When we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a deep experience that can change our lives.

Page created by Sue Johnson
When we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a deep experience that can change our lives.
When we immerse ourselves in silence,
  God ceases to be an object and, in
conversation with us, becomes a deep
 experience that can change our lives.
When we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a deep experience that can change our lives.
St. Thomas More Roman Catholic Church                                                                              8501 Calumet Avenue, Munster, IN 46321
            Mission Statement : The Roman Catholic Saint Thomas More Parish Family welcomes and invites
every person to join us on our journey in faith and celebration. With the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and through
 Sacred Scripture and Tradition, we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all, especially in loving service to those in need.
    As part of the Universal Church, we affirm the dignity of every person. All this we do to give glory and honor to God.

                                   Pastoral Staff                                                                               Sacramental Information
Pastor ........................ Reverend Michael J. Yadron, KCHS; Ext. 2312                             Confessions
                                                                   myadron@stm-church.com               Saturdays ............................................................. 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Senior Deacons .....................................................David Kapala, KHS                   First Friday .............…………..1/2 hour before the 6:30 a.m. Mass
.................................................................. Dr. Napoleon Tabion, OFS             Baptisms ............................... First and Third Sundays at 1:00 p.m.
Deacon ................................................................Joseph Stodola, KHS                     Parents must be registered parishioners and regularly
Director of Finance ...................................... Noreen Bickel; Ext. 2330                            attending at least six months before the Baptism. At least
Pastoral Care Coordinator ...... Deacon David Kapala, KHS; Ext. 2315                                           one of the godparents must be a practicing Catholic.
Director of Music ...................................... Angie Lorandos; Ext. 2338                      Pre-Baptism Class .....................................2nd Tuesday 6:00 p.m.
Director of Religious Education ................... Emily Hackett; Ext. 2232                            Parents must call the Parish Office to schedule class and/or Baptism.
                                                                                                        Marriage .............. Must be a registered, practicing member of the
                                                                                                               parish at least six months before beginning the six month
     St. Thomas More Parish Website: www.stm-church.com                                                        preparation program for marriage.
                                                                                                        Communion calls and visits to Hospitals and Homebound:
                                                                                                        Call the Parish Office for Sacraments at hospital or at home.
                             Parish Office Staff
Hours: Mon-Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm • Saturday 9:00 am –Noon
Email address.................................. parish.office@stm-church.com
                                                                                                                                       New Parishioner Registration
Email address for bulletin...................... bulletin@stm-church.com                                                            To make it as convenient as possible for you,
Office Phone………. 836-8610                         Office Fax .................... 836-9185                                         new parishioners may register at any time in the
Bulletin Editor ................................................... Pam Pasyk; Ext. 2309                                                            Parish Office.
Daytime Receptionist ............................................................ Ext. 2300                                        Stop in during the day, or take advantage of our
Evening Receptionist............................................................ .Ext. 2300                                               convenient Saturday office hours.
Building Maintenance…………..Mike Popovich 836-8610, Ext. 2313
Custodial Supervisor……………..….Kim Smith 836-8610, Ext. 2331
                                                                                                                  St. Thomas More Religious Education
                             Pastoral Ministries                                                                                      Kindergarten through 8th Grade
Environment & Art ...................................... Helen Jaworski 836-8610                                                                     Office Hours:
Eucharistic Ministers ...................................... James Kaspar 836-8610                                  Monday, Tuesday & Friday — 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Hospitality/Greeters ................................... Vicky Odegaard 322-6391                                      Wednesday & Thursday — 1:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Lectors .............................................................Richard Gard 836-8610              Religious Education Phone ........................................................... 836-8610
Nursery .................................................. Kaaren A. Mashura 836-5079                   Director ................................................................ Emily Hackett; Ext. 2232
St. Vincent de Paul ................................... Terry Oprinovich 836-8610                       Administrative Assistant .................................. Cindy McMahon; Ext. 2236
Vocations Committee ............................................................ 836-8610                  Grades K through 8 • Wednesday or Thursday from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.

        2022-2023 Pastoral Council Members                                                                          Pastoral Commissions Chairpersons
Julius Ballanco .................................... Bernadine Barrett, Chairperson                     Formation/Education ............................................................. Allen Blocher
Carolyn Cenko............................................................... Leslie Dernulc             Parish Life......................................................................... Elaine Herrmann
Debra Harker ............................................................... Christi Kordeck            Peace & Social Justice ................................................................ Mari Casas
Katie Kordeck .............................................................. Paul Liszewski             Spirituality & Worship....................................................... Kaaren Mashura
Eric Miller .......................................................................... Jean Nanos       Stewardship ..........................................................................Paul Liszewski
Joe Peters........................................................................ Daniel Straka

