The smart (R)evolution - THINK LUXEMBOURG 18 19 - Luxinnovation

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The smart (R)evolution - THINK LUXEMBOURG 18 19 - Luxinnovation

                                          T H I N K LU X EM B O U RG

               The smart
Industry 4.0

               Space             Eco-innovation                  ICT
  A space agency for business   Circular economy model   From data to knowledge
The smart (R)evolution - THINK LUXEMBOURG 18 19 - Luxinnovation
Partner up with     BRIDGES & INDUSTRIAL
public research     Research helps you innovate
                    and stay competitive!
for your next
industry 4.0
or space project!
The smart (R)evolution - THINK LUXEMBOURG 18 19 - Luxinnovation

                Already one year! The first edition of Happen magazine,
                published in autumn 2017, focused on the
                initiative and on how Luxembourg has positioned itself
                as a pioneer in the field of exploration and mining of
                celestial bodies.

                The central theme of the second issue of the magazine
                is Industry 4.0 and the related topics such as connected
                objects and artificial intelligence. There is an increasing
                awareness of how critical these issues are for economic
                development. Hence, the importance the Luxembourg government
                attaches to these topics in carrying out policies that
                foster innovation and digitisation throughout the economy.

                Luxinnovation, the national innovation agency, plays an
                essential role in the implementation of the government’s
                policies. The agency is there to encourage and support            WHO IS SASHA BAILLIE?
                companies in their innovation efforts, help them grow in a
                smart manner and prepare themselves for the many challenges       Born
                of the future, as well as to act as a gateway to public           April 1970

                funding. Regardless of whether companies are already well         From May 2018 —
                established in Luxembourg or are seriously considering            CEO, Luxinnovation
                locating their activities here, they can count on a busi-         From 2015 —
                ness-friendly and international environment where policy-         Chairman of the board, GovSat
                makers understand the needs of business thanks to the close       From 2014 —
                interaction that a country the size of Luxembourg allows.         Chairman of the board,
                                                                                  Nation Branding Committee
                As you explore the pages of this magazine, you will discover      June 2014 — April 2018
                how Luxembourg seizes opportunities in areas of key importance    Diplomatic Advisor,
                to the country’s economic development, such as eco-innovation,    Deputy Chief of Staff
                                                                                  to the Deputy Prime Minister,
                information and communication technologies or the space           Ministry of the Economy
                industry. Our aim is to reveal the technological know-how
                                                                                  August 2013 — June 2014
                that exists within Luxembourg’s ecosystem, the opportunities
                                                                                  Director for International
                it offers for innovation, and thus spark the interest of          Economic Relations and European
                international technology and business leaders and innovators.     Affairs, Ministry of Foreign
                                                                                  Affairs, Luxembourg
Anthony Dehez

                As you read about the accomplishments of companies that have      May 2010 — July 2013
                chosen Luxembourg as their home, you’ll understand our national   Deputy Secretary General,
                motto. It’s an invitation to all those who would like to become   Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
                part of our story: “Luxembourg — Let’s make it happen.” x


                Sasha Baillie
                CEO, Luxinnovation
The smart (R)evolution - THINK LUXEMBOURG 18 19 - Luxinnovation
The smart (R)evolution - THINK LUXEMBOURG 18 19 - Luxinnovation

                                                                              T H I N K LU X EM B O U RG

Impressum                                                 Daniel Da Cruz
                                               On the road to a coherent
Published by Luxinnovation
in collaboration with
                                                    economic development
Maison Moderne                                                             016
                                                                           What happened in Luxembourg?
                                                        THE INDUSTRY 4.0
Editor in chief                                                      024
Jean-Michel Gaudron                                         Nicolas Buck
                                                   Industry is not dead!
Lisa Francis                                                         032
Jean-Michel Gaudron
Sue Hewitt
                                                      Building the smart
Kate Maidens                                       factories of tomorrow
Marine Mombelli
Lena Mårtensson
                                                high-value manufacturing
                                                                           A space agency for business
Cover                                                     Eco-innovation
The CR-15iA, the latest collaborative                 Towards a circular
robot from FANUC.
                                                           economy model
© Maison Moderne™                                                          066
Maison Moderne is used under license by                                    ICT
MM Publishing and Media S.A. (Luxembourg).
                                                                           Setting the scene
© 2018 Luxinnovation. All rights reserved.                                 for digital success
Any reproduction or adaptation, either
partial or total, is strictly prohibited                      Benchmarks
without the express written authorisation    Nine facts about Luxembourg
of Luxinnovation.
                                                                           Livin’ Luxembourg
If you do not wish to receive
                                                                           Living & working in Luxembourg
Happen magazine in future,                                           076
please send an email to
                                                           Meet the CEOs
                                                      Life in Luxembourg

To subscribe to our regular newsletter
and other online updates about Luxembourg
as an ideal business location,                                             Innovation
please visit                                        It happened 1st in Luxembourg

The smart (R)evolution - THINK LUXEMBOURG 18 19 - Luxinnovation
06       I N T ERV I E W

            Daniel Da Cruz

The smart (R)evolution - THINK LUXEMBOURG 18 19 - Luxinnovation

            to a co
   the ro

The international promotion of the
Luxembourg economy, which was restruc-
tured two years ago, is now running
well, supported by a strong network
of representative offices abroad.
Explanations from the president
of the Trade & Investment Steering
Committee, the body in charge of
the implementation of this promotion.

Texts   by
             Jean-Michel Gaudron > Photograph   by
                                                     Patricia Pitsch (Maison Moderne) > Illustrations   by
                                                                                                             Maison Moderne

The smart (R)evolution - THINK LUXEMBOURG 18 19 - Luxinnovation
08       I N T ERV I E W

                                                Daniel Da Cruz, what was the rationale
                                                behind setting up the Trade & Investment
                                                Board (TIB) and the Trade & Investment Steering
                                                Committee (TISC) ?

            IS                                      It was part of the economic advancement
                                                    reform initiated in 2016 with the aim of
                                                    optimising the coordination and consistency

                                                    of initiatives related to promoting external
                                                    trade and prospecting, as well as to clarifying
                                                    the roles of the various players involved.

