2021 Potentate Terry Griffith and First Lady Debby! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2 - Al Kader ...

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2021 Potentate Terry Griffith and First Lady Debby! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2 - Al Kader ...
A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2

2021 Potentate Terry Griffith
and First Lady Debby!
2021 Potentate Terry Griffith and First Lady Debby! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2 - Al Kader ...
Al Kader OASIS
              Published Monthly
                                               From the Potentate’s Desk
       Al Kader, Shriners International        by 2021 Potentate Terry Griffith - potentate@bendbroadband.com
          25100 SW Parkway Ave.
        Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600                                                The first month of 2021 is now officially
          Phone: (503) 682-4420                                                   in the books, but it still looks a great deal
            Fax: (503) 685-5080                                                   like 2020, due to the pandemic. I recently
      Email: editor@alkadershriners.org                                           saw a billboard that read “Let’s not make
        Subscription Price $8.00 / yr
                                                                                  2021, 2020 part 2” and thought that to be
                                                                                  very profound. I had hoped that things
                 Elected Divan                                                    would have improved, but patience is the
             Terry Griffith, Potentate                                            key. IS Carl Thompson referenced being
    email: potentate@bendbroadband.com
         Mark Phillips, Chief Rabban
                                                                                  the captain of a ship last year, and I also
      Carl Robinson, Assistant Rabban                                             used this analogy during installation, as it
      Martin Klos,High Priest & Prophet                                           takes time to invoke change.
          Marty Bush, Oriental Guide
            Gillan Bradley, Treasurer                                            During last year, we discovered that our
          IS Todd Weedman, Recorder                                              Transportation Fund was beyond what
                                                                                 our Imperial guidelines allowed and
             Appointed Divan
 Jeff Zimmerman, 1st Ceremonial Master
                                                                                 could have been surrendered to Imperial.
  Dennis Harris, 2nd Ceremonial Master                                           So it was decided by the Executive
             Bill Hinkle, Director             Board to start the process of approving a transfer of funds from our
          Curtis Hanson, Marshal               Transportation Fund to Aloha’s Transportation Fund. It moved through
      Bruce Fish, Captain of the Guard
                                               the proper channels, executive board, stated meeting and Imperial, and
      Larry Evey, Temple Outer Guard
            Steve Levin, Chaplain              was approved. They support their Hospital, on Oahu, solely and have
  Potentate’s Emissaries; Forrest Hatch,       enormous transportation costs, drawing patients from the entire Pacific
 Rod Thompson, Larry Evey, Bill Quier, Ted     Rim. (We have multiple Temples supporting our Hospital in Portland.)
Balestreri, Frank Brewington, Rodger Hood
                                               They were extremely grateful to receive this donation, which provide an
         Support Services Staff                opportunity to create an Alliance with Aloha Temple. Al Kader and Aloha
         Chief of Staff: Mel De Hut
  Deputy Chief of Staff: John & Barb Wilde
                                               are now Alliance Temples, which is similar to “Sister Cities.” This will
 Staff; Rich & Janet Ling, Alicia Moss, Judy   allow both Temples to exchange ideas, awareness and appreciation of
  Smith, Al & Sue Harris, JB & Linda Dick,     each other, for growth. This has never been done within the Shrine, so it is
  Horacio Arellano, Richard King, Forrest &    exciting in itself and look forward to a lasting relationship.
Linda Hatch, Dannie & Addie Adamson, Tom
    & Jane Chappelle, Roger H.Hodge II         One of the “Focus Areas” that I identified for 2021 is communications.
                                               More especially now, communications is vital for the wellbeing of
            Temple Unit Staff
       Robert Baugh, Director of Units
                                               our fraternity and our Temple. I have enlisted the assistance of seven
        Vacant, Assistant Dir. of Units        Nobles to act as my official messengers (Emissary) located strategically
                                               throughout our Temple’s area. They will be keeping in close contact with
      Potentate’s Appointments                 the Clubs and Units, encouraging better communications, both directions.
           Attorney: Matt Wand
    Ambassador at Large: IS John Nerski        As we continue to create new contingency plans for 2021, please
    Ambassador at Large: Skip Stanaway
                                               remember that Lady Debby and I want to “reopen” Al Kader Shrine as
        Ambassador: Ron Ellenson
         Ambassador: Gary Scott                soon as possible but we also want to keep each of you safe. All our efforts
                                               are devoted to that and we will again be able to socialize in the future, but
                 Emeritus                      will always have your best interests at heart.
         Kenji Yaguchi, Ambassador
           Robert Keller, Treasurer
          IS Dave Johnson, Editor
                                               Live the Masonic Way
    Potentate IS Terry Griffith, Publisher     Terry Griffith, Potentate
          Patrick Sheehan, Editor
       Art Thompson, Photographer
 Items must be received by the 24th of the
  month to editor@alkadershriners.org for
            next month’s issue.
     Advertising Rates on Request