                       St. Thomas More School                                                                                       Parish Organizations
                                                                                                        Altar & Rosary Society ........................................ Cindy Keilman 923-9862
                   Preschool through 8th Grade                                                          Boy Scouts ................................................. Sergio Sanchez (773) 412-3109
       Office Hours: Monday– Friday • 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.                                            Career Networking Group…………………… Jim Kaczka (219) 201-0335
Website .............................................................www.stm-school.com                 ...................................................... or Donna Weidenfeller (219) 688-7597
School Phone .......... 836-9151 School Fax ........................ 836-0982                           Circle of Prayer…………………………………..Carolyn Cenko 741-2509
President ..................................................... Noreen Bickel; Ext. 2330                                                                                   carolynrealtor@sbcglobal.net
Principal ........................................ Dr. Samantha Francis; Ext. 2258                      Cub Scouts ………………….Patricia Sinclair • plalessandrini@yahoo.com
School Administrative Assistant……….. Jennifer Gonzalez; Ext. 2200                                       Finance ................................................................ Barbara Shaver 838-9200
School Reception & Office Associate……Nereida Harretos; Ext. 2201                                        Gabriel Project………………………………... Marilyn Glennon 801-6586
School Parent Association…………… Kandace Mack (708) 415-4133                                              Garden Club ............................................................ Paul Mazerik 644-8409
School Admissions…………………………….. Pam Pasyk; Ext. 2309                                                     Gifts of Love & Warmth……………………..Bernadine Nemeth 513-6544
Director of Development………………….… Karen Leluga; Ext. 2307                                                Girl Scouts ............................................................ Renee Whelan 796-6809
Business Manager…………………………… Maria Vega; Ext. 2339                                                       Holy Name Society ........................................ Bill Burke: sbburke3@att.net
                                                                                                        Knights of Columbus .............................................................. Chris Bedenk
                                                                                                        ......................................... wgkchrisbedenk@gmail.com or (219) 595-2470
                                     Weis Center                                                        Respect Life ..................................................Leslie Dernulc (219)741-3739
                8635 Calumet Avenue • Munster, IN 46321                                                 Seniors of STM ........................................ Susan Oczkowski (219)836-8610
Phone..................................................................................... 836-2660     Ushers Club .................................................... ….Jim Marmalejo 718-8704

                              Please remember St. Thomas More in your Will and Estate Planning
                                                                                                      Page 2
When we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a deep experience that can change our lives.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                      January 15, 2023

                     Saturday, January 21
         5:30 p.m.    Fr. Mike Yadron
                     Sunday, January 22
         6:30 a.m.    Carmelite Father
         8:00 a.m.    Carmelite Father
        10:00 a.m.    Fr. Mike Yadron                                     SUNDAY, January 15 — Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
        12:00 Noon    Fr. Mike Yadron                                       6:30 am For Our Parish Family Living & Deceased
                                                                            8:00 am Martin Nemeth by V. Michalik
                                                                            10:00 am Ann Miskovich by Eva & John Kennedy
                                                                            12:00 pm Alice Dillon by Eleanor
                                                                          MONDAY, January 16
 Saturday, January 21                                                       6:30 am Carol Ann Koepke by Altar & Rosary Society
 5:30 p.m.   S. Rozmanich, J. Dye/MC ~ Alex                                 8:30 am Andrew Miskowski by Patty Ann & Ken Macak

 Sunday, January 22                                                       TUESDAY, January 17 — St. Anthony
 8:00 a.m.  H. Jorsch, K. Karl/MC ~ Derek                                   6:30 am All Souls Day Intentions
 10:00 a.m. R. Smola, N. Arman/MC ~ Devin                                   8:30 am John C. Lasics, Jr. by Family
 12:00 p.m. I. & S. Ramirez/MC ~ Jack
                                                                          WEDNESDAY, January 18
                                                                            6:30 am Donn Davidson by Family
                                                                            8:30 am Walter Vincent Bracich by Family

                                                                          THURSDAY, January 19
                                                                            6:30 am Michael Jores by Jose & Paul Serrano
                                                                            9:00 am Francis Rich by the Rich Family
                           Sylvia Kay
                          Daughter of                                     FRIDAY, January 20 — St. Fabian
                     Robert & Brooke Rogan                                  6:30 am Aimee Cox by the Stofko Family
                                                                            8:30 am Bill Baldin by Don & Ceil Noworyta

                                                                          SATURDAY, January 21 — St. Agnes
                                                                            8:30 am Shaun Patterson by Carl & Deleta Siurek
                                                                            5:30 pm Bob Zurad by Patrick & Yuvon Vrabel
                        Scott Boukal                                      SUNDAY, January 22 — Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                            6:30 am For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased
                                                                            8:00 am Roland Kwasny by Evelyn, Karen & Daughters
                                                                            10:00 am Intention of Edward & Diane Smosna’s Wedding
              Bulletin Deadlines                                                     Anniversary by Edward & Diane Smosna
 Be sure to submit articles you’d like featured in the bulletin at          12:00 pm Jennie & Gustavo Robledo by
  least 2 full weeks in advance to: bulletin@stm-church.com.                         Eva & John Kennedy

