Page created by Christian Gill
For The Bulletin Of                               day, and begins the second part of his good
16 May 2021                                       news, the Acts of the Apostles, with another
                                                  account forty days later. Perhaps Luke is
                                                  using these two accounts to stitch together
                                                  the farewell reality of Jesus in His glorified
                                                  humanity and the mission of the church, His
                                                  Body, which in His Spirit, must continue
                                                  His presence and work in the world. Luke
                                                  addresses the Acts of the Apostles to
                                                  “Theophilus” (“Lover of God”), perhaps a
                                                  patron of the early Christian community.
                                                  Gathered today around the World, we are
                                                  also the intended readers, all called to be
                                                  “lovers of God.”

                                                  Mark narrates that Jesus is risen. He has
                                                  appeared to His followers during forty days
                                                  – a biblical number symbolic of both
                                                  fullness and transition – and has instructed
                                                  them about the promised coming of the Holy
                                                  Spirit. He explains this coming in baptismal
                                                  terms. Water had been the baptismal
THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD                         medium of the Baptist, but this new baptism
                                                  will be in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
From Father Robert                                So the disciples wait for this unimagined
While the 1969 reform of the church’s             and unimaginable outpouring, still captive to
liturgical calendar retained the Feast of the     curiosity about times, dates, the possible
Ascension in the Easter Season, the integrity     relationship of Israel to the kingdom about
of the fifty post-resurrection days, the          which Jesus has so often spoken, and an
“Great Sunday,” has been restored to the          implied hankering for knowledge of their
status it enjoyed in the early church. The        own positions in this kingdom. Jesus
Ascension is one of the many-faceted Easter       deflects their desire for such answers into a
jewels that crown the liturgical year, and        concern for mission – the witness to Him
today’s reading reflects this light. In favor     that the disciples will be called and
of this integrity, in most places the feast of    empowered to give beyond Jerusalem,
the Ascension has been transferred from the       beyond Judea and Samaria, to the very ends
forty day interrupting marker of “Ascension       of the earth. The disciples are still a
Thursday” to the Seventh Sunday of Easter,        wounded community, wounded by Judas’
and symbolically the Paschal Candle is no         treachery, by Peter’s betrayal, and by their
longer extinguished on the Ascension but          cowardice. Yet it is in the midst of such
continues to be lit until Pentecost Sunday.       failure, false expectations, and incorrigible
                                                  personal ambitions and wishes for quick
In their different ways, all the gospel writers   solutions, that Jesus will call them to
want us to appreciate the threshold moment        mission.
of Jesus’ exaltation into haven. Luke ends
his gospel with one account of the ascension
of Jesus happening on the evening of Easter

For some reason, the Lectionary omits verse     Today’s psalm incites us to “sing praise to
14 from today’s reading of the “longer          God, sing praise.” What are you currently
ending” (and third post-resurrection            praising God for in your own life?
appearance of Jesus) of Mark’s gospel. It is
considered an inspired but later addition to    In the gospel we hear that Jesus, seated at
Mark 16:8 for the comfort and strengthening     the right hand of God, continues to “work
of the communities on mission. And so as        with” the disciples as they preach and do
we gather liturgically around the table, we     good works. How do you experience Jesus’
may not realize that Jesus’ commission to go    presence working with you in ministry?
and proclaim the Good News of His
resurrection to the whole of creation is also
given to the wounded Eleven “at table.”
Nor do we hear how Jesus upbraids them for
their lack of faith and stubbornness –
something that is surely a great consolation
for ourselves as wounded, struggling
disciples in whom the flame of missionary
desire can flicker or even be extinguished.
Yet like the Eleven, we are also people
entrusted with the mission of proclaiming
the gospel now that the physical presence of    About Liturgy: Already…But Not Yet
Jesus has ascended to heaven and is no          We celebrate now Jesus’ ascension and will
longer with us. We too are sent to do new       soon celebrate the coming of the Spirit at
wonders, speak new words with the fire of       Pentecost. Jesus’ death and resurrection
the Spirit on our tongues, offer new healing    earned for us a new life and a “New
to our sisters and brothers, and cast out       Jerusalem,” but we’re not there yet. Jesus’
contemporary “demons” from ourselves and        ascension and the arrival of the Spirit show
others. And all this continues to be “in the    us that same thing – where He has gone, we
name of,” in the personal power of Jesus        one day hope to follow – but not yet.
into Whose Body we are baptized.                “Already not yet” is one of the overlooked
                                                paradoxes of our Christian faith. This odd
                                                in-between time is hard to wrap our heads
                                                around. To wit: most of us view heaven as
                                                the ultimate and final destination of our
                                                souls, but that’s only because that’s what it’s
                                                been for 2,000 years. Your grandparents or
                                                even parents might have had to memorize
                                                this answer form the Baltimore Catechism
                                                once upon a time: “God made me to know
                                                Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this
In the first reading, Jesus instructs the
                                                world, and to be happy with Him for ever in
apostles to return to Jerusalem and “wait for
                                                heaven.” But wait – isn’t that ultimate goal,
the promise of the Father.’” What promise
                                                as recited in the Creed every Sunday, the
of God’s are you waiting on to be fulfilled?
                                                resurrection of the dead and the life of the
                                                world to come?

It feels, sometimes, as if our church has lost   our parish is to invite everyone to wear
that sense of expectation after all this time.   something RED to contribute to the energy,
Do we, like the early apostles might have,       the enthusiasm, the environment, of this
glance up at each passing cloud and wonder,      great day. I hope you will join us in this
is this the one that is bringing Jesus back to   tradition.
us? When will Christ come again? Is it
today? Am I ready? These are the sorts of
things we pray over at the end of each
church year and into Advent as well – but
this is also a perfect time to re-examine our
lives and our faith. Are we ready? How can
we be more ready? How can we more
deeply reflect on these serious questions?

                                                 On behalf of all of us, I extend the best of
                                                 wishes to Ray and Shelli Daviess on the
                                                 occasion of their Fiftieth Anniversary of
                                                 Marriage and to Werner and Roseanna
                                                 Hoch on the occasion of their Fifty-sixth
                                                 Anniversary of Marriage. May God
                                                 continue to bless you with the best of health,
                                                 much happiness, and the deepening of your
                                                 love. Congratulations!

