their         intricacy and technological level of the       in the gaming world. Even with the odd
     second cousin, Apex Legends delivers a          equipment used would be on par with            number, the system works incredibly well
     fresh take on the dying genre. Imagine          huge soldier-like mechs. For those who         and has only improved the mechanics
     Overwatch and Fortnite combined and you         were waiting for Titanfall 3 to delve deeper   from the outdated 4-man squad
     almost have what Apex Legends delivers.         into the lore, this is the next best thing.    dynamic. Since the number of Legends
        If you have put countless hours into            The game has an opening that briefly        you can choose from are limited at the
     games like PUBG or any other battle-            explains the characters, appropriately         moment, this feature makes every time
     royale, you know what fatigue feels like.       named Apex Legends. They all have              you choose a Legend a crucial decision.
     Constantly dropping out of the sky,             different reasons for joining the battle,      Will you play as a healer/support while
     grabbing as much armor and weapons              most of which are only hinted to in            your friends tank, or will you have high
     as possible then running from house to          the game. Although we have a year of           damage potential, the choice is yours.
     house, surviving by the skin of your teeth...   updates and new content on the horizon,           After choosing a Legend, a screen
     Until you either get chicken dinner or get      I am sure Respawn will want to delve           pops up that is new to the battle-royale
     jumped by another player you never saw          deeper into the characters just like the       genre, it shows you a team from the
     coming. Even faster paced battle-royale         wildly popular Overwatch still does.           game you’re playing and names the best
     games have been stained by over-the-top            The first thing that catches your eye       among them the Champion, the best
     in-game purchases and the repetitiveness        when you start playing Apex Legends is,        in the last match. There is also a kill-
     that comes with any game in this genre.         well, the Legends themselves. One of the       leader: this player, appropriately named,
     If you understand what I am referring           many twists on the genre you can expect        has the highest kill count. Both of these
     to, and even if you don't, playing Apex         from the game is the integration of 3          players practically have bounties on
     legends will feel like a breath of fresh air;   special abilities per Legend. This takes       their heads, giving a certain sadistic
     and with a million players within the first 8   the gameplay to a whole other level. Just      element to hunting down certain squads.
     hours, the fans everywhere seem to agree.       imagine you see an enemy squad in a shack         This game has something for everyone,
        Released on February 4th, with only a        across the valley, and instead of having       having handpicked the best parts of
     stream right before launch and a couple         a straight-up firefight you have tactical      some of the most successful games being
     of Tweets to advertise it, Apex Legends         options depending on your Legend. Call         played right now. A good example of this
     is now one of the most beloved battle-          down an airstrike, use your sense to see       is the executions or finishers that are
     royales of all time. As of now, there is no     them through structures, or even string a      performed in a short animation when
     cross-platform play, but Respawn vaguely        zip line to a better vantage point. These      killing an enemy using melee. Each
     mentioned wanting to allow players              are just some of the ways Legends affect       Legend has its own repertoire of finishers
     to play with friends on other systems.          the overall gameplay, but they aren't          which complement their personality.

-16- | GAMING                                                       PIXELATED
Bloodhound, for instance, will throw a           Beacon you are giving them a second          by changing up the squad number to 3
knife at his victims face, and if you the        chance without any prior loot. These         and adding an Overwatch Hero element,
unlucky receiver of that knife, it still looks   short but entertaining animations break      but all of it paid off in the long run. With
great from your first-person perspective.        the constant first-person view you will      new updates and a flood of new content
On the flip side, when you revive a              most likely be using for most of the game.   announced for the coming year, this
squadmate there is a short animation of             At the end of the day, I have yet to      game seems to be reaching for the skies.
your character sticking a needle in your         play a better game in this oversaturated     There may not be Titans but the pure
friend bringing him back with all of his         genre. Given that the game had no hype       replayability of this game has made up for
gear. If your squadmate dies fully after         or any advertising leading up to it, the     most if not all of its insignificant faults.
being knocked down, there is still hope.         player base is very impressive and the
How? By bringing their tag (which will           reactions to the game are even better.
expire in 90 seconds) to a nearby Respawn        Respawn was playing a dangerous game

