PERSON OF HIS PEOPLE - Orient Aviation

Page created by Steven Barnes
PERSON OF HIS PEOPLE - Orient Aviation
Vol. 28 No. 5
                                                              October-November 2021

                                              PERSON OF
                                              HIS PEOPLE
                                                    CEO Izham Ismail eschews
                                                   the trappings of the C-suite
                                                 for shop floor feedback as he
                                                 pursues financial resurrection
                                               for the Malaysia Airlines Group

More than eight in ten top       Braving brutal peer              Air cargo
aviation managers expect brain   competition, Indian LCC          booming for
drain from industry in 2022      Akasa to open for business       Taiwan’s EVA Air
PERSON OF HIS PEOPLE - Orient Aviation
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PERSON OF HIS PEOPLE - Orient Aviation
CONTENTS                                                                                          Volume 28, Issue 5

                                            COVER STORY

                                                                                                          PERSON OF

17/F Hang Wai Commercial Building,
                                                                                                          HIS PEOPLE
231-233 Queen’s Road East,
                                                                                                             CEO Izham Ismail eschews the
Wanchai, Hong Kong
                                                                                                                 trappings of the C-Suite for
Editorial: +852 2865 1013
                                                                                                          shop floor feedback as he pursues
                                                                                                               financial resurrection for the
                                                                                                                    Malaysia Airlines Group
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Christine McGee

Associate Editor &
Chief Correspondent
Tom Ballantyne
Tel: +61 2 8854 1458
M: +61 4 1463 8689

North Asia Correspondent
Geoffrey Tudor                              COMMENT                                                25 Boom times for EVA Air cargo
Tel: +81 3 3373 8368                   5    What are they thinking?                                26	Partnerships critical to Embraer’s Asia-Pacific air
E-mail:                                                                      mobility expansion

Rob Finlayson, Graham Uden,
                                       6	IATA boss accuses global airports of “outrageous         	AIRCRAFT & ENGINE LEASING
Ryan Peters                                 fee gouging”                                             INSIGHT REPORT
                                       6	Airports deny allegations they are using their           28	Gains from pandemic pain on horizon for
Chief Designer
                                            monopolistic positions to extract high rates and           aviation lessors
Chan Ping Kwan
                                            charges from airlines
Printing                               7	Battle continues to overcome air passenger
Printing Station (2008)                     vaccine hesitancy
                                       7	China overruled on emissions targets for airline
                                       7	Hong Kong’s Greater Bay Airlines receives Air
General Manager                             Operator Certificate
Shirley Ho
                                       8	Turboprop joint venture, ATR, facing most                29 Lessor consolidation ahead – or maybe not?
                                            challenging time in its history as it turns 40         31	Busy times for engine lessors as airlines right size
                                       9    Tsunami of the skies ahead for India’s airlines            their fleets
Asia-Pacific, Europe & Middle East                                                                 33	Regional aircraft lessors see airline financial
Defne Alpay                                                                                            standings worsen
Tel: +44 771 282 9859
                                                                                                       INDUSTRY ADDENDUM
The Americas / Canada                                                                              34	Honeywell Aerospace unveils cockpit cloud
Barnes Media Associates                                                                                communications technology
Ray Barnes
Tel: +1 434 770 4108                   12	India’s new ultra-low-cost carrier, Akasa, chasing
Fax: +1 434 927 5101                        opportunity post COVID-19
E-mail:         13	Airline leaders predict a “brain drain” in aviation
                                       16	Airlines frustrated and pandemic-weary
Download our 2021 media planner at:         especially in the Asia-Pacific
                                       24	Down Mexico way. Asia’s airlines being courted
Follow us on Twitter @orientaviation        with promise of seamless passenger entry to the        34	Pratt &Whitney and MTU Maintenance Zhuhai
                                            U.S.                                                       commence first overhaul in China of a GTF engine

                                                                                                 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2021 /         ORIENT AVIATION         / 3
PERSON OF HIS PEOPLE - Orient Aviation
Powered by an industry‑first geared architecture – and more than
40 other groundbreaking innovations – the Pratt & Whitney GTF™
is unlike any engine that’s come before it.

PERSON OF HIS PEOPLE - Orient Aviation

        What are they thinking?
        No-one should have been surprised by the International          billion since the outbreak of the pandemic? It will take
        Air Transport Association’s (IATA) stinging attack on           years for airlines to return to stable profitability and pay
        airports and air navigation service providers (ANSPs)           down debt, if there is not another global pandemic.
        with some of them accused of price gouging to recover                Worldwide, airports also have experienced dramatic
        pandemic losses at the expense of their airline customers.      declines in revenue that have resulted in big losses. The
             Relations between the airline body and Airports            point is both sides should be helping each other for the
        Council International (ACI) have been volatile for years,       sake of the industry. Airports should not be trying to
        admittedly with some periods of calm. The basis of the          exploit a bad situation. Airports are monopolies. Airlines,
        fractious relationship are airport charges and airports         such as the major long-haul carriers flying out of the Asia
        infrastructure projects. In the latter case, they pass on the   Pacific, have little choice but to operate to them. They
        cost of these huge investments to airlines.                     have to fly to destinations such as London Heathrow,
             At IATA’s AGM in Boston at the start of October, the       Amsterdam, Frankfurt or even Los Angeles because that is
        airline lobby association’s director general, Willie Walsh,     where their customers want to go.
        had little choice but to object long and loudly to these             In normal times most of our region’s carriers served
        practices given what has been happening on the airport          these destinations daily. Airport and air navigation
        charges front in recent months, but particularly in Europe.     service charges are a significant component of the cost
             Plans by London Heathrow Airport to raise its charges      of scheduled flights. Big increases in airport charges will
        by 90% certainly appear excessive. Naturally, airports          further damage their bottom line as they strive to recover
        and ANSPs were quick to react to Walsh’s comments.              from the COVID-19 crisis.
        The most extraordinary comment came from ACI Europe                  In most jurisdictions, including Europe and the UK,
        director general, Olivier Jankovec, who said: “we should        airports have to consult airlines about airport charges
        ultimately remember airlines can afford to pay airport          annually and give several months of notice of proposed
        charges.” Really?                                               changes. It can only be hoped local regulatory bodies,
             On what basis can he substantiate this assertion given     such as the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in the case
        the world’s carriers have amassed losses of some $201           of Heathrow, can refuse to authorize increased airport
        billion and have accumulated debt of more than $650             charges at this time. ■

                                                                                                       TOM BALLANTYNE
                                                                                       Associate editor and chief correspondent
                                                                                                    Orient Aviation Media Group