2         Al Kader Oasis - January 2021
2021 Potentate Terry Griffith and First Lady Debby! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2 - Al Kader ...
Chaplain’s Report
by Noble Steven Levin
During the waning days of January, much of
the gloom brought about by the pandemic, the
political strife, and other factors in our turbulent
world we saw the glimmer of hope with the start of
vaccinations, the end of some virulent governmental
battles, the lessening of numbers of “Black Camel
Visits” to so many of our Masonic Family, and
more. This of course, we can attribute to the love of
our G.A.O.T.U. His gift of light (something, we as
Masons have sought since day one), has propelled
us upon our individual journeys in the pursuit of the
goals set by all of our moral compasses.
It is with those thoughts in mind, that we must make
the decision to continue to seek the high ground. By
living each day in thanks and continuing to follow
the tenets of our great fraternal brotherhood, we can
continue to try to make ourselves better and find the
harmony necessary to remain decent, honorable,
loyal and proud citizens.
Let us never forget the goals as set for us by our
own moral compasses. Let us strive diligently
towards those goals and constantly make every
effort to make ourselves better tomorrow than we
were today.
I remain your humble Chaplain.

  2021 Elected Divan

                         Chief Rabban                      Assistant Rabban
                         Mark Phillips                     Carl Robinson

                         High Priest & Prophet             Oriental Guide
                         Martin Klos                       Martin Bush

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2021 Potentate Terry Griffith and First Lady Debby! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2 - Al Kader ...

4   Al Kader Oasis - January 2021
2021 Potentate Terry Griffith and First Lady Debby! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2 - Al Kader ...
2020 Necrology Report
by Noble Steven Levin
Illustrious Sir Terry Griffith did in fact, request a paragraph or two separate from the Chaplain’s Report
explaining the need to postpone the initiation of the revised Necrology Ceremony including the symbolic
“Fez Burning” (thank you John Smith for your excellent idea) due to the necessity of closing large
gatherings during the Coronavirus Pandemic. The solemnity of the ceremony certainly requires so much
more live human participation than a restricted electronic meeting could possibly provide, that it is prudent
to postpone the actual ceremony until such time as we can truly appreciate it’s worth.

              Name                               City                         DOB                Passed
Robert B. Murray                   Scappoose, OR                          4/14/1928           1/14/2020
Tony Taylor                        Newberg, OR                             6/8/1928           1/15/2020
William G. Field                   Portland, OR                           9/12/1929           1/23/2020
Bobby D. Johnson                   Myrtle Creek, OR                       3/20/1924             2/4/2020
John J. Currie                     Milwaukie, OR                            9/8/1951            2/4/2020
Donald C. Turner                   Vancouver, WA                          12/31/1929            3/4/2020
Floyd G. Rewey                     Forest Grove, OR                         7/4/1933          3/18/2020
Lloyd C. Peterson                  Milwaukie, OR                          10/19/1927          3/22/2020
Wallace D. Alexander               Tillamook, OR                            8/1/1929          4/14/2020
Richard A. Montee                  Madras, OR                             9/20/1938           6/10/2020
I.S. Gary V. Bowers, P.P.          Vancouver, WA                          9/26/1928           6/11/2020
Chris W. Woolcock                  Gresham, OR                              7/7/1953          6/15/2020
Clarence M. Graham                 Terrebonne, OR                         4/19/1920           7/29/2020
Paul D. Kirk                       Bend, OR                               11/11/1927            8/6/2020
Warren F. Cook                     Portland, OR                           6/16/1946           8/21/2020
Earl D. Swenson                    Beaverton, OR                            3/9/1923          8/25/2020
Bruce Procknow                     Sweet Home, OR                           4/8/1930            9/2/2020
Charles R. Nelson                  Walla Walla, WA                        12/12/1926          9/26/2020
Kervyn L. Harned                   Pendleton, OR                          2/15/1931           10/1/2020
Kenneth R. Palen                   Salem, OR                              10/2/1926           10/19/2020
Leonard G. Cardwell                Lebanon, OR                            11/2/1937           10/24/2020
Ronald A. Cooper                   Eugene, OR                             7/26/1937           11/8/2020
Jerrold L. Larsen                  Portland, OR                             5/6/1933          11/17/2020
Scott M. Brasher                   Bend, OR                                5/30/1982          11/30/2020
James A. Strout                    Stayton, OR                             5/14/1927           12/5/2020
James F. Godier                    Hermiston, OR                            2/6/1939          12/12/2020
Allen A. Johnson                   Portland, OR                            4/29/1927          12/12/2020

                                                                          Al Kader Oasis - January 2021         5
2021 Potentate Terry Griffith and First Lady Debby! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2 - Al Kader ...
Your Elected Divan has been very active towards balancing the budget. In 2020 expenses
    were cut by 16%, and the 2021 Budget was trimmed another 13%. Already this year the
    office has made changes that reduced our monthly phone and Internet Expense by $450
    per month, and Printer/Copier costs by another $200 per month. Also, we are currently
    working with Oregon DMV to possibly obtain Fleet status for our vehicles, which will save
    many hours previously spent on registration; and with an accurate fleet list, may result in
    a reduced insurance expenditure.

    Office space has been rented upstairs for $900 per month and is under contract for the
    next year; with an option to extend. Also, the kitchen is being rented on an hourly-use
    basis. Being our Temple has more potential office space, this could prove to be a valuable
    revenue stream. A substantial push for weddings and other large rentals is also underway,
    and initial indications are quite promising.

