Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation - 20 In The Face Of Evolving Threats 32 Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier 44 A Lifestyle ...

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Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation - 20 In The Face Of Evolving Threats 32 Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier 44 A Lifestyle ...
Unlocking Value
Through Digital

            20 • In The Face Of Evolving Threats
            32 • Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier
            44 • A Lifestyle Within Reach
Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation - 20 In The Face Of Evolving Threats 32 Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier 44 A Lifestyle ...
Hasivini Manaoogaran
Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation - 20 In The Face Of Evolving Threats 32 Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier 44 A Lifestyle ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           3 | FLOW MAGAZINE
                                                                                                                                                With this first edition of Flow in 2018,                propelling Malaysia’s economic growth and
                                                                                                                                                we are reaffirming our foot in the future and           competitiveness, the Pengerang Integrated
                                                                                                                                                solidifying our forays into the world of tomorrow.      Complex (PIC) in Johor’s larger Pengerang
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Integrated Petroleum Complex (PIPC) is set to
                                                                                                                                                Time waits for no man, they say, and in the Oil, Gas    position Malaysia as the hub for petrochemicals
                                                                                                                                                & Energy industry, this couldn’t be more true. For      in Asia within the next two decades. We talked
                                                                                                                                                the past few years, we at PETRONAS have been            to three experienced professionals from our
                                                                                                                                                 encouraging our employees to embrace change            petrochemicals business to learn more about
                                                                                                                                                  in an effort to ensure that we move in tandem         this next frontier.
                                                                                                                                                   with the ever evolving world. There were things
                                                                                                                                                    we had to unlearn and relearn in embracing          It’s impossible to talk about our tomorrow
                                                                                                                                                    fresh ways and ideas.                               without a mention of natural gas. As the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        national oil and gas company, our responsibility
                                                                                                                                                   Aptly, in the cover story, we delve into the
                         Unlocking Value
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to manage and add value to the country’s
                                                                                                                                                   realm of Digitalisation and look at how, by          resources have given us the opportunity to
                                                                                                                                                   understanding and analysing the science
                         Through Digital                                                                                                           behind data, we are able to surface that
                                                                                                                                                                                                        understand the need for a more sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                                        world. It’s no longer a choice but rather a

                         Transformation                                                                                                           additional value in our business and operations.
                                                                                                                                                   As the industry shifts landscape, we are left with
                                                                                                                                                                                                        necessity to #SwitchtoGas for us to achieve

                                                                                                     ON THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                        that goal together and leave a better world for
                                                                                                                                                    no choice but to always be on the lookout for       future generations. To better understand how
                                                                                                                                                     new ways to add more value to the natural          crucial clean air is, we sat down with Dr Helmy

                                                                                                                                                      resources entrusted to us.                        Haja Mydin, Consultant Respiratory Physician
                                                                                                                                                                                                        at the Twin Towers Medical Centre and Pantai
                                                                                                                                                                    However, no change is without       Hospital Kuala Lumpur, and co-founder of
                                                                                                                                                                       its threats and challenges.      Asthma Malaysia.
                                                                                                                                                                         While 20 years have
                                                                                                                                                                          seen a lot of changes         And who better to vouch for the importance of
                                                                                                                                                                           to the sector’s security     air quality than those who are physically active
                                                                                                                                                                            landscape, new forms        outdoors. We met with six of our employees
                                                                                                     The advent of new technologies has                                      of more impactful          who have made it a lifestyle to exercise out
                                                                                                     truly transformed the way we do things                                   threats like terrorism,   in the open air. Having breathed different air
                                                                                                                                                                               cyberattacks, piracy     across the globe, they have the advantage of
                                                                                                     across our businesses— marking the
                                                                                                                                                                                and hijacking of        knowing what fresh and clean air feels like.
                                                       20 • In The Face Of Evolving Threats          dawn of Digitalisation. We will see more                                    vessels, militancy
                                                       32 • Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier
                                                       44 • A Lifestyle Within Reach                 values being unlocked, setting the                                           and community         In this issue too, we rounded up our Corporate
                                                                                                                                                                                   protests have        Social Responsibility (CSR) activities at the
                                                                                                     course for the future where a cleaner,                                         been making         end of last year when Malaysia was struck
                                                                                                     more sustainable world awaits.                                                  waves in this      with heavy downpours, causing floods in
                                                                                                                                                                                      industry.         some areas in the country. It was a time
                                                                                                                                                                                      These             when Malaysians’ spirit of unity prevailed as
                                                                                                                                                                                      threats are       volunteers from all across the nation lent a
                                                                                                                                                                                       discussed and    helping hand to lessen the hardship of the
                                                                                                                                                                                       elaborated in    flood victims.
                                                                                                                                                                                      this issue.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        We look forward to sharing more stories with
                                                                                                                                                                                     As we step         you in our coming issues. Until then, I hope
                                                                                                                                                                                    further into the    you find this one enlightening and refreshing.
                                                                                                                                                                                 future, we take a      Enjoy your read, and of course, I would love
                                                                                                                                                                               peek at the world        to hear from you. Do drop us an email at
                    Editor-in-Chief                                                                                                                                          of petrochemicals. In      flow@petronas.com for feedback and queries.
                    Zahariah (Liza) Abdul Rahman

                    Editorial Committee
                    Lita Osman • Azura Hashim Kamal • Praevitriana Yuliawiratman • Lili Suryani M Idris
                    M Harizal Kamdin • Nursyaza Nadiah Ahmad Marzuki • Chelvi Kathirgamatamby • Nur Hidayah Mazlan

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Zahariah (Liza) Abdul Rahman
                    Sreerema Banoo • Jacqueline Pereira • Brigitte Rozario
Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation - 20 In The Face Of Evolving Threats 32 Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier 44 A Lifestyle ...

Editor’s Note								03

Managing Climate Change - Why Not Gas?		         06

Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation   10

In The Face Of Evolving Threats				              20

Eastern Promises: Strength Through Unity		       28

Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier			        32

That Particulate Matter by Dr Helmy Haja Mydin			40

A Lifestyle Within Reach						44

The Ties That Bind							56
Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation - 20 In The Face Of Evolving Threats 32 Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier 44 A Lifestyle ...

                    Managing Climate Change
                    Why Not Gas?
                          By TK Tamby

                    Climate change - no matter how you spin it, the stark image
                    of melting ice sheets tells you that it’s real. And the oil and
                    gas (O&G) industry often finds itself stuck between the need
                    to fulfill voracious energy demand and not destroying the
                    environment in the process.

                                                           Despite its faults, can the O&G sector
                                                           provide a remedy to reduce the
                                                           amount of greenhouse gasses (GHG)
                                                           spewed into the atmosphere? Though
                                                           renewables are hailed as the panacea
                                                           for all that ails the environment, there is
                                                           a ready solution with a largely untapped
                                                           potential of reducing GHG emissions.
                                                           This solution is natural gas.

                                                           Granted, it is still a fossil fuel - however,
                                                           it is low carbon. When natural gas burns,
                                                           it produces 50 per cent less carbon
                                                           dioxide (CO2) than coal and 30 per cent
                                                           less than oil.

                                                           Though an obvious choice, there is
                                                           considerable resistance especially from
                                                           parties peddling other options for fuel.
                                                           The number one argument against
                                                           natural gas is that it consists purely of
                                                           methane – a GHG 21 times more potent
                                                           than CO2.
Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation - 20 In The Face Of Evolving Threats 32 Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier 44 A Lifestyle ...