                                                 Dr. Andrew Currier appointed
                                                 superintendent of schools for
The Sanctuary Candles for this entire year       Oakland Diocese
have been provided through the generosity        Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ, has appointed
of Terry Pedras in Loving Memory of her          a longtime Catholic educator as
Parents, Alfredo and Elena Avelar.               superintendent of diocesan schools.
                                                 Dr. Andrew T. Currier, currently president
                                                 of Archbishop Riordan High School in San
                                                 Francisco, who will begin work as
                                                 superintendent on July 1. Currier holds a
                                                 doctorate in philosophy from The Catholic
                                                 University of America and a master’s degree
                                                 in education from the University of Notre
                                                 Dame. Currier has served for 19 years in
                                                 Catholic education with over 13 years in
                                                 Catholic school leadership, including in
                                                 Florida, the Washington, D.C. area and
Pentecost                                        Indiana, in addition to being president of
Next weekend, 22-23 May, we celebrate the        Riordan since 2017. "I am impressed with
conclusion of the Easter Season and the          Dr. Currier’s record at Riordan High School
Great Fifty Days. One of the traditions of       — which has grown and expanded under his

leadership,” Bishop Barber said. “We are
fortunate to have found a very capable new
superintendent who shares my vision for
improving the Catholic identity of our
schools, and who is open to new models
required for the survival of Catholic
education in this 21st century.” During
Currier’s tenure as Riordan’s president he
supported enrollment expansion, athletics
facilities upgrades, and focused on Catholic
identity and programming. Currier has also
served as principal at other Catholic schools   Justice Corner by Carolyn Krantz,
which underwent transitions, and has served     Pastoral Associate
in the superintendent’s office for the          There is a pattern in the universe that many
Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. He has          philosophers have written about: Order,
fluency in Spanish and French, and is a         Disorder, Reorder, or Construction,
member of the Order of Malta, which             Deconstruction, Reconstruction. Our lives
provides medical care to the needy in the       seem to follow this pattern. Man and
Bay Area. He also volunteers at his parish,     woman construct a marriage, then children
Notre Dame des Victoires in San Francisco,      come along and deconstruct whatever plans
and for the Order of Malta in the Bay Area.     they had, then they set about reordering their
                                                lives to the new reality. We are in such a
“I am grateful to Bishop Barber for the         historic period. COVID deconstructed the
gracious invitation to serve the Catholic       world as we knew it. Now we have the
schools in the Diocese of Oakland,” Currier     opportunity to bring our creative
said. “Bishop Barber's vision for missionary    imagination to reconstruct a better world, to
discipleship, transcendent Mass experiences     build a world with more love, to make better
for students, with teaching and learning        patterns for the good of all. These patterns
imbued and animated by the corporal and         will demand sacrifice. With climate change
spiritual works of mercy, is inspiring and      a real reality, we will have to re-pattern the
absolutely necessary for successful Catholic    way we do things. With the advent of zoom
schools. I really look forward to partnering    and other technological advances, we will
with pastors and school leaders on finding      have to reorient our methods of
new ways to share the Good News of Jesus        communication. We are in for a radical
Christ with our students and promoting the      rearrangement.
good work being accomplished in the
Diocese of Oakland.” The Diocese of             Spiritually, we could call these times,
Oakland’s school system serves 48 Catholic      “Apocalyptic.” Theologians define this term
schools in Alameda and Contra Costa             in a new way these days, not as the “end
counties. There are 39 elementary/middle        times,” but as a time that reframes reality in
schools, including six in the Lumen Christi     a radical way, a time that uses our
Academies, and nine high schools. Every         imagination to build a better world for
year more than 700 students receive need-       everyone. Yes, we will have to make some
based tuition grants through the FACE           changes. We will have to give up our “gas
(Family Aid – Catholic Education) initiative.   guzzlers” for electric. We will have to ration
                                                and clean up water reserves. We will have
                                                to band together with neighbors of all colors

to make improvements. We can think of this        work. This is an “Apocalyptic” time. Let us
and complain or we can see it as an               rejoice that the Risen Lord is with us and go
opportunity for human ingenuity.                  forth to imagine and then create a better
The feast of the ascension is also this kind of
time. The disciples had just gotten over the
horror of the crucifixion. They had tried to
absorb what it means that “Death has no
more victory over us.” As Christ ascended,
they stood there dumbfounded until the
angel reminds them, “Why do you stand
there looking up to heaven? This Jesus will
come in the same way.” No need to wish for
Him. He is with us always. We just have to
put on our “Ascension glasses” to see His
Presence. So get busy! Go out into the
whole world and preach the Gospel of love!
Reconstruct the world in His Name. No
time to pine over what was. We must spend
our energy rebuilding the world around us.

For older people, this is hard. We have
memories. We liked the way things were,
but the message of this Gospel does not
leave us time for living in the past. “Why
do you stand here?” Get busy constructing a
better world.

So our task this week is to imagine a better
world, then take one step to make it happen.
It may be a world where there is no hunger.
Then I join the Food Bank to help that
happen. Or it may be creating a world where
babies are welcomed and loved. Then I call
“Birthright” and offer to help. Or it may be      Justice Corner #2
ensuring that all have a good education.          by Carolyn Krantz, Pastoral Associate
Then I call up the local school and               Where is home? Most of us have moved
volunteer. There are so many ways we can          several times in our life. Sometimes we
use our imaginations and create. But the          have found a place that we enjoy.
first task is to connect with the Risen Lord      Sometimes it feels strange for a while until
in prayer and listen to the urgings of His        we get acclimated, but we are always
Spirit. Find that unique place where He           searching for a place that feels comfortable
wants you to build His kingdom. He will           and safe. Sometimes that is in the heart of a
come in the same way, flooding our                friend. Sometimes it is in a job that we like,
imaginations with ideas, filling our              where there is like companionship. Then in
imaginations with new ways for His Spirit to      older life we learn that home is in our own
                                                  hearts when we are at peace.

In the Christian Scriptures, we learn that       Interfaith Housing, now called Hope
home is when “we remain in Him”, where           Solutions, is leading an effort to build Tiny
we are wrapped in the oneness of God's love      Home communities to give the homeless a
for us, where we feel the presence of His        safe place and access to resources. In the
Spirit. In the morning when you find a few       future we may be called upon to assist this
minutes to pray, imagine yourself wrapped        effort, to bring the feeling of home to these
in the blanket of His Presence. “We have         wanderers, to wrap them is His love.
come to know and to believe in the love God      Currently, one can go on the website to see
has for us,” says the Epistle. The world may     volunteer opportunities. They range from,
be chaotic and threatening, but we “do not       building projects, providing furnishings and
belong to the world.” We are wrapped in          groceries gift cards, to helping Kids with
His love. When we find that place of silence     homework, etc.
in our hearts, we know we are home. But in
our noisy world, it takes a while to come        The Disciples felt God's all-embracing love.
into that silence and remain there. In our       Let us embrace our homeless with His love.
hearts we are called upon to give an             This love “consecrated them in truth.” The
affirmative response to the Transcendent         truth is, that the world has been stingy with
Reality that is this God of love. Then we are    the lives of those living in a tent on the river.
really “home.”                                   The disciples wandered the world telling all
                                                 about a God Who loved us so much that He
We must reflect that love by being of            died for us made a home for us in His heart.
service, by creating a brotherhood and           With tenderness and mercy, let us go forth to
sisterhood in our families and in our            create a world where all have a home with
communities. So many people have become          us and in God.
“lost” during the pandemic. As we look at
our families, is there one person who needs
to be wrapped in God's love this week, a
person who is feeling lonely and afraid, who
needs to find that calm center? Can you be
that for them? Can we cherish them in a
special way this week?