    Continuing to reduce costs, while increasing revenue, has put Al Kader Temple on the
    path towards financial fitness. But we need to ask for some sweat from you…
    Fundraising will be a huge factor in sustaining our Shrine, and every Noble will play an
    important part in making those events successful. This is not only necessary to maintain
    our facility, it is even more vital to our support of the Children blessed every day by our
    Portland Shrine Hospital.

    Join us and Together we will succeed.

    In the Faith, IS Todd Weedman , Recorder

6   Al Kader Oasis - January 2021
2021 Potentate Terry Griffith and First Lady Debby! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2 - Al Kader ...
S uisers
 Cr D in n
 Fez ights

Join Carl Thompson and Terry Griffith
   & their ladies for their postponed
   Potentates Panama Canal Cruise
   January 18-28, 2022 - Round trip from
   Ft Lauderdale, into the Panama Canal
        aboard the Crown Princess
                                                i l y
                                           Da ings
Starting at $949.00
                                                 e  r
                                             t h
     Cruise + fees only
       Air, transfers,
  Lodging being negotiated
                                      Contact Bernie
This is not to be confused with the   Getaways Travel
      Potentates Trip of 2022          541-317-1274

                                          Al Kader Oasis - January 2021   7
2021 Potentate Terry Griffith and First Lady Debby! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2 - Al Kader ...
Central Oregon Shrine Club Food
by Noble David Blair
This year’s food caravan took on a much different
look for all of us than in years past. Along with
our Potentate, four Central Oregon Nobles came        by Dereesa Reid, Administrator of Shriners
together on January 13th to deliver $5,000.00 worth   Hospitals for Children - Portland
of food to the Shriners Hospital for Children in
Portland. Another year partnering with Albertsons,    The Pacific Northwest winter is spectacular and
Mike, the store manager in Bend again was a           continues to project its majesty despite storms and
supporter of our efforts for the hospital. A big      unpredictable weather. Similarly, we overcame the
shout-out to the hospital staff that came to the      storms of 2020 at Shriners Hospital for Children -
loading dock to help unload 3 ½ trucks of food.       Portland, sustaining our excellent quality of care
                                                      and achieving new heights in our stewardship.
                                                      A recent photo reminds me of this moment in time
                                                      where we reflect on the long COVID-19 winter of
                                                      2020 and the promise of 2021. When we arrived
                                                      in the national park, clouds swirled around the
                                                      summit of Mt. Rainier. For almost an hour, the
                                                      clouds would drift by with new clouds relentlessly
                                                      slipping in. It seemed that our long day trip to the
                                                      park might not produce any photos of the summit.
                                                      Wandering along the snowy, riverbed rocks, the
                                                      nearby icy waters of the Nisqually River raced
                                                      down the mountain just as it did when we visited
                                                      the same spot last spring. Summer is short and
                                                      winter is long on Mt Rainier. The mountains are
                                                      green then dusted with snow and eventually
                                                      wrapped in a frozen wonderland.
                                                      Near the summit, Nisqually Glacier feeds this
                                                      river. Each winter, hundreds of inches of snow
                                                      fall on Mt. Rainier, replenishing the 25 major
                                                      glaciers and numerous snow and ice patches. For
                                                      centuries, maybe thousands of years, the Nisqually
                                                      River and 8 other major rivers are continuously fed
                                                      and renewed by winter snows and storms. Without
                                                      the winter snows, water - the source of life - could
                                                      not be sustained.
                                                      Unlike previous visits, there were fewer people in
                                                      the park, most wearing their face masks. The hike
                                                      along the rocks and boulders was slower, more
                                                      deliberate - careful not to slip and fall on an icy
                                                      patch. Nature is resting and renewing. The sound
                                                      of the river was clearer. The few roaming hikers
                                                      talked less. There was peace in the moment rather
                                                      than the usual chatter and rush up the hiking
                                                      trail. Perhaps, we were all renewing our spirit
                                                      and energy after months of relentless COVID-19
                                                      Eventually, the clouds melted away and the sun’s
                                                      rays illuminated the mountain. With the blink of
                                                      a camera, the moment was captured, and we are

