Wickham Parish Magazine - April 2021 - St. Nicholas, Wickham

Page created by Reginald Gibbs
Wickham Parish Magazine - April 2021 - St. Nicholas, Wickham
Wickham Parish Magazine
        April 2021
Wickham Parish Magazine - April 2021 - St. Nicholas, Wickham
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

                                    The Parish Church of St Nicholas
                                          Wickham PO17 6HR
            (The United Benefice of St Nicholas, Wickham and St John the Baptist, Shedfield)
The Rector                                        Assistant Curate
The Revd Jane Isaac
The Rectory,                                      The Revd Dr Ruth Howlett-Shipley
Southwick Road,
Wickham, PO17 6HR                                 01329 280 905
01329 835 295

                           Associate Priest
                           The Revd Juliet Montague
                           The Vicarage,
                           52, Brooklyn Close,
                           Waltham Chase, SO32 2RZ
                           01489 895 012

          Members of the ministry team can be contacted by email via the parish Office

Churchwardens;                      Caretaker                         Magazine Editorial Team
Mr Fred Crosskey                    Mr Ron Burt                       Mr John Landaw (Editor)
fredcrosskey@gmail.com              5, Mill Lane, Wickham             Mr Den Boylan, Mrs Sabrina
01329 609 161                       01329 833 751                     Gwynn, Mrs Sheila Campbell, John
Mr Gerry Banks                                                        Farrow(photogapher),
gerryathome2018@0utlook.com                                           Distribution; Mr Robert Goulson
01329 833 037                       Church Flowers                    rgoulson@btinternet.com
                                    Mrs Jane Buckle                   01329 833 299
Parish Administrator/PCC            01329 832 517                     Roman Way, Tanfield Lane,
Secretary                                                             Wickham, PO17 5NN
Mrs Jane Goulson                                                      Advertising; Mrs Sue Pittam
stnicholasadmin@btinternet.com      Mothers' Union (Branch Leader)    advertising@stnicholaswickham.org.uk
01329 833 299                       Sabrina Gwynn
Roman Way, Tanfield Lane,           Tel: 01329 233637
Wickham, PO17 5NN                   Email: sabrinagwynn@aol.com        Methodist Church
                                                                       Minister; The Revd Joseph Tembo
Honorary PCC Treasurer                                                 01329 833 518
Mrs Di Frost                        Friends of St Nicholas Church
dfwickham@hotmail.com               Mr John Landaw
                                                                       Roman Catholic Church
01329 832 633                       john.landaw@me.com
                                                                       Fr Bruce Barnes
The Laurels, Mayles Lane            01329 830 088
                                                                       02380 273 882
Wickham, PO17 5ND
                                    Church Room Bookings               Park Place Centre
Verger/Sacristan                    Mrs Jane Goulson                   Franciscan Sisters
Mrs Rosemary Simpson                stnicholasadmin@btinternet.com     Winchester Road, Wickham
01329 512 629                       01329 833 299                      01329 833 043
                                    Roman Way, Tanfield Lane,          Chaplain; Fr Andrew McMahon
Choir Trainer                       Wickham, PO17 5NN                  Sunday Mass 9:00am
Mrs Valerie Shuttleworth                                               01329 833 805
01329 835 233                       Parish Magazine; Copy
                                    Mr John Landaw                     Wessex Jamaat
Bell Ringers                                                           Mr Abbas Rahim (Hon. Secretary)
Greg Painter                                                           info@almahdi.org.uk
                                    01329 830 088
wickhamringers@gmail.com                                               07753 813075
                                    1, Church View, School Rd
Wickham Parish Magazine - April 2021 - St. Nicholas, Wickham
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

                                                    Full details of the spring agenda are listed

                                                    ....More 21st century technology ......Wickham
The ever popular, Wickham Fete has been             Community Centre invites you to their annual
held annually, for many years, on the grounds       AGM and get together via Zoom. The
of Beverley, Southwick Road. Covid                  Community Centre has had a difficult year
restrictions have prevented this year’s             due to restrictions and needs the support and
summer gathering and the organisers, after          input of local and out of town groups to
some deliberation, have pushed it back to           achieve its full potential.
September 4th. It will mean much flexibility
and changes to the normal planning and              Wickham U3A has one of the smallest
facilities, plants and produce stand details        memberships in the region but now offers a
p16.                                                twice monthly meeting of talks and lectures
                                                    on a wide range of topics, yes, you guessed
Parishioners will be pleased to learn that St       it, via Zoom.
John the Baptist, Shedfield and St Nicholas
churches have reopened following a long             No one could have predicted that a year ago
period of lockdown. There will be Sunday            the covid pandemic would hit our island with
Services and daily, midweek, private prayer         such force to virtually overwhelming our NHS,
10 am-4 pm. Social distancing terms apply.          cause the death of a large number of the
Details inside.                                     population and introduce far ranging controls
                                                    and restrictions. To all NHS staff and those at
Wickham History Society has advanced into           home who observed NHS/HMG guidelines
the 21st century and is now producing monthly       and managed to limit the spread of the
meetings via Zoom, meeting and lectures in          infection, we offer our many thanks.
the comfort of your own living room. We have        DB
enjoyed several absorbing lectures, with
customary and lively Q&A sessions to follow.