    A trusted source of Asia-Pacific commercial aviation news and analysis


                                                                                     OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2021 /          ORIENT AVIATION   / 5
PERSON OF HIS PEOPLE - Orient Aviation
ADDENDUM                              AIRLINES AIRPORTS PEOPLE

IATA boss delivers dressing down to global airports
International Air Transport                                                outrageous. We all want to put        revenues collapse by -60% in
Association (IATA) director                                                COVID-19 behind us. But placing       2020 and by -65% in the first
general, Willie Walsh, certainly                                           the financial burden of a crisis of   half of this year. “Due to the
lived up to his reputation for                                             apocalyptic proportions on the        predominantly fixed nature of
straight talking on the first day                                          backs of your customers, just         their costs, airports have been
of the airline lobby group’s                                               because you can, is a commercial      unable to reduce them in parallel
Annual General Meeting in                                                  strategy only a monopoly              with falling revenues,” he said.
Boston, virtually declaring war on                                         could dream up. At an absolute              “Rating agencies and financial
airports and air navigation service                                        minimum, cost reduction—not           analysts have recognized Europe’s
providers (ANSPs) by accusing                                              charge increases—must be top          airports have no margin for more
them of outrageous price gouging                                           of the agenda for every airport       cost reductions. Just like airlines,
to recover pandemic losses.           International Europe). “Airlines     and ANSP. It is for their customer    Europe’s airports have posted
     In a stinging attack             only pay airports if they operate    airlines,” Walsh said.                historic losses in this crisis.
reminiscent of the combative          and only weeks after they                  Collectively, the ANSPs of            “But unlike most prominent
days of former director general,      have collected revenue from          the 29 Eurocontrol states, the        IATA member airlines based in
Giovanni Bisignani, he accused        passengers.                          majority of which are state-          Europe, they have not benefitted
airports, particularly major               “Airlines are ill-placed to     owned, are looking to recoup          from the same financial largesse
hubs in Europe, for plans to          give us a lesson in preserving       almost $9.3 billion from airlines     from their governments. As a
hugely increase charges. No           the interests of customers when      to cover revenue not realized in      result, they have had no recourse
Asian airports were named and         they refused for months to refund    2020-2021.                            but to take on massive debt at
shamed, but the price hikes will      passengers for flights that could          “They want to recover           market conditions. Gross financial
certainly hit the bottom lines of     not take place, with some still      revenue and profits they missed       debt at European airports so far
long-haul Asia-Pacific airlines       dragging their feet to do so,”       when airlines were unable to fly      has increased 200% compared
operating into Europe.                Jankovec said.                       during the pandemic. Moreover,        with 2019.”
     Walsh revealed London                 But Walsh was taking no         they want to do this in addition to         For Walsh, that was a
Heathrow Airport planned to           prisoners. Other operators he        a 40% increase planned for 2022       spurious argument. “Airlines
increase charges by more than         named were Airports Company          alone,” Walsh said.                   undertook drastic cost-cutting
90% in 2022 and also said             South Africa (ACSA) asking to              ACI’s Jankovec retorted IATA    from the outset of the pandemic,
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport            increase charges by 38% in           was painting “a distorted and         reducing operating costs by 35%
was seeking to increase charges       2022, NavCanada for increasing       flawed picture” of the airport        compared with pre-crisis levels,”
by above 40% in the next three        charges by 30% over five years       industry. He claimed increases        he said.
years. In normal times, both          and the Ethiopian ANSP raising       in charges at airports place                “Airlines also sought
of these destinations would           charges by 35% in 2021. He said      the burden of the recovery            government aid, the majority
be served daily by most of the        confirmed airport and ANSP           exclusively on airlines. “The claim   of which was in the form of
Asia-Pacific’s big carriers.          charges increases have reached       was made that this would stall        loans that need to be paid back.
     Airports were quick to           $2.3 billion and more increases      recovery in air travel and damage     Of the $243 billion that was
respond. “We should ultimately        could be ten-fold this number if     international air connectivity.       made available to airlines, $81
remember airlines can afford to       proposals tabled by airports and     This damaging assertion ignores       billion supported payrolls and
pay airport charges,” said Olivier    ANSPs are granted.                   the dire situation of Europe’s        approximately $110 billion was
Jankovec, director general of              “A $2.3 billion charges         airports,” he said.                   in support that needs to be paid
ACI Europe (Airports Council          increase during this crisis is             Airports in Europe have seen    back.” ■

Air services providers deny allegations of price gouging
Air Navigation Services Providers     “headline statements from            incurred substantial debt as a        ANSPs had reduced operating
(ANSP) have strongly refuted          the International Air Transport      result of plummeting air traffic      costs and 86% of members
accusations they are taking           Association’s annual general         levels. The statements also           surveyed also cut capital
advantage of their monopolistic       meeting could lead to the            undermine the considerable            expenditure in 2020, 2021 and
presence in aviation to price-        impression only airlines should      steps ANSPs across the globe          beyond.
gouge airlines debt stricken by       be allowed to recover costs.         have taken to address their               Additionally, the survey
the COVID-19 pandemic.                     “Yet organisations across the   revenue shortfalls.”                  revealed 73% of ANSPs have
    Civil Air Navigation Services     entire aviation spectrum faced           He said a recent survey of        been forced to cover the cost
Organisation (CANSO) director         a significant drop in revenue        CANSO members regarding               of continued operations by
general, Simon Hocquard, said:        in the last 20 months and have       COVID-19 impacts found 97% of         acquiring new debt. ■