             Sacrificial Offerings
                                     January 1, 2023                                                  Stewardship
                                                     $ 19,703.00
                                                      $ 2,301.00
                                Automated             $ 4,935.00                Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                TOTAL                $ 26,939.00          “Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold,
                                                                                           frankincense, and myrrh.”
                                     January 8, 2023                                                 Matthew 2:11
                                                                             The image of the Magi kneeling before the infant Jesus and
                                Adult                $ 16,521.00          opening their treasure chests for Him is an image that we should
                                Loose                 $ 6,450.00           all try to follow each day. In gratitude for all that we have been
                                Automated             $ 4,935.00          given, we are called to generously share all of our gifts, not just
                                TOTAL                $ 27,906.00                              the ones we pick and choose.
                                                                          God wants us to be generous with everything, but especially that
  Thank you for your generous support of our parish.                                      one thing that means the most to you.
                                                                     Page 3
When we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a deep experience that can change our lives.
Automated Contributions                                                   Readings: Week of January 15
 As we look forward with renewed hope about the safety and
                                                                                 Sunday:      Is 49:3, 5-6/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10/1 Cor 1:1-3/
 health of our parish, area and nation, we also look forward to
                                                                                              Jn 1:29-34
 many more in-person activities, including church attendance.
                                                                                 Monday:      Heb 5:1-10/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4/Mk 2:18-22
    There are many options to support our parish!
                                                                                 Tuesday:     Heb 6:10-20/Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9 and 10c/Mk 2:23-
                                1. Collection Basket at Church                                28
                                      2. Mail/Drop-Off Your                      Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4/Mk 3:1-6
                                            Contribution:                        Thursday:    Heb 7:25—8:6/Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17/Mk 3:7-
                                    Mail or drop-off at Parish Office                         12
                                                                                 Friday:      Heb 8:6-13/Ps 85:8 and 10, 11-12, 13-14/Mk
                                  3. Make a Payment Online:                                   3:13-19
                                  Donate online through our parish               Saturday:    Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9/Mk 3:20-21
                                    website by using PayPal/debit/               Next Sunday: Is 8:23—9:3/Ps 27:1,4, 13-14 (1a)/1 Cor 1:10-13,
credit card: http://www.stm-church.com/. Go to “Donate” button in                             17/Mt 4:12-23 or 4:12-17
                     “Virtual Offering” section.
  Set-Up Automated Payment: Instruction/forms on parish
                website: http://www.stm-church.com/
  Questions? Contact Noreen Bickel: (219) 836-8610, #2330

