Page created by Emily Bowman
                                         BLURRING THE LINES
                                       BETWEEN STATECRAFT
                                           AND TRADECRAFT

• TA R G E T E D I N T R U S I O N S
2                                                                                                      3

    It's been another banner year for bad actors.

    Not only did the volume and intensity of           and money went into its development and,
    cyberattacks hit new highs, the overall level      regrettably, it was leaked.
    of sophistication across the global threat
    landscape experienced a meteoric rise. The         The result of trickle-down in the field
    theme of this year’s report, “Blurring the Lines
    Between Statecraft and Tradecraft,” reflects
                                                       of cybersecurity has been a proliferation of
    this disturbing trend.                             military-grade weaponry for cyberwarfare being
                                                       pushed down into the masses and commoditized.
    There are several factors contributing to this
    fundamental leveling of the playing field          The consequences to legitimate organizations
    between highly skilled — and typically well-       has been alarmingly clear. What makes these
    funded — nation-state adversaries and their        attacks so effective is that they are essentially
    less sophisticated criminal and hacktivist         immune to the traditional endpoint defense
    counterparts. One of the biggest contributors      technologies that most organizations have
    is the “trickle-down effect” present in the        relied on for the past 20 or more years.
    cyberthreat arena.
                                                       As this report points out with great clarity, it’s
    The idea of trickle-down is not new. In fact,      time for the good guys to step up. Defending
    it’s precisely how state-sponsored research        against “government-grade” attacks requires
    and development programs are supposed              enlisting a host of new security technologies
    to work: Governments fund development              and approaches that go beyond the simple
    of sophisticated technologies, and those           signature-based prevention of the past. Check
    eventually get transferred out to the private      the Recommendations section of this report
    sector as products and services. Consider          for actionable steps each of us can take to
    GPS. It was originally designed for military       combat the potentially disastrous effects of
    applications, from missile targeting to tracking   trickle-down cyberattacks.
    objects and assets on the ground. Now
    everyone has GPS in their pocket, and in their     I sincerely hope that this document helps your
    car. It’s so ingrained in our daily lives, it’s    understanding of important shifts in the threat
    hard to remember how we ever managed               landscape, and provides the information you
    without it. That’s a textbook example of how       need to make your organization more resilient,
    government-sponsored technology can                more prepared and better protected, so that
    successfully trickle down to the masses.           together, we can stop breaches.

    Unfortunately, there’s also a dark side to this
    phenomenon. That was certainly the case with
    WannaCry. This crippling malware epidemic
    was based on military-grade espionage
    techniques around a Windows vulnerability
    known as EternalBlue, which ultimately fell into   George Kurtz
    the wrong hands. A great deal of effort, time      CrowdStrike CEO and Co-Founder
4                                                                                                                                                                                                            5

                                                                                                     update packages was a rising TTP. This malware          and 58 minutes. Breakout time indicates how
During the past year, stolen and vulnerable data proved to be valuable weapons
                                                                                                     dissemination technique was notably used in             long it takes for an intruder to jump off the initial
for adversaries of every stripe, spanning across all geographies, affiliations                       the NotPetya campaign in late June 2017, but it         system (beachhead) they had compromised
and motivations. Data extortion, data ransom and outright theft have affected                        was observed throughout the year from eCrime            and move laterally to other machines within the
                                                                                                     and targeted intrusion adversaries. Underlying          network. This statistic shows how much time
both large and small organizations throughout the world. Data even facilitated
                                                                                                     all of these TTP trends is an overall effort to avoid   on average defenders have to detect the initial
the most destructive attacks of the year when stolen cyber espionage tools,                          attribution, blend in with the crowd and otherwise      intrusion, investigate it and eject the attacker
EternalBlue and DoublePulsar, were first leaked by the Shadow Brokers, and then                      challenge the computer network defender.                from the network before they bury themselves
                                                                                                                                                             deeper and steal or destroy sensitive data, which
rapidly incorporated into targeted intrusion and criminal campaigns, including                       Score One For The Good Guys                             can make remediation much more complex.
WannaCry and NotPetya. The rapid adoption of these leaked state-sponsored                            The coordinated multi-agency takedowns

tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) is emblematic of one of the most
                                                                                                     of major eCrime actors and networks during              Get A Room
                                                                                                     2017 helped balance the scales and disrupt              While government, healthcare and financial
prominent and alarming trends observed in the gathering of this report: namely,                      operations of profit-driven cybercrime groups.          organizations remained among the most
the intermingling and cross-pollination of TTPs across the spectrum from                             Given the tenacity and anonymity that surrounds         preferred prey of eCrime and targeted intrusion
                                                                                                     many cybercriminals, law enforcement actions            actors, the hospitality sector emerged in the
sophisticated nation-state actors to the opportunistic criminal element.
                                                                                                     such as takedowns, arrests, and the sentencing          past year as a growing target for criminals and,
                                                                                                     of individuals who are involved in cybercrime           in a more unsettling turn, nation-state adversary
                                                                                                     are major successes for law enforcement                 groups, as well. International hotel chains, in
                                                                                                     agencies. These actions often temporarily               particular, offer ripe picking for financial crimes,
Blurred Lines                                       notable trend considering ransomware’s rapid     splinter the criminal community, as actors              from stealing identities to pilfering credit card
The blurring of lines referenced in the title of    growth in 2016 and 2017, suggesting targeted     examine their operational security and look for         numbers via point-of-sale transactions. State-
this report has manifested in various ways in       intrusion adversaries are taking note of what    alternative methods for committing their crimes.        affiliated adversaries have also developed a
the past year. In many cases, less technically      is successful in the eCrime marketplace.                                                                 deep interest in the lodging sector, whether
adept actors “upped their game” by employing        Likewise, WannaCry and NotPetya appeared         Undetected Malware                                      for tracking persons of interest while they are
TTPs that would normally be above their             to influence criminally motivated adversaries    and Breakout Time                                       traveling, or to enable access to these potential
pay grade. In other instances, state-affiliated     when a rise in the use or development of         Although an interesting trend observed during           victims when they use electronic devices
actors known for their highly evolved targeted      Server Message Block (SMB) spreading             the past year was an increase in malware-               outside the confines of protected networks.
intrusion TTPs took a page from lower-              techniques appeared in eCrime operations in      based over malware-free attacks, a more
echelon eCrime adversaries. For example, the        the late summer of 2017.                         sobering finding was that 39 percent of all             ––––––––––––––––––
WannaCry and NotPetya attacks heralded the                                                           incidents in 2017 were malicious software
rise of nation-state-sponsored ransomware,          Expanding Exploits                               that went undetected by traditional antivirus,          Numerous additional insights are contained
as CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence and other        Exploits continue to proliferate across the      leaving organizations relying on these legacy           in the pages that follow. These findings have
organizations linked the malware and TTPs           threat landscape, as was observed in the rapid   solutions openly vulnerable to these threats            been organized into three dovetailed sections,
used in these operations to the Democratic          spread of CVE-2017-0199, among others. Actor-    and demonstrating a need for next-generation            representing the research conducted in 2017
People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Russia,       agnostic TTP trending also showed a rise in      endpoint protection.                                    by CrowdStrike’s threat intelligence, managed
respectively. Although the repurposing of           the use of commodity tools and penetration-                                                              hunting and Threat Graph data collection and
criminal malware is not a new phenomenon            testing software (e.g., Cobalt Strike). Supply   According to incidents CrowdStrike investigated,        analysis units.
(particularly for Russian adversaries), this is a   chain attacks incorporating poisoned software    the average “breakout time” in 2017 was 1 hour
6                                                                                                                                                                                       7

METHODOLOGY                                                                                             NAMING
The information in this report was compiled
using the following resources:

                                                                                                        This report follows the naming conventions instituted by
                                                                                                        CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence, which categorizes adversaries
                                                                                                        according to their nation-state affiliations or motivations
                                                                                                        (e.g., eCrime or hacktivist). The following is a guide to these
                                                                                                        adversary naming conventions.