As we look at our community in Antioch,
we become aware that there are many
homeless encampments in our town. These
are people gathered together for protection      Each week our parish is blessed with those
and sleeping in tents. They are people with
                                                 who volunteer in various ways to help us
no permanent home. There the feeling of
home is always threatened. They are along        accomplish our mission. Among those
the river and along the Pittsburg-Antioch        volunteers are those who come every week
Highway and many other spots. Some are           to clean and prepare the church and
veterans, some have alcohol and drug             bathrooms for the weekend and week ahead.
problems, some have PTSD and other               Our thanks to Jun Bajet, Al Cosce, Carole
mental illnesses. They are our brothers and      Miller, Angela Bueno, Rose Salamanca,
sisters. It doesn't matter how they got there,   Jean Rogers, Mency Osborne, Finian
they are on our doorstep. Contra Costa           Anyanwu, and Steve Rojek.

From Grand Knight, Chip Sharpe,
Knights of Columbus
I'd like to acknowledge several knights who
pitched in over the last week.

Steve Rojek, Brian McCoy, and I
responded to a short fuse request from
St. Vincent de Paul to help them run a Covid
Vaccine Clinic last Thursday. They serviced
dozens of citizens, many homeless, at their
Pittsburg facility. It was an honor to be a
part of it.
                                               Cardinal Luis F. Ladaria, S.J., the prefect of
Bill Saunders, Walter Schlueter, Joe           the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Stahl, Jack Goncalves, Ron Yarolimek,          Faith, has sent a letter to Archbishop José H.
and myself cleaned up Contra Loma              Gomez, the president of the U.S. Conference
between Putnam and Buchanan. It took us        of Catholic Bishops, that may lead to a
less than an hour.                             reconsideration of the plan of some
                                               bishops to get the conference to approve a
Lastly, Steve Rojek ran the Mary Project       document regarding “the worthiness to
over the weekend, collecting parishioner       receive Communion” of Catholic politicians
donations of baby items for Birthright of      who support legislation permitting abortion,
Brentwood. Helping him were PGK Dave           euthanasia or other moral evils.
Simpson and current Chancellor Bill
Stuhlreyer.                                    The letter, dated 7 May, comes as a response
                                               to a letter on 30 March from Archbishop
Thanks Brothers for your charitable service.   Gomez to the C.D.F. in which he informed
                                               the congregation that the U.S.C.C.B. was
                                               preparing to draft such a document.
Vatican sends letter to
                                               Cardinal Ladaria thanked the archbishop for
U.S. bishops: Don’t                            this information and for assuring him that
                                               the U.S.C.C.B. plans to send the draft text to
rush the debate on                             the C.D.F. “for an informal review, prior to
                                               its submission to the body of bishops for a
Communion,                                     vote.” He concluded by saying the C.D.F.
                                               asks that the cardinal’s letter “be shared with
politicians and                                all the bishops of the United States.”
abortion                                       Cardinal Luis F. Ladaria, S.J., has sent a
                                               letter to Archbishop José H. Gomez that
                                               may lead to a reconsideration of the plan of
                                               some bishops to get the conference to
                                               approve a document regarding “the
Gerard O’Connell, Vatican Correspondent        worthiness to receive Communion” of
for the Jesuit Publication, America            Catholic politicians.
10 May 2021

Cardinal Ladaria begins the letter by            the episcopate and the larger church in the
responding at length to Archbishop Gomez’s       United States.”
request that the C.D.F. make available a
copy of a letter from then Cardinal Joseph       Furthermore, the cardinal said, “the
Ratzinger to former cardinal Theodore            formulation of a national policy was
McCarrick in 2004 on the subject. Cardinal       suggested during the ad limina visits only if
Ladaria explained that since it was “in the      this would help the bishops to maintain
form of a private letter to the bishops” and     unity.” He added, “The congregation notes
Cardinal Ratzinger had stipulated that “these    that such a policy, given its possibly
principles were not intended for                 contentious nature, could have the opposite
publication,” the C.D.F. would respect his       effect and become a source of discord rather
wish.                                            than unity within the episcopate and the
                                                 larger church in the United States.”
At the same time, Cardinal Ladaria
acknowledged that the principles contained       Cardinal Ladaria said the C.D.F. had then
in the letter may assist the bishops in          advised the U.S. bishops to take certain
drafting their document, but they “should        important steps before drafting any
only be discussed within the context of the      document, including engaging in “extensive
[C.D.F.’s] authoritative doctrinal note” of      and serene dialogue” in two stages. It said
2002: “On some questions regarding the           such dialogue should take place first among
participation of Catholics in political life.”   the bishops with the aim of reaching
He said that text predates Cardinal              agreement on the doctrinal issues so as “to
Ratzinger’s “personal communication” and         maintain unity” in the conference and in the
“provides the teaching of the Magisterium        church in the United States.
on the theological foundation for any
initiative regarding the question of the         After doing that, it said the bishops should
worthy reception of Holy Communion.”             conduct a similar dialogue with the Catholic
                                                 politicians “within their jurisdiction who
In the letter from Cardinal Ladaria, a copy      adopt a pro-choice position regarding
of which was seen by America, he recalls         abortion legislation, euthanasia, or other
that the issue of a U.S.C.C.B. document on       moral evils, as a means of understanding the
Catholic pro-choice politicians and              nature of their positions and their
worthiness for reception of Communion, had       comprehension of Catholic teaching.”
been raised during the 2019-20 ad limina
visits of the U.S. bishops to Pope Francis.       “Any statement of the conference regarding
He said the C.D.F. had then “advised that        Catholic political leaders would best be
dialogue among the bishops be undertaken         framed within the broad context of
to preserve the unity of the episcopal           worthiness for the reception of Holy
conference in the face of disagreements over     Communion on the part of all the faithful,
this controversial topic.”                       rather than only one category of Catholics.”