PERSON OF HIS PEOPLE - Orient Aviation
Battle to overcome passenger vaccine hesitancy
Convincing travellers to return to    or until COVID-19 disappeared                                               about the use of personal data
the skies as the world recovers       before taking their next flights.                                           (43%), a sentiment also shared
from COVID-19 may be easier                There also is a generational                                           by approximately a quarter of
in some countries than others, a      difference when it comes to                                                 respondents in China.
recent survey charting passenger      preparedness to board a plane.                                                   Approximately 58% of those
behavior has shown.                   Older respondents were less                                                 surveyed identified pre-flight
     Although attitudes have          inclined to fly in the next six                                             COVID-19 testing as the most
changed in the past year, with        months and most would want to                                               effective personal safety
more than half of those surveyed      wait longer. Younger respondents                                            measure for air passenger travel
in the Asia-Pacific (51%) saying      are keener to return to the air,                                            confidence. Notably, 70% also
they would be confident to            but are more likely to travel with                                          agreed cabin cleanness is the
fly within the next six months        trusted airlines.                     in their attitude to vaccine          most important factor in easing
compared with 40% in 2020,                 Interestingly, when it comes     passports. Almost five in ten         fear of flying in the pandemic era.
these sentiments are not universal.   to travel confidence, 91% of          APAC passengers (46%) believe              Most APAC passengers
     Inmarsat’s Passenger             passengers in the Asia-Pacific        COVID-19 vaccine passports are a      also want adoption of consistent
Confidence Tracker, the largest       acknowledged the pandemic             good idea. Half of all respondents    worldwide safety standards
global survey of aviation passenger   changed their long-term travel        felt strongly enough about this       (63%) and uniform hygiene
behaviour since the pandemic          habits. Many will journey closer to   issue to have them implemented        practices (62%), the position of
began, has compiled responses         home, with 36% of respondents         immediately. Another 34% agreed       the International Air Transport
from 10,000 airline passengers        revealing they intend to travel to    they are a good idea but said they    Association since the pandemic
globally, including 4,500 from the    less faraway destinations.            should only be introduced after       began.
Asia-Pacific (APAC). The results           One unequivocal result of        everyone has been offered a                Inmarsat Aviation president,
revealed Singapore (37%), South       the pandemic is heightened            vaccine.                              Philip Balaam, said one of the key
Korea (36%) and Japan (30%)           passenger scrutiny of the                   Australia stands out as being   take outs from this year’s survey
have the greatest hesitancy to        health precautions and safety         the most opposed to the idea of       is the number of people who have
travel. The largest proportion of     measures of airlines. When            digital health documents, with just   taken a flight since the pandemic’s
these respondents said either they    questioned about this issue,          51% thinking they are a good idea.    outbreak has increased from 34%
would wait more than a year to fly    survey respondents were unified       They are primarily concerned          to 58%. ■

China overruled on emissions targets for airlines
IATA may have approved a                                                    zero emissions by 2060, not           decision by the world’s airlines to
resolution for the global air                                               2050. However, there were no          ensure flying is sustainable. “The
transport industry to achieve                                               seconders for an amendment            post-COVID-19 re-connect will be
net zero carbon emissions by                                                so the original proposal was          on a clear path towards net zero.
2050, but it was the one item on                                            approved.                             That will ensure the freedom of
the first day of the association’s                                               Interestingly, minutes later     future generations to sustainably
annual general meeting (AGM)                                                it was announced IATA had             explore, learn, trade, build
in Boston that did not go through                                           accepted an invitation from CEA       markets, appreciate cultures and
unopposed. Chinese airlines, it                                             to host the association’s 78th        connect with people the world
appears, are not over happy with                                            Annual General Meeting and            over. With the collective efforts
the target. When the AGM called                                             World Air Transport Summit in         of the entire value chain and
for comments or opposition to         Shanghai-based China Eastern          Shanghai next June.                   supportive government policies,
the proposal there were none in       Airlines (CEA), speaking online            IATA director general,           aviation will achieve net zero
Boston.                               from China, drew attention to         Willie Walsh, said approval of a      emissions by 2050,” he said. See
     But Liu Shaoyong, CEO of         his government’s policy of net        2050 target was a momentous           IATA AGM report page 16. ■

Hong Kong LCC receives AOC
Hong Kong’s Civil Aviation            region’s newest carrier, Greater      for its public transport licence.     AOC at this time reflects our
Authority has approved an Air         Bay Airlines. The LCC is now          “Although it is very challenging      commitment to the aviation
Operator Certificate (AOC)            working with the Hong Kong Air        launching an airline during           development of Hong Kong, GBA
for the special administrative        Transport Licensing Authority         the pandemic, obtaining an            CEO, Algernon Yau, said. ■

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PERSON OF HIS PEOPLE - Orient Aviation
NEWS                 BACKGROUNDER

ATR facing most challenging
time in its history as it turns 40

                       ith anticipation                                                                               seat aircraft are popular with
                       building for                                                                                   airline customers because of their
                       ATR’s 40th                                                                                     superior fuel efficiency, compared
                       anniversary                                                                                    with regional jets, and an ability
                       celebrations                                                                                   to operate to short runway
next month, the turboprop                                                                                             destinations often in remote
manufacturer is ensuring the                                                                                          locations.
occasion will be special with                                                                                               Until the global outbreak
the announcement of a world                                                                                           of COVID-19, ATR was adding
first customer-centric digitized                                                                                      Asia-Pacific airlines to its client list
initiative designed to support the                                                                                    with several hundred ATR family
digitalizing of the industry in the                                                                                   aircraft flying in the region.
post-pandemic era.
      On October 7, ATR unveiled
                                            Major ATR milestones                                                            Major Asia-Pacific customers
                                                                                                                      in recent years have been Lion
its latest addition to its client           November 1984: Cooperation agreement between Aeritalia and                Group’s Wings Air, Malindo
services suite. The cutting edge            Aerospatiale to launch the ATR 42.                                        Air, and when being operated,
Customer Experience Studio,                 August 1984: ATR 42 makes maiden flight and is certified by               Thai Lion Air. Other ATR airline
at its Toulouse headquarters, is            European regulators to fly in September 1985.                             customers in the region have
bringing stakeholders as well as            December 1985: launch customer Air Littoral receives first ATR 42.        included Air New Zealand,
                                            October 1989: Finnair accepts the first ATR 72 (72 seats) after its
aircraft buyers into the studio                                                                                       Bangkok Airways, Cebu Pacific’s
                                            initial test flight in October 1988 and French certification in the
environment either remotely or                                                                                        domestic arm, Cebgo, Indian LCC,
                                            following September.
in person.                                  First flights of the ATR 42-500 and the ATR 72-500, respectively,         IndiGo, and Malaysia’s Firefly.
      Equipped with seven                   in September 1994 and January 1996.                                             “In 1981, our goal was just
cameras, a high performance                 October 2007: ATR announces launch of ATR-600 series with Air             as it is today: to provide regional
sound system, touch screens                 Maroc receiving the first -600 in August 2011 followed in 2012            connectivity to communities
and virtual reality devices, ATR            with the delivery of the first ATR 42-600 to Tanzania’s Precision         around the world. Now more
said it is the first of its kind in the     Air Services.                                                             than ever, our eco-responsible
aeronautical industry.                      February 2017: ATR and Braathens Regional Airlines conduct first          aircraft and dedicated teams
      The fully connected studio            Sustainable Aviation Fuel flight.                                         are realising their unique values
                                            November 2017: ATR launches the ATR 72-600F, the first
offers, through a series of                                                                                           and purpose. Connecting
                                            purpose-built regional freighter. Three years later, the first of the
interactive digital experiences,                                                                                      more people, businesses and
                                            type was delivered.
“a fully customisable and                   October 2019: ATR unveils the ATR 42-600S Short Take-off and              remote communities than ever
comprehensive touch and feel                Landing program.                                                          before, helping them to create
tour” of the company’s products             September 2021: ATR partners with Braathens Regional Airlines             opportunities and transforming
with a key focus of lower                   and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) manufacturer, Neste, to achieve       lives around the world,” the OEM,
emissions, ATR said.                        a 75% SAF demonstration flight in 2020 to produce anticipated             now jointly owned by Airbus and
      “The COVID-19 pandemic                emissions reductions of 64%.                                              Leonardo, said.
has deeply transformed our                                                                                                  “Who would have thought
lives, however it also has acted          how ATR plays a leading role in       (42 seats) in August 1984 to          when we started out that
as a catalyst in the transmission         regional aviation.”                   the best-selling regional aircraft    our aircraft could have made
to new innovative ways of                       The joint venture between       manufacturer in the world.            such an impact? So this year,
connecting to our customers and           Italian and French aerospace               The company has delivered        let’s celebrate 40 years of
stakeholders,” ATR CEO, Stefano           manufacturers was unveiled            more than 1,500 of its ATR family     collaboration, connectivity,
Bortoli, said at the launch of the        on November 4, 1981. In the           aircraft to 200 airlines in 100       innovation, sustainability,
new facility.                             following four decades, the           countries, facilitating the opening   excellence, expertise, opportunity
      “With this digital-first            company has grown from its            of 2,095 routes, the OEM said.        and advancement. We call it 40
approach it will show, not tell,          maiden flight of an ATR 42 200             Its twin engine up to 90         years of making a difference.” ■