Our printed version is back - and
we hope our regular subscribers
will want to continue their annual
  subscription. The cost for the
 year starting in April, including
                            delivery, will be £5.00.
Due to Covid restrictions we have decided to delay collection of this money
                until it is safe for our volunteers to do so.
  To be added (or removed) from the distribution list please ring Robert
                          Goulson on 832915

Wickham Parish Magazine - April 2021 - St. Nicholas, Wickham
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

 Minister’s letter                                                             humility and humanity. Easter,
                                                                               this and every year, makes us
 – from the Revd                                                               aware that our frail and human
                                                                               life is part of an immeasurably
   Canon David                                                                 bigger plan, of which we see just
                                                                               a glimpse in the life and death
Isaac, Area Dean                                                               and new life of Jesus. Easter
                                                                               reminds us that even though it
    for Bishops                                                                sometimes doesn’t feel like it,
                                                                               we are, as the old hymn puts it,
      Waltham                                                                  ‘from glory to glory advancing’.
      deanery                                                                  Easter is always a time for
                                                                               celebration. This year we may
The April editions of parish                                                   still be a bit muted (in every
magazines often direct their                                                   sense) but we may be able to let
readers’ attention to new                                                      our hair down a bit. And by
beginnings. Even in these still          lives – it would be good to take
                                         forward with us the ways in           Easter some of us will have
chilly days, the approach of                                                   quite a lot of hair to let down!
Spring is clearly detectable. In         which we think we have become
the Rectory garden, fragile              stronger in ourselves and as
crocuses, daffodil sand                  communities. What have we
hyacinths risk losing their petals       learnt, or re-learnt, about the
to the late frosts; birds are            things that are most important in
getting very active; and even            our lives? What have we found
squirrels are overcoming their           we can do without and leave
reluctance to get cold to come           behind? How do we want to be
and feast on seeds put out for           different?
the birds. This year, for all of us,     Another aspect of parish
new beginnings will even be              magazine letters at this time of
more welcome than ever.                  the year is to remind readers of
Few of us could have predicted           the approach of Easter. Easter
what we experienced in 2020:             is always about new beginnings,
from surprise and confusion,             about being and doing
through anxiety and restraint            differently, looking to the future,
and living with restrictions and         not to the past. Easter opens up
protocols, to the hope of a              to us a whole new way of
framework in which to contain            looking at human life – of seeing
the impact of Covid-19. We’ve            that the limited view we have is
learnt a lot of things along the         not the whole picture. Easter
way: about what creates and              takes us into the mystery
fractures community; about our           beyond time and space, beyond
                                         this universe, beyond the whole
reliance on the dedication and
sacrifice of those who care for          of creation. And Easter is not
                                                                                   Revd Jane
our needs; and about ourselves.          just about celebrating the
                                         amazing news of the continuing
                                                                               Isaac’s update on
We are moving robustly and
gratefully into the delivery of          life of Jesus, because it’s also      church life during
vaccinations – certainly not the         the affirmation that it is his life
end of this pandemic, but still a        and words which give us the             the pandemic*
really important step towards            clues as to what our life can be.
increasing our ability to live a         Jesus came to show us what it
                                         means to be human and that            It’s marvellous to have a printed
different life.
                                         includes sharing in his new and       magazine again after so long –
It’s been said that ‘the things          risen life.                           and it’s good as well to be
that don’t destroy us, make us                                                 reaching a new readership
stronger’. When we are able to           2020 and all it involved made us      online via the church websites.
live differently – putting aside,        aware of our fragile existence;       There’s a real sense of light at
we hope, the restrictions on our         we’ve had a wake-up call about        the end of the tunnel now, isn’t
Wickham Parish Magazine - April 2021 - St. Nicholas, Wickham
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

there!                                again working with         Mothering Sunday, so good to be back
Church opening: I’m delighted         such commitment to                 in Church, covid safe.
to be able to let you know that       keep the churches
given the continuing roll-out of      open, Covid-secure
the vaccination programme and         and as welcoming as
the reduction in coronavirus          we can make our
infection rates locally, St John      buildings given the
the Baptist, Shedfield and St         ongoing restrictions.
Nicholas, Wickham have re-
opened for private prayer during      Holy Week and Easter
the week and for services on          2021: Holy Week and
Sunday:                               Easter services are
                                      now able to be held in
Private prayer: every day             church: again, please
between 10.00 am–4.00 pm              check the church
Sunday worship: for the               websites, village
immediate future I intend to          Facebook pages and
continue the pre-lockdown             noticeboards for up-to-
pattern of having a joint             date details. Whilst our
benefice worship service every        ‘usual’ pattern of Holy
week at 10.00 am, alternating         Week services isn’t
between St John the Baptist           possible this year, do
Church, Shedfield and St              please be reassured
Nicholas, Wickham. Details are        that there will be the
available on the church               opportunity to share in
websites, village Facebook            Easter Day communion
pages and on the noticeboards         services at either, or
outside both churches and in          both, of our churches.
Wickham Square.
                                      Online services: For
The ministry team and                 those of you who aren’t
churchwardens are continuing          yet quite comfortable
to review the speed at which we       about being out and
come out of lockdown                  about again, the
restrictions and widen the            popular Being Church
variety of service available in       at Home services
the light of national Church of       continue every week,
England, diocesan and                 accessible online or in
Government guidance.                  easy-to-print-out format:
Detailed information about this       a printed copy of the
guidance can be found on the          weekly service can be
Church of England website             delivered to you if you aren’t       been lifted on 21st June.
(churchofengland.org/                 able to access it online: just get
coronavirus) and the Diocese of       in touch with one of the clergy      Revd Juliet and Revd Ruth join
Portsmouth’s coronavirus              (details on the inside front cover   me in sending you love and all
pages                                 of this magazine).                   good wishes,
                                      When will Lunch Club and             Jane
                                      other groups be getting              *Written on 14 March 2021 –
Please be aware that despite          underway again? is a                 please be aware that
the easing of lockdown, face          question I’m delighted to be         government and Church of
coverings must still be worn in       asked most days now! All             England regulations may have
church at all times and that          being well and at the time of        been changed or amended by
social distancing and track and       writing, we anticipate that          the time you read this
trace requirements continue to        groups will be able to start
be in place. I’m very grateful to     meeting again after the
the volunteers who are once           remaining restrictions have

Wickham Parish Magazine - April 2021 - St. Nicholas, Wickham
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

‘Keeping the doors open: how you can help’                                  Gerry

Churchwardens Fred Crosskey and Gerry Banks, along with
church treasurer Di Frost and members of the church council,
share the responsibility for looking after St Nicholas’ Church’s
finances. With churches closed for most of 2020 because of
the pandemic, balancing the books is becoming increasingly
difficult. As Gerry explains…

Department stores collapsing, restaurants in receivership,
theatres unlikely to reopen. During the Covid 19 pandemic, we
have heard many sad reports of difficulties for organisations
that are dependent on gatherings of people.