Falcon Intelligence™                                data collected from over 90 billion events a
The CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence team            day across 176 countries. The Threat Graph
provides in-depth and historical understanding      architecture combines patented behavioral
of adversaries, their campaigns and their           pattern matching techniques with machine
motivations. The global team of intelligence        learning and artificial intelligence to track       Adversary                  Category or Nation-State
professionals tracks 95 adversaries of all types,   the behaviors of every executable across
including nation-state, eCrime and hacktivist       CrowdStrike’s global customer community.
                                                                                                                BEAR               Russian Federation
actors. The team analyzes adversary tools,          This combination of methodologies enables
tactics and procedures (TTPs) to deliver in-        the identification and blocking of previously
depth, government-grade intelligence to             undetectable attacks, whether or not they
enable effective countermeasures against            use malware.                                                CHOLLIMA           Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
emerging threats.
                                                    CrowdStrike Services
Falcon OverWatch™                                   This report references the CrowdStrike                      JACKAL             Hacktivist
CrowdStrike Falcon OverWatch provides               Services organization and its annual report,
proactive threat hunting conducted by a team        the "CrowdStrike Cyber Intrusion Services
of experienced threat hunters providing 24/7        Casebook," which recounts real-life client
                                                                                                                KITTEN             Iran
coverage on behalf of CrowdStrike customers.        incident response (IR) engagements handled
In 2017, OverWatch identified and helped stop       by the services team. In addition to hands-on IR
more than 20,000 breach attempts, employing         services conducted by its team of professional
expertise gained from daily “hand-to-hand           investigators, CrowdStrike Services provides                LEOPARD            Pakistan
combat” with sophisticated adversaries. The         proactive services such as cybersecurity
OverWatch team works to identify hidden threat      maturity assessments, IR policy and playbook
activity in customers’ environments, triaging,      development, tabletop exercises, red teaming
                                                                                                                PANDA              People’s Republic of China
investigating and remediating incidents in          operations and compromise assessments.
real time.                                          Response and remediation services are
                                                    conducted by highly experienced IR experts who
CrowdStrike Threat Graph™                           investigate breaches to determine how attackers             SPIDER             eCrime
As the brains behind the CrowdStrike platform,      accessed a client’s environment; mitigate
Threat Graph is a massively scalable, cloud-        attacks and eject intruders; and analyze attacker
based graph database model custom built             actions and provide clients with actionable                 TIGER              India
by CrowdStrike. It processes, correlates and        guidance to prevent future adversary access.
analyzes petabytes of real-time and historical
8                                                                                            9

TABLE         03
                   Exec Summary

              07   Naming conventions
              10         Introduction
              11         Weaponization of Data
              16         Middle Eastern Origins
              17         The Takedown Effect
              24         TARGETED INTRUSION
              25   		China
              30   		Russia
              35   		Iran
              38   		          North Korea (DPRK)
              40   		Other Adversaries
              42         ECRIME
              45   		Banking Trojans
              48   		Targeted eCrime
              52         HACKTIVISM
              53   		2018 Outlook
              56         CONCLUSION
              58         Introduction
              59         Hospitality Sector Heavily Targeted throughout 2017
              63         Intrusion Campaign Against Legal Sector Uses PowerShell-GitHub-Shell
              64         Growing Tensions Between U.S. and DPRK Coincide with CHOLLIMA Activity
              65         Suspected KITTEN Attacks Target Middle East
              65         PANDA Actor Harvests Call Data from Telecommunications Provider
              66         PANDAs Increase Their Targeting of Western Policy-Focused NGOs
              71         Background
              73         Recent Attack Types and Their Targets Using Threat Graph Telemetry
              73         Dwell Time and Lateral Movement Speed
              73         Antivirus Effectiveness
              75         Malware-Free Attacks by Industry
              78   RECOMMENDATIONS
10                                                                                                                                                                              11

Findings Part 1                                                          Weaponization of Data                                              Figure 1
                                                                                                                                            Reported Data
                                                                         On September 7, 2017, consumer credit reporting agency             Compromises per Industry

                                                                         Equifax announced a cybersecurity incident potentially
                                                                         impacting more than 143 million U.S. consumers, making this
                                                                         incident one of the largest reported breaches of 2017. Although
                                                                         such big events garner headlines, the scale of the problem
                                                                         can be obscured by the sheer volume of data breaches
                                                                         that occur on a daily and weekly basis. In many ways, the
                                                                         unintended compromise of data can be “death by a thousand

                                                                         cuts” for consumers who have offered their information up to
                                                                         online forms servicing a plethora of organizations, from their
                                                                         local school boards to their doctors’ offices.

                                                                         In fact, the top two sectors in CrowdStrike data breach
                                                                         reporting have been government and healthcare. At least half
                                                                         of these reported incidents concerned smaller organizations                    Healthcare
                                                                         — city-level entities in the case of the government, and
                                                                         local hospitals and doctors’ offices in the case of healthcare.
                                                                         The high percentage of occurrences in these sectors may
                                                                         be due to penalties imposed on organizations for failure to
                                                                         report a data exposure. Regardless, the evidence shows that
                                                                         ransomware and extortion attacks are extremely common in                       Financial

                                                                         both sectors.

                                                                         Financially motivated adversaries targeted retail and
                                                                         hospitality sectors with attacks focused on point-of-sale (PoS)
                                                                         devices, an operational model that often results in the resale                 Media & Entertainment

                                                                         of stolen credit cards in criminal marketplaces. Large-scale
                                                                         criminal operations from adversaries such as CARBON SPIDER
                                                                         and COBALT SPIDER can often fuel more sophisticated

Introduction                                                             PoS operations.

                                                                         In addition to the disclosed Equifax breach, one-third of the
                                                                         reported financial sector breaches affected cryptocurrency
     CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence introduced 16 new actor profiles    companies with an array of threats, from attempts to steal
     in 2017 - nine eCrime adversaries and seven targeted intrusion      tokens to the compromise of systems via spear phishing.
     adversaries - bringing the total of identified, named adversaries   Although the rising value of cryptocurrencies may lead one to
                                                                         believe these are eCrime threats, it is possible such operations               Retail
     to 95. In the following section, the Falcon Intelligence team
                                                                         are undertaken by nation-states aiming to increase revenue
     presents highlights from the most significant events in the         (e.g., DPRK).                                                                  Aviation
     cyberthreat landscape. The analysis presented demonstrates how                                                                                     Military
     threat intelligence can provide a deeper understanding of the       Even the Equifax breach may have been the work of targeted
     motivations and objectives of these actors, and how to use that     intrusion adversaries. While not attributed to a particular
                                                                         actor, open-source reporting has indicated investigators
     information to better defend your organization.                                                                                                    Academia
                                                                         are researching whether a state-sponsored adversary is
                                                                                                                                                        Computer Gaming
                                                                         responsible. Previously, Chinese state-sponsored actors were                   Engineering
                                                                         linked to large-scale data breaches at health insurers and the                 Energy
                                                                         U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in 2015. As was                      Maritime
                                                                                                                                                        Professional Services
                                                                         the case with these previous breaches, and those that fueled                   NGO
                                                                         the Shadow Brokers and WikiLeaks releases this year (noted                     Sports Org
                                                                         below), the effects of many of the reported breaches of 2017
                                                                         may not be known for some time.
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    13