                                                               PIXELATED                                                GAMING | -17-
 by Victor Dimitrov

                   nthem’s gameplay is built off   a-character modes, however, it is better           The on-the-ground portions of
                   of Mass Effect 3’s incredible   than Destiny’s, and you do have a choice      Anthem function well enough. Guns feel
                   co-op multiplayer experience    in terms of how they look. Freelancers are    weighty and have a solid sound design.
     which was also developed by Bioware. In       the men and woman contracted to venture       The game even allows the option to
     that mode, up to four players would pick      outside of Fort Tarsis, the Freelancer        increase the volume of successful bullet
     a character class, choose a loadout, then     enclave, in large exosuits called Javelins.   hits on enemies, which is a nice touch
     engage in battles across various maps.        You can explore, fight and protect what       more games should take note of. However,
     It was expansive, had a ton of depth          remains of a world left in ruin by a          whether through networking issues or
     and really pushed Mass Effect’s combat        destructive alien force                       general latency, the actual physical impact
     into the stratosphere. Biotics, weapon             These environments are explored          weapons have on enemies is rather ho-
     selection and character skills were honed     in perhaps the best part of Anthem: the       hum. Even when wielding a massive
     to perfection and it was easily one of        feel of piloting and controlling your         grenade launcher, or an epic shotgun,
     the best co-op experiences ever created.      Javelin. Bioware has finally delivered        getting right up on enemies and emptying
     Years later, they took it mode and decided    on something Iron-Man fans have been          the clip never quite satisfies the way it
     to build a completely unique and fully        waiting decades for: the simulated feeling    should. The sound of damaging an enemy
     featured experience centered around that      of stepping off a cliff, going into free      is quite anticlimactic and does not do a
     tight and satisfying gameplay loop. The       fall and then activating all thrusters and    great job of reflecting the weapons’ power.
     game is directed by Jonathan Warner and       launching forward at high speed into the           Each of the four javelins provides a
     was made be available on February 22,         sky, from where you can take in the sights    large variety of gear and attacks that they
     2019.                                         of the game’s world. The weight of the        share, alongside their own unique combo
          Anthem places you in control of a        Javelin, the satisfying thud when you land,   style and ultimate attack. Executing these
     Freelancer of your creation. It’s not on      and the sound of your jets activating and     abilities and attacks truly feels awesome.
     the same scale of older Bioware create-       giving you thrust is incredibly satisfying.   Running around as a Colossus with my

-18- | GAMING                                                    PIXELATED
shield out as a fellow Storm is flying          truly shines when the team is working        cosmetics can be acquired via in-game
overhead and launching huge, arcing             together to keep those combos chaining       coins or a currency called Shards that
bolts of lightning to enemies in front of       throughout each combat scenario. It’s a      you pay for with real money. So far the
me is an incredible sight to behold. When       thrilling and engaging system that rewards   game’s cosmetic options are slim to none,
Anthem is at its best it feels like the long    player skill, teamwork and unique builds     with only a couple of different armors and
one-take fight scenes from the Avengers         which will keep you coming back for          looks to unlock. More are coming when
films. All four character classes in lockstep   more the same way you would at the start.    the game officially launches on the 22nd,
coordinating attacks and darting around                                                      and during a live Q&A Bioware laid out
huge battlefields leaving destruction in         "When Anthem is at                          plans for in-game cosmetic unlocks via
their wake. Anthem Javelins come in four                                                     strongholds and end-game activities.
varieties, or classes: the Colossus, Storm,       its best it feels like                     Regardless of future plans, Anthem does
Interceptor, and Ranger. The Ranger is the                                                   not offer nearly enough different looks to
all-around class; Colossus is the warrior-
                                                   the long one-take                         satisfy players who really want to dig into
type defender class, Storm is the magic-        fight scenes from the                        that aspect of customization. Only time
user class, and Interceptor is the agility/                                                  will tell how far this aspect goes, but as
speed class. It feels like a dance, carefully       Avengers films."                         of right now it doesn’t offer much in that
choreographed to get through the tougher                                                     regard.
encounters and requiring coordination                                                             Anthem is a great new start for
and teamwork in a way other games in            The powers, teamwork and combo system        Bioware. A lore-rich, co-op RPG with a
this genre just don’t ask of the player.        make up for the lackluster gunplay. The      fantastic combat engine and visuals to
     Anchoring the combat is the return         combat is really good, but it could have     match. The real test will be if Bioware can
of Mass Effect’s combo system. Each             been truly one-of-a-kind if that aspect      keep up the cadence of delivering content
character class has several primer and          matched the rest of the experience if not    on a frequent basis to keep the player
detonator abilities. Ideally, in combat, you    for this weak link.                          base moving forward and prevent it from
want to try and prime a target and then              Each character can level up to 30       becoming stagnant. They have already laid
detonate him to create a combo which            and has several slots for equipping gear.    out an extensive roadmap, but the launch
does massive damage. Combo damage               Two weapon slots, three ability slots, and   day Anthem experience is fully featured
will increase the damage that you deal to       six components are the gear that will        and has a ton of content to get through.
an enemy and it will have different effects     affect your power and gear score. As for     Strong alone, stronger together, Anthem
depending on which equipment you are            cosmetics, Anthem is more like Warframe      is a fantastic action-RPG experience for
using. You can deal damage in Anthem in         than Destiny: gear doesn’t impart a new      solo players or groups. Don’t miss it. It
different ways. You can freeze enemies,         physical appearance for your Javelin;        will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox
electrocute them, douse them with acid,         instead, you can unlock different armor      One, and Microsoft Windows.
and set them on fire. Each class is capable     pieces and vinyls and choose the materials
of doing both of those aspects themselves       and colors of your different parts to
and it works well enough, but Anthem            make your Javelin unique to you. These

