Wickham ParishMagazine - November 2020 50p - 75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in - St Nicholas ...

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Wickham ParishMagazine - November 2020 50p - 75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in - St Nicholas ...
Wickham ParishMagazine
        November 2020             50p

75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in
    November 1945-the first post-war occasion
Wickham ParishMagazine - November 2020 50p - 75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in - St Nicholas ...
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

                                    The Parish Church of St Nicholas
                                          Wickham PO17 6HR
            (The United Benefice of St Nicholas, Wickham and St John the Baptist, Shedfield)
The Rector                                        Assistant Curate
The Revd Jane Isaac
The Rectory,                                      The Revd Dr Ruth Howlett-Shipley
Southwick Road,
Wickham, PO17 6HR                                 01329 280 905
01329 835 295

                           Associate Priest
                           The Revd Juliet Montague
                           The Vicarage,
                           52, Brooklyn Close,
                           Waltham Chase, SO32 2RZ
                           01489 895 012

          Members of the ministry team can be contacted by email via the parish Office

Churchwardens;                      Caretaker                         Magazine Editorial Team
Mr Fred Crosskey                    Mr Ron Burt                       Mr John Landaw (Editor)
fredcrosskey@gmail.com              5, Mill Lane, Wickham             Mr Den Boylan, Mrs Sheila
01329 609 161                       01329 833 751                     Campbell, John Farrow
Mr Richard Cannadine                                                  (photogapher)
Richard.cannadine@ntlworld.com                                        Distribution; Mr Robert Goulson
01329 513 530                        Church Flowers                   rgoulson@btinternet.com
                                     Mrs Jane Buckle                  01329 833 299
Parish Administrator/PCC             01329 832 517                    Roman Way, Tanfield Lane,
Secretary                                                             Wickham, PO17 5NN
Mrs Jane Goulson                                                      Advertising; Mrs Sue Pittam
stnicholasadmin@btinternet.com      Mothers' Union (Branch Leader)    advertising@stnicholaswickham.org.uk
01329 833 299                       Sabrina Gwynn
Roman Way, Tanfield Lane,           Tel: 01329 233637
Wickham, PO17 5NN                   Email: sabrinagwynn@aol.com        Methodist Church
                                                                       Minister; The Revd Joseph Tembo
Honorary PCC Treasurer                                                 01329 833 518
Mrs Di Frost                        Friends of St Nicholas Church
dfwickham@hotmail.com               Mr John Landaw
                                                                       Roman Catholic Church
01329 832 633                       john.landaw@hotmail.co.uk
                                                                       Revd Canon Alan Griffiths
The Laurels, Mayles Lane            01329 830 088
                                                                       02380 273 882
Wickham, PO17 5ND
                                    Church Room Bookings               Park Place Centre
Verger/Sacristan                    Mrs Jane Goulson                   Franciscan Sisters
Mrs Rosemary Simpson                stnicholasadmin@btinternet.com     Winchester Road, Wickham
01329 512 629                       01329 833 299                      01329 833 043
                                    Roman Way, Tanfield Lane,          Chaplain; Fr Andrew McMahon
Choir Trainer                       Wickham, PO17 5NN                  Sunday Mass 9:00am
Mrs Valerie Shuttleworth                                               01329 833 805
01329 835 233                       Parish Magazine; Copy
                                    Mr John Landaw                     Wessex Jamaat
Bell Ringers                                                           Mr Abbas Rahim (Hon. Secretary)
Greg Painter                                                           info@almahdi.org.uk
                                    01329 830 088
wickhamringers@gmail.com                                               07753 813075
                                    1, Church View, School Rd
Wickham ParishMagazine - November 2020 50p - 75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in - St Nicholas ...
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

The theme of this month’s
magazine                  is
Remembrance.         Whilst
current Covid restrictions
are in place, Services at St
Nicholas Church are
limited to a maximum of
sixty residents at any one
time. This will obviously
affect       this     year’s
Remembrance Service.
Those wishing to attend
the Service are required to
book in advance. There
are       also      specific
arrangements for R.B.L.
members. Please see
page 6 for full details.

If you, or anyone you
know, is/are suffering
from the effects isolation
or seclusion, you might
refer them to pages 2 and
32.......where we have, as
usual, listed all the groups,
organisations            and
services that are active in
the Parish. Please share
this information.
                                                       Images of Wickham
                                 A collection of historic views of Wickham including The Square and Bridge Street,
The          Field        of
Remembrance will be            recognisable buildings such as Chesapeake Mill and The Barracks, along with day to
‘operational’ on the village                day scenes of village life, local businesses and celebrations.
green,      opposite      St
Nicholas Church, from
                                                 A lovely gift at a fantastic price of £5!
31st October to 13th
November. Residents are
                                    For details on how to purchase a copy, please call 01329 833103
invited to plant Crosses in                         or use the contact page on the website.
The Green in memory of
family or friends who died                                     www.wickhamhistory.org.uk
whilst on active service. Crosses are on sale at      an   unscheduled     ‘drop off’.
Page’s and/or Heming’s.
                                                       The Wykeham Vale housing development ( see pages 32,
One of the effects of the Covid restrictions is 40 ) will begin releasing the first of 70+ new homes next
the additional amount of extra time many spring. New residents will be advised that the Wickham
people have discovered. Clearly, many Village Magazine is an award winning, up to date, valuable
residents decided to update and/or source of information which lists a host of local tradesmen
modernise their wardrobes during lockdown. and services and features the latest HCC and Winchester
Many charity shops have benefitted from this City Council information...... and is also a jolly good read.
additional benevolence, with some shops DB
now requesting an initial enquiry rather than

Wickham ParishMagazine - November 2020 50p - 75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in - St Nicholas ...
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