                                                    This being the case, a foreign trade and investment
                                                    steering committee , the TISC, made up of repre-
             Name                                   sentatives of the Ministry of the Economy, the
             Daniel Da Cruz                         Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of State,
             Born                                   the Chamber of Commerce and Luxinnovation,
             October 1971                           was set up with the aim of producing an advance-
             From 2018                              ment strategy. This strategy would be submitted to
             Chairman, Trade & Investment           the TIB, the leading supervisory body for approval.
             Steering Committee

             From 2016                              The Trade & Investment Board is chaired by the
             Head of DG 5 (promotion of             Minister of the Economy, with the Hereditary
             foreign trade and investment),
                                                    Grand Duke as its Honorary Chair. In addition
             Ministry of the Economy
                                                    to the institutions already represented on the
             2011 – 2016                            TISC, representatives of the Ministry of Finance,
             Deputy Permanent Representative,
             Permanent Representation of
                                                    the Ministry of Higher Education and Research,
             Luxembourg to the United Nations       FEDIL and the Chamber of Skilled Crafts also
             in Geneva                              hold seats on the committee. It is important to
                                                    have this mix of public and private players who
                                                    are all affected by efforts to promote the country
                                                    on the international stage. This global strategy
                                                    reflects a common vision that can be broken
             Holder of a Bachelor in                down into a series of strategic objectives combined
             Journalism and Communication           with operational objectives that will make it
             and a Master’s degree in Law,
             Daniel Da Cruz, 47, had an             possible to monitor the situation. At the same
             international career in                time entrusting Luxinnovation with a number
             Brussels (press officer of the         of new tasks.
             Luxembourg delegation of the
             Party of European Socialists),
             in Lisbon (First Secretary at      Was it difficult to get so many players involved
             the Luxembourg Embassy) and
             in Geneva (Deputy Permanent
                                                at the same time?
             Representative to the United            In the beginning, yes, of course, but very soon
             Nations). Since 2016, he is in          everyone saw the added value that such an
             charge of promoting foreign
             trade and investments at the
                                                     organisation could provide, and eventually
             Ministry of the Economy. x              everyone got involved. The idea is really for
                                                     everyone to work together to better optimise and
                                                     identify a new approach to achieving consistent
                                                     economic development. The word “together”

The smart (R)evolution - THINK LUXEMBOURG 18 19 - Luxinnovation

    is essential here, since everyone has their part to           involved have been able to adopt this. This initial
    play and can make a contribution.                             point was really critical.

Does that mean that what was happening before was                 Then, of course, we began planning and
unsatisfactory or not effective enough?                           coordinating the various initiatives in order to
    I wouldn’t say that, no, it’s just that things                better synchronise our respective calendars and
    didn’t really “gel”. Take the Luxembourg                      know who was going where, when. Between
    for Business economic advancement agency, for                 State visits, working visits, fairs and exhibitions,
    example, it had only two full-time employees and              the TISC plays a vital role as an executive and
    acted only within the Ministry of the Economy.                even coordinating body.
    Whilst it did contribute to developing efforts
    to advance foreign trade, there wasn’t really any             At the moment, for example, we are heavily
    consistency and there was clearly a pressing need             involved in the issue of talent management, which
    to redefine its scope of activity.                            means not only attracting skills to Luxembourg,
                                                                  but also knowing how to keep them here.
    The main idea behind the reform also involved                 This requires us to develop this expertise right here,
    coming up with a more professional, more targeted             within the country. It’s becoming an increasingly
    framework. These days, it’s not enough to simply              topical issue and one that we, together with our
    sell the assets that Luxembourg has as a multilingual,        partners, are on top of, trying to identify concrete
    welcoming, and politically and fiscally stable                approaches and solutions for the future.
    country; companies clearly need more information
    about their respective sectors, which requires           Luxembourg launched the
    a lot more in-depth work. Hence the importance,          venture in 2016 and introduced a legal framework
    and indeed, the relevance of the connection with         for exploring and using space resources. There has
    Luxinnovation, which already has significant             been a large number of announcements regarding
    expertise in various sectors.                            the initiative, since the Luxembourg Space Agency
                                                             was created last September. Is this a catalyst
    Data and economic intelligence really are the            of choice in the strategy for economic advancement?
    black gold of the 21st century. So it’s vital that we         Clearly, when it comes to nation branding and
    take advantage of this expertise when it comes to             promoting Luxembourg’s image, it can only be a
    market intelligence in order to better identify both          good thing, particularly as it’s not just about the    >
    sector-specific and geographic priorities whilst,
    of course, targeting those activities that could
    help improve the ecosystem. This particularly
    concerns the sectors targeted by national economic         “These days, it’s not
    diversification policy, which notably include the
    space industry, eco-technologies, ICT and smart             enough to simply sell the
    mobility, among others.
                                                                assets that Luxembourg
How is the implementation of this new strategy
progressing?                                                    has as a multilingual,
    For the time being, we have mainly focused
    on the background work. The first major asset that          welcoming, and
    we have is the fact that we have a common image
    and a common brand linked to the “Luxembourg ‒              politically and fiscally
    Let’s make it happen” nation branding initiative,
    and I am pleased that all of the stakeholders
                                                                stable country”

The smart (R)evolution - THINK LUXEMBOURG 18 19 - Luxinnovation
10       I N T ERV I E W

             Luxembourg has a network of eight Trade & Investment Offices in         potential that look very
             addition to all embassies worldwide.                                    appealing indeed,” Mr Da Cruz
                                                                                     points out, “and we are con-
                                                                                     stantly analysing the situa-
                                                                                     tion in order to outline a
                                                                                     schedule and organise future
                                                                                     initiatives that will enable
                                                                                     us to delve even further.”

                                                                                     Between economic missions,
                                                                                     ministerial working visits
                                                                                     and other State visits,
                                                                                     with or without political
                               New York                           Seoul
                                                                             Tokyo   leaders, companies have
                 San Francisco              Tel Aviv          Shanghai
                                                                          Taipei     ample opportunity to generate
                                               Abu Dhabi                             leads in foreign countries
                                                                                     and establish initial contact
                                                                                     with potential future clients.
                                                                                     “In the case of missions
                                                                                     involving ministers, or even
                                                                                     the Hereditary Grand Duke,
                                                                                     certain matters may be dealt
                                                                                     with directly, on a higher
                                                                                     political level and progress
               LTIOs                                                                 more quickly,” Mr Da Cruz

                                                                                     Support is clearly not
                                                                                     limited to this “physical
                                                                                     presence” element alone;
                                                                                     indeed, export credits are