                                                              PIXELATED                                                GAMING | -19-
The Role of
  Assassin's Creed in
  Notre Dame’s Repair
   by Akira Eisenbeiss

              or the vast majority of       has ventured into the American        their series. Intricate knowledge
              people, video games are       War for Independence, 16th-           of the iconic monument was
              merely      entertainment.    century Italy under the Borgias,      necessary in order to ensure the
     Yet the recent fire that devastated    and even Ancient Greece. With         best playing experience. In the
     the Notre-Dame cathedral has           Ubisoft being a titan in the video-   game, players can climb over
     allowed the video game industry        game industry (the fourth largest     objects and explore every nook
     to potentially serve some very         publicly-traded in Europe and the     and cranny of the game map with
     real and useful applications. After    Americas), it is no surprise that     little restriction. To achieve this,
     the roof and spire of the medieval                                            the developers had to map out
     Parisian cathedral burned down
     in mid-April, people all over the
                                                "This digital                      everything from the pews to the
                                                                                   buttresses of the cathedral. The
     world have been mourning the
     loss of the iconic monument.
                                            Notre-Dame boasts                      developers at Ubisoft conducted
                                                                                   the necessary research by taking
     The church, constructed in
     1180, survived revolutions, wars,
                                             more detail than a                    photos and videos of all aspects of
                                                                                   the church, accumulating to over
     occupations, and was even the
     location of Napoleon Bonaparte’s
                                             professional laser                    five thousand hours of work. The
                                                                                   lead artist for this construction
     coronation. President Emmanuel
     Macron promised to launch a
                                            scan, and architects                   project, Caroline Miousse, says
                                                                                   that her team did a full and
     fundraising campaign and to find
     the best solution to rebuild the
                                               believe it is a                     thorough digital replication of the
                                                                                   church, even including elements
     cathedral. Among the potential
     suggestions for how to restore the
                                             promising path to                     as specific as the artwork on the
                                                                                   walls of the interior. This digital
     850 year old church is an unlikely
     solution using a popular video
                                              reconstruction                       Notre-Dame boasts more detail
                                                                                   than a professional laser scan, and
     game franchise.
        During the production of their
                                                of the actual                      architects believe it is a promising
                                                                                   path to reconstruction of the
     Assassin’s Creed video game series,
     the French game development
                                                 cathedral."                       actual cathedral.
                                                                                       In the wake of the devastating
     company Ubisoft spent years            they pay extreme attention to the fire, Ubisoft has been vocal about
     recreating    famous      structures   level of detail in their game worlds. their willingness to aid in the
     and monuments. In Assassin’s           For their 2014 title Assassin’s reconstruction of the cathedral,
     Creed, players are immersed            Creed Unity, Ubisoft spent two acknowledging their franchise’s
     into a fictional action-adventure      years painstakingly modeling the debt to Notre-Dame de Paris. In
     experience set during historical       Notre-Dame cathedral as the game fact, they have already pledged
     events in real locations. The series   map for the eighth installment in half a million euros to the repair

-20- | GAMING                                           PIXELATED
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