Winter 2021 Record - The Record

Winter 2021 Record - The Record

Winter 2021
Winter 2021 Record - The Record
                                              3    President’s Column                                Claire Victory
                                              4    Louise de Marillac –                                Sr Therese
    The Society is a lay Catholic
                                                   a Guide for these Times                           Haywood DC
    organisation that aspires to live the
    Gospel message by serving Christ in       5    Vinnies is more than a shop                      Robert Crosby
    the poor with love, respect, justice,
    hope and joy, and by working to shape     6    A Spirit of Youth in all We Do                       John Feint
    a more just and compassionate society.    8    Witnessing the rekindling of hope                  Jocelyn Cull
    This logo represents the hand of Christ   10 In the Parisian footsteps of our founders         Robin Osborne
    that blesses the cup, the hand of love
    that offers the cup, and the hand of      11 Sr Joan Chittister and the                         John Warhurst
    suffering that receives the cup.             2021-22 Plenary Council
    Our Strategic Goals: Spirituality
    and Membership, Our Advocacy, Our
                                              12 Author continues to ‘wrestle with
    Governance and Leadership, Our Work          the hierarchy’
    Together, Our Sustainability              14 Book launch                                        John Warhurst
    The Record is published regularly each    15 Online conversation on the Church’s
    year by the National Council of the St
                                                 ‘future roadmap’
    Vincent de Paul Society in Australia.
                                              16 ‘Big spending’ Budget ignores many                  Rose Beynon
    National Council
    PO Box 243
                                                 and entrenches disadvantage
    Deakin West, ACT, 2600                    19 Uluru Statement from the Heart
    Phone:     02 6202 1200                   20 Voice must be enshrined in our
    Email:                 Constitution
    Editor:    Toby oConnor                   21 Enshrine the ‘Voice to Parliament’
    Design:    Damon Carr                        in the Constitution
                        22 Australia has not been ‘a great country’          Robin Osborne
    The St Vincent de Paul Society in            for Indigenous people
    Australia acknowledges that we are
                                              23 From the CEO                                       Toby oConnor
    on Aboriginal land. We pay respects
    to all traditional custodians. This       24 Catholics for Refugees:                            Tim McKenna
    publication may contain images of            A Call for Action
    deceased members of the Aboriginal
    and Torres Strait Islander community.     26 Every Council can benefit from youth reps         Rebecca Cassar
    They are used with the greatest           27 NT – Darwin’s Ozanam House serves a
    respect and appreciation.                    vital need
    Opinions expressed in this
                                              28 CEO Sleepout raised a record $8.19m
    publication are not necessarily
    those of the publishers.                  29 QLD – Time called (and recalled) at              Callum Johnson
    ISSN 2652-8894
                                                 Brisbane’s landmark hostel
                                              30 WA – Good Night In supports good works            Deanna Watson
      The St Vincent de Paul Society          31 WA – WA’s Joondalup support centre                Deanna Watson
      in Australia consists of 60,000            opens
      members and volunteers                  32 Canberra/Goulburn – Friendship is               Cristina Ocampo
      who operate on the ground                  ‘powerful medicine’ for Compeer artists
      through over 1,000 groups
                                              33 International – National Council
      located in local communities
                                                 welcomes new Overseas Development
      across the country.
                                                 Program Facilitator
                                              34 First impressions count:
                                                 help us improve our website

         Available online:                    On the cover… Pictured is Northern Territory man Jimmy who painted                  this work specially for The Record. He is a companion of St Vincent de
                                              Paul Society’s Ozanam House in Darwin. See story on page 27.

Winter 2021 Record - The Record
C L A I R E V I C T O R Y | frontlines

President’s Column


I   n May 2021, National Council
    held its first face-to-face
    meeting in over a year, the
COVID-19 pandemic having
forced us to meet by Zoom since
                                                                                       and charity could not exist
                                                                                       in the hearts of many without
                                                                                       sweetening itself from outside.
our last meeting in Canberra.
                                                                                       It is a fire that dies without
The weekend was a clear
                                                                                       being fed, and good works
reminder of how valuable it is
                                                                                       are the food of charity. So it is
to meet in person and speak
                                                                                       in our own interest first of all
without screens and hundreds of
                                                                                       that our association has been
kilometres separating us.
                                                                                       established, and if we assemble
We know that our Vincentian             Claire Victory                                 under the roof of the poor, it
involvement comprises work, or                                                         is at least equally for them as
acts of service; spiritual reflection                                                  for ourselves, so as to become
and sharing in our mission; and                                                        progressively better friends.’
an element of business, record-
                                                                                    There is a reason that the bonds
keeping and admin. However, it          ‘We should not                              existing with friends I made
also involves a social dimension.
                                        underestimate the                           through Vinnies Youth camps
I once heard someone criticise
one of our youth conferences
                                        value of human                              are so much stronger and longer
                                                                                    lasting than other friendships
in these terms: ‘They just seem         connection…’                                – they were forged through
like a bunch of uni friends who                                                     seriously tough experiences and
catch up and have a good time!’                                                     working together with shared
The conference in question                                                          values and a shared mission.
was a very hard-working                   the exile of the capital, that            If some people are initially
bunch of young Vincentians                they have friends, and form               motivated to join the Society by
who were actively involved                themselves at the same time in            a desire to make friends, that’s
in good works, reflecting on              knowledge and virtue!”                    okay – social bonds between
their work and sharing their
                                                                                    members are important.
spirituality within our mission         The following day, he wrote to
                                                                                    Likewise, if someone’s primary
and the framework set out by            his friend Leonce Curnier and
                                                                                    motivation to volunteer is
the Rule; but they also shared          discussed the Paris conference
                                                                                    to build on a particular skill
a strong personal friendship,           (comprising largely of young
                                                                                    set, that’s okay too. It is not
which in turn strengthened their        people who had come to Paris                for us to judge, but rather
commitment to the Society and           from other towns to study),                 to welcome people and to
their effectiveness in their work.      emphasising the importance of               ensure that, together, we are
I struggled with the idea that a        friendship:                                 working towards our mission,
fellow Vincentian would criticise
                                          ‘It is important then to form             informed by our values and
or look down on this conference
                                          an association of mutual                  each contributing to the life of
just because there was joy and
                                          encouragement for young                   our conference and the Society.
lively chatter in the midst of their
                                          Catholic people where one                 We should not underestimate
meetings or because they were –                                                     the value of human connection
or were suggested to be – ‘friends        finds friendship, support, and
                                          example; where one finds                  – not just with companions,
from uni’.                                                                          but with our fellow Vincentians
                                          again, so to speak, a likeness of
In a letter to Emmanuel Bailly            the religious family in which he          – and we should build and
on 3 November 1834, Frederic              had been nurtured, where the              celebrate our friendships within
Ozanam remarked:                                                                    our conferences, councils and
                                          elders receive the new pilgrims
                                                                                    special works. R
 “If you could see, sir, how our          from a province and give them
 good provincial mothers of               a bit of moral hospitality. But
                                                                                    Claire Victory is the National President
 families rejoice to think that           the strongest tie, the principle          of the St Vincent de Paul Society in
 their sons are not lonely in             of true friendship, is charity,           Australia.