                       From the Revd Juliet
                                                                            suffering. We should not seek to
                                                                            wipe out the memories of past
                                                                            wrongs, but to be aware that
                                                                            whenever power and authority
                                                                            come together in an organisation
                                                                            there is a danger that the
                                                                            reputation or the very survival of
                                                                            that organisation begins to
                                                                            matter more than justice and
                                                                            honesty. As I write this I am
                                                                            conscious that the Archbishop of
                                                                            Canterbury, speaking about the
                                                                            findings of the inquiry into
                                                                            historic sexual abuse in the
                                                                            Church of England, said that he
                                                                            had learnt again to be ashamed
                                                                            of the church. This is not the first
                                                                            time, and I’m sure it won’t be the
Dear Friends,                         congregations,         community      last, when the Christian church
November is the time when we          gatherings and families have to       has revealed its feet of clay, from
traditionally reflect on things       be very different as we all try to    the crusades to the cruelty of the
past, the 1st is All Saints in the    follow the rules and stay safe, it    Inquisition, to its support for
churches calendar – when we           will be a year that goes down in      slavery, we have much to be
remember all those Saints who         history, and just as our parents      ashamed of, but we can learn,
don’t have a named day of their       and grandparents told us about        and what we must learn is surely
own, followed immediately by All      what it was like to be evacuated,     the same for all institutions. At
Souls on the 2nd, a time to           or bombed during the war, so          the heart of the gospel message
remember all those we have            today’s children will tell their      is the requirement that we care
known and loved who have died         grandchildren about the year          for the most vulnerable and
– particularly poignant in this       that school was so very different.    needy in society, and that we
year when coronavirus has                                                   pursue justice, honesty and
                                      So do we have to keep                 truth, sticking fast to these
added to the death toll and           remembering the past, does it do
attendance at funerals has been                                             principles has to be non-
                                      us any good? Well as someone          negotiable, and may well prove
so limited. Then on 5th Nov we        whose life and ministry depends
look back to the plot to blow up                                            costly, as many whistle-blowers
                                      upon the life of a man who lived      know only too well.
the houses of parliament and          2,000 years ago, you would
restore fair treatment for Roman      expect me to say yes, and I do        As we learn the lessons of the
Catholics, in those days you          find it deeply annoying when TV       past, we need to remember that
were fined if you didn’t attend a C   quiz contestants say ‘It was          our humanity not only leads us to
of E church on a Sunday – how         before I was born’ as an excuse       fall short but is also responsible
unfair is that! Finally, on 11th      for not knowing anything vaguely      for amazing acts of self-sacrifice,
November we usually gather            historical. One reason why we         love and generosity. So in this
together to remember those who        need to know our history is that it   month of remembering let us
died in the two World Wars. All       can teach us so much. Whenever        reflect upon all those who have
this happens in the last few          we hear the official commission       inspired us, who have helped us
weeks before the beginning of         reports of things that have gone      know the reality of love, and who
Advent when we turn our faces         horribly       wrong,        from     gave their lives so that we might
with hope and expectancy              Hillsborough to Grenfell Tower,       be free.
towards Christmas and a new           from the Post Office to Gosport
year.                                 Memorial hospital, most of those      With love,
This year all these occasions         who have suffered ask one thing       Juliet
which draw us together in             - that lessons are learned so that
                                      others may be saved from
Wickham ParishMagazine - November 2020 50p - 75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in - St Nicholas ...
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

      Letter from the Revd Dr Ruth Howlett-Shipley
In June 2019 I was privileged to                                             be with me physically on that
                                               Wearing the Shedfield         very special day but I can
be ordained as a Deacon by the
                                               Mothers' Union Stole          assure you all that I felt totally
Right Reverend Christopher
Foster, Bishop of Portsmouth, in                                             surrounded by your love and
a fantastic service at Portsmouth                                            prayers. The PCCs very
                                                                             kindly paid for me to spend a
Cathedral and came to serve in
                                                                             night away on retreat at
the Benefice of Shedfield and
                                                                             Sarum College in Salisbury
Wickham. I was expecting to be                                               which is where I started my
ordained as a priest on 4th July                                             theological      training,       I
2020 in the Cathedral where I                                                received so many cards and
would have been one of five                                                  emails wishing me well and
deacons      from      Portsmouth                                            these meant a great deal to
Diocese who would have been                                                  me, the parishes also gave
ordained       in      Portsmouth                                            me some very generous gifts
Cathedral. I expected that the                                               and Shedfield Mothers
cathedral would have been full of                                            Union made me a fantastic
                                                                             stole (which I have already
family, friends and members of
                                                                             been able to use in Wickham
the    congregations       of   St
                                                                             at a service of Holy
Nicholas, Wickham and St John                                                Communion for the Mothers
the Baptist, Shedfield. But, like                                            Union).
many other plans this year,
coronavirus        made       this     read the lesson, Annabel sang     I just want to say a HUGE thank
impossible.                            during communion and Revd         you to you all! I thank you for your
                                       Jane preached the sermon.         gifts, for your love and prayers
This year the run up to the                                              and for the way that you have
Ordinations was anything but           Several people have asked me      made me, and the children, feel
usual! The date changed three          what the difference it makes to   so welcome here in the Benefice.
times, the numbers who could           be ordained as a priest. In a     THANK YOU!
attend changed daily in the week       recent book, Stephen Cottrell,
before and it was judged that the      who is now the Archbishop of
traditional residential retreat        York, says that he is irritated
prior to the ordination was not        when he hears people being
practical. It was also decided         asked what is the difference
that, rather than one large            between a deacon and a
service in the Cathedral, several      priest and they say ‘Oh, there
small services would be held in        are a few things that you
local churches throughout the          can’t do as a deacon but you
diocese.                               can as a priest’ as if those
                                       few things aren’t all that
So on Friday 2nd October, I was        important. But those ‘few
privileged to be ordained as a         things’ are the declaration of
Priest by the Right Reverend           Christ’s         forgiveness,
Christopher Foster, Bishop of          presidency at the Eucharist
Portsmouth in a small, but very        and the announcement of
personal service, at St John the       God’s blessing. They are
Baptist Church, Shedfield. Revd        hardly incidental! And it is my
Jane is fairly certain that this was   huge privilege that I am now
the first time an ordination           able to do each of these in my
service had been held in               ministry here in Wickham
Shedfield. Only thirty people          and Shedfield.
could attend but it was fantastic                                        Gifts from the parishoners
that both my children could play       I am sorry that most of the
a part in the service; Edward          congregation were unable to
Wickham ParishMagazine - November 2020 50p - 75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in - St Nicholas ...
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