                    However, methane is a fuel that burns      For inherited or legacy assets designed      the immense potential of natural gas.
                    completely, emitting significantly less    more than 20 years ago, methane              Apart from electricity, it can be used as
                    CO2 - the primary GHG as well as           is monetised in facilities with gas          a fuel for any mode of transportation.
                    Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide– the     evacuation infrastructure. As for fugitive   Natural gas vehicles (NGVs) are not
                    precursor of acid rain. Additionally,      emissions, PETRONAS has put in place a       zero-emission but their environmental,
                    natural gas produces no smog-creating      Leak Detection and Repair Programme.         economic and availability advantages
                    ash and particulate matter, which affect                                                make them a realistic alternative to
                    health and visibility.                     There has been increased investments         vehicles running on fossil fuels.
                                                               in research aimed at improving the
                    The global methane emission is roughly     industry’s ability to detect methane         The reduction of pollution would be
                    split between anthropogenic and natural    leaks, improve emissions reporting and       a much welcome change for cities
                    sources. Anthropogenic methane             enhance efforts to reduce emissions. Late    shrouded in thick smog. The city of
                    sources include agriculture, energy        last year, the Canadian government           Lanzhou in China, once described as a
                    production, landfills and waste water.     announced an investment of C$5.3             city you can’t see from satellite due to
                    According to the US Environmental          million for seven projects aimed at          dense smog, managed to improve its air
                    Protection Agency, agriculture accounts    tackling methane emissions in the oil and    quality after switching from coal to gas.
                    for more than 50 per cent of total         gas sector.
                    anthropogenic emission followed by                                                      At present, natural gas is
                    O&G supply chain, which accounts           PETRONAS has pumped RM275 million
                    for around 20 per cent of emission -       into carbon reduction measures since
                                                                                                            the most viable solution to
                    mostly, fugitive emission from leaks       2013, which has contributed to an            reduce our carbon footprint
                    along the value chain.                     8 million-tonne reduction of CO2             and improve air quality.
                                                               equivalent emission.                         Whilst renewables are in the
                    Natural emissions of methane are
                    attributable to amongst others, wetland,   The push to reduce GHG emission is           spotlight, its viability calls
                    natural seeps, animals and vegetation      not only motivated by the need to meet       for time, large investments
                    decay.                                     multiple environmental goals, but also       as well as political and
                                                               to curb revenue loss. According to a
                                                               2015 article by Forbes, global oil and gas
                                                                                                            social will. Furthermore, the
                    Over the years, there has been
                    tremendous effort by oil majors to         industries allow as much as 3.6 trillion     intermittency of renewables
                    cut methane emissions. In the case         cubic feet of natural gas to escape,         in generating energy when
                    of PETRONAS, as part of its Carbon         representing at least USD30 billion in       the wind blows and the sun
                    Commitment, the Group has imposed          revenue loss.
                    a mandatory requirement of no
                                                                                                            shines requires a reliable
                    continuous venting and flaring of          Resistance on the basis of methane           and compatible partner, like
                    methane in the design of new facilities.   leak should not stop us from unlocking       natural gas.
Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation - 20 In The Face Of Evolving Threats 32 Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier 44 A Lifestyle ...

                     Unlocking Value Through
                      Digital Transformation

                                                                                Digital is enabling and disrupting the    the fuel of the future, a May 2017 article     behind 180) of data will exist.
                                                                                way we work. The impact of the digital    in The Economist reported. The same
                                                                                revolution for organisations depends      article reveals that data is to this century   Such data flows have not only created
                                                                                on digital transformation. It propels     what oil was to the previous one.              new businesses like Grab, WeChat
                                                                                the creation of differentiated business                                                  and AirBnB, but relentlessly propel
                                                                                models based on unique digital assets,    “Data is the most valuable resource in         all businesses to transform. Big Data,
                                                                                where organisations are able to           this digital age, the driving force behind     Internet of Things (IoT), Analytics,
                                                                                leverage the power of data to optimise    growth and change,” emphasised Wan             Artificial Intelligence (AI) and High-
                                                                                production and deliver new value. This    Shamilah Saidi, PETRONAS’ Chief Digital        Performance Computing (HPC) are
                                                                                allows them to increase operational       Officer in her talk, The Power of Data,        no longer buzzwords capturing the
                                                                                effectiveness, make the right strategic   as part of the Brown Bag Series for            imagination, but are today’s reality.
                                                                                decisions and reinvent their business     PETRONAS staff in 2017.

                                                                                New opportunities arise with digital,     So When Did Data                               PETRONAS’ Activity Outlook 2018-
                                                                                                                                                                         2020 states clearly that to heighten
                                                                                resulting in novel value propositions     Become So Definitive?                          the industry’s resilience, sustainable
                                                     A radical rethink of how   to draw insights from data. In offering
                                                                                solutions around integration and new
                                                                                                                                                                         competitiveness must prevail.
                                                                                                                          Digital information is unlike any              Industry 4.0’s next level will further
                                                     organisations leverage     services to capture this emerging         previous resource. Currently 2.7               open up market players to intense
                                                     digital to fundamentally   value, we should view data as an asset,
                                                                                leveraged to generate value and drive
                                                                                                                          zettabytes of data exist in the digital        global competition. “To thrive in this
                                                                                                                          universe, 90 per cent of it created in the     challenging environment, technology
                                                     change ways of             precision in decision-making.             last two years, driven by exponential          is key for us to unlock value and deliver
                                                     working.                   Data is giving rise to a new economy as
                                                                                                                          technological advances. It is predicted        sustainable solutions for our industry,”
                                                                                                                          that by 2025, 180 zettabytes (21 zeros         says Mazuin Ismail, PETRONAS’ Senior

                             By Jacqueline Pereira
Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation - 20 In The Face Of Evolving Threats 32 Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier 44 A Lifestyle ...

                                                                                                                 n elevating digital fluency, Wan Shamilah
                                                                                                                 expects successful pilot programmes
                                                                                                                 to spread the word in their digitalisation
                                                                                                                 drive. “Our approach is not about
                                                                                                                 convincing staff, but rather immersing
                                                                                                                 them in new ways of working through
                                                                                                                 digital projects,” she states. Another
                                                                                                                 practice she promotes is ‘Fail Fast, Fail
                                                                                                                 Small,’ encouraging the digital teams
                                                                                                                 to be creative and innovative in coming

                                                                                                                 up with business solutions, working in
                                                                                                                 sprints of weeks. The aim is to develop
                                                                                                                 solutions that can be scaled Groupwide.

