Accolades for sustainability - Keppel Corporation

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Accolades for sustainability - Keppel Corporation
A Publication of Keppel Corporation



               Accolades for                         Renewable
               sustainability                        solutions

     MCI (P)
031/01/2021    24                                    18          34
Accolades for sustainability - Keppel Corporation
1    Editor’s Note                                    37 Strengthening track record             Editorial Advisor
2    Keppel Corporation Financial Results             38 Unlocking value                        Ho Tong Yen
        Financial highlights                          39 Reskilling and seizing opportunities
        In conversation
14   Keppel REIT Financial Results                    GETTING TO KNOW YOU                       Editor
                                                                                                Sue-Ann Huang
15   Keppel Pacific Oak US REIT
     Financial Results                                40 Spotlight on: Ms Bridget Lee
16   Keppel DC REIT Financial Results
                                                                                                Copy Editors
17   First closing for Keppel’s                       42 Celebrating Keppelites
                                                                                                Lee Wan Jun, Brian Lee
     second data centre fund                          43 Appointments
18   Renewable energy solutions
20   Bold transformation                              HSE MATTERS                               Editorial Team
     of the O&M business                                                                        Amanda Teng, Ana Luisa Cruz,
22   Launch of Keppel Vietnam Fund                    44 Keppel clinches highest number         Ang Lai Lee, Ariel Tee, Casey Chiang,
      140th conversion project                           of WSH accolades                       Dorothy Lim, Elizabeth Widjaja,
23   Keppel Land to divest Keppel Bay                 45 Celebrating safety                     Emmeline Khoo, Fiona Aw, Frances Teh,
     Tower to Keppel REIT                                                                       Glenda Yang, Grace Chia, Guo Xiao Rong,
24   Accolades for sustainability                     46 Managing disruption,                   Ivana Chua, Loh Jing Ting, Nikki Lam, Roy Tan,
     and excellence                                      enabling innovation                    Serena Toh, Tang Yi Bing, Victor Heng,
                                                                                                Woon Pek Yong, Yolanda Guo
27   Model for sustainable development                47 Empowering lives
28   New Year Message from the CEO                    48 Doing good well
32   Leadership renewal                               49 Climate action
     for key business units                           50 Supporting dialysis care
34   Making waves in                                  52 Nurturing communities in China  
     luxury waterfront living                         54 Supporting education
35   Keppel Land invests in                              Beach cleanup                          Keppelite is a publication of Keppel
     co-living company, Cove                          55 Season of giving                       Corporation, and is published quarterly
36   Marking milestones                               56 Recognising volunteers                 by the Group Corporate Communications
                                                                                                Division. All rights reserved. Permission from
                                                                                                the publisher is required for reproduction by
                                                                                                any means in whole or in part.

Cover image: The Reef at King’s Dock (pictured: Artist’s impression), a luxury waterfront
project located in the HarbourFront and Keppel Bay precincts and developed by Mapletree
and Keppel Land, has achieved a strong take-up, with 280 of the 300 units released sold over
the launch weekend of 30 and 31 January 2021.
Accolades for sustainability - Keppel Corporation
1                                                                                                                  EDITOR'S NOTE

Editor’s Note
The world heaved a sigh of relief as we   As part of Vision 2030, Keppel Offshore     These achievements would not have
sent off 2020 – an unprecedentedly        & Marine’s business will be transformed     been possible without the hard work
difficult year which will be remembered   to be a slimmer and more competitive        and dedication of Keppelites. As part
for the immense human suffering and       developer and integrator of offshore        of the Group’s succession planning, we
economic malaise unleashed by the         energy and infrastructure assets, which     announced a group of next generation
COVID-19 pandemic.                        is well-placed to support the energy        leaders who will take on bigger roles to
                                          transition (pages 20 and 21).               bring Keppel forward to realise Vision
While the pandemic upended                                                            2030 (pages 32 and 33).
many aspects of modern life, it also      With sustainability at the heart of our
accelerated many of the macrotrends       strategy, Keppel will continue in our       Even as we battled COVID-19, we
that are already in motion, including     journey to support the world’s energy       remained focused on uplifting the
the energy transition, increasing         needs through renewable energy              community, including donating to set up
digitalisation, e-commerce and super      solutions. We closed the year with the      a new NKF dialysis centre, supporting
liquidity. It also inspired innovation    announcement on a new solar farm            SPD’s Sheltered Workshop and bringing
and experimentation on a global scale,    project in Australia by Keppel Renewable    cheer to rural communities in Yunnan
as communities around the world           Energy, as well as the construction of an   Province in China (pages 47 to 55).
adjusted to working from home and         offshore wind turbine installation vessel
living in the age of pandemics.           project by Keppel O&M for Dominion          2021 is expected to remain challenging
                                          Energy (pages 18 and 19).                   as COVID-19 continues to take its toll
For Keppel, 2020 was also a year of                                                   in many countries around the world.
new beginnings as we announced            We continued to add to the quality          Nevertheless, as Mr Loh Chin Hua
our Vision 2030 roadmap, even as the      homes in Singapore’s Southern               said in his new year message, we are
pandemic was unfolding.                   Waterfront with the launch of the           “cautiously optimistic” about the year
                                          Reef at King’s Dock, which has been         ahead, underpinned by the unique
In his new year message to                well-received by the market (pages          strengths of Keppel’s businesses, the
Keppelites (pages 28 to 31) and           34 and 35).  Our contributions to the       clarity of our vision, and the resilience
at Keppel Corporation’s FY 2020           built environment continued to receive      of Keppelites. Let us continue to work
results announcement (pages 2 to 7),      recognition, with the Keppel Group          together, guided by Vision 2030, to
CEO of Keppel Corporation, Mr Loh         garnering multiple awards from the          build a stronger Keppel and a more
Chin Hua provided updates on our          Building and Construction Authority in      sustainable world.
progress in executing Vision 2030,        Singapore (pages 24 to 26). Keppel also
which guides the Group’s strategy         continued to be recognised for safety       Wishing all Keppelites a happy new year
and transformation as one integrated      efforts, winning 21 awards at Singapore’s   and all the best in 2021!
business, providing solutions for         Workplace Safety and Health Awards
sustainable urbanisation.                 (page 44).                                  Keppelite Editor
Accolades for sustainability - Keppel Corporation

    Keppel Corporation Financial Results

Driving transformation

Keppelite reproduces the speech by Mr Loh Chin Hua, CEO of Keppel Corporation,
at the Company’s 2H & FY 2020 results webcast.