                                                                       S T V I N C E N T D E PA U L S O C I E T Y A U S T R A L I A   3
Winter 2021 Record - The Record
spirituality and membership | S R T H E R E S E H AY W O O D D C

Spiritual Reflection
Louise de Marillac – a Guide for these Times
BY SR THERESE                      Louise was a leader
H AY W O O D D C                   who wrote detailed role

                                   descriptions for the sisters. She
       ouise de Marillac was       saw these rules as supportive
       born in Paris in 1591 and   for the sisters as they
       died in 1660. She lived     pioneered a new way of living
so long ago and yet I really       and serving. She wrote often
believe that she has something
                                   to her sisters encouraging and
to offer each of us today. The
                                   guiding them and keeping
world in which Louise lived
was a world of war, turmoil,       them informed about their
poverty and religious turmoil      families. She wrote to one of
after the reformation and the      the sisters:
Council of Trent. We can see         I beg you, in the name of
some parallels between those         God, not to be afflicted
times and our own and we             by the trials which His
can learn from the way that
                                     goodness sends you. This is
Louise handled the challenges
                                     an occasion for you to prove
in her life.
                                     more clearly than ever your
She had such a range of              fidelity to Him. I am well
experiences of various               aware that it is very difficult
aspects of life, and the way         for you not to be able to
that she dealt with them is          serve the poor in the way
an inspiration to all of us.         you would desire. You must
She was an illegitimate child,
                                     abandon yourself to the care
an orphan, a wife, a mother,
                                     of Our Lord Jesus Christ who
a widow, a single mother,
a consecrated woman,                 is the Father of the Poor.
a foundress and a social             I am sending you one of our
reformer. This breadth of            sisters who will be a great
experience in one person gave        help and consolation to you.1
her a unique understanding
of life.                           Her gentle encouragement
                                   and care come through in
Louise used the experiences
                                   many letters such as this one.
of her childhood and her
                                   Louise de Marillac had great
marriage to help in her service
                                   trust in the Providence of God
of others, and forming the
Confraternities of Charity         and her advice to one of her
and the Daughters of Charity.      sisters after what appears to
When I imagine Louise setting      have been a difficult incident
out on that first mission to       is advice that would be
visit the Charities I think of     helpful to us at this time:
her courage to take the risk to      All that remains for us is
travel alone. As she met with
                                     to make good use of the
each Charity, she formed them
                                     present, but, in order to do
for their service. She was a
great teacher and the women          so, we must ask this grace of
loved to listen to her.              God.2 R

When in time Louise began          Sr Therese Haywood DC is the
the Daughters of Charity her       National Council’s Spiritual Adviser.
pioneering spirit was also seen
as she had the courage to try      1. Spiritual Writings of St Louise, 370.
a new form of religious life.      2. Spiritual Writings of St Louise, 371.

Winter 2021 Record - The Record
R O B E R T C R O S B Y | spirituality and membership

Vinnies is more than a shop


Wagga Wagga (NSW) Central
Council President Peter Burgess
found his passion for social justice
advocacy after a radio interview.

‘W           e really do need
             as a community to
             support the most
needy in our population.’
Peter Burgess spoke these words
during his first media interview
shortly after becoming Wagga
Wagga Central Council President in
Interviewed by a local radio station   Peter Burgess
to promote the Vinnies Community
Sleepout he used the opportunity       street to receiving calls from MPs         Tuesday and I flew out on the
to advocate on issues related to       eager to collaborate on community          Wednesday. When I came back
poverty and hardship, sparking a       projects.                                  about three days after I landed in
fire inside the 71-year-old that has                                              Australia, there was the election –
                                       Peter joined Vinnies in the 1980s
seen him become a respected voice                                                 and I won!’
                                       while working at a company
on social justice matters within the
                                       manufacturing chlorine tablets             Spending his time engaging with
                                       for swimming pools. At the time            Conferences throughout the
‘We want people not to just            the competing responsibilities of          Riverina while serving on the NSW
recognise Vinnies as a shop,’          raising a family and serving as an         State Council, Peter sees his work
explains Peter.                        alderman on Kogarah Council saw            as being influenced by a strong
                                       him drift away for several years.          Catholic faith along with a caring
‘I want people to understand that
we’re actively out there in the        Retraining as a high school maths          mentality that solidified from his
community looking after the most       teacher and later as a psychologist        time as a teacher.
needy and that we are there to         employed by the Department                 ‘When I was teaching in the state
support them.’                         of Education, he moved to                  system, they made me year advisor
                                       Wagga Wagga in the 2000s and               for a group of Year 7 kids. My
Appearing regularly in the local       reconnected with the Society on
media to raise awareness of issues                                                eldest son was going into Year 7
                                       the eve of retirement.                     at the same time; every time a kid
such as Christmas hampers and
back-to-school drives, it is the       Joining Kooringal’s Sacred                 came up, I’d think ‘if this was my
COVID-19 situation that has seen       Heart Conference in 2014 at the            child how would I want him or her
his commentary shift towards two       encouragement of a member                  treated?’
key issues – housing (‘there isn’t     speaking on the Winter Appeal
                                                                                  ‘That’s not so different to what we
the social and affordable housing      during Mass, Peter’s road to
                                                                                  do now when we have that idea of
around Wagga that we badly need’)      becoming Central Council
                                                                                  ‘when we see the poor, we see the
and income support (‘we now            President took place in unusual
                                                                                  face of Christ’ – in a lot of ways it’s
have people who have never been        circumstances.
                                                                                  very similar.
jobless before reaching out for our    Nominating for the position after
support’).                             the incumbent holder stepped               ‘As an organisation we’re not
                                       down for family reasons, his               judgemental. We’ve always got to
Recognising the influence of the                                                  be mindful that we’re dealing with
media to raise awareness of the        election campaign was largely
                                       absent due to a pre-booked                 human dignity.’ R
Society’s good works, Peter’s public
                                       holiday to visit his son overseas.
profile has grown from being                                                      Robert Crosby is Communications
recognised in Mass and on the          ‘I put my nomination in on the             Coordinator, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW.