“The congregation notes that such a policy,      Once these two stages of dialogue have been
given its possibly contentious nature, could     completed, Cardinal Ladaria said the
have the opposite effect and become a            bishops’ conference “would then face the
source of discord rather than unity within       difficult task of discerning the best way
                                                 forward for the church in the United States

to witness to the grave moral responsibility       learn from one another and to preserve unity
of Catholic public officials to protect human      in the Universal Church.”
life at all stages.”
                                                   The counsel from the congregation seems to
The C.D.F. letter also lays down important         suggest clearly that the drafting of a
markers if the bishops choose to go in this        document as envisaged by the U.S.C.C.B.
direction. First, it said that if the conference   president is something that cannot be rushed
decides “to formulate a national policy on         and would inevitably take time, and it would
worthiness for Communion,” that “such a            have to reflect “true consensus” among the
statement would need to express a true             bishops, something that cannot be taken for
consensus of the bishops on the matter,            granted now.
while observing the prerequisite that any
provision of the conference in this area
would respect the rights of individual               Francis officially
ordinaries in their dioceses and the
prerogatives of the Holy See.”                        creates Catholic
Cardinal Ladaria said the C.D.F. “advises”          ministry of catechist,
the U.S.C.C.B. that “any statement of the
conference regarding Catholic political              open to men and
leaders would best be framed within the
broad context of worthiness for the reception              women
of Holy Communion on the part of all the                            11 May 2021
faithful, rather than only one category of                    by Joshua J. McElwee
Catholics, reflecting their obligation to
conform their lives to the entire Gospel of                           Parish
Jesus Christ as they prepare to receive the                           Vatican

Significantly, in a comment that challenges
the U.S.C.C.B. position that abortion is “the
pre-eminent” moral issue, Cardinal Ladaria
told the conference’s president that “it
would be misleading if such a statement
were to give the impression that abortion
and euthanasia alone constitute the only
grave matters of Catholic moral and social
teaching that demand the fullest
accountability on the part of Catholics.”          Maura Buckley, a teacher of deaf people and a
                                                   catechist from Dublin, Ireland, speaks at a 2009
Cardinal Ladaria concluded by telling              conference on "The Deaf Person in the Life of
Archbishop Gomez that as they draft the            the Church" at the Vatican. (CNS photo/Paul
statement the U.S. bishops should make
“every dialogue with other
                                                   VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on May
episcopal conferences [in other countries] as
                                                   11 formally created a new official ministry
this policy is formulated in order both to
                                                   in the Catholic Church for those who teach

the fundamentals of the faith to children and      catechists should receive "suitable biblical,
others, opening the position to "men and           theological, pastoral and pedagogical
women of deep faith and human maturity."           formation" to succeed in their roles.
                                                   The pope also asked national bishops'
Instituting a new ministry of "catechist" with     conferences "to render effective" the new
the apostolic letter Antiquum                      ministry and determine "the necessary
ministerium ("Ancient ministry"), the pontiff      process of formation and the normative
said those who already serve as teachers of        criteria for admission" to the role.
the faith in places across the world
experience a spiritual calling to do so and        Francis' opening of the new ministry of
are often leaders in their communities.            catechist to both men and women comes
                                                   shortly after the pontiff made explicit in
"The Spirit is calling men and women to set        January that Catholic laywomen can also be
out and encounter all those who are waiting        formally installed in the church as lectors
to discover the beauty, goodness, and truth        and acolytes (often known as altar servers).
of the Christian faith," said Francis,
explaining his decision to officialize the         Although women in many U.S. Catholic
ministry in the document.                          dioceses already served in those roles, the
                                                   church's canon law had technically only
"It is the task of pastors to support them in      allowed for their service on a temporary
this process and to enrich the life of the         basis and according to the whim of the local
Christian community through the                    bishop.
recognition of lay ministries capable of
contributing to the transformation of              Francis has struggled throughout his eight-
society," said the pope.                           year papacy to better include women in the
                                                   Catholic Church's leadership structure and
In the Catholic Church, a catechist is             ministries, and has repeatedly reaffirmed
someone who teaches the core principles of         Pope John Paul II's ban on women's
the faith. In earlier centuries, catechists were   ordination to the priesthood.
often priests or members of religious orders
but they are now frequently lay persons who        Last year, the pope disappointed those
volunteer or are sometimes employed at             campaigning for the church to return to the
Catholic schools or parishes.                      practice in early centuries of the faith of
                                                   ordaining women as deacons, declining to
With the new document, issued motu                 answer a request from the Synod of Bishops
proprio (on the pope's own initiative), lay        for the Pan-Amazon region on the issue.
catechists can be officially instituted into
roles as ministers for their local dioceses and    In the new document, the pope said that the
receive recognition for what the pope termed       early Christian community "was
a "stable form of service rendered to the          characterized by many different forms of
local Church."                                     ministry carried out by men and women
                                                   who, obedient to the working of the Holy
Francis said the Vatican's Congregation for        Spirit, devoted their lives to the building up
Divine Worship and the Discipline of the           of the Church."
Sacraments "will soon publish" a rite of
institution for the ministry, and that

"At times, the charisms that the Spirit           The pontiff ended his letter by asking that
constantly pours out on the baptized took on      bishops and priests cooperate with laypeople
a visible and tangible form of immediate          serving in the new role, quoting from the
service to the Christian community, one           Second Vatican Council document Lumen
recognized as an indispensable diakonia for       Gentium: "Pastors... know that they were not
the community," said Francis, using a Greek       established by Christ to undertake by
word that can mean "service."                     themselves the entire saving mission of the
                                                  Church to the world.
Although Pope Paul VI's 1973 apostolic
letter Ministeria quaedam had                     "They appreciate, rather, that it is their
envisioned that national bishops'                 exalted task to shepherd the faithful and at
conferences could ask the Vatican to              the same time acknowledge their ministries
formalize the ministry of catechists in their     and charisms so that all in their separate
regions, the ministry had never been              ways, but of one mind, may cooperate in the
universally instituted before.                    common task."

At a Vatican press conference May 11
presenting Francis' new letter, Italian
Archbishop Rino Fisichella said the
formalization of the ministry of a catechist
"signals an important innovation."