2020 was a tumultuous year, with the            sustainability, technology and innovation,        global oil demand, thus triggering a sharp
COVID-19 pandemic causing immense               and people and organisation.                      deterioration in the industry in the past year.
suffering and severely impacting the global
economy. Keppel was also not spared             We also launched a 100-day plan, from             In line with the changing environment, we
from its impact, especially our Offshore &      end-September 2020 to early January               have announced our plans to transform
Marine (O&M) business, which has been           2021, to expedite the execution of Vision         Keppel O&M organically to be more
badly affected by the fall in global demand     2030. Over this period, we announced              competitive, relevant and aligned to
for oil.                                        more than a dozen different initiatives,          Keppel’s Vision 2030, even as we continue
                                                including asset monetisation as well as           to explore inorganic options.
However, 2020 was also a year of                growth initiatives, such as securing new
transformation and new beginnings for           offshore and onshore renewables projects,         In a nutshell, the organic transformation of
Keppel, as we unveiled Vision 2030, our         growing our urban development business,           Keppel O&M comprises two main parts.
long-term strategy to guide the Group’s         and launching new funds aligned to
growth and transformation as one                Keppel’s areas of business. The pursuit of        First, we will transform the company into
integrated business, providing solutions for    Vision 2030 is not a one-off sprint, but a        a nimble, asset-light and people-light
sustainable urbanisation.                       multi-year, long distance run. Following          Operating Company (Op Co), which
                                                the conclusion of the 100-day plan, we will       will focus on seizing opportunities in
Last September, we announced further            pursue second, third and fourth waves of          the energy transition, such as floating
steps in our Vision 2030 roadmap. As            initiatives, as we keep up the momentum           infrastructure and infrastructure-like
part of our asset-light business model,         to realise Vision 2030.                           projects including renewables, gas
we identified a group of assets valued                                                            solutions, new energy solutions and
at $17.5 billion (based on the Group’s          Last September, we also announced the             production assets. It will also collaborate
balance sheet as at 30 June 2020)               strategic review of Keppel Offshore &             with other Keppel business units to
that could be monetised over time,              Marine (Keppel O&M), and earlier on,              provide other urbanisation solutions such
and announced our plan to monetise              our logistics business. Let me provide an         as offshore and nearshore infrastructure,
$3-5 billion of these assets over the           update on the two reviews.                        and floating data centre parks, harnessing
next three years. Since the beginning                                                             the synergies of the Group.
of October, we have announced                   Strategic Review of
divestments of more than $1.2 billion,          Offshore & Marine Business                        As part of the transformation, Keppel
well on our way to the three-year target.       Amidst growing international concerns             O&M will exit the offshore rig building
We will continue our asset monetisation         about climate change, the global energy           business, and also progressively exit low
programme in the year ahead, as                 transition is accelerating, with the share of     value-adding repairs and other activities
we recycle capital to fund growth               renewables, gas and new energy solutions          with low bottom line contribution. It will
opportunities.                                  growing in the energy mix. Demand for             transit to a developer and integrator role
                                                solar PV and offshore wind is expected to         higher up the value chain, focusing on
We have established a Transformation            grow significantly in the years ahead, while      design, engineering and procurement, with
Office to drive the Group’s execution           natural gas, as a transition fuel, is projected   fabrication work subcontracted to third
of Vision 2030, with a comprehensive            to overtake oil to become the world’s             parties. Keppel O&M’s yard operations
agenda covering six workstreams - growth        largest energy source. The COVID-19               will be streamlined and we will rightsize
initiatives, asset monetisation and portfolio   pandemic has further accelerated the              the organisation, while investing to build
optimisation, cost and cash management,         energy transition by sharply reducing             new capabilities. We will also explore how
Accolades for sustainability - Keppel Corporation

Keppel O&M’s offshore rig technology can       headcount, focusing on higher value-            we will shortlist the buyers for deeper
be repurposed for other uses.                  adding work as a developer and integrator.      engagement. We are keeping options
                                               It will also be much more asset-light, and      open, and may decide to divest our
Second, we will address the $2.9 billion of    a strong contributor to the Group’s ROE         logistics business completely or continue
legacy completed and uncompleted rigs          target of 15%.                                  holding a minority stake.
on our balance sheet by ring-fencing them
and putting them under a Rig Co and a          As part of the strategic review, we are         Financial Performance
Development Co (Dev Co) respectively.          also exploring inorganic options, but           Moving on to the Group’s financial
Completed rigs in the Rig Co will be put       there is no assurance that any transaction      performance: Against an unprecedentedly
to work or monetised if there are suitable     will materialise. We believe our organic        challenging backdrop, Keppel sustained a
opportunities. A team will be appointed        restructuring of Keppel O&M will not only       net loss of $506 million for FY 2020. This
to support the Rig Co’s chartering and         enhance its competitiveness, but also its       was due to impairments of $952 million,
marketing activities. When the oil market      attractiveness, if we were to undertake any     mainly in the O&M business, the bulk of
improves, utilisation and day rates increase   inorganic action. We will provide further       which was recorded in 2Q 2020. However,
and the rigs generate steady cashflow,         updates to the market in due course if          apart from Keppel O&M, all key business
we will sell the rigs or explore bringing      there are any material developments.            units within the Group remained profitable.
in third party investors. When the Rig                                                         Excluding impairments, FY 2020’s net
Co is cashflow generating, it can also be      Strategic Review of Logistics Business          profit would have been $446 million,
monetised or spun off.                         E-commerce has been growing rapidly             underpinned by the resilient performance
                                               in recent years, and was given a further        of Keppel’s business units, many of which
The Dev Co will focus on completing            boost by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our             provide essential services and continued
the uncompleted rigs, while prudently          logistics business has benefited from the       operating during the pandemic.
managing cashflow. We will focus on            increased demand for ecommerce and
completing rigs that have firm contracts       urban logistics over the past year, with last   Our free cash inflow stood at $497 million
with customers. Completed rigs will either     mile deliveries, gross merchandise value,       in 2020, compared to a free cash outflow
be delivered to customers, or transferred      and channel management orders growing           of $653 million in 2019, due mainly to lower
to the Rig Co and put to work or sold.         significantly. Notwithstanding the growing      working capital requirements and higher
Both the Rig Co and Dev Co are transient       business, we have decided to sharpen our        divestment proceeds, underpinned by our
structures. They are projected to need         focus and divest our third-party logistics      asset monetisation programme.
about $500 million in net funding from         business in Southeast Asia and Australia
the Group, mainly to complete the rigs.        as well as our channel management               Net gearing was slightly lower at 0.91x
This funding will be provided over time,       business to a third party, who may be           as at end-2020, compared to 0.96x as at
and repaid as the rigs are put to work or      able to provide a better eco-system to          end-September 2020, due to divestment
monetised.                                     scale up the business. Rothschild & Co          proceeds received during the quarter, as
                                               has been appointed as Keppel T&T’s              well as a higher equity base. If the various
When we succeed in executing these             financial adviser and has started engaging      asset monetisation initiatives which we
plans, we will see a transformed and more      potential buyers. We have received good         have announced, such as the divestment
competitive Keppel O&M, well-placed            interest from the market, with many             of Keppel Bay Tower, had been completed
to support the global energy transition.       potential buyers signing NDAs (Non              by 31 December 2020, our net gearing as
It will be much slimmer than the Keppel        Disclosure Agreement). The first bids are       at end-2020 would have fallen to 0.81x on a
O&M of today, with a significantly reduced     expected in February 2021, following which      pro forma basis.
Accolades for sustainability - Keppel Corporation
4                                                                                                                                            5