8     Al Kader Oasis - January 2021
2021 Potentate Terry Griffith and First Lady Debby! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2 - Al Kader ...
reminded of the promise of sunny days ahead.           When I was growing up, watching our small, round
As the year 2020 melts away, along with the            black & white television, with 4 channels (on a good
challenges of COVID-19, I hope that you take           day), it was always family time. I would lay directly in
strength in nature’s promise of a new spring and       front of the swivel stand and would act as the remote
the wonders beyond our imagination that the            (for you younger Nobles & Ladies remotes were not
New Year in 2021 has in store for us.                  invented yet).
                                                       Our weekly lineup was always the same and always
Greeters                                               included Disney, Animal Kingdom and Red Skelton.
By Noble Don Slezak                                    During one of Red Skelton’s evenings, he took time
Happy Groundhog Day.                                   to share this version of the Pledge of Allegiance,
                                                       which I feel is extremely timely, especially now:
The Greeters are one of the oldest Units in
Al Kader. We are on the door to greet Nobles           When I was a small boy in Vincennes, Indiana, I
and guests to official functions. This includes        heard, I think, one of the most outstanding speeches
socials and any gathering including picnics.           I ever heard in my life. I think it compares with the
As a Greeter you get to meet a lot of people           Sermon on the Mount, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address,
and shake a lot of hands. This is a recruiting         and Socrates’ Speech to the Students.
notice. We need more members. We also are              We had just finished reciting the Pledge of
the only unit that does pumpkin carving for            Allegiance, and he (Mr. Lasswell, the Principal of
the patients at the hospital. We greet and hand        Vincennes High School) called us all together, and
out pins to the bikers that come to the hospital       said, “Uh, boys and girls, I have been listening to
for the ABATE run. We don’t do parades but             you recite the Pledge of Allegiance all semester, and
we are available as spectators. This is a unit         it seems that it has become monotonous to you. Or,
the welcomes new members. We meet on the               could it be, you do not understand the meaning of
second Tuesday of the month as needed at the           each word? If I may, I would like to recite the pledge,
Shrine Center.                                         and give you a definition for each word:
The next meeting for the Greeters will be March        I -- Me; an individual; a committee of one.
9, 2021 at 6 PM at the Shrine Center. Hopefully
the restrictions will be lifted and we can have a      Pledge -- Dedicate all of my worldly good to give
full meeting of all the Greeters. Just a reminder      without self-pity.
dues for this year are due and payable. We
                                                       Allegiance -- My love and my devotion.
gladly accept cash, check or money order. No
charge cards please.                                   To the Flag -- Our standard. “Old Glory;” a symbol of
                                                       courage. And wherever she waves, there is respect,
There are still some golf pouches available for
                                                       because your loyalty has given her a dignity that
the unbelievably low price of $10.00.
                                                       shouts “Freedom is everybody’s job.”
These can be used for your cell phone, keys,
                                                       of the United -- That means we have all come
money, mask or Kleenex. This is something that
is hard to live without. If you are interested, call
me at 503 708-4872.                                    States -- Individual communities that have united into
                                                       48 great states; 48 individual communities with pride
In Time of Need                                        and dignity and purpose; all divided by imaginary
By IS Terry Griffith                                   boundaries, yet united to a common cause, and that’s
                                                       love of country --
We all remember where we were on September
11, 2001 and how emotional it was for us then          Of America.
and also now. But, as a nation we pulled together      And to the Republic -- A Republic: a sovereign state
in unity and still today we remember, vividly          in which power is invested into the representatives
the images and the sorrow. I try to refrain from       chosen by the people to govern; and the government
political conversations, not to be construed           is the people; and it’s from the people to the leaders,
that I am not patriotic, because I am extremely        not from the leaders to the people.
proud of being an American and live by that and
will defend that. That is why I felt compelled to      For which it stands
share this with you.
                                                                                         continued on page 10