                                                                     S T V I N C E N T D E PA U L S O C I E T Y A U S T R A L I A   5
Winter 2021 Record - The Record
spirituality and membership | J O H N F E I N T

A Spirit of Youth in all We Do


I   was born in the former
    gold-mining town of Adelong,
    near Tumut, adjacent to the
Snowy Mountains. My sister and I
grew up in an Anglican household
where my mother took charge of
our faith upbringing. I valued the
sense of community as part of St
Paul’s Parish.
I came to Canberra in 1974 to the
Australian National University and
in 1975 joined the Commonwealth
Public Service. I was living at the
Macquarie Hostel in Barton, where
many new arrivals in Canberra
resided whilst trying to find scarce
rental accommodation. I met my
future wife Maria at Macquarie
Hostel and we soon moved                                                         I had just six months in the Territory
to shared accommodation in                                                       Council President role when
Rivett, and then Mawson, before                                                  our region, like much of eastern
marrying and building our first                                                  Australia, suffered major bushfires.
home in Wanniassa.                                                               Canberra Goulburn Territory
This home proved too small and                                                   Council responded by establishing
we upgraded to our current home                                                  a task force of Council members
in Gilmore where we have been                                                    who went hands-on into assisting
blessed to raise four children.                                                  fire victims with their recovery. This
                                                                                 work was made more difficult by
After attending Mass with my                                                     the COVID outbreak, meaning I
Catholic wife for many years, I                                                  could only assist victims over the
was received into the Church in                                                  phone or internet.
1993 and then proceeded to help
others interested in the church for                                              I have spent months on this task,
the next decade.                       John Feint                                talking to hundreds of victims
                                                                                 across our region and offering
I began my Vincentian journey at                                                 them financial and emotional
                                       had worked since 1983, most
Gowrie Conference in 2005 in the                                                 support. It has been a privilege
                                       recently in regional environmental
parish of Corpus Christi.                                                        to do this and it will remain
After a little time learning                                                     a highlight of my time in the
                                       I have also worked as a volunteer in      President’s role.
the ropes, I moved to the
                                       coaching young people in hockey,
Conference President role and                                                    In terms of my personal Vincentian
                                       cricket, soccer and athletics and
then to Regional President                                                       journey there have been many
                                       continue to hold a warrant as a Scout
of Tuggeranong Monaro, an                                                        landmarks, but a couple stand
                                       Leader. All these activities reflect my
interesting region encompassing                                                  out. Firstly, the opportunity to
                                       passion for youth development.
both ACT and NSW conferences.                                                    participate in the Nganmarriyanga
I then succeeded Warwick Fulton,       I came to the President’s role with       Immersion Program in 2018. I
current National Vice President,       three objectives: enlivening our          really relished the opportunity to
in the role of Territory Council       aging conferences; adding a more          gain first-hand insights into life in
President for Canberra Goulburn        youthful face to the Society and          a remote Indigenous community
in June 2019. This coincided           its governance; and promoting             and to challenge myself to get
with my retirement from the            Indigenous reconciliation and             the best from the physically and
ACT Public Service where I             advancement.                              emotionally demanding experience.

Winter 2021 Record - The Record
Membership and
I was privileged to have been                        Membership
able to take part and I hope I
can now apply what I have learnt                     There are three categories of membership of the Society.
to the service of our Indigenous                     Conference members are those who belong to the
companions.                                          grassroots groups within the Society known as conferences.
                                                     They live their Catholic faith in action through the spirit
Secondly, there are many                             of Christian charity. Associate members are those who
inspirational stories of the                         are committed to the ethos, mission, aims and objects of
companions we assist. Helping                        the Society and who assist the work of the Society, but do
with little steps along the way,                     not attend conference meetings. Volunteer members are
building relationships and seeing                    those who respect the ethos, mission, aims and objects
people grow, is part of the                          of the Society and who volunteer in any of the Society’s
Vincentian experience that is                        works. Associate and Volunteer members are registered by
impossible to put a value on. We                     procedures established by the relevant State or Territory
respond with grace and mercy to                      Council. Please visit the Become a Member section of this
the needs of the poor, hoping that                   website for more information.
what we do will make a difference
– sometimes we notice the impact,
at other times we can only trust in
the mystery of the Holy Spirit to                    Conferences
take what we have done and put it
to the service of our Lord.                          A conference can be established within any community such
                                                     as a parish, town, suburb, school, university, workplace,
Thirdly, and most recently, I have                   ethnic or social group providing they are endorsed by an
the role on National Council of                      appropriate Council within the Society. Conference members
Bailly to the National Spirit of                     meet regularly, usually weekly but at least fortnightly and no
Youth team – what an honor                           work of charity is foreign to them. Together they visit people
to work with such a talented                         in their homes, in hospitals, institutions or wherever else they
and resourceful group of young                       may be found needing aid or comfort. Conference work is
leaders charged with imbuing that                    not limited to home visitation; members also meet and pray
spirit of youth in all we do in our                  together at other times. To read more about the role of prayer
Vincentian mission. R                                in conferences please visit Spirituality of the Society. R

John Feint is President, Canberra Goulburn
Territory Council, St Vincent de Paul Society

  Meet the National Council
  national president                            national treasurer                        sa state president
  Claire Victory                                Paul Trezise                              Brad Hocking
  national deputy president                     national secretary                        tas state president
  Warwick Fulton                                Ryan Erlandsen                            Mark Gaetani
  spiritual adviser                             canberra goulburn president               vic state president
  Sr Therese Haywood DC                         John Feint                                Kevin McMahon
  vice president                                nsw state president                       wa state president
  Maurie Ryan                                   Peter McNamara                            Gladys Demissie
  vice president                                nt president
                                                                                          Read more here. R
  Patrick Wallis                                Jocelyn Cull
  vice president                                qld state president
  Jacob Miller                                  Dennis Innes

                                                                              S T V I N C E N T D E PA U L S O C I E T Y A U S T R A L I A   7
Winter 2021 Record - The Record
spirituality and membership | J O C E L Y N C U L L

Witnessing the rekindling of hope

B Y J O C E LY N C U L L                been involved to varying degrees      for a way to get involved in my

                                        in conference activities. My family   local Parish when it was suggested
            y name is Jocelyn Cull      have lived in Darwin for ten years    that the Society might be a good
            and I am the President      and we are parishioners of the St     fit for me. I had no idea about
            of the St Vincent de        Mary’s Cathedral Parish.              what a conference was or how the
Paul Society (NT). I have been                                                Society operated. I was impressed,
                                        I am a lawyer by trade and I
involved with the Society for                                                 however, with the mission of the
                                        have worked in both the public
about six years, first joining the St                                         Society and thought that I might be
                                        and private sectors. My current
Mary’s Conference in Darwin in                                                able to do something to assist – the
                                        role is with a local government
2015. I have been a conference                                                rest as they say is history…
                                        organisation where I work in the
president and NT Council member,        regulatory sphere. With the little    The Northern Territory has amazing
and extensively involved in the         free time that I have I enjoy the     country (Uluru, Kakadu, need I
co-ordination of emergency relief       iconic Territory lifestyle: camping   say more), a rich cultural heritage
activities. I have also been NT         out bush, fishing in Darwin           going back around 70,000 years, a
Council Vice-President and Acting       Harbour and keeping fit. I am         diverse, multicultural community
President of the Society before I       also partial to excellent food (my    and the most friendly people in
was elected President late last year.   husband is a great cook) and very     Australia.
I am married to Graeme Finch,           good coffee – sometimes to my
                                                                              However, we have a population of
the current President of St             detriment!
                                                                              only 250,000 people living across
Mary’s Conference and have four         I became involved in the Society      1.4 million km2, with Catholic
wonderful children who have also        largely by chance as I was looking    communities on the Tiwi Islands