              A TWO-WAY STREET                                                       also offered by bodies such
                                                                                     as the Office du Ducroire,
                                                                                     for example. Then, of course,
                                                                                     there is the data on economic
                                                                                     intelligence, which is pro-
                                                                                     vided by a dedicated team
             Attracting foreign companies          relationship with the Chamber     at Luxinnovation and makes
             and investors to Luxembourg           of Commerce is a major asset,     it possible to perform more
             is one of the key missions            bearing in mind that within       targeted searches for poten-
             that fall under the “Trade &          this new promotional approach,    tial partners in specific
             Invest” banner, but it is also        “companies are the leading        countries.
             important to help Luxembourg-         protagonists”, explains
             based companies establish             Daniel Da Cruz. “We are, of       Whilst it is difficult
             a presence in new markets that        course, there to help them        to quantitatively assess
             lie beyond the banks of the           and see which instruments         these approaches to interna-
             Pétrusse. With an economy that        we have available when it         tionalisation, initial
             exports 85% of its goods and          comes to supporting them,         feedback has been extremely
             services, a strong interna-           but the private sector must       positive, “and not only
             tional presence is almost             take over on the ground.”         where supposedly promising
             a necessity. “The idea with                                             markets are concerned,
             this strategy is, in fact,            European markets — starting       either,” Daniel Da Cruz
             to make it easier for compa-          with the Greater Region —         points out. “Last January,
             nies to successfully penetrate        are obviously the most            for example, an official
             these markets and to support          natural first step when           mission to Senegal was
             them in dealing with globali-         it comes to entering local        organised. The delegation
             sation. It is important to            markets. Countries such           included representatives
             help Luxembourg-based players         as Japan, China and the           from lots of companies,
             establish their position within       United States among the           including those operating in
             the value chain,” says Mr Da Cruz     more evident promising            the construction and technol-
                                                   markets further afield.           ogy industries, and the feed-
             This being the case, estab-           “That said, there are other       back we have had has been
             lishing a close collaborative         new destinations with great       very positive.”x


    effects that the announcements have. There is also        bringing a strong element of consistency to the
    a lot of substance behind them and a lot of action        whole project.
    being taken, which gives the country credibility
    in the field and represents another step towards      What distinguishing assets can Luxembourg
    an innovative economy. This has obviously created     promote?
    a strong image for Luxembourg.                            It is often a matter of niche specialisations,
                                                              which add real added value in certain sectors.
Are any other sectors as advanced as this one?                This is a well-known fact, and complements
    The ICT field is also very advanced, though               the country’s structural assets, which must also
    this is perhaps less obvious to the general public        be protected, of course.
    as it is primarily a cross-disciplinary field that
    affects all economic sectors. In any case,            What is the main difficulty you encounter with this
    Luxembourg has a very good reputation when            approach?
    it comes to infrastructure and IT security,               I think it’s the challenge of creating the most
    for example, not to mention its logistics sector,         comprehensive ecosystem possible with the
    which has really gone from strength to strength           potential to support the development of different
    in recent years. In fact, nearly 250,000m2 of             sectors. Given the size of the country, it’s not
    logistics space has been created in the country           always easy to find sufficient critical mass, which
    since 2013, representing an investment of some            brings us back to the issue of the talent we need
    €250 million on the part of the companies                 to develop various projects.
    concerned. There are also the projects under way
    at the Eurohub Sud site, which currently account      What are the next major steps you will be taking?
    for 150,000m2 of logistics space and will employ         The ministry is in the process of finalising
    around 800 people.                                       sector-specific strategies with the experts
                                                             from Luxinnovation. So we’ll have to see to
    Last but not least, a great deal of effort has also      what extent these strategies can bring
    been made with regards to eco-technologies               Luxembourg international recognition,
    and smart mobility, and I think that we’re really        particularly from the perspective of a data-driven
    doing well in that respect. There is, of course,         economy, which is an underlying theme for
    still some way to go, especially when it comes           all priority sectors.
    to bringing together the required expertise and
    contacts, but it was never going to happen                Based on these strategies, we will be in
    overnight.                                                a better position to attract more targeted foreign
                                                              investment that is geared more towards client
Is it hard to find the right balance between the              needs. Once companies located outside of
eagerness to see certain projects come to fruition            the European Union, wherever they may be,
and the reality on the ground, where things often             automatically think of Luxembourg when they
progress at a slower pace?                                    start looking into opening their first branch in
      With the government’s support, lots of resources        Europe, then we can claim to have achieved our
      have been, and continue to be, invested in the          first concrete objective.
      various sectors that we have targeted and in
      which we believe, and a great deal of effort has    But that won’t be enough – this intention then has
      been made in this respect. That said, we cannot     to come to fruition...
      allow ourselves to overlook these sectors when it        Of course, and that’s why we have to reinforce
      comes to diversifying our economy. This is also,         our position as a real haven for companies, and
      of course, perfectly in keeping with the                 industrial ventures in particular, with high added
      framework of the third industrial revolution,            value, and to develop this welcoming approach >

12       I N T ERV I E W

            M AN Y PLAY ERS,
            A SINGLE NETWORK
             The economic promotion strategy is based on a powerful and diverse
             ecosystem of players — some of whom are newly established — interacting
             at reciprocal levels. Who are these players, and what are their duties?

          “The word
           is essential                                     Chamber of                         FEDIL
                                                          Skilled Crafts

                      Ministry                                                         Ministry of European
                   of the Economy                                                       and Foreign Affairs

                         LTIOs                                                              Diplomatic
                                                      TRADE & INVEST                         Network
                 Trade & Investment
                       Offices)                           Board (TIB)
                                                   Steering Committee (TISC)

                                                                                         Sector Steering


                                                             of Commerce
                 Market Intelligence /                                                 Business Development -
                  Sector and Business                                                      Luxinnovation
               Development / Marketing &                      House of
                     Communication                        Entrepreneurship


