Page created by Leo Johnson
SUPPLEMENT TO: McLean County Independent, Central McLean News-Journal, Leader-News, Center Republican, Hazen Star & The Beacon
2   SPRING HOME 2021

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SPRING HOME 2021       3

Bringing unique plants to Hazen
BY DANIEL ARENS                     Krause said the different soil
                                    conditions even within the
  For the past 15 years, one        state mean that opportuni-
Hazen resident has enriched         ties for some species in the
his property and his commu-         eastern part of North Dakota
nity with a variety of special      might not necessarily mean
blooms.                             Hazen can grow them well.
  Following his retirement,           But there were some oppor-
Mike Krause took a course           tunities he jumped at.
through NDSU for becoming             “I became interested in
a “Master Gardener.”                some of the berry varieties,
  “The curriculum was basi-         and particularly cherries,” he
cally set up where it had to do     said. “There are some really
with gardening and forestry         nice varieties available. A lot
in North Dakota,” Krause            of them come from Canada,
said.                               so it might take a little time
  His experience with that          between shipments, but there
curriculum opened new op-           are options out there.”
portunities for him, includ-          Krause said people should
ing working with local parks        be on the lookout for diseased
and other individuals around        plants, however, in order to
Hazen as part of the require-       ensure any virus or other
ments related to community          threat doesn’t spread. He said
service.                            black knot disease is one issue
  But the primary benefit of        he has seen recently.
the program for Krause was            Krause’s work on garden-
the chance to bring diversity       ing outside the Brooks House,
to what he could grow him-          north of the Main St./Central
self.                               Ave. intersection, also led him
  “The introduction of new          to take an interest in the Paul
plants within North Dakota          Weiser Memorial Pocket Park
and caring for them were the        just across the alley. He has
main areas it focused on,”          done a lot of work for upkeep
Krause said. “It was the in-        and beautification there, and
troduction of new species that      has also lent his green thumb
were becoming available, and        to helping spruce up other
that was the really great part      parks around Hazen.
of that.”
  North Dakota’s growing
season makes it a more diffi-       HAZEN                               With a passion for plants and creating a beautiful community, Hazen resident Mike Krause works diligent-
cult place to diversify, while      continued on page 4                 ly to spruce things up around town, including at the Paul Weiser Memorial Pocket Park.

                                                                                 WE HAVE EVERYTHING
Mike Krause’s interest in bringing new plants to Hazen has led him
to invest the time in bringing in and tending many different species,
from cherries to daylilies.

   Keeping your home in                                                          YOU NEED FOR LAWN
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                                                                                             Sat. ..................... 9am-5pm
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                                                                                        801 Main Ave, Washburn, ND 58577
4   SPRING HOME 2021

Albers bakes hobby cakes                                                                                HAZEN continued from page 3
                                                                                                           Another thing he enjoys Krause said it’s important to
BY JARANN JOHNSON                                                                                       is seeing little plantings de- educate yourself and know
                                                                                                        velop into their own sort of exactly what your own plants
   Cameron Albers has been                                                                              miniature habitat in portions need.
around the oven her whole                                                                               of town, like hollyhocks and          “I think the best advice that
life. And in the eighth grade,                                                                          daylilies. These plantings can I have is for people to take a
she decided she wanted to get                                                                           then germinate, and spread little bit of time to prepare
more serious about her bak-                                                                             outward around the commu- themselves,” he said. “There’s
ing passion.                                                                                            nity.                               different heights, different
   Now, she runs a baking                                                                                  One of Krause’s hopes is to widths that need to be consid-
business through social me-                                                                             encourage further interest ered.”
dia. Her dessert delicacies                                                                             and gather together a group           Krause said you want to
can be found on Instagram                                                                               of volunteers                                       ensure     each
or Facebook under the name                                                                              who can work                                        plant is given
“Cam’s Cakes.”                                                                                          together      to                                    enough space
   “I do have a Facebook page                                                                                                 “I like some of the new
                                                                                                        beautify the                                        so that it can
called Cam’s Cakes, and I                                                                               town         and   varieties as they are made flourish with-
have an Instagram account                                                                               help     private available, and I try them out. out         getting
called Cam’s Cakes. Most peo-                                                                           residents with                                      choked out by
ple reach out to me on Insta-                                                                           their       own
                                                                                                                           That’s what a plant person other plants.
gram, or I know them,” Albers                                                                           needs.            has to do. You see a color, you Also, if plant-
said.                                                                                                      “As we re- see a variety, and you make it ing perenni-
   Albers said she started bak-                                                                         alize not ev-                                       als,     people
ing with her family, as a kid,                                                                          eryone is able        your own pet project.”        could consider
                                  Cameron Albers has been baking since she was a kid. But her passion
and then it turned into help-                                                                           to      properly            - Mike Krause           leaving addi-
ing her mother, and, lastly, a    has turned into a hobby business, and she sells cakes through Cam’s   care for these                                      tional space,
fun way to gain her SAE for       Cakes on Facebook and Instagram.                                      plants,     that                                    so that if they
FFA.                                                                                                    volunteer ele-                                      enjoy     their
   “I’ve been baking since I      hobby bakers in the area. Her      rations.
                                                                                                        ment is almost necessary,” he garden and how it turns out,
was a little kid with my par-     three tips focus on measure-          “It’s really big if you watch
                                                                                                        said. “It takes that interested they might at a latter point
ents and grandparents. Then       ments, ingredients, and hav-       the baking shows that use it a
                                                                                                        person that has a little knowl- be able to introduce annuals
my mom has a catering busi-       ing fun.                           lot. I watch the baking shows
                                                                                                        edge, even if it happens to be and other plants, and have
ness. So, I would always help        “Know what a teaspoon and       like, ‘Springtime Baking
                                                                                                        younger people.”                    the room available to ensure
her bake with that,” Albers       a tablespoon are. Know what        Championship.’ And they al-
                                                                                                           Krause encouraged those these new additions can grow.
added.                            baking powder and baking           ways use this thing called iso-
                                                                                                        with an interest in gardening         “It’s really all about plan-
   “Then eventually I had to do   soda are. Just have fun with       malt. And I have no idea what
                                                                                                        and growing plants to really ning ahead,” he said. “Prepa-
my SAE for FFA, and it just all   it because there is no point in    it is. But I’ve been looking it
                                                                                                        make it their own.                  ration, clean-up, planning:
fell into place with me start-    doing it if you are not going to   up and researching it, and I
                                                                                                           “I like some of the new va- these are the fuel around
ing to bake on my mind.”          have fun,” Albers said.            want to learn how to make
                                                                                                        rieties as they are made avail- which your garden can grow
   Albers said her business          Albers personally enjoys        that,” Albers said.
                                                                                                        able, and I try them out. That’s up and be wonderful.”
has been doing well. She has      making extravagant cakes.             “The challenge with it is
                                                                                                        what a plant person has to do.        Krause also encouraged
repeat customers and has          One of her most extravagant        you have to get it really hot
                                                                                                        You see a color, you see a vari- people to consider putting gar-
even started getting new or-      cake creations was a Vikings       and then cool it really quick.
                                                                                                        ety, and you make it your own dens towards the front of their
ders from patrons from all        birthday cake.                     It’s something with the air
                                                                                                        pet project.”                       houses, not just in their back-
around Coal Country.                 “It was a cake for my grand-    in it. That’s what I think the
                                                                                                           In order to be successful yards, so that they can really
   “I always enjoy having the     ma’s 80th birthday. It was two     challenge will be.”
                                                                                                        with your own gardening, make their property and their
same customers come again –       layers, it was Viking-themed,         Albers is having fun with
                                                                                                        be it of flowers, berries, veg- community shine.
just knowing my product was       it was purple and gold, and it     her hobby business and said
                                                                                                        etables or any kind of plant,
good enough that they want        used a lot of fondant and tech-    it’s not hard for her to keep up
to come back and have me do       niques I had never used be-        with.
it again. I really enjoy having   fore. It was really interesting       “It’s just something I have
new customers from Hazen or
Beulah contact me. It’s just a
                                  to learn about it and figure
                                  out how to do it,” Albers said.
                                                                     been doing my whole life. It’s
                                                                     not that hard for me to stick                                        KITCHENS • VANITIES
really fun thing to do,” Albers
                                     This spring, Albers will be
                                  focusing on taming isomalt.
                                                                     with it. I like doing it. I just
                                                                     keep on keeping on,” Albers
                                                                                                                                            FREE ESTIMATES
   Albers is a young baker        Isomalt is used for cake deco-     said.                                                      
but has words of wisdom for