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2021 Potentate Terry Griffith and First Lady Debby! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. Feb., 2021 - Vol. 121, Issue 2 - Al Kader ...
One Nation -- Meaning “so blessed by God.”               All this is in support of promoting Masonry and
                                                         Shrinedom in Oregon as well as Hawaii.
[Under God]1
                                                         Being an international fraternal organization, it is
Indivisible -- Incapable of being divided.               important that we share our best practices (and
With Liberty -- Which is freedom; the right of           maybe some of those that we have learned from)
power for one to live his own life without fears,        with other Temples. We are forging not only new
threats, or any sort of retaliation.                     friendships but creating a new idea for other
                                                         Temples to follow. We are not doing “business
And Justice -- The principle and qualities of            as usual” but looking at things differently. The
dealing fairly with others.                              pandemic has taught us that when faced with
                                                         challenges, tackle those challenges and persevere.
For All -- For All. That means, boys and girls, it’s     That is what we are doing in creating this alliance.
as much your country as it is mine.
                                                         Potentate Marty Alexander, Aloha Temple, and
Now let me hear you recite the Pledge of                 I created this, with the idea of expanding our
Allegiance:                                              understanding of each other’s Temples. In order
                 I pledge allegiance                     to do that, we will both be looking for Temple
                                                         Ambassadors, to represent our Temples at Stated
     to the Flag of the United States of America,        Meetings (virtually). If you would be interested
                                                         in being Al Kader’s Ambassador and have a broad
      and to the Republic, for which it stands;
                                                         understanding of our Temple, please let me know.
 one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for
                                                         This is an exciting time for both Temples and we
                                                         look forward to a lasting relationship.
Since I was a small boy, two states have been
added to our country, and two words have been            Shriner’s Hospitals for Children
added to the Pledge of Allegiance: Under God.            by Sarah Stanton
Wouldn’t it be a pity if someone said, “That is a
prayer” -- and that be eliminated from our schools,      Portland Monthly recently released their annual
too?                                                     survey for Top Doctors, and five physicians at
                                                         the Portland Shriners Hospital made the list!
Red Skelton was not only a comedian, but was also        Congratulations to these physicians:
a Master Mason and Shriner, which even gives
this more meaning. It is obvious that he loved           Jeremy Bauer, M.D.
his Country as much as we do. Think about this,
especially now and lets all do our part to bring our     Daniel Bouton, M.D.
Country together and find peace and renew our            Krister Freese, M.D.
belief in the Pledge of Allegiance. I hope to share
this with my grandchildren as soon as they are old       Katie Fuchs, M.D.
enough to understand the meaning.
                                                         Ellen M. Raney, M.D.
Temple Alliance                                          Every year Portland Monthly conducts this survey
by Terry Griffith, Potentate                             to determine the best doctors in the area based
                                                         on their accomplishments, education, patient
Al Kader and Aloha Temples have formed                   satisfaction surveys and other criteria. Read more:
an Alliance (similar to a “sister” Temple),              http://bit.ly/2Leydxi
apparently the first of its kind. With the recent
transfer of funds from our Transportation Fund           On January 15th, the Portland Shriners Hospital
to theirs, it seemed to open a door for this             celebrated 97 years of life-changing care! Since
alliance. It is important to understand that this        opening its doors on January 15th, 1924, the
is NOT a financial alliance, but one of sharing of       Portland Shriners Hospital has provided exceptional
information, awareness and traditions.                   care to thousands of children, regardless of their
                                                         families ability to pay. Due to COVID-19 concerns,
Aloha Temple is very enthusiastic with this              the celebration was kept small and internal
alliance which has been endorsed by their nobility       with treats delivered to staff to commemorate
as it was by ours at our most recent Stated              the occasion. Additionally, this celebration was
Meeting. From this Alliance we hope to trade ideas       announced on all Portland Shriners Hospital’s social
regarding Ceremonials, Cold Sands, fundraisers,          media pages and encouraged virtual community
membership, plus a wide variety of other topics.
10       Al Kader Oasis - January 2021
support by asking individuals to share fond
memories of their experience with the hospital.          Al Kader Classified Ads
                                                         by Terry Griffith, Assistant Rabban
Al Kader Patrol                                          If you have something that you
By Past Captain Lou Westwick                             would like to include in our “want ad
Well we are still in the COVID 19 nightmare. As          section,” please feel free to send it to
I see it the light at the end of the tunnel is now a     Terr y at griff@bendbroadband.com.
different strain of the virus. Hopeful we will able to   Please include pictures if you have
do the work of Shrine’s in the coming months.            them.
Patrol members have been emailing each other             Help Wanted: General Labor: One
and doing the virtual meeting thing but it just isn’t    or two individual to install
the same as meeting with Brother Nobles. We are          posts in concrete near the
trying to keep our dwindling Unit together, Captain      entrances to our Center. This
Dennis Harris has some good ideas that he has            will include digging 6 holes
sent out on Eblast and some good ideas have come         approximately 2” and then
back that might be implemented in coming months.         planting the posts in cement.
Hopefully we can be ready if we can have a parade        (This needs to be completed
schedule this year and be able to do parades.            prior to October 1st, prior to
                                                         the “rainy” season). Call or
                                                         email Terry at 503-910-2162,
                                                         Help Wanted: Handyman: Looking
                                                         for something to do. Let me
                                                         know, we have several projects
                                                         at the Center that we can use
                                                         help with.
                                                         U-Shaped Executive Desk: $75

                                                                 Al Kader Oasis - January 2021      11
LET’S         “Z O O M” TOGETHER
                               Come and join the fun – fellowship

                                                                       This Photo by Unknown Author is
                              Join us every Tuesday evening around 6:10.
               Register with Ralph Jubb at rjubb@comcast.net with this info.:
                                              Your name
                                          Your email address
                     !!”BINGO”!! He may even email you a fun BINGO card so you can
               play too - ask him! Your Unit, Club or you can use these ZOOM
               meetings to help the Al Kader Shriner’s Family stay together.
                     You will need a computer or ipad or iphone with a camera and
                                                 All Shriners and non-Shriners – join us and
             “KEEP THE AL KADER FIRES BURNING” during these “I miss you” days.
                                          Al Kader Shrine                      NON PROFIT
     CHANGE of ADDRESS                  Shriners International               ORGANIZATION
     Name _____________________________                                                                        U.S. POSTAGE
     Old Address ________________________                                                                           PAID
     City ______________State ___ Zip ______                                                                  PERMIT NO. 497
                                                                 25100 SW Parkway Ave                         PORTLAND, OR
     NEW Address ______________________
                                                                Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600                     Dated Material
     City ______________State ___ Zip ______
                                                                                                                Please Rush
     Please add Telephone # (     ) __________
            SEND THIS COUPON TO:
         Recorder, Al Kader Shrine Center
             25100 SW Parkway Ave.
           Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600

                                                                                (503) 230-0500
                                                                  Your Home Window and Door Specialists
                                                                        Locally Owned and operated
                                                                              NO Subcontractors
                                                   Need New Windows? Call US, your local window guys, estimates are FREE
                                           We are locally owned and operated sales & installation specialists. We provide quality
                                             vinyl, fiberglass, wood and aluminium products from a variety of manufacturers.
                                                   We are now offering Roofing, Siding, Window and Door replacement
                                             Take advantage of our FREE in-home consultations and no-obligation, zero-hassle
                                            estimates. We accept all major credit cards, and offer financing to qualified buyers.
                                                     We use our own staff of experienced installers - no subcontractors.
                                                                14710 SE Lee Avenue, Portland, OR 97267
                                                                   (Corner of Oak Grove Blvd and Lee)