For some reason, however, we have heard little about the
impact on our churches, but these are also organisations that
depend on the attendance and financial contribution of their
'customers'. Although great efforts have been made by all
parish priests like our Rev Jane and her team to provide on-line
services for congregations, the lockdown has meant that for
most of the last year no income has been received from
collections at services, or donations made by casual callers for               Fred
worship, or from tourists, or church fetes and other fund-raising
events. In the meantime, the churches have been dependent
on parishioners and well-wishers who make regular
contributions by standing order or make individual donations.

Readers may be surprised to discover that to keep our beautiful
parish church of St Nicholas in full operation for a year costs
about £100,000. This includes a diverse list of
costs, including the contribution we have to make to the
diocese of Portsmouth, which includes clergy stipends, along
with heating and lighting, staff costs, and maintaining a very old
Grade Two Listed building and its churchyard in a good state of

Maybe you are someone who comes to church regularly, or
maybe you come occasionally for special services, wedding
ceremonies, funerals, baptism, school celebrations, or musical
events. Perhaps you have never set foot in the church, yet
appreciate the fine building standing in its unique position at the
crossroads. For 900 years, St Nicholas has been a symbol of stability in good times and in turbulent
times as well. Whatever your relationship with the parish church, you may feel that you would like to do
something to ensure its survival through its 901st year, and beyond.

If you wish to make a contribution to the maintenance of St Nicholas Church, there are three ways you
could do it:
     1. Make a donation by cheque, made payable to PCC St Nicholas to The Treasurer, Di Frost,
        'The Laurels', Mayles Lane, Wickham PO17 5ND.
     2. Visit the Give a Little page on the church website (www.stnicholaswickham.org.uk)
     3. Become a member of the Friends of St Nicholas, by contacting John Landaw
     4. Make a regular monthly donation by arrangement with The Treasurer, Di Frost
Large or small, your contribution towards the upkeep of Wickham’s parish church would be very
gratefully received.

Wickham Parish Magazine - April 2021 - St. Nicholas, Wickham
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

Peter Bangs Methodist Missioner
I should be coming to the end of         have been some family time                         to leak, to be denied a raise, to
furlough as you read this. It’s          playing a board game or a nice                     get ill and so on, that is what we
May and the official start of            family meal or it might be                         will focus on and remember. If
summer is just weeks away.               something like coming through                      you are looking for the bad it is
                                         Storm Bella with no damage to                      hard to recognise the good. If
I am sat locked in my home in
                                         the house or garden. The point                     you try to look for the good and
mid-January thinking about
                                         for me was that my last                            the positive in each situation it
summer. There is a proverb that
                                         thoughts before bed were about                     can suddenly seem like a
says “the grass is always
                                         things that I was grateful for.                    different world. It is very hard to
greener on the other side”.
                                                                                            write about gratitude without
Physically that will be true             I recently watched a film called
                                                                                            sounding sappy, but gratitude is
hopefully, my muddy, patchy              “The Secret; Dare to Dream”
                                                                                            important. As St Paul wrote in
lawn will be all beautiful green         where terrible things kept
                                                                                            his letter to the Phillipians
grass by May. That isn’t always          happening to a woman who had
                                                                                            “Finally, brothers and sisters,
the case though. It is always            been conditioned by life to
                                                                                            whatever is true, whatever is
very easy to live in the hope of         expect the worst. It was based
                                                                                            noble, whatever is right,
something better around the              on a self-help book so a guy
                                                                                            whatever is pure, whatever is
corner, a better job, house,             turned up who essentially
                                                                                            lovely, whatever is admirable—
holiday. Have you ever noticed           taught her the power of positive
                                                                                            if anything is excellent or
how often that greener grass is          thinking. It was a sweet and silly
                                                                                            praiseworthy—think about such
about bigger or better “stuff.”          film but it made a good point as
                                         well. If we go through life
It can be hard to be grateful for
                                         expecting the worst, expecting
what you have, especially if you
                                         the car to break down, the roof
are constantly comparing
yourself with others. I don’t
know about you but I don’t
think I ever compare
myself with others who
have less than me. I never
compare myself with the
family with three kids living
in a two-bedroom flat.

At the start of the first
lockdown, I found an app I
put on my phone, a
gratitude journal. For
some 390 days now I have
been listing, at the end of
each day, three things I
am grateful for. I could
have done the same in a
journal or notebook. I
wanted to keep it simple
and achievable, so three
things seemed                       Read the Easter Sunday story (Luke 24:1–12). Celebrate the good news that Jesus is risen!
reasonable. Some days
it’s been things as simple    For more ideas visit our Messy Church Page at http://www.stnicholaswickham.org.uk/messy-church/
as a cuddle or someone          To find out more: call Sue Pittam (Messy Team Leader) on 01329 828 589 and visit www.messychurch.org.uk
saying thank you while I
was shopping, it might
Wickham Parish Magazine - April 2021 - St. Nicholas, Wickham
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

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Wickham Parish Magazine - April 2021 - St. Nicholas, Wickham
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

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Wickham Parish Magazine - April 2021 - St. Nicholas, Wickham
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

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Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

                                                                      (FORMERLY HOSPICE TRAVEL)
The light at the end of the tunnel is getting
brighter. I am hopeful that we may at least
be able to resume meetings in members                                            Registered Charity Number 299731