  Remembrance 2020 – Revd Jane Isaac describes how
    St Nicholas Church is responding to the current
 uncertainties about public gatherings on November 8th
‘What          are         the                                                          readings, music and
arrangements                for                                                         address, led by the
Remembrance this year?’                                                                 Revd      Jane     Isaac,
is a question many of you                                                               Wickham RBL branch
have been asking – and                                                                  chaplain and the Revd
one that your ministry team                                                             Ruth Howlett-Shipley.
and the Wickham RBL                                                                     In accordance with
committee have been                                                                     national             RBL
considering       for    many                                                           guidelines, standards
weeks now. It will come as                                                              will be not be paraded
no surprise to you, given                                                               this year from the
the ongoing pandemic and                                                                Square or in church.
rising infection rates locally,                                                         We are unable to lay
that a comprehensive                                                                    wreaths at the war
answer is impossible at the                                                             memorial after the
time of writing (16 October                                                             service, and sadly
2020). One thing’s for sure                                                             neither our uniformed
though:          government,                                                            organisations nor our
Church        of      England                                                           friends from Villiers sur
regulations,            social                                                          Mer are able to join us.
distancing      requirements
and our own local context                                                                To   comply      with
mean that this year our ‘usual’ arrangements for              government and Church of England Covid-19
Remembrance just aren’t going to be possible.                 secure requirements, a maximum of 60 people can
                                                              be legally and safely accommodated in church.
I know this will be a great disappointment to all the
RBL members, community representatives, service
personnel and local residents who so faithfully join in
Wickham’s Remembrance commemorations year                       It is very important that you let the parish
after year. However, it’s very important that we               administrator know by 12.00pm on Friday 6th
focus on what we are able to do rather than what we               November if you intend to come to the
aren’t, and do please be reassured that with some                         service: please email
adaptation and flexibility on everyone’s part, all            stnicholasadmin@btinternet.com or phone
being well the following Remembrance events will                  01329 833 299, giving your name, a
take place– please do check the church website,                contact phone number or email address
Wickham        Facebook        page    and       local
                                                                 and the number of seats you require
noticeboards for the latest information.
                                                              (maximum of 2 per household). If you have
• October 31st–November 13th: The Field of                       not let us know by 6th November of your
Remembrance on the Village Green will be                      intention to come to the service, then the cap
available for you to plant poppy crosses or                    on numbers means that this year you will be
pebbles in memory of those who lost their lives                              unable to attend.
in the service of their country. The two silhouette
Tommies will be in place again this year. Please see
                                                               If they have not already done so, Wickham
pages 10 & 11 to find out more.
                                                                   RBL members should contact branch
• Sunday       November        8th,  Service     of             secretary David Robinson if they intend to
Remembrance: St Nicholas Church at 10.50am                                 come to this service.
(the church will be open from 10.30am). A shortened
version of the traditional Remembrance service with

Wickham ParishMagazine - November 2020 50p - 75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in - St Nicholas ...
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

                                                                  You may remember that this anniversary was
•      Because of the unavoidable restriction                     featured in the October issue of this
on numbers at the morning service, this year                      magazine.
you might instead choose to watch the
national commemoration on TV or to take up                        Please be aware that in compliance with NHS
the RBL’s suggestion that people stand                            track and trace procedures, the names and
outside their homes at 11.00am to observe                         contact details of everyone attending church
the 2-minutes’ silence. Additionally, there will                  services are taken and kept on record for 21
be an afternoon service for Remembrance                           days before being securely destroyed.
Sunday at St Nicholas Church at 3.30pm                            Congregational hymn-singing is not allowed in
(the church will be open from 3.15pm). The                        church, and the wearing of face coverings is
service will re-create the evensong held 50                       mandatory in church at all times.
years ago at which the church’s WW2
memorial was unveiled and dedicated.

                                Christmas Hamper Project
                    Please spread some Christmas joy to local children living on the poverty line.

                    We are encouraging you to get involved and donate an item for a Christmas
                    hamper. These hampers will change the Christmas day experience for these
                    children and their families.

                    These hampers will transform an essential food parcel from a food bank into a
                    special Christmas gift that local young people will be grateful to receive.

                    Please take your donations at St Nicholas Church where there will be a clearly
                    marked container in the church porch. Currently the church is open from
                    10am - 5.00pm every day, but please check the website in case of any
                    changes www.stnicholaswickham.org.uk .

                    The last day for donations is Wednesday 25th November

                         Please donate an item suitable           •   Advent calendar
                         for a child aged, 5-10 years.
                         Here is a list of suggested items:       •   Box of chocolates/
                         Please avoid: toy guns/weapons,          •   Hat/gloves/scarf
                         homemade food and food that
                         expires before 25/12/2020.               •   Shampoo/ shower gel
                                                                  •   Tooth brush
                                                                  •   Christmas cake
                                                                  •   Games/puzzles
                                                                  •   Story books
                                                                  •   Colouring books
                                                                  •   Art and craft material

Wickham ParishMagazine - November 2020 50p - 75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in - St Nicholas ...
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

    Revd Jane Isaac, Vicar of Shedfield and
  Rector of Wickham, answers your questions
     about services in church and online*
Is the church open during           in both churches! Similar in         (socially distanced!) welcome:
the week? Thanks to the             content and style to the online      behind those face masks are
commitment of our dedicated         Sunday service, the service in       lots of smiles!
volunteers we’re able to open       church is informal, relaxing         Why isn’t there a list of
the churches every day. On                                    and        church services in the
Mondays       to     Saturdays,                                          parish magazine?           It’s a
weddings and funerals                                                      question several of you have
allowing, both St John the                                                    understandably         been
Baptist    Church       in                                                      asking. T h e a n s w e r
Shedfield     and     St                                                          is that in the
Nicholas Church in                                                                 p r e s e n t
Wickham are open                                                                   u n c e r t a i n
between the core                                                                    circumstances
hours of 10.00am–                                                                   we simply can’t
5.00pm for private                                                                  plan further than a
prayer.            On                                                              couple of weeks in
Sundays,            the                                                           advance with any
churches remain open                                                             certainty – so do please
after    the     morning                                                       keep an eye on the village
service and close at                                                        Facebook pages, church
5.00pm.      Hand sanitiser                                              noticeboards and the church
dispensers and entrance and                                              websites       for    up-to-date
exit    doors     are     clearly                                        information.       As someone
signposted and specially-           features music, a short              who’d ‘normally’ be thinking
designated       seating       is   reflection    and     lots      of   about Lent by now, I know how
available. Please be aware          opportunity for prayer. Doors        unsettling this lack of forward
that the wearing of face            open at 9.40am and our               planning can be! Please do
coverings is now mandatory in       stewards will show you to your       bear in mind that whilst
church at all times.                seat. After the service you’ll be    Covid-19 restrictions remain
What        about       Sunday      asked to stay in your seats          in place we can’t, for example,
services? We’re alternating         until you’re directed to the         return to an ‘old normal’
services between St John            designated exit. The church          pattern       of     communion
the Baptist Church in               will be thoroughly cleaned in        services at two churches
Shedfield and St Nicholas           accordance with Covid-19             every Sunday. However, our
Church in Wickham for a             requirements       before     re-    hope is that all being well there
shared Sunday morning               opening for private prayer.          will be a 10.00am communion
service starting at 10.00am         The       NHS’s          tracing     service from time to time in
and lasting for around 45           programme requires us to take        both of our churches. And
minutes. With winter drawing        your name and contact details        from time to time we hope to be
in, you’ll be relieved to know      on your arrival. This record is      able to share in a variety of
that we’re now permitted to         kept for 21 days before being        different services in one or
close the church outer doors        destroyed. If it’s a while since     other of the benefice’s
and that, once the systems          you’ve been to church or if          churches: a short midweek
have been safety checked,           you’re new to the area, you          service of holy communion, for
we’ll be able to use the heating    can be assured a very warm           instance, or Compline by