                                                                                                                                             the challenging environment, it secured        Home sales were lower year-on-year at          Keppel Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           secured $2.1 billion
                                                                                                                                             new order wins of about $1.0 billion in        3,340 units. The bulk of the reduction was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           worth of WTE and
                                                                                                                                             2020, with offshore renewables and LNG         in China, due to economic headwinds in         district cooling contracts
                                                                                                                                             solutions making up 65% of new orders.         the country as well as fewer new projects      across Singapore,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           India and Thailand in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           FY 2020, including the
                                                                                                                                             Keppel O&M’s net orderbook stood at                                                           Bulim district cooling
                                                                                                                                             $3.3 billion as at end-2020, over 80% of       In Vietnam, home sales were affected by        system plant (pictured:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Artist’s impression)
                                                                                                                                             which comprises renewables and gas             slower approval for the launch of new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in Singapore’s Jurong
                                                                                                                                             solutions. Work has resumed at all our         projects. However, demand for quality          Innovation District.
                                                                                                                                             yards, including the Singapore yards,          homes remains strong. The first batch of
                                                                                                                                             where a workforce of about 19,500 has          519 units at Celesta Rise in Ho Chi Minh
                                                                                                                                             returned to work as at end-2020, with          City was launched in November 2020,
                                                                                                                                             safe management measures in place. We          and almost all the units were sold within
                                                                                                                                             are now working to catch up on projects        a month.
                                                                                                                                             which had been delayed due to COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                                                                            On a positive note, home sales in
                                                                                                                                             Keppel Infrastructure continued to grow        Singapore improved significantly. Most of
                                                                                                                                             as a steady contributor to the Group,          the sales were at The Garden Residences,
                                                                                                                                             with its contribution improving from           which was 93% sold as at end-2020.
                                                                                                                                             $129 million for FY 2019 to $144 million
                                                                                                                                             for FY 2020. It continued to deliver           These figures do not include the
                                                                                                                                             strong results, underpinned by improved        approximately 8,200 units sold en-bloc,
                                                                                                                                             performance in the Energy Infrastructure       from the announced divestments of our
                                                                                                                                             and Environmental Infrastructure               stakes in four residential projects across
                                                                                                                                             businesses. During the year, Keppel            China and Vietnam.
                                                                                                                                             Infrastructure secured $2.1 billion worth of
                                                                                                                                             WTE and district cooling contracts across      Our total residential landbank stands at
                                                                                                                                             Singapore, India and Thailand.                 about 54,000 homes with the majority
                                                                                                                                                                                            in China and Vietnam, and a growing
                                                                                                                                             The newly established Keppel Renewable         portfolio in India.
                                                                                                                                             Energy has also announced its first solar
                                                                                                                                             farm project in Australia. We will continue    In China, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin
                                                                                                                                             to explore opportunities in renewable          Eco-City continues to grow steadily, with
                                                                                                                                             energy assets, in line with Keppel’s focus     our master developer SSTEC contributing
                                                                                                                                             on making sustainability our business.         profit of $67 million to the Group, from the
In appreciation of our shareholders for       recurring income amounted to $220              Energy & Environment
                                                                                                                                                                                            sale of two residential land plots and the
their confidence and support for Keppel       million, compared to $260 million in 2019.     Energy & Environment made a net loss
                                                                                                                                             Urban Development                              handover of completed homes.
in this difficult environment, the Board                                                     of $1.181 billion for FY 2020, on the back of
                                                                                                                                             Urban Development recorded a net
of Directors will be proposing a final        Next, I will discuss the Group’s performance   losses in the O&M business.
                                                                                                                                             profit of $438 million for FY 2020, lower      Connectivity
dividend of 7.0 cents per share. Together     according to our four new focus segments
                                                                                                                                             year-on-year mainly due to the lower           Connectivity recorded a net profit of
with the interim cash dividend of 3.0 cents   of Energy & Environment, Urban                 Keppel O&M’s net loss for FY 2020 was
                                                                                                                                             contribution from Keppel Land. Keppel          $13 million for FY 2020, compared to
per share, we will be paying out a total      Development, Connectivity and Asset            $1.194 billion. This was mainly due to the
                                                                                                                                             Land’s contribution was $406 million for       $136 million in FY 2019, mainly due to the
cash dividend of 10.0 cents per share to      Management. We will present contributions      significant impairments recorded in 2Q
                                                                                                                                             FY 2020, 10% lower than the $452 million       absence of the fair value gain recognised
shareholders for the whole of 2020.           from the Group’s stakes in the REITs,          2020, reduced top line from COVID-19
                                                                                                                                             for FY 2019, mainly due to the absence of      in 2019 from the remeasurement of
                                              Keppel Infrastructure Trust and private        related disruptions which severely
                                                                                                                                             tax write-backs.                               the previously held interest in M1 at
Multiple Income Streams                       funds under Asset Management, rather           impacted yard activities in Singapore for
                                                                                                                                                                                            acquisition date.
In Keppel’s Vision 2030, we highlighted       than under the respective business units       much of the year, and the higher share of
                                                                                                                                             During the year, Keppel Land announced
our focus on improving the quality of our     as was done previously, so as to provide       losses from associates.
                                                                                                                                             asset divestments of about $1.3 billion,       Digitalisation trends accentuated by work
earnings through growing our recurring        greater clarity on the earnings from
                                                                                                                                             and acquired a stake in a co-living            from home arrangements continue to drive
income, while shifting away from lumpy        Asset Management, as well as the core          Keppel O&M’s pivot to renewables and
                                                                                                                                             solutions provider as well as new projects     demand for data centres, a growth engine
project-based earnings. For 2020,             operations of our three other segments.        cleaner fossil fuels has borne fruit. Despite
                                                                                                                                             in China and India.                            for the Group. Our data centre business
Accolades for sustainability - Keppel Corporation