                                                                                                                 This empowers staff because it               proposed new way of working, however,

                                                                                                                 encourages understanding lessons             requires shared purpose and passion,
                                                                                                                 learnt, thus diminishing the fear of         without being disabled by hierarchy.
                                                                                                                 failure that can paralyse projects from      While her core team is small, she has
                                                                                                                 truly succeeding. “What matters is:          an extended team, aptly named Digital
                                                                                                                 did we learn from it? How then do we         Squad made up of digital leads in the
                                                                                                                 pivot?” She finds this journey liberating,   key business units. The Digital Squad
                                                                                                                 benefitting both talent and potential.       works hand-in-hand with businesses on
                                                                                                                                                              prioritised business pain points.
                                                                    Appointed less than a year ago and           Deciding to run digital operations in a
                                                                    backed by a lean team, Wan Shamilah is       flat, lean environment was a calculated
                                                                    responsible for driving PETRONAS’ digital    move. Digital is about bringing together     “By collapsing
                                                                    transformation. For her, digital is not
                                                                    about technology or software, but rather
                                                                                                                 multifunctional disciplines without
                                                                                                                 a limiting reporting structure. The
                                                                                                                                                              boundaries, we work
                                                                    a new way of working for over 51,000
                                                                    PETRONAS staff all around the globe.
                                                                                                                                                              smarter, collaborate
                                                                    She also foresees agile and innovative             Another practice                       better and naturally
                                                                    digital leaders using data to deliver new
                                                                    increased value, translating into higher               she promotes                       unleash creativity.”
                     Vice President of Project Delivery and         productivity and reduced costs.
                     Technology.                                                                                          is ‘Fail Fast, Fail                 She strongly believes that no hierarchy
                                                                    To be agile in adapting, we must consider                                                 exists in creativity, although their digital
                     “To put it simply, digital is the innovative   digital as the accelerator, anchored in          Small,’encouraging                       pilots are very regimented, with stage-
                                                                                                                                                              gate processes. “How can we leverage
                     way information is combined with
                     technology to raise human and machine
                                                                    business outcomes.
                                                                                                                        the digital teams                     what the data is telling us?” In a contained
                     performance,” Wan Shamilah affirms,
                     viewing the expected change not just as        “You must always be                               to be creative and                      environment, with very clear purpose
                                                                                                                                                              and scope, pilots allow digital teams to
                     digital, but as business transformation
                                                                    obsessed with solving                                     innovative...                   creatively think problems through.
                                                                    pain points. Then                                                                         In addressing growing unease about
                                                                                                                                                              machines replacing humans, and the
                     For PETRONAS, the                              everything else will                                                                      economic and social consequences, she
                                                                                                                                                              affirms that part of digital transformation
                     aim is to be a data-                           come together.”                                                                           is the opportunity for the organisation
                     driven organisation,                           “Just like oil, data is being extracted,
                                                                                                                                                              and its staff to establish new skills and
                                                                                                                                                              refresh existing ones. “We need to adapt
                     adopting new ways                              assembled, refined and used to generate
                                                                    economic activity,” the maths geek with
                                                                                                                                                              organisationally to combine wisdom and
                                                                                                                                                              challenges to benefit the wider industry.”
                     of working, to deliver                         an accounting background assured her
                                                                                                                                                              With digital entrenched in day-to-day
                                                                    audience in a sharing session, The Power
                     new value.                                     of Data in the Digital Era.                                                               work, she foresees the organisation
                                                                                                                                                              moving at a pace to push boundaries.
                     “Ultimately, we want digital to be             Guided by business priorities, the digital
                     entrenched in the way we work,                 team works closely with businesses to
                     intuitively using the tools just as we do      accelerate and enable realisation of
                     in our personal lives.”                        business goals.
Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation - 20 In The Face Of Evolving Threats 32 Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier 44 A Lifestyle ...

                     Deciphering Data                                                                                                                  Classic model:
                                                                                                                                                       statistics and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Big data analytics:
                                                                                                                                                                                                         working with text, data,
                                                                                                                                                       probability, that                                 videos, images and audio;
                                                                                                                                                       are still relevant                                examples include seismic
                     With wisdom,                                                                                                                                                                        and geographical data

                     data becomes
                     the solution.
                     Explaining his trainee data
                     scientist’s understanding of the
                     discipline, Chief Data Scientist
                     Dr Rajamani Sambasivam or Dr
                     Samba as he is mostly known
                     said, “The insights from data
                     science are going to improve the
                     knowledge or expertise in every
                     area of the organisation,” referring
                     to how the subject has helped
                     improve his own mechanical
                     engineering knowledge.

                     That is the crux of data science.
                     As an enabler, it takes what you
                     already know and leverages
                     information gained to the next
                     level with specific digital tools.     Defining Data
                                                                                                                                              Machine learning: including
                                                            rom as far back as 1962, data analysis
                                                                                                                                              algorithms like clustering,
                                                            has been debated. According to Forbes’                                                                                                       Optimisation and
                                                                                                                                              decision-tree, random forest,
                                                            A Very Short History of Data Science,                                                                                                        system simulation:
                                                                                                                                              artificial neural networks and
                                                            data scientists came into vogue when                                                                                                         propagating what-if
                                                                                                                                              deep learning algorithms
                                                            the mature discipline of statistics was                                                                                                      analysis
                                                            combined with a newer discovery –
                                                            computer science.

                                                            Dr Samba classifies data science into four
                                                            general areas:

                                                            • classic model: statistics and probability,
                                                                                                           As when Facebook identifies the person
                                                                                                           you are with in a photograph, big           Building Capability                          Can you think differently?” he asks
                                                                                                                                                                                                    potential candidates. They must not be
                                                              that are still relevant                      data analytics is already at work in the                                                 averse to mathematics and have the skill
                                                            • machine learning: including algorithms       background.                                 In leading PETRONAS’ ambitious analytics     to develop applications, programmes
                                                              like clustering, decision-tree, random                                                   practice, which aims to deliver value        and algorithms. In decreasing levels of
                                                              forest, artificial neural networks and       For Dr Samba, a mechanical engineer         across the Group’s entire value chain,       importance, he stresses, the arithmetical
                                                              deep learning algorithms                     with a PhD in fluid mechanics who           data science capability-building is a key    and coding angles can be taught. “But
                                                            • optimisation and system simulation:          has been practicing data science for        criterion. Data scientists are sourced       the personality of an exploring mindset
                                                              propagating what-if analysis                 15 years, data science is like watching     internally, as well as externally, for       is innate to an individual. That is the
                                                            • big data analytics: working with text,       movies in 3D. Unlike the more limited       more experienced personnel and fresh         most important trait of a successful data
                                                              data, videos, images and audio;              2D experience, data science offers          graduates. Other than continuous training    scientist.”
                                                              examples include seismic and                 additional depth in understanding one’s     and certification to develop this niche
                                                              geographical data                            core expertise with the third dimension.    expertise, Dr Samba is involved in project   While people are curious about the
                                                                                                           “Whatever we can’t see in our               delivery through several pilot projects.     subject, general apprehension still
                                                            Until about a decade ago, a few                experience or expertise, that third angle                                                prevails. However, they have managed
                                                            corporate giants controlled algorithms.        is brought out through data science,        Data scientists must be able to challenge    to attract internal staff with ten or
                                                            Their democratisation has now made             adding more depth to the knowledge          conventional thinking. “Are you ready to     more years’ experience to consider
                                                            these open-source tools readily available.     we have already gained.”                    explore, challenge how things are done?      pursuing data science. The team did so
Unlocking Value Through Digital Transformation - 20 In The Face Of Evolving Threats 32 Specialty Chemicals: The Next Frontier 44 A Lifestyle ...

                     “Nowadays, more
                     and more, your
                     competitors are not
                     who you expect
                     them to be”.

                                                                                                                           Current accelerated advances in             referring to, with very little imprecise
                                                                                                                           technology allude to a future where         information given by you. Human
                                                                                                                           humans and machines will coexist. This      mind can simply pluck that information
                                                                                                                           new dynamic will require humans to          very fast, because the mind’s neuron
                                                                                                                           use judgement as they are posed with        connection is unique.” The human brain
                                                                                                                           different options to choose from when       is also furnished with the contextual
                                                                                                                           completing tasks and activities in the      information established by culture and
                                                                                                                           workplace, and even in more general         environment, thus enabling us to process
                                                                                                                           daily interactions.                         information based on cues from the world
                                                                                                                                                                       around us.