Wickham ParishMagazine - November 2020 50p - 75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in - St Nicholas ...
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

candlelight   on   a   Sunday     act of spiritual communion.        of the ministry team so that we
evening.                          Being Church at Home               can arrange for that to happen.
I don’t feel comfortable          services are intentionally         And if you’d like to receive the
coming to church yet: will        simple in their layout so that     weekly e-bulletin with links to
the online services be            those of you who prefer a hard     the online services and news
continuing? As the ministry       copy can easily print out a        of what’s happening in the
team has said right from the      service booklet.                   parishes, please do let me
beginning of lockdown, it’s       If you’re without internet         know (my contact details are
important that we stay            access and would appreciate        on the inside front cover).
focussed on what we can do        a printed copy of the Sunday
and not what we can’t. Getting    services, do contact a member
churches open at any cost isn’t   of the ministry team so that we    The Church of England’s
the point of all                                                                   Daily    Hope
this:      what                                                                    prayer line –
really matters                                                                     0800 804 8044
is making sure                                                                     – has been set
that         our                                                                   up with those
churches are                                                                       who        are
s a f e ,                                                                          unable to get
welcoming,                                                                         to church or
Covid        19-                                                                   join    online
aware place                                                                        c h u r c h
for those who                                                                      services     in
come          for                                                                  mind. Daily
worship or in                                                                      Hope offers
search of a                                                                        m u s i c ,
quiet space in                                                                     prayers and
their lives. Social distancing,   can arrange for that to happen.    reflections as well as full
shielding and self-isolation      And if you’d like to receive the   worship services and is
mean that everyone’s having       weekly e-bulletin with links to    absolutely free of charge.
to learn how to keep in touch     the online services and news
with each other in different      of what’s happening in the
kinds of ways, and that           parishes, please do let me         *Written on 14th October
includes the church family        know (my contact details are       2020 – please be aware that
here in the United Benefice of    on the inside front cover).        Government and Church of
Shedfield and Wickham too.        What about Christmas? Live         England regulations are
That’s why we’ll be continuing    streaming is something we’re       extremely likely to have
the Being Church at Home          exploring at the moment, and       been amended by the time
services so that we can           I’m very hopeful that we will be   you read this. For the latest
worship together whether or       able to stream some of our         Church of England Covid-19
not we’re in church.              Christmas services. Quite          guidelines     on    church
Each Sunday two new               what those services might          opening, public worship,
services are posted on the        be…well, we can’t know yet!        baptisms, weddings and
church website and linked to      Sadly the ministry team and        funerals please go to
the village Facebook pages        churchwardens have had to          www.churchofengland.org/
too. There’s the benefice’s       make the difficult decision to     more/media-centre/
own Sunday morning prayer         postpone       this      year’s    coronavirus-covid-19-
service and a more informal       Christingle services in church.    guidance-churches
Sunday service with a             If you’re without internet
reflection on the Gospel          access and would appreciate
reading, prayers and hymns.       a printed copy of the Sunday
The website also includes an      services, do contact a member
Wickham ParishMagazine - November 2020 50p - 75 Years Ago-the Rememberance Sunday Parade in - St Nicholas ...
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

     The Field of Remembrance
 The Village Green, 31st October 2020
Continuing our tradition, the ashes                       country.
from the crosses planted last year will                   If you do not have a cross, then why not
be scattered over the soil in the Field of
Remembrance, and the Tommies will
again be on watch.
Poppy crosses will be planted for those
named on the church memorials and
the school memorial board.

                                                          paint a pebble with a poppy or name to
                                                          lay instead?

                                                          The Field of Remembrance will be open until the
                                                          13th November.
                                                          Crosses will be available to purchase in Heming
We invite you to visit the Field of                       & Co and Pages.
Remembrance to plant crosses in
remembrance of your family and friends
who lost their lives in the service of their                    We will remember them.
On Tuesday October                                                                 socially distanced, to see
13th some members                                                                  other members again
from Wickham and                                                                   some of whom we hadn’t
Shedfield met at St                                                                met since March. It is
Nicholas Church to celebrate         contents were simple but the           looking unlikely that our next two
Holy Communion. Revd Ruth            thought and love put into the          planned meetings will take place
took the service, proudly            making were appreciated as             but we will devise a programme
wearing the beautiful stole that     much       as     the     contents     for next year in the hopes that we
Shedfield members had made           themselves. She reminded us            will eventually return to meeting
for her on her ordination as         that, although members of a            regularly as a group. If you would
priest. It was sewn with scraps of   large group worldwide, we all          like the opportunity to play an
differing shades of blue material,   have our part to play with             active part in helping our
stitched with gold thread and        differing skills and something to      organisation improve the lives of
embossed with the MU logo. She       give as individuals. We must           families in our community and
said it was a symbol of what the     work together to bear much fruit       across the world, please contact
Mothers Union stands for – the       for the sum is larger than the part.   me or visit mothersunion.org for
pouring out of love to all, shown    Sadly, due to Covid regulations,       more information.
in practical and tangible ways.      we were unable to get together         Sabrina Gwynn
As with the Bags of Love given to    for refreshments afterwards but
parents in September, the            it was wonderful, although
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

          Village Green, Bridge Street
          opposite St Nicholas Church

        The Field of Remembrance
            will be opened on
          Saturday 31st October
You are invited to plant poppy crosses to commemorate
         those who lost their life in all conflicts.

             Poppy crosses will be planted in
          advance for those named on the church
            memorials and the school memorial

            There will be an opportunity to plant
               crosses up to 13th November.

             Supported by Wickham Parish Council

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

You are invited to make STARS
to display in St Nicholas Church
          in December
 Card, foil, fabric, knit or crochet – flat or 3D
Plain or decorate with paints, stickers, sequins
                            (sorry, no glitter)

 Please leave your stars in the box in church.
           Any questions, ring Sue Pittam 01329 828589
       Sorry but we cannot return any stars at the end of the display.