reported a net loss of $12 million for FY     identity and will shortly launch its new        imposed by the pandemic, Keppel
2020, following the segmentalisation of $74   digital connectivity platform, which will       Capital-managed funds raised total equity
million in contributions from our stakes in   significantly improve customer experience.      of about $4.5 billion from institutional
Keppel DC REIT and Alpha Data Centre          M1 is also continuing to collaborate with       investors during the year, reflecting the
Fund under Asset Management. This             industry leaders to conduct trials of 5G        strong demand from investors for assets
includes the gains from the partial sale of   use cases, as it rolls out its 5G standalone    with long-term sustainable cashflow.
Keppel DC REIT units last year.               network this year.                              Keppel Capital has also launched and
                                                                                              achieved first close for several funds
During the year, Keppel Data Centres          Asset Management                                spanning different asset classes. As at
added two new data centre development         For FY 2020, Asset Management’s net             end-December 2020, Keppel Capital’s
projects in Singapore and China to its        profit was $280 million, up 31% from a year     AUM (Assets Under Management) has
portfolio. With the launch of the new         ago. This was mainly due to the gains from      grown by 12% to $37 billion, compared to
Keppel Data Centre Fund 2, we will further    the reclassification of Keppel Infrastructure   $33 billion a year ago.
expand our data centre footprint, without     Trust, as well as improved performance by
relying just on our balance sheet, while      Keppel Capital, whose net profit grew 6%        Conclusion
we continue to grow our fee income from       year-on-year to $85 million.                    To conclude, progress in the roll-out of the
operating and maintaining the data centres.                                                   COVID-19 vaccine gives hope that the end
                                              Asset management is both a vertical             of the pandemic may be in sight. However,
M1’s contribution was $65 million, lower      for the Group, and also a horizontal            we are not out of the woods yet. The
year-on-year due to the impact of the         which promotes collaboration across             pandemic continues to spread in many
pandemic on roaming and prepaid               businesses, while serving as a platform for     countries, and we have seen the tightening
revenue. However, EBITDA remained             capital recycling and tapping third party       of curbs in different cities in response to
relatively resilient at $264 million - a      investments for growth. FY 2020 saw             new waves of infection. We must therefore
modest decline of 6.9% year-on-year.          Keppel Capital playing all of these roles in    remain vigilant and carefully observe safe
In 2020, M1 increased its market share        line with Vision 2030.                          management measures.
to have the second largest postpaid
base in Singapore, based on both              Notably, Keppel Capital’s asset                 However, COVID-19 has also accelerated
number of customers and revenue1. M1’s        management fees grew, underpinned by            many macrotrends which were already in
transformation is also progressing well.      contributions from new fund initiatives.        motion, such as increasing digitalisation,
It recently unveiled its refreshed brand      Despite the travel and other restrictions       e-commerce and the energy transition,

                                                                                              M1 enables smart
                                                                                              home solutions
                                                                                              with its new digital
                                                                                              connectivity platform.
Accolades for sustainability - Keppel Corporation

    Keppel Capital’s
    AUM grew 12%
    year-on-year to         Assets Under Management by Keppel Capital
    $37 billion2 as at

                         which we had identified as part of Vision                 Before I end, I would like to express my
                         2030. They will create new opportunities                  deep appreciation to two colleagues on
                         for businesses ready and able to seize                    the panel who will be stepping down next
                         them. But with the world changing at an                   month, as part of the Group’s leadership
                         increasing pace, we must also speed up                    renewal. Dr Ong Tiong Guan, CEO of
                         the execution of our vision.                              Keppel Infrastructure, will be retiring,
                                                                                   but will remain on the board of Keppel
                         While the global outlook remains                          Infrastructure. Mr Tan Swee Yiow will step
                         uncertain, I am cautiously optimistic                     down as CEO of Keppel Land, but will
                         about the year ahead. Keppel has a clear                  take on a new role as Senior Managing
                         strategy and the necessary funding to                     Director of Urban Development at Keppel
                         weather the tough environment and                         Corporation. He will remain on the
                         pursue growth initiatives. Guided by our                  boards of Keppel Land and Keppel REIT
                         Vision 2030, we will continue to grow our                 Management. Thank you, TG and Swee
                         business as a provider of solutions for                   Yiow, for your contributions to the Group.
                         sustainable urbanisation for the benefit                  I look forward to working with Swee Yiow
                         of all stakeholders.                                      in his new capacity.

                         1. Based on data available as at 9M 2020.

                         2. Gross asset value of investments and uninvested capital commitments on leveraged basis were used
                            to project fully-invested AUM.

                         3. Includes senior living, education and logistics assets, as well as a private credit fund.
Accolades for sustainability - Keppel Corporation

    Keppel Corporation Financial Results

Financial highlights

Keppelite reproduces excerpts of the presentation by Mr Chan Hon Chew,
CFO of Keppel Corporation, on the Company’s financial performance at
the 2H & FY 2020 results webcast.

2H 2020 financial highlights

$m                                                                            2H 2020    2H 2019    % Change
Revenue                                                                         3,392      4,265         (20)
EBITDA                                                                            370        601         (38)
Operating Profit                                                                  157       395          (60)
Profit Before Tax                                                                 102       465          (78)
Net Profit                                                                         31        351         (91)
Earnings per Share (cents)                                                         1.7      19.3         (91)

FY 2020 financial highlights

                                                                                 Excluding impairments

$m                                         FY 2020     FY 2019   % Change     FY 2020    FY 2019    % Change
Revenue                                      6,574       7,580         (13)     6,574      7,580         (13)
EBITDA                                         422       1,252         (66)      1,221      1,351        (10)
Operating Profit                                 8        877          (99)       807        976         (17)
(Loss)/Profit Before Tax                      (255)       954        n.m.f.       775       1,077        (28)
Net (Loss)/Profit                             (506)        707       n.m.f.       446        828         (46)
(Loss)/Earnings per Share (cents)             (27.8)      38.9       n.m.f.      24.5       45.6         (46)

n.m.f. denotes No Meaningful Figure
Accolades for sustainability - Keppel Corporation

2H 2020 financial highlights                   Free cash inflow of $497 million was an      $8 million, as compared to
In the 2H 2020, the Group recorded             improvement over the free cash outflow       $877 million in 2019. Share of
a net profit of $31 million, 91% lower         of $653 million in 2019. This was mainly     losses from associated companies
than the corresponding period in 2019.         due to lower working capital requirements    and higher net interest expense
Correspondingly, the earnings per share        from Energy & Environment and Urban          drove the Group into a pre-tax loss
(EPS) decreased by 91% to 1.7 cents.           Development, as well as higher proceeds      position of $255 million for FY 2020,
                                               from divestments of interests in Jiangyin,   as compared to pre-tax profit of
Revenue decreased by 20% to                    Taicang and Chengdu projects in China,       $954 million for FY 2019. Excluding
$3.4 billion compared to 2H 2019. Lower        and receipt of deferred proceeds from        impairments, pre-tax profit of the
revenues from Energy & Environment and         2019’s sale of interest in Dong Nai          Group was $775 million, which was
Connectivity were partly offset by higher      Waterfront City project.                     $302 million or 28% lower than in
revenues from Urban Development and                                                         2019.
Asset Management.                              Net gearing increased from 0.85x at the
                                               end of 2019 to 0.91x at the end of 2020.     After tax and non-controlling interests,
Operating profit was 60% lower at              This was mainly due to investments,          net loss was $506 million, translating
$157 million largely due to weaker             working capital requirements and             to loss per share of 27.8 cents.
performance from the offshore &                payments of the final dividend for FY
marine (O&M) business and additional           2019 and interim dividend for FY 2020, as    FY 2020 financial highlights
impairments recognised in 2H 2020.             well as the impact from lower equity due     (excluding impairments)
                                               to the significant impairments recorded
Profit before tax at $102 million decreased    in the current year. However, this is an     Excluding the impairments of
by a higher percentage of 78%, mainly          improvement compared against June            $952 million, the Group was profitable
due to share of associated companies’          2020 net gearing of 1.0x, largely due to     for FY 2020 at $446 million, 46%
fair value losses on investment properties,    divestment proceeds received during the      or $382 million lower than the net
lower investment income and higher             second half, as well as a higher equity      profit of $828 million in 2019. For like
net interest expense. After tax and non-       base arising from higher hedging and         comparison, the net profit of
controlling interests, net profit was $31      foreign currency translation reserves.       $828 million in 2019 had also
million, translating to an EPS of 1.7 cents.                                                excluded impairments.
                                               The Group earned a total revenue of
FY 2020 financial highlights                   $6.6 billion in 2020, a decrease of 13%      Accordingly, ROE excluding
                                               year-on-year. Lower revenues from Energy     impairments was 3.9%.
The Group recorded net loss of                 & Environment, Asset Management and
$506 million for FY 2020, as compared          Urban Development were partly offset by      Our proposed final dividend to our
to net profit of $707 million in 2019.         higher revenue from Connectivity.            shareholders for 2020 will be 7.0 cents
Consequently, Return on Equity (ROE) was                                                    per share. Including the interim
at negative 4.6%, as compared to positive      Impacted by impairments of $799 million,     dividend paid, the total distribution for
6.3% recorded in 2019.                         operating profit was much lower at           2020 will be 10.0 cents per share.