12                         CALENDAR
         Al Kader Oasis - January 2021        OF COMING EVENTS
          Please note that all dates and events shown here are subject to change without notice
• Oriental Band, and specifically Nobles John Fitzgerald    FIRST
and Jason Zwick, for their hard work in creating a new
twist to the familiar OB Crab Feed and taking it MOBILE.    LADY'S
• IS’s Ron Gamble, Warren Gray & Bud James and              PROJECT
Nobles Ralph Jubb & Mel DeHut with Lady Velna, Jeff         REPLACING
Zimmerman and Steve Levin, who made the most out of         HARRINGTON
a restricted Installation and made a memorable night for    HALL
Lady Debby and IS Terry, as well as everyone who joined     CURTAINS
us virtually.
                                                                           Goal -
• Noble Ron Hevland & Lady Sherry for taking on the
task of linen inventory, sorting and folding (what an                      $7,000
enormous job)

                                                                               Thank you
                                                                              -IS Carl & Lady
                                                           Balance         Feather for donating
                                                           $3,500            $2,700 from Lady
                                                                             Feathers Project
                                                                            -TVSC for donating
                                                                Direct             $500
                                                            contributions      Rod & Sherry
                                                           accepted, please Hevland - $50
                                                            contact Sarah

                                                                 Al Kader Oasis - January 2021    13
 Potentate’s Calendar - January 2021

       Potentate’s Calendar
          Sunday            Monday                Tuesday              Wednesday              Thursday              Friday               Saturday
                                         1                       2                    3                    4                     5                    6

                   7                     8                       9                    10                  11                 12                       13

                   14                    15                 16                        17                  18                 19                       20
                        10am-Office           6am-Office             6pm- Executive        6:00pm-Potentates   6pm-Polk              Calliope Corps
                                              2pm-Home               Board- Zoom           Zoom Campfire       County/Salem SC       (Pending)

                   21                    22                 23                        24                  25                 26                       27
                        Snake River SC        3pm- Pendleton         12n - Pendleton SC    6am-To Bend
                        (Pending)             Round-up Meeting        6pm-Baker Co SC


14    Al Kader Oasis - January 2021
February Birthdays!
Jack Cooper		           2/1   Michael T Marshall     2/9               David R Timm		           2/19
Rodney C Lippert        2/1   James R Webb		         2/9               Fadi S Arnaout		         2/19
Johnny D Garner         2/1   Marvin S Soreng        2/10              Richard C Wise           2/20
Norman G McLaren        2/1   Ronald G Risberg       2/10              Dana A Tawney            2/20
Leslie W Geren          2/1   David R Newgard        2/10              Steven W McCathern 2/20
Richard D Okita         2/1   Welmon Smith Jr        2/12              William B Allphin        2/20
Peter W Dorsett         2/2   John A Bennett         2/12              Louie E Sansing          2/21
Gary Snyder		           2/2   Rodney E Thompson 2/12                   Donald L Williams        2/21
Steven E Boos		         2/2   R. M Wick		            2/12              Clyde C Nobles           2/21
David M Cramblett       2/2   Theodore A Moan        2/13              William H Davis          2/21
Sam M Wade		            2/4   James T Farmer Jr      2/13              Clyde R Oliver		         2/22
Jason Z Levin		         2/4   Gary L Moe		           2/14              Benjamin F Carson        2/23
Bruce W Dyar		          2/5   David P Billings       2/15              Milton H Johnson         2/25
Malcolm A McInnis       2/5   Steven R Gardner       2/15              Kenneth W Zapp           2/25
Richard P Gerety        2/5   Justin R Mathis        2/15              Clarence E Salter        2/25
Ronald J Eggers         2/5   Gary L Lentz		         2/16              Jaren E May		            2/25
I.S. Terry L Griffith   2/6   Alan D Strong		        2/17              Melvin P Brink           2/26
Ralph K Jubb III        2/7   Claude A Weldin        2/17              Joseph W Jarvis          2/26
Herbert R March         2/7   William R Heintz       2/17              Chad E Rice		            2/26
I.S. John L Nerski P.P. 2/7   David H Khal		         2/18              Robert Gedlick           2/27
Robert W Baugh Jr.      2/8   Blair C Hill		         2/19              Richard J Gamble         2/27
Robert C Westerberg 2/9       Eldon F Thomas II      2/19              Francis R Weatherly      2/29

                                            Nobles Visited by the Black Camel:
                                            Ross H Kinney 9/15/17
                                            Jerrold L Larsen 11/17/20
                                            Allen A Johnson 12/12/20
                                            We do not lose the ones we love, They only go before.
                                            Where there is everlasting life, Where sorrow is no more.
                                            And there the soul will always live, And peace is everywhere.
                                            We do not lose the ones we love, God takes them in his care.