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SPRING HOME 2021       5

Vigesaa turns hobby into a business                                                                                                   say ‘I know it’s you,’” Vigesaa
                                                                                                                                      said. “I’d get the jars back.
                                                                                                                                      OK. I’ll fill it again. Giving
                                                                                                                                      flowers is my love language.”
                                                                                                                                        Vigesaa is turning her hob-
                                                                                                                                      by of growing flowers into a
                                                                                                                                      business. She completed an
                                                                                                                                      online course on flower farm-
                                                                                                                                      ing. She is flying by the seat
                                                                                                                                      of her pants, not really hav-
                                                                                                                                      ing a laid out plan. She hasn’t
                                                                                                                                      thought of a name yet for her
                                                                                                                                      flower farm.
                                                                                                                                        Heck, Vigesaa doesn’t even
                                                                                                                                      care if her business yields a
                                                                                                                                      financial windfall. She loves
                                                                                                                                      growing flowers. She enjoys
                                                                                                                                      learning about flowers and
                                                                                                                                      she loves giving them away.
                                                                                                                                      Her goal is to give a certain
                                                                                                                                      percentage of her flowers
                                                                                                                                      away. Vigesaa considered giv-
                                                                                                                                      ing all of them away, but was
                                                                                                                                      advised by a friend not to do
                                                                                                                                        “She said you can never
                                                                Pictured is a bouquet that Heather Vigesaa gave away.                 give it all away,” Vigesaa said.
                                                                                                                                      “People value things they
                                                                                                                                      have to pay for. If you start a
                                                                BY CINDY PETERSON                  as well.                           business giving everything
                                                                                                     “I don’t get flowers that of-    away, that shows that you
                                                                  A flower stirs up all kinds of   ten, and that’s OK,” said Vige-    don’t value it.”
                                                                positive emotions in Heather       saa, who farms with her hus-         Vigesaa got the idea to start
                                                                Vigesaa.                           band by Beulah. “But there         a flower farm last year when
                                                                  Something so simple, yet so      is something about giving          bees were delivered to her
                                                                beautiful.                         them away. When I brought          family’s farm. Her flowers
                                                                  Yes, Vigesaa absolutely          jars of flowers to the girls at    grew better than expected.
                                                                adores flowers but she enjoys      the clinic, I couldn’t believe     She had more flowers than
                                                                giving them away more.             what it did to them. I was like    she knew what to do with so
                                                                  When COVID was in full           I gave them a million dollars.     she started giving them away.
                                                                throttle, Vigesaa cheered up       I couldn’t believe what it did       She enrolled in flower farm
                                                                her co-workers at the clinic       for them.”                         school and found out bees
                                                                by bringing them jars of flow-       Vigesaa even left flowers        aren’t good for a flower farm.
                                                                ers. Watching the expressions      on the doorsteps for certain
                                                                of happiness on each person’s      people.                            HOBBY
Heather Vigesaa of Beulah is starting a flower farm.            face boosted Vigesaa’s spirits       “I would get a call and they’d   continued on page 7