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

                                         Pete Bangs
                                     Methodist Missioner
      Looking for meaning                 Jewish,      Muslim,     Christian,   The odds of the Willow tree
                                          Baha’i texts and a whole lot          outside my window or my son
                                          more. I also read a great number      shouting at his PC in the next
Over the lockdown there was a             of Humanist books and things by       room being the outcome of
major upsurge in people                   people like Richard Dawkins to        chance, or accident, seem too
Googling things to do with prayer         get both sides of the argument        great. I cannot accept it all as
and spirituality. I’m not sure it         for and against a greater power.      pure chance. But on the other
means anything beyond the fact            The one conclusion I came to          side, to many people, the idea of
people became curious in the              was that all these people             a God ordering the Universe,
face of it all but it is interesting to   believed they were right. The         seems too fantastical.
speculate about none the less.            thing is that they focussed on the
                                          differences that divided them         So how do you end up on one
There has, apparently, been an            rather than the things that           side or the other? I think belief in
increase in the number of people          connect them. At their heart          God comes through experience
who claim to have a spirituality as       most religions agree that the         or a desperate longing. Those
well too. I’m never sure about            important thing is love and how       people reaching out on Google
these claims, statistics can be           you treat others. Humanists and       to investigate prayer and
misused to prove anything after           atheists will tell you the same       spirituality have seen the loss the
all. As I say, interesting to             thing. The primary difference is      world is facing, 42,000 people in
speculate about. The thing with           what happens after. Is there a        this country alone, and can find
either of these is that they could        world beyond this or is               no meaning in it. So, they talk to
easily be people following the            immortality purely about legacy,      God (prayer) and find themselves
way of the Jedi as much as                about the results of your             building a relationship with
anything else so big pinch of salt        actions? As a Christian I have        “Him” (spirituality) outside of a
time.                                     “faith” that there is something       specific         religion        or
                                          more beyond death. I can’t prove      denomination.         Will     that
But what are these claims                                                       relationship continue once there
                                          it and, in all honesty, there are
about? What is prayer? What is                                                  is a vaccine and the likelihood of
                                          times when I have doubts, when
spirituality?                                                                   the scary outcomes we currently
                                          I question things. For me though,
                                          I look around and it feels like       face start to fade? I don’t know.
Before I became a Christian, I
                                          there has to be something             Not for all I imagine but certainly
investigated a lot of different
                                          nudging and guiding creation.         for some. I hope they find the
religions. I read Buddhist, Hindu,
                                                                                comfort I have.

         Loneliness in the 21st century
                                                                   When someone invites you for coffee
           If you see a new face in town                                Or kids’ playdate in the park
            Who chats in friendly tone                                They could be longing for a pal
        Don't be shocked and turn away                                 Not a life that’s cold and dark
              They may just be alone
                                                               So don’t think “there’s someone I don’t know
          They may be new to the area                                      I don’t want any strife”
             Will newness never end?                                    Say “hello,” be friendly, kind
     They may be lonely, nervous, scared                               You might just save their life...
              Just looking for a friend

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

                                                  numbers               of   Mayflower & Beyond: The story
                                                  gamekeepers and            of Hampshire’s early links with
                                                  there were a series        the New World, including tales of
                                                  of     confrontations      exploration, pilgrims, witchcraft,
                                                  and scuffles. Five of      four Indian Kings, the birth of an
                                                  the six walkers            empire and, of course, fish!
                                                  arrested for riotous
                                                  assembly          were     NEW PUBLICATION
                                                  convicted           and    To celebrate the Society’s 60th
2020 AUTUMN PROGRAMME                 sentenced to prison for terms of       anniversary, we have been
SEPTEMBER MEETING:                    between four to six months. The        working on a new publication,
                                      cases attracted enormous press              Images of Wickham.
 Right to Roam – Neil Bond            attention    and     there     was               see page 3
Neil Bond was Wickham History         parliamentary pressure to allow
Society’s first speaker since our     walkers on the moors. This was         This book includes views of
last pre-pandemic meeting in          strongly resisted by the well          historic Wickham, including The
February. His talk was very           represented grouse shooting            Square and Bridge Street,
timely after the restrictions         interests and it was not until after   recognisable buildings such as
earlier in the year: a celebration    the     post      war      Labour      Chesapeake Mill and The
of the ‘right to roam’. Over thirty   Government came to power in            Barracks, along with day to day
members and visitors joined our       1949 that the Peak District            scenes of village life, local
first Zoom meeting on Tuesday         became Britain’s first National        businesses and celebrations.
22nd September and enjoyed a          Park.
well researched and presented                                                Whilst many of the images are
talk on the growth of ‘rambling’      The presentation was followed          from the Stan Woodford
and the controversial campaign        by a lively question and answer        collection, there are others from
to secure a right of access to the    session during which we                the WHS archives.
Peak District.                        discovered that the one of our
                                      members’ mother was involved           A lovely gift at a fantastic price of
It wasn’t until the inter war years   in the mass trespasses on Kinder       £5! this is the ideal Christmas
that walking became a mass            Scout!                                 present for friends and family
pastime in Britain. A notice in                                              who live locally - and those from
The Times by a keen walker            OCTOBER MEETING:                       Wickham who now reside further
inviting companions to join him       Growing up in Hundred Acres –          afield.
was met by an enormous                Helen Talbot
response         and      Southern    Helen joined us ‘live from
Railways began putting on             Edinburgh’    to    share   her
‘walking special’ trains from         experiences of growing up in           For those who wish to join the
Waterloo. In 1927 the first           Hundred Acres, the war years,          society, or attend any of the
walking boots catalogue was           and going to Wickham school.           talks, then please get in touch
published and in 1931 the             We heard how her father A.P.           with our membership secretary
Ramblers       Federation      was    (Percy) Durant built the family        Vanessa Burlingham on 01329
formed, the predecessor of the        house and his horticultural and        835283. Alternatively use the
Ramblers Association.                 agricultural enterprises. See          contact page on the website.
                                      next month’s parish magazine
Kinder Scout in the Peak District     for the meeting report.                Meetings are held at 7.30 pm via
became the flashpoint in the                                                 Zoom on the FOURTH Tuesday
struggle for walkers from the         NEXT MEETING – TUESDAY                 of     the   month.      Annual
industrial conurbations around        24TH NOVEMBER                          membership is only £8pp.
the Peak District to gain access      2020 is the 400th anniversary of       Visitors are most welcome at
to the moors. In April 1932 the       the sailing of the Mayflower and,      £2.50pp per meeting. For more
British     Workers       Sports      coincidentally, the week in which      information and programme
Federation organised a mass           the ‘New World’ celebrates             updates, please check our
trespass of 400 walkers onto the      Thanksgiving. We welcome               website:
Kinder Scout plateau. The             back Dr Cheryl Butler for               www.wickhamhistory.org.uk
landowners had mustered large         Hampshire & the New World: The

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

J                                                                         J

                                         Plant Centre
                                       Silk Flower Shop

                                    Garden Furniture Shop

                             Excellent range of seasonal plants now in
                             All the gardening sundries you need in our

                          drinks, cakes, snacks, sandwiches and sweets
                                   Southwick Road, Wickham
                              01329 834407 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK

m            Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020


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Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

L                                                                                                                         L

                  Nigel Chamberlain & Partners
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                 Serving the local communities of Bishops Waltham,
                 Wickham, Botley and the Meon Valley for over 125 years.