                                                                                                                           “One thing is certain,”                     As humans, we do not get stuck at one
                                                                                                                           stresses Dr Samba,                          place. We continuously innovate and
                                                                                                                                                                       change. This is what differentiates humans
                                                                                                                           “the world is changing,                     from machines.
                                                                                                                           so people need to
                                                                                                                                                                       Although artificial intelligence (AI)
                                                                                                                           continuously learn, unlearn                 will serve certain purposes, it will not
                                                                                                                           and relearn. This learning                  overtake human beings, he feels. To
                          by communicating through SWITCH, a
                          digital immersion programme which is
                                                                           Pushing Boundaries                              cycle is not going to stop.”
                                                                                                                                                                       him, technology is neither beneficial nor
                                                                                                                                                                       damaging – how it is applied makes it
                          aimed at evangelising digital fluency of         The next decade, it is predicted, will                                                      good or bad.
                          all staff in PETRONAS.                           witness ways to use all the data the            It calls for continuous upskilling to
                                                                           industry has generated to automate              adapt to the constantly changing            External influences today precipitate
                          The initial three-week training                  simple decisions and guide harder ones.         environment. Similarly, he asserts that     disruptions. While individuals and
                          mainly focuses on introducing data               Ultimately, this will work towards reducing     digital will continue to provide more job   organisations enjoy a certain stability in
                          science, mathematical principles and             risk and resulting in finding and producing     opportunities, as the scarcity of data      their current existences, they must never
                          programming with small data-set                  more oil and gas with less environmental        scientists is already considerable.         discount the possibility of adapting to
                          projects. After that, candidates work            impact.                                                                                     forces beyond their control.
                          in groups, solving independent data-                                                             He also feels that machines can never
                          set problems. Then they work on                  Individuals have easily adapted on a global     overtake human beings as humans             He cites how auto companies are
                          digital pilots with experts and business         scale to digital or analytics, with apps such   have two fundamental needs. With            threatened by software, rather than
                          partners. Weekly knowledge-sharing               as Waze, Facebook and Google. However,          their inherent thirst for knowledge and     competitors from the same industry. The
                          sessions further enhance this hands-             in corporations, with deeply entrenched         wisdom, humans always want to know          software for driver-less cars will cost more
                          on application, demystify concepts,              hereditary systems, migration to digital        why. The human mind is also better          than its hardware. When disruption comes
                          and encourage extra reading. Further             requires not only the process but also          coped to sift through highly ambiguous,     from a competitor, they may have a plan
                          practice ensures the required expertise,         orientation, changed mentality and new          imprecise data as compared to machines.     in place. But in digital, you do not know
                          a little like learning to ride a bicycle. “The   ways of working. Observes Dr Samba,             “For example, I will be able to, within     where it will come from. “Nowadays, more
                          actual learning takes place in projects,”        “Adopting digital will be very easy to an       a fraction of a second, pinpoint that       and more, your competitors are not who
                          Dr Samba asserts.                                organisation born today!”                       one particular event of the past you are    you expect them to be.”

                     Industry 4.0                                                                            Analytics in Action
                     In today’s Industry 4.0 era, data-driven    The report drew on significant primary      To augment data science into a business         data to estimate the likelihood
                     organisations need agile, able leaders      market research, including a survey of      model, it must be anchored on solving           of future events and trends
                     who integrate innovation and add value      300 participants from the US, Germany       specific business pain points. For            • Prescriptive Analytics: applies
                     to their products and services.             and Japan. It revealed three dimensions     example, how might we predict when a
                                                                 for manufacturing companies and, by         machine is going to break down? How do
                                                                                                                                                             algorithms to optimise a
                                                                                                                                                             sequence of decisions for
                                                                                                                                                                                                      2018 Digital Trends
                     A 2015 McKinsey & Company Digital           extension, other companies.                 we ensure retention and easy availability
                                                                                                             of corporate knowledge? How do we
                                                                                                                                                             desired end result and advise
                     Report, Industry 4.0 - How to Navigate
                     Digitisation of the Manufacturing Sector,   To capture the potential of Industry 4.0,   optimise chemical injections?                   on best course of action                 Two key trends that will gain even more
                     defines Industry 4.0 as digitisation        companies must:                                                                           • Cognitive Analytics: applies             ground in 2018 are as follows:
                     driven by four clusters of disruptive                                                   Data is critical in addressing business         human-like intelligence to
                     technologies:                                                                           pain points such as these. In turn, data        tasks, such as understanding
                                                                 • drive the next wave of
                                                                   operational effectiveness
                                                                                                             analytics allows for the identification of      the full context of what is              1. Artificial Intelligence                2. Blockchain
                                                                                                             patterns in data and provides insights that     being written or spoken                  A key discussion point at the World       Blockchain is an emerging
                     • data, computational power                 • adapt business models to                  can help organisations make informed                                                     Economic Forum 2018 was that              technology to create secured and
                       and connectivity                            capture shifting value pools              decisions.                                    Depending on the business pain point,      while AI seeks to replicate human         trusted database that can simplify
                     • analytics and intelligence                • build foundations for digital                                                           a suitable analytics model is then         intelligence to drive productivity and    workflows and reduce intermediary
                     • human-machine interaction                   transformation                            Broadly, there are four types of analytics:   determined. These models are live and      improve lives, ultimately, there is       costs. It is a distributed database
                       comprising, for instance,                                                                                                           are continuously iterated and refined      still a need for human touch. Today,      shared among a network of
                       touch interfaces and                                                                                                                to address the pain point. To support      there is an opportunity to develop        computers, with each computer
                                                                 To leverage these multiple                  • Descriptive Analytics:
                       augmented reality                                                                                                                   this, an agile method of implementation    superhuman intelligence by pairing        possessing an identical copy of
                                                                 opportunities, companies need to              summarises historical data                                                             the complementary abilities of human      the database. Using blockchain,
                     • digital-to-physical                       embark on a digital transformation-           from multiple sources for quick             is followed, resulting in a minimum
                                                                                                                                                                                                      cognition with the best available AI
                                                                                                                                                           viable product (MVP). With each MVP                                                  various stages in a workflow can be
                       conversion, examples                      a continuous, long-term effort to             identification of patterns for                                                         methods to create hybrid distributed      verified and made transparent to the
                       include advanced robotics                 successfully navigate the changing                                                        comes incremental, bite-sized progress,
                                                                                                               users to draw actionable insights           with continued lessons learnt to finally   intelligent systems.                      blockchain’s community, instead of
                       and 3D printing                           industrial environment.
                                                                                                             • Predictive Analytics: uses past             achieve a suitable end product.                                                      a single centralised authority.