gardens in the summer. In the meantime,

since one of the roles of MU is to raise
awareness of modern slavery, I take this
                                                      THE PEAK DISTRICT
opportunity to expand on what I’ve written                16 – 20 AUGUST 2021
about in previous months.
                                                               5 days by Luxury Coach
The International Day of Prayer and
                                                            Half Board Hotel Accommodation
Awareness against Human Trafficking                  The forces of nature that formed Britain’s first National Park
(IDPHT) was marked on February 8th                      can be witnessed in the beautiful ridges and dales of
                                                       Derbyshire’s Peak District. Renowned for its inspiring
2021. This year, the focus was An
                                                       landscapes, stunning manor houses, smooth boulders
Economy without Human Trafficking –                        are stacked against the velvety folds of the hills,
building an economy that values and cares                ancient stone villages sit by burbling rivers, even a
for the human being and nature is inclusive             perfect pudding to be found in Bakewell! Picturesque
and does not exploit the most vulnerable.                   towns are nestled within the glorious scenery,
Pope Francis sent a video message of                         offering heritage and character at every turn.
support. He explained: An economy                           For more information and Booking form please send
without trafficking is "an economy of care”            stamped addressed 9"x 4" envelope to: Portsdown Travel (Peak),
… We need "the courage to combine                    Orchard Cottage, 34 West Street, Southwick, Hampshire, PO17 6EA
legitimate profit with the promotion of                           023 9238 2433 (24/7 Answering Service)
employment and decent working                                     Email: portsdown.travel@hotmail.co.uk
conditions". We need an "economy of                      (THIS TOUR INCLUDES A CONTRIBUTION TO THE HOSPICE)

courage", against human trafficking, "the
courage of patient construction, of planning      The Modern Slavery Act says that companies in the UK
that does not always look only at the very        with a turnover of more than £36 million must produce a
short-term gain, but at the medium- and           slavery statement which can be found on the first page of
long-term fruits and, above all, at people.”      their website. It should not be vague, declaring “a zero-
                                                  tolerance policy for slavery”, but should indicate where
                                                  they operate, where their suppliers are, what they are
Freedom is something we take for granted.         doing to uncover those who are being exploited and what
Modern slavery is driven by the demand of         they are doing to support survivors of slavery. The
consumers for cheap, personalised goods           businesses that care will be doing things.
and services. The focus is on benefit to the
purchaser, with little attention paid to the
plight of the providers. Through this             In 1862 the people of Manchester made a stand against
indifference the criminal exploitation of         the global slave trade, led by the founders of the high
vulnerable people is allowed to grow. The         street supermarket the Co-op. Wickham residents will be
concept of supply chains for consumers is         pleased to know that the Co-op’s fight against exploitation
a difficult one. It is one thing to be aware of   continues today – with not only a celebrated approach to
slavery on your doorstep – looking for            dealing with slavery in supply chains but also by running a
signs in nail bars and car washes, hotels,        scheme where survivors of slavery can get into paid work.
recycling centres or farms – but trying to        (“Stolen Lives” by Louise Hulland)
navigate the commercial world in order to
avoid buying goods touched by slavery is a
mammoth task. It is easy to turn a blind          For more information on what constitutes modern slavery
eye. Not because we don’t care, but               and how you can help, visit www.theclewerintitiative.org
because we don’t know where to start.

                                                  Sabrina Gwynn
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

                                         shortfall of gold and silver.      Coifs: the lives of our
                                                                            seventeenth century ancestors
                                         Although history is usually        – Janet Few
                                         written by the victors, the        ‘Why do you need a bum roll?’
                                         Vikings are an exception to        ‘What colour were carrots in the
                                         the rule. With a limited runic     C17th?’ ‘What did the Cavaliers
                                         written language, they could       use for deodorant?’ ‘Can you
                                         not compete with the               think of 47 uses for urine?’
                                         Christian monks whom they          Supplying the answers to the
                                         had treated so badly. From         above (well, maybe not all 47
2021 PROGRAMME                         the little information that          uses), this presentation is a
FEBRUARY MEETING: The                  survives, we do know Viking          light-hearted but informative
Vikings – Dr Imogen Corrigan           women managed estates and            insight into the domestic life of
gave an impressive and                 had the right to divorce their       our C17th ancestors.
authoritative talk on these long       husbands, and there may have
haired tourists from                   been Viking women warriors in        LATEST PUBLICATION
Scandinavia to about 60                the Rus’.                            Recently published to celebrate
members and visitors of                                                     the Society’s 60th anniversary,
Wickham History Society on             This was a martial society: the      Images of Wickham is full of
23rd February. Imogen                  word ‘nothing’ has Viking roots,     fascinating photographs, which
confirmed that, despite some           meaning a man who does not           draw you into the life of
recent rethinking, they did do all     fight and has no honour.             Wickham in days gone by.
the things they are infamous for       Loyalty was based on personal
and traded on their reputation         allegiance to a ‘king’, provided     A lovely gift at a fantastic price
for ferocity to intimidate the         he could provide gold and            of £5!
opposition in war and                  silver. It was the gold and silver
strengthen their demands for           of Anglo-Saxon England that          For information on how to order
‘dane geld’ to buy them off.           led, despite Alfred’s earlier        a copy, please call Geoff
                                       successes, to the Viking             Phillpotts on 01329 833103 or
In 980 Viking raiders sacked           conquest by King Canute that         contact us through our website.
Lindisfarne monastery in an act        preceded the arrival of William
that sent shock waves around           the Conqueror (another Viking        Special Offer: Buy Images of
Europe. Even Emperor                   descendant) in 1066.                 Wickham together with a copy
Charlemagne contributed to the                                              of the Guide to Historic
ransom paid for the monks, and         MARCH MEETING: RMS                   Wickham - 2nd Edition and get
this well-intentioned act misfired     Queen Mary: From Launch to           the Guide for the discounted
as the Vikings realised they           Maiden Voyage – Stephen              price of £2 (usually £2.50).
could not only gain plunder but        Hoadley
ransom too.                            Between the mid-1930s and the        For those who wish to join the
                                       late-1960s, the Queen Mary           society, or attend any of the
Their presence in England was          was arguably the world's most        talks, then please get in touch
just one small part of the             famous ocean liner. With a           with our membership secretary
explosion of Viking influence          perfect mix of modernity and         Vanessa Burlingham on 01329
across the world. They were            tradition, the ship completed        835283. Alternatively use the
colonists in Newfoundland in           1001 transatlantic voyages,          contact page on the website.
1000 and created what is               offering a unique blend of
Russia today, trading as far as        speed and luxury. Stephen told       Meetings are held at 7.30 pm
Constantinople. Ironically it          the story of her early years and     via Zoom on the FOURTH
was the conversion of the              how she made her home in             Tuesday of the month. Annual
Rus' people to Christianity that       Southampton.                         membership is only £8pp.
led to the cutting off of their        See our website and the May          Visitors are most welcome at
lucrative trade with the new           parish magazine for the              £2.50pp per meeting. For more
Islamic caliphates, which then,        meeting report.                      information and programme
in turn, inspired the descent on                                            updates, please visit our
wealthy Anglo-Saxon England,           NEXT MEETING – TUESDAY               website
and its defenceless                    27th APRIL                           at www.wickhamhistory.org.uk
monasteries, to make up the            Coffers, Clysters, Comfrey and
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