   P ray for the sick of our parish...
    Dimitre Adich             Amy Hayes              Donna Nichols
   Joshua Alvarez         Dick Hemingway               Maria Novak
Chiara Andrzejewksi          Marie Henke           Steven Nowaczyk
    Doris Aurelio         Elaine Herrmann             Clare O’Brien
    Maria Aurelio        Adelina Hernandez         Donna O’Connor
    Pat Batchelder     Bertha Birdy Hernandez         Danny Ogren
 Antonio Belmonte          Irma Hernandez           James Pancheri
     Mary Berry
    Michael Berry
                         Marisol Hernandez
                             Robert Hesek
                                                    Marty Pavlovic
                                                     Judith Peterson             Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
   Michael Billedo            Becky Hill                Dawn Petro                When I was a kid, I remember the priest at Mass announcing,
 Diane Bochnowski              Marie Hill           Johanna Petruch                                       “The Lamb of God!”
   Cheryl Bostrom             Joan Hoess           Andrew Pieczyrak
     Linda Braun       Sally Joy Hollingshead      Elizabeth Pilones                              Frankly, it struck me as nonsense. I
      Bill Briney           Charlotte Hunt          Sylvester Porras                      thought: Why in the world does God have a lamb?
    Grace Briney          Betty Ingbretson           Dennis Powell                                      And where is this lamb?
  Stephany Burney           Joseph S. Iwan             Ronald Prus
   Kathleen Burns              Steve Izzo           Timothy Ribble               John the Baptist sees Jesus coming toward him and announces,
     Diane Butler          Elizabeth Jacob             Jackie Roach                                   “Behold the lamb of God.”
 Dorothy Campbell         Barbara Jamrose              Ann Sardella                His Jewish listeners knew what he meant. God’s lamb is the
  James Campbell           Stanley Jayjack            George Sauer               thing that is sacrificed at the Jewish Passover and consumed by
   Janet Cattanach             Kelly Jean             Marie Schultz
 Jacqueline Morrow            Kevin Karl          Marianne Schwartz                                          the participants.
       Christian             Dan Karulski          William Schwartz                For almost a thousand years, lambs were ritually slaughtered
    Ursula Cichy             Mark Kenney             Zachery Scriff                               and eaten in Jerusalem at Passover.
     Loretta Clott            Irene Kerps             James Secviar
    Joseph Clune           James Klein, Sr.              Jim Seul                 The lamb meant sacrifice, freedom from sin, and communion
     Willie Colby            Janet Knight             Renee Shehan                  with God. The Baptist is saying in effect, “This man will be
   Charlotte Conn          Susan Kolodziej            Nick Skinner                ritually sacrificed and consumed so that God’s people may be
  Vincent Corsello      Gregory P. Koscielski         Laurie Slazyk                                free from sin and united to God.”
    Mike Curtain           Melvin Kostalik             Karen Sliwa
Valerie Czapkowicz           Crystal Kurek          Deborah Stareck                It’s crucial to relate to Jesus as a friend, brother, teacher, and
  Doris Dabrowski         Annika LeMonier           Georgianne Suto                                         Lord of our lives.
     Sarah Dalton          Chris LeMonier          Florence Stevens                But we should also learn to interact with Him as our lamb of
    Aaron Dudek           Debbie LeMonier              Carol Storey
     Alex Eiland         Nicklas LeMonier            Charles Svitko                   God. That means we intentionally place on him our sins,
    Sherlon Evans        Dorothy Lesnefsky              Rose Theis                           sadnesses, and hopes, and offer him to God.
   James Fletcher         Kris Lisikiewicz          Michele Thomas                             Then we consume him to make us free.
  Heriberto Flores          Jo Lisiniewicz        Rosemary Thomas                                  This is what we do at every Mass.
     Maria Flores        Edward Liskiewicz            Russ Thomas
      John Forde         Stanley Liskiewicz         Gerardo Trevino                               That’s why he is the Lamb of God.
  Bonnie Gabrione            Maria Lovell            David Trotman                                          Father John Muir
    Rich Gagliani          James Malayter           Kathie Trudgian                                             ©LPi
   Christine Gajda           Brady Martin          Anthony Ubuane
    Phyllis Garber            Paul Martin        Tony Vanden Heuvel
  Andrea Garritano         Carolyn McGill        Raymond Vanderbok
   Margaret Geary
    Emily Gibson
                          Larkin McKenzie
                         Jacob Menclewicz
                                                     James Wachel
                                                     Kathy Wachel                              Parish Office Hours
     Joan Glinski          Jenny Mendoza        Marilyn (Vrabel) Warda                Parish Office hours:
  Monica Gonzalez             Faye Meny                 Mark Wein
 Howard Gralewski            Sandi Merlo             Ruth Williams                    Monday–Friday:
    Margaret Gray             Erin Meyer          Annette Wisniewski                  9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
     Susan Graff          Benjamin Mikels        Stephanie Wisniewski                      Saturday:
Christine Greenberg        John Mitchener           Bill Wisniewski
Mary Ellen Gullicks          Andrew Moll               Dick Wright                      9:00 a.m. to Noon
Katie Kardes Hargett     Thomas Mordaunt             Cecilia Ziegler             Closed January 16, 2023
 Rosemarie Havran         Genevieve Mrvan          Cody Ziemkowski
                         Bernadine Nemeth                               Page 4
When we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a deep experience that can change our lives.
The Pastor’s Page