 Keppel Corporation Financial Results

In conversation

Keppelite features highlights of management’s responses to
questions from the media and investment community at the
Company’s 2H & FY 2020 results webcast.

Q: Can you share more details of             Q: Is there a leverage ratio target that
what the second wave of Vision 2030          you can share that is to be achieved over
initiatives are?                             the medium term?

LCH: We will continue with our plans         CHC: We do not have any leverage
to execute Vision 2030. So, the second       target. That said, we have mentioned that
wave would include additional asset          we want to maintain our net gearing at
monetisation as we recycle capital. At the   1.0x or below and that remains relevant
same time, we will be looking to seek new    today. We managed to bring down our
growth opportunities, grow new engines,      gearing from 1.0x as at end-June 2020 to
and execute our plans following the          0.91x as at end-2020. If you look at the
strategic review of our Offshore & Marine    divestments that we have done so far, and
and logistics businesses and other           as Chin Hua shared in his address, on a
restructuring initiatives. All these would   pro forma basis, our gearing would have
be driven by our Transformation Office,      been brought down to 0.81x if we take into
which has the responsibility of executing    account all the divestments that we have
Vision 2030 across the six different work    announced.
                                             Q: Can you elaborate on what it means
Q: Where would the capital from the          to be a “developer and integrator of
$3 to 5 billion of divestments be            offshore energy and infrastructure
redeployed into? Will the bulk be going      assets” while outsourcing fabrication
into Energy & Environment?                   work? Does it mean Keppel will still bid
                                             for offshore wind projects together with
LCH: We have announced before that we        other yards, but outsource construction?
have a few areas of growth that we have
identified under Vision 2030. Connectivity   CO: Being a developer and integrator of
is one. We also see large-scale smart        offshore energy and infrastructure assets
urban development as another.                is actually not new to Keppel. We have
Environment is also very important. And      a strong track record of doing so. When
then of course, energy, particularly new     we say that we would be outsourcing
energy and renewable energy, and asset       fabrication work, it means that we will
management as well.                          subcontract the work of fabrication, which

                                                                                                                      Keppel senior
                                                                                                                      management engaged
                                                                                                                      the media and
                                                                                                                      investment community
                                                                                                                      at the 2H & FY 2020
                                                                                                                      results webcast.

is usually labour and space intensive, to       fence them, and make it very clear what       is still quite tough in the next year or so,
our network of partners. We will still be       is the path to daylight for these legacy      but if you look at some of the industry
integrating the offshore assets till final      assets. We can’t solve all these issues       reports, the expectations are that with
delivery. On the question of whether we         immediately, but there is a very good         a lot of older rigs being put to pasture/
will still bid for offshore wind projects,      plan to resolve these legacy assets. In the   scrapped, eventually the newer rigs and
the answer is yes. With the restructuring,      meantime, we also do not want to burden       the premium rigs will get work, and good
the Op Co can really focus, enhance and         the Op Co, which has a very important         work. When that happens, we will either
strengthen our track record in offshore         task to transform to make itself more         sell the rigs under Rig Co or potentially,
renewables projects.                            relevant in terms of the changing external    if we charter them out, they will create
                                                environment today, especially with the        cashflow, and we can then work with
Q: What is the rationale of restructuring       accelerated energy transition.                investors. So, the timing for that will
the Offshore & Marine business into                                                           depend on how quickly the offshore rig
two additional units, Rig Co and Dev Co?        Q: As Rig Co and Dev Co are transient         market recovers.
Why can’t the divestment of existing            structures, can Keppel share its
rigs be done without the additional             target deadline by which they may be          Q: When you say Keppel O&M will have
restructuring?                                  dissolved?                                    a significantly reduced headcount, what
                                                                                              is the headcount now and how many jobs
LCH: This is something that the Board           LCH: We expect Dev Co to have a shorter       do you expect to cut?
of Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel             runway. For projects under Dev Co, those
O&M) and management have actually               with contracts will be built. Those without   CO: The present headcount stands at
been working on very intensely since            contracts, if we build them, they will go     10,500. It is premature for us to determine
we announced the strategic review a             into Rig Co. After that is done, Dev Co       a final number on what the workforce will
few months ago. The goal of creating            will be surplus to requirements. Rig Co       be at, bearing in mind that we still have
these three different divisions is to clearly   on the other hand, will depend on how         an orderbook of $3.3 billion to execute.
identify what are the legacy assets, ring       quickly the oil market recovers. The going    But part of the transformation is also to