Data from Previous Breaches of U.S.                 WikiLeaks claimed that the purpose of this                                 often conducts aggressive dissemination efforts         The actor has identified Bitcoin (BTC) as its
Intelligence Agencies Released                      series of leaks was “to initiate a public debate                           — naming the victim in social media, for example,       preferred method of data ransom payment.
                                                    about the security, creation, use, proliferation                           and interacting with technology journalists.
The U.S. intelligence community was particularly    and democratic control of cyber weapons.”
affected by data breaches. These include public     The effect of Vault 7 was likely an international
disclosures of purported tools used by the          awareness of the capabilities of the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) via WikiLeaks     intelligence community. With the decision to
throughout 2017, and the Shadow Brokers’            include source code in the Vault 8 releases,               2018               Data Breaches & Exposure
leak of National Security Agency (NSA) tools        the chances of malicious tools being                     Outlook              A third of all CrowdStrike reporting on data breaches references
and exploits in April of that year. Although both   repurposed increases significantly.
breaches likely occurred prior to 2017, serious                                                                                   inadvertent or accidental disclosure, but even these unintentional
effects of the leaks were more fully realized       Self-Serving Extortion Actors
in 2017.
                                                                                                                                  exposures can lead to malicious activity. Actors across the motivation
                                                    Although not all data exposures are the result                                spectrum have taken advantage of unsecured data.
Shadow Brokers                                      of malicious actors, several significant breaches
On April 8 and April 14, 2017, the Shadow Brokers   occurred in 2017, highlighting the need for
threat actor announced the public disclosure of     tighter security over data and the popularity of
tools and exploits, which they claim were used      data acquisition by a variety of actors intent on
by the targeted intrusion adversary publicly        ransoming or otherwise monetizing it.                                      State-Sponsored Ransomware                              where destructive malware was disguised
known as the Equation Group. The April 8 release                                                                                                                                       as ransomware. What was once a criminally
purportedly included Unix tools and exploits.       OurMine: Self-Proclaimed Gray Hat Group                                    This year was punctuated by high-profile                motivated operation model appears to have
The April 14 release included exploits and          CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence saw renewed                                campaigns linked to nation-states in which              been adopted by nation-states that are seeking
tools designed to target several versions of the    activity from the self-styled security group                               ransomware may have been used for                       alternative sources of income (e.g., DPRK) or a
Windows operating system and related                OurMine. This adversary appears to be a                                    financial or disruptive purposes, or instances          means to disable opponents (e.g., Russia).
enterprise software.                                financially motivated gray-hat-like group that
                                                    compromises social media accounts and
Included in the leaked tools were the               websites, stealing data in order to publicly                     Table 1
                                                                                                                                Malware         Target                 Nation-State Linked               Destructive     Use of
Eternal family of exploits/vulnerabilities and      shame companies, then urging them to buy
                                                                                                                Campaigns                                                                                                EternalBlue
the backdoor DoublePulsar. These were               their security services. Despite its claim to now
                                                                                                              with Possible
incorporated by a large number of malicious         represent a legitimate company, OurMine team              or Confirmed      VenusLocker
adversaries. The EternalBlue vulnerability in       tactics can still be characterized as extortive.      Links to Targeted                     South Korea            Possibly DPRK                     N/A             N/A
                                                                                                                                RoK cluster
particular fueled fast-propagating operations       This group claimed to have compromised both                    Intrusion
such as WannaCry and NotPetya. Additional           Home Box Office (HBO) and Sony PlayStation                 Adversaries
eCrime operations, which did not explicitly         Network (PSN), which demonstrates a focus on
                                                                                                                                WannaCry        Worldwide              DPRK                              N/A             ✅✔
include Eternal exploits, were nevertheless         entertainment and technology sector victims.
inspired to experiment with SMB-spreading           Falcon Intelligence assesses that OurMine
mechanisms.                                         comprises multiple members, some of
                                                    whom reside in Saudi Arabia.                                                XData           Ukraine                Russia                            Possible        N/A
WikiLeaks Vault 7 and Vault 8
On March 7, 2017, WikiLeaks began publishing        OVERLORD SPIDER: Aggressively Monetizing
documents under a program dubbed Vault 7.           High-Profile Data                                                                           Ukraine, but other
                                                                                                                                NotPetya                               Russia                            ✅ ✅✔            ✅ ✅✔
Subsequent releases occurred every one to           This adversary targets entertainment and                                                    countries impacted

two weeks until September 2017. For the Vault 7     healthcare sector targets with undisguised data
releases, WikiLeaks disclosed the configuration,    extortion attacks. OVERLORD SPIDER relies on                                                                       Possible: May be geopolitically
installation and operation manuals for many         the relatively poor security practices of small or                          IsraBye         Israel                                                   ✅ ✅✔            N/A
                                                                                                                                                                       motivated hacktivist activity
pieces of malware, but did not release specific     less-sophisticated firms, and takes advantage of
exploit or malware code for any of these            the potential legal, financial and public relations
products. This decision was amended for the         liabilities resulting from the potential loss of                            BadRabbit       Ukraine, Russia        Russia                            N/A             N/A
Vault 8 releases, which began on Nov. 9, 2017.      customers’ data. Thus, the main extortive threat
The aim for Vault 8 appears to be to provide        from this actor involves the release of personally
source code and analysis for CIA cyber tools,       identifiable information (PII) belonging to high-                                                                  Possible: Targeting suggests
                                                                                                                                Tyrant          Iran                                                     N/A             N/A
including those described in the previous Vault     profile customers of the victim company. To raise                                                                  nexus to Iranian government
7 series.                                           awareness of the breach, OVERLORD SPIDER
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15

WANNACRY                                            organizations that had not yet implemented the                                           From NotPetya to BadRabbit                         In addition to the use of EternalBlue in the
                                                    associated updates to their systems.                                                                                                        NotPetya campaign, these operations leveraged
Heralding the Rise                                                                                                                           A Series of Ransomware and Pseudo-                 multiple TTPs to infect devices and propagate
of Nation-State Linked Ransomware                   The demand for Bitcoin and indiscriminate                                                Ransomware Campaigns Targeted Ukraine              these ransomware variants. These TTPs
On May 12, 2017, a new ransomware family called     targeting profile suggests that the adversary                                            On June 27, 2017, another apparent ransomware      included supply chain interdiction, strategic
WannaCry began making headlines as it rapidly       behind this campaign was financially motivated,                                          variant named NotPetya began to spread             web compromises and credential harvesting to
infected the networks of organizations across the   much like previously observed eCrime threats.                                            globally using the EternalBlue vulnerability.      facilitate propagation. In the case of NotPetya
globe. The scale of this attack, which expanded     However, code overlaps with malware linked                                               This activity initially elicited comparisons to    specifically, file recovery was not possible,
rapidly over the course of a single day, was        to DPRK adversaries implied this operation was                                           the WannaCry campaign. However, technical          indicating this was not a financially motivated
unique. The authors of this malware incorporated    state-sponsored. Following months of reporting                                           analysis revealed an extensive operation using     operation, but rather a destructive attack
sophisticated propagation techniques, leveraging    that intelligence agencies had attributed the                                            several ransomware variants that appeared to       disguised as ransomware. These TTPs, as well
the recently released EternalBlue vulnerability     attack to DPRK state-sponsored actors, on Dec.                                           specifically target Ukrainian users.               as the choice of targets, suggest this operation
(CVE-2017-0144) and the DoublePulsar                18, 2017, the U.S. government directly credited                                                                                             is aligned with Russian state-sponsored hackers.
backdoor. The self-propagation aspect of this       North Korea with creating and distributing the
malware ensured a high infection rate among         malware.
                                                                                                                                   Table 3
                                                                                                                              Ransomware     DATE                     Malware                   CODE OVERLAP             Infection Vector
                                                                                                      Table 2                    Targeting
                                                                    Hawup RAT         TwoPence        Code Overlaps               Ukraine                                                       Criminal ransomware
 Characteristic                                     WannaCry        LABYRINTH         STARDUST        Between                                 May 18                  XData                                              M.E.Doc update
                                                                    CHOLLIMA          CHOLLIMA        WannaCry
                                                                                                      and DPRK
 Generation of fake TLS handshake                       ✔                ✔                ✔           Tools                                  June 22                  PSCrypt                   N/A                      Unsecured RDP ports