                      SEEK SILENCE                                                       DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                    Martin Luther King Jr. Day (officially Birthday of Martin
      “In silence God ceases to be an object and                  Luther King, Jr., and sometimes referred to as MLK Day) is
      becomes an experience.” ~ Thomas Merton                     a federal holiday in the United States marking the birthday
One of my favorites songs is The Sounds of Silence by             of Martin Luther King Jr. It is observed on the third Monday
Simon and Garfunkel. It is eerie, mysterious, and soul-           of January each year.
penetrating all at the same time. It speaks to me every time        King was the chief spokesperson for nonviolent activism in
I hear it. I think one of the main reasons why it speaks to       the Civil Rights Movement, which protested racial
me is because it reminds me of how much silence itself can        discrimination in federal and state law. The campaign for a
speak to a person.                                                federal holiday in King's honor began soon after his
                                                                  assassination in 1968.
Merton talks about the power of silence in today’s quote            President Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in
when he states that it is “in silence God ceases to be an         1983, and it was first observed three years later. It was
object and becomes an experience.” This is something I            officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in 2000.
can write about, it is something that we can discuss, but it is     The national Martin Luther King Day of Service was
something that cannot really be understood unless you             started by former Pennsylvania U.S. Senator Harris
have experienced a prolonged period of silence while              Wofford and Atlanta Congressman John Lewis, who co-
praying.                                                          authored the King Holiday and Service Act. The federal
I have made several retreats in the past that were silent         legislation challenges Americans to transform the King
retreats. The only talking was at common prayer times and         Holiday into a day of citizen action volunteer service in
at the celebration of Mass. Otherwise, silence was the rule.      honor of King.
When it begins, it can be a bit disorienting. After all, we         It is never a bad thing to do good for others. Consider
spend our days in noise and activity. To slow ourselves           becoming a volunteer in order to meet the needs of those
down and become silent is not the norm.                           less fortunate than you.
After the period of disorientation, many people can feel
                                                                                               ON THE LIGHTER SIDE
disturbed. Things come to mind that we often bury deep
                                                                                         More and more doctors are running
within. The silence provides the opportunity for those
                                                                                      their practices like an assembly line. One
memories to surface. And then, the most disturbing thing
                                                                                      day, a man walked into a doctor’s office
can happen: the silence begins to speak. When you are
                                                                                      and the receptionist asked him what he
sitting in silence and you begin to hear the voice of God, it
                                                                                      had. He said, “Shingles.” So she took
can really get your attention.
                                                                                      down his name, address, medical
When we are immersed in our noisy world, God often is                                 insurance number and told him to have a
nothing more than an object: God, do this for me. God, do                             seat.
that for me. God, here is what I need. God is the object at         Fifteen minutes later a nurse’s aide came out and asked
which we direct our prayers which are often nothing more          him what he had. He said, “Shingles”. So she took down
than demands. That is not what prayer should be. Prayer           his height, weight, a complete medical history, and told him
should not be demand. Prayer should be conversation.              to wait in an examining room.
                                                                    A half hour later a nurse came in and asked him what he
Hence, when we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases           had. He said “Shingles.” So she took his blood pressure,
to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a           gave him a blood test, an electrocardiogram, and told him to
deep experience that can change our lives.                        take off his clothes and wait for the doctor.
I know that not all of you can go away for a week or two to         An hour later the doctor came in and asked him what he
make a silent retreat so as to give God the opportunity to        had. He said, “Shingles.”
converse with you. That is not really necessary. You can            The doctor said, “Where?”
create quiet times in your day to sit in silence and listen to      He said, “Outside in the truck. Where do you want them?”
God speak. Whenever we quiet ourselves and sit in silence,
God has a chance to break through the noise of the world
and speak to our hearts.
FAITH ACTION: Be purposeful about this. Create a time in
your daily routine to sit in silence with God. It is
likely nothing will happen at first. Don’t give up,
though. Keep at it. Give God a chance to speak.

          Please pray for the priests and deacons who
          have served the Diocese of Gary so faithfully
          and whose anniversaries of death are this
   January 16: Deacon Joseph Kwitko (2004)
   January 19: Rev. Ignatius C. Vichuras (1984)
   January 20: Deacon Joseph Wilczynski (2004)
                Rev. Tony Valtierra (2007)
                                                             Page 5
When we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a deep experience that can change our lives.
Greeters for the Week
                               Religious                                                                  Sunday, January 22

                                                                                                            6:30 a.m. Mass
                                                                                                            Main: Julie Loza
                                                                                                             8:00 a.m. Mass
                                                                                                      Main: James & Nancy Kaczka
     For information about the St. Thomas More Religious
      Education Program, please contact Emily Hackett at                                                    10:00 a.m. Mass
         (219) 836-8610 or ehackett@stm-school.com.                                                       Main: Kate Dagholor
                                                                          Saturday, January 21           Chapel: Pischner Family
                    January Schedule                                         5:30 p.m. Mass                 12:00 Noon Mass
18/19       Class                                                          Main: Carolyn Cenko             Main: Pat Batchelder
15/26       Class

                    February Schedule                                             Knights of Columbus
1/2         Class                                                                              Council 10596
8/9         Class                                                                NFL Divisional Playoff Game
15/16       Class                                                                       Watch Party
22/23       No Class — Ash Wednesday                                           Council 10596 is hosting an NFL Watch Party
                                                                                   Saturday January 21, 2023
                     March Schedule                                              6:45p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the Weis Center
1/2         Class                                                                              Cost: $20.00.
                                                                                         Doors open at 6:45 p.m.
8/9         Class                                                                        Game starts at 7:15 p.m.
14          Virtual Parent Meeting at 7:00 p.m.                           This event is open to everyone! All are invited!
15/16       Class                                                            The game will be shown on the big screen at the
22/23       Class                                                             Weis Center & in the Knights’ Meeting Room.
29/30       No Class — Spring Break                                            Card and table games will also be on-hand.
                                                                             We will be serving various BBQ dishes and sides.
                                                                                Beer, wine and soft drinks will be offered.
                     April Schedule                                     Reservations are due by Wednesday January 18th.
5/6         No Class — Holy Week                                             For more information or questions, please contact
12/13       Class                                                         Gregg Blocher at 219-902-1171 or www.kofc10596.com
19/20       Class
26/27       Class — Last Class for All
            Except First Communicants
29          8th Grade Confirmation
            10:30 a.m. in the Church