re-train, and create more skilled and high   has now come up with a good organic             in these Southeast Asian countries will
value jobs for our people.                   plan, we should work on it immediately.         greatly help to grow this business at a
                                             But at the same time, we are continuing         faster pace.
Q: In the new areas of offshore energy,      to explore inorganic options. There is no
what does Keppel see as its strength?        certainty that this exploration will actually   Q: There are other listed entities on
                                             lead to a transaction. But we believe           SGX going into data centres. What
CO: Keppel O&M’s strength is in terms        that the organic plan that we have to           competitive advantages does Keppel
of development of projects, engineering,     transform Keppel O&M will make it more          have over these other entities?
procurement, and project management.         competitive. And should we consider
Our track record has given us the ability    an inorganic option in the future, that         CT: Data centres are very well in demand.
to repurpose some of our IP (intellectual    would actually not harm us. In fact, it may     Especially with COVID-19, digital
property) and also pivot to new energy       strengthen our position. In terms of the        infrastructure is hugely sought by all
solutions in the energy transition. For      options, we are not at liberty now to share     businesses.  With 5G coming up, there is
example, we have our own franchise of        what are the different possibilities. As I      a huge demand for data centres, so we
floating LNG vessels, bunkering vessels,     have said before, all options are being         are focused on the right sector.
as well as our own solutions in wind         considered.
turbine installation. So, the capabilities                                                   What Keppel has as an advantage in,
are adjacent, and we are confident that      Q: Logistics is currently enjoying a            compared to others, is that we have
we would be able to make use of this         structural uplift in demand due to              an ecosystem where Keppel Land can
strength in the offshore energy space.       COVID-19. Can you share why is Keppel           build the core and shell, and Keppel
                                             divesting and not investing more capital        Infrastructure can build the power and
Q: Could you elaborate on how the Op         to grow this business?                          cooling infrastructure that is needed
Co of Keppel O&M will collaborate with                                                       by these data centres. In the past, data
other Keppel business units to provide       LCH: You are right, Keppel Logistics has        centres had 5MW, but nowadays, you are
other urbanisation solutions?                actually been one of the beneficiaries          looking at data centres of 100MW, which
                                             of COVID-19. We have seen very strong           is like a mini powerplant.
CO: At the present moment, we are            growth in urban logistics and in our
already utilising our engineering and        channel marketing this year. This decision      Keppel’s advantage is that we have an in-
project management capabilities to           to divest is related to our more disciplined    house team in the infrastructure space, who
develop joint infrastructure projects        approach and how we allocate capital in         is able to build and deliver this infrastructure
with other Keppel units, like floating       the Group under Vision 2030. We believe         for the data centres. The most important
data centres that we are studying and        we have a very good business, but it is         part would be our operating capabilities.
also some of the potential nearshore         currently sub-scale. We believe that, whilst    Keppel has been ranked number two in the
infrastructure projects. At the same time,   it is possible for us to invest more capital,   world in terms of operational management
we utilise the capabilities throughout the   perhaps another player with a better            capabilities, against 93 other operators in
Group, including Keppel Capital’s in terms   ecosystem may be able to grow this faster       the world, by one of our top cloud players.
of funding.                                  than us. Now, as I said in my remarks,          This is quite a huge advantage that we
                                             it does not mean that we will divest            have, as we are able to operate and
Q: Are you still actively looking for        completely. We could divest completely, or      maintain these data centres. All the top five
buyers for Keppel O&M? If you find a         we could retain a minority stake.               cloud players in the world are working very
buyer, is selling Keppel O&M an option,                                                      closely with us in terms of their demand for
or will you sell partially?                  TP: What we could benefit from this new         data centres, and where they would need
                                             business partner with a better ecosystem        the next data centre.
LCH: The energy transition is upon           – it could mean a better network of
us. It has been accelerated and the          presence in Southeast Asia that could           LCH: I would also like to add that Keppel
headwinds being faced in the offshore        contribute a lot more to this logistics         has very strong engineering capabilities.
and marine industry are intense. So, it is   business in the future. So, it is not just      We have been able to use our engineering
very important that when Keppel O&M          additional capital; the local networks          nous to look at how to make data centres

more energy efficient. At the same time,        Q: How is the environment in Vietnam          LCH – Mr Loh Chin Hua,
we have Keppel Renewable Energy.                for property sales?                           CEO of Keppel Corporation
Nowadays, whilst there is a huge demand
for data centres, there is also some            TSY: Vietnam’s property market is             CHC – Mr Chan Hon Chew,
concern that data centres emit a lot of         generally still very healthy, but with        CFO of Keppel Corporation
carbon. Keppel DC has been a pioneer            COVID-19, there is a lot of focus and
in looking at how to reduce energy              attention devoted to handling this. As        CT – Ms Christina Tan,
consumption through its high-rise data          a result, the approval for new launches       CEO of Keppel Capital
centres, tropical data centres, floating data   generally slowed down across all projects.
centres etc. Being able to bring green          As shared by Chin Hua earlier, when we        CO – Mr Chris Ong,
electrons through Keppel Renewable              launched Celesta Rise in November last        CEO of Keppel Offshore & Marine
Energy will be a huge advantage.                year, we managed to sell almost all of the
                                                519 units within one month. This shows        TSY – Mr Tan Swee Yiow,
Q: Can you elaborate on your investment         that the market is still quite strong if we   CEO of Keppel Land
in the solar farm in Australia?                 have a good product to market.
                                                                                              TP – Mr Thomas Pang,
CO: This is a solar project that is in          Q: What is Keppel Corporation’s plan          CEO of Keppel Telecommunications &
Queensland, Australia. It is a minimum          for M1 in the larger scheme of things         Transportation
of 500 MW of solar development. The             and general direction of Vision 2030?
financial close is scheduled to be in 2022,     Any concrete examples of how M1 has           MSM – Mr Manjot Singh Mann,
and construction will start and last for        been contributing meaningfully in that        CEO of M1
almost a year. Now, the way that we are         regard?
set up is to utilise the different strengths
of the Keppel Group, and Keppel                 LCH: M1 is part of our Connectivity
Renewable Energy is working closely with        segment, and it is undergoing a
the Keppel Asia Infrastructure Fund to          transformation at this point. I believe
look at how we can monetise this project.       that Connectivity is going to be a major
                                                growth engine for the Group. I will ask
Q: Can management provide an update             Manjot to share with us some of the
on the sales progress of 19 Nassim?             exciting things that we are doing at M1.
What are the expectations for The Reef
at King’s Dock?                                 MSM: Apart from the transformation
                                                plan that we put in place and are
TSY: We have sold two units in 19 Nassim        executing right now for M1, to your
so far. Due to COVID-19, we have been           second point on concrete examples of
going by appointment only. We have              how M1 has been contributing: with 5G,
launched a preview for The Reef at              there are a number of use cases that
King’s Dock on 16 Jan 2021 and based on         M1 is working on with different Keppel
the response so far, we are reasonably          business units. The big advantage that
optimistic that the response and demand         M1 has over other telcos in the region
will be good. We will be launching the          and Singapore is that with Keppel’s
project soon. More importantly, The Reef        diversified business model, it gives us a
has many positives – it is in a prime           great opportunity to try out and create
location, at one of the most convenient         use cases with 5G that we can then use
waterfronts within walking distance to the      for other industries within Singapore and
MRT, has good design and also the first-of-     outside of Singapore. Those use cases
its-kind floating deck. We are reasonably       are already in action with other business
confident that the response will be good.       units of Keppel.
14                                                                                                                                              15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1. Completed on 31
 Keppel REIT Financial Results
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        December 2020,