                     IN THE FACE OF
                     THREATS                                                        By Brigitte Rozario

                               he security landscape                 Roy Manchip, Security Advisor, Group
                               in the oil and gas                    Health, Safety, Security and Environment
                                                                     (GHSSE), echoes the sentiment that
                               sector has changed                    these new threats affect all corporations
                               over the past 20 years.               competing in the global economy.
                        Traditional asset protection
                        concerns like theft, robbery                 “It’s an increasingly unstable and volatile
                        and pilferage have taken a                   world with a range of geopolitical, socio-
                                                                     economic and environmental conditions
                        back seat to more impactful                  generating physical security threats to
                        threats including terrorism;                 operations of corporations. We have
                        cyberattacks; piracy and                     the evolving threat from cyberspace –
                        hijacking of vessels; militancy              cyberattacks against websites, networks
                        and community protests.                      and SCADA (supervisory control and
                                                                     data acquisition) systems, and data theft.
                        “In some countries, terrorist and militant   Then there are threats from militant
                        attacks are a direct threat to O&G           and terrorist groups, civil war or military
                        industry operations,” notes M A Kader        conflict between nations, which are
                        M Kassim, Head of Security, Group            real in certain countries and have a
                        Health, Safety, Security and Environment     high impact. Recent examples include
                        (GHSSE) at PETRONAS.                         ongoing piracy and attacks by Niger Delta
                                                                     militant groups against the oil industry
                        “Therefore, security measures should         in Nigeria, the rise of ISIS in Iraq, and
                        be able to withstand these threats in        battles between militant groups in South
                        ensuring the safety and security of our      Sudan which disrupted or closed down
                        people and sustainability of business        production for considerable periods of
                        operations,” he adds.                        time,” he explains.
He explains further that under Project

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              23 | FLOW MAGAZINE

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Umbra, a benchmarking exercise was
                                                                                                                                                                                                            conducted to review the existing business
                                                                                                                                                                                                            model and identify gaps for improvement.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            “One of the key findings from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            study was the need for an updated and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            standardised security management
                                                                                                                                                                                                            system for the organisation,” says Dzafri.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Subsequently, an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                enhanced security
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                framework, known as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Security Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                System (SeMS)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                was developed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and launched, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                is currently being
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Group-wide. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                management system
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                enables a more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                systematic and             Roy Manchip
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                standardised approach      Security Advisor, Group Health, Safety, Security
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to handling security       and Environment (GHSSE), PETRONAS
                     Security drills are periodically held in the   Target of attacks                                                                                                                                           risks. It also includes
                     vicinity of the PETRONAS Twin Towers,          Industry consultant Deloitte LLP in a June      companies better equipped to deal with
                     as a precautionary measure.                                                                                                                                                                                the introduction of
                                                                    2017 report said that three out of four         operational and security risks. Because                                                                     minimum security
                                                                    O&G companies encountered at least              of the money tied up with oil production,                                                                   standards which            Risk management
                                                                    one cyberattack last year.                      host governments, and the oil companies                                                                     are designed for           Manchip, who has an extensive
                                                                                                                    themselves, are prepared to invest more                                                                     Malaysian and              background in security risk
                                                                    Meanwhile, global insurance company             resources than some other sectors to                                                                        overseas operations        management, observes that the energy
                                                                    Aon, in its latest Terrorism & Political        secure their operations. Security is seen                                                                   across PETRONAS            and oil services companies tend to have
                                                                    Violence map, reported that 2016 saw a          as a necessary and strategic investment.”                                                                   Group.                     a strong risk management culture.
                                                                    14.2 per cent increase in the number of
                                                                    terrorist attacks, with many focusing on        According to market research firm                                                                           Complementing              “Security is one of a number of
                                                                    the O&G industry.                               Markets and Markets, the O&G security                                                                       PETRONAS’                  operational risks that O&G companies
                                                                                                                    sector is estimated to grow from                                                                            digitalisation agenda,     face and it has to be managed. This
                                                                    The obvious reason why O&G is targeted          US$26.3 billion in 2015 to US$33.9                                                                          an integrated online       does not always mean that all oil
                                                                    is that it is worth an estimated 4.5-6.5 per    billion by 2020. The highest expenditure                                                                    system has also been       companies get it right all of the time, but
                                                                    cent of the global GDP (gross domestic          projections are for companies operating                                                                     introduced to improve      the fact that new supplies are brought
                                                                    product), hence its role in driving             in the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia                                                                    the management of          on stream safely suggests that their
                                                                    corporate and government revenues.              and South America, where physical and                                                                       contractors, visitors      security risk management is effective.
                                                                    A major security incident or attack on          cybersecurity threats are escalating.                                                                       and personnel
                                                                    O&G production can cause supply chain                                                                                                                       entering its facilities.   “This means that while there have been
                                                                    disruption to the sector, which can             The report indicates that projected          Dzafri Sham Ahmad                          The system is intended to better manage        attacks, and unpredictable shocks in
                                                                    have dire consequences for a company            security spending in North America           VP of Group Health, Safety, Security and   contractors or visitors at PETRONAS’           the past (e.g., the rise of ISIS in Iraq), the
                                                                    and country’s revenues and economic             (the US and Canada) is also expected to      Environment (GHSSE), PETRONAS              installations.                                 industry has to be able to absorb them,
                                                                    growth.                                         rise as companies invest in improving                                                                                                  adapt and recover quickly, adjusting
                                                                                                                    the protection of their systems and                                                     “As far as PETRONAS is concerned, we           their operations to meet the changed
                                                                    Another factor that makes O&G more              infrastructure against a range of threats,                                              have a robust plan to manage emerging          threat or risk profile, while guaranteeing
                                                                    vulnerable than most businesses is the          including cyber and environmental                                                       security threats. We have our own              reliable supply,” says Manchip.
                                                                    nature of the work. To find and bring on        activism.                                                                               contingency and crisis management
                                                                    stream production from new fields, O&G                                                                                                  plans, and security Incident Action Plans      He believes that O&G companies need
                                                                    companies have to explore blocks in             Investing in security                                                                   (IAP) for responding to the assessed           to monitor and continually update
                                                                    areas of the world that are remote, exhibit     Like its peers, PETRONAS too has been                                                   security risks. These plans are regularly      their security risk registers, and have
                                                                    hostile environments or have inherent           investing in security solutions.                                                        tested to check our preparedness in            appropriate strategies and decision-
                                                                    security risks, putting personnel in the line                                                                                           the event of a security breach. We also        making procedures in place to deal with
                                                                    of danger.                                      Dzafri Sham Ahmad, VP of GHSSE,                                                         maintain a close relationship with the         security risks and crises, should they
                                                                                                                    PETRONAS, explains that in 2015, arising                                                authorities, especially the National           occur.
                                                                    According to Manchip, while the O&G             from the evident changes in the global                                                  Security Council, Police, Navy, and
                                                                    sector is vulnerable and has been               security landscape, the Group embarked                                                  Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency          Kader concurs, saying, “Security risk,
                                                                    for a number of years, “The inherent            on an initiative to assess the adequacy                                                 as well as with host nation governments        as part of project management, is one
                                                                    ‘can do’ engineering and project risk           and preparedness of PETRONAS’ security                                                  in our international operations,” explains     of the top priorities for PETRONAS. We
                                                                    management approach has made oil                management system.                                                                      Kader.                                         always train our (GHSSE Security)

                                                                                                           Combating Piracy                                     Militant Attacks Threaten Nigerian Oil
                                                                                                                                                                      Production and Revenues
                                                          The industry is
                                                          pretty robust and
                                                          has been able to
                                                          absorb the shocks
                                                          - geopolitical,
                                                          economic and
                                                          security as well as
                                                          new threats.