                      May Schedule
3/4         First Communion Practice
            All Wednesday & Thursday First Communion
            students must attend both nights
6           First Holy Communion
            10:00 a.m. for St. Thomas More School &
            Religious Education Students

          Altar & Rosary Society                                                       Nursery Closed
 There will be no Altar & Rosary Society meetings during                  The Nursery will be closed for the next couple of months.
                                      the months of                       Adult & teen volunteers are always welcome to help. To
                               January & February 2023.                     volunteer, please contact Kaaren at (219) 836-5079.
                          We will reconvene in March when
                                   we host our annual
                                      Chili Bingo
                            Sunday, March 12 at 11:00 a.m.                               Parish Library
                          Please watch the bulletin for details        The STM Parish Library is located at the Weis Center. Feel free
                                       and updates.                    to take a book home next time you visit the Weis Center. Please
                           Until then, stay warm and safe.               return book/s to its correct, alphabetized section when done.

                                                              Page 6
When we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a deep experience that can change our lives.
January 15, 2023

 St. Thomas More School

                                                                                                                8435 Calumet
                                                                                                                 Munster, IN
                                                                                                               (219) 836-9151

                                                                                     Meet our teachers, tour the school building and
                                                                                      find out why St. Thomas More School is the
                                                                                         happy home of 510 awesome students.

 Congratulations St. Thomas More School 5th grade, who recently graduated from the DARE Program (Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education).
        The program, led by Munster Police Officer, James Ghrist, teaches students to resist substance abuse, provides valuable tools to
                          avoid unhealthy situations, deal with bullies, and avert and handle difficult social situations.
Each student was asked to compose an essay summarizing what they learned in DARE training with some of the essays being read at graduation.
        Our deepest thanks to guest speaker, Munster Police Chief, Stephen Scheckel, and to Officer Ghrist for his care, commitment and
                               diligence in guiding the young people in our community to make smart life choices.

                                                                 Page 7
When we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a deep experience that can change our lives.
Seniors of STM                                                    Mardi Gras Soirée Tickets
  It’s the New Year and the Seniors have an eventful calendar
                  planned for Spring 2023…                                                On Sale Now!
     Are You 55                                                                      Get Your Tickets Now for a Great
      or Older?                                                                              Evening of Fun!