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6   SPRING HOME 2021

Tapping into nature
        Andersons turn sap to liquid gold syrup
BY SUZANNE WERRE,                    and it won’t make good syrup.            different than pure maple
                                       The sap is collected then              syrup, and even more differ-
  A nice little freeze at night,     stored in the freezer in freez-          ent than the syrup that people
with a little warm-up to about       er bags until they’re ready to           typically buy at the grocery
40 degrees the next day – and        turn the thin, clear sap into            story. The Mrs. Butterworth’s
repeat.                              the golden-colored syrup they            type of syrup is typically corn
  That’s what rural Mercer           love. It takes a lot of sap to           syrup with maple flavoring,
residents Casey and Jessica          make just a little syrup, noted          while real maple syrup is
Anderson would like to see           Casey. It takes about 60 gal-            much thinner and stronger
from the next couple weeks of        lons of sap to get about one             tasting than the corn syrup
weather. That freeze/thaw cy-        gallon of syrup – it’s pretty            version.
cle is what gets their boxelder      much like liquid gold.                     The Andersons’ boxelder
trees releasing sap, which             When they start cooking                maple syrup’s consistency is
they’re tapping into.                down the sap, it has to be done          more like fresh maple sug-
  For the past four years the        outside in a large pot, cooking          ar, but it isn’t as sweet, they
Andersons have tapped some           it down enough to the point              noted. The sugar maple trees
of the boxelder maple trees          where it can be transferred              produce sap with a lot more
that are just a little jaunt away    to a smaller pot and finished                                               Jessica Anderson has found freezing the fresh sap they collect from
from their house on their            on the kitchen stove. Casey              TAPPING
                                     has been using a turkey fryer                                               the boxelder trees stores perfectly in freezer bags until they are
farm west of Mercer. This is
                                     to start, but he’s hoping to             continued on page 8                ready to make the syrup.
the first year they’ve tapped
three of them, and they’re           be able to get a wider, flatter
hoping for a great harvest of        vessel that covers a bigger
sap, which they’ll cook down         surface area to do the initial
into a butterscotchy syrup.          cooking, just to speed things
  Sunday’s afternoon check           up.
of the sap-collecting buckets          The Andersons have had
yielded very little, because it      great success in making syr-
didn’t freeze the night before,      up from their sap, and they’ve
noted Casey, but they’re hop-        turned out some pretty good
ing this week’s forecast comes       jerky using the sap as well.
true, and those daily tempera-       The hard candy they tried
ture swings will get the sap         to make this past year didn’t
running again.                       work out quite as well as they
  The small grove of boxelder        would have liked – it was more
trees is old, noted Casey. The       like taffy -- but they think they
past few years they’ve tapped        just didn’t have it to quite the
only two of them, but this year      right “hard candy” tempera-
they tapped into another one.        ture. They’ll try it again this
  “They should be 12 inches          year.
in diameter before you take            The Andersons aren’t sav-
sap from them,” said Casey.          ing themselves a bunch of
  After the trees are tapped,        money making their own ma-
the Andersons, including             ple syrup – that’s not the point
their sons Jesper and Bjorn,         at all.
regularly check the trees to           “We just always look for
ensure they catch all of the         ways to utilize what we’ve
sap. There have been times           got,” said Jessica.
where the buckets are over-            The trees are native to
flowing with sap, and others         North Dakota, so they didn’t
like Sunday, when there has          have an investment into                  Mercer's Casey Anderson shows off one of the taps and collecting buckets used to collect sap from the
been little to nothing gath-         planting the trees. The only             boxelder maple trees on the Anderson property.
ered.                                real investment they’ve made

                                                                                                 Your Local
  It all depends on if they’re       is the three “Tap My Trees”
getting that daily freeze/           taps and collecting buckets
thaw/freeze/thaw.                    they use – and, of course, their

                                                                                            Mortgage Professional
  While a lot of folks are           time. But they think the time
welcoming the first signs of         spent together as a family,
spring these days, the Ander-        whether it’s gathering the sap,
sons wouldn’t mind if spring         cooking it and turning it into
held off for just a little longer.   syrup, or sampling their lat-
As soon as the boxelder trees        est batch of jerky with a hint
                                     of maple, it is definitely time
                                                                                                                       We are committed to helping home
start to bud, they have to quit
collecting sap because the sap       well spent.                                                                            owners and home buyers
                                       Their syrup is quite a bit
doesn’t taste as good anymore
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SPRING HOME 2021      7
Simple ways to improve                                   HOBBY continued from page 5
a kitchen pantry                                         The bees will stay on
                                                         the farm but will be
                                                                                                                                    see if she can share her
                                                                                                                                    flowers with the resi-
  People have been spend-                                used to help pollinate                                                     dents.
ing more time at home in                                 her garden.                                                                  “I’d love to let the
2020 than in years past, and                                She gained a ton of                                                     residents make a jar of
certain projects around the                              knowledge in flower                                                        flowers for their room,”
house have become a priority.                            farm school.                                                               Vigesaa said. “When
One home improvement idea                                   “You cut them before                                                    they do activities during
that serves the double ben-                              they bloom, so there’s                                                     the day, let’s make a jar
efit of creating organization                            really not a lot of beauty                                                 and let them keep it in
and making cooking at home                               on a flower farm,” Vige-                                                   their room. That’s what
more efficient is to reimagine                           saa said. “It’s such a                                                     I want. I don’t think we
the kitchen pantry.                                      weird concept that I’ve                                                    realize the power of flow-
  A pantry is a room or closet                           never understood. You                                                      ers. Almost everybody I
where food, beverages and                                don’t plant a sunflow-                                                     know has a memory of a
linens or dishes are stored.                             er that branches. You                                                      flower.”
Pantries can be highly useful                            plant a sunflower that                                                       Vigesaa will be fine if
spaces that provide ancillary                            has one bloom and you                                                      her business doesn’t fat-
storage in kitchens. Many                                cut it off. It never grows Heather Vigesaa loves giving flowers to         ten her wallet. Seeing
modern homes are equipped                                again.                                                                     smiles on faces is what
                                                                                      people. It's her love language                makes her rich.
with pantries, but older homes                              “I have never grown
may require some modifica-                               a flower from a seed in-                                                     “If I cut even every
tion to create more useful pan-                          side. I don’t even know                                                    year to buy more seeds,
tries. Whether starting from                             if I can grow anything. It’s all them out and put something          that’s cool.” Vigesaa said. “If
                                                         new to me.”                        else in. Some of the things I’m   I make money, I will invest it
scratch or modifying an exist-
ing pantry, these tips can help                             Starting out, Vigesaa has trying, I don’t know if they’ll         back in. I don’t have any fun
projects go more smoothly.                               four 3-by-20 foot beds for her grow in North Dakota. I can’t         in life. I don’t drink. I don’t
  • Maximize vertical stor-                              flowers. She will plant her grow things inside. My house-            smoke. I don’t party. I’ll buy
age. Utilizing vertical areas                            sunflowers outside those plants die. I’ve always loved               seeds. I think this could po-
                                                         beds.                              outside flowers. My mom al-       tentially be bigger than what
can help increase storage ca-
pacity. Build in extra nooks                                “I will grow a lot of flowers ways had flowers.”                  I can do, or what I want to do.”
                                                         in a small spot,” Vigesaa said.        Vigesaa said she plans to
by investing in undershelf                                                                  talk    to the nursing home to
storage baskets. These bas-                              “When they’re done I will take
kets can instantly create des-
ignated areas for different
types of ingredients. Home-

                                   CENEX        AGRONOMY               CENTER!
owners also can look for ways
to use the inside of cabinet
doors or add extra shelves on
walls or in eaves.
  • Consider your needs.
Figure out which items you
would like to store in the          Located on Hwy 200 between Beulah & Hazen 873-5999
pantry and then shop for cor-
responding storage systems.                                                                                             Stop by and talk to our
For example, storage solu-                                                                                          agronomy team about your
tions may feature wine bottle
racks, baskets for potatoes                                                                                         crop needs – we may be able
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for small appliances, and even
pull out racks for baking pans
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or cutting boards.
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containers of similar dimen-
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baking supplies, to storage
containers for uniformity.