Winter 2021 Record - The Record
of the poor within the community.
                                                                                        I am also inspired by the work of
                                                                                        my fellow Vincentians in serving
                                                                                        our companions. Some of them
                                                                                        have been volunteering their time
                                                                                        and services for many decades.
                                                                                        A touching experience for me was
                                                                                        a home visit with a companion
                                                                                        who had survived horrendous
                                                                                        family violence. She had suffered
                                                                                        significant trauma and was alone
                                     Opposite page – Jocelyn Cull fundraising           and scared.
                                     at Rapid Creek in Darwin with children
                                     (l-r) Eliza, Aidan and James.                      Our conference helped this lady
                                                                                        establish a new home while she
                                     Above – The Church in Nauiyu (Daly River),
                                     NT. The group includes community Elder Dr          was recovering from a major
                                     Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann AM, NT               illness. Over several visits I was
                                     Senior Australian of the Year 2021.
                                                                                        privileged to witness the rekindling
                                     Left – St Mary’s conference hamper deliveries      of hope in this companion. Her
                                     to Nauiyu (Daly River), NT.                        quiet dignity and determination
                                                                                        to move forward in the most
                                                                                        challenging of situations was
                                                                                        striking. A poignant moment was
in the tropical top end, Nauiyu      passionately committed to helping
                                                                                        the pride you could see in the lady
and Emu Point in the Big Rivers      those in need and are practical                    when she had us over to her home
savannah region and Santa Teresa     and innovative when working with                   for a thank you morning tea – it
(Ltyentye Apurte) in the southern    companions. Our local team works                   was an amazing experience.
desert. These communities are        across the community, government
very remote from modern services,    and local businesses to help people                A highlight of my year is loading
with a disproportionate level of     whilst respecting individual needs                 100 plus hampers and gifts in 4x4s
unemployment, homelessness,          and cultural differences, adapting                 for a 600km round trip to Daly
and significant social disfunction   our services to meet the changing                  River to deliver Vinnies Christmas
that drives intergenerational        needs of our community.                            hampers Territory style. The smiles
disadvantage.                                                                           on the children’s faces makes the
                                     I am very proud to be a member                     wet season journey on rough roads
The NT Society and the services it   of the Society in the Territory. We                all worth it.
provides to companions face very     have faced many challenges in
unique challenges in the volume      recent years but continue to lay a                 I am so glad I took the chance
of need, geographical isolation      solid foundation for future growth.                and got involved with the Society.
and accompanying logistical          There are exciting times ahead,                    It is extremely rewarding to work
complexities in service delivery.    with the opportunity to enter                      with our members, volunteers and
                                                                                        employees and see the positive
                                     new housing and accommodation
While comparatively small in                                                            changes that we can make for our
numbers compared to other States                                                        companions. It is also great at a
and Territories, our members,        We are seeking to increase our                     personal level to grow spiritually
volunteers and employees are         advocacy work and be the voice                     and live our faith with others. R

                                                                           S T V I N C E N T D E PA U L S O C I E T Y A U S T R A L I A   9
Winter 2021 Record - The Record
spirituality and membership | R O B I N O S B O R N E

In the Parisian footsteps of our founders


V        incentians and other
         interested folk can now
         take a guided video tour
of all the Parisian landmarks
important to the founding and
development of the Society,
accompanied by the authoritative
National President of the St

                                                                                                                        PHOTO: ROBIN OOODE ON UNSPLASH
Vincent de Paul Society USA, Ralph
Fortunately, at a time of restricted
travel, the hour-and-a-half tour
does not entail leaving home and is
free of charge. The narrator says he
hopes to be leading an actual tour
to Paris from 21-29 September this
year, COVID-19 permitting. Either
way, tour numbers will be limited
but Walking in the Footsteps of our    Mr Middlecamp smiles as he              Society was founded, as well
Founders and Patrons: Vincentian       shares this correspondence, before      as highlighting its continuing
Heritage Tour is open to all and       continuing the journey along ‘the       relevance today.
can be viewed here.                    ground where our Saints and
                                                                               ‘We invite our Vincentian brothers
                                       Blesseds walked, the homes where
Mr Middlecamp, a recognised            they lived, the churches where they     and sisters from around the world
expert in the Society’s history and    worshipped and preached, and the        to watch this recording,’ says Tim
a regular visitor to Paris, begins     streets in which they served Christ’s   Williams from our USA counterpart.
his tour at the Pont de Neuf, once     poor.’                                  ‘Most of us may never get the
a ‘new bridge’, now a legendary                                                chance to visit Paris in person,
one, where Blessed Frederic            Highlights include the premises
                                       of Bailley’s Press, where Frederic      but these pictures, along with
Ozanam first entered Paris in 1831,
                                       and friends would meet, St Sulpice      Ralph’s historical knowledge, will
at the age of 18. We walk with
                                       Church where the Society began,         bring to life for you the Paris of
our genial guide thanks largely to
                                       and the tombs of St Vincent de          Vincent and Louise, of Frédéric and
Google Street View, while sharing
his knowledge of the districts and     Paul and Frederic Ozanam. These         Rosalie – the Paris we share in our
landmarks that feature in the St       sites and many more are in the          Vincentian Heritage.’
Vincent de Paul story.                 video and will feature in the actual    Brother Renato Lima de
                                       tour, if it can take place.             Oliveira,16th President General,
Destined to become one of the
seven founders of the Society,         Another of Frederic’s letters           International St Vincent de Paul
Frederic would go on to study          describes Rue Mouffetard, a             Society, said, ‘I learned a lot from
law and literature, deliver            slum area where the confrères           Ralph as he spoke about topics
lectures to students from ordinary     and Sr Rosalie Rendue did home          often not too familiar, such as the
backgrounds, and, two years after      visitations. It consisted of ‘narrow,   campaign launched by the General
his arrival, inspire his confrères     crooked streets where the sun           Council for the construction of the
to found a charity dedicated to        never penetrates… where a man           Sacred Heart Church in Paris. Ralph
helping the less privileged.           in a coat never passes without          Middlecamp is one of the greatest
                                       making a sensation… attracting          experts on historical facts of the
Í am very uncomfortable,’ Frederic
                                       to the door-steps groups of naked       Society and the Vincentian Family,
wrote to his mother shortly after
                                       children and women in rags.’            and we thank God for this great
arriving in the fast-growing but
largely impoverished city. Í am a      Times may have changed but              blessing.” R
long way from… the centre of my        visiting such locations, whether        Robin Osborne is National Publications
studies… my landlady strikes me as     literally or virtually, is a salutary   Officer, St Vincent de Paul Society
a sly gossip.’                         reminder of where and why the           National Council.