                                                          people to enhance their competency            In light of rampant piracy incidents in
                                                          and capability. We also ensure that they      2008, Malaysian International Shipping
                                                          are kept up to date on security matters       Company (MISC) and the Royal Malaysian
                                                          affecting our operations as we believe in     Navy established a strategic partnership
                                                          being prepared.                               which would be a significant milestone
                                                                                                        for the company and set a bold precedent
                                                          “We have put in place measures to deter,      for the shipping industry. It resulted in the
                                                          detect, deny and respond to security          conversion of MISC’s Bunga Mas Lima
                                                          threats. We have our own response             (BM5), a 699 TEUs container ship, into an
                                                          team who have been trained specially as       RMN Naval Auxiliary Vessel. It was the first
                                                                          first responders to any       Malaysian merchant vessel to be repurposed
                                                                          eventuality. The team is      for security reasons. To date, MISC is the first
                                                                          groomed to be physically      and only shipping company to implement             After just 1½ years of ceasefire, the             the Bonga Platform and the Agbami, EA
                                                                          fit and responsive, and is    such a unique security arrangement to              militants were at it again in Niger Delta.        and Akpo fields. The militants also said
                                                                          equipped with relevant        protect its ships, crew and cargo against          The January 2018 attacks did not come             they would target Nigerian oil company
                                                                          training such as profiling    piracy threats in the Gulf of Aden.                entirely as a surprise. Last November,            Brittania-U. Shell operates the Bonga and
                                                                          of people so they can                                                            there were already rumblings that the             EA fields while Chevron operates Agbami.
                                                                          identify suspicious           BM5 went to sea as a Naval Auxiliary Vessel        Niger Delta Avengers militant group was           Akpo stakeholders include Total, China’s
                                                                          activity when patrolling.     on 1 June 2009. Its mission was to escort          dissatisfied with progress made since the         CNOOC, Brazil’s Petrobras and Nigeria’s
                                                                                                        MISC ships sailing through the Gulf of Aden,       August 2016 ceasefire negotiations.               Sapetro.
                                                                            “PETRONAS’ security         which was notorious for piracy activities.
                                                                            policy clearly says that                                                       The talks came on the heels of the                The threat was designed to pressure
                                                                            we are committed            To support the operations for BM5 as a Naval       Avengers’ attacks on oil pipelines, which         Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari
                                                                            to implementing an          Auxiliary Vessel, its crew underwent training      caused international oil companies                to address inadequate development,
                                                                            effective security          to become Naval Reservists.                        to evacuate expatriate staff and cut              pollution and the uneven distribution of
                                                                            management system                                                              Nigeria’s oil production by 30 per cent           revenues from Niger Delta oil production
                                                                            Group-wide to identify      BM5 was enhanced with various facilities           from 2.2 million barrels per day to               over the past 30 years. The Avengers
                                                                            and evaluate as well        such as rigid-hulled inflatable boats              around 1.4 million. It was the lowest             claim insufficient progress has been made
                                                                            as manage security          (RHIB), to facilitate the transfer of RMN’s        the top African country had produced              since they agreed to a ceasefire in August
                                                                            risks to our people,        Special Forces to MISC ships (prior to the         in 30 years, tipping the country into             2016.
                                                                            property, information       commencement of an escort through the              recession. The attacks in 2016 ended
                                                                            and operations. We          high-risk areas); light weapon mounts;             seven years of peace and stability after          The country has been linked with
                                                                            have a very strong          improved communication apparatus; and              the militant group for the Movement               allegations of corruption involving
                                                                            policy and we live by it.   medical facilities. The operations, code-          of Emancipation of the Niger Delta                politicians and community leaders. There
                                                                            Security is everyone’s      named OP FAJAR, saw BM5 safely escorting           signed a peace deal with the Nigerian             has also been uneasiness over oil industry
                                                                            responsibility,” says       over 415 Malaysian vessels plying the Gulf of      Government in 2009, ending a three-               jobs going to foreigners; many question
                                                                            Kader.                      Aden and its adjacent areas.                       year insurgency against government                why its citizens live in poverty while the
                                                                                                                                                           forces and the oil industry.                      country has some of the world’s richest oil
                                                                            Safety first                Subsequently, MISC handed over BM5 to                                                                deposits.
                                                                            “Ultimately, and most       RMN in 2016. The vessel joined RMN’s               In January this year, the Avengers
                                                   M A Kader M Kassim       importantly, we want        current fleet to safeguard our Malaysian           threatened to carry out attacks on deep           The threats of attacks this year raised fears
                     Head of Security, Group Health, Safety, Security and   everyone to go back         waters and strengthen the country’s future         sea oil facilities in the offshore oilfields of   of a repeat of 2016 with waves of violence
                                       Environment (GHSSE), PETRONAS        home safely,” he adds.      maritime defence strategy.                         the Niger Delta. The group had targeted           and another dalliance with a recession.

                                   Cyberattacks a Major Risk to the Oil and Gas Sector

                                                                                                                      Successful cyberattacks can affect
                                                                                                                      upstream exploration, drilling, oil
                                                                                                                      collection and processing, gas
                                                                                                                      compression, and production metering.
                                                                                                                      In the midstream, processes disruption
                                                                                                                      from cyberattacks can impact oil and
                                                                                                                      gas processing, transportation and
                                                                                                                      storage. While downstream cyber risks
                                                                                                                      include threats to oil processing and
                                                                                                                      regasification, refining, production of
                                                                                                                      petrochemicals, oil and gas storage, and
                                                                                                                      transportation to consumers.

                                                                                                                      According to the Industrial Control
                                                                                                                      Systems Cyber Emergency Response
                                                                                                                      Team (ICS-CERT), more than a
                                                                                                                      third of the 2015 attacks on critical
                                                                                                                      infrastructure was untraceable or had
                                                                                                                      an unknown “infection vector”. As such,
                                                                                                                      the attacks could remain undetected for
                                                                                                                      days, not only crippling computers and
                     The oil and gas sector is one of the top         This report serves as a call to arms,” they     networks, but even reappearing as new
                     targets for hackers. In fact, it is the second   said.                                           forms over time.
                     industry most prone to cyberattacks
                     according to a report released by                The worst cyberattack reported on the           The industry is expected to spend up to
                     consulting firm Deloitte LLP in June 2017.       oil industry occurred in 2012 when an           US$1.87 billion on cybersecurity in 2018,
                     The Protecting the Connected Barrels—            introduced Shamoon malware wiped                in a sector that is expected to be worth
                     Cybersecurity for Upstream Oil and Gas           over 35,000 Saudi Aramco computers in           US$25.68 billion by 2020.
                     report, based on research conducted              hours, forcing operators to use typewriters
                     by the Ponemon Institute, revealed that          and faxes to maintain operations until          Although many oil companies
                     over 75 per cent of companies surveyed           IT services were restored. The attack           are setting up industry forums,
                     admitted to being hit by at least one            threatened, but fortunately did not stop,       collaborating with others and working
                     cyberattack in 2016. Threat groups               Saudi Aramco’s oil production which             with governments to secure their
                     include state-sponsored actors, industrial       makes up 10 per cent of the world’s oil         operations, the solution doesn’t just
                     espionage, terrorists, environmental and/        supply.                                         lie in new technology investments and
                     or anti-industry activists, and “hacktivists”.                                                   cybersecurity fixes.
                                                                      The same year, the networks of the
                     Risks include loss of commercially-              Canadian branch of Telvent, a provider          Beefing up cybersecurity is not just
                     sensitive data and intellectual property;        of IT-based remote administration and           about throwing money at IT solutions.
                     SCADA systems shutdown that could                monitoring tools for the energy sector,         Companies need to identify risks and
                     cripple production; loss of containment;         were breached in an advanced persistent         develop risk mitigation strategies. Staff,
                     and environmental issues. The challenge          threat attack and infiltration of malware.      vendors, partners and contractors need
                     for companies is the tension between IT          The attackers, believed to be a Chinese         to be trained and made aware of risks
                     departments to secure the network and            hacking group, stole project files related to   to close any security gaps. All of which
                     control access to data and operating             one of its core products, OASys SCADA.          needs to be done while allowing the
                     systems, and field operators who need                                                            Internet of Things to flourish, providing
                     ready availability of access to data, logic      In 2014, dozens of Norwegian O&G                mobility and remote access to data and
                     and control systems for extraction and           companies, including STATOIL, were              systems.
                     production.                                      victims of cyberattacks. The threat group
                                                                      and motives have not been identified.           It is imperative that O&G companies
                     The report’s authors, Andrew Slaughter,                                                          remain vigilant and resilient while
                     Paul Zonneveld and Thomas Shattuck,              Motives for these cyberattacks include          prioritising the safety and security of
                     stressed the significance of Deloitte’s          cyberterrorism, industrial espionage,           people and assets; maintaining reliable
                     findings. “The culture needs to change,          market manipulation and fraud, and              operations; and delivering new value
                     and that’s happening but it takes time.          operations disruption.                          streams.