"The institution of a ministry by the Church
is confirmation that the person invested with     Joshua J. McElwee
that charism is performing an authentic           Joshua J. McElwee is NCR's Vatican
ecclesial service to the community," said         correspondent and international news editor.
Fisichella, president of the Pontifical           His email address
Council for the New Evangelization.               is Follow him on
                                                  Twitter: @joshjmac.
But the archbishop also said it was
"obvious" that not everyone who is currently
serving as a catechist will be formally
installed into the new ministry.

"Of primary importance is the vocational
dimension which implies a willingness to
serve the Church where the bishop considers
it most beneficial," said Fisichella.
"Ministries are not conferred for personal
gratification, but for service to be rendered
to the local Church where the bishop deems
the presence of the Catechist necessary."

Francis said in his letter that his institution
of the new ministry of catechist would go
into effect immediately.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021                             [It’s important to] consider that this derives
                                                 from the Bible itself. One of the loveliest
                                                 books in the Hebrew Bible . . . is the Song of
    Fr. Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation          Solomon, also called the Song of Songs or
      From the Center for Action and             the Canticle of Canticles. . . . It is the story
              Contemplation                      of a bride and bridegroom, their passion for
                                                 one another, their devotion to one another,
                                                 and their (strongly hinted at) passion as
                                                 physical lovers.

                                                 Historically, the Song of Songs has been
                                                 read as a kind of allegory: the two lovers
                                                 symbolize the caring relationship between
                                                 God and Israel, or Christ and the Church, or
                                                 Christ and the individual believer. This is
                                                 where the mysticism of love comes in. . . .
     Week Nineteen: Mystical Marriage
                                                 Elizabeth of the Trinity [1880–1906] serves
            The Great Love Song                  as a wonderful modern example of a bridal
                                                 mystic. She entered the Carmelite order at
                                                 age twenty-one and died only a few years
                                                 later, but her legacy of letters and other
Carl McColman has written many                   writings reveals a deep sense of God’s
accessible books on spirituality, the mystics,   presence in her life, a presence luminous
and contemplative prayer. Here he explores       with love. As she wrote in one of her letters,
a biblical book of “bridal mysticism” and        “I feel so much love over my soul, it is like
also offers an example of a modern mystic        an Ocean I immerse and lose myself in: it is
who experienced this kind of union with          my vision on earth while waiting for the
God.                                             face-to-face vision in light. [God] is in me, I
                                                 am in Him. I have only to love Him, to let
“God is love” (1 John 4:16) may be the           myself be loved, all the time, through all
single most important verse in the entire        things: to wake in Love, to move in Love, to
Bible. . . . Is it any wonder that many of the   sleep in Love, my Soul in His Soul, my
great Christian mystics are renowned as          heart in His Heart, my eyes in His eyes. . . .”
lovers of God? This can take a variety of        [1]
forms: for some, being God’s lover is very
ethereal and philosophically abstract; but for   Elizabeth prayed that God would make her
others, an embodied, physical, even erotic       soul his heaven. In doing so, she recognized
quality characterizes their mysticism of love.   the heart of the mystery: that heaven is not
There is even a term—“bridal mysticism”—         just a place we go after we die, it is a state
for the many mystics (both female and male)      into which we are invited now.
whose experience of profound love of God
was so deep and all-encompassing that it led
to a spiritual sense of being “married” to
God. . . .

received minor orders on their way up the
Francis is redesigning                              clerical ladder. While he was at it, Paul
                                                    suppressed the major order of sub-deacon,
 the church with new                                now fondly remembered mainly by
                                                    Tridentine Mass aficionados. The
     lay ministries                                 subdiaconate was the final step in the now
                 12 May 2021                        abandoned cursus honorum (course of
             by Phyllis Zagano                      honor) before the major order of deacon.
                 Theology                           By the late Middle Ages, no one became a
                  Vatican                           cleric (through tonsure) and entered
                                                    the cursus honorum unless he was on the
                                                    way to priesthood. No matter the history of
                                                    women deacons. No matter that the
                                                    diaconate was a once functioning reality. No
                                                    matter that some 37 popes were deacons
                                                    before becoming bishops of Rome. That all
                                                    ended anyway with Gregory VII, an
                                                    archdeacon at the time of his 1073 election.
                                                    Gregory insisted on priestly ordination prior
                                                    to his episcopal consecration.

Pope Francis gestures as he addresses more than     In the present, Francis, whose seeming
1,000 diocesan leaders, both clergy and laity,      resistance to some requests of the Amazon
May 9, 2019, at the Basilica of St. John Lateran,   synod has caused not a small amount of
the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome. Seated        heartburn, is working quickly to restore the
next to the pope is Cardinal Angelo de Donatis,     church as a functioning and cooperative
vicar of Rome. (CNS/Remo Casilli, Reuters)          body of believers.

When Pope Francis said he did not want to           While Francis did pass over some requests
clericalize the laity, he meant it. Now, while      of the Amazon synod, notably for married
too many bishops have their cinctures in a          priests and women deacons, he has set a
knot over who can approach Communion,               laser focus on function, rather than
the 266th successor of St. Peter is                 functionality. His beautiful Querida
redesigning the church.                             Amazonia, in response to the Amazon
                                                    synod's final document, reminded the whole
It all began with the Second Vatican                church that Canon 517.2 recognized parish
Council. Then, in 1972, Pope Paul                   life coordinators — some religious, some
VI suppressed the minor orders in response          secular, some men, some women, some
to the windstorm that was the council,              married, some ordained deacons — who
instead creating two "installed" lay                hold parishes together, maintaining them as
ministries: lector and acolyte.                     vibrant communities. He wants them
                                                    recognized, professionalized and paid.
For men.
Installed lectors and acolytes were to take up      It is not about who can do everything, like
the duties once performed by the lectors,           the medieval priests who essentially
porters, exorcists and acolytes of the              arrogated to themselves the duties of all the
medieval church, who by modern times
other orders — major and minor — ensuring       availabilities required for actual catechesis
that their priesthood was the principal seat    may be better found among the laity.
of power. It is about the members of the
whole church picking up their baptismal         Lay ministry is real ministry, and the focus
promises and running with them.                 here is on the Gospel. It is about synodality.
                                                It is about evangelization. Without these,
Consider this: on Jan. 11 this year, Pope       there will be no church.
Francis opened to women the "installed" lay
ministries of lector and acolyte, previously
restricted to men (mostly men training to be
deacons and priests).