     in order to best meet the aims and expectations         This doesn’t mean that promoting the country’s
     of these companies.                                     economy abroad cannot, in fact, be closely linked
                                                             to nation branding...
     We now have a whole host of individuals on board             The two are, of course, intertwined, but the concept
     that make this the perfect time to move forward              of nation branding is much broader. As I was
     with this project.                                           saying before, it’s a very good start if all of the
                                                                  players involved are conveying the same image,
American giant Google recently purchased land in                  this gives us a strong foundation on which to build.
Luxembourg and may be planning to open data                       It’s still a little early to say for certain whether
centres there. Is this another major asset in your                it has worked, but we are clearly going in the
promotional strategy?                                             right direction.
    Obviously this will really highlight the country’s
    appeal, as did the arrivals of Amazon, PayPal            Luxembourg also has a network of representative
    and eBay at the time. The fact that such companies       offices abroad. How does that work?
    are now opening head offices here can only                    We actually have a network of eight Trade &
    encourage other companies to follow suit, but this            Investment Offices in key markets around the world
    is a hugely complex and political matter and we               and we are working closely with all the Luxembourg
    have to let time take its course.                             embassies (see page 10). This network of ‘economic
                                                                  embassies’ works very well. These offices are located
     That said, the mere fact that Google has Luxembourg          in markets that show great promise where the national
     in its sights and that it has purchased land here            economy is concerned and are primarily a very valuable
     proves that the work carried out over recent years is        source of help and support when it comes to prepar-
     paying off! I’m not sure that that would have been           ing for State visits and economic missions. They not
     the case five or ten years ago.                              only serve as our representatives on the ground with
                                                                  regards to organising such events, but also do a great
Does that mean, then, that there has been a positive              deal of background work by helping both companies
change in Luxembourg’s global image?                              looking to open branches in these countries and
    I don’t know whether Luxembourg has a particular              companies within these countries that are interested
    image. Generally speaking, a lot of educational               in establishing branches in Luxembourg.
    work remains to be done when it comes to
    promoting the country abroad, and we still               Is this network of LTIOs going to have to expand
    have to explain what Luxembourg is, before we            further in the future?
    can even think about tackling the economic aspect.            Discussions are currently ongoing, of course, and
    The country has to be put into perspective and                it will be up to the future government to make
    into context and the emphasis placed on its                   the decisions. One thing for certain is that our
    specific features and characteristics. It is important        priority was initially to strengthen the existing
    not to assume that those we are dealing with                  network to provide us with a series of well-
    automatically know who we are or where we                     established offices that we could rely on. Now that
    come from.                                                    we have achieved this objective, we need to think
                                                                  about expanding our geographical footprint, in
     Then, once they know what we are all about,                  order to better cover those regions that show great
     we might have a chance to build something and,               promise or economic potential.
     of course, convey a positive image of the country.
     This is even more beneficial when there is              What is the most difficult aspect – convincing a foreign
     some substance behind it, such as cutting-edge          company to open a branch here or a Luxembourg
     ICT infrastructures. Ultimately, it’s about “putting    company making it in a foreign market?
     Luxembourg on the map”, as the saying goes.                Neither of these things are easy to achieve!        >

14       I N T ERV I E W

             Companies here have the advantage of rather natural               We are also helped and supported, of course, by
             outlets into neighbouring and even other European                 our network of LTIOs, which also identifies
             markets, so they don’t require a great deal of help in            investors looking to open branches in Europe and
             this respect. More help is required when it comes to              explains why Luxembourg is a worthy contender. x
             entering markets further afield, and on other
             continents. A ministerial presence on economic
             missions, for example, can open both economic and
             political doors or establish contacts that might prove
             particularly beneficial to our companies.
             With regards to attracting foreign companies,                 “ Luxembourg has a
             whether those that are knocking on our door or
             those we have been actively approaching, we                     very good reputation
             obviously try to establish how we can best support
             them and help them to find what they’re looking for.            when it comes to
             The ideal scenario is to identify companies that
             would complement the players already operating
             within Luxembourg, without getting into a cherry-
             picking situation that would require us to
             say “yes” to some companies and “no” to others.
                                                                             and IT security”

                           PROMOTION STRUCTURE
                                                  TRADE & INVESTMENT BOARD (TIB)

                                      HRH Prince Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke (Honorary President)

                                                    Ministry of the Economy (Presidency)

                   Ministry                     Chamber of                FEDIL            Luxinnovation          Ministry of
              of Foreign Affairs            Commerce President          President            President            the Economy

                           Ministry         Chamber of Skilled           Ministry            Ministry of Higher
                           of State          Crafts President           of Finance         Education and Research

                                        TRADE & INVESTMENT STEERING COMMITTEE (TISC)

                                                    Ministry of the Economy (Presidency)

                                 Luxinnovation           Chamber of Commerce          Ministry of the Economy -
                                      CEO                  Director General                 Foreign Trade

                                                        Ministry               Ministry
                                                   of Foreign Affairs          of State

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16       NEWS

         in Luxembourg

?               Who are the start-ups who will
                represent Luxembourg in the next CES?
                What will the future Luxembourg airport

                look like? Have a look at the latest
                innovative news from Luxembourg.

             Tourism Innovation Award — The first edition of the Tourism
             Innovation Award, recognising particularly innovative
             tourism projects, has delivered its verdict, awarding Ramborn

             Cider Haff, Spoticle and the application by Bazar.


                                                                                              “We appreciate
                                                                                               the atmosphere of
                                                                                               innovative research
                                                                                               and the spirit
                                                                                               of cooperation
                                                                                               in Luxembourg.”
                                                                                               Sejong Kim
                                                                                               Secretary General,
                                                                                               ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation

             16 start-ups
                                                                                               Center (ASEIC)

             for CES 2019                                                                     “The Luxembourg
                                                                                               Space Agency is an
             After the first successful experience     Within the Eureka Pavilion,             important step for
             for the 2018 edition of the big CES       specifically dedicated to start-ups,    the country’s future
             show in Las Vegas last January,           where more than 170,000 visitors
             with eight companies chosen to            are expected, the Luxembourg
                                                                                               as a space leader.”
             represent the country, the Luxem-         stand will extend to over 100m 2.       Steve Collar
             bourg start-up ecosystem will                                                     President and CEO, SES
             double its presence in January 2019.      Two of the 16 companies selected
             Between 8th and 11th January,             (Motion-S and CoinPlus) were
             16 start-ups will participate in          already present in 2018. The others
             the largest international event           selected for 2019 are: Atis Network,
                                                                                              “The growing number
             dedicated to new technologies             Art Design Painting, BIM-Y,
             and innovation.                           CarVroom, ClearImage,                   and quality of
                                                       Crowdaa, Koosmik, LuxAI,                start-ups are good
             The selection was made from more          Mu Design, MySardines,                  indicators of the
             than 100 applications received by         Scrybto, Skeeled,             attractiveness and
             the experts of Luxfactory (formerly       and Yatta. x
             European American Enterprise                                                      dynamism of our

             Council, EAEC). Some 900 start-                                                   country’s economy.”


             ups from around the world (two-

                                                                                               Sasha Baillie
             thirds from the United States and                          CEO, Luxinnovation,
             France) will participate in this event.                                about the Fit 4 Start programme
18       NEWS


         This is the annual inflation
         rate in Luxembourg measured
         at the end of October 2018.
         Driven in particular
         by the rise in petroleum
         products (+14.7% in one year),
         this rate has not been
         higher since 2012.
                                          Inside the Alliance
                                          Launched in 2016 by the Solar        LIST’s network of clean tech-
                                          Impulse Foundation created by        nology experts, and to contribute
                                          the Swiss adventurer Bertrand        to the deployment of these