  • Store bulk items else-
where. Bulk shopping can be
cost-efficient, but bulk items
can quickly eat up real estate          We have
                                   fertilizer spreaders
in the pantry. Designate an-
other area for non-perishable
bulk products, like paper
goods or canned items, such
as in a garage or utility room.
  • Pull out drawers are
                                    equipped with the
convenient. Pull-out drawers
can reduce the need to seek          latest precision
                                  application software
and reach for items. These
drawers conveniently roll out
so items in the back can be
accessed without disturbing
foods in the front. Drawers
can be custom built for any
pantry space.
  • Make it accessible. Think
                                  Farmers time is valuable and we value that in our company!
about who will be taking           You can call ahead and we will work with you to have your fertilizer ready to load when you arrive!
items from the pantry. Put
children's snacks on the bot-
tom pantry shelf where they
can reach them, and then or-
                                              We Have What You Need To Grow!
ganize other shelves for adults      • Bulk Dry Fertilizer          • Custom Fertilizer Application                       • Liquid Fertilizer
in the home.
  A pantry remodel can add         • Anhydrous Ammonia                • Bulk & Packaged Chemical                           • Crop Scouting

                                           Fertilizer Plant 873-5999
valuable storage space and
make one of the busiest rooms
in the house operate more ef-
                                                   Beulah                                                        Halliday
                                  Nathan Fitzgerald, Agronomy Manager 891-1867                            Dyllon Schnaible 870-7730
                                              Ken Munson 648-9019

                                  CENEX                                                                         1600 Hwy 49 N, Beulah • 873-4363
                                                                                                                211 E Main St, Halliday • 938-4716
8   SPRING HOME 2021

TAPPING continued from page 6
sugar, so that syrup is sweet-      to offer a taste of their home-    they get to do it.              ogy when they head out to the     ably be over at the end of the
er. The sugar maples also pro-      spun syrup.                          “To me it’s just learning     trees to collect the sap from     month – then they’ll really get
duce a lot more syrup because         They’ll admit that they          something new,” she said.       the buckets.                      to work making this year’s
of the higher sugar content.        don’t typically bring out          “Learning something that we       “It gives them a reason to be   batch of syrup.
  Still, they’re more than con-     the homemade syrup when            have right here on our place    outside,” said Casey.               Over the summer, the holes
tent with what they get from        they’ve got a house full of com-   – how to utilize something on     The     Andersons     figure    where the taps were will close
their little grove of boxelder      pany, though. There just isn’t     our place, and working with     they’ll end up with about a       up and heal, and the trees will
trees.                              enough of it for everyone to be    nature, utilizing nature –      gallon-and-a-half of syrup        be ready for another sap har-
  While they don’t typically        slathering over pancakes and       something that God has given    this year, made from 70 to 75     vest next spring.
get a lot of syrup from their       waffles on a Sunday morning.       us.”                            gallons of sap. Looking at the
efforts, they have given some         For Jessica, the best part of      It also gets the boys out-    weather forecast, they figure
of it as gifts, and they’re quick   the whole process is just that     side and away from technol-     the tapping season will prob-



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Lumber costs force homeowners to get creative
                              Local expert gives tips for home improvement, prep
BY ANIKA ROVIG                               als so everyone involved is on
                                             the same page. This will avoid
  When it comes to remodel-                  any confusion between par-                                                                                                                                                              Cost-effective ways to
                                             ties and allow individuals to
ing, Rod Kallestad says there’s
not much people can do about                 have a clear understanding as                                                                                                                                                        prep your home for summer
saving money on lumber.                      well as a reference point.
                                                “Sometimes there’s not a lot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Home maintenance is important for the longevity of
  “It’s all expensive. Some of
the stuff has went up three                  of communication between                                                                                                                                                    the home but doesn’t have to be diminishing to the
times what it was a year ago,                the contractor and the home-                                                                                                                                                bank account. Here are some cost effective ways to
There’s no way around it,”                   owner, and that’s where prob-
Kallestad, Estimator at Gar-                 lems start,” Kallestad said.                                                                                                                                                get the home prepped for the summer months.
rison Lumber, said. “I watch                    Another step is to get bids
                                             from more than one contrac-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1. Wash your siding-- preferably not with a pressure
the futures market just about
every day on lumber and it                   tor. Often times individuals                                                                                                                                                washer
should be around $300 per                    can take advantage of a town
1,000 board feet, which is a                 or city due to the amount of                                                                                                                                                    2. Check all vents
fair price, but it’s just about              contractors available and give
                                             unreasonable prices. For ex-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3. Clean off soffits
at $1,000 per 1,000 board feet
now.”                                        ample, after the 2010 flood,                                                                                                  Rod Kallestad                                   4. Make sure the rain gutters are in good shape so
  Not being able to control the              families were being taken
lumber prices shouldn’t hin-                 advantage of, Kallestad said.                                                                                   works well,” Kallestad said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the water runs away from the house
der homeowners from want-                    He stated it is important to be                                                                                 “It has a little texture to it                                “It never hurts to just go around your house check
ing to better their home, Kall-              aware of this possibility and                                                                                   also and can get it in about 20
estad said, offering some tips               know what the options are.                                                                                      different colors.”                                          the caulking around the windows and doors, it
on the things homeowners                        “After the flood hit, I was                                                                                    The increase in lumber                                    doesn’t have to be fall to do that, you can do that
can control when remodeling.                 getting a lot of calls from peo-                                                                                may have some people second
One piece of advice was choos-               ple saying ‘Hey, can you come
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         anytime,” Kallestad said.
                                                                                                                                                             guessing summer projects but
ing a good product, and being                take a look at my house?’ I said                                                                                Kallestad encourages home-                                    5. Check the weather stripping on the garage doors,
ok with spending the money                   ‘I tell ya what, I can come take                                                                                owners not to be hindered by
on that product.                             a look at it, give you a rough                                                                                  the cost of lumber but to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to prevent insects from getting in
  “Labor is going to be the                  estimate on how much every-                                                                                     motivated to finding an alter-
                                             thing should be and don’t let
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6. Polish up the deck
same, spend money on the                                                                                                                                     native solution.
product so you end up with                   anyone charge you any more
something,” Kallestad said.                  than that,’” Kallestad said.
“If you put on a cheap prod-                    Kallestad had thought about
uct, labor is going to be the                working out a plan for a new
same and you still don’t have                deck but due to rising lumber
anything. You might as well                  prices he tried an alterna-
install something decent.”
  Having detailed plans on
paper and getting the cor-
                                             tive solution using a product
                                             called “DeckCorrect” which
                                             Kallestad can vouch for first
rect information itemized is
paramount, Kallestad said.
Include all contractors, cost
                                                “If you want to get by for a
                                             few years, while still having
of labor, and cost of materi-                your deck look good, this stuff                                                                                                 IS LIKE BURIED
                                                                                                                                                                         It's there waiting for you.