                                                                                                                                                                                                WannaCry in
 Preference for Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0             ✅✔               ✔                ✅✔                                                 June 26                  FakeCry                                            M.E.Doc update
                                                                                                                                                                                                appearance only

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         M.E.Doc update, SWC
 Contains code based on minizip                         ✔                ✔                ✔                                                  June 27                  NotPetya                  Petya                    campaign, EternalBlue
 Deployed through a dropper that extracts
 payload from an embedded password-                     ✅ ✅✔             ✅ ✅✔              ✅                                                 Oct. 24                  BadRabbit                 NotPetya                 SWC
 protected drive

 Conversion routine for hand-coded
                                                        ✔                  ✅              ✔
 cryptographic data
                                                                                                                                             Initial infections of NotPetya appeared on
                                                                                                      Technical analysis of
                                                                                                      the toolset used by                    systems running a legitimate updater for the       Many of these campaigns appeared to imitate
 API functions resolved dynamically                     ✔                                 ✔           DPRK adversaries has                   document management software M.E.Doc.              ransomware on the surface. However, the true
                                                                                                      supported a code-
                                                                                                      sharing hypothesis
                                                                                                                                             Ukrainian companies and companies operating        intent of these operations was not financial
                                                                                                                                             in Ukraine rely on the M.E.Doc software to         gain, as is typically the case with ransomware
                                                                                                                                             maintain tax information and payroll accounting.   — it was to destroy data on targeted networks.
Falcon Intelligence has previously assessed         attempt by DPRK actors to use ransomware.                                                Subsequently, CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence      The XData campaign, for example, did not
that North Korean adversaries use cyber             Sensitive source reporting identified an                                                 was able to confirm through Falcon telemetry       provide a payment amount or guidance on
operations to acquire funds and foreign             earlier campaign, allegedly active between                                               that M.E.Doc updates were an initial infection     how file recovery could occur. The operators of
currency for the Kim regime. Throughout the         December 2016 and March 2017, that leveraged                                             vector for NotPetya. Additional reports indicate   NotPetya initially offered an email to facilitate
latter half of 2017, LABYRINTH CHOLLIMA             the commodity ransomware VenusLocker.                                                    that a separate malware family, XData, was also    payment, but this address was suspended
appears to have increased the number of             Samples from this cluster of VenusLocker                                                 pushed by these software update packages           shortly after news of the malware broke. A
cryptocurrency-themed spear-phishing                activity featured the ability to encrypt Hangul                                          as early as May 2017. Falcon Intelligence          truly financially motivated actor likely would
campaigns, suggesting a high level of interest      Word Processor (HWP) and a Korean-language                                               assesses it is highly likely that Russia-based     not have implemented such a fragile payment
in Bitcoin and the acquisition of cryptocurrency.   extortion message, suggesting South Korea                                                adversaries had awareness of M.E.Doc, given        mechanism, indicating the motivation for
                                                    was a specific target for this operation.                                                the widespread integration of this software into   the actor behind NotPetya was not financial
Furthermore, WannaCry was not the first                                                                                                      business and government communications.            gain, but rather data destruction. Moreover,
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                   17

the developers of NotPetya altered Petya             whether the attacker would have responded                      and strict regulations. If the Tyrant operation       government uses the cover of cybercrime
ransomware to erase the decryption key after         with the required information. The lack of                     was motivated by domestic security interests,         operations to disrupt or poison the uptake of
encrypting the master file table (MFT). This         concern for file recovery strongly suggests the                this case highlights the potential that the Iranian   software such as Psiphon.
technique offers no method to recover the files,     adversary is not financially motivated, but rather
making NotPetya a wiper, not ransomware.             seeking to harass the victim organizations —
It should also be noted that the NotPetya            and possibly to erode trust in the networks that
developers altered the Petya binary, suggesting      support a variety of essential functions for the
the adversary did not have access to the source      affected companies and government entities.            2018       Nation-State-Linked and Targeted Ransomware
code, and therefore, reverse-engineered the                                                               Outlook
malware. This also reaffirms the assessment          Masking these attacks as eCrime is reminiscent                    High-profile attacks in 2017 have introduced the possibility that ransomware
that NotPetya and Petya were created by              of a Russian military doctrine known as
separate developers.                                 maskirovka, which features deception,
                                                                                                                       could be used for geopolitical, and even militaristic, purposes. It is possible this
                                                     concealment and disguise. The goal of                             trend of nation-state ransomware has plateaued, but it is even more likely that
The NotPetya successor BadRabbit adhered             maskirovka is not only to deceive or confuse
more closely to the designation of ransomware,       an adversary, but also to hide the true origin or                 other nations — perhaps smaller countries — or even hacktivist groups will
technically enabling data recovery, although
the process for acquiring a recovery key did not
                                                     intent of an operation. Although NotPetya was
                                                     eventually revealed to be a wiper, the veneer of
                                                                                                                       use ransomware and pseudo-ransomware wipers to disrupt victims, eroding
appear to be user-friendly and it is unknown         ransomware delayed this initial assessment.                       trust between vital businesses and their customers or between governments
                                                                                                                       and their constituencies.

Middle East Origins                                                                                                    In 2017, these attacks used TTPs that were novel and trending in 2017, including
                                                                                                                       the use of the EternalBlue vulnerability and the compromise of software update
IsraBye                                              Tyrant and WannaSmile                                             supply chains. Incidents described here can be characterized by the combination
Discovered in early August 2017, IsraBye is a        Throughout the latter part of 2017, Falcon                        of eCrime ransomware operations and targeted intrusion techniques. Therefore,
wiper that displays a ransom message listing
fictitious conditions for file recovery. Technical
                                                     Intelligence observed an increase in
                                                     ransomware attacks targeting internet users in
                                                                                                                       in 2018 and beyond, new campaigns could incorporate the latest vulnerabilities
analysis indicated the developer likely intended     locations where the Farsi language is spoken.                     or additional TTPs that have not been previously observed or associated with
that the files be destroyed permanently.             Open-source reporting listed at least two
When executed, the malware displays anti-            recent cases, in October and November 2017,
                                                                                                                       ransomware campaigns.
Israeli and pro-Palestinian imagery, rhetoric        involving ransomware families called Tyrant
and audio content on victim machines while           and WannaSmile. Although reports suggested
overwriting files and appending their names          these cyber operations were criminal in nature,