Wickham Society Spring Programme 2021
Meetings are held via Zoom during pandemic restrictions.
Members and occasional visitors are always welcome.
In February we welcomed Rear Admiral Ric Cheadle CB DL to give us an insider’s perspective on
the workings and life in a nuclear submarine, from his living room in Devon.
                                                       He described the mechanisms that enable a
                                                       submarine to submerge and return to the
                                                       surface and conditions within a nuclear
                                                       submarine while they are out on patrol.

                                                       Until a year ago, one of our first questions
                                                       might have been ‘how can a crew survive
                                                       spending 3 months with only each other’s
                                                       company and no distractions or places to go?’
                                                       – but no longer necessary!

In March, Dee Haas, Chair, and Christopher
Napier, leader, of the local South Downs and
Central District Group of the Campaign to
Protect Rural England (CPRE) joined us to
explain the role and work of this charity.
The value of being able to connect with nature
has proved to be more important than ever for
our well-being, reminding us how vital it is to
protect and maintain our green spaces from
further development.
Dee explained the steps the organisation is taking to engage with government about their current
planning proposals, to encourage a sensible and sustainable approach to planning which
prioritises local people.

                                      On 13 April 2021 at 7.30 pm

                                      Our next meeting will be our AGM with a planning update
                                      before our break for the summer months. We have invited
                                      Fiona Gray, Project Director at Buckland Developments to
                                      come and give an update on their plans for Welborne.

If you share a strong sense of community and location which makes Wickham such special
place to live – why not join us? New members are always welcome. For more information,
please contact Wendy Greenish at wendy.greenish@gmail.com or 01329 833583 or via –


Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

Missing the sound of church

From the Revd Jane Isaac

Thank you to the Wickham resident who
wrote to remind me how much the village
is missing the sound of church bells and
wondering when we will be able to hear
them again. Please be reassured that just
as soon as our ringers are allowed to, the
bells will be ringing again. At the moment,
social distancing requirements mean that
it’s impossible for ringing to take place in
St Nicholas Church’s tiny ringing room.
That means that although the church will
be re-opening for private prayer and
public worship from Sunday, 14th March,
we have to wait for the go-ahead from the
Winchester and Portsmouth Guild of
Ringers before ringing gets underway         The bellringers that rang the first local peal of 5040 changes
again.                                                at St Nicholas Wickham on 21st May 1907.

                                                                                   It was wonderful to be
 Wickham Fete -                                                                    able to have a single bell
                                                                                   tolling for Canon Brian
  Saturday 4th                                                                     Phillips’ funeral on
                                                                                   Wednesday 10th March,
   September                                                                       which I know many
                                                                                   people in the village
  PRODUCE AND PLANT                                                                heard and appreciated:
       STALL                                                                       90 tolls of the tenor bell,
                                                                                   one for each of the years
As readers may already know, the                       Revd Canon Brian            of his long life. March
Covid restrictions have resulted in the               Phillips, 1931-2021          10th would have been
usual Wickham Fete being postponed                                                 Brian’s 90th birthday.
but we all hope and believe that it can
now be held on Saturday 4th
September. I am sure I am not alone in looking             seed, please consider sowing more seed this
forward to the opportunity for this very enjoyable         spring so that you have a surplus of young plants
collective village event.                                  for the Fete. Maybe if you will be growing dahlias,
                                                           for example, consider donating a few bunches of
In recent years, plant and produce sales at the            cut flowers. Also, please consider rooting cuttings
June Fete have raised substantial funds for the            from a few of your favourite garden plants such as
Church. The autumn date this year inevitably               shrubs or possibly offer some rooted strawberry
means that although we still hope to have                  runners.
donations of plants, we need to focus more on
produce as well. With this in mind, in September
                                                           Nearer the date, I will include my email address
please consider donating homemade preserves
                                                           and mobile number, as it will be really helpful to
and garden produce as well as home-raised
                                                           have some advance warning of the items that may
plants. I would suggest preserves such as
                                                           be donated. Very many thanks, Mike Hall
chutneys, jams, honey and marmalade as well as
garden produce like runner beans, tomatoes,
lettuce etc. As far as plants are concerned, if you
often raise wallflowers, leeks and brassicas from
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

New!                      AND AGM                           On
                           DATE AND TIME:
                 MONDAY 19 APRIL AT 7PM
                           YOUR SOFA!


                               Telephone: 01329 833688
 To get in touch or            facebook: wickham community centre
 book your place:              Email:     hon.sec.wca@gmail.com

                    CAN YOU HELP?
The community association has a number of trustee (also called
directors) vacancies. If you're keen to help improve the centre and
are interested in community projects for the benefit of all, please do
get in touch! Contact David Roger Jones on 07979 572112 or email

Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

E                                                                                                                             E

                                                                            Still Providing
                                                                            Great Classes in
     Local Award Winning
                                                                            Person & Online
                                                                           Authentic Yoga classes in a beautiful & tranquil
     Self-Catering Accommoda�on                                                studio since  • Ample free parking

    • 8 holiday co�ages with 2, 3 or 4 en-suite                                       .   *
      bedrooms and excellent accessibility                                                  .   **
    • Indoor 13 x 6m heated pool and jacuzzi                                         .  **
    • Individual enclosed gardens with hot tubs
                                                                                   .  *
    • Stunning views, wood burners, free WiFi                                               .   *
    • Ideal for family staying, birthdays and                                               .   **
      anniversaries                                                                 .   *
     Book with confidence and unwind with us                                           .   **