Join our fun and engaging
 group of active Seniors.
 You do not need to be a
    St. Thomas More
   parishioner to join...
we welcome anyone 55+!
   You’ll find our pink
                                 Seniors of STM
 Calendar of Events at all
    church entrances.
           Watch the bulletin for details and updates.
              What you’ll find at our meetings:
 Social gatherings, games, lively conversation, new friends and                       Dinner • Dancing • Photo Booth
        interesting guest speakers with information about
                 health, wealth and enjoying life!                                     Live Music by Mr. Funnyman
And best of all, you’ll find a wonderful group of family & faith                          Online Auction & More
focused people who love to have a great time with one another.                          Everyone is welcome! Come join the fun!
So join as at one, or all, of our upcoming meetings and start the                          Saturday, February 4
          New Year off right. You’ll be glad you came!                                  6:00 p.m. • Villa Cesare • Schererville IN
             The Seniors of STM partners with our
        St. Vincent de Paul Ministry here at St. Tom’s.                         Tickets: $100 per person
      Free-will monetary donations to SVDP are                                       To order tickets, donate or
         cheerfully accepted at each meeting.                                         become an event sponsor,
     Thanks for helping those in our community who need                                      use QR code
                    some extra assistance!                                                     or go to:
           2023 Schedule of Events
               Wednesday, February 1
                      Business Meeting                                                  Mental Health Ministry
                   Speaker: Nicole Harmon
                  Topic: Animal Rescue Info                                                   Food for Thought….
    Come hear (and see) some very interesting information                    “Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you
                presented by Humane Indiana.                                       doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone.”
     Don’t forget your loose change donations for SVDP!                                                 Lisa Olivera
                                                                             If you are interested in helping those who struggle with anxiety,
              Wednesday, February 15                                         depression, isolation, and loneliness, come join us to learn how!
                          Pizza Party                                                       No mental health training required.
                    12:00 Noon — 3:00 p.m.                                    The Ministry will be formed by parishioners and mental health
                                                                                       education will be provided by professionals.
                 Wednesday, March 1                                                        Please join us for our next meeting:
                       Business Meeting                                              Tuesday, January 24th at 7:00 p.m.
                    Speaker: Brenna Panares                                                    Weis Center • Room 104
                    Topic: Senior Concerns                                       For more information, please contact Dr. Jean Nanos at
                Wednesday, March 15
                     Pot Luck Luncheon
                   12:00 Noon — 3:00 p.m.
     Please bring a dish to share based on your last name:                                     Gabriel Project
                        A to L: Dessert                                       Everyone is invited to the next meeting of the Gabriel Project
                  M to Z: Side Dish or Salad                                       Wednesday, January 25 at 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                Weis Center • Room 101
                   Sunday, March 26
     10:00 a.m. Mass Honoring Our Deceased Members                            Our group continues to help mothers who
   Breakfast to follow • Advance reservations required                          need help with caring for their babies
                                                                             by supplying diapers, formula, clothes, and
                  Wednesday, April 5                                                 various other baby things.
                       Business Meeting                                      Thanks to those who have donated items for
          Election of Officers for the 2023/2024 Year                               these moms and their babies.
                                                                                    New members are welcome!
                                                                    Page 8
When we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a deep experience that can change our lives.
Looking for a Great Job?                                                Time to Spend Your Gift Cards!
     Join the friendly staff at St. Thomas More!                               If you received Amazon gift cards for Christmas,
The following St. Thomas More Parish positions are now open                   now’s the time to take advantage of deals & steals.
and ready for the right person to join our friendly, can-do staff!          If you received Amazon gift cards for Christmas and plan to
                                                                                purchase all the things that Santa didn’t bring you, then be
                                                                                             sure to shop via AmazonSmile.
                                                                           You’ll find all
                                                                              the same
                                                                          merchandise, all
                                                                          the great prices
                                                                            and the best
                                                                          part...it doesn’t
                                                                          cost you a thing
                                                                          and you’ll help
                                                                          our school with
                                                                          every purchase
                                                                             you make.
                                                                             Be sure to
                                                                            designate St. Thomas More when you shop on AmazonSmile,
                                                                                      and STMS will earn .05% of your purchase.
                                                                                          Simply click here to start shopping:
                Director of Finance                                          Thank you for supporting A-rated St. Thomas More School!
        The Director of Finance is a critical member of
    our leadership team, overseeing day-to-day activities of
St. Thomas More Parish, ensuring the organization is managed
          and performing efficiently and effectively.                               St. Vincent De Paul Society
           This position reports directly to the Pastor.                      The St. Thomas More St. Vincent de Paul Society continues to
 For more details about this position, or to apply, see below.                provide food & utility assistance to area families. Our thanks to
                                                                                          all who follow in Christ’s footsteps to help.
                      Bookkeeper                                              Food Pantry Needs:               Please check expiration
 The Bookkeeper is responsible for supporting the accounting                        Canned Pasta                     dates before
 department by processing accounts payable, billings, deposits                        Canned                           donating
         and purchasing. This is a part-time position.                               Beef Stew                    We cannot distribute
           For more details or to apply, see below.                                 Canned Meat                  expired or near expired
                                                                                    Canned Fish                           items.
           To Apply to the Director of Finance &
                                                                                        Jello                     To learn more SVDP,
                   Bookkeeper Positions:
                                                                                 We no longer need                   contact Terry at
For a full job description or to learn more about these positions,
                                                                                    paper bags.                     (219) 836-8610.
           please go to the church website and click on
       Employment Opportunities: www.stm-church.com

                 St. Thomas More School
  This person would be responsible for collecting, sorting and
   washing dishes/trays/silverware/pots & pans by utilizing a
     commercial dishwasher or manual washing, as needed.
   Responsibilities also include serving students/faculty/staff
during lunch periods and assisting with food preparation along
   with other team members. Hours are Monday thru Friday:
                     11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
                 The ideal candidate would be:
• Someone who likes to work only a few hours while their kids
                           are in school
          • Someone who possesses a ‘can do’ attitude
  • Someone who is willing to learn a new skill in an atypical
                      kitchen environment
 Come work in a friendly environment with great people and
                                                                               Lake County Right to Life News
          help make the lunch period for our students                                     National March for Life 2023
                           exceptional!                                       The Knights of Columbus is organizing their 14 th trip for those
          To Apply for the Dishwasher Position:                                interested in attending the National March for Life in D.C.
    Please contact Patty Davids at 219-836-9151 ext. 2224 or                               For info, contact Michael Velasco at
                   pdavids@stm-school.com.                                                       mavelasco7@hotmail.com.