                                          Piccard, the World Alliance for      solutions through the implemen-
                                          Efficient Solutions aims to select   tation of the country’s environ-
                                          1,000 clean, efficient and cost-     mental policy.
         This is the number of            effective solutions to accelerate
         places gained by Luxembourg      the transition to a carbon-          “This agreement confirms
         in the 2018‒2019 edition of      neutral, sustainable economy.        Luxembourg’s determination to
         the Global Competitiveness                                            position itself as a major player
         Report of the World              The Luxembourg Ministry of           in ecological innovation,” said
         Economic Forum, moving           Sustainable Development and          Claude Turmes, State Secretary
         from 22nd to 19th (out of        Infrastructure and the Luxem-        for Sustainable Development and
         140 countries).                  bourg Institute of Science and       Infrastructure. “My ambition is
                                          Technology (LIST) joined this        to make Luxembourg a place of
                                          tremendous adventure by              excellence in the field of research
                                          initialling, in October 2018,        and investments in green
                                          an agreement with the Alliance       technologies. This partnership is

         250,000 m2                       to contribute to this commitment     a concrete step in that direction.”
                                                                                                                     World Alliance

                                          aimed at protection of the
         Since 2013, this is the          environment.                         A dozen other Luxembourg
         logistics area created in                                             private players are also part
         Luxembourg, corresponding        This tripartite partnership aims     of the Alliance, which brings

         to an investment of              to accelerate the evaluation of      together more than 1,300

         €250 million by the              solutions submitted to the Solar     companies and institutions
         companies concerned.             Impulse Foundation through           worldwide. x
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20       NEWS


                                           The emerging face
         Pascale Engel de Abreu,
         38, won the Outstanding
         Research-Driven Innovation
                                           of Airport City
         Award granted by the Luxem-
         bourg National Research Fund.     Luxembourg’s international airport       “I’m looking forward to seeing the
         This Luxembourgish Associate      will evolve in the coming years          first milestone of our Airport City
         Professor in developmental        into a real “Airport City”, with         becoming a reality. The Skypark
         psychology at the University      the creation of new facilities. This     Business Center South will be a
         of Luxembourg has developed       will create a real hub of activity and   reference for environmentally
         “LALA — Lauter lëschteg           development.                             friendly and sustainable buildings.
         Lauter”, an early interven-                                                It helps us to align our economic

         tion programme for Luxembourg     The first of these new develop-          and ecological goals,” René Steinhaus,

         kindergartens that supports       ments was announced last                 CEO of lux-Airport, stated.

                                                                                                                             Jan Hanrion (Maison Moderne) / Photographs
         pre-literacy skills of children   October: it is a four storey high
         in multilingual Luxembourg.       flexible building of 15,000m 2           This Skypark Business Center South
         Dr. Engel de Abreu came back      with fluid shapes (with a possible       was designed by the Danish archi-
         to Luxembourg in 2012 after       extension up to 40,000m 2).              tectural firm BIG (Bjarke Ingels
         living and working 13 years       It will host office space, shops,        Group) – in association with the
         in France, UK, Bolivia,           restaurants, fitness facilities,         Luxembourg architectural firm
         Brazil, the US and Canada.        and also a kindergarten.                 Metaform –, which is also responsi-
         She was already awarded                                                    ble, for example, for Google’s future
         by the FNR in 2013 and 2014.      Called “Skypark Business Center          headquarters in Mountain View
                                           South”, this project, estimated at       (California) and one of the World
                                           between 25 and 35 million euros,         Trade Center buildings in New York.
                                           has an ecological orientation,                                                      by

                                           with a building constructed using a      The Skypark Business Center South
                                           wooden structure, a double insula-       is scheduled for completion
                                           tion facade and even a green roof.       in 2022. x

                                           US$16 million for Job Today
                                           The mobile-focused casual job marketplace headquartered in
                                           Luxembourg, Job Today, raised US$16 million last September.

                                           The start-up, launched in 2014, operates in Spain and the UK.
                                           It plans to use the majority of this cash to increase its
                                           presence on the UK market.
Belval Campus © Brumat Photo / Foersom Sàrl

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22       INDUSTRY

                         Nicolas Buck
                     Industry is not dead

                          Industry 4.0
                       Building the smart
                     factories of tomorrow

                      Towards data-driven,
                    high-value manufacturing

                                The FANUC CR-15iA is designed
                                for a world in which humans
                                work side by side with robots.
                                In this world, robots would
                                execute all strenuous tasks,
                                enabling humans to dedicate
                                their precious time to lighter,

                                more skilled or demanding


                                                                                                      Cebi Group is a leading
                                                                                                      developer and manufacturer
                                                                                                      of components for
                                                                                                      automotive and household
                                                                                                      appliances, ventilation,
                                                                                                      electric vehicles and other
                                                                                                      industrial applications.

Jan Hanrion (Maison Moderne), Cebi

                                     There are four principles which    to perform autonomously,            In this dossier, we are going to
                                     support companies in identifying   with escalation only                hear from local industry experts
                                     and implementing Industry 4.0:     in exceptional cases.               and take a look at how some
                                     interconnection via the Internet   Industry is central to Europe’s     of Luxembourg’s leading
                                     of Things (IoT); information       economy generating 80% of           manufacturing companies are
                                     transparency using big data        EU exports and plays a major        introducing and leveraging
                                     to identify key areas that         role in driving productivity and    Industry 4.0, the major benefits
                                     can benefit from innovation        innovation. It is therefore no      and how they perceive the
                                     and improvement; technical         surprise that a key focus of the    continued development. We will
                                     assistance to help make            European Commission and many        also cover how two innovative


                                     informed decisions; and finally,   governments is to support the       start-ups are helping companies
                                     decentralised decision making      digitalisation of the European      successfully adopt and implement
                                     enabling cyber-physical systems    manufacturing sector.               Industry 4.0. x
24       INDUSTRY

                           Nicolas Buck

          is not
         For the Chairman of the business
         federation FEDIL — the Voice of
         Luxembourg’s Industry, Industry 4.0
         is just another chapter in the
         process of evolution and development
         of a sector that remains strong
         and has a capacity to respond to
         political or technological shocks.

         Texts   by
                      Jean-Michel Gaudron > Photograph   by
                                                              Patricia Pitsch (Maison Moderne)


Nicolas Buck, the Industry 4.0 concept is developing
rapidly. How important is this concept for the future
of the Luxembourg economy?
     Nicolas Buck: Industry 4.0 should not be viewed
     as an end in itself. The strategy to be adopted
     depends on three main considerations: What?
     For whom? And how? We need to define what
     should be developed or produced when applying
     this approach, specify what markets and targets this
     is intended for and determine the optimal produc-
     tion methods. We can also add the “why?”, the reason
     why a client chooses to work in a particular way.