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                                                                                                                           Dead End
10   SPRING HOME 2021

                                                                                                        Tips for the
                                                                                                        novice gardener
                                                                                                        FFA to supply plants to local stores
                                                                                                        BY SUZANNE WERRE                       (salad greens, cabbage, lettuce),
                                                                                                                                               then move everything over one
                                                                                                           The desire to stay home a lot       section each year.
                                                                                                        more this past year brought              •Watermelon and honeydew
                                                                                                        with it the desire to be more          melons might sound like they
                                                                                                        self-sufficient for a lot of people,   would be really fun to grow
                                                                                                        and that means a lot of people         to the novice gardener, but
                                                                                                        started fending for themselves         veteran gardeners know they
                                                                                                        and growing their own gardens.         typically don’t do well in North
                                                                                                           Whether it was raising some         Dakota – the growing season
                                                                                                        tomatoes in a pot on the patio,        just isn’t long enough. It’s bet-
                                                                                                        giving a bale garden a try, or         ter to stick with tried and true
                                                                                                        going full-on with a vegetable         fruits and veggies. If you want
                                                                                                        garden plot in the back yard,          to grow something really big in
                                                                                                                                               your garden, pumpkins provide
Renovation trends that figure                                                                           it was obvious that a lot more
                                                                                                        people started gardening last
                                                                                                        year, according to Jolene and
                                                                                                                                               that satisfaction of seeing what
                                                                                                                                               you’re growing and give the

to be popular in the year ahead                                                                         Ryan Rust of Rust’s Hardware
                                                                                                        Hank in Turtle Lake, who regu-
                                                                                                        larly supply a lot of local garden-
                                                                                                                                               garden and yard a great pop of
                                                                                                                                               color in the fall.
                                                                                                                                                 •If you’re starting your own
  Home renovation trends           ogy, and fashion, predicts that    ing people feel less cramped.     ers with whatever they need to         vegetable garden from seed, but
are ever-changing. Renova-         eco-friendly living solutions      That's an especially beneficial   make their garden grow. Rust’s         want to give it a little boost by
tions that might have been         figure to be hot commodities       characteristic when spending      Hardware Hank will again               starting it indoors now, start
de rigueur 20 years ago may        in 2021. Eco-friendly appli-       more time indoors at home.        have a greenhouse stocked full         with a good seed-starting mix
seem dated now. Recognizing        ances, furniture and designs         • Minimalism: The antici-       of bedding plants, fertilizers,        rather than potting soil or reg-
the potentially popular trends     can help to conserve energy        pated popularity of minimal-      soils, etc. this spring Monday         ular dirt to get them started.
of tomorrow is a great way         and reduce waste, which en-        ism in 2021 may also be con-      through Saturday from 9:30             Your plants will get a much bet-
for homeowners to give their       vironmentalists and govern-        nected to the pandemic. As        a.m. to 6 p.m.                         ter start with seed-starting mix.
homes a fresh new look and         ment agencies like the Envi-       professionals were forced to         They, along with long-time            •Try different varieties of
put themselves in position to      ronmental Protection Agency        work from home and many           gardener Lois Rust, offer a few        veggies to add interest to your
capitalize on popular trends       note are two critical compo-       families spent more time to-      tips gardening tips for the nov-       garden and your dinner table.
when they put their homes on       nents in the fight against cli-    gether inside their homes         ice gardener:                          Rust’s Hardware will be sell-
the market. That's especially      mate change.                       then ever before, they may           • If you’re concerned about         ing a new variety of tomato this
so after 2020, a year when           • Large windows: Large           have recognized a need to cut     the potential for drought but          year, the Sheyenne tomato is
millions of people spent more      windows can provide stun-          back on clutter, including ex-    would still like some flowers to       drought-tolerant and has com-
time at home than ever before.     ning views of the outdoors and     tra furniture. A minimalist       decorate your yard, moss roses         pact plants with medium-sized
All that time working from         allow ample natural light into     approach is both simple and       are an excellent choice, they          red fruits that are crack resis-
home and relaxing at home          a home. It may not be a coinci-    clean, which can make homes       agreed. They provide terrific          tant – perfect for what could
gave millions of homeown-          dence if large windows prove       feel less claustrophobic.         color, cover a wide area, and are      be a dryer-than-usual summer
ers ideas about what they like     to be a hot trend in 2021. The       • Multi-functional spaces:      pretty drought resistant. (Ac-         growing season.
about their homes and what         COVID-19 pandemic that dom-        Homeowners asked a lot of         cording to Lois, they’ll bloom           The Rusts and J. Arthur’s in
they hope to change. The fol-      inated much of 2020 forced         their homes in 2020, as rooms     early and often have a second          Turtle Lake are joining forces
lowing are some renovation         many people to spend con-          were transformed into multi-      blooming in July.)                     with the Turtle Lake-Mercer
trends that various experts        siderably more time at home.       functional spaces seemingly          •If crawling around on the          School’s Future Farmers of
suspect could emerge in 2021.      Darker homes without much          overnight. HGTV notes that        ground doesn’t sound like a lot        America, which built a new
  • Eco-friendly living: Cli-      natural light can adversely        spending more time at home        of fun, or it’s just not great for     greenhouse this past year, sell-
mate change, and how to com-       affect mood, especially when       showed homeowners that it         your joints, a raised garden           ing some of the fruit and veggie
bat it, was a hot button issue     people are spending more           may not make sense to dedi-       might be the way to go. There’s a      bedding plants the FFA started
during the 2020 presidential       time at home. HGTV predicts        cate entire rooms of a home to    little work involved in building       in the greenhouse.
election in the United States.     that homeowners will seek          a single purpose. Renovations     one, but they keep the gardener          According to FFA advisor/
So it should come as no sur-       ways to bring more natural         that can help homeowners          up and off the ground, making          instructor Paul Buchholz, the
prise that,        light into their homes in 2021,    transform rooms into multi-       garden maintenance and har-            school will be selling some of
a web magazine that showcas-       and large windows naturally        functional spaces figure to be    vesting a lot easier.                  the starter plants and trees as
es creative trends in design,      brighten homes while mak-          hot commodities in the years         •Regardless of the space            well as providing some to the
architecture, art, technol-        ing rooms appear bigger, help-     ahead.                            you’re using, it’s important           two local stores.
                                                                                                        to rotate what you’re growing            “Once we get a little further
                                                                                                        every year or so to ensure the         along, we’re going to have a
                                                                                                        soil doesn’t get depleted of the       plant sale,” said Buchholz.