           WALLOPS WOOD COTTAGES                                                    
    01489 878888 wallopswoodco�ages.co.uk              *All Levels. **Intermediate to improvers. Max 8 to a class with
                                                       social distancing. 1hr 20mins per session.
                                                        Karen Percival •   • birchtreeyoga.co.uk
                                                       The Birches, Hundred Acres Road, Wickham  

Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

F                                                                                                                                                                F

                                             Our Wickham Funeral Home
                                             Our funeral home in Wickham is located at 13 The Square. Although it is
                                             difficult to confirm exactly when the property was built, we believe that it was
                                             in the 1700’s.
                                             Today, the property has been extensively refurbished to provide the highest
                                             standards of care and support for our families. It was important to retain and
                                             enhance the existing oak beams thus retaining the correct atmosphere.
                                             You will enter into a warm and inviting reception area, where the door is always
                                             open between Monday and Friday, and by appointment at any other time.
                                             We have an arranging lounge which provides privacy and quiet when dealing with
                                             the arrangements for a funeral.
    Tim                  Charley             All of us together are committed to providing the highest possible standards of
                                             care and support.

     Our Denmead            Our Wickham     Our Clanfield
                    South Downs  Funeral Service
          Your local, independent and family owned funeral homes of Denmead, Wickham and Clanfield
           24 hour, local and personal service • Floristry service • Stonemasonry service • No deposits required
                   Managing and Principle Funeral Director: Mr Paul M Lee-Bapty DIP FD AFFIL RSH

          Clanfield Funeral Home                          Denmead Funeral Home                                                   Wickham Funeral Home
             Tel: 02392 570239                              Tel: 02392 231567                                                      Tel: 01329 833920
                43 Drift Road,                          The Old Post Office House,                                                      13 The Square,
              Clanfield, PO8 0JS                    Hambledon Road, Denmead, PO7 6NN                                                  Wickham, PO17 5JG
    clanfield@southdownsfuneralservice.com             care@southdownsfuneralservice.com                                      wickham@southdownsfuneralservice.com


                                   SAFER CHIMNEYS                                                                                           cates Issued.
                Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps – Certificates Issued.
     Power Sweeping, Traditional Brushes, Chimney Camera Surveys
               “Highly Recommended” Local Chimney Sweep
                                                                                    Less waiting time – 2 qualified sweeps available


Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

G                                                                                                G

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         the value of your home, call us for a market appraisal, absolutely free and
    without any obligation whatsoever. If you’re thinking of letting we offer a wealth of
                             expertise in Letting Management.

                          ESTATE & LETTING AGENTS
                    Ben Runciman Rona Thurston

     The Square, Wickham, Hampshire PO17 5JT Telephone: 01329 834579
           Email: info@byrnerunciman.co.uk www.byrnerunciman.co.uk

Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

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Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

 Wickham Pre-                         they see them wriggling around.
                                      We have also arranged for
                                                                          been on families trying to keep
                                                                          their children entertained and
    School                            some butterfly larva to arrive
                                      just after Easter so the children
                                                                          hope they are now enjoying a
                                                                          little bit of time to themselves to
Welcome to our April update.          can see how they change into        recover.
                                      butterflies. Then in May we
It is so nice to see some better
                                      have some duck eggs coming
weather and all the lovely
                                      from Incredible Eggs. The
spring flowers coming out in
                                      children will get to see the eggs
bloom. The children are
                                      hatch and then look after the
spending much more time out in
                                      ducklings for a week, until they
the garden now and are really
                                      return to their sanctuary. We
enjoying seeing all the beautiful
                                      will make sure we update you
spring flowers that they planted
                                      with some photos. The last time
in the autumn.
                                      we had ducklings the children
                                      particularly enjoyed watching
    One of our planters               them swim around in the water

                                        Mud lovely mud!                       Making potions!

                                                                          One of the books we have been
                                                                          reading this month is The
                                                                          Colour Monster and as one of
                                                                          the activities we set up a
                                                                          potions tuff tray activity. The
                                                                          children really enjoyed mixing
                                                                          up their own potions using fresh
                                                                          fruit, coloured water and glitter.
                                                                          This was a fabulous activity for
                                                                          encouraging physical skills such
                                                                          as pouring and hand eye
With spring upon us we have
                                                                          coordination, working together
been talking to the children
                                                                          and developing descriptive
about all the baby animals they
                                      Mud Kitchen                         language.
are starting to see such as the
lambs and calves in the fields.       The children have been using        Setting visits
We have currently got some            their fabulous imaginations         Visits are limited to the beginning
                                      when playing in the mud             and end of the day and all visitors
                                      kitchen. They are spending lots     must wear a mask, use hand
     Our tadpoles & frog
                                      of time making wonderful            sanitizer when they arrive and
                                      birthday cakes and mud pies for     before they leave and check in
                                      their friends and teachers and      with the NHS track and trace QR
                                      the language and social skills      code for visitors. If you are
                                      they are learning are absolutely    interested in knowing more about
                                      essential for their development,    the preschool and would like to
                                      especially after the lack of        receive a copy of our prospectus,
                                      social interactions this            please give us a call on 01329
                                      pandemic has had on their           833039 or email
                                      development.                        wickham@parrywoodchildcare.co
                                      We are really concentrating on      .uk or if you have any questions.
                                      helping the children build their    We are open 8am - 5.30pm
                                      social skills and language          Monday to Friday during school
                                      development. We totally             term times.
tadpoles visiting and the             understand how tough it has         That’s all for this month.
children get very excited when                                            Please stay safe and well.
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