J O H N W A R H U R S T | plenary council

Sr Joan Chittister and the
2021-22 Plenary Council

S     ister Joan Chittister’s talk by
      Zoom on 2 May 2021 in the
      Convocation of Catholics
series was an inspiring, conscious
contribution to the Plenary Council
(PC) journey planned by the
Australasian Catholic Coalition
of Church Reform (ACCCR), the
national network of reform groups,
which wants to continue to engage
with the PC process as it has done
since 2018.
                                        the partnership of ACCCR with              one in which Catholics sacrificed
The PC should be open and               Catholic Religious Australia, the          themselves for the vulnerable in
expansive, ready to take up big         peak body of 5,000 religious, and          our societies; and one in which
ideas. If the situation and future      the religious publisher, Garratt           the voice of the church would be
of the Catholic Church in Australia     Publishing. We were delighted that         bold and prophetic rather than
really cannot be business as usual,     the Plenary Council Facilitation           self-interested in protecting its own
then the PC proceedings should          Team advertised the event and that         resources.
encourage a new way of thinking.        many parishes welcomed it. The
It should also be connected to          outcome was about 3,000 direct             The next step in the Convocation
the Australian community rather         participants and 1,500 or more who         of Catholics takes place on 26
than being an isolated, quasi-                                                     August 2021. Convocation 2 will
                                        have followed up.
monastic affair.                                                                   focus more directly on the PC.
                                        Benedictine Sister Joan Chittister,        The next steps for the PC itself
The Convocation of Catholics series
                                        speaking from Erie, Pennsylvania           include the publication of the
contributes to both process and
                                        USA, was a breath of fresh air,            official agenda and the training in
issues. It opens up the process
                                        not dwelling on past failures or a         procedures and responsibilities of
of the PC more widely to the
                                        dying church, envisaging bigger            the 280 members in four tranches
Catholic community, just as this
                                        and better considerations. Many            in late June and early July. The
is becoming increasingly closed
                                        of these echoed elements of the            first Assembly will be held in early
and top-down, and it advances
                                        17,500 submissions made by the             October in multi-modal format,
progressive issues at a time when
                                        Catholic community during the              with five hubs in the five mainland
progress is becoming increasingly
                                        earlier Listening and Dialogue             state capitals. The journey will
                                        phase, thus proving that Sister Joan       continue during 2022.
In presenting the Convocation           is not alone. These have since been
the ACCCR attempted to create           lost or diluted in the production          St Vincent de Paul Society, the
an inclusive event in a church          of the Working Document for the            largest lay church organisation, has
dominated by silos and divided          PC, which diluted the urgency              an important seat at the PC table
geographically and functionally.        and sense of proportion and                through its National President.
Communication within the church         crisis found among the earlier             A broader conversation can be
is one of our great challenges as a     submissions.                               conducted nation-wide with
community, one that has not been                                                   PC members by all individual
                                        Sister Joan’s address was wide-
met to any significant degree with                                                 members of the Society. There has
                                        ranging and pulled few punches.
regular church-going Catholics,                                                    been a loss of momentum and we
                                        She called for a ‘mountain-climbing
much less others.                                                                  can all play a part in re-invigorating
                                        people’ who aspired to personal
                                                                                   the PC process.
The greeting offered at the             conversion and who challenged
Convocation by Archbishop               established institutions to be brave       Recent media coverage here. R
Mark Coleridge, president of            leaders. Her future church is one
the Australian Catholic Bishops         in which hierarchy and clericalism         Professor John Warhurst is Emeritus
                                                                                   Professor of Political Science at the
Conference, was an important            is replaced with equality for lay          Australian National University, Chair of
appeal to the broader church,           people and one in which women              Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn
clerical, religious and lay. So is      take their rightfully equal place;         and a Member of the Plenary Council.

                                                                    S T V I N C E N T D E PA U L S O C I E T Y A U S T R A L I A   11
plenary council

                    Author continues to
                    ‘wrestle with the hierarchy’
                      The following is an edited version
                      of an introductory address by
                      journalist Genevieve Jacobs
                      at theasMay
rhurst’s unique perspective            2021
                                 a Church       launch of the
                                                                    WRESTLING WITH THE CHURCH HIERARCHY
at he walks a fine line. As anWrestling       with
                               insider, he works     thetheChurch
n many leadership and    governance roles;
                      Hierarchy:           as an outsider,
                                       Engaging       with he the
 er groups and lobbies for change through both Church and
                      Plenary Council and Beyond
am media.
                      (Garratt Publishing) by John
g with the Church Hierarchy      is a personal account of

 g to come to grips with the power structure of the Church
 of necessary reform of those structures. As a forceful but
                                        hen I think about being
nding critic, John shows no fear or favour when dealing
rch authorities. He is adamant that theaChurch
                                           Catholic,      I return
                                                   needs many
men in leadership positions, greaterto   laysimilar      places
                                              participation in  as,
nsible governance, and perhaps,
                          much moremany
                                      extensiveof   you do.
untability in all aspects of Church affairs, including finance

munications.           I remember, as many of you do,
                    a culture, a world, a way of being
                       that was       distinctively       Australian and
                                                                                                                                           WITH THE
siders the Plenary Council    2021-2022   a crucial once-in-a-
n opportunity to advance    these reforms.
                       Catholic.           But it’s not
                                      A world           the only
                                                     that   formed and
ity. John’s message is that the time for dioceses and parishes
                       shaped so many of us.
uce reforms is now.
                    What is left? What, now, is left?
                    An empty vessel? All sound and
                                                                                                                                           engaging with the
                                                                         JOHN WARHURST

                    fury, signifying nothing? How                                                                                          Plenary Council
                    has the promise of Vatican II                                                                                          & beyond
                    ebbed away?
                    It’s been a hard decade or two,
                    hasn’t it?
                      We’ve learned that the church
                      of our childhoods concealed
                      monstrous sins of commission
                                                                                                             JOHN WARHURST
                      and omission, sins literally beyond
                      our imagining.
dd 1                                                                                                                                                         4/03/2021 9:58:55 AM

                    In following Christ’s gospel of                                                       in this country until its voice        Catholic schools burst at the
                    radical equality and humanity                                                         may be no more than a ghost            seams with children, both
                    we’ve discovered we are no longer                                                     on the wind, sighing away across       Catholic and not, whose
                    willing to accept that as Orwell                                                      the water.                             parents want them to be
                    would have it, all animals are                                                                                               morally grounded, taught
                                                                                                          But at its head we see a leadership
                    equal but some are more equal                                                                                                compassion and regard for
                                                                                                          often more willing to batten down
                    than others… that many of us will                                                                                            others, and educated well as
                                                                                                          the hatches than to admit that it is
                    always be deeply, intrinsically, and                                                                                         whole human beings.
                                                                                                          catastrophically wounded, that the
                    no matter what we do and what
                                                                                                          water is rushing in on every side.     A generation is being shaped
                    our human gifts are… less than.
                                                                                                                                                 by those values – while being
                                                                                                          John’s book argues precisely this:
                    We have seen a seemingly                                                                                                     unlikely to call themselves
                                                                                                          that the hierarchical Australian
                    impregnable social edifice crumble                                                                                           Catholics – including perhaps
                                                                                                          church is now all but fatally flawed
                    before our eyes under the weight                                                                                             my own children, who are great
                                                                                                          because of its failure at multiple
                    of those realisations.                                                                                                       on the social justice values, less
                                                                                                          levels to commit to the principles
                                                                                                                                                 aligned to the actual faith.
                    The Church of two thousand                                                            of equality, transparency and
                    years, the church so big and                                                          truthfulness that are central to       Catholic hospitals and Catholic
                    beautiful and sprawling in all its                                                    Australian life, and commonly held     social services are vigorous and
                    mad rich diversity and spectacular                                                    values by the whole Australian         much-loved providers of essential
                    embroidered history is shrivelling                                                    community.                             human care, underpinned by