                                                                   Al Kader Oasis - January 2021            15
With the increase of online shopping, it is important
                                          to remember that if Amazon is one of your favorite
                                          online shopping sites, you can ask Amazon to donate
                                          a percentage of your purchases to a qualified
                                          charitable organization such as Shriners Hospitals for
                                          Children… This Costs You Nothing at All!

First, you must sign up for AmazonSmile


                                             If you are already using AmazonSmile, go to
                                             Your Account, scroll to the bottom of the page
                                             and select Choose AmazonSmile Charity.

                                                          Type Shriners Hospital
                                                          and click the Search button.

                                                          Select Shriners Hospitals
                                                          for Children…

                                                          That’s it,
                                                          Amazon will now donate to Shriners

16    Al Kader Oasis - January 2021
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                                Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 2

                                                         Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 2

22         Al Kader Oasis - August 2017                                                  Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 2
                                                                                      Al Kader Oasis - January 2021   17
     Bailey (Bayley), James R. (1819-1901)      Bell, J.R.N. (1846-1928)
     Earhart, Rockey Preston (1837-1892)        Foster, John R. (1862-1906)
     Gibbons (Gibons), R.F. (1832-1909)         Knapp, R.P. (1838-1907)
     Logan, Dr. Hugh (1850-1913)                McKercher, D. C. (1832-1904)
     Malcom, Philip S. (1847-1929)              Nasburg, A. (?-?)
     Pratt, Irving W. (1838-1908)               Roberts, Andrew (1822-1898)
     Robinson, James F. (1846-1926)             Shurtleff, F.N. (1837-1903)
     Sitton, Charles E. (1848-1890)             Spencer, J.O. (1850-1918)
     Taylor, Chris (1822-1892)                  Taylor, D.W. (1851-1918)
     Tuthill, David S. (1851-1897)             Whitehouse, B.G. (1834-1912)
                          Withington, George E. (1850-1902)

                           THE IMPERIAL POTENTATE
      I.S. Sam Briggs approved Charter establishing Al Kader Shrine Temple


                 Nobles Cook and Gunn from San Francisco

     Irving Pratt    Rockey P. Earhart     F.N. Shurtleff   Philip Malcom
     D.W. Taylor     John R. Foster B.G. Whitehouse        D.C. McKercher
     Andrew Roberts /Chris Taylor    J.O. Spencer       Charles E. Sitton

18    Al Kader Oasis - January 2021
NAME                  PP YEAR(S) /PGM YEAR(S)/ SGIG   AK PIONEER
PRATT, IRVING         1888-1901                1892-1908 YES
EARHART, ROCKEY                   /1879-1880/   YES        YES
BAYLEY (BAILEY), JAS.            / 1861/                   YES
DOLPH, J.N.                       /1882/       1884 HON. YES
NASBURG, ANDREW                   /1887/                   YES
TAYLOR, CHRIS                     /1889/                   YES
ROBINSON, J.F.                    /1890/                   YES
MALCOM, P.S.                      /1894/                   YES
METSCHAN, PHIL        1926        /1896/
GRACE, W.E.           1916        /1901/
BRISTOL, W.C.         1912        /1914/
SCOTT, LESLIE                     /1933/       1943-1968
CLARKE, LOUIS G.      1909                     1921-1941
JENKINS, GREGORY A.(2023)          /2011/

Google, if nothing I looked on FIND A GRAVE, the OREGONIAN
newspaper, Misc. books such as:
“PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHIES OF ____(their county, i.e.Wasco”

and many other books and places such as libraries, museums,
newspapers, organizations, descendants, Scottish Rite, interviews,
Masonic Grand Lodge and help us find more!

                                                   Al Kader Oasis - January 2021   19
Tuthill, David S. – Original Petitioner and Charter Member

     Birth: 1851

     Death: 28 Aug 1897
     Source: Find A Grave
                                      “A BULLET ENDS IT ALL”
                   “David S. Tuthill kills Himself in Bed With a Pistol.”
         “Tuthill lay dead at his residence from a bullet wound in his
     temple, inflicted by his own hand.”
           Tuthill had been identified with the business interests of Portland,
     OR since 1879. He was, for many years, the “confidential man” of the
     firm of Allen & Lewis, wholesale grocers. It was a common rumor that
     the cause of him taking his own life was ”delalcutions” from his
      Source: Oregonian – August 27, 1897 – pages 1,8

20    Al Kader Oasis - January 2021
Withington, George E. – Original Petitioner and Charter Member

            Portland, OR., Mt. Hood and the Willamette River in 1888
      George was born in Pennsylvania on July 9, 1850. He received an
appointment as paymaster’s clerk and held this position for nearly four years.
      When 22, he entered the employ of the First National Bank, Portland
Branch, as one of the tellers. He was promoted to fill the vacancy of cashier of
the bank. He continued his connection with the bank until his illness forced his
retirement. He died in 1902.
Source: Oregonian – April 30, 1902 – page 8