                           • 24 Hour Service
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                           01489 892640                                  Bob Metcalf MBE, DipFD
                                                                   The Gate House, Victoria Road,
                                                                     Bishops Waltham, SO32 1DJ

                                                                 FEED THE BIRDS
                                                              WALTHAM WILD BIRD SEED DELIVERIES
                                                                   FREE local delivery service
                                                                      £5.00 minimum order
     Ravensford Physiotherapy
                                                    WILD BIRD EXTRA......................... 2 Kg..........£2.00
    SARAH ATHERTON MCSP SRP                         (TABLE TOP MIX)
      Chartered Physiotherapist                     PREMIUM WILD BIRD..................... 1.5 Kg........£2.00
                                                    DELUXE WILD BIRD....................... 1.0 Kg........£2.00
    Specialist in treating neurological             PEANUTS........................................ 1.5 Kg........£3.00
                                                    CHOPPED NUTS............................. 1.0 Kg........£2.50
      conditions, including stroke                  NIGER SEEDS................................. 1.0 Kg........£2.50
                                                    SUNFLOWER HEARTS................... 2.0 Kg........£4.00
                                                    BLACK SUNFLOWER...................... 2.0 Kg........£3.00
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       PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICE                        (BERRY & INSECT FLAVOUR)
                                                    FAT CAKES.......................................£1.00 each
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          individual needs                          COCONUTS......................................£1.00 each
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                                                    SEED FEEDERS.............................. £2.50
           T: 07840 037910                          PEANUT HOLDER........................... £3.00
     www.ravensford-physio.co.uk                   Contact Allison McNally:                         07771 895370

                                                           Wickham Wool Shop
                                                            Hill Farm Orchards, Droxford Road,
                                                                   Swanmore, SO32 2PY
                                                                    (just up from the Hunters Inn)
                                                     Knit & Natter and Cross Stitch ClubsWorkshops
                                                         (See our Facebook page for further details)

                                                             Come in and be surprised!!
                                                                    Open Monday to Saturday
                                                        9.30am to 5.00pm T: 07970 366169

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

M                                                                                                 M

                   To all our advertisers who support this magazine year
                                          after year.

                        And new advertisers are always welcome!
                                      Ring 01329 828589 for details

                                                                               GET YOUR

                                                                     CHRISTMAS MASK

                                                                PAGES OF WICKHAM
                                                                   Lots of different festive
    Meon Valley
    Studio for Design, Planning
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                                                                  St Nicholas Church

                                                                Memorial & Grave Tending

                                                                Deborah Casper
                                                                07923 868 475

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

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Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

                                      Chilled Art
Another month has gone by and we are well into our 'Rule of Six' rota system which is an
interesting challenge, trying to make sure we all see each other at least a couple of times a
month! The pictures complete in time for this magazine are Margaret Spence's tranquil
landscape and Lyn Imlach's lovely harbour scene. Margaret has been really unwell and we
all wish her the very best.

The photo shows some of the members who were allocated the first Thursday in October
working on their latest paintings, some super pieces in 'the pipeline' I've already got some
thoughts about what will be coming in the final Parish Magazine of this very peculiar year,
hopefully to cheer everyone up. Don't forget you can see all these in colour in the on-line
version of the magazine that John Landaw links through the St. Nicholas Church website.

                                        Patricia Fray

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

       Slow Worm Survey in the Churchyard
Exciting news!                       DARN is a volunteer group that is       www.groups.arguk/org/
The churchyard has been invited      affiliated to ARG UK - the              HIWARG
to take part in a survey of slow     national Amphibian and Reptile          Thanks to Pete Gillatt for the
worms overseen by DARN               Group.                                  Slow-worm photos
(Dorset AmphibiaN And Reptile        DARN       offers     conservation      The churchyard is St Mary’s,
Network) as part of a wide           opportunities for everyone. It          Motcombe, photographed by
reaching survey of many              aims to set up reptile transects all    Sheila Dyason Wildlife habitats in
churchyards across Hampshire         over Dorset to find out where the       churchyards provide a thriving
and Dorset.                          reptiles are so that they can be        ecosystem for many different
The project involves 10 tiles        protected.                              species, including reptiles.
being placed in suitable spots       The SliC Project is co-ordinated        Slow-worms are the most
around the churchyard in which       by DARN and aims to find and            common reptile found.
slow worms might shelter and         study        the        Slow-worm       The Slow-worm Anguis fragilis,
these being monitored monthly        populations,       primarily        in  looks like a small snake but it is
to check for the reptiles. This      Dorset’s churchyards and in             actually a legless lizard. Lizards
survey is being carried out by the   Hampshire in conjunction with           have an eyelid, which snakes do
gardening group and results will     HIWARG (Hampshire and Isle of           not have, and can, therefore,
be documented in this magazine.      Wight Amphibian and Reptile             blink, which snakes cannot. Like
It is stipulated by DARN that the    Group).                                 other lizards it can shed its tail as
tiles should only be lifted by       5-10 carpet tiles or roofing tiles      a defence mechanism to avoid
those surveying to avoid scaring     are laid out in tall vegetation or      predation. The tail will grow back
off the slow worms so hopefully      near a hedge, tree or shrub and         but it is never as long as the
people will not become too           this route or transect is walked        original tail. Therefore, if it is
curious!! Anyone is welcome to       once a month to check if there          necessary to pick up a slow-
join the gardening group             are any reptiles underneath the         worm, to move it out of danger,
member when the tiles are            tiles and whether any other             hold it nearer to the head end or
inspected.                           reptiles are seen out
                                     foraging or basking in
Contact Rosemary Crane               the sun. The tiles            A male Slow-worm with few markings
rosecrane@gmail.com                  provide      protection       and no dark flanks or line down the back
                                     from predators and a
                                     place for the reptiles
                                     to warm up either
                                     under the tiles or on
                                     top. Reptiles are cold-
                                     blooded and they
                                     need      warmth       to
                                     become active. It is
                                     important      not     to
                                     disturb the tiles too
                                     often otherwise the reptiles may        gently scoop it up with both
                                     not use them again.                     hands. They do have teeth but
                                     If you would like to join in with the   they do not bite people and are
                                     SliC Project then email:                completely harmless.
        Local Volunteer
                                     k                                       Slow-worms are protected
                                                                             under      the      Wildlife     and
                                     Further     information        about    Countryside       Act    1981      (as
                                     amphibians and reptiles can be          amended)     and    it is  illegal  to
SliC - Slow-worms                    found on The DARN website:              deliberately kill, injure or buy or
                                                                             sell Slow- worms.
  in Churchyards                     www.groups.arguk.org/DARN
                                     or   the     HIWARG        website:
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

Slow-worms have very small        Slow-worms
scales and this gives them a      can grow to
shiny metallic appearance. New-   40 cm and
born juvenile Slow-worms are      can live to be
gold or bronze in colour with a   20 years old
dark stripe down their back and   in the wild. In
dark flanks. The markings are     captivity they
similar to a female but the       can        live
juveniles could be males. Males   longer     and
do not develop their true         one      slow-
colouration until their second    worm         at
year. Adult males do not have     Copenhagen
dark flanks and are more evenly   Zoo reached
coloured beige, brown or grey.    the grand old
They sometimes have blue          age of 54!           A female slow-worm with dark flanks and a
flecking.                         They        eat     line down her back
Like other reptiles, slow-worms   slugs, snails,
are independent as soon as they   spiders,        insects      and     the winter in leaf litter or among
are born.                         earthworms. They hibernate in        tree roots.