                                                                                                                    The Takedown Effect
with the .israbye suffix. The displayed content      Falcon Intelligence assesses that both the
contained references to the Al Aqsa Mosque           Iranian government and state-sponsored actors
compound, reinforcing the intended timing of         could have equal motivation for conducting
this operation, which coincided with clashes         these attacks.                                                 Falcon Intelligence reported on several law           law enforcement operation can create a ripple
surrounding controversial July 2017 security                                                                        enforcement actions targeting cybercrime              effect in the eCrime ecosystem.
measures put in place by Israeli security            According to an Iranian government authority,                  (see Figure 2). Such efforts included arrests,
service at the Al Aqsa compound. The anti-           the Psiphon virtual private network (VPN)                      botnet takedowns, shutting down forums                An example of this ripple effect was observed
Israel content and the timing of this malware        software was spoofed by the purported                          associated with criminal activity, and legal          in July 2017, with the takedowns of the
operation indicate that it was almost certainly      operators of the Tyrant campaign and used                      injunctions against infrastructure. In some           darknet markets AlphaBay and Hansa, a
politically motivated. Multiple elements of the      to distribute the ransomware. Psiphon is used                  cases, these operations require cooperation           collaboration between multiple international
wiper are indicative of a hacktivist developer.      to evade government censorship and filtering                   among multiple international law enforcement          law enforcement agencies — notably, the Dutch
For instance, the background image used              efforts, and thus, this software and its users are             agencies with assistance from private and             National Police and the U.S. Federal Bureau
for the wiper is identical to a defacement           likely targets for the Iranian government. Iran                non-profit cybersecurity elements. The ZOMBIE         of Investigation (FBI). In combination with the
page used by the Palestinian hacktivist group        has an extensive history of targeting popular                  SPIDER takedown, described below, is a                collapse of TradeRoute, the operation against
Giant’s-ps.                                          applications such as Psiphon with restrictions                 notable example of how broad support for a            AlphaBay and Hansa has led to months of
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     19

disarray for centralized darknet markets.                            both HOUND SPIDER and INDRIK SPIDER faced                                                    (developed by BAMBOO SPIDER), Gozi ISFB and           network per day, but following the takedown
                                                                     legal action. Although these arrests may not                                                 Nymain, as well as large-scale phishing and           operation, it was discovered that the number
On a smaller scale, legal proceedings can be                         dismantle the larger criminal enterprise, they                                               “pump-and-dump” stock campaigns. Prior to             of machines was in fact approximately 70,000
an effective means to handle individual eCrime                       can prompt other actors to examine the risks                                                 the takedown operation, Kelihos was one of the        per day. In its final weeks of operation, Kelihos
actors. In December 2017, individual affiliates of                   they are taking when engaging in cybercrime.                                                 largest spam botnets on the criminal market.          predominantly supported campaigns for Shade
                                                                                                                                                                  It was originally estimated that an average of        ransomware, Cerber ransomware, bank phishing
                                                                                                                                                                  40,000 machines were connecting to the P2P            scams and money mule lures.

                                                                                                                                   Figure 2
                                                                                                                                   Timeline of

      January 13                                                July 20                                 November 30
                                                                                                                                   Notable Law
                                                                                                                                   Enforcement             Link
      Creator of Limitless
      Logger pleads guilty
                                                                Developer of Citadel
                                                                malware sentenced
                                                                                                                                   Events in 2017    to Russian       On Oct. 3, 2017, a Spanish court decided to extradite Levashov to the United States, an action
      in U.S. courts                                            to five years in prison
                                                                by U.S. courts                                                                      Government        that the Russian Federation attempted to block by filing a counter-extradition request on Sept.
                                                                                                                                                                      22, 2017. Levashov’s defense claimed that he had "access to information constituting state
         January 20          April 7                            July 20                                   December 12                                                 secrets through the university in St. Petersburg." Furthermore, during the court proceedings,
         Russian operator    ZOMBIE SPIDER                      DoJ announces                             UK-based supporter
         of Neverquest       takedown                           takedown of                               of INDRIK SPIDER                                            Levashov claimed that he had worked for the United Russia Party for 10 years as an officer in
         arrested in Spain                                      darknet markets                           sentenced
                                                                AlphaBay & Hansa                                                                                      the Russian Army by “collecting various information on opposition parties.” According to
                                   Incremental adjustments to spam botnet market
                                                                                                               December 20                                            open-source reporting, United Russia has denied this claim.
                                                                                                               HOUND SPIDER
                                                                   Darknet markets remain in disarray
                                                                                                               affiliates arrested
                                                                                                               in Romania
                                                                                                                                                                      CrowdStrike previously reported on Levashov’s potential affiliation with the Russian
   JAN       FEB      MAR    APR       MAY      JUN       JUL        AUG       SEP       OCT    NOV      DEC                                                          government. In a forum post from 2013, his Severa persona discussed an offer that he
                                                   2017                                                                                                               allegedly received from the FSB to lead a team in protecting Russia from electronic threats
                                                                                                                                                                      and providing a reactive response, if required. If this forum post was indeed legitimate, it
                                                                                                                                                                      provides a unique insight into the FSB’s recruitment campaigns and the suspected hiring
                                                                                                                                                                      of criminal actors. It also hints that the Russian government will overlook criminal acts,
The Fall of ZOMBIE SPIDER                                            process propagated a carefully crafted peer
                                                                     list that prevented the threat actor (in this case
                                                                                                                                                                      particularly operations that target Western nations, if they benefit the Russian state.
On April 7, 2017, Pytor Levashov — who                               ZOMBIE SPIDER) from communicating with                                                           This provides cybercriminals who operate out of Russia a safe haven, and potential job
predominantly used the alias Severa or Peter                         infected systems. As a result of the peer list
                                                                                                                                                                      opportunities within the Russian government in addition to their criminal enterprises. This
Severa and whom Falcon Intelligence tracks                           poisoning, the P2P network was transformed
as ZOMBIE SPIDER — was arrested in an                                into a centralized network, with infected                                                        aligns with Russia’s previous warning to its citizens against traveling to countries that have
international law enforcement operation led                          hosts only being able to communicate with                                                        an extradition treaty with the United States, due to the possibility of arrest and prosecution.
by the FBI. ZOMBIE SPIDER’s specialty was                            the sinkhole operated by Falcon Intelligence.
large-scale spam distribution, a fundamental                         The IP address victim information collected
component of cybercrime operations. Levashov                         by the sinkhole was distributed by the non-
was the primary threat actor behind a botnet                         profit organization Shadowserver to global
known as Kelihos and its predecessors, Waledac                       internet service providers (ISPs) and computer
and Storm. In addition to Levashov’s arrest, there                   emergency response teams (CERTs) to assist                                                   Observed Changes
was a technical operation conducted by Falcon                        with remediation efforts.                                                                    to eCrime Distribution                                MONTY SPIDER, operator of the CraP2P spam
Intelligence to seize control of the Kelihos botnet.                                                                                                                                                                    botnet (aka Necurs spambot), appeared to be a
                                                                     ZOMBIE SPIDER provided criminal services to                                                  With the Kelihos spam botnet no longer in             clear beneficiary of the Kelihos takedown. CraP2P
The Kelihos botnet was a peer-to-peer (P2P)                          a large number of affiliates, with Kelihos spam                                              operation and ZOMBIE SPIDER behind bars,              has not only distributed the pump-and-dump
botnet that used infected systems as proxies                         campaigns varying greatly over the years.                                                    multiple criminal operators moved to different        spam, but has also picked up WIZARD SPIDER
to relay information between each other and                          Although pharmaceutical spam was a threat                                                    distribution methods. For example, Falcon             and INDRIK SPIDER as possible customers.
the Kelihos backend servers. In order to seize                       consistently supported throughout Kelihos’                                                   Intelligence has observed the Cutwail spam botnet     Operators of ransomware — particularly Jaff,
control of Kelihos, Falcon Intelligence leveraged                    lifespan, the botnet was also used to distribute                                             distributing Gozi ISFB and the Magnitude exploit      Locky, and Globe Imposter — made use of
a technique known as peer list poisoning. This                       major banking Trojans such as Panda Zeus                                                     kit distributing Cerber ransomware.                   CraP2P for distribution during Summer 2017.
20                                                                                                                                                                                             21