                    12     THE RECORD | WINTER 2021
respect for fundamental human            the linen, doing the flowers…               moment by listening to God and
dignity, as are agencies like Caritas    running the confirmation classes…           by listening to one another’s stories
and Vinnies – among the most             providing Scripture lessons…                of faith.
trusted names in Australia.              secretarial services… and staffing St
                                         Vincent de Paul…                            In 2020, more than 280 members
Over the past 20 years church                                                        for the Plenary Council of Australia
attendance among Catholics               But of course, the highest advisory         were announced, including
born in Australia and other              levels in the church are occupied           members nominated by dioceses,
English-speaking countries has           by men and men only and will, by            eparchies, ordinariates, leaders
almost halved. One third of those        virtue of our bodies alone, always          of religious congregations, some
attending are between 60 and             exclude women. Always. We are               church ministries and a personal
74; Mass attendance on a typical         made in the image of Christ, except         prelature to represent local
Sunday is 11.8 per cent of Catholics     when it comes to leadership.
(9.5 per cent of men and less than
                                         John says that we need much
6 per cent of those aged between                                                     Interesting language about the
                                         greater lay participation and co-
20 and 34).                                                                          entire people of God – thanks
                                         responsible governance – and this
                                         in a church where vocations have            to six years of classics with the
What growth there is happens
among people of non-English              slowed to a trickle for decades and         nuns, I’m fairly sure I know who
speaking backgrounds – and               where many religious orders are in          the eparchies and ordinariates
arguably that is also subject to         danger of complete extinction.              are, and personal prelatures… but
generational change.                                                                 those words alone speak to who is
                                         And yet, recent responses from              preparing these documents quite
I sometimes look around me on            the Australian Catholic Bishops             strongly on their own.
Saturday nights at Sacred Heart          Conference to the Light from the
Cootamundra and count who will           Southern Cross report on Co-                John says of himself that he wants
be left in another 20 years.             Responsible Governance in the               to be an optimist rather than a
                                         Catholic Church in Australia say            nag – and to use the good old
Wrestling with the Hierarchy is an
                                         that the hierarchical structure of          Australian phrase – good luck with
attempt to dig deeply into what
                                         the church remains a given… that            that in the current situation.
is going so wrong – and whether
                                         there can be no really substantial
there is any hope for change.                                                        There are capable, intelligent and
                                         change even where willing, able,
It comes from the perspective of         qualified and committed lay people          passionately committed people
someone whose loyalty to the             stand ready to serve.                       waiting to serve and that must
Church is unquestioned but not                                                       be good for the church as a
                                         John says that we need greater              whole – and among them priests,
unquestioning – and as a journalist
                                         transparency and accountability             lay people and religious, deeply
I am bound to repeat what all of
                                         in all aspects of Church                    motivated by love and service.
you know – that there is no more
                                         affairs including finance and
valuable person than the one who                                                     The goodness of the church in the
                                         communications – and this in a
asks hard questions born of love.                                                    heart of its people is still palpable,
                                         church that has concealed the most
John makes, in this book, such           grievous criminal acts of abuse and         evidenced by their refusal to give
fundamental arguments that they          often attempted to compensate               up caring, fighting and hoping – if
would seem nonsensical if applied        for them, when caught out,                  only somebody would listen.
to any other institution in Australia.   with derisory sums for the lives
                                                                                     Controversial Benedictine nun
He says that we need many more                                                       Sister Joan Chittister recently told
women in leadership positions            In October 2021, the Catholic               the Australasian Catholic Coalition
– and this in a church that is,          Church in Australia will gather for         for Church Reform that, ‘There
practically speaking, run by women       the first Assembly of the Plenary           are one of two ways that this can
in this country who represent more       Council to be held since the                end. The bishops can embrace
than 60% of most congregations.          second Vatican Council.                     the concerns and the need for
Kristina Keneally [NSW Senator]          We are told… that when the                  resolution or they continue to
has been urging women for some           decision to hold a Plenary                  ignore the laity – at which point the
time to consider the impact of           Council was announced, the                  church will someday wake up in
withdrawing their volunteer labour.      entire People of God in Australia           the morning and find out that the
Imagine if we stopped washing            began preparing for this historic           church is in fact gone.’ R

                                                                      S T V I N C E N T D E PA U L S O C I E T Y A U S T R A L I A   13
plenary council

The following address was delivered by John Warhurst at the launch
of his book Wrestling with the Church Hierarchy: Engaging with the
Plenary Council and Beyond (Garratt Publishing).

I   t has been a wrestle and
    the church authorities are
    unapologetically hierarchical.
The bishops are commonly
referred to as the hierarchy. That
                                                                                                                  support the status quo and,
                                                                                                                  frequently as church employees, are
                                                                                                                  very close to the bishops.
                                                                                                                  Many bishops have an idea of the
explains the book’s title.                                                                                        PC far removed from our own.
                                                                                                                  They look askance at anything
I first used this image in 2018 in                                                                                that resembles a voice for Catholic
an article, which is included in                                                                                  people and play the spiritual card
the book, called ‘Mud Wrestling