PERSON OF HIS PEOPLE - Orient Aviation
NEWS                BACKGROUNDER

Tsunami of the skies
ahead for India’s airlines
Tata Sons takeover of the country’s national carrier will change India’s aviation sector
forever, reports Anjuli Bhargava.

                     any sectors of      its overall condition: jaded, shabby    alter. Throughout the history of       shift is the dynamics of the sector.
                     India’s economy     and neglected.                          Indian aviation, private airlines      If the Tata’s successfully execute
                     remain in the            On October 8, after one failed     have accused the powers that           the merger of their two existing
                     throes of coping    attempt to sell in 2018, India’s        be of favouring Air India with         joint ventures into Air India in
                     with the shock      financially strapped government         the disbursal of the best slots,       coming months, the new entity
of the global pandemic, but the          sold the airline to Tata Sons, a part   privileges and treatment given to      will emerge as the second largest
country’s aviation industry has          of one of India’s large industrial      “The Maharajah”.                       airline in India. It will eventually
been worse hit than most after           groups and the conglomerate that              Air India and Indian Airlines    offer competition to IndiGo, an
the shutdown of flights in March         founded the airline close to 89         top management deny the                LCC in its worst shape ever due to
2020 and the emergence of a              years ago.                              allegations and counter argue          the pandemic. The outcome of this
second wave of COVID-19 in                    When the deal is completed,        most government ministers have         strategy will redefine the positions
April and May this year.                 expected in December, the airline       variously favoured some private        of India’s other airlines.
     Ahead is another shock for          will have cost the conglomerate         airlines usually for their own gain.         It also will change the
the sector following the sale of Air     US$2.4 billion. The sale package              Post sale, it is hoped India’s   operational dynamics of foreign
India to conglomerate, Tata Sons,        is made up of $368 million in cash      aviation minister and regulators       airlines, be it Emirates Airline and
earlier this month.                      for 100% of the airline plus an         will treat all airlines equally.       its UAE rivals, Singapore Airlines or
     Like all airlines in India,         agreement to take on $2 billion of      Additionally, since Air India will     the American carriers. Several of
the national carrier has been            its $8.2 billion debt.                  lose its position as the national      these companies depend on Indian
struggling to survive through the             The sale is momentous and          carrier, industry sources predict      traffic for a large part of their
pandemic. But unlike its rivals, Air     historic. With it, the country’s        the allocation of bilaterals, slots,   passenger demand.
India has been struggling to survive     aviation sector is poised to change     airport office accommodation,                With Tata’s running Air India,
well before the pandemic. Post a         forever. The Tata conglomerate,         lounges and several other industry     these airlines will have a new,
botched merger between Air India         widely known in India as the            privileges often bestowed on it will   well-funded and reasonably hefty
and Indian Airlines in 2007-2008,        Tata’s, already has two joint           now be available to all.               competitor with access to traffic
the airline continued on its             venture airlines in its corporate             “We should see a much more       rights, slots, pilots, technical
relentless path of deterioration         portfolio: AirAsia India and 51%-       competitive industry emerging as a     expertise, and presumably, the
alongside an unending drain on           owned Vistara with Singapore            result,” Shakti Lumba, an industry     determination to make Air India a
the exchequer. Its market share          Airlines (49%).                         expert and a member of IndiGo’s        success.
has collapsed to a fraction of its            The aviation industry hopes,       founding team, told Orient                   The new Tata entity and
glory days value. Service standards      although it is far from certain,        Aviation.                              IndiGo will challenge foreign
have plummeted as has employee           that the government’s attitude to             Only time will tell, but what    carriers who have enjoyed an
morale. The airline’s aircraft reflect   privately owned airlines will now       will certainly undergo a paradigm      almost free reign over Indian

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PERSON OF HIS PEOPLE - Orient Aviation
NEWS                BACKGROUNDER