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

Blue Badge parking scheme
Having a Blue Badge means that you can park closer to your
destination when you are travelling, either as a driver or passenger.
A Blue Badge costs £10 in England and usually lasts up to three years.

              You are automatically eligible if:
              • You are registered as severely sight impaired (blind)
              • You receive the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability
              Living Allowance (DLA)
              • You receive the mobility component of Personal Independence
              Payment (PIP) and have obtained 10 points specifically for descriptor E
     under the ‘planning and following journeys’ activity, on the grounds that you are
     unable to undertake any journey because it would cause you overwhelming
     psychological distress
   • You receive a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) award that indicates you
     cannot walk further than 50 metres (a score of 8 points or more under the ‘moving
     around’ activity of the mobility component)
   • You receive a War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement
   • You have received a lump sum benefit within tariff levels 1-8 of the Armed Forces
     and Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme and have been certified as having a
     permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very
     considerable difficulty in walking

You may still be eligible if:
     • You cannot walk at all
     • You cannot walk without help from someone else or a mobility aid
     • Walking is difficult due to pain or breathlessness
     • Walking is dangerous to your health

Visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/blue-badge-can-i-get-one/can-i-get-a-
blue-badge to see if you are eligible.

The application can be found online: https://www.gov.uk/apply-blue-badge. If you would
like help completing the application for the first time or you need to renew your Blue
Badge, your local Village Agent can help you complete the application.

               Contact your local Village Agent [NAME]
                                                 David Roger-Jones
                     on 01329
                               833 165 NUMBER]

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

                                      story and were super excited           around the setting by wriggly
                                      when we had a real life visit from     worms! They all had so much fun
                                      Bob and Brian! (One of our staff’s     with this activity.
                                      guinea pigs).

Welcome to our November
We have now been open for the
first half of the Autumn term and
thankfully we have not had any
children or staff who have had                                                        Wriggly worms
Covid-19. We continue to
restrict parents from entering the                                                       Setting visits
setting and are cleaning                                                     We continue to have lots of
thoroughly throughout the day.                                               enquiries for new children to
The children are also used to                                                start and are now full on Monday
washing their hands regularly                                                and Friday mornings. We do
during the day. We are so proud                                              have a few sessions available for
of them and the way they have                                                those two afternoons and during
adapted to life living with the           Our guinea pig visitors            the day on Tuesday, Wednesday
threat of coronavirus.                Bob and Brian were very well           and Thursday.
We are still spending as much         behaved and were happy for the         Visits are restricted to 8 am or 4
time as possible outside in the       children to stroke them. The           pm when we are much quieter
garden and the children are           children enjoyed learning about        and we can only allow one adult
having lots of fun playing in the     how to look after the guinea pigs      to visit at a time. All visitors must
mud kitchen. Last week we also        and asked if they could go into        wear a mask and use hand
had a great activity in the outside   the school grounds to find             sanitizer when they arrive and
tuff tray.... an ice cream parlour!   dandelions to feed them.               before they leave. We also have
                                                                             the NHS track and trace QR code
                                                                             for visitors to check in.
                                        Developing fine motor skills         So if you are interested in
                                      We have been working hard to           knowing more about the
                                      build the children’s fine motor        preschool and would like to
                                      skills to help them with their         receive a copy of our
                                      writing skills. We have been           prospectus, please email us at
                                      reading “Super Worm” this week         wickham@parrywoodchildcare.
                                      and the children have been             co.uk or give us a call on 01329
                                      making Super Worms out of play         833039 if you have any
                                      dough. This was a great activity       questions. We are open 8 am -
       Ice cream parlour              for encouraging the children to        5.30 pm Monday to Friday during
                                      manipulate the dough and help          school term times.
The children were so excited to       develop their counting skills as
have this great messy play            they wanted to make whole              That’s all for this month.
activity and they continued to        families of Super Worms! We            Please stay safe and well.
play at the tuff tray all day.        also had a tuff tray activity to run   Ness & the team at Wickham
Hopefully, their clothes were not     alongside the book. The children       Preschool.
too messy when they went              had to try and pick up cooked
home!                                 spaghetti with tweezers and put
                                      them in a bowl. We encouraged
     My Best Friend Bob               the children to try and pick up
One of our books of the week          individual strands of spaghetti
recently was “My Best Friend          instead of whole clumps. We had
Bob”. The children enjoyed this       lots of children being chased

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

                                                                                            this money to the
                                                                                            school so that we
                                                                                            could refurbish the
                                                                                            rooms that the club
                                                                                            and school use. We
                                                                                            have       therefore
                                                                                            created a fantastic
                                                                                            cooking         area,
New Term                                                                                    learning space and
                                                                                            reading corner that
It has been wonderful to be able to welcome all our                                         will be enjoyed by
children back to school this term, including our new                                        all our pupils.
Year R children and several other new starters. The
children have settled back into school life incredibly        School Meals
well and adapted to our new routines and systems
with ease.                                                    We have recently been working with our school
                                                                                            meals provider,
School Refurbishment                                                                        HC3S, to make
Those of you who have been past the school                                                  sure that we can
recently will have noticed some changes, with new                                           provide         our
signage displaying our new logo and colours. The                                            children      with
front entrance of the school has been relocated and                                         healthy nutritious
we’ve had lots of very positive feedback – thank                                            m e a l s
you. You may also have noticed that there has been                                          throughout the
some external redecoration, which has given the                                             winter months.
school a much needed ‘facelift’.                                                            The       children
                                                                                            recently enjoyed
Wrap Around Childcare                                                                       a          special
                                                                                            lunchtime      that
Our school continues to offer much needed wrap                                              featured their two
around childcare for our parents through Treetops.                                          favourite meals
Treetops took over the running of the club from                                             and the special
Time Out Club which was run as a charity through              guest appearance from Captain Ketchup!
parents at the school. When the club closed in
December last year it was left with a financial               Our new bespoke menu is proving to be very
reserve. The Trustees of the club kindly donated              popular with the children.
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