                                                                          PHOTO: COURTESY OF THE CANBERRA TIMES
                                                                                                                  to dampen aspirations where
the Catholic Elephant’. It was a                                                                                  necessary.
mixed metaphor. I had in mind
various parables about the mouse                                                                                  What we may have going for us is
and the elephant to describe                                                                                      that if the PC is an absolute disaster
the unequal tussle between                                                                                        the image of the church and the
lay Catholics and the church                                                                                      hierarchy will suffer even more.
hierarchy. I also had in mind the                                                                                 They will have to manufacture an
difficulty of coming to grips with                                                                                outcome which looks like progress.
the hierarchy, given its complex                                                                                  Our challenge and opportunity
power structures and built-in                                                                                     is to cut through the spin and
                                     John Warhurst
defence mechanisms.                                                                                               to demand real substance to the
Getting a grip (another wrestling                                                                                 outcomes.
metaphor) is very difficult          longer willing to be ‘seen but not
                                     heard’. In speaking out I believe                                            My advice to reformers is to take
because the subject matter is                                                                                     every opportunity and certainly
                                     I am fair-minded and balanced.
slippery.                                                                                                         do not wait for PC outcomes. Our
                                     That is what my Canberra Times
It was Doug Hynd, a Baptist          readers frequently say when they                                             goals of equality for women, co-
friend who reminded me               have given me feedback over the                                              responsibility for lay Catholics and
that ‘wrestling’ has a biblical      past 23 years. There can be no                                               accountability and transparency in
dimension. In the Book of            greater compliment.                                                          all church affairs, including finance
Genesis Jacob wrestled with an                                                                                    and communications, can be
Angel and came away with a           Engagement with the                                                          argued for at parish and diocesan
blessing, a new name and a limp.     Plenary Council                                                              level without waiting for national,
Doug hopes that I get a blessing                                                                                  much less international action.
out of the book, even if it does     The first Plenary Council
not come from the bishops.           Assembly is in early October                                                 The bishops have said exactly that
Luckily, I don’t yet have a limp.    to be followed by a second                                                   in their official response to The
                                     in July 2022. We still do not                                                Light from the Southern Cross and
Wrestling has many dimensions                                                                                     we should hold them to it.
and the renewal movement has         really know how it will operate,
explored them all: face to face,     though its general dimensions                                                Lay reformers must also help create
correspondence, submissions,         have been outlined. The                                                      an atmosphere within the church
                                     Training Sessions for the 280                                                in which religious and clergy are
forums and media.
                                     Members may make some                                                        given a licence and freedom to
It is also tiring because it just    things clearer as will the PC
goes on and on. The church                                                                                        be themselves free of hierarchical
                                     Agenda, which has been agreed
hierarchy moves slowly if at                                                                                      pressures. Within that healthy
                                     by the bishops and should be
all in response to the voices of                                                                                  atmosphere alliances can be built
                                     released early in June.
lay Catholics. One example is                                                                                     across the church and progress
our call for a Diocesan Pastoral     The job is in front of us. The                                               made.
Council in Canberra-Goulburn.        church is an almost immovable
                                     object. The PC process is                                                    We will all be better off. R
It is now or never for the           controlled by the church
generation of Vatican Two.           hierarchy and is tipped against                                              Professor John Warhurst is Emeritus
                                                                                                                  Professor of Political Science at the
Age brings confidence but also       lay people, who are in a clear                                               Australian National University, Chair of
urgency. I am 73 now and older       minority. Even among lay people                                              Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn
than most of the bishops. I am no    there are some who fervently                                                 and a Member of the Plenary Council.

Online conversation on the
Church’s ‘future roadmap’

                                                                                                                                        PHOTO: NEONBRAND ON UNSPLASH
I   n the lead-up to the Plenary
    Council and beyond Catholic
    Religious Australia (CRA)
will be hosting a series of online
conversations based on the report
                                       purpose of exploring the Report
                                       is to promote co-responsibility in
                                       the governance of the Church –
                                       reframing how the Church works:
                                       ‘A conversation can be a catalyst for
The Light from the Southern            change and renewal and help to
Cross: Promoting Co-Responsible        transform culture and institutions.’
Governance in the Catholic Church
in Australia.                          Anne Walker, CRA’s National
                                       Executive Director, added,
The series will commence on            ‘This online conversation is
Wednesday 7 July 2021 and focus        an opportunity for reflective
on ‘Mission and Church’, the first     engagement with the document. It
of three themes from the report        opens the way for questions such
selected for discussion during
                                       as, who are you called to be in the
the upcoming year. The other
                                       Church at this time? What are the
themes are Co-responsibility and
                                       possibilities for growth within the
Accountability & Synodality.
                                       Church? What gifts do you bring?’           Melissa Dwyer FDCC, Congregational
Published in August 2020 the                                                       Leader of the Canossian Daughters
report is regarded as an important     The first Mission and Church                of Charity and Spiritual Adviser for
                                       session will be held online on              St Vincent de Paul Society, Queensland.
contribution to the life and mission                                               She will speak at the Mission and Church
of the Church in Australia, and as a   Wednesday 7 July from 9.00am to             session at the Light from the Southern
                                       2.00pm (AEST). The speakers are Fr          Cross – Catalyst for Conversation.
roadmap for the Church’s future.
                                       Richard Lennan, John Warhurst AO
‘The Report is a valuable resource     and Melissa Dwyer FDDC.
and in light of the Plenary Council,
the timing is right for the People     The two other themes will be
of God to reflect on the themes in     discussed before the second
the Report and discern what those      assembly of the Plenary Council
themes mean to them,’ said CRA         in July 2022.
President Br Peter Carroll FMS.
                                       Please read the report and
Br Peter explained that the            supporting documents here. R

                                                                    S T V I N C E N T D E PA U L S O C I E T Y A U S T R A L I A   15
our advocacy | R O S E B E Y N O N

‘Big spending’ Budget ignores
many and entrenches disadvantage

T       he 2021 Federal Budget
        has been acclaimed in
        some quarters for boosting
funding in areas such as social
services – not least because of
pressures resulting from a damning
Royal Commission into aged care –
training and job subsidies and
tax refunds for low and middle-
income earners.
Noting that the government had
parked its antipathy for ‘debt
and deficit’, commentators wryly
labelled it a ‘big spending Labor
budget’, wondering if the infamous

                                                                                                                                          PHOTO: AAP IMAGE/LUKAS COCH
souvenir mugs should be revived
with a new message, ‘Back in Red’.
It is true that considerable funding
has been directed to some areas
long neglected (aged care again,
along with disability services) and
that Australia’s economy is now in
better shape than predicted, even       Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg holds up the 2021/22 Budget papers ahead of delivering his
                                        post Budget Press Club address at Parliament House in Canberra, Wednesday, May 12, 2021.
by Treasury’s cautious forecasts.
But given this budget may be
                                        produce positive outcomes and                    real terms, of government funding
the last before the next federal        improve the quality of life.                     over the last 20 years.
election, how does it stack up in
terms of addressing the significant     We know that not every new                       An increase of $4.4 billion per
social policy issues likely to face     spending dollar or tax change will               year for aged care represents ten
Australia in a post pandemic world,     deliver the same impact on the                   percent of the annual total budget
especially as it commits current and    economy and the mix of spending                  spend and addresses existing
future taxpayers to addressing $1.0     and tax cuts matters.                            needs only. Australia’s current
trillion (and rising) in debt?          Further, spending alone is unlikely              spending on aged care, expressed
To answer this question, we turn        to increase the supply, reduce                   as a percentage of gross domestic
to The Rule and Catholic Social         the cost or improve the quality of               product, is relatively low compared
Teaching Principles to determine        social services. There is a risk that            with many other OECD countries.
whether government policy,              without long-term and systemic                   In fact, an additional $10 billion
spending and fiscal decisions           reform, subsidies will simply end                per year is needed to implement
support a just, compassionate           up benefitting the providers of
                                                                                         the Royal Commission’s
and equitable society, whilst           such services, rather than those
                                                                                         recommendations. With a view
maintaining the dignity of the          reliant upon them.
                                                                                         to sourcing such funding, the
person, the population’s human                                                           Commission reported public
rights and responsibilities,            Aged care                                        support for a levy (through taxation)
economic justice, participation and                                                      to ensure that all Australians would
                                        The Royal Commission into Aged
the preferential option for the poor.                                                    be able to access quality aged care
                                        Care Quality and Safety made 148
It is incumbent on governments          recommendations for fundamental                  when it is needed. However, both
to expend revenue in a way that         reform. It found that a major                    the Government and the Opposition
prioritises those most in need          contributor to the substandard care              have rejected an ‘aged care levy’
and on policies and services that       experienced by so many older                     and failed to identify an ongoing
are evidence-based, deemed to           Australians was the decrease, in                 and reliable funding source, making