traffic, particularly transit, in the    scale is critical and that is where     management depth. Yes, TCS,            many in the industry reckon. A
past.                                    the Air India purchase comes            one of the Tata Group companies,       former Air India executive director
      Depending on the aircraft the      in, Otherwise, the group would          is profitable, but it is one of the    said “mad, bad and dangerous to
newly merged airline decides to          face the very real prospect of          few in the Tata stable that is. In     know” were the three terms used
operate, either Airbus and Boeing        continuing to bleed for decades in      general, the performances of Tata      to describe Lord Byron by his lover,
will win or lose. Pilots, cabin crew     India’s brutally competitive skies.     Group companies are not shining        Lady Caroline Lamb, The same
and aviation managers will have                 The next question that arises    examples of corporate excellence.      traits were, in his view, needed in
a possible new employer more             is will or can the Tata’s, who set      So the question is how will the        anyone running the new Air India.
trustworthy than most of the             up the airline in October 1932,         new Air India owner manage                   IndiGo’s struggles to attract
existing players. Skilled staff might    return the carrier to its previous      something as ambitious as this?        the right CEO for its plans don’t
jump ship for the security of Tata’s.    glory? Former finance and aviation           Generally in India there is a     offer much consolation. Although
      Undercutting of fares, a           secretary, Ashoka Chawla, said Air      negative attitude to inorganic         both founders were keen on a
practice Air India often indulged        India was once the “crown jewel”        expansions and mergers in              younger candidate to head the
without thinking as the bill was         not just of Indian aviation but of      aviation. It does not help matters     airline after former president,
paid by the taxpayer, should             global skies. Although it has sadly     that the new entity emerging from      Aditya Ghosh, was asked to
be less frequent, leading to an          lost its “exalted position”, there      Air India’s shadow is likely to be a   leave, they settled for Rono Dutta
improvement, or at least altered         was “no reason”, with correct           mix of four different airlines: Air    although age was not on his side.
economics, for its rivals.               handling, it could not re-enter the     India, Indian Airlines and the two     Dutta is holding the ship as steady
      So in general, it is fair to say   “hall of fame”, he said.                joint ventures carriers, one full      as possible, but his time at IndiGo
the sale of the national carrier will           Former boss, Vishwapati          service and the other an LCC.          can at best be limited.
redefine Indian aviation in ways we      Tridevi, echoed this sentiment               “Assuming the Tata’s operate            Recruiting expatriate talent
cannot yet fully envisage.               when he said ”beauty lies in the        one umbrella entity, the critical      to India’s aviation sector, for love
      Tata’s sources have confirmed      eye of the beholder and the Tata’s      X factor will be how successfully      or money, has proved difficult for
the conglomerate will merge              can see Air India’s intrinsic value”.   they manage to merge different         almost all of the country’s airlines.
Vistara and AirAsia India into its       The company only needs to get           cultures. Even globally, it is         Moreover, it is both expensive and
overall airline operations. The          the right, experienced hands to         recognised most attempts at            not necessarily an ideal fit. India’s
details of the mergers are yet to        unlock this value, he said.             inorganic growth stumble when          operating environment is so alien
be announced, but it is expected                This is the point at which       the marriage of cultures fail”,        that many expatriate managers
the final result will be one umbrella    doubts begin to surface about the       former aviation secretary, Ashok       have failed to acclimatize to it,
carrier large enough to contest          deal. Do the Tata’s, seen as the        Chawla, said. A classic example is     failing in the end to deliver.
IndiGo’s hegemony.                       closest the country has to a “public    the merger of Air India and Indian           “We are like this only and this
      Sources in Tata’s said they        private enterprise” have the            Airlines. The two organisations        is pretty unique!” said a former
were in a Catch-22 situation. The        bandwidth to pull this off?             remained rooted in their own           ministry of civil aviation secretary.
two existing airlines are making                Many pundits point out that      individual cultures and failed to      “India is not everyone’s cup of tea.
heavy losses and unless they attain      despite having two airlines on its      find common ground.                    What works quite easily in other
a certain size, this is unlikely to      watch, Tata’s has no experience in           Another even bigger question      countries may not necessarily work
change. “With a 10%-12% share            running such businesses because         is who will lead the new “khichdi”     here.”
between their two assets, the            effective control of the two            (broth) of carriers? Although                So the big question everyone
Tata’s will continue to bleed,” said     carriers remains with their joint       AirAsia India CEO, Sunil Bhaskaran,    is asking : Who will perform this
Lumba.                                   venture partners. It has a freer        has been at the forefront of the       miracle for the Tata’s?
      To get anywhere, they don’t        hand at AirAsia India following         bid negotiations the group also              In the meantime, anticipation,
have any option but to buy an            the exit of Tony Fernandes, but         has brought in many external           excitement and trepidation are
airline like Air India to attain some    it still has to sort out Vistara with   consultants and advisors. The job      ruling the Indian skies following
size. A former Tata nominated            Singapore Airlines - be it carrying     would require a CEO of the calibre     the sale. For thousands of the
AirAsia India board member               the partner along or seeking its        of David Neelman, founder of           airline’s employees and India’s
said to “make good” on the               exit.                                   five commercial airlines including     entire aviation sector, change is the
investment, reaching a certain                  Others question Tata’s overall   JetBlue and now Brazilian Azul,        only certainty. ■

NEWS                BACKGROUNDER

India’s new ultra-low-cost carrier,
Akasa, chasing opportunity post
the COVID-19 crisis
Setting up an airline in India is easier said than done. Here’s why, reports Anjuli

             ealms of academic                                                                                         are either ex-Jet Airways or have
             literature dictate crises                                                                                 had limited experience in low-fare
             are the best times for                                                                                    airline management.
             business start-ups. The                                                                                         “This is another drawback
             new kid on the block                                                                                      I see for Akasa. The two are
has a clean slate. No baggage so                                                                                       very different animals: a legacy
to speak. It can strike long-term                                                                                      carrier and a full-service one.
deals at rock bottom prices with                                                                                       Not everyone appreciates how
vendors and suppliers and young                                                                                        different the two can be,” said
talent is available at cheaper                                                                                         a former Jet Airways COO,
rates, among a host of factors.                                                                                        speaking on the condition of
     All this holds true for Akasa,                                                                                    anonymity.
the newest airline to enter India’s                                                                                          Aviation history, not just
aviation ken, funded by market                                                                                         in India but globally, is littered
mover, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, and                                                                                        with examples of experts in one
led by Vinay Dube, a former Delta        quite often corrupt bureaucracy.       Airways old-timer.                     type of airline operating model
Air top executive brought in by          “Who will be Akasa’s Naresh                  “In today’s scenario,            attempting to run the other and
Naresh Goyal to fix Jet Airways          Goyal, Jeh Wadia, Vijay Mallya,        an already highly stressed             failing. In Kingfisher Airlines’
when it was feeling the economic         Ajay Singh or Rahul Bhatia ?”          environment, many of its rivals,       early days, Vijay Mallaya had
and political heat in more ways          asks an industry veteran.              especially SpiceJet, could see a       brought in Alex Wilcox, who set
than one.                                     “Jhunjhunwala is primarily        huge pilot exodus to Akasa if it       up and worked for JetBlue, an
     But industry experts and            a financial investor and while         buys MAX aircraft. It would have       LCC in the U.S. Wilcox quit very
analysts predict Akasa’s going           former IndiGo president and            a lot to lose if Akasa takes to the    soon after he realised Mallya was
may not be as smooth as it or            CEO, Aditya Ghosh, holds a small       skies,” he said.                       talking low-cost but thinking and
others think. Several factors are        stake in the carrier and is on               “I expect them to use their      wanting a full-service airline. He
likely to make its road ahead            the board, he is unlikely to play      heft to delay the newcomer’s           felt his expertise was not required
rocky and potholed. Former               the role a Naresh Goyal or Ajay        plans”, a former ministry of civil     for Mallya’s plans.
finance and aviation secretary,          Singh (SpiceJet) would in helping      aviation secretary said recently.            A senior IndiGo management
Ashok Chawla, struck a less              the start-up LCC “navigate             He said he has witnessed over          member said this is more a
than optimistic note when he             the complex web of India’s             the years many airline chiefs          mindset issue than anything
said: “Akasa has chosen the              establishment”, a factor crucial       spend a fair bit of time “worrying     else as all executives carry some
right segment and it has some            for its success.                       about and scuppering the plans         legacy from all assignments.
marquee names behind it. But                  Secondly, Dube, although          of rivals”. Competition is better      “Practices, service quality
it has entered a crowded space           respected for his knowledge            killed before it begins is the         standards, in fact almost
with established players. Already        of commercial aviation, has            thinking.                              everything is determined by the
they have covered substantial            very little experience about                 Another reason why the           culture you are groomed in and
ground [in the market].”                 how Indian aviation operates.          industry is not fully convinced of     these experiences are never easy
     To begin with, airlines in          “Aviation is a mug’s game in India     the airline’s success is that almost   to change or shake off,” he said.
India need a head honcho figure          where players spend much time          all its senior management is from            Another crucial problem
to navigate India’s complicated          ensuring things don’t happen           legacy airlines. Barring Aditya        many see is the newbie’s strategy
rules, circuitous regulations and        for their rivals,” said a former Jet   Ghosh, Dube and the main team          of aiming for an ultra-low-cost