                                                                                  Tennis Club
                                                                                 If all goes to plan the courts
 Citizen’s Advice Consumer Helpline
                                                                                 will be reopen for tennis
          on 0808 223 1133                                                       from Monday 29th March.
                                                                                 Singles, doubles, drills and
                                                                                 Club sessions for both
Lesley Rose, Advice Services              0800 328 5644                          adults and juniors will be
Manager for Citizens Advice
                                                                                 back up and running.
Winchester District gives advice          You can check Royal Mail’s
on how to manage your post                website for updates on areas
                                                                                 If you would like to join in
and delivery issues.                      which may be experiencing              please get in touch by
                                          delays.                                visiting our website, or
Q. We’ve had a lot of issues                                                     emailing me directly.
receiving our post recently               Parcels                                We welcome beginners,
and haven’t seen our usual                If you bought something from a         returners and experienced
postie around in a little while.          business to be delivered, it’s the     players, both adults and
Some of my neighbours have                seller’s responsibility to make        juniors.
had some of their online                  sure the item is delivered to you.     Why not join in the fun!
deliveries delayed too. Is                If the seller used a courier, they     Exercise in the fresh air with
there anything I can do?                  should chase the courier to find
                                                                                 friendly, welcoming, like-
                                          out what’s happened to your
You’re not alone, we know                 order - it’s not your
                                                                                 minded players - what could
posties are currently working             responsibility.Check the delivery      be better for your physical
very hard, but we’ve seen a               address you gave the seller.           and mental health!
huge increase in the number of            Then contact them and ask
people coming to us for advice            where your order is.                Suenorth@btinternet.com
about post and parcel issues.             If the seller claims they've
                                          delivered it or don't know where
Letters                                   it is, you can ask for a            https://
If you haven’t received any               redelivery. You might be able to    clubspark.lta.org.uk/
letters in your post, think about if      get a refund in some
there’s anything you were                 circumstances where the
expecting like bills that might be        delivery time was essential and
due soon. If you’re missing a bill        you let the trader know ahead of
                                                                             by refusing to deliver an item, you
you could check your account              time.
                                                                                can contact the Citizens Advice
online to see how else you could
                                          Under the Consumer Rights Act,        consumer helpline for help.
pay. Lots of businesses offer
online chat, email and phone as           you can ask the seller to
a way to contact them.                    deliver the item again if the
                                          item wasn’t delivered either:
If you’re worried about missing                                            Park Place Centre is now
                                          by an agreed date within a
letters about any benefits you                                                taking bookings for
                                          reasonable time - usually
receive you can contact the               within 30 days.
                                                                           accommodation   from the
Department for Work and                   If the new delivery fails to  Summer of 2021, especially for
Pensions on the number given              come within a reasonable time  the Wickham Festival. Please
on any previous letters you’ve            you can ask the trader for a             contact us by email:
had. If you have questions about          refund. If you ordered something    pastoralcentre@aol.com or call
Universal Credit and don’t have                                                    us on 01329.833043
                                          from a private seller or if you
a digital account, you can call
                                          think a seller had broken the law
the Universal Credit helpline on
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

                                                                    Rotary and
                                                                    World Peace
                                                                    At a joint virtual Meeting with sister
                                                                    and partner Clubs of the Rotary
                                                                    Club of Columbo to observe World
                                                                    Understanding & Peace Day and
                                                                    the 116th birthday of Rotary
                                                                    International on Tuesday, 23rd
                                                                    February. We were fortunate to
                                                                    hear a very inspirational speaker,
Our speaker on 25th February was Gregg Wood from the Rotary         Dr K R Ravindran, known as Ravi,
Club of Westbourne and he spoke about his club’s initiative on      who was President of RI in
environmental issues.                                               2015-2016 and is currently Trustee
                                                                    Chair of Rotary Foundation. Ravi
All feel passionate about the environment but often struggle
                                                                    began by saying how sad it was that
with what can be done to make a difference. The club believes
                                                                    in a world where huge strides have
that every member can contribute and collectively we can make
                                                                    been made in science and
an even bigger difference. With that in mind, Monthly Mini
                                                                    technology, mankind had failed to
Missions was launched.
                                                                    learn to live together in peace and
The idea was based on everyone being able to participate, it        harmony. One had only to look at
helped the environment, provided some education about the           the Paris Agreement, destined to
environment and was achievable and inclusive. It built on the       protect the planet, which has not
good things we already do as individuals and as a club.             been agreed by all and this was
                                                                    also true of the international Covid
Each month, three challenges are issued on our ECO – odle           agreement.
CardsTM..see picture above, Challenges can be tasks such as:
- * teabag switch * switch to Two Farmers crisps for a month        N.G.O.s in his view have been so
*plant bee friendly plants in the garden *create a log pile * buy   successful in having a focus on
apple juice, not orange juice *seasonal fruit and veg week.         peace – and he went on to outline
                                                                    the successful efforts of Rotary in
Members choose one (or two or all three), each does their           this field and particularly its bond
mission and each helps to improve our environmental footprint.      with the United Nations which
Missions can be shared with family and friends to increase the      enhances       its   visibility  and
impact. Activities are reported back and progress recorded so       credibility. The roots of Rotary’s
that the difference made can be seen.                               representative network predate the
                                                                    formal chartering on the UN after
Some missions include activities, some change habits and            WWII. In 1942, a Rotary
some of the things bought and consumed. The results from            Conference in London was
Westbourne Club include reduced food miles, bee friendly            attended by ministers of education
plants, homes for insects and reduced plastics. 32 Missions in      and observers from twenty one
the club were completed in just two months. Over the course of      different countries (many of whom
a year, it is hoped to complete about 200 Missions.                 were in exile in London). The
                                                                    purpose was to develop ideas for
Gregg finished by saying that the Mini Missions have raised         advancing education, science, and
awareness of the environment whilst making it easier to get         culture across nations – this
involved. And as knowledge is built, it is good to know how         meeting was the impetus for what
powerful we can be in the fight to help the environment and how     we now know as UNESCO.
many things we can all do. Imagine if everyone in Rotary took
part – it would create a major environmental movement               At the organisational conference of
overnight!                                                          the United Nations held in San
                                                                    Francisco in 1945, the US
Maureen Bell                                                        delegation        invited    Rotary
                                                                    International to appoint consultants

Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

and eleven Rotarians served in this
capacity.    Subsequently,     Rotary
International was granted consultative
status and Rotarians have served as
observers at various important
meetings. Today, Rotary holds the
highest consultative status offered to
an NGO by the UN’s Economic and
Social Council.