Then, just the other day, Pope Francis
responded to an idea that sat untouched
since the council and established the
installed ministry of catechist. The            Phyllis Zagano
pope called for "men and women of deep          Phyllis Zagano is senior research associate-
faith and human maturity, active participants   in-residence at Hofstra University, in
in the life of the Christian community,         Hempstead, New York. Her most recent
capable of welcoming others, being              book is Women: Icons of Christ, and her
generous and living a life of fraternal         other books include Women Deacons: Past,
communion." In so doing, he put his finger      Present, Future. Study guides for the book,
on the failures of "twinned" or "yoked"         which is also published
parishes, where one pastor and his personal     in Spanish, French and Portuguese, are
staff manage multiple communities, which        available for free download
in and of themselves are essentially            at

Francis' ecclesiology prefers communities of
believers gathered around the Gospel and
the Eucharist with everyone participating.
He sees many flowers in the church's fields:
lectors, acolytes, catechists, pastoral life
coordinators, deacons and priests, all in
particular churches led (not managed) by

Of course, someone has to coordinate the
(hopefully paid) ministries at every level,
but the smaller the parish the greater the
coordination. This motu proprio document
on catechists does not eliminate ordination
as necessary for sacramental ministry, but it   On behalf of all of us I wish to extend our
expands the notion of evangelization. Yes,      heartfelt congratulations to Ralph and
the ordained can evangelize, but the specific   Gloria Ramirez as they celebrate their 70th
training, skills, personalities and             Anniversary of Marriage. For those of you
                                                who join us for our 10:00 a.m. Sunday

Eucharist, they always sit in the first pew of   everything under control. When the
the main bay of pews, on the right side.         distribution concluded, we were able to
They have been a blessing not only to us but     supply 159 families with desperately needed
also to Good Shepherd, Holy Rosary, and          food; that meant we were able to assist a
St. Bonaventure parishes. For many years,        total of 603 people. Many volunteers came
they were involved in facilitating the RCIA      from the previously closed distribution site
Process at Good Shepherd. They are the           at the employment office.
proud parents of seven children. We ask
God’s richest blessing upon them as they         Thank you again to all the volunteers that
mark this milestone in their Covenant of         came and made this a very successful and
Marriage.                                        memorable Friday.

                                                      Bishop Robert
                                                     Barron's 'beige'
                                                   version of Vatican II
                                                                   14 May 2021
                                                             by Massimo Faggioli


 Last Friday was probably the largest food
distribution at St. Ignatius of Antioch that I
can recall! The folks from the food bank of
Contra Costa-Solano set up the course
through the parking lot for cars to follow.

When we started around 3:20 p.m. we had
approximately 40 cars lined up and the cars
kept on arriving. There were 20 volunteers
directing and filling the trunks of cars with
boxes of various items along with fresh
vegetables.                                      Bishops fill St. Peter's Basilica during a meeting
                                                 of the Second Vatican Council. (CNS/Catholic
The best part was that no one had to get out     Press Photo)
of their car. Some cars were collecting for
more than one family and most for their own      Robert Barron, auxiliary bishop of Los
family. There were so many cars we had to        Angeles since 2015, is the most popular and
extend our normal volunteering hour until        influential cyber-evangelist in American
5:00 p.m.                                        Catholicism. In 2000, he also founded Word
                                                 on Fire, an interesting experiment of web-
Having such a large number of helpers was        based Catholic apologetics and retrieval of
truly a blessing. Overall, the food bank had

the contribution of key thinkers relevant for
    theology and the church.

    One of the latest editorial initiatives of Word
    on Fire is the elegantly designed volume The
    Word on Fire Vatican II Collection,
    published in March. The book includes, in
    this order:

•   The opening speech of the Second Vatican
    Council by Pope John XXIII, Gaudet Mater
    Ecclesia, of Oct. 11, 1962;                       Pope John XXIII leads the opening session of
•   The complete texts of the four constitutions      the Second Vatican Council in St. Peter's
    (Dei Verbum on divine revelation, Scripture       Basilica Oct. 11, 1962. (CNS/L'Osservatore
    and tradition; Lumen Gentium on the               Romano)
    church; Sacrosanctum Concilium on the
    liturgy; Gaudium et Spes on the church in         Other choices made by Barron are less
    the modern world);                                convincing, for example, the decision to
•   The closing address of Vatican II by Pope         publish the texts of the four constitutions in
    Paul VI of Dec. 7, 1965;                          English using the official Vatican translation
•   An afterword by Matthew Levering;                 (which is available also online for free). It is
•   A glossary of key terms and figures;              true that there is still no consensus on which
•   "Frequently Asked Questions" about                English translation is the best one, the last
    Vatican II.                                       one (by Austin Flannery in 1996) now more
                                                      than 25 years old. But the Vatican
    The texts of the four constitutions are           translation is notoriously a little careless in
    interspersed with long excerpts from the          some passages, besides sounding evidently
    post-conciliar popes (including Paul VI)          gender noninclusive (more in English than
    commenting on key issues raised by                in the original Latin).
    particular paragraphs of the constitutions.
                                                      The order in which the four constitutions are
    The book opens in a promising way, with           published is not explained by the editor, but
    the choice to publish Gaudet Mater                it seems to be more theological than
    Ecclesia, which is hermeneutically                historical, with the choice of Dei Verbum on
    important to understand Vatican II in the         revelation being the first. But when Vatican
    intention of the pope who called it, John         II actually opened in 1962, the conciliar
    XXIII. That speech plays an important role        debates started — and for precise reasons
    in the statements of Pope Francis on the          having to do with the strong consensus
    interpretation of Vatican II.                     around the need for a reform of the liturgy
                                                      — with the schema De Liturgia leading
                                                      to Sacrosantum Concilium, the first of the
                                                      four constitutions, promulgated in December

significant cultural and ecclesiastical events
                                                    of the twentieth century." Actually, Vatican
                                                    II was the single most important event for
                                                    Catholicism in four centuries, since the
                                                    Council of Trent.