carrier (ULCC) space, a market         call them”. “Two of the biggest            “Air India allows 25 kgs            receive US$5 million to US$7
category most argue does not           factors that allow a Spirit in the    check baggage plus 8 kgs of hand         million per aircraft in the deal.
exist in India.                        U.S. or any other ULCC to be so is    baggage versus an LCC average                 Also cash could start coming
      “In India, we have low-fare      they charge for both checked in       of 15 kgs of checked-in luggage.         into the ULLC’s coffers as flights
airlines with high costs with          and hand baggage.                     The minute the government                are announced six months ahead
some having a slightly lower high            “In India, passengers receive   allows one airline to charge for         and people start booking. Talent
cost”, said former commander,          15 kgs of free check-in luggage       baggage, everyone will quickly           too will not be difficult to attract,
Shakti Lumba, A combination of         and 7 kgs of hand baggage.            follow.                                  especially at the mid and lower
high cost airports, high aviation      If average fares are around Rs             “Conversely, if any airline         levels.
turbine fuel (ATF) prices and a        3,000 (US$40) net to Indian           does not charge for baggage, it               “The ultimate test will
gamut of other factors mean            airlines, allowing airlines to        will have full loads as India’s flying   be delivery. If Akasa executes
airlines in India operate in a very,   charge for 22 kgs of baggage,         public is highly price sensitive. So     its operations to perfection,
very high cost environment,” he        it could mean an incremental          industry sources say unless rules        be it route strategy, financial
said.                                  average fare rise of Rs 500 per       allow only one or two airlines           management or bringing in
      “Charges for landing,            passenger.”                           to charge for baggage and they           productivity, efficiency and
navigation and other services at             In the U.S. and Canada,         actually do it, this ULCC model          a sharp focus on costs, it can
India’s main metropolitan airports     where ULCCs exist, the behaviour      cannot work in India.”                   succeed because of the poor
are higher than Singapore and          of full-service carriers and ULCCs         For all the negatives,              shape of all its rivals in the skies,”
Dubai by almost 30%-35%.               is very different. It’s not as if     there is one huge positive for           said a former MOCA secretary.
Carriers in India also pay far         everyone adheres to the practices     a newcomer. Akasa’s biggest              Although that, as India has amply
higher rates for fuel, encouraging     followed by each other. “The          positive is it has not had to survive    demonstrated, remains a big if.
the ridiculous practice of [our]       market is differentiated enough.      through the two years of the                  In the end, the Indian
airlines refueling in other            Those who fly full service (FSC)      pandemic, a situation that afflicts      flying public stand to gain
countries rather than at home.         would not fly with an ULCC.           every other airline in India.            the most from Akasa’s arrival
      “Moreover, unlike the            They are willing to pay for the            All its potential rivals have       in the market. More airlines
U.S. and European countries,           conveniences and services a full-     reported massive losses and              translate into lower fares and
where airlines that offer no frills    service airline offers,” explained    have balance sheets saturated in         more senseless undercutting,
can function out of secondary          a former Jet CEO. In India, there     red ink. Akasa is starting with a        all of which is good news for
airports with lower charges, there     is little difference between          clean financial slate. With seed         air passengers. Taxpayers and
is not this option in India.”          fares offered by FSC and LCCs         capital funding of around US$100         travellers can only wish the brave
      Chawla said at best the          although the former provides          million, it can easily launch a tidy     hearts good luck and hope they
ULCC is a “branding gimmick            more services to customers.           but small operation and raise            make a success of their gamble.
and all players will be as low         IndiGo and SpiceJet routinely lose    money through sale and lease             As the saying goes, you don’t
or high cost as an IndiGo or a         fliers to Air India on this count”    back. If it orders 70 aircraft,          manifest dreams without taking
SpiceJet, whatever you choose to       alone.                                industry insiders said Akasa could       chances. ■

Airline leaders predict a “brain
drain” from aviation industry

    n its Leaders in Aviation               Among its other findings               “Our new reality will demand
    Survey 2021, global aviation       was a willingness of 82% of           more from leaders, taking in what
    recruiter, GOOSE recruitment,      respondents to change jobs in         they have learnt in this time of
    said 60% of those surveyed         the next 12 months and a belief,      crisis, listening to their employees
    believed the pandemic would        held by 86% of those surveyed,        and creating more empowerment
discourage people from joining         that the future would be a hybrid     for a better future for aviation,”
the aviation industry.                 between office and remote             Charman said.                            post-pandemic.
     The survey, the first to be       working.                                    Other highlights from                 • 64% estimate it will take
conducted worldwide with                    The most important skills for    respondents in the survey are:           two to four years for aviation to
aviation’s C-suite bosses in           industry leaders in a pandemic          • 79% of respondents had               recover to pre-COVID-19 levels.
the pandemic, also revealed            are communication, remote             adapted their leadership style              • 43% expect to increase the
many industry leaders feared           leadership and crisis management      during the pandemic.                     size of their teams in the next six
redundancy, furlough and for           capability, GOOSE founder and           • 78% agreed workers would             months but 22% forecast more
their career futures.                  CEO, Mark Charman, said.              expect to be led differently             job losses. ■