it difficult to see how accessibility,   and equates to an extra $50 per             Home Guarantee, First Home
staffing and quality of service can      fortnight for income recipients.            Super Saver and Family Home
be improved over time.                   Even with this increase and a lifting       Guarantee. However, the Family
                                         of the income cap to $150 per               Home Guarantee will assist only
Childcare                                fortnight, a single person is still         one-in-100 single parent families.
                                         around $134 per fortnight below
A boost of $0.8 billion per year for                                                 In the last three months, one-in-six
                                         the relative poverty line.
childcare represents two percent                                                     Australians has been unable to pay
                                         Just over one million people                their rent or mortgage on time. The
of the annual total budget spend
                                         currently receive JobSeeker, which          reality is that affordable housing
and will assist one-in-four families.
                                         is approximately one-third more             has become out of reach for the
Universal access to preschool will
                                         than before the pandemic (725,000           average Australian, with 57 percent
be available for four-year-olds and
                                         in February 2020). Around two-              feeling unable to afford to buy
some improvements have been
                                         thirds of these people have been            their own place and 32 percent
made to the Child Care Subsidy.
                                         on the payment for more than                thinking they will never be able to
However, costs of early education
                                         one year (735,000). It is estimated         afford home ownership.
have continued to rise, with the
                                         that with JobSeeker payments
national average up from $508 in                                                     More Australians are moving into
                                         returning to almost pre-pandemic
2019 to $525 per week in 2020.                                                       homelessness today than ever
                                         levels, approximately 85 percent
The Labor Party’s Cheaper Child          of recipients will be forced back           before and half a million social
Care plan goes further by lifting        into poverty. Australia is a wealthy        and affordable homes are needed
the Child Care Subsidy rate to 90        country, yet we have one of the             right now.
percent for all families, not just       lowest rates of unemployment                Some $2.3 billion per year
those with more than one child in        payment in the OECD – the second            represents five percent of the
care, which is the Government’s          lowest behind Greece.                       annual total budget spend.
limitation.                              One million children were affected          This has been committed to
Research shows that the first            by the cuts to the Coronavirus              infrastructure projects, on top of
1000 days are critical to a              supplement last year and we know            the $110 billion already committed
child’s development. Vulnerable          that children living in poverty suffer      over 10 years to the National
children such as those from              effects far wider than just their           Infrastructure Plan. Yet nothing
low-socioeconomic backgrounds,           material basics. They are 1.7 times         substantial has been allocated
remote communities and those             more likely to face food insecurity,        to increase social and affordable
living with a disability would           nearly twice as likely to lack good         housing even though investment
benefit the most, yet they are           relationships with friends and almost       in social housing also generates
not accessing early learning. The        two and a half times more likely to         jobs and stimulates the economy,
current activity test excludes           be missing out on learning at home.         with every dollar spent estimated
children from early education                                                        to boost GDP by $1:30.
                                         Neither the Government nor
when parents and carers do not           the Opposition has committed                The Australian Labor Party
meet minimum work or study               to increasing the base rate of              promises that in government it
requirements. It should be scrapped      JobSeeker to ensure that people are         would commit $10 billion to a
to ensure vulnerable children are        not forced to live in poverty while         Housing Australia Future Fund
able to access 30 hours of free care     looking for work.                           to create 30,000 new social and
each week.                                                                           affordable homes.
                                         Poverty makes it difficult for a
The dignity of every person,             person to live a life commensurate          Human rights and responsibilities
whether young or old, is a               with dignity. Preferential care             must be met to protect human
foundation of Catholic Social            should be shown to vulnerable and           dignity and foster a healthy
Teaching and this dignity should         marginalised people.                        community. Every person has a
not be compromised.                                                                  fundamental right to the things
                                         Housing and homelessness                    required for human decency –
JobSeeker                                                                            starting with food, shelter and
                                         Equal remuneration order funding            clothing, employment, health care,
Some $2.3 billion per year for           for specialist homelessness services        and education.
JobSeeker represents five percent        is welcomed ($56.7 million), as is
of the annual total budget spend         support available through the New                                  continued on page 18 

                                                                      S T V I N C E N T D E PA U L S O C I E T Y A U S T R A L I A   17
our advocacy | R O S E B E Y N O N

continued from page 17

People seeking asylum
and newly-arrived
Funding has been cut for people
seeking asylum, while newly-
arrived residents are penalised
by being made to wait four
years before they can access
most income support payments.
Settlement services that support
migrants and refugees to build
a new life will not receive equal
remuneration order funding.

                                                                                                                          PHOTO: MICHAEL ON UNSPLASH
The Status Resolution Support
Service program, one of the
few programs that make regular
payments to help people meet
basic living costs while waiting to
hear about their immigration status,
has received a 76 percent cut in
funding since 2017-18. Yet nearly
$812 million will be spent on the        and infrastructure, with older        but much more needs to be done.
offshore immigration processing          women largely ignored.                An assessment of average cost for
system next year, or just under $3.4                                           each additional job created by this
million for each of the 239 people       The sum of $30.2 billion per
                                                                               Budget within the next two years
now held on Nauru or in Papua            year represents 70 percent of the
                                                                               shows that jobs in childcare, aged
New Guinea.                              annual total budget spend and this
                                         has been committed to personal        and disability care and mental
Neither the Government nor the           and business tax cuts. Research       health are low-cost options (at
Opposition has committed to              identifies the gendered impact of     $50,000, $70,000 and $100,000
providing additional support to          this commitment largely because       respectively), while jobs generated
people seeking asylum or newly-          (as at November 2020) women           through business and personal
arrived residents.                       earn 13.4 percent less than men.      tax cuts and infrastructure projects
                                                                               are high-cost options ($345,000 to
The dignity of people seeking            Stages 2 and 3 of the tax cuts will   $507,000).
asylum must be upheld. This is           further entrench this inequality
removed from all those held in           because they benefit higher income    While this can be largely attributed
indefinite detention where they          earners, with men estimated to        to the undervaluing of care labour,
are unable to participate in the         save five times as much money         further investment is also needed
economic, political, and cultural life   as women (on average $2,989 per       to support important and vital
of society. Any time in detention        year compared to $637 per year).      services provided by the female-
should be strictly limited to that       Business tax incentives are also      dominated care workforce.
required to assess people’s health       focussed mainly on business write-    The Catholic Social Teaching
and security status.                     offs that advantage predominantly     principle of economic justice
                                         male, trade-related workforces.       states that the economy must
Women                                    Finally, women dominate the care      serve people, not the other way
                                         workforce, which is underpaid,        around. All workers have a right
This budget has been touted as one                                             to productive work, to decent and
                                         insecure and supported by
that delivers for women but the                                                fair wages and to safe working
                                         insufficient investment.
National Foundation for Australian                                             conditions. R
Women and the Australian Council         The Budget provided some
of Social Services conclude that         much-needed relief in the form        Rose Beynon is National Director Policy
most of the expenditure has gone         of training for new home care         and Research, St Vincent de Paul Society
to personal and business tax cuts        workers and nursing scholarships,     National Council.

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