                                                    This book is a response against the new
                                                    enemies of Vatican II, the Catholic "rad-
                                                    trads," but without forgetting Barron's other
                                                    polemical objects. Here Barron in the
Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop Robert Barron in       introduction again: "I and Word on Fire
St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican Jan. 27, 2020   stand firmly with Vatican II and hence
(CNS/Stefano Dal Pozzolo)                           against the radical traditionalists. And we
                                                    stand firmly with the Wojtyla-Ratzinger
It's from the introduction that Barron shows        interpretation of the council, and hence
his intention: responding to traditionalists'       against the progressives."
assault against the legitimacy of Vatican II,
which has been rampant for a few years now          This is a false equivalence. The
in Catholic blogs and the internet. This anti-      hermeneutics of Vatican II by the radical
Vatican II narrative had a surge since the          opposition against the very legitimacy of the
paraschismatic attempt by Carlo Maria               theology of Vatican II is significantly
Viganò, former apostolic nuncio to the              different than that by progressives in favor
United States who tried to unseat Francis           of an expanded interpretation of Vatican II
in August 2018, turned later into a bizarre         according to the spirit of Vatican II (as
narrative on contemporary Catholicism that          questionable as that appeal can be
Viganò and his followers see as a                   sometimes).
catastrophe made possible by the teachings
of the council.                                     The intention to recover Vatican II is
                                                    laudable and begins from undisputable fact
Barron has talked about this surge of anti-         that Barron recognizes: "I believe that the
Vatican II cyber-traditionalism in this last        documents of Vatican II are still widely
year, especially in his lecture "Pope Francis       unread, and if they are read, often
and Vatican II" for the Napa Institute retreat      misunderstood. The needful thing, I am
in 2020.                                            convinced, is a robust and enthusiastic
                                                    reappropriation of the texts of Vatican II. I
In the introduction to The Word on Fire             hope that this book represents a contribution
Vatican II Collection, Barron lays his cards        to that project."
on the table: His intention is to respond to
the traditionalists' assault: "A fresh
controversy has broken out, this time
prompted by 'traditionalists' who claim that
Vatican II has betrayed authentic
Catholicism and produced disastrous
consequences in the life of the Church."

Barron calls, with an understatement hard to
understand, Vatican II "one of the most
freedom, which is not published in the
                                                     volume, and the Syllabus of Errors by Pius
                                                     IX (1864), which denied religious liberty to
                                                     non-Catholics (among other things).

                                                     It remains to be explained why, if they are in
                                                     continuity, Dignitatis Humanae never
                                                     quotes the syllabus nor Pius IX. In this way,
                                                     understanding the historical development of
Pilgrims attend a candlelight vigil in St. Peter's   the Catholic tradition becomes impossible.
Square at the Vatican Oct. 11, 2012, to mark the
50th anniversary of the opening of the Second        As an alternative to the battles between
Vatican Council. (CNS/Paul Haring)                   Scholastic and ressourcement theologians
                                                     around Vatican II, Levering encourages "a
The problem is that the texts of Vatican II          ressourcement Thomism in which the two
are not just the four constitutions presented        sides make a good faith effort to find good
in this volume: There are 12 more of them.           things to say about the other side." But this
Someone who would start to learn about               approach narrows down drastically the
Vatican II from this volume would have no            spectrum of legitimate voices and excludes
way of knowing that. It is true that the four        other significant streams in the global
constitutions belong to a higher category of         Catholic Church today.
conciliar teachings, but this assumption has
been relativized in the post-Vatican II              Some of the replies in the nine pages of
period, and not just by progressive                  FAQ at the end of the volume provide
theologians, but also by popes, if one looks,        effective talking points against anti-Vatican
for example, at the role of the                      II traditionalism, but the real enemies seem
declaration Nostra Aetate on non-Christian           to be still on the other side.
religions in the pontificate of Pope John
Paul II (not to mention Francis).                    For example, a quotation from Cardinal
                                                     Robert Sarah explains that the polemical
The interpretive stance that dominates the           target of this operation is not really a
whole volume is "the hermeneutic of                  defense of Vatican II, but a defense of an
continuity," inspired by Pope Benedict XVI,          idea of Catholic doctrine as absence of
but in a particular American version                 change: "Those who make sensational
dismissive of historical nuance.                     announcements of change and rupture are
                                                     false prophets. They do not seek the good of
The afterword by Matthew Levering, a                 the flock. They are mercenaries who have
prolific author and editor of volumes                been smuggled into the sheepfold. Our unity
defending the "hermeneutics of continuity,"          will be forged around the truth of Catholic
expands with some context on the other               doctrine. There are no other means."
documents of Vatican II and grants that the
declaration on religious liberty provides
"valuable doctrinal development." At the
same time, Levering also tries to highlight
the continuity between Dignitatis Humanae,
the Vatican II document on religious

ecumenism does not even figure in the

                                                    Moreover, if in the theological interpretation
                                                    of Vatican II one does not include the
                                                    discontinuities of documents like Dignitatis
                                                    Humanae on religious liberty and Nostra
                                                    Aetate on non-Christian religions, the whole
                                                    "good Catholic conservatives vs.
                                                    progressives as false prophets" narrative
                                                    becomes a caricature.
Pope Paul VI presides over a meeting of the
Second Vatican Council in St. Peter's Basilica at
the Vatican in 1963. (CNS/Catholic Press Photo)

The history of the magisterium teaches us
that not all changes are ruptures, and not all
material continuities with the previous
tradition ensure continuity with the Gospel.
It is also misleading to say that "the same
magisterium that gave us the ecumenical
council of Vatican II also gave us Pope
Benedict XVI's motu proprio [Summorum
Pontificum on the 'traditional Latin Mass'],"       At St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia
almost implying that the teaching of a              Sept. 27, 2015, Pope Francis blesses a sculpture
                                                    commemorating the 50th anniversary of "Nostra
general council like Vatican II and the motu
                                                    Aetate," the Second Vatican Council Declaration
proprio of a pope are on the same level of          on the Relationship of the Church to Non-
authority.                                          Christian Religions. (CNS/Paul Haring)

A book like this tries, with commendable            This volume provides one more evidence of
courage, to take a stand against radical            the de-theologization of the Catholic
traditionalists (finally!). But at the same         leadership in the context of the "culture
time, it functions as a symptom of the crisis       wars." The silence of the volume on the
that made "rad-trads" emerge in the first           conciliar teaching on religious liberty
place.                                              corresponds to the almost totally legal and
                                                    constitutional, nontheological argument of
The problem is not the anti-progressive             the U.S. bishops' campaign for religious
move underlying this book, but the                  liberty in the last 10 years. This is Exhibit A
theological myopia that prompts the move.           for the mutual estrangement between
The theological interpretation offered here is      Catholic hierarchy and sound historical-
made possible only by the silences on other         theological scholarship.
aspects of Vatican II: This makes it
impossible to know not just Vatican II, but         Barron's and Levering's preference for Hans
also the post-Vatican II church. The                Urs von Balthasar over Bernard Häring fits
conciliar decree on ecumenism is barely             understandably with their theology, yet
mentioned, only in the afterword, and

Häring was a very active participant of            contributed in terms of overall narrative to
Vatican II, while Balthasar was absent.            the interpretation of Vatican II.