     Industry 4.0 is a bit of a catch-all term, but it clearly
     expresses the now crucial importance of connectivity
     and the ability to produce much more quickly in
     response to significant fluctuations in demand from
     the market, which also requires companies to be
     highly responsive.

     The digitalisation of preparation and production
     processes represents an evolution, more than
     a real revolution. It is opening up possibilities
     for high-quality production in Western Europe.
     But this digitalisation is developing alongside other
     more conventional innovation processes. It is up
     to everyone to take the concept on board and define
     what it means for their business.

Is this Industry 4.0 strategy difficult to implement?
     This depends of course on the requirements, and it
     is part of an effort to collect production information.
     With any industrial process, whatever it may be,
     the clients’ specifications have an essential impact
     on the production put in place. Over the last 40
     to 50 years, all industrial firms have spent a huge
     amount of time trying to optimise the take-up of
     information received from clients and translating
     all of their specifications into a production environ-
     ment. We need to know how to manage informa-
     tion waste, information that arrives late, clients
     that change their minds, etc.

     Clearly, the Industry 4.0 approach is a key method-
     ology that can really help increase efficiency and
     reduce, for instance, an entire two-week production
     process to just a few days. This is not necessarily >

26       INDUSTRY

                                                     done with just a quicker machine, but also by
                                                     taking information on board more effectively.

                                                 Would you say that Luxembourg is well-positioned

         IS                                      in terms of Industry 4.0?
                                                      We certainly have our strengths, just like other
                                                      countries. We have not necessarily been pioneers,

                                                      and large countries, such as Germany or France,
                                                      are no doubt more advanced with their factories
                                                      of the future. But with the business federation
                                                      FEDIL, the Ministry of the Economy and
                                                      Luxinnovation all working together, we have
                                                      made major efforts. Our role is clearly to promote
         Name                                         existing expertise that companies can benefit from.
         Nicolas Buck                                 It is then up to the businesses themselves to select
         Born                                         the service providers that they consider to be the
         August 1968                                  best fit. To some extent, we are sowing seeds.
         From 2016
         Chairman of the Luxembourg business         We can also see that research centres like the
         federation FEDIL — the Voice of             Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
         Luxembourg’s Industry
                                                     (LIST) or the University of Luxembourg Interdis-
         From 2012                                   ciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and
         CEO, Seqvoia                                Trust (SnT) are very involved in this area and
                                                     have high-level skills that are of much interest to
                                                     industry. It is clear that industrial firms will not be
                                                     able to do everything by themselves. They will need
                                                     consultants, public or private partnerships, etc.
         Nicolas Buck joined the family
         business early (Imprimerie de
         la Cour Victor Buck) in the 90’s        Soon, Luxembourg will launch a Digital Innovation
         and quickly innovated by offering
                                                 Hub (DIH), a one-stop shop helping industrial
         reporting services for the investment
         fund industry with a new company        companies to become more competitive by
         called Victor Buck Services.            using digital technologies. What value does
         For this, he received the award of
         Entrepreneur of the Year in 2004.
                                                 it offer to businesses?
         After selling his company to the              This initiative is first and foremost European.
         Post Luxembourg group, he created             We have worked extensively with the European
         another one, Seqvoia, in 2012,
         (management of the regulatory                 Commission’s Directorate-General Connect to
         documentation of investment funds).           clearly redefine the DIH concept and the roles
         At the origin of #StartUpNation               of the various stakeholders, given that many
         Luxembourg, from 2014 to 2017,
         he was Chairman of the start-up               institutions, virtually everywhere in Europe,
         accelerator nyuko. Since 2016,                have proclaimed themselves to be DIHs.
         he is also Chairman of the FEDIL. x
                                                     The idea is to build up the most exhaustive
                                                     map possible of the skills that exist here and in
                                                     Europe, in order to enable companies to embark
                                                     on their digital journey. This is a marketplace
                                                     that enables a simplified approach to the offers
                                                     that are available.                                  >

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Come in, find out… and you’ll stay!

28       INDUSTRY

         Europe is the driving force behind this platform,              Mercury project, Husky’s Factory of the Future
         which is part of the much bigger digital single market         and significant investments by Kronospan, Cebi
         initiative. Is it important to have this type of momentum      International and Circuit Foil. Does this count in
         at community level in addition to national initiatives?        Luxembourg’s favour?
               The European market is of course still attractive.            These projects are of course great driving forces,
               The challenge for Europe is to believe in ourselves.          because they come from international groups that
               It is very clear that for external investors who want         are delighted to be established here. They are very
               to establish a presence, this is the world’s leading          well supported by the teams from the Ministry of
               market in terms of population, purchasing power or            the Economy and Luxinnovation, and the key role
               skills. Europe has a market of 500 million people,            played by civil servants and politicians in charge of
               with strong links to Africa. There is no shortage of          the economy up to the highest level deserves to be
               opportunities! All within an exceptional framework            highlighted. The decision makers who come from
               that not only respects intellectual property, but also        abroad to continue investing are satisfied with the
               ensures fair competition. For investors, it is of             environment, with their access to information and
               course essential to be able to set up in a part of            with the fact that they are listened to so effectively.
               the world where they do not have to compete with
               firms that are being subsidised by national banks.       What are the next major steps in the development
               A level playing field is very important.                 of Industry 4.0?
                                                                             Clearly, as always, continuous learning. The human
         What about Luxembourg? How is the country                           aspect is vital. We need to orient schools and universi-
         positioning itself within this environment?                         ties more strongly towards preparing students for
              Luxembourg is still the best place for doing                   technical and technological jobs. And “technology”
              business in Europe! The country constantly shows               goes hand in hand with “scientists”. This is essential.
              positive dynamics and strong growth. It offers
              skills, an institutional framework, political stabili-         We also need to reflect on how things will evolve
              ty, predictability in terms of taxation, streamlined           and, for instance, consider the tax incentives in
              processes, as well as open-mindedness and much                 place. In an increasingly globalised world, we can
              more. Setting up in Luxembourg makes it possible               see very clearly that the majority of investments
              not only to establish a presence in Western Europe,            are no longer focused on simply machines, but also
              but also more widely across Europe.                            on the brainpower that creates the software and
                                                                             processes used by machines. We therefore need
         Does Luxembourg know how to effectively sell                        to look into creating incentives that take this
         itself abroad?                                                      into account.
               A country does not sell itself. No one is selling.
               Instead, there are people who are buying…                You mentioned human resources. Should we focus
               We need to offer choices and we need these choices       on attracting talents or retaining them?
               to be clear. The investors arriving here want to have         We clearly need to do both! We need to both train
               clear answers in relation to their investment                 up talented people and encourage them to come to
               projects. And we have always been able to give                Luxembourg. And to attract them, we need to use
               them these answers. Of course, we need to main-               good arguments. The Luxembourg Digital Skills
               tain this capacity to listen when we meet with new            Bridge project is an ambitious initiative. It aims to
               companies and then be able to say “yes, we know               encourage businesses to anticipate their needs for
               how to do this” or, when necessary, “unfortunately,           skills, while promoting employee mobility in a job
               we cannot help you with this part”.                           market that is undergoing a transformation.