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MAIN         STORY

      The world’s aviation chiefs, or most of them, met after a long
         drought of face-to-face dialogue at the International Air
       Transport Association’s (IATA) 77th AGM earlier this month.
      The Boston gathering reinforced the pandemic weary sector’s
         frustration with the politics of managing the pandemic.
    Associate editor and chief correspondent, Tom Ballantyne, reports.

               t may have been a relief for the International Air         restrictions such as border closures and quarantine can be
               Transport Association (IATA) to hold an actual             lifted, global standards needed for the adoption of vaccine
               in-person AGM, particularly after the postponement and     passports and testing and governments must accepting
               then unavoidable cancellation of the annual gathering      Covid-19 is here to stay and living with it.
               planned for Amsterdam in 2020. But if there was a               Unfortunately, they are messages many governments,
          common theme running through the commentary of speakers         particularly in the Asia-Pacific, have been and are continuing
          and on the delegate floor it was a deep frustration with the    to ignore.
          slow path of recovery for the industry strongly influenced by        On the environment front, AGM delegates approved a
          the snail like pace of governments in lifting border and        resolution for the global air transport industry to achieve net
          quarantine restrictions.                                        zero carbon emissions by 2050, but even that vote was not a
               A majority of the world’s airline leaders did manage to    surprise given many member airlines already had announced
          attend the Boston AGM, although some delegates could not,       their intention to meet that target.
          including China’s leading aviation bosses, because of their          Industry providers such as Embraer, GE Aviation and
          country’s travel restrictions. They had to tune in on-line.     others were among those congratulating airlines on their
               The result was a hybrid gathering that discussed           official confirmation of the resolution.
          everything from the environment and sustainability to the            But after 20 months of a pandemic during which carriers
          future of stellar performer, air cargo, during the pandemic.    have grounded a large portion of their fleets, adjusted
          But it was, of course, dominated by a single issue: how to      networks, dropped routes altogether, juggled schedules on an
          restore the industry to the pre-pandemic levels of 2019?        almost daily basis and coped with a myriad of complex and
               Ultimately, it was an AGM where the messages we have       different health rules - not to mention massive losses and
          been hearing for more than 18 months had to be reinforced:      accelerating debt levels - to some it seemed there was no end in
          flying is safe, with testing and vaccination rates increasing   sight to the crisis.

In 2020, airline chiefs were saying 2021 would be better.     While 71% of those surveyed thought the air quality on an
Then along came the Delta variant and now they are                  aircraft matches the hygiene standards of a hospital operating
predicting 2022 will be better.                                     theatre, 59% said they feared the air quality on a plane is
      But there is one thing the AGM audience did know. It is       dangerous. This thinking seems to indicate, despite an intense
not only do airlines want to fly. Their customers want to fly.      campaign involving scientific studies by IATA, Boeing,
There is pent up demand among customers to return to the air        Airbus and others to show flying is one of the safest places to
and to travel. “People are increasingly frustrated with             be during the pandemic, that this message has not got
COVID-19 travel restrictions and even more of them have             through to a large proportion of the flying public.
seen their quality of life suffer as a result of quarantine and          At the AGM, Walsh said the survey showed people
closed borders,” delegates were told.                               wanted to travel and 86% expected to be traveling within six
      They don’t see the necessity for travel restrictions to       months of the crisis ending. “With COVID-19 becoming
control the virus. And they have missed too many family             endemic, vaccines being widely available and therapeutics
moments, personal development opportunities and business            improving rapidly, we are quickly approaching that point in
priorities because of them. In short, they miss the freedom of      time. People also tell us they are confident to travel. But what
flying and want it restored. The message airlines are sending to    those who have traveled are telling us is the rules are too
governments is: COVID-19 is not going to disappear, so we           complex and the paperwork too onerous,” he said.
must establish the means to manage its risks while living and            “To secure the recovery, governments must simplify
traveling normally,” IATA director general, Willie Walsh, said.     processes, restore the freedom to travel and adopt digital
      There is no doubt the demand was there, as proven by the      solutions to issue and manage travel health credentials.
rise in bookings any time restrictions are lifted, he said.              “People are willing to be tested to travel. But they
      It was a viewpoint echoed by JetBlue CEO, Robin Hayes,        don’t like the cost or the
the U.S. carrier that hosted the Boston AGM. When the U.S.
announced in late September it would be opening its borders
in November to allow fully vaccinated travellers from 33
countries to enter the country, JetBlue bookings increased by
900%, Hayes said.
      At the AGM, IATA released a survey conducted in
September that showed 67% of respondents thought the
borders of most countries should be opened now, up 12
percentage points from a June 2021 IATA survey.
Approximately 64% of respondents believed border closures
are unnecessary and have not been effective in containing the
virus - up 11 percentage points from June 2021.
      Seventy three per cent of respondents said their quality of
life is suffering as a result of COVID-19 travel restrictions, an
increase of six percentage points over the June poll. The survey
was conducted with 4,700 respondents in 11 country markets,                                            inconvenience. Both can be
including Australia, India, Japan, Singapore and the UAE in               addressed by governments. The reliability of rapid
the Asia-Pacific and Gulf regions.                                  antigen tests is recognized by the World Health Organization
      With vaccination rates increasing globally, 80% of            (WHO). Broader acceptance of antigen testing by
respondents agreed vaccinated people should be able to travel       governments would reduce inconvenience and cost—costs the
freely by air. However, there was opposition to making              WHO’s International Health Regulations stipulate should be
vaccination a condition of air travel. About two-thirds of          borne by governments.
those surveyed believe it is morally wrong to restrict travel to         “It also is clear people accept testing and other measures
vaccinated individuals.                                             such as mask-wearing as necessary, but they want to return to
      More than 80% of the survey’s recipients viewed testing       more normal ways of travel when it is safe to do so.”
before air travel as an alternative for people without access to         While nothing is certain given the nature of the pandemic
vaccination.                                                        and the ever present threat of new variants, Asia-Pacific airline
      The biggest deterrent to air travel continues to be           leaders and their counterparts worldwide hope 2022 brings
quarantine measures. An overwhelming 84% of respondents             better times for the industry and that when they meet next
indicated they would not travel if there was a chance of            June for the 78th IATA AGM in Shanghai, a recovery will be
quarantine at their destination. An increasing proportion of        underway. Even then, they are aware a full return to 2019 air
respondents support the removal of quarantine if a person has       traffic levels, particularly in long-haul markets, is not likely to
tested negative for COVID-19 (73% in September compared             eventuate until 2024 or 2025. ■
with 67% in June) or if a person has been vaccinated (71% in
                                                                    * Tom Ballantyne “attended” the AGM virtually, unable to fly
September compared with 68% in June).                                  to the U.S. because of Australian Government restrictions on
      However, there were some anomalies in the poll results.          international travel.