                     EASTERN PROMISES:
                     STRENGTH THROUGH UNITY
                     by Tengku Fairuz Khalisah Tuan Ibrahim

                     With “Creating Value Through Collaboration” as its                          production from Canada, Brazil and
                                                                                                 Norway is expected to support and
                     theme, the Asia Petrochemical Industry Conference                           drive global demand, while the Middle
                                                                                                 East continues to remain as Asia’s
                     (APIC) 2018 puts the spotlight on the imperative of                         biggest supplier.
                     collaboration and cooperation in paving the way for
                     a prosperous and robust petrochemical industry.                             Asia as the key driver of
                                                                                                 global petrochemical
                                                   Rising optimism in the oil &                  Asia’s robust economic growth
                                                   gas industry                                  supported by megatrends; rapid
                                                                                                 urbanisation, growing population and                       ROAD TO TOMORROW.
                                                   With 2017 deemed by many as the year          rising middle-class income will lead                       A view of Pengerang Integrated Complex taken in March 2017.
                                                   of recovery, 2018 brings about a sense        to higher demand of petrochemicals.
                                                   of optimism as the oil and gas industry       This will increase the potential for
                                                   continues its slow and steady recovery        continuous growth of the industry in
                                                   from the 2014 downturn. Global oil prices     the region.
                                                                                                                                               Growing capacity expansion                    The need to collaborate                      name a few. Against this backdrop, there
                                                   are rising gradually from around $30 per                                                    in the US                                     for the sustainability of the                is a need for the petrochemicals fraternity
                                                                                                                                                                                             industry                                     to come together and collaborate to offer
                                                   barrel in early 2016 to around $53 per        One of the bright stars in Asia is China.
                                                                                                                                               The shale revolution brought about a                                                       sustainable solutions demanded by these
                                                   barrel in 2017. There is also an increase     Availability of coal resources and
                                                                                                                                               robust petrochemical capacity expansion                                                    megatrends.”
                                                   in upstream and downstream activities         imported LPG from the US, and the                                                           With intensifying competition from other
                                                   which is a positive indicator of the health   development of integrated refinery            in the US. According to an analysis by        regions, collaboration plays a prominent
                                                   of the industry.                              and petrochemical complexes have              Independent Chemical Information              role in enhancing the robustness of the      Malaysia’s petrochemical
                                                                                                 made the availability of feedstock for        Service (ICIS) eight new ethane crackers      Asian petrochemical industry. Strong         industry landscape
                                                   Robust global economic growth has             the development of the petrochemical          are expected to commence production           cooperation between manufacturer and
                                                   led to a steady increase in oil and gas       industry.                                     from 2017 to 2018, producing a total          consumer is needed to develop new            Malaysia’s petrochemical industry began
                                                   demand. In its latest report, International                                                 of 9.2 million tonnes/year of ethylene        markets for differentiated products. The     in the early 1990s with the development
                                                   Energy Agency (IEA) forecasted that           India is also expanding its                   capacity.                                     focus on creating high-value specialty       of three major petrochemical facilities
                                                   global oil demand will rise from 97.8         petrochemical capacities and                                                                chemicals which are customised to cater      strategically located in Gebeng, Kertih
                                                   million barrels per day (bpd) to 104.7        increasing its flexibility in petrochemical   The US polyethylene capacity is               for the niche market will help propel the    and Pasir Gudang. Since then, Malaysia
                                                   million bpd from 2018 to 2023 with China      production. The government is planning        projected to rise by 6.5 million tonnes/      industry further in positioning the Asian    has been among the key petrochemical
                                                   and India contributing half of the increase   to develop petrochemical complexes            year, accounting for about 42 per cent of     petrochemical producers as solution          players in the region with a wide range
                                                   in demand.                                    around India to meet the increasing           global polyethylene capacity expansion        providers.                                   of petrochemicals being produced
                                                                                                 demand for polymers and specialty             up till 2020. The US polyethylene                                                          and exported from the country such
                                                   Non-OPEC countries are forecasted             chemicals across the diverse industrial       production will mostly be meant for           Akbar Md Thayoob, President, Malaysian       as olefins, aromatics, ethylene oxides
                                                   to dominate the global oil supply             segments. In 2017, India’s Reliance           export to key regions such as Latin           Petrochemicals Association (MPA) said,       and glycols, among many others. These
                                                   contributing 59.26 million bpd of crude       Industries Limited (RIL) has successfully     America and Europe. The increased             “Today, Petrochemicals are regarded as       world-scale plants have also contributed
                                                   oil this year, with the US contributing       commissioned the world’s largest              expansion has opened arbitrage                the key engine of growth as we move          significantly to the production of the local
                                                   the largest supply growth amounting           ethane importing plant and has now            opportunities to Asia, competing with         into the future, shaped by the megatrends    plastic processing activities in the country
                                                   to 1.4 million bpd for 2018. Apart from       begun to import ethane from the US for        the regional producers as well as             of urbanisation, ageing population, rising   by providing a steady supply of feedstock
                                                   the surging output from the US, rising        its crackers in Dahej and Hazira.             producers from the Middle East.               middle-income, energy efficiency, just to    material for the plastic industry.

                     PETRONAS’ largest downstream project,
                     Pengerang Integrated Complex (PIC), is
                     currently on track for overall start up by
                     early 2019. This bold move by PETRONAS
                     is expected to push the Malaysian Oil
                     and Gas downstream sector into a new
                     frontier of technology and economic
                     development. During the construction
                     period, PIC employed up to 60,000
                     workers and created spin-off from
                     economic activities to its surrounding
                     areas. Its proximity to the world’s busiest
                     shipping lane and international trading
                     hub makes it the most strategic regional
                     downstream hub.

                     The Malaysian government’s support in
                     providing a conducive ecosystem has
                     also helped the petrochemical industry
                     to thrive in the country. This includes
                     the development of infrastructure and
                     offering of incentives to attract foreign
                     companies to invest in Malaysia and
                     boost local manufacturing sector

                     APIC 2018: Creating Value
                     Through Collaboration
                     Against the backdrop of these
                     opportunities, APIC 2018 will gather key
                     business players, leading market analysts
                     and industry experts in Kuala Lumpur
                     from 20 to 21 August to provide insights
                     and critical analysis from across the
                     chemical value chain to enhance the
                     growth of the industry.