         There have recently been some major announcements                   The rollout of this project shows that the political
         in Luxembourg, including among others Goodyear’s                    sector has taken on board the full scale of the


                                           challenges that lie ahead. But the equation is
                                           still the same: develop, train, attract, retain…
                                           Keeping people also means keeping businesses.

                                       Luxembourg is getting ready to welcome the head-
                                       quarters of the EuroHPC joint undertaking in charge
                                       of supervising the development and deployment of a
                                       European network of high performance computers
                                       (HPC). What will be the impact of this decision taken
                                       by the European Commission last June?
                                            The Industry 4.0 concept clearly has major
                                            requirements for simulation and processing power,
                                            for conducing pure research as well as for tests and
                                            production. This HPC is therefore an essential tool.
  HPC is a branch of computing              Of course, we will then need to ensure that the
  that deals with scientific                benefits are shared on a wide scale, so that the
  and engineering modelling,
  and simulation tasks, so demanding        entire ecosystem understands all the benefits and
  that calculations cannot be               advantages it offers.
  performed using general-purpose
  computers. The EuroHPC will be
  able to perform 1 billion billion    When do you think the first concrete effects can be
  calculations per second.             measured?
                                           This will no doubt take several years. Europe and
                                           the associated countries are sometimes slightly     >

“The human
 is vital”

30       INDUSTRY

              ahead of the market, with a very pioneering              So, industry is not dead…
              approach. The economy then needs to assimilate                Definitely not! We should not simply look at the
              the ideas and understand them. Alongside this,                changes over the past 20 or 30 years. Industry
              businesses’ needs will evolve. Today, an infrastruc-          has been developing since the 18th century and
              ture like this might not be useful for them.                  will continue to evolve in the 21st century. The
              But tomorrow, when this will be the case,                     sequence of things remains unchanged: scientific
              the tool will be in place and available to them.              progress leads to new technologies, which lead to
                                                                            innovation. The process will always continue,
         For the past year and a half, the arrival of the US                possibly in other forms. And ultimately, Industry
         giant Google in Luxembourg has been mentioned.                     4.0 will be just one of many chapters, but it is the
         The company has even acquired more than                            one that we are living through at the moment.
         30 hectares of land in the centre of the country,
         but has not yet officially announced its decision             What about the human aspect? Growing digitalisa-
         to set up its future data centres here. Is this strong        tion and the development of artificial intelligence are
         level of interest from such a giant positive for              fuelling concerns that people will be replaced with
         Luxembourg’s ecosystem?                                       machines and thousands or even more jobs will be lost.
              This is first and foremost a project on a very           How would you assess the situation?
              large scale. Its sheer size is interesting. And if it         The human capacity to rethink production
              succeeds, this will show any potential investor that          processes is unlimited. Take a car production line:
              while Luxembourg is a modestly sized country,                 while it is true that there are far fewer or indeed
              it has the skills needed for managing such a project,         sometimes no people at all involved in the initial
              which includes not just making available the                  production phases, a human presence is still
              infrastructures, but also everything relating                 essential for the assembly line.
              to energy supply and data governance. Clearly,
              if we are able to welcome a Google, we can                    One day, we may see car plants with even
              welcome anyone.                                               fewer people. Or maybe not. What is certain is
                                                                            that if someone manages to achieve this, others
              Now, we must not lose sight of the fact that while            will need to align themselves with it. But we have
              data centres are of course an important part of the           always managed to create more jobs than we
              infrastructure, there are other elements within the           have destroyed. x
              ecosystem that we need to know how to develop.
              There are data centres everywhere in Europe and
              it is possible to imagine that there will, with time,
              be a concentration of the players operating on
              this market.

         Are you confident about the way Industry 4.0
         is going to develop in Luxembourg?
                                                                                       FA C T
              If there is one sector that is not protected by
              national borders and a specific regulatory frame-

              work, it is clearly industry! Through its very nature,                  Cost reduction
              it needs to constantly reinvent itself in relation
                                                                                      The expected cost reduction in
              to technological evolutions and new geographic                          the worldwide automotive sector
              players, as well as the various needs of clients.                       between 2016 and 2020 due to
              We should not underestimate industry’s capacity                         Industry 4.0 is estimated at US$
                                                                                      28 billion. This represents a
              to respond to shocks, whether they are political                        3.9% reduction in costs per annum
              or technological.                                                       across the auto industry.

32       INDUSTRY

           FANUC 3D Vision Sensors
           enable robots to recognise
           and pick up randomly
           positioned objects straight
           from a bin. With artificial
           intelligence and deep
           learning based applications,
           it enables the FANUC
           R-2000iB Robot to learn
           the best and most efficient
           picking order automatically.



Building the smart
                          4.0                                               factories
                                             of tomorrow
Read how some of Luxembourg’s
leading manufacturing companies are
introducing and leveraging Industry 4.0
today and how two innovative start-ups
are bringing expertise to the table
to help companies arrive and remain
at the forefront of technology.