Spam Botnets and Law Enforcement                                               2018      Exploit Proliferation                                  may have access to a centralized dissemination
                                                                               Outlook                                                          channel for tools and exploits. It is also possible
Spam botnets such as Cutwail and CraP2P, which have sustained operations                 Although the rise of nation-state ransomware           that China was already aware of some or all of
in the wake of the ZOMBIE SPIDER takedown, are likely to continue at                     was perhaps the most visible TTP trend of              these vulnerabilities. Recent industry reporting has
                                                                                         2017, these attacks were enabled by several            suggested that the Chinese National Vulnerability
their current pace. However, established and well-resourced operations                   other TTPs that appeared to be on the rise,            Database (CNNVD) is a loose cover for the Ministry

may develop in-house solutions for distributing their malware, as was                    including the EternalBlue vulnerability and the
                                                                                         compromise of software update mechanisms.
                                                                                                                                                of State Security (MSS) and provides early access
                                                                                                                                                of vulnerabilities to China’s intelligence services
observed from several banking Trojan operators experimenting with various                In addition to EternalBlue, Falcon Intelligence        before publicly reporting them.
                                                                                         tracked the proliferation of several notable
propagation methods.                                                                     vulnerabilities, including CVE-2017-0199 and           Software Update
                                                                                         CVE-2017-8759, which demonstrated similar              Supply Chain Attacks
Given the tenacity and anonymity that surrounds many cybercriminals,                                                                            Software supply chain attacks have long
law enforcement actions such as takedowns, arrests and the sentencing                    The ability to incorporate newly publicized            been associated with nation-state espionage
                                                                                         vulnerabilities is an indication of a fairly           operations, but in 2017, this technique appeared
of individuals who are involved in cybercrime are major successes for law                sophisticated adversary — one with                     to spread. The infection of software update
                                                                                         development resources sufficient to take               processes was observed in criminally motivated
enforcement agencies. These actions often temporarily splinter the criminal              advantage of the vulnerability before large            and destructive campaigns, in addition to likely
community, as actors examine their operational security (OPSEC) postures                 organizations can apply available patches.             state-sponsored activity. Figure 4 provides a
                                                                                         Figure 3 provides a timeline of how a few of the       summary of some of the notable incidents in
and look for alternative methods for committing their crimes.                            notable exploits proliferated among several            this TTP category.
                                                                                         adversaries, both criminally motivated groups
                                                                                         and state-sponsored actors.                            CrowdStrike also observed a variation of this
Despite the immediate results, disruptions can also create opportunities for                                                                    tactic in which the attacker does not modify
                                                                                         As the exploit grows stale, it is often incorporated   the code, but instead uses brand-spoofing
ambitious criminal operators or prompt adversaries to retool. Therefore,                 into Metasploit modules or other custom builders,      to facilitate an attack. In such an operation, a
continued vigilance is needed to assess the long-term effects on the                     thus opening the door for other groups to adopt        legitimate application is advertised as available
                                                                                         these TTPs. COBALT SPIDER is suspected of using        for download; upon download, a user is
overall threat landscape.                                                                an exploit document builder. Such tools are for        prompted to update the software via adversary-
                                                                                         sale on Russian underground marketplaces. This         controlled infrastructure, thus providing an
                                                                                         adversary incorporated CVE-2017-0199, CVE-             avenue for malicious execution. This type of
Finally, financially motivated eCrime adversaries are not the only actors                2017-8759 and CVE-2017-11882 into their spear-         attack was used to distribute ProtonRAT in

subject to legal ramifications. As described in the China section below,                 phishing operations shortly after zero-day.            November 2017. The operation involved the
                                                                                                                                                registration of a domain, symantecblog[.]com,
the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) announced several indictments against               Chinese adversaries also leveraged CVE-2017-           which spoofs the blog for the information
                                                                                         0199, CVE-2017-8759 and CVE-2017-11882                 security provider Symantec. The available
Chinese individuals linked to likely nation-state espionage operations. U.S.             into several disparate campaigns, likely at the        hyperlink for downloading an antivirus tool from
authorities may consider expanding this approach as a means to deter                     hands of multiple separate groups. The rapid           that page consisted of a MacOS application
                                                                                         incorporation of all of these exploits into China-     that delivers ProtonRAT.
individuals from assisting in targeted intrusion operations.                             based operations suggests these adversaries
22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              23

                                                                            August 10                                                       Figure 3                       Figure 4
                                                                            Criminally motivated                                            Exploit Proliferation   Notable Supply            Possible                              Suspected                             Criminally
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    YES                                    NO
                                                                            spear phishing linked                                                                                              China?                              Nation State?                          Motivated
                                                                            to COBALT SPIDER
                                                                                                                                            in 2017                 Chain Attacks in
                                        April 19                                                                                                                               2017
                                        FANCY BEAR targets
                                                                                                           November 14
                                        Romanian Ministry
                                        of Foreign Affairs                                                                                                                                         NO                                                                           NO
                                        with DownRage
                                                                                                              November 20
                                                                                                              Exploit builder
                                       CVE-2017-0262                                                          made available
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Possible Gray Hat