Signs your gutters are in need of repair                                                                important minerals. It also
                                                                                                        aids in disease prevention in
                                                                                                                                                 Buchholz noted that the FFA
                                                                                                                                               will definitely have a variety of
                                                                                                                                               things not commonly seen in
                                                                                                        the garden and helps reduce in-
  • Gutters hanging off the        essary depending on how big        the paint to peel. In such in-    sect infestations. For those with      North Dakota, including citrus
home: Gutters were once in-        the problem is and the condi-      stances, replacing the gutters    garden plots, to make rotation         trees and pomegranate trees.
stalled predominantly with         tion of the existing gutters. If   is often necessary.               easier, divide the garden into           “We’ve got a lot of different
spikes. However, many indus-       replacement is not necessary,        • Basement flooding: Not        different sections, like legumes       tropical stuff,” he added. Some
try professionals now install      separated gutters may be rem-      all signs of deteriorating gut-   (beans and peas), roots (carrots,      of the flowers are already com-
gutters with hanger brack-         edied by securing the joints,      ters are outside a home. Many     onions, beets and radishes),           ing up, and a lot of the veggies
ets. Why the change? Spikes        another relatively simple and      a homeowner has been flum-        fruits (tomatoes, peppers, cu-         will be getting started soon.
loosen over time, leading to       inexpensive fix.                   moxed by flooding in their        cumbers, potatoes) and leaves
the gutters hanging off the          • Peeling exterior paint:        basements, and such flooding
home. That can contribute          Paint that appears to be peel-     can be caused by aging, inef-
to serious issues if left un-      ing off of your home may indi-     fective gutters. That's because
treated. Gutters hanging off       cate that water is seeping over    deteriorating gutters some-
the home need not necessar-        the edge of the gutter closest     times allow water to leak near
ily be replaced, but rather        to your home. When that hap-       the foundation of a home, con-
secured to the home, ideally       pens, water is coming down         tributing to basement flood-
with hanger brackets instead       the side of the house, causing     ing.
of spikes. Brackets hook into
                                                                                                                              Leave the
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the front of the gutter and are
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                                                                                                                             dirty Work
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  • Gutter separation: Gut-
ters that are no longer fas-
tened together can leak and
contribute to issues that affect
the home's foundation, siding
and appearance. Clogs and
the accumulation of debris                        +RXUV0RQ)UL6DWXUGD\                                           Kellie Fonte, Owner
can cause gutters to separate
because they are not designed
to hold too much weight. Re-                                                                                            
placement of separated gut-
ters may or may not be nec-                                                                                                           Garrison, ND
SPRING HOME 2021        11

Pallet projects can
be a handy hobby
  In recent years, the trend        just a handful of pallet project   for gardening use or outdoor
of upcycling, or transforming       ideas.                             entertaining.
unneeded or unwanted mate-            • Christmas trees: Start           • Platform bed: Pallets can
rials into new items or prod-       thinking ahead to the holi-        be sanded, painted and placed
ucts, has become more popu-         day season. Cut pallet planks      to form the base of a platform
lar. Unlike recycling, which        into sizes that incrementally      bed. Utilize more pallets to
is taking consumer materi-          get larger and attach to form      serve as a headboard attached
als like plastic, paper, metal,     a triangular Christmas tree        to the wall or bed frame.
and glass and breaking them         shape. Decorate with paint or        • Bench: Make a pallet
down so base materials can          other accents, and don't forget    bench that can be crafted
be remade into new, lower-          to place a star on top.            child- or adult-sized. Use it in-
quality consumer products,            • Pallet planter: Make a         side the house or outdoors on
upcycling produces items of a       planter box as big or as small     a patio.
higher quality than the origi-      as you like to grow flowers,         • Garbage container: In-
nal materials.                      vegetables or herbs. A narrow      stead of generic plastic gar-
  Wood pallet projects are          planter also can be hung on a      bage pails, make a pallet
an excellent example of upcy-       wall to add flair to spaces in-    kitchen garbage container
cling. Such projects involve
taking wood pallets, which
                                    doors or outside.
                                      • Swing chair: A pallet,
                                                                       that has rustic appeal.
                                                                         • Backsplash: Give a kitch-       Container gardening tips
tend to be used to stack, move      a supportive back and some         en some rustic appeal with a
and store stock, and turn-          cushions can be used to make       pallet backsplash. Cut boards         Gardening is beneficial            • Choose the right soil. Fill
ing them into amazing wood          a swing that is fastened to the    into desired lengths and stag-      in various ways. The AARP          containers with a commer-
products. Often free for the        ceiling of a porch or even a       ger on the wall. Leave the          states that some of the health     cial potting soil rather than
taking, pallet wood has be-         tree.                              wood raw or seal it for protec-     perks associated with garden-      soil from the garden. Garden
come a popular building ma-           • Wine rack: Turn pallet         tion against moisture.              ing include improved mood,         soil can dry into a solid mass,
terial for do-it-yourselfers.       wood into a wine rack that           Pallet wood can be trans-         increased vitamin D levels         while commercial mixtures
This rustic wood already has        also has a space to store wine     formed into many different          (which benefits bones and im-      have amendments like peat
an aged look and decorative         glasses below it.                  projects, helping do-it-your-       mune system) and reduced           moss, vermiculite, compost,
appeal. Pallets are often made        • Outdoor table: Top a dis-      selfers stay busy at minimal        risk of dementia. In addition,     and other ingredients to help
from leftover wood, and using       used table with pallet boards      cost. Go online to search for       if gardening efforts include       with soil texture and mois-
them anew is an eco-friendly        nailed or screwed to the top.      plans for building an array of      growing herbs, fruits and veg-     ture retention.
endeavor that can add flair to      Stain or clear coat them, and      pallet projects.                    etables, it can be a cost-effec-     • Mix it up. When planting
any project. The following are      the result is a brand new table                                        tive way to eat healthy.           containers of flowers and oth-
                                                                                                             For gardeners without suf-       er greenery, Good Housekeep-
                                                                                                           ficient space or for those with    ing says to include "a thriller,
                                                                                                           mobility issues, container gar-    a spiller and a filler" as a good
                                                                                                           dening can be an ideal way to      rule of thumb. The thriller is