                                                                                        OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2021 /           ORIENT AVIATION   / 17
COVER          STORY

            HIS PEOPLE
           He hot desks. He has relinquished the airline’s
       downtown headquarters. At the carrier’s offices near
    the Kuala Lumpur International Airport he works wherever
        he finds a seat. CEO and a Malaysia Airlines Berhad
  commercial pilot, Izham Ismail, is transforming the mindset and
    operating landscape of the national carrier. Associate editor
        and chief correspondent, Tom Ballantyne, reports.

      t may not have been foresight but it certainly turned out     Airport, although most employees are working from home. “I
      to be prophetic. In mid-2019, well before the pandemic        have surrendered the office, giving it back to the Ministry of
      turned the airline world upside down, Malaysia Airlines       Finance so Malaysia Airlines is a full-blown working from
      Berhad (MAB) began experimenting with head office             home environment. I don’t have an office now. I just move
      staff working from home. In the midst of a restructure        around wherever I get a space,” Izham said. Of course, the
aimed at recovering from losses and soaring debt, it was a way      carrier still has staff at the airport, working in maintenance
to economize.                                                       and cargo, ground handling and at the airport terminal itself,”
     The airline’s office is adjacent to Kuala Lumpur               Izham said.
International Airport, 80 kilometres from central Kuala                  Going virtual may have set the airline up to cope with the
Lumpur, CEO Captain Izham Ismail told Orient Aviation               pandemic but before the crisis hit it had been on a financial
last month. “It was difficult to attract talent so we asked ‘what   and leadership roller coaster ride. After the talents of popular
if we worked from home?’ Not knowing this would be the              CEO, Idris Jala, took him to politics as a high level policy
norm today, we started strengthening our infrastructure of          troubleshooter in Malaysia’s government, Idris was succeeded
working from home, working virtually.                               by expatriate CEOs, Christoph Mueller and then Peter Bellew.
     “For our staff it meant they did not have to pay for petrol    Both arrived and departed within very brief periods of time.
and toll charges and, indirectly, we were able to drive                  They were followed by Jauhari Yahya, whose reign was
sustainability by shutting down more buildings. When 2020           dominated by two devastating fatal accidents: the
arrived and the world went into crisis, Malaysia Airlines was       disappearance of MH370 on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to
an organization ready for virtual operations. In corporate          Beijing in March 2014 and the shooting down of MH17 over
Malaysia, MAB was the first organization to go fully virtual.”      the Ukraine in July of the same year.
     Today, MAB’s operations are largely located in the South            As a result, MAB market share “dropped off the cliff” and
Support Zone at Sepang, near Kuala Lumpur International             staff morale hit rock bottom, said Izham, a 40-year veteran of
                                                                    the carrier and a pilot who rose to chief operating officer
       ‘I reset the management team, the C-levels. I cele-          before being appointed CEO in November 2017. In an
  brate and respect inclusion so I brought in a new team.           exclusive interview with Orient Aviation, he explained how
  It did not have baggage and half of them were not even            close MAB came to bankruptcy, how staff morale was restored
  in the airline industry.                                          and how MAB won over creditors initially reluctant to
       Today, the average age of the C-suite is 45 years old.       support the airline group’s revamped business plan.
  Very young people come in and challenge me. They say
                                                                         Following the fatal accidents of 2014, MAB was taken
  ‘hey, I know this is an airline, but what if’?
                                                                    over by Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Malaysia’s sovereign
       People were able to think outside the box. People are
  closer to the management team now. Pull down the                  wealth fund, but the company continued to report losses and
  barriers of being superior and subordinate. We are all in         debt levels still were climbing. Attempts to reset the
  this together.’                                                   organization with the Malaysia Airlines Restructuring Plan,
                                                                    or the MRP, were of limited success, although the staff payroll

                                                                                       OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2021 /          ORIENT AVIATION   / 19
COVER            STORY

                                     ‘I told them – the employees on
               the ground in the hangar and baggage claim – I am
            not the CEO who walks on the red carpet. I am one of
            you guys. This organization helped me and my family. I
            have been here for the last 40 years, coming from a very
            poor background.
                My father earned 30 Ringgit a month. This company
            kept me alive. So tell me what’s wrong? By going on the
            ground I can hear them. I can feel them. I see them to a
            certain extent to really understand their pain’

          was reduced by 6,000 employees.
               By the time Izham took charge, it was clear much more
          needed to be done to save the company. “When I took the job
          I said to myself there are so many things I need to fix, where
          do I start? I figured out I should focus on the people first. I had
          a 100-day plan and I was concentrating on the people. Then I
          decided what to do with the business and the biggest problem
          at MAB, the balance sheet,” explained Izham.
               A key issue was Malaysia’s airline market suffered from
          overcapacity, particularly with the presence of LCCs such as
          AirAsia. MAB was competing with them on their terms. An               17% pre-2019 to 25% shortly before the pandemic struck.
          example, Izham said, was a domestic fare from Seoul to Jeju                “In any organization that has been going for many years
          Island cost US$290. In Malaysia, 45-minute flights were               you have a lot of baggage like overstaffing and legacy processes.
          being sold for $25. “I believed strongly the longer MAB was           I started introducing the need to put our customers first. In
          trapped in that market it would not be able to recover. So, in        2018, we saw a change in customer satisfaction. We were
          June of 2019 the team and I decided to go in the opposite             seeing traction. Then in 2019 we recorded a record-breaking
          direction,” he said.                                                  score on the customer satisfaction index, from a low of 67% to
               “We went to market with a premium fare, but we                   78%-79%. At that time, the customers were coming back to
          surrounded the fare with products. When I talk about                  us.”
          products it is not about meals. It is not about the quality of the         Restoring morale was a key part of Izham’s strategy for the
          food, but our frequency and ensuring we have a good size              rebirth of MAB. For two years, he spent a couple of days every
          market and capacity in the marketplace, flexibility in                week “on the ground”, going in at three in the morning to join
          bookings. We improved the customer experience.”                       the baggage and ground handling teams to help them. “Not
               By operating as a premium carrier Izham does not mean            to spot check them but to understand their challenges and
          luxury. MAB is not an Emirates or a Qatar, he explained. The          their problems,” he said.
          transformation began to take effect. “In 2017, our net worth               “By doing that I could create conversations and they could
          score was minus 22. In 2019 it went up to 27 plus. This a 40%         take me as equal. On a Friday, for example, at the end of the
          movement,” he said. Market share also improved, rising from           week, after work ended at 5.30 or 6.30, I would do my evening

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