Resilient office portfolio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the acquisition of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pinnacle Office Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        allows Keppel REIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to gain a foothold
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in Macquarie Park,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        a key Australian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        metropolitan office
Keppel REIT has achieved distributable          Despite the COVID-19 pandemic,              Keppel REIT continues to take                                                                                                                                               market in Sydney.
income (DI) of $99.8 million for 2H 2020,       the Manager remained focused on             proactive steps in managing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2. KORE’s distributable
bringing FY 2020 DI to $194.6 million,          executing its portfolio optimisation        COVID-19 situation. As at 31 December                                                                                                                                       income of US$58.6
an increase of 2.8% from FY 2019. The           strategy during the year. The               2020, Keppel REIT’s tenant relief                                                                                                                                           million for FY 2020
improvement in DI for FY 2020 was due           acquisition of a 100% interest in                                                                                                                                                                                       was 15.4% higher
                                                                                            measures were estimated to amount
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        year-on-year, driven
mainly to contributions from T Tower            Pinnacle Office Park, a freehold            to approximately $14.6 million. This                                                                                                                                        by contributions
and Victoria Police Centre, as well as          Grade A commercial property within          included the full pass-through of                                                                                                                                           from One Twenty
lower borrowing costs. The year-on-             Macquarie Park in Sydney, was                                                                                                                                                                                           Five (pictured) and
                                                                                            property tax rebates and cash grants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        higher rental income
year increase was partially offset by the       announced in September 2020 and             from the Singapore Government, which                                                                                                                                        from the rest of the
absence of income from Bugis Junction           completed on 31 December 2020.              amounted to approximately $9.9 million,                                                                                                                                     portfolio.
Towers, which was divested in November          On 23 December 2020, Keppel REIT            as well as rental waivers for eligible
2019, the impact of COVID-19 tenant relief      announced the proposed acquisition          tenants. Rental collection for 4Q 2020
measures and the cessation of rental            of a 100% interest in Keppel Bay            was also at a healthy 98%.
support1.                                       Tower, a Grade A office building in                                                              Keppel Pacific Oak US REIT Financial Results
                                                HarbourFront, Singapore. These              To facilitate tenants’ return to the
Distribution per unit (DPU) for 2H 2020
was 2.93 cents, bringing DPU for FY 2020
                                                acquisitions complement the REIT’s
                                                core CBD offering and are consistent
                                                                                            workplace, the Manager will continue to
                                                                                            adopt measures to provide a safe
                                                                                                                                                Strong performance
to 5.73 cents, which was a 2.7% increase        with its strategy of strengthening and      and conducive work environment. While
over the previous year. Distribution yield as   diversifying its portfolio, while staying   telecommuting has become widely
at end December 2020 was 5.1% based on          focused on its core markets.                adopted during the COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                Keppel Pacific Oak US REIT (KORE)            Seattle – Bellevue/Redmond, Atlanta             KORE has no long-term debt refinancing
the market closing price of $1.12 per Unit.                                                 pandemic, the Manager believes that
                                                                                                                                                has achieved distributable income (DI)       and Sacramento. This brought KORE’s             requirements until November 2022. As at
                                                As at 31 December 2020, Keppel              physical offices will remain a necessity,
                                                                                                                                                of US$29.5 million for 2H 2020, bringing     portfolio committed occupancy to 92.3%          31 December 2020, KORE’s all-in average
As at 31 December 2020, Keppel REIT’s           REIT’s portfolio committed                  although the form and functions
                                                                                                                                                DI for FY 2020 to US$58.6 million, 13.4%     as at 31 December 2020. Rental reversion        cost of debt was 3.22% p.a., average term
all-in interest rate was lower at 2.35% per     occupancy remained high at                  of the office will evolve. The Manager
                                                                                                                                                and 15.4% above 2H 2019 and FY 2019          for FY 2020 was 10.2%, driven mainly            to maturity was 2.9 years and interest
annum compared to 2.77% per annum a             97.9%, while portfolio and top 10           will continue to optimise Keppel REIT’s
                                                                                                                                                respectively. The increased year-on-year     by strong rental growth from leasing            coverage was 4.7 times.
year ago. Aggregate leverage was 37.3%          tenants’ WALE remained long at              portfolio and calibrate its leasing
                                                                                                                                                performance was driven by contributions      activities in Seattle – Bellevue/Redmond,
with a weighted average term to maturity        approximately 6.7 years and 11.8 years      and investment strategy to meet
                                                                                                                                                from One Twenty Five in Dallas, Texas,       Sacramento and Austin.                          Notwithstanding the progress in the
of 3.2 years.                                   respectively.                               potential shifts in occupier demand.
                                                                                                                                                which was acquired in November 2019,                                                         roll-out of COVID-19 vaccination
                                                                                                                                                proactive efforts to drive leasing, built-   Average rental collection for FY 2020           programmes, the pandemic continues
                                                                                                                                                in rental escalations and positive rental    was approximately 99%. During the year,         to spread internationally, and its full
                                                                                                                                                reversion across its portfolio.              the Manager granted rent relief requests        economic and social impact remain to
                                                                                                                                                                                             equivalent to approximately 0.8% in             be seen.
                                                                                                                                                Distribution per unit (DPU) for 2H 2020      economic impact on net property income
                                                                                       1                                                        was 3.13 US cents, 4.0% above 2H 2019’s      (NPI). To date, none of its top ten tenants     The Manager remains focused on its long-
                                                                                            1. Refers to rental support in relation to Marina
                                                                                               Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, which was fully    DPU of 3.01 US cents. This brought FY        have requested for rent relief. 2H 2020 saw     term goal of delivering stable distributions
                                                                                               drawn in 1Q 2019.                                2020 DPU to 6.23 US cents, 3.7% higher       rent relief requests continue to trend lower,   and strong total returns for Unitholders.
                                                                                                                                                than FY 2019’s DPU of 6.01 US cents.         with almost half of the tenants who had         While leasing activities are likely to remain
                                                                                                                                                Distribution yield as at end-2020 was        their rents deferred starting their repayment   slow across the US, due to the continued
                                                                                                                                                9.0% based on the market closing price of    schedules. The weighted average lease           impact of COVID-19, the Manager has
                                                                                                                                                US$0.690 per Unit.                           expiry by CRI for KORE’s portfolio was 3.8      started proactive engagement with
                                                                                                                                                                                             years. Tenant concentration risk remains low    tenants whose leases are due for renewal
                                                                                                                                                In FY 2020, KORE committed                   with the top 10 tenants accounting for only     in 2021. The Manager’s continued prudent
                                                                                                                                                approximately 367,000 sf of office space,    20.2% of CRI.                                   approach towards capital management
                                                                                                                                                equivalent to about 7.8% of its total                                                        and its proactive leasing efforts will also
                                                                                                                                                portfolio by net lettable area (NLA).        Following the Manager’s early refinancing       see KORE capture rental escalations and
                                                                                                                                                Most of the leasing activity occurred in     of its borrowings due in November 2021,         positive rental reversions as leases expire.

Including Amsterdam Data Centre, Keppel DC REIT’s AUM was approximately $3 billion as at 31 December 2020.