                                                                                                                Late November                                                                                                                                       PyPI Typosquatting
                            March 21                                                                            In use by several                                                                                                                              In September 2017, industry
                            CARBON SPIDER                                                                       Chinese adversaries                                                                                                                researchers discovered that malicious
                            uses with Ammyy                                                                                                                                                                                                               Python packages residing in the
                            Admin                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Python Package Index (PyPI) were
                                                                                                                   November 27                                                            M.E.Doc                                                    masquerading as popular packages.
                                                                                                                   Delivers LokiBot                                                       Initial infections of NotPetya                           The names of the malicious packages
                                                                                                                   info stealer                                                           appeared on systems running a                                  approximated those of legitimate
                                  April 10
                                                                                                                                                                                          legitimate updater for the                               packages and were delivered to users
                                  Early use by
                                                                                                                                                                                          document management software                                      who mistakenly typed the fake
                                  INDRIK SPIDER             June 20                                                         January 1                                                     M.E.Doc. Additional reports indicate                      package names. The only functional-
                                                            Spear-phishing                                                  Adopted by                                                                                                               ity of the malicious packages was to
                                                            documents linked                                                                                                              that a separate malware family,
                                                                                                                            QUILTED TIGER                                                 XData, was also pushed by these                           relay basic machine information back
                                                            to EXTREME JACKAL                                                                                                                                                                          to a C2 server and did not allow for
                                    April 11                                                                                                                                              software update packages as early
                                    Patch released                                                                                                                                        as May 2017.                                                downloading of additional malware.
                                                                  Incorporated into
                                       Mid-Late April                                                                                                                                           YES                                                                            YES
      January                                                     COBALT SPIDER
      Unidentified actor                Adopted by                 spear -phishing
      targets Ukraine                  several Chinese            campaigns
      with FinSpy                      adversaries
                                                                                                                    Criminally motivated
                                                                                August 25                           Formbook campaign
                                        April 19                                Used by
                                        Adopted by                              NUMBERED PANDA
                                        HELIX KITTEN                            as well as additional
                                                                                suspected China-based
                                                                                                                                                                                       CCleaner                                                                                   ProtonRAT
                                                                                                                                                                                       On September 18, 2017, reporting emerged                              In 2017, unidentified adversaries
     CVE-2017-0199                                                                                                                                                                     detailing a widespread campaign using the                      attempted to disseminate the MacOS
                                                                                                                                                                                       adware-removal tool Ccleaner to distribute a                 malware called ProtonRAT by spreading
                                                                                                                                                                                       malicious downloader. The second-stage                             it through supply chain attacks on
                           March 14                                                                                                                                                    payload was delivered to telecommunica-                          video-processing software, such as
                                                                                       September 12
                           Microsoft releases                                                                                                                                          tions and internet services companies,                                        Handbrake and Elmedia.
                           patch                                                                                                                                                       identified by a target list obtained from a C2
                                                                                                                                                                                       server. Early technical analysis indicated
                                                                                            September                                                                                  possible attribution to a Chinese adversary,
                                   April 14                                                 Adopted by COBALT SPIDER                                                                   based on a unique implementation of the
                                   Released by                                                                                                                                         Base64 encoding algorithm shared with
                                   Shadow Brokers                                                                                                                                      variants of ZoxPNG, a tool attributed to
                                                                                                                                                                                       AURORA PANDA. Further analysis of the
                                                                                              Late September
                                                                                                                                                                                       first-stage C2 IP address demonstrated
                                                                                              Several incidents linked to
                                       Late April           June 27                                                                                                                    additional links to past and current
                                                                                              Chinese adversary activity
                                       Adylkuzz             NotPetya                                                                                                                   China-based activity, including infrastructure
                                       mineware             campaign                                                                                                                   overlaps with malware families HTTPBrows-
                                       incorporates                                                                                                                                    er, Sykipot, and Scanbox. The use of these
                                                                                                October 3                                                                              tools has been associated with numerous
                                                                                                Identified use by                                                                       Chinese adversaries, including EMISSARY
                                                                      July 27                   NUMBERED PANDA                                                                         PANDA and MAVERICK PANDA.
                                                                      Sality botnet
                                             May 12                   begins to
                                                                      spread using
                                                                                                                                                                                       On August 15, it was reported that a supply
                                             ransomware               EternalBlue
                                                                                                                                                                                       chain attack leveraged compromised
                                                                                                                                                                                       software packages from NetSarang, a
                                                                                                                                                                                       company specializing in connectivity
                                                                                                                                                                                       solutions for large corporate networks. A
                          ETERNALBLUE                                                 CVE-2017-8759                                                                                    library included in several of the NetSarang
                                                                                                                                                                                       software packages was modified to contain
                                                                                                                                                                                       malicious shellcode that would enable the
                                                                                                                                                                                       adversary to activate an embedded
                                                                                                                                                                                       implant dubbed ShadowPad. Further
     JAN     FEB     MAR         APR      MAY         JUN      JUL        AUG         SEP      OCT      NOV        DEC                                                                 analysis of C2 infrastructure related to this
                                                                                                                                                                                       incident revealed a connection to
                                                         2017                                                                                                                          China-based targeted intrusion actors.
24                                                                                                                                                                                                25

Findings Part 1

                                                                                                  Activity from China-based adversaries
                                                                                                  targeted multiple separate countries and
                                                                                                                                                     Asian countries reflects not only China’s heavy
                                                                                                                                                     investment in large infrastructure projects
                                                                                                  industry sectors in 2017. Although this            within the region, but also ongoing territorial
     In 2017, Falcon Intelligence identified targeted intrusion activity from across the globe.
                                                                                                  broad range of interests appears disparate,        disputes in the South China Sea (SCS). Similarly,
     The following sections provide an overview of observed incidents attributed to adversaries   information on many of the targeted                in the latter half of the year, suspected Korean
     in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. These campaigns are likely state-sponsored          government entities likely supports intelligence   Peninsula targeting was observed concurrent
     operations supporting intelligence or military requirements. Additionally, Falcon            requirements for military or diplomatic decision   with a rise in North Korean and American
     Intelligence continues to observe activity from the Indian subcontinent and named two        making. Observed targeting of other sectors        rhetoric regarding DPRK’s nuclear program.
                                                                                                  — including technology, industry, aerospace,       In some cases, adversaries appeared to shift
     new adversaries to assist in tracking these incidents -- the Pakistan-based MYTHIC
                                                                                                  telecommunications, and energy — likely            targeting based on these high-profile
     LEOPARD and India-based QUILTED TIGER, publicly known as Patchwork. These adversaries        supports high-priority projects for the 13th       current events.
     and others are detailed in Table 9.                                                          Five Year Plan (FYP), such as the Belt Road
                                                                                                  Initiative (BRI).                                  Many Chinese adversaries demonstrated
                                                                                                                                                     the capacity to quickly incorporate new
                                                                                                  The BRI represents China’s desire to expand        vulnerabilities, specifically CVE-2017-0199
                                                                                                  its influence internationally through support to   and CVE-2017-8759. Additionally, adversaries
                                                                                                  logistical supply routes and new infrastructure    such as NUMBERED PANDA appear to have
                                                                                                  projects. Because investments into these           broadened their toolkits. Activity from this
                                                                                                  projects span the globe, targeting has been        adversary in July and October used the same
                                                                                                  observed in widely diverse regions, such as        infrastructure, but different malware families.
                                                                                                  Belarus in Eastern Europe and Cambodia in          Evidence from 2017 also suggests many China-
                                                                                                  Southeast Asia.                                    based actor groups have adopted commodity
                                                                                                                                                     or open-source tools such as Cobalt Strike.
                                                                                                  Regional geopolitical concerns also appear         These toolkit choices are likely driven by an
                                                                                                  to drive a high percentage of Chinese targeted     increased level of operational security and
                                                                                                  intrusion activity. The targeting of Southeast     a desire to complicate attribution.
26                                                                                                                                                                                                                    27

                                                                                                                                                                                 Figure 5

Table 4
A Summary                   Adversary      Ops Tempo1     Description                                                                 SUMMARY OF CHINESE
                                                                                                                                  TARGETING IN 2017 BY REGION
of Observed
Chinese                                                   This adversary continued long-running
Adversary                                  High           operations against the government of
Activity in 2017                                          Vietnam.

                                                          The target scope for this adversary appears

                            WICKED                        to be broad, suggesting they are contractors
                            PANDA                         who are supporting high-priority operations as
                                                                                                             Activity against
                                                          The target scope for this adversary includes       a think tank
                            PANDA                         Russia and India.
                                                                                                             entity was
                                                                                                             ongoing through
                                                          This adversary was linked to several incidents
                                                                                                             the latter half
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Several named adversaries,
                                                          targeting the U.S. legal sector. Additional
                                                          activity from early in the year, which targeted    of 2017.                                                        & Myanmar              including NUMBERED PANDA,
                            PANDA                         China-based cross-border payment services,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    STALKER PANDA, and WICKED
                                                          supports the conclusion that this group may                                                                    For years, GOBLIN PANDA
                                                          support domestic investigations.                                                                                                          PANDA, were linked to
                                                                                                                                                                       has consistently targeted
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the targeting of Japan.
                                                                                                                                                                       Vietnam, and has possibly
                                                          This adversary appeared to shift focus over
                                                          the course of the year, with likely Taiwanese                                                              launched operations against
                                           Medium         targeting in early 2017, targeting of Japan
                                                          in mid-2017 and another shift to the Korean         U.S.                                                              Myanmar as well.
                                                          Peninsula in October 2017.
                                                                                                             Targeted sectors
                                                          In April 2017, public reporting on a campaign      include think
                                                          dubbed “Cloud Hopper” described targeting
                                                          of Japanese organizations in multiple sectors.
                                                                                                             tanks, legal
                                           Medium         There is some evidence that STONE PANDA            services, and
                                                          is behind the Cloud Hopper operation,              medical research.
                                                          and malware identified in December 2017
    Operations tempo is
                                                          suggests this adversary is still active.
based on observed
activity and available
reporting. Low              STALKER                       This adversary is linked to BlogSpotRAT activity
tempo may indicate          PANDA                         targeting Japan in June 2017.
gaps in this visibility.