How to test home water quality                                                                             grow everything from flowers
                                                                                                           to vegetables. Better Homes &
                                                                                                           Gardens says most plants are
                                                                                                                                              the focal point, the spiller a
                                                                                                                                              trailing plant, and a filler has
                                                                                                                                              smaller leaves or flowers to
                                                                                                           not fussy about the containers     add bulk and color.
  Water is essential for life.
                                                                                                           in which they grow so long as        • Poke holes. Drainage holes
Generally speaking, a human
                                                                                                           some of their basic needs are      are essential so that soil will
can go without food for about
                                                                                                           met. This means watering           not    become       waterlogged.
three weeks, but typically
                                                                                                           correctly for the type of plant,   Holes don't need to be large,
would perish without water
                                                                                                           and ensuring sufficient drain-     but there should be enough of
after just three to four days.
                                                                                                           age.                               them so that excess water can
  When people consume wa-
                                                                                                             The following are some oth-      drain out readily.
ter, they are doing so with the
                                                                                                           er ways container gardening          • Select the right container
assumption or hope that the
                                                                                                           efforts can prove successful.      material. Container materials
water is clean and free from
                                                                                                             • Watch water. Planet Nat-       may be affected by gardeners'
harmful contaminants. Even
                                                                                                           ural Research Center says          budgets, personal taste and
though municipal water sys-
                                                                                                           plants with thin leaves typi-      other factors. For those who
tems filter and test water sup-
                                                                                                           cally need ample water, and        live in hot climates, selecting
plies, the company EcoWater
                                                                                                           plants with thick leaves need      a light-colored container can
Systems® says some of the
                                                                                                           less. Use this as a guideline to   help prevent further soil heat
most common tap water con-
                                                                                                           gauge water needs.                 absorption.
taminants they encounter
                                                                                                             • Size correctly. Plants           Container gardening is a
actually enter water sources
                                                                                                           should be sized to the contain-    healthy and enjoyable activ-
after they have been tested at
                                                                                                           er. Consider dwarf varieties of    ity that can pay dividends in
treatment facilities. Drink-
                                                                                                           certain plants if your contain-    various ways. TF205960
ing water may contain small
                                                                                                           ers are small.
amounts of contaminants that

                                                                                                                 Financing Your
are not unsafe to consume at
certain levels. However, at
higher levels, these same sub-
stances can be problematic.

  Contaminants can include
hydrogen      sulfide,    raised
acidic levels, arsenic, lead, ni-
trates, and microbiologicals,
which include viruses, pro-
tozoan and parasites. Home-
owners can take proactive ap-
proaches to test their water to
determine if it contains poten-
tially harmful levels of con-       a CCR, or Consumer Confi-          Drinking Water Hotline at
taminants. This is especially       dence Report, states Consum-       800-426-4791.
crucial for those who rely on       er Reports. People who rent or       People also can buy test kits
residential well water, which       didn't receive one can contact     from their local home centers
is not subject to the same test-    their local water supplier or      or online. These tests come
ing as municipal systems.           their landlords.                   with a package of strips that
  Anyone who knows there              Testing can be initiated by      contain reactants that change
may be a problem with the           contacting one's local health      color to indicate the presence
ground water or drinking            department,      which     may     of various contaminants in
water in their area or who no-      provide free private well or       the water. Keep in mind that
tices a change in water odor,       drinking water testing, ad-        quality control may vary, and
color and taste can request         vises the Environmental Pro-       that tests can give false read-               With affordable rates and low down payments,
more information.
  One place to start is with a
                                    tection Agency. Homeowners         ings.                                          we make it easy to get into the home of your
                                    also can reach out to a state-       Testing drinking water can              dreams with mortgages that fit your needs and lifestyle.
Consumer Confidence Report.         certified laboratory to test       alert to potential problems
Most people on municipal wa-        drinking water. These organi-      and compel homeowners to
ter should receive an annual        zations can provide the most       take action regarding con-                                    Beulah • 873-2900     Wilton • 734-6316
water quality report called         accurate results. Call the Safe    taminated water.                                              Hazen • 748-2900      Glen Ullin • 348-3613
                                                                                                                                     Halliday • 938-4311
12   SPRING HOME 2021