                                                         Al Kader Oasis - January 2021   21
                 Join IS Terry and 1st Lady Debby
                  for a visit around the campfire
                 (virtual) to visit and answer your
                Every 3rd Thursday of the month
                    beginning at 6pm on zoom
               zoom invites sent out on tuesday by
                              email blast
        Have a question or topic you would like adressed, email
     potentate@bendbroadband.com, and have it added to the list

     Special topshelf gift awarded to the best "backdrop" for February's
       campfire, picked by the 1st Lady, donated by Noble Ralph Jubb

22      Al Kader Oasis - January 2021
                                                 AL KADER SHRINE - 2021
                                                     Shriners International
                                             25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, Or
                                             Office 503-682-4420 Fax 503-685-5080
                                                Email: info@alkadershriners.org
To the Illustrious Potentate, Officers and Members of Al Kader Shrine, Oasis of Wilsonville: I am a Master Mason in good standing in _______________ Lodge No. A. F. & A. M. and
have been since (Date) ______________ Address __________________________________________ City/State __________________________ which is recognized by or in amity with
the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than six months, as required by the Bylaws of the Imperial Council. I
respectfully pray that I may be made a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, and become a member of Al Kader Shrine. If I be found worthy and my request granted, I promise to conform to the
Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of The Imperial Council and the Bylaws and ceremonials of your Al Kader Shrine.
Have you previously applied for admission to any Shrine Center of the order? _____ Name? _________________ When? __________________
SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________ DATE ________________________

                                                                    CANDIDATE INFORMATION
PRINT FULL NAME _____________________________________________SPOUSE NAME ______________________
RESIDENCE __________________________________________________ CITY ___________________ STATE ______
ZIP _______ HOME PHONE (___) _______________ CELL (___) ______________ BUSINESS (___) ________________
EMAIL: ______________________________________________
HAT SIZE _______ PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION _______________________________________
BIRTHPLACE CITY _______________________ STATE _____ DOB: MONTH _________ DAY ________ YEAR ________
SPOUSE EMAIL: ________________________________________

                                     Are you Sr DeMolay? ______ Member of Scottish Rite? _____ York Rite ____

          This petition must be signed by two (2) Nobles in good standing in Al Kader Shrine
Top line signer
Noble _____________________________ Print Name _________________________ Member # ________________
Second line signer
Noble _____________________________ Print Name _________________________ Member # ________________

    Involve yourself! Get active. Join a Shrine Club or Committee. If you are interested in any of the following, please
                           make a mark next to the group you would like to learn more about.

   Al Kader Brew Club ____ Calliope Corps ____ Caravaners (RV Club) ____ Classic Cars ____ Concert Band ____
          Cyclowns ____ Desert Patrol ____ Emerald Patrol ____ Greeters ____ Golf Tournament ____
    Hospital Guide ____ Hospital Support Club ____ Legion of Honor ____ Motor Escort ____ Oriental Band ____
                 Patrol ____ Ritualists _____ Shrine Club in my area _____ Shurtah (police club) ____

   Initiation fees, in full, must accompany Petition. The first year’s dues may be prorated, based on date of initiation.
                                                  Cost of Fez not included

New Velour Fez $175.00, Fez Case and Accessories $50.00. Some used fezzes available in select sizes for $20
                                  Call the Shrine Office for details 503-682-4420

2021 Ceremonials will be held                                  Total Fee for Initiation $100.00 – Total Fees for Shrine Year 2021 $140.00
May 8th and October 2nd
Anyone desiring to schedule additional                         Enclosed is payment in the amount of $ ______________ Check No. _________
Cold Sands initiations, please contact
The Recorder or Potentate                                      Please charge my Credit Card No.______________________________________ Exp ________
For Office Use:
Recorders Record: Elected _________ Check $ __________ Created _____________ Member No. ________________

                                                                                                                           Al Kader Oasis - January 2021                                 23
Calendar of Events
             Please note that all dates and events shown here are subject to change without notice.

          February                                     March                                    April
          Thursday, Feb. 18                       Thursday, March 18                        Thursday, April 15
     6 pm Potentate’s Zoom Campfire           6 pm Potentate’s Zoom Campfire           6 pm Potentate’s Zoom Campfire
                                                   Thursday, March 25                       Saturday, April 10
                                                  6 pm Unit Head Meeting                     Hillah Installation
                                                                                             Monday, April 19
                                                                                            6 pm- Divan Meeting
                                                                                            Thursday, April 22
                                                                                          6 pm - Unit Head Meeting
                                                                                            Saturday, April 24
                                                                                         The Dalles Parade (Pending)

 Please check with your Unit / Club leadership for meeting updates. All
     events are subject to closure or cancellation by the Potentate.

                                      Notice of Stated Meeting

                                       Monday, May 24, 2021
                                                Meeting via Zoom
                                      Please see email from the recorder for
                                           instructions on how to join.
                                            7:00 p.m. Stated Meeting
                                          Al Kader Shrine - Shiners International
                                            Shrine Center - Wilsonville, Oregon
                                                2021 Dues Card Required.

                                          by Order of: Potentate I.S. Terry Griffith
                                           Attest: I.S. Todd Weedman, Recorder

      For all club/unit meeting dates and times, visit AlkaderShriners.org
24        Al Kader Oasis - January 2021
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