                                                                                                             A suspected
                           In addition to the adversary activities listed here, Falcon Intelligence          Chinese actor used
                           identified numerous incidents that also are suspected to be linked to China.      CVE-2017-0199
                                                                                                             and Cobalt Strike
                                                                                                             against a German
                                                                                                                                  India & Russia                                                    Taiwan
                                                                                                             conglomerate.          HAMMER PANDA targeted
                                                                                                                                                                           Australia               In January 2017, new
                                                                                                                                       Russia’s government,                                        Ixeshe samples were
                                                                                                                                                                    In September 2017, a decoy
                                                                                                                                      aerospace, and energy                                        observed, similar
                                                                                                                                                                     copied from an Australian
                                                                                                                                      sectors, as well as an                                       to 2016 NUMBERED
                                                                                                                                                               website was used in an incident
                                                                                                                                   engineering and defense                                         PANDA activity.
                                                                                                                                                                leveraging CVE-2017-8759 and
                                                                                                                                             firm in India.                  MoonWind malware.
28                                                                                                                                                                                                  29

                                                                                                                       China, individuals with connections to the old
Contract for Espionage                                 adversary groups in the form of Sakula, Hkdoor,                 hacking groups are likely training second and
                                                       and Adjesus malware variants. The description of                third generations of technically savvy operators,
Given the reorganization of China’s People's           the malicious activity detailed in the indictment               who can incorporate lessons learned by their
Liberation Army (PLA) and a noted shift in activity    strongly corresponds to existing CrowdStrike                    predecessors over the last decade.
from WICKED PANDA (formerly associated with            reporting, published in February 2014, describing
financially motivated attacks), Falcon Intelligence    intrusion operations targeting several aerospace
predicted a rise in China-based targeted               organizations in 2012 and 2014. Additional
intrusion activity undertaken by contractors in        analysis of the infrastructure associated with the
2017. Contract companies — founded by leaders
in computer science and maintaining a wide
                                                       2011-2014 activity and listed in the indictment
                                                       shows overlaps with TURBINE PANDA and
social network based on connections made               SAMURAI PANDA, adversaries that have also                         Falcon Intelligence expects that 2018 will be another transitional year for
via old hacking forums — may be uninhibited            targeted elements of the aerospace industry.
by bureaucracy that affects the PLA or large
                                                                                                                         Chinese targeted intrusion activity. Groups associated with the PLA and
Chinese intelligence organizations. If true, these     Following the GoldSun indictment, on November                     Technical Reconnaissance Bureaus (TRBs) may follow the lead of contract
adversaries can likely execute operations and          27, 2017, the U.S. District Court of Western
incorporate tools more rapidly.                        Pennsylvania unsealed an indictment against                       groups, incorporating commodity tools and better OPSEC techniques
Throughout 2017, WICKED PANDA embodied
                                                       three employees of Chinese cybersecurity
                                                       company, Guangzhou Bo Yu Information
                                                                                                                         into their TTPs. Additional attempts to reorganize the overall intelligence
what Falcon Intelligence would expect from             Technology Company Ltd. (Boyusec), charging                       community in China may result in a centralized body that can provide better
a contract entity. This adversary improved             them with cyber-enabled theft of intellectual
operational security and anti-analysis TTPs,           property from three separate U.S. companies.                      synthesis for cyber operations. Groups tied to well-resourced intelligence
evidenced by the use of machine-specific
decryption keys. The use of dead-drop
                                                       Boyusec was previously outed in public
                                                       reporting in November 2016 for its connections
                                                                                                                         agencies will almost certainly have access to the results of additional
resolver (DDR) command and control (C2),               to the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS)                   upstream, supply chain compromises, a notable trend in 2017 that will likely
obfuscation techniques, and encrypted payloads
demonstrates a higher sophistication than
                                                       and Chinese telecom giant Huawei. The three
                                                       individuals named in the indictment — Wu
what was previously observed from Chinese              Yingzhuo, Dong Hao, and Xia Lei — were all
adversaries associated with the PLA. WICKED            employees of Boyusec, with Wu and Dong
PANDA continued to target a diverse set of             being founding members and executives of the                      After the 2015 cyber agreement between the U.S. and China, there was
sectors and regions, possible evidence that
official tasking is provided for specific operations
                                                                                                                         a shift to acquiring intellectual property through the buy-out of foreign
that require these advanced techniques.                Though the indictment lays out charges for                        companies. Because of the large outflow of cash from China, this method
                                                       intrusion activity conducted against U.S.
Contract entities may also be able to cast a           companies in the manufacturing, financial, and
                                                                                                                         may be discouraged in the near term; therefore, cyber operations to acquire
wide net for victims, sitting on the compromise        aerospace sectors from 2011 through 2017, the                     intellectual property may rise again, affecting countries in Europe, Japan, the
until they can effectively use the access. TTPs        activities of Wu in particular can be traced back
for acquiring large numbers of potential victims       to at least 2005, and they have been previously                   United States, and possibly Russia.
include strategic web compromises, supply              identified by Falcon Intelligence as GOTHIC
chain compromises and mass spear phishing.             PANDA. This adversary has historically used a
                                                       distinct implant known as Pirpi (aka UPS, as listed               There is some evidence that there has been a rise in U.S. targeting. The
Chinese Nationals with Links to Cyber                  in the indictment), and is known for a methodical,
Espionage Named in DoJ Indictments                     persistent intrusion methodology with a high                      Trump administration has at times released strong rhetoric on China-U.S.
Dismantling social relationships between               degree of sophistication and OPSEC. Numerous                      relations, although in the latter half of 2017 this language shifted to one
contractors and government officials will likely       CrowdStrike reports have described GOTHIC
prove to be difficult, but as part of this process,    PANDA as a likely contractor for the MSS, based                   of cooperation in dealing with the potential nuclear threat of North Korea.
the U.S. DoJ announced several indictments
aimed at Chinese nationals suspected of
                                                       on both its TTPs and operations that occurred
                                                       outside normal Beijing working hours.
                                                                                                                         In 2018, Falcon Intelligence assesses U.S. targeting will likely fall under
contributing to nation-state espionage                                                                                   three categories — pure espionage, opportunistic compromises of soft
operations. In late August, Yu Pingan (aka             The effect of these indictments may drive all
GoldSun) was indicted in connection with a             China-based activity to adopt better OPSEC                        targets such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and think tanks, and
series of high-profile attacks targeting western
aerospace and technology firms. Yu was accused
                                                       techniques, a process that has already been
                                                       observed with the use of commodity tooling
                                                                                                                         operations that are such a high-priority, it is worth the risk of violating the
of providing material support to China-based           in a possible effort to hinder attribution. Within                2015 agreement with the previous administration.
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