Local green thumb brightens
home with plants, pots
BY SUZANNE WERRE                      to the plants each morning
                                      when she gets up, noted Van-
   It’s been said that necessity      essa,
is the mother of invention.             “She says, oh, you look great
   It can also be said that bore-     today – good morning,” said
dom is the mother of creativ-         Vanessa.
ity.                                    The love the Mills fam-
   That’s what Underwood              ily has for plants (Vanessa’s
green thumb Vanessa Mills             husband Matt recently de-
is discovering as she recently        cided he’s into cacti) applies
started painting pots for her         to the garden outside as well.
many plants, giving each one          They hope to be getting that
a different “identity” to go          going soon, said Vanessa.
with the plants, each of whom         The home-grown goodies are
have their own names.                 treats for the kiddos.
   “I have just been bored – I          “In the summer, they’re just
thought, what am I going to           out there snacking,” she said.
do,” said Vanessa.                    “They love the green beans,
   She was doing a little explor-     they love cherry tomatoes.
ing on the internet and found         They were even snacking on
a vase that was painted with          the lettuce last year.”
the likeness of Elton John.             This lady with the green
She knew her mom would love           thumb says she doesn’t really
it, but the company that made         have any tips on how to keep
them didn’t ship to the United        house plants alive and thriv-
States. She decided to try her        ing – you just have to kind of
own hand at painting an Elton         get to know them, she said.
John pot. The first one turned        You get to know when they
out so well, she painted one          need water – although she ad-         Underwood’s Vanessa Mills has embraced her indoor green thumb this year, adding even more interest
for herself, too.                     mits she sometimes has trou-          to her plants by creating one-of-a-kind pots for them.
    “I love Elton John, too, but      ble not overwatering them.
one of my favorite memories           Sometimes it just seems like          that looked like troll hair.
of her is singing ‘Tiny Danc-         they must need a little water,        (And they’re very hardy,
er’ to me,” said Vanessa with         even when they don’t.                 bouncing back quickly from a
a smile.                                It’s important to keep them         little squeeze from one of the
   In addition to the Elton           tidy, she noted. Every Satur-         girls.)
John pots, Vanessa has paint-         day they take all of the plants          Her love of plants melds
ed several smaller pots with          into the kitchen to make sure         well with her newfound love
a variety of headdresses and          they get rid of any dead leaves,      of painting pots, and it hasn’t
women’s faces – each with a           and to make sure they’re do-          gone unnoticed by her friends
luscious pair of lips.                ing well.                             and family.
   The decorated pots add in-           “I think it’s really just trial        “It’s just fun, and reward-
terest to her thriving indoor         and error, and practice,” said        ing when I’m done,” she said.
garden, which features a va-          Vanessa.                              “People are already asking for
riety of different plants. She          She readily admits not all of       some, so maybe there’s some-
gets plenty of help caring for        her plants have survived, but         thing here . . . I don’t know.”
the plants as daughters Nata-         the plants generally do pret-            She would never want to
lie and Ashlynn take turns            ty well – even the “Drunken           commit to a project if she
spritzing them with water to          Gnome” air plants.                    wasn’t sure it would turn out
make sure they have adequate            “They don’t need any soil,”
“humidity” on the leaves.             she said, as Ashlynn and Nat-         PLANT
   Ashlynn also enjoys talking        alie held up the tiny plants          continued on page 13
                                                                                                              Natalie and Ashlynn Mills each hold one of their mom’s air plants that
                                                                                                              look like little troll hair. The air plants don’t need soil to grow.

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Ashlynn Mills gives the plants a little spritz of water and a little chat as she helps her mom take care of
their house plants.

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PLANT continued from page 12
exactly the way it’s supposed
                                                                                                                 Tips to improve WiFi
   “I’m still kind of feeling it
out a little bit. I don’t commit
to anybody until I know how
to get it just right. I don’t want
                                                                                                                 around the house
to give them something that’s                                                                                      Speedy, reliable internet         manufacturers routinely is-
all silly looking.”                                                                                              is something people have            sue firmware updates to im-
   The greatest reward she                                                                                       quickly grown accustomed to.        prove router performance.
gets out of her plants and pots                                                                                  That's no doubt why dropped         Turning on automatic up-
is the interaction she has with                                                                                  WiFi signals can be so frus-        dates may improve WiFi per-
her girls – whether it’s watch-                                                                                  trating.                            formance, and such updates
ing them snack on the fresh                                                                                        Various things can con-           also can provide a host of ad-
carrots from the garden, or                                                                                      tribute to slow or interrupted      ditional benefits, including
listening as they talk to their                                                                                  Wi-Fi. As a result, there's no      added security measures.
favorite Pothos and Nanook                                                                                       one-size-fits-all solution to ad-     • Relocate the router. PC-
plants inside.                                                                                                   dress under performing Wi- notes that the loca-
   She loves seeing her girls                                                                                    Fi. But that's good news, as it     tion of the router can affect
thrive right along with her                                                                                      means there's an assortment         WiFi performance. If possible,
plants. They all get a chuckle                                                                                   of strategies that consumers        locate the router in the center
out of one of their favorite                                                                                     can try to improve the Wi-Fi        of the home so it can easily
pots as Vanessa brings it out                                                                                    in their homes.                     reach all parts of the house.
of the bathroom. “We call it                                                                                       • Upgrade your router.            Locating wireless routers
the bootie plant,” she said                                                                                      Many people rent their rout-        away from walls and other ob-
with a smile.                                                                                                    ers from their internet ser-        structions also may improve
   “Because it’s a butt,” added                                                                                  vice providers, but it may          performance.
Natalie with a giggle.                                                                                           surprise some to learn that           •   Switch     frequencies.
   One of Vanessa’s newer                                                                                        they can buy their own. Buy-        Switching frequencies can
purchases is a miniature of                                                                                      ing your own router can be          help    wireless    consumers
                                      Vanessa Mills recently painted two pots in the likeness of Elton John
the well known Easter Island                                                                                     beneficial in various ways,         whose service might be ad-
heads.                                – one for her mom and one for herself.
                                                                                                                 not the least of which is it can    versely affected by conges-
   The plants and their unique                                                                                   save money. Router rental           tion. Consumer Reports notes
pots bring Vanessa and the                                                                                       fees vary, but they typically       that wireless congestion can
girls a lot of joy, even if it does                                                                              cost between $10 and $15 per        affect WiFi performance in
require some work to ensure                                                                                      month. Consumers will save          apartment buildings and
they stay healthy. A little wa-                                                                                  money in the long run by buy-       densely populated neighbor-
ter, a little sunshine, and a                                                                                    ing their own router rather         hoods. In such instances,
little conversation, and some                                                                                    than renting one from their         consumers can check their
TLC – they all contribute to                                                                                     ISP. When buying their own          routers to see if they're run-
their healthy plants.                                                                                            routers, consumers also can         ning on the 2.4 GHz frequency
   Like her children, the                                                                                        pick from a host of options,        band. If so, switching them
plants are different from one                                                                                    including routers with strong       to the 5 GHz band, which has
another. One just needs to get                                                                                   performance ratings that may        more channels and is likely
to know them and what they                                                                                       contribute to better WiFi per-      to be less congested, may im-
need.                                                                                                            formance.                           prove WiFi performance.
   “I just really think practice                                                                                   · Set up automatic firm-            Slow and/or interrupted
makes perfect,” she said with                                                                                    ware updates. It's easy to          WiFi signals can be very frus-
a smile. “You’ve just got to                                                                                     forget a router after it's been     trating. Thankfully, various
keep trying.”                                                                                                    plugged in and internet ser-        strategies can help consumers
                                      Natalie Mills shows off her favorite little pot her mom painted, saying    vice starts working. However,       quickly remedy such issues.
                                      that she likes this one the best because of its big lips.

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