Much less acceptable is the presentation of        Francis' teaching is absent, but it would have
Vatican II as an ecclesial and theological         made sense, given the professed intention of
event that seems all enclosed within the           the volume, to mention especially Francis'
European and North American hemisphere.            decisions about traditionalism (see, for
In the glossary of key figures there are no        example, the abolition of the Pontifical
Latin American, African or Asian                   Commission Ecclesia Dei in 2019).
participants, and their contribution to the
council (for example, to the liturgical            Francis is in good company with the best
debate) is not considered. To miss the fact        English-speaking scholarship on Vatican II
that Vatican II was a global Catholic event        in the last two decades: There is no mention
means missing a key historical-theological         of the works of Joseph Komonchak, John
point with catastrophic consequences.              O'Malley, Ormond Rush, Richard
                                                   Gaillardetz, Gerald O'Collins and Catherine
                                                   Clifford. (Full disclosure: Levering falsely
                                                   accuses one of my books, the one on liturgy
                                                   and ecclesiology, of "rejecting the letter" of
                                                   the council.)

                                                   Fulton Sheen seems instead to offer much
                                                   more insights to the editors of this volume.
                                                   Bishop Sheen participated in Vatican II but
                                                   spoke only once at the council and left no
                                                   significant trace in the conciliar corpus.
Bishops are pictured on the steps of St. Peter's
Basilica following a meeting of the Second
                                                   It is fine to look for a popular and pastoral
Vatican Council in 1962. (CNS/Catholic Press
Photo/Giancarlo Giuliani)                          voice like Sheen to try and make sense of
                                                   the turbulence of the post-conciliar period
In the glossary of key terms, among the            for the audience of Word on Fire. And I
most conspicuous absences there are                understand that for Barron, it is much more
religious freedom, non-Christian religions,        difficult to do, in the 21st century, what
Judaism, Islam. The absence of religious           Sheen did in the 20th century in a much
liberty from the book explains only up to a        more religion- and church-friendly cultural
point the absence from the glossary of Jesuit      and media system.
Fr. John Courtney Murray, the most
important U.S. Catholic theologian at
Vatican II.

Pope Francis is included in the excerpted
comments on the four constitutions, but that
is all. This book reacts to what happened in
the Catholic cyberspace in the last few
years, but does not register what Francis has

healthy and necessary Vatican II centrism.
                                                   That intention has real merit.

                                                   But this work actually expresses an
                                                   extremist centrism that remains friendly to
                                                   nonschismatic traditionalism and risks being
                                                   indifferent to the interpretation of the
                                                   readers of today, almost 60 years after the
                                                   beginning of the council. This deepens the
                                                   problem of connecting the teaching of
A bishop speaks with two laywomen during a
                                                   Vatican II with the church and world of
meeting of the Second Vatican Council in St.
Peter's Basilica at the Vatican in 1962.           today, including the present pope.
(CNS/Catholic Press Photo/Giancarlo Giuliani)
                                                   Barron is a theologian and founder of a
But it is indefensible the total absence of        Catholic movement, but he is also a bishop
women from this volume, both in terms of           for the universal Catholic Church, and a
their contribution to preparation and              celebrated one. As a pastor, a little more
celebration of the conciliar event (they were      generosity toward conciliar hermeneutics
there, even though not as voting members)          would be in order, even if they do not
and to the hermeneutics of Vatican II. From        exactly match his taste. With this kind of
this book, one gets the impression that the        defense of Vatican II, Barron, ironically,
council was and has to remain strictly a male      serves up a version of the "beige
business. The only three women mentioned           Catholicism" he has complained about
are St. Catherine of Siena, St. Bridget of         elsewhere.
Sweden and St. Edith Stein, to whose care
Europe was dedicated by John Paul II.

As I have written elsewhere, I believe that
Catholic theology, especially in the English-
speaking context, has left Vatican II in
something like a no man's land between an
anti-Vatican II traditionalism and a post-
Vatican II and post-institutional                  Massimo Faggioli
progressivism. For the former, Vatican II is       Massimo Faggioli is professor of theology
too modern to be Catholic; for the latter,         and religious studies at Villanova
Vatican II is too Catholic to be modern. This      University.
is at the root of the intellectual and
theological crisis of U.S. Catholicism today.

The Word on Fire Vatican II Collection is
the most important effort of a U.S. Catholic
bishop to defend Vatican II, but Barron
presents a Vatican II that is safe for a certain
kind of traditionalism. This collection of
texts and commentaries wants to recover a

In May 2020, the Dicastery for Promoting
    Catholic action on                                Integral Human Development declared a
                                                      Special Laudato Si' Anniversary Year to
   environment set for                                mark the fifth anniversary of Francis' 2015
                                                      encyclical "Laudato Si', on Care for Our
         massive                                      Common Home." Bookending the year have
                                                      been two Laudato Si' Weeks, sponsored by
    multiplication this                               the dicastery and other Catholic
    Laudato Si' Week
                                                      Laudato Si' Week 2021 begins May 16 and
       Inspiration,                                   runs until May 25. The time frame coincides
                                                      with the date, May 24, 2015, when Francis
     presentations,                                   signed his first solo encyclical and the first-
collaboration: Get ready                              ever papal document centered on the
     for May 16-25
                  14 May 2021                         This year's Laudato Si' Week pulls its theme
               by Brian Roewe                         from part of the pope's appeal in the
                                                      document's introduction: "For we know that
                                                      things can change." The events will
                                                      celebrate the church's progress so far in
                                                      acting on the landmark encyclical, with the
                                                      goal of launching a massive multiplication
                                                      of Catholic engagement around
                                                      conservation, sustainability and changing
                                                      the current trajectory of global warming.

                                                      Christina Leaño, associate director of the
                                                      Global Catholic Climate Movement, one of
                                                      the partner organizations, said the theme is
Children plant trees on the feast of St. Francis in   both an acknowledgement of environmental
October 2019 in Indianapolis. Laudato Si' Week        work undertaken by Catholics already and
2021 is May 16-25. (CNS/Courtesy of                   an invitation to advance those efforts even
Indianapolis Archdiocese's Creation Care              further.
                                                      "We've seen the tremendous initiatives, all
The Vatican's celebratory year for Pope               the work that Catholic institutions have done
Francis' encyclical on ecology is coming to a         around the globe, and individuals, because
close, but organizers hope its end will mark          of Laudato Si'," she said.
the beginning of a major movement within
the global Catholic Church to turn its                Salesian Fr. Joshtrom Kureethadam,
message about preserving creation into                coordinator of the dicastery's ecology and
actions to create a more sustainable world            creation sector who's been at the center of
for all.                                              planning the Laudato Si' Year, told

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