                                                                     Page 9
When we immerse ourselves in silence, God ceases to be an object and, in conversation with us, becomes a deep experience that can change our lives.
Respect Life Prayer Service                                                                 11:00 am (after the 10:00 am Mass) in the St. Francis Room at
  The Whiting/Robertsdale Faith Enrichment and the Peace &                                                           St. John the Evangelist Church, downstairs (elevator access),
 Justice Committees invite you, your family and friends to par-                                                   10701 Olcott Avenue in St. John. For more details contact Deacon
       ticipate in the 2023 Respect Life Prayer Service on                                                           Phillip Coduti, O.F.S. 773-837-6890 or Dr. Donna Thiernau,
     Sunday, January 22, 2:00 p.m. at St. Adalbert Church,                                                          O.F.S. 708-846-4018. Reach your spiritual goals with direction,
121st Street & Indianapolis Blvd. Together we will reflect upon                                                    inspiration, encouragement and support in a fraternity of Secular
 God's tremendous gift of LIFE, shared by the unborn, the aged,                                                                              Franciscans.
 our youth, our families, those who struggle with various addic-
              tions, and those who are incarcerated.                                                                       All Are Welcome at the SJB Alpha Group
While challenging circumstances often cause people to stumble                                                    In the framework of a meal, video, and conversation, Alpha creates
on life's journey, our merciful God understands and reaches out                                                   a space for people to consider Jesus, experience belonging, and be
to us in a variety of ways, helping us to survive and thrive. It is                                                            transformed by the power of God’s Spirit.
 hoped that our shared prayer time will benefit the many whose                                                                    St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
 lives are hurting. The one-hour service is comprised Scripture                                                   Mural Room (lower level school at 1844 Lincoln Ave in Whiting)
passages, prayerful music and time for reflection. Please attend.                                                                               Tuesdays:
                                                                                                                                         February 7 & 14, 21, 28
             Join Our Secular Franciscan Order                                                                                March 7, 14, 21, 28 • April 11 & 18, 2023
                   Enrich Your Spiritual Life                                                                      Please register by contacting churchparishoffice@stjohnbap.org
          by Walking in the Footsteps of St. Francis…                                                             Participation is free, but you must register in advance. Thank you.
Men and women, married and single, living and working in our
                             world:                                                                                                            Meals on Wheels Volunteers
You are invited to “Come and See” if you may have a vocation                                                           Volunteers are always needed to deliver meals in the greater
 to the Secular Franciscan Order. Join members of the St. Mary                                                             Hammond community. Contact Charlie Misovye,
of the Angels Fraternity on Sunday, January 29, for one hour, at                                                      Volunteer Manager at 219-756-3663 or Charlie@mownwi.org

                                                                                                                                                         LET’S GROW YOUR BUSINESS
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 Complete Home Improvement                                                                         Tim Craig, Parishioner
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                                                                                                         Page 10
Please Patronize These Kind Advertisers Whose
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         • Barbara Shaver, Attorney At Law (A Pg)                                      • Ace Hardware (A Pg)
        • Kenneth M. Wilk, Attorney At Law (A Pg)                              • Calumet Windows & Doors (C Pg)
                                                                                 • Fred Doppler & Son Inc (C Pg)
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               AUTOMOTIVE                                                      • Gluth Bros. Roofing Co., Inc. (A Pg)
          • Bosak Chrysler/Bosak Honda (C Pg)                                     Johnson Cleaning Service (C Pg)
                • Phillips Chevrolet (A Pg)                                          • Kraz Construction (A Pg)
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FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS / ACCOUNTING                                                 • Rauer Plumbing Inc. (A Pg)
           • American Community Bank (A Pg)                                      • Rick’s Appliance Service (A Pg)
                                                                                       • Rogers Roofing (C Pg)
            FOOD AND DRINK                                                           • T&K Masonry Inc. (C Pg)
                • Calumet Bakery (A Pg)                                            • Vanderweide’s Glass (A Pg)
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            • Rob’s Meat Chop & Deli (A Pg)                                              • Allstate (C Pg)
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               HEALTHCARE                                                           • St. Anthony Village (A Pg)
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              • Puntillo Orthodontics (C Pg)                                      • Kube Sports Complex (A Pg)
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                                                                           REAL ESTATE / MORTGAGE
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                                                                              • Coldwell Banker/Alison Gargas (A Pg)
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                                                                               • Rossi & Taylor Realty Group (A Pg)

		                       For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com      St. Thomas More, Munster, IN              B 4C 01-0364
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                                                                      KEVIN KISH, Owner                                                                                                                                          Next to
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                                                                      10000 CALUMET AVENUE • MUNSTER                                                                                                                             1820 45th Street • (219) 934-9500

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                                                                            NOT AFFILIATED WITH BURNS-KISH-FH                                                 2929 Carlson Dr., Hammond, IN 46323                                                                                                   (219) 931-0560

		                                                             For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                                                              St. Thomas More, Munster, IN                                                                                         A 4C 01-0364
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