Ravi also talked of Rotary’s role in
negotiating peace between conflicting
factions, one of which was the Chile
Argentina conflict in 1978. And he
stressed that the effects of war linger
and the necessity for building the
foundations for peace. It was in 1999,                                          have a chance to win a
                                                Rotary Club of                  jackpot too!”
after much planning, that Rotary
approved the creation of Rotary Peace         Fareham says Let’s
Centre programmes. The aim was to             Get Started to raise              Tickets are only £1 a week
                                                                                and, if you choose the Rotary
encourage people already engaged in             charity funds!
peace building as a career to apply for                                         Club of Fareham, we will
graduate level study in the field and                                           receive at least 40% for our
                                              Supporters of Rotary around       good causes. One of those
Rotary Foundation would provide
                                              the globe know of the many        we support locally is the
scholarships to Peace Fellows. The
                                              good causes they assist. The      Stubbington Study Centre
inaugural class of Rotary Peace
                                              Rotary Club of Fareham does       that helps young people
Fellows began their studies in 2002.
                                              exactly that and helps many       attend     amazing     nature
Rotary Peace Centres are located at           charities and community           courses at Hill Head while
universities in Bradford, Thailand,           groups        locally      and    learning about wildlife and
North Carolina, Tokyo, Buenos Aires           internationally as a result.      the environment.
and Brisbane. Ravi was delighted to
report that a new one is due to open in       The Club sets out to              It's so easy to take part –
Uganda. Students study the causes of          fundraise throughout each         tickets for the lottery cost just
conflict and build practical skills in real   Rotary     year,    whenever      £1 a week with each entry
world problems in areas such as               possible, and spends time         having a 1 in 50 chance of
human rights, international relations,        organising charity events and     winning, with a top prize of
global health and development. The            collecting    donations      at   £25,000. To register, just go
aim is to develop leaders who become          venues      throughout     the    to
catalysts for peace in local                  Borough of Fareham.                  www.farehamlottery.org.uk
communities and on the global stage.                                            and select the Rotary Club of
                                              Now, moving with the times,       Fareham as your choice.
Ravi completed his talk by reminding          the Club will ALSO be
us that Rotary is a humanitarian                                                Please help us with our
                                              collecting funds through the
organisation, peace is the cornerstone                                          support for Stubbington
                                              new Fareham Community
of our mission. Peace begins with             Lottery – will you please be      Study Centre - 'where
each and every one of us.                     one of those helping in this      learning comes to life’.
Maureen Bell
                                              As Mike Hurley, President of
                                              the Rotary Club of Fareham,
                                              says “With the help of the
                                              people of Fareham, and
                                              those in the local area, this
                                              promises to be a good way of
                                              raising much needed charity
                                              funds while those entering
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

Meon Valley Lions Club
Stairway to heaven
When the Meon Valley Lions Club got to hear about the plight of a
local family with young disabled children, needing a lot of care, in a
house with no carpet on the stairs, we discussed how we could help.
We stepped up to the challenge to ensure at least some basic
comfort underfoot and arranged for a carpet to be fitted.

Do you or anyone you know need help?
If you, or someone you know, needs help please get in touch on
07443 753780 or go to our website https://

If you’d like to donate:
TEXT DONATION: Simply text LIONS to 70490 to donate £3
OR if you would like to donate between £1 and £20 text LIONS
followed by your donation amount e.g. to donate £5 text LIONS 5 or
to donate £10 text LIONS 10.
Texts cost your chosen donation amount plus one standard network
rate message.
OUR WEBSITE: https://www.meonvalleylionsclub.org.uk/
SEND A CHEQUE: If you prefer to donate by cheque, bank transfer
or cash please email our
Treasurer: treasurer@meonvalleylions.org.uk
As always thank you for your support
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY                                                     Darcy on her new carpet
Swanmore Fete 2021 - We’ll keep you updated on our website but
in the meantime please add next year’s date to your diary: Saturday
10th July 2022.
Annual Ford Charity Fishing Festival 2021 – We’re sorry to report
this has been cancelled for 2021.

                                                         SAVE THE

                              CHURCH FETE

                                4th    SEPTEMBER 2021

Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

PeaceJam UK is a transformative programme                  aged 13-16. There will also be the opportunity to
that uses the inspirational experiences of 14              connect young people from different groups as
Nobel Peace Prize winners, to empower young                part of a wider support network.
people to make positive change in themselves,
their communities and in the world. Founded in             Long-term Impact
2011, PeaceJam UK provides life changing                   The project will train 60 university students to
opportunities to over 3,000 young people every             deliver wellbeing workshops reaching 3,000 UK
year through their events, curricular and 1 Billion        youth. University students will develop their
Acts of Peace campaign.                                    facilitation, leadership and other transferable skills
                                                           to help them with the next stage of their life and
Generation Change - provide Urgent                         can use this experience to contribute towards their
Covid-19 Relief for 3,000 UK Youth                         higher education accreditation. Young people will
                                                           discuss their concerns in a brave and safe space,
                                                           and develop skills to cope with change and make
                                                           positive change in their lives and in the world.
This project will provide urgent support for 3,000
young people in the UK affected by Covid-19, and
the subsequent issues that have emerged in their
lives and communities. Our transformational
programme harnesses the powerful near-peer
experience that takes place between university
students aged 18-24 and young people aged
13-16. University students will receive training
to deliver online interactive wellbeing
workshops, that build resilience and empower
young people to make positive change.

The prevalent narrative that Covid-19 has
ruined an entire generation's future prospects is
damaging young people's mental health and
wellbeing and is also untrue! In a recent survey
conducted by YoungMinds, 67% of young
people believed that the pandemic would have
a long-term negative effect on their mental
health. This project will provide wellbeing
support for 3,000 UK youth, reclaiming
'Generation Covid' as 'Generation Change'
because empowered young people can be a
positive force.
University students will receive training to
deliver online workshops to young people,
focusing on boosting self-esteem, recognising
self-worth, coping with change, envisioning the
future and creating positive pathways to
achieving goals. The workshops will provide
'mutual healing' opportunities, benefitting both
university students aged 18-24 and young people
Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

I                                                       I


Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

J                                                                            J

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s                        Wickham Parish Magazine April 2021

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