Texts   by
             Sue Hewitt > Photographs   by
                                             Jan Hanrion (Maison Moderne)

34       INDUSTRY

         START-UP                                          hree leading Luxem-                              while remaining competitive,
                                                           bourg-based manufactur-                          despite strong market pressure
                                                           ers and two forward-                             and high labour costs in Western
         Wizata                                            thinking start-ups share
                                                   how they are harnessing latest
                                                                                                            Europe. 86% of the turnover of
                                                                                                            Cebi Group is generated by plants
         Website                                   technologies and practices to stay                       in Western Europe.
                                                   ahead of the game. Learn about
                                                   their experience and plans for                           According to Corporate Project
                                                   Industry 4.0.                                            Manager & Industry 4.0 Program
                                                                                                            Director Franck-Alexandre
         Founded in 2014, Wizata, a team           Cebi International                                       Sallebant-Bessone, “you need to
         of data science, metallurgy and           Cebi Group is a leading                                  leverage the potential of the pro-
         manufacturing experts, develops AI
         solutions to help companies achieve       developer and manufacturer of                            posed technologies within a scope
         the highest results within their          components for automotive and                            that will generate the highest ROI,
         production processes.                     household appliances, ventilation,                       i.e. increasing automation and robot-
         Jean-Philippe Hugo, CEO, understands      electric vehicles and other indus-                       ics to improve uptime and optimi-
         that “the combination of data             trial applications, employing                            sation of production equipment.
         availability from IoT, AI technologies
         and cloud computing power was the
                                                   more than 3,000 people in                                We chose to address the challenge
         perfect combination for an Industry       13 countries. It recently launched                       of increasing the overall equipment
         4.0 to emerge, where every person and     an ambitious Industry 4.0 project                        effectiveness, eventually enabling
         organisation is empowered with AI
         to tackle unsolved problems and drive
                                                   in partnership with the University                       autonomous reconfiguration of man-
         manufacturing processes towards           of Luxembourg.                                           ufacturing production units while
         100% efficiency.”                                                                                  supporting predictive maintenance,
         Elaborating on how Wizata is helping      Cebi admits that the company has                         thanks to big data and live analytics.”
         companies leverage automation today in    always invested strongly in process
         manufacturing and production processes,   engineering while vertically inte-                       He believes a key driver is “a capac-
         Raphaël Cayrol, Public Relations
         Officer, explains that “pushing           grating its production. Over time,                       ity to make the company responsive
         the limits of production efficiency       it has reached a high level of auto-                     to change. Upgrading employees’
         requires more than algorithms: it’s
         the symbiosis of business expertise of
                                                   mation enabling it to become a                           skills is an important success fac-
         field engineers with the power of AI,     market leader in specific segments                       tor, not to be underestimated.”
         and the capacity of our data science
         specialists with industry know-how to

                                                       “Upgrading employees’
         act as an orchestrator. In practice,
         we help companies to onboard AI as
         a key actor to assist engineering in
         manufacturing processes and explore

                                                                                                   skills is an
         brand new improvement paths.”

         Looking towards the future, Mr Cayrol
                                                        Franck-Alexandre Sallebant-Bessone, Cebi

         anticipates that “intelligent systems
         that leverage technologies such as
         deep learning will get smarter by
         digitising, interpreting and learning
         from raw data, such as electromagnetic
                                                                                                   important success
         (images & videos), thermodynamic
         (heat distribution), mechanical waves
         (sound) and other signals measured by
         innovative sensors. This will enable
                                                                                                   factor, not to be
         AI to take into account more granular

         data to detect uncharted and
         unexplained patterns, empowering
         employees to make better decisions.
         Companies will take less time to

         clean and give context to this data,
         allowing company data science teams
         to experiment more efficiently and
         to innovate at a faster pace.”x

“ Simply collecting                                                                                      START-UP

                           data is not enough.                                                           DataThings
Farsan Parwez, Ceratizit


                           The art lies in
                           the analysis”                                                                 DataThings was created in
                                                                                                         January 2017 as a spin-off of the
                                                                                                         SnT/University of Luxembourg, where
                                                                                                         its four founders worked beforehand.
                                                                                                         The co-founders are experts in
                           Going forward, Mr Sallebant-           the efficiency of their production,    software engineering, security,
                                                                                                         machine learning and artificial
                           Bessone affirms that Industry 4.0      improve their products and offer       intelligence, and have many years
                           will be “a standard in the manu-       new services to their customers.       of both academic as well as
                                                                                                         industrial experience in these
                           facturing sector and especially in     Big data and machine learning          fields under their belt.
                           the automotive segment. AI will        will of course also play a role in
                           start to support and help the          this. However, it is still too early   DataThings applies state-of-the-art
                                                                                                         software engineering, machine
                           workforce in all its operations.       to go into details.                    learning and artificial
                           New technologies will enable                                                  intelligence solutions to help
                           better control of resource con-        According to Farsan Parwez,            customers make operational
                                                                                                         decisions. They conduct an in-depth
                           sumption and will support the          Ceratizit’s PR & Content Manager,      analysis and then develop a tailored
                           mitigation of waste and ineffi-        “when implementing Industry 4.0        solution in close collaboration with
                           ciencies. This is why we believe       it is crucial to rely on standards     their clients.

                           that the education systems have        when introducing new solutions.        According to Grégory Nain,
                           to transform to provide extensive      Industry 4.0 can help the com-         Co-founder, benefits of Industry 4.0
                                                                                                         are “far-reaching, e.g. cost reduction,
                           training for young and experi-         pany to better understand com-
                                                                                                         better customer experience, improved
                           enced people in the digital field.”    plex interactions within their         efficiency, higher productivity
                                                                  manufacturing chain that could         and improved competitiveness.
                                                                                                         In addition, it allows companies
                           Ceratizit Group                        remain largely unknown or mis-         to become more innovative.”
                           Headquartered in Mamer, Luxem-         understood without the use of
                           bourg, Ceratizit Group is the          digital solutions.”                    The team believes that Europe with
                                                                                                         its long history of high-quality
                           world’s fourth-largest producer                                               engineering has an excellent
                           of hard metals which it trans-         Mr Parwez emphasises that              foundation in Industry 4.0 but tends
                           forms into wear protection and         Ceratizit “has a very strong           to be more conservative compared,
                                                                                                         for example, to the “trial and error”
                           cutting tools for a wide range of      industrial base in Europe with         driven approach of the US. To stay
                           different industries. Constantly       numerous key players who are           competitive, “a reasonable balance
                           innovating in the manufacturing        active worldwide and also play a       between the two might be key.”

                           process is something the com-          leading role in the implementation     Looking forward, Mr Nain explains
                           pany is focusing on.                   of Industry 4.0 solutions. Luxem-      that “industrial systems and
                                                                                                         processes are entrusted with
                                                                  bourg is already doing a lot to        increasingly complex tasks
                           In recent months, Ceratizit has        strengthen the Industry 4.0 sector.    posing tremendous challenges and
                           initiated a whole series of projects                                          opportunities for businesses at
                                                                                                         the same time. Today’s industrial
                           to network their machines and          Examples include FEDIL’s D4I           systems need to become more and more
                           collect project data, to increase      initiative, and various LIST >         intelligent necessitating bringing

                                                                                                         software engineers, experts in
                                                                                                         machine learning and domain
                                                                                                         experts together to develop
                                                                                                         suitable solutions.”  x
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