                                       commitment will be updated            outbreak of COVID-19, may not
                                       each time you see your work           have a Claimant Commitment
                                       coach.                                yet. Those who claimed before
                                                                             the outbreak, will have had their
                                        When you agree to your               Claimant            Commitment
                                        Claimant Commitment you will         suspended during the outbreak
                                        be put into one of four work-        and had no work-related
                                        related      activity    groups      requirements imposed.
                                      (sometimes                  called
                                      “conditionality” groups). These        From 1 July The Department for
                                      set out the tasks you’re expected      Work and Pensions (DWP) has
                                      to complete in order to receive        said it will be calling all claimants
                                      your full benefit payment. You         to help them to prepare for work,
                                      can check which group you’re in        so people should expect to be
                                      by logging into your Universal         contacted to set up the Claimant
                                      Credit account online and              Commitment. They do not need
                                      checking        your     Claimant      to contact the Department for
                                      Commitment. If you’re not              Work and Pensions in the
                                      online, you will have been             meantime.
                                      provided with a paper copy of
                                      your Claimant Commitment.              The DWP has said that they will
                                                                             take a common-sense approach
Lesley Rose, Advice Services          This will tell you which group         to work-related requirements
Manager for Citizens Advice           you’re in and what tasks you'll        and that those who are shielding,
Winchester District, shares her       have to do regularly to get            have childcare responsibilities
advice on Universal Credit.           Universal Credit. These tasks          because of COVID restrictions,
                                      could include writing your CV,         etc. will have their Claimant
Q. I’ve recently signed up to         signing up for job alerts or           Commitment tailored to reflect
Universal Credit after I was          applying for vacancies.                their circumstances.
made redundant. I’m looking
for a new job but is there more       In order to show how you have          If you have a query about
I need to do to ensure I keep         completed the to-do list set out       claiming Universal Credit you
getting Universal Credit?             in your Claimant Commitment,           can contact Citizens Advice
                                      you should keep a record of the        Winchester District on 0300 330
When you apply for Universal          tasks you’ve completed and how         2183 or email them at
Credit, you’ll agree a Claimant       long they took in your Universal       advice@cawinchesterdistrict.or
Commitment with your work             Credit online journal, or in a diary   g.uk
coach. A Claimant Commitment          if you’re not online.
is a record of the responsibilities
that you have accepted in order       Some claimants, mainly those
to receive Universal Credit           who have applied for Universal
payments.       Your     claimant     Credit for the first time since the

                       Waltham Chase Flower Club
It has been some months since I       speakers,          demonstrators,      Jill Sutton.
sent anything to the Parish           outings etc planned for 2021.
magazines. Not that we should         There are those who are much           Waltham Chase Flower Club
have had plenty of news but----       more exasperated than I am and         leader.
well, you will probably know why!     we still hope that next year will be
                                      more productive than this year.
Three times we have planned
information on Flower Club            As soon as we know how things
meetings. We had some                 stand for 2021, we will pass on
interesting speakers planned,         information. In the meantime,
and a Flower club outing. This        keep warm and not blown away.
has all gone by the board and we      Very best wishes to everybody,
are now hopefully having
Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020

                                   Launch of the West Meon Wine
                                       community.                            uncertainties        surrounding
                                                                             events, the Society is currently
                                       The Society would be delighted        offering a Membership Fee of
                                       to welcome members from the           £30       for    an     extended
The West Meon Wine Society is          locality to enjoy not only drinking   membership period to 31
delighted to announce it has now       wine       but     also      (when    December 2021. This offer will
launched! It is true to say that not   circumstances allow) coming           lapse on 31 October 2020.
only do we love our wine but we        along and enjoying trying the         Membership applications after
also love to support our               wines in a convivial setting.         that date will be for 12 months.
community. So in partnership           Our normal membership fee is          We look forward to welcoming
with the Village Shop, members         £30 for a year’s subscription.        you - for more information please
can discover new wines with our        This entitles members to 15%          visit the WMWS website:
online recommendations and             discount off the entry price of up    www.westmeonwine.co.uk.
wine tastings. As a not-for-profit     to two tickets to any Society
organisation, any surpluses go         event attended by the Member.
back to the shop so it can             Given the current COVID-related
continue to help serve our

                                                      Curdridge Amateur Drama Group
                               Promoting excellence and innovation in every aspect of local theatre

                 Acting up for 50 years                     performing at The Reading Rooms, Curdridge

Despite the long months of             hobby?                                Why not look at our website
lockdown and other restrictions,       ‘CADG’ (the Curdridge Amateur         www.curdridgedrama.co.uk
CADG is still working to bring         Drama Group) always welcomes          and look back over past
you our production of ‘The             new members.                          presentations and see the varied
Shadow Factory' just as soon as        Local groups such as ours need        productions that our sell-out
we can.                                members of varying talents,           crowds have enjoyed over the
Originally, we thought ‘maybe          whether players, scene setters,       years?
November’ but that is now              costume designers, bar helpers        We hold ‘workshops’ to improve
‘maybe late March’ but who             or whatever.                          our presentations; hold ‘reading
knows      with   the     present      We have been around for over 50       nights where new plays can be
uncertainties      making        it    years, so we must be doing            ‘acted’      in    an     informal
impossible to make any definite        something right!                      atmosphere and everyone can
plans.                                 That’s not to say we are a stick-     try their favourite part. Perhaps
You can be sure that CADG will         in-the-mud      group,    either.     you have new ideas. What play
survive and bounce back better         Always forward looking and            excites you? Maybe we haven’t
than ever.                             willing to ‘push the boundaries’      heard of it!
Why not join us with the future in     our status as ‘Amateurs’ belies
mind?                                  the professional standards we
Working from home? Got more            always seek…. but with hard
time to spare? Want to enjoy a         work and fun!

Wickham Parish Magazine November 2020


The sunflower’s an old lady past her prime,

Who packs a secret punch to cheat on Time.

Her heavy head is bearing down her spine,

A spine once strong, but now a brittle sign

That autumn’s ageing sun’s a tropic curse

As rodding rain and alphabet storms strain worse.

Her broad green leaves decayed to dirty rags,

Yet still she stands – the lady – by her bags.

Her treasure’s stored from the sun’s hidden rays

That powered her growth and soon will end her days.

Her secret force is in her deep-lined face,

A beauty mathematical – fine as lace,

An arching alchemy that turns decay to life:

White seeds packed and primed for death to spill – rife.

              Tony Johnson

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