 Keppel DC REIT Financial Results

Steady growth
Keppel DC REIT achieved a distributable            Together with the acquisitions of the               As at 31 December 2020, the REIT’s
income (DI) of $81.9 million for 2H 2020.          remaining 999-year leasehold land                   portfolio occupancy rate remained high
This brought the DI for FY 2020 to                 interest at Keppel DC Dublin 1 in Ireland           at 97.8% with a long weighted average
$156.9 million. The growth in DI was               and Kelsterbach Data Centre in Germany              lease expiry (WALE) of 6.8 years.
supported by full year contributions               in 1H 2020, the strategic addition of
from Keppel DC Singapore 4 and DC1, as             Amsterdam Data Centre strengthened                  In January 2021, the Manager expanded
well as new acquisitions in Europe.                Keppel DC REIT’s foothold in Europe.                the REIT’s $500 million Medium Term
                                                   As at 31 December 2020, Keppel DC                   Note Programme to a $2.0 billion
Keppel DC REIT declared a distribution             REIT’s assets under management was                  Debt Issuance Programme, which will
per unit (DPU) of 4.795 cents for 2H               approximately $3.0 billion, an increase             provide greater flexibility to tap the
2020, bringing the FY 2020 DPU to 9.170            from $2.6 billion as at 31 December 2019.           market for acquisitions and growth.
cents. Keppel DC REIT delivered total                                                                  Keppel DC REIT’s average cost of debt
Unitholder returns of 38.4% for FY 2020,           The Manager had also embarked on                    remained low at 1.6% per annum and its
and 311.6% since listing in December               several asset enhancement initiatives               interest coverage ratio remained high at
2014, as at 31 December 2020.                      to further optimise portfolio returns. The          13.3 times as at 31 December 2020. The
                                                   fitout of a new data hall at Keppel DC              REIT ended the year with an aggregate
In end-December 2020, the Manager                  Singapore 5 (Keppel DC SGP 5) was                   leverage of 36.2%, which will provide a
completed the acquisition of Amsterdam             completed and handed over to the client             comfortable debt headroom to capture
Data Centre, a shell and core data                 in 4Q 2020. Meanwhile, the fit out works            growth opportunities.
centre facility and office property in the         at DC1 is expected to be completed in
Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, for €30.0             1Q 2021, and the conversion of additional           Keppel DC REIT was also recognised for
million (approximately $48.1 million).             space at Keppel DC Dublin 2 into a data             upholding strong corporate governance
The data centre is located within the              hall remains on track for completion in             and transparency, ranking second in the
Schiphol-Rijk business park where the              1H 2021. In Sydney, Australia, Intellicentre        Governance Index for Trusts (GIFT) and
Amsterdam Internet Exchange, one of the            3 East Data Centre has topped out in                15th in the Singapore Governance and
world’s largest in terms of connection and         October 2020 and is also on track for               Transparency Index under the REITs and
traffic, has a point of presence.                  completion in 1H 2021.                              Business Trusts Category.

First closing for Keppel’s second
data centre fund
Building on the success of its first          Mr Alvin Mah, CEO of Alpha, said, “The      Mr Wong Wai Meng, CEO of
data centre fund, Keppel Capital has          COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated           Keppel Data Centres, said, “We are
launched Keppel Data Centre Fund              the pace of digitalisation for many         collaborating with industry leaders to
II (KDC Fund II), which will focus on         businesses and governments alike and        explore how the carbon footprint of
making strategic investments in the           further spurred the growth of the data      data centres can be reduced, including
fast-growing data centre sector in Asia       centre sector. Riding on this growth,       through the development of floating
Pacific and Europe. With a target fund        Keppel Data Centre Fund II will continue    data centre parks, tapping cold energy
size of US$1 billion, KDC Fund II has         to leverage the Keppel Group’s expertise    released from LNG re-gasification for
attracted initial capital commitments         and network to seize opportunities in       cooling, hydrogen infrastructure for
from various financial institutional          this burgeoning sector and connect our      power generation, and accelerating the
investors and achieved a first close of       investors with quality investments.”        adoption of renewable energy as well
more than US$500 million.                                                                 as the development of carbon capture,
                                              KDC Fund II will tap on the Keppel          utilisation and sequestration systems.”
KDC Fund II is managed by Alpha               Group’s know-how in sustainable
Investment Partners (Alpha), a private        technology and energy-efficiency to         In addition, KDC Fund II and Keppel
fund manager under Keppel Capital. KDC        develop greener data centres. One of        Data Centres will tap on the expertise of
Fund II will leverage Keppel Data Centre’s    the key business imperatives in the data    other business units in the Group, such
expertise in developing, operating and        centres sector is the reduction of carbon   as Keppel Infrastructure and Keppel
maintaining quality data centres to capture   emissions as data centres consume           Renewable Energy, in aspects such as
investment opportunities in greenfield and    large amounts of energy to power as         cooling and use of renewable energy to
brownfield data centre assets.                well as cool computing equipment.           enhance its data centre solutions.

                                                                                                                 Building on the
                                                                                                                 success of its first data
                                                                                                                 centre fund, Keppel
                                                                                                                 Capital has launched
                                                                                                                 Keppel Data Centre
                                                                                                                 Fund II.

Renewable energy solutions
In line with Keppel’s Vision 2030 which            KRE will acquire the 45% stake for a            yield, KRE intends to employ the most
puts sustainability at the core of the             nominal sum of AUD$540 (approximately           modern solar module technology such as
Group’s strategy, business units have              $545). In addition, it will provide a loan of   bifacial panels as well as adopt single axis
seized opportunities in renewable energy           up to AUD$3.24 million (approximately           trackers, which will enable the panels to
such as solar and offshore wind.                   $3.28 million) to Harlin Solar for funding      follow the path of the sun.
                                                   development costs of the project. Upon
Solar energy                                       reaching certain agreed development             Expected to have a capacity of at least
Committed to pursuing opportunities as             milestones, Keppel has options to               500 MW, the project will generate enough
a developer and operator of renewable              acquire all the remaining stakes in             energy to power more than 142,000
energy infrastructure, Keppel Renewable            Harlin solar for an aggregate maximum           average Australian homes. This would
Energy (KRE) on 22 December 2020                   consideration of AUD$52.35 million              mean a saving of some 800 kilotonnes of
signed an agreement1 to acquire a 45%              (approximately $53.01 million).                 carbon emissions per year as compared
stake in Harlin Solar Pty Ltd (Harlin Solar)                                                       to the power generated for the current
to develop a large-scale, greenfield solar         KRE will take the lead role in the              Queensland energy grid.
farm in Queensland, Australia. This is             development and management of the
KRE’s first solar farm project.                    construction and operation of the solar         Construction of the solar farm is
                                                   farm. This includes undertaking the grid        projected to commence in 2022 and be
KRE’s partners in Harlin Solar are                 connection studies, assessing the site and      completed in 2023. When operationally
Mr Anthony Youssef, a veteran developer            technology requirements, sourcing for           ready, the solar farm will be connected
in Queensland, Australia, as well as New           off-takers as well as project management        to the national energy market (NEM) for
Energy Development, an Australian                  of the Engineering, Procurement,                public consumption and will also provide
Renewable Energy company. The                      Construction (EPC) of the solar farm.           renewable energy through the NEM to
acquisition is subject to approval by                                                              businesses seeking sustainable energy
Australia’s Foreign Investment Review              The project will be located on a more           solutions, including Keppel-related
Board.                                             than 2,000-ha site. To maximise energy          companies in Australia.

“This project reflects Keppel’s continuing journey to support the
world’s energy needs through renewables. It is part of Keppel’s
Vision 2030, which includes a long-term target of growing the
Group’s portfolio of renewable energy assets to 7 GW by 2030.

“Keppel Renewable Energy will collaborate with other business
units and harness the technical and commercial capabilities
across the Group to develop, own and operate renewable energy
infrastructure in a cost-efficient, safe and reliable manner.
We can also work with the Group’s asset management platforms,
such as the Keppel Asia Infrastructure Fund, to help fund the project.”
Mr Chris Ong,
MD of Keppel Renewable Energy

1. Through KRE Anchorage Pte Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel Renewable Energy.
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