                     Notable speakers for the event includes
                     Dave Witte, Senior Vice President,
                     Division Head – Energy & Chemicals, IHS
                     Markit, Clive Gibson, Vice President, Asia,
                     Energy & Chemicals Advisory, Nexant,
                     Dr Charles Fryer, Chairman, Tecnon
                     OrbiChem and Datuk Sazali Hamzah,
                     Managing Director and Chief Executive
                     Officer, PETRONAS Chemicals Group

                     For more information about APIC 2018,
                     visit www.apic2018.org.my.


                                                      THE NEXT FRONTIER
                                                                                                                                               by Sreerema Banoo

                                                                                    PETRONAS, through PETRONAS Chemicals Group Bhd, is upping
                                                                                    its game in the chemicals sector thanks to a two-pronged strategy
                                                                                    for growth. A major ace up its sleeve is the Pengerang Integrated
                                                                                    Complex (PIC) that houses the Refinery and Petrochemical
                                                                                    Integrated Development (RAPID) project in Pengerang, Johor.

                                                     hat makes a shampoo            products that we use and come into             Reports suggest that the worldwide
                                                     so moisturising that it        contact with every day.                        specialty chemicals market will hit
                                                     leaves your hair silky soft,                                                  US$530 billion by 2022, growing at
                                                     or a toothpaste taste          Whether it’s the toothbrush, soaps or          a CAGR (compound annual growth
                                                     so minty fresh, or your        shampoos that you use, your choice of          rate) of 6.3 per cent from 2015
                                 shirt wrinkle-free? The answer to that lies        breakfast, the clothes that you put on, or     to 2022. Rising population, rapid
                                 in the realm of specialty chemicals. These         the cars that you drive, specialty chemicals   industrialisation and urbanisation,
                                 are performance-enhancing properties               are ever-present in our daily lives. They      and increasing demand from
                                 and solutions - the “secret ingredients” -         are the formulations that make modern,         automotive, construction and
                                 that go into additives, plastics, coatings,        urban life easier, more comfortable, and       consumer goods industries are some
                                 fertilisers, fragrances, and flavours of           appealing.                                     of the factors driving this growth.

                                                                                                                 Processed Gas
                                                                                                                                                              PROOFING                                      Akbar Md Thayoob
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Head of Strategic Planning

                                                                                                                                                              THE BUSINESS                                  & Ventures, PETRONAS
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Chemicals Group Berhad.
                           Natural Gas


                                                                                                                                                              The push towards specialty chemicals,
                                                                                           Petroleum Products                                                 Akbar says, was born of an internal
                         Development                                                                                                                          project that sought to develop
                         & Production                                                                                                                         a strategy to future-proof PCG’s
                                                                                                                        Petrochemical Plant                   business. Dubbed Project Titanium – so
                                                                                                                                                              named for the metal’s versatility and
                                                                                                                                                              ubiquitous applications, it commenced
                                                                                                                                                              in September 2017 with a series of in-
                                               Crude Oil                                                                Basic commodities                     house brainstorming sessions, labs and
                                                                                                                        • Ethylene
                                                                                                                        • Methanol                            “It was from here that we came up with
                                                                                                                        • MTBE                                the blueprint to grow our specialty
                                                                        Refining                                        • Polyethylene                        chemicals segment,” he says.
                                                                                                                        • Polypropylene
                                                                                                                        • Propylene                           Growth will be driven through
                                                                                                                        • Urea                                three levers – organic growth i.e.
                                                                                                                        • Ammonia                             extension of the value chain from PIC’s
                                                                        Intermediates/Specialty                                                               petrochemicals and existing complexes,
                         Polypropylene,                                                                                                                       mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and
                         Polyethylene                                                                                            Acrylates                    by creating optionality for growth via
                         (dashboard)                                                                                             (baby’s diaper)              corporate venture capital and internal     The group is also looking at its existing
                                                                                                                                                              research and development.                  portfolio of basic petrochemical products
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and the options to extend the value
                                                                                                Polyethylene                                                  In recent past, PCG’s CEO Datuk Sazali     chain. “Instead of selling raw materials,         “We have a two-
                                                                                                (plastic bag)                                                 Hamzah has spoken about the group’s
                                                                                                                                                              interest in looking at M&A as part of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         we turn them into derivatives and some
                                                                                                                                                                                                         we can turn into specialty chemicals. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          pronged strategy
                                                                                                                                                              its growth strategy. In an interview       a step-by-step approach. The idea is to       to realise our vision
                                                                                                                                                              with CEO Magazine, Sazali said that
                                                                                                                                                              PCG is “evaluating some of the latest
                                                                                                                                                                                                         extend as far down the value chain as
                                                                                                                                                                                                         possible and create better value,” says
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to be the preferred
                                                                                 MTBE (fuel additive)
                                                                                                                                                              technology applications beyond 2020 via    Akbar.                                       chemical company,
                                                            MMA/PIB/IIR (tyre)
                                                                                                                                                              partnerships and/or possible mergers and
                                                                                                                                                              acquisitions”.                             Through its joint venture company,                    and that is to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn Bhd,              continue sustaining
                                                                                                                                                              “We have the mandate to pursue             the group has already added specialty
                                                                                                                                                              M&As,” reiterates Akbar, adding that       chemicals into its portfolio with the        our strength in basic
                     Cognisant of the growth opportunities        polymers, fertilisers, methanol, and other    Planning & Ventures, Akbar Md Thayoob.        technological strength, market access      commissioning of new plants in Gebeng,            petrochemicals,
                     and trends that are changing the world       basic chemicals and derivative products.                                                    and management capability of its           Kuantan.
                     we live in, Petroliam Nasional Bhd           The specialty chemicals segment is the        This strategy, he says, increases PCG’s       prospective partners or investments are                                                        and selectively
                     (PETRONAS) is widening its footprint in      next frontier of its business strategy.       volume-play advantage as a competitive        key criteria.                              These products include aroma
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ingredients, which are sold to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            diversifying into
                     this arena. And it is doing this through                                                   regional player and at the same time
                     its petrochemical arm, PETRONAS              “We have a two-pronged strategy to            harnesses value-play from higher-             “We’re also looking at placing small       flavour and fragrance industry,               specialty chemicals
                     Chemicals Group Bhd (PCG).                   realise our vision to be the preferred
                                                                  chemical company, and that is to
                                                                                                                margin products. The latter is where
                                                                                                                specialty chemicals come in. These
                                                                                                                                                              bets through corporate venture capital
                                                                                                                                                              on start-ups or companies that are
                                                                                                                                                                                                         2-Ethylhexanoic Acid (2-EHAcid), which
                                                                                                                                                                                                         are used in esters for film plasticisers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and solutions.” –
                     Listed on Bursa Malaysia in 2010, PCG        continue sustaining our strength in           products, he adds, also insulate the          working on breakthrough technologies       and synthetic lubricants, and Highly           Akbar Md Thayoob
                     is involved primarily in manufacturing,      basic petrochemicals, and selectively         group against market cyclicality and          or solutions that fit into chemical        Reactive Polyisobutene (HR-PIB) used in
                     marketing and selling a diversified range    diversifying into specialty chemicals and     volatility - ensuring sustainability in the   segments based on megatrends,”             manufacturing high performance fuel and
                     of chemical products such as olefins,        solutions,” says PCG Head of Strategic        longer term.                                  he adds.                                   lubricant additives.
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